DAILY. POST. 'auction Salto. PITT3IIRGH, MOND.Y, AUCI',':ST 14, 1843 Irrtoiitusiness cards, &C., 6c iirStrap M ILITARL—The com•niesioned ufficers, both volun tecr and militia, of Alleghmy county, are to hold a meeting next Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., in the new Court House. Cum.'.Esc:ED—The Barge Clubs Biddle, King and James, by the Fashion. Wager, s2oo—distance, 5 mile& Ear The DucAtesne Greys turned out, in fatigue dregs, oh' Saturday afternoon, to escort the Birmingham Greys, Captain O'Connor. The latter is a new coin. patty, and we are told that it does great credit to the spirited citizens of Birmingham. FROM ST. DOMINGO. The schr Larch, Captain Allen, arrived yesterday frxmaCepe Hayden, which port she left on the 20th ult. The place was tolerably healthy, but business extreme ly dull The U. S. brig Somers had called in, and sail ed again for other ports in the Island. The New York Courier and Enquirer contains some later news from Port au Prince, which we annex: "We are informed by Captain Wilson, of brie Fair field; who arrived last evening from Port au Prince, whence she sailed 30th July, that there were three French mon of war lying at anchor in the outer roads, and seren . other men of war lying at anchor in the ou ter bay. The French steamer Gomez arrived on the 25th Jab , from the Witn;ward Islands, bound to Jamai al. Theta had been an attempt at a Counter Revolution, which was put down immediately, and three of the ria;- leaders shot instanter. The people were much dissat isfied With the present State affairs, and some of the wealthy and influential families are openly in favor of the Island again reverting to the French government— being satisfied, from the great di , sen , ion continually taking place, that they cannot govern themselves. The el -ctioas f E ec:o-s tool place in the different dirsicts on tie 15th July, and the election of President would take place on the. sth September. Business was very dull—American produce scarce, coffee, hides, &c., high. NEW JfartSEY. There is much exc .ment in this state on the subject of a reform of the itltion. An effort v.-n. 4 made at the last session of th:. LmziATtore to obtain a far: di- resting a convereon to prepare a new constitution, to be submitted to the people. But it was not successful.— The friends or tbo rni'a , Ur , appear to br goil:g to work itt earneo, and have adopted, as the best means of Ile complishing their o:tject, a system of constitutional • clubs throughout the State. Success to them! The people. of New Jersey have been quite too loag a'oridg a4l in their rights. - Federalism has had a long sway there, and the state has been often gerrymanderad with a view to its ascendancy. The property or tax-paying qualification is required to make a man a voter in New Jersey. l'qzw Ccantscr.—During the French War with the Beam/in Arabs. immense uurnintrs xv,re slain. and their beads severed (*run their trunks in order that the con querors might claim the reward which the French gov ernment had set upon them. One of the soldiers had fixer heads in his burnouse, and arriving at a suttler's tent, he walked in and demanded a bottle of wine. "I have no money," said he, "but this here (throwing an Arat's head on the counter) will probably pay for it." "Certainly," replied the woman, throwing the head in to a large chest, and placing a bottle of claret before the soldier, "and here, sir, is your change." With these words she o?en , d a smaller chest, and handed himback two heads of boys. An Englsh amateur fighter who happened to be present considered this a capital currency. A CLERICAL FORGER ARRESTED, We learn from the Rochester Democrat that a per son calling hemselfft-v J. P. Backu,: pretendimr, t0 .14a . 14a Methodist Preacher, of the Oneida Conference, was arrested on Friday in the town of Gates, on a charge of forgirg two Loms to the arm not cf $l4OO, onone of the banks of Eti.m. about $9 in money was found on Lis person, and some twinirort-kat paper.— He confesEed that he had conuni; tod ;he fore cry, a:4 gave as his reafon for doing so that he era:, It;Thly valved in debt, and wished to ex t: A!'uut $lOOO of the tri.laey had been paid to his credio and the remaLlintr $490 e::pended in Mtterry tickets, by means of which he hoped to obtain sulicient fund: to cancel the notes when 'due. In Li-, trtmk were found some thirty nr l4:ypaze:: of nt%uscript, our porting to be ;et fv2.cuuat ~f h iate.,lEl to finish, and the I surrender hitrn,?;lto ju,aice fir - left for Utica on -Friday m port of PittEiburgi). Reported by Shelde and illitc 4 tell, General Steam Boat Agents, Water street TWENTY-TWO INCHES WATER IN THE CHANNEL, According- to Coppct at the Wood street ARRIVED. Wan-en, M.:Donald. Bearer. DE PA.RTED Emma, Sterling, Cin. MinToCliof. Dv ..my, do. *II% Ca in 7.iet KI2I Bo it, d 3. Dayton, do. d Afton, do do 275 tints of fr.-iLTIft ASSIIMBLY MtrWe are authorized to announce R. A. BAUS of Birrninzharn, a: a ea .didate f;,r A , isem'dy, subject to the deci•ion of the d .7n ieratic convention. aug 14—tc JUST RECEIVED, a frnpti a:iortrnnnt of all z‘izes, of good wi .do•a \rind y.r sadl; alin, 500 cuts of yellow and pu-nle 4 aid 5 dinblr , carpet chain: 20 diz. I:trge ail .31111 hu:t an I "211 ram writing and letter pa, r, f. :ad. on accommodating terms, fur cash or appruvcd exchl,ll ,, , ISAAC HARRIS, Arm ail LACES- WANTED, fir a number of youo ,, and middle aged men, as teach2rs for town aud coun try schools; also, for clerks and shoprnm; far laborers aria farmers; for 1111.11-lacturcx., aad mechanics, of va rious trades; for coat:lmmo, lioillers, gardeners, and men and boys for all work; also, wanted, places for a number of delm , tres.;cs, cliarrib,.r mans and nurses, drz., &c. Apply at General Agency and Iniellienee Office, No. - 9, Fifth street. County Treasurer. Messrs.. Editors: Please nun p la ce t h e name of ALIMANDER M'CLune. of Mill1;n Township, as a candidate for nomination by tli Di.ni wratic Convelei :ion. for the office of County Treasurer. Mr. M'Clure is an old and tried Democrat, of the Jefferson school, whose clutßactor and ciyacity fur bu siness would be a guarantee that the duties of the office would be discbarged in a manner satisfactory to the p eo IP. aug ple. OHIO TOWNSH COUNTY COMMISSIONF:R. Afesitrs. E Please asaou'ire .Nla . er JAMES C. RTTCIII.E. Of R )5i is is taw-iship, as aci 1 tte t'ar the office of C mat:: C iaer. elsuing eke- Lion. subject CO tin dadsioa of th- Coanty Coavention, ana oblige MANY QEMOCRATS. aug 14—te JUST received from the American Temperance So ciety, New York, 3050 Youth's Advocates and Tem .a.ace Journals fin August. 250 Hymn Books, Washington Harps and Lyres, Chrystal - Fount Melo die. a, Pic Nic Sonya, 250 Reports, Prints, National Prints, National Pren-I: , r, Perrn event Tew;ierance Documents. B acchus anti Anti-Bacelins Dialogue, from the Vintage, &c., for Ladies, G , .r...ealen and out youth, and for sale in large quantities to suit allelasses, by ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Mer chant, No. 8, Fifth street. air.r. 10. Ladies' Compaation. AUGUST NO. Three splendid Steel Engravings, received at W. M. Fonzit'S Agency and Litera.. )9 DVot, St. Clair sc. wag. 3-6 t. John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of 1 - roptl and 5171 sta., Pi!! dburgh. T S ready to receive alerchandize of every description .11. on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the alioec business, natters himself that ho will be able to give afire. satisfaction to all who may favor him with dieir'patronage.• Regular sales on MON DAYS and THlntsriA vs, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening, at early gas light. nog 12—y SHERIFF'S SALE OF HARDWARE POST PONED.—By order of B. Weaver, Esq., Sher the sale of hardware, cutlery, &c., at the store of Darlington &Peebles. is postponed until Monday MOM ing, the 14th inst., at 9 o'clock, at which time the I goods will positively be sold. JOHN D. DAVIS, aug Auctioneer. Sheriff's Sale. WILL be sold, at 2 o'clock, on Thursday a fternoor tentee of this improvement has received the highest a 17th inst., at the Commercial Auction Itotaus 4 ward of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechailic's i. 3 A 0• corner of Wood and sth s 3., by order of B. Weaver, ! ciation, for specimens of these boxes, (some of which ti Esq., High Sheriff of Allegheny en., for cash, par ni„). ! had been run on die crank of a locomotive engine more tie, 2 bbl;. sweet Malaga wine; part of cask good q uali- ; than thirty :'housand miles ~) at the fair of the Institu ty French brandy; part of cask good quality Mal on. tion, held in Boston in September and October, 1841." wine; 1 bbl. 801. Jamaica rum; ‘ 1 do. via, _. : c wia, " l 'i The Franklin llmitate, Philadelphia. also awarded cask sour wine; 5 laree size stand casks and 5 ;mall do • Mr. Babbitt the prrunimo for the improvement in box -7 boxes 8-10 windoWes,tinder the Scott Legacy, which contIIICS such awards. Hass; 1 kee alum; i ]erg er'''',l"/ salts; .1. kegsulphur; Udv nails; nail rods; pem;trit fay:- 1 " Th. " -. ' -in ' l " . ".r ui i'liP"i"'""""• eels; funnels; gallon easures; jars; 1 bureau; 1 stove The Committee on tiavtil atftil s reported stroncly i m n and pipe; 7 chairs; 4 writing desks; rag carpeting; 1 it; favor, in CE)Wil!quence of widcli the risilit to use i t was sleigh and bells, &e. purchased by the Government for $20.000. The corn- A! „. e, 1 pipe tir,,iidc, good quality; 2 casks yanhec tads..- retj•t to; and make a part iii their report the let-1 t••r; 01S. V. Mecrick, J. Erric , on, George C. Read. C.l rum; 1 bbl. swetJtMa.lar-a wine: 3ha filberts; 10 box es 4 piut tumblers; 20 box es 1 2 -20, 1.2-13 and 1241 W. Copoltind, Com. L. Warrington, Hon. A. P. Ur- ! altar, and Charles Howard, recommending the invert- window glass; 50 reams writlig% and 25 reams wrap ping e'er; a quantity of household and kitchen furni- lion. ture, &c. JOIE , : D. DAVIS, Mr. S. V. Merrick states that the metal havine- ' been i i Imo- mom -11 in use to test its merits fully, .lie ha; no au; 12-5 t Auctioneer. liesitationia saying that it is one of the most ea:liable ; AA 10 c TILL B clock, A. M., at the Commercial Auction E SOLD, on Moaday, tho 14th inst.. at imjiniyeiniteits that has come to his nutim.e. The effects prodiired are: a great diminution in friction; a saying : Roomk, carter of Wood and Silt stn., a large assortment in °il " --- ""'' half mare: an economy in the original of dry goods and faiicv articlos, just received from Phi- constr umber, the brasses being much lighter; a sam-imr ladelphia. in repair. thermal la,t Mg longer and being replaced at At 2 o'clock. P. M.. ...C - ! , V and second hand tarsi- a less cosi; and a saving infuel, cot:segment upon di- i tare, window gdmi,, and glass ware, cordage, broom-; inini-li! ' d fricii ' xn • " The :n •ti has alto boo introduced e. ith er-cat ad- 1 meriting and wrapping paper, &c., Sc. TI Evenini sale at earl gas light. yam a2„ri, it, linitie carriage •ii.d wagon boxe.i. for which t- y our 1:2-1 t JOHN D. DAVIS, An:lin:leer. i i ', `!''.ll, adapted. it is also. amotgit many others, : trotily In aammen ded by Mr. Ciiiries Howard, President of 0.1 , 2 BLI:ti• in ore and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who pur- chase'llhe riehr for the rivila distance of se ~ , eary mile; i i for Yi 1.050. Mr. Howard gives dm article the follow-1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. fir HE Partner:hip heretcf ire existing between E. 1. Black & S. 3lnCiean undiu- the firm of Black & McClean, this day di:solv.-1 by nintual consent. An persons indebtod to th^ lot, firm, er.. rioted to make immediate paymcia. and all pnrsons havia7 claims present them to S. McClean, who' is alone author ized to snttle the business of the late firm, aug. 9, 1843 The business will be continued at the old stand by S. McClean, who respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronitze. A large az.inctrriPia of BOOTS & Struts of all qualities and sizes, conaaar'.c on hand, and fur sale cheap. S. McCLEAN. anz 11.-3 t. Western University of Pennsylvania. THE next term of this Institution will bunin un Mon day the 4th of September. at 9 o'clock A. M.— Application for admission may be made to the Princi pal, the Rev. H k:31.4 5 DrErt, D. D., after the 21st inst., at his room in the U n ive r 4 tv , f rom 9 to 11, A. m, The exorcises of the LAW SC EmoL tviil commence on the same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application fur admission into which, to be mad- to the Professor of Law, WALTER 11. LOWRIE, F.AI., at hit:office in 4th et. On :he eveniaz of the sam^ day at 7 o'cleolc, in the Hall of the University, an ADORE SS will be .l livered before. the Trustees, the Faculty and the Stu tents, by Professor Lowrie, which the riiir.rms zrn,rdly are in \ ;ted to attend. A. L. PENT LAND, ntrr 11-23 S^rret.tt ifthe Board oC Trtist,es. Penn Insurance Company. T,u11::-:i!,ori to Or' ! , ri, aro h it p , zr-oiv,t tr, o r C a a s , _c r,tl ,t :•••• c,e half Doaa , on f•-h-t.f.! --.zirctl 10 o , ; ,1 „f. fie! , of the Conwany, (c Ql , r of Market eel Thl.d str , -? , ) on To•• ri t e 2'2.1 -lan' of Anz,l„, t , PUBLIC NOTICE i; also th • Book.: of Ow Irksn,—,nco Co:rl7.run at 9 .... . M., a. 11-h. of th:.: the 2'21 to it; d on a•A ono ha!F ii iare per Char. lime of I.lllg JOSIA II KING, Pr,..i‘l,nt D.1.11,50N wt,l l . I ttitaia here:: ; 1.11,• ind-hted to call at hi, 410 p, oppo , ite tits' 1'0,4 Office, and ,rttle tit.. it -e tuatA, a, all IL:l,lced ac . eonati will be loft with the rroper f ectinn. n i th, wiz. 10-3 r. ------- C F OFLE.-393 b,L:zs " 1.1:•lyra du 50 " S;. liorniazo do 50 " Havanna do NO roceivine, and for low Gar cash, by MAILMAN, JENNINGS - & CO., 43, Wood street Proposals for Chain Iron NAVY Af.ENT ' S l ) vricy, Wad,lll7tl.:!. Juin, In, 1843. pROPOSALS H roct,d at thi., tyji, u,ij! I 3 o'clock, on th d i of septernher enstiina, Li chliver at the N LVV lm,l in this cite, the lathe, lag Chain Iro.r, for ei:zlitc,:n Cable:, 1 11-16 i r ,•l,a, in diameter, each 150 fathoms long, coastimting the fol lowing bill of Iron, viz: 35,100 links 1 11-1/3 inches in diameter-203 inches long. 450 links 1 13-16 inches in diameter-22i inches lonl. 20 feet 3..1 inch by 2:1 Oval pin Iron. .90 do 23 do 2 do do. 70 Swivel, 193 Shackle, and 13 box pieces. Specifications of the Snivel, Shackle, Box pieces and Oval Mu Iron. Cl.ll be seen on application at this of fice; all of the above Iron must be the very best Amer ican, and ucdergo such proof, under the increased tests and inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the Government, and in as short a time after the Contract is made as is possible, which time will be designated in the contract. Bonds with ;rood and sufficient sureties in doublo the =mint or the Contract will be required. and a reser vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the Contract is completed. auc. 8. WM. 13. SCOTT, `as- Ane nt. AwAßNiNG...,„:ismiich, ns th , Direntor.t or Tru. tees of the Western Theological Seminary hive advertised a part of the Common ground of the city of Allegheny Coe leas , . This is to give notice to all persous Wit to take htaiel+ from said Tne for any parrot sail Common ground, or in any way to trespass cn the common right of the_ citizens in said ground, as it is the determination of the city authorities to contest the right of any person or persons either to louse or erect buildings thereon. By order of the- Craririls. E. W. STEPHF.NS,PreFident, S. C aug 12—Gt HENRY IRWIN, Pretiident, C. C T v!,ung hysor:, 30 bore; (13 flt-.) (1.) 20 0 lb. boxes gunpowder, 20 "' " imperial, just received and for sale by lIALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO., aug 9 43, Wood street. _MACKEREL. 0 0 h b . f 3 . no. s 3nomnacalioarel, 10 quarter bbls no 2 do, a prime article for family use, just received and fur sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., au.; 9 43, Wood Street. T OBACCO. -10 boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco, 25 do Russell & Robiusons do 5 do Hare's do 10 do assorted sizes sad brands, just reeeksid sod fer sale by LIATIMAN, JENNINGS & CO., azg 9 0, !Nod street. E. BLACK, S. :',IcCLEA:`,; h a-1 i...-•ahr..-ht rd'•wc!"-: • I) • ro.;•C:z• d at t}7^ Dir ;: - 2 i;:.7H — ,,li.\r,. , •er J . ..A Pl 7 . ,1•11C!j it! id StoubvilViiiC :300 1i•J! , 1 , 1 , v,t' Zl'id Moll:“ Pk:IISII.UL " CGO Mount Plenuint and Somerset 372 Somerset and 11.nft.:a , 330 Arms:lic:lt te.a Indiana 530 I.Aii.i.a and Ele.mburg '' 323 IVashington and Williaimport " 855 Do Pittsburgh 200 Butler arid Kittanning 241) Mottat Pleasant and Pittsburgh " 360 Somerset and Conemaugh ' 320 Do ' Cumberland " 160 Ligonier and Johnstown .. 224 Armstrong and Clearfield " 80 Beownington, Hanistille, and Franklin i. 200 Butler and Freeport 0 20 224 Pittsburgh Farmers &Mechanics'" 25 160 Bedford and Hollidaysburgh " 50 160 Birmingham sad Elizabethiown " 25 IGO Lutiairsburgh and Purixatawney " 25 Coroner. 300 French Creek Bridge company, 20 I respectfully offer myself to the citizens of Alleghe -1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20 ny county, for thn office of Coroner, subject to the de -100 Erieand Waterford Turnpike Road company. 50 cision of the Democratic Convention. n - iv 18- ^' DAVID HARTZ 560 Sinqpnibannn and Waterford 1010 Mnrcer and Meadville /I 05 100 Anderson's 'Ferry, Waterford and New Haven 200 Abington and Waterford d, 230 Warren and Ridgeway o 10 Wart-mimd New lurk State line " 96 Titu , ville and Union Mills o 160 Warren and Franklin " ..._ 30 Sugar Grove and Union .4 25 300 Bank of Pennsylvania, 900 300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company, 100 l FOR TH E POST. 1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100 I take the liberty of ofi ring my-elf as a candidate ny domccratic fellow citi- Purchasers will he required to pay for the Stocks, at for the office of Coroner, to t rens of Allegheny county. subject to the declaim of the the time ..r imminlively niter the sale, in certificate, is stied by the Audi! or ( - 4 ,, ,,ra1. in purmance of the Res,. ' Democratic Convention which meets ern the 30iit in , t. lution of 7th April. 1312. ti.iei s issued by the Bank.; ..if , a". 7 9- itc ROBERT M'C ITES N EY. _______. this Cumnion..vnaltii under the act of 4th Mar, 1341, ---- _____ ________ Fpecio. or the not, s .4' sp , ,de payiitz banks. The :ran William C. Wall, ,- for of Stock will be made in a reasonabletime •t" • , ..._r ; Plain and Fancy Portrai! an-1 Pictu re Frame sale. JAMES CLARKE, . In.?: itrzt"e re ,-, EVANS ROGERS, No. 87. Fouri'n >tr.!t, Piit. , bur7,ll, Pa. JOB MA\N, ; el . AN V ASS bru,..be,i, enrrdsb, &c., for artists, always Commissioners ' fur sale of State Stocks. i ‘.---1 on hand. Lool.ing Glasses, &e., promptly Ea "'mg. I-ts JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r. ! mesh to order. Ripairing clone at the shortest notice. Particular astention paid to regilding and jobbing of Found, t every description. ABOUT the lack week in June, iii a Clothinr Stole Persons fitting etamboats or houses will find it to in Liberty street. a Note of hand, considerably l their advantare to call. sep 10-y soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and ------- T OAF SUCAR.-10 boxes koafsagar„i ',lst receive another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own- -.1 ar;d for .5-.oe by - ''; - i -.. er can hareit by identifying it, and paying expenses. i 11 - .111 43142`1, XL, .: 7. , .G:5 & CO.. INI • - July 31.--refs - 1 ang - 9 1.- 43. W.:K...3 strn-r. TO DIA :4 - TS, DNGIND-MIUMOLS AND 0147NERS or macturprzny. RABBIT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL —This excellent invention for the reduction of friction in machinery has at length been introduced in nur city.— It consists of a lined box, suitable for all revehing and sliding :notions is the various kinds of machinerv,where groat weight . or speed are applied; these boxes reduce friction in a rem-le:able degree requiring but little oil, and are warranted entirely free from the obje ct i ons found with those now in use. These lined boxes have been introduced in many of the Eastern Rail Roads, and in various manufacturing establishments in that section of country, to which the limits ofan advertisement will not allow us to refer,and I nearly thirty well known superintemlents,cngineers,ma- chinists and terrine builders in the east certify that, •'in the te:e of these boxes., friction is reduced in a remark- I able degree; oil is required nrey in small quantities, and the wear is hardly perceptible, during a period in which a hard metal box of tha same thickness would be worn out; journals limning in these boxes attain a smoother surface than then have seen on those which have been in g r.-n-rnmend '•Th- price t-vti.4 cot:shirt:lNi n hi.th one, for the com rar,uk-dy:.•,it.(xiotit to which th- Compt:uy wou'd ha ve an anpo r t tm i tv ofm thing us , - of the patent ri:ht; but we were sati:! . .ed that it was fur our intentst to a vail etn-se:ves of the invitation. I can now say, that, having better to-4,A its value by a more extensive ar plicatitei of it. I that the company would be very unit relit; iuuh their rightto u.se it fur a tooth high orconsu 7.ati.tit than that which was given for it: arid I have Ln d mht, that it such W'irt, to be mad.. to c Corapany, ‘vuu:d.,,without Fite ::ea ott, of Ile , invention that it prevents the • a:l4 cutup_ aad de.orucaon of thl bcri s. are so nurneroni the steam engine; and on the p •ction of which depends the val ueof the en4ine; while, at the same time, there is a very great saving of oil, the expenditure formi a mate rial in tit east of worlsarag a largo engine. In the locana,tiVo,l If the com7anv. I find the .asini; to he ful ly oneirlif of the qa unity whit Yea.; required bef ire Mr. Baliliat's inveniion was applied to them. Some of there lo 'ornotives havi.:rt ran several thousand mile, I ca ; also say that tI i irivente'n make: the mar hiller. rnael in ire d Cry, tv',li!.• ,ti,-rive w of tits nn, Lire it incr~ as~l, the c,-„t of ropir , i= di 1." 1., hav:rc I,pon 171 Lilln V1 1 :1:4Ity. LI.: eni!,:.-1 to rcilr Li to it , ovn t Jain R't'iC ~~~~.:~.~-; it IV%. C:rtr, of Lycn, & Co. Env, Av. , r 11.1? 1 , 0 , }"?; , . TON, r,...7; 5r ' I . ld t . orrir,o,i ,- joti el v , h e J n :n•hn:cd .( - t-,1 •ind Bra =, Fwlndry of A NIPX. F.,. and (2.1a:,-,..ry ZERIMMI 1'1;11)Gi: AND r Y. dly of lo;lt , lll' , t.r, • mt•.,C,i by the M U.") 1i- 1 . . - 10 i.n't C •, ~n , _. , .rriits I J,ll ...LI . , .. 17', 11 o', •••v..1 50 ..,,),.) \V„ir 1. , - : ,:- . ‘ V a‘hinFii.On co., 5 . 0 , , ...",00 :\ i 4 - 1.5t.(2. Intl. •, N . 1•.-itzation company, 50 21 - '1 13 11,11 :t al it ov-town Tp. Road conipany. 50 31..21 5(., , , town ty. , (lGreeniburch 50 .1. 7 Y0 (1 - cc ,. , 0, 11,..41171;1(1 l'itt , bur.th " 50 3137 11.1 ,ti 1.:d(41, Cambria & Indiana" .S 0 !I'i7 .1. :* ~. - ' , tr::1,11' .(i Nov Alexandria " 50 . ....:1). ''.: -.v 1,- 1..11.i 1 ;i• ,f 1 (,centaurh" 50 :117 1' , , .' ~. _.. -i• . I r ,_IC,. 1 " i, 5 SMOKED HERRINGS.-- 1 25 boxes smoked hew. rirgvja3t received end for aide by Q OLE , LEA.THER.-120 sides sole Inthrv.;u at ra HALLMAN, JENNINGS' & CO:, • ceitedby LLAILMAN, JENNLNGS & CO., i 3 Wog ie 43, Wcad arm ? I— e o r. rk 3 Par Vat,,e 25 50 25 October tkttion. Prothonotary. I resncetfully offer myself a candidate for the office of Proi4onotary of Allegheny county, subject to the actioa of the Democratic county convention, which meets on the 30th August next. GEO. It RIDDLE ADgheily city, may 31—tc (1&w. Prothonotary I resp:N7tfully offer myself as a canlidato fur the of fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the D..m °critic Convention. WM. G. HAWKINS. Wilkins township, june Prothonotary. To ticc voters of AllegArny ccunty:—l respect fully 'air myself to your consideration as a candidate ( in , lepPn , ?ent of ties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am nut per sonally known will Ouse examine into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your sidlraires, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the (ace, tr satigry you with your ALEX. MILLER:. of Pittsburg. may 10— Prothonotary. Clear th e COILISC . rIr Ike 1701UnteerS WILVAM B. FOSTER.. Fig., of Ailglieny city, will he a candidate for r' c 0:11c.:‘ of Prothonotary of Al le,henvcounty, tit the o.'t r election. jnno 4. 91 Avy citizen!, of ANclemy city recommend Dr. J. C. WC:PUY as a suitable person to fill the office of Prothonotary. juts 1:2. Sheriffalty. T r.,,s T r!ctfuly present mv,olf to the citizens of Alle -1 iiheny county, a= a candilatefrir the SherifFalty, sub ject to Ow action of the D..—nocratic convention, which meets on the 30th of Auzuit next. june D—d&wte. ELIJAH TROVILLO. To the Electors if .9 11 County: Fenow utfur trtvqelf to your cun:hlera ti,,n.u, eiud:lt ,, f.-r the office of subject r o notehr , tinn ( - tithe D•!n•Jeratic Co;:ve.ttio: h he tinot , ful for y our , Tinr , -rz. (Luz.. I n—tc. CHAMBERS McIiH3BEN. MAVY Ci 7ens of Pitt,loirch, recommend Dr. JO SEPH CURRY a.; a nuitahle person to fill a seat in A , seinhly. the en ,q.11r1 . 7, 5P ,, j1,11. july 11, 1843. Assembly. A uumb<•r of the Dem writ: of Mifflin tnv.m=lim eonc'eded to ni-i—ent rLo narle of SA :\ll_l-11., COCIIRAN, E.g., of that town ron , iit ra tion of the Cony taini •}: - Lect?, on 211:11 ir-t., fin- a nomination for the Lnn , i , !ioure. ^ll - and a well trial nim , ra t , and hi, confidently present hi, claim. au2s7—if Assembly. \Ve alitilo!is.-d to tintJ , lttc., ITN 1 7 . , q., of Pin,• rarldidatc rot- A- , 00.b:v. ,o'licct to th- norniira• L'.: , Dum.)cra•A , 119—to C r ounty Commissioner. IV, are authorLicti to announce ALEXANDER PIIILLIPS of Robinson. as a candidate for County Conitni, , ;ioner, iillject to the decision of the democrat ic count). convention County Commissioner. EDIT01:•:-PIC715' announce the ante of Gettlo.TOFIN M. DAVIS. of Peeltle3. for G.toitv o _!rett- Trit= , ioner. ,n! - t:eet to tie d , eiq;cot of the Democratic runty C:97lvC.ntion, to be 1-hi in Au t n t ,t ne x t. MANY DrMOCRATS. County Commissioner. 3/, ....U . S. E . /I. ' ' , tllO *"l , l * .ti oni ro arpcar: to pr.-v.1.il t! ...v. two of th r it is but ani utrr or rizlit IRI :Lit the ,or it , i.nnr .1i .0:1 tb. •:. r pe , opln n 1 r .1A)11 4 (:. Cl thi• fli , ViOt, for Coutnv .r, nr th.. vn:ttiniz CA!! ~,,,,,,,,,, MAST I)::`I 4 Jr:tATR: VOTEILd. County Commissioner 1 . If; • ••• t`" I •tfn!l% ofT , r Iv-c!f t" tl.• offic , or (2„•:7 r. nlnv not 1. , I, I,b p !iti,;d or privatp rri•prz. t• ; c‘. . . in ii,o I, ii••• •• ti l t %%o r d. A, rho cotintry i= ,orn• - •wirit in Its is In ch] affair , . ttnd th , ‘ of public f000i,.•-t1 111•• of . ot . th•• 'r - i•lor-i-t - n•••1 110 t qholl'd he I ••••1 tortui.ao- b•• el•-etrd, to tow 171 . 1 , , i1iir at tl•Mri to tit : • , •t!tititry F.ltouA it roach tits . ITUBLEY. C , vaimissioncr ROBB. for C,,7;,:, t z0r.,11, sn',jcct to 111 action of the Dern , r (:)-N c.nl',lt.,.:loNErt IC. ar •;..It, t!,,r J_.,\ IF.": AN DEL( :4 , `; lithe rite, ' a '''1;1 , .1: , 1:11. , for Cou::tv Com )ner, d ,•1 1)0rn , ..- Corvention COU.VTY TREJSUR/.1: JACOB TOM ER, of Pitt t.,wn,hir, well hr,e,v n to the Dymocracy of AdieErbmv county, as a staunch, uniform Ropuhiican of the .Taman 5..h00!, wia he a candid:Ae for C.,n - ity TrOA , Ur`r, uhjcc^ to the dccision of the Democratic C,emtv Coaven , jo: l . A V OLT) DEMOCRAT. COUNTY TREASURER At the soiicitotion of ninny radical democrats, Mr. SAMUEL McKEE. of Li; rinin , zhatu, has consented to become a eindi late for 01- of Counts Treasurer subject to the d Tisi-n of the Democratic County Con vention. Of Mr. M2Kee it may be truly said, to bQ known is to he popular. Many Frind. lof Unassuming. Worth. County Auditor. Messrs. Edit :rs:—Pion,:e announce the Ilf.ollo of JOHN W. M'CLELLA ND. of Franklin township. as a suitable candalan• fur County Anditor nt the cornin2 i?leetion. subject to the decision of . tin , Cou nt y Con...Tu thill. Mr. AFCLI.I.LAND is a D.-m,lerat of the warm est and purei.t kind, and will be warmly simported by MANY DEMOCRATS. .AnEr. 7, '43—te. i :271 184 3. -:--=t;%::..... Public Bale 04as:bits Load& uIIgiTANT to a decretal order of the Cireakfise STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., county, pronounces 1 u 19th dos of April, 1843, In tbs Forwarding and nommitstion Merchants, -P Pia la-atrt of Law andChaneery, for Mew CLEVELAND, OHIO. cause depending therein .0 Henry Strider. r..., a 4 aninst James W. Baikezwidze and others. Def e tethe A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Corn undersigned special comiui;sioaer, will sell et poblio Pay composed of the I`,lercbants' Line, Erie auction to the highest bidder, at the court house to Canal; Weshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer &Co.'s Mason county, o:; tba Line of Steam boats and ve3sels on the lakes. Cle ve- (bcing tho- hest day e 16th d y of Sal:amber, 1843 of the Cir Sup'r Court ores. land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal- PmPrio - conntv,) that will known body of land commonly ast• toes ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. ' , led "Graham's Station," l!,-irift in Masao county, Vol.. REFER TO on the Ohio river, containinT by survey four *email Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coen - ties Slip, N. Y. one hundred and twentv-three - c acres, in tyro soi= R. Hunter Sc Co. Albany. 06 ' 3 Chair, Boston. parcels, a large proportion of which is river Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, land. The above lands previous to the day of sale w® M. T. Williams & Dow, be laid off by the surveyor of the cotton in lots ems* Hon. John M. Allen, Clevela> d. venient size for farrns,and plats furnished, and so merry Charles M. Giddings, f thereof will be sold as may be necessary to pm*. J. S. Dickey, Beavcr. : the sum of money required by said decretal orlon- The sales will be made on a credit of nine months Our Bietnitialtam & Co., Pittsburgh. . one-third part of the purchase money, oftwelve exalts up 1 1813-Iy. _ for another third part, and of eighteen months for the residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving. bonds with good security for the payment of the different iamb mc.nts, bearing interest from the day of sale, the Itood , title to be retained as further security for the payment of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make inmate. al payments. - GEO. W. STRIBLING, Special Com e r. Point Pleasant, Va., June 26,1843. Ljy6-Qm‘ THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,master, will run as regular tri weekly packet betweon the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Moadays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren oa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. FuR TIIE POiT 1843. Tril A RE RE DI:CUL —U. S. MAIL LINE or STAGES .1 AND RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburz, Harrisburg. nod Lancaster, to Philad:2lpida. connect*. with the Main train ofcars to N. Y. &c. 0:4150 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 3 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WA.LiGLI &Co., feb 23, 1343-Iy. Proprietors. Tho Great Central Route iria National Rood and Baltimore and Ohio Rail "s7Fr-i" Va.' %eke NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WA 311INGTON CITY, BALTIMORE, •PHILADELPHIA AND :CV YORX. THis lire is in full operation and ieaves Pittsburgh daily at f o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national roal to Cumberland, codnecting here with the rail road Co's to all the above placer: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at ;he shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. . For tickets, apply at our oflice at the Monongahela Hou,e, L. W. STOCKTON, feb President of N. R. Stage Co. FOR THE POST llama Jar Packets, for Cincinnati, Th Sllpiri,•llC”, Robinson, Nla.tor, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. Cte.ter. 1 7411 i n ,, 111 aster, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. in. Tina font zomn re, Bounett, Mager, leaves every Sat urday at ] 0 o'clock a. m. The Expre,;. Parkinson, Master, leaves every San day at 10 o'clock a. In. .1()11N BIRI\IINGIIAM S.-- CO., may 20 .1. eats aug 7—tc To Let. TURFs brick house on Market betw'n_ i ti. tlld and 3rd ctrret,. The store in thi , lar;L-e, nrd furnished with gas pipes and a Rrrt low. ALSO, a dwel,i,n; Louse on Market between 3rd and 4th streets, and several rooms with an entrance from Market street. E. D. GAZZAM.- Aii:. 7,-1 N.. To Lot, r 4 OR a t•Tm of yoar , „ my house, store room 11, 1 _.l a , ,d\wor!: -hop. on '2,1 troer. nppot. , ite Jas. Park..jr.. &Co The shop is brick. 1.3 fcct wide, by 30 Inntr.3 -dot ivs 11:2 - 11. I haYe in a.mail steam eh a!,,,w. 5 pn , .vor. \\IIMh I wi',l ah , o rent, if d. For furdwr par:town: quire of me. on the ORRIN NEWTON. auk 4—tf of all D LEISANT rooms and rood strAm power, at the cl,t steel file nianufartury, corner of Liberty and O'Hara street:. Apply on the premises. ink- IG. Peach Trees. THE 1r haFar:tho Nur -Ty or T.:!71 rt'th Phi a I.rt of the .-t va.-.,!ry to v.-h:c-h he c.al zo;enchhi of CV' F. L. SNO\VDEN, Nu. 131 Liberty st. head of 'Wood. Mr. JAME.7z IT an_ 3-.. c Dr. Bocbtor's Pulmonary Preservative. F cold-, inrin,..nza , , catarrh=, whoopinz p=illing of blood, pain in the breaßt, all di of r':ll' E/1 , 23 , 1 and IUnZ, nndurre,tof approach- Hz ronunurui..n Warranted free from mercury and mineral,. B. A. F.A.I - INF.STOCK & Co., iv 1 . 2 for Pittsburzli. A L LEN EttAman, Exelurtge Broker. Cornor of ti , i;ol and Third erects. Pittsbury Pa. Gold, Siiver ; and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eaztern cities, for sale. Drafts. notes and bills, collected. REPERF NC E. Wm. Bell & Co.„ John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woochvell, James. 7%l:ay, Alex. Bronson S. Co. Philadelphia. John H Brown & Co. James M'Cand.!ess. Cincinnati, 0 J. It. 11.1.Tonakl. St. Louis, Mn. W. H. Pope. Esq., Pres't Dank Ky. > Louisville PCANNTIF.LD has rem,vrti his marbl.e E=tah lishment to Wood :t. opposite Fahnestock's Druz Store, where he will keep constantly on band Tomb StoneA, Monuments etc. ap 19-Iyr CI'TLER and SurTical In:tram-or Manufacturer, corner of 6th and Liberty =tee t:, Piwburz. Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive nisortment of Surc,i , xll and Dental instruments, ranker's, Tailor's. !latter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears, Sa Idler's Tools, Trusses, &c. je 24. SAMUEL MORROW, Alanula.ctarer of Tin, Copper and Sheet 17 glrerf, h:a7rpen Wood a nd Marke t, ron , m t.r on 11;n:d a.-.. , ortment of wares, 311(1 • on hand, the 71rwi‘k, teaVtlies, not:, opens , eu a t e r ..."). 3 , &c. MCI , chanti and other, are invited to call and examine for thernselves, as he is determined to cheap fur cash or approved paper. [tsar 7—tf For Sale. T L OTS on the North Ean corner of Coal Lane and --_ 1 SCNDRIES.-50 boxes chocolate, Market sire- it. Apple to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth arreet. i 5 do cocoa, 3 do rice floui , , iCirtTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port. 1 25 do grou n d, rec ,p er, A. r ., : i.f, Paialer, Fourth st., 3d story Burles Buil- i 5 do Cayenne do., di, T. .T. Osborne would solicit mean finm those who I iz t I .. , 36 5 5 c a nki ground cir inar ' 111 Fr e , ra.e.: c l e .iri Portraits. Spoil:nous can be seen at his rooms. may 5. I very thin , tee! Ice' ICC! 12 cans do do., t o' ether with ANY qaaatity of clean, first rate heat/ Ice, may I every thug g race " line ' all °I. which i 3 CgCred Xi he bad at FII7OII DI7FFY'S, corner of Second I" ecttrernelY low Prices, for cash. HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO.. and anent streets. july IS--tf. ) aug , 48, Weiod -*mot. . Beavcr and Warren:Packet Road Company To Rent. Pittsburgh, Pa RcmovaL John Cartwright, Iron Ware, Remedy fbr the influenza. THE Intlwinza. which i 3 now in almost a universe( epidemic, is exciting the inventors of patent medicines to increased exertions in the puffing line, hut owing; to the , mneral distrust entertained for die zenerrtlity of snch " driez3, people fear taking thew— The followinz. however, from a distinzuishad phi. clan in Now York, Dr. Nelson, we think may be re lied on: "The object of the present communication is Co NG ommend a single remedy, cheap and of CUT access to the poor, and to caution them against an inittriotwalN in this disease. namely, bleeding, either general ailb7 leeches. In all those rases in which the first claati symptoms prevail. let the patient smell frequently,' St a common salts bottle. (Sims' Aromatic Ve Salts are pr-ferted) and by putting the vial to tha mouth to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile mas ter into the lungs. Let this process be repeated two or three times in an hour. and it will give more speedy and greater relief, in all slight cases of the Ern c 1 than any other remedy, and will he sufficient for a cure. It will also be essentially useful in the severs cases; and those of :he class of prostration, a few drops of amonia, or hart horn, ought to taken inter nails. A neat way of doing so is to take an old Nair ioncd mature called lac ammord:ci. However, it is as a local remdy, to act on tile dism derr , d surface, that its use is a lvised. The principles will be recog nized by all physicians versed in molecular oretudr.a. thin, and those who aro deficient in that knowledge may do in that instance as they do in all others—art upon the faith they imbibe." These salts are for sale and within the reach of all classes ; at Wm. THORN'S, 53 Market. street, Pittsburgh. jy 17. A Card. T HE subscriber respetfoily informs thei.public in genrrah that he intend: to devote his whole time to the COLLECTION OF Act OtiNTS in the cities of Pitts bunzh. Allecileny and vicinity. Having been engaged in this business for some time, and civen entire satisfaction to those who_canployed, him. he respectfully solicits those having accounts to collect to give him a trial. ' Physicians and others - who cannot spare time from their professional business to collect their accounts, world find it to their advantaTe to eive hitn Respectable references can be given, and, if req*ed, secluity will be given for the faithful return alai me nie. collected. Ile can be found at Mr 000r ,, e Armor's ' Merchant Tailor, up stairs. corner of Market and Fourth street", entrance on 4th sr. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A: M Any orders left there during his absence, will he attend ed. to. or by letter throuch thr. Post Ce. Ce. Terms. i nr cent commission. jy 21--(11m. SAML. GELSTON. Lots for Sale. A Lots in ITaneh e=•er. Ore and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42, 52.58,5 e 181, 182, and 134, in Cook's Went of Lola, on Holmes' HIP. Also, Lotanos. 26. and 27, in Cook's piano( Lots nn H i zit street, near the r.rn. Court I e. For terms apply to Z. W. RENIINGTON. t3Pr 10 Building Lots inßirmingham. 1 S LOTS, euitab7e'fur builclin7.•rnest elisibir na:,(l. and within two rni:mt^s' walk of the sicalnfeiry haat landing, will be Fold et prices to snit th , • timeq. The terrn of payment will be made ear% for or godh bar--; nq cm be made available. Apply to OF , suh..e.riher3 in Birminrham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, FerrY street. P•rtehor , h. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale. CST n , ceivcd, 5000 Frsornan's best Fire Brink S whi , h will hemartrr br , b ,, nt rontantly on hand and som low for cash, by_BIRMINGHAM CO. mad; 27 No. 60 Waterer. Dissolution of Partnership. HE !it•-• firmof T. & A. Nesmith & to. shoo T ard and tanr.ors..isdisaolved (11v hr mn•ual ron , prit, the wirhdrAcral of Alfred No=rth. irt , •n.ct in 4:ria frm has been &old and trlrsferred to Thrrril, N , --n-;th. sr.: aid Thomas Nesr- , ; , k Fr. ar.d Thoma. Nesrrith formAd a ronartner_zhip. order the 'irm of Tut , rsg!CFSMITEI &; Sus, who aro dale aothorii.ed to ..... - tt!e the buainese of the !ate firm for flat I.,trm,P. THOMAS 7'.77:zzMTTIT, SR. AT.FRF,T) NESMTTH, THOMAS NESNIITH, JR. july 22-.46. July IA, 1342 GarenAt. LAKD OFFICE, June 23, 1843. ..t-i_A DVIOE having been received from the Register of thy Land Office at Lexinzton, Missouri, that the removal of that Office to rlie town of Clinton, in Henry county, a., dircc , ocl by rho President. aill be effected on or about the 3d day of Jtev this is to give notice that the public tale of larflt• ordered to be held at Lexitieston on the Fcernxi day of October next, by the Executive proclamation bemire date the Bth inst., will be held at the time prescribed in the town of Clinton aforesaid. TEO. H. BLAKE, June 30—lawt 10 Commissioner, !opper, Ti n and Elmet. Iran Ware. T HE subscriber re,pectful2, inform, his Friends and former patrons, that he has remover', - his' estab lishment from No. GI, Liberty, to No. —, •Thircl nearly opposite the Post Office. where he continues to carry on the Copper. Tin and Sheet Iron Business, in all its various branches. Ile reTectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage sn iiherally extended to him heretofore, and pledges that no pain: shall he spared 111/ hi, part to merit ;Le Corwar.tly on hand, Mannfartured Ware, of all kinds, all of which will be sold low for ra.F.lr. Src:lniaz, &e., made to or der at short notice ang 4—lm R. M. nawsoN. Laudreth's Garden Seeds. ----- A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on hand and for sale, at. his agency. the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 131, Liberty 2t., head rt Wood, Chuzzlewit in New York, NTO. 7, Martin Chutrit-r..it, !riving an account of his arrival Now York, for at. M.TosTER's Univerr-a! Agency and Literary 5t,1.0t, St. ClP,ir st, A 11,4 Ellv.ndy Andy. A pALL sup of thi. popular work, cheap e di 11 von, jn't rix-eived at W. M. FosrEa's Universal Azenrr and Literary Dep.A. St. Clair At. Rug. 8.