PA.ILY POST. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1843 tiZrEnr business cards, &c., see first page RATKOND & WiRING'S MEN ACEILIE.—Tbis splen did collection of animals, as will be seen by referring to the advertisement of the proprietors, will be in this city on the 23d, and , remain for three or four days. This we understand is considered the most magnificent exhibition of the kind that has ever visited our part of the country, and as there has been no " lion show" with us for some years, we have no doubt but it will be well patronised while is remains. A detailed notice of it will be found in the advertisement. MP' The American advertises a political theatrical performtussa which is to ,"come off" in Wilkins town ship on Saturday next. We do not tlupposc that the entertainment will take place exactly as act down in re A•bi ll s of the day," but if it should, it will not be more ridictilous than many-of the other clap-traps resorted to °flats years by the whigs and blue noses to catch the applause of the groundlinga that believe in their political doctrines. DAILY AslRCA!.—Hereafter the American will be 'antorning paper. The editor makes this new at nultigemtnt for the purpose of furnishing his readers widtearlier news than they can receive through an evening journal. Biddle has put himself to unnecessa ry trouble in this matter: if he had waited until after thri denim he might have issued a mourning paper wisisaut changing his publication hours; and no fur the nemv it will make littlo odds to his readersat what thee they get it tken. The editor of the Sun defends his predecessor—Mr. 18. ElRlLLT—against the attack made upon him by the editor of the Age. As far as our knowledge of Mr. E. extends, we consider the attack of the Age entirely nirsjustiftaide, and believe with the Sun, that personal intimosily is not sufficient ground to induce an editor to penotusce a citizen of respectable standing a "no torious-blackguard." We are informed that the statements that appeared in die Chronicle and Age, respecting the conduct of constable Mc'Kelvy while apprehending some disor d stiy tsegroes a few days since, aro untrue in nil impor tint! particulars. A gentleman who has the best oppor -,.:,: forknowing, tells us that a more efficient officer than Mr. Mc'Kelvy cannot be found in either city or county, and that there are none on whotn he could cc ly with more confidence to perform the duties of con ;table faithfully. The statement that he was in tosicated at the time he made the arrest is a falsehood of the grossest kind, as he does not drink liquor at any thee. Weintve no doubt but our neighb.irs were imposed upon in this matter, and by misrepresentations induced to dogroatinjustice to a faithful officer, who in attempt *Flo gitotharge his duty where law and decency were to tot flagrantly outrage& was b:utally assaulted and mkt* have been murdered by the infuriated gang lorkase haunt of vi . .to and debauchery• he had been in stnacted to break up. A Bah Investment. THE subscriber otfers to sell ground rents in the city of Pittsburgh. The lots arc all 1 11 1somely improved, and it is believed a safer invest- Abut cannot be found. Particulars mty be learned on application to me personally, or through the Post Of bee, HILARY BRUNOT, 15—tf corner Liberty and O'Hara streets. DR. McLANE'S WORM SPECIFIC.—REAo AND BE CONVINCED.-Mr. J. Kidd—Sir: 1 I eall to buy another vial of Dr. McLane's Worm Specific, and let you know the surprising effects of the vial I purchased a few days ago. My child had been infer some time, and I was advised by me to try Dr. McLane's Worm Specific; 1 bought a sial, and gave only a half teaspoonful. The child passed worms; I repeated the medicine until 63 worms cause from the ail& Before this I could not credit the cer tificates on the wrappers round the vial; now I fully be live them. My child is quite recovered. _ _ . . THOMAS BURNET, Aug. 12, 1343. Sawmill run, near Pittsburgh OPFor sale atithe Drug Store of JONATHAN KIDD, :siog 1.5-6 m corner 4tli and Wood sts., Pittsburgh FALs'.I.IEIR AND POREST DAYS.—A few cope' s ofthase popular works, by James, just re ceived at the St. Clair street titulary Depot, opposite he Exchanges Price 14. auz I.s—bt “KNO'WLEDDE IS I'OWER."—The cheap editions, history, miscellany, novels, tales, magazines, &0., arriving daily, and for sale, at the N. York-and Philadelphia prices, at the St. Clair street Agency and Literary Depot, by W. M. FOSTER. sag 15-6 t INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION.—The Reformer, 1. aad Advocate of Industrial Association, No 1, Attest, 1843: W. M: Conelly, Editor, received and iAst y at the St. Clair street agency and Literary De- W. M. FOSTER. tug 15-6 t JUST RECEIVED, a good assortment of all sites of good window glass and window sash; also, 500 cuts of yellow and purple 4 and 5 double carpet chain; SO doe. large and small buckets and tubs; 20 reams writing and letter paper, for sale on accommodating tenon, for cash or approved exchange. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant. SUNDRIES. -50 boxes chocolate, 5 do cocoa, 3 do rico flour, 25 do ground pepper, 5 do Cayenne do., 36 cans ground mustard, 5 kegs do allspice, 5 do do ginger, 12 cans do do., together with every ion in the grocery line, all of which is offered at eleetwely low prsoes, for cash. JENNIN. GS & CO., 43, Wood street. ,awg MOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her /a rings just received and for sale by HAII,HAN, JENNINGS &. 43, Wood street. rftE4,-..25 half chests young hyson, 30 bodes (13 lbs) do • 20 6 lb, bones gunpowder, 26 " " imperial, just received and for saleby MAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., mg 43, Wood street. MACIMREL,-.40 bble no. 3 mackerel, half bbls no. 2 do 10 quarter bbls no 2 do, a prime wide for family use, just received and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street. T OBACCO. -10 boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco 25 do Russell & Robinson do 5 do Hare's 10 do assorted sizes and breeds, pot received acid fer sale by I - TALLMAN, JENNINGS 5.z. CO., 43, Wood street TOAF SUGAR.-40 boxes loaf sugar, jtastreceise L sod (oriole by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43; Wood street # 01: C 0 FF&E,-400 bags Rio coffee, 50 " Laguyra do SO " St. Domingo do 50 " Havanna do sow rookring, and for sale los , for cash.. by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street Auction Oaks. John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, ready to receive merchandize of,every• description on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening, at early gas light. aug 12—y rip HEATRicAL DRESSES AT AUCTION.—At I. the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, on Monday next, August 21st, at o'clock in the Afternoon, will he Sold without reserve the contents of four Trunks, containing a lot of Thcat- cal DrcsgeA, &c aug 17—ta 32 Cases Boots and Shoes at Auction. AT the Commercial Auction Booms, corner Wood and sth streets, on Monday next, August 21st; at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will be sold, without re serve, in lots to suit purchasers, the best lot of Boots and Shoes offered at auction, in this city, lot several years, received direct from the manufacturers. They are now ready for examination: Comprising, in part, Men's fine sewed calf and seal boots. Do heavy pegged, seal, calf and kip boots. Do do do brogans. Do fine sewed calf and seal munroes. Women's kip, seal and calf shoes and gaiters. Do kid, goat and calf slippers (very fine). Men's seal and calf slippers. Boys' brogans and munroes, &c. Terms at sale. JOHN D. DAVIS, augls--Cit Auctioneer. Sheriff's sae. WILL be sold, at 2 o'clock, on Thursday afternoon, 17th inst., at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth sts., by order of B. Weaver, Esq., High Sheriff' of Allegheny co., for cash, par mo no, 2 bbls. sweet Malaga wine; part of cask good quali ty French brandv, part of cask good quality Malaga wine; 1 bbl. 801. Jamaica rum; 1 do. vinegar wine; 1 cask sour wine; 5 large size stand casks and 5 small do.; 7 boxes 8-10 window glass; 1 keg alum; 1 keg epsom salts; 1 keg sulphur; Bdy nails; nail rods; pewter law cets; funnels; gallon measures; jars; 1 bureau; 1 stove and pipe; 7 chairs; 4 writing desks; rag carpeting; 1 sleigh and bells, &e. Also, 1 pipe brandy, good quality; 2 casks Yankee rum; 1 bbl. sweet Malaga wine; 3 bags filberts; 10 box es pint tumblers; 20 boxes 12-20, 12-18 and 12-14 window glass; 50 reams writing, and 25 reams wrap ping paper, a quantity of household and kitchen furni ture, &e. JOHN D. DAVIS, nag 12-5 t Auctioneer. Western University of Pennsylvania. rp HE neat term of this Institution will begin on Mon ."- day the 4th of September, at 9 o'clock A. M.— Application for admission may be made to the Princi pal, the Rev. 11E5r AN DYER, D. D., after the 21st inst., at his room in the University, from 9 to 11, A. M. The exercises of the LAW SCHOOL will commence on the same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application for admission into which, to be made to the Professor of Law, WALTER H. Low n x, Esq., at his office in 4th st.. On the evening of the same day at 7 o'clock, in the Hall of the University, an ADDRESS will be delivered before the Trustees, the Faculty and the Students, by Professor Lowrie, which the citizens generally are in vited to auend. A. L. rENTLA:D, aug 11—ad Secretary of the Board of Trustrei Penn Insurance Company'. TrifiE subscribers to the Stock of this Company are LL are hereby notified, that pursuant to a resolution of the Directors, a second instalment of Seven and one half Dollar.; on each share subscribed for under the Commissioners, is required to be paid in at the of fice of the Company, (corner of Market and Third streets) on Tue4lay. the 22d day of August, inst. PUBLIC NOTICE is also given that tit• Books of the Penn Insurance Company will be opened at 9 o'clock, A. M., at the Aire of the Company, nit the '221 A11.2:11 4 t, inst., to receive further subscriptions to its capital stock, on which an instalm of t‘‘ elve and one half dollars per :share will be required at the time of subscribing. 13v order of the Directors. aug 11—td jOSI All KING, President: Proposals for Chain Iron. NAvy AGENT'somcr, Washington, July 23,1343. PROPOSALS will he received at this Office until 3 o'clock, on the first day of September ensuing, to deliver at the Navy Yard in this vin•, the following Chain Iron, for eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches in diameter, each 150 fathoms long, constituting the fol low•ing bill of Iron, viz: 35,100 links 1 11-16 inches in diameter-20i inches long. 450 links 1 13-10 inches in diameter-22i inches long. 20 feet 3i inch by 2.1 Oval pin Iron. 90 do 2. do 2 do do. 70 Swivel, 198 Shackle, and 18 box pieces. Specifications of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pieces; and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at this of fice; all of the above Iron must be the very best Amer ican, and undergo such proof, under the increased tests and inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the Government, and in as short a time after the Contract is made as is possible, which time will be designated in the contract. Bonds with good and sufficient sureties in double the amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the Contract is completed. aug. 8, WM. B. SCOTT, Navy Agent William 11 Welly Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture France MantVacturer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pu. CAN VASS brushes, varnish, &r., for artists, always on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fra med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of every description. Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to their advantage to call. sep 10-y Change FOR AMERICAN NOTES—by an American La dy, received at the St. Clair street Literary De pot., opposite the Exchange. Price, 12,i cents. aug 1.54 t Summer Complaint, Diarrham, &c WI LITE :MO RE' S Compound Vegetable Sprup, is a medicine well known in the East as one of the most efficacious in the cure of the above complaints — read the following certificate: (From a respectable ,iliZen of Afiddlettcon, Ct.l MIDDLETOWN, Sept. 24, 1841. Dear sir.—Feeling that I owe a duty to the public, as well as yourself, in communicating facts which may benefit my fellow mortals, I would just state, that 1 have been afflicted with the diarrhoea; and having tried the various prescriptions recommended, with but little effect. a short time since my eye caught a notice in one of the newspapers, of your "Concentrated Vegetable Syrup," for the cure of the Diarrhma, for sale in this city. 1 immediately purchased abottle, and to my surprise and entire satisfaction, after the trial of a few doses, was healed of my complaint, and restored to a healthy action in my bowels. I can now say, I would not be without it in my possession on any accoune, and would advise all who may require its use to try it as I have done, and they will be satisfied of its virtues. You at liberty, Sir, to make such use of this as you may deem proper, Very respectfully yours, FE LI X W. WILLIAMS. The subscriber has been appointed sole agent for the West and having a large stock, is now ready to supply Druggists and others by the dozen or single bottle.— Pamphlets containing all the particulars, to be had at his store gratis. T. H. TUTTLE, aug 12-Iw. 86 4th at. Pittsburgh. Niis Leslie'sMass:dm, August No., BEAUTIFUL raised Medallion and Fashion plate, just received by W. IV. Foster, at his Agency and Literary Depot, St. Clair st. aug 15--4 t 4 1 1 0 - 1111AMINUIPILIk JUKIHOIMUMLIMEIS D OINUMII Or NLACIFIZEMIY. BABBIT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL—This excellent invention for the reduction of friction in machinery has =length been introduced in our city.— It consists of a lined box, suitable for ail revolving and , sliding motions in the various kinds of machinery,where great weight or speed are applied; these boxes reduce friction in a remarkable degree, requiring but little oil, and are warranted entirely free from the objections found with those now in use. These lined boxes have been introduced in many of the Eastern Rail Roads, and in various manufacturing establishments in that section of country, to which the limits ofun advertisement will not allow us to refer,and nearly thirty well known superintendents,engineers,ma sts and engine builders in the east certify that, "in the use of these boxes, friction is reduced in a remark able degree; oil is required only in small quantities, and the wear is hardly perceptible, during a period in which a hard metal box of the same thickness would be worn out; journals running in these boxes attain a smooth& surface than they have seen on those which have been run in any other box." They also certify "that the pa tenter of this improvement has received the highest a ward of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic's Asso ciation, for specimens of these boxes, (some of which had been run on the crank of alocomotive engine more than thirty thousand miles,) at the fair of the Institu tion, held in Boston in September and October,lB4l." The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, also awarded Mr. Babbitt the premium for the improvement in box es, under the Scott Legacy, which confines such awards to new and useful improvements. The Committee on naval affairs reported strongly in its favor, in consequence of which the right to use it was purchased by the Government for $20,000. The com mittee refer to, and make a part of their report the let ters of S. V. Merrick, J. Erricson, George C. Read. C. \V. Copeland, Corn. L. Warrington, Hon. A.IP. lip shur, and Charles Howard, recommending the inven tion. J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer Mr. S. V. Merrick states that the metal having been long enough in use to test its merits fully, he has no hesitation in saying that it is one of the most valuable improvements that has come to his notice. The effects produced are: a great diminution in friction; a saving in oil—one half or more: an economy in the original construction, the brasses being much lighter; a saving in repair, the metal lasting longerand being replaced at a less Cost; and a saving in fuel, consequent upon di minished friction." The metal has also been introduced with great ad . - vantage, in lining carriage and wagon boxes, for which i s well adapted. It is also, amongst many others, strongly recommen ded by Mr. Charles Howard, President of the Balti more and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who par cnased the right fur the road,a distance of seventy miles, for CLOW. Mr. Howard gives the article the follow ing recommendation: "The price was considered a high one, for the com paratively limited extent to which the Company would have an opportunity of making use of the patent right; but we were satisfied that it was for our interest to a vail ourselves of the invitation. I can now say, that, having better tested its value by a more extensive ap plication of it, I think that the company would be very unwise to relinquish their right to use it for a much high er consideration than that which was given for it; and I have no doubt, that if such a proposition were to be made to the Company, it would, without hesitation, be declined. The great merits of the invention are, that it prevents the heating, and consequent cutting and destruction of the bearings, which are so numerous on the steam engine; and on the perfection of which depends the val ue of the engine; while, at the same time, there is a very great saving of oil, the expenditure forms a mate rial item in the cost of working a large engine. In the locomotives of the company. I Lind the saving to be ful ly one half of the quantity which was required before Mr. Babbitt's inventicni was applied to them. Some of those locomotives having run several thousand miles I can also say that this invention makes the machinery much more durable, so that while the effective power of the machine is increased, the cost of repairs is di mirdslwd." . . F:r7:r The comini.:ition alluded to ha% Mg, been used in this vicinity, the proprietor is enabled to refer to the following: gentletwm as to its merits, viz: \V m. L vitt.; of the firm of Lvon, Shorb & Co. WA PD MOM; AN, Engineer of the steam ht,m West Point. .IO.F:PIi 11.0111 TON, En•zitteen: of the .I.teatrter JoSEl'll TA TLon, S Brunette. ..,„r_.- The how' , an,l compo:ition can be purchased S.:. itlpected at the Bell 111111 lit - . 1 44 Foundry of ANDW. 111,ToN.corlier of thld A out and Chancery L•ow. mtiq 4-'2w SALE OF BRIDGE AND OTHER STOCKS, [P.I mintn o f THE COMMINSIONF.B.S.) (AN WEDNESDAY, the 6th (lay of September, NJ 1343,, will be offered at public sale, at Pittsburgh. the fullowino Storks owned by die State of Perinsylva• Ma, viz: No. of Shares. Companit.s. Par Value 1600 Allegheny Bridge Company, $25 2000 Monongahela " 25 600 Big Beaver " 25 100 Conernaugh " 50 100 Lovallianna " 25 171 Robbstown 50 300 Williamsport, Washington co., 50 2500 Monongahala Navigation company, 50 2151 Bedford and Stoystown Tp. Road company, 50 3823 Stoystown and Greensburgh " ' 50 1780 Greensburgh and Pittsburgh " 50 3437 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana" 50 967 Pittsburgh and New Alexandria " ' 50 322 New Alexandria and Conemaugh" 50 947 Pittsburgh and Butler 25 o 832 Butler and Mercer 25 320 Pittsburgh and Steubenville " 50 300 Robbstown and Mount Pleasiuit " 50 660 Mount Pleasant and Somerset " 50 672 Somerset and Bedford ~ 50 360 Armstrong and Indiana " 25 560 Indiana and Ebensburg " 25 329 Washington and Williamsport " 50 855 Do Pittsburgh " 50 200 Butler and Kittanning o 25 240 Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh " 25 360 Somerset and Conemaugh 25 320 Do Cumberland 14 25 11 160 Ligonier and Johnstown 50 224 Armstrong and Clearfield 41 25 80 I.lrownington, Harrisville, and Franklin 41 50 " 200 Butler and Freeport2o 224 Pittsburgh Farmers & Mechanics'" - 23 160 Bedford and Hollidaysburgh " 50 160 Birmingham and Elizabethtown " 25 160 Taithersburgh and Punxatawney " 25 300 French Creek Bridge company, 20 1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20 100 Erie and Waterford Turnpike Road company 50 560 Susquehanna and Waterford " 25 1010 Mercer and Meadville 25 100 Anderson's Ferr: , .•, Waterford and • New Haven 100 200 Abington and Waterford ~ 25 I 280 Warren and Ridgeway " 25 40 Warren and New York State line " 50 96 Titusville and Union Mills 25 160 Warren and Franklin " 25 80 Sugar Grove and Union " 25 300 Bunk of Pennsylvania, 400 300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company, 100 1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100 Purchasers will be required to pay for the Stocks, at the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is sued by the Auditor General, in pursuance of the Reso lution of 7th April, 1342, notes issued by the Banks of this Commonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1841, specie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trans fer of Stock will be made in a reasonable time after sale. JAMES CLARKE, EVAN'S ROGERS, JOB MANN, Commissioners for sale of State Stocks. aug I—ts JOHN D. DAVIS, Auger. JUST received from the American Temperance So ciety, New York, 3050 Youth's Advocates and Tern penance Journals for August. 250 Hymn Books, Washington Harps and Lyres, Cbrystal Fount Melo dies, Pic Nic Songs, 250 Reports, Prints, National Prints, National Preacher, Permanent Temperance Documents. Bacchosand Anti-Bacchus Dialogue, Voice from the Vintage, &c., for Ladies, Gentlemen and our yerith, and for sale in large quantities tostit and:wises, by ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Meet chant, No. 9, Fifth street. aug. 10. October (Election. Prothonotary. I respectfully offer myself a candidate for the office of Prothonotary of Allegheny county, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, which meets on the 30th August next. GEO. 11. RIDDLE. Allegheny city, may 31—tc cl&w. Prothonotary. I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic Convention. WNI. G. HAWKINS. Wilkins township, june 27—tc. Prothonotary. To the voters of Allegheny county:—l respect fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sonally 'known will please examine into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your choice. ALEX. MILLER. ma• of Pittsburg. y 10—tc Prothonotary. Clear the course for the Volunteers WILLIAM B. FOSTER. EN., of Allegheny city, will be a candidate for the office of Prothonotary of Al legheny county, at the October election. jnne 4. M ANY citizens of Allegheny city recommend Dr. J. C. M'CULLY as a suitable person to fill the office of Prothonotary. july 12. Sheriga T respectfully present myself to the citizens of Alle gheny gheny county, as a candidate for the Sheriffalty,suh ject to the action of the Democratic convention, which meets on the 30th of Augitst next. june 9—d&wte. ELIJAH TROVILLO. To the Electors of Allegheny County: Fellow Citizens—l offer nivielf to your considera tion, as a candidate fur the office of Sheriff, subject to the nomination oldie Democratic Convention, and shall be thankful for your support. aug. 10—tc. CHAMBERS McKIBBEN. MANY Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO SEPH CURRY as a anitable person to fill a seat in the Islwmbly, the ensuing session. July 11, 1843. Assembly. A number of the Democrats of Mifflin township have concluded to present the name of SAMUEL COCHRAN, Esq., of that township, for the considera tion of the Convention which meets on the 30th inst., for a nomination for the Legislature. Mr C: is a well known and a well tried democrat, and his neighbors confidently present his claims Assembly. We are authorised to announce JOHN BROWN, Esq., of Pine township, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Conven tion. julv 29—te ASSEMBLY We are authorized to announce It. A. BA CS MAN, of Birmingham, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the democratic convention. au , 14—tc County Commissioner. We are authorized to announce ALEXANDER jr., of Robinson, as a candidate for Count}• ionimissioner, subject to the decision of the democrat c county convention. aug, 7—tc County Commissioner. EDITORS:—PIease announce the name Of Genl. JOHN M. DAVIS, of PeebleA, for County Com miA,ioner, Hubject to the deci4on of the Democratic county Convention, to be held in Augugt next. MANY DEMOCRATS. County Commissioner. Messrs. Editors: A . the general opinion appears to prevail that inasmuch as there ar already two of the County Commbisioners from the country, it is but a matter of right and justice that the city or its imme diate neighborhood should have the third candidate— We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people of Allegheny county, JAMES C. CUMMINS, Esq., of die city district, for County Commissioner, at the ensuing fall election. MANY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. County Commissioner. AT the solicitation of a number of friends of all political parties, I respectfully offer myself to the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not be misunderstood, either as to political or private affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation of large majori ties of the people, the undersigned 'would not should he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach the office of County Commissioner. apr 6. ANTUEL IIUBLEY. Commissioner We are authorized to announce Mr. JAMES H. ROBB, of Upper St. Clair township, 114 a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention. aug 3—tc COUNTY COMMISSIONER Messrs. Editors: Please announce Major JAMES C. RITCHIE, of Robinson township, as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, at the ensuing elec tion, subject to the decision of the County Convention, and oblige MANY DEMOCRATS. augl4,-tc COUNTY COMMISSIONER r4F• We are authorized to state that JAMES AN DERSON, of the city, will be a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic Convention. aug 12—tc. County Trearurer. Messrs. Editors: Please announce the name of ALEXANDER M'Ct.tRE, of Mifflin Township, as a candidate fur nomination by the Democratic Conven tion, for the office of County Treasurer. Mr. M'Clure is an old and tried Democrat, of the Jefferson school, whose character and capacity for bu siness would be a guarantee that the duties of the office would be discharged in a manner satisfactory to the people. OHIO TOWNSHIP. aug 14—tc COUNTY TREASURER JACOB TOM ER, Esq. of Pitt township, well known to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a staunch, uniform Republican of the Jackson school, will be a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. aug 2—tC. AN OLD DEMnCRAT. COUNTY TREASURER At the solicitation of many radical democrats, Mr• SAMUEL McKEE, of Birmingham. has consented to become a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Of Mr. McKee it may be truly said, to be known is to be popular. Many Frintlt , of Unammin R. Worth. jy7—tc Coroner I respectfully offer myself to the citizens of Alleghe ny county, for the office of Coroner, subject to the de cision of the Democratic Convention. jy 18—tc DAVID HARTZ. I take the liberty of offering myself as a candidate for the office of Coroner, to my democratic fellow citi zens of Allegheny county, subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst. aug l 3—tc ROBERT IvrCHES:CEY. County Auditor. Messrs. Editors:—Please announce the name of JOHN W. M'CLELLAND, of Franklin township, as a suitable candidate for Ccruitty Auditor at the coming election, subject to the decision of the County Conven tion. Mr. M' is a Democrat of the warm est and purest hind, and will bet warmly supported ' by MANY DEMOCRATS. Avg. 7. '43--te. glikani • STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwarding and Coowsisaion Merchants, CLEVELAND, 0010. AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. D, Comities Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,master, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. 4, 1* - 1 6 0 # 4 l : a . as ^Gan= 18 4 3 . TARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAGES 1. AND RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2il door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH & Co., feh 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. FOR THE POST Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio- Rail Road Company. Foit THE POST NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WASHINGTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON, fel) 3---dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. aug 7—ti Regular Packets, for Cincinnati. The Swiftsure, Rubinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Montgomery, Bennett, Maiter,lenvei even• Sat urdav at 70 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, Ma,ter, leaves cvery Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGIIAAI & Agents. To Let, 1p OR a term of years, my house, store room 1: and work shop, on 2d street, opposite Jas. Park, jr., &Co The shop is brick, 19 feet wide, by 30 10ng,3 stories high. T have in it a small steam en gine, about 5 horse power, which I will also rent, if desired. For further particulars enquire of me, on the premises. ORRIN NEWTON. 4—tf To Bent. PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at the cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises. july 16. Public Sale of Valuable Lanai. • P URSUANT to a decretal order of the Circuit Su perior Court of Law and Chancery, for Mason county, pronounced the 19th day of April, 1843, in the , cause depending therein of Henry Strider, Pit., a-': gainst James W. Barkenridge and others. Det'ts the undersigned speCial commissioner, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house in Mason county, on the 16th day of September, 1843, (being the first day of the Cir Sup'r Court of said county,) that well known body of land commonly cal led "Graham's Station," lying in Mason county, Va., on the Ohio river, containing by survey four thousand one hundred and twenty-three acres, in two adjoining parcels, a large proportion of which is river bottom land. The above lands previous to the day of sale will be laid off by the surveyor of the minty in lots of con venient size for farrns,and plats furnished, and so many thereof will be sold as may be necessary to produce the sum of money required by said decretal order.— The sales will be made on a credit of nine months fur one-third part of the purchase money, oftwelve months for another third part, and of eighteen months for the residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving bonds with good security for the payment of the different instru ments, bearing interest from the day of sale, the legal title to be retained as further security for the payment of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make punctu al payments. GEO. W. STRII3LING, Special Com'r. Point Pleasant, Va., Jane 26,1843. Uy6-2m Building Lots in Birmingham. 13 LOTS, suitable for building, most eligibly sit uated, and within two minutes' walk of the steam ferry boat landing, will be sold at prices to suit the times. The terms of payment will be made ettA,y, either for cash or such barter as ran be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No.. 4, Ferry street, PittsbureiL june 1. JAS. PATTERSI.K jr. 4Lots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42, 52,53,54, 181, 182, andlB4, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes' Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook's plan of Lots on High street, near the new Court, House. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON. se 10 1" J OTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane and High street. Apply to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth street. GRNERAL LAFD OFTICS, 1 June 23,1843. AUNICE having been received from the Register of the Land Office at Lexington, Missouri, that the removal of that Office to the town of Clinton, in Henry county, as directed by the President, will be effected on or about the 3d day of July next: this is to give notice that the public sale of lands ordered to be held at Lexington on the second day of October next, by the Executive proclamation bearing date the Bth inst., will be held at the time prescribe - lin the town of Clinton aforesaid. THO. H. BLAKE, June 30—lawt 10 Commissioner. FOR THE POST AWARNlNG.—lnasmuch, as the Directors or Trustees of the Western Theological Seminary have advertised a part of the Common ground of the city of Allegheny for lease. This is to give notice to a'l persons not to take leases from said Trustees for any part of saici.Common ground, or in any way to trespass en the common right of the citizens in said ground, as it is the determination of the city authorities to contest the right of any person or persons either to lease or erect buildings thereon. By order of the Councils. E. W. STEPHENS,Presi,Ient, S. C. tug 12-6 t HENRY IRWIN, President, C. C. Beaver and Warren;Packet. The Great Central Bente Lots for Sale. For Sale Zwaseiy by the THE ll:diuerustb which is now in ilineat a -L, epidemic, is exciting the invenices o f- medicines to increased exertions in the phiell but owing to the general distrust entertaMok generality of such drugs, people fear taking theme•e; The following, however, from a distinguished So*, clan in New York; Dr. Nelson; we think tarry lie Si:- lied on: . . "The object of the present communication is to ree ommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy . wain te the poor, and to caution them against an irtjurioes cue in this disease, namely, bleeding, -either general a by, leeches. In all those cases in which the rain ci u. 4, symptoms prevail, let the patient smell frequently it a common salts bottle, (Sint' Aromatic' Volortite Salts are preferred) and by putting the vial to did month to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile ter into the lungs. Let this process be repented pmd or three times in an hour, and it will give more and greater relief, in all slight cases of the fiat= - than any other remedy, and will be sitificiesit feria, cure. It will also be essentially useful in the mew cases; and those of the class of prostretio' aOw drops of amonia, or hartshorn, ought to token . iiittr nallv. A neat way of doing so is to take an old nisi* ioned mixture called Inc turmioniaci. Holetrai as a local remedy, to act on the disordered inufnok that its use is advised. The principles will be rear nized by all physicians versed in too iec ri tion, and those who are deficient in that its do in that instance as they do in all othistelosick upon the faith they imbibe." These salts are far and within the reach of all classes, at Wm. Tenses, 53 Market street, Pittsburgh. j„ 17. 41. Card. rpHE subscriber respectfully informs the pub& ill .1 general, that he intends to devote his wbok, dna to the COLLECTION OF ACCOUNTS in the cities of PUMP burgh, Allegheny and vicinity. Having been engaged in this business for s4:= 4 and given entire satisfaction to those who him, he respectfully solicits those hosing accounls W collect to give him a trial. Physicians and others who cannot spare titde front' their professional business to collect their accounU would find it to their advantage 0 give hint a ea. Respectable references can be given, and, if require& secuxity will be given for the faithfill l'efthit .of an no nits collected. He can be found at Mr Gcorge A rmor l s, Mercian! Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and F'onrt,l3 smete, entrance on 9th st. daily from 8 till Di o'clock, A. Any orders left there during his absence, will be ed to, or by letter through the Post ce. Terms,s pr cent commission. jy 21—.11m SANIL, GELSTORI Ice.: Ice! Ice! A NYf'cl quantity oean, flistrate Allegheny Ice, til tt he had at HUGH DUFFY'S, earner of Se id and Grant streets. july Freeman's Piro Brick for irgi: UST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fite B4ick 0 which will hereafter be kept constantly oit his and sold low for cash, by BIRMIN6HAM 6r CO may 27 No. 60 Wen* at. Dissolution of Partnershijr. HE late firm of T. &A. Nesmith & shad T and leather dealers and tanners, is dissolved thl# day by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Alfred Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has been sold and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.; and Thomas Nesmith, sr. and Thomas Nesmith jr., have formed copartnership, under the firm of THOMAS Nasstrris As Sots, who are duly authorised to settle tbe 'mines' Of the late firm, and to U3C the name' of the late firm for that purpose. THOMAS NESMITH, SR. ALFRED NESMITH, THOMAS NESMITH, JRI jaly 22--dtf. July 19, 1845 SAMUEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Capper and Mies, Iron Ware,. No. 17, Fifth street, between Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of waret4 and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand) the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons; skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap for cash Pt approved paper. [Mar 7 —tf John Cartwright; CUTLER and Surgical Instrumeni Manufactuieii corner of Calt and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa, N. B.—Always on Mandan extensibe assortment Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor'ir, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears, Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. *a 241: Copper, Tin and Sheet. Iron Ware. TE subscriber respect fully informs his friends and former patrons, that he has removed his estab lishment from No. Gl, Liberty, to No. Third et, nearly opposite the Poet Office, where he continues to carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business, in all its 'various branches. He respectfully solicits * continuance of the patronage so liberally extended td him herefofore, and pledges himself that no pains abill be spared on his part to.merit the same. Constiatlj on hand, Manufactured Ware, of all kinds, all of whiclll will be sold low for cash. Spouting, &c . ~tnade to tiP der at short notice. nue4-1m It M.. bAtIVSON. rlmmvr-d!PFrm,l A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds *l*k-a ea hand and for sale, at his agen'eS-, the Garden , attire of F: L: SNOWDEN, 184, Liberty st., head of Wood: Peach Trees da l THV. subscribiLr has just received from the Nur sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which be would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOVI4I NO. 184 Liberty st. head orAIME7". Found, A BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Stet* _ti in Liberty street, a Note of hand, c'onsiderably soiled and worn. It is signed by Jaines Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. ?brown er can have it by identifying it, and paying expenses_ July3l.—tcf. Removal. PCAWFIELDhas removed his marble Eau& • lishment to Wood at. opposite Fahneittock 3 a Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. a. Is--113- Dr. Doubter's Pulmonary Preservative. • FOR coughs, colds, intluenzas, catarrhs, whooping couch, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all diseases of the brca:t and lungs, and tu-rest of approach.. ing consumption. Warranted free from mercury and oter minerals. I. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., jy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh. ALLEN HRANIER. Exchange Broker, No. 46> Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sae. Drafts, notes and bills, collet ted. .azrzatscr.s Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenzo, J. Painter & Co.. Joseph Woodwell, James May, Ales. Bronson & Co. John H Brown &Co. James Nl:Caw:Bess. J. R. WDonald. W. H. Pope s Esq., Pres't Bank ORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, 1 3 o* P fait Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Bark's 13ttil (ling. J. Osborne would sobrit a call from those who desire Portraits. Speimens can be seen as his rooms. mar 5. PLACES WAITED, for a number of young and middle aged men, as teachers for town and amuse try schools: also, for clerks and shopmem for laborers. and farmers; for manufacturers and mechanics, of va. rious trades; for coachmen, hostler:, gardeners, and man and boys for all work; also, wanted, places fern number of seamstresses, chamber maids and natratv, &c. Apply at HARRIS' aug:l4 General Agency and Inielliswo Moe, 111 0,Tii:la WWI Pittsburgh, Pa I' hi, adelphia Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis, Mo. y. > Louisville.