Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 26, 1843, Image 2

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    _ _-__---
... .... . . nia. , .
116"212411111.111PPOTt—led th e fearie"Vaan ilk 981;161',,ififitillge .2 :-' 7, o,Mitl"."B of th e Oil, 44:41111"4110, • . ''' 7.. la '•,- es': :ai at . - a- a FROM TE • : 7 .: 4 !•r • ~•,,F r . -.:i• -,-/- „.4 ~, mous Innis AND rous—roi , • alitii.
thelad we... - venthan '''' •'1 ;•.;,.... '.:" 1 . Ala - yirti hbare •tolarlishifegton• . ilis .. t :al u' • ,:,,,, he s.a, er Sarah Barnea r• whr -, ,•ed St New •10 THIVINISIST MGM •NAV i OE rAltTlllltsT
-,,e. • I ' , en the lath inst. frtareGra. laeston,-310roraght full •' From that lain: rains, alai ea rly i
ea this occasion, however, theta was no more artit. ~.„,,,,,,, ,_ .... , ,
7 .u. ....z.,,tesiowirly aim properly chorten, wo Itare--atentatioultViaitaof.' smile week - sto ouinciOorbiia. I, lie. . a a ',Tau of . l'rae; d, nlz 4.'Clollein 7.
aver to be apprehended in the leap than in any form* ,-ar - . •.,• a - hien of Tam* Papers, to the gib inst. inchisivd., , weather hini been coot ;Ivies us a August 14, 11143. S
wee. The length of his fiight""aahiall lasted tillthn i madm,difthe tutu
nottainate one of the,esa• not:from esarked eaten ti saititeant the'.:4;l4-3trat, - .or The Revenue cutter Santa Anna -left Galveston on the P.S// hod IVs' is jastiliSad, ,F 2) l' 11l ) POS. a I .S, et, aorsial • • Propos , Is for
A slu
mides a t
e vening were beginning to fall-had deprived ficheectlitti lits ever been prestasted to the ,et "• e
of ,by any public demonstration. From e hat we l e arn o f the 6th for Ilatamoras, can - yieg as paaaenger Capt. in_ upon LIA, and almadv inquiries , /f," unclf•l'ropusals fo r l'erlia tie the eine may
bis limbs of their wonted strength and elasticity; and ••. Allegheny; aa,et of Sood prop user themselyea, Who his character and • ' '
inclinations, he nsther avoids such aa -...
Gala ,r n, recent bearer of despatches from ninSlCO to made for woollen goods and article lie C,Cei\ed at this , thee mei, 3 o'clock P. M.. on
.... .:, the second day of Ottoheteext, for f a erui
_samtthefew years er toil, intempertmae and •_ .. - ... .., - .
rued make papillae aaadllates and excelhlnt ceicera; honors. Every body hem, familiar with th e events of xian Government. ; ter apparel.
the Fro e m the 'National Vindicator (Waslrington,) of the In our early inercautile caperirm ,
lEWstalatst elapsed since his last visit to the tower, I" - - - ,isering, free of all cost and rialt to tb:st •''-'-'
i;oaarrostihit„,aitiot u p ci, ii iik, m a t to . w hi c h i d ur i ng .ti,e I and t e a raleipate the nomination of ato that will the Mat British war, is vrell acquainted with his claims o9th ult., wc learn that despatches had' been recea ed ers, when limner was scarce and the tn.,. ... ,
i ,_, ,
ainfliction of thebarthen, he has been in''en - i ,ar exc , a at talent and comactency, that of either of the to re spect. Those of us who are old enough to have from Gem Adrian Woll to this Government, de,igna- good deal had t.; be purchased with barter or cac het,- ' Sm., alousauil eialit bemire:l barren of Nara mots _..
sib . 4,4 be,
that the dreadful deeds of • the I oppas i ng facti„„, been impressed with the iricidents of the Battle or the ling Laredo as the place at which the connuissioners ,g-i....-tisi•d to have made up every fall and winter, by And seven theitannd eight alaundreti barrel! of ; 7
usornipo flairent, iti' their charadter fr om the usual t from the t w o guxerninenta may recta, and a rrange mat- their intlu:trions and meritorious wi‘ es and datiOtters 1 -- . i- -' • „-.,.. runt
,iery i. amocrat should consider it his duty to p re Niagara, well rernem-r eczema ofthe gallant lead
la-• the' • . '-• .diaela ts
feats tullls:--Whicli, however • bitoay in their conee• tem in relation to the two countries on the inenediate large , uantities of country cloth, flannels,
each barrel to con-leaflet Vass tTialilWohun as
. I ,
gridllisillOtgligtelittrititeeatrveless Mee as something. t soave Ilniontaid good feeling iatbs party: and tia ettaffee - erfer tliblooa7 ',2slUkiseping die field for tit:velours frontier to which his Command eatends. ', carpets, Stockings, seeks, la-easl flaa and tow linens,di- net weight of Beef orPorkes-olasess eiasselablaillstallhft•••
a Wrjr•W• raiseirwiretrea-Ally have tate Withmore li ts cont i nu ance throu c ehout the coin' paign, oar meetiosas covete d with . b l o od Rum — a gMi-shot. wound in his I'robably the object of the propositioa i s d es i gn ed t o ' a p e rs, flax and tow yarn, k.,7••' For mane years dry er article will be paid for. Tube delivered at the re
, .. , I arrange son - e plan by which the robbers awl murder- goods and domestic manufactuo,s have * been so low, spective Navy yards and 'Naval glaaittltsg s„fi t a irr ic y rr
tttottkipim'hts mint But, however I to-nialo mast ha conducted without any attenipttta shoulder, mad struck on the breast with a bomlesbeli 1
thiassa4abeaitsetui with an ttnatetuly step he approach- t a 'I , The followiegextractfrem die speechi t wo'
ers who are interruptina the intercourse between the that comparatively very little attention has been paid to
At Boston, Mass., Bbis• Beef. NU. FOS.
\ Coerce or browbeat woman in the exercise of iris righalia "d rirostratedt commies, man he s'uppressetl.
ed theshaiSdrag tate -ptetapice; and when a wild bird,l this fi easide in-Instry,ruirl that beautiful deacription- of A a Portsmouth, N. 11., 94 •
withal arathatiOintite cliff, scared from her nest by the ;or to defraud any candidate mit of the support of his l of Mr. Underwood in Congress, is on the subject of 'lt is d en t e d on the bast authority-that of Capt• El- ' the exeelleut farer's wife, in the last c hapter of Pro- 2,258 n gas ,
- ''l.Blllo9alatarst away with a sudden screen'', the bold • frienda• With good feeling at the Delegate meetings Gen. Jesu p, and maybe int • ' a •
,re3tnig to oUr rea ers. lint, we presUlne--that tbat officer had been instructedl, verbs, fron the 10th to the 31st ver3e:, has not been so At 'Brooklyn, N. Y., 2,565 2,5 63 . '
, ~I Issued and grew pale: perhaps it was the cry , them will be • • the C 'd h - ' - b i ris Gov *ri e , did usae t t t h e • liter a lly •'•I'11II1-•k'1 , f pl 1. d .1 1 ' P
y r ini .ut, to prupoav „ or pail .C , - 10/ '
:., good feeling in ouvenuon, az , sue • "The gentleman from New York (Mr. alearoaa)
• a a . voted bride which it brought to iris haunted ,• 'l5 15
' tiovernmentef Texas, the abolition of s lavary, as the 1 goods will nut bring former prices, and perhaps not in At Baltimore, :NH., : , . _- ... ,-..,,,-
•,--'.' 17 ir li . feelings, l • • I
- • a... ,•• •. , ...entre. In Is r.\ eN er, he a ticket will be nomivated, as swill unite the strength of seems to think that General Jeaup is indebted to Gener- ' C Tr' •' - . '''"
price of the active intervention of die G o vernment of ' all cases sell for mouev, yet inquiries are beginnin7 to At IV:tailing:ton, D. • • • .
we de
'' ' the FT 1 looked d, f the , and enable us to gain a victory over tite
.. te c 1 , antuo uor a moment i whole al Scott for the laurels he won aurae , the last war. I , 1
C.reat Britain to cotnpel Mexico into terms of peace. I he tnade.for altnost all die above articles, and we b e - At Norfolk, Yu-, ° 563 9'683
, ,
, woukl sooner undertake to pr* Se converse of the President , i 15 ' ' ' ' 1 'ls' ' •
i , ....../i. Objects of a similar nature, occurring 1 forces o f federalism, let diem come against us in what ,-a• , • • defend Jesup, ..ottstou lan r emoved Commodore Moore I lievP If Made good and early bran f ;ht to market, At Charleston, S. C••
p n vositton. au . , my to/pet is to
in ' •• liiiingrYi;f,the mounutimais couutries, do not us-Capt. Lathrop, from their commands in the Navy. , they will sell well and es.cbauge for all kinds of goods. At Pensacola, Florida, 41 ' 15
i s h a p e the • •a • has, I think, ham rent wronged.. and not assail Scutt.
,• .. ••,. ss ester with ideas of =mingled ter- I •''' Ma_:------- The pretext. il diatiaedieuco of or ders.
; It is, said Ole There is also considerable inquicirs and quite a de- At New Orleans, La, ~ . . _,. a 7 _ ..a. - „„,•,..,
. „ 47
:But if the gentleman from New York will take the
r' . 'trees hendina across the chasm, and conceal- I matter will be referred to the next Congress. Li the 1 mend fur flax, tinalthaand clovoramd. Beessiam , tal- --- aa--.
' trouble of looking into the official reports of the battles , ,
• fliage, its depth and danger-the heath andl leanwhile the citizens eenerally have manifested great 1 low • 1 lardarc • 7;800 7,101'
'awn/ chogin,g w the sides, like natural talsestry
- • :
prolecang pots of the rocks, risine, their
--' •
it g at ,
a ,_ a..
At intervals throug,h the curtain, give a ro
variety to the picture, and gild our fear with .of Chi pp ewa and Ilridgewaterahe will find that Jestip 1! .• . -•- e • •- • • , :ca l
acquired imperishable renown , not by merely obeywg ,
. cro ws and • .. Eer
the orders o fGeneral Scott, but by originating and exe- , n ' amn '
curing in the most brilliant manner movements which
conducted as much as any others to win for our firms ;
• • indignation at the dismissal of thaati offleers. The la friend to the industrious. :Led natio:rants farmers, we
a. , I ia , r
'if the officess •of the aaristin ano- , , a e'e tee tioeve torten
'nation, and closely saying, that al-
Wharton were diacharged, and about to proceed to ', though we have been le•hind dm counter 36 years in
New Orleans. _
a_ t Pittsburgh, vet we laffloye we never seen goods cheap
sdithOlaa... But these points of pictorial betatty and Sam Houston, l'resitient of the Kepublic of Tesas, I Cr, the supply better, and, all things considered, our
those glorious vt:tories. It is true, that General Seed I
relotiseretttere wanting: the naked ;ides . of the rockatGaivests ri in cons,. nence of ' r
; has been bung in effigy ~ . q 1 antlers meehanics and manufacturers less generally in
a_asigned to General Jesup (then a major in rank) his
were,galy variegated by the different strata, and by its .. 0 „ sip . , the course of action pursued by hi-wile relation to Corn. debt; and although money for the two past dull sum
post in the battle of Cbippeway; hut the order t
owN e eliballa 1r •i stretcliina forth from either P. W. re ' mer mouths and harvest times, has become rather
port arms and advance,'" which jesup's men executed i -• •
two - like threateuin knives, to deter or to mangle; M o o etalk of sending the Commodore to Cone,ress scarce with ream, vet we never saw more abundant
lin the faen of- is tiemeadows fire from the enemy, the ' -a aY
w i4tlioxirer rushir g ig through the comparatively• • from Galveston county. capitals in the hands of our m en:l:ants and manufactu
repulse of the enemy's right wiag, and the attack of his x 1
rtmcistuttral below--althotigh its voice waa scarcely I ... secret law for the future disposition ,A . the Navy has rers, our capitalist.; and our banks; and a mouth or two
right flank, was nil the work of Jesup and the brave •
beivilAtroughthe distance-seemed te light the dismal been passed. Although the p r ecise tenor of this ens I, of waive fall business will circulate a great deal of mo
25th. and <rave the first evidence that the victory was
widths white Gaon. A sound of hasty foot , Fictment has never been made the prevailing' ne •'' • .
public, a and infuse nen' life awl animation amongst all
ours- In the battle of Bridgewater, the brave 25th, •
at ad did not permit the outlaw to indulge long iniprestion. appears to be that the sale of the vessels classes, and the worthy farmer will have a lnindance for
with Jesup at their head, was "thrown to the right to
in contemplation of this object: and suddenly muster- has been ordered, without regard to the attitude of his induatry, whichis the wish of
in jap Wl4 . resolution, as well be might, he stepped
rda 4 few paces, rushed to the edge of the cliff
3.... 5 ...,
'11111;01i the terrible leap. be governed by circumstances." Never did commute '
der use-his discretion more for his own fame or the glory ;
of his country, than Jesup did on that day. General Texa. towarda Mexico. • . As 01 :11C.F.C11N
ae paop.e warssesagranotos°"''''" " g"" "°6ll"""gialmalaas
, Com. Moore has published an address to 0 1 ; ____ ____------
of Texas, explaining and jastifying his alleged disc- I
Brown, intim official report, gays of him ,"he had sue- POrt of jsittsbutgl) .
• .: 4CONCLUDLD ON atosoar.l bedience of orders and hia professional conduct genet- .
ceeded in turning the enemy's flank, hai captured (by
a detachment under Cabtin Kechum) General Riall a li r
-ail. alorgan, the cummissioner who accomamnied
and sundry other officers, and shows himself again to , •
the Commodore in his cruise, has a still longer address
his own army in a blaze of fire which 1 rfeated er de
stroyedo very superior force of th e enemy." yes sir, to the public. Ills effort seems to prove that Presi
dent Houston, Corn. Moore and he (Col. Morgan,)
in that "blaze of fire" two karats were shot under lam ,
were all three right! If he succeeds, cleverness ut
and four balls penetrated his body, and yet he remained
; least must be conceded to birn. Ile se's:
en the field giving orders until the work was complete.
The act of Congress (the secret act) con fi ned the
The gentleman from New York seems to dank that I
President within certain limits, and he may
. hav e in
orel Jesup has oneouutered but little personal risk
structed. thecomolisaaimera accoldingla, and boon dins
danger, except when he was aervirig under General ,
far blameless: and If the commissioner,: are able to show
Scott. Not se, sir, General Jesup has , on many occa
sions, gauen d y presente d himse lf ti, time when , that they could uot carry out the instructions of Pres
ident, without sublerting the vesseas ender the cono
he was Dot acting under the orders of Genera:l Scott.
When alkokilat, ander Germinal
Hull, he acted as ad- mend of Corn. Moore to the risk of being destroyed
("brrrnt") and that. there was lei: risk in taking the
jutant is - tittitillltliaitsd• lathe dieehargo of his duties was .
much ottPinitelhotlie cannonade of of the enemy „ russ '.. coast of Yucatan on their course, than in going - direct
to (lalveston; then the commissioner, who took the rea
the riverpetrolar prior to Hull's surrender. 'fag, sit, 1
and at Detadt he conceived and would have executed, , spousibility of sanctioning a cruise along the 'ra t of
hail Germs% Hall permitted, a we d dang cuter prise, Which 1 Yucatan to Galvesuin, may not deserve censure ront
any quarter. Coni• Nloore may likev.ise Ix: cleared of
in all probability would have sahis commander from '
1 alleenaure, and to crown the matter, l'reaulent lions
his disgraceful 'surrender. - He proposed to cross the
ton may prove tualeserving of censure also!
river, attack war-captive tha enemy's battery before the .
This is certainly an accommodating IN;ty of urrang
main artny
c ould relieve it. After his exchange, he '
was placed noommand tit Cleveland, and there super. big the difflaaL:____________-----____
intended the building of the boats which aftecwanls From the Ohio Statesman.
transported Geierul klarrisna's m tim
any to aaaa• Ile NIISSISSII'I'I BANKS.
went with General Ilurrisen, and was the first who lan- , The Mississippian of' the ' l oth ult. thinks that Gen•
ded on
H e shore of the enemy r
-rffin the latata he had \ Brascoe'a bill for winding opal' the banks in the State
built. He was at the Themes with General Harrison. will become h law, notwithstanding it receives violent -THEATRE •
lie was then transferred with his men to the Niagura ; - o pposition from the whia side of both houses. 1.11 re- In c onsequence of the prepnratioua eeceasary fort,
trop tier, and placed in Scotts brigude, and whilst that i femuce tothia aubject the New York Journal of C u m- ,
(productioe of tine Drama of the
brigade brought on most of die important battles fought I mere , ga y s:
on our frontier, dollar's regiment was at least equal to 1 "Anal why should they not be wean.). up? Nutt-one FORTY T BEEVES.
any other in rendering Servic,e. Ho received the enemy's .of them is in oix:ration as a banking institution; tiles- and the I)riona of tile
I stirrendered. On the 17th September, 1814, he was ,ed out of taw s valor, the hett er it twill be for all concerned The. Theatre will be closed until Saturdav night on
fire at Font:no on the ad Jul y, 15,14, when that pest 1
I placed in command of the reserve at Fort Erie, when 1 r
arc all broken, and the sooner their tantrums am clear
the officers). If banks are
General Brown's sortie was made; three of his wounds I t h en h e e . on hiished; but these g hosts of honks ' never
yet unhealed; urn his arm iu a
would have excused him from this service, bad he ask
sling. 1 114 4ituati'al \ earth , resuscitated, and never reteht to be." SOMN'AMBITLIST.
assure 1 , they en" Which occ.asion the SON! NAaIIICLIST and the
i W hen were the wiliest ever known to ti.; other dem wffi I"' 11105esitt-al is id ' the at" ai'" l-1 un" 'ie ..
cal it, but he *ought
wi t post of daneer alai of lamor.l,lpp the winding up of rotten banhs I \Ve apie•al to Mk : : ClarellatM the c elehrotad A merican Actress,
Ile was tiftenvards with General 1.7.;:n1 at ti
commit- I t h e Saul hist°, y d a m. , past; \en ns a ; „ cry hones , man o ill appear on alonday I,i :lit.
ruliug scrota the ChipPow a Y ri v e r. Well might 11 ° jin the hind, what would havebeen the fate oft lia tuna l'nter.s 0F -Vallt4 41oN.—Iirc,-, Circle, 5Cl' cents;
say, after these ser.ices, "1 ate Ma. ambitious o f t he \i—
v?: noW, had these hankers aml ivlii"'s succeeded in 'l , Surma'''. ier, 37 ett cents; tit, 9.5 ~n 0.,; Upper Tier, 12.1
honors of Indian warfitte." , prolonging the m onstrous state of thines which afflicted coats. 'fbelMN sheet will be kept open daily from 10
But. sir, Geacrol Jesup has acipticea h on or in his i t he country a few years ago. and which they base so ( to 12 and from 3 to 5 o'cb, here ;rots can be pro
campaigns in the Creek and Florida wars, the horror i strenuously endenNowd to euntinu.. by vcning against ; cored oil implication to the e ll , aur•
diking his duty, and accomplishing a
vers he could i a ll re f orm ; i„,m0;,,,,1! i 'the rnost rigid order will b a , e a l aartiol and enforced
l a
to carry into effect the objects of the Government. The s_ . ---- ---- hr peeler talleVl'S alllltVli for that purp,ae.
soldiet has nutlitiag to do with the policy of the Govorn- . "CHANGE oF cc. Rrior.NT." L_____------------------. ____
ment, nor is lionatpeusible for it. His duty c onsists in ;
• i littler this caption, they N.,nr York Joarnal of Com- ( VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.
conquering the enemies of his country, whe.tber they i Men"' ,:a.-..1 ry liE itaaersi Veil will offer at rt.131.1C SALE, or
have been made enemies properly or improperly. Inl "Among, the arrivals at Buffalo, was this week au iti- j_.; Lease, art Satre rda N, the Hag( al Norember next,
quelline, disturbances with the Creeks, G enera l j e ,,,p 1 , voice of c log-en tons of soup, manufactured at lan • ,„ ia ., at i
at . V 0.1..L0C.., A . .- ~ that valuable property, on the
met with entire suceess; and although he h a s n ot cau ght 1, ette, Indiana, on its way to the East. Soap must t i m e& t
, veldt side
the Nionoteraltela river, opposin : this city,
'of Florida all the Samna:des , still, sir, he lain, be tu lded to the list of articles which are tudongt:r latch laid. oil' in lots, embracing - I.t • - ' - '0 1 ‘1 . 6
... a NN l't • II .... an, •
i to be e7sliorterl. to the Weat, but imported from it.
- a cre:, of ,round.
4,a so many conn
i Th is is ,ciik,,,,,,,, to be the most : avant:a:coils 10-
of r
- - Subject to the decision of
Olyt - iDattp sllo ct post.
• •
. , .
f 3 r_ T
7557 ARD.—The dernOrriOs' of the First, or West
W 4 —will take notice that the meeting for the election
o f elegites to the Convention, will be held at the house
turLittle, corder of 4th and Ferry itrc•ets, on So,
eceniol next, at 7 o'clock.
Amp . W:RD.—The democrat.: of the 3rd or East
Weitt;wilti)fease take notice that the meeting for the
elect#l,of delegate 3 to the couveation, will be held at
Tetortanco Ball, corner of Diamond N I lee and Smi tit
fielikiiiiicet, on Saturday evening, the '!6th inst., at 7
Actriocrat of the remaining three ward', the
2ttl, Ald sth, will meet at their umal places at the
same :0p1r,.1 o'clock. Dv order of the Committee.
3 NS. CRAW VORD, Cli'll.
' f or some days past, the Sus, a paper that ,
, .
f r , w 4oyoneutral in politics, although edited and pub.
has evinced much feeling and inter
estOki:democratic party, and has kindly undertaken
tor 'l*l 'date and settle some little difficu
ber existing
is a be-
von:vbs members. In yeterday's there
look article devoted to Major LYSOL, from which we,
rnalkiiii; &owing extract:
4 1 - p review the political course of David Lynch, is
rot tt?tattry to our present purpose- To violate the
grav,,trt which is entombed all those principles at vu
riatre„.7ith democracy, whirl he no ardently advocated,
privo, the a dvent of official distinction, which open
ed Arm Ids delighted vi,:km, with rare and singular
beaut st vfettlth, power, influence and offices, in connex
ionfikip conversion to the democratic fold, would
alstOsO irrelevant to our present object. Suffice it to
say,T4tos after having for years hugged and cherished
tbo rriociplFs of that part }' which is The antipodes of
Detpriaracy in every form and feature, a sudden gleam of
• arlor of patriotism in-
BA...burst-Upon him, and a new ant_ _ _
fusaftielf into bis being, and he betutnes a Derr.o. "tile water ra , i
crai,and anon, a leader of the party." ••n Whilden, with the most admirable presence of
144s,ocarcely n ecessary to say that thiere is not one mind, on findine that it would have been impossible to
ward of truth in the above paragraph- Every Inan who land 3 pa.4sengera at the wharf, run his vessel upon
- treed in Allegheny county for the last twenty-three th e bar where she sunk in a few minutes afterwards.
has lseagers, among whom were a large number of
has . .
yetiOiskpors that, during that time, DAVID LT t C
boas, one of the 'most consistent and a ctive members of
t h e party, and that in its most gloomy trial",
when °tilers shrunk from the struggle, he w always
forOtisost in mainmining and defending the principlesto Sla tof
,bjections may be raised a-
, y , Whatever objecuo , —
jortLynch on other scores, his attachment to the dem
=rade party cannot be doubted, and it will be of but
lima advantage to the veracity of any man who will
Dellylbarge him with having "cherished the principles
of siesit, party which is the antipodes of democracy."
We would fain hope that the article to which we re
' he editor of the Sus; we have
fer'nas not written by v.._
supposed him too judiciou.s, and having too much re
gasd-for truth, to assert a barefaced falsehood against
the political character of any man; and the tone of sat
isfiktjon in which it gloat; over the pecuniary embar
rassfinetd. of the gentleman assailed, is so heartless and
dishaworgbie, that we are loath to believe our young
friend.-}ted any thing to do with it. It is alone worthy
of Osage who would stoop toobtain wcalthby means as
littili;aottidoll to respect, as Major Lynch's character
waled be, if the charges insinuatedagainst him were
rfoonan, be l ieve, who is acquainted with Mr.
Lng( hat a deubtof his moral honesty, orb elieves that
he sweiappropriated a dollar of the public money to
his-OW-nese fraudulently. The "bankruptcy in fortune,"
which,` the Scat so unfeelingly anti unprovokedly flings
at ltina, ii r of itself, a sufficient refutation of the charge.
Wediffer with Major LYNCH on many questions of
loaftpo_itics; we cannot approve the headstrong man
ner:i.n.Adch he urges sems of his personal views, but
baidng the fullest reliance in the honesty of his attach
meat to republican principles, we cannot remain Silent
d him unjustly assailed by those who know
whisnakf fin
Ittkr knowing him, basely!misrepresent his
s.tA.utt Ititartlcus.—We hope e ve democrat
sityan in mind that ou this e v_
.county spa bear
enisiw she
and trristiship meetings will be held, for
dieOetl° n of Delegates to the County Convention,
:Wbeet next Wednesday. As there is much
felt onspecting the nomination of our ticket, for the
fsdkeitiction, it is necessary, to ensure a harmonious
action for its success, that,the u-ishes of a majority of
the voters in the several wards and townships should be
hewn, delegate iretinga are the proper places
at Oa ta-strate such wishes known, and hence the
isapeetiore afattaniigr, them, and electing such dcle
pea's% will select for the suffrages of the party, the
mon,t . jeerepetent and popular men. No man should
grumisic if, neglecting to attain! the delegate meeting,
his ftwarite *Wild be set aside; it is there, and there
onirthat the 'risks of the majority can be known,
prfr,r .to - the nominations betng There_ will
no Athe, astruggle--but a &Wail; one, we hops'
ailing the friends of the several candidates, to twenty:
he aelegatcw, but whatever the r esult maybe, we are
confident that all good democrats will submit to the
will of thonmajority, thus espressed, and stand read]
York papers give the following account of an exten
sive robbery that had been committed in that city. A
servant girl named Mary Hart, who had been only three
days in the employ of Mr. Barnett, No. 220 Hudson
street, robbed that gentleman of 1500 dollars, in gold,
on Saturalty last. Mr. A. locked the girl up in a room
while he went in search of a police officer, and during
his absence the girl delivered up the mciney, which she',
had buried in the yard, to Mrs Barnett, and
ryas euE ' i~
fet ed to depart.
Au extensive rubbery was conunitual on Sunday',
morning, on bcau-.1 the brig Amanda, from Honduras,
then lying at the Quarantine ground, Staten Island.—
The steward, a mulatto whenliC ono of the men
on the morning watch,the rest of the hands
were asleep. The man went into the cabin, and took
from the pocket of the captain, the key of his trunk,
which lie opened, and extracted the key of the locker,
in which was deposited C 3200 in specie. This tnoney
he succeeded in carrying from the vesselio a boat, ,uo
discovered• his suppose he must have been assisted
in his operations,as the money was in separate parcels,
and it would be difficult for a person to carry it away
alone. The boat probably landed on, Long Island. •
A MLLE: A MISUTE.—The editor of the New Hope
Gazette, in a Into number of his journal, has published
an interesting account of his descent of the liver St.
in a small steam
Lawrence, from Kingston to 'Montreal;
_schooner, on the Eericsson principle. Ile describes
the scenery of the route as the most, beautiful that the
imagination can depict. At one place in the Ccdar ra
pids, the water is said to ran at the rate of a mile a
minute, and he passed over three miles in four minutes.
At the Lachine rapids, ten or twelve miles from Mon
treal, vessels go down a fall of seven feet, and dart
along with inconceivable rapidity- In these rapids the
channel is in some places so narrow, that six feet ei
ther way would prove fatal.
---_—.. -
A lIONICEPATHIC Vilailf.l.—The "1 Ay' ,ay
uga county, N. Y., commenced a suit against a ho
mccopathic doctor, for illegal practice. The case INOS
Sind to the jury, and a verdict of tkreefarthings trm..
dared against the defendant! •
Rutin 18111-1014811%.11111 1104T5. --.4f snqs "Mu into'
our westerniansi4 nsiti shit, tbetti, about* on - the east
ern rivers run into each other and produce the same
disastrous consequences: The last case we find in the
Philadelphia Mercury of the 22d, which stater that as
the steam-boat Bolivar was rounding to, on the everting
precious, in order to come into the dock at Chesnut
street, having just come down from Burlington with
two hundred passengers and a large quantity of fruit aad
marketing on board, she was run into by the steurrebout
Kingston which had been chartered by a qermart mift
tar! consparry, and had just returned from an excarsion.
The side near the bows was stove in, which caused a
lode large enough for a man to walk into her cabin; the
lied into her in immense quantities. Cap-
The pass ,
women, who were all in an indescribable state of alarm, I Pe,
1 ° atm his friends may justiy claim . him an .. __
were taken off by one of the Camden Ferry boats. The
from reproach, although ital . do nut boast of his :rico ,
boat is still upon thcisleawl—eher stem completely c° v- 1 ries over Indians in general engagements. It ha, not
ered with water. \ been his fault that be could not find a skulking enemy.
...... . _.. ——_ _ — Ile spread his troops over five &grecs of latitude. Ile
s• Q. Anams.—ln compliance with the t reques made batle wherever he coukl find te foe. le our-
~ 1 . ed. out his t blood on the ocerehiug plains of Flori l da, p as he
-... and shake
of number of citizens of all parties, the Mayor has hands ith him, and you g ras p
heal done. in Catania. Meet (fel - ler-al
ed a public meeting, to be held next Tuesday, for the
w a hand mutilated in the
put poseof inviting Mr. AD.VES to Visit our city, while „f hi s c „„try. Look him in the face, and you
going, to or returning from Cincinnati twat November. see the scar of an Indian bullet. Sir, lie has been up
on 11.11111`1A(Mily fields and received more wounds in
LEAF FHO3I. THOSE "N cvit DooKs. --The`Whigs tle, than any (If your generals; and these wounds are
on coming into office opened a new "set of books," and trimpt-tongued, crying, shame! shame! upon those
onornical administration. who a ssail his character, without knowing the facts, or,
k• disregard them•
promised to give us a more cm..
The Hudson Gazette, a very good accountant, has been
overhauling, and gives as the result of its investigations, ADDRESS TO THE FRENCH NATION•
the following account of the public expemditUfe s for the We are indebted to our friend,Major Dave zae for the
follow imeresting extract of letter, written ' byan,
last two years of Mr. Van Boron's administration and American R e p ea ler no w i n E a ris.
the first two of the NVhigs, taken from the official re- N. Y. Truth Teller.
port of the Treasury Departinent, exclusive of pay naents "Yon r efforts in behalf of the Irish people have re echo
on account of trust funds, the public debt, and Treasur ed this sid- of the Atlantic; your address. I mean that
%vhi:di you do'w up in the name of the Repeal Associa
tion, Wa ; I",pol7Clea to the night before last, in this ci
525,882,797 75 ty, by a i a...44'11)1v nth French patriots. A splendid
'2.2,489,349 57 banquet va;‘ held - ott e 14th of this month, to respond
This is the amount expended under the two last to the address of the American republicans, upon the
subject of the Repeal of the Union. At this dinner,
years of Mr. Van Baren's administration, when -
- most of the notables of the "Extreme Gauche" assisted,
thing purchased by the Gnvernment was from troenby among these were Courtois, who stands eminent as an
to fifty per cent. higher t ha n at the present time. enlightened and eloquent 'Patriot,' and Letlru Rollin,
who is the floor member of the most advanced radicals
The following is the amount of expenditures an der
in the Chamber of Deputies; some excellent speeches
a Whig Congress, and 4 low prices: - ' were made, and a collection at once taken up, and a
Fertile year 1841, • $ 26,366,347 73 subscription opened by Mr. Lctdru
c Roll in, ause o for all
e don
" o 1842, 23,078,047 17 tions, be they small or great, for the f Rpe
At this, meeting it was agreed that Mr. Ledrusßollin '
Thus it will 'be seen that the expenditures under a
should personally visit Ireland, and in the name of the
Whig a dministration is higher than that of a Democrat
had vast French patriots, tender to the Executive Committee of
is one, although the former n vast expenditures to the Repeal Association in Dublin, their pecuniary as
make on account of the Florida war, and the Canadian sistauce, and the expression of their most heartfelt good
border difficulties. The people begin to think that wishes for the success of the cause of the legislative
these „ uf w woke are rat what they want afterrartaa disunion of England and Ireland. Mr. Ledru Rollin
intends, very shortly, to proceed on his mission; this he
are - fast turning the Whigs out of . office.
will probal.;ly do when the Chambers, where his pres
necessary shall have adjourned. A more o-
Fe The Saint Louis New Em .says;—“We '—".. nee is , .
ea pr
' -- " 4-- , per person could not have been select for this honor
from the Upper Mississippi, that a Treaty of Peat° i able ditty; he is a man of deep, calm
and sincere
has been been concluded between the Sioux and Chippewa I viction, whose political opinions aro eorcod both by
tribes of Indians, under the auspices of the U. States. varied attainments, and the purity of moral character.—
'The Treaty was,
signed on the 4t h, en d has been sent To a fine person, he 'unites both the gift , of fervid
The Treaty
Washington. A sanguinary hostility q f a
hisbi order; he has
years prevailedbetween there tribes of Italians."
111"1br many I g al u rind ence y arennddreemdas°hniimngserfawseersful to party, and formi
dable to his adversaries. Larnartite was not at the
banquet; he was, talkie time it took place, at hlocon,
wherehe delivered a speech, which I look upon as one
of the ablest I ever read. Here, as elsewhere, it is the
democracy alone that raises its voice for Ireland—Eu
.o*h Tories, French conservatives, think it
hi a tenterestrrible
thing to interfere, as they call it, aitlißritis ,
by expressing an honest wish for Ireland's Liberator,
Inn the day is not far off, if Icon read the fuutre,when
Irehuid will wrest from England, dtgestioe winch she
must take if she ever hopes to get. ' — .l, - o conclude, you
have no idea of the interest the Irish question, as it is
termed, attracts throughout Europe."
For the year 1 839 ,
A RARE LEGISLATOR.. --.A paper published at the
seat of government in New Hampshire, informs us that
one of the members of the last Legislature of that state,
came to Concord,took board at a respectable hotel at $3
a week but soon left it and went to ono of the lowest
trverns in the place, where he got board for $ a week.
That he went regularly to the house every day, so its
entitie himself to his pay, bnt soon returned whit board
ing house, where he spent his time mainly in whittling
out ox-bows, goadsticks and whip *Mai. A - part of
the time he hired himself to some It:umber-men to get
tnilllogs into the riven At the close of th
th hie sessiOri he
was seen leani i , towards Coos county, wis wagon
fall of ox-bows, ;oadsticks and whip stocks. His board
came to about $9, and that of his horse to two dollars,
and his expenses to and front Concord about
Ho drew from the treasury $75, and paid away $l6.
and sent out of
has caught and s‘nit away more thanany other General,
if not more than all the rest put together. Ile has kilb '
ed, captured and scut e ther two thousand three hundred
and eighty-three altoge, of whom more than seven
h od
were fighting men. Look at the results of hit
operations, judge him by what he has accomplished ,
. . , for him an exemption
A WI id) Ito T.—The Toronto, Canada, Gaardinasays:
"A wild boy, with a mane ofi hair growing down
back, was seen fk fvw days since in Caldeon, Canada
West. His name is Thomas Spears, and he was lost
in the woods on the night of the 30th of Sept., 1841."
The last five years geem to have created sa
ter currents; in the \Vest that it is difficult to say what i s ari,,, iur manufacturing purposes in tie vicinity of
interests at the East may be undermined. We hope . crew mannfacturing city, baring nn extensive front on
they will not find materials in th eir pigs out of which
i the river, and extending, back to Coal Hill, celebrated
kets "
to make n ewspapers for the Eastern ma c . ; for the finality of its coal over any other, and in which
The Ilan. William Wilkins has c emented to lf2 a ' ittn?diate vicinity and extending back are incyhallqi
ticket, from bk. mines . , railivays:from NviticE can he run directly in
is. now done in the neigh-
candidate I'r Cougreg.i on the demorrutie ,
the Pit tAiurgb
of4rict. We hope he may be elected. to works on titi6 property, ti-•
The character f' the U. S. Ilouga‘ Itepreentatives borhood. There art. al -0 4eYeral -t rata of eoal beneath ii ,, pectet t Luici
need. 4 purifying t h e ynegenee of high an d t h, snrrace 04 ti l l, propertS, in the stune e been presente4,to the fiery
men, atnl a:Stanley...llnm. et °moans geritt.s, 1.1,z("• • one of whirls a , certained r,-.iiieet:irely, duly ttpproved by the eumminatinti
base been d e feated, :itch met a: .111(1<le nmy to he 1:2 15 feet in thickneFa. of the rt.:p.....ctice -NaYYYard,i and Stations.; the
he induced to take a =eat there. —.041,1/". G A Porthm of th e rr"PertY " b ' e the to the terms the onntmets.
lewl, and the heitrz.
of Oa , ,halite for The part of beef tube cotchuled will be pittiett
tv""lagew,-1:, i" ia the 1/.frt.lNi ng to be attaehed
btain them ea Ispplij
Wµi: A T. —The six Ill'W England "anti-:, within area b. 3,,,
~, osi ,,,_
of iihout 61,307 squan• miles, twist 40 ilciecly settld, 1 , n ,,, y ,,,,..,, t ,
having a r imilat hin of 2,24'3,8'22 i n habit:tilts, prothlce - I t; adranta-reon, location for '..slannEictinang tu.d
ea citly '2.01 4,1'20 bit Alicia of wilea, NVITAKt • Mi dil a an Buililin , , the Slack Wator Navigation of the .),lonoaga
with about unequal area in Leith peninsula , . but with.
hela. it- , beiter nearly pppogite the 11101.1CLI: of the Penn
not much over one third of the lower peningula, or s•zlvania Canal, and affording; every facility fur the n
about 1,5,000 square miles in the southern part or the caption of material= bv river, at all SeaSOllS when uayi
state gcanwly ,:ettlea i
, baying only a popular on of 212; ,,zalile at any other point in the vicinity of the city, its
'2 1 '•7 ,103 bushels of wheat, ' • • '• • - lon w'tb which. a. will be the case
prommitv and convex. 1
•^4l, altogether
267 in 1839, as much as °,lsi , pi
or more than all the new England states together, seven- by a bridge so soon it becomes occupiea, ino u ,
eighths of what Wil.3 rtliAtta in the thr:e mist north- ' I ,
rCII4..Ca it in (wen . point Of view, one of the most dr-sint
erly states; vis: 'Maine, New Ilampghire,Vermont—a,na la, locations for i n vcsrment and improvement.
over two-fifths of tit: whole in Main alone. i . Ntilwithstanding: the number of c xtensiee Work,;
----, , ~ , , „
FATAL Acc irtE s -r.—A young man named Stant:, a which llaVe OCCO vrOcted within the past feu , : yolt,:inans
resident of B o uadbrok, got iutothe S o merville ( you ufactures have never flourished more succes r , p ly than
this morning at the place of his residtMce; and after the at present, the yearly inuteasing eAtent of cur city, the
train had proceeded twai miles on the ,vac to this city„ immense e migration to the Ric-t, ZL71 , 1 its Unequalled
was killed in a slit 'eking m anner by a "snake head," or rapid settlemmt, which OW city must ever, as it now
one attic iron rails, which, bcian:loose and turned up . does, most advantavously supply with ma nufactures,
at one end, was forced through the car. • will yearly increase the demand,' and great tn. , is our
The bar entered the chin of thisyolmg mamand came character as a tnatrif!cturing plum . , ,when we review ,
out at the buck of his head. lie was instantly killed, the great increase in number and extextf dour mann
but no other person injured. The cars went bark t o factures within the past few years, we must consider it
Boandbrook, left the body, and then after =holds de- in its infancy, as the groat m anufacturing and conamer
tarted for the citv.—N. Y. Cum. Adr. , cial point it is the
to become.
Inc,, I In addition to the manufacturing of Iron, Nails,Glass,
SPUNIC—ApoIIotA Woodward, of Lycominy County, L s ;
...wines and Machitaery, Cotton Yarns, &c. which are
offers himself a candidate for Counts Treasurer. hu operated - advantatmouslv hem, we require in this region
his card to the public, he makes the following indlien. manufactories of Cotton Gods, as the immense quanti
dent dixdaratioa; , t i„ o f t h ese ort i c qes yearly bran ht from the East for
"I do hereby most seriously wish to make known to this, and Western and Southern markets evince, the
my fellow citizens, voter.) of 'this county, that I am de- profits tothe different band,' generally thrvugh which
tet m ined, and will not, under ally situitiou, treat, hand they puss between Mei u rauulart,urer and the western
ru n, nor give oue single drum. nor glass of wine or . merchant? would satisfy a manufacturer; iu addition
ruin, nor treat to a julep, uoattaii, or c obbler, nor a there is the carriage' wesrto east of the Materials, and
glass of ale orsagree and neither will I !ive six bit- e ast to west of the manufactured articles, besides insur
terd for a m in's vote. 1 think the hal gain hard ' enoughaner., time, &c., offering every inducement to c onwan.
without treatinq." , i.,,, dour own or dlaz - tiara Otpitalists beyond competi
z-- ------------ lion.
11)11, TH F. MORNING POST• I Applications have been made for a number of years
GERMAN DENIOCRAT IC MEETING. i past for locations an this property for Nhumfacturing
The Germandemocratie citizens of Allegheny courts I and Building pu r poses, anti it has seen laid off into lots
ty, assembled on the 24111 inst., fur the purpose of! containing nearly an acre on the river, for the former,
choosing one of their c ountrymen as a candidate fur' a nd 24 by 100 feet - for the latter purpose, fronting on
our State Legislature, and unanimously tigretal to re- it 50 feet streets, and 20 feet allev4.
commend Mai •30 l I N A NDEREGG, as a suitable i It will be sold ins body, (exTclusive oft few lots) or
ilerrtun; and they tulopted the (Mowing resolutions: ! portions will be sold together. to suit the views of idi
/?cso/va, That the Gee
he citizens of i yiduals or COMpaniCS \Xi:ling tO pt.lll'llae. Or otherwise
Allegheny county, propose their fellow citizen Maj• ; separately in lots. Sonic lots may be exchanged for
JOHN AM DE REGO, as a suitable candidate for the StattN. , buildings on this property, or Ira faint.
Legislature, and that they therefore recommend the \ The terms will be mad , p erfectly easy, only a small
said JOHN ANDEREOG to their delegates, and to the portion required doss n, and the r emainder in a tenn of
democratic comity convention iti particular. Convinced ; years, payable an nually or otherwise.
Gn i
of the kind d brotherly feelings of their democratic I •i t i s no t de= ned to dispose of the property under the
fellow raiz , the Gentians can lint but be a.ssured late and still existing. depression of real estate, except
that the .c talon will pay to their request such are- , f o r its fair value, but from the freque:d applications for
gOrd 03 the repeated endeavors of the Germans for the its purchase, and the inducemelll,,,lfored at present for
democratic Cause deserve. And the German demo- improvements, every article and expense connected
ersin revere to such kindness, pledge their honor I therewith being so low, it is considered the present
forayr faithful tuad enerpti6 support of the d e mocratic possession for these purposes hy-persyns or companies
ticket, nominated by the convemion. of wealth, would be so a dvantageous to them, together
By order of the•conirmittee, - with the terms on which it is offered, that induces the
FERD. STARK, President. effer of sale at this rime. NEVILLF. B. CRAIG.
Wm. IltErtto, Vice President, Committee of Mrs. Sidney Gregg.
aug I—lawd&wts ,
F. T. Schmertz, Secrenu.
Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat Agents, Water-street.
ket•Oraing to COrpel, Niark, at the Wootl . ..street Sewer
W arren, McDonald, Beaver.
Mingo Chief, Devenny, Cin.
Kcel_l3ont,N Mary, I\lail,for Cincinnati
Messrs. Eilile fallow itvr tick will be very
a creptuble to many Thnnocr ors—Th
uts of le Coounty.
Congress.—E.D. Gazzarn.
A sse ntbl y.--. 1 as. Whittaker, Mimi".
. John Stevklrsoo, Moork, , . , . .
James A. Gibson, Pint. , ..
Samuel McKelvy, Pitt.
She' rilr—E. Trovillo.
P i othonota ry.—Geo. R. Riddle.
Cumin is sio n e r.—Jamei C. Richey',
T realm r er.—Dr. Wm. Kerr.
Auditor.--.l.ll.Mcllhenny, Jefferon.
Au g. '.ll.
.. .... ---__—
1,1:1Cy :I
Said Beef and Pork mast be delivered, one-half .bet ,
tween the first day of Junary,lB44, and the 15th "lava
April, 1311; and the other half by the 15th day ofJume, :
1344, unless earlier deliveries should be requited br
the Chief of the Bureau of ProOnsioll3 and Clothing.-. -
Offers must be made for each half separately cad dis
tinetiv—that is, for the half deliverable betweafirst of
January and 15th of April, and for the half deliverable •
by 15th June, 1344.
The Beef must be packed from well fattened au*,
slanzlitered between the first
13 day of November
hi , 1843,
and the first day of February, 44, .3. weigng not
lass than sia hundred pounds, net weight each. The
legs and leg lands of the hind quarters, and..l* . tbittc„
and s houlder clods, and atleast eight ponmie from the
neck end of each fore quarter; or the parts Nos, 1, 2
and 3, on the drawing or delineation of the fore anti
hind quarters of an ox, which will be attached fii
from a part of the contract, twist be wholly exclu
from each barrel and half, and the remainder of the car.
cuss most be cut in pieces of not less than eight made
The Pork must be packed from corn fed WeR fatten .
ed hogs, slaughtered between the first day of Neveniber"
1843, and the first day of February, 1844, and weighing
not less than two hundred pounds each; excluding•thh
heads, joles, necks, shoulders, hams, legs, feet ararlardi
and all refuski pieces; and must be cut in pieeel weighr;
ing witless than six pounds each.
Both the Beef and Pork must be salted with at least
one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of Man or St. •
Übe 'A Snit; and the Beef must have five OUXICC.6O(fine.
pulverized saltpetre to each barrel, exclusive of a pickle f
to be made from fresh water, as strong as salt will •
make it.
One-third the q uantity of Beef and one-third the
quantity of Pork must he packed in half barrels, and.
contain one hundred pounds net weight of each, at
the case may be.
The barrels and half barrels must be made of the
best seasoned white oak Or white oak staves and head;
ing; if of the former, to be not less than threctourthi of
an inch thick; if of the latter, to be not less Than One inch
tl tick forbarads, and three-firarths of an inch for half bar
rels; and to be hooped at least throe-fourths over with ,
the best white oak or hickory hoops.
Each barrel and half barrel must be branded on itti
head "Navy Beef," or Navy Pork," as the case maybe,
with the contractor's name, and the year when paclifixt.
The Beef and Pork will be i nspected by the inspe4ag ,
officers at the respective navy yards and statiOni afuree',
said, and by some •s worn inspector of salted provisions:
who will be selectel by the respective commanding
officers; but their charges for such inspection must•be
paid by the respective contractors, who must liken - Use
have the barrels put in Ve+l Fdlippilig Order, to the sat , •
is-faction of the commandants of the respective norm
yards and stations aforesaid, after the inspection, aPkilOk
at their own expense.
Bidders must specify their prices s eparately ana
tinctly, in separate ordors for the Beef and hels'
for t..,.;
and for each of the places of delis err, covering all ex. H
'Anises and all charges.
The Department trierves to Itself the richt to reject
all offers from persons who have heretoforefitikal
El their contracts. tive cow
BonAs in ne-tkird tine anion nt of the respec
tracts will be required, and ten - per cement in wasiition .
will be irithhela front the amount of each payment to •
be made, as collateral security for the due and fiataa
performance of their respective contracts, which willow
no account be paid until the contracts are complied .••
with is all respects, and is who forfeited to the 'United .1
States, in the event of failure to complete the deliveries •
within Ow prescribed periods. And in case of faihtre •
on the part of the contractors to deliver the aforesaid
beef and pork within the times specified, the Chief of
of Provisions and Ciothieg shall have the
the Bureau _ •
right to direct purchases to he merle to supply the
cieucies, and any escess of costs shall be charged. to
ruin paid by the contractors. Paymmt will be istaist4
by the Gaited States (excepting ten -per contuse to be
witi.ih :Id until the co mpletion' or the contract-4,'a* bee 4 4 ,
fore stated,) within thirty days after the said Voce( nial 411 -
Lwa receivea, tin&
contracts; por.s,eis intereACeil can CIL
ratio n at 2111 4 olio
will be fortinchb ndrified of time* .
acceptance, ancl a contract and bond will be tralits,yllP
red to them, which must be exeented
d and retuillea
this Burcau within thirty ay.=,
Proposals for Chain Iron.
Washington, Jialy '28,1843.
PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until: •
3 o'clock, on the first day of September ensuing,- -
to deliver at the Nary Yard in this city, the following, - •
Chain Iron, for eiAteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches . .:-
in diameter, each 150 fathom lone, constituting thefoi- • ;
lowing bill of Iron, viz:
35,100 links 1 11-16 inches in diameter---Ni inches.
450 links 1 13-1 G inches in diameter---'2:-..4 inches
20 feet 3i inch by 21 Oval pin Iron. . •
90 do 2:I do :2 do do.
70 Swivel,l9B Shackle, and 18 boa pieces:
Specifications of the Swivel, Shackle, Box please
and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on applicatimat, this
flee; all of the above Iron must be the very-ben s
jean, and ' undergo such proof, under the increased test -
and inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may
subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the
Government, and in as short a time after the Contract
is made as is possible, which time wilt be designator
in the contract.
Bonds with good and .4Utricient sureties in double the
amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser
the _.,.-
vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till y.a."'
Contract is eurnpleted.
aug. 8 WM. B. SCOTT, Navy Agent.,
GENERAL LAND Orrtc E, t''.
June 23,1843: S.'
ADVICE h the been received from the Thegishat
of the Land Office at, Lexinghan, Miouri, t
the removal of that Office to the - town of Clintos t
in Henry county, as directed by the President, bit
effected on or about the 3d day of July next; this is td
give notice that the public sale of lands ordered to bi
held at Lesing - ton on the second day of October text, , "
by the Executive proclamation bearing date the Bib
`• t., will be held at the time prescribed in the town a
, Clinton aforesaid. THO. H. BLAKE;
' June Commissioner •
S N DRIES. --50 boxes chocolate - ,
5 do coooa,
3 do rice soar,
25 do ground pepper,
5 do Cayenne do.,
36 cans ground mrocard,
5 kegs do sllsince, • .
5 do -do • ginger!,
li caws do do., Ltegetlteic Irkh
every tilting in the troceey Tine, 1111 is feted
et extrernelY law prices, fur cash..
VI, Wood street.