EZEZ=I TO 1111ACION1ITS, SNGIMM-1), AND OWNERS Or DDLIMINNRa. BABBIT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL'.—This . excellent invention for the reduction of friction in machinery has at length been introduced in our city.— It consists of a lined box, suitable for all revolving and sliding motions in the various kinds of machinery,where great weight or speed are applied; these b reduce friction in a remarkable degree, requiring b oxe s te oil, and are warranted entirely free from the objections found with those now in use. These lined boxes , have been introduced in many of the Eastern Rail Roads, and in various manufacturing establishments in that section of country, to which the limits of an advertisement will not allow us to refer,and nearly thirty wellknownsuperintendents,engineers,ma chinists and enoine builders in the cast certify that, "in the use of these boxes, friction is reduced in a remark able degree; oil is required only in small quantities, and the wear is hardly perceptible, dering a period in which 1 a hard metal box of the same thickness would be worn out; journals running in these boxes attain a smoother surface than they have seen on those which have been run in any other box." They also certify "that the pa- tentee of this improvement has received the highest a ward of the /Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic's Asso ciation, for specimens of these boxes, (some of which --------------- had been run on the crank of aloetonotive engine more A SSIGNEE SALE.—WiII be sold, withoutreserve,ithan tiarty.thouland milo,) at the fair of the Institu for cash, par m o n ey, on Monday morning, the tion, held in Boston in September and October,lB4l." 21st inst. at 10 o'clock, at Davis' Commercial Auction I The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, also awarded Rooms, corner of Wood and sth OS. I 'Mr. Babbitt the premium for the improvement in boy -30 pieces blue. black, brown and invisible green cloths, torn nder the Scott Legacy, which confines such awards 55 " do do and cadet mixed sattinetts, ew and useful improvements. 35' " red and white flannels, . The Committee on naval affairs reported strongly in 45 °' bed ticking: of various qualities, ' its favor, inconsequence of which the right to use it was 150 doz. cottenhandkerchiefi of various descriptions, i purchased by the Government for $20,000. The corn -17 " woolen and cotton shawls, I mittee referto, and make a part of their reportthe let -10 pieces indigo blue checks, i tors of S. V. Merrick, J. Erricson, George C. Read. C. 121 " calicoesof various descriptions,i W. Copeland, COM. L. Warrington, Hen. A. P. Up -38 doz. white and colored hose, i shur, and Charles Howard, recommending the inven -23 " pairs suspenders, assorted, I don. 330 " spool cottonomrious colors, 1 Mr. S. V. Merrick states that the metal having been 125 gross gilt coat and vest buttons, ' long enough in use to test its merits fully, he has no 30 pieces cotton drilling, various kinds, ' hesitation in saying that it is one of the most valuable 14 " dark mixed and blue Kentucky' jeans, improvements that has come to In aortantice. The effects 1 case summer coats produced are: a groat diminution rictiom a saving Together with a quantity of bleached and unbleached in oil—one half or more: a n economy in the original mitslins, and a variety of other seasonable Dry Goods. constt fiction, the brasses being much lighter, a s aying Also. 32 cases Boot. and Shoes, assorted. - ;in repair, the mend lasting longer and being replaced at And of 2 o'clock, P. M., for Cash, currency, , a less cost: and a saving in furl, c onsetownt upon di- A q uantity of I lousehold Furniture, Shelf Goods, ndnished friction." Wrapping Paper, Window Glass, Glassware, Cord- , The metal has also been hero:duce:l with great ad age, and miscellaneous articles. ' vantae, in linino carriage and wagon boxes, for which JOHN D. DAVIS, o' i s well adapted. Auctioneer. 1 It is also, amongst many others, strongly ref:omit:en • - - ' ded by Mr. Charles Howani, President o - f the Bald rr HEATRIC A L DRESSES AT AUCTION. — At more anti Susquehanna Railroad Company, who pur l.; , t„ l ,'" C"ll'n"Tehil Aut. l) " "I' millet of \V purl coased the }\ forth , : road,a. distance of seventx Mil, ana t itto streets., on Motmay next, August 21st, at 2 for p 1,050. .. ‘1 ,.. Howard gis „, the artick , t h e 'fa,,„._ o'clock in the Afternoon, will he sold withont reserve iii, ,. 4 . rec .,„ nme „d ni i„, the contents "f four Trunks, containing a lot of Theat- ~T 1 , prier in teas t onNue•tel . a hail nor, or II i cal Dresses, &e. .i. 1). DAVIS, p,u•ati•. el y limited extent to which the Company resold nue, _ __ ---17-ts Auctioneer._ ; have an o pportunity °Cloaking u. , ... of the patent right; -. _ _ 32 Cases Boots and ShoeS at Auction. hut we were satisfied that it was for our interest to ii- A T the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner Wood vail ourselves of the invitation. I can now say, that, and sth streets:, on Mondav next, Angnst 214, ' having better tested its value by a more extensive ap at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. will be sold, without re- ' plication of it, 1 think dint the company would be very serve, in lots to suit purchasers, the best: lot of Beets unwise t,' reln nmish their right to Ui't it fw a unielt hiele and Shoes offered at auction, in this city. fin seyeral er con:idera t ion than that which vas given for it; and I years, received direct from the manufacturers. They have no doubt, that if such a proposition were t:' be ______._----------_ are now ready for exatnimuion: ; made to the Company. it would. without hesitation, be Como .. itto- in port ; declined. F IRE.—The members of the Allegheny Fire Com- /lea's - f l u"; st-e'ved.c‘aliand seal bent;. The groat m Tit. , .(f the invontion are, that it prevents Pally , who are now in possession of fire hats he- ' D,, h oo ey .0-s o d, seal, calf d kipl • an soots. • . die tontine, and c oose l so•nt cettioe. sal destruction longing to the Company, are requested to leave them p , ‘ di ; P ' - , (10 hrti,"lll,, of Ihe hcor.,, e s, which are so 10111101,111. 1111 the Stearn •witAtthe undersigned for the purpose of having them , Do‘ c s• • .ow sewed calf and seal munroes. ; engitos; std on the p,rfeetion I,f Wiliehflerend` lh , mal rispuinted,after which they will be no urned to their re- ; W tnnen's kip, seal and calf :dwes and gaiters. ' l '' of the en gin. ;ss Idle, to the stem time, there i, a epeetir ow ners. W. C. MEREDITH, nog- -19. Cli'm. of Corn. on 'Uniform• l' Do kid, "oat and calf s hort - , (very - tine). very great savin.4 of oil, tbe expenditure firrms a m ate.. • Men's "cal and calf slipper,. vi d item in th • coo of a orldng a laree engine. In the ------ ' Boys' brogans and m unroes, &c. - locomotive...if tie- co:op...ay. I find th.. sas int; to be fill- Term:at sale. JOIIN D. 1) \NIS, h v one h•ilf of dr. ,printity Ns l i b•li ss a ., req,,ired before nag 15-Gt Auctioneer. Mr. Babbitt% i.ivention was applied to them. Some --- -------------------'-'-=-'=-''' '''''' af these 10-om.itives having run .(ev-i-al thou.,ind miles Western University of Pennsylvania. i i .,,,, ,d,, to t h at t hi s i„,..,.„th.,, ma k,.., t h,. ai , tc hi a ,,,, ‘ , P.HOE PEGS.-47 bushels best fluidity shoo pCgS, f r ", n","er""fo th i” I"',6"i""nwillt,"'2,`",`"l,N'"`- ot,-1, t 0,,, ,, ,i,,,,,b! ,, , ~ , that while tit- ,tY•Ttive pow.: aav the 4th of zrepteinoer. at ;" o.elflCh A. .11. -- r ,, -• • . 11. - ,• . •a . ••I li LI :,iliStretei‘el's, togther with eVeln,' de3ol'itftion of .•- . ~ . . .. • o ale 111.1111111, 1. , 11,t'l 'l , •. ,tae f f , t 11 C • 0.111 I , shoe findings, bv ictil7s; VI. 'BLAIR, hat Application for admission may be made to toe 1 1 'la 1- • •. trool-owl. aub , l6-1w - I°o, Woo •1 street .he Rev. II rot ....DYER.. D. D., after the 21 st inst., 7 -- - 7,7 1 - 1, e,,111, ,,, 1tl ~, all lfit`fl I' l 111 , f TUT, Le- i u.,....1 ' at his roma in the 1 niver..itv, from 9to 11, A. M. i tbis • i;•imo. tis• if i,,}»» r 1-‘1•11.0110‘110 ',ler to the R. McLANE'S WORAI SPECIFIC.--atEln The ,•,-,, , rei, , , , t ~t. thv LIW SCIIOOI, will Cf1111111‘:•110 f ` u,,..i,,.z ~„ii,,,,,„ „, ;, it_,,,, rit ~ , if ; BE CONN' INCED.—Mr. J. old—Nit. I " the ' un ' 11 'Y at :3 '''' l " ; ' l '• P- ) 1 . '-\ PP"catinn ''''. ‘v m. I, ~N. t,fthe M:11 .11.voli, Stiorl , k I• .. I ce ll to buy another vial of Dr. MrLanes Wm- or a dmis-don into whisdi, to he nri,d• to the Professer ef 1:1 ,, v. . ~ I , Ni;.) . ... _ o • ,- , , ; , no .N, t.11:_71101•1" 01 1:I. SWUM io I.ti Sisteii*, and let you k moo the surpritnug effloos of the 1.•:,,-, WALT ER 11. I.; to - et E.1:,1., ;II I;is office it, 4th ~t. '' . w ,._ z I s,, i , it. viral purchased a few days ago. MY child had been On the eeeniog of Ow .same day at 7 .1;-4..c.:, in the j,i-s. , ~, iit i I AM!: -DIN, t l'Al- 4 itieei , of the , rennin t o t4f Woe time, and I was a dvised by my neighleir , Ilan of the University, as AttllllE'f, Willi , ' fI,AiVOT-0,1 .1,,.. t.:rti T ~ i ,„. . -----------__ s 8,,,,,,,t,•. t tt'Dr., McLane's Worm STK-Jew; I botulit a Nial. het:ol - 1. • the Trit:tee4, the 'v . :amity and ill •St .1(1.11t -,. by r ...,?.• Ti,, , 1 ,,,,,,, ~..,I c;; , 1 ,,,,,. it i, ;: , ~,,, 1 ., ~,,,,.},„d County Commissioner. , . an& gave only a half teaspoonful. The c is p.,„,,..d Profe,, , ,,c LowrW, which the citizens g ; an•rall v Are 11/ - & ia5,,,,,„.d it th,. !3 II ;,.,,i'firas,,, voaa d o , ' ,,t AN ,,,,,. .. 1 1 , ~r s. F,ii:ors: As the gen: ra, opthogi appear , t 8 worms; Irepeatedtbe msolidoe initil 63 NV01111: l'illllo Vited 10 it111`11‘).. A. L. PENTLAND, te pros ail that ina-111 , 1'11 a. tiler, are alre,nly trio of I r 1.1 k, N, com.r of 211.1 -ti. et and Cluillell: , 1. , :lno. from the child. Before this I could not credit the c ur- , t ang 11--t'd S'.oll`lllry 0f the Board of Timms es. , ~,,.:, q _ .„.„,.. the t'omo. (.0ninii,..i.,:,e1,, fl out the C01111117,.i1. 14 but tifigatef 3 on the wrappers round the vial; IIUV: I fully be- =-------------------- __— - __ --___----_------- a matter of in•bt null ;;,;.! we that the city of 114 imme live them. My child•is quite recovered. Penn Insurance Company. s ‘1,1 . , 01. . Biumip, AND "/ HER swci cs , ,lime neichbo,beod ,hou!1 ir..., the t I llirs1:-anslidate T 'LOMAS IURN ET , T HE.: :nb:rriher.. , . to I lo• Stock ef ilia Comp:thy are W. t eefor, he:: if•aVi, 10 I,•.•ffelillelttl 10 WO 11e0pfl • of [l,, "111'.1.11 ffl . rots. , 0 mmisstoot.esi A. 14.12, 1343. SaWmill run, near Pittsbor 'll - are horeby notified, that pursuant t a resolution ' Alleglwar county, JAMI's C. CUMMINS, Esq., of the Agr For sale oldie Drug Sum! of 'of the Director,', a s econd instalment .ff Seven end i'AN W lION ES I) AY, the tolt day "C S'l' l ' . " ll '"' city dist r'ict. for CitIPII, COlllllll-ofifelf•t, at the o f one half Dollars on each share 511hSerihea for wider N.-/ I!: 13. ss dl lu• otreled at public -(ale• ((i ri ll-b "": h • fall electioa. ~ JON AT nix vrm,M.,. V DEM ,, CRATIC VOTERS. illaglsre calmer lth and W 0 al sts., Pittsburgh. 'li tots Ste .' ; ; •ss o • ~f l'emeolva- _ I , lle C. f ni:_sioners, i: r;.lnired to be p a id in at the of- the to oe . ~, 00.11. fl I the ..t.o. ~ t --- - - - ° [Me of the Company, t conier of Market and Third ,11 ' , . 'if.: County Commissioner. FALSEHEIR AND FOREST DAYS.—A few streeta) on Tuesday. tlw 22.1 day of :August, inst. , No. of S hart-, Coarranir, p ar t• a b, r ol We are znithoriLed h, annou. we JoilN C 1 / 4 1.110UN, copies of those popular works, by James, just re- r''`'..a! PUBLIC NOTICE is also givCII that the 100 0 Alleeiwny Bridge Comp:my, o;), - ) Eo l ., of Elizabeth, a: a can(lidate for County C.:nimbl e:diva flits St. Clair street Literary Depot, opposite Books of the Penn Insurance Company' will be opened "2000 Monongaln•la " 05 sioner, subject to the deci4ion of the D e mocratic Con ' <., xchange. Price 12A. aug 15-6 t at 9 o'clock, A. M., at the. office of the Comp.tny tin ' 000 Big Braver n -25 ontion. tug 16-tc ___—____—___------------- ' -- • 1 thy: 2°d Aileitst, inst., to receive further subscriptions , 100 Comma; igh „ O 0 to its capital .(tock, on which an instalment of twelve i 10 0 Lovalhanna .-.‘ ~. _.) County Commissioner. A T the solicitation of a number of friends of all R ed o ne half dollars per share will be required at the 17 1 11"bbstos , a 50 /X. political parties, I respectfullv offer myself to time of subscribing. By order of the Directors. :300 Williamsport. Washinetm cry., rio the consideration .if my fellow-citiTens for the office of Rog 11-td .10SI All KING, PreSiiieut, 2500 M”ate,;.:;ill;da NavigUlliM COMpRIM, ,0 Counts Commissioner. That my sentiments mks not ----------- 2151 8.a11.,rd and Si,St. wst own Ty. Ittroi COMIMIIV, 50 be misunderstood, either as to political or private 3823 Sowstown and Greensburgh 17110 Greensbnigh dud Pittsbureh " - . : . 5 , 0 0 affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life a consistent 'Republican, in the true sense of the word. 3.137 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana " 50 As the 2;ountry is somewhat em barraowd in its tinan -967 Pittsburgh and New Alexandria " 50 '.. chi' atiairv, and the reduction of salaries of public 3:22 New Alexandria and C o mm:nigh" ' ill ollieer.. ha: received the approbin nil large reajori ., . , , 947 Pitt -burgh told lintlet _. tie: of the people, the undersiensol wd not should I(Ct2 Both•r and Mercer ti -') he be so fortunate its to he elected, in any manner to- 320 Pittsburgh mid Steubensille .. 50 - ~ . 1 ',. 10 toti.pt to resist tars samtary reform; should it reach 300 R01,1,,0wn and Mount Pb n-ant " - ti e office of Conroy Commissioner. 660 Mount Pleasant and Somerset " 50 apr li. S \ MI-EL HUBLEY. 672 Somerset and Bedford 50 _ —_—___.— ; ---- 360 Armstrong and Indiana 41 o 5 Cominissioner. 300 Indiana and Ebensburg o a W . e arc authorized to announce Mr. J AMES H. _.: 329 Washing - I , m anti Williamsport " 50 11l )1111, 111 Upper St. Clair township, a s a candidate 855 Do Pittsburgh 50 for County Commissioner, sobject 'to the action of the 200 Butler and Kii tinning 25 Dernoe rade Convent iorr. aug 3tc ------ --------- 240 Mount Pleasant end Pittsburgh " 25 COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 360 Somerset anti Comm:melt 5 o ''"'- Messrs. Editors: Please a nnounce Major JAMES 320 Do Cumberland ff 25 C. RITCHIE, of Robinson township, as a candidate for 160 Ligonier and Johnstown .1 5° the office of County C om missi•iner, at the ensuing elec -224 Armstrong and Clearfield 25 • , lion, subject to the decision or the County Convention, 80 Browning-ton, Harrisville, and and obl i ge 20 aug 1-c MANY DEMOCRATS. 13 Fiunklitt 4/ 50 lt 200 - Butler and Freeport , 22 Pittsburgh Farmers &Mechanics"' 25 CoUNTY COMNIISS'IONER. 1000 Bedford and Holliciaysburgh " 50 li - e We are authorized to state that JAMES AN ' 160 Bitminoham and Elizabethtown " 25 DE RSON, of the city, will be a carolicime for County 1110 Luthersburgh anti Punaatawney " 25 (.7sumnissioner, subject to the decision of the Demo- ' 1 300 French Creek Bridee company, 20 erotic Convention. aug I.2—te. ________________ —_____ _—_ 1250 Franklin mid Allegheny Bridge roffipam, 20 County Treasurer. 100 Erie and Waterford Turnpike Road company 50 . Messrs. Editors: Pletow announce die name of ; 560 Susquehanna and Waterford or -,-,,'-' ALExANDER M'CLent., of Mifflin Township, as a I 1010 Mercer :cud Meadville -n candidate for nomination by the Democratic COMM -1.00 Anderson's Ferry, Waterfoi a anti ' tion. for the o ffice of County Treasurer. New Haven I/ 100 Mr. 'ArClure is an old and tried Democrat, of the ----------- , 200 Abington and Waterford Id CIS , -,., Jefferson school, whose character and capacity for bu- Summer Complaint, Diarrhata, &c. , , 260 Warren and Ridgeway ~ '"') sines,. would be a guarantee that the ditties of the office Ali T HIT EMORE'S Compound Vegetable Sprup, is 40 Warren and New York State line " 50 would he dischargea in a manner satisfactory to the a medicine well known in the Last as ow:oft-he 25 . o people. OHIO TOWNSHIP. , 9(3 Tituseille and Union Mills most efficacious in the can of the above c omplaints— i 100 Warren and Franklin ai-ao '-.) aug 14-tc read ho following certificate: .30 Sugar Grove and Union I ' 400 COUNTY TREASURER• [Errata a respectable , itizen of Middletwon, Ct.l 1 300 Bank of P e nsylvaru 100 • JACOB TONI ER. F.sq. of Pitt township, well known MIDDLE-rows, Sept. 24, 1841. 1 :300 Columbia Bank rind Bridee company, to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a staunch, Dear Ar.—Feeling that I owe a duty w the public, 1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100 uniform Republican of the Jackson - school, will be a as well as yourselL in communicating facts Nvhich may ; Purchasers will u be required to pay for the Stocks, nt benefit my fellow m ortals, would just state, that 1 , the time or mine( lately after . the sale, in certificates i,o ' candidote f'or Comity Treasurer, subjyvt t o t he decision have lawn afflicted with the diarrlora; and having tried sued by the Auditor General, m pursuance of the %fool of the Democrat - it. County Convention. the various prescriptions recommended, with but little lution of ith pril, .9,42, notes issued by the Banks of ', (01Z Sete. AN OLD D Etnoc AT. OAFSuGAR.--1 0 boxes loaf gaga': just:receive ; effect. a short time s ince m y e y e cau ght at n otice in one f this Comtnonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1041, I COUNTY TREASURF,R. -- LAI am 3 for sale by l o f the ne wspapers, of your It-Concentrated Vegetable specie, or the note. of specie paying hanks. The trans- ; ; At the solicitation or TORUN' radical democrats, Mr. HAILMA.N, JENNINGS & CO, 1 Syrup," for the (titre of the Diarrhant, for sale in this • fer of Stock will be made in a rimsonable drme after . S•AMUEL McKEE, of Birmineham has consented to .1 AMLb CLARRL, 43, Wood street. 1 city. 1 immediately purchased a bottle, and to my sale. Ibecome a candidate fur the, office of County Treasurer EVANS ROGERS, 1 sarprise null entire satisfaction, after the trial of a few 1 \subject to the decision ~f the D e mocratic County Con -93, doses, NVefft healed of my complaint, and restored to a! healthy actioa in my bowels. I can now say, I would not be without it in my possession any account, and would advise nitwit.' may require iti. use to try it as I JOB MANN, atil4 i;_Ctosmmissioners for sale of State Stocks. 01N :i. DAVIS, loci r. i aeration. Of Mr. McKee it may he only said, to be . .401011 IS to be pOpliia T. ---d . —IC Ming Frinds of Unassuming TVorth. have done, and they will he satisfied of its virtues. ROPOSA LS will be received at the office of the 1 .1) 1 PCite Water Works, until-Friday-the 24th inst., for You at liberty, Sir, to make such use of this as you furnishing six twelve inch stop-cocks and four eight may deem proper. inch do. Also, for building fenceround new Basin. V er y res pectfully yours, aug 17-3 t. FELIX W. W ILLIAMS. ROBT. r MOORE, Supt. The s ubscriber has been appointed sole agent for the T NDUSTR.S.AL ASSOCIATIOh West and haying a large stock, is flow ready to supply i and Advocate of Industrial. Associatie R on, No 1 former,, e Druggists and others by the dozen or single bottle.— August, 1843: W. 114: Conelly, Editor, received and Pamphlets containing all the Partic ela r s, to be had at for sale at the St. Claiirstreet *gooey and Liters* De his store gratis.T. H:TUTTLE, pot, by W. - M. FOSTER. aug `l2-4!%, POST. auction Sato. PITIVIWIi, SATURAY,' AUGUST 19, 1843 113'fOlinsimeois cards, &c., see first page llPTlier.:weathei f yesterday was cool and .quite , agreeable, after the roasting heat we have had for some time past. We hope it will continuo so, as every thing indicates that we will have hot work about the el ection times,and we think that will be sufficiently annoy ing vrithoot having added to it the enervating effects of sweltering weather. Our advice is "keep cool," and ifthe politicians wont follow it, we hope the weather will giro it a respectful consideration. Fkleautnir .—The authorities of Pittsburgh give on ly 41.3# abetui for killing dogs. No encouragement there for Ibis fine arts.—Philadelphia Mercury. We believe a quarter is paid for dogs from the canary, sok for those killed under "werry agriwated circ*lstances." 'Here is a "blasted" fine puff from our friend of she Freeport Coto ma Luc We were almost too mod est to copy it at first, but as we knew he was serious to . asidituexcAlent judge in such matters, we concluded that it must be true and ought to be published: "The Afereury 4- Manufacturer" come to us on last week printed. on entire new type. It took; beauti ful, and isdoubtless the best paper printed in Pitts be • OP We thank our friend FORNEY, of the I.ituicaster Intelligencer, for the following notice—the democracy that receives his approbation must be right: "That truly able and honest sentinel, on the Dehio cratic. watch-tower, "The Pittsburgh Post," now ap pears beautifully improved. It is an evidence of suc cess that has never been more deserved." JOHN LE FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61, DIAMOND .ALLEY, BETWEEN WOOD AND IIARKET STREETS. . . T WOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens A. of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have commented the manufacture of STOCKS, of every vu rietY, fcirin and description, and would solicit merchants and others to call and examine for themselves, as I am determined to sell on the most accommodating terms for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit ardlare of public patronage. aug. PLACES WANTED for a number of school teach- I , erg, book keepers and salesmen, warehouse .... s igma, agents, &c.; collectors, mechanics, coachmen, la- , 1 1111 borers, hostlers, lads in stores and to trades and about; gesitletneris houses and manufactories—to. %cell as in steam and canal boats for a number of boys. Also, for a iniinher of seamstresses, chambermaids, dry and wet i t nurses, and for small girls. All kinds of agencies attended to at moderate charges, on application at HARRIS' General Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 9, sth street. G.RINDrING AIND POLISHING—Std Irons ground and polished. anvils and other kinds of ;Tingling done at the Cast Steel File Nlanitia , ..tory, cor nnr of Liberty and O'Hara. streets. auk 19 tt Tr NOWLEDGE IS PONVER."—The c cap "'editions, history, miscellany, novels, tales, Taw:mines, &c., arriving 'daily, and for sale, utile N. York and ThilaAelphin prices, at the St. Clair street. Agency and Literary Depot, by W. lA. FOSTER. aug 15-6 t. TUST RECEIVED, a good assortment o a sites e.f of giitod window glass and window sash; also, 500 cuts of yellow - and purple 4 and 5 double carpet chain; 20 doz. large wad srhall buckets and tubs; 20 reams writing and letter paper, for sale on a ccommodating terms, Fur cash or approved exchan AAv. ISC HARRIS, :eat and Commission Merchant. ..____ . . S UNDRIES.-50 boxes chocolate, \ 5 do cocoa, 3 do rice flour, 25 do ground pepper, 1 5 do Cayenne do., • 36 cans ground mustard, 5 kegs du allspice, . - 5 do do ginger, 12 cans do do., together with every thing in the grocery line, all of which is offered at extremely low prices, for cash. PIAILMAN, JENNEs;GS & CO., , 13, Wood strost. QMOKED HERRINGS. -25 boxes smoked ber k, rings just received and for sale'by HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO:. 43, Wocxl street. TEA. 25 half chests young hysun, 30 boxes (13 lbs) do 20 6 lb. boxes iimpowder, 20 " " imperial, just received and HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street. MACKEREL. -20 bbls no. 3 maskarcl, 10 half bbls no. 2 do . . 10 quarter blil4 no 2 do, a prime ittiele for family use, jll3t received and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., .3, Wood street. atog 9 4 boxes Burton's 5 b lu-np tobacco, 25 do Russell& Robinson; do 5 do 'lure's do 10 do a...3orted sizes and brands, just received and fer sale by HAILNIAN, JENNINGS & CO., . . . 2sing 9 43, Wood street C OFFEE.-30050 bags Rio coffee, " Laguvra do 1 50 " St. Domingo do 1 50 " 'Havanna do Ii ow receiving, and for sale low for cash, by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & W CO-, 43, ood street A Sails Investment. 11l THE subscriber offers to sell groheun lots are a n rents in the city of Pittsburgh. Tll so mely improved, and it is believed a safer invest ment cannot be found. Particulars may be learned on application to me personally, or through the Post Of- See. HILARY BRUNOT, aug 157tf corner Liberty and O'Hara streets John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, IS ready to receive merchandize of every description on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MosneTs and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh m anufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening, at early gas light . . aug 12—y hooks at Auction. WILL be sold, at 3 o'clock this evening, at Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, a valuable selec tion of Miscellaneous Books, among which 'are some scarce works of Baron Swedenborg; the whole compri sing a private Library of a gentleman who intends short ly leaving this place. Also, a quantity of clarified quills, blank books, cap and post paper, together with a variety of fancy articles. nue: 19 JOHN D. DAVIS, ;Weer. - (Gazette copy.) Proposals for Chain Iron. NAVY AGENT ' S OFFICE, Washington, July 28, 1843 PRoPosALs will be received at this Office until 1 3 o'clock, on the first day of September ensuing. to deliver at the Navy Yard in this city, Ow ing ' Chain Iron, for eighteen Chain C a bles, 1 11-18 inches in diameter, each 150 fathoms long, constituting the fol lowing hill of Iron, vie: 13,100 links 1 11-16 inches in diameter-20A inches long. 430 links 1 13-113 inches in diameter-,-22i inches long. 20 feet 31 inch by 21 Oval pin Iron. 90 do 2} do 2 do do. 70 Swivel, 198 Shackle, and 18 box pieces. Specifications of the Swivel,. Shackle, Box pieces and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at this of fice; all of the above Iran must be the very best Amer ican, and undergo such proof, under the increased tests and inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the Government, and in as short a time after the Contract is made as is possible, which time will be designated in the contract. Bonds with good and sufficientsureties amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the Contract is complettxl. nog. 8. NV \I. 13. SCOTT, Navy Agent. Change - 1 - 1 OR AMERICAN NOTES--by an American La dy, received at the St. Clair street Literary De pot, opposite the ENCliatige• rriCC, 12 c ents. aug, 15-6 t Octebtr -4Elecfion. Prothsnoiary. I respectfully offer myself a candidate for the office of Prothonotary of Allegheny county, subject to the action of the Democratic comity convention, which meets on the 30th August next. GEO. R. RIDDLE. Allegln city, may 31—te d&w. Prothonotary. I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the em ocratic Convention. INM. G. HAWKI NS. Wilkinstownship, June 27—te. Prothonotary. To the voters of Allegheny respect fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO-) THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing I election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sonally known will plea.se examine into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, to satisfy yon with your choice. ALEX. MILLER. _ of Pittsburg. may 10-0 Prothonotary. Clear thr course for the Volunteers. WILLT AM B. FOSTER. Esq., of Allegheny city, will he a candidate for the office of Prothonotary of Al legheny con of v • at the nne FOR THE POST. M ANY Citizens of Alle g heny city recommend Dr. J. C. NI'CULLY as a suitable person to fill the office of Prothonotary. july 12. Sherifibity. IreTectfally present myself to the citizens of Alle gheny comity, as a candidatefor the Sheriffalty,sub. jut to the action of the Democratic convention, which meets on the 30th of AlVplit nest. june 9--d&wte. ELIJAH. TROVILLO. To the Electors of Alleu.heny County ellow offer myself to your conAidera lion, a: a candidate for Ow oilice of Slwriff, subject to the n omination of the Rum Couvention, and shall be thaukful lot your supp. , rt. mug. 10—tc. CHAMBERS McKIBBEN. Fit THE POST• MAVT CHileila of I'itt4mrzh, recommend Dr. JO SEPH CURRY U.S u unittthle P elson to fill n seat in the Assemble. the ensuing ,tossion. jtily 11. 1843. Assembly. A number of the Dentorrat4 of slililin town=hip hate c,richalea to pre‘ent the name of SAMUEL Cl IC I I RAN, ,f that towit,hir, for the ron,:idera tiou of the Convent:on meeti , r,a the 30th in g., fora nomination fur the Letti,dat are, kru on 7‘fr C. a will iitl a will tiled democrat, ;tail coatiilently nag 7—tf Assembly. Wc are authori,wd to :unatunce JOHN BROWN. EAT, of Pine t own:hip. a+ a candidate for Asgcmhly, iihject to the nomination at" the Democratic Conven joh 29—to lion. AitseMbly. Y- . We are authorized to announce It. A. 13:11 . :_ ,, MAN. of Ilirminoham, n ranaidatr for A,Aembly„ !.1116ert h. the ,I, , ckion of the democratic convention. ntiLT, 1 4—tr ASSCrably. of To‘vn:hip, i 4 a clod:date for :iiii . ject to the action of the De in.,cy,Ltiv Comcotion. Mr. Whitaker i: r ecommended fricnd- arid neighbor.; a. a ]liiiforia, •.inswervina dorotol di•moerat. %dm has Ilvver faltered in hip. of the men awl id the party. ao::, 1 —tr County Commissioner. V. are aw,horiz ,, i to kJ:mot:Lice ALEXANDER 'I 1111, LI of Itobin.on. a candidate 1.4 County at.ch.ion of the dvntocritt- County Commissioner. \1 r: En, announce the I/ZOlle 4 D. ‘v IS, of for C oun ty c ifin . Itit“iorwr. .tithtettl to the ilt•cl4;on of Ow Delnocrntic roust. C0.00111(111. to be hold in Antzti nox. M M O MO t CR 1. IS. Coroner. Messrs. ntitors: Please announce Lewis Wey man, of Allegheny city, as a candidate for Coroner. subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. aug. 17 —tc MAST DE.IIOCSATS. Cot Otter. I respectfully offer myself to the citizens of AJlegbe ny county, for the office of Coroner, subject to the de 651011 of the Democratic 18-tc DA Convention. j . l DAVID II ART Z• lllllllmmemmeek. --- -- County Auditor. —- . Or the Idiomca. *Messrs. Editors:' amiounee t h e n ame of HE infitteszaoihieh is now i"isaoutrsuruimio.., . JOHN W. MICLELLAND, of Franklin township, as 1 epidemic, is exciting the Inventor if 111100 11 ‘'-' a suitable candidate for County auditor at the coming m o dithoes to increased exettlems to the Db a irr n olo. „ - election, subject to the decision of the Counts Conven- but owing to the general distrust entertillnoil la Sisk tion. Mr. M'CLELL&ND is a Democrat of the warm- generality of such drugs, people fear midi* datioS..+_ -. est and purest kind, and will be: warmly supported The following, however, from a distintrukbli 07 16 t. ...' by MANY DEMOCRATS. cian in New York, Dr. Nelson, we think may bi kw Au 7. '43—te T take the liberty of offering myself as a candidate for the office of Cornier, to my democratic fellow citi zens of Allegheny county, subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst. aug 9—te ROBERT M'CHESNEY. __ ;-,,,..,.... ..., •18 ~...„..„....„....,.., 43. STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Porivarding and. CanuniasiOn Merchants, CLEVELAND, ORLO, AGENTS fur the Merchants' Transportation Com- I pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshingtun, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve : land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wail) & Ellsworth, No. 9, Counties Slip, N. Y. It. Hunter & Cn. Albany. I Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. William , & Dow, -.. Hon. John M. Allen; ' ' Cleveland. . Charles M. Giddings,, .1. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 18.l±=ly - -- - . A Card. . . THE subscriber respertfully informs tho pub& in • general, that he intends to devote his whole tits to the COLLECTION OF AcCOLI STS in the cities of Pititse; - Beaver ant Warren:Packet. I burgh, Allegheny and vicinity. mt;;4lggnfE, canal packet ERIE, J. M. l i Having been enraged in this business cot scant time 1 given entire satisfaction to those who .etaxployli , Shaw,master, will ran as regular tri- ; a' d 1 him, he res . pectfully solicits those having dam' U. weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves and Fridays , morn _ collect t . o . gve him a trial. Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, Phsvcians and other; 'who cannot trite tittle Crete iug, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat their -professional business to collce:t there! affeoolo4 urdnvs; atninecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland or to would find it to their advantage to give him stall: direct, For freight or pa_ssage apply on board, Respectable references can be given, and, ifok rettivA----; BIRMINGH All & CO., Pittsburgh, ! Braver. security will be given for the faithful return of all mo' J. S. DICKEY, —_---------------- • nies collected. ..4 . A r-;=- , ... v ; ,,..,,,y - ,- ., 7, 1 -.--o 1 He can be found at Mr George Armor's,Merthirot ..". .ii .- rti .. - - ; 41<,4w"-...T. — 7, — „i - i Tailor, up stairs. corner of Market and. Forthstreed, entrance on 9th st. daily from 9 till 10 o'clock, A. M IS4 3 • I 1 • Any orders left there during his absence , will he Eased V ARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAGE 3 i ed to. or by letter through theinn, Post Office. JL AN D RAIL ROAD Cans, from Pittsburgh, viaßed- I Terms spr cent cornmrss ford, C a mbersburg., Harrisburg and Lancaster, to : jy 212-dlm S ANIL. GELSTON. h Philadelphia. connecting with the Main train ofcars to ; Ice! Ice! Ice! N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. i A be quantity of clean, first rate Allegheny Ice, Also, die direct line to Baltimore. \ 4-A: be htbd. at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner of Fare to Phikulelphia .$9. , and Grant streets. July 13--tt Baltimore 9. ---------------- Leaves daily nt 8 o'clock A. M. . Freeman ' s Fire Brick for Elate. Office 2.1 door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. ; IF UST received, 5000 Freeman's be tantlst Fire n hindl/6okt MENDELL, GRAIIAI, WAUGH & Co., iop which will herenfter be kept donsv o CO. feb 2:1, 18•13-1 y• Proprietors. ; and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & ------------------ : may 27 Na. 60 Waters/. ------------ The Great Central Route --..-------- Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail' Dissoluon of tnersh* Road Can: pony. : T HE late firm t on. & P ar Nesmith & co.- ANS ' end leather dealers and tanners, is dissolvvatblt. C. . 1. .••,- -0, =.--. 7 , - r . ` -- -tz• ,--.-o. i..,-_-_, L tv - r -, :. „ : i.-- 4 70,v.1,-.`'.. e l.-4-,‘,. -1v . :: , ;... 2 . - day by mutual consent, by the withd.rawal of Alfreil 7:::51ini77.1-*.4.-' _tty.....:31i - :, ,. " 1 . . , --1., ..44 , -: : Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has been row . '.s; ENV LINE OF V. S. MIILCO Al FOR :and trartsferred to Thomas Nesmich,•ar.; and Thema or. and Thomas Neshlith jr., have formed* WA3HINGION CITI, DALLmom:. I'HILADEI.PIIIA Nesmith, copartnership, under the firm of Tuosixs Nll5lllll as AND NEW YORE. SON, who are duly authorised to settle the basineoref trills line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh . I the late lirm, and to use t daily at 6 o'clock A. :\ L, via Washitn;ton Pa. _he nanielof the lata-tufer& lot and national road to Cumberland, connect big here that purpose. with the tail road Co's to all the above places:: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route. it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Curn- . berland line, facilities w ill b e ~tmn b , , l which not July 19. 1843. lICCII hereto6•re V T1.1.v01.i 1: -Ara acts hays furnished at ------, s.‘ NIL LK MORROW, • the slimiest notice with the plivil,•,•_: , of gt•ing throu g h -.. - manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Shia di r ect ••1- taking one nights re. 4 at their opti•at. Iron Ware, For tickets. apply ut our ••tli• :It the :\ tnlongahela „ N' . o 17, l'ifth street , li'iSml and AfarkeZ, Homo. 1,. \V. STOCKTON. 1 ' ' 1 ,,, 4 .1, 1 , 1 of \. 11. sia ,„ co. Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment Of = and solicits n share of public patronage. Moo,'on 'p CileibliCrxiT; articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, griatronii skillets. teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills. &c. Me chants and others are invited to cull and examine , felt i themselves., as he is determined to sell cheap for ' •ippr.e.e , , paper. .... Imar7.4 Tie , swit't;or. 11.thi.,,,,0, Master• leav••.s cvcr‘ , .—._ • 1 Tl•tirs.lav at 10 o'clock, It. in. I Sohn Carturright, Tlw Cutter. Collin-. Nlaster, leaves every Friday at i CI I.7TLER and Surgical Instrument I.lanufanuEnsh 10 o •el..t'k a. in. I 1 .-- 1 corner of Gth and Liberty streets, Vittabarg Ps. The Montgomery, 'Bennett, M aster, leave; every Sat- t N. B.—Always oh hand an extensive assortment of Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. rn. l Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor i, Th. , 15. , ...pr..... , , Parkinson. Ma-tor.l'ave's ever) . S un " i Ilattl.'r's. ll:tir 'Dresser's and T; Patent ghearikt ay at 10 o'clock a. ni. Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &e. je 24. JOAN 1111C\IINGIIANI &C.. Ag O ents al_ 7—t4 Rcgnlar Packets, for Cincinnati. Ili To Lot, Nil; it a torm of years. my house, sum: room _L and work ,:hop, on t.ltl street, u ppo-ne Jas. I &Co The shop is brick. 19 feet wide, by 30 lono„3storicA high. i have in it a small steam en gine, about 5 horse power. which I will also rent s if I desired. For further particulars enquire of meson the premises. ORRIN NEWTON.. sass 4--tf To Rent. PLEASANT room= nod good =team plover, at the cast steel file manutactory, corner of Liberty and O'llam street , . Apply on the premises. july Public Sale of Valuable Lands. PURSUANT ton decretal order of the Circuit Su perior Court of Law anti Chancery, for Mason county, pronounced the 19th day of April, 11343, in the cause depending therein of lfenry Strider, Pit., a gainst James W. Barkenstilkik Ind others. Belts the under:igned special c.(llllllli,;.iioner, will selbat public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house in Mason county, on the 16th day of Soptember, 1843, (being the first day of the Cir Sup'r Court of said county.) that well known body of land commonly cal led "Graham's Station," lying in Mason county, Va., on the Ohio river, containing by survey four thousand one hundred and twenty-three acres, in two adjoining parcels, a large proportion of which is ricer' bottom land. The above lands previous to the day of sale will be laid off by the surveyor of the cennty in lots of con venient size for farins, told plats furnished, and so many thereof will be sold as may be necessary to produce the sum of money required by said decrctal order.— The sales will be made on a credit of nine months fur one-third part of the purchase money, of twelve. months for another third part, and of eighteen mouths for the residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving - bonds with good security for the payment of the different instru ments, bearing interest from the day of sale, the legal title to be •retained as further security for the payment of .the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk of the purchaser or purchasers failing to makeltunctu. al payments. GEO. STRIBLING, Special Cora'r. Point Pleasant, Va., June 26,1643. Liy6-2m Building Lots in Birniingham. 3 LOTS, suitable fur building, most eligibly sit -1 uated. and within two • minutes' walk of the steam ferry boat landing, will be sold at prices to suit the times. The terms of payment will be made easy, either for cash or such barter as ran be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june .1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. Lots for Sale. Lots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres of 4 Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos, 41,12,52,53, 54, 181, 182, and 181, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Ho f lmes' Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and '27, in Cook's plan Lots on High street, near the new Court For terms apply REMINGTON. sep 10 For Sale. LOTS on the North East c orner of Coal Lime and High weer. Apply to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth woe!: rtiss Leslie's litlagaziate, August No., BEAL:TIFI.:L raised Medallion and. Fashion plate, Nt r eceived by W M. Foster, :Ix his Acrncy St. Claie-st, and Literary Depot, S zing 15-6 t ACON AND H ON EY .--Reteived on consignment B 6 casks containing about 5000 lbs Sides and Hams in prime order. Also, 1 bbl Honey, for aale, cheap for cash, lir ap premed negotiable paper. Aprly to 18—At. A. BELLE'S. ommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy access es the poor, and to caution them against an injtnioie OW in this disease, namely, bleeding, either genend dr* leeches. In all those cases in which the first ankle symptoms prevail, let the patient smell tostplently illi a common salts bottle, (Sims' Aramaic. Visisiat Salts are preferred) and by putting the vitd to do mouth to draw a few deep inspirations of velar& toad ter into the lungs. Let this process be repeated twe or three times in an hoar, and, it will ere tam spook , and greater relief, in all slight cases of the fast deo . than any other remedy, and will be sufficient for a cure. It will also be essentially useful in the severs eases; and those of the class of prostration, a few drops of amonia, or hartshorn, dught to taken beer redly. A neat way of doing so is to take an tddl Sole, l ioned mixture called lac ammoniaci. However, it. ilk as a local remedy, to act on the disordered and** that its use is advised. The principles will be recot 1 nized by all physicians versed in molecular orgastilla tion, and those who are deficient in that koowledge may do in that instance as they do in all otherst upon the faith they imbibe." These salts are for nib and within the reach of all classes, at WM. Teases, 53 Market street, l'ittiantrgh. iry 17. FOR THE POST resent carnmunication is to Ape ect of the, THOMAS NESMITH, SR ALFRED NESMITH, THOMAS NESMITH, J july Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron are. rrHE subscriber respectfully informs his frientletted fornier patrons, that lie has riimaced his mob. iislunent from No. 61, Liberty, to No. —, Third it. nearly opposite the Post Office, where he continues tO carry vin the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Buslues4 ist all its various branches. He respectfully *elicits It continuance of the patronage so Irliersily vrismotlea to him heretofore. and pledges himself that no pains shati he spared on his part to, merit the same. ConMotilli . .. on htun), Islanufacturecl'Ware, of all kinds, all of w will he sold low for cash. Spouting, &c.onado too& der nt short notice. anz m Lratuireth's Garden Seed.. N. full supply of Landretlis Garden Seeds always e• land and for sale, at kis ttgc•nry, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184, 'Liberty se, head of Wood• Peach Trees. TIIE subscriber has just received froth the Nor gsery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which tw a i 1 would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN, i ntav Et. No. 184 Liberty st. held - of-- - -.......a=1. 1 Foiled, A BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store A in Liberty street, a . Note of hand, considerably ',oiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own er can have it by identifying it, and paying expensed. July 31.--tcf. RezaOVAL CAWFIELD has removed his marble Eatab . lishment to Wood at. opposite Fab:jest:oak's D rug s t ore, where ho will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Monuments etc• ap 19-1 Hr. Hechter's Pulmonary Preservative. FOR coughs, colds, influenzas, catarrhs, whooping cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all diseases of the bmist and. lun gs, and arrest of approach ing consumption. Warranted free from mercury and other minerals. B. A. F AWN ESTOCK & CO., it; I'2 Agents for Pittsburgh. ALLEN KRANIER, Exchange Broker; his. 46, Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pitesillirg Pa. Gold. Silver, and Solvent 13a.ttk notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for side. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. REFERENCES. Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. Painter & Joseph Woodwell, James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. ) Philadelphia. John H Brown &Co. James NPCandleis. Cincinnati, 0,. J. R. M`Donalti. > St. Louis, Mo. Esq., Pres't Bank K. P —_____—_— ORTRA IT PAINTING. .1. OSBORNE, Port rail Painter, Fourth et:. 31.1 story Butles Buil ding. .1. Osborne w,,a11:1 =Quoit a call from those who desire Portraits. Spr lawns can be seen et hi 9 rooms: PLACES WANTED, for a munber of -yew/ 'it'd middle aged men, as teachers for town Ea mon try schools; als", for clerks and shopnaen; far laborers and farmers; for manufacteran and mechanic!, d so rions trades; for ernehmon. hostler!, gardeners,. and men and boys for all wutic; alto, wanted, places fora number of scaxnstress. , chamber maids and muses, &c. at H A /IRIS' Gent , tal Agency a ndlnatiligasas Igo. Viftsteest R. M. DAWSON