Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 18, 1843, Image 2

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= Subjeot to the decision of
ititiVititt Igniting
Assoctmlnii—A writer in the Nov York Sun,
spealag of the Owen and Fourier systems of _Associa
tion, any that they should not be confounded, for they
are as wide apart as two YIorCIM3 can be, and it is not
in accordance with a spirit of justice and impartiality
to cbuirge upon one Set of views or one plan of reform
the errors or mishaps of another. In the system of
Fourier; individual property is nitintainoi, and the
means Of acquiring it emended ton. 11; equal opportuni
ties ofiditeation are guaranteed to all children, and the
rightfrof lebor. or constant employment, together with
witha. free choice of occupation and the profits of in
dostrf, is secured to every individual. The sacred
aka:it - cif Religion, and the family union or tie are sa
credly,eospe4ed, and individual liberty and indepen
denco filly preserved.
Titereat objection to the Owen system, and the
only objection; that will always prevent it front suc
ceeding—is the principle of a community of goods, and
the disregard evinced for the principles of nal gion
So km as adifferenceinthe capacities of individual ett
ist, be impossible to pro serve harmony in an as
sociation where the industrious and skillful receive nn
greater reward than the indolent and incompetent; and
withset the humwizing. influence of religion, neither in
dividuals or communities can prosper. This 'has been
illustrated in the many abortive attempts to establish
Associations on the Owen syste.ny, on the other hand,
the perfect practicability of associated labor, when free
froni the objections above stated has been proven by
the Clccess of the Ais I,;iatiun.i that rejected the level
ingp riuciples of Mr. °well's plan.
ESPYciterday's mail brought u= a copy of the Get
tyaburgh Compiler of the 3d of My. for which we
thank, the editor. Tlic , Compiler is a paper that we al
ways read with ple:Liur', and althomili th. 2 numbernou
in our possession is rather ancient, yet most of
=Mali like goad wine, none the w 'cm , for Tf.:e.• We
presume the Gettysburgh mail is tran-Torteil Tired
dens Stevens' " Tapzwarm," and rite d:ftlen!tie::
countered in doubling the sinoo:ities of (Ica c•Achratcd
improvement is what keeps it so the !Alkyl every oth
er mode of CO:ol.3yauC,..
CEA WYU LID democrat:: , of ( ,rd calla
were to titeet on the evening of the 15th t J appoint del
e • es to the Canal Ccmmi~+ioncr< Convention.
COIIGILESS.—In the Crawford Dis;;ri•:t .th-xe is quite
a struggle for the Congressional Domini:firm, and for a
while many supposed that the sip . ' rt wotdd be earlier' so
far as to entlang - or the 311CC033 01 - the :101114 - tee. But we
observe that all tho candidates haro publishNl letters
pledging then - Bel cs to abide by th- clerisicul of the
Crawford Convention. Thi; g.)J:I demo
crats should, and n^ Irr:o a r.c no (I,t tht of their sue-
F,t.r.c.rioNq.—We do not think it worth while to
publish detailed accounts of the results of the elections
that have taken place in several states, until full and
correct returns are received
In .A.VO rth Ca Mine: ,the dentoera , .... ha; e done nobly:
nay hate elected four ntembrrrs of Congress, certain,
perhaps five.
In Illinois; what little informtion has been received
indicate that the coons have been routed in fine style.
Tennessee, i not worth talking about; she has be
hated badly as usual; she is completely in the power of
the whips, and of course will have great cause. of repen
tance before the expiration of a year.
In buila 7! a , the demoerats have el , cted their Govern
or by a handsome majority; also, a majority of the Leg
islature. Two Whigs arc probably elected to Congress.
C. B. Smith in the 4th district, and E. W. McGaugh
ey in the 7th. The balance of the delegation is prob
ably democratic. It is given up that T. Smith in the
Ist district., T. J. Henly in the 9.d, R. D. Owen in
the 3d, Wm. J. Brown in the sth, John W. Davis in the
6th, and John Petittim the Sth, all democrats, are cloc
A few days will bring the full returns.
Res,'ll ed., Ist: That in makin ,, all laws, our Leyris
intime should have an eye to the Constitution and ens
dpavor to confinm to its requisitions, and enact law
that could be faithfully put in T ract ice.
2.alt That it is the duty of our state Legislature to
comply with the repeated requests made by the mili
tary conventions: to have the militia lan s so amended
that the officers might enforce the same with credit to
themselves and benefit to the community.
3d: That to enable die military to respond prompt
ly to the call upon them, and to preserve the
spirit winch prompts them to unite in bodies for the
public good, and to restore that equality which should
exist between all classes, die Legislature should pass
laws that will be calculated to strengthen and encourage
the citizen soldier.
i 4th: That we are opposed to monopolies of all kinds,
and in the language of die Connecticut Legislature,
"the National Military Academy at West Point is gen
erally obnoxious to the Republican citizens of the United
States, is aristocratic in its character and tendencies,
and wholly different in all its features 'from what it was
designed to be originally."
stb: That it is wholly unnecessary to the governmem CINCINNATI, Aug. 14.—Flour selling at $3,65 in
or people, as a means of filling the (Zees in die army, spectra. Whiskey, dull, as it ought to be, at 17-.} cts.
military instruction hying now furnished to the youth of
i ma country, at institutions of learning in the different ILLINOIS ELECTION.
States of the Union, whose prosperity': only retarded We learn that WENI WORTH, (Dem.) is elected to
M'At the request of Mr. Riddle, we publish the by the overshadre.Wing influence of a government moo- Congress from die Fourth District, by a large majority.
following fa refutation of a groundless net opolv. 1 ______
iltig That the expense of maintaining the institution
slander that has barn propa7.:l:ed aeainst him by some A LARGE BOAT.IIIe "Tennessee Valley," recently
;at \Vest Point, up to the year 1334, exceeded the sum lost in the Mississippi River, was, probably, the largest
malicious minded persons: .
of thrcc iaillienc: of dollars, the overage cost to the
- REF I: T A TlO:',;.boat r, inni i lg. She was capable of carrying 1000 tons of
United States of educating earl: Cadet hein , i , upwards
To the Democratic . Party of Atte Oen y county:
OiF , D."R T ROCS AN D DOLLARS, U sum worse tirm tiwown '
4000 bales of Cotton. She was, also, we believe, the
A paper called the Aurora, and professing to be away on the recipients .of gi We. rament bounty, 6w it is
• Democratic, havin! ,- made a charge against me, - which, betieved it has nu other effect than to create a military first boat built atCairo, atthemouthof the Ohio• Her en
if true, should prevent ever:y democrat from supporting aristocracy iii the country. girie and boiler; were old. Capt. Gentosos, formerly
me, I have thought it due to those friends whose par- 7111: That the West Point Academy, s upported and
of this city, was the principal owner.
tiality.hus encouraged me to offer my name as a can- maintained at the eXptaLie of the people of the Uniterl ; ._
didate for nomination by the Democracy for the office States ous - lit be abolished. THE Thy ER.—From Cincinnati to Louisville there
of Prothonotary, to mal:e a plain statement of the mat- Bth: That we consider it the duty of Congress, in
is dues Bret water in di_ Ohib, from
,` •Louisville 0111.,
ter, that a correct j u ik inen t may be formed as to its compliance with the Constitution, to make annual ap
trutll±, and the replier's that leave iiidured these profess- propriations to die several states for national military four feet.
c 4 Democrats to make this unfounded char : :e. On purposes• i DROWN ED.—Norman C. Gleason, Engineer of the
the sth of Augnq last, the Aurora contained a state- 9:11. That the proceedings of the national military , s team -boat i'athfinder, fell Overboard &inn that boat
meat, that I had promised my influence to Jelin Mor- conyention, held in Washington city, in December last, at Cincinnati, and was drowned.
riion, the whig candidate for Sheriff. Immediately on contains such sujgestions, which, if carried out, would ~....i . ..5 - ----
' seeing the article, I published in the Morning Post die g reatly tend to relieve.kbe military from many embar- • •
following plain denial of the charge: , rassments, and therefWe we recommend them to the
From the Daily Morning Post, of August 7. immediate consideration of Congress.
Messrs. Editors.:—This mining acopy cf the Aiwa- 10:11. That we will use all fair and li`onorable means,
ra was placed in my hands by a friend, and my WI ontion by
lau petition and
ruler wa yes,
for the aduldvancemen ease t. of d
called to an article in which I am accused of "having votcer andilitia sstem, and wo be pl to
entered into an agreement with John Morrison,a whig see me a elected to the Legislature who are favorable to
candidate for Sheriff, by which my personal influence our cause.
s hould be given to him • and against the Democratic 1; WI- That a committee of three be appointed to in
nominee for that office." ' terrogiate all the candidates for the Legislature, on the
I depart front my rule, which is, not to notice the ma- above subjects, and that they publish said correspond
liprtnt attacks of my enemies - , to contradict this atm- sues,
chins calumny. I 12th. That in our Adjutant General, Adam Diller,
I pronounce every Word of the above charge o f Esq., we recognize the gentleman soldier, and his el
aid sternderow, and the authors and publisher.; of it • forts to reform the volunteer and militia system of Penn
ses7ful and maliciOas liars. ! sylvania, merits our commendation us an efficient
Some day's days since I had an intimation from one of theeel3th. Col. M'Cabe, Col. Trovillo nd Capt. Robin-
Aurora men, that I was to be noticed in their paper, ! a
and if I had chosen to submit to the exaction of "black ' son, were appointed the committee i
to interrogate the
mail, "or "hush manes," I suppose I could have sup- c andidates for the Legislature.
rinsed this attack; as I have not chosen to support a I 14;h. That Major Rigby, Lient. Guthrie and Col.
paper which from the course it pursues has evidently Curry be a committm to prepare a Memorial for the
den started for the purpose of distracting anddividing ; next Legislature, on the subject of the volunteer and mi.
the democratic party, I must be content to come in for; litia system.
4/ share of its vituperation and abuse. lsth. That "The Citizen Soldier" newspaper, pub-
Allegheny, August
5. GEO. R. RIDDLE. i lishe.d in Philadelphia, is an age and fearless defender
reeled upon the editors of the Aurora, in Company I of our rights, and is worthy of a liberal patronage.
with a friend, and demanded from them the name of t TIM the proceedings be signed by. the officers of the
Ow perseas on whose authority thee ma 4.1.! the charge, Imeeting, and published in all the papers friendly to
which they rguscd 1..., give, butt stated that they idone
; the cause, mad also by the Citizen Soldier, Phila
. were respoasible. As thy re-publiAed my denial in' delphia ,
th-ir paper, without any attempt t.,esuddish the charge I CAPT. GEORGE S. DAYS, Pnks' - r.
the had made 1),- uov pro," wit:Liever, I deemed any MAI. .104 i, PR RIGBY. Vice Prat.
further notice of it unnecessary. The Aurora of the Lieut. P. N. Guthrie 1,
' Secr'vs.
1-sth insutn, contaiaed the folio% ing extract.'--'As to Capt. John A. Bowman,
HIGHWAY ROBBER.Y.-A man named Ralph. Tar
box, a stranger there, was robbed in Philadelphia on
Sunday morning. About WO in money was absu ac_
tea from his pockets. It appears that at the time there
was no watchmen in the neighborhood—and Mr. T.
was too weak; as he was laboring under some sick
ness, tomako any resistance or to call sufficiently loud
uouTh to make himself beard. He boards at No. 292
Market street
1111--ss----r------e----e------ ~ .
trl he knows th at we here asserted but the iim g ie dr
„.4 ......„ 64 ,...., et i
uths,gainstititn. He is too wise' to attempt to pusit 1irt514J111.111,1e1.11.114-si Illatttros M.
OS to the•wafi for PROOF." My reply to this will be - -
found in the following Card, published in the Morning PITTSBURGH MARKET.
Post of the lfith bast: Reported for the "Post," liy Isaac Harris.
"Messrs. Editors:—By the Aurora of this morning, I
perceive that the editors of that paper continue their FRIDAY MoRNING, August 18, 1843.
charge against me, without furnishing any proof, not- The weather has been very warm, and our rivers re"
withstanding my plain and positive denial of it. The main very low with signs of rein. Several small steam
article I allude to is the following-. "As to Riddle, he •
erg arrive and depart daily, which, with the keel boats,
knaics that %Ye have asserted but the simple truth against
him. He is t o o wise to attempt to pud Il
i ito the wall take out a good deal of freight.
for PROOF." I again pronounce the charge false and Feotta hem boats and wagons sells from $144,123,
malicious, without the least shadow of truth, and again and from stores $4,25a54,50 per bbl.
demand their PROOF." GEO. R. RIDDLE.
GRAlN—Wheat 75, Corn 28a30, Oats 17;120 cts per
Allegheny, August 15, 1343.
To this demand, the Aurora of this day (August 17) bushel.
contains the following answer, disclosing the stile basis &En—Flaxseed, 8738.90, Timothy $1,123a51,25,
of their charges against me, and the vaunted PROOF i Clover $3,75a54 per bushel. -
they boasted to have in reserve: ,
As nEs—Potashes 4; read in demand at 5; Scorch- 11 "autism:no, Dec'r. 1841.
"We have for proof, his [Riddle's] own assertion, "Dear Sir. Porter, Muldenbure and Buchanan are
as follows: "Let Morrison bo nominated for Slteriff, ings 33 cts a lb. a whole team, and if they are permitted to pull to.geth
and,me for Prothonotary, and we'll show the PeOPle of BnEswax—ln demand at 26 cts per lb. er, and are assisted, as I hope they will be, by Moor
l Allegheny countyhow to electioneer!" * * , The x
.c EA Tit Ms—Sales at 20 cts per lb. head, Bauman, Lynch, and last and least, Butler, it
, remark was made by him [Riddle] to William 31"- - wilt be a devilish strong team. Reflect upon this mats
Candlcss, one of the clerks in the Prothonotary's office, GROCERIES—The stocks good. Coffee has adyanc ter, Lynch, and I think that you will see our policy is
and a warm friend of Mr. IL's, and was repeated by ed about one cent a lb. in the Eastern Cities. Rio identical,nal and that the interest of Pennsylvania and the
him to Dr. flays; this we suppose will be considered sales at B}d93 cents a lb. according to quality. Sugar' d the present Gevernor amid future Governor
as sufficient. We did not know at the time of Writint,all lie in the same channel.
our first article that Mr. H. knew anythime of :the sub- ' ' .
es N 0 , firm at 7 cents a lb. in Weis., and 7.ic a lb. in '
(Signed,) JOHN. B. BUTLER."
ject. As we now have the authority of a neutral par- 1 61)1s. Teas, T. H. 37ia75, Imperial 60a85, Gunpow- The editors of the Daily Post having denounced in
ty, tied a man standing high for personal honor slid in
ty, i der 60a80, Pouchong 601;70c. a lb. Molasses, N. 0. terms suffieiently dtprecatory and strong the baseeess
teerity, we give his name." i 26327 cts a gallon. . of the acl of such publieations,' • it is useless to add ad
' Here then, we have coma to the foundation of this ditional reproaches to increase the infamy of the pub-
PRovisioss—Bacen is a little firmer. City cured
slanderous attack upon me. Mr. Wm. m'Ciendle,ss fisher. It is proper, however, to make a - few remarks
is said to have told Dr. Hays, the Antimasonic candi- ' held at 4,talA, and country 34a3i. Cheese plenty at as the objects and character of the letter which has
date for Sheriff, that Morrison and myself "would 4ia4. Lard 51a6i alb. been perverted, garbled and thus surreptitiously pnb
show the people of Allegheny county how to election- I Ines—Juniata Blooms s47asso a ton. Pig Metal lished.
that ! It is very manifest that Mr. Butler looked upon
eer." I pass over the admission of the Aurora
$24 , has h advanced; sales at $22a525, and some Allegheny
Messrs. Buchanan, Muldenhurg, and Porter as distin
the slander was published on "rumor" merely, and
that the "pieof" was not obtained until after the charge ; ; sales of three small lots, 25, and 15 tons of guished and important individuals; and that he thought
was mule, and proceed to rebut and effectually put : good Hanging Rock, $25 cash currency, and at 4a6 the "interests ur Pennsylvania and the party" required
down the whole story, with the lapwing note from Mr. ! month:, that they should pull tof - ether. It i 3 also clear that
McCandless: Mr. B. WitS 011410AVOrilV4 to allay prejudice and to pro
The "Aurora" newspaper has just been handed to LEA —Pig 33 cts., par funds. mote harmony—to prvvent disunion between the dis
me, in which lam given as the authority for the charge 1 SALT at the Canal 90a95, and from stores $ I 01,12. A tinguished men named, nod also to unite their friends.
made by its editors against Mr. George It. Riddle, of la bbl. It is known, that as eatly a: December last jealousies
having made the following assertion: "Let Morrisen be
nominated for Sheriff, and me for Prothonotary, and i
1 Wool, remains at from '01. 0 3c. a lb. according to had arisen, and that strife and criminations against
`OM' of our leading MVO lid r 4 mun, qced; and it is evi
limy to 1 quality.
WE'LL show the' people of Allegheny county den: front the tone and matter of Mr. Butler's letter to
- _-------
electioneer." The editors then go on in the following I'll ILADELI'IIIA MARKETS. Mr. Lynch, that he belie; od him tube opposed
language, in giving me as their authority: ' 1— t atisfied with some of them; I i OIS the object of Mr.
The remark was made by him [Riddle] to William NN'e condense from Bicknell's Reporter the tollowmg
Butler seemed to have been to induce him to "reflect
M'Candlcss, one of the clerks in the Prothonotary's of- i items of the Philadelphiamarkets as being the most upon this matter;" in the Hope. doubtless, that Mr. L.
lice, and a warm friend of Mr. R.'s, and was repeated ' interesting, to the people of Pittsburgh. would see that "the interests of Pennsylvania and the
by hint to Dr. Hays; this we suppose will be cousid- COFFEE - —St. Domingo 6 '
go a 6 c; Java a -; ag
i Ili }a L Democratic party." r equired that tip! ,,, men should pull
ered as sufficient. We did not know at the, time of to4ether and ;let harmonion.!y. Mr. Buchanan is ar
of i uayra—none in first hands; Sumatra 8 a 83; Cuba ti a 7
writing our first article that Dr. 11. knew any thing deatly -,,upportml and i: a prominent candidate for the
the subject. As we now have the authority of a lieu- cu.
Mr. Porter is die p sent Governor of
Ira! party, and a man staedine high for perStmal liquor Dana,4 A ND DYE S T cFFs.—Sales of 1.1 bids double re- reoll , Vl% Willi—Mr.
and Mr. Moorhead
and integrity we give his riam'e." - fine,} Alum; 33 cts per lb on time; Logwood, ii, m ,l, i _ are indensiveiy spoken of and latve TIIIIIIOrOtIi friends
I now iuost positively and unequivocally assert, that , ,. . .
who wish to support them for the nomination as the neat
to my knowled7e I have never used the language im
ra , , sl.; a $l6 per ton; Future Cuba, $23 a $26 do;
, Governor, and it was certainly laudable to endeavor
plied to Mr. Riddle, ci!her to Dr. Hays or an?, other Tampico, $l6 a $l7; Cochineal 90 asl 10 per lb; to keep such In , , oa z0,.1 t , rins and their friends uni
. .
persoo. Mr. Riddle Serer havinF, used - a )iy such lan- , Brimstone, Crude, $34 a $35 per ton; Sumac, Ameri- yd. lt e pee.' ii: that Mr. Butler's letter to Mr. Lynch
gnage, it is not at all probable that I would. make use I can $33 a $35 per ton. huh t his object Ori,Hr.,ll, , rey.
of it to any other person. On the contrary, Mr. Riddle
DOMESTIC SPIRITS—SaIes of Whiskey at 23 a 24
has always avoided expressing to me any opinion with
reganl to any of the candidates, either Reinitiated or rts. in hhds. and barrels; New Orleans Rum 60 a 65
seeking, a nomivation. At the time lam charged with cts.; Apple Whiskey 30a 33 cts.: Monongahela 37.3 a
having made use of the expression, I was seeking a
40 cts.
nomination for Prothonotary from the Antimasonic and
. 1: EArnEns—Further sales of 2000 lbs Western
Union parties, and Mr. Riddle would not certainly
I eathers at '22 a 24 as. , ,
~, ,
make use of such an expression to all individual Will;
had the most remote prospects of being a rival candi
FflulT — We notice sates ot ft" boss Malaga and
date for the same office. It would appear from the Sicily Lemons a; $4 73 p-r 1 , ,,,; r.., • , 1 .,,i—, .14 , 4 50 a
' language of the Aurora, that I was to them their n o- 1 $5 per 100.
thority directly. lam net personally acquainted with I
f•LOCR—We notice, sales through the week of about
either of the editots, and have never spoken to either of
I them, or their publisher. I now pronounce the charge, j 4000 barrels good shipping brands at $4 75 per W.;
so far as I ant concerned, false and without the least extra family flour, in a retail way, $5 ass 25. Rye,
Pittsburgh, August 17. 13-4131. M'CANDLES'S $3
•• ' 7s.— Sales thisday of leool3ls. Cornmeal, $2 -
II ,
Altheugh believing that no candidate is bound to iii. 62 i•
lice charges, made without the . ..Lion 4 a responsi
ble name, and ' without the least shadow of proof. and I els Pennsylvania Wheat, afloat and in store, $1 a $1 -
by interested persons for sinister motives; I appeal to 013 per bushel; further sales at 95 a $l. Rye, 53 a 59;
the Democratic party to say whether I have not met
this charge fairly and promptly; and on their decisien Corn, Yellow 51; do white 52 cis. Oat-, Delaware,
I confidently rely. GEORGE It. RIDDLE. (old) 30; <la new 27 u 27.3; sales of 4000 Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, August 17, 1613. oats, (new and old) 30 a 31 cts.
rimy Ts toNs,—Wto quote the followieg kart.s will.
sales:—Western Mess Pork, $1.04 a $ll per bbl.,
Prime de, $8 50, Mess Beef $3; Prime do. $6; Hams.
53 a 7 cents; Sides 53 a 6 cents; Shoulders, 33 a 1
Lard ti] a 7 rent;' Pennsylvania mess beef $ll 50 pi f
bbl: Prime do 6} a G.S.
Worn...—We quoit': the following figures. with li,tht
sales:—Prime Saxony, 3 i a 35 itts. per lb.; No. 1, el;
a 32 cts; No. 2, 25 a2O eta; quarter and common, 25
eta; superfine milled. `2ll a 3() cts; No. 1. do 25 a 27 c.
BP:EV vs—'Jai Kent neky, 100 Ohio, and 367 Perm ' s
Beeves offered. Sales ranged from four to sc.
few extra sold at 54. 15 loft over.
18, 1843
At a tn..-sting of the Alle.;heny county Military, held
in the Court House in th.. eity of Pit tsbtirgh, on Wed
nesday, the IGth day of August, 1343,
Chi 1,1 4 , hri , the rum' ing was neg. - aid - zed by calling Capt
GEO. S. HAYS, to the Chair, and appointing Major
Jusren Rllity, Vic Pr , sideal; a l (
.:aiunin Jan .1•
Boymnan and Lieut. P. N. Guthrie, were elected Sec
Col. D. M. Celt It Y then offered the following reso
heions, whir h. after coniderable discussion were a-
RcslNF.ss rs NEW YORK.—Tile Commercial Adver•
ti er SrlyS:— " Bu3imsi generally continues to improve,
and prices of most articles of merchandizc are
The activity ofbusiness has not yet occasioned any in
creased demand for money. On the contrary, the sup
ply is if possible more abundant. It is certain that the
resources of the community are very much within their
control, and it is probable that a larger than ordinary
share of the business is donefor cash. Should the im
provement in business be equal to what it seems now
generally expected, an increased inquiry for money will
doubtless arise. Some of the banks anticipate being
able to obtain higher rate of interest in October or No
vember, and hence prefer loaning at short dates, but
utiles: exchange should advance sons to occasion con
siderable shipments of specie, we do not look for any
material change during the current year."
Port of Pittoburgt).
Reported by Shehle and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat Agents, Water street.
eeordin!t: to Coppet Mark', at the Wood street Sewer
Alpine, Cockburn, Cincinnati,
*Minstrel, Ingram do.
Keel boat Utica, Louisville,
do Russian do.
All Boats marked thus (*) in the above list,are pro
vided with Evans's Safety Guard.
E; The River rose about four inches on Wednesday
night, and there is now 22 inches, large, in the chan
nel. The Minstrel and Alpine arrived yesterday from
below, and are again loading to depart. Freights are
i plenty, fur the season, and as much business is going
forward on the Levee as is usual in the summer months.
I Our merchants are preparing for a heavy fall business,
and early in September, we anticipate a general revi
; val of trade, and an extraordinary activity in every
branch of business in our city. The following are tbo
rates at which freight is now takeu to the ports below:
To Cincinnati---On Steamers $1,25 Keel boats 15,
" Louisville, ti 1,50 " 875
"St Lords, 1 " 1
,75 ,50
JOHN B. BUTLER does not complain of the violation
f honor and confidence in the publicationof his private
letters; nor does he wish to restrain DAVID LYNCH in
such violations or in anything else congenial to his prin
ciples and notions of honor and fair dealing. But Mr.
Butler thinks he has a right to insist that in the publi
cation of all such letters, there may in future be no
garbling; and that when Mr. Lynch publishes any more
of Mr. B's. letters, they may be given entire.
Pittsburgh, Aug. 15, 134.3.—tf.
The above notice is given in consequence of the pub
lication of the followintr private letter to David Lyuch
from J. B. Butler
Messes. Editor: Allow me to exprei , s. through the
medium of yeur colimoi, the gratification I felt up
on seeing the nape! of my fir ow-either, Mr.
J yit rs A'4 n Ens iN, announc•id for the office of County
Commissioner: NVithout intendin,t any di:paragemont
to the other gontictn.in named for thi: very important
&lice, permit me to ' , ay that Mr. Anderson is peculiar
ly titled for it, (and particularly so at this junctme)
whether lii hi'
political ortlicidore. Well versed in the Miair: of our
coutit—iif an extrusive hnsines4 experionee and great
mord rectitudii of condnet. added to an 11::r,enpromi
,ing devotion to, and uniform support of, Doinocratic
principle:, he would soon co! re , t the dioirder in which
antima , mir and whig has involved the affairs
of Allegheny county. iiii lust the man for the
him bi - moir.inalcil, nnii he will re, iive the eni.
,upport of the le !!rile party.
. Do r , Complaints,
I .1 C,t• cfarate.tl Vetz,etrible Syr
up, now cnn , i(l , -red to he tits be.t hlithrine for th..
aboNe that ila 4 er app,Ltrvd to tit._ .-
1t ,1 tit ,z:
••E,,•x. Coorir etiettt, Oct. 15.
-XV,, the to fi lrul occ:c.itto the
pa-I,sun to ota \te a tt iat of ••\ Plitt. G.orvittr.t
ted ,•szi.talvieSvrnp;- (h. Bum , '
•r or lair and in
v , n r,t<r it ha \ in:; proved n boodnotly :ttere:sful,
,1 1....1 rid II•e011/Ilit•Il1 it a- a pot Vanlabl ,
to di
rot i h.• for which it ,1117a1-1
Ana wed_,be-itat t 1;10 is tie sli
tried, tti CO:I` I's the inervtlllo , t , of it,
[Sired by 17 citizens.]
Let every one that nrtv be afflicted, try and jul.ze
themelves. The genuit:e to be had nuly nt 7'4 , •:,1‘.
thi Fourth st rect, wherc all the vantahle Patont Med
icines. may always he obtained, and trarran' , .• , l zLattt
ine. ntr2. - . 13.
ACUN AND HON EV.—ltoceiveJ , ul consi7:o=nt
6 containing about 5000 0,- Sid,. ail I lama
in primp order.
Ako, 1144 iintwy, for sale, cheap for cash, ap.
proved necotirible paper. Apply to
an, . 18-3 t
c v 'lll , now aria liqht ciratOit.
' Vp,T po.:cricer swam parkot Al 1 NST 1.,
A. ingrain, Masts, will 'y :INV for the
above pow, oil this day. Ow 13th inst.. at 1U o'clock,
A. M. F.,r f:,•i,;llt 1r1:4:1;ze apply (111 I.arl. or to
The supplied with Evans' Safety
Fire 11
GI I/I NC4 .\ NI) }I.:S.IIING —Sad Irons
L'srtt a-tl a nvil: and other hinds of
at t h e l'attt Steil cor
ner of Libortv and O'Hara stroteti. atiz 13
1 - ) ROPOSA LS will be rec.ivT•A tho office of the
_L City Vri:lay Cie int., for
ftimi , l;i , iz six t\ ..1 inch =t,,l.rocks four eizht
ityl; . a.i. .11,0, for buildim; f.meo
Pi )134. MOOR E, Sup't.
n~c Iv"—at
A or
w RN IN( ;.-I!ia:nitich. ns Oro llirectorA
of the \ •rd The olo2;ie:11 Semihary
ha\ e adY , d a part of 11, Cdminda , t rh.eid of the
city of .1'i07,1../y f It• k to giv.• noti,:e to
all persons tat to to.'wTra-dces fur any
part of said Co non p , toad,cor in any WaV to tresouesi
cn the common riL. , in of die citizens in said ground, as
it is th- determinathm or the city authorities to contest
the right of any person or per-,as either to lease or erect
buildings thewn:).
liv order of tic Councils.
E. \V. STEP l ENS,President, S. C.
P 2 -ft HENRY IRWIN, President. C. C.
11EN PA, E .
2 Eij FOR. K. IN ; ';
Under the Di, eeteen of Mr. 11. II pkins
The prprietors of this e 4mbli , hment
pectfully inform the citizen , of l'ittsburzli, and its vi
cinity, that the above named Exhibition will be open at
Broadltßret Mansion Heese. Pitt4nrih, on Wed
nesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August
the 23d, 29th, 25th and 26th. DOUTI open on the
- -
23d from 74 to 10. On the following days from 2.t0 , Heath Levi
5 and from 74 to 1,0 o'clock P. M. Hearts William R.
Admittance reduced to 25 cents; Children under 10 G Herron Samuel
years half price. IHelly James
NOVEL SPECTACLE. i Heckman George L.
The proprietors of the New York and Philadelphia
Zoological Exhibition have, at great cost and trouble, Irwin Robert
trained two prodigious Elephants, in harness, driving Irwin Miss Caroline
them in, tandem style, on the entrance of the Menagerie ! Irwin Samuel
into the city, leading the Grand Cavalcade of horses, , Irwin Osula
wagons, Br,c., after the same style as exhibited in the ; Irwin Andrew
New York, Philadelphia and other principal cities to
the great surprise and admiration of thousands. Jackson George
New and splendid Scenery, done in oil painting by Jackson Mr.
one of the best artists in Philadelphia, decorates the James William
sides of '2O wagons, all containing animals of different Jarbor Rev. John R.
descriptions, affording one of the most rich and ani- Janney Stephen
mating displays ever brought forth, all the designs be- Jack John
ing of the latest finish and most admirable fashion. To Jeffrey Mrs. Margaret
enliven this sceneton enterinr , the towni a high toned Jeffries Mrs. Elizabeth
band will pour forth some of the most fashionable airs. i Jones T. P.
The celebrated JOHN SCHAFFER, the subduer of Jones Jacob C
the savage denizens of the forest, will appear in a most
magnificent series of scenes entitled "The dreadful
doom of the Sultan's slave." Among a variety of thril
ling situations, the following will be exhibited:—The
outcast slave banished to the forest of Faihri, expiring
from hunger and fatigue; when a fierce Brazilian Tiger
darts like lightning upon him from an upper cavern. .
The Eastern despot's most awful sentence ! ! For
feited life spared on condition of training a wild lion to
harness, which is accomplished, and the slave rides
across the road in an ancient car.
Also, a variety of other beautiful and striking situa
tions will be presented during the progress of the piec e,
to conclude with the most bold, grand and darinr , ' hu
man display presented among a whole caravan of wild
animals let loose at the same time, upon the Indian
Slave, who will gradually subdue, and playfully exhibit
his remarkable skill in elegantly grouping the match
less zoological exhibition.
For particulars see large bills at the hotels.
aug. 17.
SHOE PEGS.-47 bushels best quality shoo pegs,
just received, together with every description of
shoe findings, by JOHN W. BLAIR,
sum 16-1 w 120, Wood street..
EM. ININO in the Post Office, Pittsburgh, Au
lt, gust 15, 1843. Persons calling for letters whose
names are on this list will please say advertised.
Agnes Mary Jane Antonett Mary
Abbottson George F. Appler Marcus
Amberson Silas 2 Armstrong Miss Rebecca
Alexander Miss Mary Armstrong Martha
Allen SylveFter Arthur Mr., jr.
And , rson Rosanna Arthurs Robert
Anderson Rebecca A rbog,ust Ignatius
Anderson Louisa Ashton Isaac M.
Anderson James
Baker George M. C. Bearing, Frederick
Baker Doct. E. Beesley George
Baker 'fumy Bean Samuel
Bailey Mrs. Mary Ann Berger Jacob
Bailey Miss Elizabeth Beal F. --‘
Bailey John (coloured) 'Bingham Miss Ann
Baldwin Louis Bicking George H
Baldwin Owen Blake P. 4.
Ball Alexander Blake EdWard S.
Balsely H. B. Black William
Bannister N. A. Black A. 11.
Bard Richard 2 Black David
Barclay William Black Miss Mary
Bates Robert Black Mrs. Eliza
Bates Jacob Black Jane
Bell Georje 2 Boland Miss Agnes
Samuel Berret Daniel
Bi‘aty Elizabeth Bowman Alexander
Begs Andrew Brown Rev. Allen H
Ili nnet Mrs. Sarah Brown Francise
Brown Hiram Burton Miss Sarah
Brown Daniel Burk William
11righaTI1 F. W. Burniston William
Brannon Thomas Burnside James
Buchanan Mrs. Lucy Butler W.
nark James Butler John
Burns James Boa Martin
Burr Lewis Byrne Thomas
Coneron James Cita:anima David
Curmhers Capt., U. S. A. Cooper Samuel
Carnahan Alt.xunder Cooper Robert W.
Caery-y Henry Cogswell Wm
Carr Harvey Coffman Mrs. Charlotte
Curbis Samuel Cook Miss Mary Ann
Car.e.hPrs T . Y. CoelscratJohn
Carey Simon Cook John
C3 , l'y. Robert Cook E.
1 Campbell Mary Coles Mrs Elizabeth
Canmbell Robert Cole Rufus
Camb:•ll Albert B. Collins Thomas J.
Chambers William Collins Mrs. Caroline C
1 Chapman Martha P. Collins Samuel
Charn , l John Collins W. W.
Chi ritly Cyrus Constable E.
1 Cl, nuner Solomon Corns Elizabeth
Cln 0: Alant:on . Couiston 'William
j C,:tr . , John Coyle John
eark Ann Creasy TriStaM
Crawford Daniel Culver Lewis
Critchlow John Cunningham William
1 Culva James Curtis N. B.
Dales John S. Douglass Ezekiel
Dangertield Willis Dodge C
Dain James Dolnilare MN. Eliza
Dannelly Mrs. Polly I)ravo Peter
Davis Wm. Dunn John
Davis Daniel Dunbar Daniel
Davis Susannah Duff Miss Sarah
Davis T. J. Duffind James
Duvall Tillingast Dunlapiohn
Deroursev Mrs. or MeriganDtmlap David
Devenny 'John Duvall D. P.
Den, Miss Dunn Wm
Dell Wm Dunn James •
Dennison W. M. Downie John
Donnel Miss Fanny Donaghue"Mrs. Eleanor
Earl John
Ecliles Hugh
Dzizers Herman
Ekin Rev. John
Eiliott Joseph
Erne6t Mrs.
Fatartv Thomas Fruit William
Fairfield, widow of H. W. Francis Henry
Faguns Minerva Frisbee Charles S
Farrell John Franklin Alexander
Fairchild Saml. W. Frew William _
Ferguson Robert Forsyth John
Ferguson Samuel Fulton Miss Ann
Flinn Robert. Fulton MN. Matilda
Fletcher John Fox Nicholas
Fleming Thornton Ford George E.
Flood Dennis Forcht John
Forrester and Campbell Fream L. P.
Fox Amos
Gamble John W. Graham John
Gann C. P. Garrison George W.
Gaul John Gummey J.
Gaut Mrs. Fanny Gibson James A.
(hrllarrher John Griffiths Miss Marg't A
Giass B. F. Green Mrs. Hannah
Gallagher John Greenewald F.
Galla.her William Grant John
Gaglieg,n John Gildersleeve J. B.
Gillespie Mrs. Sarah Gillespy Mrs. Nancy
Hamilton Ann Jane Hughes William D.
Hamilton Miss Jane Hulihy Timothy
Ilamilt en James Hulty Hiram
Hamilton William Hurst Miss Nancy A
Halfpenny Mrs. Sarah Hunter Miss Susan
Harney William A Hunter John 3 <•
Hamnett John Hunter P. E.
Hart Scudder Hunt Miss Ann
El art G.!arge W • ' Hutcheson S.
Hart Mi,, , Elizabeth Hoffman Samuel
li,c-t Thomas S. Hopkins H 3
l lirrison J. Horn Miss Nancy F.
Harrisoo A. W. II cc. e W. Tracy
I la-rison William Howells David
F! irris Capt. J. 2 Hostetter Abraham
Hare Samuel Houseman James
Hastings W. M. Hindman Miss Nancy
Harkin Alexander M Holmes William W.
Fathom Margaret Holmes John 2
Hatch N. B. Holmes John C.
Hay Mrs. Eliza Holmes J. J.
Hayden Benjamin Hoge A. H, _
Kale William
Keenan Lawrence
Ke Wolin
Kay James
Keefe Patrick
Kiser Joseph
Kerr William
Kerr Rev. D. R.
Kerr John
King Capt. John L
Kim= = John N.
Lafferty M. A. Ludy Margaret
Lanigan Mrs. Elizabeth Ludy Maria
Large .1 Loughead John
Laughrine Mrs. Rose Lockart Frederick
Larkin Bernard Loyd William's Widow
Lewis C. H. Lowry Robert
Leite E. Allen LowmanJacob
Lefevour J. B. Lyons Lyman
Lindsey Miss Margaret Love John
Lytchiulle John Long Abraham
Little Elias Loughman Aurelia
Little Mrs. Margaret G. Lyon John
1 Londergain Walter
Mnndd William MilhoHand Wm
Maltby C S. Miller Robert
Mackey Thomas Miller Mrs. Maria
Ma nsfieldCatharine Mitchell Miriam
Mahan Captain M.: Mowry Daniel
Mackey Samuel Moon William
Maxwell James K Morly Lucy Jane
Marshall Mrs. Mary Montgomery Robert
Marshall Llugh Morrow R. fl
Martin David Mullen Edward
Martin James P. Mann David
Mason Col. Samuel D. Murrick John
Merwin M. T. 2 Murdock Miss M
Meriam Marshall Murphy Thomas
Meighan James Murry 'John
Mellon T.
McAleer Linton Magill Robert B.
McAfee Mary McGreggor John, Rev.
McAleer Mrs. Jane McGee Lewis
McClure Jame 4 C. McGowan R. E. 2
McCann Michael McCunighan Hugh
McCauley Wm. McFarling James
:McCauley Patrick McCune John
McDonel Susan McCorce Andrew T
McDonald Henderson McCullough Parrkk
McCormick John N. McFaden James
McCuy Samuel McGredd Mrs. '
McCosker Michael McCormick Wm
McCracken John McDonald Miss
1 McCrea David McLarey John
Nlcllwain E. Esq. McMeans Alexander
McKirlv Samuel
McMillen Joseph
1 . McKcrahan & Co. Mcßoberts Jane Miss
1 McKean Robert McMurrf Bernard
i McNite David McNealis John
McKee James E McNeil John
Neill W. S.
Ni,ibit Nancy A.
Neely John
Newcombe Seth C
O'Brien Jelin
O'Reilly Rev 11,
O'Daniel Patrick
Owston William
Ewing G. T.
Ewing Rachael
Ewing John
Evans Ellis
Ewalt Henry
Ham, James
llighy Mrs. Hansel
Hills Miss Louisa J.
Higgins J.
Irwin Miss Mary
Irwin John W.
Invas Mrs. MarrisSO
Ingais Margaret
Judson L. C.
Jenkins Rev...
Johnston Andrew
Johnston Mn. nubs&
Johnston Andrew
Johnston Rev.
Johnston David
Jones Mrs. Robert
Jones William 2
Jones Evan
K -
King James T.
King Mr. A.
Kirk Charles A
Kite Benjamin
Kiddoo Thomas
Kingston S.
Knox Mrs. Jacob
Kruitzman Edward
Konigmacher Charles 2
Kreps Samuel C
Nixon Jane M
Nutt James 2
Noble George
Norton Jacob
Orr James
O'Connor Thomas PL.
Owens Thomas
Owen Joseph.
Pottson Elizabeth M.
Palmer Catharine
Packstort George
Pagan George
Packer Jazzes
Patterson James A..
Patterson Thomas .1.1.
Patterson James
Patterson Almana `...'
Patterson Thomas B
Patterson George R
Parker Margaret
Penny Thomas
i Platt W.
Phimree George
Renough Nicholas
Reno Mrs. K.
Rees Sarah Ann
Reed William
Reynolds 0. P.
Reynolds L. 0.
Riley Thomas
Richardson Thomas
Rice Malachus
Rittenhouse John
Sandel Simon Rev.
Sanders E.
Scantling Matthew
Seymour Sylvester
Sees George
Seitz Frederick
Seely William
Shaffer John
Shaw David
Sherdan William
Smith Mary Ann
Smith Susan
Sprague George
Snider Maria
Spencer Wesley
Spencer John
Solana John
Spratt Joseph
Spencer C.
Snee Francis
Stevenson Alexander
Stubbs Robert
Steoble Augustin
Taggert, Charles M
Talbot William
Tattents George
Tagart John & Co.
Taylor Rachael Miss
Thompson Juhn W.
Thompson Samuel C
Thompson James
Van Fosser Arnold
Vashon Mr.
Walker James
Wagner John
Wails W.
Ward Eliza
Wall Catherine
Waggeren Daniel
Wall Magdalen
Warren Moses N.
Warren Moses C.
White Maria A.
Whitehead Jane
Whitman W. H.
Williams Robert
Williams Re es
Wikon John
Wilson 0. J. Rev.
NVikon Alexander 2
1 Wilson Samuel
Young Lewis
M. J. A. S. S.--C. 13.
Steamer Richard Clayton.
Steamer Mingo Chief.
TYPograPtal Society.
Young John
Phelps Louisa
Prezit:ey Nathan T.
Pyle George
Porter Rev. W. S.
Prescott Oscar F.
Powell Catherine
Price Ellen
Portzer Michael
Pittock Mr.
Phillips Isaac H.
Phillips Rdbert
Philips Isaac J
Phillips James
Plough David
Ross 'George
Roseman J. H.
Robinson J. Q.
11053 p.
Rogers George 2
Rogers John
Rutter Joseph.
Rinehart Sarah
Rowland 'Margaret
Simpson William B.
Simpson Thomaa
Small Simon
Smith John
Smith Levi
Smith James M. .
Smith Rosella
Short Henry
Sbirles Charlotte
Simpson John
Sproul Matthew
Spengo Peter
-i.-yens Albert
SIC yens B.
Stevens William
Stevens Stephens
Steele Joseph
Sterling M.
Sterling Mark Capt.
Stewart Miss
Sutton Edward
S winaman Phillip
Thompson Maris
Thomas Caroline 2
Thornley Eliza M.m.
Tower David B.
Tobin Michael
Trimmel Isaac
Truman Jack
Vogdes Jacob
West Joseph H.
Weamen Jean
Wettish G.
White Mary Mrs.
White John
White Samuel W.
Wartz Catherine
Wertz H.
Williamson Isabeßa
Wildy Frederick
Wirt P. K.
Wolcott John
Worth B. F.
Works William
Wood Daniel
Wilson SophoniaDrlisa
Williamson David