Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 02, 1843, Image 2

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    . •
In* c antic of the day, we went secretly to a priest . Aform.---Geo. Morrtson, Geo. Sampson. fall's election, to sue for admission to the Antimasonic. the past acts of our democratic friendiand the position
ittthitittown of W—, a priest of the eld faith, and Finley.—Dr. hn Pollock, --='-• Johnston. church, from which they have now been excluded ace in winch they, have plaier - e - OfT.Weirtwir n,:...:,=4,----
!we asked him for a charrrt to charm sill spitits from heretics and infidels. The consequence of this division By the Democratic Convention. of last year I was
.11Tijilin.—T. B. Ju latterson, J. Ralston.
the corpse of one. who dial in sin, an .I holy water
Jefferson. -31 . Sneta Wm. Stewart.
1i pr erne the watchera from th: it.s..ault of thesed to throw alt•ny the opportunity by permittiug fac- is not to commence its sesdon wail December next.
,lend; we c a.:lined what we deaired, and w hen ev e n- Franklin.—John a Fowler, Wrn• Neel) • tious feelings to divide us; an easy and complete victo- The State was not then divided into Districts. What
Acg fil, we proceeded to the gibbet on the common. I Ohio.—JamoA Taylor, Atlw. I'inkerton Tl'was the intention of that Convention in the case of the
a fi rs t si m r ialalcal o a ra elves, our horaes, and their Pine.—Jacoh Whitsell, J. G. Arbuthnot. The candidatea selected by your delegates may boat- :tailor„ to pass a law by the Lezislature Ido not precise
f.rnitore, plentifully with the holy watar, we perform- la. Challenge a corn-prison, not m erely with those se- ,ly tralartake to state, but, nu doubt, some of the gon
d East Dcer.—Thos. Neal, James Boreland.
pal tt i tatue operattou on the corpse and the gibbet, an meted by our opponents, but with any individuals sc- demon who were Delegates last year have been re-ap
tt a . riti - , :. George climbed the ladder, and attached West D e er . —J o hn 'Lasely, Grubb. lected by their respective party friends, for similar of- i painted and will be foand in the approaching Convem
,I,ltz clan securely to tho nc tit of the felom , Indiana„—li. :NPCltuen, John Barton. flees, in any part of the union.l don whose memories will enable them to give all de-
We then retorter dto the town, and again, at the hour Letters were than read from Hon. CHARLES SHA- It is not easy to place an adequate estimate upon ! sirable information.
a'? twelVe, we cute-redo:l the moor, and again, on look-
LER and Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, stating their nil the talent:, skill, expetience, public services or private i 4t is very certain I hid the honor to receive, the nom
-.aback, tart saw . the black mats and again , he over- ~ worth of the distinguished citizen who is placed at die ination, and my name was kept on the ticket and ices
to submit their names to the Conveinion for
l .0 - k us ; did' agaiu laying his lEttld on G.Ol ge s rein, he nn hea d of our ticket. Not to know him in the several l, furmly published as the candidate for the approaching
r aid,AirtiHSßernen, you ride bard! but I adult lam in nomination. [The letters are annexed to the proceed- highly responsible stations he hits filled, would argue ' Congress, even after the failure of a law and up to the
:i.-4etthoW is this!" for he found he could not check i ii ,. 1 one's self unknown. But he has been twenty vertra re- day of the October 'election:a That nomination, my
.te horse ired from dm praonce of his profession, and many eiti- , consent to it, and the lung canniumal publication of my
1 I The Convention then proceeded to ballot Incor a can-
We drev. tip by .1,•• )fret, and
in /113 proreco- . Z 011.4 Who have grownup since that time, are not aware ; name, Were, I confess considered, by myself, and gen
ga : his f a ce was full .if rags: he tried, i n effectually, to, didate fin Congress, and on the second ballot, Wit.- of the power of eloquence or the depth of hiaunder- ; erallv, I believe, by cur datmoarat la friends, as making
~vet t h e c u rns: , . It wa; a frightful st i tla; this blac'l , l SIAM \VIL:INi, of Peebles, seas declared duly numin- standing. No man can be better qiialified to meet the me the eatiditlate fur Congress at the approaching elect
loan applied and honked win) all !tin strength, o.te ated. present crisis, of our aniss. In debate he will be foiled ! tion• But, when the question was first put to me pnb
:iscla gibbet shoo!: Witt, hi; Ctiurt, but 111" corpse ic- an orator. active, intt•lliaent. acute, elo . quent. bringing ! it•cly, and in a 1 ad Ire Si. from some of my fellow citizens,
The CollVelition then pro( ecalvd to n ominate a cou
rt-tined immovable. • toliis subjects the lights of f wldg. and the dictate: :I, at mica, freely ralinanished this supposed right,
"Gee:i,dit, Ind La.!" s iwutea ci,,,,tor • la! ha! i didme for Sherif); which resulted in the nomination of of
eXpel il:11C( 1 : in 111'3:13mm; of public policy, a statesinan founded on a solemn act attic Democratic party tierce
1, a! yea liave mety.ou match, I think." I Colonel EELJA it TatiVtl.l.o, of. the city, on second wall road i n co u n try's hiattov, r a id tho'r,mahly M I MI- • able to their long political usaacs, and placed the mat
black man tutted to Chaster; la. shook la'' I ballot. - • 'ed in those p r inciples which are necoaartra fur her se- i ter again in the land- °C m): fellow citizens. Ido not
elentatealfaat him with a slow, yet '01,:t..y natia:m. and .
! The Com cation twat awest intu a nontilattion fur the I .unite. In matters that ralme to our Irx:alinterests, no ! ropent of the act—l rejoic.e ill a step abide shows my
c trilluence to dm party to which WC are attached and
T•: tate (1!.:1,... .W e 511:01 meet agaim'' one ran he bolter a cquaititcd•with all that relate.; to the ' '
after-six closely contest
-41 -tam glad •to hear it, old fellow; any civility I ca n ofnee of Prod/Ono/Grp, when , mannalcoirina and commercial prosperity :if the coon- 1 which give:: to year Convoatioa marammelled and un
aheleyno, pray command. If not engagd, will you i ed ballotingF„ Citoaci: R. Il t ent,E, o f All eg h en y, w „, a , ,
tv, tor iv- oat grown with it: growth, strensoliened with emb 11a:sett the whole ground 1.!.1 look over and a full
' , lir/Midi WI tO-Di&?---.)r will you la ,ri ~w my roan ! 1 ,1.,,, e d i n immi , i , i i on. its .. , retigtli, foal ha; aided with his personal industry fr-mlom at choice. Tu be sure, I had la) ptiwer.tokeep
trinenvend ride. wial 11.310 cos cr t.”n1;a•row?" At this stage of the proceediaga a motion a aillkic in every project that has tend al to dm increase of her Oda fr e edom of choice and selection front the people,
"I - ma borrow your roan limiter, let not Lamm.- wealth and population. In all those great measures • but, still it will be acknowledged my couras ha. romoved
t I nominate Dr. L. D. Gazzaas as Senatorial caadi
roma • Fear In , . me; we hall m;mt again.' .Iral he -' whieh are the distinctive in:lrks of Den coati princi- ' all liability to every kind of mob:lra:sow:it and dialer
watgantea date for Allegheny and Butler, which was carried utiala p le.,, h e 1 1 , 14 been eaaeu tialla a Democrat, and he will ence of opinion among political friends.
NS George and I r ale home, ae a greed. to name our irnon,ty. . enter a new Congress with a reputation that will at I Tim question datTly and perm:tally interesting to
adventure to no person, not. even our 10-,es, and Lo A
c 3
4o b et „.,,..„ a „ ma i „. 1 . of iho 1.) ,,,F 0 . (MCC E'.lVo him a high standin among his fellow Darns-; mysalf now presents itself. What churn has; taken
take testes of the whole aff:dr. emus, and an abilitv that wil enable him to sustain a , place since the bitting of the laat Convention—what
BnACKENIIIIn!!:, Esq. WAS here read.--
About.,a month after these occurrances, we. rode to- gates, and A• contest with Oar! most diitinguish , 4l of his political ad- ' abandonmaat of duty, of twinciple, or of democratic
Adair-to cover, it was the last day we should hunt It will be found published with the other letters. yeraaries. •. • fri tali has there bean oil my part to induce the dele
that season. George au; in high apirits, far the beau- -it v , ; I
...Luc., tone having been consumed iii tile organization In the choice or Cu!. Travillo for the Ace of sivrifr, ! gaff., env , about to assemble to throw off the candidate
sel.mted and held up for public considera
aid_ Rebecca had at lost named the period for Oleic we present you with an old, tried, faithful public offir.er; ' vallmlarilY
of rho Convention, and in making the preceding noini
marriage. I, too, was happy, for Mary had half a soldier of the late war of gallant bearing and &slat- !tits) by your danaocratic predecessora and refuse to con
nationa, it was on motion. Resolved, That the Conven- : , a
premised:to make it a double wedding. Georg talk- goo:at - to worth, and a deals: rat of long sanding, con-'tine their nominati,ol? The onestiou, a; I have hid
ed about the black man. flea adjourn until Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. spicuotia for years by his active and enteaprizing, apirit ! mated, from theam:ition in which 1 live been placed,
matter-must make haste, if he wishes to ride my roan 77 in support of his party and friends. l is one of personal concerti to myself; Inq should be de
:nutter this season!' THEitsDAY. AUGAIsT 31st. Cuavention met pursla Th.. Damn of . Mr. Raldie is fur the fires time before ciaat Iby you upon public grounda, and With that p r oper
lileorge, Georze, don't jest on that subject." But ant to adjournment. Dr. E. D. Ciazzam was introdu- ttle - publip for a Itiahly important office; hut we bell •V 1..! i l'eg Tl : a. whhii lam sure all the delegates entertain, t o
Georgonly laughed. . , cod and read a letter declining the Senatorial notable-constituents. _ a ,
no men could be selected in mre competent to perform ', the: intere'ts of their
We had a gallant rim; towards i I
toe close of which the &Ideas or who -,voual be maro fitithfial and diagaat I In smiling you this note I presume I inns give you
Lion. [The letter and Dr. C's remarks - are annexed
Pramual ourselr ea leading the fiehl with one other in their discharge. It is of the Mat importance to the • unnecessary trouble. I merely write it that you mat, an.
cider (a stronger on a roan horse) over a break-neck to the proceed - Mg..] county, that the situation should be filled by one into derstanddisrifictly my sentiments, and the light in which
ootliltri. A letter was also received from Mr. JAstios D. mately acquainted with the numerous detaila wl!ich.are I view my present pusitiont . 1 always feel obliged a nd
...- Theitteanger took the shortest cuts after the hounds; •
act Rail, declining a forthe apt, a
, Nor, • •••
' nomination L- • 1 incident to time bus
of Courts, cap:Ulu - Ur' carrying tflaukful foc, your uniform good will towards me.
we felt, bound to folio,. wherever he dared to letia. ~.., all Ida knowledae into prompt execution, flotilla? with I Your friend and fdlow citizen,
tore. [lt is published in its Proper place.)
we. thiSli - edoVtr many a a uagcd bank, :col took many a the public records, and having an experience in all the 1 WM. NVILKINS,
desperate leap, until to last we came to ground. nearly The Convention then proceeded to ballot for mum- departaatata of the office of Proth mot Ire, and p0A.3,, , ,, , ' TIIONAS NF.111., Esq.. Tart - mama Pa.
level.hut rising from us in a gentle dope. The st: ea- bets elan': L e gislature; and after-several ballotiags the ed of the paraevering industry that nn. enable him to 1
get led, G.‘orge anal rodeabretast. keep pace with the extension sad Melva-ilia hu :Mess
. oflltaaing ~- „ aentlemett W.2re nominated: 1
Wegained the 51:rrilit of thi : 7... , 0ti .. , :•-,,c. , aLI thin !co enected with the judicial proceetlio. ; of the county.
Joutt At:DEM:of:, of Pitt Totrnshiro'
we - staVur,dang , ,;f; tie ..vaiNe Ca t. 11.! ei.v ,f tilo p , : i,. 'We btaieve Mr. It in all those !nape's. to ho ~ I
piols,dseme ihirty- six X. feet iit height; :tad s:) tanitlan wa: ALEXANDER BRACKENRIDGE, do.: , c l itiified, and recornmead him to the sutfragea of die
the-descent. we saw it not till ton hit a 0:ct! went WILLIA)I STULt ;Los, of Fayette, Dem , ,ensile Party.
thestreager. and as his figuee stood for the ni 3 Onatat -; I.I presentina the name of Malor John A • talercli a to ;
.I.otzs .1. Gcnsas, of Pine. .
f-lgtritnd dignified a ;Tablet the open say. 1 saw tit- lea-11,- tvibliC, we re7:l that w•• aro respo:Aling to the claiiti ,
The Cony:mid o n the:, proc..-tal!al to for the oili.
mots, tv ,!.. to be mistaken, Dud the 'tong scsal hi his of the Germ ta friend; of 0 •maertey, who have stood
hand; • • ces .if Conzaiiss!oner, Tri(7.4lre r, ,4144j.%9) . a nt Cots ba os so faithfully in the battle and the storm, :lad wi m a
attitirgeleaptd do No Cc , preeapiee. I ch ekes{ my an a t ., which resulaad is the notaimition of the follow- uadlninished coafislameo in the maidStdate now nom td.
notabajtiat it was too late. he fell oat r, d:n:ing In!, from , v •:: tia a certain pb-age of hi, taleats, roural .....t, c l, 0 ,,, ( 1
, in," . g-ntlemen:
from the saddle. As I ion. I saw T.11 1 1:i.C .. .. 11 li ,, :' ny - , political integrity.
w it o c v awna ,Goo r ar. am,. af hie jog pale and laeodina. Cow:a/aslant . l ---- J AM as Cc:. NINWIAM, of Mifflin. ; • _ ide a l Braelsenrhlac, I:,s . t. Itasiman an intimate
aastik. the I,';ak huhrsman, tit t d:igs nod tbn cix, w..r.t T re „",,,-410Bint-r G LACS, of Pittsburala ;lv camectod with es io all oar a tar:r: tl rani liste ,s. - •:,
gallantly up tho
a tecnt-1 s,l-1a no in me.— for the law twooty yartaa tam to myna lii n to .; the D•-
a laditor—Ronattr Dosaaasos, of Wilkins.
When I cam to !II; se;:s ~. they w.. , ..e. l•earng me ,nt atr tea i a wee lie ..•, sonic!: t,t to Mier • hall 0 a nen it
Coroner—D AV ID 11.kltiZ, 01 .thegllo.:y.
through my ft th •I'.: : 0r, .. 11 Aea a littso by my sal- lay aA HI atot t! sa ra r t. We noel ouly say. to It G. hl.:
, .
my frimal It WI , : 1110:1 promo. A to appola tislea,-0 , -.• to the beca a Dan Sr tt fr en Os Et at m an • t 11 . dr:w the
Ilearned nitetw ord. that my li .taat wits ts,i , .,i by the ra,;,11 (. . ,..,i , ui _ i„),, , , ..,. breath of li:et tilt to his t altar, as we,l as to hi•nself.
Convention, tit it 13 to 1.1:1'..:t at
• fall, that Goma tha 1 ma, ,a.rac .• al :tat •, la , lot I been ---- • - • "-•- di •1) •aroat, la.ofOas-•at . 11 us heel deeply i.d -Mel,
tiNt ita, WA rant :tO7-....! . t;...' 6,111 iri.: -0,11 (11.2 bltatk Harrisbura, on tha 5;11 inst.: and tit- t almviag gent a t .
:171 I t;ia. thO C:Ar •cr of M.,.. Itr.t..l;o:ivilzo shloo ho brat
t aa m sm an, ti,,,,e l a 11,, 1. , i0 10O0Or into I , ,PL'n nit-atoned mea wore selected as said U •;e.sot-ts—Civtailzers -if c- cure rod into :1 ,1 ,1ye life has es i , ,,,a itself by 11:ii71 pla;:t
from the stable, hold ridder. so 1 Ito . ; at t'..e gt,. in an Ki4bin, j.din Bi
rwin , h ,..
‘I. L.
.1.,,,, , r04, T. , ,,,...
1 1 :0 !1 1:41:Ily TO 61 1 2 V11t1:111 , of oar priaciples.
almostly Mst:de. Col. Gib- ct -,tut ls de:Nasally ill _; I at tit' estinot• Sei
o'...Yeaa i'houta6 Bla_cl - qtruc.
Rebtitca died within tli.yeao. n : 1 i; waa a iw),:.: t into of th.. r),,, , -1....... ~r _alter , bum color : . N..• wpjl 0 1 a •-
hefhittl was able, 51 . t.• Of oi.' tt.7:.1..'r nursia aet my I la w ast ax i a •; gentlemen - W:r..: a il ,,, 111 1. ! ,1 tom ''t a roma or hi: u r,...,,,..,;T2, Rih0r. , ,,, , to tic, O I.rt .". 1. 1.1 r
;said' l ane , to atir from my coaalt .4 pain. I have
,imilar committee from the citizens of Butler a alas:. all eircum .maces aal aaasi .a..! i alit mc • a Is for *ea al
13em; ma ao; hno•S, 1. , 1 •1;11.!O ,Ii 1:1, 111,.. IV 0.. 1 Inn` " an I 1 eli•Mhe pr ia: MA tale o. an I aara , tail ••••• ..-th
, Ila• CI, purpose of nominating a candidate for State .
been tapir,. with my beloved it - 1 tat , -a licliOCCa Mr. S!Ilr: `ll 1. :11 1 1:••;11I -11 iT :1 1 1 11:/: -. .^ . 1 T . 1 . 1.:111 : I *.
and..poor 0 -of g: a salt:Aid to-na ia oar parish eh:troll. a' at! ,- .—Robert Donaldson, Thomas Donnelly, Julin wollknov. - 11 to the patty. and lid.; hlv cst.t,:::;.! by a 10-: •
As - for th --fel n... Ipa aatradt. Iva a: to but Ilia looly in s aa a aa , Jo'in af aar ay, Henry Cassidy.
. ci r cle or a • i 1 ii-it , ore . .. No nil-1111,111! p 1:::: !.1 - 1. :.1 , r
conscentrated gramal, and the giblaat was removed.
After the ad , anion ()lila: followina Al 11.i , i, ~,i a it,. c0 , 5t . 17 , 11: , ' ' liY)rted tl!‘• e'ln!''' "r 1) •td . ) . ''''' . : i, 1 i net
trial aa well as in m , :0 , 3t , or tri0:211 , 1 , , tliao Wm,
ze • •••• ): t: Ir.ui •...i ri. it •..•1.; or , wti t , ex . ). 1;3, 'di
ly, 1....) th.• '....orrvention,undoi oh tt ci.••••iai .-1 , •-•••• i' it Id
1)..),•,, I,alticed to Ciiiii,`llt that hi, n_tin.) •sitould ii.) pr )-
s....itodf..r tha• nutainan.ret
0:•tho ...tad. Id, .f.h 111'...n"' • , of c ~, ,ti-T,.,,, , ,,,,., , .
c,,r0,,,,, C onini,) , i. , ner tual .11t.1i1.).-, w o ,r ur . r ,- , :c , 0 •! : 1) 1.-111; Ir. :a :t ..7: tier 'oat oarly -,11,•i r 7, Dr. 6 tztam
that 111 ate :t.'l ~ • itiont...ni et worth. anlti.nt in' ir go tl- •di 1 aot intou iioh•ae 1. A. 1 tt• foe tit • ,•o 1 4 r ).....i • 'a,
FELLOW C ITIZ t..N.i.: ifwatio". it ...1 ii.,:tlic Li c,in- , i ,0 iry a re 114.1 .3.10,1. , , arn Ili ii,i l C L . • 1011,.. WiC.:in , lid a,• tvis.l to
The dele ) .,ation 11.-.tv a balit to f ierar.tte, after hat ing NViti, -1.: :tat ll ', -LA- 1• :...X 1/2•,`•it. -41 /i. C. • 1 ).-itl t- ..• t 1... C.1.A.," 10. 1.11, / ..•...r of Me irony.
p or fo rlo .ti C li o ar .b l ott,, ,I, l i o f ~...i. elina croulidut , :4 (-171 , V iiit 1 / Irly Cll 1-1 11. 1 , , r ,iv ar Iua•1 1',, , .:• ( . ... , ,-,,1 u- I S , '',' 1 1 •• ,1 :.. 1 .• , ' ". .r. I'd: . Wi.'•••..i Is I'S .•.n '- . 1 Dr.
w,,r), hy of Xollr lrlited 111 lat the eiesning, electiOn. t :„, ,: L i, ~•,r , ,„ 1 i ,•,, ~ I, ~., b ...,, • c,,,, t , a .. , -,,, i ,,. • f!; irzaai. 111.... .1 •h i 1 cull
....: ~, „,„; h t . „,,, b• ~„ in- C, t .:,. -1, 1 .t 1 :1 td Ord t, 111 n (Jr. G.) tlst s,
cut..s•-.. of a. In: c•peesto,tation 01 ni thi. toil-n=l i•-:and •I - co ev.--y 1•,.. tit , i , •.•,•••••, and tile
al ,•'',- i” II." c• ''''.l". of -\ !'''gh'''':•'• W'' l'a" IHT in ll . i U.. tut:: •st tol 4 11z .t. 1. .... a di.) th •1, :1 ..trt ft(' ',' ii ' ( I.' I: ' "X•) "a. •:• 1 1 -•-•..; i• la.' e ; 1-'O%. •ii . :al
tip do I , re-polls:6i nv of unr•-i II 0 io3 10 onr nom •,1:- , I h i. „I, ; , c, •.
_,. ;., , ~,., •so 1, . 1 ~... b .. ; ,,,.1 y,... 4 ,„..,. cwt.'s wI. ch• it i ~• o o. T z, •allelll •r 1 01 la., p trty.-
11' , . co.l-Liic .1.:-.a,, , .1 tho Innen r loco to Ow 1) MI 'C.I-0 r II: ."; I , , re ', o , , .I. • l'io o en- c;,- 1.. ine, . • i T.) this IV CL 1.). 4.•1 11 :ail r is,ied th it, n ,t. I. :Li - un-
Party. ti m: lb • tier- o - ear• a iinond,,ntion -II . .'.d '
II I :Ow fun e nol.l.‘a •.• .1 ~t ).-. •, - o mantis -,••ii.' fI- fu .ralY t•M '• W '‘i 1-, h) w iii..l. cli .....fally s•tri
w.irtily .•t• 'lo ii - a ... it. , l -..,f.r...7,0-;-"and a" , ini! ":•• 1 r lII' 10• X Clti'•::,-: . 1/I`..t M.. ‘l'. ;i it. 11 1 1 IA. d_.-Irt 1111 • v•• tr, to he
I •
1 •.yei , ht of tied r •-.1 , ,,n-i••iliiy. wo I..ave ,-e1 , .....ni from . rti:- , 01.1 - . r I oNs. ti, • ci .a. 1,, • of t,ti p,i,-ty; but AI:. \\'..!•;ias sail
' r " tle "" ..
di '' l "'" i-I '' ` I " I. 11 ''' I! '""" `"''''' "' "... P , --, , ,fr I. lint - i lit :‘; di 1 1,1 o .'.1 . 0., n- 1 , ti,,, -v,. h, w•ld 3 l:b- i. C 1 1 11l it i C., C • 12; • ' ,i.
illV , trills. F•ip..-•••1 w••u'd it ,L 11 - -4 fit , '1 1 , :al .. t tilt . ,
.. i i i
.m ., i ., 1 ,, , 11. i; 1., , 1 1 ,, , A:l).r re: ri:i ii; t I/ 2 a.• 1.•,1•1'7`. r):• (..1: V.'. I I'l 111)lV
-111•Cs! it Cris.. , of nil' Cr. , . .I , d caso-o a t,•,tinr , ll .1‘ , ”: Coo i \ mi,.; i11 . c , 1 A N ‘,,,,,_..,
~, I I
IL., ,
,„ ,
~ i,, : ed I i . ii it i 11' ti'l 111, 11 •% ! 4 11 4 f ,rw 1.• I. 1-• 1 It . c •u 'd
• mend ••. et . nio- i, , i•i-t ' [,'ail. Willst. w- cannot entor
,A., ;
u , 2 ,
,c,, , i.i 1 . , ,,
,•,,. 1 , ,, ,
, v, ,,,, , ,. 3
7 . 1 , , ,,,,, d ! no: ta....••• - ii• ir k. i.• 2 •-• i -c t . his f •.e II:, wi' a La. t- it.
viin the hope that :ill ii ill be •-•••-r.:-iled. or that there will , by .;
In: _
~,. ~,,., :,,. ~,.. ..., ~.. . L .,., ; T ii, ,• tt •11 Lit • .11 X ntl•t ) sh no tut' w.. IL
not n•-•••••• , -"Ari ~• ari,.2 -mu • sore at.,: of Indio) . among.t t
.'. ', • .
.. ,' . n. “ L .
.. " '` . 2 s . . ....I'l . 'tcr te•liont had gc.wv.t twit of tIt•• cont••st for
nat eti:, I ,„ ~. iii. et ti -a , 11,/ • 1 ~,:'• .ti )1 01 011
lII' 1 . 111.3.1 , 1.1 11103.2 1X110•11• 111-1"1t-, 11 111:1V be supp•p.,•d. 'C m a-, , ,, , . I, -• v Li is 11.1 tvi; to binat ‘. and c ..1.,1
br •Iii••• i Is c.:-.1•1' '1 Vil , WO Il ill nisi rot-Indic sun-.
hat ely•en overlookvik—and whilst the tlo'.x•itt-, do n o ) '•,'.' . , - • . '••t It . i nane be c 2 :sure I ltd. it. N/X that alt. III:ni:11.-
i... i t t,:^ l'!”.I'l t of ttl' t e'ttr.ILIIIIII:I• I '
iUrrO:lflte l 0 tllVlll ,, lVe t t inialibili , y of
. }rid •ment.—vet ' R, , , ,, , . i , 7, r ,
i ,
\\. , d i
iFi ,
~ ,i .
~ , ii, , , , ii ,
. I _ l _, 1 ., : , ii „, , i ti.,,, e,,, , C , ..zr •Ai IV t. , ni td .. it 1.1 I u 14 . ..• IV il:iias was
Iwe feel mati.dl that a iieme of part io•i- in. an iidhe- ' "' ' • ; 111,• eau lila'e .1 lilt: piety 1)... Cr l'it.7oll Wou:d
•11s - ri-iilm• to Ow attention of the Naii. , :tal Conceit- . ,
• • les d the nel-now h•cl•'. 1 '
I relll'e t 1 dmoc ra•r rya - ii• .a• • • :rio trt him. art t.I -I• • w.L.; an.al • it ).....tt in the
. ' ~ - ' ti) , . , t , a ,-. 1ai1i. , .. for time Pr... 1.1 • !CV. .
u •/,•••;0, of l ii i 0111 . will in-pirt. ever: rat T.C:I 'v' it ' a rt'l
, R' .5. ,' ' .. : t. That upon th•• m: '.nos of tiro TaritY, '. aloft • ' '''''' '. ' I '' ." tl'-"; b 'l'' ''''' I , Mr• Witkins
ardent 1 sire to 0.1:11.- c. on the rar.ili , l, itoe : or: ~.-lee..- N , I , 11l ~.-! Co 1 tot el' r.tee.yinz., th...... 1 tile s •,....2 of Dr.
. w , in I iv.ir of a p-r na 10.1 t. ,s - s'-in of &L. ie.,—
ed: and to ',artifice on the at •C a eononon t inii. of ;r vi 0
with ‘., , ~. •• ~ . , . , Gar,..tin. .
N t tlie to-tering o, our innin , triiii •
'n i .., a. ahi ..,-, ~,-, -ii -,,,, , ,,i . a . . , ,,i4,,,, ,„,,,,1,..,_ -" .. , aa C • :- i 'II • - tin....,•.1, to ~ Celt hi , fiend. i.l thz p Irtv woidd
, fry It.•II• zof chia ,11•1111111.e.d. The dt• eizaTe •••••it•III,
B'llloll, 11 11... 1111:1 , 1•1-ct ono, is th- I , ez , that 1.11 , act itt -1. Cn. -0, I . }IIt 11 ,1 Pr • -il• ai l' c -•ii.) 1tv1•• - • ir
Pe :.'le I, That tile 1.-11 - ip inii•iiii Ivo t or, s ihtone, I :''''''''''', l I , ' ' ' "-' •- 1 1 eac ll.
foi . I•ti• 11-.1. ll 1 ItlAktr:1.11(1:L I. •••1. , - 0.0 C 0:111111'11.d . 1 . 1. , a :. i ' . 1 "" I ' ''' .1 . 1...1 II I. I t ::, e, th• (ic tip sa'tc,
t i,...i.. 42 .1 fo r t h, p 1i: •••,0_,, , a c .„,,,.,,,,,,i,,i_r„,, , n 1 1 l I. •.•i ,
,1 , , a , i , .
„ ui. ,
.C., :, ,
. 1 ,
;; In ,iiii„in,„ lie ..,t tm I: pr; ,e.,,!r. and the u.ll‘ll.lel ',WC •:53 ..f choir
ti • wir r Its ca.•didat e-. the forco oft illitliC 1.1..1 lin : i ~ : : I . : ::'' . ' ~. ~:. ‘: - ' ~. ,-"
',,, iil•/•••1', r'.. 111.... ...1.: ilt I. i '.i.- II 4 :1 I , :l.sarri 41:11. to the
t ,,,, •.,• 1 , t on.l , . mice- I.to If ••11 1.0. 0 lIll'• 1011 a allsi .
---r. ': 311•1 an adhoreer- to the nerminaticms of a Te t t '' l ' 'l' -', .. 01 • ' .• • po,iti,ial pi-f ::Went of aav i nii, i bed.
OFFICIAL l.'ti.o '.......;i:D:N.:l ; 0,.. Till: •-' ''• , - In ~ I•I I• PAN . ' . : I,c a N A t tn . /al 81111.
: stunted di'1,•••:1110:1 1, 'll-tIV Cl3.,:dert'd :1 , it 0.•,t, o f it: „: ~ - ,-, pct ::, of .: ‘,' ',' .• . 0., hut. ilk .01...1 1 1 ~-, Cit• G. ,V / lei , 1 /Ill.:. '''i 1 1V . .1 Ai)
t% . /L ., 3 ,,1 v e I, 'init. the (0v t.l ' lasi. i••Sill.ga 01 cll . '
Democratic Convcation. . divilual It mot .If the nomination of your drier I. .., Democr.itir I•cii.ol, from th , , lwa Ito th..: foot.
• I , ••••., .••••••, ph!" in.: the iinp•:••••)•,t 0!1100 of Ca.ou '
. accordance with the call of the conimitt , o a gate, is to lie counteract , dby ti di , ite tve IT.ay I I.- . ( ~ ,, , ,,ni,5i, ,1 1, 1 1, ..,,, the , a t.; 1 ,,,,,„1 o f ,1„, p eo p le , m ,,,, t , .
• I'm r TOW N5H1P,33.11 A T'Gt /T. 1 C 11
CeineSpOildt:llCe, the Delceatt., from rho suvoral .earth terrain. of has, some fay.•rite or friend elven dto ..t. , , ~ , i i
‘ ,.. t ,,,, ~.,;„,..„,.; „,„;,. I
flee. the con-4•mienee must he that the party w ill bate I I?
~ ,, , ,, ,,i . „.,, . ,• , • . ' 7'o the Dc', g tie., t., the. Dcazecratie CC7I V e 1:1ion of
an d townships, met at 11...) Coln, lien .0, on AVednesday, i „., 1 ,, ) ,,d c• , • i ni i i ree.talinoteilit,L; toe tte.i.et
o u.lion, and never he able to fare its phi ical • . '''' ' ',-, - • •/ • ' 1 1 • •, ,, c •
Sl'lt'll. l, l t.” our /,‘•morratic ur elven oI toe county, • .• •,, telly •een !/.
Abg,ust 30, 1843, fur 60..11:trim - sr C. nrimmatmg, a it, , enemies, however in.ignilicard they may 130, Or 110 Wt, ; , ~ ; , ,
~ a
e•,mpes, 0, ”i g.,•.d in• n tia t r i ce , Ns 0 nun 11 , 1,nti% } ,it,ernon.— It t h e 5 el.!. na•tcring mirk of . CO :4' l .
be our own numerical strength. The Ll :', ,
41.0 IX; supported by th . ), 1),4 at .cratic party at the en- err great may
inot. 4 _ , • o ir.el, , •s ~ ,,,lii-ia, u tily it, use ail honorable, ful••:.c.o, evinced is cone In:nab - non. norni.in:i in of Ille,
• leading: principle of our parts. i s. that n majority shall '
sting October election. The Convl••uthin was arg,ani- ITI 'I ..., to it`t'llt , it , . erltteti,n. for the itupora.o. ILA 1ii.21112, 11.1):10ral,to offirt• Ilt . Slat,.
govern; and that whenever the maioritv Lets once sno
z4bs,• appointing the t•ollowing officer,.: lien in an authoritative thrill. 114 behests shall be con- Je• ,', • / Ti,t t , • p,... , ,,,'11ia1. , li , , i :tied by the Si•da.t ,, r, •ile.i.. , tta . o IA Inv aif •i--, .ed than 's:-••; but, at
dll - - ..r. 1- I) 'iii •• 1 • fife 1..),:•m , ,..r.ti •n-•- If ‘• ' ' 1• ' I
tile :ante time. tai sne to res,nwthloy exorei.s. I t egT.Ll
Di, JOII\ POLLOCK, of Findley. President. ! sidered a s the cliemtc of the ugg,regate wisdom of the ` ' I '''' " ' '!' '' 1 "` "
noWitERT HAILE, Esq. of Ross, 1 I people. tin , city.
.R.,,,,,„ , „, , ,1, 't Iry th • 1) •1.• r•i•, , ,, ~lect to tin sth ct-atic
. that niv views of th.) rizhts aid usag es of th Demo
partv .sill nut permit.m,. to neeept the ' nia-
Wx. KJ:RI:, E-1 1 . of 1.7 p. St. -Clair. 1 Vice 1 . lieing well assrired, follow edi t . , that 1
or., w ariteret I . -, •
Sept. Convention nt I . •trri-iint•ii, be. and they air non. Ac ' riling to tleise usages, tit" o.ll) o Cratit , pai.•
Joan SA/R.111:R, E.,q. of Lawt enceviiie, j . PresiclyhtF. feClillgi 11111 y 1/ . 0 entertained. either by ritndidites thorn- •
. • hereby ia..tru-ted to sly:port for itorni iltii.tn U.-i Clnti.l tv lif Butler comity fire, this year. entitled to the Sena-
MICIIALL SN Er, I:sq. of Jellerscn, , selves, or 11111 r friends, tit their having flilce. in anprlll. I ( . 0.0,ni , , i , ,, wr ,.
rail.:, III•IV 111'11. and not anv wit) are torittl candidate; and even if, by . a f•irmal aad pultdc
; nation, and the disappointment of their expree.tions, " , • 1 ' • • , c ,•
IV'. S. Mat/hetes. of Fayette; non' in the servwe or eirtl.ovnt'ot 0. t.io iitit.l.e. , (WI, the democrats of Butler CUll:I!C had a Is•ra.d their
that they Wlll, 110vertholra:4,nnt permit stieh disappniat- .
. . Jeh a Haworth, of Al legAteny; A 1)1)ITION AL RESOLVTIONS. elahrt.., still it would not, in My eltialon, he competent
merit to render them IC'ta active and efficient in gis
tT. B. Patterson, of Nlifilin; Sr.:cud:tries • for the present r_'onvention in Allegheny Fouuty, to
-L- Robert 1.097201,1 , ,,e.,01 sv mons: Min the nominations now tnade,—we roceed to eall 1";'e so; vcd, That while we freely alkin , Wled..; - ) the
tu g p
- nominate fir the State Senate, the tlek. , ates not hay
your attention to the cheerfulness of the pro4peoto he- I merit:, of other c tudil. ites for the rresidenr.y, yet . •s•
4."."'httries Burnt fi, of Pitsbur;dt, in; bt•len tdected with reference to [hot a n on, In
fro It. and to the anticipation of vietor, Which now nut' own rst:Cl - 1 AN AN is our fir.t :lad naly choice
After the olfmer4 took their seats. the districts WIT('
rre,r,.;;;3' •II f the C tr Committer, '
ri u orrespon mg:, no notice was
itself to the united Democracy - of Alleghonv for that high awl 10ine.M151..) smtioa. lie is a native . tilt. "
: - ...onea, over,..and the fellONYim r - deleTateq cppenred and county. The oprOnents of the (..) moeraiic Party, hard. 1 son of Democratic I'etimvivania, he Magpie that a Senatorial candidate wa . 3 t .,,
all entlghlened g iven,. 1
. - , . 1 111,` stileted, tint), Cu far as I hase been able to le.trn, Was
vseuteki their crolentials:
ri •- • • ih• ,0ce....,..,5tii and Scarcely' fortrridable v. hen :toned l.y • statesm an , rt feat'less cleft:ado' di due cit'are-it rii.;l34, . , ~
tote ,
.. ~ , :,„ tile-Iliy•el tilent,l.llCa at any to. tate pri o ..m., In .„ 21. .
. erif Pk" Vitt - Silt n•-lif. 1 tbe bonds of political nano, Imre nmsr hecortte tii..idwd lan el.eme It Ora. 0,., ap li at, Ita ‘tflta'.llem, , , , ,.t.a r,..0,1- i 11,,,, •
, upon a .ta nition ia Whiff) tlicir pri•le and prejudices . bititi 1. 1 , 1 110:•••• , t man. :Ind the hiight?Fq oerniMant in' ', ,
Ist NV rd. -1 I • :Ory c,...,iay, Thomas Keo • • ~ , , . As re :; I. '
,i , LAttl ,, l'l t tii. .1, ,,t 11111 ' V, it•llti 111 ,. several
oi - tve cony dotoly triumphed over the very little priori - I tic :American Senate. 111 , Putt gave ti> the tariff, . . 41 . .
. 1 . 4:"
...., . - .
ti '' JOllll IriVia, Char:Vs BtirtO tt• U lt. they cyer possess •I. 'f he Antinta.ionie and 15 hit. 1 ; trent-owed in the .-.). 1 . •••..ur
t. . 1 .,. t .
~., tre w I ) ,•i a z:tor. all nut pro , perity. Allegheny `• 01)ifi '• a( ' " lk- 1 -etc • :• • • •
. .. . ., authorit yto noini.late is It trri.•Atiosiaitlo, sad ther.f..re
4kl '' Thunia- U - Neil, J. D, Kelly l • hictions in this county, always at dagzers: points wheit County will support BUCHANAN with the
zeal and ~ , ,
I can e it , pwasure No perfect fry..dom renew nly
4th - - Rebell Galway, Samuel Snee 1 the spoils of oirico were :Mt to be (Evicted, rieverthe• fert , n) -It. ga,..) tlt•• ii..r., 11l N •,• 0, , ,,,,,.,.,,,
1 ,1, , a , t ~ , , t - T yrt. tho tioket you have formd, except on
-1 less cei,,, , ,a 1, e,..b. , ,,,,• ~.,•:3 the pet•i el of the annual Re io!re , l. Tiro idt.11.1111:h J Al'S 1:::S l 3 ll CII \\ .1\ -
• ! Atli • " Jantrs Ormston , William Wilson , y,, , , lv vom• ea:id:date tor the State Senate.
1, elections approarlivil l con;tlious ~,f their numerical do., no. carry the in ICs. add scars of a.l ACrtit . -
Ai.t cattmer• i NV1710.1.11e , ,.. lit t l e ,2, ,jki, , :: ',i,,,, I /,`. 3 .., b?,p lig l i i al', m i. The or a.l 0:INSON, yet he was an) nix the lint of thn , •
If w trot ie diagt of go, a 1 will tow llttlri me Lace OC•
: bt Wtirt.l.•• •• J • •
litLWarilio 6. Slaingi.!? ,% •
; _ntimisone lizitez.„l: l •l.o..ed to 11:Wc , Ow zreate..:./ name- 1 _'oath of Itancatner to b.. , .•- the comi.,-,-t... t t f hoitt.. and . .-
casioned t w mistake, it i: such an error :Li i erirapi few
* T i ro l strength, have ~,,,,lly c o o n-it i . ; -.1 t,..; .4,•:,•.I•ot for , till dim `31 . 07 circle to In , •t tle • en... 11 1 ,4 of our be- of your ,),, I • II en .i t I • 1 i. mplun il but for in.: to
el " Charles Wallact•, L'i..le) , Townsenit
themselves the tau. e, ~;11,..,„„•. , . 'el .11 1 by • ir.ile ont, to b . t„- can 1id , t..... ef filet p.oetv.
in the C U ontv,e.cea,iammr I- , lov,ni (7,t,ntrli not a. a C.o111•11 1 , 1,1.•:-, •but a.i. an I'l°l
- '- John 3.1 M'Ch....'nev, NVilliani 1>altell: I , , nti-l•b • Vitriq'i.) /' wi .oiole fo- the sake of ellice and
, scrowmg to tiwir gro.,l‘ Lootid tries a boil ei n '''iaw.-- - -. ' `sr , im,it'ile v•sl , l iter•r; 41',1 •by si.l.• with 111: t.,11:111, w ' • -.. 1 , . .. • - • :
316 • " Itephard Dewhurst. G mr,re A. Kum'.
t Aitlinugh-th!-Ota - • not ri'.w ...., ..• . • 'the • ' • i'i ,o • • • . 1 , , 1 • • -
.att:l•ea cros tags 01 I 4.,..), onizeno; into .r. I 1 1.1 no -‘1 ..z,t) combo: a .
; - that is a p.i •r• I h Ivo thr.niMont life rzfusecl to pal ior
~, o.itic..ll pre% rag nt.
Birming4am.—James Salisbury, Edward Enct•P • I the NVlliv , v'n• tin ' n'i 1 a rail. a thoullt•ifter eaiiiil.i.. ' ebioft•lin foil by 1.13 11-1.1.1 i, his co•waz.... szeliantry, P • •
- I c :tern i cram 1141 tlz.ce_saln to pit..., ..ithirt.is slut
'le 1 , ..--!!. and but-tt•rousillteate..ing of seceding i nod brarcrzs were novo - disputed - • i
. than dug" you fa tit. • Yoe , : r, , e.pecmh'.c -ote r..hich I re-
sub.,:.!io tile ri,ci,ion of
Tur. nz , :ocnAlic 5.1,“15A7, 64) Nliny
(1,1)c illoniingi3ost.
~ 11110 R .,
JAMES A. Cill3SoN. Fine,
sus:llll , F.
'GEORG!: R. RIDDLE, Allezheny . .
com-413,- - itosr.a,
JAMES CLNNINC - ;liAM,:'.lltEin.
AUDI Trott.
jierbin.scp.—W. GI ibbe n ,
Peeblel.—.ltlln. 13. Ciro 7e Ferree
Sz.ev.-Art, .11C.GirlieY
riltrilkias.-••Erlwayd Tipmpioll, Robert I)unaldsou
Reserve .—S. FPlker, J. NVootlt,.
Sharreburgh.—P. T.. Wot Ni. Brn.ton.
•Lakrenceriiie.—John S. ber. J. O'Brion.
hover Clair.—Joh3 1). Miller, A. Frew.
„tipper Ci. M. Beltekouver.
.-R o i t i,—Rabert Hare, Jana; .McAleer.'
Jarroi I'. Ay Ja toes Scott.
Vertailics.—W al. L. N1.112r, .1. R. Crisman.
Foyeag.v-Wal. SturGe.) e a, W. S. .341atitetv!..
. .
The Cum erti.ion ;la j.iarne‘l
from th !Awl; taut he.on whilip Iliac , ' the tract;
as the tall elections have tl.?proac.c‘d, -ull have gene
rally been repaid for their sacrifice !1.)“,)r. d.r. I priori
ples, by haying a tub thraw out ft{ ;l: .
f'eli.iga confidence of tir . .ir own
stren;tli, or believing that the Whigs. llke; !he '
more tit y are abusA, will the more readily rend •r
themselves serviceabb., at length concluded upon a se
parateorganization,—having it to their auxiliaries to
come in under it, or to take ground by theinielves.'.The
con.equetien haA been. the formation of two complete
ti;:kets, sustained by Antimamnic insolence and arro
gance on the I:ne part, and by the slender remains of
Whig 'wine i pie o the other. And it s , :•ent; now to be
tbr p 1:60,14 -.onjecturc that the humility of the Whigs
zbot v tr i ciutli 4, 1 •9 1 ), to atiauce them, at least at this
; Cek C.I I ' M' III: G,lngrl'l 4l .l. : llr.l ilOrtilltl.44.o, ',II Opp-it : XI!)
to "..zritlenl , ..a :4) dimiditilish,al t' if coin petitora. The
To Col." net 7'hornas Neel: 1 C0: foil that nominntian Wa4 a peculiar one. 'file
Ilou:-:wodp, Auz..29th. 18-13. ! course adopted towards me was; !....1 sav the leapt. u. -
-1 tialuado ' •atice will, fa . r and itacatarra.pletd So far did vi afictive calumny
Dear Sir. Our lung aa,
addr..•- , iing thii letter to yoti. It -, tint even an infamou: ties\ spiper was e,3-
contain tint P. few 'svordi- - -noti6iin; secret—nor is it in- taiiiiAlA for the exlire , s and excia,=iye purpose of ren•
secret influenesuch an intention would . t i er ing me odious. Regard for the future harmony and
be' wi Inwards you and unworthy of any candidate.. succe.s of the party, constrained me. to submit to the
I nun opt ih the habit of carrying Icyphr=inal . injustice, a nd to advise my frinnds not to retaliate be
or my vi/•w> of Prik . ate. ambition into the bilsineSS Of arrai 9 - 1111 T, before he public, and in h view 01 r n
lie elections—nor du I ever interfere and personally common opponents, the past p...itical caaructers of my
electioneer upon any oneasion where lam rov.elf a cam competitors.
didate for the confidence and suffrages of the people; Conscious that no part of my conduct as a democrat
Stilt irpon the present occa.-don, rendeOd a peculiar t or tts a citizen mcAteil Or denunciation heaped upon
one, and pat t icularly interesting to myself on account of
Augtt , t 30, 1343.
To ti.e Dd!eTalesasscmslGd yr cvnrcr.lion.:
Gmtlem-m, TlPpovr. brea muclimisly (+ciliated
that I hare declined h-.!ing rom , iden - ni a candilate for
Co m!....5.5. I hii.v^ nor thoriy.-d mports, and
c.ffisider iQyAelf. and sr . ' M De'elzates to e.a , i4 , r
me. a ~,!)(11, 1 ./ t.. 111. No perm?' ha.=
been to withdraw my num. from before the
Com-,mtion. I, honvcv;r, in the alre-
L. , -vio.4 to actin vfor my in the r.;atiner they
n;ly Oda% Im.t suitetf to Or pr , sotit c:iiqc,ir.y,42l4s4ch
wi,l tr uroph Ct prwowinc?..
obedi;mt ••••
:3 It Nt Ylt
G n • 1 t.t t. \I G L , .za.nt wa
ma.. mt. i t • • il to al dr. D..tc
;to' iii oat tiorn woothor in
tit • S nomination. IViticit rrotion
It c trri d,
. - a• .1 CI: , .!‘ 6tia cu .t a-tfiriti r:
-at t !•tpll 1: t I._!t4lli ,v , tv :13+4`.40 '
I t a 7 1':1l ,C :i: 7r.
f•.a l t 1 az. art C.. a t,' , a aa,
e 11.11.12,:e a.. 1.1 .1) i Icrl J
4 . 17 I, L.l; el .v)1 _I r.a 1:: !Iv
• ! 1 n 1-4 -a • 1r i ,0
cu arcr,a,.l
me, 1 was content s and am still content, to rest under „,N,111,111f 1:1112r AND raft& • .POU . 7- 1
.I—r...frames - made against me, mail the minute of the NA'."i I /LI'ART3II:". I
influences brought to_hear against me, can be exposed Sureau of 1 3 ,•:•c. ~ is ej• Ciothin
. .7.
without detriment to EALED l'lti :1'
the Democratic catrie. .v.0;‘1 , 1 14, 13-13. 4 )
CI , ,SALS,. e..dorm.d
\Vial respect, I remain, "Fr.,posal ..,.,, r
Yur fellow-citizen. lO Beef," and • c r.r osa s i, r Fork," as the ease may
EDWARD D. GAZZ AM. be, wiTlbe r,a...‘.1 at ;hi • t t'll
_._ :,. ui,i 3 n'el....ek P M•, on
Monday; till ...e,. ~ ..ii dr: . i 0: :Ai r next, for furnishing
In Convention, Aug. 30, 1343. and deliveri n !, fr.‘, ~t a',l cost and risk to the United
Atgx. Bnacxr.saition:— • States.
Dear Sir:—The canvass for a Congressional nor- Seven thousand eight hundred barrel+ of Navy Beef, - -,,,,
inatiou having resulted in the choice of another, the And seven drat:and eight hundred barrels of Navy
' undersigned delegates respectfully solicit yenr permis- '
sion to use your name as a candidate, for no mination on each barrel to coutain not less than two hundred pound,'
the Legislative ticket. B ..lieving that our State Le. net weight of Beef or Pork; no excess of weight.ineitir
gislaturc. at this tima, presents a sphere of as cinch er article will he paid for. To be delivered at the re
importance and usefulness to the people as any other spective Navy yards and Naval Stations as followst-7..
in the state or nation,the undersigned indulge the hope 1 Bbls. Beif. Bbls. Pork.
that you will comply with their request, seconded, as 94 4 - 94
it is, by a large number of your friends. 2,258
565 0.,
2, 23 i 1 :'
\V. H. BROWN, 2,563
J. GREENOUGII, 107 . 107
15 15
J. D. MILLER, 2,563 2,563
J. SALISBURY, 15 15 .
K. ENSELL, 47 47
To Messrs. W. H. Brown, and others, Delegates.
Gr.NTLEMEN: — In reply to your note suggesting
whether, after having been a candidate for the nom
ination to Congres.l would be willing to go an tick
for Assembly, I have the honor to answer, that I
know of no reason why I should not cheerfully accept t
the latter position, if the Convention should think pro- 1
per to plac. , .! me there. Both situations are honorable;
and if the one presents a wider field for distinction, the
other is nut less responsible by it!, more immediate
bearing upon the familiar interests of the people. At
a time, also, llte the present, when a happy termina
tion of ? the labors of the Convention miy be requisite
to the election of our whole ticket, every candidate I
ought to evince a spirit of concession in yielding his
particular wishes to the will of the party: and therefore
I am ready to run over . the same course I did last year
if required.
if ruminated, am} elected, I trust I shall be always
found in support of the closest scrutiny into all alledged
official abuses or corruptions: and I shall vote for every
possible retrenchment and reform in every department,
believing that the strictest eco“omy in public expendi
tures is impefiously required as a means of preserving
the credit of the Commonwealth, and avoiding the ne
cessity of heaping any further leads upon the industri
ous part of the community by taxation.
And, also, as the ensuing Legislature Way he pecu
liarly occupied with questions of great fluidly tiud
importance, I ally ads that it shall be my chief aim at
all times 1n carry out the will of the people, looking tor
no other.rmarti than their approbution.
I am, ivspeciful:v.
To the Members of (4c Democratic County t..."0P1
As Lorne A' my friends 'have - named me in conneaion
with the Dt.rneeratio nueeinutien I I bed
leaVe to qate that Ido noi.d•-air that my name should
he thos turd. att the present Limy; as I think it would
be more conducive to the success of the party and its
principles, that some one old-r aitd" more experienced
than ruyi k elf, sir-mill he th , recipient of that tumor.
I d not deny that I Frei ambi-iou4 of political pro
m :ion; nor svini.d I be wa.,tiaz in int nid .ince in ur;iii,;
my c•aitn3 (if I had a:ly) upon the Domot•rucyi—yet.
oppositioo to the array of 1111/1135 'ad; I ix.ira:ily
spoken of, as the 'city candid ite,,'! I make no prote:.•
to 'rho stipport of the party,'
wit.; that it is to to • C'') •ot trl ir. nary
i'7ll , the :Y2:i111 Il\ eq. •r of 4-o tII ,
fr po,hio - il tta' . - ••'
f7r7=C df 0"I {-1,! -, fi: Ariezli-ny
.ttt ny tit' of too Con..-.2l:tioa
of too 30 h A 131::
John B. G , lthrio.
Col. .Tame; Scott. Cham'on , b i , St2vea,
liaie, Jolla Nlureay,..loh
i nil their ceatra d -
llo:.d; in one- h . ....d lit- amou.d of the respective cons
C INCINNATI MARKE".f.S.i tracl., , wit be required. and tell per cement in ad.ditiai
FLOUR.—Toe LOU R.--..rise m trierwas Ss i.llOlll. lIIIICII atlimatit):l 'xiA be withheld frtnrn the am num of each payment LO
Li,,i i :2: CIL' .:17.2; pa;-; of the twee'.; a',1)11I tli, middy. a be made, as cultateral security for the due and faithful
m d at 1.,d sprtintT up a•.d the price went ul' as, hi i; lvanrormance of th d.r, , sionctbc contracts, whieli will oh
,ii fit
a- 31 in- le.!. licelac _tad. but us SlO d. :1 as the de:na.. no an.:uu It be pa: :
$.l umi, tlv3 cuatrte2tA are complied
„. , a: ., p. i„d i t 1 ~,p 0, ,,L1 ,„.., a y t„ ta , ,h a opet .i i ,,,, rici ., With i:: ail respte s. and is tube forfeited to the Uliitva
whi .:I w.. 1-: 3,;l0, a .nd we he I,:i of a i'e a. sties which States, in the event of failure to etaniite the deliveries
wt, -. t it', i,twer—s3.37. But thore were o:,1v a f ~ within the Irc scand period.;. Ar,(l in case of failure
salt.s m the laser nn ad of the vv.:4A, add tile m miet eto- n.l the part of me cii.itrac: tn. to deliver the atoms is
.:-,e,1 with it lot of a'a.nut O'l h:)k. a: :.•?3.60 it .d i , sitectl en. beef and pork within tile times specified, the Chief of
Gt....! N.—W.l etc cane in by wa:aus di mod rate the Bairll.l (11 . l'neisinms a: d Clothing shall have the
i diti -I. and noon- by cotal. 'flat mid-rs v,.,rr ri;iii to direct pureltases tube made to ottyply the deft
cr: 'l5 - indinelts, and an excess of costs shall be charged to
navi I: ti, s r. tr d le 74) ..—totdiv, the saint. Corn
u2l • ; Oat- , 1",x18::.; Rye 31a371e. ! and paid by the contractors. Payment -trill be made
Toaseco.—Sevorm ha..tdred puads wera received by the United States (exceptim: t,tl per .encore CO bo
by the at-:al last wee::. Oar figures fur leaf, per cwt., withheld until the completion of the corm acts, as be
are $'.'21,3; twist .lase.; isv. cavendish 8a12c.; '. do, fore stated.) within thirty days after the said beef and
16130.7. pork shall have been inspectl and received, and bills
the proious week, but there crux no extra demand, . agents resitcetivelv, duly ap-royed by the c, , mmandantss
and as it Milne in it went into stores, m em w ,,,..„ .of the r..*pective 'Nat.:: Yard. and Stations, according'
same sales on Thursday, to fill out a flat-boat load, at ,to the terms of the contracts.
17 ied aod the day fulcott nig it was held at 17i ets., 1 The parts of die beef tube excluded will be portico
hut tIo son; ‘,.,. 1, I.st. sal , ns tot Saturday were confined , Ittrly desd:auted in the e n Tracing to be attacht dto the
t .,, small lot , , at 174 r. ;tad 17.4.7. Lie form .r i; a fair co.ttc..ct s; per-,..0 i4t0r.,.....,2d. can 01.raia t../ rn on appil.
(potation for the market to-day .—Enl. of Monday. , catma a
CC t S Sil th li tiis 11i.:c..
SUC:I4. r•_-3 will be forthwith nrtifled of their
rico-Iqm tee, and a contra-t aid Load will be traamalt
ited t. , therm. which must be executed n..d returned to
t], i ' Ben ant wit :i:n :Itin-tv Itv, au: 11-430.:,
l: ------
i •111-1 w.);;•:;:.
JAM:.". D. T;102;:v:2.7:11.G;1
i?ort of ipitts bur gl).
c--c--- I
Reitarif'cli b , / .C. -, 0 , 1e and ili/.eliell. Grneral SCeam i
.3 titic tr 3. 1843. i
Zoat ..4gent.s, IVatcr street.
i A DVICE hati ~r been r!ct ived. fr.an 'he Erg - is:ea
..A . to I. i 1 0.11 c.. ., at Le:,i...;:to. , Missouri, that
't w ENT r-rwO INCIII:A . r...vrEil IN Till: CIIANNF:L. tli , „ Jr , ~, or' that O'Xic to the town or Clitann,
According to Coppcli Mark, at the IVood ,tr,etSVlVer. in Ho .ry county. as dir..ct”d by the President, will be
! e tieouxt on or about the 31 day of Ju y next: this is to
c ! iye notice that the la:. h• sa:c of la. ds ordered to be
i.,,..a at L xi:.ct ,n o:, tia. .N:01.11 day of October nex.t i
14 tlie Eci.ccutlve pruci.arratioe bearitg date the Bth'
2. t., wiit he 1:‘ id at the time priscrila din the ti wn ot'
Ci,,iaton ufon-saitl. Tl - 1.0. H. BLAKE, _
Juae 30-1 twt. 10 Commissioner,,
Ordia, Bowma 1, Ciacimati.
Pi t d 1.
Roso of Sharon, Evans.do.
Jii suet, Ingram, Cincinnati.
1;0•el Bnat Lucy, do.
All b rat, mt. k .41 thu4 (*) in the alxive list, are provi,
dtd with Ec ins' Safety Guard to prevent the e"ptosiun
of stea7n boilers.
Role Leather.
it SIDES of Bart.more and New York
ft." V S,ite lemtber: nisa a gensiat assortment
of Mortice°, Lining and Binding. Skins, for sale by
repl2-dhn,trwit , . No. 83 Liberty street. •
0) nil LIGHT HIDES, suitable lot. Upper
VY kJ Leather.
900 heavy SpaniA Hides,
250, city :=latrjhter
700 Ma.h'a4 Goat
In store and ter sale by
s q,sl-:11111,3,:vv2t , No. 93 Liberty sty
Lade Leathets
G: t " ;311 SIDES L-da a r.a very superiot article
V./ V for s_wiaz M'Whi e B.qtA, far sa.c ov
I mSzwtlt NO. 83 Lib-rzy
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE purtnershi;) heretofore exis under the
-Lyle of Devine & M'Antity.ls this day dissolved
by m: t :al consent. H. Devin •14 to collect all Sims .
iftio to th • concern. and pay ali claims contracted for ALi p.puiar
the cancel - a up to this date. _LI L'iv J m •.i.r:•celved at I:',hs•er's S.O air t. Agebef
CNiut, oppo.:itc.• the Exchange.
37.11 - ; 1 3 copied' of this
e•-v w - tr . ; t•-• •!•:, , ,1 at i'•-)ster's Si Clair-streei
H. Devine respectfully ir,f4 , rm , his friend. th " A i-v aid Literary Denot, oppasite the Excharigez
•, that h.- still continues in the Traasporti -, F,
totefm mid t h at he bas removed the of the. U.
S. Portable boat Line, to No. 43 \Varer str-et, next rri HE CLOCK MAKER, or Sayi ins at.d Doings
Ltior below Lewis Hutchinson, where h-' will receive I J_ of Sam Sick, just received at Fester's Agency
and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest 1 1 and Literary Depot, St. Clairstreet.
terms H. DEVINF• atir 3046 r. .
Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843
At Portstmuth, N. If ~
At Boston, Mass.,
At Brooklyn, N. Y.,
At Philadelphia, Pa.,
At Baltimore, Md.,
At Wtoliing,ton, D. C.,
At Norfolk, Va.,
At Charleston, S. C..
At Pensacola, Florida,
At Now (Means, La.,
Said Beef and Pork must be delivered, one-half be
tween the first day ofJunary, 1844, and the 15th day of
April, 1344; and the other half by the 15th day of June,
1344, unless earlier deliveries should be required by
the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing:77
Offers must be made for each half separately and dis—
tinctly—that is, for the half deliverable betwen first of
January and 15th of April, and for the half deliverable
by 15th June, 1544.
The Beef must be packed from well fattened cattle,
slaughtered bAween the first day of November, 1843,
and the first day of February, 1344. and weighing not
lass than sin hundred pima's, net weight each. The
legs and leg rands of the hind quarters, and theshins
and shoulder clods, and at least eight pounds from dgit
neck end of each fore quarter, or the parts
and 3, on the drawing or delineation of the fore and
hind quarters of an on, which will be attached to and
from a ran of the contract. must be wholly excluded
from each barrel and half, and the remainder of the tat►
cuss must be cut in pieces of not less than eight pounds
The Pork must be packed from corn fedwell fatten
cd hogs, slaughtered between the first day of Novena?
1843, and the first day of Februaiy. ;$44, and weighing
not less than two huntioe3 ,-,,ainds each; excluding dip
hvp(lS.pirq, necks, slou.ders, hams, legs, feet and lard,
and all refuse pieces; a ,c 1 must be cut in pieces weigh-.
ing tintless than sin rounds each.
Both the Beef and Pnrk mast be salted with at lease
tine statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of Man or St.
Übe's salt; a al the Beef must 4.lsq dve Grope of fine,
pulverized satpetr to each barrel, exajc,4l7e of a pi,ltle
to be ;wade l'rotr. fresh w..;.ter, an strong as salt
m ,!ie it.
One-Ford the quantity of Beef and one-third tb•
qubmity of Polk must be packed in half barrels, and
contain tine ;, t ud,ra weight of each, Ca
the case -
Inc barrels ald haTharmls most be matte of the
host 4er:aard, or White 0.1%-. staves nod bonier
ins,el of the fqra.c r. to be tint lesA Oita lintee-Henries or
a-, Leh tidekc liofthe latter. to I,e not less than one inch
thiel, curb aud threcr.fourths of an inch for half bar*
rA=.; a: d to ltuiped at !east three-fourths urcr ride
tie hest w 1 .1:e or hickory hoops.
Each hared nod tin f hurter mast be branded on Its
Ip.a ••Nuvy 130ef," or Navy Purl.," as the case maybe,
with the ermtrictor ~amt;, and the year when pack , d,
Ti' 13e t and Purl., will be inspcctud by the inspecting
site respective navy and stations afore ,
a.,d som • swooo inspector of salted p r ovisions:
wttn Sri i be se,ected by the respective commanding,.
;17c.•rs; but it s for such inspection must Lai
h'. the respective contractors, wt.() must likewise
:r ood shqpii.g ord r. to the sat ! .
f of 'h' f the espective navy
a -LI s'n! - :ons aforeF.ald. after the inspection, and
1.. I r ow.. exp,:F.n.
ra 1 sepnrately and dii.-
;art.,, par :te r- for ti v• I.3.vef a:al for the
r tl.e places of (I.:li‘erw, cowering all ex..
Tll,-• I) i i.. m V t teserves t,t itscif the right to reject
r- th I'6l /LS 1N 140 l,otc I,k_o.tcfore lal:cd to lid-
Proposals for Chain Iron. -
Wrt-thi ngton, July 23, 1843., -
PII.OI•OSALS will b. received at till: , Office until
3 t'cloctt. on th , first day of September ensuing♦
to a liver at the N tvy Yard in thi city, the . following
Chain Iron. for eie.hteen Chain Cables, 111-16 irichest*
in diameter, each 130 lothom3lonerconstituting the
lowitm bill of Iron, vi 7.:
35,100 links 1 11.16 inches in diameter-201 inches
450 1 13-1(.3 incites in diameter--- , 41 inches
10 g.
20 fat 3i i Ich Lc 2i Oval pin Iron.
90 do 2A do 2 do do.
70 Swivel, 193 Sh - te'de, and 13 box pieces. •
Speciiiettiion. of the S,ivel, Shackle, Box pieces
and Oval pin Iron, can be - , ern on application at this of
fice; ail of the above Iron must be the eery best Amer
ican, and rind •rgo such proof. under the increased tests
and ii , pecti in. as the Commandant of the Yard may
.ta . )iert it to; to be delivered frig: of expense ai the
Gr.v.Tam:•rzt, and in a= shOrt a time after the Contract
is made as i= po, , ,ible, which time will be designated
in the contract.
B ‘vith an, ,d and sufficient sureties in double the
am at of th, Contract will be re tu'rstl, and a reset.
vation mad 'from ca:h p•eim.mt of 10 per cent, tilt' the
Contract is completed.
W \I. 11. F•V".(YrT, Aqeet:
au; 3G—tii