Seem to make the regulations in question by the *ln strumentality of the Legislature or agents daily author . hod, and the question is whether the respondents were 10. Specific powers have been given to the Canal Com missioners by sundry enactments; but the general pow , er which is thought to authorize the regulation in tines found particularly in three of them. By the ll= of the fifteenth of April, 1631, they were empow eitalito put locomotive engines on the Commonwealth's tuuhr such regulations as they should deem necessary to be prescribed, and the citizens were au tbserMedto attach cars to them: and by a joint ressolu thin passed the twenty-first of February, in the same year, these officers were required to permit cars to be I , put on the finished part of the Portage Railroad, "and adopt rules and regulations for the use of the . said rota." But their general and permanent authori ty is Contained in the twelfth section of the act of the sixteenth of April, 1833, which is in substance a repe tition of the sixth section of the act of the eighth of April, 1831, and which declares "that the Porard of Canal Commissioners shall have power to make such rules and regulations ant inconsieenl with thc Laws or (kis Gol7l,l7lollwealth, as to the form and structure of thelOeomutive engines and vehicles used en the State rafirdads, for weighing and inspecting such engines and other . vehicles and their lading; for collecting tolls; and sit ALI t mallcrs connected with the USE and preser of Use ruiiroaris: and impose such fines for ,breadh of such rules and regulations, as they mar aeent reasonable." We perceive in this, no other limitation of the power to make rules and regulations connected with the use orthe railniads, than that thee betnot inconsistent with the have of the Commonwealth . Waidit could scarce be found to carry :I. grant of 111'- 4pr powers; and, indeed, as the couunissioners were not tohave the Legislature perpetually at hand to provide for emergencies, nothing less thin plecary powers would have enabled them to execute their ofiice to the greatest public advantage. Thogor•ition, them comes to this In who'. respect arc thesz regulations, connect ed as they are with th. , use of the railr ads, inconsistent with the laws of the Commonwealth? They give certain individuals a prekm.nte, sac the relatori whic% is virmlally a illi.lop , dv; and all their argument is comprised in that one word—an unexpec ted one front them. But gra uti g 11;e fact of prefet eace for t6esake of the argument, in what respect are moo owlies hicansi.AenttV__Athe la v of renns : vi, We have no generd statute AN 'dell prohibits them; but certain monopolies. granmdhy die British crown, were held lobe illegal and void at the common law; such, for *stance. as an exclusive right to impart, buy, sell, make, work, or use, any particular article or thing.- - ; s .liVe are told that the abuses of such grants, in the reign of Elizabeth, led to the more rffectual suppression of I them . by the 21 Jac. 1, c. 3, which, however, has never beet,in force in this State. That statute, which was declarative of the more effectual restriction on the pow „ erofthe crown to create monopolies, proprio vigore, than had previously been provided, hat au attempt to create them by the concurrent act idzi of the parliament and the crown, would equally have been a violation of -the constitution, and onervhieli would speedily have been 'redressed by the nation. But we have no con sthotional prohihithut on the. s 11) . 1 ‘et; and though the common law primiiple aught lie op paced to ti,ese repz,n latiopii, if they were 11,uud to conflict with i:, ,yet it is not every pi eferenue or monopoly that is the contrary, we have a countless antabi.r of them width are entirely consistent with the , 711:1qitution and the laws. An once is a monopoly. Grantstof land to settlers cr soldiers, patents foil-discoveries cot inven tions, charters of corporate powers and privilczes, are all lawful monopolies. A turamil.e company monopo lizes its tolls; a bank its profits; a coeuregation, the of fieee of its church: and why might not the State monop olize the business of its railways and canals, if it desi red to do so, by trhi,rt it into its on.a or farm ing it out on ter n.s to ma lie it the nn .re e. by excluding com;Kititii ,a? I speak la qof the policy. hut the legality of such a measure. Should it lib injudi ciously attempted, there would be no remedy for it but artapptnd to the discretion of th. - : Legislature. But the respondents arm with great earnestness and ranch apparent sincerity, that their purpose has been, netto extinguish competition, but to promote it by put ting all the carriers in the trade, as near as may be, on &footing of equality. They have certainly created nelther preference nor monopoly as regards the public maks; for these are open. on 1110 same terms, to all the citizens, the relators iucluded, who may desire to use them; andif the relators think proper to use their own tlioy-are free to do so, but they have no further cause fareomplaint Lima that their own monopoly has suffer ed encroachment from a competition nourished by the public patronage. But it would be hard to convince the world that the relators are wronged, or that the pub- Bois prejudiced by it. It has brought down the price of freight, and increased the amount of revenue. The pretension of the relators to be put on a footing with the State, and that her agents shall not be suffered to underbid them for the public good, is a monstrous one. Ast individuals, destitute of a tight to peculiar privile ges, all they can demand, is to be put on a level with their neighbors; and are they not so when they can use the public truck on the general terms? They are not bound to Lay aside their own for those of the State; but that the State's officers arc not nt liberty to put the use of her trucks to her customers on her own terms, is a proposition, that cannot be maintained. She is the Mistress of her property, and may use it or hire it out as she ideases. But the respondents deny that their regulations put • thaw who use the public trucks on hot ter ground, than those wh J use their own. They itdmit that they do'not charge their customers for motive power; but they as sertthat this is necessary, not only to maintain the bud : once of competition, but to break up the monopoly of the trade formerly enjoyed by capitalists and compan r,4l. They allege, that before the necessity of trans shipment of the Portage was obviated, the owner of beta few boats could not engage in the trade with a 'prospect of success, because the profits of a small bu siness would Cot support the expense of the necessary agencies and commissions at Hollidaysburgh and Johnstown. The difficulty has been surmounted by the introduction of the section boat, which enables a car rier to engage in the business on equal terms and with but a single craft; but the respondents say that they were at first without authority to provide the trucks necessary to transport tine boats of those who had them net themselves, nod that the relators refused to hire their trucks, or sailer th-nn to be used fur the transpor tation of any other boats than their own; by reason of which they were still able to keep up the price of carriage despite the respondents' efforts to lower it by reducing the tolls, which served no other purpose than to put just so much in the relators' pockets. They aver, too, that the exorbitance of the charges for trans portation, had driven a great part of the business to ' antagonist routes in the adjoining states in prejudice - oftbe revenue, and the trade of our principal eloper huh; and all this that a few capitalists and companies might suck the marrow out of the public works. I pretend not to determine the truth of these assertions; but that that such abuses existed, is made more than crobablo by the conviction, in Pittsburgh, of certain conspirators, bound by a written cnustitution, and by crtth, to Adhere to the prices fixed by the association; by the consequent decrease of the business on the lines; - andby the enormous increase of it that htts taken place spree the section-boats have come into general use. It Lad lieerrperecived that the price of transportation could notbobroug,ht down by lowering the tolls with • Outdoing More; and that to put the principle of com petition into effectual operation by introducing small • ermitalists into the business, it would be necessary to ' tiro * 'vide tracks to pass tin sections of their beats across . Id Portage free of expra,:e. The project was accord - 1 submitted to tic i.eislatnre, by whom it was • coldly received; arni all nest the commissioners were motorized to lay out forty thousand dollars in porches s, no appi:.ipriation was made to enable them till& so, but they were directed to fix rates and .:Sages for their use, and apply the proceeds to the sAt or procuring than. They were thus compelled to lay ,th duty on them which, to effect the declared oh- Ore af securing htir and free competition,” it was herbs/an ro coo_ by a decrease of tolls or the cline for metive . power, in order to enable the public tricks to compete with those already on the road. The • respondentsitsid, therefore, to choose between giving un a part of the toil; or the charge for motive power; tind they chose the litter In-which they say, the public aear g es ou transportation Have been as nearly equalized aniong tdl classes of the carriers a. they can be; and they allege that the increase or business consequent on the . success of their measurss, has exceeded their ex pectation. Certain it is, that the publie works, since the introduction of the state trucks, having given strong bidicacitner of the profit which the Commonwealth is ii iy W derive from the introduction of this new sys , tem, and that the revenues, so far as past experience affords any evidence, tails be greatly improved by it; and that this has linen produced mainly by controlling and decreasing the charges for transportation, is not to be doubted; and this shows how necessary it is for the officers of the State to have a controlling influence over the prices of carriage, in order to bring our public lines of transportation into successful competition with this lines of our neighbor-‘. There was a time when the produce of the western counties found its way to the New York market, even partly through our own canals to Luke Erie, despite of a reduction of tolls on produce turning from places beyond Pittsburgh, merely because a few cents were saved by it on the bushel or the bar rel. Taus the produce, not only of these counties, but of the valley of the Nlississippi, was drawn from our main line; and by what? Evidently by the cupidity and extortion of our carriers, the paucity of whose members enabled them to make common cause. It is evident that a power to control them is necessary; and the section under consideration, therefore, ought not to be too strictly interpreted. But the most strict inter pretation, would leave power enough in the respondents to warrant what they have dune. They had power to take the entire business of the line into their own hands; and they, who put their trucks on the road for their Own accommodation, must at least allow the state to hire her trucks to others on her own terms. Tho principle which rules the preceding part of the complaint. also rules the application to annul the con tract of Wilson & Cameron to carry passengers over the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad for reduced fare, and at a reduced rate of tolls. The State did no Inure by becoming a party to it, than form its right to carry; and in framing the bargain, it had a right to consult its exclusive interest—nor has it been asserted that its interest Wa3 forgotten. But the respondents' answer contains a denial of the relators, more material allegation; in point of fact, that they had directed their officers to attach all passenger cars, except those of Wilson & Cameron, to the burthen trans; and as the relators have not thought proper to take the matter before a jury, we are to treat the allegation as a chan cellor would treat it. at a learintr, on bill and answer. By Act of ;he 15th of April, 1834, every citizen has a right to attach a car to a public engine; but no one pretends that the relators have not been allowed to do so. What more do they want? They surely can not expect that their interest is to be made a subject of peculiar protection, to the prejudice of the State. Even had the respondents, in fact attached the rela tors' ears, as they are said to have done, they would not have exceeded their power; and if they discrimi nated, iu respect to the rate of tolls, between passen gers agreed to be carried for a reduced rate of fare, and those who were carried under no such arange merit, they were competent to do so, for the whole subject is left to their discretion, by the Act of the 3th of April, 1824; and they may have exercised it very judiciously, in this instance, to attract custom to the road, by encouraging the owners of cars to carry their passengers on reasonable terms. But even for an abuse of it, they would not be answerable to this Court. What we have to do with, is the legality of their acts; to judge of their propriety, is the province of another tribunal. We are of opinion that the answer is sufficient, and that the motion for a peremptory mandamus he dis missed. FOR PRESIDENT, JAS. BUCHANAN, Subject to the decision of THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION q:1)e Oath) Itiorning post. PHILLIPS & SMITH, EDITORS Alsl.l PROPRIETOR, PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, DEMOCRATIC TICKET. cos cares, WILLIAM 'WILKINS, Peebles. ASSZ:MBLY I ALEXANDER BRACKENRIDGE, Pitt JAMES A. GIBSON, Pine, WILLIAM STURGEON, Fayette, JOHN ANDEREGG, Pitt. SHERIFF, ELIJAH TROVILLO, City. PROTHONOTARY. GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny. COMMISSIONER, JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Mifflin. TREA:I7RER. ROBERT GLASS, City. CORONER, DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny. AUDITOR. ROBERT DOIs;ALDSON, CANAL COMMJSSIOS ERS.—The State Convention, for the purpose of nominating candidates fur Canal Commissioners, meets at Harrisburg this day. We may expect to know the result of its deliberations in a few day,, and we sincerely hope they may be such as will give satisfaction to the party in every section of the state. It is of the utmost importance to the welfare of the state, that the Canal board should be formed of experienced, liberal-minded men, who in the discharge of their official duties will not be influenced by any fac tional feeling, or make the public improvements subser vient to the private or political schemes. of any set of men. It is now reduced to a certainty that tho main line can be made a source of immense revenue to the state, and it is of the utmost importance that the Con vention should place men in nomination, who will carry out the system that has been so auspiciously be gun. It is known to every body that strong prejudices ex ist on the question of our public works, and our oppo nents expect that, through this unfortunate diversity of opinion, they will be able to elect the board, or at least a portion of it, from their own party. In this we hope they will be disappointed, for whatever difference may exist among democrats as to men ; we think there is none as to the propriety of keeping the public \vorks in the hands of the people, and defeating the federal pro ject of converting them into an overshadowing corpo ration, with which capitalists might control the wishes and crush the liberties of the people of the state. We therefore think that whoever the Convention may nom- inate will be elected - , as we have the fullest confidence they will be men in whom the democratic party, and the people at large, may safely confide the important du ties attached to the office of Canal Commissioners. The Gazette appears to think that there is not the slightest prospect of a union between the Whigs and Antimasons, because the plot will meet with no favor from the latter. The editor says, too, that we appear to know more about the details of the scheme than any one he has conversed with. Considering that he is a dealer in newb he certainly is unfortunate in not hearing any thing of matters that were the topic at every corner. However, the editor would have heard it, we have no doubt, if the business could have been properly adjusted; tied he, with the rest of the party, would have been required to sanction it. We dont know that he had any more right to be ccnsulted in the matter than the remainder of the 3 or 4000 federal voters, whose candidates were sought to be changed without their advice and consent. The plot, however, seems to have got its quietus— , and now a question of dispute will arise EU to who were foremost and most active in a seherne now repu diated by both parties, but from which, great results were hoped a few days ago. The Fall River Fire not yet extinguished.—lt is now eight weeks since the destructive conflagration at Fall River took place, and yet, says the Fall River Monitor, the fire in some-of the cellars is still burning —particularly in the cellar of one large wholesale es tablishment, where there were thousands of bushels of corn and grain, and provisions and groceries in large quantities, the fire has continued to burn, and is now ,ANOTHKR SUIT FOR A COON FEED.--We hatl42o ' t that the coons of ottrown- city and county were the on ly persona who reinied to pay for their jollication, after the last Presidential election; but we find that they must divide the honor with some politicians of the same stripe in New Lisbon, Ohio. A verdict fur $149,00 was recently obtained in the Court of Common Fleas of Columbiana county, by the gentleman who prepa red a great Harrison Dinner, for the buckeye coons of that part of the country, and which dinner the pa triotic hard cider guzzlers had entirely forgotten to pay for, until their memories were refreshed by a legal prosecution. Although we thinkit perfectly right that ersry matt should pay his pecuniary liabilities, and that those who are unwilling should be compelled to do so, yet we do admit it is rather hard to force the poor whigs to pay for their rejoicing over a victory that has proved so barren ns the coon skin triumph of 1840. They feast ed on all the good things the markets could afford; the licit luxuries of the table shadowed forth the good fat offices they wore all to obtain from "Tippecanoe and Tyler too;" the sparkling wine that created such hilar ity around the board, and added such zest to the wit of the whig wags, gave them a foretaste of what would be their sensations when elevated to high and honora ble stations, with the motley multitude that followed the bacchanalian scent of the hard cider carousals through the campaign, looking up to them with wonder and veneration; and the unrestrained indulgence of those who fed at the table, was a miniature likeness of the career of the whig party, could they but get the Government in their hands. But alas! their fond anti cipations have been blighted; their hopes have proved illusive, and the prospect of four years' power and pa tronage has vanished. Their public dinners have lung since been eaten, but the "loaves and fishes" that were Ito fellow, as a dessert fur the elite of the party, have 1 not been forthcoming, and the official pap with which they expected to gorge themselves, they have tin er been permitted to taste. Is It any wonder, then, that they should feel reluctant to pay for sttff t propitiating efforts to obtain office? Although nothing of the kind has ever happened in the democratic party—it being always willing to pay all electioneering expenses—yet we can readily imagine the chagrin and disappointment of the poor coons, and our corn nisseration fur their sit uation softens our abhorrence for the meanness of the act. But we know of no help for them; the bills are justly due, and it will be an everlastin_ di,: gra r e on t h e universal whig party, if history shall hate to record that all the talents, all the decency, and all the wealth cf the country, refused to pay for the "roast beef" de voured at their "magnificent triumph" in 1840. ELECTIONS IN INDIANA-OFFICIAL Chapmans', last State Sentinel contains the official returns from every county in Indiana, from which we are enabled to give the following statement: For Gorernor—Whitcomb, (dem.) 60,714 Bigger, (-pm.) 58751 Dem. maj.,rity. 1963 Lf Gorertior.—Briglit, (dem.) 69905 Bradley, (co.m.) 569.5 i Dorn. majority Congress—l=t di.. Owen, (dem.) 6659 Paine, (coon.) 602 Owe a's majority, 577 " Henley, (dem.) 7020 " IVhite, (coon.) 607 0 Henley ' t; ma j olity. 950 3(1 " T. Smith, (dem.) 7 021 " Matson, (cum].) 6766 Smith's tuna. 2.55 4th " Test, (dem.) 3442 " C. B. Smith. (coon.) 4079 Smith's ma . j. 655 sth " Brown, (d. m.) 7394 " NVal lace, (coon.) C''l9 Brown's rnaj. IO3Z) Gth " Davie, (dem.) 7106 " Bunn, (coon.) 6.11;7 Dariia rnaj. 919 7th " Wright, (Jena.) 541;3 " McGaughey. (coon.) 5 160 Wright's tnaj. sal " Pettit, (dein. ) " Bryant, (coon.) rt•Ltit's maj 9 t h 44 sr.rnplt•,(cnun.) " Cha mborlidu, (dem.) Semple's maj. 10th Kennedy. (d.•m.) " Thompson. (coon.) Kennedy's maj. 260 LEGISLATURE. Senatc—Democrats. 26 Coons. 24 House—Democrats Coons. Majority on joint ballot. RHODE ISLAND ELECTION.—TIIC PrOVideliCe Jour nal of Wednesday, contains full returns of the votes for members of congress in the eastern and partial re turns Irma the western district. The result is as we anticipated. The vote is much smaller than in April, and in the eastern district, Cranston, the wing candi date, is elected by a majority of 1521 over Mr. Wee den, democrat. The following is the stateuf the vote, compared with the result of the April election: August, April. 2557 4217 4078 2286 In the western district thirteen towns give for Al drich, democrat, 1321; Potter, Whig, 2025. In April the same towns gave for Carpenter 2624; Fenner, 1939. There ere six towns to be heard from. Democratic, Whig, A BATTLE BETWEEN THE TEXANS AND MEXI CANS.-A letter recieved at New Orleans, dated a t "Choctaw Agency, sth Aug., 1843," says: "Part of the company who went out from Texas to intercept the San ta Fe traders have returned. They had a fight with some Mexicans, and report 20 killed of the latter, and many prisoners. The United States Dritgoons captured the TeXituts end set the Mexicans at liberty. Col. Mont ague followed the wagons with 60 men to attack them after the escort should return. The Texans who cam in had their horses nearly all taken by the Comanches; whom they followed and killed a number, which of course will not strengthen the treaty of amity between those powers. TROUBLE 111 A "Csste."-15,000 Methodists are holding a Camp Meeting at Bridgeport, Conn. Some trouble was apprehended, as the Millerites, who had engaged for this week the gronnd now occupied by the Methodists, who had arrived, prepared to hold their meeting, and had issued handbills to that effect. In the mean time, the Methodists had agreed to continue their Camp Meeting another week, and were holding posses sion of the premises for that purpose. Which party would have precedence was uncertain, but as the ground is owned by one of the Methodist brethren, it was supposed tbe odds were in their favor. VETE ELKTON AFFRAY.—The Cecil Democrat gives the following account of the melancholy occurrence no ticed in our paper yesterday: "A. T. Forwood, Esq., a young and respectable law yer of this place, was shamefully and disgracefully at tacked through the columns of the Cecil Whig, upon the supposition that he was the author of a communi cation which appeared in this paper, criticising a piece of editorial in the Whig. Mr. Forwood felt indignant, and culled upon P. C. Ricketts, editor of the Whig, at the Post-office door. While talking, Mr. Forwood saw Ricketts attempt to draw a pistol from his pocket, when Mr. Forwood seized him by the arm—Ricketts jerked his arm from Mr. Forwood's grasp, and stepped back and fired, the ball entering his abdomen. Mr. For wood then made towards Ricketts, when he again fired, and continued until he had fired four times, three balls entering Mr. Forwood's body, and ono of them passed through him. Mr.. Forwood lived about nine hours, suffering extreme pain, but he bore it all with great fortitude, and conversed calmly, iotgiving P. C. Rick etts the disgraceful and foul deed. Mr. R. was arm ed with one of Colt's revolving pistols. Mr. Forwood had a hickory stick in his hand, but dropped it after he had received the second fire. - _ ILicketts wa> armated imm:diately, and committed after two examination..., to await his trial at next Octo ber term." . , . eased This course, if pursued. leads directly to pre- J 'Three persons were sentenced to the Western ' ' ' cocity of intellect, or to a train of nervous diseases, Penitentiary at the last term of the Court of Quarter • such as epilepsy, chorea, spinal distortion. &-.c. which Sessions of Westmoreland county. Another to one often mar the brightest intellect, or brine on insanity. year's imprisonment in that county jail, and another to ! Next to neglect of the proper trainil , of the locomo tive system in producing physical inbesiiity and disease, theH I House of Refuge, Philadelphia. is a pernicious system of dietetics, pa-mitering - the ap. petite with improper food, condiments, rid confec- Mtx•E IV/am and his "subterranean band, - appear inducing dyspepsy, the more Inveterate be to have got into trouble in New York. The Plebeian c ti a c' t t i ' s e e rY l , lnduced before the natural tone and vigor bad of the Ist has the following paragraph in reference to I beeng iven to tha stomach, when its susceptibility is him: greatest, and its power of endurance least. Then ARREST OF MIKE Wst.sti.--This notorious charge- i comes the restraints of chess, which prevent the healthy ter was yesterday arrested on another complaint, and and naturel development of vital organs, before growth is completed, and impede the natural functions of or was held to bail. NVe learn that James Kelly, the ell formed, whose office is essential to life. Whig Deputy Clerk of the Sessions, was his surety!— g at " w All bandages upon the body are pernicious, even tight Is it possible? We shall inquire into the standing of this Kelly, and whether the magistrate was justified in shoes will often produce headache, and tight cravat r- s taking him. A pretty state of things indeed, when an bring on appopl o exy. Bandage; on the chest are pa ticularlyinjurious, as they impede respiration, one of officer of our criminal court steps between justice and otdianism. Several more complaints will be mule be- the most important vital processes iu the hum an sys fore the end of the week. Public eNcii,mcnt is intense tem. The chemical principle, of which respiratio - n frees against this violator of public order, and we learn that' . the blood at every round of its circulation, is a poison the people of the Ninth Ward intend calling a public meetin to the brain, that destroys life in drowning, strangula e to devise suitable measures fur the complete _ , don, the inhalation of irrespirable gases, of wells and extirpation of his gang. i caves, and from the fumes of burning charcoal in close What has Mike been doing? Will the Plebeian rooms Any impediment to the regular and constant • give us ••more light?" 1 inhalation of vital air impedes the expulsion of this - - - . principle, and it eventually goes to the brain, dimin- Win lo IMP UDEN CE.—That illustrious Whig, Nicho- fishing its energies, disturbing its functions, and tending las Biddle, (says the Plebeian), has written to the ! directly to produce disease. Penns Such are briefly the foundations of innumerable evils ylv ania Inquirer a letter, in which he asks: I laid in early life by ignorance or neglect of the natural "Ought the state legislature to defraud its citizens laws of man. An inheritance accompanied with with impunity, to retain the property of others, and to • " , wealthand every thin; to pamper and satiate, often laugh at their distresses?" !fails to afford the happiness and substantial - - . . . a en3o3 ment . _ . Here is a man who has carried on a larger husines3 at swindling than am• other person living, talking about thetat , of Pennsylvania defrauding it, citizens with i impunity. Could impudence go further ? YELLOW FEVER UN BOARD THE GOMEII.—We learn from the Bee of 2?d inst., that the yellow fever ha' ra t otd i.xtensively on board the French steam frigate Goner at New Orleans. When the disease first broke out it caused come consternation among the sailors. but this it ai soon arrested by the ejThrt± of the surgeon. There had hewn slaty rases on hoard up to the 18th j o s,t ant ; of the,..•, bogie won. fatal. The disease pm val al mut h more generally among the officers thatt the crew. GREAT Dtt IV IN , ;.—An oNtranr.livarr feat at (Irking Wll4 recently in the Sri at metropolis. The fact i 3 tvcord , ql is a late number of the London Timest—"At 10 o'clock ye.terday morning, Mr. Bul ger, who is conocct.-11 with Mr. Harry's e.tabli , lunent, left A-tley's mm It 11 fourteen Ls autiful horses, it) h ;Ind richly capar:.oned, and uttaclied to a cal daze built ^xpr , -.sly for such occasiot , . Mr. Bulger . dtove the anima', tltrouzli the pri , tripal..treets and crowded t It. Ir. vighf.tres, t nrainz the variou. corner; with the =neatest preri-ior, and without mectiuz with the nni,l,mt. and ent , •rerl St. James's Park, pa. , sis: , 2 up Cott,tit , ) , don Ilia into Ilyde Park,and came out of cki:a!”..3nit stt. into thford eet. and after ,vri tit tt .tieet returnal by Charing ('roes mid Whitehall over IVesteniu:ter hri.l4e back to Thaltro. Amhara:l ha: driven as many as eight or ton i , ) ban., -, but ri, per..oa has ever before attempted to dris.,, I It Mt' ItIM:It ut SI.AVES. -- rilf , t , slave:{ of a :11r. C:1:1i1V1411, nn•ar Athens. Aim, de coye 1 th , ir IWO :IP! W 0,114 ivid murdered her on the llth ult. in tit ah,ettee in . their. !mister. When he returned, they attempted to serve him in the rune way, as. they Lad previously conspired to du. and sent hint word that one of them svgs 'kis, (lowa in the Geld, and n ant ~ 1 him to com. there. The negro tt as roliing on the Lmonia, zrest pain, hat ith in Itx.• concealed under him. Mr. Chapman nled the pl , ,t by taking a friend with him. dieeorn ing alarmed by th , .tran , e comhict of hi; slave:, Mr. 4 0u4lit for hi,: wif and found her !poly. The slave:. were then :it - rested; the murderer escaping - , anal whirling an axe milts init,ter lie ran, to t h e woods aia the muster . ..: approach. The murderer wit 4 51 years old. from Virginia, and now states that he mur dered late master and mistrei3 in that State. Horrible. NEWS FRONI THE WESTERN BORDER The "Stand ,1,1," pd.:idled at Texas, s ome tavewy miles beyond the t 4 ti c'd Stan , boundary, states that apart of the Texians who went ill pursuit of the Santa Fe Traders have returned to their homes. These men assert that they were within the territory of Texas when Col. Suively surrendered toCapt. Cooke of the Cnited States Dragoons, and attribute the capit ulation to iwelliiency or t reachery on the part of Snively. They report also that the Traders continued their journey without any protection after separating from the 1.7. S. troop t, but ‘vuppo,w, form the start they bad. that there was little c tan. of tlw party twilit:. overtaken by the remnant of Texians aho went in pursuit of them. So that, ilot ithstanding, the report we have had tot he con trary, it is yet possible, if not prabahle, that this com pany of traders will reach Santa to in safety. TIH►; GENTI,MI.IN EARNIER It is wor !Ilan idle fi ,r any man to expect to better his condition a pecuniary point of view by turning gentleman fanner. If a person have a fortune alrea dy, he may lay out pleasure grounds, fence in parks, make experimmts in crops. try Cl l / 1 1 . ..3 in breeds of cattle, set outitrem far shade scenery, and thus grati fy his taste, and possibly make some discovery for oth ers to profit by; but in his own case he will lose money —probably he expects it. What would any one think of a gentleman warrior or n gentleman poeti—that is, of a man who should hire all his fighting done, or his verses made. If success crowns individual personal exertion in all other *atters, how is it that this On g the primitive occupation of mankind, men expect it, without putting their hand to the plough and girding themselves fur the labor? It is a common remark among husbandmen, that he who works with his "hands;" gets double the amount of work out of them. compared with him who only gives his orders, and waits until they are accomplished. The general must lead his troops to victory; he must endanger his own life if he would infuse bravery into the hearts of his soldiers; and this principle is not inapplicable to the "boss" of the farm. • c:uniots CIRCUMSTANCE The St. Clair County Banner says, that a "Mr. M. Geel, of Port Huron, in that county, commenced near his house boring for water, and after having sunk a shaft to the depth of 115 feet, he suddenly heard a hiss ing noise, which he supposed tobe water rising where he had bored. Ile immediately commenced taking up his shaft., which as soon as be had done, was follow ed by a noise to , lood and resembling that made by the hugest steamboat letting off steam, and a rush of gas, throwing stones, sand, &c., to the height of 100 feet, and with such force as to throw stones weighing from 5 to 10 pounds, when placed in the orifice, to the height of several feet. A large tube has been inserted over the hole, and up to the present time it has continued, although not as strong as at first, to emit a strong cur rent of gas, of an inflamable nature supposed to be hy drogen. We yesterday visited the spot and saw the gas lighted. It burnt freely, producing a bright flame and slightlyimpregnated with sulphuric smell, bat when burning or otherwise, not the least offensive. PHYSICAL EDUCATION—GIVE CHILDREN 'A BREAKDOWN. , SCOPE. The Covention of Abolitionists for the purpose of Woodward, the able superintendent of the Worcee• forming a Liberty county ticket, met in the borough of ter Lunatic Hospital, in his last report, urges with Washington, Pa.. Is v, ,e!:. They met in an unfinish strong argument the itnportance of a proper physical ed building in :\ I lid , a street. About two hundred education—a subject which is too much neNiected prsonshajgither.l insi,l,., when the main beam which There is undoubtedly an intimate connection between supported the c way, sad all were precipita education and insanity, especially between early ted into th beatn passed through the cen training and that condition of the brain which is mani- tre of the building- leiu:tlea i3e and other timbers were fested in precocious mental development. resting on it and on the walls. The clash was treines- One of the great defects, both of nursery and school dons. 'nos:" were in the middle fell perpendicularly, education, is the neglect of proper training of the or nearly so, and those on eithersido were pitchedhena. bodily powers during childhood and youth. long into a 30a. of funnel shaped centre which was fcala- Nature provides an excess of the principle of life, ed. Boards, scantling, men and timber, were all that all young animals may not only grow, but be thrown together. active and frolicksorne, so that the locomotive sys- Almost miraculously no lives were lost, though a tem may be healthy, strong, and well developed. large number were injured more or less. One gentle- . Noise is also as useful as it is natural to children, be- man, we understand, had his leg broken. It is alsmilt cause the lungs, and other organs of respiration, can to conceive how such an accident could occur without not be rendered strong and vigorous without exercise, killing some half down, and we are astonished that any more than the muscles. An opposite system ofl such was not the case. We hope it will be a warning management, now too prevalent, leaves the child's-f- to all againstgoing into newly finishedbuildings for any ferninate and slender. But this is nut the worst of the purpose that requires the attendance of even a hundred ' evil. If the child is deprived of exercise and kept at persons. The Convention resumed its sittings out of his studies too early or too lonz, the excess of the doors, and formed a Ticket.—Examincr. vital principle, which is produced for the purpose of l 3 giving activity and energy to the digestive and loco motive system, is expended upon the brain and nerv ous system, and they become too susceptible, or dis- which poverty secures with its daily toil, and the home ly which stern necessity compels. The evil, well understood, leads to the remedies which education must apply to counteract it. Firm and healthy bodies, brains, lungs, stomachs and mo ving powers, must be first secured. Care must be ta ken that none of them be overtaxed. The precocious and feeble must be taken from their books and put to active exercise; the robust and vigorous must be taken from cruel exercise and sports. and put to study and mere placid employments, lest with vigor they become unfeelipg and pugnacious. Sonic of the mental faCulties may need restraint, and others enconragement; active passions and propensities must be repressed. and all be kept under the guidance of the intelligent and moral powers. Firmness and cheerfulness under trial and suffering should be daily cultivated, that the evils which cross our paths may be bone when they cannot be avoided. In this way the ill; of life may be endured without repining, the some,' of many diseases dried up at the fountain, and the cau ses of insanity be diminished both in number and sever- 'fliE OCE kN AND THE DESERT In this world there are two mighty forms of perfi-et solitude—the ocean and the desert; the wilderne ss the barren sands, and the wilderness of the barren NV:I LT,. Both are the parents of inevitable superstitions —of terror, snlenut, ineradicable, eternal. Sailors and children of the desert are alike overrun wilt spiritual Imuntings, from acrid *nt, of peril essentially connect ed with those modes of lire, and from the eternal spec tacle of the infinite. Voices scent to blend with the rat ing of the sea, which will forever impress the ft: big of beings more than human: and every chamber of O w great wilderness, which, with little interruption, stretches front the Euphrates to We western shores of fli:!a, pin-altar terrors, both as to sights and suunds. In the wilderness of Zin, between Pales tine and the 1.e.1 Sea, a s;Thin of the desert well knew a iu the, days to out countrymen, bells are heard daily p, :a ti o4 fo r ru tans ~r vespers. from some phantom rim vent tiiat no search of Christian or :if Bedouin Aral: has ever been able to discover. Tlicse bells have sounded :dime the Crass es. Other sounds, trumpets. the t'a /a of armies, &c., rues . heard in other regions of the des ert. Fornis, also, rim seen, of more people than have any lg 111.• to be walking in human paths: sometimes Berms of avowed t:Tronsometimes, which is a case :di fir more danger, appmrances that mimic the shapes of men, and even , 11 . 16011113 and comrades. This is a easel nnich dwelt on by the old travellers, and which throws a gloom over the spirits ot" all Bedouins, and of every catila or caravan. IVe all ItrA what a sensation of loneliness or "eeriness" (to use an expressive term of the ballad poetry) arises to any small party assembling, in a sin; lc 10,n/ uF “ taco de•t , lll , line the timid among them fancy continually that Wev hear some remote door opening, or trace the sound of suppressed footsteps from some distant stair-case. Such is the feeling of the desert,even in the midst of the caravan. The mighty solitude is seen; the dead silence is antici pated which will succeed to this brief transit of men, camels and horses. Awe prevails even in the midst of society: but if the traveller should leiter behind from fa tigue, or be so imprudent as to ramble aside—should ho from any cause once lose sight of his party, it is hahl that his chance is small of recovering their traces.— And whyl Not chiefly front the want of mtmarks, where the wind effaces all impressions i.; tishe an hi mr, or of eye marks, where all is one bin-;!; -eon o f s a nd, but much rrmre from the sounds or We visual appear ances, which are sup Posed to beset and to seduce all insulated wanderers.—Block wood. VALUABLE REMEDIES H E A DACHE.—Batiw the forelmad and temple 4 with a mixim , of hartshorn and strong vinegar, equal parts, and suta a little of it up the nose. Sick hcailarho must be cured by an emetic as it proceeds only from a foul stomach. Sow.; MouTH.—Mix tegetherlioncy and white borax, equal parts, and with a white rag tiesi to the end of a skewer, ruh the mouth three or four times a day. SORE Tit ROA T.—Take twenty drops of spirits of tur pentine on loaf sugar every night, till cured. Black currant jelly hastens the cure. BILIouS COMPLAINTS: Take forty drops of Balsam of Peru on loaf sugar, Of in a tumbler of water every day at 11 o'clock. INAtin.rry To Si .—Take a grain or two of cam phor at bed time; this is a curer and safer remedy than opium or laudanum. NIGHT SWEATS.—Drinka gill or more of warm wa ter, at night previous to retiring to bed. port of Pittsbur9l). Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, Gentral Steam Boat Agents, Water street TWENTY-FOUR INCHES WATER IN THE CHANNEL, According to Coppei Mark, at the Wood street Sewer. ARRIVED. Warren, McDocted, Beaver. 'Bridgewater, 13(,ie.i. Cincinnati, DEPARTED Warren, McDonald. Beaver. A RARE CHANCE.—A store in one of the best ..t1 business streets in the city, will be to let low to a good tenant. AtTly at Fo.iter'3 Agency, St Clairst. auz 30-2 w. T OAF SUOMI-10 boxes loaf Einar, jwareceived 1-.4 and for sale by 11XiLMAN, JENNINGS & CO., aug 9 43, Wood street GERMAN DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMIT- The standing Gorman Democratic Committee of Ailrglieny Co,, have on the 2d inst., chosenthefollow ing gentlemen as their Central Committee. J. Ilerma::, 11. l'ickei,on, Ernest Heidelbergh, J. G. Bacliolen, Martin llx-flinger, C. Kuhn, Otto Hoff man. T HERMAN, Prest. LAST CONCERT BY THE BLIND. Covert of Sacred Music, Vocal and Thstrumeatat, by the Pupils of the PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION For the Instruction of the Blind, at the 11 Presby terian Chnrch, on Tins EVnNING, September 5. Admi [tan co 25 cents. Children brit price. To be had at the Hotels. Doors open at 7. o'clock. PART FIRST 1. Overture, Caliph of Bagdad. 2. Anthem; Great is the Lord, 3. Eve's Lamentation, from the Oratorio of • • tie Irderces,ier,—Mii-s Laird. I. Anthem, Praise Ye the Lord. 5. Air,"Ruched in theCradie oldie Deep"— Mr. Dyer. IC. igAt. C. Prayer to Thee, 0 God our Saviour, Solo and Chorus. 7. Solo on the Piano, Air, "The Blue Belles of Scotland," Variation=,—Miss Dandy, Hunter. Woodman Spare that Tree,— Russel. 9. Chorus, Praise His Awful Name, from the Oratorio of the Last Judgement, PART SECOND. Reading by the Blind. 10. Overture, the Two Blind of Toledo, Mikal. 11. Reed tatioa. Total Erlipse,—Mr.Praven, Handel. 12. Anthem, the Voice of Anels. Clark. "ow' 13. Duet. Ave Sanetii,itno,—Miss Laird and Mr. Par, en. 11. Sdo on the C.' larionet,—Mr. Pyle, Rossini• 15. The Old Arm Chair,- 7 Mr. Dyer. Russel. 16. Aothem,Praise the Lord in his Holiness, Borax., 17. Sacred Melody, ••This Earth is nut our Rest," 18. Fatlter.:,-111i;s Brown 19. Quartette,Keep On. sep 5-It. To Farmers. WANTED. a steady man with a small family, who unikr:tandr Tanning, Currying and drew inz leather, in all its grades and forms, togo Tennessee to furnish a small stuck of leather, and take an interest in a tan yard. Apply early to M. ALLEN & SON. Sept. s.—lt. Guardian's Sale. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Count" I Alletdieny Comity, the undersigned Guardian of Thomas Willson, James E. Wilson, and WilliamWM son, minor children ofJames Wilhion, late of the tow ship t, f Upper St. Clair, county aforesaid, deceased,_ eyill ,xpor , .. , to sale by pulniir vendee or outcry, at the • Court' house in tic' city of Pittsburgh, ON THE 4114 Mos Dal' OeTor,En. A. I).. 18.13, at the hour of IS o'clock nn said day. all that - valuable FARM, situate in die township and county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Jame: 11. Robb, Samuel Morgan, John Boreland, Samuel Willson and others, containing Eighty-sevea a , 1.1 one half a -res, strict mu-Ist:re, be the same more less. Also, the small piece adjoining the above, of about one acre nTland, with the privileges as the same was conveyed by Julio and wife unto Thomas Willson, late of the Township aforesaid, deed, about -10 acr, , ,, cleared and in a linalt state of cultivation, and the balance of the land is well timbered. There is on the premises a. tirs.t. rate Saw Mill in :o1)(1 repair. The land ndionad: with Stone Coal and Lime Stone easy of aceinss and is well watered. The hrrni arc u:lo-third canh, and the balance in tir• eLpml amoral payrnunt:. widi intero , t thereon from the day of sale. WILLIAM. ESPY, sept. 5, 1843—a 1w s, ‘N IS Dissolution of Partnership. 911.1 E Partnership twrt,tofore existing under thefrem of DICKEY and ALEXANDZIC, i 9 this day disaol-4/0 ,-, vrl tnitual con: , ent. JAMES DICKEY, - sept. 1, 1.8-13. WM. G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY re , pectfully informs his friends and tlui public, that he stile,ritinues in the Transpor tation Bu.iiness, at his Warehouse, CORNER OrIABER TY AND WATNE STREETS, Canal Basin, under the name of the Ind, , pendent Por!able Boat LiSsei," W here he will receive and forward freitht to the East at the lowest terms. sept. 4—tf. A T the Refermed Methodist Church, yelterday forenoon,a GOLD \V ATC 11 CH MN and SEAL. The finder wiil be liberally rewarded by leaving it at °thee of the ••Morulutf. Post." sep 4-3 t. C. A. DicANIILTY, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT, Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line. sept 4-3 m. United States Portable Boat Line Depot. MeANULTY very resiwetfully informs his . friends and the public, that he has made arrange ment: to continue the ruzmlcy of the boats forming the U. S. Portable Boat Line•. at the lure new NV urehmse, CORNER OF WAYNE AND LIBERTY STREETS, Canal Basin, where goodA will be receiv,d and forwarded with u4nal despatch, and on the mo.d favorable terma, to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Yolk or Boston. bept. 4-3 m. Solo Leather. 9 i t SIDES of Baltimore nod New 'frock Sole Leather: also a general ewsortroe4 of Morocco, Lining and Binding:Skin% for aale by WALTER BRYANT & - CO., No. 83 Liberty dtregt. sep 2-411rn,5-‘‘2t LIGHT HIDES, suitable for Upperl.,3oo Leather. 900 heavy Spanish Hides, 250 city slaughter do., 700 . I .lladras Goat Skiai, In store and for sale by WALTER BRYANT 4. CO. N. 83 Libem at. sep Lace Leather. di )afk SIDES Lace I.,eather,a very superior article 0.(../1,) for sewing Mar:bine Bet:, for sale by WALTER BRYANT & CO" No, 83 Liberty st. e p 2-d I m.Sr.w'L't Fresh Dye Stuffs. CHIP. LOGWOOD AND ICSTIC, MADDER, Oil Vitriol, Alum. Ground Cain wood, Verdigris, and a very general stock of materials for dyers, calm. sonable term.:. ust recei veil at the Wholesale and Re tuil Drag Warehouse of JONA. KIDD, aug. 31. No 60, corner Wood & Fourth sts. 0. HOFFMAN, Seey Ba rche. Hermo2 Guardian Hides. ~_.~.y.~:...:.._._ __o_.._.