PA ItitLISHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUNI, YABLE PRICF Li L__NO.292. PUBLISHED BY TEOIIII6II PHILLIPS & sums, N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Treas.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Siagl copies Two CZNTs—for sale at the counter of the Cifrice, and by News Boys. Tbs W.eklT Mercury and glanedisctures• Is published at the same office, on a double mediumn sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advanoo. Si iliii copies, SIX CENTS. .......==="'- MMUS Or ADVENTISM*. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: t One insertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Tyre do., 075 Two do., 600 Threedo., ' 2 00 Threedo., 7 00 One week, 1 50 Four do., 8 00 10 00 Two do., 300 Six do., Three do., 4 00 Ono year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CHANGEABLE AT ?LEASURE. Oue Square. Two Squares. 00 Six Months, $lB 00 Six months, $23 One xemir, 25 00 One year, 35 00 nrLarger advertisements in proportion. "CARDS. of four lines Six DOLLARS a year. Public Offices, &c. City Post Office, Third between Market and Wood Strom—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster. Custom House, Water, 4th door from Wood st.,Pe torson's bnildings--Major John Willock, Collector. City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second streots--James A. Bartram, Treasurer. County Treasury, Third street, next door to the Third Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, T ream. rer. Mayor's Ofice, Fourth, between Market and NVood streets--Alexander Hay, Mayor. Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near Market it. BANK'S. " Pittsburgh, between Market and Wood streets on rhira and Fourth stroete. lat.Merchants' and3faaufacture rs' and Farmers' De posit Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between Wood and Market Bee ts. st Exchange, Fifth ear Hood HOTELS. Mosarngaheia House, Water street, near the Bridge: Bsokange Hoge', corner of P 'lnn and St. Clair. Merchants' Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. 411.serican Hotel, corner ofT bird. and Smithfield. United States, corner of Penn st. and Canal. Spread Eagle, Liberty street, near seventh. Miller's Mansion House, liberty St., opposite Wayne._ Brea/towel Mansion House, Penn St., opposite " • logoitant to Owners of Saw Mills. ills, jkIYDER'S unrivalled Self Setters, for saw m which have been so fully tested in different parts of the linked States, as well as in the cities of l'itts burgh and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a camber of mills in this neighborhood, at Mr. W ick - ersham's mills, on Penn street; at Bowman & Chum bones mills, near the upper Allegheny bridge, mid at Monison's mills, on Hare's Island, and others. — above named machine ran be obtained at \V. W. Wr's shop, on Liberty street, near Smithfield, where it is fitting up, and where the m achine will be 'kztconStantly on halals. to 13. F. Snyder s , or W. W. Wallace ma y • Evans' Chamomile Pills. ABRAIINNI J. CLEIIEII., residiag at 66, Mott strAt, New York, Was afflicted with Dyspepsia inks most ag,rravated form. The symptom; were %is oleatheatimehe, greta debility, fever, costa' enes3,cough, heartburn, pain in the chest and stomach always after easing, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the stomach, furred tongue, n ausea, with frequ , nt vomit ing's, dizziness towards night an re d stlessness. TlieFe had continued upwards of a twelvemonth, when, on cerisering Dr. Wm. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and sablaitting to his ever successful and levely e able m e ode of treatment, the patient was comprestored to bealthia the short space of one mout gladly came forar • asod volunteered the above statement For sale, whole sale, and retail, byo R. E. SELLERS, ge Ant, sop ICtyILL-2-1----"Vocal street, below Secorat e Pease's rioarboluld Candy. TUTTLE has received this day from New York, afie4h supply of the above celebrated curefor Coughs, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to sup ply eu3totsers at wholesale or retail, at his Medical Agency, 86 Fourth St. nov Dotter Sargains than ever,ors at the Three Dii Do. T"subscriber would respectfully inform his cur:- trainers and the public generally, that notwithstad ing the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, during the present season; he has still on hand the lar gest and most varied assortment of elegant CLO THING that can be bought west of the mountains.— Their Public may rest assured that all articles offered at his store are, maufactured from FRESH GOOD maSde , p in ur- chased in the Eastern markets this spring and torents by Pitttsburgh workmen. tusequence of the multiplication of slop shops in our city, failed with pawn brokers clothes and the musty, cast off garments of former seasons, from the eastern ci ties, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char acter of the establishments in which they are inviteed arti to urchase, before they part with their money. Th clesered at several of the concerns in this city, are the off mere off er of New York and Philadelphia slop shops, and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts burgh public. Purchasers should be on their guard a gaMst these impositions, and they ma astery rely on wade Clo the fact *also establishment that advertises en thing, can give as good an article or as advantageous hatpins as can be had at the "Three Big Doors." The public will please remember that all the subscri ber's garments are made in this city, by cornpetentwork men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by the "birds of passage" from the shreds and patches of ewe= slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors" have obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO THING in every respect, and at prices b elow those of asoi other eatablishment. He would again return his thanks to his friends and %.,,,,,ibeß public for the unprecedented patrona , re bestowed upon his establishment, and believing that they have found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would retreat ids invitation to all those who wish to purehase ng of every description at the lowest price,to call at No. 151, LIBERTY Sr. JOHN WCLOSKE. Y firObserre Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26. _____---------------- Look at This. THE attention of those who have been somewhat ineptical in reference to the numerous certi& l istied in favor of Dr. Svrayne's Compound of i n Cherry, on account of the persons being - • in this Section of the State, is respectfully di re-kat:A the following certificate, the writer of which bulbs* citizen of this borough for several years,ility. and a brim aa a gentleman of inmgrity and re sponsib la To the Agent, Mr. J. 'Cuter. lbws urea Dr. Swayne' 1 Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry for a Cough, with which flume been severely AWN' for about four months, and I have no hesitation in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I. lows been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, mall agrees well with my diet,. and maintains a regular ...e appetite. I can sincerely recommend it to all magma r milarly afflicred. J. Miffs tot, Borough of MMarch 9, 1840. Chamheraburgh. si For sale by WILLIAM THORN, --, No. 53 Market arre4!, ------------_,_,_H_---,,-- . ...._ . . n, _ ~ , . 1 .•_, i b _. p ~. , i , /11 ~ • ~ , . , et* A t R. Woods, Attorney and Coangellor at Law, Office removed Bakewell's Officea, on Grant street , nearly opposite the new Court House, nextroomsto J. sep 10 D. Mahon, Esq., first floor, Singh Toner, Attorney at. Law, . North East corner of Smithfield end Fourth streets, rep 10—y "Pittsburgh. M'CA.NDLESS & DrCLUR Attorneys and dowasellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House , sep 10 Pittsburgh, Francis IL Shenk, Attorney at Laid, Fourth street, above Wood, rep 10-ly Pittsburgh, Po. at Law, Thomas Simonton, Attorney. Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield as., sop 10—y Pittsburgh, Pa Wm. 011asa Robinson, Attosissy at Law, Office on the North side of the Diamon st d, between M ar ket and Union streets, up airs. sep A. L Durboraw, Attorney at Law, Tenders his professional services to the public. Office sep 10 on sth st., above Wood, Pittsburgh. Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row,' shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood sts., tsbur sep 10 Pitgh N. Elnekosaster, Attorney at Law, 11asremoved his office to Bea rem' Law Buildings, 4th st., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. spp 10 George W. Layng, Attorney at Law, Office in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh sep —y Road° Washington, Attorney at Law, Office in Bakesvell'sbuilding,Grant street, Pittsburgh. nov 5, 1842 John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Office corner of Smitheld and Vifttrst roots, Pittsburgh MP Collections made. All busillef43 entrusted to care will be promptly attended to. fob 16—y William Elder, Attorney at Law, Office in Second street, secontidoor above the corner of tip 29—tf Smithfield, north side• Wm. E. Austin, Aitorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's Building. rir WILLI sm E. A UST ts, Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and 1 recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y NV LT 1: It FORWA RD . ___ _ _ Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth street, between \Vood and Smithfield ap 8 Pitt.burg __—____ Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfiel ,ibud st rzh mt. scp 10 Pitt Judson &Fla.ncgin; Attorneys at Law, Smithfield, near 7th stetet. Collection: micli• on moil crate term:. Pensions for widow: of id,' soldier , unilei the latc act of Conit - ress aotained. l'alicrs and draw in-1r 17-y in ; for the patio!t (Alio. p r oparvil. 33enry S. MagraW,Att,orney at Law 11;1 , removed hi, office t.i hi. r -Mt. , ii.•.•, it t Vott i ~11 1104 /I • 6 ÜbliVe Sinithtielli. J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law, Office contorSmitliflehl a 1,1 TII;n1 , tro , •t , . Pitt, MEE L. Harper, Attorney 'and Counsellor at Law, CADIZ, HART :TIN COL' NTT , 01110, Kill attend promptly to' the collection or ,:ecitrit y of claims, :uid all profe,,ionaOmsitwss entro-4ed to his care in the counties of I.larriAott, detlerson, Belmoat, Gite sev,` Tuscarawas, Holmes, Coshocton, Carroll, Stark and \V ayne. RT.:FF llf :11.TO, elealf ..S- Loomis, Dalzell .S• Fleming, l'itt,l)urgit. John harpe r, D. I'. Morgan, my r-'7, 131:3-tf . U. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Stnithrtola, Pittsbargh. sep 10—tf Magistrate's Blanks, For proceedings in attachment under the late law, for 'tale at this office iY Blank Petitions, Notices, Ike., To be used in Bankrup*:y proceedings, printed on good paper, and in the forms approved by the Court, for gale at this office. 9-5 - Dr. S. R. Holmes, Office in Second street, next door to ,Mulvany & Co Glass NV nreliotise. set) 10—y Dr. A. W. Patterson, )ffice on Smithfield street, third door from the corner u sixth street. seli 10 U. D. Sellers, M. D., Office and dwelling in Fourth :treet, near Ferry, EmssmE.•••----- Ward & Hunt, Dentists, Liberty street, d few doors below St. Clair, 6,1843 . Doctor; Daniel Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10—v lIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., COTTON YARN WARM:IOIISE No. 43, Wood Street, Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarn. mar 17—y WILLIAM H. WILIiIAMS ...... JOHN S. DiLAvonTit. Williams & Dilworth, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mer chants, and I)ealers in Pittsburgh Ma.nufuturctl Ai-- , tides, No. 29, Wood street. sep 10—y NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & :LACKEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in English,' French and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 81, Market street, Pittsburgh. ger I°—Y J. & 3. ilirDevitt, Wholesale Grocers, Rectifying Distillers, and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No, 224, Liberty Street, &Pittsburgh. sep 10 d, iG. & A. GORDON, Ceinaission and Forwarding Merchants, Water are42l,Pittaburt BIRMINGHAM & CO. CoinMINIM and Perwarthse 'ldexchants, No. 60, Water street, I' ittsburgh, Pa. arTaaxs.---Fteceiving and shipping, 5 cents per 10-01bs. Commission on purchases and sales, 22 24 per cent mar --y Brow:x.l4lle Josiata Iron Works, Edward Hughis, Manufacturer of Iron and Naas Warehouse, N o. 25, Wood sc., Pittsburgh. sap 10—y HAILMAN, JENNINGS Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, Amid' &slots is Pittabsrgli Manufactures, roar 17 No. 43, Wood street: rittsbargh. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1843. NtcHotes D. COLEMAN -• - B LLOYD R. COLEMAN• Coleman & Co., General Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so n '2'2 —tf licit consignments S. W. Borbridge & Co., e.nts for the sale of Beatty's rowder, Water street, amteen Wood and Smithfield. r 3flry LEXUELWICK ................. L. &J. D. WICK, Wholesale Grocer* & Dealers in Produce, 116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st., may 15 Pittsburgh, Pa. EAGLE GROCERY STORE. STAGY LLOYD, Wholesale and Retail Gro cer and Fruiterer, Jr., No. 140 Liberty street Pitti may "20. Birmingham &Co., AGENTS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND, AND CLEVELAND LINE. March 22 John 33. Brant, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Corn miasiort Mercha II Ilarrishurg.ii, Pa. WILL dispose doll goods sent for COMIIIii4IOII. Sales at the lowest commission rates. REF int Five Es: & . Esher, Day & risli, D. Leech &Co. Balliniore—NV .W inn &co. W illAon & e rr,-) . E.Elder Ha rrisbu r h—Micla' 1 B urke,ll. utes JM. lioldmait july JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, BOOkSeUerS, Printers and Paper Makers ) No. 37, Marlog stre..t. I( John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, Water rltreot. near the NI( Intitrah-la 11011,W, l'ittsburgl Acp 10-y Tuo%As B. You s ...... FRANCIS L. You sa. Thos. B. Young & Co., Furvittire Ware Roms, corner of !land street and Es change alley. Persons wishing to furniture will find it to their a41:41:4:84e to Os c us a call, being fill 1 satistio4l that we c. et pletLa4 as to y and price. sepl 0 It. C. '1 u NSF:\ & Wire Workers and Wire Manufacturers , N :11arl.ot •tree,:,l,et id I(lstre et Exchange Hotel, Corner of Penn and Saiya Clair streets, by McKIBBIN SMITH Pilkington'sUnrivalled Blacking, 71 - .‘ AcT I ana 4,61 und retnil v. itErr, dour Nnithtield. (wl James Patterson, 3r., Bit-mil:lmm, mar l'ltt4mr.:ll. I'm, In 111111.1.i'llIn • F lock=, I,,!t<;fuktor, will auCa' • for 10-y John Di'Closkey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty 3tIVCI, 11,100 ttt •t Viii 5.1,111 Webb Closcy'snaot and Shoe Manufactory o. ;13, ~,.. 1?0,111 . 4. 1 . . S. Book. L:Laic 41110, j : 1,•• 1111.11!14•1'.:Ula by th.. Vri , v , • ll pattera , :. William Doherty, II \T ~,) C MAN (11. 14t; y ,,betwovil Mais'.;et Malt.Malt.lo-6m. and-- William Douglass, AU ANI) C ,N 1 N ur.A(..n: Obl Stand of Po I, obr Moore, No. 17, Wood 3trect. E I very de,:criptiun of hats and raps t o t haul and for sale w holesale alai retail, at prices to suit the tent my 5 JOHNSON & DUVAL, nookbiuders and Paper Rulers, Continue business at the stand lute of M'Candless & Johnson. Every description of %cork iu their line neat ly and promptly cocecuted may B—y Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale. FEW thouand feet of seas9ned Oak andf .1 Popla a.nes r ALumber, for sale by wolesale. Efnquire o ' Cummins, Esq. near the Fountain Inn. jy; '2 1. Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Villa. r 1 HESE Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want ofexereise,or generlddebilit y of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanc tion and approbation of the most eminent PhysFicians sale in the United States, and many Mothers. or NV le Msale and Retail ,by R. E. S LE S, Agent, No. '2O, Wood Street, below Saeond Notice to Dr. Drandreth's Agents. r HE office in Pittsburgh, which WitA established for 1. the purpirw of constituting, agents in the west, having twcomplished that onject, is now closed, and , !Ir. G. H. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, ap iointed my' agent for the sale of my l'ills and Lini- A,cl Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore,u nt stand that Dr. B. will send a travelling age trough the c ountry once a year to collect monies for ;ales made and re supply al,"Clas. The said travePer will be provided with power oC attorney, duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all the necessary vouchers and papers. Mr J. J. Yoc is my traveling agent now in M. PCM D. ISyl - Vallltl. B. BRANDRET I I , N. B.—Remember, Mr. G. 11. LEE, in the rear )1 . the Market is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. Facts. H aving been afflicted for nearly two years, with hich a hard 6welling on the cap of my knee, w produced much pain, and used various applications recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. 13randreth's linarnent, or external remedy. Witness my hand, JANIES TAYLOR. Ohio tp. Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10, 1840. Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or hnament; sold at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. ------ niovsL HE subscribers have removed to W stet, between TWood and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commission busi ness, and would respectfully solicit the patron & CO. of their friends. J. W. BURBRIDGE dec 3 - Estee's Writing Institute. CORP ER of Third and Wood street, over Kram er's Exchange office, entrance on Third st. His classes meet daily as follows: Gentlemen's class at 8 o'clock, A. M.; Ladies' class at 10, A. M. Ladies' and Gentlemen's class at 7 P. M. Ladies' can re ceive lessons at their residences during the afternoon. Visiters will please call during school hours. jy 18. Chsapfor Cash.— PRICE Short Reel Yarn. No. sat 15 perlb 6 at 15 do 7 at 15 do Bat 15 • do 9 at 15 do 10 at 15 do 11 at 15 do 12 at 15' do 13 ut 16 do 14 at 17 do 15 at 18 do 16 at 19 do 17 at 20 do 18 at 21 do 19 at 22 do 20 at 23 do JouN D. WICK - • [V'Orders promptl) Painter's,Logun &Kenn f 9.7 PITTSBURGH Circulating and Reference Library. OF religious, historical, political and miscellanoou 3 works, will be open every day, Sabbath except ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in the Ex change building, corner of Si. Clair street d Ex- change alley, %Thiele punctual attmulance will an be given J. GEM ITT SB RG M U F ACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages, At Eastern P tires. Tim mimsa..ture and keep conittud ly on hand Cow-11,C .and Faiptir Spiing3 (war ranted.) Juniata Iroa Axles, Silver and Bra plated Dusk Frinnei. Braii and plated ands B Bands, St a p tun Joints, patent Leather, Silver rasi Lmps, Three fold Steps, Malleablelron, Door Hanalei and &c., &r. JONES & COLEMAN t.ep 10 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. FOR SAFETY, T'ra retie rs shim 1I srlert Boats pro ride 1 w ith Eran's Safety Guards for prrren?ing Exploslow Steam Boilers T would he NN-ell for the trat commuuity to 'I bear in inhul that their security depend.: entirely upon their Own elleolll3.o2lilellt of boats that have or may be at die eigtense of proem - lug the above appara tus that every gmakinz selee s A tio,, contributite:: too Ards a eneral intoxinction of an iliv.mtion admitted by la; m en who unilerntand th pi iia . iole- of the Steam to be a nitre preventa. tier st th„-.. (ii You have eer tai•iy, in the lunsla, ofexpb r-ilit IS that, haVv• I alo•11 0 • their a!mo-t d. , v oeenrrence, and the tie atsaiiil, tltit ILsce lielnly been lost, a stall .•ient 'warning. null iiiilitecin , nt to =the inquiry for a S gnarl Il•Ktt, awl ia c,e!y (-No to _rice 4 the 'llu v hive woo: t .01 a.Llit 4111111 t•xpen , e ~:1:11..' 1,0 lhrsht ',cll. therefore ni •I•t. th 51.1..11 corre:poialint:..l.•:ree of lib , t'alitv, antl hy your prt,•retice show that appreciate their ko,la111.• endeavio s to stop thi- awful i+acrifiee of hu an life.rhey do not charge more than other boats; tltair accommodation, in other respects are equal, and in many eases slip'. tier and as there is one leaving Leven day, why a ill you run any rink, ben it is so co mpletely it, our oivirpeii er to avoid those tits- nion Cotton Factory FLEDUCKD• Long Rea Yarn. 500 at 84 cents per dozen GOO at 74 du 700 at 64 do 800 at 54 do 900 at 5 do 1000 at 5 do Candlewick at 15 emits per lb. Coln. Batting, 8 do Family do., 124 do Carpet Chain, 20 do Cotton Twine, 20 do Stocking Yarn and Cover let Yarn always On hand. Cotton Warps made to or ]cr. • attended to, if left at J & C. etly'R,or the Post Office:address . K. MOORHEAD & CO. asters. All boats marhed thus I:1in the Lig of Arrivals and Departures. in another part of this paper, arc supplied with the Sal'etv Guard. List if Itoais provided trial the Safety Guard. ALPS. JEWESS, AGNES, JAMES ROSS, AMARANTH, LADY OF LYONS, ADELAIDE, MENTOR, ASHLAND, MINSTREL, BIOLLIANT, MARIETTA, BRUN ETTE, MICHIGAN, BREAKWATER, MARQI7ETTE• BRIDGE WA TER, MISSOURI MAIL. CADDO, MUNGO PARK, CICERO, MESSENGER, CANTON, MONTGOMERY, CUTTER. NORTH BEND, CECELIA. NEPTUNE, C ASP MN, N AR AGAMSE T T, CLIPPER, NIAGARA, COLUMBIS, OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIA NA , OHIO, DUQUE,SSE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE. BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, QliEENojlhc SOUTH. EVELINE, ROWENA, EXPRESS MAIL, RARITAN, FORMOSA, SARAH ANN, FORT PITT, SARATOGA. GALENA, SAVANNA, GENE BROOK, TALLE Y.RA ND, GALLANT, TOBACCO PLANT, IDA, VIC TRESS, INDIAN QUEEN, VALLEY FORGE, ILLINOIS, WEST WIND, mar 22 J. H. BILLS, ___-------------- Ncw York Dyor. rr~ISEE lllMES•wouldrespectfullyinformhis friends V.l and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black; and wzirrants diem not to smut, and to look equal to new goods. Ile dyes fancy colors of all descriptions of silk and carpet yarn. Also,cleans audrestores the colors of gentlemen's clothing, eo as to resemble new goods. Mr. H. flatters himself that he can please the public, as he has done an ostensive business in New York for twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his establishment in sth st., between Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre CERTIFICATE. This is to certify that OSEE 11.IIES has done work fur us, which has fully answered our expec tations, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy. Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boics 3. B. Shurtleff, Wm. Porter, David Hall, H. H. Smith, B. F. Mann, Henry Javens David Boles, A. Shockey, jr. Joseph French, jr., J oseph Vera, George Barnes Naylor & Co." Rest Refined Cast Steel. frl HE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated _L stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as sortment of the same, consisting in Best refined Cast Steel, squared, flat, round and octagon, do do do do cute temper, ' Estra-do do do for nail cutters, Best do Double and Single Shear steel, English Blister, German, Granite; Wedge and Craw ley Steel, at wholesale, by the case, or in smaller lots to suit purchasers. LYON, SHORB & CO., je 24-3 m 1 Foot of Wood street N,Oard. JAVILLIAM McCARTHY begs leave to announce to the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. that he is prepared to make 800 TS of all kinds, of the best Leather obtained from Philadelphia, and over Lasts made by instructions from himself. He does now for himself what he has so long done for ,the Pittsburgh Bosses, i. e. alter and fithis lasts to suit the foot. He has worked at the most fashionable work in the Eastern cities,came here and instructe by d. several how to alter and fit, which can be attested numbers of Journeymen in this city, and now is rewarded by them with contumely and abuse. He hereby challenges any Bootmaker in Pittsburgh, (Boss of course,) to make a pair or more of Boots, stock equal, measure to be ta ken by each in his own way. Workmanship to decide the matter. Fourth st. or the Monongahela House Boot maker, (as he calls himself,) have a rare chance now to show themselves. If they can make a Boot let us See it. W. McCarthy's Shop and Store is on Market street., neat door to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tin a I nd Sheet Iron ware Factory. july 11—tf. To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. jTHE subscriber most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city and vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT anthd SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite e Mayor's office. Having been foreman in som most fashionabh., boot shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself with the best French and American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and know ledge of his business. P. KERRIG. may 11 William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty st. opposite the head of Smithfield. jiThe subscriber having bought out the 4 4OIWI stock of the law Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R., ' and is prepared to execute all descriptions o f work in his line, in the beat manner, and on the s hortest notice. He keeps constantly on hand a large a ssortment of shoe ' findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft. - sep 10—v WM. ADA IR. —,------- _ _- jDavid Clark, .114., FASHIONBLE BOOT MAKER, has removed to No. 31 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he w ould be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa tronise him. He uses nothing buttirst rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his con stant persoml attention to business, he trusts that be will deserve and receive a fair share of paunnage. sep 10 Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash. No S. lAlth st. Ttro duo," f rout Ma rZyt. T YATES iutends to manufacturer a bet -1!1.,3 • ter article of Ladies, Chililwas and Mi,iics' Shoes, and sell them cheaper for cash than they Cu: be bought is the city. He will keep constant ly tin hand and makes to order Ladies' Shoes of all kinds and colors, at very 100- prices, of tho following st. Ladies Lasting Foxed Claiter Boots, $1 75 1 " best quality Kidor Morocco Gaiters, 1 5 Calfskin Boots, 1 37 0 1 Foxed Half Gaiters, all colors., 1 371 " best kid and Moroco buskin, 1 18/ " Double Soled Slippers, (Jeff.) 1 121 " tine Kid Springs end Turns, best qual.l 00 44 " Springs, heavy, 871 " Slippers, 75 41 41 44 694 All Shoes made here warranted. Misses' andChil arens' in the same proportion. Remember the place, at the sign of the Red Box, No. 8, Fifth street. July 1 JAMES YATES. LOOK AT THIS! TOBACCO, SNUFF' AND CIGAR STORE. J. YULLEItTOS, No. 1.16, Wend slreer,one door above6th, Tr EFTS constantly on hand all kinds of the best 1..5. Spanish Ciga; - s, Regalias,Casadorea, Coot manes, Trabucas, Prioripes. Also, half Spanish and common cigars. Tobacco of all The best brands. Cavendish, 55 lump; Baltimore Plug, 12s and 18s, lump. Also, Mrs. Miller's fine cut chewing tobacco. Snuffs --Rapper, Scotch, Niaconba, High Toast,&c . .. He has also, all other articles in his line, which he offers, wholesale anCAd j retail, at the lowest cash prices, LL AND SEE. e 8-8 m Thitrithtrrtram we= somas. ALEXANDER M ' CURDY, At the old stand of Young 4- M 'Curdy, No. 43, Se con4lstreet, between Wood and Market, RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late firm, and the public generally, that he is prepa red to fill all orders for Cabinet Work, of any kind, with all possible despatch, and warranted to be equal i to any in the city. Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS, - . when re Ithrd. je 16—y File Manufactory. THE subscriber having commenced the manufac ture of Cast Steel Files, from American materials exclusively, merchants or other persons warning can be supplied by him with a better article than the foreign, and at lower prices. Intending to use only the best quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs. SHOE N BERGER'S, Which is TOW brought to a perfection equal to the best English article, manufactured for the same purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he will be able, in quality of articles and prices, to realize the best hopes of the friends of American Industry. i GEORGE ROTHERY, : 7 Cor4r of O'Hara & Liberty sts. jl, 15-y lgoratio P. Tones, Cabbie Maker, (Late of the fires of Young 4- lir Curdy) HAS commenced th e Dopiness in all its branches at No 22, Wood street, between First and Second strs., where he will keep ermstantly on hand a good as sortment of well glade FURNITURE, and hopes, by strict attention to beeiness, to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Every attention willbe paid to furnishing COFFINS, &c. A Furniture Car for hire. July 11 JOHN Mef'ARLAND, Srphedsterer sad Cabinet lisker,ll Tkird st,,between Wood aid Market, la I Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he I is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and ipring mattresses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol stering work, which he will warrant equal to anymade in the city, and on r easonable terms. ar my 1 m 0 Illatthall, jokes, Barber sad Hair 'Dresser, Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of fice, where he will be happy to wail upoz permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pa d sep 10. tronage. • thaM IN ADVANCE Zl)c Path) „Morning Post. From the Dublin University Marmite. T11118331111-NA -511114 OR, THE FAMT WELLS amongst the many old and fanciful su:es • . embodied in the traditions of oft peasantry, soots 4 .... the most poetical are those connected with spring meat, • •.. which in Ireland have been invested with sernatbflig '..: of a sacred character ever since the days of Drat/id:at worship. It is in some parts of the country an uttiele of popular belief, that the desecration of a spring by ._ any unworthy use, is invariably followed by seine Mile• fortune to the offender, and that the well itself, Which is regarded as the source of fruiteulness and pops t y, moves altogether out of the field in which the vie ? lad= had been c ommitted. I saw a well whith was said to have been the subject of such saperneturalise . fluences; and many of the circumstances being of east- ' 1 meter almost as mystical as the event itself, they sp. .4 peered to me worthy of being recorded. i In an excursion some years since, thrmaghthe tonthc ! ern counties of Ulster, I found myself, 11. t. starless of an 1 a utumn day, in the midst of the very interesting SCOW i ry which Bei westward of the little town of CirrinAtrew cross. I was making the best of my way towards this place, after a weary march through the the billy and uLty tr CI ei. rile roachleadiog from the confines of coO van, when I was struck by the apptetrance of what,had i been a respectable mansion, and evidently of mesa . erection, standing near the road in almost utter ruirks.. i s I a pproarhed I observed a countrYttan leaning of gainst the opposite ditch, and enjoying the betiuy ot dhudheen, while he contemplated, with =tree= coin' 1 placency,_ the desolation before him. There was ta i . i A . i , evil gladness in his eye, and he seemed for some titue unconscious of the presence of aa c etlength he turned round, and, taking the pipe (tote his i I I mouth— " Well now, God forgive me!" he said, "bet ies ' 1 what I'm thinkin, your honor) that tlaMeAlFit a pies. l amer sight in the live counties, than to see the son shi. nia' in among them ould walls, and the gossoos the= feedin' his bastes on wild earth, and never deain' there w as one in it afore him." . -1 of this ads I was a little surprised at the =raptness dress, but still more at the tone of bitter eankekle ia which it was spoken.. The scene was ce rel it & turesque enough; the situation was lonely an d I ly beautiful; but there was something melancholit at lia t sight of the yellow harvest, waving over the titistMetme / and around the rootless wallet while the ruis itsel, I I gleaming in the golden and chequered light, Sad dot i 1 boy lying beside his goats within, afforded an admires ruble subject either to moralist or painter It was it 1 the spirit of the former the peasant viewed the for when I expressed nay as tonishtnentat a building such strength having gone so soon to decays "Ay!" he said, "it's throe yourlsononri bath's I er walls nor them the heavy curse can cram blea = I you mind that cabin yonder!'" he continued, poindngte a c omfortable looking farm-house at a little distaseel 1 "them was pleasant days and nights, too, there, mese* t the long year afore a stone o' them unlucky walls wet laid; and the hearth in the cabin's warm sdllt while the house, that never had the poor body's blemiag," it gone—to ea. Diyil, in troth ; as its masther went afore it." I had imagined, from the first, an humble temente t ,. 1 connected with the history of the ruin, Having nod expressed a desire tube informed of the cireuntstanees, the peasant willingly gratified my curiosity, and the r....ader shall be made ur‘ painted with the substance et his com munication. ' From the road where we stood; the gitkaund slopes its regularly down, forming one side of a rich and -pexualif wooded valley, the centre of which is occupied by a lake of considerable extent, constituting the principal feature in the landscape. On the eastern side of Lough Fay am the rocks of Dhubatti, which tise almost per. - \ pendicularly from the water; bat being thickly covered with a stunted copsewood (the finest fox-cover, by the way, in the entire country) they interfere very little with the quiet and luxuriant beauty, which is the most distinguishing cliameteristic of the scenery , The prole pert is limited on the south by a semicircular range of • blue and distant hills, while on the north it sttetehee away bleak and desolate to the horizon. The sun had ascended but a little way, and the mist was rising front the valley, and disclosing by degrees the cold dark was tern of the lake, when an individual wandered forth I 1 from the fartn-house we have mentioned, his feelings - in sad discordance with the stillness of the scene around him. His uppeamnce was slovenly and disordered -4 his stop was faltering, while his inflamed eyes and pallid \cheek gave evidence at once of recent and habitwel in. 1- toeicatiom Ravine sauntered for some time from held • 4 to field, he observed a young man coming up vrith a hasty step from the valley, and annoyed, he knew not . who, at any intrusion, lie sat downunder a thick green t hedge, and . muttering ' something like an imprecation, I buried his face in his hands. "Good morning, to you, Mr. M'Cartan," said the i youth, whose comely and healthful a ppearance contrasts • ed strongly Muth the worn and dissipated looks of the other. The latter raised his head— for. "Good morning," he replied, and resumed his - i met. positions "The whate looks well with you, thank God, sit," said the young man, after a few moments' silence: "It does, Johnny," was the laconic reply. This was a little too m atter-of-fact for Johnny, Hs • seemed embarrassed and annoyed at theeeptdejwilwes ,,- . 4 st= olllll l per of the farmer, and his chagrin was manifest in the tone in which he said, "Well, Mr. M'eartan, I'm come to take my lave of you." "Well, God be with you, Johnny," said hi'Cartint "and wberever o u go," he added., "you' llhave my blew in', and the bles'in' o' them that's betther nor me along with you; for, in truth, the sorra one knows you, Joins+ ny, but wishes you well; I'll say that." The young man retut necl a brief but sincere schisms , ledgment; but there was still something he wished to communicate, and which he evidently wanted comp to introduce. "Mr. M'Cartan," he said at length, by way of Wow.. ing the subject round; "its what I was thiiikin' that when I'm out o' this, you'll be *antin' a neighbor to give you a hand, now and then, at reg'latin' the firsrc-- , though, to be sure," he added, a little ertiphatically, "it's not just as big as what it was--bot I thought I'd tell you afore I en; there's Andy Brennan, and vrhenev.p. l er you're hard set, or the like, spake to Andy d's end to , smiths divil a one of him but would walk to the worl serve you." 1 "Oh, fair, I'm obleeged to him," said the &Merl I"he's a civil boy sure enough; and I am obleeged to you, avich, for it's throe for you, Johruiy, now your gain' I feel your lossmore ways than one; but I was cottabi o with myself, maybe Mr. M'Cullough might b st : 3 :4 friend to us ye t.-- . -for though, to be sure, he got of a bargain in the well.field beyant he came honestly by it, and God forbid I'd never grudge a neighbor kis I luck:" 1 "Ay," utuuered the other, "it was his luck, sure o• nough--a sorry luck for you, I doubt, Mr. M'Cartan." It was evident the farmer did not wish to dwell on this subject-.. "Well, but I was sayin', Johnny, be's a good pee M'Cullough, and when he hear.' tell of your gem, be costae to me very friendly entirely, and he weld me. 'M'Cartan,' says he, •I'm not one that talks a dale about, What I do, or what I don't dm izat I hope; says be, 'you'll never want help or council while I can servo you.' " The young peasant heard this intellig,ence with elti• dent uneasiness. "Mr. M'Cullough, I bliare's a. very honest man, he replied, in a cold and doubtful total "but do you think, sir," he added, after Imamate* hesitation, "that he's ILI good a hand about a farm as Andy Brennan?" "I think, Johnny, he's a wiser and a swain hand, „Asndy'# just a - o'.l-egirt . as I know; and I 'raven ft.pra =so