Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 12, 1843, Image 1

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VOL, I._NO. 286.
N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets.
num.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance.
Single copies Two CENTS—for sale at the counter of
the Office, and by News Boys.
Tb. Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer
Is published at the same office, on a double medium
sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
gle copies, SIX CENTS.
v f•:.1 ;•fc4i
,one insertien, $0 50 One month, $5 00
Twit . do., 075 Two do., 600
Three do., 2 00 Three do., 7 00
One week, 1 50 Four do., 8 00
Two do., 300 Six do., 10 00
Three do., 400 One year, 15 00
One Square. Two Squares.
Six mouths, $lB 00 Six months, $23 00
CI.De year, 25 00 One year, 35 00
ilrtiuter advertisements in proportion.
t rCARDS of four lines Six DOLLARS a year.
Public Offices, &c.
= City Post Office, Third between Market and Wood
streets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster.
Custom House, Water, ith door from Wood st.,Pe
terson's buildings—Major John Willock, Collector.
City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second
streets—James A. Bertram, Treasurer.
County Treasury, Third street, next door to the
Third Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasu
Mat'er's Office, 7ourth, between Market and Wood
streets--Alexander Hay, Mayor.
Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near Market st.
. Pittsburgh, between Market and Wood streets on
rbird and Fourth streets.
Merchants' andifanufacturc rs' and Farmers" Dc
livit ,flank, (formerly Saving Fund ,) Fourth, between
Wood and Market streets.
Exchange, Fifth sr. near Wood.
Monongahela House, Water street, "Maw the
Exchange Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair.
Merchants' Hotel, corner of Third and Wood.
American Hotel, corner ofThird and Smithfield.
United States, Corner of Penn st. and Canal.
Spread Eagle, Liberty street, near seventh.
Miller's Mansion House, Liberty St., opposite
Broadhurst's Mansion House, Penn St., opposite
Important to Owners of Saw Mills.
SNYDER'S unrivalled Self Setters, for saw mills,
which have been so fully tested in different parts
of the United States, as well as in the cities of Pius
burgh and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a
number of mills in this neighborhood, viz: at Mr. Wick
ersham's mills; on Penn street; at Bowman S. Cham
bers's- mills, near the upper Allegheny bridge, and
at Morrison's mills, on Hare's Island, and others.—
The above named machine can be obtained at W. W.
Wallace's shop, on Liberty street, near Smithfield,
where it is fitting up, and where the machine will be
kept constantly' on hands. Apply to B. F. Snyder, or
W. W. Wallace. mays
Evans' Chamomile Pills.
ABRAHAM J. CLEMER, residing at 66, Mott
street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia
in its most aggravated form. The symptoms were vi
olent headache, great debility, fever, costiveness,cough,
heartburn, pain in the chest and stomach always after
eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the
stomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomit
ings, dizziness towards night and restlessness. These
had continued upwards of a twelvemnnth, when, on
consulting Dr. Wm. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and
submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode
of treatment, the patient was completely restored to
health in the short space of one month, and grateful fnr
the incalculable benefit derived, gladly came forward
and volunteered the above statement For sale, whole
sale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
se 10—' No. 20, Wood street, below Second.
Pease's lioarhound Candy.
•lITTLE has received this day from New . York,
T afresh supply of the above celebrated cure for
Coughs, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to sup
ply.customers at wholesale or retail, at his Medical_
Agency, 86 Fourth st. nov 12
Metter Bargains than ever, at the Three Dig
Tr HE subscriber would respectfully inform his cus
tomers and the public generally, that notwithsuud
ing the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors,
daring the present season; he has still on hand the lar
gest and most varied assortment of elegant CLO
THING that can be bought west of the mountains.—
The public may rest assured that all articles offered at
his store are maufactured from FRESH GOODS, pur
chased in the Eastern markets this spring and made in
to garments by Pitttsburgh workmen.
• In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in
our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty,
cast off garinents of former seasons, from the eastern ci
ties, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char
saw of the establishments in which they are invited to
purchase, before they part with their money. The arti
cles offered at am eral of the concerns in this city, are
thgs mere offal! of New York and Philadelphia slop
shops, and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pius
burgh public. Purchasers should be on their guard a
gainst these impositions, and they may rely on the fact
shun° establishment thatadvertises eastern made Clo
thing, can give as good an article or as advantag eous
bargains as can be had at the "Three Big Doors. '
The public will please remember that all the subscri
bees garments are mule in this city, by competen t work
men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by
the "birds of passage" from the shreds and patches of
eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to
Maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors"
have obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO
THING in every respect, and at prices below those of
any otheresuiblishment.
He'vroold again return his thanks to his friends and
the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they have
'found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing of every description at the lowest price,to call
o pObserve Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26.
Look at This.
HE attention of those who have been somewhat
1 sceptical in reference to the numerous certifi
cates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being
un known in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
rected to the following certificate, the writer of which
b as been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
is known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility.
To the Agent, Mr. J. KIRBY.
I have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Chem fora Cough, with which I have been severely
afflicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I
have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness,
and agrees well with my diet,—and maintains a regular
and good appetite. I can sinceuely recommend it to all
others similarly afflicted. J. MINSICE, Borough of
March 9, 1840. Cbambersburgh.
For sale by WILLIAM THORN,
No. 68 Market street
(sap 23)
. .
, .
. .
. .
111 I 0 iirg
. ....,....,..
i [ iornin .1 ; ii 6 4 . - .
R. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street,
nearly opposite the new Court House, nest rooms to J.
D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. sep 10
lingh Toner, Attorney at Law,
North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh. sep 10—y
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House,
sep 10 Pittsburgh.
Francis IL Shnnk, Attorney at Law,
Fourth stmet, above Wood,
sep 10—ly Pittsburgh, Pu
Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law,
Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield its.,
sap 10—y Pittsburgh, I'a.
Wm. °Tiara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
Office on the North side of the Diamond, between Mar
ket and Union streets, up stairs. sep 10
A. I. Durboraw, Attorney at Law,
Tenders his professional services to the public. Office
sep 10 on sth st., above Wood, Pittsburgh.
Erdal. & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, ,
Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row,"
shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood ate.,
Rep 10 Pittsburgh.
N. Buckmaster, Aptorney at Law,
Has removed his Altai to Beare3' Law Builaings, 4th
st., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10
George W. LaYug, Attorney at Law,
Office in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh
sep27—y z.
Rvade Washington, Attorney at Law,
fi'll.•o in BakewelFsbuilding,Grant street, Pittsburgh
nog 5, 1842
John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law,
Office corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh.
aredllections made. All business entrusted to his
care will be promptly attended to.
feb 16—v
William Elder, Attorney at Law,
Office in Second street, second door above the corner of
ap29—tf Smithfield, north side-. 4
Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law,
Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite B urke'
L WILLtAm E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give his atten-
tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him
to the patronage of my friends.
Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law,
Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield,
ap 8 Pittsburgh.
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets,
p 10 Pittsburgh.
Judson & Flanegin, Attorneys at Law,
Smithfield, near 7th street. Collection+ made on mod
erate term+. Pensions for widows of old soldiers under
the late act of Congress obtained. Papers and draw
ings for the patent office prepared. mar 17-v
Henry S. Dlagraw, Attorney at Law,
Has removed hi, office to his rosidence, 0:I Fourth st.,
two doors above Smithfield. sep 10
J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law,
Office corner Smithfield and Third streep, Pittsburgh.
my 25—y
L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Will attend promptly. , to the collection or security of
claims, and all professional business entru.tted to his care
in the counties of Harrison, Jefferson, Belmont, Guern
sey, Tuscarawas, Holmes, Coshocton, Carroll, Stark
and Wayne. REFER TO
Metcalf 4. Loomis,
Dalzeil f Fle ming' Pittsburgh.
D. T. Morgan,
my 9.7, 1813—tf
R. Morrow, Alderman,
Office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and
Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10—tf
Magistrates Blanks,
For proceedings in attachment under the late law, for
sale at this office. jy 25
Blank Petitions, Notices, &c.,
To he used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on goiid
paper, and in the forms approved by the Court, for sale
at this office. J)• .
Dr. S. FL Holmes,
Office in Second street, next door to Mulvany & Co.'s
Glass Warehouse. sep 10—v
Dr. A. W. Patterson,
Office on Smithfield street, third door from the corner of
sixth street. sep 10
H. D. Sellers, AL D.,
Office and dwelling in Fourth street, near Ferry,
sep 13—y Pittsburgh
Ward & Bunt, Dentists,
Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair,
ap 6,1843
Doctor Daniel McMeal,
Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield
streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10—y
No. 43, Wood Street,
Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns
Williams & Dilworth,
Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mer
chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar
ticles, No. 29, Wood street. sep 10—y
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
English,' French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. 81, Market street, Pittsburgh.
sep lO—y
J. & J. M'Devitt,
Wholesale Grocers, Rectifying Distillers, and Dealers
in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles,
No. 224, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. sep 10
J. G. & A. GORDON,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
Water street, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
I ... TERMS.—Receiving and shipping, 5 cents per
100.1bs. Commission on purchases and sales, 2i per
cent mar 22—y
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse, No. 25, Wood st., Pittsburgh.
sep 10-y
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro
, duce Merchants,
And dealers in Pittsburgh, Manufactures,
mar 17• No. 43, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Coleman& Co.,
General Agents, Forwarding and Commission
Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They reApectfully so
licit consignments. n 2111-tf
J. W. Sturbridge & Co.,
Agents for the sale of Beatty's Powder, Water strain,
between Wood and Smithfield. mar 307-y
Lutuar. WICK
L. & J. D. WICK,
Wholosale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth et.,
may 15 Pittsburgh, Pa.
w < .
Q TACY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Oro
eer and Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty 'mull Pitts
burgh. may 'M.
Birmingham & Co.,
March 22.
John IL Brant, Wholesalo Grocer,
Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Coin
mission Merchant,
171 k TILL dispose of all goods sent for Commission
V V Sales at the lowest commission rates.
Phila.—J. &W. Esher, Day & Gel riih, D. Leech &Co.
Baltimorc—W.Winn&co. diem.; . E. Elder
Ha rrisburch—Miclel Burke,ll.._lntes,J M. Holdnian
july 1-6 m.
Booksellers, Printers .and Paper Makers,
No: 37, Market street. sep 10
John Anderson Smithfield Fonndry,
%Va tor street, near the :Nionone - ahela }1 mtde, Pittab li.
sep 10—y
Thos. B. Young & Co.,
Furitittlre \%are Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex
change alley. to purchase furnirnre.
will find it to their advantage to
. give u s a ca ll, being
ly sati-fied that we can please as to quality arid price.
sep 1(1
R. C. orowNsEND &
Wiro Workers and Wire Manufacturers,
No. "3, Market street, be!weell•2l;cl.l 31 :erects,
sep 10—y
Exchange Hotel,
Corner ,f Penn and Saint Clair streets, by
Pilkingt, on's Unrivalled Blacking,
ANU FAC'r Cll. D and sold wholesale and retail
ITI SIXTH STRI:ET, one tb,or bc.imv Sinn
oet 21-Iv.
James Patterson, jr.,
Birminzliam, !war manuincturcr of
locks, hinges,and bolt.; tobacro, fuller, mill and timber
ierew6; housen screw: for 10—y
John PiTCloskcy, Tailor and Clothier,
Liberty street, beti%een Si \ tit -tivet and Virgin alley,
South side. ,ep 10
Webb Closey'sgtoot and Shoo flannikt,ory
No. 83, 1(h st., ar.rt deerio V, S. /3,/ik.
Laklic s priinella, kid aatisisittrislioe . in tlii• neatest
lit .
manner. and In the ileatei•it treitrb 1 ii.i1, , ,. .en 10
1 .i.
William D 1
A ii . 1 1. T lB AL.NIDrC,A Met,tl:v I b N ,
: I_ , ' , l: e . , : I k t
e L t ll. ge
. . . . .
and Sixth. • ~., 1 ap 10-tiro.
William Douglass,
Old stand of Mu flat si , Moore Pt ;4.- '"•• .
No. 17, Wood street. ' ,••
Every description of hats alitn }modal* for ri ale.
wholesale and rvtai I, at prior/twit. the film* . my 5
.101INSON'4,. te AL,
Bookbinders and' Wipe - , ~ rs,
q ..
Continue business at the a . v.? , ...,0 : Itandles -
J 'ohnson. Every degeription . . , ' 'heir lino ,- ,
z - 1 , .
ly and promptly executed. . • may 8—
.c ... :
Oak and Poplar Ln .. . r for Salo. a •
AFEW thousand feet of imaxoned Oak and Piiplar
Lumber, for sale by wholesale. Dula* okpolftr i t
C. Cummins, Esq. near the Fountain Inn*.
, j)721. •
• •
Dr. Good's Celebrated Fcmal'
9 - 111E81: Pills are strongly recommen
_L notice of Indies as a safe and efficient renrclo t
removing those complaints peculiar to theirsex,
Want olexercise,orgeneraldebility of the system.
obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysteric.
Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the S.
tion and approbation of the most eminent Physiciatis;•
the United States, and many Mothers. For sal ,
Wholesale and Retail, by 11. E. SEL LERS, Agent,
cep 10 . No. 20, Wood Street, below Sacond
Notice to Dr. Drandreth's Agents.
THE office in Pittsburgh, whichwas established for
the purpose of constituting agents in the west,
having accomplished that onject, is now closed, and
Mr. G. H. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, ap
pointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini
ments. All Dr. Brandreth's agents will, thertfore,un
derstand that Dr. B. will send a travelling ag,em
throughtho country once a year to collect monies for
sales made and re supply agents. The said traveller
will be provided with power of attorney, duly proved
before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
together with all the necessary vouchers and papers.
Mr J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Pennsyl
vania. B. BRANDRETH, M. D.
N. B.—Remember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the rear of the
Market is now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
T_Taving been afflicted for nearly two years, with a
-I- 1 hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which
produced much pain, and used various applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's
linament, or external remedy.
Witness my hand, JAMES TAYLOR.
Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10, 1840.
Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or liniment; sold
at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per bottle. feb 8.
THE subscribers have removed to Water, between
Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will
continue the 'Wholesale Grocery and Commission busi
ness, and would respectfully solicit the patronage of
their friends. J. W. BURBRIDGE & CO.
dec 3
Estee's Writing Institute.
CORNER of Third and Wood street, over Kram
er's Exchange office, entrance on Third st. His
classes meet daily as follows: Gentlemen's class at B
o'clock, A. M.; Ladies' class at 10, A. M. Ladies'
and Gentlemen's class at 7 P. M. Ladies' can re
ceive lessons at their residences during the afternoon.
V isiters will please ealkluring school hours. is 18.
Chomp for Cash.-
Short Reel Yarn.
NoAS at 15 ctsperlb
6.t 15 do
7 at 15 do
84tt 15 do
. 9At 15 do
10 a; 15 do
11 at 15 do
12 at 13 do
13 at 16 do
14 at 17 do
15 at 18 do
16 at 19 do
17 at 20 do
18 at 21 do
19 at 22 do
20 at 23 do
IgrOrders promptly attended to, if left at J & C.
Painter's,Logan & Kennedy's,or tlie Post Office: address
f 27 J K. iMOORIIF.AD & CO.
Circulating and Reference Library.
F religious, historical, political and mise th ellanem,
n or 7 ks o , ,c v.i o ill ck be A op
M en
, e un ver t y d (1 9 ai;,. S S.N a i bb
change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex
cha.pise alley, where punctual attendance will be given
by /L. , - J. GEMMIL.
riviE sub4c!itirrs manufacture and keep constant
ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war
rativi,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated
Da*Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump
Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps,
Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and
&c., &e. JONES & COLEMAN.
sep 10 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge.
Travellers should select Boats provided with
Evan's Sofety Guards for preventing Explosion of
Shaul Boilers
IT would be well fur the traveling community to
bear in mind that their security depends entirely
uptm their own encouragement of boats that have or
nifty Is' ;it the expense ofprocuring the above appara
tus. And that every individual making such selec
tions is contributing towards a general introduction of
an invention admitted liv all men who understand the
pi inciple: of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa
tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer
tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already
taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the
thou-ands of lives that have already been lost, a suffi
cient is arcing, and inducement to make inquiry for a
Safety guard Beat, and in every case to give it the
preference. They have went to an additional expense
that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore
tli AIRS iiiiiataimit it a - corre-poi all iig degree of liberality,
anma by opur pitifirence show that you appreciate their
lord isi endears to stop this awful sacrifice of hu
man r.; They &Kant charge more than other boats;
their tukogunixiations in ether respects are equal, and
in trellIty'AILSCS a en and as there is one leaving
PittsbUrgh &cry will you run am' risk. when
It is-so complete • power to avoid those dia
ttatere. i- . ..f ,; , .. .:. M
ithwt r ejh
All a d • the List of Arrivals and
' Depart t hikatriat 0 a paper, are supplied
with thep Safety Guari.„: - :
1 List of Boats proridc, thr Safety Guard.
ALPS:,. i://:: IV SS,
.11; 411 'Nag, ' ' 'r• - J. 13
...,#• $S S ,
NTH„ , .
.h, • 4 41Y0.N5,
APISMATDE, , ' - ''' - '3l 4 .OR; '
'.. 4 4.51(LAND, , - .- ', . 7 ' REL,
Itl ALMA' T, ' . ETT.I.
' UNE TT' E, i,....- ; 1 i I> AN.
TeEAKI '4 6 . • . 7:1,,.. • VETTE,
BRrPe, _." - P, ' .3.:'.-... • 1 MAIL,
CADDOt -- . l of G'I:1). fRE
.. ,
CICERO, . - .."' , '-`SENGER,
Cut ,L ;;1 7 ? 5. al ..J'N'TGOMERY,
--,r ~
, Cl'' , At' . N0717'11 BEND,
EcEL ~I ~,, NEpTusE,
pro t r .
LEV: LANDO,'"; . . ai, - RPHAN BOY,
4 !kr . : lANA, - ' 7'e' OHIO,
t U's ;.: • ' ORLEANS,
8,4 ,
„,, . bp,..,... ~; -OLIVE BRANCH,
E. A 7 ': •'' PENELOPE,
,11. - Dtr IN HICKM AN, Q (TEEN of the SOUTH,
iiiiimo ROWENA,
FORM '.'.. n. SARAH ANN,
/ISLE HIME S. would respectfully inform his friends
and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies'
dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black;
and warrants them not to smut, and to look equal to new
goods. He dyes fancy colors of all descriptions of silk
and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of
gentlemen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods.
Mr. H. flatters himself that he can please the public,
as he has done an extensive business in New York for
twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his
establishment in sth st., between Wood and Smithfield
near the Theatre.
g:PThis is to certify that OSEE 'TIMES has done
work for us, which has fully answered our expee
tations, and wo consider him a competent dyer.
Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boies
J.. B. Shurtleff, Wm. Porter, •
David Hall, H. H. Smith,
B. F. Mann, Henry Javens
David Boies, A. gliockey, jr.
Joieph French, jr., Joseph Vera,
George Barnes. ap 20
Naylor & Co.'s Best Refined Cast SteeL
THE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated
stump of Steel, will tilways keep on hand an as
sortment of the same, cons6ting in
BestrefinedCast Steel, squared, flat, round and octagon,
do do do do axe temper,
Bxtra do do do for nail cutters,
Best do Double and Single Shear steel,
English Blister, German, Granite; Wedge and Craw
ley Steel, at wholesale, by the case, or in smaller lots
to suit purchasers. LYON, SHORB & CO.,
je 24-3 m Foot of Wood street,
1 nion Cotton Factory.
Long Reel Yarn.
500 at 8i cents per dozsm
600 at 74 do
700 at 6i do
800 at 5i do
900 at 5 do
1000 at 5 do
Candlewick at 15 cents per lb.
Con. Batting, 8 do
Family do., 12. do
Carpet Chain, 20 do
Cotton Twine, 20 ,do
Stocking Yarn and Cover
let Yarn always on hand.
Cotton Warps made to or
liprings and Axles for Carriages,
At Eastern Prices.
New York Dyer
Andrew Purdy'
A Card
jWILLIAM McCARTHY begs leave to
V announce to the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh,
that he is prepared to make BOOTS of all
kinds, of the best Leather obtained from Philadelphia.
and over Lasts made by instructions from himself. He
does now for himself what lie has so long done for the
Pittsburgh Bosses, i. c. alter and fit his lasts to suit the
foot. He has worked at the most fashionable work in
the Eastern cities,came here and instructed several how
to alter and fit, which can be attested by numbers of
Journeymen in this city, and now is rewarded by them
with contumely and abuse. He hereby challenges any
Bootmaker in Pittsburgh, (Boss of coarse,) to make a
pair or more of Boots, stock equal, measure to be ta
ken by each in his own way. Workmanship to decide
the matter.
Fourth st. or the Monongahela House Boot maker,
(as he calls himself,) have a rare chance now to show
themselves.- If they can make a Boot let us see it.
W. McCarthy's Shop and Store is on Market street,
next door to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tin and
Sheet Iron ware Factory. july 11—tf.
To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh.
jTHE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city and®
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the
most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi
ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him lie returns
his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal
for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his
business.P. KERRIGAN.
may 11
William Adair, Soot and Shoe Maker,
Liberty st. opposite the head of Smithfield.
jiThe subscriber having bought out the
stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has
commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in
his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice.
He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe
findings of all descriptions, and of the best quality. He
;olio its the patronage of the public and of the craft.
sep 10—y WM. ADAIR.
David Clark, Ag't.,
adirFASHIONBLE BOOT MAKER, has removed
to No. 34 Market street, between Second and
Third streets, where he would be happy to see his
old customers,
and all others who feel disposed to pa
tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and
employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his con
stant personal attention to business, he trusts that he
will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
sep 10
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash.
21 - o 3, fifth st. Two doors from Market.
T YATES intends to manufacturers bet
®'l • ter article of Ladies', Childrens and
Misses' Shoes, and sell them cheaper for cash than
they can be bought in the city. He will keep constant
ly on hand and makes to order Ladies' Shoes of all
kinds and colors, at very low prices, of the following
Ladies' Lasting Foxed Gaiter Boots, $1 75
best quality Kid or .MoroceoGaiters, 1 50
Calfskin Boots, 1 37.
" Foxed Half Gaiters, all colors, 1 37}
" best kid and Moroco buskin, 1 18i
" Double Soled Slippers, (Jeff.) 1 12.
" fine Kid Springs and Turns, best qual.l 00
" Springs, heavy, 87
Slippers, 75
All Shoes made here warranted. Misses' and Chit
d nms' in the same proportion.
si'Remember the place, at the sign of the Red
Box, No. 8, Fifth street.
No. 116, Wood street,one doorabore6th,
EEPS constantly on hand all kinds of the best
X. Spanish Cigars, Regalias,C'tuadores, Coor
maneS, Traburas,Prineiies.
Also, half Spanish and common cigars.
Tobacco of all Me best brands. Cavendish, 5s
lump; Baltimore Plug, 12s and 16s, lump.
Also, Mrs. Miller's fine cut chewing tobacco.
Sites—Rappee, Scotch, Macouba, High Toast,&c.
He has also, all other articles in his line, which he
offers, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices.
CALL AND SEE. je 8-6 m
At the old stand of Young 4. M'Curdy, No. 43, Se
cond street, between Wood and Markel,
RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late
firm, and the public generally, that he is prepa
red to fill all orders for Cabinet Work, of any kind,
with all possible despatch, and warranted to be equal
to any in the city.
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS,
when required.
s ie 16—y
Pile Manufactory.
THE subscriber having commenced the manufac
ture of Cast Steel Files, from American materials
exclusively, merchants or other persons wanting can be
supplied by him with a better article than the foreign,
and at lower prices. Intending to use only the best
quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs.
SHOENDERGEWS, which is now brought to a perfection
equal to the best English article, manufactured for the
same purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he
will be able, in quality of articles and prices, to realize
the best hopes of the friends of American Industry.
Corner of O'Hara & Liberty sts
iy 15-N
Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker,
(Late of the firm of Young 4. M'Curdy)
TTAS commenced the ousiness in all its branches at
.11. No 22, Wood street, between First and Second
strs., where he will keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by
strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of
the patronage of the public.
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS,
Su!. A Furniture Car fur hire. July 11
rpholirterer and Cabinet NiakercE
Third st., between Wood and Market, la
Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he
is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards,
bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and
spring mattrasses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol
stering work, which he will warrant equal to any made
in the city, and nn reasonable terms. sep 10
Matthew Jones, Barber and Bair Dresser,
Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of
fice, where he will be harp:• to wait upon permanent or
transient customers. He solicits a share of public pa-
Ziy Oak) Morning Poet
The Secret Pamphlet.
In one of a suite of apartments in the magnifica!'
chateau of Versailles, appropriated to the President els
Conseil des Ministres, sat John Frederic Phalli
Count of Maurepas, and Premier of Fred. Habited
in a rich morning-gown of figured brocade, and seated
at a small table, carved and gilt after the fashion of
time of Louis XVI., the Count's attention seemed te he
wholly absorbed by some papers before him, which,
from certain signs in his manlier, contractions of the
brow, shruggings of the shoulder, and wmings of the
hand and pen, might have reasonably been supposed to
have had relation to some subject of intense interest...—.
At length anew idea seemed to strike him; his tomtit*
nance became irradiated, with a triumphant staihn his
hesitation vanished; he placed his pen to the paper,
ted a few rapid words, dashed the pen upon the table,
and, throwing himself back in his chair, rubbed his
hands in an ecstasy of delight.
"Ah!" he exclaimed, `•that is just the very word! It
is the best epigram I have ever written! Terse, point.
ed, stinging, it will make Beaumarchais and Rivard
jealous; but it has cost me the whole morrent••d.
morning of Count de Maurepas, President of the Cana.
cit. In truth, lam half sorry that the confident:Galin
young king called me from the exile to which my epi.
gram on Madame de Pompadour consigned me. Mew
turns ststesman he has no time to be a bel-esprit. It it
a great bore—but it's a lucky thing for some ministoral
But the worst of mv lot is to be compelled to work uto
der-hand against the Queen—one of the best womenie
the world, but she will use all her influence with the
king to favor the interests of her brother, Joseph 11. It
is only by anonymous squibs, epigrams and pamphlets,
that I can keep the Court out oldie grasp 6f the Austri
an. La politique sentimentale! Pshaw! two beauti•
ful words to go together!"
"His Excellency the Duke of Bringhen!" was the sit•
nouncement of an usher in waiting.
"Show him in—a stupid, tiresome old bore. 'Tie
too bad to have one's hours broken in upon in this way..
It is scarcely noon yet, and here comes the Austria*
ambassador to begin the dull routine of small dipknea.
cy. Ab, Monsieur le Due, lam exceedingly ha to
see you. I received your note last evening, cotplain.
ing of the publication of a pamphlet reflecting upon the
policy and character of your august Master, Joseph U.
It perfectly astounded me. 1 can hardly believe that
there exists any one who would have the imprudence
—the audacity—"
"Then look for yourself—here it is. I have net as
yet shown it to the Queen, who of course will feel high,
ly indignant at such an attack upon her brother, in ber
own capital. I wished on your account to give you as
opportunity of takinz some steps in the matter."
"Your Excellency is very kind!"
"I have dune so because it is rumored that I am its.
debted to you fur several squibs and epigrams, repro.
renting me as an impotent old fool, and that this pare.
phlet is front the same author. If such a report reach.
es the queen and sets her against you, I don't know how
I can defi•nd you, unless something is done to discover
and punish the real author of this libel. You see I lux
very frank."
"Yes, and you shall see that I will be equally frank
with you. Tell the chief of the secret police that I
wish to sec him," exclaimed the Count to a servant—
" Now you shall hear, Monsieur le Duc t what I am go
ing to dictate, and you can represent it yoaraelf to the
In a few moments, Monsieur Griffet, the head of ties
secret police and confidential secretary of the minister,
made his appearance, and was directed to seathimself,
and write after the dictation of the Count.
"In the name of the King." commenced the mini.
ter. "flaring learned that there has been published,
anonymously, a pamphlet, entitled "Joseph If. walks
Policy," we hereby offer a reward of ten thoestuwi
francs to any one affording information leading to the
discovery of the author. And considering, moreover,
that the work is highly disrespectful to his Majesty Jo
seph IL, every person possessing a copy is eoeunateled
to deliver it up to the police to be destroyed. Shell we
begin with this uue that you have, Monsie-ar le Duer
"You are too good," replied the Duke; "es to mine.,
I prefer to keep it."
"And so will the good people of Paris, muttered the
Count to himself, as he re-commenced dictating
“We order, moreover, that the author, if be is di**
covered, shall be sent to the Bastille.”
"You will add some fins--some forfeiture of prop r•
ty too, will you not.? inquired the Duke.
"Certainly; the reward of ten thousand francs aka
be paid to the author. Show what you have written,
Gritret, to Monsieur l'Ambassadeur. I hope it satis
fies your Excellency. What can Ido more?"
"Quite satisfactory! And now all that remains to
be done is to have this printed in the largest type and
posted in the public places."
"The in der shall be given to the royal priming of
"It must be in the largest type."
will attend to it myself,''. replied the Count, bow
ing to the Duke out. "Gritret.! send for a workman of
the royal printing office.—Ha!" he exclaimed as the
door closed upon the retiring ambassador, "this will
give piquancy to my pamphlet; a better plan could not
have been devised to add to its notoriety, and tom.
sure its being universally read. Ah, Griffot, what are
you lookine- ' so puzzled about?"
"About the reason that could lance you to offer tea
thousand francs for the discovery of the author of your
own work—one that your Excellency made me copy
and carry myself to a printer."
"For that reason," returned the Count, "because I
am sure of compromiing no one."
"But your Excellency will allow me to remind you
of a similar case, in the time of Louis XV. in which a
certain minister lost his place."
"Yes, an epigram against Madame de Pompadour,
the original of which was unfortunately found in my
hand writing! But in this case, where I have again
I undertaken to serve the King in spite of myself, I have
been more prudent, and, with that view, I made you CO.
py the article and take it to the same printer who had a
press in the violation of the law. By the bye, I sec that
I h e has made a mistake in leaving out one of the most
piquant notes. I hope that you have not left any of
your copy with him?"
"I have the whole of it."
"And m y manuscript:—where is it? told yea to
return it to me. •
"Yes, your Excellency. I will return it to you—.."
“But where is it? 1 want to see k immediately."
"I hope your Excellency does not distrust me?"
"Not ut all. I pay you too high for that; but come,
where are my papers?"
With not a little embarrassment and agitation—sus.
noticed, however, by the Count—GrifTet drew &ton hie
pocket several sheets of paper. and handed themdowa
to his chief. The truth was, that one sheet of the orag'
nal w - 8.8 missing, and Monsier Griffin, unable to ac
count for it in any way, had taken the liberty of *apply
liar, its place with one of his own, and trembled lust
exchanges should be discovered. Form:molly fOr
him, the minister, without glancing at the writin4,
merely shuffled the sheets in his hand, and ascertain*/
that their number was correct, put his manuscript in Wm
pocks. t.
"If your Excellency has no particular orders for MO
this morning," said Griffet, recovering tmm his fear, "I
should like to have leave of absence for a while. I
wish to attend my intended bride."
"You marry! And pray who may be the unfortts•
"Monseigneur is pleased to be facetious: my inten
ded is the daughter of the most renowned aubergine
of Versailles—sixteen and handsome."
"Young and handsome! Oh, that alters the ease. I
should like to see her." -
"Diable," muttered the Secretary to himself. "'My
vanity has betrayed me."
"1 am now going to the King," continued the Count.
- On my - return you shall present her tome."