Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 28, 1843, Image 3

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Of Vocal aril Inatru;nietiral Ma i s at Costeerd ltrition %V g •
„-...., rsuciUST
. 23, 1943. 11 TR. A. T. SHA RPE, •Professor of Music, respect- Joan Davis,
--- it
I. fully informs the patrons of music in the cities A UCTIONEER AND COM.MISSION 111ERCIPT,
Inwri kki,o l 4sl-clitds, 46. -see firs t pasr.e.
of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, that he will bring for-
Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh,
1 smi.cai-odnhiii,ufiezitaC:,oncert. of Vocal and Instrume nta l M u _
ready- to receive inerchandize of every description
4,.... Tae CONSFRT.•--We publish a /late from a "genti,,
on consignment for public or private sale, and
man who was Plasent at the Concert of the Blind, on OvErtrunes 3 , g' a ugust
S, U VU S E L 1; 9
B, LII A' N Sos o con s isti ng
' 0f
long experienc e in the above business, Patters
Saturday evening. If Is described by all as a deliht- For particulars see small bills. .
f that he will be able to Bice entire satisfaction
Tickets to be had at. F. Blume's, St. Clair street;
ful Affair. We hope they may be induced to give an
`l7.. W. 'Wilson's Market street; Spirit of the Age of- c
t i o m :a l ll 4 , cl whoi.rnay favor him with iheir patronage.
e i gu at sales on lylo:. DAYS and, THURSD A Ls, of Dry
otharioerTae; a better house may be confidently
e, 3d street; Chn,nicie office, 4th street; 'W. M.
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o clock, A. M.
e F u o , s s t Dru er ' a
r l. , B i to te r r e a , r 3F •
e D d e e p ra o t l, ,
s S ti t t, .
et C , 1 a A ir lie s: b e e e n t ‘ ; .,
aDnr,.l at the
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new •
~ and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
ling El6-3t
Sale: every evening, at early gas light. nag 12—y
• Paatonical. OFFICE.?Mr. J. W. doK. has pur
. chasedofMr. R. G. Berford,lns P4riodical office,which
is still 4otitinAed at No. 85 4th street—th e old stand.
Mrtkonsli,istprompt, capable and efficient; in short, he
possesses/ every qualification of a business man, and the
customer of the former concern will find him obliging
and attentive.
By the way, we may as well note here, that the La
dies' National Magazine fur September, is received at
Cook's. his conducted by Mrs. Stevens and Mr. C. J.
Peterson, and is a very splendid affai r hi the Magazine
-9" Lin of Delegates elected to the Democratic County
Convention, so far as heard from:
/at 'Word..-.-lienry Cassidy, Thomas Kea.
24 " John Irwin, Charles Barnett.
" Thomas O'Neil, J. D. Kelly.
4th •."
Robert Galway, Samuel Snee.
ssh, " James Ormston, William Wilson.
4 -.Ward.—J. Haworth, G. Spangler.
." Charles Wallace, -- Townsend.
3 d " John Ai'Cklesney, William Dalzell.
Richard Dewhurst, George A. Kurtz
Lower Bt. Glair.—John D. Miller, -- Frew.
Fiver St. Clair.—W. Kerr, M. Beltzhoover.
„Rots.-,—lL)liert Hare, James AfcAleer.
.Rirstiarkasa.—Jurnes Salisbury, Edward Encell.
Robiarori.—W. Gribben, IV. llt'Cormick.
12 / 1 47—John Greene, Wm. Brown.
Petebks..---JoLu i B. Guthrie, George Ferree.
Phrrab.--Ilizitth Stewart, MeJunken
Riains.—Edward Thompson, Robert Donaldson.
Reserve.— S. Felker, J. Woods.
S'karpsZottrei. - -11. - L. Wood, gas:Bryson.
lorporencesille—john Stuber, J. O'Brien.
hnrGetp..,:irhssvEL flays, of 'Venango, hai b
nom as the Dem xratic candidate for Congress een ,
in the district cOmposed of Mercer, 'Crawford and ye-
GP-The Millerites have determined to make a
moristration in Ohio, on the 15th of September.
02"kaltive, the property of Mr. Segair, was tried
'and found guilty on the 12th inst., at New Orleans, for
shoaling at, with intent to kill, and wounding unodier
negro. He was sentenced toimprisonmen t in the pen
iteatial for life.
ust P ortyixieSteiuntodt s tire laia up tt tlinciana
ing rePtars•
Messrs. Editors. --F rom the result of the H
'meetings on Saturday evening, it is eviiietit that the
. great body otonr ever:tom citizens take a warm inter
' eat in the success of the democratic party, and as they
;form algigeilortion of our population, I think it would
be no More thati justice that there should be some one
placed on the Assembly ticket who understands their
intetests, and will attend to them properly. For such
a favor, I know of none more deserving than Major
Jog Asosanecc, and into should be nominated by the
convention,' foe! certain that it would give great satis
faction' to the Germans of our city and county, and in
'sure t o the democrati c ticket their warm support.
Messrs. Phillips 4. , ii
Gerritastest: Permit me through the medium of
your paper to expreas the delight I felt in attetaling the
ncert on Saturday evening last. The performance
equal to any 4. have ever heard in this ei ty, and there
was nothing to mat the
citizen, but the
facttiat the Hall %meld have held twice the numb er o f
ters, to and a calk-shoe on the same evening, was
overflowing. Yours,
Ectitors--Will you allow us to offer the
>following- ticket to the members who compose the Ikra
iporacie.County Convention:
"ronsiess—nron. Win. Wilkins.
Asseaddy--Jolui Washington Blair, 'City,
• John Fleming, Alegherly,
James A. Gibson, Pine,
Dr.7oseph Curry, C. St. Clair.
Pr olkomoiary---Geor gv IL Piddle.
comigissioa ter — ••Robt..A.Caz i pb e ll .
rer—•-John Murray, L.
Auditor—Robt. Doctabison.
St. Clair.
Coro/tor—Daniel Virearts, City.
ofirws seen THE SANTA FE TRADERS.—The Boon
ville,CHaterver says—"We gather the following from a
lettek4aed Independence, August 4th,and direct ftom
a coMpany of 39 men, with 14 wagons. at Pawnee
Rock, July 20, and which states that after another
day's travel to the Pawnee Folk, they would lay by for
new days for a company that were behind them, which
would swell their number to SO men and 35 wagons.
The C nenches were on the Sernerone in large num
ber", and tbey were expecting to have a fight with them.
Mr. Graves, who brought this information, on the 2.lst
of July was robbed of 10 mules, by a party of °gages,
30 or 40 innumber, but he prevailed on them to give
the males again.
"Mr. Graves also states that he entertains no doubt
but that the company escorted as far as the line, by
Capt. Cook, have fallen into the hands of the Texans.
A letter brought by him from Mr. Jones. at Pawnee
Rock, a/so states the same opinion, and says that 160
Teehing, well armed had been seen by those with Mr
Lupten's wagon, which joined them on the 20th July.
The Governor had hastened towards Santa Fe, and the
company left by Cook were gobs.' on under the impres
sion that the Texians were all cespersed."
"Rataxcea AND FIER DAUGEITERi."-.1 col respon
dent, who perhaps has not paid much attention to the
cunent foreign intelligence, desires to know, who are
i.. "Rebecca ands daughters," mentioned in connection
ithdisturbanc es in Wales. "Rebecca" is a name tip
' by a stalwart fanner, who is unknow n to
the authorities, and the "daughters" are his associates.
They commit their depredations disguised usually in
female apparel. They have a seem organization and
are only known to each other. In Wales, it appears
that en 'the roads turnpike gates have been erected a
very few miles apart, at which enormous tolls are
changed. To this the farmers object, and under cover
paha night, disguised, they meet and destroy the gates,
in th e hope by this means to compel the exacters of tolls
to ranove the obnoxious gates entirely. This is the
extent of their depredations.--Balt. San. 1
nirThe Governor of Georgia has appointed an
els:non for October Ist., to fill the racanry occasioned
by the resignation ofJohn B. Lamar. Two naembers
of Congress will hare to be elected in Georgia on that
The Paris
car says that correspondent of the National Intelligen
direct intelligence had beenroceiv e d f rom
dy• r.
ith Ir whiche had so far recovered from the mala-
be able be was confuted for several weeks. as to
rises, to pass days abroad on his feet and in his car
rations for *f days
the popular excitement and the p er'
for himself." ence. 1 k felt not the /east appreheasion
HENRY information Wanted.
AlUititY, who left Pittsburgh in ,
184:2, fur St. Louis, is informed that his f l y
in this city is very anxious to hear from him, and t
is necessary for the namiagentent of his business that
they should receive some information of him.
Any person in the western cities who know s the said
Henry Murry will do all act of kindness by informing
Sim of the leishes of his family, if he is living, or by
wiring to his wife, Mary T. Murry, in Pittsburgh, such
Vornauion as they may posses.
Henry Murry is, by trade, a stone mason.
aug -4
f Our Cincinnati and St. Louis exchange's will please
4apy the above notice, and we will cheerfully recipro
tte the favor whenever au opportunity may offer.]
The September num bers of these viendidlllollth
lys received at the St. Char street Agebey and Liters.
ry Depot, opposite the Exchange. wig- 1.. )- 2-6t,
JOHN LE FEVER'S ----------
New& Cheap Stock Establishment,
WOULD most respectfully annoullCC to the citiZCII:
Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have
co mmenced the manufacture of STOCKS of every va
riety, form and description, arid would solicit merchants
and others to call and examine for themselves, as I am
determined to sell on the most acco mmodating terms
Tor cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patrunaze. aug.. 19—Con.
WLady Blesabogtotes Neter NoveL
M. FOSTER has just received Lady Wes
. sing - toll's new novel, "Alcredith" Also, the
"Twins,'' Froderilia 1 3 mnivr, to be had at the St.
Clair street :Agency and Literary Depot, opposite the
wiz 22. 7 6t
tak of flo:ttott, (luring tlw Stamp At:t
mid Tea Party aays; with rettlittiscenttes
ll;uu•uck, received ter W. M. Fit , ti•r, !UM:: .I,twit
ev and Literary Depot, St. Clair titteet, orpw-ite . the
city, Price 12,1 eentA.
STACY LLOYD, J 1... ..... ...... A. G. RE IN lIA RT.
Co- Partnership.
Q TACY LLOYD, jr., having as'sociated With hint
Li Mr. A. G. REIXIIA RT, will emitinuo the G ro
eery and Proflace limeine, at his old stand, No. 190,
• Liberty street,'Pittsbur, under the style and firm of
[.,„4•ltt mldition to a general Grocery anil Produce
Business, the suscriher s offer their services to their
fiiends and the public, fbr the sale of any articles de
signed for this market. Also, for receiving and tbr
warding all kinds of merehandize, &c.. to o r from th e
west, and trust that the practical experience they have
had in the above business LI this city ie• some years
past. will enable them to give entire satiifaction to
who may favor them a ith their coAtoru. . those
aug 2I -10t
I- pe n u l t:T E l 3 6 Y
h c a e v r e ti IL k tl e ia n t
rha7uelLzp. numbera Li‘er,
1,11 of
and have [Ryon much benefitted by them, and I believe
them to be the beet pills fur liver complaioto, and fur
general use, of any , pill now before the public.
I hereby certify that I ha ve Lean afflicted for 6 your,
with a liver complaint; and have :iptilieti to dificrent
physicians, and all to little Or no effect, until I made
use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes of them
I am nearly restored )o perfect. health.
rgMillersburgh, near Pittsburgh, August 16, 1043
ir"Tor sale at tho Drng Store of
aug 22 corner 4th and WooTHAN KIDD,
d streets, Pittsburgh.
M A CKEREL. --9.0 W s no. 3 mackerel,
10 half bbl, no,. 2 ds
10 quarter bbls no 2 do, a prime
article for family use, just received and fur sale by
43, Wood street.
:a the Court of Common, Pleas of Allegh C7ll/ Coun
ty, of October Term, 1843. .A'o. 130.
•••••••A-0" IN the matter of th i
application of D. L. S.
poratlune:sne Col egefor Charter of neer
.....-, And now to wit, Aug 12, 1843: The
Constitution of Duquesne College haying been present
ed to, and perused by, the Court, and the Court haying
carefully examined the said instrument, and it appear
ing to the C o urt that the objects, articles and conditions
jtherein sot forth and contained, are lawful, and not in
the community, do .direct the said writing to
be filed in the office of the Prothonota r y of this Court,
and that notice be inserted in the 31orning Post, in the
city of Pittsburgh, for three weeks, settin g forth the ap
plication to this Court, to grant such Charter of Incor
poration. From the Record.
Notice is hereby given, that application has been
made to the Court for a Charter for Duquesne Col
lege, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary
within three weeks, the Court will be asked togrutt ,
said Charter. THOMAS HAMILTON,
aug 24-3 w
Att'y for Petitioners.
LY who is capable of taking chatre of ahousehold, household, is desirous of obtaining a situation
as housekeeper in a private family, or as superintendent
in a respectable hotel. She would have nu objection
to leave the city if desired to do so. For furtherinfor
!nation inquire at this office. wig 21-.6
SUNDRIES.-50 boxes e'rocohtte,
5 do cocoa,
3 do rice flour,
25 do ground pepper,
5 do Cayenne do..
36 cans ground mustard,
5 kegs do allspice,
5 do do ginger,
12 cans do do., together with
every thing in the
at extremely.logroceryes for lin
cash. e, all of which is offered
w_p ices
aug ENNINGS & CO.,
43, Wood. street.
fII,I,IAM -ard.
B. FOSTER decline s being, a condi
V - date for the office of Prothonotary at the e
suing annual election.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
quardit•Yof clean, firstrate Allegheny Ice, may
be had at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner of Second
and Grant streets.
TEA. --.25 half chests ynung hyson,
jtily a—ir.
30 boxes (13 lbs) do
20 G lb. boxes gunpowder, •
20 " "
or salo b imperial, just received and
aug 0
y imperial,
43, Wood street.
TOBACCO. -10 boxes Burton's 5 b lump wham
25 do Russell & Robiasons do
5 du Ilare's
roceived ads
10 do assorted sizes and bra
and fir sale by
43, W'ood strut
LOAF suGAR.--io boxes loaf sugar,just received
and for sale by
43, Wood street.
CO FI•'EE.-300 bags Rio cote,
50 " Lagnyra do
50 " .St. Dinning° do
50 " Havanna do
receiving, and fur sale low for cosh, by
43, Wood stree
140, LilK•rtv%4
Damaged Goods.
thy b c c , s t r; i ld ir , ls a t t 10fi
iro:cilleocbke,noenn ;I(l)(fintivlittiyo•mmoitrnminag3„
concern, at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, cir
tm. Wood and Fifth streets, the followina damaged
merchandize, viz:
13 p5.,371i yards, fine prints,
21 `• 652 " courst,
10 pairs ladies' black kid gloves,
5 violins,
6 assorted vests,
2 pair drilling pantaloons,
6 Canton flannel shirts,
Together with a variety of other articles.
Alen, .1 trunks containing wearingapparel and other
articles, to pay freights and charges.
After whieh will be sold, an extensive azsortmen t of
seasonable Dry Goods.
mi Ar.d
ll at
aneous 2 o'cloc
kin the afterno on• a great variety of
sce artles, bouts, shoes, gl travelling
vallises, leather hat box, household andoves,
kitchen furni
ture, &c. Terms at sale, JOHN I). DAVIS,
aug 25
(Chronicle Gazette and Advocate copy)neer.
WILL be sold at Auction at 10 o'clock, on Satur
day morning., the 9th day of September next,
on th,spremi3es, that very valuable corner lot, 26,Ffeet
front on Perm street, extending back along Garrison
alleylo7i feet to Exchange alley.
The above property is very advantageously situated,
and caii be improved so as to command a handsome
Advocate and Gazette please copyctioaeer..
Catalogue ()Makable:Theological and Ms
cellammus Books at Auction.
AT Davis's Commercial Auction Rooms, corner
IVood and sth sts., on Saturday evening next,
August 26th, nt 7 j o'clock. Catalogues are now rea
dy for delivery.
I mmediatelvathe r the catalogue, will be sold, in lots,
an invoice ofsChool books, stationary, writing paper,
prints, itc.
At 9 o'clock precisely, 1 splendid gold patent lever
vateli, wad,' by Tobia:. oxtra
aug 23-4 t J. D. DAVIS, Auctioueer.
Toms at sale ,
aug. 25.
[ar HUHER Of THE commtssios
drAN WEDNESDA Y, the 6th day of S(Ttember,
IRTI 3, NI HI ins offend at fluidic sale, nt Pittsburg-11,
StuCki; owned by tho State of Peen.: \lva-
.ie f0110‘,.....
nia, viz;
No. of 8/i . i res. Com p.znies. Par Va/ff r .
2000 Mooongabela
1600 iiiegh, , i4y • nt idge C ompany,
$25 ' "
600 Big Beav er 23
100 Cur:cm-m 23
.0 " '
1.00 Lovallu moa " 50
171 Roblistown ''
300 IVilliamspott, Washington Co., 51/
2300 Monongah•da Navigation corffirmv, . RI
2131 Bedford and Stov,tow n Tp. Road c , iinpany, 30
332:3 5t,,y,,,,,, and Green:burgh " 50
17130 Grsburg-1
eeni and Pittshur4l
34:37 Huntingdon, Cambria & 30 Indiana " 50
967 Pittsburgh and New Alexandria .<5O
322. New Alexandri a and Cpnematigh " 50
947 Pittsburgh awl 13utlet
882 Butler and Mercer
" 50
320 Pitt , lird : 1.:.‘l Steubenville "
:300 Robb :tow n and AI ount Pleasant "
660 Mount Pleasa nt :old Somersot " '
672 Somerset and 13edfbrd 50
360 A rm+tron g and Indiana ti
360 Indiana and Ebel:4m i -, <A
329 I Vushingt on and Willi:m.1)011 23
" 50
053 Do Pittsburgh 50
200 Butler ankl Kittannin g o 25
240 .Mount Ple;fsnat :nal Pitt,burgh "
360 Somerset, and C 25
oneniriu g h
:120 Do Cumberland - " •
160 Ligonier and Johnstown '' 50
22'1 Arm , :tron 2 and ( 'h.:II-field "
CO Browninvon, Harcisv 25
ille, and
" •
200 haler and Freepo r t 50
224 Pitts 20
burgh Fanners & Moclianics'" 25
160 13edt;ird mid Dollidav:burgli " 50
160 Birmingham and Elizi.hethtmva " 25
160 Luthersbur,zl: and Puitxatawne v "
300 FrencliCreek Bridge coropany,
1 2.30 Frankli n and Allegheny Bridge c.inipany, 20
100 I:rie and 1Va7,0-Bord Turnpike Road comptuly 50
560 Susquehann a zeal Waterford
o 5
1010 .Meree r and Meadvine
100 A 71 , ler.,ln'S Ferry, Waterfiircl and 25
New Ilavezi
200 Abia - ton and Waterford Al 100
280 w ,;,,,, and Ridgeway
40 W 25
Warren turd New York State line " 50
96 Titusville and Union .Mills
160 Warren and Franklin 2.5
30 .Su g a r Gr3y e and ['Mon " 23
300 Bank of Penm , ylvania, 25
300 Columbia Ban!: and Bridge company., 100
1000 Pennsylvani a and Ohio Canal compthly, 100
Purchaser s will he 1 1 - Tared to pay for Oa. Stocks, at
the time or immediately a riot the sale, in certificate s is
'od by the Auditor Genera!, in pursuanc e of the Reso
lution of 7d: April, 1342, notes issued by the Bank of
this Commonwealth under the act of 4th Mav, 1341,
specie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trims
for of Stock will be made in a reasonable time after
Commissioners for sale of Stale Slacks.
wiz I-ts
.. ' L_____:.
T , ' as University of Pennsylvania.
I I E ternn of this Institution will begin on Mon
day the 4th of September. at 9 o'clock A. M.—
Application for adinission may be nnide to the Princi
pal, the Itev.HEMAN DYER, D. D., after the °lst inst.,
at his room in tho University, from 9 to li, A. M.
The exercises of the LAW SCHOOL will commence
nit the same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application for
admission into which, to be made to the Professor of
Law, WALTER. II LOWnIE, Esq., at hi 3 office in 4th at.
On the evening of the same day at 7 o'clock, in the
Hall of the University, an AnunEss will be delivered
before the Trustees, the Faculty and the Students, by
Professor Lowrie, which the citizens generally- are in
vited to ;mend.
wig 11—sxl Secretaty of the Board of Trustzes.
LL persons- indebted t c
oe Dr. T. Burrell & W.
.471.. Barnes are hereby notified to call immediately
and settle their accounts with the subscriber, Or they
will be left in the hands of a magistrate for collection.
I also warn
J. them to pay no monies, belonging to the
said firm, to W. Burrell, or any other parson, unless,
duly authorized by me to receiv e the same.
auz, 25-30 THOMAS BURRELL.
AS there is a znisunderstandi ng in the firm of Dr.
T. Burrell & W. Barnes, the debtor s of said
firm will take notice that J. K. Henderson, Esq., is
authorized to collect all the debts due; and receipts
coming from any other quarter will not be recognized.
Assignee of Win. Barnes.
aug 26-3c*
Q cax, LEA THEIL-1:20 s4;!e leather ju,t
ceived by 9
43, Wood street.
JUST RECEIVED, a good assortment of all sizes
of good window glass and window sash; also, 500
cuts of yellow and purple 4 and 5 double carpet chain;
20 daz. large and small buckets and tubs; 20 reams
writing• letter paper, fur sale on accommodating
terms, for cash or approved exchange.
aug 14
Aglmtand Commission Merchant.
P rothonotary,
To the voter s of Allegheny rounty:—l mspeat
fully offer m
y self to your consideration as a candidate
(independent of parties) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
electiim. A. Ido not come before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom lam not per
sonally known will please evunine into my qualifica
tions, &c.; and if go fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrage s , I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your
. _
of Pittsburg,.
May 10--tv
IV ANY vitizonS of Allezlicny cit FUR THE POST.
y recomenr.
J. C. AFC:WAY as a suitable person to fill the
d otficDe
of Prothonotary.
I r..ipectfnily present myself to the citizens of
gheny county, as n eandidute for the Sheritlalty, sub
ject to the :iction of the Democratic convention, which
meets on the 30th of August next.
June 9—d&wte. ELIJAH TROVILLO.
To the Electo rs of Alleghcny County:
Fellow Citizens—l ofrer myself to your considera•
don, as a candidate fur the office of Sheriff, subject to
the nominatio n ofthe Democratic Convention, and shall
be thankful for your support.
Pleas e
Messrs. Philips 4. ss
smirk: Please announ ce the
name of Co!. A. Carnahan, for Assembly. With such
men as Col. CA RNAHAN and Capt. STURGEON
in the State Legislature, Alleg,lieny will be safe—they
know her interests and a ill shpport and defend thorn.
With these old standard Democrat s upo n it, our Ticket
must be popular.
MANY Citizen s of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO
SEPH CURRY as a auitable person to fill a seat in
the Assernhlv, the ensuing. session. :tidy 11, 1843.
A number of the Democrat l s
of Mifflin town..
lia%o concluded to present the nanw of SAMI:E
COCHRAN, lsq., of t ha t township, for th, ronshlertr
thou of the Convention which meets on the :301h in,t
for a nomination fur 'the Lt.itislat n re. :11r (.is a w.•
known and a well tried democrat, and his neighlo
confidently present his claim. 4.
:log- 7—r
We are authorised to artnthirwo .1011 N lii;011.N
Eq., of Pine township, as a candirlat t for .I:einbit
subject to the noth hat ion of the Detnocrntir Curs e
re: We tun authorized to announce R. A. BA US
MAN, Of Birmingha m , as a candidate for Assenddy,
••iert, to the decision of the democratic can r en t ion
JAME.s WHITAKER, ES(J., Of itiiillill Township, is a
or A ssernikly, subject to the action of the De
mocratic Coniention. Mr. iVhitaker is recommended
by his frionds and neighbor s as a uniform, nnswerving,
and devoterl democrat, who has never Lithely(' in his
support of the men and measures of the party.
mitt /7—tc
jA X ssembly,
ES BENIN; r. EST. candidate for A.,:serably,
sa!,je ct to the action (...f the I)ettioerntic Convention.
Messrs. Editors: Please announce Major JAMES
C. RITCHIE, Of RobiTISOR lolyllsll.ip,l lS a candidate for
the office of County Comm ioner, at the ensuing, elec
tion, stihjedz to the decision of the County Convention,
and oblige
County Conunisszoner.
W e are authorizod to announce ALEXANDER
PHILLIPS. of Robinson, as a candidate for County
Commissioner, sulject to the decision of the demuona
ie county convention.
aug, 7-1 c
-- --
11 1:. , ;:in, ,, -.
Guilty C ommissioner. Enuroes:--neaAe anllollllr,` the name of
Geol. JOHN M. DA VIS, of Peebles, f",,r County Coin
mis.sioner, subject to the deci,,:on of the Democratic
county Com - tuition, to be held in A tamst next.
Ifo Co
rs. Co unty Commissioner.
2 ons . : As the general opinion appearA
to prevail that ina.onuch there are already two of
the Comity Ciimmi.,,iiinerr. from the country, it is but
a matter of right and
,)notice that the city or its imme
diate neighborhood should have the third candidati..---
We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people of
Allegheny comity, JAMES C. Ct.-MATIN, Esq., of the
city district, for County CommisNioner, at the ensuing
ounty Commissioner.
W e ar authorized toduthouaeo .J..irs ('.u.rfors,
1., of Elizabeth, US a azolditlato for County Com tots
wor, subject to the decision of the Democratic Cou
aug 1 G—te
ACounty Conunissiorer.
T the soation of a monher f o friends of all
licit political parties I respectfully offer myself to
the consideration of m.;• fellow-citizez: for the 'office of
County Commi,sioncr. That my somirnc:itz: may not
he misunderstood, either as to polnica! or private
affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life
a consistent Republican, in the true sense of die word.
A s the country is som9what embarrassed in itd finan
cial affairA, and the reduction of salaries Publicf
officers has received the approbation of large majcoi
tin3 of the people, the undersigned would not should
he be so fortunate as to he elected, in any manner at
empt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach
he ollice of County Conunissioner.
ape G.
We am authorize C d
t missioner. o announce JAMES H.
ROBB, of Upper St. Clair township, Mr.
as a candidate
for Comity Commissioner, subject to the action of the
Democratic Convention.
We are authorized to state that JAMES AN
DERSON, of the city, will be a candidate for County
Commissioner subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic Convention.
County Treasurer.
Messrs. Editors: Please announce the name of
ALEXANDER ArCLURE, of Miff in Township, as a
candidate for ncmination by the Democratic Conven
tion. for the office of County Treanirer.
Alr ,, APClure is an old and tried Democrat, of the
Je n school, whose character and capacity for hu
rt would be a guarantee that the duties of the office
w Id be discharged in a manner gatisfactor:v to the
r!f , _
JACOB TOMER, Esq. of Pitt township, well known
to the Deny - tcrary of Alletrheny county, as a staunch,
uniform Republic an of Jackson school, will be a
candidate for County Treasurer, .subject to the decision
of the Democratic County Convention.
aug 2—tc.
At the solicitation of many radical democrats, Mr.
SAMUEL McKEE, ofßiiming.ham, has consented to
become a, candidate for the °Mee of Comity Treasurer
suhject to the decision of the Dampen.* County Con
vention. Of Mr. McKee it may, be truly said, to be
knoton in to bepopuiar.
J!'7—te AfanyFrind s of Unsruuming Worth. i
P rothonotary.
I ropectfully offer myself a candidate for the offi:-e
of Fret/Joao/au of Allegheny county, subject to tli
action Of the - Democratic county convent'
Meets on the 30th August next.
I.lleglieny city, may 31— tc GEO. R. RIDDLE
I respectfully offer myself - Prothonotary.'
as a candidate fur e 0
flee of Prothonotary, subject t.l) the action oth
f the Dein
ocratic Convention. WIII. G. HAWKINS.
SVilkine town hip, lone 27—tc.
on, whic
I respectfull COIIONLIt.
fico of Co y - oiler myself as a candidate fur the of
roner, subject To the action of the Democrat
ic Convention.
aug 252—(1.twtc
I respectfully submit
Rmy name to the consideration
of the Democratic Convention, which meets on Wed
nesday next, as a candidate for nnmini t t ion for Coroner.
aug 9.4—te R. LILINZECKEII, Allegheny.
T take theliberty of offering myself as a candi FOR THE POSTdate
for the ( - ace of Coroner, to my democratic fellow citi
zens of Allegheny county, subject to the decisicn of the
Deznocratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst.
Rug 9—tc
County Auditor.
lllcsanz. F.alitors:-"-Please announce the name of
JOHN IV. ArCLE'LLA ND, of Franklin township, as '
a suitable candidate for County Auditor at the coming
election, subject to the clocision of the County Conven
tion. Mr. M'CLELLAND is a Democrat of the warm
est and pureat kind, and will be . warmly supported
Aug. 7. '43—to. 'MANY DEMOCRATS.
1843 • " 5 - 2 '74:
rorwarding and Commis,' Merchant;
A GENTS for the 'Merchants' Transportation Com
pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie
Canal; Wusliington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve-
land Line, Pennsylvani a and Ohio Canal. Proprie
tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
Wilkie & Ellsworth, No. 9, Coentiet Slip, N. Y,
11. Hinde r & Co.
Otis Chaff, Bosto Albany.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
M. T. William s & Dow,
Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland:
CharlesM. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh.
ap 1 1843-Iy.
Beaver and Warren Packet
, • • THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
-----%-....e.---_-- Shaw Packet
will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leas-es
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, haw Warre n on Tuesdays, Thursday s and Sat
direct, For freight Or age Lines
on board, or to
B IR:VI - NM-IA M & CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
17-1"11.. 4171 T27..1491" 'l_ 4 7 "
184 3 •
-IL AND RAIL ROAD CAMS. from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lituca, , ter, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to
N. Y. &e. 014150 miles staging and one night out.
ANo, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia
Baltimor e $9-
Leaves. daily at 8 o'clock A. M. 9.
Office 2d door below the Mi•reliants. Hotel 1V00(1 rt.
feb 23, 18. 13-1 , .. -,
The Great Central Route
,a National Rood and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
"'" Road Company.
1-.7:i ,- ... - . - .:1.1.7. - v. , •'- ,• L ' 'LsTIL 1 .7. , ..'' 1 , • L-..6.--mtardr •\ .- . 4
It v , - ,. - N . 1 . 2 , .. •7 . r. ,_, li zi , ....i. • : ,2 7',...t. it......
, In - -+ ' , '''' . i.41,--,
THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa.
and national road
Gin's Cumberland connecting here
with the rail road s all the above places: Trav
elers %sill find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afibrded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. E:itra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking ono nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
3 —dtf. e.
eb President of N. R. Stage Co.
Regular Packet; for Cincinnati.
The Swiftsnre, Rolinson, Master
Thar,d av at 10 o'clock, n. m , leaves every .
The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at
10 o'clock a. m.
The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat
urday at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun
day at 10 o'clock a. m.
Card. 0
TILE subscriber relixtfully informs the public in
general, that he intend s to devote his whoie time
to the COLLECTION OF ACCOUNT S in the CitiOS 1:11. Put,-
burgh, Allegheny and vicinity.
Having been engaged in this business for some time,
and given entire satisfaction to those wploye
him, he re;peeffully solicits those haring accounts ho emunts to
collect to give him a trial.to
Physician ; and others who cannot spare time from
their professional business to collect their accounts,
would find it to their advantage to give him a call.
Respectable reference s can be given, and, if required,
secuJity will be given for the faithful return (Wall mo
vies collocted.
He can be found at Mr C gorge Armor's, Merchant
Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on 4th st. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M
Any orders left there during his absence, will be attend
ed to, or by letter through the Post Office.
Terms, 5 p r cent commission.
jy 31--131 m.
SAML. artsTON,
ALLEN KR.AMER, Exchange Broker, N 0.46,
Corner of Wood ?Pia Third streets, Pittsburg
Pc. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, b oug h t
and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for Bale.
Diufts, notes and bills, collected.
iVm. Be R
II E & Co., 1
John D. Davis,
F. Lorene,
J. Painter & Co.,
I . Joseph NVoodwell, i
James May,
Alex. Broil4on &Co. Philadelphia.
John H Brown &Co.
James itf'Candless. > Cincinnati, 0.,
J. R. APDonald. j St. Louis, Mo.
W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres't Batik Ky. } Louisvil/e.
St Paul's Young Ladies' Deardiag school
THE public are' nformA that this insti: , iqn, con.
ducted bv the Sisters of Charity, will : • reop,Ju
ed mt the first Slontinv in Scpteinlicr. A :c.. _•t and li
t mired number of pu r ill will be received and ...structed
in the several branches of a polite F.nglish ~..,ncation,
together with useful and ornamental needlework.
For tuition, vt-aaliingand mcluting, $lOO perdu.tmi.
For i,ed oral bedding,
6 00
Doctors Fees arc: not ineindod in the above.
N. B. A few half boarders can he accommodated,
on the most reasonable terms, which will be
man e
on application to Sibter Isidore, the Superior..
A reduction will be nu ale in limr of childrea under
were years of age.
aug 24-32ws:w4t
Norm.- Reliever: Please announce - Lewis Wey
man, of Allogheny city, as canrlitiate for Coroner,
aultject to du:decision of the Dernocratic-toatentfon..
aug- 17—tc
I respectfully offer inyself to the citizens of Alleghe
ny county, for the °ince of Coroner, subject to the de
cision of the Democratic Convention.
jy 18—tc
Pittsburgh, Pa
Lots for Sale.
4 Lots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres •
Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42, 52,53,54,
181, 182, and 184, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes'
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook'spla n of Lots
on High street, near the new Court House. For tensest
apply to
sep 10
OTS on the North East corner of Coal
High street. Apply to Lane and
Market near Fourth inert.
Publics eof . vtabi e Pdgan
URSUA NT to a clecretal order of the Circuit So
perior Court of Law and Chancery, for Mason
couunty, Pronounc e d the 19th day of April, 1843, in the
case depending therein of Henry Strider, Pit., a
gairst James W. Barkenridge and others. DePts the
undersigned special commissioner, will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, at the court house in
Mason county, on the 16th day of September, 1843,
(being the first day of the Cir Sup'r Court of said
ccnntv,) that well known body of land cons:n=4 cal
led “Graham's Station," lyin g in Mason county, Va.,
on the Ohio river, containing by survey four thousand
one hundl and twenty-three acres, in two adjoining
parcels, a large proportion of which is river bottom
land. The above lands previous to the day aside gben e laid off
for by the surveyor of the county in lots ofeeni
thereof will be sold
vient size farms,and plats furnished, and so relay
the sum o may be necessary to p
The sales roclaos
f money required by said decretal order...-
e-third will be made on a credit of nine months for
on part of thepurchase money, oftwelve months
for another thirl part, and of eighteen months for the
residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving bonds with
good security for the payment of the different
be bearing interest from the day of sale, the legal
to retained as further security for the payment
of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk
of the purchaser or parchasers failing to make panctu
al payments.
GEO. W. STRIBLING, Special Com'r.
Point Pleasant, Va., June 26,1843. [jy6-2m
A Safe Investment
rp HE subscriber offers to sell gimund rents in
1- the city of Pittsburgh. The lots are all
handsomely improved, and it is believed a safer invest
ment cannot be found. Particulars may be learned on
application to :me personally, or through the Post Of
'corner Liberty and O'Hara streets.
Por Bent
et Rovr HILL, the late residenc e ofah
13r Aaron Hart, deceased. The place=
is well sucked with choice fruit trees, vines, &c.
Lane Also, a convenient tenement lately occupied by R. L
Possession will be given on the first of October next.
nag 2f2— terms
ti apply Co GEO. COCHRAN, Ex'r.
pLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at the
O'Hara streets. AP
T. gent
cast steel file manufator, corner of Liberty and
dy on the premises. july 16.
Freeman's Fire Brick far Be.
L'.ST received, 5000 Freeman's be Fi ne Brick,
J which will hereafter be kept constantl on
and sold low for cash, by B y hand
No. 60 Water et.
cATIIIE7I ---- , mo . Rßv v:
illfanniinetarer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware,
No. 17, Aftlt. street, between Woodand Market,
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of Wares,
and solicits a share ofpublic patronage. AL.°, on band,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons,
skillet:, teake ales, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &R.- lifer
chants and other s are invited to call and examine for
themselves, a s he is determined to sell cheap for rash or
approved paper.
mar 7—tf
John Cartwright,
C UTLEB. and Surgical Instrument Elan arse
1,-1 corner of 6th and tiberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa.
N. B . — Always on hand an extensive assortment of
Surgical and
Dental instruments, Banke Tailor's
Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears;
Saddler's Tools, Trusses, <tr.
je 24.
YrCopper, Tie and Sheet iron Waze.
HE subscriber respectfully inform s his friends and
1 former patrons, that he has remored his estab
lishment from No. Gl Liberty, to No. —, Third at.,
nearly opposite the Post Office, where he cominnes to
carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business, in
all its various lmmehes. He respectfully solicits a
continuanc e of the patronag e so liberally extended to
him heretofore, and pledges himself that no pains shall
be spared on his part to merit the same. Constantly
on hand, Manufacured. 'Ware, of all kinds, all of which
will be sold low for cash- &c
der at short notice.. Spouting,, made to or
au 4—lm
anreth's Garden Seeds.
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
hand and for sal°, at his agency, the Drug store of
184, Liberty t., head of 'Neat
Peach Tseeß
ea THE subscriber has just received from the
sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadel Nur-
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which)*
would call the attention of the public.
may 8.
No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood.
ABOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store
in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably
soiledand worn. It signed by Jaynes Gaston WI
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own
er can have it by identifying. it, and paying expenses.
July 31.—tcf.
P Olll CAWFIELD has l2
removed OVaL
his marble Esrab
. lishinent to Wood st. opposite Fahmestock's
T Drag Store, where he will keep constantly oti hand
omb Stones Monuments etc. up /9--lyr
Willisian 0. Wall,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picltre Praal
No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa,
AN VASS brushes, varnish, &c., for artists, alwayii
on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fla•
mad to order. Repairing clone at the shoctest notice.
Particular attention paid to
and jobbing et
every description.
Persona fitting stamboats or tiOLLSCS will End it to
their advantage to call. sop 10-y
GRINDING ApoNiDisbei'd?Larillilifslal7 —,othrSead Irons
grinding at the Cast Steel File Manufactory,
ncr of Liberty and O'Hara streets. aug Icor-
C's MOKED HERRINGS. -23 boxe3 smoked her.
ring: ju,it received and for sale by
43, Wook4 trees
Books and Stationasy.
(IN hand and recei%-ing monthly, and
- for stale ansoy* V.l c ommodatine-, terms, the Encyclopedia of Matas,
rv, Buck's Theolor:ical Diedbirary, &eats in Indian
History, the American Pioneer, a small variety of fasss,
ily, school and
_rocket Bibles and Testaments, school
hooks and stationa-ry. Permanent Temperance Doc
uments, BaccL s and anti-Bacchus, voice fltan t
vir,ui,ge, sa.crect songs, David's Psalm s and a Variety u'
clg.:ap reli.g - iou: Looks, and about 2000 'Washington
Hymn Bojks, Tcmperanc, Lyres, Washinetun Harps,.
Pic Nie Sonzs, Temperance Fables and Teraporanaa
an d sabboth 5,h,,,a1 Books, and about 10,000 of tbss.
Journals and Youth's Temperance Advocate' of tisa.
American Temperance rnioa, New York, fur sale L k .
I arre or-small lot, to suit purchasers.
Agent and Commission M4lrclitirk
iv- ^ Fifth Streck
Salt alp) Co .fgtL
.13011diatir Lots in ar earsaine tam
I‘, LOTS, stumble for building, most eligibly a
ejl uated, and within two minutes' walk of tl
steamferry boat kmiing, will be sold at prices to se
the times. The terms of payment will be made easy
either for ch or such barter as can be made asmilabli
Apply to a sstubscribe rs in Birmingham, or Mr. t.
Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh.
june 1.