44 lee d m 'rage. '444 . LATTIRmost FIORiCE GIiEVLY, ESQ.—A letter front Horace Greely, Editor of the N.Y. Tribline, will be read at the Pic Nic today. . hitcher from a genteman now on a visit to the Brook Fiiiii"Aisocitction, is expected by this morning's east ern mail. PrITIMAGH AQUEDUCT.—We arc requested by Mr. Morris, - supervisor of the Canal, to state that since the ment 'accident to the Aqueduct, it has been thor cas9y, examined by several practical and scientific gentlemen, all of whom have decided that it cannot be mils secure unless it is rebuilt—and that it would be .staelesaerlisenCliture of money to attempt to render it safe bipnaking temporary repairs, In consequence of this, Mr. Morris has shut the water off from the Aqueduct. and the unloading and shipment of goods, Btc., Will have to be done on the West side of the Alle- ' Om-river, until the Aqueduct is rebuilt or permanent ly repaired. P We are also requested to say that the bar at the ma k/Lica on the Allegheny will be removed in a few days, so as to permit boats at all times to pass that lock, from 84 hue the Allegheny river. OP' The editor of the Spirit of the Age won't back out from the position he has taken on the temperance quiSpOon. He says Jox BARKER threatened to mur slieritint the first time he could catch him; so we may coor.latie, that if they met yesterday, FOSTER is as dead as iikeron this morning, But, perhaps, Barker has goner to Camp Meeting, and thus Foster will be per mitted to live a little while longer, and perhaps, when theyttomeet, time will have softened down Joe's anger, and he. will gut two or three men to hold him until our brotherof the types goes past. THE GRE.A.? MZNAGERIE will be in town to day,and be epee for exhibition this evening, at Broadhurst's istiOakon House, Penn street. Mlle al:um:sphere has been so cool for some days past,. that many weather-wise people are of opinion that there has been a heavy rain not far off, and that we soon have a rise in our Rivers. We hope so. VERY PARTICULAR.—The American or Yeatcrdati• made the following corrections of tine mistakes it ALengintitted in giving an account of the fight at Law tmarrille, on Saturday: 4 lta giving an account of the affray. near Lawrence ville, in yesterday's paper, in which Ryan lost his life, arcuated the name of the other man as Clow. We have since learned that it is Slaigh or Slough. They we bah Germans." Wrong again: "the name of the other man" wits neither Clow, Sleight nor Slough, but Sleigh, as printed iu the other city papers. Another great blon des'. of oureotemporary, is to say that they were both Germane—the name of the unfortunate Ryan is suffi cient to indicate the country of his fathers. ANOTHER STEAMBOAT Su:vit.—We learn from the Si. Louis Gazette , of the 14th inst, that the Steamer RsisicisolKennett, master, on her passage from Galena, swat on the chain of the lower Rapids, on the 12th inst. Entine saved; cargo and hull lost. A Laacz NEGRO.—The Louisville Advertiser thus &scribes a ner,ro that lately died in its torn. If true, it il■ itturprising, and if a hoax it is not without ingenti itr gins, yesterday morning, at the Exchange lintel, hefts. city, a negro boy, the property of A. H. Jordan. of Columbus, Mississippi. We visited him after he tons shrouded, in company with his master, from whom we received the following remarkable details concern log him: He was four years old in April last, and 4 feet i inch in height; he was born in Mississippi of poosnts in no respect remarkable for any deviation from the.ordinary size and temperament of their respective sexes—nothing unusual in person or mind, distinguish ed him, until he completed his first veer, when he began developing in a manner that excited the astonishment of ail who saw him. His hair grew with surprising rapidity over his entire body and face, giving him whiskers and beard, as luxuriant as an:adult. His bo- dyzassumed the muscular developement of athletic good, his strength enabling him at four years (Wage tolift 200 lbs dead weight, with ease His mind was clear and strikingly vigorous, and his character dis e:shel for integrity and generosity. We examin and were astonished at the symmetry and enormous strength cf his proportions. A Grenadier might have envied the fulness of his whiskers on cheek and chin, and a Demagogue consented to be honest with !it the ingenius expression of his countenance. His hands and feet were more taper and symmetrical than any of his race we ever saw. He fell a victim to pleurisy, and the eminent medical aid called in to his relief, were rally persuaded of the accuracy of Mr. Jordan's state ment of his a ge. SOCIAL KINDNESS. How sweet are the effects of kindness? How balmy the influence of that regard which dwells around our firesides! Distrust and doubt darken not tho bright ness of its purity; the cravings of interest and jealousy mar not the harmony of that scene. Parental kindness and filial affection blossom there, in all the freshness of an eternal spring. It matters not if the world is cold, . "ate am but turn to our dear circle, and ask and receive all that our own hearts claim. NOTICE TO FIREMEN The members of the Vigilant Fire Company, will as.,_ aalisble at the Engine House, at 9 o'clock, A. M. to attend the funeral of our late fellow-member, J. J. Marsh. By order, D. D. BRUCE, Sec'y igirThe members of the several Fire Companies • et*is and Allegheny city, are respectfully requested tomeet at the Washington Engine House,at 9i o'clock, S. M. aug. 23—It. DR. McLANE'S LIVER RILLS'. L4 eo* 4EREBY certify that I have known a number of who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pills, ' Uwe been much benefitted by them, and I believe theatte.be the best pills for liver compluints, and for giaeral use, of any pill now before the public. MICHAEL FORNEY. thereby certify that I have been afflicted for 6 years vrith a liver complaint; and have applied to different iiiiriMaiss, and all to little or no effect, until I made eseelDr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes &them I sae nearly restored to perfect health. SAMUEL DAVIS • • ,11011ersburgh, near Pittsburgh, August 16, 1843 rir For sale at the Drug Store of JONATHAN KIDD, „ancorner 4th and Wood streets, Pittsburgh MACKEREL. -20 bbb no. 3 mackarel, 10 half bble no. 2.d0 10 quarter bbls no 2 do, a prime aiartiele for family use, just received and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street. GRINDING and h P eti OLIS . EI L, ING I —Sad k I rons n o t t e er 3 , 11 , c s o o r. grinah* done at poond an dke P° C is ast S ' tee an l " File an line of Liberty and O'Hara scream auglB SUNDRIES. -50 boxes chocolate, 5 do cocoa, 3 do rice flour, 25 do ground pepper, 5 do Cayenne do., 36 cans ground mustard, A kegs do allspice, 5 do do ginger, Al cans do do., together with *my thing in the grocery line, all of which is offered at mtVentegy lim_prices, for cash. lE M II•MAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood stmt. ;==en. ~~~~ ytEDSESDAY,..443,. -22, 1843 .; . NO 61, DIAMOND ALLEY, • BETWEEN WOOD AND KARAM' STREETS T WOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens I of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va riety, form and description, and would solicit merchants and others to call and examine fur themselves, as I am determined to sell on the most accommodating terms fur cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m. P LACES WANTED fora number of school teach ers, book keepers and salesmen, warehouse men, a g ents, &c.; collectors, mechanics, coachmen, la borers,liostlers, lads in stores and to trades and about gentlemen's houses and manufactories—as well as in steam and canal boats for a number of boys. Also, for a number of seamstresses, chambermaids, dry and wet nurses, and forimall girls. All kinds of agencies attended to at moderate charges, on application at HARRIS' General Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 9, sth street. ADY'S BOOK and GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE! The September numbers of these splendid month lys received at the St. Clair street Agency and Litera ry Depst, opposite the Exchange. nog 422-4 t Lady Blesaingtoa's New NoveL 117 M. FOSTER has just received Lady Bles- V . sington's new novel, "Meredith." Also, the "Twins," by Frederika Bremer, to be had at the St. Clair street Agency and Literary Depot, opposite the Exchange. slug 22—& Arum MANLY, THE SKIPPER'S LAD.—A 1_ stirring tale of Boston, during the Stamp Act and Tea Party days; with' reminiscenses of Adams, Hancock, &c., received by NV. M. Foster, at his Agen cy and Literary Depot, St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange. Price 1f cents. aug-'22.-6t STACY LLOYD, JR Co-Partnership. STACY LLOYD, .jr., having associated with him Mr. A. G. REINER FtT, will continue the Gro cery and Produce Business, at his old stand, No. 140, Liberty street; Pittsburgh, under the style and firm of LLOYD & CO. L'ln addition to a general Grocery and Produce Business, the suscribers oiler their services to their friends and the public, for the sale of any articles de signed for this market. Also, fur receiving and for warding all kinds of merchandize, &c., to or from the west, and trust that the practical experience they have had in the above business in this city for some years past. will enable them to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor them with their custom. STACY LLOYD & CO., 140, Liberty st. aug 21-10 t Great Excitement 15 o hLADlave , rescueden GENTLEMEN ES and therom great of this city embar rassment of a miserable style of penmanship, by at tending J. J. Estee's writing institute, nod still there is an opportunity for all who have any desire to improve in this, the most useful of all arts, to follow in the foot steps of their predecessors, and like them, be justly ranked among the best penmen of the city. Mr. E., from his long experience and unparalleled success in teach ing the above art, is warranted in assuring all who fa vor him with their patronage, that they will more than realize their fondest aatieipations. His institute is re moved to Market street, between 3d and 4th sts., next door to Mr. Carter's Book Store, which is a most de lightful place for an institute Of the kind. Ladies and 1 Gentlemen, will you call and examine his large and splendid assortment of drawings, all of which are execu ted with the pen. Sure in its flight, though swift as Eagle's wings, command and the bold figure springs. Ho.has also a splendid assortment of specimens of his pupils' improvement, which cannot but convince the most fastidious of the utility of his system of penman ship. The Institute will be open for the reception of • his class (which are at present large and interesting,) at all hours during day and evening. For further par ticulars, inquire at his office, or lit Mrs. board. ing house, corner of Fourth and Liberty streets. N. B. The Lathes' Class will meet at o'clock, P.M. ang f2.2.-3t UST RECEIVED, a good assortment of all sizes of good window glass and Window sash; also, 500 cuts of yellow and purple 4 and 5 double eat-pet chain; n doz. large and small buckets and tubs; 20 reams writing and letter paper, for sale on accommodating terms, for cash or approved exchange. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant. SOLE LEATHER .- IJO sides sole leather just re ceived HAILMAN, JENNINGS & nog 0 43, Wood street MENAGERIE. THE PHILADELPHIA ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN, UNITED WITH, THE NEW YORK INSTITUTE, FOR THE.YEAR 1843, Under the Direction of Mr. H. Hopkins 4. Cn. The proprietors of this establishment would res pectfully inform the citizens of Pittsburgh, and its vi cinity, that the above named Exhibition will be open at Broadhurst's Mansion House, Pittsburgh, on Wed nesday, Thursday, Friday anti Saturday, August the 23d, 24th, 25th and 26th. Doors open on the 23d from 7i to 10. On the following days from 2to 5 and from 7i to 10 o'clock P. M. Admittance reduced to 25 cents; Children under 10 years half price. NOVEL SPECTACLE. The proprietors of the New York and Philadelphia Zoological Exhibition have, at great Cost and trouble, trained two prodigious Elephants, in harness, driving them in, tandem style, on the entrance of the Menagerie into the city, leading the Grand Cavalcade of horses, wagons, &C., after the same style as exhibited in the New York, Philadelphia and other principal cities to the great surprise and admiration 'of thousands. New and splendid Scenery, done in oil painting by one of the best artists in Philadelphia, decorates the sides of 20 wagons, all containing animals of different descriptions, affording one of the most rich and ani mating displays ever brought forth, all the designs be ing of the latest finish and most admirable fashion. To enliven this scene,►on entering the towni a high toned band will pour forth some of the most fashionable airs. The celebrated JOHN SCIIAFFER, the subduer of the savage denizens of the forest, will appear in a most magnificent series of scenes entitled "The dreadful doom of the Sultan's slave." Among a variety of thril ling situations, the following will be exhibited:—The outcast slave banished to the forest of Failtri, expiring from hunger and fatigue; when a fierce Brazilian Tiger dartslike lightning upon him from an upper cavern.,; The Eastern despot's most awful sentence !! For feited life spared on condition of training a wild lion to harness, which is accomplished, and the slave rides across the.read in an ancient car. Also, a variety of other beautiful and striking situa tions will be presented during the progress of the piece, to conclude with the most bold, grand and daring hu man display presented among a whole caravan of wild animals let loose at the same time: upon the Indian Slave, who will gradually subdue, and playfullybxhibit his remarkable skill in elegantly grouping the match less zoological exhibition. Forpaiticulars see large bins at the hotels aup 17, PWW John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION NIERCITT_, Corner of Wood and 51/i sti., Pittsburgh., I s ready to receive merchandize of every description on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MosnAvs and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening, at early gas light. aug 12—y Catalogue °Minable Theological and Mis* - AT Davis's Commercial Auction Rooms, corner Wood and sth sts., on Saturday evening next, August 26th, at 7a o'clock. Catalogues are now rea dy for delivery. Immediately after the catalogue, will be sold, in lots, an invoice of school books, stationary, writing paper, prints, &c. At 9 o'clock precisely, 1 splendid gold patent lever watch, made by Tobias, extra jewelled. aug 23-4 t J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. SALE OF BRIDGE AND OTHER STOCKS [RV ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS.) CIN WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of September, lJ!' 1343, will be offered at public mile, at Pittsburgh, the follo;ving Stocks owned by the State of Pennsylva nia, viz: No. of Shares. Companies. Par Value. 1600 Allegheny Bridge Cotnpany, $25 2000 Monongahela e„ .,.. " 25 600 Big Beaver " ! , 2 5 100 Conemaugh " 50 • 100 Loyalhanna " 25 171 Robbstown 30 300 Williamsport, Washington co., 50 2.500 Monongahala Navigation company, 50 2151 Bedford and Stoystown Tp. &aid company, 50 3823 Stoystown and Greensburgh ' " 50 1780 Greensburgh and Pittsburgh " 50 3437 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana " . 50 967 Pittsburgh and New Alexandria " 50 322 New Alexandria and Conemaugh " 50 947 Pittsburgh and Butler 25 882 Butler and Mercer " 25 320 Pittsburgh and Steubenville " 50 300 Robbstown and Mount Pleasant " 50 660 Mount Pleasant and Somerset " 50 672 Somerset and Bedford 14 50 360 Armstrong and Indiana 25 560 Indiana turd Ebensburg ,‘ 2a 329 Washington and Williamzport " 50 85.5 Do Pittsburgh " 50 200 Butler and Kittanning 41 25 240 Mourn Pleasant and Pittsburgh " 25 I 360 Somerset and Conemaugh 25 " 320 Do Cumberland 25 160 Ligonier and Johnstown /A 50 224 Armstrong and Clearfield 25 80 Browningtim, Harrisville, and Franklin 50 200 Butler an ti d Freeport 20 224 Pittsburgh Farmers &Mechanics'" 25 I 160 Bedford rand Hollidaysburgh " 50 1 160 Binniugham and Elizabethtown " 25 j 160 Luthersburch and Putecatawney " ' 25 300 French Creek Bridge company, 201 1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20 100 Erie and Waterford Turnpike Road company 50 560 Susquehanna and Waterford " 25 1010 Mercer and Meadville " 25 ' 100 Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and New Haven . " 100 200 Abington and Waterford ft 25 280 Warren and Ridgewmi ii 25 40 Warren and New York State line " 50 96 Titusville and Union 31ills 25 160 IVarren and Franklin " 25 80 Sugar Grove and Union " . 25 300 Bank of Pennsylvania, • 4OO ' 300 Columbia Bank rind Bridge company, 100 1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100 • Purchasers will be required to pay for the Stocks, at i the time or immediately after the sale, in cortificatea ifra slued by the Auditor Generid, in pursuance of the Itmo lotion of 7th April, 1342, notes issued by the Banks of this Commonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1341, specie, in the notes of specie paying banks. The trans fer of Stock will be made in a reasonable time after/ sale. JAMES CLARKE.. EVANS ROGERS, JOB MANN, Commissioners for sale of Slate Stocks. wig, I— t' JOHN D. DAVIS, Aucfr, A. G. REINHART - Western University ef Pennsylvania. t HE next term of this Institution will begin on Mon- I Slay the 4th of September, at 9 o'clock A. M.— Application for admission may be made to the Princi pal, the Rev. HEM. DYER, 15. D., after the 2lst inst., at his morn in the University, from 9 to 11, A. M. The exercises of the LAW SCHOOL will commence on the same day at 3 o'clock, I'. M. Application for admis3ion into which, to be made to the PMfessor of Lary, 11 At.TE tt 11. LOWRIE, Esq., at his office in Ath st. On the eveninc, of the day at 7 o'clock, in the Hall of the University, an ADDRESS will be delivered before die Trmitees, the Faculty and the Students, by Professo r Lowrie, which the citizens generally are in vited to attend. A. L. PENTLAND, nub 11—ed Secretary of the Board of Trustees. D v s ti c h: N t t Y „ , mo D re if.i s r c tr e : ;It B rit o trd wei ll Compr e i s n ‘ l . s r , up, is now considered to be the beat medicine for tin) above dkeases, that h;o ever appeared to the public.— Read the following: "Essex, Connecticut, Oct. 15, 1041. "We, the undersigned, having had occasion the sea son past, to make a trial of "Whittemore's Concentra ted Vegetable Syrup;" in cases of Diarrha'a, or Bowel complaint, either on ourselves, or our families, and in even• case it having proved abundantly successful, we do cheerbilly recommend it as a most valuable medi cine for the complaints for which it stands pledged. And we do not hesitate to say, that it needs only to be tried, to convince the most incredulous of its intrinsic worth. [Signed by 17 citizens.] Lot everyone that may be afflicted, try and judge for themselves. The genuine to be had only at Tittle's, 8G Fourth street, where all the valnable Potent Med icines may always be obtained, and warranted genu ine. aug. 18. A Safe Investment. lIE subscriber offers to sell ground rents m the city of Pittsburgh. The lots are all handsomely improved, and it is believed a safer invest ment cannot be found. Particulars may he learned on application to me personally, or through the Post Of fice. HILARY BRUNOT, corner Liberty and O'Hara streets. wig 13-tf ALADY who is capable of taking charge of a household, is desirou.4 of obtaining a situation as housekeeper in a private family, or as superintendent in a respectable hotel. She would have no objection to leave the city if desired to do so. For further infor mation inquire at this oflice. • aug 21—tf -25 half chests young hyson, 30 boxes (13 lbs) do 20 6 16 boxes gunpowder, 20 " " imperial, just received and HAILAIAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street. or gale by aug 9 T OBACCO.-10 boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco, 25 do Russell & Robinson., do 5 do Hare's do 10 do assorted sizes and brands, just received and fcr sale by lIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street LOAF SUGAR.-10 boxes loaf sugar, ‘ just received and for sale by C OFFEE.-300 bags Rio coffee, 50 Laguyra do 50 " St. Domingo do 50 " Havanna do Now receiving, and for sale low for cash, by • HAMMAN, JENNINGS &. CO., aug 9 43, Wood street. ceLlaneoun Books at Auction. HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street Prothonotary. I respectfully offer myself a c.mrlitlate for the office of Proatottotary of Allegheny county, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, which meets on the 30th August next. Allegheny city, Prothonotary. I respectfully- offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic Convention. WM. G. HAWKINS. Wilkins township, june 27—tc. Prothonotary. To tke voters of Allegheny county:—l respect fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate (independent of patties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sonally known will please examine into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your choice. ALEX. ➢TILLER. of Pittsburg. may 10—a' Prothonotary. Clear the course for the Volunteers. WILLIAM B. FOSTER, Elul., of Allegheny city will he a candidate for the otfic-. of Prothonotary of Al legheny county, at the October election. jnne 4. FOR THE POST. M ANT citizens of Allegheny city recommend Dr. J. C. M'CULLY as a suitable person to fill the office of Prothonotary. july 12. riffalty. T respectfully pre present m he yseif to the citizens of Alle gheny county, as a candiclatefor the Sheriffaity,snh ject to the action of the Democratic convention, which meets on the 30th of August no, t. juno 9—d&wte. ELIJAH TIIOVILLO, To Me o the Electors of Allegheny County: Fellow Citizens---I offer myself to your considera tion, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff; subject to the nomination of tho Democratic Convention, and shall * thankful for your support. aug. 10—tc. Cll A MBERS MeKIBBEN. Fon THE. POST. MANY Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Ur. JO SEPH CURRY as a auitable person to fill a 84 , at in the Assembly, the ensuing session. .july 11, 1843. Assembly. A number of the Democrats of Mifflin township have concluded to present the name of SAMUEL COCHRAN, Esq., of that township, for the considera tion of the Convention which meets on ,the 30th inst., for a nomination for the Legislature. Mr C. is a well known and a well tried democrat, and his neighbors confidently present his claims. ;nip' 7—t Assb. We are authorised to an no un ce JOHN BROWN Esq., of Pine township, as a candidate for A:setolih• subject to the nomination of the Democratic Comeii thin. 9.9—te Assembly. re We are authorized to announce H. A. BA US MAN, of Birmingham, as u candidate for As,:ernbly, subject to the decision of the democratic convention. aug 14..-4tx , Assembly. JAME.S WHITASEIt, Esq., ot Mifflin Township, is a candidate for Assembly-, subject to the action of the De mocratic Convention. Mr. Whitaker is recommended by his friends and neighbors as a uniform, unswerving and devoted democrat, who has never faltered in his support of the men and measures of the party. rug 17—tc MIFFLIN. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Messrs.. Editors: Please announce Major Jamts C. lirrcatta, of Robinson township, a a candidate for the office of County Cornmiaaioner, at the ensuing elec tion, subject to the decision of the County Convention, and obli-Aw M MIT DEMOCRATS. not 14-stc thotudy Clionunissioser. We are authorized to announce ALEXANDER I' HI L Lir& jr, of Robinson, as a candidate for County C.nnmiastoner, subject to the decision of the democrat ic smuts convention. aug 7—tc County Commissioner. s ns. Eniro n ast—Please announce the name of Geol. JOHN M. DAVIS, of Peebles, for County Com missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county Convention, to be held in August next. MAxy DXIIIOC R !ITS. County Commissioner. Messrs. Editors: Ai the general opinion appears to prevail that inasmuch as there are already two of the County Commissioners from the country, it is but a matter of right and justice that the city or its imme diate neighborhood should have the third candidate-- We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people of Allegheny county, JAMES C. CV3IMINS, Esq., of the city district, for County Commiisioner, at the ensuing fall election. MANY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. County Commissioner. We aro authorized to announce Jllll7i CALFIOUN, Emi., of Klizalx•th, as a candidate for County Commis sioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic Con vention. aug 16—tc County Commissioner. AT the solicitation of a number of friends of all political parties, I respectfully offer myself to the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not be mistinderstooth either as to political or private affairs, I make free to say that . I have been all my life a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan cial affairs ' and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation of large majori ties of the people, the undersigned would not should he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any mariner at tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach the office of County Commissioner. apr G. SAMUEL HURLEY. Commissioner. Wa am authorizNl to announce Mr. JAMES H. ROBB, of Upper St. Clair township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention. aug 3—tc COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to state that JAMES AN DERSON, of the city, will be a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to tho decision of the Demo cratic Convention. aug County Treasurer. - - Messrs. Editors: Please announce the name of ALEXANDER NrCLuar., of Mifflin Totrnship, as a candidate for nomination by the Democratic Conven tion. for the office of County Treasurer. Mr. 'APClure is an old and tried Democrat, of the Jefferson school, whose character and capacity for bu .ainess would be a guarantee that the duties of the office would be discharged in a manner satisfactory to the People. OHIO TOWNSHIP. aug 14—tc COUNTY TREASURER. JACOB TOM ER, Esq. of Pitt township, well known to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a staunch, uniform Republican of the Jackson school, will be a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. aug 9,--tc. AN OLD DEMOCRAT. COUNTY TREASURER At the solicitation of many radical democrats, Mr. SAMUEL McKEE, of Birmingham, has consented to become a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the docision of the Dnmocratic County Con vention. Of Mr. McKee it may be truly said, to be known is to be popular. Many Frinds of Unauuming Worth. Coroner. • Messrs. Editors: Please announce Lewis Wey man, of Allegheny city, as a candidate for Coroner, subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. aug 17—tc MANY DKNOCRALTS. Coroner. X respectfully offer myself to the citizens of Allegbe ntcoanty. for the office of Coroner, subject to the de cuocra orthe Democratic Convention. jy 18—tc. . DAVID HARTZ. GEO. R. RIDDLE may 31—tc d&w. pgrefoly.44c4art w. =i44.o.. , . "0 16 WF1 136 " 4 " It AITS: to the-I"llll4Cou.scrtit'onbleoesisillaithiAcconetplairathPckkik burgit,Allegbeny and vicinity. 4 - Having been engaged is this bUlinelif "Ile aillp« and given entire satisfaction to thole wbo deied him, be respectfully solicits those having aseannta collect to give him a trial, Physicians and milers Who cannot' Patle their professional business to collect their biweilims_ would find it to their advantage to give bins a Respectable references can be gi ntsdrith atß rask security will be given for the faithful return tar vies collected, . He can be found at Mr CPcorgs Arettnett, 116s:his* Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and t'=itssiret, entrance on 9th at. daily from ft till lb 0' ' Any orders left there during his absence, will be aunt ed to, or by letter through the Post Office. • Terms, 5 pr cent commission. jy 31-4:11m, SAML. OELSTOIt 701 tot FOST. T take the liberty of offering *self u & candidate for the office of Coroner, to my democratie. fellow citi zens of Allegheny county, subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst. aug 9—tc . ROBERT WCRESNEY. Cosutty auditor• Messrs. Erlitors:—Pleuse announce the name of JOHN W. M'CLELLAND, of Franklin township, as a suitable candidate for County Auditor at the coming election, subject to the decision of the County Conven tion. 11 - . M'CLELLAan is a Democrat of the warm est and purest kind, and will be' warmly supported by MANY DE.MOCRATS. Aug. 7. '43—tc. 1843. ME= STAN DART, INGRAH.AM & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, CLEVELAND, OHIO. • A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshing-ton, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie & Eitiwortli, No. 9, Comities Slip, N. Y R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843—1 v. Beaver and Warren:Packet. THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Sbawonaster, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; ronnertino- with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, , J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. 7:14e1r2 1 S 43. kilt REDUCED —U S. MAIL LIVE OF STAGES AND RAIL ROAD CU?. 1, from Pitt 'burgh, via Bed ford, Chamberiburg, Harrisburg- and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train ofcari to &c. Only 150 miles stagging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leases daih• at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood it. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAIJGH 3., Co., ; feb 23, 1.843-13 Proprietors. The Great Central Bout, Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company. ' rac'' . • t • - 7 - Zll • I.....araiin • •- 1 NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WA3MINGTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW yoRK. THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. ML, via Washington Pa. and national mad to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail mad Co ' s to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and di-tinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the .Monong^ahela House. L. W. STOCKTON, feb 3—d tf. President of N, R. Stage Co. Regular Packets, for Cincinnati. baits Mat The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter, Collins,' Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO., may '2O Agents. To Let, ft F OR a term of years, my house, store room and work shop, on 2d street, opposite Jas. Park, jr., &Co The shop is brick, 19 feet wide, by 30 10ng,3 stories high. T have in it a small steam en gine, about 5 horse power, which I will also rent, if desired. For further particulars enquire of me,'on the premises. ORRIN NEWTON. arlsr, 4—tf For Rent f e l GROVE HILL, Hart, deceased. ihe The place residence "i I t. is well stocked withchoice fruit trees, - vines, &c. Also, a convenient tenement lately occupied by R. I. Langhorne. . Possession will be given on the first of October next For terms apply to GEO. COCHRAN, Ex'r. aug, To Rent D LEASANT rooms and good steam power, at the 1 cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises. july 16. Public Sale of Valuable Lands. PiiitsuANT to tt deeretal order of the Circuit Su l. perior Court of Law and Chancery, for Mason county, pronounced the 19th day of April,lB43, in the cause. depending. therein of Henry Strider s Pit., a gainst James W. Barkcnridge and others. Deets the undersigned special commissioner, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house in Mason county, on the 16th day or s,ptembrr, 1843, (being the first day of the Cir Sup'r Court of said county,) that well known body of land commonly cal led "Graham's Station," lying iu Mason county, Va., on the Ohio river, containing by survey four thousand one hundred and twenty-three times, in two adjoining parcels, a large proportion of which is river bottom land. The above lands previous to the day of sale will be laid off by the surveyor of the county in lots of con yenient size for farms,aud plats furnished, and so many thereof will be sold as may he necessary to produce the sum of money required by said decreed order.— The sales will be made on a credit of nine months fur one-third part of thepurchase money, ofty,:elve month s for another third part, and of eighteen months for the residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving bonds with good security for the payment of the ditThrent instru ments, hearing interest from the day of sale, the legal title to be retained as further security for the payment of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk of the purchaser or purchaser failing to make punctu al payments. GEO. W. STRIBLING, Special Com'r. Point Pleasant, Va., June 26,1843. Liy6--!2m Building Lots in Birmingham. ° LOTS, suitable for building, most eligibly sit tned, and within two minutes' walk of the steam ferry boat landin,T, will be sold at prices to suit the times. The terms of payment will be made cam, either for cash or such barter as cm be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Paterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. June 1. JAS. 'PATTERSON, jr. Lots for Sale AALots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lot. , no:. 41,42,52,53,54. 181. 182, andlB4, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes' Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26,and 27, in Cook's planof Lots on High street, near the new Court Jjouse. For terms apply to Z. W. REM LNGTON aep 1 0 I ce ! lug lug ANY quantity of clean, &straw AllegtmaY Ice be had at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner of and Grant streets. jely /3-4 Freeman's Piro Brick tbr Sl* - .UST received, 5000 Frwman's best Fire which will hereafter be kept constantly as= and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 No. 60 Waterla Dissolution of Partnership' T HE late firm of T. & A. Nesmith & co. shoe and leather dealers and owners, is dissolved Ibis day by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Alftei Nesmith, whose interest in said firm his helm "lei and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.; sal Thanes Nesmith, sr. and Thomas Nesmith jr,, have formed I copartnership, under the firm of THosus Rulers at Sos, who are duly authorised to settle thelminemput the late firm, and to use the name of the late fintli 44, ' - that purpose. THOMAS NESMItti, SitAl ALFRED NrSMITH, THOMAS NEsherti, July 19, 1843. july 22-1114 SAMUEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sib* Iron Ware, No, 17, Fifth street, between Mod cat? Matkei t , , Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment tlf tsar* and solicits a share of public patronage. Alstionhsst4 the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, grains*, skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, die. Mots chants and others are invited to call and examine fat themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap far casket approved paper. mar 7-41 John Cartwright, CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufsetutist, corner of 6th and Liberty streets, Pittsbur g, , Pa. N. IL—Always on hand an extensive assortment al' Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, 'rano?* Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Parent Shears, Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &t. je 24. Cleim be ri n and Sheet Iron Wire riIHE su • r respectfully informs his trio ads and former patrons, that he has retnovtd Walls lishment from No. 61, Liberty, to No. Third it ., nearly opposite the Post Office, where he continues W carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business, in all its various branches, He respectfully_ solicits a continuance of the patronage so liberally ettended Its him heretofore, and pledges himself that nopains shun be spared on his part to merit the same. Consts on hand, Manufactured Ware, of all kinds, all oriirhich will be sold low for cash. Spouting, ittoonada to at' , der at short notice. aug 4-1 m Landsat!Os Garden Seeds. A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds a .eer ni hand and for sale, at his tigtnoy the Druii l ;tore k, L. s wb€N, sep 10 184, Liberty sr: , head - of Wooti. Peach Trees. THE subscriber has just received from the Nur. =sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philo&Wily a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to vihiatt would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN', maw 8. No. 184 Liberty st. herd of Wood Pound, ABOUT the last week in June, in a Mad Id= in Liberty street, a Note of hand, c ons' soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. Meows, er can have it by identifying it, and paying expluamp, July 3l.—tcf. Removal. D CAWFIELD has removed hi, marble lishment to Wood at. opposite Faimestock's Drug Store, where be will keep etmstantly am hand Tomb Stones, Monument etc. ap Dr. Dechter's Pulmonary Preassewativg, F OR coughs, colds, influenzas, catarrhs, whooping cough, spitting of blood, pain in the bress4Htli diseases of the breast and lungs, andarrestorapprosels• ing consumption. Warranted free from mercury and other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., jy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh. LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 4 IS t ACorner of Wood and Third streels,Pittahire Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank nixes, boo& and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sok. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. REFERENCES Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenzo, J: Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. John H Brown &Co. James M'Candless, J. IL ArDonald, W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres% Bank D ORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, p., 1 rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Buries &EP ding. J. Osborne would solicit a call from those *be desire Portrait-3k Spcimens can be seen at his /some, may 5. • Proposals for Chain Iron. NAVY AGENT'S OPTICS, Washington, July2B, 1843 i DROPOSALS will be received at this Office toSIJI _L 3 o'clock, on the first day of September tttuttlibi l to deliver at the Navy Yard in this cup the followitqr Chain Iron, for eighteen Chain Cables, 1/-18 inches in diameter, each 130 fathoms long-, constitutin thelSk lowingbill of Iron, viz: : 35,100 links 1 11-16 inches in diameter--20 •- long. 450 links 1 13-16 inches in diameter-2 1041" long. 20 feet 3i inch by 21 Oval pin Iron , 90 do 2i do 2 do dm 70 Swivel, 193 Shackle, and 18 boa pieces: Specifications of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pitted and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at thisof lice; all of the above Iron must be the very best Ate. ican, and undergo such Commandant under the ineteliseditats and inspection. as the Commandant of the turd thar subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to Government, and in as short a time after the Contact is made as is possible, which time will be Ilesii'peted in the contract. Bonds with good and sufficient sureties in douttiatimo amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, tiFthgt Contract is completed. aug. 8. WM. B. SCOTT, Navy Agent. For Sale. TOTB on tho North East corner of Coal Lane in? High street. Apply to BENJAMIN DARLINGTO . , Market S l 24 4 l .4l gef‘t k Plain and • • •• • re Prime litrOteriircr, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Piet • C ANVASS brushes, varnish, &c., for artists, idwalis on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., prtsapafssi , med CO order. Repairing done at the slaortestrxwirre. Particular attention paid to regilding sadjobling'cif every description. Persons W.ftg !ter:oboists or houses will ind ft-to heir advantage to call. fop Lei - '"~'-.~ -.. _-.. ~.F: It. M. DAWSON Pituiburgh, Pa. Philadelphia, Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis, Ido. y. Louisvilk,