" IS ** ..• \tv" - t• - • , •;. • •,7'•" - .. • • , - BYV EitUV.NT or• tHE U. belt N p u r:oa,,n e a , taw.Joirx TYLER, Prett •lie I 1. of t e Crn , ted Suites of Americi, do hereby de entre an I make known that public will he he'd at the lio-termetilion,d Land Offices, in the State n MICHIGAN, at the periods heieinalterdeidgnated, to wit: At the Land Office of GENESSEE, commencing on Monday the ninth day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentiimed to*nships and fractional townships to sk: North of the base line and east of the meridian. TownThips thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty three a nd thirty-four, an Tractional township thirty-five, bor dering on Like Hirron, of -rune s:.x. Townships thirty.onc, tnirty-two and thirty three, and Tractional too nship thirty four, bordering on Lake Huron, of range swan. Fractional townships thir ty-one, thirtr-twn, -- thretrand thirtplh , te,biirdertiii on Late Huron and Thund.ir Bay, of range eight. Fractional towrishi,is thi. ty, thirtrone,thirty-two, and thirty-th: ee, bordloiog on Lake Huron, of range nine. Fractional township thirty, of range t!n. ZOTPyof-the base line and lrest of the meridian. articv 14 Itp thrripfive, and fractional townships thirtyot ' i,-,litit ty- sever and (hilly...eight, bordering un wo n and Millet's Iltey,of range one. Townships thiry-fi:e, thitly.six and toirty.seven, and tracti mai township; thirty-eight and thirty-nine, bordering on Like Mirth,, of range two. At the Land Ottic.t at DETROIT, commencing on Mon thy, the twelvy•finli day of September next. fir the dkposal of !he pulilic lands within the limits of the follos:Cing detai tied tracts, el 2: The lot number one in section eight; lot number mine in section Mile; lots three, four and five in sec• tilt!, seventeen, and lot number one in section sigh. teen, which have recently hnen surveyed in township six. South of range ten, East of the mmidtan. Lands appropriated by law for the u-e of sohools, military, or other purposes, will be excluded front side. The sales wili ea h be kept open for, two weeks, tintless the land, are elone r dispa se d ai] and no longer. mil no private entries of land, in the townships so offered, will be admitted, until after the expiration alike two weeks. Given 'lacier my hand, at the city of Wa,hingron, this eighth day of June, Anno Domini, 1893• JOHN TYLER. _ _ . By the President: no. IL BLAKE, Commissioner of the Central Land Office NOTICE . TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Eery person emoted to the right of pre.emptioo to any fends within the l;mit, ni the towns'tip.ah.tva enumerated, is requited to e4.l,lish the same to the tali/v.(l'm of the. It..gitver and Receiver of toe p ()- per Lead OtfCrL t ICAO wake payment the r e f or at soon 9as ractratranfter sefing This notice, and hi fore the day appointed for the comtn..urement of the public sale of the township, emoracing the tract claimed, abitidestuated, otherwise siou h claim will be lon felted. TIIO. H. BLAKE, . Commissioner of the General Land Office. June 27—tds. BY THE PRESIDENT OF PILE U. S TATEs N purswance of law, I, ink( TTLER. President of the United States of America, do hereby de clsre and make k..own that public sales v. , id be heid at.dis undermentioned Lan , ' Offices. in ihr State of lIIISSU URI, at the pert.tds hereinafter designated, to Iva: AT PLATTSBURG, in Clinton county, the seat of the Land Office for the Platte district ot Nilsson ri.: commencing on Mon d ay, the ninth day of Oct bsr next,"hr the disposal ni the polio let d> within thsrunderinentiuned townshi,s, and fractional town shill, to wi : xgrik of the base line and west of the fifth princi. pat meridian. and weal of the jo,-mer weacro bum dark of flu! State. Township Sixty two, of range thirty four. Townships sixty one and sixty three, of range Only fire ownships sixty two and sixty four, of range thirty six. Town , hips sixty one and sixty three, of range thirty seven. Townships sixty two and sixty four, of range thir ty eight. The west half of township s'xty one, of range thinly nine. rrectional township sixty two and township sixty 'font, nf • ranee. forty. Fith•tional townships sixty two and sixty three, of rungs forty Fractional townships sixty three and s'xty four, of tange forty two. Altrrth of the base line and east of the fifth principal inersdioneand west of thefor mer smarts boundary the State. Vownsh'pe sixty one and sixty two, of range tietity seeen• _Townships sixty. sixty cute and sixty two, of range twenty eight. ToWusitip sixty one, of range twenty nine. sti - tliestamephice, commencing on Monday, the thirteenth day of November next, fa the dispo t a l l of thr• pohlic lauds will-in the limits of the Linderman t-nmeu tinwnships and fractional town-hies, viz: ./v - orth rf the base line and west of the fifth principal met idiot', and west of the former western boundary of the State. Fracii.,nal townships fifty, fitly one, firly three, fifty five and fifty seven, of range thi.ty three. '.towriships Sly two, fifty four, fifty OS, fifty eight and sixty, of ranee thirty four. e. aetional township fit ty one, townships fifty three, fifty five, fractional township fifty seven and town nrty nit*, ufmnge thin ty five. in-tilnai townships fifty lour, filly six, and fifty rand town hip sixty, of range thiny Ft vet tonal townships fifty five, fifty six, fifty eight a , d fifty ume, of range thirty seven. Frac-japel township fitly five and siYty ot range thirty eit;i.t. i the Land office at LEXINGTON, commene 'ry. Monday the second day of October next, for t!, • nir•pubbi of the public hinds within the limits of . undermentioned townships, to wit:— North of the base line and weal of the fifth prineipall meridian ;Townships thirty six, thirty seven and thirty eight - or range foul teen. TOwttritips thirty five and thirty seven, of range Township thirty five of ranges gixteen and nineteen Irciwnehips thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven and thirty eight, of range twenty one. Township thirty eight, of range twenty three. Township thirty nine, of range twenty eight. Town:hips thinly eight and thirty nine, of range twenty nihe. eship forty, of ranges thirty one, thirty two am) three. south west fractional quarter of section twenty oa and north -east and Hord) west fractional sofa ten cif section twenty four in tow nship fifty one, *Potts of Miill3oll6 river, of range twenty six. t2outh west via/ ter of section seven, in township fdrty 'line, of i sage manly seven. Lands appropriated by law, for the ose or schools Hlary or other purposes, will be excluded lroin We- The sales will each be kept open for twn weeks, (.muss the !sods are sooner disposed of] and no tonrer; and no private entries nfland in the town thipr offered will be admitted, until atter ,he ex pire•inn of the two weeks. to nori•t my hand at the City o f Washington, titi9 e ighth day of June. A tom Domini, 1643. /OLIN TYLER. Tr ;he Tr sident, Tao. U. BLAKE, (.only ° r of the General Land Office, yiYfICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANT 3 person claiming the :Ott of eatiptton t , z !stria ssitnin the Inuits of tt.e 11 , 111 asigitat above f-i - irileitecd, is tegti , re.l to ealablish tie. same to the titilaktultou of We Register and linceiver of the 1 91 , proper Lend °WM, and to make payment therefor, as soon as ma/cable after seeing this notice, and be. fore the day appointed for the commencement of the public sate of the township, embracing the tract claimed, above designated: otherwise such claims will be forfeited. TEIO. li. BLAKE, Commi•sioner of the General Land Office June 29-IdB. ' BY THE PRESIDENT OF nit., Li. ai AT/ S. IN pursuance of law, 1, Joirs TYLER, President of the United State° of America, do hereby de clare and make known, that Friblie sales will be held at the undermentioned Land 0 lives in the Teri itory ofIOWA, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit: At the Lend Office at DU DUQUE, commencing nn Monday, the sixteenth day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned townshinp, viz: • Arsrlh of the base line and East of the sth principal meridian Townships eighty-two and eighty.three, of range one. Townships eighty-out, eighty-two and eigh-y -three, of range two. Townships eighty nne, eighty two and eighty. three, of range three. Township eighty...three, of range five. An Island in the Mississippi river, containing thir trona 89.100 acres, forming parts of sections thirty fool' and thirty.five, in township seventy-eight, of range,three. Nora of the base lint and West of the sthprincipa/ rteridta n Tokiiisbips eightystw•o and eighty-three, of range one. At the Land Otlice et FAIRFIELD. cornmen ing on Monday, the sec.,nd d,43, , of I )et ' er next, fin the &Tose! of the public lands hercinafter eceigna... led, viz: North of the base line and West of the sth prinripa meridian. Township seventy-s x, of range nine. An island in the Mississippi river, forming parts of sections seventeen, eighteen arid nineteen, in township sixty-eight. of range two, And parts of see• tions thirteen and twentrfour, of township sixty eight, °ft . :lnge three. Two small islands in the Mississippi river, forming part of sectimn six, in township +eventy, of range one, arid parts of se-tions one end twelve, in town. ship seventy, of range two. An island in the Mississippi river, forming parts of sec'ions fifteen, sixteen,twenty _one and twentrtwo, except that portion of the island within the limits of sertion sixteen, and two i•land., in the stuns river,one of them forming a portion of seefrnins twenty-two twenty..six and twenty-seven, and the other, pars of aections twenty-two and twenty-seven—all in town ship s-vent‘..fott«nf range. two, Tines islands in the Mi+sissippi river, forming parts of SeCtioto twenty-one, twr nry.two, twenty three, twenty-six, twenty-swell and thin trfontr, ex cept so mite. , of Huron Island as within the li mos of section sixteen, in tOWitshiii sevenny.two, of range one. An is'and in the Mississippi river, forming part section three, in townsbipseventystwo, fir raogi• one. and !mit of section thirty-lour, in township severity three, of iailgo nue. An island ii. the Mississop river forming parts ul aections twenty-two. twenty-seven and thirty-toor, in township sevemy•three, of ,an g e nne. Four islands in the Mississippi river, hieraticg parrs of sections twentre.ght to thirty-five, inclusive, in township seventy-`even, of fa nge one. Lands appropriated by law for the use nfsr.hnols, military, or other purposes, will Le excluded from sale. The sales will each be kept open for tan weeks. (unless the lands ai e sooner disposed and no longer, end uu private entries 01 lane in the towns ships so rriTr-red be adieitted, until after the ex pireti'oil ihe two wri•tv.-. Given tinder my hand at the tliry of We•hingtoo this eiebth day of June, Anne) Drittliio. JOHN TYLER. By the P, THn. 11 11LAKE, Conniis,ioner at Genera/ land Wier. NOTICE TO PRE-EAII'IION CLAIMANTS. Every iserson entitled t'. the 6411 or pro emotion to any lands witnio the limits 01 Ure t .wnstnip- Ell/1/Vt enumerated, is regime(' to et.tab'ish same u the elitist ... nib)n of the Register and Receiver of i e pro. per Land and make pay moot the' rfor as practiroble after suing this notice, nod bel..re ttit (fay app , itued tor tin. etootnetTelorld of the unni c , ale of d m township embracing the tract elaimed. above designated, wherwise sucii claim will he fi.os felted. TIIO 11. BLAKE. Commissioner of the General Land Office. June is BY TilE PRESIDENT OF TUE, U S FATES Im'soaore of Ids.. I, it , 11:4 TYLI R. Poe,i..eti n the Unite i State , of Amedra, her , by de c are end kftown, that puhlic saiea dl 13.• at she • derniewiorp-d Lwnri Offi , eq in the :`taie of I lAA NO IS. at the perio la hereinafter debignated, to At the Land Office at DIXON, rommeoc og on Blotchy, the thirtieth day 01 Oc.ocer n,m, for the d.sgosal 0: the publit lands withtti the under me.t. tinned t' wriships, and part: ttft,,wo•hip.,, North of the ba.e line and Eat of the third principal MOM Townships thirty six, thirty Fevre, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, laity four and luny six, ni rage one: Townchips thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty itine, f.rty atm Cory (tile, of range two. Towti4iips thirty seven. thirty eight, thirty nine, forty and forty one, of range three . The southeast nwirter 01 section fourteen, and the south we;t platter of section twenty lour, in town ship thirty three, of range one. The moth west gnat ter of section two, it, town ship !bitty three. of range three. The east half of the north' east quarter of section twenty one, and the west half of the north west qua ter of section twenty two, iii township thirty six, of range three. The west hnlf of the north east quarter of section twenty one, in township thirty one, north of the base line, of range one, west of the thud principal The east faction of tire north west fr aetiorril quarter or t•eetiutt twenty' one, (on the east sole of Kock River) in tuvvnship forty three, of rang, one, east. North of the base line and East of the fourth principal meridian Township eighteen, of range two. Townships eighteen, twenty four and twenty Eve, of range tines. Townships eighteen, nineteen.twenty four, twen ty five and twenty six, of range four. Townthips eighteen nineteen, twenty four, twenty five and mem) , six. of range Township twenty two, of range Fix. Township twenty three, ofrange seven. The north east quarter of section thirty, in town ship eighteen, of range one. The not theast quarter of section thirteen, in township nio..teen, of range one. The ninth east fractional quarter of section thirty fuut, m township twenty tine. of range two. The east hail - W*llle north east quarter of section eighteen. -in township twenty thiee, ut range four. The east half of the south east qtarter of section seventeen, in rownFhip twenty one, of-range seven. l'he west +talc of tne north west fracriutial qua ter of section five, in township twenty one, cf range nine. The south west quarter of section three, and the south east gnat ter of section thirteen, in township twenty two, of range nine. The west hall of the north east quarter of sectio n thirteen, in township twenty three, of rai.ge ninr. The west hatred the south west quar'er of seriinn tn'Entl , in township fifteen, and the east halt of t he south west quarter t.f section twelve, in township twenty right, oft ange ten. The ti.oih east (rarer of section three, west halves of .eet:ntut nod Bevel'. south hoiror woo. eleven, not th Watt south writ quartet 01 section fourieen, ra., hilt of se.•t•on fifteen, east half ofsec ti,ot seventeen, wrt halves of sections eighteen lad ninett eu, north halves of seetionsiwenty oie and twenty tun; south halves and u.rth west (patters of sections thirty and thirty one; went half and north east quartet of section thirty two; south half . and north west quarter of section thirty three, and the youth west quarter of section thirty four, in township thirteen. The north half of sections one to six, in clusive, south west (patter of ectino six; west halves of sections seven, eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty one, and he north nest quarter of sec tion twenty three, in township fourteen, of range four. Sections three, ten, fourteen. fifteen and twenty live; north halves of sections one, two four, five, six. seven, twenty one, twenty two and twenty (ow; south bakes of sections eight and twenty three; west halves of sections eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty one; south west quarter* of sections six, seven and twenty four; south east quarters ofse,tiotts four, twenty and twenty two; north west quarters of sec tion eleven, and north east quarter of section thirty three, in township fourteen, of range six. North of Use base line and Wild of thefourth principal meridian Township fifteen, the east part of an island in Rock river, in section thirteen; also, fractional sec. Liens eighteen and nineteen, in township seventeen, of range two. Fractioncl sections nineteen and twenty one; west half of fractional section twenty two; north half ofsec. tion twenty five; east half of the north east quarter of section twenty six, south halves of sections twenty seven and twenty eight, and north west quarter of section twenty eight; north half of section thirty; north east quat ter, south west quarter, north hall of north west quarter and west half of south east quar ter of section thi , ty one; section thirty two, except the west half of the not th west platter; section, twenty nine, thirty three and thirty four, and the west 11,41 of the north west quarter of section thirty five, in township seventeen, of tange three. F t artional sec;inns twenty one to thirty two, in clusive, and sec•inn thirty-three, in township seven. teen, of range four. Part 4.f an island in the Mississippi Liver, in sec tion tt , ree, in township fifteen; fractional sections one, two. eleven-, I , urteen, twenty two, twenty three, tvinnly even aul toirty four, in township sixteen and the fractional section this ty cixiu the fractional township seventeen, of range ■ix. At the Lind Office at Cll WAG°. commencing nu Mtniday the twenty fifth day of September next, fur the tiily,sal of the public leads hereinafter desig nated, wit: North of tha base line and East of the third principal men !!in Fractional tnwnsliips thirty one and thirty two, bordering nn the Indiana State Line, of ton i ge fir teen. The ea't frartion of the south east quarter atten tion s.x, in township thirty th ea, of range lour. The east hail and• the north weal quarter of the north ea-t varlet t f section ih,ee, and the north half ..r the 'anvil west quarter of the same :action, in t"wnattip 0 . 1 , 13 nine. of rang« eight. The east halt' m the ?ouch east -varier of section fifteen, in township fortythrre , of ieuge eleven. The north west qua , ter of section twelve, iu town ship fifty, of ratie. thir ern. At the Laid Office at DANVILLE, commencing on Monday, the recnn• - 1 any 01 October next, fir the disposal of the putdic londs within the limits of frac tinunl p• twenty sLht, twenty route and rhi , ty; no th of the ba. , e line. of range tell. west of the se cond principol meridian. At toe Lard Orrice at K kt3R -1.510 A, contmenc , log 0.. Monday, the six , echa tiny of Ocahei next tor the di-aosat of the plibtic lauds svir•in the liinii• ol the southeast quarter f ,eciall thirty three, atm. the rOh t iw. et frocti !ha, gay ter rd die same ~ectino. on is arid twenty row, in the Mithoss , ppi river, in townr , h p thirte , n, south Of rail... (hie! . wear. At the Land Office at EDWARDSVILLE, rom menrit cr n o Manley, the rrinsh toy of Oct ta r for the 'd,sprasal tit the public land. within the Hal l hi hac'ional sectary , thirty nue and thrry two, in , own`lilp B.X. 11,,n ti, ~1 range ie., we, , t,uhd eeetion twiny fivc, in town-hip nix urrh, of lather e:e% en west. cot,sly wimp is:ahrts witubcredsixty aid sixty one, in ihe ri , cr. 'the Lan f Office at Q,UINCY. coamencins Or Nf• , rid4 v. the (w u y third day of Oct, her next, Ps. tic dtaphsal of the public lands within the limits of the n mentioned t a, ts, -Vora of "Ise Laic lint and Enst lire fourth principal mcridiaa The nnrth ha I and east gayer of section twrntr th. ee, itt 1.4 , wie ,, 1p th,ee, imrin w«t q..ar•er f Fe , •tieu twenty two, in r ".ge seven, • Land, ap,dr .1 ri .t. dby the u.e •clth,,'„ ur cdtotr purposes, will be extdude•l ir.n The aa!em will each by kept npen for twn week. (tuidess the land a e soi)..e. „0 and no niiKe.; and nl tit hale emries nl I int] in ,be tot, ns so ~ fferro v , ill he admitted until after the expi rAtion of the two weeks. Gi,,n ❑nde, my h.md, at the r iiy ul IVriothington, thiyrighth diy 01 June, Anil° I.) , •nimi 1543, By the President: Tno. Ii BLANK, Commis ioner of the General Land o.ffiee NOTE' 7E; TO PRE P. %I I'ION CLA I \TANTS. Eery pi rson ewt rd to the right i.f pre, niptioi ;0 any km& wolliti he limits of the .1 1 m r • enitioevtert, eritt.d to est•Mhsh !he 'mine to the t•aiisfacti• nof vie p-gist,r and i•-ce ve. of t p. Opel Land onic, stud nt. pet meal r•r„ as I tot us prarlicuble after seeing this notice, and Lief ,• e .he dat mirpoin•ed f.r the co omei.cenomt of tie phi lest. e oi toe to. tohl p eiortracii.g th • trart clnitne t, shove rlerisitated, otherwise such claim will ne fto 1110 11 BLAKE, Commi , sioner of the General Land Office Jane 28 1i,3) BY THE ritESIDENr OF THE UIVITEO ST:II'ES. IN pursuance of the law, I Tons TYLER. Presi dent or the Uoited Stiles of America, d here by declare and make kiiiiwto th4t pub:lc sales will be held at the titideravnt mied Laud the Ter. ii ry of W ISKt iN SAN ,at the pet lode hereitt.f ter d si,guated,tii At the Laad 'like at MINERAL POINT, coin_ mene.hg Mood,v, ihe tweatr , hi. d day o(() L. , - her h.xt, r r the dapa.ul at the pub is la.& withal , he tide went.oritd t 0.% nships and it u.wa- Maim. vi= North of the base line and Tre-v‘f the fourth princi pal mendiln. Township eight, iii. a l) 4 o five North of the butt line and East of the fourth princi pal mericiain.and North of the Wis.';on,an rith r. Fractional Town hips eight bud owe, of range one. Fractinuftl Township eight. including parts of led. ands in aecti.unt eleven, twelve, thirteen and bur teen, and townghip nine, ni range two. F, act:otter towii.hip right, indutf , iig parte of isl ands in se aion righweii, of range three. Faction., I township eight, of range lour. Ft actional township eight, the island in fiectintinine, and township nine, of range five. Fiartional Loabliips nine and ten, ni range six. Fractional townships nine, ten and eleven, pi lane Fractional township eleven, of range eight At 'he Land Office at GREEN BAY, comment log on filt.nday, the stentni day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands within the under, mentioned tn,ushipe, towi% North of the base line and East of the fourth princi pal meridian. Fractional towns,ap eleven, [including the island] on the north side of the Wiskonsau river, range nine. Sections four, five, six, seven, eight, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-eight, twerty nine, thirty, tiiii ty- one,i ir ty•two ai,d thirty.tr.ree, ing west of the. Winnehitg,, L,ke and F. , / Ricer, in township twenty, seventeen. At the Land Odi,e et 311 LW UKIE, cnminen• clog on illoticiav, tie sixieen , h day at Oct' ber n xi, fir The disposal 01 the puol.c lands herentafer 'lilted, viz: Nur ih. of ilne ban li.•ne and East of the feurth pnnci• pa/ meridian Townsi.ip ten, nt rulige trn. The west halt of the southwest quarter of section three, of township two, ufrange oinett en,' The east hall of fectiou twentysiz, in townekip tan, of range twenty-one. The lot number five of the southwest fractional quarter of section nine, in township three, of range twenty...three. The southeast fractional quarter of section nine.. iren,and the lots one and two, or northeast fiaction. al quarter of section thin)+, in township two, of range twenty.three. Lauds appropriated for the use ofechools, military, or other purposes, will be excluded from sale. The sales will each be kept open for two weeks, [unless the lands are sooner disposed of! and no longer; and no private entries of land, in the town ships so offered, will be admitted, until after the ex , [mnion of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, this ei g hth day of June, Anno Domini 1843. JOHN TYLER. NOTICE TO PREEMPTION CLAIMANTS Every person entitled to the right of preemption to any lauds within the limits of the townships above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaCtion of the Register and Receiver of the pro per Land Office, and make payment theie for, as toon as practicaole after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed f r the commencement of the public. sale of the, township, embracing the tract claimed above designated, otherwise such claim will be for feited. THO. H. BLAKE, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Susie 27—ts Inas of time with lizsguarrs's Pizza. The) mildly but surely remuye all impurities from the blood,and no case of sickness can affect the human frame, that ihtse cele• brated Pills do not re-Beim - as much as medicine cam do. Colds and coughs are more benentted by the Brandreth Pills than by lozenges and canalcs. Very well, per- Mips. as paliat 'yes, but worth nothing as eradicators or diseases from the human system. The BRAINDRITII Pau cure, they do not merely relit ire, they cure disease., whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. Dotter Benjuntin Brasdrstk —Donored Sir:Owing Is you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I ant Indueed to make a public acknowledgemlint of the benefit my wiPs has derived from your invaluable pills. About three years this winter she was taken with a pain in her ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and swollen, so much no that we became alarmed, and cent for the doctor During hisat.endance the pain and swell tug inereared to an alarming degree, and in three weeks Bout its first commencing it became a running sore— She could set no rest at night the pa.n was so great.— Our first Doctor attended her fur six months, and sloe received no benefit whatever, the gain growing worse, and the sore larger all the while. He said if It was heal ed up it would he her death, but he appeared to he at a Ins, how t, proceed. and my poor wife still continued to suffer the most terrlbls tortures. We therefore sought other aid In a Kotanical doctor, who said when he first saw It that ice could soon cure the sore, and give her ease at once, To our surprise he g. ye her no relief, and arknowledged that It baffled all his skill. Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians In vain. In absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly taillna m the mime of her years from her continued sutfrrinx, Under these circumstances we concluded that we would try your Universal Vet Ver(ettitle Pilla.dotermined to fairly test their rurally.- effects. To my wife's rent comfort the first few do.es afforded great rebel of the pain. Wit nin one week, to the astonishment of our selves and every one wino knew oft lie rase. the swellinz and the ill(1 , 11M11 , 1110n began In reams° that she felt quite easy, and wonl.l 4111.1.11 comfortably, and, sir, after six weeks' use she was able to zo throw it the house. and aealn :Wend to the management of het• family which shy had tint done for nearly 1.4 months. In a little over two neon Its from the time she first commenced the use of yonr invalnaht• Pitts, her ankle was quite soundond her Mann het•e, than It had been in quite a number of fear. twrorr. I send von this statement after •wo :est of the cure considcrlitz It only an act of Justice to you and the public at lame. P. S. The Ttninniral Doctor pronounend the sore can remit+. and Una!, v said no :nod couiti he Mute. tin MSS ll* whale of the fi sh tva.. rut off, and the hone sera pcd.— Tliniik a kind Providonce.ithis made u+ reins to yonr pills. which saved mit Iron all turthrr misery, and for which we hopes hO.I hank I'. et E. 1.. {`Sold at 25 rent. per hon. lilt direction.. o , ist-rve t 1,, new iaheis.earh havir_ upon it two pig nature +of Dr. Brand ,1h Si. each lin% Or llse cnoidoo ha. .12iimiarr.—three Brujantin Brandretii and three it Brandreili upon it. 'rite only place In Pillirliurtla where the real Bran dretti rills can le oh:toned, is the Doctor's own &Tice, in the Diamond, hehind the Market house. Markt, the genuine Ilrandrcllt Bills can never be obtained in any drum. etttre. The followin±are the only azentonopoloted by flr R Rrandr.qh, for the sale of his Ve:etable Uttiverial In At Ite•henv roontv: JOHN TYLER NOTICE TO DR. BRANDARTH'S AGENTS The itlfire Putsbureh which wits established for the purpose of constituting agente in the wept, having accam. ribsited I bat object, is now closed, and Mr. G. H. LEE In the fliam ind, Market street, appointed at v aeons for the sale ()frills and Liniments All Dr. Bran/mils agenis will t herforem ndere•and,t hat Dr. H. will >end a travelling agent lit rough the country one,' a year to,ulect nintieye for MICA made and re-tlitply avert s. The said traveller wilt he prtiv bled with a power 01 attorney. do ly proved before the Ulerk 01 the city and county of New York, ( 02 ,th er with all nee..esery vouchers and papery. Mr. J, .1. Yoe, Is my travelliwzneent now In Penney!. Yards, R. RR V.iDETII, N. Di N. 17, Re.tnern'.er %Ir. G• H • Lee, In rear of the Mar. ket b. now my only agent In Pittsburgh. New Yttrk.Jitne 14th. 1843, THE maw. WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. fry- An Individual Only wishes In know the !lett way to Townie It; and there are cone, were It SURILT made known how I.t►s might be prolonged and 11ssism re• roverrd. W . .. 0 would not minat the plan, Evidence Is required that the nein way Is discovered. This is what those sittfering from sickness want to he satisfied about. For who Is PO foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body is capable 017 Who Is there that would not live when hi. rxrurienre can so much benefit hiswelf and family? It is a melanchnly fact that a very large pro. portion of the most user, I members of society die he. t ween the ages of thirty and forty. flow witty widows and helpless orphans have been the conemmence of man. kind not having In their own power the means of rector. Iraq health when Inst. Now an these danzers nod difficulties can be prevented and the lons and certain Airlines*, and by atudstina Na. lure. In theoulset, with a good dose of Rrandreth's This is a fact, writ undetslood to he so by thousands of our eh [sena This medicine. If taken so as to purge freely. wilt surely cure any curable disease. There Is no form or kind of sirkness that it does not exert a cur alive influence upon. Thus. by their power in resisting pu:refacllon, they cure measles. small pox, worms and all contaxeousfevers. 'There Is not a medicine In the world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore it to healthy condition, as the Rrandreth Pills. The Brandreill Pills are purely vetretahle, and so in nocent.that the infant of a moi Ih old may nse them If medicine Is required, not only will) safrly Mit with a cry. minty tifreceivin_ all the benefit nnYdlcine is capable of Impsyiins.. Females may UV' them In nil the cralcal Periods of thrlr live.. The Brandrrin Piila will Inytire their health, and produce regularity in 4'l the functions of life. The same may' e said of Broiaret A's Futerint Rens edit, outward application in all external pains, or sereltines.or sores, it !really 1131..i51S the cure. When Used where the skin is very tender or broken. it shoeld he mixed with one nr two pints or water, tare Tester Geone.• Broadest* Pills.—Exr.mine the hoz or Pine. Then look at the eertlficate of agency, whose engraved date must he within the year, which every authorised azent must possess: if the three latiet4 on the hoz agree with the three lahels on the eertlAeate, the Pills are true—if not, they are false, Principal Ake, 241 Broadway, New York: Jose 16. iiME== By ihe Presiden : MG. H. BLAKE, COIMM/SielleT of the Gen eral Land Office PTO INVALADS. flow important IL is that you commence wit bon CURE OF 4 CANCEROUS SORE Fina &no, January 21,1843 We ore. with notch gra lluda. Very re4peelrully, TINIOTFIY 4• tr,rzA A. LITTLE PRIBCIP•L AGICKT G H T.EE, Pittsburgh Mr..l..hti Robert Duncan— Rirminthnm. C. P. D'elil—Eliribetlitown. II Rnwlard—WKrerport. PregPly 11111. John Jolinronn—Nottleslown. Ch. , -.man —SteWriffillOWll. 41 , 11.11 110110 r, .41131 th ror,er—Tnrenitim. Gomrr., Powor—Fnirvti‘v. DRVId R Corm_ Plum inwm,lllp. Noir! N:m2tm —Earl I.llen Edward l'hompsmn--Wllkimilmrgh Wm. C) Ilumvr—Alien's. -ro THE LIIDIRI*-Why do you sot row,* that ouportluotta hair you have upon yonr foreheads and upper tip 7 By culling at Tri-rt.es, 86 fourth it,and obtaining a bottle of Gourand's Poudrrs Subtle', which will remove it at once withont affecting the skin. You can also obtain Gouraud's truly celnerated Eau de Beast*, which will at once remove all freckles, pimples, erup tions of the skin, and make your face look perfectly fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some ofGouraud,s celebrated Liquid Rouge, wnich cannot be rubbed otTeven by a wet cloth. Also may be found a good assortment of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Bears' Oil, Almond,Psim, Windsor:and other Soaps, Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th streetd Druggists and others can besupplied at Wholesale and retail terms. may 2.6 1842 Headache! Headache! Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS, ARE now known to thousands as a most extraordina• ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon— trovertible fact of their Curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those suffering only ask among their friends if they have nut known of the positive effects of said Pills. and If they do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly too) than any other, then let them net buy them. In these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothing will be said of their merits at any time but what can lie fairly proved by respectable memt ers of our community. Read the following certificate given by a respectable citizen of Alloglieny city, and attested by one of theiudg. es of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny co. ALLEGHENY CITY, January 9, 1343• DR. BRODIE. Dear Sir-4 have for a number of yeur.4 past been af— flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a— rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Stediere re commended fur Os cure, have never derived any mate rial benefit until I used some of your truly valnalde An. tf Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite two hoses and consider myself perfectly relieved from that distresung complaint. I have no liesitalion in recommending your Pills as the best medicine I have ever used. I am acgua:nted with Mr, Turne-, I have no hesita• lion In certifying that I consider the stateanents of Mr, T. remitting Dr. Drodie's P,lls, as entitled to the most perfect and entire confidence. titimi DAVIS. Por ante, Wholesale and Retail at the Brodonfan Pill Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; eel by all authorised a gents throughout the Union Alle's city Jnn 9 1845 WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evana's Camomile Pills, CeeTtrtcATts.—Lei ter from the Hon. A h'lt'm M'Clri• lan,Suilivalt County, East Tenneseee,MentherofCon.zrese W•sRI(GTOIt, July 3d. 1838. Sir—Pince I have been in this city I have used come of Your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satis faction, and believe it to be a mast valuable remedy. One of my :onstiluents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county. Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some. which I did, and he his mployed it very snecessfully in his practice, and says tt is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson. your anent nu this place,^ thinks you would probably like an anent in Tennessee. If so. I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person t t officiate tor the sale of your relehrmed medicine. Shook! yob Tontmission hint he is willion to act for you. Yon ran send the rivrthine by water !nine care of Robert Kinn 41. Mons. Kormville count v. Tennes ~ r e, or by land to Graham k 'Houston. Tazewell, East rennessee. I have no doubt brit if you had anoints In several counties hi East Tennessee, a treat deal of medi cine would be sold. lam noire* to take come of it home for my own use, and thait of my friend.. and shonid like to hear from you whether you would like an oteif at Montville. SlViiiiBtl County, East Tenruwepp; 1 ran net some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Ycnriti respectfully, AHRADAM AI Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by DIR. IVII.LIAN EV NS'S SOOTHING rri(k This Inf.lllllle remedy has preserved hundred- , when thought past recovery, Pout conviitsion son as the Syrup Is rot,! ed on the gums, the ,hlld will rm.( v. cr. This preparation Is so In n"eral, so efficacious. and so nieasnot. 1 hat no eltlitt will retti:e to let hs :urns he rub bed whit It. When 'Want:are at the nee of ilr month: ti,' there i: rn appearance of teeth. ripe battle nI the Syrup Flinn Id he it-eti to 011(.11 the petrel rarentg %lino Id • ever be wit ititht the p in the nursery is•here there are ynung children. for if a elrild wakes in The night with pain lath,. gt.nis. the immediately gives cage, by npeniog the poree, and heatinz 111 P !hereby prevent •nr: CotiVU itont.. Fevers, 4.c.. Far Sale ts' 1,04... nip and retail by R. E FF.1,1,F,115. Agent, wit 10 No. 20. Wo. , d street. hrlor , Second. LIVER COSIPLAI NT cured by the aee of Dr. Hay- Ilcit'A compound ?It renethenin: and Aperient PiliF. Mr. Wm. Rtchard., of Piitshorch,Pn... entirely cured of he ;move ‘llQtrr.ainc dizen , e Fiiu rvtnptnms were pain tod welch. to thy left gide. Irv. of arpeiltr, voinittnc.ncid , ructallollS. a distension or the stomach. Rick Iteirt•ache, furred toneue. countenance cha need Ina citron color, ditTi rutty of hrealbhoz. dielnrhed rest. attended with n cou2h. erect del.iiity. with other gymptoinv 11111 h-wine 2r..nt de raneernent of the (unctions of the liver. Mr. R ichard had the advice or several nhvociano, hut received no relief. until nanc Dr. Itarlich's Medicine, which terming. led In etrectin2 a pe•frel cure. Principal Office. 19 North F.lzlith Street. Philadelphia. For sale in PH14,1111..11 by Samuel Frew, corner of I.lber ty and Wood 9i reels. Pep 10 B• RON VON HUTCIIELEI R FAIR PILLS. These Pills are composed of hetirn, which exert a ' , Decide. action noon the heart, rive knouts, or Arength to are arterial system; the blond is quickened and equalized In its circulation thronch all the vessels, whether of the skin, the mitts situated Internally.or the extremities; and as a❑ the secretions of the body Sr.' drawn from Ihe blood. there is a consequent i acreage of every secretion, and a quiet:pried action of t he alworbent and exhalen.,...42ll,l.nrein2 yr....1K. Any morbid art lon which may have taken place In corrected. all obetrnt.• tl3ne are remand. the blood tugurelied and the body -41%tmes alt ra.t.t.ht! slate. For i ale Wholesale and Re tai . hy R C BILLER: 4 , Aeent, 18 9,2 1 Woad at. below Serond mar 23. 1R43 PI LFS cored by the 'Le of Dr. ilarlieteo Compound Slrenaihenine and Otsrmin Aperient Pilre Dr. Harnett—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the /teem-, firm y.. 0 for the Rale of Your medicine. I formed an arqsainiance WI h a lady of this place. who wasseverely afflicted with the Piles. Pot eicht or lea years t lIIP lady was sohket to frentient painful attacks, and her physician considered her ease so complicated. that he very seldom prescribed medleine for l'or. Thrnuril my persuasion. sbc commeneed tights your Pols. rind was ncrferity cured. Yours. c. J A Itl ES R. K IRBY October 3. 11140. chambershoy, Pa. ri — POfficenntl f:cneral Depot, No 19. North Eitinii qtrret.Plittadelphln. And by Snonnel Frew, corner of Llherty and Wood streets Pivehoreh. sap 10 ! P.ILESI fir U*- "Why will ye !we at this piur dying rater 444 4 4 R: E. HUMP HREN S VEGETA BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, 4.c. o be bad at Tri-rtz's Medical Agency, 86 Fourth at. the only agent in Pittsburgh. Feb 22. NO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations he. come popular, in conseqoence of IL• success and ef ficacy, than it is counterfeited or imitated. To present imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured moulded imitip for his celebrated Totter and Tie) Otnc. meet, with the words *Dr LeirWs Triter rod Itch OW. atom, blown In the glass, besides containing lila written signature en a yellow !Awl outside. Dr Leidy's Teller and hell Ointment, has proved more alb-scions Ilion any miler preparation for Teller, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of the skin eenerallv. It has been employed in salon's, factnrf mond on i•oard vessel. ea , rvln: pascrenterst, where children. as well as Grown persons, contract diseases or the skin from their etiolation. nat •ie, with the moat unexampled 50 , C. ; rertifirmet anti recommendations have been ber.lo foie published from them, and num.-rims others mitlit he oh_ tuned Inc publication. hot fort he object inns most persons have, In havint their nam,s published In connection with such dientrepahlp and loathsome affect fins in no writle Instance ha• it ever been known to rm. It has bern used upon infants and by persons of all amt. It is perfectly safe. rontains nn nterrury in its compositlon.and may be ip.eti unde-atl rirrnmstances. PrirP Twenty-five rents a bottle. Prepared and sold at Dr Leidy's Ilralth Emporium. (sign of the Golden Ea• gin and gernentso and by B. 4. FA HN Ez•TOCK 4- CO. corner of Wood and Stub streets, Agents for Pittsburg. Jo ly 12 --~.~. -.--.. , .m. _ Yours, Respectfully, J B TURNER R E P 1 LT CRP. Aznnt. Nn. 20. World ci rnrtJwtnw Serond AS USUAL. * 11HE subscriber bas just received his santial 'imp!, • Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting is part oftli following kinds—all of the last years crop 4. wart:Sited genuine: Bearags Beets, Leans, Leek, Wttuce, Mater Melon, Nusk, asturiium, Squash, Tomatoes, Turnip, Corn , &c. &c. &c. Together wI th a variety of rot k Sweet bezbi and dour Orders for Seeds,Shruteq, Trees, it c. from Cards.. ers and others will be received and promptly &model F L. sNOW DEN, No. 184 Liberty. bend of Wood K. Dr. SW/MlS—Dear ir:— Permit me to take the liberty of writing to you at this Vine to caws, my appmbetiOd and to recommend to the attention of heads of famitkat and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginiatta, or Wild Cherry Park. 1* my travels of late I hail' seen Ina great ma ny 11 1 1 1 .0. 1 e 1 / 1 I lie wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving Ma dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Cauggkaig Wheezing, Choakfng of Phlegm, A ethmatir attacks, 4e. I should not have written this letter. bow evei present although I have felt it my duty to add my ;toll rnony it for some time. had it not Omen for a late la.. stance where the medicine above alluded to was imair*.• mental in restoring to perfect health an "only child," whose ease was almost hopelrest, in a family of my 11C. quaintance. thank fleas( n," said the doatina i•roimy child fancied from the jaws of death! 0 hoar I feared the relentless ravager But my child is reef Is safe!" Jan 12--1 V Beyond ail doubt Dr. Swavne's Compound Syrup lid Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this or any other country. I ant certain I".a ve witnessed more lima nne hundred cases where It has been attended nub eon, pleie sur , es, I am using it to)..self in an ohrinaie at. tark of Bronchitis, in whirl, It proved effectual In a •x. reedinatv short time, considerine the reverity of the ern. I ran re , OiliPnil It in the fullest confidence of Its superior virtues; I would advise that no fan.lly should he wlthoot it; it Is very pleasant and always hentlieint.—.worts double and often ten times it. Fa Ice. Thr public are as. su red there is no onarkery ahem it. R sexton. Formerly Pastor of the Fir:t Preshyterlan Church. N. Y. Sold by AVM. THORN. wlin'rsAir 4. retail, only 'rent for rill,korr.h. tin. 5.3. Nl2. kel •I reel Pep 10 BOON TO TIT E HUAI A R AlXJ—..Disesvas what vein destroy Life. and you are a great eau. ••Ilisenver what writ prolong Life, and !be steroid twat call you impostor.” -7'hare are faculties. bodily and intellectual. trial* me with which ctrt ill herbs hays affisay, and eeltn 'Mich they have power." fir. B. Thatntrelh'p External Rrrecdv, or Liniment which. by Its exlrnordinnry power., a ,, Ptmets Pain or El:lrene-a; 1600 Sprains. :ill' i lr.iws , % bile pareitinga, Rhenwnite Pains, or Stiffness. Flittness of the Joints, ' Torpors, rnrinioral flardpevs. Flier Neck Pore Throat. Croon. Conurartions of the muselea. Pernfutnas en. larcements. Tender Peet, and every description el' Ia- Jury atTemlne the Exierl. , r 01 the Boman Flame, are cured or r.renily relieved by his nerer-to be erffieinelf =rolled remedy. rearm( TC . —The followinz letter from Major Cep. ern; finiielford, at 10 the qualities of the Eltertial Bean,- dy, speaks volumes: Dear you ohlire me with another honk of vitur excellent Liniment? it in certainly the hest Or the hind I have ever Peen. It ha' cured entirely my wart knee. alnint which I wan Fri uneasy.and I have found It Product we or Inittwillate relief in several caw. 'or eitet• real Injury in tt.y family. A few Pl7rnillTA ! , iffer fay vunnzet child was settcd with a violent attack ofCrout • which was entirely removed In elk-twig 11161 , 1tei. by 'ling her clic.l and threat freely with the Eaterr.af Rem city. 1 think pm oth:ht to manufacture thin Llninnens fo r fomentt use. instead of contininr the tire of It, as yrro have heretofore lone, to your particular acquaintance,. Viturs truly, C. W. SANDFORD the. B. Baxanarrir.24l Broadway. N. Y. [ErFor sale n 1 291 Rennelway , New Vark, and at 1114. offieer to the M imomi, Pitlehn rg h. Pll 10E-50 reit, =II To ' THOSE WIIOSE Ot'CUPATTONS TEND TO PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DIyEAt;E.-1 h of individuals is very numerous. They are Maga who work in an unhealthy atmo.nhe.re. Printers, wort men In feather stores, stone cutters, hakers, white lesil mannfactnrers, are ail mot. , or es= suhlect to diseate ae eorrline in Ihestrenpih of their constant inn The onll, method in prevent lii3PVP. is the orrasinnal use ofa medicine which abstracts from the ei ren tat ion all delete riots bnmorn,anil PI pel,. them by the bowels. Tome in any form are initirinits, as they only -.dt off the Psi lny to make more fatal. The 1/ee of limndreites Pill t will insure health, hecact.e they hake all Impure mat ter ant of the Mond; and the body Is not weakened bet stren2thened hy,.their operation, f.r these stoPui.ble Pills do not force. hut they awd.t nature, and are not oppcsed but harmonize with bet. Sold Ili Dr. nrandreth't Offlt . e, in the Diamond reit. Pries . 25 cents per ho:, with foil directions. MARK—The only place In Pittsintryh where 'ha 17ENui E Ptilsean be otttainetys the Doctor's own r'i' tier In the flinrnond. Pen 10 BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT Or THE UNITED STA:I ES. THE NIETiIoD OF PREPARING • THE Br! ANDRF,THI AN VEGETABLE EX TR ACTS Caveat entpred 9th Jon.. IPC!- Peteot granted to Beoj•Foin B. andie.l-.2fhh Jenua , y, 1843 The rxtract. , or which Brawirerh'4 i ills are cons pmed are nh , ainerl by this w pß , euted prevent, wilhow boiling Or npy of tp•sr. The at live p, iuriplr of the helhs is ;hit, ?wen, ed the same as it is in the The Public shot' dbe caw iOm ul ni.dirineg ree— cnminriidei in edvetti , :menlQ frOM me. in ..hich the CONTEMPTIIILF. R OBBh rts Keats my lan znage. merely altertn ‘ the name. Time will show these wholesale deeei , ers i❑ their true light. THE MEDICINE OF THE 'PEOPLE Or BRANDRETH's PILLS are the People* . Media iue, proved by thr•wand , who daily rerrem t. mend them to the afflicted. The BR ANDRETIT PILLS are ernwiiigzvery da% more popnl-ir, their it toes are extendit.g their usefulness The sick or hoth sexes are dal;1 deriving benefit from thee. No eaue of &seas,. but rhea ran he used with alive*. taEsi. Bliatrhesr,r haul lumps of the skin thew speed. He cure, so with erysipelas, so wiM salt rheum. WI with indigestion, so v. jib rottLhs and clads, so with covivenesc.sn with cancer, 50 el.ll hut parched lips stud canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use WS medicine, and they will find thee require no other. Sold at 25 cents per b..x, with direction,. Observe the new labels each having upon it two, sienaturei of Dr. Brandreth. ,So each bnx of ds genuine has six signatures--three Bcnj4min Breed, reth and three B. Brandreth noon The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the Ur Brandreth Pills CAN BE OIITAINFD, is the Do- , r own OfFo - e. Diamond hark of the Mati , euiestO Mork. the GENUINE Brani'reihPills can ntvetti4 taked in env MUG ST. RE The follovving a% e the t %NLY AGENTS emelt* ed ' v Dr. B firandrevh, for the ca le of his %erste% ble eniver•al P 1k in Allegheny (7onoiy. GI! e—Priucilr Office. Dianumd., Pittsbarib Mr. John Glass—Ahear.l%eny. Robe. t Duncan— Birmio L ham. C. F H. Rnsidal d—Mcii.esi•nrt. Pressly Trvem—Pkwant Jchn Johns n—Nnble-town. ch..s.rn3 h & Sraolr+ii , g—Stewartstown. Asd..ll & Com .11— Chown . Robert Smi!h Porre.—Tarenturo. George Power—Fairvh.w. David R. Coin—Plum Township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilk.mburgli, Wm. 0. floater—ALtou's Egg Plant, Pam* Endive, Peas, Kale, Pep Pees Pumpkin, Brcr_coli, Radish, 80/entity, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Saleary, Carrot, Cauliflower, Spinach, Celerv e Okra, Curled Cress, Onion, Cucumber, Parsley. Mustard, (white and brcwn) Ciueireati, February 15. 1840 fiscw TOOL Feb. 9, 1942. LIVING VEGETABLE