Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 15, 1843, Image 3

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::IM '-POST.
AUGUST 15, 1843
Orlciltesineas - &Z., See ar , t Page
THEATRE:—We learn that the Theatre opens on
Thursday evening next. The Company engaged are
now in town. It is said to be one of the best stocks that
.appeared on the Pittsburgh boards for some years.
During the past few weeks the manager, Mr. Ilicss-
TINO9, has been busily engaged in re-painting and dec
orating the house, which now presents a magnificent
to the Dickens's notes, has been published under the a
bove title. It purports toho the production of an Am
erican lady, who writes a series of letters from London
to her frieed in New York. We see it mentioned fuvora
ly in the Eastern papers.
It is for sale by \V. M. Foster, at his Agency iu
Clair street.
The "Cincinnati Enquirer," the organ of the true
liiarted anmocrats of Cincinnati, gives our paper the
tellowini notice:
"Ptrtenceon MORNING "'WT.—This paper is now
sa neat ia its execution and as genuine in its dernocra-
Cy as any of its western cotemporaries. Fact!"
Our friend McFarland of the Crawford Democra t
says of our weekly:
"10" The Pittsburgh, "Mercury and Manufacturer"
comes bus this week vastly improved iu its dress.—
We are glad to perceive such evidence of its prosper-
•The following is such a "puff' as always does, the
heart of a printer good; it is from the York Gazette, a
-democratic journal of standing and influence:
~,bffThe "Pittsturgh Manufacturer," one of the
cleinocratic journals in the state, comes to us this
week in an entire new dress. Its appearance is very
neat, and the enterprize reflects credit upon the pub
lisbero. We hope that an additional patrouage may
be extended."
ToMATo FIGS.—. \. thY season for tomatoes is now
at hand we republish below a recipe for maltiag tomato
figs, said to resemble Coe raid fr r t iu appeanance and
taste so. closely. as to challenge the nicest scrutiny to
discover the tiff...re:me.
"Take six pounds of sugar to one peck or (16 pounds)
lb, of the fruit. Scald and remove the skin of the fruit in
the usual way. Cook them over a fire, their own juice
being sufficient without the addition of water, until the'
sugar penetrates and they are clarific rl. They are then
taken out; spread on dishes. flattened and dried in the
sun. A small quantity of the svnin slinald be occa
sionally sprinkled ov'r thenh dryinz; after which,
pack them d.iwn in boxes, treating each layer with
• powdered sugar. The :yrun is afterwards conc-litru
tecl and bottled fur use, They keep w ll front year
to year and retain surprisingly their flavor, which is
nearly that of the beat qua:ity of fresh fl g ! The pear
shaped or single tomatoes answer the purpose hest.—
Ordinary brown sugar may be used, a large portion of
which is retained in the syrup."
CONTEMPTICLE CONDUCT —The Directors of the
Chesnut Street Theatre, T'hiladelithia, trtu.it be a manly
set of fellows, as the follwAing parttezaph from th:t Sat
urday Courier will shim:
"A feeling of haliznation and contempt has LC2:I cre
ated by the pitiful and unmanly treatni, ext.nalml to
Miss Maywood, the late h ee of to • Clwsout Street
Theatre, by S9lllO of the Director: of th it
men[. • It appears that nutwithitandim she hns paid
every cent 4 rent and ro=ponsibility to the ,
they have refused tole[ her tTihe por,onal elh•ot; frnrn
the premi:ei:, altlvui:lititey have no noire Cy - ht to d'-
min them than the mal in thn moon, or a '1,0:1 io a
hole in the wall." 13c im; a female. they erroue:, , Ay
suppose they can friOnen her oat or h ti a por,, , riy:
but she ha., we kara, taken letti n0,a50z . ... to cc..ipel
thorn to disgorge their illegal b.,,,ty."
BABIES.-lt itYlk , ,S us that fibs are tuld about
babies than about a,y thin,: else in ws.r:ld. We a::
say they are sweet—yet every body wL , can shlril
knows they are soar; we all say they are lovely, yet nine
babies'in ten have no more pretensions to beauty than
a pug - dog we praise their expressive eyes, yet all ba
bies squint; we call them little doves, though one
makes more noise than a colony of screech owi. , ; we
vow they are no trouble, vet they must be tended night
and day; we insist that th'ey repay for all our anxiety,
though they take every opportunit) of scratehing'uur fe
eds or poking their fingers into our e\cs; in short, we
make it our business to tell the mo:t palpable false
hoods about them every hour in the day. Yet, strange
to say, wedlock seems avoid without them, and those
or who have them. even while telling these self-evid,ra
untruths, look just as if they e;:prc:ed people to be
lieve thetn!—N. Y. Tint .5'Z171.
Nofurther intelligence since ye,qccih
The,Citiciunati Alvssagro says: "It was currently re
ported -in the city yesterday that four of the Congress
men elected in Kentucky are democratic. We are cer
tain of two—Tibbatts and French. Tibbetts' majori
ty is about 500. Thommasson and Davis, whigs, are
elected in the Louisville and Lexington districts."
A slip from the office of the State Sentinel contains
returns from 22 counties, which exhibit a falling off in
the w•hig mai ority of 1840 of nearly 5,000. The S,l
- says: "So far as the returns arc in, we arc inclined
to the opinion that we have elected our Governor, Licut
Governor, a majority of the members of Congress and
the Legislature."
Robert Dale Owen, Henly, Brown, and T. Smith,
ail democrats, are certainly elected to Conizress.
The Nashville Union, Guy. Polk's organ, ucknowl
edges deft-BA It sAys, "We are not only beaten, but
TUST RECEIVED, a good assortment of all sizes
of good window glass and window sash; also, 500
,cats of yellow and purple 4 and 5 double carpet chain;
20 doz. large and small buckets and tulue, 20 reams
rttriting and letter papa.% for sale on accommodating
terms, for cash or api roved eit:cinuize.
Agent ank s, Commission Merchant.
-PLACES WANTED, for number of young and
middle aged men, as teathers for town and coun
try schools; also, for clerks anAshopmen; far laborers
and farmers; for manufacturers and mechanics, of va
rious trades; for coachmen, bostlers, gardeners, and
men and boys for all work; also, wanted, places fora
Dumber of saamstresses, chamber maids and nurses,
&c. Apply at HARRIS'
General Agency and Iniellincnce Office,
No. 9, Fifth street.
half chests young hyson,
30 boxes (13 ibs) do
20 6 lb. boxes guuiroo•der,
20 " " imperial, just received and
43, Wood street.
for sale by
Wig 9
MACKEREL. -20 bbls no. 3 mac"karel,
10 half bbls no. 9. do
10 quarter bble no 2 do, a prime
article for family use, just received and for sale by
43, Wood street.
T oßAcco.-40 boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco,
25 do Russell & Robinsoosdo
5 do Hare's do
,' 10 do assorted sizes and brands.
just received and for sale by
43, Wood street'
li p _ /Lug 9
Iturtion gates.
excellent invention for the reduction of friction in
machineryha-s at length been introduced in our city.—
It consists of a lined box, suitable for all revolving and
sliding motions iu the various kinds of machinery,where
great weight or speed are applied; these boxes reduce
friction in a remarkable degree, requiring but little oil,
and are warranted entirely free from the objections
found with those now in use.
These lined boxes have been introduced in many of
the Eastern Rail Roads, and in various manufacturing
establishments in that siktion of country, to which the
limits of an advertisement will not allow us to refer,and
nearly thirty well known superintendents,engineers,ma
chinists and engine builders in the east certify that, "iu
the use of these boxes, friction is reduced in a remark
degree; oil is required only in small quantities, and
the wear is hardly perceptible;during a period in which
a hard metal box of the same thickness would be worn
out; journals running in these boxes attain a smoother!
surface than they have seen ou those which have been
run in any 'other box." They also certify "that the pa
tentee of this improvement has received the highest a
ward oldie Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic's Asso
ciation, for specimens of these boxes, (sonic of which
haul been run on the crank of a locomotive engine more
than ihirlythousand miles,) at the fair of the Institu
tion, held in Boston in September and October, 1841."
The. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, also awarded
Mr. Babbitt the premium for the improvement in box
es, under the Scott Legacy, which confines such awards
to new and useful improvements.
The Committee on naval affair. reported strongly in
its favor, inconsequence of which the right to use it was
purchased by the Government for $1120,000. The com
mittee refer to, and make a part of their report the let
ters of S. V. Merrick, J. Fatricsun, George C. Read. C.
W. Copeland, Coto. L. Warrington, lion. A. P. Up- ,
slier, and -Charles Howard, recommending the inven
Mr. S. V. Merrick states that the metal having been
long enough in use to test its merits fully, he has no
hesitation in saving that it is one of the most valuable
improvements that has come to his notice. The effects
produced are: a great diminution in friction; a saying
in oil—one, half or more: an economy in the original
consta uction, the brasses being much lighter; a saving
in repair, the metal lasting longerand being replaced at
a less cost; and a saving in fuel, consequent upon di
minished friction."
The metal has also been introduced with great ad
vantage, in dining carriage and wagon boxes, for which
i c well adapted.
It is also, amongst many others, strongly recommen
ded by Mr. Charles Howard, President of the Bald
more - -• and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who pur-
Western University of Pennsylvania. chased the tight for the ruad,a distance of seventy miles,
T HE next term of this Institution will begin on Mon- for $1,050. Mr. lloward gives the article the follow
day the 4th of September. at 9 o'clock A. M.— ping recommendation:
Application for admission may be made to the Princi- "The price was considered a high one, for the corn
pal, the Rev. HEMAN DYER, O. D., after the 21st inst., paratively limited extent to which the Company would
at his room in the University, from I) to 11, A. M. have an opportunity of making use of the patent right;
The exercise; of the LAW SCHOOL will commence bunt we were satisfied that it was for our interest to a
on the same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application for tail ourselves of the invitation. I can now say, that.
admission into which, to he made to the Professor, of having bettor tested its value by a mare extensive art-
Law, WALTER H. Low mu.. Esq., at his office in 4th st.
poeatein of it. I think that the ;.rmlpanv wonld be yore
( : ) •Ithecy'" l " 7 of thc" =ame IhY at 7 dcleck • in the unwise to reih.qui.h their right to use it for a much high.
Hall of the 'University. tin ADDRESS will be deliwired er le -a:dun than that which WI,: given for it: and I
before the Trustees. the Faculty and the Students:, h;
ha': , no d that if such a prop), itioa were to be I
Professor Lon lie, which the ritixeris generallv are in- made t., the Company, it would, without hesitation, be
sited to attend. A. L. P ENT I.A.N D, d.t.dined.
an: 11—ed Secretary of the Board of Trustees. .
The cr.'s: merits of the ills 6021 IL:e. that it prevents
tb, heating, and consequent tutting and destruction
of the bearings, which are su numerous on the steam
sinciThe; and on the pi Tfection of which depends the val
ue o f t i e s engine; %%idle, at the same time, there is n
very great taring of oil, the expenditure forms a mate
rial its,m iii the cost of working a large engine. In the
loeum,itiyes of the com:ymy. I find the saving to be fu11...
l... one half of the quantity whioh req:dred hefore
ilibitt's invention NIA, a1,p;i, , (1 to them. Some
:if the.e lul-omotive- jug rim sev, rat thou-and
In al that thi. 114' 111"l:11int•r,
SO that while the e;il:ct.iye power
I, the cost of retain; is di
John D. Davis,
Corner of Wood and sth s/.8., Pittsburgh,
IS ready to receive merchandize of every description
on consignment, for public or private sale, and
from long experience in the above business, flatters
himself tat he will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on Mosnars and THURSDAYS, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening, at early gas light. aug 12—v
32 Cases Boots and Shoes at Auction.
AT the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner Wood
and sth streets, on Monday next, August 21st,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will be sold, without re
serve, io lots to suit purchasers, the best lot of Boots
and Shoes otTered at auction, in this city, lot several
years, received direct from the manufacturers. They
are now ready for examination:
Comprising, in part,
Men's fine sewed calf and seal boots.
Do heavy pegged, seal, calf and kip boots.
Do do do brogans.
Do fine sewed calf and seal munroes.
Women's kip, seal and calf shoes and gaiters.
Do kid, ' at and calf slippers (very fine).
Men's seal and calf slippers.
Boys' brogans and munroes, &c.
Terms at sale. JOHN D. DAVIS,
aug Auctioneer
Sheriff's Sale
'WILL be sold, at 2 o'clock, on Thursday afternoon,
17th inst., at the Commercial Auction Rooms,
corner of Wood and sth eta., by order of B. Weaver,
Esq.. High Sheriff' of Allegheny co., for cash, par mi
ne, 3 bbls. sweet Malaga wine; part of cask good quali
ty French brandy; part of cask good quality Malaga
wiio; 1 bbl. 801. Jamaica rum; 1 do. vinegar wine; 1
cask sour wine; 5 large size stand casks and 5 small do.;
7 bores 8-10 window glass; 1 keg alum; 1 keg epsom
sults; 1 keg sulphur; Bdy nails; nail rods; pewter faw
cets; funnels; gallon measures; jars; 1 bureau; 1 stove
and pipe; 7 chairs; 4 writing desks; rag carpeting; 1
sleigh and bells, Sze. •
Also, 1 pipe Hitricly, good quAiity; 2 casks yaakce
rum; 1 bbl. sweet Malaga wine; 3 bags filberts; 10 box
es pint tumblers; al boxes 12-20, 12-13 and 12-14
window glass; 50 reams writing, and 25 mams wrap
ping pal , . r; a quantity of household and kitchen furni-
I, 11-it
Penn Insurance Company
THE subsciiheri to Ow Stoc:: of t ii. G 9711 are
arc hereby notified, that pur,nant to re , olution
of the I)iroctarF,, a second in,talniciit of Sov,n and
half Dollar,: on carh sa' ,, eri' , od f , rr
the C;omtnis,iorwrs, is ro,in!rt.d to b,- paid in at Ow of
fir., of the (cori,..r of Marl,ct acd Third
szro-!-) on Tnr•=d-i . .. •2'..'d day of u7,11:t.
PUBLIC • NOTICE it, ak't .h th th
13,;L: it:* Ttoirittet ,:tht-t,t I), opt ..
at 9 o'clock, .1. :tt o:Th t.
Ow '2:21 Au , re.- ,(thz-ripti,ns
to its capital ,;;I:, ou 1111•11 un 11.-La11111•::1. 01 •
an! )11:1:-.i ptfr will b. rt•quircd at El,.
of su',...exibinz. of I
au; 11—:d)t;, 1 . I 1
D 1-•
. I::'l•o'.'s'd e a!
‘ . l
emit,:!, on ti,• i
-300 bri d 4 !Id
.10 d
5D •• St. I
)0mi:,40 d
i 0 IIa•:a:aa WI
Nov: r,:et'ivinz. ar.d .ale low for caAl. !.y
& CO.,
43, Vl't.od -cruet
Proposals for Chain Iron.
I,Va-d-ditz! on, Jul: 23, 1.043.
Pv r:.,:,•ived a:. Chialin , d
3 o'clock. o!: th , tir.t day of Septcrn , )er
to d diver at the N tvy Yard in t - hiA city, th. followinct
Cltaia Iron. Cable 4. 1 11-16 in•-11, , ,
in di lrivt o r , ~a c h ! m 2. cln,thli:i;:g the lol
lowitvz bill ~f Iro
35.100 1 11-10 iIICIICS
-150 Halts 1 13-16 Liclie, in diarnimir-22i
20 feet 3 inch by 21 Or a l pin Iron.
90 do 21 do 2 do do.
70 Swivel, 193 Shackle, and 18 box pieces.
Srrciticatinas of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pictres
and Oval pin Iron, , 717: be "Well On application at this of
fleet `ail or the above Iron must be the very best Amer
ican, and undergo such proof. tinder the increased tests
and inspection, as the Conenandant of the Yard mace
:subject it to; to be &livered free of eXp,`!l,l` to the
Government, and in as short a time after the Contract
is made as is possible, which time will be designated
in the contract.
Bonds with goad nail sufficient sureties in double the
amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser
vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the
Contract is completed.
no:. B. WM. B. SCOTT, Navy A :rent.
AWARNlNG.—lnasmuch, as the Directors or
Trustees of the Western Theological Seminary
have advertised a part of the Common ground of the
city of Allegheny for lease. This is to give notice to
all persons not to take leases from said Trustees fin- any
part of said Common ground, or in any way to trespass
cn the common right of the citizens in said ground, as
it is the determination of the city authorities to contest
flit:right of any peNon or persons either to lease or erect
buildings thereon.
By order of the Councils.
E. W. STEPHENS,President, S. C.
sue 12--Gt HENRY IRWIN, President, C. C.
Q OLE LEATHER.-120 sid(•A sc.le leatti.s.r just re
ceiveil by lIAILMIN, JENNINGS & CO.,
attz 9 43, I.l',Jod street
William C. Wan,
Plain an Fail: . Portrait. and Picture Frame
Man I u re r,
No. 87. Fourth strect, Pittsburgh. Prt.
AN VASS brushes, varnish, &c., for :mists, always
on hand. Lxiliing Glasses. &c., promptly fra
med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of
every description.
Persons fitting stamboats or imnses will find it to
their advantage to call. sep 10-y
LOAF SUGAR.-10 boxes loaf sugar, just receive
and for sale, by
ay . , 9 43, Wood street
JUST received from - the American Temperance So
ciety, New York. 3050 Youth's Advocates and Tem
perance Journals foi August. 9:50 Hymn Books,
Washington Harps and Lyres, Chrystal Fount Melo
dies, Pic Nic Scings, 050 Reports: Prints, National
Prints, National Preacher, P , .rmanent Temperance
Doeuments.l3acchus and Anti-Bacchus Dinlo2ui2, Voice
from the Vintage, &c., for Ladies, fientletneM and our
wrath, and for sale in large quantities to suit all classes,
by ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Mer
chant, No. 9, Fifth street. aug. 10.
Ladies' Companion.
A [MUST NO. Three splendid Steel Engravings,
received at W. AL Fos? sa'S Agency and Litera
y Depot, St. Clair a. _ lug. 8-6 t.
ril , d
ra , ! I,) !;,:trt
,!- •;,:r to
-4 1101- 1 , Lis
El%is M cr sZ. I
:i::•1 CA:I bt .
arla 11:1.'• OF ANDW.
wr::'1" :21tci ln.ctitiLLl
11:; nil: rommt.istosEit , .]
()N I Gt , h i. (I.ly of September,
lit I
tLv f 91., viNg '0:: the Sato 01 l'en%-:lva-
,00 13:i.12e Cein . tany,
2010 Al ,ta is "
690 lli: BeaY:r
171 311
Washingtin co., tl
'. - O0 e u a ,nizahaln Navigation company, 50
0151 11- 11t;nd and Stoystown Tp. Road runputty,
3::0:3 Ni y.t own and Greensburgh
1730 Graensburgh and Pittsburgh " 30
. 3 :37 11 unt ingdon. Cambria & Indiana " 50
!;67 Pittsburgh and New Alexandria " 50
t 22 New Alexandria and Conemaugh" 50
917 Pitt , burgh and Butte' 25
832 Bilt:or and Mercer 25
320 Pitt-,burgh and Steubenville 50
:300 Rabbstown and Mount Pleasant " 50
600 Mount Pleasant and Somerset " 50
672 Somerset and Bedford 50
360 Armstrong and Indiana 25
560 Indiana and Ebensburg 23
309 Washington and Williamsport " 50
855 Do Pittsburgh 50
200 Butler and Kittanning 25
240 Mount Plca.cint and Pittsburgh " 25
:160 Somerset and Conemaugh 25
300 Do Cumberland 25
100 Ligonier and Johnstown 50
224 Armstrong and Clearfield 25
80 Brownington, Harrisville, and
Franklin 5U
200 Butler and Freeport
224 Pittsburgh Farmers &Meelianicts'" 25
100 Bedford and Hollidaysburgh " 50
100 Birmingham and Elizabethtown " 2.5
1)30 Liu hersburgh and Punxutawney " 25
300 French Creek Bridge company, 20
1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20
100 Erie and Waterford Turnpike Road company 50
560 Susquehanna and Waterford 25
1010 Mercer and Meadville 25
100 Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and
New Haven 100
200 Abington and Waterford 25
230 arum andgidgeway 23
40 Warren and New York State line " 50
96 Titusville and Union Mills 25
160 Warren and Franklin 25
80 Sugar Grove and Union 25
300 Bank of Pennsylvania, 400
300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company, 100
1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100
Purchasers will be required to pay for the Stocks, at
the time or immediately after the sole, incertifcates is
sued by the Auditor General, in pursuance of the Reso
lution of 7th April, 13.12, notes issued hr the Banks of
this Commonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1311,
specie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trans
fl,r of Stock will be made in a reasonable time after
Commissioners for sale of State Stocks.
aug I—ts JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r.
ABOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store
in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably
soiledand worn. It is signed by James Gaston and
another, and lawn in favor of W. Black. The own
er can have it by identifying it, and paying expenses.
July 31.—tcf.
SMORED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked ben.
rings just:received and for sale by -
aug 9 - 49, Wood sweet.
Octobtr cif tertion.
I respectfully offer myself a candidate for the office
of Prothonotary of Allegheny county, subject to the
action of the Democratic county convention, which
meets on the 30th August next.
Allegheny city, may 31—tc d&w.
I respectfully offer myself as a candidate fur the of
fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem
ocratic Convention. WAI. G. FIAWKINS.
Wilkins township, juno 27—tc.
To the voters of Allegheny county:—l respect
fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate
(independent of parties) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom lam not per
sonally known will please examine into my qualifica
tions, &c.; aid if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your
choice. ALEX. MILLER.
may 10—te
Clear the eaurge for the Volunteers
WILLIAM B. FOSTER. Efl., of Allegheny city,
will be a candidate fur the office of Prothonotary of Al
legheny county, at the October election. jnne 4.
M ANY citizens of Allegheny city recommend Dr.
J. C. M'CULLY as a suitable person to fill the office
of Prothonotary. jots. la'.
T respoutfully present triv4elf to the citizens of Alle
ghenyl county, as a candidate for the Sheriffalty,sob
ject to the action of the Democratic convention, which
meets on the 30th of Auguit next.
june 9—d&wte. ELIJAH TROVILLO.
To the Electors of Allegheny County:
Fellow Citizens-1 offer myself to your considera
tion, as u candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to
the nomination of the D..worwratic Convention, and shall
he tkailkful for your support.
MANY Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO
SEPH CURRY as a anitable person to fill a seat in
the Assembly, the ensuing session. july 11, 1843.
A number of -the Democrat; of Mifflin township
have concluded to present the name of SAMUEL
COCHRAN, Esq., of that township, for the considera
tion of the Convention which meets cm the 30th in- t..
fore nomination for the Legislature. Mr C. is a well
known and a well tried democrat, and his neiffhbors
confidently present his claims.
We an- authorised to anzionwo .1011 N N
1::( 1 ., of Pine township. a 14,1.
:object to the nomination of the Co•.vi•n
jai.% i).!)--;.0
r :17.-,e;" We areauthorized to announce R. A.. BAUS
:\ lAN, of Birmingham, as a candidate for Assembly,
subject to the decision of the .democratic convention.
an; 14—tc
County Commissioner..
Wo are authorized to announce ALEXANDER
PII IL LIP 6 jr.,ofliobioon, as. a candid:l:r fur County
I_:olnun, , ,iionPr,,ohicet to the deci ion of the democrat
ic counts. co:vvention. au 7—te
County Commissioner.
Lott,tts:-I'l,l= • announce the name of
Gen!. .101 IN U. 1)1V1S, l'evble::, for Cou:it v Com
suhject to 11. e ti-ci:on of the Democratic
co u n ty C,,nve:;tion, t o I.n ip•ld 111211. A next.
County Commissioner
..lressrs. Edlitors: A, too iz,oncral opthioa appear
to pr pail that it.a,nincli a. , her , aro a:rvaly two of
County Cwooli. , ,ioner , Cnau the country, it is but
Illal Wl' of rizia and
. ju,tio , that the rite or it::
nvi2hb . a . hood ~:119u1c1 h thinl randidate ---
leavo to (' rlll ':1[1. to th. peoplo of
cowov, .T.tmr , C. 1:n, 1 ., of lit,
city di , trict, fur CoaT , t, I , r. at th.
ta.li 4•! , MANY I),.:MUCR Al IC V,Tl:ll.i.
County Commissioner.
AT the of a number of friend., of all
pre itit al partic.,l r, , pectfully °Ter myself to
the con-ideration of toe lellow-citizens for the office Of
County Commi,ioner. That my s..ntim.mtF, niay not
be tm-midor:to“.l. L.itial ;17 , to 1,011(::::11 or private
affair::, I malie free to say that I have Lech all my life
a co:isi-iLmt Republican, is 01. t! nc sen,e oldie word.
A, the e 5,1,1 !What ta tinan
vial attain:, and the reduction sala,-iei of public
otlie..!rs re-eived the approba , _i.ni of larL:.• majori
tie.; of Or. iwoole, the un,lerAgn , •,l \v,ythl tot should
he he , u fornmat- a. to be elect,-d, in any manner at
t :min to ~ , a lutary reform; should it reach
O w (ace ,if "ton:
,14- 6. S HuBLEy.
Wt• to aton:aacrt Mr. JAMES 11.
IWBF, r St. Chic totvoddt,, IL, a candidate
for County Cotn.ni:d t0 . n . H,.1 to the action of the
Dein,crat (2; ont in au2 . 3—tc
Elitr)r.v: as u 7,
C. HIT( HIE. of Robinson town,,l ip. as a <-I;‘,lidate for
the office of C.)untv Conuni. , ioner. th
lion, qubloct to the eleci , ioli •i•th r County Coro.-c.ition,
and obli:;•• MIN I)EMOCItk
WIZ 11-4 C
We are authorized to state that .TANIES AN
DERSON, of the city, will be a candidate for County
Commissioner, suhject to the .leci , ion of the Demo
cratic Convention. aug
County Treasurer.
Messrs. Editors: Please announce the name of
ALEXANDZR M'CLURE, of Mullin Totensh,ip, as a
candidate for nomination by the Democratic Conven
tion. for the office of County Treasurer.
Mr. M'Clure is an old and tried Democrat, of the
dmr en ion school, whose character and capacity for bu
siness would he a guarantee that the duties of th_• office
would be discharged in a manner satisfactory to the
JACOB TOM ER, Esq. of Pitt township, well known
to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a staunch,
uniform Republican of the Jackson school, will be a
candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision
of the Democratic County Convention
;mg 2—tc
At the solicitation of many radical democrats, Mr.
SAMUEL NIcKEE, of Birmingham, has consented to
become a candidate for the race of County Treasurer
subject to the decision of the Dumocratic County Con
vention. Of Mr. McKee it may be truly said, to he
brown is to be popular.
Many Frinls Unr.t.suating Worth.
I respectfully offer myself to the. citizens of Alleghe
ny county, for th , t office of Coroner, subject to the de
cision of the Democratic Convention.
jy 18—te DAVID HARTZ.
I take the liberty of offering myself as a candidate
for thc office of Coroner, to my demtAiratie fallow
zens of Aileglieny county, subject to the decision of the
Democratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst.
°us , 9—tc ROBERT M'CHESNEY.
County Auditor.
Messrs. Editors:—Piease announce the name of
JOHN IV. 111'CLErt.L.I.ND, of Franklin township, as
a suitable mmaidute for County Auditor at tho coming
election. subject to the decision of the County Conven
tion. Mr. M'Cr.zu.s3D is a Democrat of the warm
and purest kind, and will be warmly supported
Aug. 7, '43—tr.
Forwarding and Clanusdlition Merchants,
GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Corn
pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie
Canal; Washington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Steamboats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve
land. Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie
tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 2, Countis.-a Slim N. Y.
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
M. T. Williams & Dow,
Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland.
Charles M. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh.
ap 1 1843-Iy.
Beaver and Warren:Packert.
,THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
_ Shaw,ma.ster, will run as regulariri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freizht or passage apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
of Pittsburg
svortyr r 4410
4 . 4 t . '64 ,4 40 . •
471 C i, 3 )1/1:7 -
184 3 .
AND RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chambcrsburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Nlain train of cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $9.
Baltimore 9.
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood St..
feb 23, 1333-Iy. Proprietors
The Great Central Route
ria National Road and Baltimore and 01 Lio Rail
Road Company.
7 - 7 •
THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa.
and national read- to Cumberland. connecting here
with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav
elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pitt.iburgit and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed, E tra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
feb 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co.
ricgular Packcts, for Cincinnati
11 1
... ~
The Swiftsure, Robinson, Mater, leave ovary
Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m.
The enact., Co Master, b.•ave.s even Friday at
10 o'clr;ck a. in.
The MonY/ornerv, Bennett, Miner, leases every Sat
urday at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Ex.pre.., Parkinson. Nlabtcr. IcaveA Suit
day at 10 o'clock a.
711 It r hWV brick house ou Market. Lelv/II
X. 4nd and 3rd streets. The store in this
!urge, and furnished with gas pipes and a
eou:iter. Rent low.
ALSO, a dwelling house on Market between 3rd
and 4W streets, and several ratans with an entrance
from Market street. E. D. GAZZA\I.
Au:. 7,-Iw.
To Lot,
F o a l t a a ,, t .
,h yf rl yt. r ,
on d m y t lw e u , s s i t T 6 room
: G.4,
Park, jr., S: Co The shop is brick, 19 feet wide, hr
30 lonz,3sturies high. I have in it a small steam en
eine, about 5 horse power, which I will also rent, if
desired. For furtherparticulars enquire of me. on the
premises. OR RIN NEWTON.
aug -tf
To Rent.
D LEASANT rooms and rood steam power, at the
cast ;col tilt manufactorv, corner of Liberty and
O'llara streets. Apply on the premises. july 1(5.
SIIIE sul,s , riber ha: ja , t received fr,un the Nur
cry of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia,
„ 1, 1 of the cholco-t vari , Av of peach tree,‘, to which he
„.,Li rail the attention of the public.
Inv; 8. No. 184 Liberty St. head of Wood.
Dr. Bcchtor's Pulmonary Preservative.
F .
cold:, influenza:, catarrh:4, whooping
cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
,li, t ea:cs of tly3 breast and lung.. 4, and arrest of approach
ing. consumption. Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
.12; 1:2 Agents for Pittsburgh.
AL LEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46,
Corner of (Food and Third streets, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought
and .old. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale.
Drafts, notes and bills, collected.
Wm. Bell & Co.,
John D. Davis,
F. Lel raze,
Pittsburgh, Pa
J. Painter &Co.,
Joseph Wocdtvell,
James May, •
Alen. Bronson&Co. 2 Philadelphia.
John H Brown &Co.
James (;Candles?. ), Cincinnati, 0.,
J. R. 11 St. Louis, Mo.
W. 11. Pope, Esq., - Pres't Bank Ky. >Louisville.
D CAWFIELD has removed his marble Estab
. lishment to Wood at. opposite Fahnestock's
Druz Store, where he will keep constantly on hand
Tomb Stone:, Monuments etc. ap 1.9-Iyr
CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer,
corner of Gth and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa.
N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment of
Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's,
Hurter's, Hair Dressers and Tanner's Patent Shears,
Saddler's Tools. Trusses, &c.
.ie 24.
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware,
X. 17, Fifth slreet, bet sccen lirood and Market,
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares,
an d solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand,
thr following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, :4riclirons ,
skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer
chants and others arc invited to call and examine for
themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap for cash or
approved paper. . rmar 7—tf
For Sale.
LOTS on the North East cornet of Coal Lane and
Hirh ~ : rreet. Apply to
Market near Fonrth atreet.
rail Painter. Fourth se.. 3d story Burka Buil
ding. J. O,borne wcrild solicit a call from those who
desire Portraits. Spcimens can be seen et his rooms.
may 5.
/Coe 1402 Ice!
A NY quantity of dean., s:nitrate Alleghenylce, auLy
gibe bad at HUGH DUFFY'S, comes of &woad
and Grant streets. jab 13-4.
To Let
Peach Trees
John Cartwright,
Public Sale evaluiddiSenim- . -
PTIRSUANT to a decretal order of the Otht=
perior Court of Law and Chancery, for
county, pronounced the 19th day of April, 1843, it the
sense nditer therein of Henry Strider, Pit, a
gainst es IV7 Barkenridge and others. Derbithe
and ne
d special commissioner, will fen sit pilliie
auction to the highest bidder, at the wart how in
Mason county, on the 16th day of September, 114 d
(being the first day of the Cir Sup'r Court 01114
conntv,) that well known body of land commonly cel
led •;Graham's Station," tying in Mason county, Va..
on the Ohio river, containing by survey four diteutual
one hundred and twenty-three acres, in two adjoining
parcels, a large proportion of which is river bottom
laud._ The above lands previous to the day clads will
be laid off by the surveyor of the ommty in lots °fees
venient size fur farms,and plats furnished, and so natal
thereof will be sold as may be necessary to proems
the sum of money tequired by said decretal order....
The sales will be made on a credit of nine months for
one-third part of thepurchasc money, oftwelve menthe
for another third part, and of eighteen months far the
residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving bonds with
good security for the payment of the different inset*
ments, bearing interest from the day of sale, the legal
title to be retained as further security for the mama
of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make IMIXO4*
al payments.
GEO. W. STRIBLING. Special Co&r.
Point Pleasant, Va., Jane 2G,1843. Uy6-40
Remedy for the Infirm:mt.
THE Influenza, which is now in almost a universal
epidemic, is exciting the inventors of patent
medicines to increased exertions in the miffing
but owiti to the general distrust entertained for the
cenemlity of such drugs, people fear taking them.—
The following, however, from a distinguished plrysi.'
cian in New York, Dr. Nelson, we think may be rm.
lied on:
"The object of the present communication is 10 !slik
ommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy acelbst lb
the poor. and to caution them against an injuricbs abs
in this disease, namely, bleeding, either genettl air 'by
leeches. In all those cages in which the first cIl IsF
symptoms prevail, let the patient smell frequently et
a common salts bottle. (Sims' Aromatic Volatile
Salts are preferred) and by putting the vial to the
mouth to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile tralo.
ter into the lungs. Let this process be repeated two
or three times in an hour, and it will give mote speedy
and greater relief, in all slight cases of the first clam
than any ,other remedy, and will be sufficient for a
cure. ItAvill also be essentially useful in the SeVers
cases; and those of the class of prostration- a few
drops of amonia, or hartshorn. ought to taken inter
nally. A neat way of doing so is to take an old Cash•
ioned mixture called lac ammoniaci. However, it is
as a local remedy, to act on the disordered surface,
that its use is advised. The principles will be recog
nized by all physicians versed in molecular organize.
tion, and those who are deficient in that knowledge
may do in that instance as they do in all others—act
upon the faith they imbibe." These salts are for sale
and within the reach of all classes, at Wet. Tunas's )
.53 Market street. Pittsburgh. 'y 17.
A Card.
T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public in
npral. that he intends to devote his whole time
to the COLLECTION OF ACCOUNTS in the cities of Pitts..
burgh. Allerbeny and vicinity.
Having been enraged in this business forsome time,
and given entire satisfaction to those alio employed
him. he respectfully solicits those having accounts to
collect to rive him a trial.
Physicians and others who cannot spare time from
their professional business to collect their accounts,
would find it to their advanta T,C to give him Eta&
Respectable references ran be given, and, if requiird,
seculity will lie given for the faithful return of all ma
!lie: collected.
If,- cal, be found at Mr Georlfe Armor'ir, Merchant
Tailor. up stairs. corner of Market and Fount streets,
entrance on .1,11 ;t. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M
Any orders left there durinc his absence, will be attencla
ed to, or by letter thromTh the Post Office.
Terms, 5 pr cent coremis3iee.
Lots for Sale.
A L , ts in Manch eater. One end a fourth Acres of
9E - Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42,52,53,54.
131, 122, t0,,i181, la Conk's plan of Lots, on Holmes'
Hid. Also. Lots nus. 2.G. and '27, in Cook's planof Lots
on HUM street, ruur thepew Court 11,ti•e. For terms
apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
sep 10
Building Lots in Dirmingiusm.
. LOTS, suitable for building, moat clip* stip
uated, and within two minutes' walk oi the
steam ferry boat Lading, will be sold at prices to tat
the times. The terms of payment will be made eosp,
either for eilsh or such bert'r n 4 can be made available.
Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P.
Peter:on. No. 4, Ferry street. Pitt:burgh.
jtme 1. JAS. PATTERSON, Jr.
Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale.
JUST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brink,
fall which will hereafter be kent constantly on hand
and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO.
may '27 No. 60 W awe sc.
Dissolution of Partnership.
HE lute firm of T. K: A. Nesmith 4k co. shoe
and leather dealers and tanners. is dissolved this
day he mutual consent, be the withdrawal of Alfred
Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has been sold
and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.: and Thorns's
Nesmith, sr..and Thomas Nesmith jr., have formed a
copartnership, under the firm of THOMAS &
Sox, who are duly authorised to settle the basinfuls of
the late firm for that purpose.
jnly 22..—dtt
July 19, 1843
June 23, 1843. ".
ADVICE having been received from the angina
of the Land Office at Lexington, Missouri, that
the removal of that Office to the town of Clinton,
in Henry county, as directed by the President, will be
effected on nr about the 3d day of July next: this is to
give notice that the public sale of lands ordered to be
held at Lexington on the second day of October next,
by the Executive proclamation bearing date the Bth
in , t.. will be held at the time prescribed in the town of
Clinton aforesaid. TllO. H. BLAKE,
June 30—lawt 10 Commissioner.
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Wasik
rp HE subscriber respectfully informs his Moths tad
JL former patrons, that he has retncered his am is.
lishment from No. 61, Liberty, to No. —, Third st,
nearly opposite the l'ost Office, where he cotoitroot to
carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Busineos, in
all its various branches. He respectfully adicitt a
continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to
him - heretofore, and pledges himself that no pains shall
be spared on his part to merit the same. Constantly
on band, Manufactured Ware, of all kinds, all of which
will be sold low for cash. Spouting, &c., made na or
der at short notice.
aug 4-1 m R. M. DAWSON.
Landreth's Garden Seeds.
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
hand and rot .ale, at his agency, the Drug store of
184, Liberty st., head of Wood.
Chnzzlcwit in New York.
xr O. 7, Martin Chuzziewit, giving an account alio
arrival in New York, for sale at W. M. Foorrat's
Univer=al Azency and Literary Depot, St. Clair it.
aug 3-3 t.
Sandy Andy.
A SMALL supply of this popular work, cheap tvii
tion, just received at W. M. FOSTER'S Universal
Agetry and Literary Depot, St. Clair ot. ang. 4.
S UNDRIES. -5? bo l xes chocolate,
3 do rice dour,
23" do ground pepper,
5 do Cayenne do..
36 cane. ground mustard,
S lees do allspice,
5 do do g in g cr.
12 cani tic, do., together fr ith
every eling in the grocery line, all of which is offered
et oxissitoely low pricey, for cash.
43, Wood sweet.