Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 25, 1843, Image 2

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~' -
..sfalltnrror arid disgust. He met her glance; ano%
FOR f.assonlrito TOR THE Sionstscr iroirr."l if ,ip toll4tring is the letter of Mr.licreelyt PtIRORGH, PA, 18V,.
Adi all his assurance, ho quailed beneath it. H ilirl T A,,,ct Nriv41n54ug.4,1843...,. Se i rge t ll 5 c . !is of color • ..-..lnken into ,
Indkeel over to where Nicole) . lay, and after kiseirtir JINX' 0 . srk, ....; AN ,-,.,:. F„,,,,,,,i,„-r., Nic.F.-The piker,* e tVriessais' -1- ' :,-'-',.' • ''''' '
st s ..... - . ... ... - Jailes D. Thornburgh, ~ A . r ...„ Wins /I ties` prete it hol It ty . Con-.
)" ,, nif Aisocittlion .i:held'Un Viredoesda% 14.th,,, , oesifed ~.a . , , _, .. .- ~_
her, he took outs guinea, and laid it on a bed. Sall*
", ,' '-• :',' Vulifect tiCidie decision of • ~-, ••• • 'e- i, r, , sesAtt otle—e. wrsh to say a- worn to Our illasocia- Tear, toe tutepurp,se orpetititmi - our tegislature ,
snatched up the gold, as if it desecrated the place: :, .'- oi •
....,, , . 1.
t, v , . -,,i „ effect--, ttni...t ofr-onigatisur,,r, the diet ., triit .41_ ssoola-4_,.. tio - ow -L " ts in Pittsburgh, who will dolibtleSS be' pretty to relltore - to of the rigid of the Elective ;Frtorhistlt ,
NJ! C • 1... rtoN • .
"""Wretch!" she cried, take your money and lave die , : Tt!F ul•lott' c Itr l c I°o-1••"' out the count}. A tesporrse haring been ' bustilY re
tiorna- . -althougigillie usettints ittlinnise ''.iie owe- geilierally stited on Wednesday next, nt yoar Pie nalleda ineeting.tolenfer with their bretlititu throughi.
... .
/*eine " she added, as she looked over towards Ir. - .r lathe 1 ------ ----.7--------r.---,
, r
er, "lave the house, Mr. M'Cullough, for cod's sake, ~ is 1
.. ~---.----- -cre4.40 .• sion came far short of the anticipations of drone who at. Nic, and I wnte You because we have had some car-
Nei, si C 0 call) Ilionnig i'Ll • . - tended in the evening "for fun." Had it been held respondence. ceiveci in favor of the proposed object, a meeting was
sad don't be about Where a Christian's dyin'." ..., •I am anxious that you should not waste your strength immediately called, in which all the necessary arrange-
Vipsabssmitr e ms, w ining enough-to co ply,esith this t • . ---.•-------""--"----------' -•-•:'''' - -
- firrther from the city, arid' iii - 'the - ;evening; it would • • • - •
In discussions in Pittsburgh,but resolve on actiori—ac; menu for holding the Convention were made, the time
'resquesh .
c ots a'ility ofserrow and mourning . , and ere it had ' --=---- ------------- -- --'
I • - = ------
numerous attendance. At about half past tither° were I hope the Western Convention will be resolved on at County notified to assemble on the Second Monday in
cloned Sally was fatherless. P1•11•SBL lIGH, FRIDAY. AUGUST 25, 1843.
_—_—_---- on the ground about 150-gentlemen ' this Pie Nic, and notice of time and place give , n iinme- k A "(Me, 1843, at 10 o•cliick, A. M., in the W e sley
Afters .beoeming time had elapsed from the - occur. I ----..,..„„, a - CI - h -
nue ,on 'Third street, in Allegheny City. .
twee ofilhesii melancholy events, Johnny and his bride; Llf r' br 1 4 - 81 1 d 5° tudie ll, but di at ely. I would like to Invest Monday, ,Sept. ...J, i
C were surprised to see in a paper published is la in the afternoon the notither Was almost rpfzeirupled. f oi : t h e a„..f it, tu . i . em bi age - : This would enable , According to the hoer appointed by the committee
entered on a new career, all the gloom of which acose. l i Yest,•erd al'ca letter frotn our friend, Metier D.-LP:JCRs •A, martial, bum Allegheny. having volunteered, 1 some friends w ho are go i n g wo g, a bout that time to at- I, raving the call, the Delegates from the di ff erent parts
flolliftitateelktirite of the tiast. He wee enalded , :by , complaining that the editors of the Morning Post had en li v ened The day hi, se veral pi e ees o f ma'sie,, I tend. I fear I shall not be able to be with you; bat if lof the county' assembled in the Wesley Church, Third
hispiarstriesdastry, tend :the judicious nianagement of al
• . , "shown much bitterness '
and ma lignity" towards bita. The meeting was opened by JAMES D. Timex- , !Deane ~.
, t
'i I can ever it will be about that time. I think the se- I street. On motion, the Chairman of the Comthittee
smarft&a: feonsiging br the memorable field to WrlleN !,! , ! O4. that. d a l, or the following, would secure the ' was called on to preside at the organization of the
i Vlc e say that we were surprised to see such an expret B urton, who stated that it was not his object to matte
thriseassil bad shifted, and the portion of ground allowed luttunaance of one or two of our eastern friends at least. meeting, and Edward R. Parker was chosen Secretary
him by -his father, to struggle through for a while, ties- $
ion coming from Major Lynch, for we do not know a Teed , . but deemed it necessary, in the outset, to I I trust you are d eter mined to go f or ward a nd form pratern. The chairman, having taken his seat, called
pimeedlyenesigb. But there were better things in store r
.rom what act on our part he could draw such an info- present something to the audience iu elucidation of an Aseociation in the sprite , . You can do it' vastly on the Rev. A. D. Lewis tin open the meeting with
chowper an eas ie r west t an tt c
for him and his young wife. The feeling e xcited aga i ce ,t I . ~_ _ _ . . .
renco, unless it be that on all occasions we have detend- the subjectof Indiudrial Association and Attractive
M'Cullough, when theee important circumstances i I presented their credentials.
,ed him when assailed, and cheerfully lent our columns industry. To do this, he said he would not attempt I should think $20,000 would go as for with you as $5O,
were disclosed was alike intense and universal. liei 000 wouldhere. I.ly choosing a 1 tion near the Ohio, I The meeting being now ready for business, it was on
had hitherto been considered by all his neighbors, as a toltim and his friends to repel unjust cluirges that hare to use language of his own, but would read sotne ex. I m idw a y between your city and Cincinnati, an d trans . i motion, Resolved, that there be n committee of nine,
mairtlerloralite• He had not Posseiiise-. 1 their attach- ! been made against him• • Major Lynch is one of the trac t s f rom a pamp hlet w hi c h h e h a a i n hi s h an d. To porting your furniture, impleinenta, &c. by water, it' three from the citY of Pittsburg r,
fr"m Pitt Tow"
arisattlie - n, and there was no indulgence extended now ' i l ea in the democratic party that should charge the explain Fourierism, it would be necessary to know who
to the he
hyry..rite, who abandoned his own child last m . seems to me that you might got all the Materials you ! ship, and (Twee from the city of Allegheny, to nominate
; Morning Post with treating him With "bitterness and FoentEn was, and what was the nature of his disco- would want without much CO.it, while provisions, iron, I officers for the Convention.
to traisery tin duin. The occitere tier! t he wicit 'Alenlev's
den& wns attributed, attached a degree of horror to his ' malignity," for we are certain if asked for his proof of very—for stem t nothing, but merely discovered coal, timber, 4.c. abOut half their prior in this 1 Coststrr-rEg.—James Anderson, Lewis McAlfrey,
- a id Body.
George Spews, liaison Vashon, Charles Jones, Thom
chaisOlMr. Calloiis a; his heart Wa‘t could not bear I elicit a ebarie he 'You'd be 'am ble to P° tut t°' a B iugt° the true sys of g , ciety destined for the human Inv. 1 qu a rter. will be written to by a gentleman living in New- as Norris, Georg,e Austin, Edward R. Parker, and Da
1' " '
% .4 ar. he hared nrinife - .0(1 i evert l) I- heni
up . pat t . . , s. n
ParanTenli of ours, in which he was named, that did not Mr. T. then read a few extracts from a memoir of I ark WhOOWIIi 300,000 acres in Western 'Virginia, and
corligitred. The
that hisluck
seas gone,—and ..
' . indicate that our feelings towerds him were 'those ofwho wants to sell to an Association. If you can he . After a w minutes, absence, the Committee reported
fossitently t o t w i sh Was father lo the alt lut;ht.,—tended Chayles Fourier, and an extract from Brisbane, de- suited with his lands, ho Millar!! to you on almost your , the following nominations to the meeting, which on
pri3ipatly,in a'great degree, to bring - tthAut that consent- warm per.sonalyal political friendship. sctiptive of the basis upon which the whole scheme for own terms. llowever, you will-examine for yourselves, ' motion were accepted and adopted:
minion.. His undertakings haying been e xtensive, his i Feu PRESIDEST —John B. Vashon.
,We have differed with Major Lynch, as we have the social amelioration of mankind rests. take nothing on trust, and secure the best location. ',
debtretire, tient-trim, considerthi,•; and this ooinion i • , VICE PRISITIENT.--George Spears, and George
, ' with many other friends on minor matters of • You want water-power - timber nearness to transporta
-, pun) poi- Mr. MAJOR then took the stand tied read an instils°. , , . , .
willingly. indulged, operated to the material injury f . lion and a good soil. Climate and healthfulness tiro ~ A "Al ft, Sen.
hisreredit: No laborer ii.ould work for him, who coud icy, and we have disapproved of the manner int which Live article from "The Crisis," a work on Association,SECRZTARIES.-4011n N. Templeton, Lewis NlcAl
of the first impor ce. These. you can get readily; !
pos"Sibly -procure e mployment eletwhere. He waS, to . Inc and others, have attempted to bring their' personel whielt was well received by the audience. After the frev, and E. R. Parker.
but you ought to send the riglo men to look at them
alf,:intates rend purposee, i•excommunieated from the I On motion, Resolved, that gentlemen from parts of
quarrels before the democratic patty, and to distract reading of another article chewing the ilisadvante- now, while the v..getation is fullest on the soil.
beffarreitiad comforts of society. It was said. he wasßut lam giving more advice than yciu will care for. , the county not ns yet represented, be invited forward,
our ranks hi their efforts to induce the patty to assume gel of the present system of isolated households and
haiiided by Mealey's ghost; for he was sometimes seen k Please communicate any suegestions which may be to have their names enrolled members of the convent
late tit night down by the fairy-well, or on the mar„ and revenge! their private grievances. We have done t he w here/ages of Association, a recess of an hour worth their notice to the friegils of Association ai the ' lion.
of •L'Ough Fay; and it . yece probably in one of those, troy- this ft. 4 the friends of all partiee; we would deisire to re- was announced. On motion Resolved, that a committee consisting. of
Pie Nic, awl assure then that the day of their meeting
turfitti.rdrribles he contracted the cold which carried I eoncile them to encilt other. but if that couldnot he ac- During the interval toanY more ladies and gentle- will be r emembered by many heart; -with gladness. I seven, two from each district, and one from the county
billarent lust. Ikl'Cullotrzlt ha I nu relation to claim I at large, be appointed as business committee.
b • V 1 . • b • -. 1 th satitl distract
-1 complished, We felt it to be our diny to prevent diem men arrived, and from this time until about 4 o'clock, am mPo d'", a °u I
ariiiiiiteritance.Martin R. Delany, Lewis Woodson, Thomas A.
ing cares, but whatever of time or means can spare
/ We. farm lryt - ilig come into Johnny Fitzpatrick's !from distracting tile party with their p ersona wrong- they flocked out of the city in groups. Many took ad
is given to Association, for in its allreess is involeed Brown, James Morgan, Peal Jackson, Samuel Bruce
hanhe.continurd to reside inn the cottage, while the Mtgs. . v - ani age of the lihentlit.Y of Dr- Glynn , ' by indulging in mi - : best hopes or litimenity. Yours, • and C. B. Brooks were the committee.
heita(was suffered to fall to decay. And there I be- HORACE GREELEY. 1 On motion Resolved, that a committee of arrange-
Mr. LEACH does not specify the manner or matter in di- fruit of his orchard. The good thines , • •1 b .
, i teparer )
held it, a monument of human frailty and fairy power." , m oot, consisting of three, one from each district, be ap
whieli we have treated lam with "bitterness and ma'• '
•Ig- the ladies having soon been demolished, the meeting
P S.—Our Sylvania is going on yen well, and an-
Otinittic historian, having concluded his narrative, other Association, growing out of the North American, ' pointed.
turd that we should adjourn to the cottagO; but nity," but from the tenor of his letter we are induced to was reassetnbled by the beat of the drums, and, by is sou to be started near us in Monmouth, N. J. I Committee.—John Williams, John Rideout, and
MINI to the boy within the min, an t i whisper believe that he his taken offence at our remarks on thc this tittle presented a greater array of attentive listen- It s e Tube Curtis.
air. ,INDREVY J. friary was then announced, who •
ingibtactliing to Elm, the latter turned up his 'little pu blic-atine that appeared lust week, entitled "Light fur ers. Resolutions prepared by the business committee were
facite4, appeared and read an address prepared for the occa- then offered to the convention, received and adopted.
' the Pei»le " What w . said of that we are will- N • - - •h-• e • Mr Tho bu h
1 • e, sheet Vtele they atm yet gat i tan, in, ... .rti rg
"Sure," said he, "Andv, site's game to Dhuhatti, with Edon. It was listened to with intense interest, and has 1 Resolution Ist. Resolved, That we congratulate
were breth for Marv-the -Whey." ing to reiterate, and we nave yet to find the first demo- read two letters whielt had been received—one from been spoken of by all who heard it, as a production of ourselves, and our brethren generally, on the signs of
(kW ' F ir," s aid the other, Ti him a slap on the era
that approves the publication, or that does not be Albert B r isbane a nd the other from litiraee Greelv' times as highly encouraging to our best interests.
MC • hasadd :'+l I
• , the most exalted character. .r. C . at_ .. mut: i the • .
sliWdell "how de YOU know 1)11: .41e*•-• come back:" lieveit is more calculated to aid those against whom itA. few remarks by L. Woodson.
names intimately connected With r!I . -xi+ •• of \ .eleiCL" hispreviously 'il fame by this address. lt
and tilt *clinic fellow scamper-A in ti full gallop he- was • injury. - .to acquire • . 1 Resolution 2d. Resolved, That this Convention will
directed, than to da them an The gross per- lion. 'rhe following is the letter of Mr. lin h•. - a
s .1.1 , a_-
loft: utt• ' will be published in n few days, when those who wet e ; concur with the fourth resolution of the State Conrn
"That's Sally's eldest boy, vow :maim," said the sotral abuse to which its columns were devoted, and the dressed to Messrs. E. I. "fishy, J. Heron Foster and denied the pleasure of hearing it read on Wednesday, Ilion, held in August, 1841, in the City of l'ittsburgh,
. . .
P' "rind as likethe grandfather a+ two beatt.." wanton manner in which private coital...nee was viola- .1. D. Thornburgh; I and that it recommend to our ix•ople throughout th e
will be afforded an o pportitility of reading it them- ; , . , • •• •
We had not preireediel half-way loth.
selves. We will not anticipate its publication by gay
we met the boy rt.:mining, da s hed real
Pa•ili'mg Ile" ! that no person enjoying the reputation for honor and
hisitte.e• There WaS aa expression of horr.-i' in his , ' ing an epitome of its contents. Ito eective franchise.
manly candor, which has heretofore been conce.dod to
coffiltesmneel and btd - , , ,, he reached its In•. shook his After he hal coecluded, Col. D. M. C e RRT (Who, k lteSOlUriOn:3d. Resolved, That we will petition our
hand toward rit, coar.:abion. Major Lynch, would resort to means so unworthy to e Leeislature teremove all restrictions on account of col
by the by, !writs the hearty thanks of the friends 0 • •+
"Och, Andy," Inc said, "sore pnor mild Ma7's acconmlish an object, however 1111Xi01.13 lie might be fur or, and that we will continue to petition until our rav
dead!"' Association, for his efforts to make die Pie Nic ag,roc- ens granted. P
itssuceess. As we said in our first article, we think it
"Murther!" said Andy. • "Well, Cityl be ti
te 1 - - able) itifer•td the follutviia; resolution, which was adopt- Resolution 4th. Resolved, That the present con
incredible, that any democrat would give up his private.
her scwl, the ould et ;dim. We'll not mind Sallv, now, i edt dition of our people, as well ris present developments,
if you plane sir," he tqcliiii, turniag to rir.. “.jli-'ll be letters for publication in an anonymous handbill,and tin -
Resolved, That we hereby tender our thanks to AI; and l soil ,
the. , prospects,
their future all point to the cultivation of
mighty distressed, I know, about the (null sus.:cl; lint n' til Major Lynch informs us to the contram we shall BERT BRISCIASE and liotosel: GaEEJ.T, Esqs., of Nov P pf their real el
; the
. as nest and surest mean ,
,a ,
your honor wouhan't scorn a poor man's reeet . maybe
i still thick that he holds such confidence sacred, and that York, fur their excellent letters, which have been mad ca ti on, ana l, . 41 1 1 1 r° plr9eXeri7athe4 h l - '
ou'd come in to an .1") r. - a. eel afore us 1a.r.., w.tert. Jon- On motion, er ve , Th a t t . Resolution be
Inc end no connection with a publication that evidenced to-dav, and that their names shall be stamped on the
ray 11 give you-11.0 Iniglit o' welnuin any wAy." laid on the table till the afternoon session. Convention
tablet of our memories as sincere friends of suffering
If. Saidl. wool I partk.. a hi... lv,ipitality vrifb iati.dLe stadia total disregard of the ordinary principles of Ito- ndjourned, to meet at 2 o'clock, P. M., by benediction
densuire,—and r , ii I did. I nor, as did "Lightfortho People." from this Rev. Abraham M. Cole.
The coin nittee of arrang,ements tendered their thanks
k STERN 00X SESSlON.—President in the chair, called
to Mr. ROOT PATTr.RiOK anal :51233r4. IN.PKIIIIIIN & i on the Rev. L. Woodson to open the meeting : with
Setra for the use or G o:ivev. ,, ce. , , to E. D• G AZZA*, 4 prayer, after which the rell was called, and the min
Ee l ., for the ass of his orchard, to Caps. J. D. W. i ,
4 i nit, 6rthe forenoon session rend.
i 'i. resolution was laid on the table restricting the
WHITE for facilities afford el for the act:omen/dation i mem b ers m th irty minutes, with the privilege to ex
, he assere'rlage, and die musicians fur their attend- I plain. Remarks by L. Woodson. Adopted.
i The 4th resolution was then taken up, which was
e on the occasion. dopey], after some discussion by the following gen
. t this stage (the inicik t ' A etnia
''' " r the preened- 1 n tlemen: I'. Jackson, T. Norris, T . A. Brown, L. Mc
ings having been brought to a close) the assemblage I ,
11frey, L.lVixodson, M. Jones, and A. D. Lewis.
dispersecL—some to their houtes, while others remain- l i Itesolutionsth. Resolved, That this Convention rec
oil upon the ground to indulge in the dance, w hi c h 1 omineind to-our people re:tidies in tt . iis °minty r per th stie
Brooks w.is periperol ti sera up to them in his usual
th lra o .7e a ° l
tendency n Pl°
u lies,
Pick, t
style. • • Remarks by M. R. I)elany, L. 'Woodson, J '.
We are 'requested to state that the sugeestions con- J. Malrerney, A. D. Lewis, T A. Brown and George'
alined in the letters of Messrs. Brisbane and (freely are Parker.
Resolution 6th. That. this Convention recommend
under coneideration. the encouragement of Tradesintin of our own color,
P. S. We reeret that the San, of yesterday, in outs- where they can be found competent to perform and
ring a fight that took place at a tavern some distance punctual in their engagements.
from the Grove, speaks of it in words c alculated to coa-
that i s
7di. Resolved, T m hat ntiliewciall °°
icy the impression that it was in c onnection with the tiagtal'isthilntlo"u; n our
p un o d w s eir . to pr,
Pic Nic. This is doing the Associationists great in us- R e solution, Bth. Resolved, That we present the
lice, though we well know it was onintentional on the houses in which our Public Schools are taught, as foul,
unhealthy,. and unfit for such use.
Part of the editor. The fighters were two men from Al-
Resolution 9th. Resolved, That there be a eommit
legheny, named Phillippe and Skiles. One of them had tee of three appointed to draught ' a Petition to the
been at Camp Meeting, and meeting the other near the next Legislature. Committee, L. Woodson, P. Jack-
Grove, stirred up an old feud, which brought them to son,and T. A. Brown.
Resolution 10th. Resolved, That there be a corres
blows. A Fourier Pie Nic, like a Methodist Camp
P ending Committee, of seven, appointed to correspond
Meeting, is no place for rows. with thedifferent counties in this State, urging up"n
them the necessity of calling county Conventions, and
getting up Petitions, to the next te e gislatare.
N. Delany, J. Anderson, Wm. M. Jones, Wes
ley White, E. R. Parker, J- Moody, and C. B. Brooks,
Lt.w IS MeALTRET, Secretaries.
, -
CLIMATE 'still., ..e.e. , lel :111( Illeiet `,, Leal DULT -...Thtic. wae a meetin e e on WIXIIIO Itl
We bri fly allud -a ,en , tun ezo to he teat pr ord.
aft !noon, at diet'. S. 1-lotel,for the purpose of taking
by &berme:neer-tell L/1...5e \au et, La • n ler a see s af
y ewes s ake s 89.. re.' mint in poate in the N I nuit) of the ni-asmea for the ,. immedhe tep t er of the Aqueduct,
great lakes, and at those interior posttiona remote from sea a comnsittee of sesen Ikeve eupointed to ex mum
theirinfluerce, that these large bodies of water irroduced 1_
tee strectusakeseel rep
ini the beat Means to accom
eart7 sensible cffect, cspeualls on the country leiree , , the` " (k . If sin A we a n . m u •E r ,
eavtward of them, in imeiemaing both the cold
l a t e nter Po-ei object _ ii et w perma
enethebere ot iummer Die Feriae, in 1)13 aable neatly r p ured, or 1l .'re 111.1.1171 aerate enough to salad
andrefermaing aokon NI eoro'ory ,uftercompaei one clurinrenrii id-r of the pees' , it seaio i, no time
of the seteral tabh e slam mg the range of the thermore- eouldhe 10-t in necomplisheng the work But in the
eter at Fort I.rui tro, g, Ill.,Forte Crawford and lloe
opinion of xesei al pi-mac/1 and scientific gentlemen,
ank•Vi'is. Ter., FortS telling, low l and Cutup,.•il Bias,
on the Missouri, with
ti t he thit ap
e s , Brady send Mack- that to attempt to septic it would b: , money thrown %-
inane slid other places o the Laks gis es. the reeult
way; and diet it could not be made safe by any repairs
efLoallicera"tos.enntolatiticleom,.eareisorighwetavii ..
e‘eit-itiaPtesci'lleoavoithl that could be made. The see!, intelligent committee,
noticed abose, gill probably r eport on thi+ point, and
thaiiallneace, stun; s contrasts es en greater tli ui in the
conteeirrierm with the Atlantic coast " lhe climate of their decision will be anxiously looked for.
Mithigeri is minuet to be considerably milder in %l inter , lf, Im es er r r tiring -hled be pawed irut a
thaaltheiCuiri 'te le, lecmisin, lowa, Illinete, &c.,even I ble, it s t out of the question[hat the communication( of
two or thine degreea fartb •r eolith, or thanee chmate
the sam latitu d es 1 the canal with our city must therefore cease If
ef silica I,lnglund or New lot K. in
back irorrithe sea ccxis-t, re tlie influence of the Lakes; I, burgh Vi t 3 one half' the public spirit we think she has,
and tine omesoyelvats of summer ate also modified by `the money neces ary to rebuild the structure a ill be
tho same influence. forthwith ,guaranteed by our rich men, and the work We cannot be too grateful to Inm for the boon which
breeze ato the general pin steal features of Alichigan, he has bestowed upon the world ; and if we had not the
fertile. ith The loss of the remnant act he
Dr: FORIIT, in Ins chapter on the several climatic di- renitence" sublime doctrine of Amate - in and Attractive Indus
visiona of the - Union .say-, "The Loss er Peninaula is in i present season would be a small mattei• indeed, if by lo- try before us, where should a e loot, for the means a
goom d,,aighth uvataatmg " % gri.at portion of the I sing it, null io nm ileum sigoiously o rebuild the A- remedying tlie social es its and social miseries which
151trfacelit densely CON eted with oak of N ral Nanette', (peen , tit once , a could be teed% for use by wet spring, ersist, and e loch are preseing on all sides upon est
vraleit, hickory, tioplar, sugar -maple, e t c ., int , named,
• year h from this tune This we pee cum-, is nos- The present Social Organizanon, based upon free
- \ c aup l o n t i t e r t , l l l: u o g n n , or tia Ta tri t a ht r ruinous and competitive suite,
Ile zrading, ltd upon conflicting
particularly in the northern pint • white and eellow pale. or in a
Theforestis lac. i cri es, •pi el wr i t ‘O.O , o
g r e iines ' peuns, eilA \ if set about with sufficient energy, awl would, it
uni t eecasierialle pram w hie h last MA .0 eaten
sets to I/4 la preferable to panic:mg us the present ' uiti r, st tai isolation, is radt , ally falge,and e ill glad
eree'ee t ho,e In Ileum e'his Pieicuseiri in point of streetarre—e work at lx 4, 01 NI, 11011 1 / 1 1111 111111 t I liens but evitales sink the 111 as.—that ie. the great
N I vs 1 i
net I v \ 1
fe rills*, is not pit haps 11111 passed by any other tract , , . c
It ~ toe Imo Latin 0 1111111, ,entletnen of t fll • 111 e 1"" "• ' '2 l ' mte • et el - • de ' ett ' ite ` e e aerated. '
of vintsl anent tit the worl.' This
Foytestimon ns to . e aunt a,
I nient. Where, then, shall a e look fora rem.
our sod sad climate from ,ark h a n it as Dr. Ma, in I drab! , using the iron and -mind timber in the p re sent
ed \ O A illeh Ulll check thia dose n ears' tendert( yl liihere
a siendlisannti scientific "or , " rittul alter lle‘iiite en- Aqueduct, and despetecing unit a root a new one , mild bin in e•sociation, where labor will receiYe its full re-
Jored the very best mean. at forming correct conch'. be built fors 10,000 Surely such it -um as Om- could Is turd,testae equal social pre, lieges and opportunities
eons, ought to o utv,cigli and it kit•ii to ( migrants I a ill c mat for all, &nil monopoly and preilege and tour
mi ir vac( d la the al alths e it tz , •!is of Pittsburgh, il not
Seeking homes in the W 1.. t, would °MU. t tgll the testi- li - lemon \Nal beet
'iv of all-the rennet , and. ttxent. of ttetunboat Imes I mega at once, to enable die smirk to be COMM( I l ei a
anaillnafrePeCalatOrtl, ILlU.le,tell in 1111 r eprtr. 111111 g OW J .S -oon as po ',able. ln al
and uncertamte , ignorance, and
demo_ fzia ism, and selfish suife for personal aggrart
fairfeninsula.—Dct —Det roit Fret I'lL<'S •
Ilse Legi4ature edi doiditle- , appropriate funds to di/emetic Or Pry %here reign, so that no true social D rlll..
THE Fou a Ael.s tn. .11 4 111. 1 German writer, 111; ~ mon
rebuild the Aqueduct; and eve n if it should refuse to do mph. t, no true' guidance in aid, ant to be hoped tor
G. flavdiw, says maids have lout ages, Nit: the golden'Evans is well I.nown in Buffalo, and trig once arres
f 16 to 21. the saver nee loon * )1 to "'ll, the pla- so, those iutere-ted in the prosperity of Pittehmele filial pan-au-ins and statesmen. Their legislation is I,
tea from 9.3 to 31, and the iron ags trout 31 to toned. I w ould -tine.) nither c \pend thts stun than be without ni i , s of blundering expedients, and die people who ', ted, if not cons mted, for stealing ac on -uleruble sum of
l t i k nt, them as tl i i guides to roe -rit and hap pi- '
In the gulden axe INlrNtltite4 is golden—'41)1&11 I such a structun at all. °arum:en., talked confidently 1::::14,• ' ilimneil u l t bo r deciyed P ond i t; Y -s1 ki 1 money form
C F Piet"
the offender
locks, golden dream,.got& ii 1101/1., 1411p1)0111t. 111
g °14(11 thDUght '' of
an d 3 0r59013,000 for the Connellsville Rad-rtead, evert NN IN The root. of social es d and misery, is to menu after daelight, going toss ards the Fella, the o
&e. rig
voice sounds like ',tree gold, the lwart is
peireglAria and the .1111 l (1011 , ilt, irate expected o overtake him
yew gl ee rhe a r ., and they will searrels lose the advantages of ourhavtn, hay !iv be -iiiielit lor in tilt lithe mgameation of Society, and , eel's who "ere in p, tt 0
the m lin l i ne of d ie ri,„„.„31,,,,,,, c aau l terminate in' that oi ~, - ifily item must be changed and a Social s Refo . rm 1
is elent have fiviz bars of
inlet gold, No. lfi, 17,18 14swarrt .—They hay e a nee kind of susan.ity in
19, one2o: but alae! but few te them I arty tla m to their city for *,10,000 elle( tea Is Iwe the pcople cam be eleyateu an d render- ,
thwildut of rettson to have them opined.ad Intros NVIIII.st Lien continues to be the slase of i the eastern cams at present. which impels its i bins
there appears tube a determination abroad among e i mmi, I to lab wer 1 1104 r,mun the Blase of the capn to catch young ladles on the suet and attempt to
When agirl li 011 CI ttirce times seven year a, the
glittering gold is gone• 11i r each yout, the diet unci \ our citizens to do o nnething, and drat quickly,
and tall-t, whilst true ereati -t inequality in opportunities of
kiss them. A fellow was recently apprehended in
isifotit eh 4E4 et carnal i . pa_st, gide of that age, are is e wait y, ith one) , ts for the reault of their delitx ra- education tied otlier social ads mange. exist there
nittit providenced N , York f hoffence,but he
an c essor such nn
be the po ' -sest son inlitlequalits he he'll and the tow,
no longer kept hiss ;old m dils iiillllroll 0 60\ ( rt, 1101. Liam ..
comannwe like ailser, to meal/oft among the people. -----*-------*-- the intelligent and the it gi id 1, and antipathetle got offlr; putting in the usual plea. This species of
a nd c o- ell--e- tnd c ast,.
The seven years from 21 to 23, are employed in an in- Wile Committee appointed to examineinsanity must be Yery frightful to the ladies, pat metal-
eels/0M v. al up hi the brutes, who but too frt queativ port the state of the Vineduet, entered upon ite duties But the light of the true Social Science ha, shone up- II when it breaks out on the etieet, where its effects
t h e the example of Frederic the Great, and await 1 Nest-riles aftei noon, by a careful s crutiny of it, in which on the world, and is now seen by a large laxly of sin- are ylaible to the public rat
the assaultliclund entrenchments —Girl. are moat in-Iccre amide on s it ius parts of the earth, Who are %eel..
I the were - assisted by some enter' f • I. • h
uie gent truce, a ose
teresting tribal age. Instead of a y h e a r the Larks, ) ~ - Tit a Scorns-it MURDR C Ist. —k lirge qn,ultit2,
• ing, earnestb , and consmenemusly tor the mean erne
intwering so big
that but few may bear them, they attendance they prudent]) secured, and after a thorough eles nylon and piness of their race•lt isnotit of documents, the postage of which amounted to scar
Ws% their flight ()rarer the earth , l i ke p N 1,1,1110W3 1U eXar(11711111011of thi3 structure, vie are a uthorized to state , true, by the great and the leaders of the world, I $ l O, was recened by Mr. `Varner, counsel '>r < en ,
rainy weather. In that aec /111 Nal L. the most amiable, that they consider it not alone capable of being speed- who have elm ated theniselY es upon the falseness,
awl, have the best ()pun° 1- elm e of( 0111,f. till!, are on I 11, le Ifl b,t the I una Gilmour, by the LIN erpool steamer on si Ilia ly
error, the prepidices and itimetiee, which exist ; for I , ,
1 p met ,ata to ing expense, in bile ain umer as
that account moat eaoly rilesclitehness la blind to the perception of Truth, and it ix I They con( %toed atrulas tts in reiatio iton• r L as,.. nu ii
-The plated ago is front 28 to 33. Goal and silver Ito be perfectly xeclue for all the pot -pates of navigation,
therefore not vet heeded bc, the multuilde, who look to o i ls slid , ale hi2hly mitigatory t
a tiC t l o l I N 1 \ 11 111 a1 ) Pall a t ' l :
are 'gene, and the; 'Tag" to the carious proks.,--es of I fur the reutunder of the semen, but also sufteeentlY their le iders fin authority, and for their view s and opin- c ill be aTalc't err.
!teriiltr)adr"(hilk)d w 1011 ), scut lockt ,
gilding, stNering mid plating. '
r he) ore le - I" 1"a" t I s.ound. and suong as to be rendered permanent fur ma- Ions • But the light shine., and can no mon
' be
exalt- v' Sc i otla c ti l ii ,-
I) 1 cue on ,
and ititgtre Inqued rho, look upon men wt Thewon mlu d y the reuu - n of the steamer
trultwableimmture ot collo mpt anti hatred. be- ny( ins tocome, by a course of indicioU3 and .cienti• g.
I The I itelli4i TA and enterprising people of the Weat
• come
again resc r , ed and prude. If the }role atlee- fie I.t. pm - during the a inter The Committee is nom.
and parte ueu ly of N our city and Cincinnati, have un
the are beat plated; they ma:, endure, if of good inviting proposals for the temporary i opens, in order to del•takcn the prop4ation of the doctrine of association
an3rkmaitship; but they has , . not the c arne of either gold
\ enable diem to lay a satisfactory report before the ail- in as igorous maunet. 1 noble task and a sacrerlduty
or *War ,l
irned meeting of the citizen ii n ols e upon con to givehe cause a propagation of
The tow age is the universal
' l the eideat and most rivetcreel chars( ti r, and to unite
Thethtery-fifth year is the equatoi of human life, which ,
Louis Phillippe w•ill be 70 years old in October next I all the means and reeoincea of tie, IN e-t in urging it
divides it iuto the Sentlica n and Northeni licansphete. 'NI -,-o-ou-1,. One of the most imnortent sten which
le.e n i l' iredise tor trio. '1 They --eYeral of his royal al pied , ces-ors has e not as eraged , - . ' - • e
OP Ova Northern ttr,i t • , , , can, at the present time, be. taken, 1-, In my opsnion,to
qtr write their ta.reaell letter w all hopee and wiehee. 0 , 0,,, 30. hold the IN t atern Fourier Cute enteon,w inch has all -tidy
They etrnforni to *pen ureessity, and rseugu them .elNes I , t
.ris .NIPI DENT-RASCAL -- A. fellovt entered one of the been - T oken of. If this lie done, the friends of thl ,
tothe =ram. tooth of time, .IVi Auu.g OK. day abu gold, • ,
~ .
siva, and iron, will bare isound.
It i o and nought bathe i offices,and stile a Coat ix longing cause from all the I'Veatern state- ran be brought fo
headelphiagather, and. be them combined action, then collective
shriireer guano and fresh—shall 11,13 (loin it. trou cto one of the officere. The Philadelphia Police must
aggesiest. be vigilant men.
1 ------------ entleisuoie, their uniuxi amt.* and talents, model
—_— Agsortation—a grand Phaltum--can be founded, which
TH r. • IC Ecvll r erotic vt r aura—Mr tidy e f the alb s- ar- will do the work of propagation upon almighty and ow
t iered man cittr red in Phil 1 telphiil —"rip. Billie- Ar .nt.ST. Fnt ST VoTAGx.—Mr. Wile 'will make an aerial erwle the scale. If, in cam mg out the great work,
tin, sayr: We lear n a.rn that It Ames in, the man cell , o was 1 . Sill Lancaster on the 26th. my adv ice and peemnal attendance, were considered
said whey is been 'warden d tit the" Long }Luise 'au desirable, ahoy shoulil be given aid] the highest grat•
oti r d he had, Lakine peeseee 1 , 1 the
war, ~,e w . ~ ifleation
• iliebelorier Edward I 'ratiLlei Gar Plebe& Iplitti. Wheth- I tender to the Ladies sad Gentlemen, united at the
i er irit went before he v)•is murdered, or aftera liras, we Fourier Pic Nic,way sincere spapatines, aud my best
ielret"tbolnteliieat reader to decide I , ‘ hit becomes w & shes for theigsliccess an propagating the cause, and.
uribablOtaly clothe,. ead other honible evidebees7-- for their hapineens and welfare
What imeoreeo of titeume peritunt aerated for 1 1 1 4 Wu, lam truly and respezttelly theirs,
srenteterne+l,4o Sly,erslt ti rnysterosiii. all is my'. A.BRISBANF
~` ::
voyage frol
Yr:t.ow FF. ER.—Six yellow feverpatients were ad
mittod i. 1114) the Clarity Hospital, at Nreve Odes*, Ix!
The rittslnirgh Mercury awl ManuittctUrerba3 Come
cut in a new and ireautifu! dress. Success to our dem
icerat'..c brce.b^r3—lone lifer pod pay, Burl py of sub
scribers. St. Clairsville (0.) Gazette.
NEW YORK, August 17, 1843.
Friends of Association:—Nir. Van Anuinge, of yo,
city, has informed me that you would be pleased to re
ecive a.fewlineifroto lioracefireely and myself, to bo
presented at the loaner Pic Nic, whirls is to take place
on the /.3d lost. It affords me great pleasure to
comply with your request, and. l will Mate tbst the
friends of air. causein 'N nv York are deeply
Eratilied at the stroiii; iateri•A se!ti:ll the friends in
l'ittsbur:lll are taking in t 1,13 geJat aa.l noble enter
prise, which interests us in common—that of a Social
Reform, which is destined to elevate the whole human
race tobappiness and dignity.
Although far distant from you, permit mew com
mune with you in spirit, and unite with you in bless
ing the name of the noble Genius of Fourier, who dis
covered the means of transforming this world of dad
cord, of smYcng, of poverty, or strife, of injustice a
of degradation, into a world of order, of justice, of
truth, - of a bundance, and exalted intelligence! To him
we owe the discovery of the laws of Arritscrtvs tss„
ousTus, that will elevate this LABORER—the toiling
millions, who curse the earth as they work over it in
suffering, in servitude and intlegrtulation. To him, var
owe the 'discovery ofa division of occupations and so
cial instittitimis, which will secure to the won•and
the c itu t tlieir trUe position in society, and fru! them
from their dependent and infetior position. To him,
we owe the discovery of the laws of Passional Hanna
ny and Equilibrium, which will c onciliate duty with de
sire, and prevent the attractions of the heart from be
ingvices andrimes. To birn,we owe the discovery of the
means of establishing brothethood and unity of actioa
and interests, and peace and good will among imm,
and of annihilating the social frenzy and insanity that
e xist, which impel the children of the great hurnati
family TO destroy each other in the war of bloodsh d
to ed,
to ruin each other in the war of free coMpetition, an
undermine, traduce and vilify each other by intrigue,
by calumny and by slander.
ATTEMPT AT NIURDER.—Thit.4 morniag says the Buf
falo Commercial of 17th about daylight, a young
man named George Evans, employed as cook onboard
the schnhuer Barcelona , struck a 5,..a111111 named J ohn
Scou several tiolz3 with an axe 01'3 latter was
lasleep in the forecastle, and inflicted such wounds as it
I I is thought will prove fatal. The object of the assassin
was undoubtedly plunder; as he undertook to 'flit , the
whinnied man of such money as he had in his posses-
meeting of Dcmocratc citizens took Place oen'ln the W Bt m h
. \ inst. at the Court House in Reading.
gardens o f ab; High, was in the chair. A committee of one, from each
Shish OF A GARDE.—The borough, ward and toemship, being appointed to draft
English Marquis of Westminster occupies about 100
resolutions, reported a number which were adopted,
acres, and in one of the arbors is an altar, discovered in
among them the following:—
the ruins at Chester in 18°1, where it had been left by .
Resolvexl, That in James Buchanan. Pennsyliania
the Romans.
-------------brings before the Democracy of the Union a son, in fa
-Boon MAN OF sturrox.—The blade-bone of a shred- cu r of whose eminent abilities and well tried political
der of mutton is t ailed in Scotland "n poor man," as into she may well claim the hi , h honor due to her
in some parts Of England it is termed "a poor knight long and faithful devotion to Democratic principles.
of Windsor"—in c ontrast, it m ust be presumed, to the Resolved, That the Democracy of I3erks county,
baronial "Sir Loin." It is said that, in the last age, , prosetat, with feelingsof honest pride to the Democracy
an old Scottish peer, whose conditions (none of the I of Pennsylvania. as their candidate for the Governor
most gentle) were marked by a strange and tierce-look- i s hip, Henryi A. •Mithlenburgh, to whose elevation we
inn . expression of the Highland countenance, chanced can ask their concurrence rind aid, with the fullest con-
in n
indisposed, whilst he was in London, attending ; fidence, that if elected to that high and responsible sta
'Parliament. The master of thehote-1 where he lodged, i eon, his w ell known abilities, integrity, public and pri
anxious to show attention to his noble guest, waited on • yaw, and love of Demeeratic principles will insure an
him, to enumerate the contents of his well stocked lar- , administration which will establish confidence within
der, so as to endeavor to hit ou something which Might : and without our borders—protect the rights and inter
suit his appetite. • "1 think, landlord," saki his lord - : gists of the people. and redound to the honor and prosper
ship, rising up from his couch, and throwing hack the , ity of the State: and should he be nominated, we pledge
tartan plaid with which he had screened his grim and:: ourselves to sustain him at home. where he is best
ferocious visage, think Leonid eat a morsel of (spoor I know* by a majority a six thousand.
riale,"'the landlord fled in terror, having no doubt that ! ----- ' — : -------7----77—:
his gneit was a eniiniba, who might be in the habitat' i rThe most aura
exhibition in ma t a at
jilting* Ake o f a tenant, as light food, when he was present, is a negro child only 13 years old, that weighs
under a regirrien.—Sir }V a n e Scott. 405 pounds. Considerable of a nigger that.
On Wednesday afternoon, an adjourned meeting was
held at the U. S. Hotel, for the purpose of taking into
view the expediency of making arrangements for the
immediate repair of the Acqueduct W. W. WAL
LACE, Esq. was called to thechair, and &Mit EL M.
KIER, appointed Secretary. •
The meeting was addressed.hy Messrs. Robt. Gal
way, John 11. Butler, R. H. Kerr, and the uuaninious
sentiment of all appeared to be in favor of m i'sing im
mediate repairs not only as a matter of pil'•ice,
.but as a
matter of justice to douse who have cs•Pen . ded large
sums upon the property in the vicinity of the Acqueduct.
Upon motion it was
Resolved, That havinz every confidence in the sag
acity and energy of the Pte.-Went of the B uest: oard
11bn of Ca-
nal Conbeissbnrers, VOY, most earnestly req
use his best exertions to repair, or cause to be rebuilt,
the Pittsburgh Aqueduct, not fur ourselves alone, but
for the whole people, to Serve them and do evod to all.
Rssolved. That a committee be appointed to eCorn
ine the present condition of the Aqueduct, which
mules shall report man ad . l4/13 rlt 4- 31 rneetinff.
Resolved, That this Committee consist ot Robc:t.
;olivav, P. Graf, James McCully, John 11. Wardoo,
Luke TztatTe, Thomas Fairman, and John Laeu;ldin.
L'e.wired, That the proceedis of this meeting ho
merriat ,illattero,
12 Mill MARKT:T.
...R/ortrd flee "Peat," by Isaac Harris.
itII)AP llonsts . n, August:ls, 1843.
We have 1:C..1:11 our n•-ual Avalks amongst the
sale ratruhants, m anufileturers and business sans d
the city, and have fouad large, fine stocks
arrive: from'
with our heuiviest,tnerebants, we believe "fit 1104
or very early in September, there will be vvai large,
fine, fresh and well assorted atl through per Gig.
The wholesale stoclat of all kidsof 100116 #ll
goods, hardware, -queensware, shoes, hats, dregs,
dye stuffs, paints, iron, nails, glass, glassware, issaills- , v
and domestic g,oods, and Pittsburgh manufactures are
generally excellent, and in, same cases larger than nos - r
teal. The retail stocks are also good in all depart
nirnts, and very low and daily improving. In cense,
quenee of the summer and harvest times, lousiness btu
been dull, and money rather scarce in the hands of the '
people: but our banks and capitalists have abundance
of money for all good paper,arai a few weeks of thet
huainesa willmake our money market much more in."
Our rivers are low, with every appearance of an or.
ly rise, and our landing is covered with the std
class steamers and good keel boats that are.arriviall
and departing' aily with frekrb, t and pastangeril. - The
breach in the Aqueduct will perhaps soon be repaired,
and arram,ements have been promptly made and ano
making by all our canal lines to prevent any delays or
We give a correct review of our market by furnish.
ing the wholesale prices fromfirst hands, and from the
lowest to the highest prices, or various grades, youth
ties and quantities of the articles reported, by 'every]
of the largest and best houses in the city; and MlETCharall
may rest assured that they can purchase every thing
they want as low in Pittsburgh as any other market,
the freight, &c. taken into consideration. •
FLoc it: From boats and wagons $4, and for a few
k choice brands $4,08a4,19.1, with a downward tendert!
GRAIN: Wheat 75; Corn 2.6028; Oats 16620 cads
a bushel.
SEED: All kinds of seed aro scarce, in demand and
ready sale. Clover seed $4,50; Timothy $1,25a1 r 50
and Flaxseed7saSo cents per bushel.
ASHES: Sales of 7 tons of Scorchings at 3j cu cash
par money, Pots 4, and Pearls 5 cts a pound.
BEESWAX in demand at 23a28 cents per lb cash.
DRUGS and DYESTUFFS: Alum 4ias; Logarood,
chipped Sc; Fn tick 3c; Camwocxl ; 800 ‘23a
Gum Copal 42.150; Gum Shellac 18a20; bia
32a38; 0pium53,25a3,50; Rosin 3,25a4 per barrab
Salt Peter 9alle; Epsom Salts 51a6i; Spirits
pentine 48a50; Quinine $2,25a2,50; Brimstone 5445
Liquorice Paste 17a20; Flour Sulphur7aB;Alcohol •
aso etc Glue 124 to 13i; Blue Vitriol 110,2; Cop
peras 9.. i.
FEATHERS have advanced and are in demand. Sales . o , llgi
of 300 lbs at 22c cash. ..
GRoGERIES are generally advancing in the eastern
markets. Our own market is largely supplied. Cof
fee, Rio, 3a9.; St Domingo 7iaB; and Cuba 8489 a .
1b Sugar, sales in illids 6ia7; sales of 20 Mods in
lots for par funds at 61a7. Molasses, from 25a27;
stiles of 40 lbs at 26 cts par money.
TEAS: Y. 11.37a75. Imperin-160a70; Gunpowder "
l'uovistoNst Baron, good is firm; Pittsburgh cured
at 4A cents hog round; country - 3,ic. alb.! Lard 6a6i;
Cheese 4ias
LEAD: Pig 3 ; } par funds a lb.
SALT: Plenty $1a1,124 per bbl. ,
Ino.s: Juniutta, Blooms $48a50 a ton. ~
PIG METAL: from $21a21; sales of 51 tons Alla- . , ; .
gizeny at $2l cash, and 50 tons Hanging Rock in small
lot, at. 25 currency:
Woorr, remains at 20a33. ' r°
Pr7Capt. Tufts, has had launched from the
yard of Wm. 'French, near Louisville, a fine beet, -to
supply the place of the SteamerSeurAs A, that has beno
for many years, the pride of the western waters. The
new hoar is r epresented as in no way iaferiei to bet - ll
luArieus predecessor. She is 2(30 feet on deck, and is
pronounced by the Kentuckian, to be "one of the finest
pieces of architecture that has ever come from under
the hands of a shipwright." If she es.cels the Sultana
site must be a beauty, • .
Reported. Ly Sheble and Mitchell, General Steal►
Boat Agents, Water street.
Necorditrz Copper 'Mark, at the THE
street Sewn
: ~::w~_:_.::. ~: -~.
Port of Pittsburg!).
Nlartin, (New.)
ifast, Smith, Cincinnati.
ErillOrS--Ylease insfsri the folkrerieg ticket,
and obligee( many DESOCUTIL:
Congress.—E. D Gartarn•
Assembly.—Jolui Whittaker, Mifflin.
.Tames A. Gibson, Pine.
Wm. Sturzeon, Fayette-
James Benny, City.
Sheriff,—Cliamber 3
Prothonolarw.—Wni. G. Hawkins,
Treasurer.--.T• C. Davits.
Commissioner. --James Anderson, jr-
Coroner.—Robert MeCliesne2,-.
Anditor.—J. Mcllheney-
Messrs. Editors—Plea,.e insert in your paper the,
followinc, ticket, and oblige a number of your feadweii-'•
izens of Rosa township.
Congress. —W in. Wilkins, Wilkins tp.
Assembly.—James Crawford, City.
Benjamin Dilworth, Ross.
Dr. J. Pollock, Findley.
James 11. W: ton, Elizabeth.
Prothonotary.--Geo. R. Riddle.
Treasurer.-461m Fleming.
Coroner.—Thamas .
Commissioner.—John Cheny.
Auditor.—John Swords, Ross.
.."lfcssrs. Editors--The following ticket will be vil;
ai-cli , ahle to mane Democrats of the 'County.
CL:n,..,roB.—E.b. Gazzarn•
A.:se mbly.—Jas. Whittaker, Mifflin.
John Stevenson, Moon. - .
James A. Gibson, Pine. ~
Samuel McKeivy,Pitt. . -
S ri...ir —E• Trovillo. .
Pri,'honot.iry.—G.-.!o. R. Riddle.
C.,n,mi.isinner.—.Tame. C.Riehey, Robinson.
Treasurer.—Dr. Wm. Kerr.
Autliton—J. 11. Melllienny, Jefferson.
Aug. '24.---3t*.
In consequence of the preparations necessary far tbs
production of the Drama of the
and the Drama of the
The Theatre will be elm:ed until Saturday night al
which occasion the SON NAMBULIST and dit
Ttnimnrcr, GATE,
will be presented with the original music.
Mis , .. Clarendon the celebrated American Actn*,
will appear on Monday night.
PRICES OF ADMISSION.-Dmis Circle, 50 cents;
Second Tier, 37A cents; Pit, 25 cents; tipper Tier, ni
cents. The box sheet will be kept open daily from 10
to 12 and from 3 to 5 o'clock, where seats can be pre
cured on application to the Treasurer.
The most rigid order will be expected and enforced
by proper officers appointed for that purpore.
limas Bantry, Esti.• it a candidate fot AmemlaT
! object to the action of the Democratic Convention,