Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 25, 1843, Image 3

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    , uci p
FIUDAY, AUGUST _- , j5, 1843
(13Tor * -lausiness"' rds, &c., see firsipate
Q'Report sayi that Miss ClarendOn, the Actress, ar
rived in this city yesterday, and will appear et-the
ilivestrie on Saturday evening. So much bus been said
ofitin'.ettnities that we are really anxious to see her.
Tise.NewDrieans papers puffed her as an urrappmach=
able-rnerriber of the histrionic profession—so let us see
ber, by: nil means. uug. 25—it.
C.I9O.MIISTING.-A great number of Hacks have
beepleiy for the past two days, in running to and from
the Pomp Meeting ground, on Squirrel Hill. We un
aeriftia the:meeting will close on Saturday.
ROSBERT.;--T he Chronicle says that Mr. JAMES
ill'CLAis,grocer, in the Fifth Ward, was robbed on
• Tuesday porning of three dollars in small change.—
Mr. M'CLAIN had just left his store, leaving the door
open into the back part of the house where the family
weitl;:itit they not knowing that he was absent, did not
gollasnediately into the store, and when Mr. ''CLAW
vittirit4; the money was gone from the drawer. A
boyAssviseezi to come out of the store, but, as it was
supposed that he had gone in for the purpose of pur
chasin4tome articles, he was not sufficiently observed
t o be. recognized agaiu.
Afroutzn..—The Age of yesterday . says: This morn
ing: aboutthree o'clock, three or four men attempted
t rob, the watchman of St. Clair street Bridge. They
were toduccessful.
Taft MitNAGERVZ PROC ESS los on Wednesday t
itractedi large concourse of people. The two ele
olxiintsattached to the music wagon made a "strong
team,". and from the manner in which they were har
newts" it was evident that they knows how to draw a
wagon as Well as a crowd of spectators. The exhibition
in the evening was attended by an immense audience
who were highly gratified with the magnificent collet
Lion of animals. It will remain in the city today and to
morrow; daring.which time we advise all who wish to
witn6ss, anenteresting exhibition to pay it a visit.
Rye iroeeiired a Porcupine yesterday from Lima,
Alletiantrityohio. When our friends have all seen it,
we willeond it to the Menagerie where the public may
beboidit atotong"the wonders of nature."
lroeol and Instrumental Concert will
lOW oh Saturday evening, at Concort Hall, by a
smother of pupils from the Pennsylvania Institution for
the ihitruetion of the blind. We are informed by
thew who...have heard them, that they are excellent mu
and that but few performers that have ever
sister our city, were more coinpotent to :five satisfec
ties 10 1111 aulienze. The novelty of au entertainment
Oen by such performers, and their abilities as mu -
cians should ensure a full house, indepeadent of the
praisawillthy object fur which the Concert is given.
.1111 , 114ra from the bills that before the Concert, the
Pr . OFfinti, aided by Miss L. M. COLTON, their Teach
ere will exhibit the progress of the Pupils in som3 of
their stadiei--Rearliug, Writing with pencil and with
pia .thie,Att i ntal and Writtea Arithmetic, Geography
with Ma? 3, History, Algebra, Geometry and Natural
Phihishply, for the purpose of explaining and illustra
ting die method of Instruction.
X. Mod Citinese Girl, 9 years tot' ago. brought to
this.elitintry by Mr 3. Gutzlaff, lady of the Celebrated
11114iatiary in China, to be educated and sent back,
will read the Scriptures. •
S , Liftitn:ina of th ekill and iaJuitry ad'? Mad will
be ashibited; and Aral i)ftl - rna3 will be far e,
fore and after the eitemisr2s.
Mats, Bpaihns. Ba?acti , , Shoo, Ras Carihtti and
biattr3ssuA, am thr U.tief articles nrundavtured
Tricy are good orgiaho, and have prated them
sel+es excAleat Te whom-of Voeal aad mmi
HIM :Mt OP THE. BACKV/0:11)5, OR, Tilt: It:SGION
salt 0010:1 Authentic, front the Earliest Accounts;
webraeinr many events, notices of Prominent Pio- I .
siestrs, sketches of Early Settlements, 4.r. no t
heretofore published. By A. W. PATTERSON,
Phrtiburght Published by the Anchor.
4 1Ve are glad to announce the appear.uice of Dr. Put
version's long expected wotk, of which the above is the
tide. It exhibits all that perseveance and patient re
_Actual, Which alone can give interest to such a book,
and. its coraposition is distinguished by that rich and
graceful diction,•and constant carefulness, which lend
a peculiar charm to every thing that comes from the
Doctor's pen.
To the old settlers of this great region, and to their
de4gendains, this work will prove full of interest. It
will recall with - the former. their early trials and "hair
breadth escapes" and the incidents relatad will he the
tbemcoftttaitybn animated discussion, amongst those
Wordy old.ploneers. lVhile those who enjcy the com
forts and advantage's gained by their father.ls perils, will
delleht l M read the history of those stirring scenes in
whfch their ancestors acted so important a part. The
boat, too, will not fail to receive the approval and at
tention of those who have no other feeling in it than in
anyether portion of the general history of the country.
-The "History of the Backwoods." cannot, in short,
fail tp be extremely popular. It will, no doubt, be ex
tensively purchased, and find abundance of readers;
and we can but hope that its accomplished author will
greatly advance his fame and fortune by its publication.
Hooks and Stationary.
o'4 1 hand and receiving monthly, and for sale on ac
commodating terms, the Encyclopedia of Histdi
ry, Buck's 'Theological Dictionary, Events in Indian
Hisairy, the American Pioneer, a small variety of fam
ily, school and pocket Bibles and Testaments, school
books and stationary. Permanent Temperance Doc
animas, Bacchus and anti-Bacchus, voice from the
vintage, sacred songs, David's Psalms, and a variety of
cheap religious boos, and about 2000 Washington
Hymn Books, Temperance Lyres, Washington Harps,
Nie Songs, Temperance Fables and Temperance
alai Sabbath School Books, and übout 10,000 of the
Jaaratds and Youth's Temperance Advocates of the
American Temperance Union, New Yo.lc, for sale in
-11 6. 0 1segis or natal lots, to suit purchasers.
Agent and Commission Merchant,
No. 9, Fifth Street.
A LL persons indebted to Dr. T. Burrell & W.
XX., Barnes are hereby notified to call immediately
sualretitle their accounts with the subicriber, or they
w be Oft in the hands of a muistrate fur collection.
I . 4oo . wurn them to pay no monies, belonging to the
eild firm, to J. W. Burrell, or any other person, unless
dilly 41UthOriZed by me to receive the same.
Intbrmation Waited.
HENRY MURRY, who left Pittsburgh in June,
1842, for St. Louis, is informed that his family
in this city is very anxious to hear from him, and that it
is sweessary for the management of his business that
they should receive some information of him.
Any person in the western cities who knows the said
Henry Marty will do an act of kindness by informing
him of the wishes of his family, if he is living, or by
writing to his wife, Mary T. Murry, in Pittsbuth, such
d ef Informsnon as they may possess.
Henry Murry is, by trade, n stone mason.
nog 25
tour Cincinnati and St. Lonisexchange's will please
Sopy the above notice, and are will cheet{ally recipe >.
este the favor whenever an opportunity may otfer.l
/few do Cheap Stock Establishment,
WOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens
of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have
commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va
riety, form and description, and would solicit merchants
and others to call and examine fur themselvas, as I am
determined to sell on the most accommodating terms
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m.
1 The September numbers of these splendid month
lvs received at the St. Clair street Agency and Litera
ry Depst, opposite the Exchange. 'dug - 2.'2-,-iSt
Lady Blew - La ton's New Novel.
WM. FOSTER has. just received Lady Bles
• sington's new novel, "Meredith." Also, the
"'Peking," by Frederilta Bremer, to be had at the St.
Clair street Agency and Literary Depot, opposite the
Exchange. au„ 2724 t
stirring tale of Boston, during the Stamp Act
and Tea Party day; with reminiscenses of Adams,
Hancock, &c., received by W. M. Foster, at his Agen
cy and Literati• Depot, St. Clair street, opposite the
Exchange. Price 12i cents. ring 22-6 t
STACY LLOYD, jr., having associate d with him
Mr. A. G. REINHART, will continue the Gro
cery and Produce Business, at his old stand, No. 140,
Liberty street, Pittsburgh, under the style and firm of
1..p"1n addition to a general Grocery and Produce
Business, the suscribers offer their services to their
friends and the public, for the sale of any articles de
signed for this market. Also, for receixing and for
warding all kinds of merchandize, &c.. to or from the
west, and trust that the practical experience they have
had in the above business in this city for some years
past. will enable them to give entire satisfaction to those
who may favor them with their custom.
140, Liberty st.
ang 21-10 t
nuler the Direction of Mr. 11. Hoplios .4• Co
The proprietors of this establishment, would ros-'
pectfully inform tho citizens of Pittsburgh, and its vi
cinity, that the above named Exhibition will be opPri nt
fit'vadhurers llfrntscion House, Pitt:411111-g11, on Wed
nesday, Thytrvlag, Friday and Srthr rday, Augmit
the 123 d, 94th, Tith and 26th. Door: , open on the
23d from 7A to 10. OA tin following day , . fr.mt 2to
3 and from 7A to 10 o'e:ock P. M.
Alinittanco. 2.5 ce:ds; under 10
ca; rs half
- _
Tito proprietors of the New York and l'hilaiLlphia
Zoological EN hibitiol) have. it great cost, and 'rouble,
trained two prodigious Elephants, in harne.is, driving
tileM ill, tandem style, on the entrance u 1 oho Mena , aric
inn ti^ city, lea.fing, the Grand Ca , aleade of hon=es,..
wapitis, after the same style as xliibited in thu-
New York, i'hiladeloldt and other principal cities to
the rent surprise and ;id miration of thownAds.
N ' ew andisplendid Scenery, done in oil palming by
one of the hest artists in PitilailAphia, decorates the
sides of :.?.L1 wagons, all containiug unimal.i of different
descriptions, affording one of the most rich and aid
mating displays CVPI' broutin forth, all the designs be
ing of the latest finish and most admirable fitshion. To
enliven this scene,' on entering the towel at high toned
, band will pour forth some of the most fashionable airs.
The celebrated .101 IN SCHAFFER, the subduer of
the savage denizens of the forest, will appear in a most
magnificent songs of scenes entitled -The dreadful
doom of the Sultan's slave." Among a variety of thril
.thig.situntions, the following will be exhibited:—The
outcast slave banished to the forest of Faihri, expiring
front hunger and fatigue; when a tierce Brazilian 'l' iglu
darts like lillaning upon him from an upper cavern.
The Eastern despot's most awful sentence !! For
feited life spared on condition of training, a will lion to'
Irtrness, which is accomplisln'd, and the slave rides
acmes the road in au ancient car.
Also, a variety of other fieatitiful and striking situa
tions be presented during the progress of the piece,
to conclude with the most bold, grand and daring hu
man display presented among a whole caravan of wild
animals let loose at the same time, upon the Indian
Slave, who will gradually subdue, and playhillyexhibit
his remarkable skill in elegantly grouping die ntateli
less zoological exlnl» tine.
For particulars see large bills at the hotels.
aug. 17.
T HEREBY certify that I have known a number of
-I-people who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pills,
and have been much benefited by them, and I believe
them to be the best pills for liver complaints, and for
general use, o( any pill now before the public..
thereby certify that I have been afflicted for 6 years
with n liver complaint; and have applied to different
physicians, and all to little or no effect, until I made
use of Dr. McLane's fills. In taking two boxes of them
I ant nearly tegtored,to perfect hettltb.
MillerAurgh, near Pitt-burgh, August 18, 1843
L . 7-ror ,ide at the Drug Store 0T
curlier hilt and Wood strect,4, Pittshorzh
ACKEItEL.-20 bbls no. 3 roackarel;
.111 10 half tibla no. 2 'do
10 quarter tikla no 2 do, a prime
article for family received and for solo by
11,11131.V.N, JENNINGS &
43, Wood street.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny Coun
ty, of Ociol;er Tern:, 1843. No. 1311.
T N the matter of the application of Du-
L. quesne College for Charter of Lica
s' i ji- wrationt
'And now. to wit, Aug 12, 1843: The
Constitution of Duquesne College having been present
ed to; and perused by, the Court, and the Court having
carefully examined the said instrument, and it appear
jig to the Court that the objects, articles and conditions
therein set forth and contained; are lawful, and not in-
jurictus to the community, do direct the said writing to
be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of this Court,
and that notice be insertod in the Morning Post, in the
city of Pittsburgh, for three weeks, setting forth the ap
plication to this Court, to grant such Charter of Incor
poration. From the Record.
Attesu A. SUTTON, Pro.
Notice is hereby given. that application has been
made to the-Court for a Charter fur Duquesne Col
lege, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary
within three weeks. the Court will be asked to grant
I said Charter. THOMAS HAMILTON.
au 24-3 w Att'y for Petitioners.
ALADY who is capable of taking charge of a
household, is desirous of obtaining a situation
03 housekeeper in a privatefamily, or as superintendent
in a reipectable hOtel. • She would have no objection
to leave the tit! if (I . irett to do so. For further infor
mation inquire at this office. aufr, 21—tf •
John D. 'Davis,
..; ....,-,....,_ _ .
' ' I efraltritiff49lB4.*l4lfibitiiioriisc office
, of Proasinwicii* of AIWA* letinitty, sidilea` to the
Corner of Wood and sth ste., Pittsburgh, ' action of the DemOceatic coanty convention, which
IS ready to receive merchandize of every description meets on the 30th August next.
on consignment, for public or private sale, and { GEO. R. RIDDLE
from long experience in the above business, flatters i Allegheny city, mar 31— . tc d&w,
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction 1 -
to all who mar favor him with their patronage.
Regular safes on MONDAYS and THURSDA.Ts, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Oi" Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,at early gas light. ang 12—y
Damaged Goods.
WILL be sold, at 10 o'clock, on Monday morning,
the 28th inst., curdle benefit of whom it may
concern, at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, cor
ner Wood and Fifth streets, the following damaged
merchandize, vir
13 ps., 37. i yards, fine prints,
21 " 652 " coarse dn.,
10 pairs !tidies' black kid gloves,
5 violins,
6 assorted vests,
2 pair drilling pantaloons,
Canton flannel shirts,
Together with a variety of other articles.
Also, 4 trunks containing wearing apparel and other
articles, to pay freights and chaiges.
After which will be sold, an extensive assortment of
seasonable Dry Goods.
And at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a great variety of
miscellaneous articles, boots, AhOei. gloves, travelling
vallises, leather hat boxy household and kitchen furni
ture, &c. Terms at sale, JOHN D. DAVIS,
aug 25 Auctioneer.
(Chronicle, Gazette and Advocate copy)
Pena Street Lot.
WILL be sold at Auction At 10 o'clock, on Satur
day morning, the 9th day of September next,
on the premises, that very valuable corner lot, 26,1 feet
front on Penn street, extending back along Garrison
alleylo74 feet to Exchange alley.
The above property is very advantageouslii situated,
and can be improved o as to command a handsome
income. Z. W. REMINGTON.
Terms at sale, JOHN D. DAVIS,
aug 25. Auctioneer.
Advocate and Gazette please copy.
Catalogue ofValuable Theological and Nis-
cellaneous Books at Auction.
AT Davis's Commercial Auction Rooms, corner
Wood and sth sts., on Saturtlay evening next,
August 26th, at 7j, o'clock. Catalogues are now rea
dy for delivery.
Immediately after the catalogue, will be sold, in lots,
an invoice of school books, stationary, writing paper,
prints, &c.
At 9 o'clock precisely, 1 splendid gold potent lever
watch, made by Tobias, extra jewelled.
aug 23-4 t J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
ON WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of September,
1843. will be offered at public sale, at PittslyurA,
the followin. , Stocks owned by the State of Pennsylva
nia, viz:
No. of Share, Componirx. Par Value.
1600 Allegheny Bridge Company, $25
2000 Monongahela . " 23
600 Big Beaver " 25
100 Concmaugh " 5O
100 Loyalhauna " 2 ' i
171 Roblistown 50
300 Williamsport, Washington co., 50
2500 Monougahala Navigation company, 50
2151 Bedford nod Stoystown Tp. Road company, 30
3323 Smys town and Greensbargh " 50
1780 fireensburgh and Pittsburgh " 50
3437 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana " 50
567 Pittsburgh and New MeNandria " .50
322 New AtrVutdria and Concinaugh" 50
947 Pitt -burgh and Bicler ' 25
0.2 Butler :tad Mercer tt 25
320 Pittsburgh a•A Steubenville " 50
300 Robbstown tthir :Mount Pleasuut " 50
660 Mount Pleastua and Somer . -al " 30
672 Somerset and Bedford {{ 50
:360 Armstrom• and Indiana o - 25
360 Indiana and' Ebentsbnrt if 95
325 Washin Trot i and Williamsport " 50
835 D‘; Pittsbnrgh " 50
200 lbobT a-al Kit:a-ming 25
210 Mona fleas tatand Pittsburgh " 25
360 Somerset and Concmaugh " 25
320 IY, Climbed:tad tt 25
160 Ligonier and .1 ohastown " . 50
224 Armstrong and Cleurlield /11 23
80 Brownington, Harrisville, and
Franklin " 50
200 Butler and Et-et-port 20
224 Pitt sbartjh Farmers & 'Mechanics'" 25
160 BedfOrdlunt Hollidaysbnrgh " 50
160 Birmingham and Elizobetlamin " o 5 I
160 Lithe rsburgh and Putoiatawney " ' 25
300 French Creek Bridge company, 20
1230 Franklin tutu Allegheny Bridge company, 20
100 Erie and Waterliwd Turnpike Road company 50
5110 Susyn;lianna and Waterford " 05
1010 Mercer and Meadville 25
100 Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and
New I Liven 4! 100
200 Abington and Waterford "
280 Warren and Ridgeway " 25
40 Warnm and New York State line " 50
96 Titusville and Union Mills (I 25
160 Warren and Fruildin 25
ao Sugar Grove and Union o
300 Bank of Pennsylvania, 900
300 Coltanbia Bank and Bridge company, 100
1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100
Purchasers will be required to pay fur the Stocks, at
the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is
sued by the Anditor General, in pursuance of the Reso
lution of 7th April, 1342, notes issued by the Banks of
this Commonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1541,
specie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trans
fer of Stock will be made in a reasonable time after
Commissioners for sale of Slate Stocks.
ung I—ts JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r.
rri II E next term of this Institution will begin onMon
-1 day the 4th of September. at 9 o'clock A. M.—
Application for admission may be made to the Princi
pal, the Rev. 11s ta DT , after the 21st init.,
at his 0)0m in the University, from 9 to 11, A. M.
The exercises of the LAW SCHOOL will commence
on the . same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application for
aatnission into which, to be made to the Professor of
Law, WALTE a H. Low nt , Esq., at his office in 4th st.
On the evening of the same day at 7 - o'clock, in the
Hall of the University, an A bintEss will be delivered
before the Trustees, the Vacuity and the Students, by
Professor Lowrie, which the citizens generally are in
vited to attend. A. L. PENTLA:"W,
rug 1.1.--ed Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
Western University of Pennsylvania.
TVISENTERY , Diorrizeco, Bowel Complaints,
1.1 4.c.—Whittemore's Concentrated Vegetable Syr
up, is now considered to be the best medicine for the
above diseases, that ha. , ever appeared to the ptiblic.—
Rend the following:
•'Essex, Connecticut, Oct. 15, 1841.
We, the undersigned, having bad occasion the sea
son past, to make a ttial of "Whittemore's Concentra . -
ted Vegetable Syrup;" in cases of Diarrhzea, or Bowel
complaint. either on ourselves, or*our Families, and in
every case it having proved abundantly s uccessful,: we
do cheerfully recommend it as a most valuable medi
cine for the complaints for which it stands pledged.
And we do not hesitate to say, that it needs only to be
tried, to convince the most incredulous of its intrinsic
[Signed by 17 ciazens.]
Let every one that may be afflicted, try and judge for
themselves. The genuine to be had only at Tuttle':,
86 Fourth street, where...an the valuable Patent Med
icines may always be obtained, rand warranted genu
;,,.. • aug. 18.
rait Painster, Fourth at., 3d story Burit's Buil
ding. J. Osbbrree'vrocild'isotich's egg &nor those wha
desirr Portraiu.' Speimenticanbe seen nt his roams.
, .
I respectfully offer myself a_s a candidate fur the of
fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem
ocratic Convention. IV NI. G. HAWKINS.
\Wilkins township, June 27—tc.
To the voters of Allegheny connty:—l respect
fully offer myself to your consideration as a'candidate
(independent of pasties) for,,the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny (*limey, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known will please examine into my qualifica
tions, &c.; and if se fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the ditties of the office, to satisfy you with your
choice. ALEX. MILLER.
may 10—te. of Pittsburg.
Clear the course for the Volunteers.
WILLIAM B. FOSTER, Esq., of Allegheny city,
will be a candidate fur the office of Prothonotary of Al
leg,heny, county, at the October election. jane 4.
• M ANY eitizeos of Allegheny city recommend Dr.
J. C. M'CULLY as a suitable person to fill the office
of Prothonotary. july 12.
Iv.spectfully present myself to the citizens of Alle
gheny county, as a candidate for the Sheriffalty, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic convention, which
Meet+ on the 30th of Atign it next.
To the Electors of Allegheny County:
Fellow Citizens—l otier myself to ycnir considera
tion, as a candidate [or the (Ave of Sheriff, subject to
the nomination of the Ikmr +mak Convention, and shall
be thankful for your support. .
ang. 10—tc. CtIAMBERS McKIBBEN.
Mes.sr•s. Phillips 4. Smith: Please announce the
name of Col. A. Carnahan, for Assembly. With such
men as Col. CARNAHAN and Capt. STURGEON
in the State Legislature, Allegheny will be safe—they
know her interests and will support and defend them.
With these old standard Democrats upon it, our Ticket
must be popular. ST. CLAIR.
auk 33-tc
MAST CitiWttA of Pitt-burgh, roconnnond Dr. JO
SEPH CURRY Ivo ► nuitable person to fill a ?cut in
the Asscaphly, the ensuing sea,inn. jalv 11. Ift 13.
A number of the Ihttot writ: of Mifflin totvictitip
have concluded to pret‘nt tht. name of N.\ .N111:1 ,
COO IRAN, Ell., of that township, for the coa-iilcra
tion of the Convention which 11 ,14 on t h e : . 10 1 1,
for a nomination for the ( . a w,n
known anti a well tried democrat, and hitt 11.-i•zithor
confidently preseatbi claims. aug 7-ti
are authorised to announce JOHN BROWN,
Eq., of Vine township, as a candidate for At•southiy,
subject to the nomination of the Democrutic Conven
tion. Jul e• _
IV' We ure authorized to announCt. R. A. RAI'S
MAN, of Birmincham, ns candidate for Assembly,
::ulect to the decitiou of the democratic cow, elation.
nog . 1.4-4 c
J- u.'WHITAKLIL. 1:541., of Jiilliu Townsitiv, is a
randiante f or A... ss embly, subject to the action of the De
mocratic Convention. Mr. Whitakeris ret;oulmentled
• hi 6 friends wad in•igliimr , a; ait 41:141 rr 1111.15 erring
and anvoted deni(wiat, who lais ut s r faltered
in Ilia
support Of the mon and Tm•a•mr , s of the party.
17—te NittretlN•
corsTY cosimissioNErt.
Messrs. Edilors: Pleu3:l announcv .Nlajor
C. RlTcnte, of Rubinson township, us a candidate fur
the office of Chanty Commissioner, ist the ensuing elec
tion, Anbjectu) the docision of the County Convention,
and 111Atur Notocavrsi
nue 14—tc.
County Commissioner.
'We aro authorised to announce ALF.X.A...NDER
PHILLIPS. jr., of Robinson, as a candidate for County
Cmnmissioncr, subject to the decision Mille democrat
ic county convention. aug 7—tc
County Commissioner.
EDITORS:—PICILSO ;Lanoilllrk! the name or
Genl. JOHN M. DAVIS, of PeebleA, for County Com
missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic
county C.owention, to be held in Auzust nett.
County Commissioner.
Morirs. Editors: As the general opinion appears
to prevail that inasmuch as there are already tw•o of
the County Commic:inners from the emmtrv, it is bnt
a matter of right and justice that the'city or its imme
diate neighborhood should have the third candidate—
We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people of
Allegheny county. .1.04£ C. Ccxxty3, Esq., of the
city di,:ttict, for County Contntissioie at the ensuing
Comity Commissioner.
We are authorized CO announce JOH,: CALHOUN,
Fs., of Elizabeth, as a candidate for County Commis
sioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic Con
vention. amr lii—tc
County Commissioner.
AT. the solicitation of a number of friends of all
political parties, I respectfully offer myself to
the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of
County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not
be misunderstood, either as to pollticad .13r private
affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life
a consistent Republican, in the true Pease of the word.
As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan
cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public
officers has received the.approbation Of largo majori
ties of the people, the undersigned would not should
he be !,..:(1 fortunate as to be elected, in any manlier at
tempt to re=nt this salutiwy reform; should it reach
the ()dice of County Commissioner.
We are authorized to announce Mr. JAMES
ROBB, oftpper St. Clair township, as a candidate
for County Commiisioner, subject to the action of the
Democratic Convention. aULT. 3—tc
We lire authorized to state that JAMES AN
DERSON, of the city, will be a candidate for County
Cornmimioneri t abject to the decision of the Thermo
critic Convention. aug
County Treasurer.
.2114SSTS. EditOTS: Please announce the name of
ALEXANDER ,NrCt.t;RE, of Mifflin Totrnship, as a
candidate for nomination by the Democratic Conven
tion. for the office of County Treasurer.
Mr. M'Clure is an old and tried Democrat, of the
Jefferson school, whose character and capacity for bu
siness would be a guarantee that the duties of the office
would be discharged in a manner satisfactory to the
aug 11—tc
JACOB TOMER. Esq. of Pitt township, well known
to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a staunch,
uniform Republican of the Jackson school, be a
candidate for County Treasurer. subject to the decision
of the Democratio County Convention.
At the solicitation of many radical democrats, Mr.
SAMUEL McKEE, nf BirMingbato, has consented to
become a candidate for the office of Canny Treasurer
subject to the decision of the Dmnocratic County Con
ve4ost, Of Mr. .McKte it may be truly said, to be
known is to he ppystur.
Many Fri ads of Lit ots u m;,,g Worth.
, . .
Messrs:' Editor's: istmoorme Lewis Wel l :
man, of Allegheny city's todperettAtte for Coroner,
subject tO.the aeon' kali the Deattopitie Convention,
aug; 17-itc MAN DIMOCIZATS,
I respectfully offer rAyveif to the citizens of Alleghe
ny county, for the office of Coroner, subject to the de
cisiOn of the - Denim-rule Convention.
jy 18-4 c DAVID HARTZ.
I respectfully offer myself as a camlidate fur the of
fice of Coroner, subject to the action of the Democrat-
is Convention.
aug 22—d&wtc
I respectfully submit my name to the consideration
of the Democratic Convention, which m-..ets on Wed
nesday next, as a candidate for nomination for Coroner.
aug 24 .-tc- . R. HUN ZECSE R. Allegheny.
T take the liberty or offering myself as a candidate
for the office of Coroner, to my democratic fellow citi
zens of Allegheny county, subject to the decision of the
Democratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst.
aug 9—tc ROBERT MT IT ES:sIEY.
County Auditor.
lifesgrs. Editors:—Plen , =e annomire the name of
JOHN W. M'CLELL AND, of Franklin township, as
a suitable candidate for County Auditor at the coming
election, subject to the decision of the County Conven
tion. Mr. M'CLELLAND is a Democrat of the warm
est and purest kind, and will be warmly supported
Aug. 7. '43—te.
~,,:„ 1843.
Forwarding and csunwiestion Merchants,
AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com
pany composed of the Merchants' Line. Eric
Canal; Wallington, Line. limiter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Steamboats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve
land Line, Pemisylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie
tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
Wilkie & Ellsworth, NO. 9, Comities Slip, N. Y.
R. hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
M. T. Williams & Dow,
Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland.
Charles M. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver. .
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh.
ap 1 1943-Iy.
F . 1 ,1 1 THE
Tut canna packet ERIE, J. M.
Sll3lV,MaSter, will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named torts, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting. with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM &. CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
P a l
- -
14.1 ARE RED FCED.-1.7. S. MALI. Lase or STAGE 3
AND RA IL ItnAD CARR, from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford. Cbatoltersburg, Harrisburg and Lanc-a. , ter, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to
N. Y. Cc. Only 150 miles staging and one night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $ 9 -
Baltimore 9,
Leaves daily at 8 o'clork M.
Office 2d door bolow the Merelnint. , * HtWel \\ - anal st
1811—lc -. •
Via Nctlional Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
i-Alcver • • ..--zn-lat•j''• • _
THIS line is in full operation and leave,: Pitt.' , burgh
tinily at 13 o'clodlt A. M., Via Washington
roll national road to ennilk.rlanil, connecting here
with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Tracy
elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or inking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
feb 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co,
The Swift...um!, Rohiason, Master, leaves every
Thursday at 10 o'clock ) a. in.
The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Frilly at
_lO o'clock a. m.
The Montzomerv, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat
urday at 10 o'clock a to.
The Express, Parkinson, Master, lettve4 every Sun
day nt 10 o'cloctc a. m.
may '2O ! Agenis.
A Card.
THE subscriber irsrctfully informs the public in
general, that he intendS to devote his whole time
to the COLLECTION OF A c COljN TS in the cities of Pitts
burgh, Allegheny and vicinity.
Having been engaged in this business for soiree time,
and given eutira satisfaction to those echoemployed
him, he respectfully solicits those having accounts• to
collect ta give lam a trial.
Physicians and others who cannot spare time from
their professional business to collect their accounts;
would find it to their advantage to give him a Cali.
Respectable references can be given, and, if required, -
secuaitv will be given for the faithful return of all mo
arcs collected.
He ran be found at Mr arorge Armor's, Merchant
Tailor, up stairs. corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on 4th st. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M
Any orders left there during his absence, will be attend
ed to, or by letter through the Post Office.
A LLEN KRAMER, E.erhanac Broker, No. 46,
Corner of I Veod and Third siree4, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvert Bank limes, bought
and cold. Sight cheeks art the Eastern Cities, for gale.
Drafts, notes and Mils, collected.
Beaver and Warren:Packet.
The Great Central Route
Road Company.
Begnlar Packets, for Cincinnati.
I ;
Terms 5 pr cent commission.
jy 312-111 m. SAUL. G ELSTON
Wm. Bell & Co., '
John D. Davis,
.1. Painter &Co..
Joseph Womlwell,
.lame= May.
Alex. Bcons . on &Co.
J ohn H Brown &Co.
James M'Candlrns.. }Cincinnati, 0.
J. It. :11'Donaki. ') St. Louie., Mo.
e, Esq., Prei l t Bank Ky. Louisville
W. H. Po
St- Paul's Young Ladies' Boarding SchooL
THE public are informed that. this institution, con
ducted by the Si,teri of Charity, Wi 11 bn reopen
ed on dm first Monday in Septerni)ter. A select and li
mited number of pupil sill be received and instructed
in the sever l branches of a polite English edu:ation;
together with dsefol and
TEornamental needlewi.i.,..
For tuition, waslaing and mending. $lOO per annum.
For bed and bedding, 6 00 do.
Doctors Fees are not incladed in the above.
N. B. A few half boarders can Ir accommoatd.
on the moat reasonable terms, which will beda..2.
known. on app icution to Sif.ter Isidore, the Superior.
Xydrir,rion rill be Towle iri favor children sitd , r
twelve year+ of ate. Ref: lt
for Salt and fire
For Sal&
ItiTHE premises lately occupied al ricer,*
.1. Connell, below Manchestet, iisoascau43 l
situated, and commanding a fine view of the Ohio. Ai
a country residence, the location cannot be ereelleeL.....
The gronnd, being between five and Ids. aces, its well
adapted for gardening, and was entil lately, la e high
state of improvements On the pnernieles are a large
brick dwelling house, 3 pump of good water, stable,
hen house, and many other useful improvements and
conveniences. Also, a choice selection of fruit.. trees,
comprising apples, peaches, pears, plums,
nectarines, grapes, &c. The whole is surreeacied
a voting hedge of white thorn. For terms, ac., bale;
at the Warehouse et Pennock & Wuchell,
aug 13-3 t on Liberty street. above Market.
Einildi4 Lots in Binningbona.
u L a o te .r d s, ari su d nab w l i e th f i o n r mo
two s lt v aild o y f
e st
steam ferry boat landing, Will be sold At pttoetto salt
the times. The terms of payment will be made easy,
either for cash or such barter as can be made available.
Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr.
Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh.
'one 1. JAS. PATTEBSON,jr.
Lots for Sale.
4Lots in hlancliester. Tine and a fourth Acres of
Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos, 41,42,5%53,54,
181, 182, ancll9l, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes'
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook's piano( Lou
on High street,-near the new Court I louse. For terms
apply to Z. W. REMINGTON
sep 10
For Sale.
LOTS on the North East corner of Coal Liu* awl
High street. Apply to
Market near Forth
Public Sale of Valuible Lama%
DURSUNNT to a decretal order of the Circuit - las
perior Court of Law and Chancery) ft* Mason
county, pronounced the 19th day of April, 1)143,in the
cause depending therein of Henry Strider, Pit., a.
gainst James W. Barkenridge and others. DePts the
undersigned special commissioner, will sell at publia
auction to the highest bidder, at the court house in
Mason county, on the 16th day of September, 1843 2
(being the first day of the Cir Sup'r Court of said
connty,) that well known body of land commonly cal.
led "Graham's Station," lying in Mason county, Vn. l
on the Ohio river, containing by survey four dimmed
one hundred and twenty-three acres, in two adjoining
parcels, a large proportion of which is river bottom
land. The above lands previous to the day of sale will
be laid off by the surveyor of the county in lots of coa
venient sine for fastos,and plats furnished, and so many
thereof Will be sold as may be necessary to produte
the sum of money required by said clecretal
The sales will be made on a credit of nine months foe
one-thiniFeart of the purchase money, oftwelve months
ifor (soother third part, and of eighteen moillhe for the
rosidue,,die purchaser or purchasers giv,..inir
~: h ttrois widt
goodsecurity for the payment of the . di.U*. ent lustre.
menu, bearing interest from the day of sale', the lard
title tube retained as further =ecurity foe the payment
of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make psum-tse
al payments.
GEO. W. STRIII LING, Special Cons'n
Point lleasant, Ira., June .26,1843. tjy6-9.ni
A Sails invest:oMA
TIIE subscriber o ffers to sells-mewl refits in
the city of Pittghutgle The lots itke all
handsomely improved, and it i believed a safer invest•
meat cannot be found. Particulars may he learned on
application to me personally, or through the Post Of.
;U)g: IJ -If
For Rent - •
ROVE HILL, the late residence alb
Aaron Hart. deceased. The ple(o4.
is well otockcd withehoice fruit trees ; Nines, &c:
Also, a convenient tenement lately occupied by R. I.
l'os.sion will bo given r.ti the first of October next
For ternt. apply to GEO. COCHRAN, Ex'et
nog- 2 . 2.—t to
To Bent
LEASANT rooms and good deem power, at Alto
1 cast steel file mannfaetory, corner of Liberty a
O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises. july 16.
Frberngues Fire trick For S
JUST received, 5000 Freeman's beet Fire Balk)
which Will hereafter be kept constantiv on band
and sold low for cash, by lIIRMLNGHAM & COI
may. 27 No. 60 Watersb.
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and - SUM
!ion Ware,
No. 17, 'Fifth streel,betteech Wood and Markel,
Keeps constantly on hand a gooa assortment of wares )
and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on Tara,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tonp,g - riaironc
skillets, teakettles, pots., oven_, coffee mills, &c. Met
chants and others ore int-M.(l to call and exam:tack - 0i
themselves, as he is determined t o sell cheap for rasitor
approved paper. mar 7-if
John tart-a:might,
CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Aanalie,trierst,
comer of 6th and Liberty itreet4,
IN. B.—Always nn ltauti an extensite assortairot
Sargicul and Dental instruments. Banker's, Tailor's,
Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears,
Saddler's Tools, Trusses, fi-e. le
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. -
TiiE,ubscribeereipectfully informs his friends and
former patri:ihq, that he has removed his estab
lishment from No. 61, Liberty, to No. Third St.,
nearly opposite the Post Otfice, where he continues to
carryon the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Busino.s; in
all its various bninches.• • He respectfully solicits
continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to
him heretofore'. and pletlL,rt•s himself That no pains Anil
be spared on•bis part:to merit the same. Cnostluttlir
on hand,- ManufacturCd Ware - , of-all kinds, all of witicit
will be gold low for cash: Spouting, St.c., tnade to at ,
der at short notice,
A full supply of Landreth Garden Seeds altravi er
hand and fur sale, at lit: agency, the Drug stari, or
. .
Peach Trees. • •
Alik THE subscriber has just received from the Mk
sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphk,
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trots, to whithho
would call the attention of the public.
No. 184 Libertyst. bead of Wood.
ABOUT the last week in Sane, in a Clothing Store
in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably
soiled and worn. it is signed be James Gaston and
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The owce
er can have it by identifying it, and paying expense..
Jaly 31.—tcf.
Pittsburgh, Pa
corner Liberty and O'Hara sheets.
auz 4-1 m
Itidreth'i Gwden.Set4t.
131,. Liberty st s , Lend of Wood
1") CANS'FIELDho-s removed his marble Estab
lishment to Wood st. opposite Falnantoeles
D r ug Store, where he will keep constantly on band
h Stones, Monuments etc. ap I.9—lyr
William C. Wall,
Plain and Perney Portrait and Picture Pr.snit;
No. 37, F.,urth trect, Pittsburgh, Pn.
CAN VASS b varni4l.4 &e., for artist 4,
on band. Looking, Glas,es, &c., promptly ft!-
med. to order. Repairing done at the 4bortest notice.
Particular attention paid to regildiog and jobliiiiir pt.
every description.
Persons fitting starr.boata or haises will 5.a it to
their euivantago to call. se! 10. y •
I_JE ground and po!ished, anvils and other lands et'
-piading done at the CuAt Stcel File Mannfactrey, ror-.
ncr or Liberty and OTT arrc-et.. nog 18
Q.I4OKED HEKRI'GS.-25 bcrxe: smokcalw ,
1.7 ring. , =;: li , t_ received and fcr •alc by
ITAILM 3r:v",:'l".k"GS