Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 24, 1843, Image 2

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_____ ._
~.,. Says An& tare it's bisrd fer tne to toll why the ip' trsha ,
I ' ' -- • DENT,
1 . Dr - LAST maims iteuur,:- , I , at.
„1: tOMMUni ' ail . 01161.
'77 *lean intim near ye; maybe-it's that you'd as eve T
•lirtgla knit alone."
A .S ' I-
i' 'IHANAN,f7-
.-, 40...____.-,.-4 , , L. ARRIvA. f aiDF T HRGREAT inks' TEipE -
I The steam ship Great Western. : Capt Hoskin, ara *
"Ohbo Maryl"-said the ether; "the child knows - 1 s 1 5.,.' he d,-•' n Of
rived at New York OD Monday morning, site a bolster-
bravely Elate isn't one in the town would be weloemer, i -
it var .et to t tc ,,,.. 0
L i nder the above i n the editors of the "Aurora"
ur half as welcome here an her own self; and Pd be
sus passage of fifteen and a half days.
, in their paper of nth inst., use the following language:
übleeaed to von, Mary, anon now Pd take it reniarka-; ".. 11 - I— iim __.....isuirasseess mo ------- . —-- .
~,,,.4 . I She brings dates but one day later than those re- "The friends of Mr. Buchanan, - '
Italian, while, tri deference
'We kTrui if you'd tell Me what secret it is you have; for ;Tr!
, I,L, 9c wilt) inornmq Port a. ceived by the Hiberni a . Nothing in the a-ay of news to Ms high character ; they desire that the groat State
faix Pm very unairy about her—theynang crathttr!"
_,l t - (pita eVident, even to Mary, that Sally was , --- --- - ------- --------'------- had transpired. We deem it unnecessary t o publish : v...h . ,, 5e pride he is should give him her vote, do not an
-21-1111911111beell'- ..-:, 'bYtie idle curiosity in her desire to learn I Putt. if I' , ,t, SMITH, EDITORS AND PEOPRZETORS.
the'fewi items received, as they are of noimportance. , ticipate with any degree of certainty, his nomination.—
It is more for the purpose of presenting him as a/ attire
thtitS,Vegtpt foully as she professed, by the most ar- ! =--- —_, T ----.---" L --------------
DR. Dexcen has becu unanimously nom i vato d f or , candidate for their suffrages, that he is now brought for
ditrii interests in the child's welfare; and the old darne l PITTSB t.. RC 11, THURSDAY, AUGUST 274, 1843.
'tsi-sti - lit prevailed upon, partially, to comply with her l -- ----''""•••••= fmor--- --=------= Congress, by the Democrati of Hanalton county, Ohio.. ward' than frotn any serious expectation that he will
~yl'the'ne . VI the secret Myself knelt sore
im Ari
VENTION. I be our Presidential candidate in '44."
. ALs.asst,it Etaxrio ns have elected one 1 This I consider a gross insult to the Democracy of
member of Congress in'Alabania. The singularly for
441111111116,sititaigaldietstiestlaroy -me, Sa ll y,--you woukbet o klli ! Pursuant to public flake, the Deniocratic commit
' Pennsylvania., and a palpable of our of the
ar,like me, out and out; and troth if
. y u d l two of Corresixmdeace for Allegheny county . met at the
expressed wishes of the friends of our Hon. Senator
t ' tunate gentleman is named Dellet, and 1 e is front the
ozitilortial man, you znight as well kill me 1 house of James Little, in Pittsburgh, for the purpose of ,
Ist District. j Did not the Keystone state speak out last hill, and by a
f Convention assembled from every county in the State,
-at wans."
! notifying the Demos-retie voters of the county of the .
time and place for choosing delegates to put in nomina, Belscr, Dixon U Lewis. cud all the other democrat- ' unanimously nominate JAMES I3UCIOIN AN for the
don satiable candidate s t o be supported at the ensuing is candidates am supposed by the N. 0. T rop i c (whig)l,-next Presidencyl— mit for some future period, posterior
j to 1844, but for the very first canvas for that high of
, , `• ' , to be elected,
. I fice. He is the -first choice—the - second choice—and
-----_ _ __ __
Peebles annd Jinn:4 A. GinsoN of Pino, 'Vice Presi-
Tug PHOENIX ----s
------ ----,-- --
true hearted de:nix:rat in this,
dents, and ALEX. BRAcKENRIDGE, Secretary: AJANK LASE.— fhe Boston Trans- t the only choice of every
: lour noble state. We deny not honor and respect to
cript of Frick, says:--"The Jury came to last evenirt ; .t....
IVhereupon, on motion of James Cunningham Esq.,
ciimer great and good mama our partv; but our claims
it was
at half pasakclock, with a verdict. of Not Guilty. ra ' have Mien oveiluolsed heretofore, and we now present
Rcso/ccil, That the Democratic voters of Alle L
geen;' , * to Browne, the cashier, but with a non-agreement as to t o :011r sister states a patriot and state:in-am who may
county arc requested, to meet in their scomml election w -. , .
thaVe some equals, but no superiors. We brine- him for
smut the President• The pa rs were then taken i
distriets at their usual places of mooting, on Saturday -. ' ' Ix' ward now with a "serious expectation" that I7e will lie
friun the Jtlrb . ;toid they were discharged, It is under- . our President in 1844, and not at some future period.
Mc 26th day of Auhtust, and elect two delegates in
each, to meet in County Convention at the new Court stood, says the Poi that they stmal seven for conviction ! Howdo the denvicracy of,other counties -speak of our
House, on alto allOcaeding Wednemay (30th of Aug- to t i ro f or
1 1 worthy Senator? The vaicsi of Perry county says:—
acquittal: : •
ust) at 11 o'clock A.: M. for the purpose of nomina- ___________ A "Resolved, that White . syechectfully concede to all the
ting '
The following Remarks, made by O'Brien in the candidates named for thist a iosidency, patriotism, sound
One person fur Cungress! '
House of Commons, imecents succinctly the cause of i ocratic priumples, , iategmty and firmness, still we
Four persons' for Aisembly. •
have a preference formirewn distinguished fellow-cit-
Ono person for Sli stiff. the discontents of Ireiandi I •
_,_ ..,
1 usni, o/LYES 131.7etIANAM, founded, as we believe, upon
One person for Prothonotary.
House OF Commoss, July 4 , sound policy.
well iii.the- just claims of our state.—
One person for Comity Treasurer.
Mc. Ssrtrn O'BRI en drew attention - 61'6e state of May not, therefore - ,41m1i astute as Pennsylvania, that
One person for Conimisaiepor, and .
Ireland, moving 'that: asis House Wilifai& . ' e
Itself bit() has ever been faithful to the - Union end the democrat-
One person for Coroner.
..• rt - conunittee fur the puipose of taking - issmStma s id era - le cause, present such a candidate to the Democracy of
The meetirris i n the s ev era l tow n ,hip s will convene lion the causes of the discontent at pressai tire v aili ng her sister statesovith theatmost confidence of success."
at the 'stud places between the hours of 3, and SP. M. in Ireland, with a view to redress' of * tomes, and So much for Perry county. Let us hear what they say
at die Wards and Boroughs, and'Pkt AowShips.the to the establishment of a system of just and imp art i a l in old York—Tentisylvania presents to her sister states
meeting's will be held at 7 o'clock, P.:AI--:,f : government in that part of the. United Kingdmn.' her own Duch
bled, nit am brightest jewel of the
It in is also expected that the Convention wiren. Mutant- He pointed to the late events as provi ng thts necessity kart Republic; and has the proud gratification of la-inr
bled, wi ll appoint five Delegates to reppescu k t.tho„ Dent- for inquiry; the congregation of immense mul t i t ud e , at' I ing its value acknowledged, and its praises echoed from
ocracy of Allegheny county in a STATE CONVEN- at eight-and-forty hours notice; the rising of the repeal i the hardy North, the gallant South, the enlightened
TION to be held at Harrisburgh on the sth of Sep- rent from 600!. to 3,000/. weekly; the junction of the East, and the Giant West. The Keystone state would
amber, fur the purpose of puttin ,, in nomination three middle classes, ofthe Roman Catholic cler.:y, and even respond to his nomination by the Democratic Nation
candidates for the office of Canal Commissioner. of members of the aristocracy', All this agitation could
I AS. Clt A WFOR D, CuAlltaAN. not be the work °forte man, as some superficial inqui- of Andrew Jackson.' 'll , 'e Will now hear what Chester
dons M. DAMS and rice ',rest's rers supposed. He mad a passage from a letter by county has to say:. 'Reseilfis t i,Z That n ic e selection a
a candidate for the Presid i ency:4f the ed States, we
d ons A. GIUSO i .
Dr. Kinsella, titular Bishop of Ossory, a prelate most
prefer die Hon. James Buchanan Pennnyli•ania's fa-
Ale.r. 13erzekentidp•, Sec'y.
moderate in his political sentiments—wh o , in declining-
May 26, 1843. '
to attend a repeal meeting, admitted th at he saw no smite son, whose brilliant career as a statesman, and
hope of relief for Ireland, except fr o m a domestic h e . firm and unyielding advocacy of democratic principles
gislature. 'That feeling had been engendered in Ireland awl popular rights, have shed lustre upon his native
by the manner in which the country had been govern- state, and identified hirn With the Democracy of the
ea by a British Parliament. Mr. O'Brien took a ret- entire union.' Franklin county says—Tesolved, that
respect of Irish history, to illustrate the predtion t h at as citizens of the native courtly ofinmes Buchanan, ap
the feeling was caused by no recent act of Governine at_ preciating his steriing worth, his undeviating and unti- ,
Before the Union, Ireland was distracted by internal ring devotion to Democratic principles, and his stern
disputes fostered by England. Then came the penal adherence to the interests and honor of his country, we
code of William and Mary. During the American war will hail with unfeigned piiile and pleasure his nomin-
Ireland obtained all the points at issue between the two whin to t h e Presidency of the Union; and, as Petio,yl- 1
countries, and relapsed into apathy. The rebelli on vanians, we appeal with confidence to the democracy
fomented by England, was followed by the Union,— of our suer states, for the recognition of theiustice of
our claims to furnish a Presid.:Mt to die Republic,when
when Englithd's debt of 4 46,000,000/., (annual charge
16,500,000/.0 and Ireland's of 28 , 0 00,000 i., (annual we can present a patriot and statesman whose name
charge 1 i 194 i 0000 were converted into a
. ini t it burde n already adorns the brightest page of his country's hi s -
-e difference which no subsemient remission of taxa- terY.' We will inst bear One more witness at present;
tion for Ireland had corinterini - a..... il. - Another eff , et a voice from old Berks counts.—'Resolved, that in
of the Union was to increase absenteeism; is Mel' the James Buchanan, Pennsylvania brituts before the dem
i ri,lt
people expected to be cured b y t h e „ tract i on , o f ocracy of the Union. a son, in favour of whose eminent
a separate Parliament, and by a tax on absentees.— übillties, and W,II-trik,d political integrity, she may well
Another consequence was the consolidation of public I chin: the high honor due to her long and faithful devo
establishments, of which he did not question the propri- thin to democratic principles.'
.4y; but some compensation might have been made t o I might go on and give the views ef, the democratic
Ireland. Why should not Ireland have sonic of the county meetings throughout the State, anti then will all
!blest harbors in the world? England ha s nine dock- .7, , ) to disprove the childish, hilly statement of the 'A uns
yards—L-(4.lnd not one. Of the ,C 6,500,000 fo r navy ea' inen, who, :11 iliough they have hoisted the Buchanan
estimates this year, lie calculated-that only X. 10,000 flag. am willing, ye:, heartily willing, that Mr. Bec4l
- spent iii, Ireland. There was, indeed, an army AN A N should receive die nomination for the Presidency
expenditure in Ireland; but lie never heard that i t was Munn the year 1352, or shortly after the commencement
inteiaMd by way of compensation. The Irish cache- of the Milleidatn. From such friends Mr. Buchanan
quer remits to England ..f.%!5,000.000 or 1:15,000,000 may pray to lie saved. I would think more of the edi
yearly; the English exelieque r to Ireland £8,000,000. tors generally, if they would corn: out openly against
Catholic emancipatio n was ceded to Ira sand in t h e my friend, rather than pretend to be in his favor, while
dread of civil war; for six years it was pra-tic.ally i n _ re the same time any thing they do say muds more to
operative; fin-, with one or two exceptions, Catholic, his injury than otherwise. Da man's a man, let him
were as inucli excluded from silks as before, until Lord be a man. The Democracy will not ask anything but
Normandy's prorlaniation of etrality fur all classes.— what is clearly right, and consequently will submit to
The Catholics fun ,n fou r-fifths oldie population of Ire- welling di ui 3 WIMIZ. Let the friends of Peltosylva.
land; he ealrulatial (fur returns were refused to hin t ) Ms and of her favorite son speak out, and refuse to sup
that nos:my-three Protestants had ,been promoted so port any milt . , owl ',weer paper, who will pretend to be
of inlreland by the present Governmentond throe r ,',. Buellatian, while tinny are doing him Mt the injury
Catholics; against svhich must be set off the c ers , •;•• .4 . .4 1.-y call.
J. M '
dismissuil of two-Catholics. Otlierserievance s werosin 1
Ilicted by the Irish reform bilb- Ireland ought to have
from 125 to 170 represennuives;in order to have a pro-
Oortionate share
in the re' - _.
never fear. Mary,—lll tell anthill' about."
ti lffell, then, LW I wad sada', all the secret I know
Is, that Mt. Mrullotigh used the child cruel badly;
that is,
he didn't use her badly, but alwiltcr; but sure
it was her all the while,. as one might say. But. any
way s it has put the hathred in her heart acin him. that
53wtilawri•aeou the like."
2 .lco.liFellt but what was it he dove to Mary?"
5-ts:.WAh now, maybe you wouldn't ax the to tell you."
"Oh yes, Mary, akushla, you'll tell me."
.... "Oh - no, Sally, darlint:—l'm just thinkin' you got
:fit kareacart 9' me for this turn. So go and look afther
hdtaiwedman, and never trouble your head about what cddeawitsconsarn you, alanna."
= ,- .4. Sdly found that entreaty was useless; but she tor
'tattttterfmind conjecturing what new peice of villany
lOW ism had perpetrated. Site would have gone in
gaud to Phuhatti, but it was impo:sible for her to
A few days after the occurrence, Sally wa. admiuis
ibaftigniet. ticine to her father, when, on turning round,
Aft *raw the fairy-child standing on the hearth. The
gig.' l'atarted as if she had seen an appatation; for the -
111 11001 r ctof her feelings \VILS Millie:4M in the wan and
wasted features of this unhappy being.
"My poor little Mealey" said the girl, enthraci uglier
with the fondest - affection. "Where have yea been,
41itirdiat, this many-a-day? You're sick and sorrowful,
filiWtide,y-Och you are, my poor little sister!"
ii ,lo, 4Bcri sick sand sorrow(td," said the child, unable to
tiiWittairt her toars; "but he'll aeon be well, Sally; and
1 34110heart'll be light, a there: and the blush 'it be oh
Jour cheek when Johnny conies homei--but there'll
4 111 1 1!'•'eattld hand afore then! Och God help you,
ilLtiii*!" she cried, clapping her own wildly above her
head; "God help the motherless orphan!" an d, in a pas
of tears, 51.1 ,- flung herself on the m tiden'S bosom.
. i tillsitint.•d her to her bosom as if she would have
bar there forever, safe from all the ruin that was
s ,
before her.
-, '"MypOor child!—my darlint ' b ales"' she cried,
'end' the tears fell fast on the bead of er• t•wesot enthu-
After this &iv she was seen only nr••-•2 o r twic
41eititig thtnngh . the field-, with let tli:ordereth
liliSittengby the edge of the fairy-well, rr.
rk** , till oVe , lmo be
A 'or the intcnisitv of lesr own ferlintts,"she droi;t
- ftiSt keit*? beside the fatal wtiter.4.
find %firs In;oct ly-on !ez,t, entrn about her d\im:
Ce lrrnt, sh&svou.,l, probably have in:tr. on all
s appearances. A: it wa:, :..11 • eo•t?:l attri
- Ste* them to enrol !anal C • Xritplir , r:t,
ilk still believed, by ti toneh of lasanity. Meniey's
°teflon for her, and hq. resentment at dust lnntier„
illtira Whatever cause it proceeded, Ott , ruling
IWiniiples of her mind. But th:nilt was at a 10...
Itiltiteertint for many of her expressions.--thov. e.naain-
VA TI rtwitheey of better times to her frf-ml,—.ln ,
ifeitotteamm the tinol purpose to whit-it that alio
*hi referred
Ode evening Sully lied at the wdrithernry's g,•t
ling.'nieditriue. for her I a•rd on I T way kit of
trilsn; she thought she %you'll enII in, fur, n few minutes
with her friends at th 11,ralil-eurvlre
- sadlviidterell from the time we saw her first in that hos-
ITer soft melancholy eyes were hard
,. less
beautiful than then; her'firm wa3 wnsted,--her,
t'ountenanco had lost its youthful expression; and eve
ry tintof health seemed to have fade lfurever from her
- cheek. She was, in fact, a very interesting person, but
it; 'loßger the beautiful girl of Derr laain. The kindness
itirAndy and his with bad increased, if possible, with
te iorroWs of their young friend. Even the children
tippet:tied fonder than ever of prier Sallpin they wert,
lo w an gathered about her, while tit mother mitres.
taduotisly preparing "something to warm her."
net mko'this, aces .a; for it,s a wild
night, and you're net as strung as you, s :ed to be,—God.
'AI; God help her'" said (da: "and he'e a betther
MIA - lan nor me'll say 'nod forgive them that wronged
T-4 'o -U45" said the wife, '_`there's no use in talkino.
orkuri. Ile„ has a sorer heart, he bound, nor one
tUS Itolaizlit; fur th cowld home, Sally, where
ero's nrAtherprayer nor blessin.' But tell me, elan
-6,l<M, is the Quid man with you?"
"Gch; in troth Jenny dear,'' said the girl, "I doubt
hill do no good; it's only weaklier and sicklier he's
gittin"—but we must all die," she added, half 1112C011.
ticrtnisfy, "and I'm beginniu‘ to think them's best off
that goes soono.t."
'A silence of same moments succeeded. Jeimy bent
down to fasten thedress of one oilier flaxenhaired
eiiithins, while the 'smith looked, with a contracted and
stet-ill:7ton , , on the downcast face of the maiden
''''"Jenny," he said, "you're right enough, asthere;
there's no use a talkin'; and troth there's no luck in
train' of the likes of him. God gave him his way for
Vbit,but now let hint see how he'll thrive, the ruffian,
*itli the poor man's curse."
'`Ali God forgive him," said Sally; "that's the worst
TWiish him. Sure Pin multi he has broke poor lit
de afeaky'a heart, too; though I can't make out what it
Onthur htL.4 agin him."
""Weil, Sally," said the wife, "it's just what Andy
ill* me was allowin‘, that there's something wrong
withthat child. Sho came in here, th' other mornin',
and after talkin' about you, she said, "I wish," says
tijte;"Aohnny Fitzpatriek was home. Johnny was al
viii—ysromarkable friendly to me: and, Jenny, asthore,"
ttlittsais; °it would be a hardship never to see him a-
',Thu crathur!" said "Och it'll he a long day
tiro she sees Johnny, I doubt!" For the time first
appointed for the return of :Johnny stud his master was
lava:past; and it was, of course, quite uncertain now,
*I& either might be hoMe. But this waa to be an
essential night for Sally. The tramp of a horse was
heaild'ssithinit,. - --the dour opened, and a fino-looking
young fellow stool on the threshold. It was Johnny
TALL Sally and her lover s‘ a:I(I,TM homeward,
ilitellOWl the paths they had so often roamed before, she
glti , etitins an ample account of all that occurred since his
dletiorhire: Many and deep were the curse s with
*kith Fitzpatrick 'interrupted the fatal narrative; but
*hots she had concluded. with a softened account of
thignsiseries . they had endured, such as might, in some
tier; tse, prepare him for what he was about to witness,
tttid when the youtle: wanderer gazed on her wasted and
alteind countenanc.-, and saw her lint the ruin of the
love* being he had left, he forgot all but her, and he ,
foidedler to his bosom with a teaderne, h e hod nev -.1
er known before.
"Sally, he said, "I'll never lave you more. ney
dr lave you (whorl, and afore them stars comes out
'Van the holy words will make you my Own forever."
Bally had suffered as much as most persons: and her
fileteThad undergone the change which suffering no
es/m.oly prod uce. The buoyancy ofvouth had left her,
anti many hopes had perished, and all hkd faded, in her
hits bat never in their brir.htest time, had she expe
rimed ajoy so perfect as that which now diffused it
,stirthrongh her soul, as she felt that after all, her lover
vosottemened true and fond as ever.
`'Man Johnny had gone home, APeartan, who had
renrive& his youthful friend with mingled feelings of
shame and delight; said to his daughter, "I wonder,
Sa4ly, what's the matter with that poor child. She
wits here to-night, and now you never seen such a way ,
as she vms in. Faix, Sally, Pll tell you the truth, my
agrmr.i half afeard of her. She says to me. 'Paddy,'
says she, 'Pm sorry you sold the well-field. It was ill
done a' you,' she says; 'but it's no matther now.
stisa be over' she says, 'and not die off; you a l nd
pars, for all that.' And now, Sally, she looked at me
ut trim way, that I couldn't spike a word to her; if it was
to save my life."
t,'Artddla you say nothite at all to the child, fatheil"
"Oh, not a word Sally, till she came over, and hid
God be with me; 'and tell Sally,' says she -not to fret,
when sirs /tea::: ill t ae im ut w broken
Ftitsr WARD.—The dernocmts of the First, or West
Ward, will take notice that the meeting for the election
of delegates to the Convention, will he held at the house
of James Little, corner tic 4th and Ferry streets, on Sa-.
turday evening next, at 7 o'clock.
THIRD WARD.—Tho democrats of the 3rd or East
Ward, will please take notice that the meeting for the
election of delegates to the convention. will he held at
Temperance Hail, corner of Ditimond Alley and Smith
field street, on Saturday evening, the 26th lust., to 7
The democrats of the remaining three wards, the
2d, 4th and th, will meet at their usual places at the
sari hour, 7 o'clock. By order of the Committee.
Aug. 24. JAS. CRAWFORD, Ch'n.
CANAL COMMI3,7TONEtt.—.I writer in the Chronicle
suzg - ests 11• m. Worms as a suitable person for Ca
nal Commissioner. The friends of Mr. NV ood3 seem
determined to have in some office: they labored
hard to get him a nomination from the blue non's; they
next tried the whigs, but failing with both the factions,
they are now going tots.). the "uniieisal party,' for the
office of Canal Commissioner.. For our part, we care
very little who they may nominate; as the democrats are
prepanxi to row them ttp! r Salt River, l t l li t y , would just
as soon "sario" the Doctor so , as any • else—that
is, if he's willing.
11 , 7 - ', The Phila. Forum 1 the picture of a very uv-
Iy•itat over its election news from Tennessee, and culls
It a coon !
_ln the la_st Congress the whigs had eight
members,liont Tennessee, in the ne,s4 they'll have hut
five, and it is fur this result that the cat of the Forum
announces the result with so much eclair.
timore Son learns by altitter from Washington, received
un last Sunday, that .Tames Williams, the individual
who murdered his wife a short time since, in St. Ma
ry's county, Maryland, and fur whom a 'reward of
$:200 was Milled by Cm% Thomas, w t zs urre, tm l in
that city ion Saturday morning, by officer Burr, on infor
mation derived from Mr.' Dennis Pumphrey. Mr.
Pumphrev is acquainted with Williatns, and seeing the
account of the murder in the Sun some three or four
weeks since, immediately recognised him, and caused
his arrest; he has been fully identified by several of the
citizens. lie was committed to jail.
HONOR To linsexA NN —The Physicians' Homo!.
patbic Society of New York, have made arrangements
for holding a public ceremony in honor of the In ,, inory
of Hahnemann, the foundcrW theirsystem. Dr. John
F. Gray is appointed to deliver an eulogy on the deceas
LIB ~ A shod( of an earthquake .wai distinctly felt
near Contreton, Burlington County, N. J. on Saturday
morning, accompanied by a very heavy, low, run - tiding
.sunnd. It shook the houses, and some of the inhabi
tants were much frightened.
re The Salem Register states that about 50 in
dividuhls from that vicinity am about removing- to Nau
von, in obedience to the directions of the Pro 'het.
The Toronto Hera:d states that on Saturday
lust, a box was put 013 board the steamboat bound for
the American side, by a Yankee, who kept a keen watch
over it. Suspicion being excited, it was by the direc
tion of the Mayor opened, and there lay a soldier of
the Royalists named Henry Haglies, who, it is added,/
hack recently written a book about hydrophobia. The
soldier was immediately conducted to the barracks, and
his Yankee abductor to jail.
TH:: AUGUST ELLCTIONS.--The footing up of the
result of the August elections, exhibits an extremely
pleasaut picture for the democrats tu contemplate.--
Many of the whig.fournals appear to be delighted with
the re torrns,but cautiously abstain from giving the actual
result. From the folk)sing condensed statern,ent it
tvillbc ..soen.leff.deiicl i cause they haVC for ibeitratula•
tion. There lin in the last Congress:
From Indiana,
" Kentucky,
" Tennessee,
In the nextc.o.pgress, so far as «•e can judge from
the returns, there.will probably be:
From Indiana,
" Kentucky,
" Tenne3gee,
14 24
This picture is one which may be contemplated by
democrats with no little *wore; for with only 9 votes
to commence business upon, they have in . four states,
changs4 a minority of 18 into a majority of 10, which
will do very well us times go.
_.2prestnAation. In England,
electors are us I to 24 of the population; in Ireland
‘s Ito 100. The Irish had been_ exasperated he the
Sponiswoode conspiracy, and by Lord Staaley's regis
tration bill, whi-lt the t, tries nunl iu turning the late
Government nut of office, saying that the subject would
not brook delay, though they had I two years to
office without doing anything! While a church es
tablishment is mainutined for one-tenflrOT the popula
tion, the Catholic clergy are not evea provided with
residences, and the miserable grant to Nrisenooth meet;
with insulting opposition. If he were a-Roman Catho
lic, he should not hesitate for one moment to become
a Repealer. They did not want ascendancy—they
wanted only equality. The principal question, lithe
Union were repealed, would be, o leaherit was (Aka
tile to have endowments for all churches, ur no endow
ment for any. The present Government, - When they
were out of power„promised they would take all these
subjects into their anximis consideration, and tuf-lose
an hour without reforming the ;daises Aida! cildiadt.
But twoyears have they been in (Alice without doing if.
rut h e r in favor of make. ing the clergy of all
I religious persuasions. Lonl Lyndhurst's declaration
of allezianca rankles in the minds of the people.—
They claimed equal corporate reform with Enghind.
The tnagement of the poor law had been overhear
in; ;Ind of the commissioners, six were Enghali and
boar Irish. Govermnont call upon Parliament lid pass
au obsolete mans bill, with new enactments, protested
against by the majority of Irish members. What had
Parliamen t done for Ireland's local Government,—
What foe railway,Lord Morpeth proposed topers
wily !'on ion capitalof for railways in Ireland; but the
prop. , t;as rejectt dby the House. Fur Canada,
who Goverament guaranteed a lore] of r=
500,000 tie- public works, tad £240,000 was spent in
steam navigation. The course taken with respect td
national education ill Ireland, had been unproductive
of good, for it had disgusted the rrotestants °flit:4ond.
Sir Edward Sugden had crushed a propositiotrfar pro
viding n better legal education for the bar in Ireinad.—
A grant for a uat it uud niusetun in Ireland had been re
commended and rofused. There is DO compensation
in English appointments for the exclusive nature of
Irish appointments. of the cabinet, ten are Etagliab and
three are Scorch; and in the subordinate appeinunents
under the British Government, he calculated the Eng
lishmen and Scotchrnen to be as 491 to 10 Irialspien.
Sir Robert-Peel had missed the opponanity of
tiling Ireland without cuncedino. ' a principle. Of the
goat - lA*l4.a Lord de Grey's and Lord intentions.
IseAti not doubt, but, somehow, they had not the pow
er to give theta edict. Mr. O'Brien contrasted the
Government of Ireland in spite of the majmity, with
that of Canada by the snajority. To other causes of
discontent must be added . that of general distress, and
the influences which tend to the consolidati on °H arms.
Ile contended that the cry fur repeal, though he did
not concur in its policy, was not treasonable; it was
merely the expression of despair of obtaining, good gov
ernment. Ministers had g iven their ultimatum; they
had declared that they woud force forward their arms
bill, but that conciliation had gone to its full extent; and
Sir Robert Peel had said that he would go to war with
Ireland rather than concede the repeal of the Union.
But it might be forced by Other means than war,--as by
non-consumptioa of $10,000,000 of English manufac
tures. And where would he find tite arras to militate
against a whole nation? There were 40,000
Irishme n
in the British army, just as patriotic as the peasants
from which they had aprtmg. The chances of Eng
land's failure were as great as the chances of success;
raid what was her success?—widespread and universal
desolation. What her failure?—the glory of England
departed forever.. Ireland was the right arm of strength; but in her present condition she was a
source of weakness, and if the French Minister march
ed any:army across the Pyrenees, it would be because
'the English Government could not safely take away
their troops fmm Ireland. The way to defeat the ma-
I chinations of England's enemies was to redress the
grievances of Ireland.
9'. • 5
5 5
5 6
itlessrß. E , litors: W are gratified to see so many
40,4 men on the Democratic list for the sevei-al offices
within thy gift of their fidlow citizens: it ceitaiuly proves
that our opponents have'nut got "all the decency 'Szr.;
without detract* from the merits of any cif the gentle
tn:m who are before the pubfie for County Traasurer,
we can give a thmichNl preference to Mr. Robert Glass
of the Fifth Wlted—he ii honest—he is capable—h e
a sound 41etwo.Tat and never was any thing else in his
polities; his Moral elmracter , is without stain—and for
a series of years he has exerted his utmost influence
for the benefit of our party; he is now past the meridian
of life, 0,41 we tinnily hope he i% ill not ho forgotten by
his Ilernorratic friends.
We Would also like to see Mr. Gazzam up fur Con
:: IS; we would give him another trial with every couti
deuee of sucee cts—this the voice of a number of Demo
crats of Indiana.
.31,ssrx. ENnrs.—Dea r Sir: I nlidCr-tend throng,
your trortliy - paper, that Warty person had any thing to
say with Nord to the nomination s for this Full's elec
tion, that voa o mild insert it in your paper, and I tale
this flan ohctting the people know my sincere wishes,
I Weida recommend to my le/low-men the names of
data B. for Prothonotary, Rody Patterson for
Sheriff, and Edward D. Gazzam for Con,gresi. Know
ing that they are the "poo r Waled friend." therefore I
hope they will take heed to my APHIjrII.`III.S, and 1 hope
those who sold th. , ir votes from Thos. Dickson, has as
'much left of the "haves and fishes" as will suffice them
for the comiag electio u this fall. You rs
rETErt mcwiLLiA MS,
• Pitisl;g. Aug. ! - 23, 1841 . • Whitewasher.
lifes.erx. Editors—The following ticket will be very
acceptable to many Denioeratg of the County.
Congress.—F:. Gazzam.
Assembly.—Ja s . Whitt iker,
John Stevenson, Moon.
James Gibson, Pine.
Samuel McKeivv, Pitt.
Sheriff.—E. Trovillo.
Prothonotary.—G eo , R. Riddle.
Commissioner.—.lam es C. Richey, Robinson.
'Preamirer.—Dr. Wm. KOIT.
Mclihenny, Jefrerson.
Li7mnEtt MID c.—The New Brunswickersays,
the %vi& elthe timber which has been brought down
the St. JAn dd.: season dues not exceed 73,000 tons—
two-thinis of which were cut on the American territory!
1.G .---l :11r.1.10111nal t , who was taken up in New Orleans,
on suspicion of burning his own store has been acquit
ted, after a vhmrong examination. On hearing that he
Was declared innocent lie wept like u child.
A meeting kill be held at the United States Hotel,
Canal Basin) on Penn street, to-morrow morning, at
( for the purpose of taking into consideration
andsulopting sonic measures relative to repairing or rebuilding tile Aqueduct across the Allegheny river, at
Pittsburgh. The distress caused by said aqua
daCebeing out of repair, will be seriously felt by the
people of Pittsburgh, and calls loudly for their aid is
bebalfof their own interests. The Canal Commis
sion* are respectfully and particularly invited to at
ground and polished, anvils and other kinds of
grinding , done at the Cast Steel File Manufactory, cor
ner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. auTlB
4 .MOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxea smoked bet
tinge just received and for sale by
43, Wood street.
COMM % I a ; 411"
r 13,
Feu. Bcsigitss.---Thefall basinet is ofieni**7
favorably in the eastern cider. The FennsylraniaisaytH
that many merchants from the South and West have
arrived in Philadelphia, and find a market well prepa
red to receive them. We trust that these indications
may be hailed as the dawn of a better day, and that, af
ter the desolation caused by financial madness, and the
excos,se3 to which such a state of things invariably leads,
we may nuw anticipate the return of solid prosperity,
in which there will be no taint of that spirit which has
worked such extensive mischief, thus securing to honest
industry and rational enterprise their just reward. For
years we have been suffering severely from the re-ao
tion of the forcing system. A false principle of finance
has carried ruin and distress every where. But tb
lesson has been borne patiently and manfully, giving
... —jar
,to the hope that it will not be lost, and thaikcpptibe 1 PENNSYLVAiNIA.—IITTAIWA9.,c.
result of past errors,we may derive that wisdom which Baia- of Pittsburgh. ,
will give safety and succes;"to our future coarse. 4 ercAants and 3fanufacturcre b5ak..,........pae
- M -•-•l4Plor'
- --- -----
.... .par
MAIN lAN K.—Wc find the following statement in DZHollidaysbn rgh.
- • -
the l'ennsylvanian of otsday. We prasaine - it will j Nort h A
mers •ca
PIit.L.A.DE.LPHFA i ,- 7 ...
convince those who have heretofore asserted that the 1 Bank of
-Do Norther,' Liberties ..):perr
aggregate receipts would show a falling off from lam Do Pennsylvania ......
your , H u tt t h ey were mistakes, and -that o ,f r -', 4 4 era l Cummercial Bank of Pennsylvania par
' .."111tr
statements of the prosperous condition of basines.s on' Farm
.ers and Mechanics'
bank ........ par
1 K
the Main Line were strictly true: ensington bank .. •......
Statenieut of the amount of tolls rec. eivoci on the Main Mechanics' revs and Mechanics'
Liu' of the Public IVorks, from Philadelphia to, Moyamensing
Pittsburgh, in the month of July, 1842 and 1843. ,
pa Philadelphia bank
pa r
1842. / 8 4 3 . : ..S'chuylicill
... ... r
$23,410 69 $.39,992 82 1 Southwark ..... ".......4.l;ii-i.:.i..- .
- r over
17,538 14 26,671 54 I Western
22,003 50 31,950 92 Bank of Penn Toic --sA.
n5hip..;,... , ,,-.; 4 .- ';', -
- ...--.,.---......-- Girard bank
7 , ...,......, •. ..;” . .. ...
$93,615,28 U. S. bank and brancbe 7. •. • . 14
......-............. 3
CQUNT:B.Y niffi.ictS. -
64,932 33 _ Bank of Germantown
" Chester county
" Delaware county.
Montgomery county ..... , ........ —per
j " Northumberland ....
Farmers' bank of Bucks county-- .. ..par
Easton. bank ..
...... ...... ........ .pdrr
Doylestown bank. ..
Franklin bank of tVashingtort
- --
'tWENTT-TIVO INCHES WATER IN THE CHANNEL, 'Bank of ahambersblirgh. in
Middletown ..
Iccording, to Coppei Mark, at the Wood street Sewer 1 .‘ Gett ysbu rgh. .
Susquehanna county....
Berke county bank ... _
/erluct July, 1842,
Increase in July, 1843,
jport of Pittsbur
eported by Sheblc and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat Agents, 11;l1er street.
Warren, Mir Donald, Beaver.
Ohio Mail, Ward, (new.)
Mingo Chief, Denny, Cincinnati
Columbia jank and Bridge C0mpany..:.......1
I Carlisle bank
. 2 will
Erie bank _.
I Far in, i . s . on , ! Dro re ra. hank.
I " Bank of Lancalter. _
1 • " Bank of Reading. . _
I .Harrisburg hank. -
I Honesdal,
Allegheny c 0,,,.. Lancaster
. 1
.n the Court of Common Pleas of
! Lancaster cu. "
' .• 2
ty, of October 7'erm, 1343. No. 130.
••••-':-...••• TN the matter of the application of Du- I L " 0 "a "
Miners' bank of Pottsville
L. S. ? i
i r n c College fur Charter of Incur- I
IMonongahela bank of Brownsville
• - 1
i New Hope and Delaware Bridge eunipasy.......lo
........,,, And now to wit, Aug 12, 1313: 'llic
b een present _ , Northampton bank
no. sae
Constitution of Duquesne College having,
ed to, and ruTuscil by, the. Court, and the Court having /Towanda bank
IV:oom in g bank
carefully examined the said instrument, and it appear-
Il'ext Branch bank .... ...„. as
i•i i .:, to the Court that the objects, articles and conditions I
therein set forth arid contained. are lawful, and. not in- j Y°I.A. bank_ ------------- • ---------- -- • —, • •••: 1 1
furious to the community, do direct the said writing to j 01110.
e r'
be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of this Court, I Belmont bank of St. Clairarille.—.---.. ' ' 1
am l that notice be inserted in the alurni: q rust ; in the j Clinton bank of Columbus.... 2. ----------- .--
'City of Pittsburgh, for thre e week s , ,leullig fm-th thoup- I Columbiana bank of Nero Lisbon ..“ .. ...... ..
plication to this Court, to grant such Charter of Incur- I
poration. From the Record.
w shier
ircleville (Larence, cashi)
a* r)
Attest: 14
I ‘. ( Warren, ca
A. SUTTON, Pro. 1 Cincinnati banks--...... sore
Notice is hereby given, that application has been' C , 'hillicothe bank 1.4
made to rho Court. for a Charter for Duquesne Col- I Commercial bank of Lake Eric....
lege, and that unless Callie is shown to the contrary I Dayton ►
bank.. ..... .
........... 1
within ditty wecks, the Court will be asked to rant l'ranklin bank of C'elatmlacs
said Cluirter. THOMAS HANIII.TON, Fanners' and Mechanics' brink of Stetibetille—
:tug 24-0 w
Att'y for Petitioner. Farmers' bank of Canton ....... . • .... ...... 40
... .... ,
Hamilton ,
-.. .......
MC riCila
Warren, McDonald, Beaver.
Bridgewater, Boics, Cincinnati.
S truly, Harkins, do,
Keel boat Wing and Wing, Cincinnati
I respectfully submit my name to ilia consideration
th" D..taocTatic Convention, which meet; on Wed.
iestlay next, as a candidate for nomination for Comner.
atig :2 4 -tc R. HUNZECKER,
St Paul's Young Ladies' Boarding SchooL
►p HE public are informed that this institution, coa
-1 ducted by the Sisters of Charity, will be reopen
ed on the first Monday in September. A select and li
mited number of pupils will be received and instructed
in the several branches of a polite English education,
together with useful and ornamental needlework.
For tuition, washingand mai/ding, 4100 per annum.
For bed and bedding, 6 00 do.
Doctors Fees ara rot included in the above.
N. B. A few half boarders can be accommodated,
on the most reasonable terms, which will be made
known on app'ication to Sister Isidore, the Superior.
A reduction will be made in favor of children under
twelve years of age , aug f24.—awkw4t.
T HEREBY certify that I have known a number of
I..people who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver I'ills,
aml have been much benclltteil by them, and I believe
them to be f i jie best pills fur liver complaints, and for
general use, of any pill rMw befhre the public.
I hereby certify thati tuive beeu H afflictedFOßN E
fur 6 years
with a liver complaint; and have applied to different
physicians, and all to little or no effect, until I made
use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes of them
I am nearly restored to perfect 'health.
Millersburg!, near Pittsburgh, August 16, 1843
Li For sale at the Drug Store of
aug '22 corner 4th and Wood !=treet,
_MACKEREL. -20 bbls no. 3 mac!saiel,
10 half Mils no. 2 (10
10 quarter Palsprime
article for family use, just received and for sale by
43, Woad street.-
Proposals for Chain Iron.
Washington, July 28, •
ROPOSALS will be received at this OfficelB43.
P 3 o'clock, on the first day of September ensuing,
to deliver at the Navy Yard in this city, the following
Chain Iron, fur eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches
in diameter, each /50 fathoms long, constituting the fol
lowing bill of Iron, viz:
35,100 links 1 11-16 inches in diameter--20.4 inches
450 links 1 13-16 inches in diameter--22.1 inches
20 feet 3f inch by 2/ Oral pin Iron.
90 do 2.} do 2 do do.
70 Swivel, 198 Shackle, and 18 box pieces.
Specifications of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pieces
and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at this of
fice; all of the above Iron must be the very best Amer
lean, and undergo such proof, under the increased tests
and inspeCtion, as the Commandant of the Yard may
subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the
Government, and in as short a time after the Contract
is made as is possible, which time will be designated
in the contract.
Bonds with good and sufficient sureties in dOttble the
amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser
vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the
Contract is completed.
aug. 8. W.M. B. SCOTT, Navy Agent
UNDRIES.-50 boxes chocolate,
5 do cocoa,
3 do rice flour,
25 do ground pepper,
5 do Cayenne do.,
36 cans ground mustard,
skegs do allspice,
. 5 do do ginger,
12 cans do do., together with
eYery Ming lathe grocery line, all of which is offered
St extremely low prams, for cash.
43, Wood street.
$54,952 33
$33,66? 95
. 11
ilfechanicn' and Traders'. Cincinnati 3
Blount Pleasant
Noruall '
... .
Wonster 50
Xenia II
Za iteecilA
State bank and. bra
Stab' Sr ri nck"
.1" -
All brinks
Mak bank
Batik of _lllinois, .S'histoßmrd Pet5t0ic,....,....p.:i
• • r
f the Valley of Virginia
Bank of Virginia ..................... .
Exchange bank of Virginia
Farmers' bank of Virginia....
.... . ..
Nortk-IVestern bank-of
and Mechanics' bank of
- - -
Baltimore City bank 5.......
All other solvent banks ....... • ..-.4.
.. •
All solvent banks.
All solvent banks
All solreni banks
Mobile banks..
Country banks.
Yen' Orkans banks (g00ri)....
All banks
N. w. consEn OF WOOD .1g FIFTH 1111.
The proprietors of the Moasisro rosT and Mot-
CURT AND MAN UrAc TCR.En respectfully inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they hay*
a large and well chosen assortment of
7111 r 1111 ( 3 11P 0 .111M.
aSE) /.15 Ktainltattig
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they nib . -
prepared to execute
Books, Bills of Lading, I Ciftehem;.,
Pamdets, Bill Heads,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
Itfntts of Blaidtil, -
Stare, Steamboat and, Canal Boat Bills, witll'air
propriate cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
We trspectfully ask the patrona ge of our friends ead
the public in general in this branch of our businds.
July 31, 1343. PHILLIPS & SMITH.
COFFEE.-300 bags Rio rofl'ec,
50 La,:myra do
50 " St. Domingo do
50 " Havanna do
Now receiving, and for Bale low for cash, by •
aug 9
11211111 ER, EXCHIANGI3 811“01111k
Aferchants an. 181 : 1 / 1: a C n i Nf L ac 8 for A ef N ir p t S AR crip. D. 1
Exchange' Bank Scrip
Cu r rettcy
Erie Bank
On Philadelphia.......
New York
. . .
......... . •
.... ... 2 1
... .. 24
*^•• •• ••
. ...... . ...."ri
----- • --