Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 01, 1843, Image 3

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PIT I ; Bgaali, F*DAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1843.
Autr4, Zrz., Bee firstrage
Titzarn'a.--Miss Clarendon has made a decided
hit. She appears ttenight in the Dunn Gam or GE
VIOL. Resting spares neither- pains nor expense to
nikkOas Theatre attractive.
Taloa roars:l-4ex .—Messrs Devine Sz. McAnulty
have removed to No. 45 Water street, on the Sion
ongabeks river. They have procured a tow-boat, to
bringthoir boats across the river from the outlet locks
on tie' Allszheny. These enterprising transporters
neiittifo r po wise discouraged by the trifling accident to
th; 4.lpasanct, but have went to work so promptly and
eaxistiatlyin'their arrangements, that they can get along
in their business without that structure. They confi-
dendlltolve by their new arrangement to cheapen trans-
n( • joiECLais OF THE BLlND.—These interestinZ Con
cum are nightly increasing in attraction. No one can
fiaatityatt idea‘ of the astonishing musical skit and
the learning of these unfortunate people without going
tot4itsati see them.
August 20th, 1843.
frriplprir mot—
t.:Paraent--Messrs. Borland, Bowman, Hamilton,
Ilaward, Hunter, Irwin, Kelly, Litch, Magraw, Ma
ma, Mathews, McCutcheon, Nlitcholl, I'ratt,
Si,WN - .Winans and the President.
littriFachbaam, President in the chair.
orbe'ftillowing, resolutions adopted by the S. C, yes
lighThilrithtieuri-M in, viz: to pay Phillips & Smith
s9,2s—Luke Loomis, Agt. ri and
tg 4". Viredith, jr. $2,50
;34e:itce'eptance of reports of the committees on this
Pegition.4 <Peale3 McCabe and John Beehan jr, ad
yeasajsi she-petitioner—concurred in.
1- UP re.solation from the same body in rarer of H.
Dlavlats-tite reference of the report of the Water Com
mittee an the grading at the Water Basin, to the same
COM niftll4 "with power to settle the same," the adop
thataitharesolution granting $lOO on the Allegheny
WRldff°Netrtieveralh• concurred. The resolution to
balloaHrliist.cl brass ntimbers" for Drays and Carts. was
dab to. The resolution appropriutiog. $600,00
to fi.U. in repairing the. Aqueduct, was read and con-
In 'with an amendment, "that said appromia
alartiiilialtbe, drawn from the city on the requisition of the
rilMdenss of Councils, when they shall be satisfied that
thilittOntract is complied with."
ipesolotign from the S. C. to pave Penn street
reatirarin's alley to Wayne street. and 4.fh street from
Grant to Smithfield streets ; was read a first and second
time; and.after amendments, laid over.
Aotiornmuniention was received from the Street Corn
mk ToSer. asking for an additional appropriation of
M,Q,..for repairing streets. &c.—read and resold
tsititted in compliance with the request.
r. -[;raw offered the following; resolution which
vtaistiad , three times and adopted, viz: "Resolved,
eitthe Finn:lea conraitteeha instructed to enquire i:ito
he expediency of co-nleiling the owa.trs of Milch
Itreei:lea:Curts, Pleniure Carria and 0 linibui:ws
Ittlee'i3at Lieens2i, and nport at next .Ta2etingi; of
4 'Tlib'riesident laid before the Council several bills
lieSnatinnary, which were read and referred to the
illttmittee . pf Claims and Accounts.
C. 'did nut meet.
The' ( W. T. A. Saciety of the d;h Ward, mill hold
tamp:liar meeting this. evening, (Frida) September
-4,4oanmertehm at 7 o'cloi.A. The S‘mi..•ty will be
addressed by Mr. MeGnii;rle, President uf the Alb.-
t . hati Society, and the Rev. Mr. Forster, The friends
tithe qrvitie are •mquested to attend. By order.
Essential Oisl.
(74k1141-L.Nege, Guc.w , Berz.anFitt, Silsafra4,
.111 , 1
tifleivud at the \llo:eiate and Retail Drn:;. 1V re
No. 69, corner IVood and 4th stF.
- log^ of
aitig. SI
Fresh Mercurial & Drugs.
cIIALOMEL, Quiiekiilver, Cant rarith‘,. , , Tut Acid,
11-llateer.CtuAt and Pr0p.1. , - , d Cht
It the Wholeiale and Retail Druz Warelinn;e of
No. 60, cormr Wood arid .1111 st:s.
-- • Whiskey.
Ilitsub3eriber3 intarm their cuitoment, and Deal.
`errs 'generally, that they are as niu , ll w.Cllsnppiiel
•vlthit.&-tified \Vurstcer.of superior quality, tvhir.h they
v.inall at the lowest ar.triret price. Also, an assort
misiit Ql WitiEs, L trztrotts, Co an IA LS and Clanc F. R IES.
w. & M. lirrcticurntE,
- ,teig3l-45t. w3t. No. 160, Liberty street
Stray Cow.
to the pla.ttatitia of the sobt.eriber, in WU
., ;tins Tetwnship, 10 miles from Pittsburgh, on the
Northern Tarnpike Road, some time in the beginning
of.Auguat,-a. DARK DILItiRLK COW; has a small hell
on; no eark mark perceivable; sapposeel to be 7 years
old: , -The owner is requested to come forward, prove
property, pm , charges, and take her away.
hog: 31-3 t. JAMES J-CiLINSTO.N.
SOLE LEATITErt—I2B sides se leathet ji3t re
oeived by HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO.,
silk 9 43, IV<ICKI street
ALADY who is capable of taking charge of a
household, is desirous of obtaining a situation
asiaMekeeper in aprivute family, or as superintendent
tinkrispecttible hotel. She would have no objection
leavedxe city if desired to do so. For further infor
tnat4on inquire at this office! • • aug, 21—tf
T OAF SUGAR.-10 boxes loaf sugar, just receiti•ed
and for sale by
43,. Wood street,
AR NRE CHANCE.—A store in one of the best
business streets in the city, will be to let low to a
goad ; tenant. Apply at Taster's Agency, St Clair st.
lurysTcluous CHEVALIER—A popular novel,
.L.Vll4yl.ltenes.received at F'oster's St..o lair st. Agency
and Literary. Depot, oppo.itc the Exchange.
• VatYlSll NO FOIT.II.Y.—A few copies of this
plirwork just received at Foster's St Clair street
Awry end ,Literary Depot, upp .site the Exchange.
TIE CLOCK MAKER, or Slyin;s and Doings
:of Sam Sick, just received at Foster's Agency
*l4 Lar.rtiry Depot, St. Clair street.
' • Proposals for Chain Iron.
Washington, July 28, 1843.
ROPOSALS will be received at this Office until
Ji 3 o'clisck, on the first day of September ensuing,
toidedivornt the N ivy Yard in this city; the following
Cinfiffifon, for eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches:
in diameter, each 130 fathoms long, constituting the f01.._
.._ Joisries - bitlBf Iron, viz:-
3511101Nrs .1. 11-1.6 inches in diameter-201 inches
• dirolOirrics 1 13 16 ine'les in diumeter- 4 22A inches
31 inch by 21 Oval pin Iron.
flo 21 do 2 do ac,
70 Swivel, 198 Shackle, and 18 box pieces.
arciftealionv of the Swivel. Shackle, Box piece
and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at this of-
Oces all of the above Iron must be ihe very best Amer
ican, and uadergo such proof, under the increased tests
and inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may
subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the
Government, and in es short a time after the Contract
4s made an is posale, which time will be designated
o f in the contract.
Bonds with good and sufficient sureties in double the
amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser
vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the
Contract is completed.
imp 11,, WM B SUITT, Nair: Ara..
tiou having opened an office at:the corner of Maiitet
and Third streets, is mrs read y toreceire applications
for Insurance on Buildings, Merchandise, Boats, Car
gee:), etc., etc. Capital Stock 200,000 dollars.
Dritectons.—Josiah King, President; John Bissell,
.T. W. Burbridge, G. M. Fleming, John Holmes, Jos.
Long, William Morrison, Morgan Robertson, and Th.
Scott. J. FINNEY, Jr., Secretary,
,Pittsbut , r e h. au n- 30-2 w
In the District Court of Allegheny Couniy, of
July Term, 1843, N 0.93.
3L. S W
ker. Jr.
Fen ditioni Expon.
...---.., Peter IV il sun. •
And now, to wit, August 26th, 1843, On motion
of G. P. Hamilton, Esq:, the Court appoint Frs. R.
Shuuk, Esq., Auditor, to distribute the proceeds of sale
in this case. From the . Retord,
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that
I will attend to the duties assigned to me by the
Court in the above case, at my office, in Fourth street,
Pittsburgh, on Tuesday the 26th day of September, at
10 o'clock, A. M. FRS. R. SHUNK,
aug 30. Auditor.
GODOLPHIN.—A novel by Sir E. J.. Bulwer, re
.ceived at the St. Clair St. Agency and Literary
Depot, opposite the Exchange: wig 30-6 t..
JUST RECEIVED, a good assortment of all sizes
of good window glass and window sasb; also, 500
cuts of yellow a,nd purple 4 and 5 double carpet chain;
20 doz. large and small buckets and tubs; 20 reams
writing and letter paper, fur sale on accommodating
terms, for cash or approved exchange.
Agent and Commission Merchant.
JUST RECEIVED and for sale on consignment,
7 ltiula bacon,
7 hhds sugar,
Can be seen lathe stare of Jacob C. Co.
aug :19 J. K. NIOORHEAD & CO.
.rail Painter, Fourth st., 3a story Burk's Buil
ding. J. Osborne would solieita Call frorri those wh
desire Portraits. Spcimeus cau be. secs at his routes
TaAC K n o
b n b o is 3norn.anc(l;octrei,
10 quarter bbls vo'.l do, a ininre
article for family use, just received and fur sale by
43, Wood. street.
STACY LLOYD, jr., haring associated with him
Mr. A. G. REIN' TART, 'wilt continue the Gro
cery and Produce Business, at his old stand. No. 140,
Liberty street, Pittsburgh, under tlx,i style and foul of
I:Flu addition to a general Giocery and 'Produce
Business, the suscribers offer their services to their
friends and the public, for the sale of any articles de
signed for this market. Also. for receiving end for
warding all kinds of merchandise, &c.. to or from the
wog., arid trust that the practical experience they have
had in the abive business in this city for vane years
past. will e na ble them to give entire satisfaction to those
who may favor them ‘rifit their custom.
T.LOVD &. CO.,
140, Liliert st.
aug 3 1-1 OL
Pittsburgh Aqueduct.
(LI EA LED PRO PUS LS aiithe received zit tb.• Col
lector's Office in Allegheny City, until 6 o'clock, P.
M. on Thursday, am `_'Bth September nest. for the con
striction of an Aqueduct, ac:-.).-s dm Allei f iemy z•r.
at Pit tslirzli. P inns and :pecielcatioz,s n iil be eishih
ited at said Ake, ane week prei Mu; to the letting.
The materials in Me pre&ent strictur.- to he used. as
far as they are salad and cooLl•
uti7'2ll-Iwd.‘vt.l. Sut.tr , i , or W. 1). Pi. CtEial
Nat and Cap Manufactory. 14 . 1 "4.e.
No. 93 ror , 1 80,-eet, 3(1 br!rne Diqqz , ., I
T„abse,.ii,„, el)ll,trl'lti%
variety nly.t.f)4iti 'aut.:l.li AT, lutti C A l',,
roinectl prig
wi3hingm pnc•hasc will M... 1 it to Cicir in t.. 2
era t.n give.MOollE.
iiir2;. 29, I/1-13.
011.\1. - ;/.:
Now& Cheap Stack Establishment,
RETWEL:N WOOD .INT) N.LRfi ET sritEr.rs.
WOULD tnost respectfully announce to the citizens
of Pittsburgh and the couutty generally, that I have
comm •nciii the manufacture of STOOKS, of every va•
riety, form and d , scripting, and :votild solicit merchant
and others to call and examine for than ?selves, as I am
determined to sell on the most accommodating term:
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to bug - mess, t,
merit a share of public pat ron (Lite . aug. 19—Cm.
PIKE ROAD.—N nice is hereby given that ler
an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealtia
of Pennsylvania, gassed the 5+ day of April. I C43.the
subscribers are named as Commissioners in Allegheny
county, with authority to open books at such time and
place as may be deemed estpedient by them, for the
purpose of rereiNing Aub:wribtions of ~tock, for the
construction of a turnpike road from Uniontown to l'itts
burgh. In pursuance of which authority the subscri
bers wilt proceed tent" -a books for the purpose of re
ceiving. subscriptions ofstoclr, paylible to "The Presi
dent, Managers and Company of the Uniontown and
Pittsburgh Turnpike Road amnpany," nrcording to
the terms of the act of incorporation. Such hooks to
be opened on Monday, the second day of October,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Monongahela House, in
the city of Pittsburgh,
.and at the store of Samuel
Walker, in the borough of Elizabeth-
. ,
Commassionersfor All. Co.
aug39—dim. (Advocate and American copy.)
Fresh Dye Stuffs
Oil Vitriol, Alum, Ground Comwood, Verdigris,
and a very general stock of rhatetials for dyers, on rea
sonable term 3. Just received at the Wholesale and Re
tail Drug \Varel,ouse of JONA: KIDD,
aug. 31. Na.6o, corner. Wood &Fnurtlioie.
lIIEREBY certify that I have known a number of
pcople who have taken Dr. Melane's Liver Pills,
and have been much benetitted by them, and I believe
then - Ito be the beet pills for liver complaints, and for
general use; of any,piii r...M before the
I.l;terel.y c6rtify.tltat I hare. Leer/ aillictcd fur 6 years
with n2iiver complaint; et have applied to'different
phr.ic . .tta., and uli to little or ho effett; until I zriade
use of Dr.:NleLane's Pills. In taking tan boxes of them
I am nearly tt-stored to perfect health.
Mil'crshurt;ll, near Pittsburgh, August 16, 1843
For sale at the =-DrugStaire of
aug 22 corner 4th and Wood streets, Pirtshitri,b.
lathe Court of C'onsmon Pleas of Allegheny Coun
ty; of October Term, 1343. No. 130.
IN the rnattgrof •the application of Du
-5 L. for Charter of Incur-
$ Aorat
And now to wit, Aug 12, 1313: The
Constiuttitin UrDutinespe Colle,ge baring been present-,
ed to, and pernsediy, tiv Court, and the Court Laving
carefully examined the said instrument, and ituppenr
lag to the Court that the objects, articles and conditions
therein set forth and contained, arehowful, and nut in
jurious to the community, do direct the said writing; to
be filed in the office , of thr- l'enthnnotary of 'this Court,
and that notice be inserted in the Morning Post, in the
city of Pi ttsburgh, for three weekS, setting forth the ap
plication to this Court, to grant:met' Charter of Incor
poration. From the Record.
Attest: A. SUTTON, Pro.
Notice is hereby given, that application has been
made to the Court for a Charier fur Duquesne Col
lege, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary
within three weeks, the Court will be asked tngrant
saidCharasr. • ' • THOilitsfs HAMILTON,
alts24-3w • Atey for Pexiaciancsa.
Ishii D. Davis,
Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh,
T ready to receive merchandize of every description
.1_ on consignment, fur public or private sale, and
from long experience in the above business, flatters
himself that ho will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on Mon DA Is and THURSDAYS, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and second hand furniture, &c,, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,er early gas light. aug 12—y
Will be added . to the sale at 2 o'clock on Thursday
afternoon, 31st instant, at Davis'Cotninercial Auction
1 very superior double barrel Shot Gun.
1 " " Shot Pouch,
750 Anchor brand Spanish Segars.
1000 Star " " "
500 2 "
augji Auctioneer
Books at Auction.
WILL be sold at 7/ o'clock, on Saturday evening
next, September 2., at Davie'"Commercial Auc
tion Room q," an extensive catalogue of Theological
and Nlisc.ellaneous Books, principally from a ptiVB4l3
Catalogues aro nowready. fordelivm-y.
ting 30. Auctioneer.
[Gazette, Advocate and Chronicle, please copy.]
Peon Street Lot.
\T ILL be sold at Auction at 10 o'clock, on Satur-
V V day morning, the 9th day of September next,
on the premises, that very valuable corner lot, 26ii feet
front on Penn street, extending back along Garrison
alley 1074 feet to Exchange alley.
The above property is veiy advantageously situated,
and can be improved so as to command a handsome
income. Z. W. REMINGTON.
Advocate and - Gazette please copy.
Tema at sale
aug 25.
ON WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of September,
1343, will be of at public sale, at Pittsburgh,
the ftbllowing Stocks owned by the State of Pennsylva
nia, viz
No. of Shares. Companies.
1600 Allegheny Bid CornlmY
2000 Monongahela
800 Big Beaver
100 Concrinugh
100 Lovalhanua
171 Rubbdtosvn
300 IVilliarnsport, j . Kashington cu., 50
2500 Monotiga*M-. "- igation company, 50
2151 Bedford and Stovstown Tp. Road company, 50
3623 Swvstown and Greettsburch " 50
1780 Gireensburgh and Pittsburgh " 50
3437 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana " 50
967 Pittsbnirdi and New Alexandria •' 50
32'2 New Aloxandria and Conemangli" 50
9.17 l'ittdmrzh rind Bat'. -1 o 5
832 But and M..rc‘ir " 25
3 . 20 Pittsburat c.ad St,u`Len% "
300 Rubbst..nvo arid niant Pleasant "
.M“utit Pleasant and Sumer:Ll "
672 S.nnerset and Bedford
31;0 A rmstnniz and Indiana
560 Liiann and I•:henZurg
3)3 lVa:l:inr,-ton a:, Witlituni.x)rt
P, 1)n Pitt4burgh
200 Butl , - 1. amiliittannii;
'2-10 :%Icoult l'ioa,ant and Pittsburgh *.
360 S•,m^rset and l'oneutau7h
3'20 1)u Cumberland
160 Ligonier aid doliii,tow a
224 Arinuroag, aad Clearfield
GO Ucviliagion, Iliwriiviile, nailtu
Franklin " ;.i0
...:00 Poitl , r and Fr..eport . " 20
22-1 I'iii.:',iir2,lll•'orin-r.: S,-.. Nr...ollLall'A'•• J
IGO Boilio:.1 i - r,a II ••ii,tayAinr g h " :-,,,
IGO Birinii:ha-.1 a•it I. Ritabetto ...WI: • • 1J
I (10 Liith , i..lizir4l: and Vivo:arm-n(7 "
:300 French Croel, nrilze company, 0.0
1050 Franklin n•:.1 .klle;zionly 'Bridge company, 0
100 Eri- and \ V.e. '•ctird Turnpike Road company 50
5'30 Sfl vtei.r.vrci and Watocforti
lON Nl,reer and il:c
100 Ferry, 11;:actford ;Anti
N.-a. Haven
260 Aliiiizton and Waterford
21 ) Wari,..n ;old It' lrem. ay
40 \Varna, Tel IS:Pw York Stat.- line "
96 and Union Mills
160 Warren and Franklin
30 Snzar Grove and Union
300 Ban?: of l'enn4ylvunin,
300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company,
1000 l'enn.ylN a-da and Ohio Canal company,
Purchaiers will be required to pay for the Stocks, at
the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is
,,teA by the %indium Gmeral, in pursuance of the Reso
lution of 7th Apri!, 134.2. notes issued by the Banks of
this Commonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1.3.11,
pecie, or I lir notes of specie paying banks. trans
for of Stock will be aide in a reasonable time after
Commissioners for sate of Stale Stocks.
out; l—ts AMIN D. DAVIS, Auct'r.
Western University of Pennsyliranist.
F IIE noxt term of this 1'1.661110n will begin on Mon
td3y the 4th of September. at 9 o'clock £ M.—
Application fur admission may he made to the Princi
pal, the Rev- Reye s DYER, D. D., after the ilat
at his room in the University, from 9 to 11,
The exercises of the LAW SCHOOL will commence
on the same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application for
admission into which, to be made to the Professor of
Law, WALTER. 1 - 1. Loft - me, Esq., at his office in 4th at.
On the evening of the same day at 7 o'clock, in the
Hall of the University, an Abisntss will be delii - ered
before the Trti4tees, the Faculty and the Students, by
Profe.isur Lowrie, which the citizens generally, are in
\ ited t attend.. A. L. PENTLAND,
autr 11—e1 Secretary of tho Board of Trustees
UND It I ES. —5O hoses chocolate,
C.)5 do p.ocoa,
J do rice flour,
2.5 do ground pepper,.
5 do Cayenne du.,
36 cans ground mustard,
5 kegs do allspiue,
5 do .do ginger,
12i cane do - deli., together with
every thing in the grocery' line;' all or which is offered
at extremely low prices, for cash.
13, Wood stroot.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
AN qplantity of dean, firstrateittlegheny Ice, may
he had at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner of Second
and Grnnt streets. joly 13—tf.
rul EA.-25 half chests y:Juog hyson,
_L 30 boxes (13 lbs) . do
20 6 }b, boxes zunpolvder,
20 " invocrinl, just received and
or sale by HAIL:AAN, JENNINGS &
aorr 9 •' 43, Wood street.
To Me chants . and Others.
A GaNTLEmAN, who thortiughl ntaint3t4nds
1 - I._ Book - Keeping. wishes a situation in that ca.pa
city: th^ liesi of references will he given. Aticitess H.,
at this other. aug 28—tf
Information Waatoc
HENRI .. 3Iu Y, who left Pittsburgh in June,
1.842, fur St. Louis, is larnta2d that his family
i a ti l i a city is very wixiotis to hear from him, and that it
k necessary for the inunaTert,eitt of his business that
they should receive some information of him.
Any person in the western cities who knows the said
Henry .Murry will do an act of kindness by informing
him of the wishes of his family, if he ig living, or by
vriting to his wife, Mary T. Murry, in Pittsburgh, such
information as they may possess.
Henry Murry is, by trade, a: stone mason.
aug 25
[Our Cincinnati and St. Lountexchangeiswillploass,
anpy the above notice, and we will claaktfulil realm ,
Gate the lam- wheaaver as Avre."—tity way othrl
A. =AZ .101CUANCiE 811081113,
Merchants and Manufacturers' Sciip - -
Exchange Bank Scrip
Currency ..
Erie Bank Scrip
Ou Philadelphia
New York.
Gold par
silrer par
Dank of Pittsburgh par
Merchants and Manufacturers' bank ...... ...par
Exchange "
Do. liqllidaysburgh par
Bank of North America .par
Do Northern Liberties par
Do Pennsylvania .... ..par
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par
Farmers' and 3feekanics' bank par
Kensington bank . par
Manufacturers and Mechanics' par
Mechanics par
Moyamensing par
Philadelphia bank par
Schuylkill " par
Southwark " par
Western par
Bank of Pena Township par
Girard bank_ 14
U. S. bank and brawkes. . 33
Dank of .Gerznanivacn ' - ....... . , par
Chester county .... ........ par
" Delaware County .. ............par
'. Montgomery coutly ............ ....par.
" Northumberland.:... Pal
Farmers' bunk of Buckstgansay ........... ... par
Easton bank ... - . ..... - ... - .... .. - .....par
Doyleshnen bank .... .... par
Franklin bank of Washington par
Bank of Chambersburgh °
.Ifiddletoren 23
" Gettysburgh 24
" Lewistown 2
" Susquehanna county-- .. _ .... .. 35
Bc rki; comity bank . ... 75
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company 1
Carlisle bank r,
Eric bank
Par Value.
$ 2 5
Farmers and Drovers' bank
" Bank of Laneaskr
" Bank of Reading Nil .
Harrisburg bank
Honesdale ".... -
Lancaster "
Lancaster no. "
Miners' bank of Pottsville—
Monongalvela bank of Brownsville.
New Hope and Delaware Bridge company... .10
Northampton bank ....no sale
Towanda bank
Wyoming bank 4
lrest Branch bad.— ..... . ....... 55
rork bank .... 2A
Dr! Otani La nk of St. ......... 14
Clinton bank of Columbus...:
Columbiana bank of New ..............14
Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) 14
(11 - arren, cashier) ....no sale
Cincinnati banks--
Chillicothe bank ..... .
Commercial bank of Lake Erie ....
Dan bank 14
Franklin bank of Columbus
Farmers' and lirchrruics' bank of Steubenville-1i
Far I/ ank 01 Canton . 40
Crar.Va 14
Grancille 75
Lancaster ....25
. -14
. -
Mechanics' and Traders', Cincinnati
Ofount Pk aln nt l4
. . .
Putnam 14
Sandusky •
Scioto 25
Urbana 50
Xenia .
S!ate bank and branches
Staff' grip
ill banks
Stale bank
Bank of Illinois, Shateneetoson...
Bank of Ike Valley of Virginia
Sank of Virginia
E.rchange bank. of Virginia
Farmers' bank of i'ireinics
:forth- Western bank of Virginia ..
Merchants' and Meekazies' bank of Virginia-... 1
ilallinuire City banks.. par
All oiler sOivent banks . . .. ..........1
All ablocnt banks.. .....
soiveitt ........ .. . . ......
All soli•cla hank 5.......... . . .... 2a
Mobile banks.... .....
Country -
New 0rt , ,,, hunks (good)::..
11! banks
The proprietors of the MOITNING POST arid MER
CURY AND MANUFACTURER respectfully iiithresi their
friends and the patrons of thooc . fapen.=, .thitibey have
nlarge and wetl thoserr essortrrient of '
aristopeis - - Jr:rmirlE*3l33,
agroallak cotarsia utail3ztalase
Nece.sary 10 a Job Printing Office, and that they arc
prepared ,to execute
Pam pidetF,
Hai abil
au touts n 33tauks; . •
Stage', Stcamboa! awi Canal Boat Bills, with. ay
propriata cuts,
Print d oa the shortest notice and most reasonable
We respectfully ask the patronage ot oar friends and
the peblic in general in this branch of our bminess.
July 31, 1843.
.141,12 S dic
C OFFEE.-400 ,
• 501 "
50 " 1111 Anna
-Row iteeiving, aid tor
_patletwf=l l le ,
MAILMAN, 1L11471/ & CO.,
Biiia of Jocling, 1 Circuiar,
Bill Heads:, Cards,
Blank Choatkz.;, Hat Tips.
Is43:= •
Forwarding and Chbioron Mordiants,
AGENTS for the Merchants'. Transportation Com
pany composed of the Merchants' Line. Erie
Canal; Wnshingtun, Line. Hunter, Palmer & CID. ' S
Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve
land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Propric- ;
tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Uhio Canal.
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Cuenties Slip, N.
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
M. T. Williams & Dow, )
Hon. John M. Allen, `% Cleveland.
Charles M. )
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh,
ap I 1843--ly.
Beaver and Warren Packet
ananu , THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Shaw,master, will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting- with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
* l4 ,
FARE REDUCED.-I]. S. Matt LINE Ur Sranns
AND RAIL ROAD Cans, frem I'iLNl3ilr2;ll, , •ia Bcd
ford, Chamtrzirsburg, Elarrisburf and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia
Leaves daily . at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office ‘ltd door below the Merchant
fob 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors
The Great Ceatral Routs
Via Natiartal Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road Company
s -
THIS line is iu full opei-ation and leuTes Pittsburgh
daily at 6 o':-lock A. M., via Washinaton Pa.
anti national road to Cumberland, connecting here
I with are rail road Co's to all the above places: Tray
criers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not
I been bcretafore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice with the privilee , of going - through
direct ur taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
feb —tl tf. Pi c , ldeut of N. R. Stage Co.
Regular Packets, for Cincinnati.
The Swiftiare, Robinson, Meter. cry
Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m.
The Cutter, Co:Hui, Master, leas es e‘rry Friday at
10 o'clock a. na.
The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leave= even• Sat
urday at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Express, Parkinson, Nf.s..itcr, ;rove. , cvery Sun
tlev at 10 o'clock
.1010; Blf,111.ls:(;11:VM & CO..
A Card.
r I LIE subscriber respectfully inform. tlie.
JL co-...tier:AL that he intends to devote his wboie dine
to the COLLECTION OF ACCOUNTS in the cities of Pitts
burgh, Allegheny and vicinity.
!laving been engazed in this business for seine time.
and given entire satisfaction to those who employea
him, he respectfully solicits those having accounts to
collect to give him a trial.
Physicians and others who cannot spare thae from
their professional business to collect their accounts.
would find it to their advantage to give hint a call..
Respectable reference„ can ' he gi‘cn, and, if r:ynired,
seetuity will be given for the faithful return of all mu
nies collected.
He can be found at Mr Georg. Armor's, Merchant
Tailor, up stairs. corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on st. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M
Any orders left there during his absence, will be attend
ed to, or by letter through the Post Office.
Terms, 5 pr cent commission.
A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46,
tl Corner of {Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought
and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern titles, 'for sale.
Drafts. notes and bills, collected..
Wm. Bell & Cu.,
John D. Davis,
F. Lorenze,
.1. Painter &
Joseph Woodwell,
James May,
Alex. Bronion &Co. )
John H Brown &Co.
James M'Clandless.
.1. R. MiDonald. )
W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres% Bank
St Paul's Young Ladies' Boarding School.
THE public arc informed that this institution, con
ducted by the Sisters of Charity, will be reopen
ed on the first Monday in September. A select and li
mited number of pupils will be received and instructed
in the several branches of a pulite English education,
together with useful and ornamental needlework.
For tuition, washing arid mentJing, too per annum
For bed and bedding,
6 00 de.
Doctors Fees aronot itit.-:ikled in the above.
N. B. A few half boarders can be a..-corriniuda:ed.
on the must reasonable terms, which will be made
known on apriicatien to Sister Isidore, the iSupelior-
A reditction wilt be made in favor of children tinier
twelve year: of age.
County Conunissionor.
T the solicitation of a number er,friends of all
political parties, I rcspenfully offer myself
the considers on of my fellow-citizens for the toliee of
County Commissioner. That mr sentiments may not
be misunderstood, either as to political or private
affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life
a (=intent Republican, in the true sense of the word.
As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan
cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public
officers has rezeired the approbation of large majori
ties or the people, the undersigned would not should
he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at
tempt to reSist this st,lutary reform; should it read
the came of Comity Commissioner.
To the voters of Allegheny coun!y:--1 respect
fully offer inyseif to your 61211id+-otion an a candidnn
(inrlependent of pei7tir.. , ) for the office of PRO
TII.ONOTA.RY of Allcc,henv county, at the enuin•
electinn. An Ido not come - becone von re: , irnendcct
by a Contreatien, thu,e of you to whom I aril not per.
sonally known will pi04...,e. exarr.ine into nay qualifice•
&c.; and it so fortunate as to obtain a znaprit
of vatic i‘ttiffragcs. I shall endeavor by strict auenti ,
to tho duties of the office, to satisfy you with very
choice. ALEX. MILLER.
T oßAcco..r-10 boles Burtnn's,s b lump tabaccr
35 do Russell & Robinson do
5 do Hare's. do
- 10 do a.33grteisites =di:lands,
iust sectived sod for oak) by
43, Wood ipir
Hotel Wvid .t
Pittsburgh, Pa
Cincinnati, 0.,
St. Loui... Mo.
v. }'Louisville.
Lot's in - • •
13 LOTS, suitable for building, molt
uated, and within two dent' Mks' •. • ikt
steam ferry boat landing, will be soloist pe=
the times. The ten= will of payment be I
either for cash or such barteras can beim& •
Apply to the subscribers in Biratinichiza, or
Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street. Pittsburgh,_., .
june 1. JAS. PATTERED/14
Lots for Silo.
A Lots in Manchester. 'One and a *eels Aotot/IF
L - 1 - Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42,52,5 MS
181, 182, andlBl, in Cook's plan of LottooThiki.
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in'CoOlet'Phoitils.
on High street, near the new Court I lon'ae. *Taft
apply to Z. W. EI:MING-TON
For Sile.
LOTS on the NOrth East coiner of CohiSinikal
lligh street. Apply .to , _
sep 10 Market near Fouith.aiaitt
Public Sale of Valuable ids.
PURSUANT to a decretal order cif (fie theukU.
e V 4int.
perior Court of Law and*Chiiiiicery,. SSA
County, pronounced the I9th'day of April,.l Ot.filii
cause depending therein of Henry Strider .„*.
gainst James W. Barkenridge and others., best
undersigned special commissioner, will sell at
auction to the highest bidder, at the court hose
Mason county. on the 16th day of Sept,
(being the first day of the Cir. Sup'r Coat .
county.) that well known body - of kind co' ~, Cil►
led 'Graham's Station," lying in Mason etinter,, V
on the Ohio river, containing by survey four thoi b il,
one hundred and twenty-three acre, in two ~
parcels, a large proportion of which is S her • .
land. The above lands previous to the day iire '' :'
be laid e? by the surveyor of the county in lati ,
venient size for farms,and plats furnished, and s."
thereof will be sold as may be necessary to. • 141 '
the sum of money required by saidaecictill . • - --+
The sales will be made on a credit of nine intititiiii(
one.third part of the purchase money, oftwelye
for another third part, and of eighteen rimitigfor
residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving 110n411 Valk
good security for the payment of the different
merits, bearing interest from the day of sale, the
title to be retained as further security for the pa • "
of the purchase money, and liable to resale nt tbeAsik
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to inalteriat#l*
al paylnentq.. .. . '''
GEO. W. STRIBLLNG, Special Cortii. .
' Point Pleasant, Va.. June 26,1843. 'Lly6-;Qtri' '
A Safe Investment.
rpHE subscriber ( . efori , to sell ground mita .41
_L the city of Pr.tsburzh . The lots are ha
,an d, 'Ay improved, and it is believed a safer invaatiß
nent cannot be found. Particulars may be l*aed ak
Ipplicaticra to the personally, or through the Foat
corner Liberty and O'Hara meg*
For Rent
Iron ardccea : td.nel i
is well stocked witheloiee frnit trets,vines .
Also, u convenient tene m ent lately ocep . lay
* t
Poßsesskm be given cm the first of October train.
For terms apply to GEO. UOCHRA Ez'r.
To Rent.
PLEASANT rooms and good. steam power, at
cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty tall
O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises. july le.
Preemaa's Fire Brick
71:ST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fife IlliCk)
*JP which will hereafter he kept constantly, on buil
and :-told low for 6.1,11, by .. IRMINGI-lAM .4k eo.
mak- '27
No. 60 Winer it.
Itllannfacttracr of Tin, Coppei and Ana
Iron Ware,
. 17, Fijrh a t. tct,bct :re en TVood andMarket,
ICeeps etin.:antly on Ivied a good assortment of wareir.
and solicit; a share oCpublic patronage. Also, on Itan4
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gricin' beg;
teakettles, pots. ovens, cot Tee mills, &c. Moi
chants and otl.ers are invited to call ard exarain' efaii
then,,-Ive, as he 13 determined to sell cheap fcrcashoi
approved pa-pc r.
John Cartwright,
CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufantitrail,
corner of Gth and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Per,
S. B.—A nv, on linr.d an extensive assortmerit.oir
Stiv , i,:al and l'c.n!td irstruments, Banker's, Tisgiiels,
flair Drensnr's and TUnner's 'Patent
Saddler's Tools. 1 . 113-.C:".Cc.
.ie 2k.„ _
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Wass.
TH i sub:3.nd her respectfully informs his friends aad
former patrons, that het has removed .his e'stabt.
liihment from No. CO, Liberty, to No. —, Third it.,
nearly opposite the Post Office. where he doithhiesiA
carry on the Copper, Tin and Shc:et Iron thtitineas,
all its various branches. He respectfully solicits
ettntinuaLce of the patronage so liberally exteritleji;t4
him heretofore, and pledges himself that no pains shell
be spared on hi= part to merit the same. Catiott
on hand, Manufactured Ware, of all kinds;allbi
will be sold low for Spouting, dt...r,matissititert
der at short notice
Lizidreth's Garden sCediL
A full supply of Landreth'i Garden Seeds always coo
hand and for at his agency, the Drug store of
Peach Trees.
flet, TILE subscribrr has ja:st reteivea. frOns the NW
sexy of Landreth and Fulton, near Philanodspbet,
lot of the choicest vazietv of peach trees, to whiolis.
would call the attention of the riublie.
No. 184 Liberty st. head 'elf Wood.
B 01: the last week in June, in a Clothi8(!i0
- 1. in Liberty street. a Note of hand, .
soilctl and worn.. It is sisr.nea by James Ihittib
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. Thecni6.
Cr can have it by idntifying it, and paying expenses.
July 31.—tcf.
C.kWFIELD has removed his marble Estab
. 1:,...-meet to Wood e t. oFposite Fahnestockif
Drtin- Stove, wherc he a ill keep constantly on hwil
Torab Stones, Monuments etc. ap 19J1 j~
William C. Wall,
Plain an' Fancy Portrait and Picture Prewar
No. 87. Fourth street, Pittsbargh,
CAN VASS brushes, varnish, &c., far artists,lthrari
Oil liana. LaokineGlasses, &c., proiaptly l ik•
med to 071-r. rxpairing dune at the shorteftnatice,
Particular attention paid to regilcling And jobbiftir ot
every description.
Persont: ~tainboata or honses will find it t 6
their arivautage to call. sep 111. y
kJ - grnund and poliF.hed, anvils and other bob of
rrindine done at the Cast Steel File Maxefarearni:dat=
'er of Liberty and O'Hara streets'. iug 18
11OKED HERRINGS.-23 boxes MAIM i hei;
rind just rereivnd and frrsale by
43,W00d sereett
Rooks and Stationary.
ON hand and receiving month.,, and for Wee ,.
corn toodating terms, the Encyclopedia of
:v, Bncl;'s Tneolozical Dictionary, Events in Indian
the Arn , Tican Pioneer. a small varietyof farm-.
'v, school and pocket Bibles and Tetitsynente, school
nol,. at : d q.a.inrary. Permanent Temperer= Dec
tmenn, Bacchus and anti-Baca:las, voice from the
intage,;..t-oIA son t rs, Dav:d's P,tdirs. at,tl n Tikrift, of
heap reiigious books, and about 2000 Waslimpom
Iymn Bool:,, Temperance Lyres, 'Wasktinit - fonAaPp•
'ic Nic Sons,, Temperance Fab!es and Tenrrenulle•
cid Sabbath School 8,n1,,5, and shore 10,006 a
roltrnal: Yontl-'= Aavocrea of do
killer:can Tortipentasee Union, jiew 'Yak, jar soh
Jiro, or anted tot,. to auit paretunierl• •
...A.erst and COMtinilleinl
NO. 9,YribiliX
n. M. DAWSOt'
184, Liberty st., head of Wool.