Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 12, 1843, Image 3

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o:7'Fairness cerds, &c:, see first page
Gov. PORTErt left this city on Thursday evening las
Male here he 'was visited by a number of his friend
•'R WMCIELT, of this morning, contains the whole
of 'riCardillac, ilic Jeweller;" the letters of Judge
W*Ktss, Judg - eSfulatt, and Dr. E. D. GAZZAM;
• beiklet; a great variety of foreign and domestic news,
miscellaneous reading, s,:c. Single copies can be had
at OUT news room.
nut, Fiat OF THURSDAY NIGHT.—We are pleas
ed tiolearn that we ragter exaggerated the extent of
the fito of Thursday evening. Neither the rolling mill
nor the steel manufactory were injured, and the only
hiss sustained was that of the nail factory, with its con
killers are busy knocking in the head all of the canine
race that they find running at large, contrary to the city
lordinauces. The citizens in the neighborhood of the
Alutal don't want them buried there, if any, other place
"can be found that would answer as a cemetery for these
victims of our city laws.
rill:n[3l4.l-10N WANTED -Of Thomas Leason Chea
dle, who, some six years since, kept the .Black Horse
Tavern,. in Market Square, Alleghenytown. .is
from Nottingham, England. Any person knowing any
thing of him, who will drop a line to Mr. Hall, 39,
North Second street, Philadelphia, directed to care of
egeat of "Old Countryman," will confer a favor on his
Itconner.—The Spirit of the Age states that the
Allegheny and Eagle are not in service. This is only
partly true. The Engines themselves are not in service,
but the hose of each of the companies still arc, and done
very efficient service at the fire in the sth %Vard.
TVe, too, committed an error in stating that a fight
occurred between the inembors of the Allegheny, Nia
gara and Neptune. There was but a "%% ar of words."
COME IT. Post is out on Mr. GWTNEE'S
Lard Oil Factory, slrong, but we doubt whether Mr.
G. can accommodate them with an advertisement, a la
black mail—the Chronicle is ahead of them!—Age.
The Age, with its usual unfairness, misrepresents us;
we were not out on 31r. Gwynne's Factory, we merely
..stated a fact gathered from 31r- G-'s own communica
%llk. Our neighbor need not be alarmed on the black
mail score; we have no more dispoAtion of adopting
that characteristic of a portion of the "independent
press" than we have its system of advertising for noth
ing. The Age is perfectly safe, we do not intend to in
terfere with any Of its usages.
NORTH CAROLINA.—The returns indicate that Mc-
Kay, Arrington, Saunders and Daniel (democrats) and
Raynar, whig,, are elected. It is thought that the bul
ly Oa blackguard, Stanley, is defeated for certain.
I"zNNT,SBZIC.—So far as hoard from, the whigsbave
gained since last year. They confidently claim the el
ectioa of Jones, the Whig candidate for Governor. In
13 counties the whiz gain is about 1272.
Peyton (whil.) is elected to Congress in the Nash
ville district.
It 25 supposed that Cave Johnson (lem:) is defeated.
D. W. W. Dickenson (whim) is ciaintAl beier. ei
ected id the Rocneford District.
Irrattivs.—Healy (dem.) is elected to Congress in
the Jefferson district, so says the Cinciazati Message.
In Franklin county, 'Whitcomb, the domncratic can
didate fur Go% err.or, °3l ahead of lii, rr.
Smith, (dem. ) for Congress i 200 ht. ad.
KENTUCKT.—Tibbatts, (d , ro.) is elected to Cungrrss
in the Covington district—pmb4bly.
DINA), August 10 - 1). in 111andw , trr, ,ummer com
plaint, infant son of %I - heeler-and I,lc:ia Phelps.
The Rev. Thos. H. Stockton prea , 7h at
the _Methodist Protestant church next Sabl,ath, (to
nacrryuw,) at 4 past 10 o'clock.
auction Sales.
John D. Davis,
Corner of wood and 5/h as., Pittsburgh,
I S ready to receive merchandize of every description
on conaignment, for public or private sale, and
.. .from long experience in the above business, flatters
Plimsoll that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
too all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDA YS, of Dry
Goods and fancy article, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening, at early gas light. aug 12-v
-1.-7„.PONED.-41y order of 13. Weaver, Esq., Sher
iff, the sale of hardware, cutlery, &a•., at the store of
Darlington &Peebles, is postponed until Monday morn
ing, the.l4th inA., at 9 o'clock, at which time the
geode will positively be sold. JOHN D. DAVIS,
ring 12-2 t, Auctioneer.
N.- Sheriff's Sale.
WILL be sold, at 2 o'clock, on Thursday afternoon,
17th inst., at the Commercial Auction Rooms,
corner of Wood and sth sts., by order of B. Weaver,
Esq., High Sheriff of Allegheny co., for cash, par mo
ne, 2 bbl.. sweet Malaga wine; part of cask good quali
ty French brandy; part of cask good quality Malaga
wine; 1 bbl. BoL Jamaica rum; 1 do. vinegar wine; 1
cask sour wine; 3 large size stand casks and 5 small do.;
7 boxes 8-10 window glass; 1 keg alum; 1 keg epsom
saltr, 1 keg sulphur; Bdy nails; nail rods; pewter faw
cou fiwnels gallon measures; jars; 1 bureau; 1 stove
and pipe; 7 chairs; 4 writing desks; rag carpeting; 1
816,0 and bells, &c.
Also, 1 pipe brandy, good quality; 2 casks Yankee
rum; 1 bbl. sweet Malaga wine; 3 bags filberts; 10 box
es 1 pint tumblers; 20 boxes 12-20, 12-18 and 12-14
window glass; 50 reams writing, and 25 reams wrap
ping paper; a quantity of household and kitchen furni
sure, &e. JOHN D. DAVIS,
fuq. 12-5 c Auctioneer.
VjILL BE SOLD, on Monday, the 14th inst., at
10 c'clock, A. M., at the Commercial Auction
Rooms, corner of Wood and sth sts., a lar,ca assortment
of dry goods and fancy articles. just rcerived from Phi
lik ki 4 t, 42 o'clock. P. M., New and second hand furni
window glass and glans ware, cordage, brooms;
- writing and wrapping paper, &c., &c.
Evening 'sale at early gas
• ang 12-1 t .. JOHN D. 'DAVIS, Auctioneer.
droWe are authorized to state that JAMES AN-
N, of the city, will be a candidate for County
Conuttiasioner, subject to the decision of the Demo
anatic, Convention. aug I:2—te.
County Auditor.
The Raffle of JOHN H. M ' ILHENNY is respectfull}•
szkiiiitted, by his friends, to the consideration of the
Democratic Convention fur the office of County Auditor,
mts 12-1 t JEFFERSON.
AWARNlNG.—lnasmuch, as the Directors or
Trustees of the IVestern Theolo*al Seminary
have advertised a part of the Commo n ground of the
sky of Allegheny for lease. This is to give notice to
all persons not to take leases from said Trustees for any
partof said Common ground, or in any way to trespass
en the common right of the citizens in said ground, as
. a . a . it is the determination of the city authorities to contest
ir the right of any person or persons either to lease or erect
buildings thereon.
By order of the Councils.
E. W. STEPHENS, President, S. C.
• fug 12-6 t HENRY I,RWLN, President, C. C.
I At a very numerous and highly respectable mooting
of the citizens of Allegheny, held at Mr. Fleming's
hotel, on Sattxrday evening, the sth August, on motion,
Mr. W. Ceases was called to the chair, and J. Briggs
was appointed secretary.
The design of the meeting was stated to ho a desire
to unite the friends of industry and honesty, without re
gard to political party, in support of n citizen fur the
office of Mayor, uu whom all parties could unite, It
was therefom
Resolved, That FRANCIS DILL of tho second
ward of Allegheny city, is a sound republican—a citizen
of exemplary good character-- a neighbor of groat
moral worth; and a workingman whose whole life is an
example of industry and integrity to others;"
Resolved, That in the selection of Mr. DILL fie• the
office of Mayor of Allegheny city, the meeting entertain
the opinion that his election would subservu the best in
terests of the corporation, and be a guarantee that no
industrious man would be oppressed under his admin
Resolved, That the proceedings bo Published hi the
Morning Post.
WM. CARSON, Chairman
JOSEPH Dawns, Secretary. •
ALads' Companion
te e .
UGUST NO. T hrees splendid Sl Engravings,
received at W. M. FosTErt'S Agency and Litera
ry Depot, St. Clair st. a u.. .4—tit.
S OLE LEATHER.—I2O sidp3 s(;le loather jtvi
ceived by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO..
aug 9
43, Wood street
T HE Partnership heretofore existing between E.
Black & S. McClean, under the firm of Black &
McClean, was this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All persons indebted to the late firm, are requested to
make immediate payment, and allpersons having claims
will present them to S. McClean, who is alone author
ized to settle the bu.siness of the late firm,
Mr. S. V. Merrick states that the metal having been
long enough in use to test its merits fully, he, has no
hesitation in saying that it is one of the most valuable
improvements that has come to his notice. The effects
produced arc: a great diminution in friction; a saving
in oil—one half or more: an economy in the original
construction, the bralses beim , much lighter; a saving
In repair, the metal lasting longerand being replaced at
a less cost: and a saving in fuel, consequent upon di
minished friction."
western iversity of Pennsylvania. The m has also been introduced with ' , mat ad-
T HE next term of this Institution will begin on Mon- vanta g e . li
Jn a. car r o l ,t. and wagon Luxes, for which
tlyy the 4th of September. at 9 o'clock A. M.— 't 9 Well adapted.
It is also, amongst many tubers, strongly recommm-
Ati;!'i - .aim' for admission mar be made to the Prinei
(led by Mr. Charles Howard, President of the Balti
p Tile Rev. HI:31 A. 5 D YER, D. D., after the 21stmore and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who pur
at his room in the University, from 9 to 11, A. M.
+ed the right for tho road,a distance of seventy miles,
The exercises of the LAW SC I lOOL will commence
'Sr $1.050. Mr. Ilowtud gives the article the follow
on the same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application for
the profes,or
of , ing recomment Litton:
admission into which, to be made
Law, WALTER H. LowatE, Esq., at his office in 4th st. The price wa considered a ilia h o n e, for the corn-
On the evening of the same day at 7 o'clock,
the ;Pnraticrhy limited extent to which the Company would
have an tpportimity of making, ll*, of the patent right;
Hall of the University. an ADDRESS will he deliventd
but we were sa al that it wa.: fo r our interest. to a-
Professorbefore the Trustees, the Faculty and the Students, by
vail our+el,,•s of tlic imitation. Iran now say, dint,
Lowrie, which the ciiizen+ generally are in . -
, haying better te..tcd it+ %alit(' 1Y prom extenSiVe aF - ;
vited to attend. A. L. PENTLAND,
plication of it, I think that the company Ix, add be very
aug 11--ed Secretary of the Board of Trostces.
unwise to relinquish their I i ht to 1150 it for a much high-
nont3iskuot ion than that a hich wa+ given fur it; and I
have no doubt, that if such a proposition wore to be
inad,• !he Com?any, ..weld, without hesitation, he
The !-r. , a In-li t : of ii,' invention m. e, that it prevents
the heating, and con.,r,p onu coning n: h l drstror sloe
dale pin 'c, whiel6ire so numertall on steam
engine; and on the IN fiTtion of which depends the rid
! ue of di- engine; while, at the same time, there if a
very great saviti,‘; of tho eNpinntittire forms a mate
' rial item in the cast of working a„lar,,m engine. In the
Itwomotiv,, of t h e conyany. I find the saving to Ire fld•
iy olio half of the quantity Lich aat r, geared
.Mr. Babbitt'. invention « as To them. Some
of these locomotives ballad run several thou miles
1 1111111k° 411 V that !hi , hiVetithal makes the itniehMery
mad ' m..,:ditr a h!:., Shat while the ett . ..eth: passe r
of t h e machine is inerehsod, the cos t r•tetirs is Ili
111 . 111 i 414. d,"
Th' illudod to I, ea a
ill this Vieibit, the proprietor i • eilabled to • elec. to the
followiag, gentl,m-n its a:elf:s, t i;:
U ,t. 1,7, n!'tlit•
I': U«' M 'RNA N.l:ll,trittet-r ill the i!,-arn
aug. 9, 1843
The business will be continued at the old stand by
S. McClean, who respectfully,• solicits a continuance of
public patronage. A large assortment of BOOTS &
SHOE'S of all qualities and sizes, eonstnetly on hand,
and for sale cheap. S. McCLEAN.
aug 11.-3 t.
Penn Insurance Company.
HE subscribers to the Stock of this Company an ,
arc licreby notified, that pursuant to a resolution
of the Directors, a second instalment of Seven aml
one half Dollars on each share subscribed fur under
the Commissioners, is required to be paid in at the of
fice of the Company, (corner of :Market and Third
streets) on Tuesday, the 22,1 day of August, inst.
P e"- PUBLIC NOTICE is alto given that the
Book; of the Penn Insurance Company will be opened
at 9 o'clock, A. M., at the office of the Company, on
the 22d August, inst., to receive further subwriptlms
to its capital stock, on which an instalment of twelve
and one half dollars per share will he required at the
time of subscribing. By onler of the Di r,ct
aug JOSIAH RING, Prosnt at.
New Temperance Documents.
T UST received from the American Teniperancc
tfi ciety, New York, 3050 Youth's Advocates and Tem
perance Journals Cm A ugu.4t. *250 Ifyrn Book:,
Washington Harps and Lyres, Chrystal Fount Akio
clic., Pic Nic Songs, .250 licpart4., Prints, National
Pints, National Preachcr, Pcrim/nent Tempeniacc
Documents, Bacchus and Anti-13dc;•hu4Dial/c1.0c,A.-/,:cc
fram the 'Vintage, &r., Inc 11,:di , ?s, Gleir•in •!i tral our
youth, anti lor sale in large /I.:antities to air a!! cla.44c
Ly ISAAC H Ageut and Cormiu-4 , -ion
cliancNo. 9, Fifth street. ums.
DIWSON wculd again request all per , ohs
-• ind--fined to call at his op, oppo-dte the l'ttt
Office, and settle their accounts, as
all uasett!ed
counts will be left with the proper authoritit , for c
lection, on the `?9th inst. aue. 10-31.
Sam Slick, the Attache!
HIS new work, from the pen tifJudite Haliburtnn,
ju=t received (by exprcs) at the St. Clad. st. Lit
erary Depot.
C 0 FFEE.-300 bags Rio coffee,
50 " Laguytu do
50 " St. Domingo do
50 " Havanna do
Now receiving, and for sale low for cal', by
auk 9
43, Wood •,treut
lES.-50 boxes chocolat
5 do cocoa,
3 do rice flour,
25 do ground pepper,
5 do Cayenne do.,
36 cans ground mustard,
5 kogs do allspice,
5 do du ginger,
12 cans do do., togethur with
every thing in the grocery line, a!! of which i, offered
at extremely low prices, for cash.
43, Wood strret
Proposals for Chain Iron.
Wasington, July 28, 18
D ROPOSALS will be received at this Office 43. until
3 o'clock, on the first day of September ensuing,
to deliver at the Navy Yard in this city, the following
Chain Iron, for eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches
in diameter, each 150 fathoms long, constituting the fol
lowing bill of Iron, viz:
35,100 links 1 11-16 inches in diametor-20A inches
430 links 1 13-16 inches in diameter-22i inches
20 feet 3} inch by 94 Oval pin Iron.
90 do 2i do 2 do do.
70 Swivel, 198 Shackle, and 18 box pieces.
Specifications of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pieces
and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at this of-
fice; all of the above Iron must be the very best Amer
ican, and undergo such proof, under the increased tests
and inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may
subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the
Government, and in as short a dine after the Contract
is made as is possible, which time will be designated
in the contract.
Bonds with rood and sufficient sureties in double the
amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser
vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the
Contract is completed.
atjg• 8. WM. B. SCOTT, Navy Azent.
OAF S L7C4A11.-1 0 boxes loaf sugar, justreceive
and for sale by
43, 'Wood ~treet
T EA.-25 half chests young hyson,
30 boxes (13 lbs) du
20 0 lb. boxes gunpowder,
20 " " imperial, just received and
for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS &
ang 9 93, Wood street
HORSE LOST.—Strayed from Samuel
Gamble's, near Dunningsville. IVashington
.county, Pa., on the night of the 15th ult., a large Bay
A t.:24
Horse, without any particular marks: 14 or 15 hands
hi h, and between 6 and 7 years of age. Has et few
white hairs in his forehead. Whoever will return
him to Samuel Gamble, near Duaing,sville, or to meat
Pittsburgh, shall receive the above reward.
ling 2. P. MULVANY.
The Washinniner, Uniontown Genius
of rty, Wheeling Argus, Brownsville News, and
Waynesboro Messenger, insert three times each, seat
paper to advertiser, and charge this office.
excellent invention for the reduction of friction in
machinery has at length been introdUcedin our city.—
It consists of a lintxl box, suitable for all revolving and
sliding motions in the various kinds of machinery,where
great weight or speed are applied; these boxes reduce
friction in a remarkable degree, requiring but little oil,
and are warranted entirely free from the objections
found with those now in use.
These lined boxes have been introducedin many of
the Eastern Rail Roads, and in various manufacturing
establishments in that section of country, to which the ,
limits °fan advertisement will not allow us to rrfer,and
nearly thirty well known superintendents,engineers,ma
chinists aria engine builders in the east certify that, "in
the use of these boxes, friction is reduced M a remark
able degree; oil is required onty in small quantities, and
the wear is hardly perceptible, during a period in which
a hard metal box of the same thickness would be worn
out; journals running in these boxes attain a smoother
surface than they have seen on those which have been
run in any other bdx." They also certify "that the pa
tentee of this improvement has received the highest a
' Ward of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic's AiS(F
ein Lion, for specimens of these Loxes, (some of which
had been run on the crank of u locomotive engine more
than tlu'rty thousand miles,) at the fair of the Institu
tion, held in Boston in September and October,lB 41."
The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, also awarded
Mr. Babbitt the premium for the improvement in box-
I es, under the Scott Legacy, which confines such awards
to new and useful impnwements.
Tho Committee on naval affairs reported strongly in
its favor, in consequence of whiAt the right to use it was
purchased by the Government for $20,000. The com
mittee refer to, and make a part of their report the let
tors of S. V. Aierrick, J. Erricson, George C. Read. C
W. Copeland, Com. L. Warrington, Hon. A. P. Up.
shur, and Charles Howard, recommending the inven•
4,1 Pr 'jilt.
ON• :tlkl
.10 , R Pll TA Yr...P. 5
The• hose CrllUpo+i; ion C:1:1 IV.
AIL til:tt •..ti.rt at ' :,,„i
Fcr TUN. rzirrier of '2 .It-or 10,1 elrinu..ry
rit!cr .
[1:1 it "F THE
%I. !h.• t:711 of St:pit•lll!.t•t..
1 .--F 1::.1 1 ,1:1;•1- •,1 :at at Plit,migh,
tte Z•lti •L, itt l ' t
Ilia, %If:
"0. of Shares. (OM i.7:1(r•ol
1,:00 A 1 : ,. :.(1.,i , I: .IL'
2000 M0n4 , r1;;;i11.•la
(00 Big Beaver --
100 C 11:II 1:0,,11 .‘
100 I.:Aim:lna
171 fto . b;.,tow '•n
:too witij,,prl, Wardilogion ro., 50
2500 Nlottongaliala - Nasi.:n:jon colnru , V, 50
2.151 Bedford :tad '..toy,itow n Tp. Rind company, 50
3323 Stoy,town and ( ireenshurgh 50
1780 Greettsburgh and Pittsburgh ' " 50
3437 ffuntingdon, Cumbria & Indiana" 50
067 Pitt:burgh and New Alexandria " 50
322 New Alexandria and Conemaugh" 50
947 Pittsburgh and Birder 25
832 Butler and Mercer "
3:20 Pittsburgh and Steubenville "
:300 Rithb,town and Mount Pleasant "
660 Mount Pleasant and Somerset "
672 Somerset and Bedford o
360 Armstrong and Indiana
560 Indiana and Ebensburg t/
329 Washing -ton and Williamsport "
855 Do Pittsburgh
200 Butler and Kittanning
240 Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh "
360 Somerset and Coneinaugh
320 Do Cumberland li
160 Ligonier and Johnstown "
224 Armstrong and Clearfield ' "
80 Brownington, Haiitisville, and
Franklin Coroner. " 50 I respectfully offer myself to the citizens of Adleghe
-200 Butler and Freeport "
20 nv county, fur the office of Coroner, sub ect to the de
-224 Pittsburgh Farmer., &Mechanirs'•
160 Bedford and Hollidaysburgh " ' 25 t- i -.ion of the Democratic Convention.
50 jy 18—te DAVID HARTZ.
160 Birmingham and Elizabethtown " '2.3 1
160 Luthersburgh and Punxatawnry " 25 i Comity Auditor.
300 French Creek Bridge company, 20 Messrs. Editors:—Plea::e announce the name of
1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20 JOHN W. M'CLELLA ND, of Franklin township, as
100 Erie and Waterford 'turnpike Road company 50 a suitable candidate for County Auditor at the coming
560 Susquelnum
a and Waterford o
' 25 election, subject to the decision of the County C • '
1010 Mercer and Meadville .II
23 lion. Mr. M'CLEt.t.Atio is a Democrat of the warm
-100 Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and ! est and purest kind, and will be' warmly supported
New Haven I/
200 Abington and Waterford 1 Aug. s, 43—te.
280 Warren and Ridgeway
I _____
40 Warren and New York State line " 1 Fo I t I ,
96 Titusville nod Union Mills ; I tnhe the liberty of offering myself Ttl i
160 Warren and Franklin " 25 j..for the office of Coroner, to my dentocru•
JO Sugar Grove and I'nion o-
,7.Plis of Allegheny county, subject to tb
300 Bank of Pennsylvania, 4 00 : Democratic Convention which mer
300 Columbia Bank oral Bridge company, 100 i wig 9—tc Itol3El'
1000 Pennsylvania andltliitt Canal company, 100 I
Purchasers will be required to pay fin. the Stocks, at 1 William '
the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is- Plain and Fancy Po
sued by the Auditor General, in pursuance of the Reno- ill
Imam of 7th April, 1342, notes issued by the Banks of No. 87, Fe
this Commonwealth under the art of 4th, May, 1341, el AN VASS li ,
specie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trans- i V on ban , '
fer of Stock will In' made in a reasonable time after med to orde
sale. JAMES CLARKE, Partir'
Commissioners for sale of State Stocks. r'
aug I—ts JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r
ABOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store
in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably
soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and
another, and drawn in favor of %V. Black. The own.
er can have it by identifying it, and paying expenses.
SIIOKED HERRINGS.--2.sbcrre s smoked her
ring.sj oat received and for sale by
aug 9
49, Wood street.
I respectfully offer myFelf a candidate for tho ofEce
of Prothonotary of Allogheny county, subject to the
action of the DerAoniti c county convention, which
mceta on the 30th Anftst next. -
Allegheny city, may .3.l—tc d&w.
I respectfully ofTer myself as a candidate for the of
five of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem
ocratic Convention. WM. G. HAWKINS.
Wilkins township, June 27—tc.
To as voters of Allegheny county—l respect
fully offer myself LH your consideration as a candidate
(independent of pasties) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known will please examine into my qualifica
tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to sriti , ev von with vonr
choice. ALE)C. - MILLER
of Pittsburg.
may 10—t(
Clear the course
. for the Volunteer*.
WILLIAM B. FOSTER, Emi., of Allegheny city,
will he a candidate for the olfloo ..f Prothonotary of Al
legheny county, at the October-election.
.inne 4.
M ANT ritizenß Of Allegheny city recommend Dr.
J. c. M'CULLY ai a initablc person to fill the office
Of Prothonotary. julv 12.
T mspectfully present myself to the citizens of Alle
gheny county, as a candidnte fur the Sheriffalty, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic ( - 011Vezition, which
meets on the 30th of August next.
June 9—d&wte• ELIJAH TROVILLO.
To Ike Elec.lors of Allegheny County:
Fellow Citizens—l offer mvself to your considera
tion, :is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to
tlw nomination ()Utile Democratic Convention, and shall
be thankful for your support.
au tr. 10—tc. CHAMBERS McKIBBEN.
MANY Citizens of Pittsburzlt, recommend Dr. JO
SEPH CrRRY a. , ; a auitable pet :: -on to fill a seat in
the Assembly, t h.. ensuing 9sion. july 11, 1843.
A niztnitt.r of the Democrat' , of Nlifflin town , hip
\t• concluded to present the name of SAMUEL
COC 1111 N, Esq., of that township, th,• con:itlera
tion of the Concention which TM Vt. ON file .0)111
fora nomination for the Legislature. Mr l .
known and n well tried democrat. and IC., r, i
confidently prrseta his claim[;. :ote. 7-11
authnrieed to announr,• .1(1I1N
E-q., of Pine t.Arnship, n+ a rat.dia%tt• rm. .1-4-t-nT,I.Iv.
, uhket to the nomination 1.1 the l'h-niortrt!ir Convt•rt
County Commissioner.
We are authorized to announce ALEXANDER
PHI LLIPS..jr., of Robinson, as a candidate for Count
Commi-sheler, soliect to the deci.ion of the democrat-
County Commissioner.
Mtl , 4114. witiounee the name Of
G,, n i. Jr( tliN M. DAVIS, of p.,),1,4, for Cerny Com
,iihjeet to the (h . .ri, , :on of the Demnerittie
rount~ rote:entieu, to le.ld in Au; t i t next.
County Commissioner.
Elit‘..r.s: Ai tht , zott.•ral opitihm appoari
that inn , mttch a, thot.• an , atr-all:: “1
the the c ,, untry, it i, but
tltmtcr and jti.tio, that th. city or it , immo
'hate rteighh,irhool .iltotthi hL tit., third
thoroforo hoz !I ',v to ri • rottltll , `Tta to t ht . r011ph• of
lik-hony county. JAMF.4 C. Ct:MMINS, Esq., of tho
~it tliitt-h•t, for Colutv Com::.i,-ioov r , at Ott
iallele.cti.m. MANY 14310171tATIC
T the , dieitation of a mitul,er of of all
I re..pecttully offer my:eif to
the em: , ideratioo my th.• 0fr..•.. o f
Comay commb,ioner. That my .entimeto, may Let
inki ,, L•r.tood. eilhet :14 to poi:tical nr prip ate
:1.. 1 ...air5. I maLe flee t0..0 that I have Laai :1 1 .1 toy life.
a ,r1.11,i,10al i” tile true -.er., of tie wo r d.
the country , orn .‘t hat embarrn.,..e.l in it. finun
ci tithi the redaction of salarie d of public
officer. in,. reerive.l the apPro'.ation of lane nviimi
-11..i of •th, the under4zne.l tii not
he he no fortimate a.: to be elected, in anv manner at
tempt to ..alutary reform; ihould it reach
the fare of Comity . Commi.4.iotie r .
apr fi. S.IMITL HrBLEY.
Vkve are nathorizi.d to announco Mr. JAMES IL
IMBH, of Upper Sr. Clair township, n candidate
fur Connrc Conuni , sioner, Aubject to the action of the
Dentocr.H. . :mention. nog 3—tc
J ICOB TOM ER. E.!. of Pitt town...hi l t, well known
to the Democracy of AlleThenv county. as a :munch,
‘, uniform Republican of the Jark , ont schol. will he n
50 candidate for Counts. Trenflierr. subit'et to the tleci-ion
50 of the Democratic County Con ,, ltti on.
50 mar 2—te AN Or n DEmocnAT.
n 5
50 At the so'
50 ,MU EL :
25 come ac;
I . ject to t
25 ntion.
25 area ie t
a 505
At the solicitation of many radical detnrx.rat3, Mr.
SAMUEL McKEE, of Birmingham, has consented to
become a candidate for the office of County Treasurer
subject to the decision of the Dninocratic County Con
vention. Of Mr. McKee it new he truly said, to be
known iA to be popular.
mho the liberty of offering my,elf ai a candidate
25 i_for the office of Coroner, to my democratic fellow citi
,7.ens of Allegheny county, subject to the decisicrt of the
Democratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst.
William C. Wall,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsbilrgh, Pa.
C AN VASS brushes, varnish, &e., for artists, always
On band. Looking &c., promptly fla
med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Particular attention prtid to regilding and jobbing of
every description.
Persons fitting sta:nboats or houses will find it to
their advantage to ca.
cep 10-y
T QBAcco. —1 Q boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco,
25 do Russell & Robinson; do
5 do Hare's do
10 do assorted sizes and brands,
11-4'4 received and fer sale by
au; 9
43, Wood street.
31 ACKEREL.-20 bbls no. 3 mackerel,
10 half bbls no. 2 do
0 quarter and pr
article for family use, l just received bbl for sale by ®
aug 9 43, Wood street
ettobtr tleifion.
County Commissioner
(-or-A-TY TR E. IS UR 1.: II
Many Frinds Unassuming. Worth,
~ - .
eClestlmint arthi eke**.
.. I ,Sts
06=1.184 Utiskisei'• URs Pla t• blig T
to aah a glftill111114161111"
Po - an d coamaiozh ni . juoioh an t s , county, pronounced the Illth day of April, 1843,44 thi .
cr..Erni.ann, .0810,
. cause depending therein of Henry Strider,
A GENTS f or t h e m el nh ants , Transportation Coln- , n.
gainst James W. Barkenridge and others. Dorm the
undersigned special commissioner, will sell at publid
auction to the highest bidder. at the court house in
pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie
Canal; Wnshingtun, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Ma.ion countv, on . the IGth d'a v of September, 11143,
Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve- (being the first day of the Ci - r Sun'r Court of Saki
land Line - , Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Propric- county
that well known body of la
commonly cal.
tors of tho Merchants, Line,- Ohio Canal. , led “Graliam's Station," lyinz in Mason county, Va. )
on the Ohio river, containin g by survey four thousand
Wirkio Sr Ensworth, No. 9, Counties Slip, N. Y. ; one hundred and twenty-direC. acres, in two ed • •
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
f parcels, a large proportion of which is river baton&
Otis Chaff, Boston.
' land. The above lands previous to thoday dubs wilk
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
I be laid off by the surveyor of the county in lotr4cote
M. T. Williams & Dow,
Hun. John M. Allen, Cleveland.
, venient size for fermand plats furnished, and so Mtn"
tbereof will bo sold as may be necessary to prednoe
Charles M. Giddings, I
J. S. Dickey, Beaver. ihe sum of money requirt:d by said decretal order..ri.
Birmingham Si Co., Pittsburgh.
1843-Iy. The sales will be made on a credit of nine months fix
np 1
one-third part of thepurchase money, oftwthe months
!for another third part, and of eighteen4nonths for tles
residue, the -la.- •
Beaver and Warren:racket
. THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Sliaw,master, will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to
BIR.MINGHAM & C 0.., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
41: 1 41.
. 4. 4- "r".. v... mrtr izr: t, 2=l,
"IZ-7 "714: - •
-L . AND RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia. connecting with the Main train °fears to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $9.
Baltimore 9.
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st.
fel, 23, 1343-Iy. Proprietors.
The Great Central Route
Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road Company.
T HIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
daily at G o'clock A. M., via 'Washington Pa.
and national road to Cumberland, connecting here i
with die rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav
elers will find this a speedy and eatufnrtablo route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, fitrilities will be afforded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice the privilege of going through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option. .
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
feb 3—dt f. President of N. R. Stage Co.
Regal, P.
iar 'ackets, for Cincinnati,
The Su ifti.ure, Robinson, Mater, leaves every
ThurAday at 10 o'clock, a. m.
Thar C,•ter, Coflin:. Ma:ter, Friday at
10 o'clock a. m.
The Montzomerc, Btamett, Ma -ter, leaves even• Sat
urday at 10 o'clock n. m.
The Expre,,, M3-t...r. leaves every Sun
day at 10 o'clf,vl, a. m.
may 40
A TIT n F Q:01 y brick house nn Alialket betvr'nfi
2nd und 3rd streets. The store iu this
house is largo, and furnished with gas pipes and a
ALSO, a dweiiing house on Market between 3rd
and 4th stmets, and suvertd rooms with an entrance
fmm Market street. E. D. GAZZAM.
Age. 7.-Iw.
To Let,
171 F OR a term of year+, my house, store room
and work, sh.p., on . 2t3 street, opposittiJa.
Park, lr., &Co The shop is brick, 19 feet wide, by
10n.,4,3 :•ive in it a ;'tall steam en
ahout powcr. v.ilich I will also rent, it'
desirtai. flotherparticu!ars enquire of ine;on the
at 2.4 4-. f
To Rent.
D LEASANT rooms and trooa steam power, nt the
enst ' , toe! Ilk manufactory, eurucr of Liberty and
street. Apply on the premises. july 16.
Peach Trees.
AM. 111 - Lt. , Wriber Im jua ree, , ived from the Nur
-mg,ry or Latin-et!) and Fulton, near Philadelphia,
a lut of the ehoicc-t variety tif peach tree;, to which he
„ („il I call the , zitle:aion of W... puhlic.
No. 131 Liberty st. head of Wood.
Dr. Bechtor's Pulmonary Preservative.
Foil coughs, colds, itillitenzas, catarrhs, whooping
cough, spitting, of blood, pain in the breast, all
iaea..es of the breast and lungs, tuad arrest of approach
ing consumption IVarranted free from mercury and
other minerals. 13. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
jy I'2 Agents for Pittsburb.
A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Dissolution of' Partnership.
Corner (f Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg HE late firm of T. &A. Nesmith & shoe
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and leather dealers and tanners, is dissolved this
and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. day by mutual ccrnsent, by the withdrawal of Alfred
Drafts, notes and hills, collected. i Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has been sold
and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.; and Thomas
Nesmith. sr. and Thomas Nesmith
.ir., have formed a
copartnership, order the firm of TuustrAs NEsmrru Is
Sort, who are duly authorised to settle the bnsiness of
the late firrn for that purpose.
July 122—(Itt
Wm. Bell & Co..
Jcitm D. Davis,
F. Lnrcnze,
.1. Painter & Cu.,
Joseph Wundwell,
.fames May,
Alex. Bronson & Co.
John H Brow•n&Co.
James M'Candless.
J. R. M'Donald.
IV. H. Pope, Esq., Pres% Bank
June 23,1343.
Removal. 1 A HVICE having been received from the Register
_La_ of the Land Office at Lexington, Missouri, thin
CAWFIELD has removed his marble Estab- the removal of that Office to the town of Clinton,
p• lishment to Wood st. opposite Fahnestoek
hand's in Henn- county, as directed by the President, Will be
Drug Store, where ho will. keep constantly on e fip mte d on or about the 3d day o f J u ly m,,,,, this fa to
Tomb Stones, 'Monuments etc.
ap . 19-4 Yr ' give notice that the public sate of Jan& ordered to be
, held at Lexing.ton on the second day of October next,
John Cartwright,
by the EXCCTItiVe proclamation beating date the Bth
uTLER and surgical In:, by Manufacturer, inst., will be held at the time prescribed in the town of
corner of Gtli and Ire - , stro , ^ts, Pittslnir g , Pa. Clinton aforesaid. TllO. H. BLAKE,
N. B. —Alway s ou I,and an extensive as.sortment of June 30—lawt 10 Commissioner.
Surgical and Der:,al instruments, Banker's, Tailor's,
Hatter's, Hair Dmsser's and Tanner's Patent Shears, t Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
Saddler's Tools, Trusses, sc.j e f .. 1 4. T HE subscriber respectintly informs his friends and
former patrons, that he has rermwed his eau&
Man.ufacturer IVEL MORROW, ! lishment from Nn. 61. Liberty, to No. —, Third it.,
of Tln, Copper and Sheet nearly opposite the Post Office, whew he continues to
Iron Ware, carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business, in
1 . 0. 17, Fiftherrel,6chrecn flreor?and Marko!, all its carious branches. He respectfully solicits a
Keep: constantly on hand agutal assortment of wares, continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to
and solicits a share of - public patronage. Also, on hand, hi m heretofore, and pledges himself that no pains shall
be spared on his part to merit the same. Constantly
the following article&: shovels, pokers, tongs,gridirons,
on hand, Manufactured Ware, of all kiLds, all of whiel
skillets, teakettles, potsrovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer
chants and others are invited to ea rl an d exam in e f or is ill be sold low for rash, Spouting, &c., made to or
themselves, a s !leis determined toad] cheap fur cash or der at short notice.
approved paper. [mar 7—tf ! aug 4-1 m
For Sale. I Landreth's Garden Seeds.
L OTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane and A full supply of Landrcth's Garden Seeds always on
High street. Apply to hand and for sale, at his atretary. the Drug store of
Market near Fourth P rre et. 18 t. Liberty .st., head of Wood,
DORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE. Port-! Chnzzlewit in New York.
1_ rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil- NTo. 7 . Martin Chunkwit, civina an account aidsding. ding. .1. Osborne would solicit a call from those who II arrival in New York. for sale at %V. M. FOST.VO
desire Portraits. Spcimens ten be 'seen at his rooms. tnive-.al Agency and 1.:1 - ervrT nc-pct, St.
may 5. ang 8-3 t. Chlir et.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
Handv Andy.
A S MALL supply of popular work, cheap et:li-
ANY quantity of clean, first rate .4.P.egheny Ice, may
be had at ?RIM DUFFY'S, corner of Second 11 ton, just received at W. M:FOITInell Unrrerest
tuni Grant street,. kg v 13— t p, .Ir.n-y and Literary Depot, St. Cler sr. tnig. 8.
Remedy for the Influenza.
T HE Influenza, which is now in almost a universal
epidemic, is exciting the inventors of patent
medicines to increased exertions in the puffing Has,
but owing to the general distrust entertained for the
generality of such drugs, people fear taking theft—.
The following, however, from a distingui s h e d phy s i.
cian in New York, nr. Nelsen, we think may be re*
lied on:
"The object of the present communication is to red
ommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy access la
the poor, and to caution them against an injurious
in this disease, namely, bleeding, either general or )13
leeches. In all those cases in which the first class
symptoms prevail, let the patient smell frequently at
a common salts bottle. (Sims' Aromatic VoLatat
Salts are preferred) and by putting the vial to d
mouth to draw a lew deep inspirations of volatile matt
ter into the lungs. Let this process be repeated two
or three times in nu hour, and it will give more speedy
and greater relief, in all slight cases of the first class
than any other remedy, and will be sufficient for
cure. It will also be essentially useful in the severe
cases; and thaco of the class of prostration, a few
drops or amonia, or hartshorn, ought to taken inter
nally. A neat way of doing •;n is to take an old &air
ioned mixture rolled lac anirnoniari. However, it is ,
as a local remedy, to art on the disordered surface,
th at i ts use advised. The principles will be recog•
nized by all physicians versed in molecular organiza.
Lion, and those who are deficient in that knowledge
may do in that instance as they do in all others act
upon the faith they imbibe." Tile,- :tilts are for sale
and within the reach of all classes, at Wit. THORN'S,
53 Market street, PittThurgh. jy 17.
- -
A Card.
TTlEqubAeriber respectfully informs the public in
general, that he intends to devote his whole time
to the COLLF.CTION OF ACCOUNTS in the cities of Pitts. ,
bur-h. Allegheny and vicinity.
Haring been engaged in this business for some time,
and given entire sati4faction to these who employed
him. he respectfully 3nl;,:its those having accounts to
collect to give him a trial.
Physicians and others cannot Spare time front
their proles; ideal business to collect their eI , n. , ALS,
would find it to their advantaze to give him scan.
flii.perndile references can be given, and, if required,
seculity will be _;yen fur the faithful return of all me
nies colkitted.
He can be fuuna at Tic ricorg.c irmar's Merchant
Tailor, up stairs. corner of .M.arket and Fourth ' street..
entrance ondth st. daily Dom till 10 o'clock, A. M
Any order: left there daring his absence, will be anent
rd to, or he letter through die Pint Office.
Term;, 5 pr cent commi.,:,:ion.
Farms to Lease.
T HE undersigned will lease two Farrns situated is
EaQt Deer Township. with the necessary woes
ments and fmm 75 to 100 acres cleared on each..-.
Also, a Farm situated in West Deer Township, Ails.
gheny Counts-, witlf from f,O to 75 acres clea r ed. The
above described property is in reasonably good repair,
lyinzabout 15 miles frotn the city of Pittsburgh, and
within two mile: ofthe Pennsvlvania Canal. and will Fe
leased on repsnnable terms for from 1 to 3 years, to
good tenauts. 11.111 TRAM !MIRY.
Lots for Sale.
A L ,ts in Manch e-ter. One ur.(l a fourth Ac t 'e of
911 - Lard nn Hohnes' [ln Lot: no,+. 41.42, 52,53,544
1 RI. 1:3f.), and 134, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes'
Hill. Also, I,ots nos. 23, and 27, in Cook's plan of Lots
on 11ieh street, near the new Court 11 ,, u-e. For terms.
apply to V. V. REMINGTON.
gep 10
Building Lots in Birmingham.
19 LOTS, suitable for building, most eligibly Aro
_9 nated, anti within two minutes' walk of the
.ferry horn' landing, will be sold at prices to suit
the times. The terms of payment will be made eaey
either for cash or such barter as ran be made available.
Apply to the subscribers in Eirminghtun, or Mr. P.
l'eterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Piii4iiirch.
Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale.
JUST neceived, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Bride
which will hereafter he kept reirltantiV on hand
and sold low for cash, 17 BIRMINGHAM & CO,
may 27 No. GO Water u
Pitt:burgh, F
July 19, 1843
Chic innati, 0.
St. Louis, Mo
v. Louisville
.ie purchaser or purr hagers giving bonds with
good security for the payment of the different instrn•
merits, bearing interest from the day of sale, the legal
title to be mtained as further security- for the payment
of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make maxim.
Si payments.
GEO. W. STRIBLING, Special Cota l i,
Point Pleasant, Va., Jane 26,1E343. Ljy6-2m