egriNlNggs.^ - ofs Yankee, batthe sequel is still "cuter." Twrsrker sued the captain for the $3O which was tabs paid if the gun was lost, (actually having the ar irks in his possession) recovered the amount with lisits, and obtained the money! v c. FOR PRESIDENT, SAS. BUCHANAN, " Subject to the decision of "fiti — tritstocusTie stATIONAT, CONVENTION r Vie ,horning post. Immure a, SMITH, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 1843 TIM Puauc Weaas.--.Under oar commercial head will be found a statement of the Receipts and Expenses mew Columbia Rail Road daring the month ofJuly and also the Receipts and Expenses of that Road for the kw mouths beginning March 1, 1843, and ending .IMse 30, 1841 - We ®lad to have it in our power to present this tatoment to our reatirs, not oily b3eaui2 it (wih:m.2A a most flourishing state of atrairs on the Columbia Rail Road, but becat it i 3 tll3 beet plssihle a•iswer we can give to th onfininded statem int that in publishing amounts of Tolls received on our public works, we ave purposely forborne to publish returns from all tht floes en the main line. This statement will invalidate the pretence that the prosperity of the public works is confined to the West ern Division, and will convince all who take an in terest in the success of our improvements, that the pleasing results shown by those report?, are the con sequence of aradical and judicious change in the pilicy of the Canal Board, and do not arise from transient or accidental causes. It also gives the most positive assurance that if the same course of policy is perse vered in, the state will reap permanent advantages from It. It will he seen that the CLEAR PROFITS of the Co lumbiaßail Road fur the month of July amount to more than 20,000 DOLLARS ! While the whole profits of the road for the season amounts to ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS! Under the ela system, the loss on that road amounted to about tint sam in the course of the year. Here, then, is a ditference in favor of the new system of over $200,000, and the season is but half over. Is any thing wanting to prove the entire superiority of the present mode of doing business on the canal ? Every impartial reader must answer, No! And every man who wishes wall to the Commonwealth, what ever maybe his predilections for men, will insist that, let the Board to be elected this fall, be who they may, they should be required by the people to pledge them selves to continue the existing system. Once more we urge it upon our fellow-citizens to keep this mat ter in mind. Let no man be nominated for Canal Commissioner who is opposed to the Truck system --4 et no man be sent to the Legislature who would con sent to abandon or change that system. THE 4/Learnt won't confess its treachery, and that of the clique that control it, to the country Antimasons. We have prodded it, time after time, to make a defence of its conduct, or to deny in plain terms that it desired union with the whigs; but it carefully evades the ques tion, and gets off by complaining that we evince more sympathy for the whigs than for the blue noses! In the resent forlorn condition of the antimasonic party we Omit they stand in great -need of the sympathy of a ll 'writable men, for never was a party in t more pitiable fight. But even though we should extend to it a little ommissetation, in what way would that apologize for be conduct of the Gazette in neglecting to denounce a :onspiracy to sell the party to the whip. Let that pa ler account for this suspicious proceeding, and inform .he public why it is now silent on the subject, and has not ventured a word in commendation of Mr. Craig for the•manly manner in which he rejected the overtures for a union. We call on the Gazette now to define its poSition,and to state whether there is not now a scheme in contemplation to unite with the whigs, (although it will scarcely be credited after the recent developements) and that the conspirators wait but for Mr. Craig's ab sence to Virginia, to commence the negotiations? Speak out, and no dodging. M . A handbill was issued this morning, beaded "To ae Democrats of Allegheny County," calcula team) convey the impression that the Hon. CHARLES SHALZR is not a candidate for CongroiA. We arc re quested by the friends of that gentleman to state that he is still a candidate for nomination, and that his claims will be fairly and honorably urged before the people smiths Convention. A ifitnouts—STßANGE CIRCUMSTANCES. —We learn Glom the Cattaraugus (N. Y.) Whig, that there has been a series of depredations committed upon a family residing lathe town of Machias, in that county, by the name of Andrews, which are unaccountable, dis graceful and villainous. Early in the spring, there were several petty thefts committed by entering the house in the night, carrying away provisions, &c. Their barn was set on fire and burned to the ground, and two attempts have been made to burn the house. Who 2io desperadoes are,it has been impossible to find out, as they would come in the night, in disguise, painted black, and every effort at detection has proved unavail. hag. A few weeks since, a shingle was found in the houtie, on which was written a warning to the family to leave . ther house, or they would be murdered, or their house burned. On Thursday the 2.7 th ult., about mid night, a noise was heard by the family on the outside of the house; Mrs. Andrews got up, and upon looking out saw a Mall fixing a sort of scaffold to get up to the win dow, thawindow being high up from the ground. She got an axe and stood near the window as sentinel, the window being partially fastened on the inside. The thief mounted the scaffold and commenced raising the window, and finding, after raising it three or four inch es, that it was fastened, thrust his arm under to unfas ten it, when Mrs. Andrews raised the axe, and nearly severed his arm from his body. The thief, with a loud groan, fell back, was seized by his comrades, and car ried to their wagon, which stood a few rods distant, and the horse was driven off at the top of his speed. An a "um was immediately given by the family, and the *hole neighborhood was aroused in search of the des peradoes. Blood was found on the window sill, traced to the road, and they were traced by the bldbd as fit as :he Inge of Sandusky, in the town of Freedom, a dis tance of some ten or twelve miles, when all trace of them was lost_ There was a rumor that. Dr. Colgrove, living near that section of the country, had been called t 9 dress a wound in the arm of an individual living in the vicinity of Sandusky. ANOTHER POISONING CASE.--Serrte suspicions are excited in Bridgeton, New Jersey, respecting the cause of the death of tans Seeley, Esq., who died on the ,Sist ult. The remit of the investigation has been the A pprehension and commitment of a colored servant girl, charged with poisoning Mr. Seeley, and attempting to poison Mrs. Seeley. We understand, says the Bridge ton Chronicle, that a few doubts can be entertained that she is guilty of the alleged crime. /11101tILLTION sou author of the "Irish Sketch Book," -writing of a fine farm crMur War . died acres which be visited in Itildare, Ireland, re marks that he saw thereon several experiments in manuring. An acre of turnips prepared with bone- dust; another with "Murray's Composition," of which he does not tell the ingredients, and another with the new substance Gusso. "As far as turnips and a first year's crop went," he says, "the Guano carried the day. The plants on the Guano acre looked to be three weeks in advance of their neighhois, and extreme ly plentiful and healthy." He went to see the field two months after his first observation, and relates that the Guano still kept the lead, the bone-dust run Guano very hard; and the "Composition was completely dis tanced." rrln looking over the old Annals, says the Cin cinnati Chronicle, we find that the common idea that the first Bank was established is Philadelphia, is a. to tal mistake. A bank was established seventy . ' years be fore the period which is assigned as that of the first bank in Philadelphia. In 1712, the Legislature of South Carolina established a Public Bank, and issued forty-eight thousand pounds in bills of trust. These bills were called Bank Bills, and the establishment way; culled a Public Bank. These were lent out on interest, or loaned on personal security. uRD E:R.-A negro man, named Wesley Green, liv- ing upon the land of Edgar Snowden, Esq., in How ard District, Md. and belonging to Mr. John Holland, murde;ed his wife, a free woman, a few days ago, by deliberately splitting open her her head with an axe.— He will be hung—no doubt. If lie was a white and re spectable he might pass for insane. THE LAST NAME FOR S•USARES.—Dog-ClTOtypei is now the meaning name given an nil-certain sort of sausages ALMOST A DUEL.—The Philadelphia Mercury says, that two young men, the one a student of medicine na med Dickens, and the other a midshipman named En nis, were about proceeding to the vicinity of the Point House this morning, in order to settle some difficulty which occurred, by endeavoring to spill each other's blood, by fighting a duel. The police, however, got wind of it yesterday, and after a great effort they suc ceeded in arresting one of the seconds, and had him ceeded in arresting one of the seconds, and had him brought on last evening before Alderman Mitchel, who bound hirri over. The officers at the time appointed by the parties, were promptly on the .ground, and pre vented this affair of honor. The name of the second nor the origin of the challenge we could not ascertain. For the Morning Post. Messrs. Editors:—By the Aurora of this morning, I perceive that the editors of that paper continue their charge against me, without furnishing any proof, not withstanding my plain and positive denial of it. The article I allude to is the following: "As to Riddle, he knows that we have asserted but the simple truth against him. He is too wise to attempt to. push us to the wall for PROOF." I again pronounce the charge false and malicious, without the least shadow of truth, and again demand their PROOF. GEO. R. RIDDLE. Allegheny, August 15, 1343. They have had another outrageous riot among the Firemen in the city of "brotherly love." The Mer cury gives the following account of it: ("At about eight o'clock last night, the fire bells in 4e per part of the city sounded an alarm in aS. West Mm direction, the firemen turned out in great numbers and proceeded in the direction indicated by the strikingof the bells; at the corner of Broad and Arch streets the two belligerent companies met, the Fairmount Engine and the Good Will Hose. At this point a scene was presented which baffles all descrip tion, stones flew in all directions, bludgeons were bran dished, and piruols fired, several persons were much in jured; for a time the property in the vicinity and the lives of the persons there asserribled were placed in great jeopardy; at length the members of the Fairmount obtained possession of the carriage of the other compa ny and bore her off in triumph with all possible expe dition. The Good Will Huse members rallied and pursued them, uttering the most ferocious yells, and manifesting the intention of visiting their foes with vengeance. 'The Commissioners of Spring Garden, in conjunction with Alderman Reese and the police of the district, interposed their authority, and thus pre vented them front proceeding to the house to recover their apparatus by hostile measures. The hose car riage was then sent back, but it was not accepted. The Commissioners took it into their keeping, and had it placed in their yard, where it remained. The excite ment during the prevalence of these occurrences was immense, and did not subside until morning." an assignees, notice in the SVas'iington (N. C.) Whig, announces for sale, among other articles, "an interest in a negro man, named Peter, it being one third of one eiglt of said negro." rrln the libel suit brought by J. Fennimore Coop er against Horace Greoly, the editor of the New York Tribune, ex-Governor Seward is retained as counsel for the defendant. THE SCOTTISH MURDER CASE The following are the documents received by the U S. Marshal, in the city of New York, directing him to surrender Christina Cochran, or Gilmour, to the British authorities:— DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, 9th August, 1843. To all to whom these presents shall come: Whereas, Henry S. Fox, Esq., the Envoy Extraor dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty, bath made requisition in conformity with the provision of the 10th article of the Treaty concluded at Washington on the 9th day of August, 1842, for the dalisering up to justice of Christina Cochran], alias Gilmour, charged with the crime of murder alledged to have been committed within the jurisdiction of Great Britain; and whereas, the said Christina Coch ran, alias Gilmour,hath been found in the state of New York, within the jurisdiction of the United States,and I hath by proper affidavit, and in due form of law, been brought before S. Rapelje, U. S. commissioner, for the Southern district of New York, upon the said charge of murder, and whereas the said S. Rapelje bath deemed the evidence sufficient to authorize or re quire her commitment, and hath accordingly committed her to the Jail of New York; all which appears by a certified copy of the proceedings transmitted to this department: Now, these presents are to require the Marshal of the United States fur the Southern District of New York, the District Attorney of the United States for said District, and any other public officer, having the charge and custody of the said Christina Cochran,aliaa Gilmour, to surrender and deliver her up to George McKay, an officer of the Government duly authorised by her Britannic Majesty's said Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to receive her into cus tody. Given under nay hand and seal of the office of the e--" , " the Secretary of State of the United States L. S. on the day and year aforesaid. ..........." A. P. UPSHUR. The ollowing letter accompanied the Warrant.— They wore both enclosed to the Marshal of the Dis trict: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, 9th August, 1843. SILAS M. STILLWELL, Esq., of the United States for the Southern • District of New York: Stirs—l transmit to you herewith a warrant issued in conformity with the provisions of the 10th article of the Treaty of Washington, directing the surrender and delivery of Christina Cochran, alias Gilmour, a fu gitive from justice, charged with the crime of murder, alleged to have been committed within the jueisdic tion of Great Britain, to George McKay, or any other 1 o ffi cer of Her Britannic Majesty's Government duly 1 authorised to receive her into custody. I sin, Sir, with great respect, Your obedient servant, . hi. 1. UPSHUR. Commertid Slatttre, COLUMBIA AND PHI D. LADELPHIA RAIL • ROA Statement showing the Receipts and Expenditures on the Columbia and Philadelphia Rail Road , from the Ist to the 31st of July, 1843: Receipts as per Reports of Collectors: Motive Power, $17,312 95 Road Tolls, 18,601 89 Expenses of Motive Power and Repairs of Road during the same time,including • all liabilities. $14,947 46 Excess of Receipts over Expenditures, $20,967 38 Add excess of Receipts from March Ist to June 30th, 1843, Total excess of Receipts from March Ist to July 31st, five months, 108,048 95 J. B. MOORHEA.D, Supt. &c. TRADE WITH NGLAND. One of our packet ships, now loading for Liverpool, has on board the following articles, which compose her cargo so far—viz: 200 bbls. flour, 650 bbla. lard, 500 firkins butter, 600 casks and boxes of cheese, 50 tons spermaceti oil, • 2 invoices (about 4 20 tons measure) of clocks. Port of Pittoburgl). Reported by Sheblc and Mitchell, General Steam Boat Agents, TVater street. TWENIT INCHES WATER IN THE CHANNEL, According to Coppci Mark, at the Wood street Sewer ARRIVED. Muskingum Valley, Hazlett, Dock, Warren, McDonald, Beaver, Keel B. Statesman, from Wheeling with Tobacco! Do. Brazil, do do do. DEPARTED. Clarion, Hutchison, Cincinnati, Warren McDonald, Beaver. MOREOF SNIVELY AND WARFIELD'S BANDS. We have given a condensed account from the St. Louis New Era, derived from official sources, of the dispersion, -disbanding and partial disarming of the Tex an bands that interfered with the Santa Fe trade, by Capt. Cooke, of the U. S. Army. We have since seen, in thsi same paper, a letter from Samuel Heffner, one of ta Texans under Snively, dated "on boar d the steamer Tobacco Plant, July 28." His narrative cor responds in all its main features with that of Captain Cooke, but as it adds a few facts not before published, we make several extracts from his communication.— Huffner says; "Oh the 19th of June we came in contact with the advance of Gov. Armijo's army, (about 100 Mexicans,) under Chavelers. About 100 Texians engaged in the attach t ,upon them. After firing thr•c rounds we broke their ranks, killed 25, wounded 23, and took all the rest prisoners—without having a Texan hurt." The Texans numbered about 190 men. He adds: "We sent the prisoners homeward, and eighty-four men of our party started on the 20th of June, from our camp on Owl creek, a branch of the Semirone, to return to Texas. The remainder, being 106 men, marched over to the south bank of the Arkansas River, about twenty miles below the Santa Fe crossing, and, as we supposed, upon Texan soil. "Next day, however, Capt. Cooke took us by surprise, as we had no spies out, and one-half of our men were out buffalo hunting. That officer contended that we were east of the 100th degree of longitude, and demand ed our arms, giving us full liberty otherwise; which ; terms we accepted, it being the most politic, both as regarded ourselves and our Government. Cols. Snively and Warfield, with 70 men, started to return, with flee guns, to Texas. The Comanche Indians took advan tage of their defenceless state, killed four of their men, an% drove off sixty horses and mules. Warfield sued them with five men,intending to retake the horses, but he was surrounded by about 150 Indians. Warfield repelled the attack, killed seven Indians, and returned to camp without having a man hurt. "This expedition was commanded by Col. Jacob Snively, and was divided into four companies. "Previous to our breaking up, Ambrose Spencer,son of J. C. Spencer, present Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, was our Judge Advocate." ~.rTVP"My name is Norval!" saida runaway youth who was playing that character in a small theatre at Annapolis some years since. "You lie you dog!" said an officer in the crowd—"your name is Bill Brown, and you owes Mrs. Knipper three dollars and a half for board, washing and lodging—and here's a writ, so, "conic along my darling." HARD WORK The New York Courier and Enquirer labors indus- Piously to prove that there is great want of Union sari. I harmony in the Democratic ranks, and when the C ~ vention for nominating candidates for President Vice President assembles, he felicitates himself u the hope, that there will be a "burst up." It is not Irtit4 : 1 1 1 Clay's "great personal popularity" that they now rely upon—nor is it the "principles of which he is the cm bodytnent," that they depend upon for the success of their party in the contest. Their hopes have already been blasted, and the only one left them is the slender one, that the democratic party will commit political suicide by their predilections for men. Vain hope. The following from the Richmond Enquirer, is a true exponent of the sentiments which will govern the democratic party when the proper rime arrives to select an individual as the andidate who is to represent their principles "We have no idea that the prognostications of the Courier will be realized, viz: that it will result in break ing up the harmony and unity of the party. They have a little too much discretion, too much principle, for re Ar. Henry Clay himself, the roaringlion, stands in our path—and we are too much in danger front the Whigs to thick of breaking up our party, in a pertina• dons and insane preference of any one candidate of out own. Give us Van Buren—give us Calhoun—give us Buchanan—give us Cass—give us Johnsen—give us any honest, staunch Republican, even though we take him from the ranks, like Abdalonimus of Sidon—rath er than fasten "Harry of the West—"tho Mill boy of the Slashes"—"the Father of the American System," , around our necks. We will not repeat with Cowley though Mr. Clay did once prefer "plague, pestilence and famine" to General Jackson:— "Come the eleventh Plague, rather than this should be; Come sink us rather in the sea; Come rather Pestilence; and reap us down; Come thee sword rather than our own." But we will gn on with the same beautiful Poet, and say of Mr. Clay in comparison with other candidates: "Let rather Roman come again, Or Saxon, Norman or the Dane; In all the bonds wo ever bore, We griev'd, we sighed, we wept; we never blushed b.. fore." No, no, Monsieur Courier, we are not quite soft," ELECTION NEWS KEN rucx v.—The Cincinnati Chronicle says that the delegation in the next Congress will stand 5 demi to 5 whip, where it formerly stood 1 dem to 12 whip. INDlANA.—Whitcomb is elected Governor by about 300 msyj. We have very little eidditional news in relation to the Congressional election, except the rumored defeat of Owen. TENNZISIK.—Five democrats and four whip are elected to Congress DlED—August. 15th, hiker &Jai, infant daughter of J. W, end C. E. Boyle, aged 5 months. The funeral will take place from their residence in Birmingham, this, Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Their friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. timmunicatitAto. FOR MOiNIIIO MUSTS. Editors:—ln your pap& of yesterday, whet you notice the Weavers' turn-out in Philadelphia, yuu express regret that workmen should be forced to resort to such means—turn-outs, assaults, &c., and you say, that while attended with violence these "will always generate a spirit of bitterness that is certain to settle in a feeling of hatred between two classes (employer and employed) whose mutual interests require that they should live on the best of terms." You no doubt in tended, honestly, to deprecate among men the existence of bad feeling, hostility, &c. but did you not know that the circumstances in which ;hey are placed make them what they are? If so, then your remark stops short of the exposition of the cause which forced the Weavers into collision with their employers, who, while promo ' ring their partial individual interests have also been forced by the love of gain to continue their exertions; which again have forced the slaves of poverty into open violation of the law againstcommitting assault and bat tery, by inflicting personal chastisement on those whom they ignorantly believed the producing came of their poverty and misery. The interests of the employer and employed are it in their hostility, and must remain so uT der the present unjust arrangement of society, and this truth shouldbe known to all classes, because not know ing it is the cause of the spirit of bitterness, which settles in a feeling of hatred between two classes whose inte rests are necessarily discordant, and must be so, while to buy labor cheap is the interest and object of one class, and to sell it dear the interest of the other class. That which is life to the employer is death to the employed. The parties should know their relative positions in so ciety as it is; they should be honestly told the fact; a vast majority of both classes are uninformed on the sub ject; yet the interests of society demand its investiga tion and exposition, in order that good men controlled by circumstances which give them hostile interests, should patiently bear their evils and prudently take the necessary steps for removing, speedily as possible, what ever stimulates to hatred and collision, by substituting therefor a system of mutual interests, the effect of which would be peace and good will. It is a shameful fact that in Pennsylvania the poor man has no means of legal redress to secure payment for his labor. His employer, in reality his master for the time being, can discharge him and defer payment for his earnings as he pleases, or until the law as made by his class for their own purposes willtequire pay men which can be and often is deferred to a period exceeding nine months, and it is very common to com pel a great reduction in the honest demand or submit to this alternative. Society is unjust in its construction, and in its workings villany gets a bonus. The success ful plunderer of honest industry is called a smart man; be parades the streets with his head erect, and it is not an uncommon thing to find him leading the van in some I. professed philanthropic society, abolition, temperance, &c. If he possesses wealth, be has sec ured a charac ter for wisdom, and that is a sufficient passport to pub lic approbation. The toilers whom his schemes have impoverished and sunk into vice, what of them? Why they are free and enlightened, and in the poor house or in jail. Surely it is time to examine the producing causes of these turn-outs and outbreaks of the useful classes—the Weavers and others, wealth producers. But a few days back and we had sere our exhibition of the beautiful system of labor. Our respectable, be cause useful females, the power-loom weavers and tai- 'onuses, were compelled to openly protest against the monstrous frauds perpetrated under the system of truck payment, which they designated an ingenious device of avarice; and although they partially succeeded in their just demands, let none be deceived by present appear ances. Unless energetic measures be taken by the tai lors themselves, their evils must increase; there is no hope for them from any other source, let them begin in their primary meetings and instruct their servants and their delegates. Nor should capitalists, usurers, or" employers expect to peaceably continue reducing wages, and aggravating the evils which already encompass the employed. Laws may be enacted to subserve their purposes for the time being, but the present system cannot continue. It must be changed. Either by in creased intelligence in all classes, the only source of permanent beneficial change, or at length human suf fering will cause re-action and physical redress will be attempted. Straws show how the wind blows. The obstruction of canal navigation by the plundered boat men on the Lehigh navigation, and the Philadelphia weavers, movements indicate what approaches. A change is inevitable; unite w.irkin m-men, on von depends 'ts character. A PROLETARY. $35,914 84 87,081 57 Messrs. Editors:—l am glad to find that the notices of willingness given by the several Congressional can didates to arcept nominations from the Democratic Convention shortly to assemble, are beginning to attract the attention of our friends. Indeed the condescen sion and anxious solicitude of some of them, in throw:- ing aside claims so ?t ranzely and unceremoniously over looked by the committee of correspondence, and in counseling the people against the disastrous conse quences which might at this particular junction follow the selection of any one who bas not taken practical lessons on Sutherland's Manual, are matters of them selves eminently calculated to awaken the dormant en ergies of the party. Alas, for our County, if she should happen to be represented. by one deficient in the abstruse branch of political science during that terrible commo tion, that -momentous struggle" which is to shake the Union from its centre to a thousand miles beyond its cir cumference. The next Congress—no, no, the risk would ho too great, however well known and frankly acknowledged by the learned and honorable a man's "talents and patriotism" may be, to send him to such a Congress as that, unless he is an old hand. That was a shrewd and saving piece of advice which the man gave his son, when he warned him never go into the water until he first learned to swim. What think yon, fel low Democrats, of adopting a similar political rule for this City and County? There is no telling what cas ualties might befal us, and some of our best men, should their "talents and patriotism" prompt them to aspire to important stations which they had never filled before, and above all to the next Congress. AN OLD SCHOOL DEMOCRAT. re" Tho Handkerchief!—The Handkerchief!" cri ed Othello--"D—n:it," said a sailor in the pit—"blow yournose with your fingers, and go on with the play?" MARRIED.—On Tuesday morning, the 15th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Hoyden, Mr. JAMES MAGEHA N, jr. of Saint Louis, to Miss A, NA R. PHILLIPS, of this cit - - - - CANAL COMMISSIONS/1e Room. / Harrisburg, August 9, 1843. 5 SEALED proposals will be received at this offioe until the 11th of September next, for the use of the surplus water at dams numbers 2 and 3, of the Western Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, on leases not exceeding a period of fifty years. By order. THOMAS L. WILSON, aug 16—d3twtd Secretary. SHOE PEGS.-47 bushels best quality shoe pegs, just received, together with every description of shoe findings, by JOHN W. BLAIR, sug 16-1 w . 120, Wood sweet. We are authorized to announce JOHN CALHOUN, Esq., of Elizabeth, as a candidate for County Com mil.- stoner, subject to the decision of the Democratic Con vention. aug 16—tc LIFT OP WITTELBS DPEH/LINING in the Post Officio, Pittsburgh. Au gnst 15,1843. Persons calling for letters whose names are on this list will please say advertised. Agnes Mary Jane A mann Mary Abbottoon George F. Appler Marcus Amberson Silas 2 Armstrong Miss Rebecca Alexander Miss Mary Armstrong Martha Allen Sylvester Arthur Mr., jr. Anderson Rosanna Arthur* Ruben Anderson Rebecca Arbogast Ignatius Anderson Louisa Ashton Isaac M. Anderson James Baker George M. C. &During Frederick Baker Dom. E. Beesley George Baker HBean Samuel . Bailey M il re 3 Tllary Ann Berger Jacob Bailey Min Frrnhails Beal F. Bailey John (coloured) Binghean Mist Ann Baldwin Louis BieleingGeerge H. Baldwin Owen Blake P. H. Bell Alexander BlakeEderard S. FOR TIIF. MORNING POST LEASE OF WATER POWER COUNTY COMMISSIONER Balsaly H. B. kiiiusuaister N. A. Hard Richard 2 l3Arcity William Bates Robert Bates Jacob Black Jane Bell George 2 . Boland Miss Agnes Bell Samuel Barret Daniel Beaty Elizabeth Bowman Alexander Beggs Andrew Drown Rev. Allen H Bennet Mrs. Sarah Brown Francis° Brown Hiram Burton Miss Sarah Brown Daniel Burk William Brigham F. W. Burniston William. Brannon Thomas Burnside James Buchanan Mrs. Lucy Butler W. Burk James Butler Joint Burns James Butt Martin Burr Lewis Byrne Thomas Cameron James- Cinnamond David Carothers Capt., U. S. A. Cooper Samuel Carnahan Alexander Cooper Robert W. Carney Henry Cogswell Wm Carr Harvey Coffman Mrs. Charlotte Carbis Samuel Cook Miss Mary Ann Carothers T. P. Cockcroft John Carey Simon Cook John Casley Robert Cook E. ' Campbell Mary ' Coles Mrs Elizabeth Campbell Robert , Cole Rufus Campbell Albert B. Collins Thomas J. Chambers William Collins Mrs. Caroline g Chapman Martha P. Collins Samuel Charnel John Collins W. W. Claridy Cyrus Constable E. Clemtner Solomon Corns Elizabeth i Clark Alanson Coulaton William Clark John Coyle John Clark Ann Creasy Tristam Crawford Daniel Culver Lewis Critchlow John Cunningham William Culva James Curtis N. B. Dales John S. Douglass Ezekiel Dangerfield Willis Dodge C Dahl James Dolbeare Mrs. Eliza Daubeny Mrs. Polly D mvo Peter Davis Wm. Dunn John Davis Daniel Dunbar Daniel Davis Susannah Duff Miss Sarah Davis T. J. Duffind James Devlin Tillingsat Dunlap John Decoursey Mrs. or MeriganDunlap David Devenny John Duvall D. P. Denys Miss Dunn Wm Dell Wm Dunn hums 4'' Dennison W. M. Downie John Donnel Miss Fanny Donoghue Mrs. Eleanor E Earl John Eckles Hugh Eggers Herman Ekin Rev. John Elliott Joseph Ernest Mrs. Fagarty Thomas Fairfield, widow of H. W Fagans Minerva Farrell John Fairchild Saml. W. Ferguson Robert Ferguson Samuel Flinn Robert Fletcher John Fleming Thornton Flood Dennis Forrester and Campbell Fox Amos Gamble John W. Graham John Gann C. P. Garrison George W. Gaul John Gummey J. Gant Mrs. Fanny Gibson James A. Gallagher John Griffiths Miss Marg't A Glass B. F. Green Mrs. Hannah Gallagher John Greenewald F. Gallagher William Grant John Gaghegen John Gildersleeve J. B. Gillespie Mri. Sarah Gillespy Mrs. Nancy H Hamilton Ann Jane Hughes William D. Hamilton Miss Jane Hulihy Timothy Hamilton James Hulty Hiram Hamilton William Hurst Miss Nancy A Halfpenny Mrs. Sarah Hunter Miss Susan Harney William A Hunter John 3 Humnett John Hunter P. E. Hart Scudder Hunt Miss Ann Hart George W. Hutcheson S. Hart Miss Elizabeth Hoffman Samuel. Hart Thomas S. Hopkins H 3 Harrison J. Horn Miss Nancy F. Harrison A. W. Howe W. Tracy Harrison William Howells David Harris Capt. J. 2 Hostetter Abraham Hare. Samuel Houseman James Ha. tings W. M. Hindman Miss Nancy Ilaskin Alexander M Holmes William W. Hatboro Margaret Holmes John 2 Hatch N. B. Holmes John C. Hay Mrs. Eliza Holmes J. J. Hayden Benjamin Hoge A. H. Heath Levi Henry James Hearts William K. Higby Mrs. Hannah Herron Samuel Hills Miss Louisa J. Helly James Higgins J. Heckman George L. Irwin Robert Irwin Miss Miry Irwin Miss Caroline Irwin John N. Irwin Samuel Ingalls Mrs. Harrieto Irwin Osula Ingals Margaret Irwin Andrew Jackson George Jackson Mr. James William Jarbor Rev. John R. Janney Stephen Jack John Jeffrey Mrs. Margaret Jeffries Mrs. Elizabeth Jones T. P. Jones Jacob C Kale William King James T Keenan Lawrence King Mr. A. Keil John Kay James Kite Beujatain Keefe Patrick Kiddoo Thomas Kiser Joseph Kingston S. Kerr William Knox Mrs. Jacob Kerr Rev. D. R. Kraus= Edward Kerr John Konigmachar Charles 2 King Capt. John L. Kreps Samuel C King John N. L Lafferty M. A. Ludy Margaret Lanigan Mrs. Elizabeth Ludy Maria Large J Lougheed Jetm Laughrine Mrs. Rose Lockart F -•raiiack Larkin Bernard Loyd Williasn'oWidow Lewis C. H. Lowry Robert Loite E. Allen LowmanJecob Lefevour J. B. Lyons Lyman Lindsey Miss Margaret Lore John Lvtchfulle John Long Abraham Little Elias Loughman Aurelia Little Mr.. Margaret G. Diva John Loadergale Walter M Mandel William Milholland-Wm btakby C S. Miller Robert Mackey Thomas Miller Mrs. Marla Mansfield Catharine Mitchell _Newiant Mahan Captain M. Mowry Daniel Mackey Samuel Moon Urilliare Maxwell James K Monty Lucy Jane Marshall Mrs. Mary Montgomery lioblirt Marshall Hugh Morrow R. R. Martin David Mullen F.dward Martin James P. Munn David Mason Col. Samuel D. Murrick John Merwin M. T. 2 Murdock Miss M Mmiam Marshall Murphy Thomas Meighan James Murry John Melton T. MaAloes Liman Magill Behan. B. McAfee Mary McGregor John, Rev McAleer Mrs. Jane McGee Lewis McClure James C. McGowan R. E. 2 McCann Michael McConighan Hugh McCauley Wm. McFarling James Black William Black A. 0. Black David Black Miss Marl ick Mrs. Eliza Ewing G. T. Ewing Rachael Ewing John Evans Ellis Ewalt Henry Fruit William Francis Henry Frisbee Charles S Franklin Alexander Frew William Forsyth John Fulton Miss Ann Fulton Mrs. Matilda Fox Nicholas Ford George E. Forcht John Fresm L. P. Judson L. C. Jenkins Rev. Johnston Andrew Johnston Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston Andrew Johnston Rev. Johnston David Jones Mrs. Robert Jones William Jones Evan Kirk Charles A Patrick lideCaosialie f lktcDonel Susan MeCorea Mama . ;McDonald Henderson McCullough Patrick McCormick John N. McFall= /antes MeCay Samuel McGredd Mrs. McCoaker Michael McCormick Wm McCracken John McDonald Miss McCrea David McLarey John ' Mawain E. Esq. McMeanslilesander McKirly Samuel Mcbdillaraosapit McKerahan & Co. Mcßoberts Jaw Miss McKean Robert McMarry Bernard McNite David McNealisJohn McKee James E McNeil John Neill W. S. Nisbit Nancy A. Neely John Newcombe Seth 0 O'Brien John O'Reilly Rev H, O'Daniel Patrick Owaton William Potts= Elizal3th M. Palmer Catharine Packston George Pagan GossLe Packer James Patterson James A. Patterson Thomas H Patterson James Patterson Alinana. Patterson Thomas B Patterson George R. Parker Margaret Penny Thomas Platt W. Phimree George Renough Nicholas Reno Mrs. K. Rees Sarah Ann Reed William Reynolds 0. P. Reynolds L. 0. Riley Thomas Richardson Thomas Rice Malachus Rittenhouse John Sandel Simon Rev. Sanders E. Scantling Matthew Seymour Sylvester Sees George Seitz Frederick Seely William Shaffer John Shaw Darid Sherdan William Smith Mary• Ann Smith Susan Sprague George Snider Maria Spencer Wesley Spencer John Solana John Sprott Joseph Spencer C. Snee Francis Stevenson Alexander Stubbs Robert Steoble Augustin Taggart, Charles 111 Talbot William Tattents George Tagart John & Co. Taylor Rachael Miss Thompson John W. T hompson Samuel C Thompson James Van Fosser Arnold Vashon Mr. Walker James Wagner John Walls W. Ward Eliza Wall Catherine Waggeren Daniel Wall Magdalen Warren Moses N. Warren Moses C. White Maria A. Whitehead Jane Whitman W. H. Williams Robert Williams Rees Wilson John Wilson G. J. Rev. Wilson Alexander 2 Wilson Samuel Young Lewis &c. M. J.C.—C. A. S. S.--C. B. Steamer Richard Clayton. Steamer Mingo Chief. Typographical Society. R. M. RIDDLE, P. M Pittsburgh, Aug. 16, 1843. Young John St. Paul's Female Academy. THIS excellent institution, which is under the cue of five Sisters of Charity, will be reopened fat. the reception of scholars, on the Ist of Septembernent. The same liberal patronage hitherto extended to dim, infant establishment, by the public, will, it is confute* ly expected, be again bestowed upon it, as its increas‘ ing usefulness fully deserves. The general satisfaction which the public examination of the pupils, end, the distribution of premiums, as the reward of their talents" and industry, afforded to the parents and visiters at the late exhibition, was calculated to cheer the friends/4A patrons of the institution, and to awaken them to in• creased efforts in promoting its welfare. aug 1.5-`2t DR. McLANE'S WORM SPECIFIC.—Rtim AND BE CONVINCED.-Mr. J. Kidd—Sis: I I call to buy another vial of Dr. McLane's Worms Specific, and let you know the surprising effects oirdur vial I purchased a few days ruln. My child had buss ill for some time, and I was ad‘ i:ed by my neighbors to try Dr. McLane's Worm Specific; I bought a and gave only a half teaspoonful. The child 28 worms; I repeated the medicine until 63 worms earns from the child. Before this I could not credit them.. tificates on the wrappers round the vial; now I fully be. live them. My child is quite recovered. THOMAS BURNET, Aug. 12, 1343. Sawmill ran, near Pittsburg!. IW'For sale at the Drug Store of JONATHAN KIDD, lang 15-6 m corner 4th and Wood sts., Pittsburgh. annum, Complaint, Diarrhea. WHITEMORES Compound Vegetable Sprop,is a medicine well known in the East as oosofsist most efficacious in the cure of the above comish read the following certificate: LFront a respectable , itiz en, of Meddietwax, Ct.l Mitotrrows, Sept. 24, 1841. Dear sir:—Feeling that I owe a duty to the publig as well as yourself. in communicating facts whic h benefit my fellow mortals, I would just state, that I have been afflicted with the diarrlirma; and having tried the various prescriptions recommended, with but Hula effect. a short time since my e y e caught a notice inmai of the newspapers, of your " Concentrated lirege Syrup," for the cure of the Diarrhoea, for sale in this city. 1 immediately purchased a bottle, and to say surprise and entire satisfartioa, after the trial of Ow doses, was healed of my complaint, and restored toll healthy action in my bowels. I can now say, Iwi not be withoutitinmy possession on any account, ad would advise all who may require its use to try it ss I have done, and they will be satisfied of its virtues._ You at liberty. Sir, to make such use of thinks pa may deem proper. Very respectfully yours, FELIX W. WILLIAIWS. The subscriber has been appointed sole agent for the West and having a large stock, is now ready to supply Druggists and others by the dozen or single bottle.-- I:ssistradets containing all the particulars, to be had at his store gratis. T. H. TUTTIS, ' sag 12--Iw. 86 4th st. Pitt' ab Mit Lelee 11) EAUTIFUL s tdrai ] ! ,;lll4 4 3511i00 1i j 711121412 / 1 plate, just received by W. N. Foster, at hist Aging and Literary Depot, St. Clair at. sag 15-4 Nixon Jame M Nuts James 2 Noble George Norma Jacob Orr James O'Connor Timms S. Owens Thomas Owen Jo iepb. Phelps Louisa Pre,tey Nathan T. Pyle George Porter Rev. W. S. Prescott Oscar F. - Powell Catherine Price Ellen Portzer Michael Pittock Mr. Phillips Isaac H. Phillips Robert Phillips Isaac J Phillips James M. Plough David Ross George Roseman J. H. Robinson J. Q. Ross P. Rogers George 2 Rogers John Rutter Joseph. Rinehart Sarah Rowland Margaret Simpson William B. Simpson Thomas Small Simon Smith John Smith Levi Smith James M. Smith Roselle Short Remy Shirley Charlotte Simpson John Sproul Matthew Spengo Peter Stevens Albert Stevens B. Stevens William Stevens Stephens . Steele Joseph Ster'ing M. Sterling Mark Capt. Stewart Miss Suuon Edward S xi:lemon Phillip Thompson Maria Thomas Caroline 2 Thornley Eliza Mts. Tower David B. Tobin Michael Trimrael Isaac Truman Jack V ogdes Jacob West Joseph H. Weamen Jean Wettish G. White Mary , Mrs. White John White Samuel W. Wertz Catherine Wertz H. Williamson Isabella Wildy Frederick Wirt P. K. Wolcott John Worth B. F. Wotles William Wood Daniel Wilson Sophonia Miss Williamson David