At makes your teeth so unusually white? 4enth's duiclnia to him ?'other night, te yours look so, with a grin, replied Tosh, ht youa bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, now in use, so the gentlefolks say, they,have tried this, cast all others away. itovelt the best; to make the teeth shine, gala, my dear Sal, at the lustre of mine. Theo try this great tooth wash, The Tcaberry tooth wash, if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine. tried Dr." Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth W3sh,' to acquainted with the ingredients of its cornpo teerfully say, I consider It one of the safest, as ithe most pleasant Tooth Washes now in use. tilt Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. /pleasure la stating, having made use of" Thorn's Wry Tooth Wash," that It is one of the best den use. Being in a liquid form, it combines neat. *Bit convenience. While It clean s es tile ename l andousievett the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds ibiffifrasee peculiarly desirable. J.P. TIBBETTS. M.D. iliodersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea (Wry- Tooih Wash,"and have found it to be an extreme. g plots:wt. dentifrice, exercising a most salutary influ• Slat olrer Inc Teeth and Gums; preserving thane indis• runt& members from premature decay. preventing the n . el ation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. litaroughly tested its virtues. we take pleasure in re. 1-1011idwandIng it to the public, befleeing it to be the best ar• ValfriCtke kind now In use. oriireirslirsoN, JAMES P JACK, 0110.1411PREBLES, CHAS B scuu.r. C DABILOGH, M'CANDLESS, 1 ,111WOORHEAD, JAS S CRAFT. XL itlXo WALT. L S JOHNS, Pnapared and sold by WILLIAM THORN. A potheca• pip apiCheuttst, No. 53 Market street' Pittsburgh; and at 11Mbepriacipa Druggists',and Tuttle's Medical Agen. ey.Totstili street. sep BIRMINGHAM MOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. IfitSubseriber having opened a shop No 68, Second reet,between Market and Wood sireets,Flttshurgh, iscoasecticn with the Factory in Birmingham, respect. fatly latirms his friends and the public, that, he will be bony ,atbe favored with their orders for any articles In Ms flee, Door Locks and Fasteners, ri (various ilLscriptions, or. ,Mist and made to ordcr. ~,acco, Mill and Timber Screws. Large. Screws, for Iron Works,and Screws for Presses, loide as may be required, &pesters and Builders are requested to call before tiattltactitig for jobs, and examine his articles and prices. LOOS repaired and Jobbing generully ione in the best maoaer,aod on the lowest terms. sary 3--6ra JAS. PATTERSON, Jr• Leidy's Tetter az. Itch, Ointment. Mitoß the eure °revery variety of T E'l7 DR, the A: and all diseases of the Skin, has proved itself more eannjoiss than any other preparation for the same pur ples hi use. Upwards of five hundred certificates might be procured and published of its efficacy from School Teachers. p r o_ printout of Factories. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses, CiaPlains of vessels and others, were it not for the deli eau in having their names published in connection with wank disagreeable affections. ay the use of Dr Leidy's Tester Ointment in cotjanc. jitmo with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he illifrigstamntee to cure any disease common to the skin, iltieareVer bad, or of however long standing, or refund the tinimay. There are however very few Instances but tan Illinteit by the Ointment alone. Peke Wends a Box. .. - /Insieweil only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Lei illyitliealth Emporium, 191 N. Second st. Philadelphia, lot by B. A. FAILNESTOCK ¢ CO. corner of Wood streets, Agents for Pittsburg. July 12.. . tAIIO FOICTIC most splendid *eget. of superior very be=t mn of tone, ns we! any ever scet •entlitte to pur r heforopurcha• nit covrice, for or wee or the F. BLUME, St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa 'ehonse, U. B. Botk. UNDERTAKER, itatorms the public that be tready made coffin ware. 'Serval y ucrnplcd by Mr. opposite his old st xnd, Ted to attind promptly and by strict attention huginess of an Undertaker, 3encei lie will he prepared earscs, Biers. C lanes and liberal lei ms. Calls from the tonda to :same buntline with his warib need but :services m.iy had him ILLY. JOHN BLiCIe.D. D REV. 111.051101. T IMUCE, D. D SOILUtt. WILLIIIIIB, I ILLY. JOSZPII ELM izv. :LUNY Y. Di•t3 t ■SV. Z. P. Swlrr. BURGH LARD OIL MANU , :FACTOS.Y. Au* Oil ilianufactorT. _ , _ , . _. . , ----_,.t. •,.- _ r:_,..-_,7 , ,_ „ 5 t,,.....,..,_..„5,i0- • ' -- " , .:-...,,,-, _ rtONST.INTLY on hand a superior article of Lard V./ Olt, warranted to burn at any teitieralure , and equal to the best winter strained Sperm 011, without its offensive qualities, and one third cheaper. man. uractured by the subscriber at the old stand, Third st., nearly opposite the Post Office M. C. EDEY. Jan 4,1,343 to tarot ni old eland , te the Ex PITTSBURGH Looking Glass Manufactory, And House Furnishing Warehouse, 109 Wuod 11C3r sth: and mo TUE Subscriber having comr bled his arrangements at his sew stand, is now prepared to otter to his friends, and the public, a large and complete assortment or Lu="7 Gins-ma, and llonse.furnlshing Hardware. (at prices to suit Pier and Mantel Classes In Chit and M"-botratly Frames, of the most apprcved and superior workman ship. Toilet Classes with 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 drawers. Common, stained, fluted, and p'llar framed Classes suitable for Merchants, (or those wanting cheap glasses.) Japanned Wailer , and Trays ofall colors and patterns. Ivory handle Knives and Forks, in sells or &runs, Buck :tad Bone handle. Table Cutlery. Carving Knives and Forks, do. Dixon's Brittania Metal lea and Coffee Setts (sit perior gnallty.) A merierin Manufactn „do, in setts. or single pieces. German Silver Tea• and Table Spoons. Silver !dated and Bras. Candlest icks,Snufrets do, Brit tania Metal Lamp., for hurtling Sperm or Lard Oil, Bras. and Wire Fire Fenders, (various patterns.) Fire Shrivels and Tongs, Hand Irons, kc, %Vitt) a variety of other art icles too numerous to men tion, all of which will Ito offered at the lowest cash pri nes. N,B. Portrail,Mhdatare,and other Framing done at the shortest not Ire, repairing ofall kinds attended to. Look. ingGlass plates,hy tne box or single light. Prints for Fra. ming constantly on hand fen 23 THOS. A HILLIER. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Upholstery Furnishings. 1111 HE subscribers respectfully inform their friends and 1 the public that they have just opened thei,store No 30 Fifth street, near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining Mr. J• D. Williams' Grocery. where they intend to manu facture in the hest style, and have toady for sale a full assortment of the first qnality of Upholster, Paritis such as flair, Shuck and Straw Mattrasses, Pea Ih• er Beds, Sackings. Jrc. 1 which they will sell for Cask at nearly 100 per cent less than former prices. AL.SO:Sofas, Chairs, etc. Upholstered, carpets mad. and Cut tains arranged aner the fashions—All of which they offer to execute in a manner unequaled in this or unsurpassed In any other city. JOHN T. STEWART mar 20 lv CHAS STEWART. SUf',GIC AL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL IN STRUM ENTS!— T. McCarthy, Cutler mid Surgical histrusieht Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the Part ofice, Pit:l4llVA (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in • struments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. IL Allartielre warranted of thehest quality, and jobbing done as usual. sep 10 FA RM FOR SALE.— The undersigned offers for sale 12 his farm, lying in Ross Township 41 miles from the City of Pittsburgh, containinr 119 acres ofland of which 60 are cleared and under feni.s, L, ml 5 to 20 acres of meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apple, few Peach and Cherry trees—the improvements are a large frame honse containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a Ta vern or private Dwellitig,a frame Barn 28 by 60,sione basernott, and stabling, sheds rnd other out houses suit• able for a tenement!-2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes. and a well of excellent water, with a pump In at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there Ig no place now offered for sale with more Inducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh,the terms will lie made moderate, for further particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N. U. [(not sold before the list of October next. it will be divided into 10 and 20acre lots to suit purAa acre. sep 10 r hUE subscriber hasp's; received from Phitadelphiaand New York, with a ei ueral and extensive assort ment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, and every article in his tine of business, which he is deter. mined to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash..-. He believes he can offer stronger Inducements than any similar establishment In this city 'to country Physician and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves with Drugs and Medicines. His articles have been selected with the utmost core, and are warranted of the best qual. ity and uniform strength. Orders will be filled with ac curacy and elegance. Famili. s can be supplied with Fine and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable varimy, and of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetics of every description. The undersigned returns his thanks for the liberal sup port heretofore extended to bitn, and hopes by a constant disposition to please and accommodate—a care In pro curing and selling only what is excellent and genuine_a close supervision of the sales and transaction of the ...stab_ lishment—precaution and accuracy in compoundi med icines—and by Industry and perseverance. to rnee nln crease of public patronage may 25 FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING. BPERRY takes this method of informing the public In general that he continues to carry on the above business in the Moxoxosencta Horst BUILDINGS No 1 Water street, where, with strict personal attention he hopes to please alt who will favor him wbh ti sir pa tronage. From his long experience In the business, he flatters himself that his work cannot be excelled in neat nessand durability,at least west of the Mountains; bu it Is useless to boast—s fair trial Is the heat evidence' To suit the times he manufactures Boots at various pr I ces; from as low as fine dollars up to his best quality, which he affords atseven dollars per pair. 2p 20,3 m Denning's Fire Proof Iron Chests. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. J. Denxtma— , On Friday, the 301 h of last month, about 9 o'clock at nicht.the Planing,Grooving and Sash Man ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4- Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed Inmbej, was all consu. med by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was to the most exposed situation during the fire, and was entirely red hot—l am pleased to inform you It was opened at the close of the fire, and all the books, papers, kc.saved;—this is the beat recommendation I can give of Hit y of your safes 4k 24 —tr DE. LEIDY'S SARSAYAMILLL BLOOD PILLS, OTC appll• cable in all cases, whether for Purgation or Purifi• cation. They possess all the boasted virtues of other pills, and are additionally efficacious, containing Sarsap aline in their composition, which is not contained in any other pills-in existence. They arealso different from oth er pills in composition, being purely vegetable, and can be employed at all times, without any danger, and re• quiring no restraint from occupation or usual course of living. Notwithstanding Dr, Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills would cure all diseases, yet it is not saying too inurii of thetn;from the innumerable cures performed by them la every variety and form of disease (certificates of many of which have been published from persons of all denom- Idgtions, physicians, clergymen, and others) that they We to be almost universal In their Orden and Persons inane lbr whatever skknesn or litStaSet MOT rest 11 berated morleluecastosta tbas fay oth the citizens Lt be WILMAPA THORN THOMAS SCOTT IMPORTANT FACTS. INDIVIDUAL wxitliarazza. UNITE!) STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For the 'Transportation of Nerckandize and Produce Betweeit PITTSBURGH AND PHILADEL . EIA AND II7'7'SBURGIi AND BAL7'I.4IORE,_ NEW YORK AND BOSTON. DLNINE: 4 McANULTY respectfully inform the pub lic that they have completed their arrangements for the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDEIT PRINCIPLES. The public has long wished for Individual competition in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to Its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the &aloof Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail Roads, individuais owning Portable Boats are enabled to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to com pete with companies. This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Pour Section Portahle Boats, owned by the Captains Who command them and well known as enterprising, industrious and rewierienced Boatmen. The superior,ty anti adeantrir? •f the Portable Boat over every other mode of Transportation, are too well known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf. ace it to say, that the ititialise, iois,separation and dam• age to Goods, invariably attending three Transhipments between Pittsburgh and Plitadelphia are by the Portable Boat most effectually removed The Portal& Boat possesses the great advantage too, of being well ventilated and cool in Sommer; which pre vauis Floor from souriv, and Baron and Tobacco from sweating. Devine k Mc A nn't v, standing as they (IGO:et ween the owners ofgoad4 and the Boatmen who carry them, and en:tally interested in protect in,gthe interests of bat h, will make no pruntiees to the public they will not faithfully perform. They arc now prepared to receive and forward Pro duce to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston in the short est time, and pledge themselves to enter into no combination with other Lines,but always stand ready to early out the principlesof their Line,and contract for freight on tic very lowest terms. 0 , 1' .1 '0 give ondoultledwecurity to o wners and shippers of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected, by which all mei chandiza shipped by this Line will be (muted without an! additional expense to the owner. Devine k Me A nutty will receive all produceconsigneal to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam Boats and forward the same without delay to Philadel. phia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge for advancing or commission. DEVINE k McANULTY. Ag'nts , Canal Basin, .lls rty sires', Pittsburgh. 1110.-1. GE. Agent, 272 Market sireet.r MOORE k CHASE, Agents. 75 Bowley's Wharf, Baltimore. BOWEN 4. HIBBERD, Agents, Cincinnati, Ohio CULVER WOODBURN, Agent, Madison Ind, Thos. Ric - ADAM, 4 , Agent. 27 Old Slip New York March 10, 1:`,42 INDEPENDENT TIDE WATER LINE. FUR carrying !Merchandise and Produce to and from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, R.litimore, New York and Boston, by the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail road, on entirely temperate principles. Stock of this line consists of new large Tidewater boats built expressly for this route, with all the modern Im provements in boat building; of a superabundant supply of first rate ears on the Portage Railroad; arid a full sup ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats be. tween Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which wf!l be conducted try sober,intinstrious and experienced captains and superintendents• Charges will be paid on all goods Intended to Ire shipped from Pirt,bitri h to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston, and cortsitAied to James Dickey dr Co., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne sts. and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch. All Goods and produce intended to be shipped from Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Rani tan Canahland consigned to Dart, Andrew and kleKever, wilt be received at their warehouse, first wharf above Race street, Philadelphia, arid shipped directly front thence without additional handling or expense; a line of Boston packets connects with the line at this polo , Shippers are invited to examine the stock of this line and judge for themselvechefore shipping by any other, as their interest will die advanced by shipping by it, hie proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the utmost of their ability for the Interest of their custo mers and prosperity °flitch line. Insurance can he effected cheaper by this fine than any other, as the route is considered the safest• _ . _ R.OPIt I ETORS Hart, Andrews h• 111eKever, from Philadelphia and Da timnre to Ilnltldaystmrg, Henry L. Patterson, from tlottnlay,burg to PittAurgh _ _ AC ENT,.I. Hart, Andrews 4- McKever, Philadelphia Elder,Gehdon 4. Co., Baltimore. Henry L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg. lessee Patterson, Johnstown. JRlflet DiCkPV k CO. Pitlshorsli, Regular morning Packet for Beaver. rpHE fast running and well knowr I F Steamer CLEVELAND. zznAstr lisstrint.i., Master, will depart daily from Pith. burgh at 9 o'clor k, A. and Beaver at I o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO. No 60 Water street. N n„—The resu lar canal paetet to Cleveland, Ohio Greenville anti Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the Ohio Canal, connecting with steamer Cleveland at Bea• ver,will he in operation immediately on opening of nav mar -If --- - Adams' Patent "Eaughphy" -HAVE now been before the public 3 years du ring which time several thousands have been sold and in daily use, We are confident of bein'g sustained in saying they are the best Coffee Mills In the United Stater, any way you .fix Several modifications are madeto suit the fancy of wives and the purses 'f husbands Sold by the gross or dozen at the manufactory.-- Malleable Castings made to order. FAIRBANKS'PATENT PLATFORM SCALES These genuine articles, of all sizes. and most improved varieties, constantly on hand and (insole at very reduced prices by the manufacturer, L. R. LIVINGSTON, mart. --tf Front between Ross and Grant sta. lON IRON CITY HOTEL; The old stand of Matthew Patrick, (Late(! occupied by Jeks franc) 1111 IHE subbcriber wishes to Inform the citizens of Pitts. JL burgh, and the travelling public, that he has leased the above well known stand, (situated on Fifth street, between Market and Wood,) where be will be happy to accommodate all his old friends, and as many new ones as will be pleased to acknowledge him as t)eir host.-- His terms will be moderate, suited to the times. His table will be supplied with tile best that the Markel af fords. His bar will be furnished with the choicest of liquors, both domestic and foreign. His stables are spa Mous and commodious, conducted by experienced and attentive ostlers. tit:r He wonld inform the citizens that he is prepared to accommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Years ly boarders at fasted prices. RATIOS OP' BOARD , le Meal. 25 cents. 1 Lodging, Week, W. ,_.---,_--, ,_.--- ~ .' r‘ O FEM A LeS.--There IS a large 'class of Females in I la' TO - F • • 'blip thlsCity who front their continnedsittlng, to which that saperflnool hair you have . their occuptitionsobtigelltem,gregitected with costiveness upper lip 7 By eitlllntalTuiTilek, which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex• obtataing a-botiloyff,lturaga'satoadr4._ ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, will remove it at once withoitturecth4 l tiasi.. intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the can also obtain Gouraues, de Bea. attention to any mental operations; rumbling In the how , . which will at once remove all freckles, piroptes, el up els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after lions of the skin, and make your face took perfectly fain; meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more stairs; tempre tickle; these are symptoms which yleld al color to their cheeks, they ran obtain some of Gouraud,* Once l(),a few doses or the Bra nilreth Pills The occa. celebrated Lionid Rouge, wilich cannot be rubbed off even sional us of this medicine would rare a deal of trouble by a wct cloth, Also may he found a good assortment 01 and years of suffering. One, or two, or c‘t en three of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Bears' Oil, Almond,Pll:r, the Brandrctli Pills Just before dinner, are or found VVitul.tmr; and other; oaps. hly beneficial; many use them very advantaceousty In Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency, Bei 4th streetd i thisway; they aid and assist digestion, restore the newels Druggists and others cau besupplied at Wholesale an d to a proper conditiomenliven the spirits, impart clear retail terms. may 2.6 1842 netts to the complexion,purify the blood, arid promote a' general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. R-audrctli's Office. in the Diamond Pittsburgh_,-Pricc 2.5 cent.; per hox, with full directions. MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of. 6ce, Diamond. ScP, 10 D' , R. STARKWETHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR. Case of Liver Complaint of 25 years standing. This may certify shat for twenty fire years I was af flicted with pain in my side, which was frequently to severe as to entirely Incapacitate me from labor. I have been under the care and treatment of various physicians without any permanent benefit. (fearing of tire many cures effected by the Ilepatlc Elixir prepared by Dr. Starkweather, I was induced to give it a trial, and ant happy to say that It has entirely removed. I have felt no symptoms of it for more than a yrar past. Northltridge,latteßt3 30, 1341 Is MUTE. Ttiegenultte to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, Fourth street. in -TO INVA.,II)s. -flow important it 14 that yell commence withon lossoftiau wall Bits MDR zeu's Pad s. They mildly but sorely rentuve all impurities from the Mood, and no ease of sickness can affect the 11U011113 frame, that these cele• Mated Pills do not relieve as much as medicine can do. Colds and coughs are more henentied by the Brandreth Pills than by lozenges and et - maims. Very well, per paliative., but worth flotilla; as eradicators of diseases from the human system. The BRANDRETM FILLS cure. they do not merely relieve, they cure diseases, whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE OE A CANCEROUS SORE, Clan Etna, January 21,1843. Doctor Besju'sin Beandretk—llonored Sir: Owing le you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am induced to make a public acknowledgembut of the benefit my wife has derived from yonr invaluable pills. About three years this winter she was taken with a pain in her ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent for the doctor During hisat,endasace the pain and swell ing increased to an alarming degree, and in three weeks Goo its first commencing it became a running sore.— She could get no rest at night the paln was so great.— Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and she received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse, and the sore larger all the while. Re said if It was heal. ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a lon how ta proceed, and my poor wife still continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought other aid in a Botanical doctor, who said when he first saw it that lie could soon cure the sore, and give her ease at once. To our surprise he gave her no relict, and acknowledged that it baffled all his skill. Titus we felt after having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians In vain, in absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly tailing in the prune of her years from her continued suffering. Under these circumstances we concluded that we would try your Universal Veget tble Pills.determined to fairly less their curative effects. To my wife's great comfort the first few doses afforded great relief of the pain. Wit tin one week, to the astonishment of Our selves and every one who knew of the case, the swelling and the inflammation began to cease PO that she felt quite easy, and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, after six weeks' use she was able to go through the house, and again attend to the management of her family. which she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over two mouths from the time she first commenced the use ef your invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite eound,and her health better than it had been In quite a number or years before. I send you this statement after 'wo years teat of the cure. considering it only an act of Justice to you and the public at large. We arc, with much gra Rude, Very respect fully, TIMOTHY 4' ELIZA A. LITTLE. P. 9. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore can rerous. and finally said no zood cou'd be done, unless the whole of the flesh wa , cut off, and the bone scraped.— Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort to your pills, winch saved is from all Imrthcr misery, and for which we hope t be thankful. T. 4- E. Ccr Sold at '25 cents per box, with direction.. Observe the new labeis, each having upon it two .ig• natures of Dr. ltrandreth. So earl] hoc of the genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three ft. Brandreth upon It. The only place in Pittsburgh where the real Bran dreth Pills ran he obtained, is the Doctor's own Alex, In the Diamond, behind the Market house. Mark, the genuine Brandrctli Pills can never be obtained in any drug store. The followhoz are the only azeny appointed by Dr. R. Brandreih, for ilte sale af his Vegetable Universal Fills, in Allegheny count): PRINCIPAL AfIERS,G II LEE, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Glass—Alleghenyt Robert Duncan—Blrmine ham. C. P. D'ehl—Elienhcattown. H. Rowland—M'Keesport. Prmsly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. John Johnston—Noblestown. Chessman j Spaulding —Stewartstown , Asdell k Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum. George Power—Fairview. David R Coon- Plum township. Daniel Negle—Earl Liberty, Edward Thompson—Wilkinsburgit Wm. 0. Ilunter—Allen's Milt NOTICE TO DR. BRANDRETH'S AGENTS. The office Pittsburgh which was established for the purpose of constituting agents in the west, having acorn. phslied that object, is now closed, and Mr. G. H. LEE in the Diem md, Market street, appointed my agent for the sale ofPilis and Liniments All Dr. Brandeths agents will therfore.undersfand,that Dr • B. will rend a travelling agent through the country once a year tocalleet moneys for sales made and re-supply rivets. The said traveller will be provided with a power of attorney, duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all necessary vouchers and papers, Mr. J, J. Yoe, is my travelling agent now in Pennsyl vania, B. BiIANDETIL M. Di N. 8, Remember Mr.G• 11, Lee, in rear of the Mar ket is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. New York,June 14'h. 1843, THE TRUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. In- An individual only wishes to know the right way to pursue it; and there are none, were it !WRYLY made known how Lies might be prolonged and tizstru re covered. w: o would not adopt the plan. Evidence i, required that the right way Is discovered. This is what those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about. For who Is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body is capable of? Who is there that would not live when his exptrience can so much benefit hiat , elf and family? It is a melancholy fact that a very large pro portion of the most usefi I members of society die be tween the ages of thirty and forty. How many widows and helpless orphans have been the consequence of man• kind not having In their own power the means of restor ing health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na lure, In the outset, with a good dose of Brandreth's This Is a fact, well understood to be so by thousands of our citizens. This medicine, if taken so as to purge freely. will surety cure any curable disease. There is no form or kind or sh - knevs that it does not exert a cur ative influence upon. Thus, by their power in resisting prurefaction, they cure measles. Mall pox, worms and all contageousfevers. There is not a medicine in the world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore it to healthy condition, as the Brandreth Pills. The Brandret It Pills are purely vegetable, and so in nocent that the infant of a morth old may use them if medicine Is required. not only with safely but with a cer tainty of receiving all the benefit medicine is capable of Imparting. Females may use them in all the critical periods of their fives. The Brandrtth Pills will invite' their health, and produce regularity in a'l the functions of life. The same may IT raid of BrisairetA's External Rest edy,aa an outward application in all external pains, or swelling,s,or cores, it greatly assists the cure. When used where the skin is very tender or broken, it should Ya mixed with one or two pints or water. "Natef..Osnoias Brasdrsti Pi/La.—Examine " look at -' certificate of sipe!rf.y, 1t eta, $2.60. -MICR.-PORTSER, Headache: Ileadae e. Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS, ARE now known to thousands as a most extraordina ry remedy for this affliction 05 well as the incon trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those suffering only ask nmotrjr, their friends if they if known of the positive effects of said Pills. and have thnutey do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly too) than any other, then let them net lolly them. In these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothing will be said of their merits at any time but what can Ire fairly proved by respectable memt ers of our community. Read the following certificate given byon a respectable thiZE-11 of lloglicny city, and attested by eof es of the Court oAmaf Common Pleas of Allegheny co. mi:ay CITY, January 9, 1343* DR. BIIODII. Dear Sir—l have for a number of years past been af— flicted with a severe and almost constant headache, a— rising front derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for its Cure, have never derived any mate. rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An. Ii Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite two boxes and consider myself perfectly relieved front that distressing complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending. your Pills as the medicine I have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, B.TUIINER , I am acnna.nted with Mr, 'Fume - , I have no hesiia Lion in certifying that I consider the statements of Mr, T. respscting Dr. Brodie's Pills, as entitled to tile most perfect and entire confidence. HUGH DAVIS. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the Brodonlan Pill Establishment Pittsburgh I'a ; ani by all authorised a gents throughout the Union Alle'y ciiy Jan 9 V 345 WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills, Clitansmerts.—Letter.from the lion. A bli'm M 'Clcl lan,Sullivan County, East TCrillenee, emberof Congress. WASHINGTON, July 3d, 1833. Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satin faction, and believe it to bea most valuable remedy. One of my zonstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county. Teaneesee, wrote to me to send him some. which I did. and lie has mployed it very siteceifully in his practice, and says it is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent al this place,^ thinks you would probably like an agent In Tennessee. If so, f would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Shouldyou commission him he is willing to aet for you. You can send tile medicine by water to the care of Robert King 4 , Sons, Knoxville county, Tennes. see, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tazewell, East Tennessee. I have. no doubt hut if you had agents in several counties In East Ten nessee, a great deal of medi. eine would be sold. I ant going to take some of it home for my own use, and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would like an agent at Bluittville, Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Ycurs respectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELLAIi; of Tennessee. For sale Whol e sale and Retail, by It. E. SELLERS, A zent, sep 10 No. 20, Wood st reet ,lielow Second. DR. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP.— TMs Infallible remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on trot ems, the child will rest v. er. This preparation is so Innocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will reftise to let its sums be rub bed whit It. When infants are at the age of four months. tho' there is co appearance of teeth. one bottle of the Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents shan't] I ever be without the syrup in the nursery where there are young chlhlren,for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the sums, the Syrup immediately :ices case, by opentag the pores, and healing the cum=; thereby prevent. ing Conon Mons, Fevers, 4-c. For Sate Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, A.ent, sep 10 N 0.20. Wood street, below second. LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. 11 ar. ilch's compound Si rengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm. Rirliard., of Pittsburgh, Pa„ entirely cured of the above dlstreving dis,ease His symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, less of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations. a distension of the stomach, sick brad-ache, furred tongue, countenance changed tou citron color, difti. culiy of breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de rangement of the functions of the liver. M r. Richards had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until using Dr. flarlich's Medicine, which terminal. ted in effecting a perfect cure. Principal Office, 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh by F-aMUti Frew, corner of Llher ty and Wood streets. t rep 10 BARON VON HUTCHELEIt HERB PILLS.— Ta m mil e are ~ rimporied of herbs, which exert a specific action upon the twirl, give impulse , or strength to the arterial syttem; the blood is quickened and equalized In its circulation through all the vessels, whether of the skin, the parts situated Internally, or the extremities; and as all the Secretions of the body are drawn from theblood, therelsa consequent increase of every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is corrected, all ohstruc• Lions are misled, the. blood is purified. and the body Teme! a k nide:Vs:ate. Fort ate wholesale and Re• talky R E SELLERS, Aent, yep IS as I ,Vood st. below Second. mar 23. 1843 PILES cured by the use of Dr. flarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills Dr.llarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the Agency from you for the sale of your medicine. I formed an acquaintance wlih a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4-c. JAMES R. KIRBY October 3, 1840. Chambershug„ Pa. reOffice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets. Pittshurgh. scp 10 LIVING VEGETABLE .r.- z The Public should be cautions of mcdicinest r comraende 1 in advertisments stolen from we, which the CONTEMPTIBLE It 011neRS Steals wy wage, merely alterim ; the name. Time wi these wholesale deceivers in their true light. , ' T I . ,I . t ... 0 WT . --Et . '•F 37)41----1111111k Medic . ' ; e . 'toy th ott"an a '" v de n t 1 thet '`. .. Ile " DR mend 1, , the afflicted. u.einlness. The sick or . '404... tending thei r- benefit from ales, PIL : . rnwiog every day more Molar, both . .re dai4 deriving require no other. No. oftf Blotr, hard lumps of the skin the y . lags lots - .: ; s tit' 1 so with salt the .so - ! .„. 0 .... ii v c ue, so wit ) erysipe las , _. jii.. „ 0 ,,,, i witaidigw - - withweligestion, w with coughs an d c parched lips covveness, so wilt cancer, sow laillt6l4lsease but they can be used . wit h a.:l threSne afflicted use thi s AS USUAL. iye a sidiccainnek,er andin tithreeymvotothelefg-ox, with directiQns. B eac enj h am b in ox B o y f an4„. the I Sold at 25 eerfa els each hating upon it two 1' O' sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be., ug O na b i s i e u rve i t i kor. x sig tra tu nd re r s_ eth. come popular, In consequence of its success and of -i - ticacy, than it is counterfclted or Imitated. en . three B. Brandreth upon it. To pretest imposition, Dr Leidy has now procure. g . mouldled bottles for his celebrated Tatter and itch Only in Pittsbu h he ONLY PLACt. . rg where the mu; went, with the words .Dr Leidy's Teller end itch (31 randreth Pills cs,s RE 'DETAINED, is the Doctors merit sblown in Lhe glass, besides coataining his w own Of fi ce, Dia nd back of the Market Howse signature nn a yellow label outside. m:ire Mark, the GEN e Brandreth Pills can never be dr Dr Leidy's Tester and Itch Ointment. has h utch, mined in any UG STORE efficacious than any other preparation fol i rdisemies of The followT AGENTS ap p oint. ; ' Dry the ONLY t.- point.: Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustule ed hy Dr. Orandreth, for the sale of his Vegeta "- d the skin generally. e i tor t zs , so d en boar b , rrniver i Pills in Allegheny County. it has been employed in who re children. a., welt as 1 ''Gt-,H 'Principal Office, Diamotid, Pitterboriti ves- - ek carrying passengers -"" ses of the skin from their ' mi . , it ! ilasS—Arleghetiy • grown persons, contrary e n most MICIaMpA FUCCcilr; RObff , CI nCa n—Bi rmingham. contaeious nat.ite, rty" d lions have beep heretofore r. i Siehl—Elizabeiht • certificates and rsornamen a hri might be ob- ‘..,. -- , , „. .. Dull. Allem, and numerous ot e .., rland—filchtesport. published frO6' for the objections most persons rs• ~. ,_ . n_ _ t nollcation,but . t Bina - for dis connection with Trio.: my , P ensant Hill. ."' ... their names publishe h a ve, to OAT"- pi Johnson—Nohiestown. come atteetnes sue t, & agreeable and loath. known to fall. f issman Sr , Spaulding—Stewartstown. In no single instance bee it ever o f a ll Adel & C onne ll— clinton. e i aid by persons i Ii has been awed Woe in' an ' s - I its .4obtrt Smith Porter. T eont ano no m ercury o arentunt. Ages. it is Perk"'"Cr' li circumstances. trflecoge Power— - ' airfiew. °shim , awl mayb e nowt loth! a_ . _. momp' David R. Coun—Plt • t h . ~..- owns tp. Price Tweati-eve mass bOelisarr(l= M e ' a IN joei N..ley_r; c,,er t 4 . 40,11 4 1 / 4 " 14/16111, PizoTocK it Edgard Thompson ' 'It .Y. by Z. T , nsburgh. MO r• i fee el .W. 0. Hunter— A'' milk. -•. ...:•‘. ...5.. - .. - r -- . !7" "Why will ye live at this pGor dying rate I'' ..44) III: E. HUMP HREN S VEGETA BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, o be had at Tovrces Medical Agency, 8G Fourth st... the only agent in Pittsburgh. Feb 22. 1111 E subscriber has lieu Landreth's Garden Pier following kinds—all of ti c lu e genuine: BearugsF44 Ends.e , Aim, Beets, Leans, Kale, Leek, Pumpkin, Radian, Wttiice, Mater Meloo, Rhubarb, Nusk, Saleafy, asturlium, Cauliflower, Fh Turnip, Corn , &c. &C. &C. Together wither seeds, igr Orders for ' ers and others w Dr. Swavaz— , of writing to you and to recomrncr and others you . Syrup of Prunm my travels of late the wonderful el drew of very of Wheezing , Cho: ..g, ..,. ... — 0 kr. I should not have written this letter, however ,at present although I have felt it my duty to add my testi mony a. It for some time, had it not been for a late he. stance where the medicine above alluded to was metro. mental in restoring to perfect. health an "only child," whose case was almost hopeless, in a family of my at quainiance. ttl thank (leaven," said the doating moth er,t,my child is saved from the jaws of deat ch h! 0 sa how I feared the relentless ravager But my ild is fe! Is safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swaynes Compound ll, , ttlyt 8 Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this or Afiy oilier country. 1 ant certain I t ave witnessed more than - one hundred cases where it has been attended with wpma pteie success. I am using It myself in an obstinate at. tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual In a or- t'• ceedingly short time, considering the severity of rhe earl. 4 ,. I ran recomend it in the fullest confidence of its impeder , 0t4 .13 virtues; I would advise that no family should be witbototi m il .. . it; it is very pleasant and always beneficlal—wo ~....,.,4 double and often ten limos its price. The public are - ..4... r sured there is no quackery about it. B. Jacasms, D. D. i --- Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chorelle jan 13--15" N. Y. Sol,l by WM. TIJORN, ntito'esale 4 retail, only a;entPar for Pittsburgh. Nn. 53. :51a,ket street. sep 10 ' ABOON TO THE HUMAN RACEI-- ,, Disicsser. °)l ' what will destroy Life. wed you are a great NUJ 4 'N I "Discover te ha , will prolong Life, and the world VeniX l - . B, call you Impostor." "There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, Willis 4 .-,,,,,. b .. : with which certain herbs kayo affinity. gad over. solli•ii .. 7 1 1' 11; they hart power." : 41 Dr. B. Brandreth'a External Bemedy, or Lielmesll/, t i . winch, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pate it i ~ a Soreness; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White SINEW Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Jelidifi i Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Ttiesto * Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrolblows ear largements, Tender Feet, and every description or Isl. jury affecting the Exterior of the Human I)ae,, : arei . [ 4. it cured or greatly relieved by his ncaer•ta be !islicipatir _ (. I etiolled remedy. . Ciarirtc...TE.—The following letter fro* : Major - C*lP • - 4 ' eras Sandford, as to the qualities of the Oilreal Reis dy, speaks volumes: NEW Yolta,7th- 9; Ol , * Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another . siii i your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the ,! kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely 5 0 .- knee, about which I was so uneasy. and I have fousill productive of immediate relief in several eases of exl nal injury in my family. A few evenings rimer. Rey youngest child was seized with a violent attack arCrItAL which was entirely removed In twenty misses/40..11b. hing her chest and throat freely with the External tem edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment ~ for general use, instead of confining the use of It, as you • have heretofore dane, to your particular acquaintances. -, . Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD DR. B. BIIALNDRZTII. 241 Broadway, N. Y. T - T-For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at his r.. effices i- the Diamond, Pittsburgh. PRICE-50 anti per bottle with directions. seplo .. TO THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—Th Class of individuals is very numerous. They ire thou • who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, Wbrk men in feather stores, stone cutters, bakei- ••hitelitat Manufacturers, are all more or less subject to disease as cording to the strength of their constitution. The n Method to prevent disease. Is the occasional =went Medicine which abstracts from the circulation all dehtte lions humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tome r In any form are injurious, as they only - - ,at off the - eivi day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandreth's - PIR will Insure health, because they take all Impure motet out o/Plhe blood; and the body is not weakened bet strengthened by their operation; for these valuable Pffts 0 'do not force, but they assist nature, and are not oppaset butharmonize with her. Sold at Dr. Brandreth't Office, in the Diseellell Piti;hurgn. Price 25 cents per box, with foil dinethalliL MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained.,is the Doctor's OWIL . Or flee in the. Diamond. lop ig. BRANDRETH'S PI SECURED BY LETTERS PA", THE UNITED STATES THE METHOD OF PREPARI BRANDRETHIAN VEGET. TRACTS Caveat entered 9th June, 1842—Paten Benjamin Biantitetb,2oth January, 184, The extracts of which Brandreth's Pi posed are obtained by this now paten, without hoiling or any application of het live principle of the herbs is thus senutel aA it is in the • - - raPPe r :. D r osco. l 4 lionecoir , C aline cx.q. cane \ - .0 6