Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 19, 1843, Image 2

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far idinberint all in the town; but then, Johnny, he
hasn't the long head of. M'CuUough, and it isn't the'
bites of him caul:lel? mein what I have a notion about
"And what have you a notion about doin', sir?—if
*light make so bould as to ax."
"Why, to be sure, you may ac me, for it consarns
ryntst.orn self more nor it consents me.—l have a no
tion to see and make Derrylavin what it wanst was,
and wbatit W"dl`be again, plaice God."
"coki, plaiee.GOd," said Johnny; fur though he failed
not tti l obseriC that his resolution was spoken in a most
irresolute tone, and with the sheepish and ernbanassed
look done who felt conscious of his own weakness,
and sf the irreelaimed results of his folly, he did not
consider - , it necessary tti express any doubt of its sinceri
"Ay," said the other, "but not in my time—that's
over, now; howsomdever, it'll be all the for
ar bendier you
and Sally—Glory be to God," he ailded, "that sp
the that child, when her that's gone brought shame
and scorn upon her people!—Johnny Fitzpatrick, I
mind the day when four boys stood in Carrick fair;—
°eh,* was a proud day for Forney! though" they w
slim-'young chaps e noilgh!you'd say; there asn't
menifti . Louth, Meath, or Monaghan, would der to
• standtfore them. Well, inthecoorse o' time, uot one o'
these-brothers, barrio' one but bad a house and place
fit for a-lord; and though that one was the youngest,
'and in the poorest way o' doin' o' of tho whole set,
sure there was some foolish crathurs would have it
that-randeen Oge topped the town—and signs by it,by
Datli-w-Ast.the old =nat home, was there e'er a girl
atwake or patron—but no matther, no matther! Any
wayithe three brothers ran the rig; God be merciful to
the poor follows this blessed momin'!—and when the
last has run the same rig, and lies with them, could
andoemfortless, no man nor womankind can say he
wroned the, barrio' you, Johnny, avielt, told my poor
child g within, m but, in troth, I'm afeand it will be no he
foryan• Lb say that the unlucky ould dhrunkard hardly
left sorts thane house to cover you. God grant," he
added., ina tone of bitter self-reproach, "God grant I
maylace you that same."
"Now, Mr. M'Cartan," said Johnny, 'that's all
nonsense you're talkin.' Troth you'll live these twm
ty years yet, plaise God; and if you only listen to
theinthat never spake hut for you good, you might see
theday again, when you could thread every inch o'
ground from Corrybrackcn to Lough Fay, and never
anis your own meann.
Johnny now perceived that his friend was now in
*mood most favorable for his purpose; so he sum
moned.all his courage—" But, maybe, sir," he contin
ued,'"you would'nt think it hard, for poor Sally's sake,
to lay twin the (Build: to Lammas twel' mouth, when,
with the help o' God it would bring a blessite to your
door." •
A scowl darkened the face of the unhappy prolli
glitei as he gazed fora moment on his youthful monitor;
but conscience was now awake, and he cult how reason
ableNoss the request, and how ruinous the consequences
he might still avert. He felt too, however, that should
he determine on compliance, it was extremely improb
able his present state of mind would continue, long e-
nought for its accomplishment; and so he made one
magnanimous resolution, and that was to submit calm
ly to his destiny. "No, no," he said. "1 wish for her
sake, and for your sake. Johnny. I could have viz
both as well a: you deser..o; but if you think hard of me
whesirm gone, remember avid], I left you what's bet
therthan land or goold; for, in troth, if a good daughter
rankest" good wife, she'll be a threa•mre and, a ides
site:llBlou, Johnny, the / longest day you
4 001, troth, I b'lieve it," said Johnny—and though
the expression was cold enough, the old man knew that
inhipriteart there was no brighter image than that of
his' [hung home—"but it's not that I mane sir," said
be; . ; .-I'when Sally M'Cartan's my wife, it will be little
throuble- to me what I have loth. o; but it's on the
'count of yourself and your charaethor, and that you
mightlive to see bet thor I read= in hoiY•s you'd give
overwitst the whole town thinks a burnill . shame in one
of yolitsort; and sure, Mi. M'Cartio. it is a shame and
IR scandal, there's no saying acan
"Well, well, .Tolmnv," said the other, "we'll talk no
rmre about it nmv; but come," he ,aid, rising with dif
• ficulty, and leaning on his staff, —you have a long, day's
journey afore you, and it's to be hoped you're no ways
unwillin'tohave a taste of something of Sally's makin'
efom you start."
They proceeded towards die cottage, silent and
gloomy—the one !gelding to the habitual temper of his
mind; the other to the dark apprehensions of all that
might possibly conic to pass, before he should tread
those pleasant fields again.
The farmer had entered his humble dwelling, when
his companionseen a girl, with a milk-pail poised on
bee head, coming in from the mernbiws, in an opposite
direction. The gloom vanished in a moment ft om his
Mont u e STILL—MP Ciaeinnaii Message has
thrown off its neutrality, and raised the flag of Derimc
racylo its masthead. The whole world seems going
the same - way. The address of the Message says:
"The time has come when many who have long pre
tended to be Democrats, are found to be aristocrats in
their principles—when a separation of the chaff from
the wheatmust unavoidably take place, or our liber
ties are placed in imminent danger. There must be
no temporizing in the matter—the rotten limbs must
be Cut off—the noxious weeds uprooted—or rather we
must return to the old division of parties—Democrats
and Federalists. The great measure of separating the
government from the banks must again come before the
people, and must again test the sincerity of the namby
pamby, time serving politicians of the day.
"It matters not to us what particular men carry out
the, groat principles of the Demacratic party: we go
for Measures—fur an Independent Treasury against a
National Bank; a tariff for revenue purposes only,econo
myin the public expenditures; a literal construction of
the constitution, with the exercise of express, not im
plied, powers; neither consolidation nor nullification; a
firm adherence to Democratic principles, to individual
and municipal rights, to the sovereignty of the States,
The New Orleans Courier gives the following state
ment of the znnount coined in that city during the month
of July:
In Silver,
In gold,
'PAIIITUT..-T iv! editor oldie St. Loui 51 Gazette has
gone crazy, .n consequence of receiving three dollars all
It is stated. in the Kingston papers, that there is a re
port, which is gennerally believed to be true. that Mrs.
John Rolph, "the wile of Dr. Rolph, the traitor," has
been for some time in Kingston, and has made some
startling revelations to Sir Charles Metcalfe. It is
said that Madame went so far as to offer to satisfy his
erycollency that ut lea=t one member of his council from
Upper Canada was more deeply implicated in the re-
Whoa than her own husband, who is now an exile.
rIPThe Oregon Company, now on their way to that
country, has divided into two parties; the cattle party,
Etna t e anti-c:tttle party. It appeaN that the cattle
portion travelled too slow fur seine of the go-ahead por
tion of the company.
The account is dated-June 18th, between 4 and 300
milei west of Independence on the tributaries of the
Kansas. All were in good spirits and health. Some
dilacidties were experienced from copious rains—but
there was no trouble with the Indian:, with the excep
tion of a few horses and cattle stolen. There was not
a ease of sickness in the comp.—St. Lou is Organ.
'NATIONAL CON' V ENTlo.s.—The State Committee o f
Vermont, have written a letter in bellull of the Democ
rat:lei the State, agreeing to May, 1844, as the time
'beholding the National Convention in Baltimore. The
Calamitme say, in the outset, November was preferred,
bolo insure the harmony of the party they acquiesce in
Mtty NAM the time. Every thing will work nght even
tindly,'and the nominee of the Convention will, we have
every reason to believe, receive the united support of
great Democratic party, in whichcmsefarewell to Whigs
a nd Whiggery for a long number of years to come.
Jur ERIE EXTENS 10 IC -.4V0 learn from the Leaver
Arigni, that the transfer of "the line of canal, from the
town of Nevr Castle to the borough of Eric, including
the Franc Creek Feeder," was made by the Board- of
Canal Commissioners, to the Erie Canal Company, on
tbe laiust. W. Alibi:rt . Itoberta has been appointed
emnneer, measnres are being taken to cornplate the
• • - -; -
$2 43 ,000
FOR PRA DENT,blssuaeisst to Collyer hp been
BUCHAN/N_N 'le cturing an mesmerism at Halifax, andbas rceeeded
is creating quite an excitement there. It seems that
be met with some rough customers, who, not. 'satisfied
with pronouncing him u humbug., proceeded to make
some more violent demonstrations. The Nova Scotian
says they had been drinking too much wine. The Doc
tor had several of them arrested and held to bail; a
' mong others a Dr. Jennings and a Lawyer Cogswell."
A Mr. Gilbert is also denounced by the editor in un
measured terms, as having conducted himself in a most
disgraceful manner. Collyer is certainly one of the
most persevering ofbis class, and although assailed and
annoyed in variouscities, he continues to persevere.
Subject to the decision of
1)c dlt sliorning Post.
PEOPLE."—An unknown correspondent has had his
nerves terribly shaken by discovering who are the con
coders and distributers of the handbill issued from the
press of the "Man About Town," on Wednesday, enti
tled "Light for the People." He says that if we want
to get information of its"author and distributor, to call
at , in the Diamond; ask who
prepared the documents; ask -- who distributes
the papers in Robinson township—take care that
-- is not in the store; look. on the shelves a t
the packages in brown envelopes for Robinser. town - '
ship; see the haral writing on envelopes; ask whether
----- is not supporting hi— secretly and doing all
he can against G—, and the ftmmraticiparty gen
erally. See' whether ----, and -- are
not leagued together to divide the democratic party
if they can. This is an astounding plot; but we fear it
will not bear probing, as we do IMtbelieve that the
most rigid investigation would produc'xf . any thing from
the mountain of fraud and deception, raised by our cor
respondent, but a particularly little Meuse that can do
no harm to any body. The persons implicated may or
May not be guilty; their conduct, when influenced by
unworthy motives, can have no effect' on the actions of : 1
the party, and we believe that in spite of the efforts of
individuals, factions and incendiary:publications, the
people will consider the matter calmly a nd coolly, and
nominate a ticket to please themselves, without giving
the various stories that are concocted and circulated by
interested persons, any further consideration titan to
condmia the introduction of ,ucli dishonorable means
into the afrairs,of our party.
BeCHANAN.—The unworthyiCelings of opposi
tion to this distinguished statesman, which a few dis
contented persons attempted to create, when Pemasyl
vania first spoke of asserting her clnims to the Presi
dential nomination in 1344; are fist dying away, and
public opinion—that sometimes slyw but always cer
tain defender of exalted worth—is silencing every
breath of opposition to the propriety of the course• o f
the party in this matter, and the worth of the rainlidate
whom the democracy of the Key-4one offer to the Vl,llll
- as the next democratie eaudidate for the Presidency.
From every county in the state we hay, : such expres
sions as tit: following; which was ! adopted at a public
meeting in democratic York:
"Resolved, That the democracy of Yell: witiciss
with pride and gratification, the incrt.asing prominence
which their favorite candidate for the Presidency is at
taining in the eyes of the nation, by the force of his high
character and exalted talents, his eb.trling moral worth
and his undeviating and untiring devotion to democrat
ic principles. Pennsylvania presents to her sister states
HER OWN BUCHANAN as the brightest jewel of
the American Republic; and has the proud gratification
of hearing its value acknowledgiid, and its praises eel,-
o.fal from the hardy North, the gallant
the en
lightened East and the giant West. The Keystone
state would respond to his nomination by the Democrat
ic National Convention, by a majority unequalled since
the days of Andrew Jackson."
What does the Gazette call the "Stealer hand
bill!" Tilt alludes to the bill containing the first letter
of Mr. Shaler, and Judge Wilkins' letter consenting to
he a candidate, we answer that, it, was printed at—uot
issued from—the office of the P'Ost.
Now that the Gazette's mind is at rest about the
"Shader handbill," will it give the "country people ,
"mote light" worldly: the contemplated union between
the antimasons and the"masonic Whigs" and inform them
whether its antimasom y is sufficiently pure to approve
Craig's manly rejection of the overtures of the conspir
ators. We presume the Galtette is permitted to have
an opinion in these matters, and a journal so much op
t posed to secret doings, will certainly not hide its light
under a bushel when it could give so much gratification
to its country friends, by forsaking the masonic policy
that it has pursued for some time past.
..L . '" Mr. 11l its Gn.ks - r, whose name appears as - -
10th, the particulars of the division of the company and
publisher of "Light for the People," has sent us on
the pr‘xlucing cause. At that time, they were 300
article contradicting the statement that be was the pub
miles west of the Independence on a tributary to the
holier of the "Man About Towin," made in our paper
Kansas, in good health and spirits. The division was
of Thursday last. As Mr. G's. communication is long,
in consevence of the number of cattle driven by some
and touches on matters irrelevant to the point at issue,
those having no cattle refused to stand guard at night
we\will only publish that portion of it which embraces 1 —
over stork belonging to others. He writes: — `'Our
his denial of our statement; of which denial we are wil
roads since leaving the settlement, have been very fine,
ling he shall have the full benefit:
except within the Inst three days during which period
"I never "unblushingly" proclaimed myself the pub- in a
consequence of
fisher of the "Man About Town." On the contrary, they have been almost impassable
I had nothing to do with its editing, or publication.— tremendous rains; but they are again improving. We
The paper was merely worked off on my press; the have had no trouble with the Indians with the exception
type did not belong to me, or, it would not have been horse
u cattle stealing', and this business they have
scattered in the street. And allow me to inform you of
a fact, that you must admit to he true, that it was not carried on pretty lively. I had a very fine mule and an
destroyed from virtuous indignation, but from the fear ox stolen from me on the Kansas river; and we have lost
resulting from its exposing the indecent conduct of the in all eight Or ten head of horses and mules. While
principal rowdies in the city."
writing - , news have been brought of the discovery of a
PIM ,A.DELTHIA. — The democratic county delegates dead Indian, about a mile from this place, freshly
of Philadelphia, met on Monday, and organized by the scalped; and nearly all the company have gone to s ee
election of officers. The Pennsylvanian says: Tho him. lie was shot with arrows,and is supposed fare
delegation then took tip the matter of contested seats, a Pawnee, killed by a party of the Kansas Indians
and admitted all those sets who presented certificates which we met the otherday, consisting of :200 with fresh
from the officers of the election. In the case of the scalps and lingers, which they said they had taken the
delegates from the 3d Ward, N. L., no certificates were day before."
pi esented by either set. The convention in this case '
A chesnut on Mount Etna is one hundred and ninety
ordered a new election. An adjournment then took
feet round, close to the trunk.
place until next Monday ofterarion, at the same place. 1 We copy the above from an exchange paper. If a
The City and Coney Conlereeg met on the same chesnut is one hundred and ninety feet in circumference,
day, a resolution was adopted roeunimmiding that the how large must be the tree on which it grows?
"A sailor's wife had chesnuts in her lap,
democratic citizens of the different wards and town-
I And munch r d, and munch'd, and muncli'd '
ships which have not conferees, meet at their usual pla4 says Shakspeare. If the chesnuts were of the size of
ens of meeting, on Thursday evening next, at 3 o'clock that mentioned above, her lap must have been of a most
(except 3d Ward, N. L., which meets at 7 o'clock) to capacious dimensions.
elect their conferees, as provided hy the new rules and
The convention convention than adjourned to meet on Monday
'Some of the enemies of Curtris, of the Cincin
nati St: arc abusing him, and publishing falsehoods
respecting his conduct while he lived in this city.—
White here, we never heard any thing to his disparage
ment, and laving had several little financial transac
tions with him, we always found him correct. we
will further state, that we believe he speaks the truth,
when he says that he "never missed sitting dawn to ta
ble at meal time during the.whole stay we (he) li red
in said (this) city." Curtis is something of a Doctor,
and always takes care to keep his stomach in order to
get the worth ofhis hoarding money.
NORTH BRA'SCH CANAL.—The water was let into
this canal on Wednesday. The Danville Intelligencer
says "the prospect of doing an extensive business upon
the canal the balance of the season, is truly flattering.
Large quantities of grain, Goal, &c., are yet to be taken
to market. and preparations Are making to forward it."
We have some doubts as to whether this canal will
ever pay interest on repairs.
WHAT DOES IT 11E.vd—The N.Y. Cynosure of the
14th says;—" Much speculation was called forth yester
day; among our wondering and perplexed inhabitants,
as to the meaning of the ominous writings in chalk "on
the pavements in various parts of our city, as follows:
"Within:23oo days the wise shall vxderstand!"—
The whole pavement in front of a Methodist Church
up town was covered over with writings as mysterious
as those seen on the wall at the feast of Belshazzar, but
there was no "seer" able to give their interpretation.
All our silly old women are going into fits about it.—
What does it mean?"
M \VACS it has been indicted for lihal • Ile,
unlike most others who get into such scrapes, is de
lighted with it, co he expects to raport the trial, and
make it a funny affair. It will he a choice bit of excite
ment for Mike's "Subterranean Band."
convict in the R. I. State Prison, who was committed
last :piing for a term of five years, terminated his own
life on Sunday morning by hanging. A coroner's
inquest was held, who returned a verdict in accord
ance with the obvious facts in the case. He was quite
an old man, and an Englishman by birth.
A TALL WALKER DEAD.—The greatest pedestrian
and runner in the world tam Mensen Ernst. He died
lately in Egypt from a dysentery. He was born at
Bergen, in Norway, and died while on a walking trip
tti find out the source of the river Nile, and was buried
near the Grand Cataract of that famous river. At
Mae.ence, lie once ran on the frozen Rhine at the rate
of siv, loafow3 an hour, and at Frankfort he once star
ted with the mail in full gallop and arrived two min
utes hefore the same.
The N. Y. Herald day that another demand under
the "Froaty of Washington has been made fora man ac
eiseil of some theft in Canada, but Commissioner Ra
idtije did not consider the case LW one included in the
rat.tiogue of offences enumerated in the treaty, and
therefore he did not conceive he hail any jurisdiction in
the matter.
SKRIOILIA COMPLAINT. -. 1 man is Baltimore lately
applied for a warrant to arrest wife for refusing to
wadi :mil mend criminal
code of Maryland made no pror iiions for tit it ca-e; so
the poor follow was obliged "to grin and bear it."
Riddle's old supporters, rind a violent whig paper, de
livors a homily upon tin. , andnlusian thus:—"He is no
longer 'a star of the first magnitude,' around which
mall; r ,atellites delight to cluster. Ile is a fallen orb;
and none so poor as to do him reverence.' Ile lA juit
as intelligent as ever, but pockets are empty !•''
rER ., ON AT..—The 0116111i:1U \ lesagr 011, ime
of ita aire loafer:. It is decidedly erong. "If the
chap who spend: half hh; time in thhi office, reacting eN.-
i'llil,ilEreF will wa, , h Lia feet, we will be mach obliged to
Cosa. iv Y. Pitoor.—A New York paper thinks
that l'u,:eyi,tro mu=t be \Tong, because the anti-l'tote:.-
ite paper F.e115 well. • "
Jolts It. SHANNON, Esq., is recommended by the
democrats of Beaver, as a Candidate for Congress in
the district composed of Beaver and IVashington. We
sincerely hope his nomination may be confirmed by the
confereess of the two counties! If exalted private worth
and sound democracy can procure official honors, then
Mr. Shannon cannot fail to succeed.
Tut: OREnoN PARTY.—One of the company writes
to a friend at Burlington, lowa, under date of June
We give below the statement of these two interest
ing races which came oft on Monday at the Beacon
Course, There was an unusually large concourse of
spectators; the Course was in good order, and went off
well. The mare in the one case, and the horse in the
other, won easily, in two heats.
The two mile race came offat 3, and the three mile at
4 o'clock, P. M.
1. Beacon Course, 'Hoboken, N. J. Monday Aug.
11, 1843. Match slooo,—mile heats, in harness, Hi
ram Woodruff's black Gelding "Cottage Boy," and
Wm. Wheelan's bay mare "Fashion," driven by their
Cottage Boy,
2. Same day, and Course, David Bryan's grey
man! "Lady Suffolk," and Mr. Ludlow's chesnut
gelding "Onedia Chief,"—three mile heats, for $3OO,
under saddle. The mare ridden by Bryan, the horse by
Lud low.
Oneida Chief,
Lady Suffolk,
Time, 7,44-7,52
Er The Hon. W. P. Feseenden, representative
in the hut Congress., from Maine. Mu declined a retlec
FOR TII3 Monique° Posr•
Messrs. Editors: There seems, as yet, very little in- 4
terest manifested by the public in the r ecommendation
or selection of suitable persons as candidates for the
State Legislature. We deem it all important that we
should have good men and true elected to represent
Allegheny county in the next session of our Legisla
ture. We therefore respectfully recommend to the
people of the county, Col. Joseph E. WCabe, of Fay
ette township, as being a man every way qualified to
represent the interests of the district. He is firm and
unwavering in his attachment to Democratic princi
ples and measures. He is emphatically a working
man—a class of our fellow citizens whose interests
may with safety be entrusted in his hands: and if elect
ed he is pledged to oppose the sale or giving away of
\the main line of canals and railroads of the state, be
lieving that they will yet be a s ource of profit and
honor to the commonwealth. Mr. M'Cabe is also
1 pledged, that as far as 6.ny legislation is to be had in
regard to the banking institutions of the State, to en
deavor to bring them more under the supervision and
control of the people. And he will go heart and soul
for the wholesonm doctrine of individual responsibility
I in banking.
In recommending Mr. M'Cabe to the people of Alle
gheny county, we feel confident that, if elected, he will
carry out the views and wishes, as far as practicable,
of his constituents
Samuel McKown,
John Kirk,
John Richardson,
A. Holland,
i'll Dunlavy,
Daniel Houghey,
David Stewart,
The friends of this gentleman have seen with pleas
ure the announcement that he will consent to run for
the Legislature on the Democratic ticket. No man in
the County has devoted more of his time and money to
subset ve the interests of the party, than Mr. Crawford;
an early friend of the illustrious Jackson, and a con
stant and undeviating supporter of all the great meas
ures of Mr. Van Baron's akhninistration—it is but sheer
justice that he should receive from the Democratic par
.ty some mark of ILS approbation. He asks for no office
of emolument, hut to be placed in a position, where his
voice can be heard in defence of those principles which
it is his pride and pleasure to discuss.
His merit has been more than once. indicated, by his
being selected aiafirman of the Committee of Corres
pondence, and in t t capatity he has conducted himself
I with great urbanity and derision of character. In the
country his name would be a tower of strength—his
friends there arc legion, and with him at the head of the
Assembly ticket the people would have an index. of the
sound and orthodox political opinions which gOvern the
party. Nominate him, and as Craig says of Brack
enriAge, "with a ningle breath. lie will whistle down
the wind," Shoridan and Huh z, and Riddle and Han
negin, and ail the cotobita.d forces tf fed,.ralir , tu and
antimasonry. Routssos Towssnie.
The Iron Safes which were placed in the fire in this
city, on the 19,th inst., with ti vie‘‘ to testing - the qual
ity of them against fire;—in regard to the Magnesia
Safe, Mr. Penning, who, the public generally know,
tested his -Magnesia safe, more than four years ago,
which proved satisfactory to a large and respectable
number of gentlemen present, since which several of his
safes have been in buildings burnt down, and all of them
have saved the contents; and he has procured several
certificates testifying w their utility. The use of the
Magnesia applied to Iron Salbs, is original with Mr.
Donning, who is:justly entitled to all the credit; and all
those who use hi- c.naposition on Iron Safes, are mere
I imitators. In regard to the Salamander Safe, so called,
which was in the tiro at the same tim it is a ll a f u dge.
Mr. De:lnner hits never d-clined business. as has been
represented , but has always continued and now contin
ues, the Iron Safe business in tith street, above Smith-
I field. where he now has a number fur sale. Also, at
Sr., Fleming's, and Atwood. Jones & C
Ile is a nem who attend: well to his business, and leaves
others to attend to theirs. Ile passes quietly along
and (Lc's the right triad of business to prevent difficulty.
The New York Su-I, is alluding to ine case of this
w.untn, who is about to be surrendered
to the 13ri . ,i:11 aothorities for th. , alledged murder of
her husband, has the f•illowing interesting sketch as to
the ez1.113.i.!; which led to her present dreadful situation.
It will ho :wen th:tt the tale is not without its titer
sad and impressive:
"The history of this unfortnaute young woman should
operate as a warning to parents, and teach them to be
ware of unrelenting opposition to an honorable attach
ment formed by a daughter, or even a son, merely be
cause the object favored by such is not of equal wealth
or rank in life with themselves. It were better—far
better—to raise one than to prostrate and destroy the
ether. Mr, Cochran, the father of this young woman,
is a wealthy farmer in the shire of Renfrew, near Pais
ley, in Sectliand. She received a passably good educa
tion, and we have seen a letter written by her to her
parents since her arrival here, couched in sweet and af
fecting language, and written in a practised pretty
hand. Abet live years ago, it appears, she being still
in her 'teens' sh .becarn acquainted with a young man
in the neighhoi hood by the name of Anderson, and a
mutual attaeliment sprung up between them. Although
of excellent character, and of good moral conduct, he
was io litim!tle tile, being a gardener in the employment
of a gentleman in his native parish. They made no
secret of their attachment, but it was bitterly opposed
by her parents, particularly as her father. and the fath
er of her future husband had already decided that she
and the unfor unat e John Gilmour were to be united.—
The great object of het parents from the time of dis
covering her attachmant to Anderson, was to keep them
apart. and with this view she was at times confined in
the attic of her father's dwelling, and a most rigid sys
tem of coercion applied !to her with a view to compel
an abandonment on her part affahe object of her affec
tion, hot with ra effect, altletagh stripes, and at times,
severe h ‘, were ri,lrtVii to father," she ex
claimed, (as we are inform.. 4,) one day, 'I cannot mar
ry John Gilmour—l have nothing to say against him;
but I do not love him—permit me to marry John An
derson, who I know is attached to me as I love him—
and I will go down on my knees and bless you. He
and I can take the farm, which is in a short time to
be vacant, and my little sister can_ live with me, and
we shall nil be happy in each other's society. John
Gilmour can find another girl who will love him and
make him a good wife; but oh, father I cannot—cannot
—marry him.' The appeal was unheeded, and served
but to make her situation worse, and she determined
upon escape, to wander, she knew not whither.—
W webby , ' an opportunity she Ilea, but was soon pur
sued by her father and all the servants of his house
hold. Sb' taak shelter in a thicket, where she re
mained for s ene time undiscovered. although her pur
suers often passel the spot where she lay. till her little
favorite dog found his mistress and came fondling upon
her. This led to her detection, and she was taken
back to thin house and severely beaten. Fivaily, goad
ed almost to madness, or to what has been claimed ill
regard to her, 'insanity,' she gave a CMl,;ellt. SO far as
the law required, to a union with Gilmour, and after
being bedecked in the bridal robes, was brought as an
ox to the slaughter, or a lamb to the sacrifice, from
her place of confinement, and her destiny interwoven
for life or death with that of John Gilmour. The pa
rent: had given them -2 1000, or about $5.000 each,
making, $lO,OOO in all, and they were settled on the
farm at I nclannan, which became their property. In
about tive weeks from the marriage the unhappy hus
band, after a short illness, in which he experienced
severe torture, perished. Circumstances came to light
which afforded but too much ground for suspicion that
he teas murdered, and that his unibrtunate, but now
it is feared, guilty wife, had caused his death. The
subsequent events are known---she fled to this country
in protection of a young man, and passing as his wife,
but occupying distinct berths, and both assuming a fic
titious name. Anderson is still living in Renfrewshire
and is said to bo of good character. Christi= deckiros
that she did not murder her husband. If so, the prayer
of all will be, that God will permit her to pass in safety
through the terrible ordeal which she will be called
PO soon to encounter.
Moses Dnalavy,
Wm. H. Stewart,
Robert Hingham,
James M'Kown,
Stephen Pierce,
Charles Frew,
Joseph Rogers.
THE, WHEAT 010 P or ten Ustrose•--An intelligent
correspondent of the Cincinnit.' Republican, who seems
to have paid much attention to the subject, writes:—
"Of Wheat I will now speak of the whole country.—
The crops of wheat will, in the sum total, be near, or
quite, an average one. Not in Southern Ohio, but in
the country generally. In some parts it will be very
good. In others, inferior. In others, a failure. But
the parts where the failure is found are few. The best
wheat sections will produce as heavy this year as last.
In the Scioto Valley the crop of wheat has partially
failed, though even there are some good districts.
It is possible that the total crop may be somewhat smal
ler than the average; but it most be remembered that
there was a very large surplus from last year's crop."
In this neighborhood the wheat crop has been good,
very good; but perllps not equal to last year's. The
corn, oats and potatoes, however, will be far behind
the yield of 1842.
Bustst:ss is CINCIN Nari.—TheEnquirerof the 15th
has the following notice of the condition of things in
that city:
"For the past week, or we may say, for the past three
weeks, there has been no change in any of the business
departments, if we except dry goods. According to
the Gazette, nothing has more clearly shown the gene
ral growth of the business of Cincinnati, and its increase
of wealth and capital, than the activity of the dry goods
business for the last few months. Several of the lead
ing dealers, who had long been comparatively idle,
(principally engaged in settling up their old six months'
business, that was considerably extended throughout
nearly all the Western States,) early in the springpre
pared again for larger operations, but upon a different
system. Although a few of the old credit houses had
been broken up or crippled, the majoritrof them, in
spite of all the bad debts they had made during several
previous years, were left with ample capitals to contin
ue theirbusiness. These, with four or five old concerns
which had always adhered as nearly as possible to the
cash system, together with a few new firms, all brought
out large and well selected stocks of goods. Their
great scarcity iu the interior and the increased demand
fur them among the farmer', who were enabled from
the proceeds of the heavy crops of last year to make
liberal purchases from the country merchants, opened
a good market for the sale of these goods. The fine
assortments which the jobbers brought out, and the
great competition among them brought prices and prof
its down to the lowest. Many buyers have been here,
who had formerly purchased in the Eastern markets,
and others who have bought in Louisville and other
places in the West. Sales are all made fur cash, or
short undoubted credit, and generally for notes paya
ble in bank. We have not much to note in the money
market of the past week. The Lafayette and the
Franklin Banks are discounting, but it is the very best
kind of paper. The other banks are doing nothing.—
There is a slight improvement in some of the uncurrent
money, as will be seen on reference to our bank note
list. Capitalists are looking forward to the time when
our fall business commences, and then the money that
is now locked up will find circulation.
The demand for Exchange is limited, for it still com
mands 1 prem.
Specie is almost adrug."
Express sacs—Money is as abundant as ever. Our
Banks are discounting favorite paper at 4 per cent.,
and regular offerings at 5 per cent. At no period
within fotty years have our Banks fcrund it so difficult
to loan money, as at the present time, nor have they
ever discounted notes at so low a rate of interest. It
was predicted a year ago, that there would be a reac
ti, a; none however has come, but on the contrary, mon
ey has gradually become more and more abundant. It
is a little singular that there has been an unwillingness
hitherto to put out money on bond and mortgage at
less than 6or 7 per cent. - Large sums are now lying
idle in this city, belonging to English capitalists, seek
ing investtnentat6 per cent. for which acceptable mort
gages cannot be had.
SAINT Louts.—The Organ speaks in the most en
isia.stic manner of the prosperity of Saint Louis.
Hear him:
"We may bold in hazarding a prediction, but it is
our firm bylief, that by this time next year there will
not be left a vacant lot of ground in Central St. Louis. !
Onall sides the hammer and the trowel are ringing out
die true music, which we love to hear. There i s a t t he I
present moment as great a stir in the building line, as
St. Louis has ever witnessed. Right glad are we to
perceive this. It is proof positive that we are on the
high road to prosperity, and a sure indication that a
healthy pulse is heating in the veins of business. We
are outstripping you, gentlemen of the west, all of you,
and a few years more will place us in front; and you
may rest assured that we will come into the winning
post at a killing pace."
port of Pittoburgl).
Reported by Shcble and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat Agents, IVater street.
ACcording to Copper Mark, at the Wood street Sewer
Pinta, Vandetrsiff, Cincinnati
Rose of Sharon, Evans, do.
Alpine, Cockburn, do.
Price or freight, on Keel Boats, to St. Louis, $1,25
Bureau of Provisions 4. Clothing,
August 14, 1843.
SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for
Beef," and "Proposals for Pork," as the case may
be, will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M.. on
Monday, the second day of October next, for C.- , ishint,
and delivering, free of all cost and risk to the United
Seven thousand eight hundred barrels of Navy Beef,
And seven thousand eight hundred barrels of Navy
each barrel to contain not less than two hundred pounds
net weight of B-..-ef or Pork; no excess of weight in eith
er article will be paid for. To be delivered at the re
spective Navy yards and Naval Stations as follows:
Bids. Beef. Bbls. Pork.
At Portsmouth, N. 11., 94 94
At Boston, Mass., 2,258 ,58
At Brooklyn, N. Y., 2;565 2,563
At Philadelphia, Pa., 107 107
At Baltimore, Md., 15 15
At Washington, D. C , 97 5
At Norfolk, Va-, 2,563
At Charleston, S. C., 15
At Pensacola, Florida, 41
At New Orleans, La., 47
Said Beef and Pork must be delivered, one-half be•
tween the first day ofJ unary, 1844, and the 15th clay of I
April, 1344; and the other half by the 15th day of June
1844, unless earlier deliveries should be required l 4
the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.--
Offers must be made for each half separately and dis— I
tinctly—that is, for the half deliverable betwen first of ,
January and 15th of April, and for the half deliverable
by 15th Jthse,. 1844.
The Beef must be packed from well fattened cattle,
slaughtered between the first day of November, 1343.
and the first day of February, 1844. and vveighing not
Liss than six hundred pounds, net weight each. The
legs and leg rands of the hind quarters, and the shins
and shoulder clods, and at least eight pounds from the
neck end of ouch fore quarter, or the parts Nos. 1,2,
and 3, on the drawing or delineation of the fore and
hind quarters of an ox, which will be attached to and
from a part of the contract, must he wholly excluded
from each barrel and half, and the remainder of the car
cass must be cut in pieces of not less than eight pounds
The Pork must be packed from corn fed well fatten
al hogs, slaughtered between the first day of November
9 1849, and the first day ofFebruary, 1844, and weighing
Inot legs than two hundred pounds each; excluding the
heady. jole4, neck., shoulders, barna, leg*, fir' and lard,
and all refuse pieces; and rnuAt be cut in pieces Ind B
ing Declass than six prunsis each.
Both the Beef and Pork must besotted with of least
one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of Man (*.St.
Übe's salt and th- Beef most have five ounces offing,
pttiverizedsaltpvtr, to ouch barrel, exclusive of a pickle
to be mod,: f,Olll fr.-11 watvr, as strung ea laic will
make it.
One-third the, qqautity of Beef and one-third the
quantity of Pork must be packed in half barrels, and
contain One hundred pounds net weight of etch, as -
the case may be.
The barrels and half barrels must be made tithe
best seasoned white oak or White oak staves and bassi
ing--,; if of the former, to be not lees than three-fourths of
an inch thick; if of the latter, to be notless than one 'lnch'
thick forbarrel s, and three-fourths of en inch for half bar
rels; and to be hooped at least three-fourths ores witle - -
the best white oak or hickory hoops. . . .
Each barrel and half barrel must be branded on its •
head "Navy Beef," or Navy Pork," as the case MalbS . i
with the contractor's name, and the year when pwrinsd,„V
The Beef and Pork will he inspected by the inspecting
officers at the respective navy yards and stations tifot*t.••.
said, and by some 'sworn inspector of salted provision;
who will be selected by the respective eommandiSir
officers; but their charges for such inspection must be
paid by the respective contractors, who must likewise
have the barrels put in good shipping order, to the sat
isfaction of the commandants of the respective pair!
yards and stations aforesaid, after the inspection,
at their own expense.
Bidders must specify their prices separately and dis
tinctly, in separate orders for the Beef and for the Posit;
and for each of the places of delivery, covering all ex
penses and all charges.
The Department reserves to itself the right to reject -
all offers from persons who have heretofore failed to ful
fil their contracts.
Bonds in one-third the amount of the respective con
tracts will he required, and ten per centum in addition
will be withheld from the amount of each payment to
be made, as collateral security for the due and faithful
performance of their respective contracts, which wiliest
no account be paid until the contracts are comillied
with in all respects, and is to be. forfeited to the United-.
States, in the event of failure to complete the deliveries
within the prescribed periods. And in case of failure
on the part of the contractors to deliver the aforesaid
beef and pork within the times specified, the Chief of
the. Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall have the
right to direct purchases to be made to supply the defi
ciencies, and any excess of coats shall be charged to
and paid by the contractors. Payment will be made,
by the United States (excepting ten per centum to be
withheld until the completion of the contracts, as be
fore stated,) within thirty days after the said beef and
pork shall have been inspected and received, and bills
for the same shall have been presented to the Navy
agents respectively, duly approved by the commandants
of the respective - Navy Yards and Stations, according
to the terms of the contracts.
The parts of the beef to be excluded will be parties:-
larly designated in the engraving to be attached to the
I contracts; persons interested can obtain them on
at this olliec.
Successful bidders will be forthwith notified of their
acceptance, and a contract and bond will be txunsmit
tea to them, which roust be executed and returned to
this Bureau within thirty d tys. nag 19-1.305.
pYSENTERY , Diarrhea, Bowcl Complaints,
—W tternor e' s Concentrated Vegetable Syr
up, is now considered to be the hest medicine for the
above diseases, that has ever appeared to the public;
Real the follow inr..
"Essex, Connecticut, Oct. 15, 1841.
"We, the undersigned, having bad occasion the sew
son past, to make a trial of "Whittemore's Concentra.
ted Vegetable Syrup;" in Cases of Diarrhea, or Bowel
complaint, either on ourselves, or our families, end in
every case it having proved a bundantly successful; we
do cheerfully recommend it as a most valuable med.i.'
tine for the complaints for which it stands pledged.
And we do not hesitate to say, that it needs only to be
tried, to convince the most incredulous of its intrinsic
[Signed by 17 citizens.]
Let every one that may be afflicted, try and judge Cot
themselves. The genuine to be had only at Tugres,
86 Fourth street, where alt the valnubie Patent Med
icines may always be obtained, and warranted gem
aug. 18.
AWA ItNlNG.—lnasmuch, as the Directors or
Trustees of the Western Theological Seminary
have advertised a part of the Common ground of the
city of Allegheny for lease. This is to give noticeto
all persons not to take leases from said Trustees for ring
part of said Common ground„or in any way to trespass •
Cu the common right of thy' citizens in said ground, as
it is the determination of the city authorities to contest
the right of any person or persons either to lease or erect
buildings thereon.
By order of the Connell?.
E. W. ST E l• H EN S,P resident, S. C.
au" 12—fit HENRY IRIVIN 2 President, C. C..
FOR THE Y E ut 1843,
Under the Direction of H. Hopkins 4. Co.
The proprietors of this establishment wonid res
pectfully inform the citizens of Pittsburgh, and its VI.",
cinity, that the above named Exhibition will be open at
Broadhurst's Mansion House, Pittsburgh, on Wei.'
nciday, 7'hursday, Friday and Saturday, August
the 23d, 24th, 25th and 26t.h. Doors open on the •
23d from 7.1 to 10. On the following days from 2 to'
5 and from 74 to 10 o'clock P. M.
Admittance reduced to 25 cents; Children under le
years half price.
The proprietors of the New York and Philadelphia
Zoological Exhibition have, at great cost and trouble,
trained two prodigious Elephants, in harness, driving
them in, tandem style, on the entrance of the Menagerie
into the city, leading the Grand Cavalcade ofberatas,
wagons, &c., after the same style as exhibited in the
New York, Philadelphia and other principal cities to
the great surprise and a dmiration of thousands.
New and splendid Scenery, done in oil painting
one' of the hest artists in Philadelphia, decorates the ,
sides of 20 wagons, all containing animals of different'
descriptions, affording one of the most rich and yd.
mating displays ever brought forth, all the designs
inc of the latcst finish and most admirable fashion.
enliven this seene,Pon entering the towni a high toned
band will pour forth some of the most fashionable Sir&
The celebrated JOHN SCHAFFER, the subduer pi
the savage denizens of the forest, will appear in a matra
magnificent series of scene: entitled "The dreadful •
doom of the Sultan's slave." Among a variety of drrilr
ling situations, the following will be exhibit d:--Tie
outcast slave banished to the forest of Faihri,earaFilar„.
from VI un.ger and En igu.; when a fierce Brazilian Tiger
darts like lightning upon Lim from an upper caversa
Thu Eastern despots most awful sentence !! For
feited life spared on eoriition of training a wild lion to
harness, which is accomplished, and the slave rides
across the road lo an ancient car.
Also, a variety (X other beautiful and striking situ"-
Boni will be presented during the pro , vre ss of the piece,
to conclude with the mo-t bold, grand ' and daring hu
man display presented among a whole caravan of mid
animals let loose at the same time, upon the Indian
Slave, who will gradually subdue, and playfullyexkakt
his remarkable skill in elegantly grouping the match.
less zoologionl exhibition.
For partii-ulari lice large hills at the hotels.
aug. 17.