... 3r-wit alone lightly re- I"" " ee- •--ea".."'"eat , „lid not with more equity . , anxiety manifested by the supporters of the respective than Lame disposed of the !candidates, we have every confidence that the busines 8 • Spawn , as it were , of the of the C o nvention will he done decently and in order. century, Ltfitre's crews ' • Our opponents, mho anticipated much wranglingand teenth, became American tits naturalization than tlite Mont- disturbance at our ward meetings, and who now pre admission among the opulent diet that our County Convention will be a scene of noise of English society. The marshy • and contention, will find themselves wofully disappoint- Was their outpost near the delta of ed in their calculations. triple mouths of the turbid Mis sat the entrance of the infernal We hope to see the Convention conducted properly a from inttri,ion; for, from the I —let no undue or unfair influences be exercised to se ll, they could overlook the entries cure the nomination of candidates—let secret marueuv river for many miles distant.— rive' or upon intimidation be alike discountenanced- - farther west, beyond the Sabinea and above all, let the instructions of the people at their their storehouse for the Gulf of if not inaccessible, they held primary meetings, be rigidly obeyed. If faithful and asp', disposal of contraband and fair dealing characterize the deliberations of the Con g to, the original meaning of vention, the friends of defeated as well as successful Spanish, expresses cheapness; candidates will cheerfully abide the result—but we are Louisiana resorted to their marts ice atfreedom of fraud which in confident that a selection brought about by improper land, every where sets revenue laws means, will create deep dissatisfaction, and a coming.- ;heap, especially if a fraud, like ti on °' n carr'ed by palpably violating instructions, will not enjoyments, is apt to be only be recognized nor submitted to by the-party. How , ime and honor, the singular by- ever, we know no reason to apprehend any such un ,of Louisiana—its (kinds, min- pleasant results. We know of no one base enough of origin, the misconceived effects of attempt to, gain his point by outraging the expressed 1 amazing fecundity aalluvial soil, icriptive introduction of the events will of the people; nor do we know of a delegate reek mg a circuit from Lake Maurepas less enough to be guilty of disregarding the will of those -.train, by Lake Borgne, to Mo- who elected him. the Gulf of Mexico to Calcasi While on the subject of the Convention, we will al river of that name to near Natchi midst of numberless waters borne by the lude to a matter, which, in the intense anxiety that lois rapid current, till the Mississippi whirls g r own up about other offices, seems almost entirely .or twelve miles an hour—what becomes forgotten. We mean the selection of Delegates to the :colurnel Does evaporation, permeation Convention to nominate Canal Commissioners. The bottoms, or extravasation over immense ier the tide so much swifter, and the Canal Board have the most important interests of the i higher above than below, that a whole state confided to them, and great care should be taken in perpetual danger of dotage? An to select the best men the commonwealth can produce. ;slice of nature renders the banks of To do this, oar delegates should be men of intelligence levees, highest at the margin, and mi overflowing the land much lower and integrity, and extensive acquaintance with the pee . 4. the sea.. The floods disemboguc in ple of the state—they should be men who have no pet ,yous, which the current rushes into 30 ty or selfish interests to subserve—who have, person ateamboats must go in stern foremost, or ally, oothing to hope nor fear from the Canal Board— wstarnped in whilrpools. The creation, reduction, and unexampled features of whose only object is to promote the prosperity of the prairie, and oceans of mud. hillocks, state, and rescue her from the difficulties which beset ~ plains and marshes, hundreds of miles her on every side. Let these considerations guide the om of the sea, are more marvellous, fruit- deliberations of the Convention, and all will come out kplicable, than Egyptian pyramids. hiero :,harvests, or dutch artificial conquests from right. oceans. Whales probably sported in the ' now alligators share it with the land,lakes, ;, bays, lagoons, swamps, forests, and cut , yielding continually to the improvements a, and the intercourse of the steamboat, as of industrial progress, in which the ele die New and Old World, land and water, illy blended. The Ohio, Missouri, Ar , other gicantic rivers, freighted from the lakes with prodigiousfloods, fill the Red, the Crocodile, the Vermillion, the Atchafayla, and other Southern communicants with the ern streams, all coursing south with their ich and Spanish names, sometimes dash ity bluffs, then creeping over interminable taking from regions of eternal cold to Anal heat enormous tribute of fluid and , slime ; lumber, earth, and other freightage, with the shells and, sands of sea shores in nu bays—Pasca g.oul a., Barrataria,Timballier,Ateli . Coteblank, Vermillion, and other water de .goof shore from sea, lining the coast with islands r:Sind , teleti, planting - extensive parishes by alluvion or Ailioseisogoed rubbish—nature alone, without man's as- Tflis tom, reclaiming soil from the sluggish waste of wa -I.sarit, -enriched without manure for the most exuberant predictions of the most important staples. Towering Ibrestiersvergreen foliage, perenial harvests, sugar,the ;bestof modern condiment., flourishing on the coast too I feritid for cotton;cotton, which has superseded iron in s ethedersands of civilization, thriving just north of sus . ...1 gara-eneither but where nature has allotted their local ity; aisitural grasses in overshading woods, where hor sesOsine,. and swine increase without man's care of &int variety of fish, profusion of game, and abundance of hetitim4 vegetables, support an indolent, but tern . petttotr,.4earful, gentle, gallant, and long lived popu- ' Jetiowtontlieir plantations, less liable to many diseases Abaft : Northern people, upon whose Creole stock the Nodkiert American and European engraft with happy amalgwasion. . Slavery seems congenial with their habits, climate ana,pltustations, and, as the campaign of English inva,l sioa.proved, is far from the discontented, destitute or dangerous condition conceived by most European views 1 of Is - The war of 1812 found Louisiana just wedded to the American Union, without many mutual sympa- thin. till community of danger, hostility and glory, multiplied and magnified national attachments. Nat uralists and philosophers, statesmen and scholars of the Old World sometimes exaggerate like Volney and Chaetonbriand, or undervalue like Raynal and hosts of etherdetractors, the physical, moral and political con , &tine of the new, especially its newest parts; above all those where slavery is an institution of torrid zones.— near misconceptions, often provoking, are sometimes "es indlculotia. It was long one of their foolish disputes aixabor the American alligator devours with the same , - *as the Egyptian crocodile; and many and sharp a: the profound discussions before the truth was d is _ ccroarti-that the animal is the same on the Nile and on the lgissiasippi. But sciolists and statists have not yet been convinced that the men and things of Eu rope,.do not degenerate, dwindle, and deteriorate in America. Raynal was sure of it and claimed the dis celery. - Volney came and saw a giant stature, follow edbyChateaubriand whose prurient imagination per ceitiml yoting bears rocking themselves to sleep on -the loftimit branches of immense forest trees, and tntna rinativtiwing in meadows of magnolia on the Mechn cheba. Since thou, Tocquesille has unveiled the ter rific power of Democracy; Martineau the horrid influ ences of domestic servitude; Allison the rapid decline to covulaive perdition of everything republican; and o ther European tourists, historians, philosophers and publicists, other innumerable evils in the climate and prodtustious, institutions, and society of a free country. Meantime it has been advancing with constant and mighty growth in all the developments of physical, po litical and moral grandeur and renown, regardless of animadversion. The land of liberty, cotton and steam boats, moves forward with the "rust of regulation" or tho"rest of archaism," progressive beyond all compe tition lad example in the useful arts; the elegant in constant attainment, and luxury overspretuling all with swirttare irruption. More than a hundred millions wok ei property annually leave and enter the waters .c e Mississippi valley. Upwards of two hundred are the exports and imports of the region era sought Years ago, the pirates of Barrataria ,att,....„l va_rifp i ti n , a nuance with Great Bri t, and but forty - I' 4 , i , Them is magic, thorerore in -i;aert Spanish col -41410'1, moral, or social in .kes4ters — . which a voyage inonseistestnhonts from Cincinnati to New ea Orl ~ ns, 436 44 indicate to European incredulity. ! • Operlitioos.—P. est Ia • sea" were all Aemlost accomplistied saw anCithe Northern ocean; and quests more atrocious"! revered the island of Ganda , the French privateer* there ; Carthagena; whence, taking T ulsa. they sailed for the 3011th pitched an amphibious and established a while - i by - s muggling , not pirates—a dis -"es-tilted reg .. Townsend, of New Haven, has presen- Yale College, the interest of which is to annually for five premiums of $l2 ofthe senior class, for English ccrm- only one-half at . -ase-cropsfor two or three yesr s,--, mating a crop at 20busbels of wheat per acre, o r its equivalopt. If morels raised, (ana doable has been) ' the whole surplus over 20 bushels goes to the tenant, who can apply it, if he pleases. to the purchase of laud which be does act wish at pre- , ent-to cultivate. Should .1"1 the crops fail so re to prevent the rem h e i n ,-, ra i se dser. Jai I , — i. ---_ , .I, they time will bcadded. The share, vizl . 4f the crop 41111)C 3:3 lila) $110t11.1114 13094. ( the only cosieration requirea-thls being to.i.i.ve'red, allowing these t forhauliag,) a warrantee deeo,,iu _____------------------------7 . --= .ND PID)I'll/E:TOI1,. be pven, and thttitle indisputable. Settlers can then , ---.,_--,- secure a good livitg, and in two or three years obtain .... . a farm that will mke them truly independent, avoiding jortoc..----r.=-,---=. the uncertainty this must attend obligations to pay ti cu.et for \-.‘411.-ti...„or.the fluct___________uation.s of the rearket." _ "I. am 13-W.a.'""bit]Lte work on England, says: • *cacy, for delicacy is a .F; to-day, to select tt. 0 count}. , ...any is a manly FOR R . - 1i: .I', • JAS. BUCnANAN,I, Subject to the decision of THg DB.IIOC_I ITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, THE Cot ti Y CON V ENT 10S .--The OUTSTANDING DEBTS OF THE COUNTY--We allu ded briefly yesterday to the importance of having the ouva,tanding debts of the county collected, and we again call attention to it, with the hope that the people them selves may be induced to take some decided action on the matter, for we well know that a mere newspaper paragraph will scarcely be sufficient to disturb the com placency of those faithful public servants, who seem disposed to let these accounts sleep the sleep of death. The individual amounts due are small it is true, but would form a very respectable aggregate, and peatly relieve the burdens of the citizens, who arc now heav ily taxed to pay the interest on borrowed money. They have been, many of them, long outstanding and most of the delinquents are abundantly able to pay, wisenev er called upon. They should be collected if for no oth er reason than to inculcate and preserve the principle of integrity among public servants; for if these derelic tions are winked at and overlooked, they will furnish a precedent for larger and more extensive defalcations hereafter We trust, therefore, that if a sense of do ty is not sufficient to arouse the Commissioners to tic ' don in this matter, the potential voice of the people , will be heard, in tones strong and loud enough to awa ken Collectors and Commissioners to a sense of right. WHAT THE WHIGS WANT.—The Whig party through its orators and presses, have ever professed to be friend ly to popular liberty, and opposed to every scheme whereby the rights of the many should be abridged.— Indeedthey have gone so far as to proclaim themselves the only true friends of republican principles. Occa- sionally, however, some one of their party possessing more honesty, or less policy than the, rest, vrill be can did enough to acknowledge the real end and object of that party and the tendency of the principles it wive). , The editor of the Albany Journal, who is now cates. Such a one, doubtless, is Senator Woo D a RIDGE, ! of Michigan, who, in canvassing that State, used the in London, writes as follows of the extent of that city, following language: its wealth and magnificence, and of the food required "If the whigs obtain power, we shall have a Nationalby its inhabitants: Bank, and then every thing will prosper, we shall then' "London, like the cataract of Niagara, is constantly love our country better, for the bank will attend to its xi-owing, up gilt wonder and admiration of strangers. legitimate business, and strengthen the Government! l am just beginning to be conscious of the impossibility and will slowly, very slowly, rise in its might and of comprehending its wealth, its magnitude and its overcome any opposition which may be attempted.— magnificence. Ride for honrs in whatever direction We shall then have no need to trouble ourselves about you please, and the same evidences of golden conquests the Government and its policy and principles, but are presented. All the nations of the earth must have quietly cultivate our farms and attend to our trades; been paying tribute for centuries to London. or these for, assisted by such a bank as will be formed, it will untold and incomputable millions could not have been have the ability and disposition to take good care of " ng .„ 4 „,,,,i h ere . the people's interests!" 1 "I was wondering this morning how much 'provant' Freemen! do you wish fora National Bank that shall . was required to furnish this army of people with rations. 'strengthen the Government,' and be strengthened in An enquiry she w s that 1,500,000 quarters (eight bushels) of wheat are required annually to supply Lon turn by the Government so as to be able to 'over don with bread; that 120,000 tons fish are caught here come all opposition?' Farmers and mechanics! do (of which 45,000 tons are fresh salmon) annually; the you wish for the creation of a great moneyed monster annual consumption of butter is estimated at 46,- that will, in the startling language of Mr. Senator Wood- 000,000 lbs., and the price varies from Is. to ls. 61— from two to three shillings our currency; of meats I bridge, 'slowly, very slowly, rise in its might!' till it fi °car n get no estimate, but there arebrought annually to nally overshadows and assumes the entire direction of Smithfield market alone, 180,000 oxen, 450.000 hogs public affairs—thus producing the great political mil- or pigs, 1,350,000 sheep or lambs. and 25,000 calves: lenium long foretold and anxiously prayed for by the of milk, it is said that 11,000 cows supply the metrop- Federal prophets, when the people 'shall have no need olis with 8000000 gallons annually, average price of Is. per eieight quarts. Eggs are an s are sent hereto trouble themselves about the Government and its poli- n great quantities, in crates, by water, from Ireland, cy or principles, bat quietly cultivate their farms, and Belgium, Holland and France, and sometimes told attend to theirtradesl' . as low as 3d. per dozen, but generally from is. to Is. 6(1. Hogs are fattened here in the yards of breweries DILAPIDATED — The canal aqueduct at Pittsburgh. and dstilleries, for while every thing of the grain kind It is now impassable, and business is much retarded on is called 'corn,' that product is not grown here. Hams this account.—Phila. Sp. Times. I sell at 7id; shoulders at sd; and smoked side pork at A mistake; the Aqueduct is dilapidated, but it causes 1 6d, in the retail stalls and shops. This is just double the price with us." no interruption to the Canal business. 1 Er At a recent session of thasannicipal council A &Kim. BOXFIRE.—The Cincinnati Enquirer of 1 of the Russian Capitol, the following resolution, hon- Saturday says:—Between two and three thousand dol- I, orable alike to those who had made themselves worthy tars counterfeit notes, consisting of slo's on the Bank o f Mi ss ouri; slo's on the Northern Bank of Ky., and 1 of the token of estimation and of those who conferred it--it was adopted unanimously, with but one esnep some of the new emission of ss's on the State Bank of i tion, that of a Jew who was a member of the council, Indiana, dettcrilt)ed in our paper of yesterday, were buned on yesterday at the Mayor's office. If they had 1 and did not vote: r "Considering the liberal aid which the Jews of never seen the light, several who are now in jail, suffer- 1 I Berlin have contributed, during the last four years, to ing the penalty of crime, perhaps might never have the different charities of the city under the government been tempted to do evil. - lof Christians, and considering that they have amply supplied the wants of their own poor, whereby a great saving of expense has resulted to the people of Berlin, the municipal council orders that theLactm of two thou sand dollars be appropriated out of city revenues for the current year, towards the construction of a hos pital which the Jews of Berlin are now erecting for the poor of their own faith." A NEW WRINICLE.—Among the many projects of ' theday, one for the settlementof a portion of the West ern country, is very commendable, andis worthy atten tion.. It emanates_ from Mr. Benry . . L. Ellsworth, ..canmissionor of the Patent office, who owns 15,000 runes oflrrairie .and, On the Wabash and trio Canal, 1 6eprupoe atA.eenonthefonowing 11:G. 30, 1843 make me sick From the "Democratic Advocate," Warreai The democratic Covessional Convention has pktce - u in nomination, Dr. GALBRAITH A. Invirm, of this county. This nomination must be highly gratifying to the Democracy of this district.. His talents and the purity of his principles alone make him the spontane ous choice of the entire democratic party of the district. He has no wealth to fo3ter him, nor any personal rela tives to intrigue for him; but standing alone on his own merits, he has won a popularity that we trust will se cure his election by a triumphant majority. SOMETHING FOR THE HATTERS. — In one of Willis's late letters to the National Intelligencer, we find the fol lowing description of the fall fashion for hats. To those who wish to be in the fashion, and are now wearing "shocking bad hats," we would advise them not to pur. chase either for cash or on tick, until the latest New York agony reaches our city: "I was honored yesterday by being called in to a pri vate view of the full fashion of hats, lying at present perdu in tissue paper, and not to be visible to the pro miscuous eye till the first of September. I ventured modestly to suggest un improvement, but was told, with the solemnity of conviction, that the hatters had decided upon the fashion, and that the blocks were cut, and the hats made, and there was no appeal. It is rather a lower crown than has been worn, slightly bell, brim a thought wider, and very much arched under neath. The English hat that comes over now is very small and narrow brimmed, and the Parisian is shaped like an inverted cone truncated at the base. Of course we have a right to a . fashion of our own; but a hat is, more than any other article of dress, a matter of whim sy, and any inexorable style, without reference to par ticular physicmomy, seems to me somewhat in the line of the bed of ° Procrustes. I recollect hearing the re mark made abroad that Americans could always be known by their unmitigated newness of hat. Certain it is that the hatters in this country area richer class, and many pegs higher in tradesman dignity, than those of France and England. Tart mieux, of course." The schr. St. Matthew and the U. S. steamer Gen Taylor arrived at Savannah on the 21st, bringing news from Florida to the 19th inst. The troops now stationed at Pilatka were to be remo ved to St. Augustine in the course of a week or ten days, and the post at the former place will be abandon ed. Sales of military articles at the different posts had been advertised, and the retirement of the army from the Territory was hailed by the people with much enthusiasm; as it enabled them to "calculate on Flori da becoming span thickly settled." The cotton crop in the vicinity is represented as excellent and promis ing a rich and abundant haryest. The yellow feeer,is at Key West. FROM ST. J AGO DI, Case.—The packet brig Emily, Capt. Bernadou, arrived at Philadelphia on Thursday from St. Jago. We learn from Capt. B. that that port 1 1 was as healthy as usual at this season of the year. The ' markets were completely glutted with American "pro dace, and prices merely nominal. No freight= to be had. From the Herald, we extract the following: Kay WEST —We are credibly informed that within a short time, a British brig of war, entered the harbor of Key West, and without communicating with the shore proceeded to take a survey of that port. The British Consul went onboard and was informed by the commander that he had been ordered to survey the harbor by order ofthe Admiral on the Halifax Station, and that a= soon as he could make a report, there would be a considerable force assembled there. Inquiry was made of the Consul whether he bud heard of an insur rection in the Island. of Cuba. These are occurrences and are seemingly porten tous. What the design of the British government may be in this paraicufan remains to be seen; but her rapa city is so well known, that we cannot doubt she has a design epon the Island of Cubr. We hrve recently , heard thai some regulations of the Cortez, in relation to the Island of Cuba, favoring certain of the Pnglish fan ! atismin their peculiar views are about to be promulga ted, and the move triads by the British Admiral may be in contemplation of some turbulence in the Island, of which that government knows sa well how to take I advantage- Key West is an important position, and should be fortified for many reasons. In the posses sion of a hostile power !our commerce would suffer ex ceedingly. It would be well for our government to or : der immediately some of our naval force to that port to counteract any encroachments upon our national rights or domain, fur who knows what a day or hour may bring forth. FROM FLORIDA Er Dean Swift proposed to tax female beauty, leave every b►dy to rate her - He, so wtadd -be '• ----- -i itirtta Movituntr Ts—An: on Cuba.—We ESOArE or hi t learn from the St. Augustine H erald; that within a short WALICS. - •`Some Mil time, a British brig of war entered theXabor of Key theeecape of thie Pot' West, and without communicating with - the shore pro- but were unable at*. dn. ceeded to take a su rvey of that port. The British Con- delivery, IS hittfarolly were t. sul went ou board and was informed by the Commander don of the fait" then might hso, that be had been, ordered to survey the harbor by order g ra ssrric an. Mr. Botmic r rande, and n illialW -1 of the Admiral on the Halifax Station, and that as family, on his way to F soon as he could make a report, them would be a con- account of his escape from bondage:C erk .. siderable force assembled them. Inquiry was made of , It will be recollected that he was the Consul whether he had heard torn insurrection in error, and on or aboutthe 23d of October nth, ill' Island of Cuba. These are sge occurrences, ' been about four years a prisoner on the island, be and ' .tteemingly portentious. What the designs of ordered to transcribe a number of letters and papers 1.4. the Bri u •' - '4Government may be in this particular, re. ,be despatched to England. Among them be came a- 4 mains to be 94 • ,hut we can not doubt she has a de- ' cross one written by Gov. Hughes, and directed to a 8 (...n.. sign upon the 1•21114- Cuba.—:\. Y. Sun. ; person in Bristol, stating the manner of the escape of a 9 Wet:noes k. OLD JOKES —The re le------ . convict, who had left the colony very mysteriously. It [-• R.E6.P . . . fs, who ha 1 appeared from this letter that the Governor had Brit- ` been . .. comparative the recurrence . read much else, is often astdf.eewsPePe, of old jokes, and the com bribed; and that the convict sailed to England in a .10 The Grand-N x , nt ts of n ow ones. . • • There has been scarcely a currt , fors o a. er , , ish ship in the employ of the Government. He had no .11 Glee—The Sues. 4 .. - that has net appeared at intervals, fome PP ' 1 sooner mad the letter than it was called for, ba y ing' 12 Ballad—Come, oh; -1,, while many are doubtless, older than theories I been handed to him by mistake. He returued it, re- 13 Solo on the Clariotiet, --- ntedilucians the side-ache. For exampl i ii gearking that he had not read it, as hi had not come to the opera gaza ladret) •• 's propensity for chatter, and her -to -44- The success of this prisoner deteirnincd him 14 Ballad—l'll remember -'• was, probably, either made kbel.4.t attempt to escape, which he did as follows: 15 Solo Gallopade Croma • • • mediate descendants. told a eemP•-eeks after this occurrence, Mr. Bourdon 16 Bass Solo, the Schsol Muter-- -•• Y. Tnagarine,._P4l3l)" (early in the rnor4..,L , o was an assistant clerk, started 17 German Air--Herz, =MOM '...•. c4 P'''''' °l. t walked nearly 2.0 in the Colony, andthe first day so tranring—Miss Laird, ~ • - I . --'-_,,,1 rocks along the shore at ••-•jAg themselves among the 18 Quartette—Sleep on---Messts. P -to a boat, which they hie -sh e next day they pro- Dyer, Gaya sad Pyle, British. ring to chance tl.. week watched 19 Gallopade—From the 'Postillion, ar th the aid of their . out to get on boa -..ht not be a ranged erican brig, by .Girl, brought to this were taken to Coquimbo, 41' A Blin d ' hence to VZ17.1.,_..e '-Chi ne se and then to Rio Janeiro, where is....trnitanion stoast Mts Gutzlaff, lady ofthe celebrated mi back, wil and from there in the brig Russia to Next ymk. cihir2a, to be educated and sent Tribune* I foraj es ' F'. - trianuf eictu red by the Blind will • lo se of the exes:ises. ar R A RE e,..,..___________.__ business streetz.—A store in one 04 good tenant. Apply at - -4.. c ity, will be to le; aug 30—'2w. -I.l.,„,Agency, St cape' _ by Adam hi - di We cut the folio wing fished in 1790, into which - 1l translated from one as ancient thei - C, Had those who've philosophy fahnm'd in Of woman's tongue had the least notion, To a summit they'd rose none before could attain, They had hit the perpetual motion! DESCRIPTION OF FATHER MATHEW Thatin which the attraction of the procession cen tred, was the carriage on which ,stood erect, with un covered head, tne great Apostle of Temperance, Fa ther Matthew—the object of ten thousand greetings from the vast nu tuber of spectators who thronged the windows and every spot of vantage ground in the streets through which the Procession moved. He was dress ed in a plain suit of black, with a white handkerchief adjusted round his neck in the form of a cravat. His upper garment, enveloping nearly his whole person was a long frock coat reaching below his knees, and partly hiding from view his bright "exterior" black boots. He is a man of middle stature, inclined to corpulency, possesses an extremely mild and some what ruddy countenance, and has a prominent nose. His hair, which was formerly dark, is now becoming grey, hangs in irregular locks, and constitutes the only feature of person indicative of advanced years, his physical energies still retaining all the elasticity and vigor of rising manhood. His appearance, altogether, is humble and prepossessing. His visage is intellec tual; his forehead rather high and capacious. In all his movements he manifests the enjoyment of the most benevolent disposition. His manners are simple and unassuming; and the kind and hearty reception which he pies to all who approach him, (whether brought i Ito his presence through curiosity or respect) is such as strikingly manifests him to be a true philanthropist, whose love and affection for his fellow men overstep the narrow sphe ofilfenevolence in which moves the mere kindred party, or sectarian benefactor. Hitherto his least recognized excellence by Englislitnen,has been as a public speaker, but his addresses at Leeds, York, and other parts of England, prove that in this capacity his merits had not been duly understood or appreciated. ' His voice is mostly shrill and feeble, and his speeches in general, are simple as his attire; they are always short, pointed and harmonious—often clothed in inter esting simile, drawn from surrounding or familiar ob jects, and invariably appropriate and well selected. His addresses, however, arc never distinguished by the gaudy ornaments of rhetoric, their elegance and force are more consistent with the language natural to an enlarged, fervid and virtuous heart, than with a studied nicety of arrangement, or a lofty figurative style. Many public speakers are more eloquent,- . - - - most more tedious; yet few are more sincere, pleasing amid efteetive, and fewer in all things more charitable. Such is Father Mathew, the moral regenerator of Ire land.—Lecds 111treu ry. MR. CLAY CHANGING HIS GROUND. - - In Mr. Clay'S late letzer to the Tonnes see State Agriculturist, he abandons his original ground fur a tariff of protection, and salons (lowa his high notiaas to Or? rer•cnne sten da rd. We begin to think Clay i rig his sails far popular favor. lieu ied to talk abort an old fashioned national bank, and a taritT uaqu:tlilied • jor protection. lie now miucas dia. (natter, spca'is of a sound car- rote!, and a rerecura tarq. Nothing like running a man far otfi •e to to (NJ: him lri m. But h-ar "I had hoped, an I suppose, that all would have cheer fully raliinl around a tarifl•waich, seeking to supply the traa (ury With an a I.:Time r: venue, for an econumieal winiaiitra• im of the G ivara:n : slavild at the same tim incil•ntally, pr (pee di ic ri mi nation, extend rea.' son ible rut •ctt (.1 to sac% branzhes of our domestic" industry as need a(1 it. This is all that in now uske or insisted upon. CANADIAN SOLDIER'. — It is said that the 1.11111 - way slaves from the United States are formed into a regiment of red-coats in Canada, and that the regi ment was used some weeks ago to suppress the meeting in Montreal, attempted to be got up for the purpose of advocating the Repeal of the Union be twee o England and Ireland. Nine black sentinels were stationed on the bridge at St. Catharine's, and they had orders not to allow even respectable people to pass to the plaoe of meeting, who had any appear ance of belonging to the liberal party. . . . —........-- _ these what candid man can deny; his very inexperience I -. 1 HEREBY cerrify that I have known a number of . in party and clique tactics would no doubt leave him people who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pillti,CV more time to devote to the more particular interests of and have been much benefitted by them, and I believe the section of country he represented; how much the in them to he the best pills for liver complaints, and for tercets of Allegheny county may be promoted by a vigi- 3 rieral use, of any rill now before the puhfic. lent member at head quarters the success that attended g MICHAEL FORNEY. the efforts of our late representative is proof. He was I hereby certify 'that I have been afflicted for 6 years likewise inexperienced. That great and important with a liver complaint; and have applied to different events may shortly be anticipated in this country no physicians, and all to little or no effect, until I made s ' man can deny: that plain common sense in connection use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes orders c with a siricerc desire to do right to all, wrong to none, lam nearly restored to perfect health. • - will be found sufficient in every ern-reency we have fuIISAMUEL DAVIS. confidence: that legal abilities, and them alone are to be Millersburgh, near Pittisbargh, August 16, 1843 depended on, all experience denies, it were indeed a'l 1" - "For sale at the Drug Store of dangerous heresy for the democrats of Allegheny coun- JONATHAN KIDD, ty, or of any other county in this broad Commonwealth, aug 952 corner 4th and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.. , to encourages In hope the intelligent members of the Convention will see the true issue, we are done. NIONTOWN AND PITTSBURGH TURN EQUAL RIGHTS. I , U PIKE ROAD.—Notice is hereby given that by it "MAY YOU DIE AMONG YOUR KINDRED."' an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth;; i il This was a beautiful and touching benediction in old. FOR Tt POST. . - of Pennsylvania, passed the sth day of April. 1843.444;i. , en times, and not less so now than formerly. There Messrs Editors:—Please announce the following are few of us indeed, who, could we consult our own ticket: . subscribers are named as Commissioners in Alleg . ss,, wishes, would desire to die among strangers; and tbo Congress—E. D. Gazzam. i county, with authority to open books at such time . 5 grent majority of mankind, live where they may, would Assembly—Col. James A. Gibson, I place as may be deemed expedient by them, for rather, when "life's fitful fever" is over, have their bones 1 William Kerr, : purpose of receiving subscribtions of stock, for deposited in the soil where their eyes first opened upon Uziah Stewart, construction of a turnpike road from Uniontown to burgh. In pursuance of which authority the subsdglis the glorious light of day. Thurlow Weed, Esq., the James Crawford. talented editor ofthe Albany Evening Journal, now in Frothonotary—(ieo. R. Riddle. hers will proceed to open books for the purpose of rs . .1. 1 Europe, in one of his interesting letters describing his Sheriff—E. Trevino. ceiving subscriptions ofstock, payable to "The P 4 fellow passengers, relates the following incident,which Commissioner.—J. C. Richie. dent, Managers and furnishes a striking illustration of the strength of the Treasu rer.—Dr. Wm. Kerr. Pittsburgh Turnpike feeling to which we have alluded. He says, "there Auditor—J. H. Mclllhermy. the terms of the act se are among the pasengers an old Irish lady and gentle- Coroner—Robert McChesney. • be opened on Mundt man of the name of Tobin, from Cincinnati, who go buck 1 at 10 o'clock, A. M. to the Green Isle to die where they were born, that ' ~,ss- FOR THE POST. , the city of Pittsburg' • Pleaie bl . heir dust may rest where rests the dust of theirfathers, Messrs. Editors.— pu oh the following Walker, in the bore! their have lived prosperously in America,but they could ticket for the consideration of the Convention to meet die happy only in Ireland. Six children are left in this day. America; and ono daughter, with that filial devotion I For Congress—E. D. Gazzam. which hallows a daughters affection, accompanies her 1 For Assebetty--Thomas Neal, of East Deer. parents on this sepulchral pilgrimage.—N. 0. Tropic.. James A. Gibson, of Pine. James Whitiker, of Mifflin. Wm. Sturgeon, of Fayette township, I Prothonotary—George R. Riddle. Sheriff—tiijah Trovillo. Commissioner—John M. Davis, of Peebles tp, Treasurer—Dr. Wm. Kerr. Auditor—J. H. Mcllheny. Coroner—Robert M'Chesney. Tin: Cow Titax.—There is a tree in Paraguay called the pale de root, or cow tree, which yields an abundance of glutinous milk of an agreeable and balmy smell, of pleasant taste, and highly nourishing proper ties. Humboldt and his company were curious to know whether such a tree actually existed, and satis fied themselves by ocular demonstration. It is a handsome tree, resembling the broad leaved star apple. The milk flows most abundantly at the ris ing of the sun, and the natives hasten from all quar ters with bowls to collect it for use. The schooner Susanna arrived at New Orleans on the 15th inst in five days from Campeachy. The edi tor of the Bulletin learns from a passenger on board the Susanna.that General Sentimanat landed at Campauchy some weeks since on board a small canoe, accompanied by two of his officers. He stated that he had ben betrayed by the remainder of his officers to the Mexi can troops. One of his partisans who had been en trusted with the defence of Tobasco, had snerendered immediately to the enemy. Sentimanat himself, with fifty or sixty men, fought the Mexicans fur some time near Tobasco, but was ultimately compelled to retreat; ann seeing himself abandoned, ru;de the best of his way. to Campeachy. When the S. left, he was at Madrid TOMATO Fros.—The following is a receipt for pre paring tomato figs:—Take six pounds of sugar to one peck (or 16 pounds) of the fruit. Scald and remove the skin of the fruit in the usual way. Cook them over afire, their own juice being sufficient, without the ad dition of water, until the sugar penetrates, and they are clarified. They are then taken out, spread on dish es, flattened and dried in the sun. A small quantity of the syrup should be occasionally sprinkled over them whilst drying, after which pack them down in boxes, treating each layer with powdered sugar. The syrup is afterwards concentrated and bottled for use. They keep well from year to year, and retain surprisingly their flavor, which is nearly that of the best quality of '-6sh figs. The pear shaped or single tomato answers . used YUCATAN may be te Lary brown BEER-DRINKING tADIES.-Mr. Weed, of the Alba ny Evening Journal, in one of his interesting and fami liarletters from England, writes: "Every body drinks beer in England. I have aston ished waiters, in two or three instances, by asking for water. When you seat yourself at table in a "Coffee Room" or "Steak-House," for dinner, and have order ed your "joint," or "steak," or "chop," the waiter in quires, "Hale, porter, or stout, sir?" If in place of ei ther of these national beverages, you reply "water," he either laughs in your face, or turns away, wondering where such a wild chap could have been caught. Now, that I have seen something of English habits, l am as tonished that Miss Martineau should have deemed the circumstance that two or three American women, with Whom she met, were "not all for love, but a little for the bottle," worthy of remark. The drinking of hale, porter and stout, is universal here with the females of the poorer classes, when they can get it; and with those of the better classes of mechanics, females, people, a*l shop-keepers. While at dinner at Birmingham, it wks observed by all of us, that the ladies (a dozen) at table drank porter as if they were thirsty, and as if it did them good. The lady opposite to me, who was well dressed and well educated, disposed of nearly an entire bottle. You meet ladies at every turn of the streets in London, "the rubie of whose faces shows the shrine at which they kneel.' I have met ladies at ex hibition rooms, whose fiery faces entitled them to the distinction of being classed with Shakspeare's "knights of the burning lamp." And you find every side-walk I blocked up with lusty ladies, who are indebted for their rubicund faces and rotund persons to habitual beer drinking. I yesterday sat in an omnibus with an old lady and gentleman, evidently of the wealthy class,the latter of whom was a victim to gout, while the former displayed a face and nose, the maintenance of which bad cost as much as Falstaff paid fur "sack" to keep Barclolph's salamander in fire " tEammunirations. FOR THE POST. Messrs. Editors: We presume it will be in point, on the eve of the meeting of the Democratic Convention, i to malie a few remarks with references to the candi dates for Congress. Without any desire to disparage the merits of the candidates older in experience than Dr. E. D. Gazzam, we would ask the Democracy of Allelieny county, if in them centre as much as in the latter gentleman the most essential requisites for that high post. If ever man was brought forward as the exponent of principles that should ever be recognized by a free people, that man is E. D. G327.A.M, and f , ,r why! Because he is not of those politicians to wit , ;:w growth. power and place, and a connection with pow erful cliques are ever indispensably necessary to suc cess. A few years ago and he was comparatively un known, and it is from having passed through the ordeal of trial unscathed that the people of this county regard hint with so much respect; they have tried him and he has not been found wanting; inexperience cannot with justice be urged against him by a people who cannot re cognize perpetuity in office without violating one of the cardinal principles of Democracy. Experience being the qualification, every democrat at a glance must be enabled to see that perpetuity in office is the result. Is he honest? is he capable? These and these alone are the necessary requisites, that E. D. Gazzam is rich in port of pittsburgl). Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General Steam Boat Agents, Water street. TWENTY-THREE INCHP.3 WATER IN THE CRANE ' According to Copper Mark, at the Wood street SedtT" ARRIVED. Warren, McDonald, Daily BeaverlNicaet DEPARTED,/ Muscle, Martin, Florenco." Keel Boat New W0r14.45r Cincinnati. ENN INSER„ E COMPANY.—This institu tion having opened an office at the corner of Market and Third stocks, is now ready to receive applications for Insuraire on Buildings, Merchandise, Boats, Car goes, etc., etc . Capital Stock 200,000 dollars. D inscrons . —Josiah King, Presidenr, John Bissell, J. W. Burbridge. G. M. Fleming, John Holmes, Jrs. Long, William Morrison, Morgan Robertson, and 'Th. 3. FINNEY, Jr., Secretary. 30.21 r. 1 YST E RIOUS CHEVA by James,received at Foster s St. Chet. awl Literary Depot, opposite the F aug 30—Gt. PUSEYISNI NO POPERY.—A fevreopries . new work just received at Foster's St Clair Agency and Literary Depot, opposite the Dgehatel aug 30-3 t. 4 THE CLOCK MAKER, or Sayings and Doily of Sam Slick, just received at Foster's Agent. • and L iterary Depot, St. Clair street. aug In the District Court of Allegheny County, /4 July Term, 1843, N 0.93. 3 e..--•-•-• John Walker. Jr. L. S vs. Veaditioai E z lif .....,....... Peter Wilson. , And now, to wit, August 26th, 1843, Oa 121 1 0d1m . of 0. P. Hamilton, Esq., the Court appoint Fes.: Shunk, Esq., Auditor, to distribute the proceeds '' in this case. From the Record, A. SUTTON ; Notice is hereby given to all persons interests I will attend to the duties assigned to me Court in the above case, at my office, in Four Pittsbureh, on Tuesday the 26th day of Septt.. 10 o'clock, A. M. FRS. R. SHUN Ling- 30. Aud T CST RECEIVED, a good askortment of au 411111111 GP of good window glass and window sash; also, NO cuts of yellow and purple 4 and 5 double carpet chniav 20 doz. large and small buckets and tubs; 20 resew writing and letter paper, for sale on acconarnodst*: terms, for cash or approved exchange. ISAACHARRIX Agent. and Commission Meithent« In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny Cosallli ty, of October Term, 1843. No, 130. V e----0-. T N the { matter of the application of D L. S. } 1 porat9toune:sne College fur of ur Charter, l .....-,-....., And now to wit, Aug 12, 1843: Constitution of Duquesne College having been present .. , al to, and perused bv, the Court, and the C,oart havin ' carefully examined the said instrument, and it 'PP"' 11 ing to the Court that the ohlects, articles and conditions therein set forth and contained. ere lawful, and not in-, jurious to the community, do direct the said writing to be filed in the office of th: , Prothonotary of this Court,{ and that notice be inserted in the Morning Post, in the, city of Pittsburgh, for three weeks, setting forth the ap- t. plication to this Court, to grant such Charter of Incor- portion. From the Record. i Attest: A. SUTTON, Pro. Notice is hereby given, that application his - been l '' made to the Court for a Charter fur Duquesnee. Col- 1 .° lege, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary I within ' three weeks, the Court will be asked tog-rant 1 I said Charter. THOMAS HAMILTON, aug 24-3 w DR. McL2LVES LIVER PILLS aug (Ad STRAY PAG.--Came to the premises of the scriltr, lying in Pitt township, on Saturda , .... " inst.,a lfge shitted "' hog; a crop off the le _ 'el• other maw Perokivable. The owner is .. . ake i t I th ion .` t. : . . 0 WM. BLlAdii• , I: fOrWard prove property, pay chariso w. or it wit I , disposed of accord:low' au; °9't x _ "_-_-.1----------- NippriASH I ONA BLE 11111 b Bar and Cap fdanafactory. t ,-Vrood street, 3 doors below Diamond Ailey, - up..ll4,ubscriber y:illlcisep constantly on hand re . ry,, vele!) , of the slobs fashionable Hers and wholesal, and retail,* reduced prices. Person, wislain,r‘purchase will find itio their rest to give him a+4- S. MOORE. Plusher , . an- 29, 1843. OHN LE FEVER'S N e w &Ansi) Stock listablishmost, A ri 61, DIAMOND ALLEY, BF WEEN WOOD •ND MARKET tallI•715. warLD moat respectfully announce to se tt isem l e f pashurgh and the country cenerally, I have retere nced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va rietvforrn and description, and would solicit merchants et yothers toCall and examine for themselves, as I am Oerteined to sell on the most accommodating term to br cash, sal hope, by strict aueation to business, a share of public putronar. au S` 19-6 m. Att'v for Petitioners