Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 26, 1843, Image 3

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'3 1843
I r a ni b i k ,
, tult "x
AD.TO . •
I ' 46 ' An adjounialsoeting of the'Citiuiiiitrof Pittsburgh,
will be held at the Wiireinuse of Twiffe and O'Connor,
this ithernoon,at 4 o'clock, to rtierire - the report of :the
Colosideseteiativesto the tepuiro of the Aqueduct.
All intticosierl iR the prosperity of the city areteques
- ang. 26-It.
Ir;gfuL, totautt. —There was a rumor in town last
trightOgi; *leral JACKSON was dead ! We received
no quatrandaon of this news by the western mail, Lind
W• 46 imitates that it may turn out untrue.
- '
invite attention to the advertisement
of Bii..'SomirE, who proposes to give a Concert nest
Tuesdei evening. Mr. S. has the most flattering tes
timOolalla Of character and capacity in his profession,
from trans where he has taught music, and since he
has been in this city, and he has gained much celebrity
as a vocalist. iVehave heard hind spoken of by many
as areparfaursed in richness of voice, and other points
„wheat' ebestitutl the superior singer. We predicl for
hirststfall,house, and have no , hesitation in saying that
• he well deserves the public patronage.
Irsiume.—The play to-night is the Sunntautbullit,
oift.'iv*li, Singing and Dancing. To conclude with
thelawalidie Gate. Mils Clarendon, we are told, bas
be engaged. Mr. 7 llastinga spares no exertions
noi i manse to deserve patronage, and the season
prog** to be a profitable one.
larliftsacEßl.6.—This splendid cxhibitioa is night
ly alttendetilty immense numbers of people. The fear
altonisbing performance of Mr. Schaffer,wlio
gdepiato usage with five of the most ferocious anima'.a
kndMnto man, is alone asnfflcient inducement to visit
Vgpaiterie. This is the last day of their stay.
lily a priVate letter from Centrovi Bibb County,
wedisvw received intelligence of a reueounter between
Ezekiel fiettrly-auxl Crocket G. Davis, in' which the lat.
terlecterrved dine stabs with a knife. On Wednesday
Deriffsiraiiitill alive,
but there was little hopcs of his
recoalle4v. Davig and Henry are eott.Aing, and the dilli
culteen them grew out of the active part which
,to 4 I!cnry in the election. Henry has
escape and great efrorts are being; made to ap
pn*ua. frau inpka, Ala. Times, 11/It.
,Thaproperty of the Duke of Suss,..i., lively sold at
auction, realized £37 643 9s. 11d. The pipes, ',ohne
coonsicigars brought £36.1.7 9s. 6d.; the •eiocka and
watches; £1994 ss.
Cyitteiit. 7 ;—A Vocal and Instrumental Concerttcilt
jit;en t/r( Saturday evening, at Concert nail, by a
ahuaber of pupils from the Pennsylvania limitation for
t/AffiThittliaoa of the blind. We are informeck by
thibie Who'have heard them, that they arc excellent mu
siciow. oh& that but few performers that have ever
risitti:ao city, *etc more competent to give satisfac
tictato,aa autlioaza. Ike novclty of a l entertainment
byauch p.atiotto!ms, and th2it abilities -as moil
ciahieshOhla ' ensure a full house, independent of the
praiseworthy object fur which the Concert is given.
Welettea.frJm the bilis that before the Concert, the
Yjd ,, " l Ly. Mis, E. M. cotros, their Teach
- or,..ettiLoxhibit tka pro.trcss of the PupiLs iaSOIVILI of
their studios—.ll:cading : Writing with pencil and with
pinonie:Mcntal . and Written Arithmetic, Geography
wilittliispa, History, Geometry and Natural
raiitpi#, for the purpose of explaining and illustra
ting.tlie uteiho& of fustniction,
Nina Chinese Girl, 9 years t f age. brou;lit to
tkii)Emico by Mrs. Gurzltdt lady of the Celebrated
MillA t iquity:ia. Chian, to bo eaucated and sent Lack,
w &rani the tic ti pta re*.
• 6 4 0e6int - inri ofthc skill an& Meth:ury of theß:iudwiil
be eskilaitet4 And sonic of these h.• for sale, be
fore and after the morel sax
:pis', hN3lte3, Basked, Shoes, flag . Carp..ts and
Mahatma* are the Chief ankles in:tunies,:turcd by
. .•
ihey Atre - gooi ot.guaiser, and have proved them
*Mei etteelltmt Teachers of Vocal and Instrumental
4'seril' .ui instrumental Mnsic, l'et Concert
R.' A. T. SHARPE', Professor of *Hie, respect
! fellinforais•the patrons of -mush. in the rities
trof, itslitat-glt anti Allegheny, that he will brine for=' l '
w .tai fiat Convert of Vocal and Instrumental Mu
s. eis'np: TiOc r ulai evening, August 9,9 th , consisting of
Cti k swrviktts, Crtottussf.s, Devrrs AND ...SONGS'. '.
.For particulars see small hills.
Tjeiteita to be had at F. Bluine's. St. Clair street;
W. W. Market street; Spirit of the Age of.
&meads stares; Chronicle office, 4th street; _IV: —NI.
Forms Literary Depot, St. Clair street; Dr. Mitch.
ell's %orator°, Federal etreet, Allegheny, and at the
doily.• _ aug 26-3t*
.! 1 •
c ' A Car&
WILLIAI4t B: FOSTER declines being a rantl,i-
VT' thiterbi. the office of Prothondtsry at thC
. au ‘26-3t
' - tee! Pc& lee!
ALY quantity of clean, firittate Allegheny Ice, muy
bed at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner of Second
ael , Greas wefts. july I 3—tf.
It:CL•2S half thesta Flung Lysol',
r 3O boxes (13 lbs) do
20.6 lb:boxes gunpowder,
.20 " " .imperial, just received awl
ov.osaieo4 JENNINGS & CO.
W.!9,43 W ood
.; •
o street.
. .
T 4 5 8
01 boxes Burton's 3 b lump tobacco,
) -
Q.l . ; do Russell & Robin:gins do
5 do .Hare 'a . do
10 'do assorted sizes and brands,
'pl4ixoceited arid fer sale 'Coy
.13, Wood street
"r OAF SG - CUR.-10 boxes loaf sugar, just received
Lf ind for sale. by
rg " . • 43, Wood street.
oe ,
/ PIFEE.-3 5 0 0 0 bags Rio
oy eoff ra m,
50 " St. Domingo do
, . . 50 " Havana do
pfreiyiptr, ! Lad for sale low for avh. by
wag w 43, Wood rAtrct
.1: :=" •
•Llll4l o 23lllatiOn Waute,d,
initRIKY Miff 'Y who left Pittsburgh in June,
`. 1 7 1 184f, for St. Louis, is informed that his family
veryausiCurs to hear front him, and that it
is Yeomanry fur the management of his business that
dniyaithatid teceive some information of him,
- okilt#Tkratin in the western Cities who knows the said
Hoary Murtywill do an act of kindness by infimming
hint: of the Wishes of his family, if he is living or tiv
writing to his wife, Mary T. Murry, in Pittsburg+:l, such
information as they may possess.
Henry Murry is, by trade, a stone ma:on.
mug 9.5
[Our Cincinnati and Si. Loris exchange' will please
loopy the idawe notice, and we will cheerfully reciprb
cue the face* whenever ant opportunity may offer. L
The Septemixtrnumbers Of the.sesplopdid month
ly. received at the St: Clair street 'Agency aad Liters-
Depat, opposite the Eithatge:: Aug 22-4 t
New& Cheap Stook Eletabliehineat,
VCR: LD most respectfully ale/ounce to the citizens
of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have
commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, ofevery va
riety, fornitnd description, and would solicit merchants
and others to call and examine for themselves, as I am
deteCmined to sell on the most accommodating terms
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public pat t•mag.e. au g. 19--6 m.
Lady Blessingtva's New Novel.
M. FOSTER has just received Lady Files
• sington's new novel, "Meredith." Also, the
"Twins," by Frcderika Bremer, to be had at the St.
Clair street Apthey and -Li t eraty tletpar. 4 Wppeiiie the
Exclia.age. actg. 22-6 t
stirring tale of Boston, during the Stamp Act
and Tea Party days; with reminiscens of Adams,
Hancock, &e., received by W. Al. Foster, at his Agen
cy and Literary Depot, St. Clair street, upillsite the
Exchange. Price 12A cents. •. aug 22—Gt
STACY LLOYD, jr., basing as.;ouiated witlt him
Mr. A. G. REINHART, will continue the Gro
cery and. Produce Bl6BilieSS, at his old Atand, No, 140,
Liberty street, Pittsburgh, under the ~ t yle and firm of
ETIFIn addition to a general Grocery and Produce
Business, the suseribers offer their services to their
friends and the public, for the sale of any articles de
signed for 'this market. Alsit, for receiving , and for
warding allkinds of merchandize.. Sze., to or from the
west, and trust that the practical experience they have
had in the above business in this city for some years
past. will enable them to give entire sad s . .ac thin to those
who may favor them with their custom.
ang 2'l-1 Ot
von THE Yr Alt 1E143,
rstrler llir Direrti,ln of Mr. H. Hopl.inx Co,
The proprietors -f this establishment would
pectfullc inform the citizens of ritt.lnirgli, and its vi
cinity, that the above mimed Exhibition will be open at
Briiiellt rsrs f!uusioe house, Pittsburgh, un
nese! ay, Thursday, Fri Lty a!“1 p, Aagust
the 23d, 2.lth, tlsth and 20thi Omits opt•a ou the
2311 from 7.1 to 10. (Li the following- day- fr.an to
5 and from 7 to 10 o'diek M.
bnittanc , witurvd to 3a yenta; Childre'n 013,1vr 10
yelmi half pri.;e.
The proprietors of the New Y irk and PhiLidelPhin
Zoological Exhibition have, at g-reat cost and trouble,
trahwd two pn xligiou3 Elephants, in bartasss, driving
diem in, tandem style, on the etatance oldie Menagem ie
into the vity, leading the Grand Cavalcade ofhorses,
wagons, utter the sume style as exhibited hi the
New. York, Philadelphia nail other priaviptd cities to
the great surprise and admiration wt . thouquals.
NenV and splendid Scenery, done itt oil painting by
OW of the best artist in Philadelphia, .1 -corttes the
sides a2O wigons. all eontaining, animals of different
descriptions, affording tow of the in ,st rich and inti
mating displays nverbroutlit forth, all the de‘igus be
ing tif dist latest finish and 111011 admirable. fashion. To
enliven this sa.;eue, ou entering the towni a high toned
band will pour forth come of the most fashionable airs.
The celebrittc-d JOH N ft SCHAFF ER, the subduer of
-the gavage denizens of the forest, will nitro:yr-in n most
magnificent series of scenes entitled "The dreadful
doom of the Sultan's slave." Among a variety of thril
liu^ situations, the fi,llowittg will be exhibitc&—The
outcast slave banished to.the forest of Faihri, expiring
from hunger and fatigue; when u fiercellrazilian Tiger
datuLlike lightiting opt m hitt: from uu upper Cavern.
The Easters despot's most awful FeJILCIICV Fer
leiterl sit:minion condition tif training a wild boa to
,harness, which is accomplished, sail the slave rides
ncross the road Mon tincitnit ear.
Alzio, a variety bf whet - beautiful and striking, situn
%011ie presented during the progress O tit; -piece,
to'conelnde with the most bold, grand and daring hu
man display prosonteil ;ulnae; a thole caravan of wild
animals let loose at the KUM' thne, upon the Indian
Slave, who will gradnally sidlue, and playlttllyexhibit
Itia remarkable skittle elegantly grouping the match
less zoolegical exhibition,
For partieulars see large bills at the litaels
augt. 17.
Dll. .111cLAN EIS I.I; . 1: l' ILLS
I lIERERY cettify thm• I hucc !mown a number of
peopie who have taiien 1)r. Mc Lane's Liver l'ills,
and have been lunch beneleted by them, and I believe
them to be the best pith: fiir lives cOmplaints, and for
gcMeral use, of any pill now,before the public.
1 hereby certify that I have been afflicted fur 6 years
with a liver, complaint; and have akplied to different
physicians, and all to little or no curet, until I made
use of Dr. McLane's Pills. Lu taking two boxes albeit)
I tun nearly testored to perfect hvalth.
SAtll: El DAVIS.
Millersburgh, war August .16, 1843
Forsaleat duo Drilg Store of
aug 9291 comet 4th and Wood street,., Pittsburgh
f ACKEREL,; , IO tith . oo, 3 rpookirel, •
111 744418,13 1N..2 lu
10 quarter bbla no 2 4 0 , a p r i me
article for family use, just reeeived and for sale by
an, 9 43, Wood street.
In the Court of Common Pleas of.. Allegheny Coun
:Sl, Coe . fullte Term;lB43. No. 130. ": -
••••••^•^ T.ti the matter of the applicatim of Du- 1
L. S. } Tiesnt , College for Charter of Incor
And now to wit, Aug 1843: The
Constitution of Do,inetme Callen. having been present
ed to, and perused by, the Court, and the Court having
carefully examined tic said iustrtununt, and it appear
ing to the Court ONi the oltjects articles and conditions
therein set forth and contained, arc lawful, and not ict
jtiriour, to the'Cornatunily,, du direct the said writing 'to
be filed in tite,cdTietOf the Prottionotary of this Court,
and that notice be imnrted in the Notating Post, in the
city. Pitt.burgh-,- for threo wrelts, settiag, (milt tho ap
plicativrt 4a this Court, to grant ouch Charter of Incor
poration. From the Record.
Attest: A. SUTTON, Pro.
Notice iS :hereby given, that application has been
nrade to the Court for a Charter for Duquesne Col
lege, and that unless cause is sttowntn the contrary
within three weeks, the Court will be asked to grant
said Charter. THOMAS }IA:MILTON;
au , 0 4-3 w Att'v for Petitiuner
ALADY who is capabkjol tilting charge of a
hott.seitold, is desirous of obtaining a' situation
as housekeeper in a private fatuily, or as supecrintendent
i n n respectable hotel. She would have no objection
to leave the city' if desired to do so. For further infoic
oration inquire at this °like. aug 21—tf
rait Painter' Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil
ding. J.,qsborne would solicit a call from tboso Atha
des,re Spcimeas Gaul) soca at hie. rooms.
Corker of Wooa and sth sts., Pittsburgh.,
TS ready to receive merchandize of every description
1. on consignment, for public or private sale, and
from long experienm in the above business, flauers
himself that he 'will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on MONDA Ts and TfloitsnaTs, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and secondhand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,at early gas light. Ling 12—y
' Damaged Goods.
WILL he sold, at IO o'clock, on Monday morning,
V the 28th inst., for the benefit of whom it may
content, at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, cor
ner Wood and Fifth streets, the follonina damaged
merchandize, ‘47.:
13 ps., 371 i yards, fine prints, -
21 •• .652 ". course do., -
10 pairs ladies' black; kid gloves,
5 violins
ti assorted vests,
2 pair drillitw . pantaloons, .
0 Canton flannel shirts,
Together with avariety °Caliber articles.
Also, 4 trunks containing wearing apparel and other
articles, to pity freights and charges. -
After which will be sold, en extensive assortment cf
seasonable Dry Coeds.
And at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. a great variety of
miscellaneous articles, bouts, shoes, gloves, travelling
vallises, leather hat box, household and kitchen furni
ture, &c. Terms at saIe,JOHN D. DAVIS,
. .
aug 25 • . • Auctioneer.
(Chronicle, Gazette and Advocate copy)
A. (;. •2ZIiINH&RT
WILL be sold at Auction at 10o'clock, on Suter.
day morning, the 9th day of Sepaendeeiipsx;
on the premises , that very valuable corner rot, 26ffeet
front on Penn street, extending back along Garrison
alley 107. feet to Exchange alley.
Thd above property is very advantageously situated,
and can be improved so aS to command a handsome
income. " Z. W. REMINGTON.
Terms at sale, • JOIIN D. DAVIS,
to 25. Auctioneer.
Adxpcsde and Garotte please copy.
110, Liberty st
Catalogue OfTsrnalle Theological and lidis
cellarkeous Books at Auction.
AT Davis's Commercial Auction Rooms, corner
Wood and sth sts., on Saturday evening next,
August 26th, at 7.1 o'clock. Catalogues arc now rea
dy for delivery.
Immediately n9er the catuk , grte,trill be sold, in lots,
;111 invoice of school hooks, stationary, writing paper,
prints, &c.
At 9 o'clock precisely, 1 splendid gold patent lever
watch, nuple by Tobius. extra jewelled.
aug23-4t J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
[By ognica Or TRIG costistssiosEns.l .
ON WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of September,
1843; will be offered at public. Ante,. tit Pittsbtugli,
the following Stocks owned by the State of l'entisylva
nia, viz:
'No. of Shrtrex. Companies. Par Value.
1600 Allegheny Bridge Company, $25
2000 Nionongaltela " "'"
600 Big Beaver " o
100 Couemaugh " 50
100 T.oyalliamin "
171 Itobbstown " 50
300 Williamsport, W a shiligtuu 50
2500 .Monongahala Navigation company, 50
2151 Bedford and Stoystown Tp. itsyuilcompany, 50
:3323 Stoystoern and Greensburgh " 50,
1780 Greenslmrgh and l'ittsbitrgh 1 4 -7 501
3437 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana " '*" . .psMs
067 Pittsburgh told New Alexandria " •
322 New .110(411,16:a and Conymatigh" . 4 4- IP
047 Pittsburgh and Butler .
852 Butler and :\ lereer . •
320 Pittsburgh and Stenbenvillo • " , .. ; 40
300 Robb:town out Mount. l'leasuut
600 Mount Pleruntnt unit Stnnectoet "
672 Sutherset and Bedford' . " 50
860 Ann4trolig. mid Indiana . U. . •dr
5611 Indiana and Ebensburg ii 25
329 Washiterton and IV illiantspiirt " 50
815 Do Pittslitirgh .50
200 Butler and Kittanning " 25
240 Mown Pleas.tat and Pittsburgh " 25
364) Soinerwt awl Coaemaugh 25
320 Do Cumberland 0
160 Ligonier aid Johnstown 6.1 50
224 Irm-t root: and Clear'aeltl " 25
80 Brownington, ilatrisville, and
Franklin - " 50
200 Butler and Freeptirt " 20
224 Pittsburgh Farmers . 1 1r-Metibranies'" 25
160 Bedford and II ollidaysburgh " 50
160 Birmingham and Eli4nbetlitown " 05
160 Lath6rA,lll.2lllitia Puninitawney " 25
300 French Creek Bridge company, ' 20
1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20
100 Erie and Waterford Turnpike Ruud company 50
560 Susquehanna and Waterford " 25
1010 Mercer and _Meadville 41 CIS
100 Anderson's Feny, Waterford and
New Haven " " 100
200 Abington and Waterford " 25
21143 Warren and Ridgeway a 25
40 Warren and New York Stine line " 50
96 Titusville and Union Mills " " 05
160 Warren and Franklin I" 25
ao Sugar Grove anti Union . i, 25
300 Bank of Pt. im,vlvaiiia, 400
300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company, 100
1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company., 100
Purchasers will be required to pay-for the Stocks, at
the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is
sued by the Auditor General, in pursuanee of the Rost).
'whin of 9th April, 1842 notet issued Iry the Banks of
this CommonWenith under the act of 4th May, 1341,
Ppecie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trans
fer of Stock will be made in a teasimable time after
Commisifioncrs for Bede of State Stocks.
ang 1--ts . JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r.
Western traiversity of roans Ylvonto.
r HE next term of this Institution will begin on Mon
* Akiy i the 4th of Sept:Sits*: en o'clock A. M.—
Applicatzon for 4mission may l cMa{lc to the Princi
pekthe Rev: Hr.itsN DYER, D. D., after the 21st inst.,
at hiarocan is the University, from to 11, A. M.
Theexercises of the LAW SCHOOL will commence
on the same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application for
admission into which, to be made to the Professor of
Law, WAttER H. Lownix, Esti., tub's office in 4th st.
On the evening of the same day at 7 o'clock, in the
Hall of the University, an AtotottEss will be delivered
before the Trustees, the Faculty and the Students, by
Professor Lowrie, which the citizens generally arc in
vited to attend. A. L, PENTLAND,
ALL persons indebted to Dr. T. Burrell & W.
Barnes are hereby notified to tail immediately
and settle their accounts with the subscriber, or they
will bf. left in the hands or a magiArittofor collection.
I also warn them to pay no monies, belonging to the
said firm, to J. W. 13urrell, or any other person, unless
duly authorized by me to receive the same.
sue 25-3t* THOMAS BURRELL.
Sohn D. Davis,
Penn Street Let.
aug Secretary of the Boura or Trustees
AS there is a misunderstanding In the' firm of Dr.
T. Burrell & W. Domes, the debtors of said
him will take notice tluit 3; K. Henderson, Esq., is
authorized to collect all the dehts" due; and receipts
opining from, auy other quarter will not be recognized.
Assignee of Win. Barnes.
SOLE LEA THER.—P2O sides sale leather just re
ceivod by HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO.,
aug 9 43, Wood street.
JUST ft.e.CF.IVED, a good assortment of all sizes
of good window glass and window sash; also, 500
cuts of yellow sad purple 4 ands double carpet chap
20 doz. Iprge and small buckets and tubs; 20 re
writing and letter paper, for sate on aecorumod
terms, for cash or approved" trxclamge.
Agent and CM:mission Me
_ .Prothonotary.
I roTeet,hglylotier myself a cauditlate for the office
of PraiiatmittoovtAlley , coulity, sill:eject to the
action of the Derneertittk county convention, which
meetvn the 30th August next.
Allegheny city, may 31—tc. d&w.
I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the of
fice of Protlionotaiy, subject to the action of the Dem
ocratic Convention. W:11. G. HAWKINS.
Wilkito, township, june 27—tr.
To eke voters of Allegheny county:—l respect
fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate
(independent of pasties) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county,. at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Conveatiox, those of you to whom I am not per
sonalty known will please examine into my qualifica
&c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your oiffra7A,l shall 'endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to satisev you with vour
choice. ALEX. MILLER.
mud• 10-4
M ANY citizens of Allegheny city recOmmend Dr.
NPCDLLY as a suitable person to fill the office
of Prothonotary. July P 2.
Iresp=tfully present myself to the citizens of Alle
gheny county, as a candidatefor the Sheriffalty,sub
ject to the action of the Deandtratic convention, which
meets im the 30th of August next.
June 9-411Ittrte. ELIJAH TROVILLO.
To the Electors of Allegheny County:
Fellow Citizeme—l offer myself to your considera
tion, ass candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to
the nomination ofthe Democratic Convention, and shall
be thankful for your support.
aug. 10--tr. CHAMBERS .McKIBBEN.
:Messrs. Phillips $ Smith: Please announce the
name of Col. A. Carnahan, for Assembly. With such
men as Col. CARNAHAN and Capt. STURGEON
in the State Legislature, Allegheny will be safe--they
know her interests and will support and defend them.
With these old standard Democrats upon it, our Ticket
Must be popular. ST. CLAIR.
aug 23—te
111.0rY Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO
SEPII CURRY as a imitable iwnwin to fill a seat in
the A 4 seuthlY , the en+rung :session. julY 11, 1843.
A number of the Demotarabl of ,Mifflin township
have •coochuled to pre stmt the name of SAMUEL
COCHRAN, Esni., of that township, for the considera
tion of the Convention which meets on the 30th inst.,
for a nomination for the Legislatarth. Mr C. is a well
known and a Iran hied denuter.tt, and his neighbors
teonfi , ntly sent his clnims. ang 7—if
We are nuthorised to announce JOHN lino NVN,
Pipe township, as a candidate fay ,I.+ , :ctnhh•,
subject to the nomination of the DeTll.lellitie
j 111) 29--te
We ateeuthariaed le:040401k. A. DAUS
MAN, of Birmingham, as a. ca - 1111111 W 'Air A 10
subject to the decision of the deiwcyntic cons eution.
JAMES WHITAKER. E3q.4 in: Township, is a
candidate for A.sembly, ilubject action of the De
mocratic (onvention. Air. Whitaker is recommended
v amine - tsa ii enrfore, unswerving
a p , 41. 40 4 ,; 04 . 0 ,, , H 17
111 .=
- .140110MINEer faltered in hi
t e ine 'tviai~ier the party.
ai - 411=tc ' • MireLts.
111/ # lAbi
Betrs , .sq # . le a oto for Aseiernblv
to the actimref the 'c Convention.
'2lfrersrs:).:' , lih , 7l?"rikie antAIN Major - .l.vit E s
t. Tr HI Of 1101;Rollan t r oW . Otattiai eanaitlnte few
of the office t' County ConitithisionetAt the ensiling ekc
tion, subject to the decision of the County Convention,
and obligt3 Msvt DEMOCRATS.
aug 14—tr.
County Commissioner.
We are anticuriand to announce ALEXANDER
PHILLIPS. jr., of Robinson, as n candidate for County
Contmissioner, subject to the decision of the. democrat
ic county convention. aug 7—tc
County Commissions.
Mesita. En ft-oust—Flew° announce the name of
C-kml. JOHN M. DAVIS, of Peebltu ,, , for County Com
missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic
counts• Convention, to be held in August next.
County Commtudoner.
Messrs. Editors: As the general opinion appears
to prevail that MlL:much as there are already two of
the County Cononizisioners from the country, it is but
a matter of right and jtaitice that: the city or its *me
diate neighborhood should have the third candidate—
We therefore beg leave to tee.munead tothe people of
Allegh6ny county, JAstEs C. CCMMINS, tar., of the
city district , , for County 'Commissioner, at the ensuing
Connt7 Commissioner.
We ore audwrized to announce ions CALHOUN,
Esq., of Elizabeth, its a candidate for County Commis
sioner, subject tu the decision of the Democratic Con-
Vcntion. nug IG-tc
Colinty examissioner.
AT the solicitation of a number of friends of all
political pittlies, I 'tesreerfally Mfer myself to
the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of
County Commissioner. That my sentiments may pot
be misunderstood, either as to political or prime
affairs, I make free to say that I ha%c beeu all my itte
a consistent Itepublican, in the true slitigt of Ow word.
As the country is somewhat etubairattkid in its faw
cial affairs, and the rednetipa of,ael 431-pliffic
officers has received the appOmitigii - utlairktorl"
ties of the people, the underaispsea *AIWA illtl
he be so fortunate as to be eleiteil, in:OT inaaner at
tempt to resist this salutary tisrurcnt .ntsould it reach
the office of County Commissitmer. - . •
We are authorized to announce Mr. JAMES H.
ROBB, of Upper St. Clair township,_tts a candidate
for County Commissioner, subject to the action .of the
Democratic Convention. aug
- - - _
We are authorized to state that JAMES AN-
I)ERSON, of the city, will be a candidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the decision of Ow, Dor
erotic Contention, aRS it-
Comat Tresunkrer.
Messrs. Editors' Please announce '-the
ALEXANDER M ' CLOtE, of Mifflin Toe
candidate for ncroinatioa hp the bcrnocr
Lion. for the (Ace of County Treasurer.
Iff'Clure is an old find tried P
Jefferson school. who3acharaeter am'
sines.s would be a guarantee that
would be digararged in a m. -
au; 14-,tr
to the Delmer
uniform Rep.
candidate 1.
of the DO
Atop's. Edit amantace tevarWiry
• dirin; - of Alki ay;:its a tlifsfidtali fai -ICata**4
sub jet* ;alba deasiat 044,11ktOomgk coamtion.
zulg 17-ta rMAN T. 01110C/11 AT S.
I navacOully offer mwelf torthe claims of ABeighe
ny couuty,for thsofFnieril Corvnesoil.ittject _to timi
c &de Dcutonnuic Conventiott
jp 18-te DAVID fiaidtr-0..
I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the
flee of Coroner, subject to the action of the Democrat,
ie Convention. DANIEL %STARTS.
•nug 22—a& wte
I respectfully submit my name to the condderation
of the Democratic Convention, which meets on Wed
nesday next, as a candidate for nomination for Coroner.
aug !4—tc R. HUNZECKER, Allegheny.
take the liberty of offering myielf as a candidate
for the office of Cormier, to my democratic fellow citi
zens of Allegheny county, subject to the decision of the
Democratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst.
aug 9—tc ROBERT M'Cll ESN EY.
of Pitt burg
County Auditor.
Messr.t. Eclitors:—Plea.ie announce the name of
JOHN W. M'CLELLA ND, of Franklin township, as
a suitable candidate for , County Auditor at the coming
election, subject to the decision of the County Conven
tion. Mr. MTLET-LAND is a Democrat of the warm
est and purest kind, and gill be warmly supported
Aug. 7. '43—te.
1843. oz=oll,
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Coln
pany composed of the Merchants' Line. Erie
Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve
land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie
tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Comities Slip, N. Y.
It. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer &Co., Buffalo,
M. T. Williams & Dow,
Hon. Jolta'M. Allen, Cleveland.
Charles M. Giddings )
.1. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh.
up 1 1843-Iy.
;7Q.4„.... w . =mom THE canal packet ERIE, J, M.
Shaw ,master, will rim as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Th!n*lay. and Sat
nrdayp; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freig . .ht or passage apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CU., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
= I 63r :4 . 410 A
"gE 4 " "Um': " •
AND RAIL Itod.o CATts, from Pitt shargi I-, via Bea
ford, Chanthersburg, Harrisburg and Laneuiter, to
Philadelphia, connectim: with the Main train ! Wears to
N. T. &e. Only LW miles staginsr and one biglit out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare toniagelphlft t".
Leaves daily at 8 unlock M.
Office 2d door below the lierctautt' Dtael Woad *c.
feb . Proprietom
TL. - Great Genteel Itoutt.
Via Nriona6Roaa and Baiii more emd Ohio Rail
Ri.adCeiwpairy." --- • -
rs-i.r...5a...1. - -sr- - . '. - ..1:-.-i-3-0..1.-. • ' ..- ..: - .......N.0.-At:',! -
• . ._-!% IL -tili• - .;. -- -- At' __- ! , Al. , - ,
. .
NEW LI.S.7‘ OF U. S,liiriclt.l3o6Vo44o 11,.
Asura - wroa (.1f1M„ BAL 4
."- A3ll Nit NY Tutor
9 - IBIS line 305.• full opetrition and leave,* Pittsburgh
1 daily nt 6 - ock A. M. girl - Washington pa.
t k is
and 'infirm-al Irt Cumbetlarld, connecting, here
with the rail rotrit to 4 :111 the above places: Trav
elers will find this a speedy arid comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and 'Cunt
berlarol line ,facilities will be allorded which have not
been heretofore; enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice with the privilege of going, through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the .Monongtthela
House. L. W. STOCKTO7.si.
feb 3—dtf. President of N. 11. Stage Co.
Tha SAiltmire, Robinson, Master) leave! , every
Thunalay at 10 n''! k ' , nt, '
The Cntiet , , Collins , Mast . nr,l6aveS every Friday at
10 n'eloek a. m.
The Montgomery, Bennett, Mastei- t leaves eVety Seir
lirthiv at 10 o'clock a. n).
. .
the Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun ,
day at 10 o'clock a. tn.
may . ' • A , oda.
THE subscriber respccifully inforrns.the public in
general, that he intends to devote Lis Whole time
to the COLLECTION OF ACCOUNTS in the cities of Pitts
burgh, Allegheny and vicinity,
Having been engaged in this business for soms time,
and given entirr satisfaction to those who employed
him, - he respectfully solicits those having accounts to
collect to give him n trial.
Physicians and others who cannot sptire time from
their professional business to collect theii accounts,
Would find it to their tulvantage, to give him-acad.
Respeetable references can he given, and, if required,
security - will be given for the faithful return of all mu
nits collected.
Ile can be found at Mr Gcor,s , c Armor's, Merchant
Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on 4th to. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M
Any orders left there during his absence-, will be attend
ed to, or by letter through the Post Office.
Term!, 5 pr cent commission.
A LLEN KRAMER, E.rrhanze 13roker, No. 16
Corner of 1 rood "
Deaver and Warren Packet.
Regular Packets, for Cincinnati.
. 13 ditaillir LOU in . . , Z
14) LOTS, mutable fbr kulifus.., . VIP„
XV intact, and within two hutniteew 4iii
steam ferry boat Zatuling, trill be sold at pritsskte suit .
the times. The tents of pitYrneat will to *t a t o ;
either fur tub tir such barter as cm be nasal -
Apply to the subscribers is B„inniikitinurt, Pr Mr. •
Petersotr. No. 4, Ferry street, Pideburgii.
jam.l. JAS. PATTERSON. ie.
______ _
Lot* le Sate 4
4Lots in Manchester. One and Acrer
Land on Holmes' Hill. Lag nos. 41,4.1, st, 53,11.
181, 182, amllBl, in Cook's plan Of Lots, on Hiolumis
Hill. Also, Lots 110£ 4 . 26, and 27, in Cook's plinioirOla
on High street, near the new Court I louse. or tetrnb
apply to Z. W. RE.MINC4ON
, -
sap 10
LOTS on the North Eau corner of Coal Lags #14,.
iliett street , . Appry
lIESAAIN DARLiridt4:s*,
sep 10 Storket war Fourth strut;
isublic Sale of Valuable Land
__ .
RSITANT to a decretal order of thet‘relit.Whie
perior Court of Law and Chancery, for %self
county, pronounced the 19th day of April, 11143,MAir
cause depending therein of Henry Strider, rtt. I:
gainst James W. Barkenridge and others. Desk` -
undersigned - special commissioner, will sell sit
auction to the highest bidder, at the court bowie
Mason county, on the 18th day of September}
(being the first day of the Cir Surer Curse at
coantv,) that well known body ottani- •
led ...Graham's Statical," lying in Masan toasty,
on the Ohio river, containing by survey four .
one hundred and twenty-three acres, in two • " • • _
a lard propottign of Which is iivtit z. , .
land. The above lands previous re thet4y di
be laid off by the survevor of themearia las
venient size for farms,a . nd platse, Sid iti
thereof will be sold as may be notositul to .
the sum of.money required by said Isc:tettd ,:. -....
The sales will be made on a credit 41030 Witil!1001, • ,
ono.third part of thepurchase money, oftwelve •• • •
fur another third part, and of eighteen mouth*
residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving
good security fur the payment of the &Serena
die ments, bearing , interest from the day of sale, die
title to be retained as further security for the
of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the. lila
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make'}a ma
al payments,
GEO. W. .4TRIBLING, Special - Cort;'?. -
Point Pleasant, Va., June 26,1843. i jy6=2rtr 4
aT- HE subscriber offers to sell sound rents
the city of Pittsburgh. The lots are a*
handsomely ilorroved., *Alt is believed a safer &reit*
ment csuiutor.*fcalett Particulars may be learneti
applicatioolonas perstatally, or through the 'Posy(
ang 13-st - 'enrneartiberty ci.r4tr Hare street&
For Rent
nOVL ILLkite : iarie vi k 6.
i$ well sockedliitlfruit treek4W,
.11so, a conreaket tenement laNly doettieti by it. Is
La ughorue.
Possession will be ig•is'en ontlie.fikst of 119e4Aboi Oexi%
For terms apply to GEO. t"Otliß-Atf, Ex'r.
au; a2—tin •
. lei Meat
IarLEASANT rooms and good stesta pttit ate
1 cast steel file manufactory, actwrof enet
O'Hara Atrectg. Apply on the premisca, juiy 6.•
Primlnas% Tire Brisk imetkAle.
JLIST reCeivpdy. 5000 Freeman's beat _Fire Urns)
which after be kept constantly on luta
and-sokl low far by BiRMINGII.4,3II 45r., 013.
mhy - 2.7 - - tei MaLer st.
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper ani Most —
Iron Wart a _
\'v. 17,'Z ittrect,be'efreen TVor4 and Artirket,
Keeps conskatly on hand a gtxxl assortment of t inrinFi
and solicits alt/sance of public patio4o. Also,ostb*ldy
the following arlcles: shovels, polcers, iongsA pnat
skillets, teakettlair, pots, ovens, coffeemills, Mein.
Vhants and others are invimi to call and eramine for
themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap fcr cash at
approved paper. mar F—tf
Jo - lin taiturrighi,
eThER anti Surgical Instrument ganufacturvil,
V.! corner of 6th and ' l iberty streets, Piusbigg, Ps
N; I:3,—Aland tin hand an extensive asfprosint off`
Surgical alai lit . .ntal instruments, Banker's,. Tatikesi
Hatter's, Hair I"revr . or's anti Ttrmrer'r Ritumt Shows,
Saddler'' , Toobt, i r,t &c. ;kt 2,4 y.
Copper, Tin and Sheol rioniVarlt.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends 'aid
former patrons, that he ha..s. removed his eau&
lishment from No. 61, Liberty, to No. —, Drira
nearly opposite the Post Office, where he eolmittiues fs
carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Businiefte )
all its ',rarities branches. He trespettfall) , 5416144
continuance of the patronage so liherally titoettiod to
him heretofore, And pledges himself that north's Alk
be apt red on his part to merit the sterile. Constetatty,
on hand, Manufactured Ware, or ail kinds, ttli
will be sold low for cash, Spouting, &c:,nroaolibtir•
der at snort uotlce.
aug :1-Irn R. NI.
X full supply of tantireth's Garden Sec& "ad*lidh'bi
Lind and for sale, itt his zigency, the bri,g store_ or •
At l a 10 184, Liberty st., head of *oat
atk,llE snbscriber ha%
.biat received from the Mir
sery. of Landreth and Fulton near rhiladelp
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to
ould the attention of the. public: •
may 8: r. 184 Liberty sc. head of Wood.
BOUT the hol week in June, iu a Clothin
g*Orl —
Ain Liberty street, a Note of hand, a derably
4oiledind worm It is signed by James Gaajna and
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. Ti k e.oww.
er 'can have it in: identifying it; Aral paying expenses.'
PCAWEIt:LDItus rurnoved rrpsr6h, &stab
. liAment Wood= t. oppnit© Fa6estock's
Drug Store, where he will keep' cotiatintly op, hand
Tomb Stones, Nlonurneutz ap 13—Lys,
WiMain 0; Wally
Plain and AMC!, Portrait aftd Picture Frame
No. 87, Fourth surf Lttliburgb, Pa.
CAN'VASS bnubeta, Yuri:4BW; atist.s7 *1 1 94 s
on hand. Looking Gliwie . PrPn*F7'
A Safe Livestment
Lidiaritth's 'Garden Seedb.