f."1411116111111141inialoW. /WD 01011111tS o INIACUMM Ir; BABBIT'S ANTISATTRITION METAL--'mss excellent invention for the reduction of friction in machinery has at length been introduced in our city"-- It consists of a lined box, suitable for all revolving and sliding motions in the various kinds of machinery ,where great weight or speed are applied; these b reduce 'friction in. a remarkable degree, requiring b oxes t oil, and arc warranted entirely free from the objections found with those now in use. , 113P' Our friend Green, of Boston, gives us the , These lined boxes have been introduced in many of louring handsome notice. Among all the democratic the Eastern Rail Road s , and in various manufacturing papers of the country, there are none whose good' o- establishments in dust aection of country, to which the limits of an advertnent will not allow us to refersand pinion we esteem more highly than that of the Boston nearly thirty weaknown superintendents,engineers,ma- Post chinists and engine builders in the east certify that, "in Tke Pittsburgh (Pa.) Post—one of the best and the use of these boxes, friction is retinced ins remark them. Wert le papers in the country—has procured an . - agte'eah '-'' All the Engines were on the spot, and labored with able degree; oil is required only in small quantities, and arkinsatew suit of clothes, and now looks as well as it tints.' their ustmlperfwerance rind activity to check the pro- - the wear is hardly perceptible, during a period in which a hard metal box of the same thickness would be worn ---------------. gress of the flames. Their exertions, however, were out; journals running in these boxes attain a smoother T. the Editors of the Aforniwg Post: Gliwistiwitt 4 : In looking over the "Pittsburgh Amer- greatly retarded by the want of water in several of the surface than they have seen on thoae which have been run in any miser .box.." They also certify "that the pa leen" of the 28th and 31st of July last, I perceive art; - Plugs-es most shameful piece of negligence. tentee of this improvement has received the highest a ds* over the signature of "Democritus" and "A Demo- The Allegheny, Niagara and Neptune,,Engines luul arm," and also observed several of the same stamp in ward of the Massachusetts ha s re Asso rt. set-too before separating and a great d eal of valor was elation ,fo r r specimens of these boxes, (some of which the Daily Gazette, all designed to injure We. WILKINS. The Democratic party expect nothing but misrepre- exhibit on die ocautit ed tl had been un on the crank of alocomotive engine more than thirty thouserid vii/es,) at the fair of d ie Institu sentation from those opposition Editors, but why Dem ocrats should resort to such journals[ vent their griey- Nli------esterntlnimersity °Menne ylvania. lion, held in Boston in September and October,lB4l." THE next term of this Institution will be in on Mon- The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, also awarded susses for past or anticipated disappointtnonts on the ' day the 4th of September. at 9 o'clock A. M. ,M . r Babbitt the premium for the improvement in bee ' Judge, in this paltry underhand manner is inconceiv- - 1 -• for admission rimy be made to the Princin I es, uner the Scott Legacy, which confines such awards isble and altogether unjustifiable, and without ' the least Applicationo • I i Jul . - - • =anon on the part of Judge Wilkins. As tlw pa l , the Rev. Ilense DYER, D. D., after the -Ist inst., to av'ia 'n, use .. u i mpro‘ements. hi room in the University, from 9to 11, A. M. i The Committee On naval affair! , reported strongly in retie Convention nominated him for the 28th a t The exercises of the LAW SCHOOL will commence its favor, in consequence of whieli the right to use it was ' Congress without any solicitation on his part, as the 0 • n the same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. Application for purchased by the Government for $20,000. The corn whOle IDemocracy of this County can testify; in my admissionintowhich, to be madam the Professor of ttee refer to, and make a part of their report the I C. opinion it would be very unreasonable now to.set him ___ aside unless he has since made himself unworthy by the Law, W sterol H. Low at E, Esq., at is o ce . t. S . b.' WI in 4 h t tern of S. V. 'alerrielc, J. Erricson, George C. Read. C. On the evening of the same day at 7 o'clock, in the I IV. Copeland, Corn. L. Warrington, Hen. A. P. Ul's commission of some gross fault against the party dust Hall of the University, an ADDRESS will be delivered shur, and Charles Howard, recommending the invenn pas lira in nomination. In 1840, when it WaS acknow before the Trustees, the Faulty and the Students, by tion. bodged by all of us, that we would bebeatcm by from 1,- •-• Professor L ow rie, which the citizens generally are in- I Mr. S. N. a s . r ierrick rites that the metal having been 500 to 2,000 in this County, the reader may recollect , vited to attend. A. L. 'PENTLAND, long enough in use to test its merits fully, he has no that none could be found willing to be put on the ticket, hesitation in saying that it is one of the n aug 11—ed Sec of the Board of Trustees. , . • his . must valuable for Congress, and after all others had refused, and _________.-------------- Jodge Wilkins asked if his name might be easel, he re- Improvements that has come to notice. The effects Penn Itallrattee COmpttny. produced are: a great diminution in friction; a saving Oathat we ought to have a full ticket in the field, and rPHE subscribers to the Stock of this C,opany are in oil —one half or more: an economy in the original 'tithe party thought proper to use his name, that he -1- are hareby notified, that pursuant to a t resolution ' construction, the brasses being much li,eliter; a saving would consider even a Waterloo defeat in so glorious aof the D ire ctors, a second instalment of Seven and in repair, the metal lasting longerand being replaced at came, more honourable than an election by the opposi- one half Dollars on each sirare subscribed for under a less cost; and a saving in fuel, consequent upon di tion. And even last year when there was no prospect the C om missioners, is required to be paid in at die of- m inislied friction:" Of division in the opposition ranks, he cheerfully accept- {ice of the Company, (corner of Market and Third 1 The metal has also been introduced with great tid ied the nomination and his name was kept at the head of streets) on Tuesday. the 22d day of August, inst. I vantage, in lining carriage and wagon boxes, for which •ow ticket until the election. This fact is well known W PUBLIC NOTICE is also given that the ' iris well adaptr:d• - se the readers of our latmocmtic papers. Books of the Penn Insurance Company will be opened , It is also, amongst many others, strongly recomrrumn I was at the County Convention and recollect very at 9 ,sa uc k, A. M., theatee office of the o mpany, on ' ( l e d by Mr. Charles Howard, President of the Balti well that it was debated in Convention whether they , tli. 921 August, inst., ceive further sub scPts , more and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who per, abeeld make a nomination for the 28th Congress, aS the I to its capital stock, on which an instalment of twelve chased the right for the road,a distance of seventy miles, State had not been yet districted , and it was there and ' and one half dollars per share will be required at the for sl,oso.Howard gives the article the follow then decided by a nearly unanimous vote that they time of subscribing. By order of the Directors. I ing recommendation: toted nominate for the 28th Congress let die State aug 11-td JOSIAII KING, President. i oTh e price was c onsidered a Isiah one, for the col ' district when it might. Accordingly Win. Wilkins —2--------- --- --------------- aratively limited extent to which the Company would , p wee tiorainated by a vote of 3to 1 over his competitor. Now Tel:apart/ZOO DOZWIIent.S. • So- I have an opportunity of making use of the patent right; ilib . lam mach pleased, however, to find by Judge Wil- TUST received from the American Tempe ranch ''''°- but we were satisfied that it was for our interest to n kins' leaterithat he has waved his rumination made by a•P ciety, New York, 3050 Youth's Advocates and Tem vail ourselves of the invitation. I can now say, that, the Democratic Convention and thrown the question Perance Journals for August. 9.50 Hymn Books, ' having better tested its value by a more extensive ap openfor the action of the primary meetings of the De- Washington. Harps and Lyres, Chrystal Fount Melo- . : plication of it, I think that - lhe company would be very nuscracy, which is to take place on the 27th of this I dies, Pic NIC Songs, 250 Reports, Prints, Nation 1 unwise to relitiquini dear right to use it for south higle Month. It is another proof of his disinterestedness and .• Prints, National Preacher, Permanent Temperance ' Cr consideration than that which wan given for it; and I vamMingness to be the slightist obstacle in the way o f , Documents. Bacchus and Anti-Bacchus Dialogue, Voice have no doubt, that if such a p r oposition were to be the entire harmony of the party. \ from the Vintage, &c., for Ladies . , Gentlemen and our , made to the COmpanv it would, without hesitation, be . , A DEMOCRAT OF PITT TOWNSHIP. 1 youth, and for sale in large q uantities resent all classes, declined. --------------- Iby ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Diet- I Th e ::,re al merits of the invention are, that it prevents • I- ISLAND DISCOVERED re THE PACIFIC.—TheI:• S. , chant , ND. 9 Fifth , .. , i street. au g : ' l ' Cl • the heating, a:nd c onneApient cutting and destruction sloop of war Boston brings intelligence that Captain i ocorge E. Netcher, of the whaling bark Isabella, of ; ' oldie b e arings, M. DAWSON would a^ sin request all persons :,• Fairhaven, reported at Tahiti, April 12th, the discov- ! -1-1 • indebted again o ) ( site the Po-t to call at his s lop, I I». , ~ „„ engine; and ori the perfection of which depends the val e „,,, eof the ensure; while, at the same time, there is a ery of a beautiful fertile island, extending about forty Office, and settle their viscounts, as all un'et--- -- ; u vory great sa v ing of oil, the expenditure forms a mate mules from north-east to south-west. He named it "Ea- . counts will be left with the proper authorities for col- , vial s . 1 - costof large ln the au ,. lo—et. item In 11. working a engine. die's Island" after the man who first discovered it—not ', leetion, on the 29th inst. 1 .. s., the company. I foal the saving to be ful being laid down in the charts. This island is situated ', , teacloth latitude 11 05 west longitude 165 05. Pittsburgh Theatre. TV s r, P. 11ASTINGS, MANAUF.R. ', lv one half of the. quantity - which was required before ' Slr. Babbitt's invention was applied to them. Some i • . af these losuinotives havitig run several thousand miles From the Philadelphia Forum. i 111 HE citizens of Pittsburgh and vicidity are respect- I, , .i. c an a l so say H utt win invention ma k es Mac W ier . , THE STORM OF AUGUST 5, 1843. 1 - fully informed that the absve establislimont will , Fall much more curable, so that while the effective power This will long be remembered for its terrible effects. 1 ; open on Monday evening, the 14th inst., f "` the ;of the niachine is increased, the cost of repairs is di We continue to receive accounts of disaster from CVery . season, with an entire new and efficient company,— . minished." spatter. At Newark, N. .1., the rain poured down in , The house will be thoroughly repainted and decorated, r --- y - The composition ;alluded to having lx.. , en ti , .;l torrents from 7 P. M., till pest inianieht flooding the and every thing will be done to render the THEATRE, in this vicinity, the proprietor i: enabled to refer to the Streets and overflowing many of the basements and eel- : (once more) a place of instructani and amusement. ; following gentlemen a , to its merit , . viz: lac in the western section of the city under the hill.— i 111.4 NTE D, We. LYON, of the fi rm of Lyon, Shoub ,C.: (~,. • Some time in the night the breastwork dam across the ' f•SRPSIX YOUNG LADIES and SIX GENTLE- ED w A 1, i) mou.cm . 4, Engineer of the steam lint Morris Canal, at the weigh-lock, built to shut off the MEN, of g,o,id character, for the Corps de Ballet, to . \V •t Point. miter from the excavation for a new lock, gave way 1 whom good salaries will h- paid and dres ..es found.— , ~ ,oi , z 111 IIA:411-roN, } Engitwers of ths a ...inter and let down art immense body of water into the level I Apple at the Merchaatn• Hotel, between 11 and 12 o' - Id 0 , 1 .-, ejt TA , L. Brunette. of the Caiaal connected with the Inclined l'itme, on the ' clock, . A. JS. ow; 4-Iw. ~....-., ~,, . bore: s , in , a,u uomposttion can i 1 top of the hill. Here it soo n broke away the bank and Sam Slick, the Attache! S.:, inspe.•uld. at the Bell and Brass Foundry of As DIV came rushing down through al irket street, flooding , T ...II IS new work, from the pen of J udqe I 1 -C.ib o rtor , . F e leo N , ci a-ner ..t -...!,, , 1 ntrect and Chancery bane• the ce ll ars, in some instances invading the floors, wash- 1 ) - just receive (by ...Si. Clair St. Lit- '---".• ' • d express) at the ......, s 8-Iw. ing away side-walks, &c. ; erary Depot. - sus The damage in Delaware county Pa., must be over half a million. 56 Bridges have been swept away.— The old Iron Bridge on the Chester road, below Des- Imiag's, as mentioned yesterday, is gone. The large :railroad bridge bedew Mr. Edwards 'dwelling was car s;liedoff, and sailed down over the meadows, carrying away a two story frame house and part of the dwelling efldr. Wm. Kerlin of Chester. The immense four leery stone Factories of Mr. Crozier, with all the looms and machinery are gone, and so completely up rooted are the foundation walls, that one can hardly tell where they stood. Mr. Crozier's loss is from 60to $lOO,OOO. Mr. Brobson's Tannery in entirely ruined, Ai hiss $9OOO. Mr. William Eyre's Lumber Yard was ''''' turned into a river, and every stick of lumber gone--loss 4 (018000. Mr. Jesse M. Eyre's Story House suffer /el much--his loss must be 6000. The Stables of De elsong's Hotel, belonging to Mrs. Engle, were lodged in gsts main street—loss $BOO. Mr. Kerlin's loss must be $lOOO. In fact every one in Chester, residing near the Cesek, had suffered. The loss of life has been very great. A TOWS named Rhoads, with his two daugh ters,- were carried away in his house and perished. A 'colored woman named Jackson was drowned. A man with his two sons and a daughter, were drowned .ebouttwo miles from Chester. A genteellooking women, in company with her little pcm, names not known, arrived at Chester, by the 4 o'- tdockboat, on Saturday, tend left Deshone's for Rock= d a l e when about four miles on their way; they sought shelter in a house on the road, and a few minutes after, she house floated off, and their dead bodies were picked up on Sunday morning. They have not been recogrii toed, but evidently belong to this city. Milometer rose so rapidly, that people scarcely had LIMO to escape from their houses in the lower part of Chester. Women were seen running with children in their arms toescape the rush of water. Cptain Isaac Engle tore down a fence and carried in h a is arms old Mrs. Eyre to a place of safety. aLy POST. __________ abiItDITAILe m g JEWELLXV,..."—We conclude this interesting tale in to-day's paper. It will be ,pub tisbod entire in our weekly of to.morrow. FOREIGN ITEMS. Tog SAND WLCH Ist./Pros.—Despatrlies have been sent off by the Government to Captain Lord G. Paulet, oftheCarysfort frigate, in the South Pacific, acknowl edengthe independence of King Taincharnaha 111, sod the Saadvrich Islands from this or any other coun- ui. When Father Matthew was at York, he asked whether if a person took pledge he would be expected to abstain from the use of wine at the Lord's Supper, to which the Rev.' gentlemen at mice replied—'of course not: the abstinence is only from wine as a bev- erne. There has been extraordinary demand for copies of Dr. Posey's sermon. Upwards of 3,000 copies have been sent to Ireland. Two editions of 6,000 each have been printed; and a third edition, it is expected, is just about to issue. The navy of Great. Britian is now composed of about istareEft rr of war-steamers. Nearly one million of persons have passed through the Thames Tunnel since it was opened on the 25th of March- At a t ea -drinking match at East Challow, Berks, a raw days since, between some six or eight females, for spits' e, the victor drank 29, and four others 25 full abed cups in half-an-hour. Earl Dude's splendid demesne in Glouce3tershins eras knocked down at the auction mart, last week, to Ifr. Rhoads, the solicitor, of Davies street, for one Asadred and fifty Clsousand guineas. There are in London and its environs 107,962 fe- male servsues, and in Holborn alone 29,000, of whom from 14,000 to 15,000 are constantly out of place. The Masonic Grand Lodge of England has voted £l,OOO towards a monument to the memory oftheir the illustrious and highly talented Grand Master, Duke of Sussex. The claim of Washington Shirley Ferrers to the title of Earl of Ferrers, was decided by the House of Lords as TOM* se'night, in his favor. A few days ago, Robert Stokes, a baker, at Warms fad, seAd one of his children, an Interesting girl, two yews of age, for three guinesa! _-_ _ __ Dasilraerisltax.---Last ligt!t; ahou: tin e'efeat, ,' the Nail Factory, small Rolling Mill, .and . Steel Manu; factory of the Memo. Shoenbergers, in the Fiftitward, were totally destroyed by F ire. Wehave not learned how it originated, nor, indeed, do we believe it is yet known. The property we understand was insured,but the loss sustained by the Messrs. Shoenberger's will, nevertheless, be great. They had recently engaged quite extensively in the manufacture of Steel,and were prosecuting the business with greatenergy. The con flagration of last evening will put a stop, for a time r to this breach of business in our city. It will likewiso throw hundreds of industrious poor men out of employ ' meat, many of whom have large families dependant on C 0 FFEE.-300 bags Wu coffec, 50 '. Laguyra. do 50 " St. D i 0111_Lgo do 50 " Havanna do Now rectiving, and for sale low for cash. by HAILMAN, JENNINGS W & CO., 43, ood street SUNDRIES. -50 boxes chocolate, 5 do cocoa, 3 do rice flour, 25 do ground pepper, 5 do Cayenne do., 36 cans ground m ustard, 5 ke g s do allspice, 5 do do ginger, 12 cans do do., together with every thing in the grocery line, all of which is offered at extremly low prices, fur cash. HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co., 43, Wood street. Proposals for Chain Iron. NAVY AGENT'S OFFICE, Washington, July 28, 1843 PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 3 o'clock, on the first day of September ensuing, to deliver at the Navy Yard in this city, the following Chain Iron, for eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches in diameter, each 150 fathoms long, constituting the fol lowing bill of Iron, viz: 35,100 links 1 11-16 inches in diameter--20,1 inches long. 450 links 1 13-16 inches in diameter--22A inches long. 20 feet 3/ inch by 21 Oval pin Iron. 90 do 2i do 2 do do. 70 Swivel, 198 Shackle, and 18 box pieces. Specifications of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pieces and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at this of fice; all of the above Iron must be the very best Amer ican, and undergo such proof, under the increased tests and inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the Government, and in as short a time after the Contract I is made as is possible, which time will be designated in the contract. Bonds with good and sufficient sureties in double the amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the Contract is completed. . B. SCOTT, Navy Agent. aim 8. \VM. OAF SUGAII.-10 boxes loaf sugar, just receive Land (or sale H A by ILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street AIiCKEREL.-2100 bbl f s b n b o is 3 o m o ac a k:re l , • 10 quarter bbls no 2 do, a prime article for family use, just received and for sale by HAILMA.N, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street. T EA.-25 half - chests young by son, 30 boxes (13 lbs) do 20 6 lb. boxes gunpowder, 20 " " imperial, just received and fur sale by MAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO. street , aug 9 43, Wood TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD.- HORSE LOST.—Strayed from Samuel t ------- ' rottud, Gamble's, near Dunningsville, Washington county, Pa. , on the night o f the 15th ult., a large Bay \ A BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Stare Horst:, without any particular marks; 14 or 15 bands , _Li in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably high, and between 6 and 7 years of age. Has a few 1 oiledand worn. It is signed by James Gaston and white hairs in his forehead. Whoever will return : no ther, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own- i him to Samuel Gamble, near Duningsville, or to meat TOBACCO. -10 boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco, Pittsburgh, shall receive the above reward. Jt....._—_ 25 do Itaisell & &Masons do o P. MULVANY. er can hav,e_ te it 7 identifying it, and paying expenses. 1 5 do R aise s . do RP' The Washington Examiner, Uniontown Genius QMOKED HERRINGS. --9.5 boxes smoked her 10 :do assoitecisizes sod brands, of laborty, Wheeling Argos, Brownsville Newp, and 1.7 env/jot received end for sale by .' e received end fere& by . Way:lobo:1h MessengeT, intertthree.times each, Bead' ISIAILW/N, JENNINGS & CO., HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO-, parr to saver/dos% sod &age tbis °Mee, log 9 43,W00a Meet- a 1 115 d 3, Wood street. County Commissioner. A T the solicitation of a number of friends of all ---------"----- 1A T the parties, I respectfully offer myself to SA LE OF BRIDGE AN DOT HER S'f OC KS, " I the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of lay nun EH 01 T tie COMM 153105E.1 1 . 3 .1 \ County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not lANWEDN ESD AY, the tith day of September, be misunderstood, either as to political or private V./ 13-13, will Ire offert-3 at public sale. at Pittsburgh, affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life the following Stocks e wiled by the State of Pennsylva- a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. Ma., vil: As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan- No• of Shares. Cmn pani fs. P ar Val n . did affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public 1600 Alleglime_ Beidge Company, c''''' ' officers has received the approbation of large majori -2090 Mononpliela '' :.,,) ties of the people, the undersigned would not should 600 Big Beaver " .",•, 'hebe so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at -100 Coneurtu,2,ll " • "" tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach 100 Loyalhanna " •"'' the office of County Commissioner. HURLEY. 171 Rolhstown " SAMUEL 50 ape 6. 300 Williamsport, Wa.shingtou co., 50 , 2500 Monongtiliabt Navigation company, 50 ' Commissioner. 2151 Bedford and Stovstown Tp. Road company, 50 We are authorized to announce Mr. JAMES H. '3823 Stoystown and G-reensburgh . 50 ROBB, of Upper St. Clair township , as a candidate 1780 G reensburgh and Pittsburgh '' 50 for Come v Commissioner, subject to the action of the 3437 Huntingdom Cambria & Indiana " 50 Democrat r: Cnovention. aug 3—te, 967 Pitt:bur - eh and New Almandria " :122 New Alexandria and conemaugh" 947 Pittsburgh and Butler 892 Butler and Mercer 320 Pittsburgh and Steubenville ~ 300 Robbstown and Mount Pleasant 660 Mi,unt Pleasant and Somerset 672 Somerset and Bedford 360 Armstrong. and Indiana 560 Indiana and Ebensburg 329 Washington and Williamsport 855 Do Pittsburgh 200 Butler and Kittanning it 240 ; Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh " 360' Somerset and Conemaugh 320 Do Cumberland 160 Ligonier and Johnstown 224 Armstrong and Clearfield 80 Brownington, Harrisville , and Coroner. Franklin 5O 'I respectfully offer myself to the citizens of Alleghe -200 Butler and Freeport 20 nv county, for the office of Coroner, subject to the de -224 Pittsburgh Farmers & 'Mechanics'•' 25 c!sion of the Democratic Convention.DAVlD II ARTZ• 160 Bedford mid Hollidaysburg,h " ; ;;° j• 18—t • .:5 _L__e_______--------------------- 160 Birmingham and F•lizabetlitown " 160 Luthersburgh and Punuatawney " 25 Coroner. 300 French Creek Bridge company, 20 r RESPECTFULLY Offer myself as a candidate for 1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20 1 Coroner of Allegheny county, subject to the action 100 Eric and. Waterford Turnpike Road company 50 of the democratic County Convention to be held on the 560 Susquehanna and Waterford " 2 „ 5 , 30th August JOHN JOHNSTON. 1010 Mercer and Meadville it ' Allegheny, July 21—tc. 100 Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and New Haven 100 . County Auditor. 200 Abirerton and Waterford 0 `).5 Messrs. Editors:—Please announce the name of 280 Warren and Ridgeway 25 JOHN W. M'CLELLA ND, of Franklin township, ns 40 Warren and New York State line " 50 a suitable candidate for County Auditor at the coming 96 Titusville and Union Mills 2 5 election, subject to the decision of the County Conven -16 Warren and Franklin o 25 tion. Mr. M'CLELLAND is a Democrat of the warm .3oo Sugar Grove and Union 25 est and purest kind, and will bel warmly supported 300 Bank of Pennsylvania, 400 by MANY DEMOCRATS. 300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company, 100 Aug. 7, '43—te. 1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100-i FOR THE POST. Purchasers will be required to pay for the Stocks, at T take the liberty of offering myself as a candidate the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is- : for the office of Coroner, to my democratic fellow citis sued by the Auditor General, in pursuance of the Reso- zens of Allegheny county, subject to the decision of the lution of 7th April, 1342, notes issued by the Banks of Democratic Convention which ROBERT meets on the 30th inst. this Commonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1341, \ aug 9 _ tu specie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trans fer of Stock Will he made in a reasonable time - after : sale. JAMES CLARKE, EVANS ROGEFIS, JOB MANN, Commissioners for sale of State Stocks, aug I—ts T. - • '1) ciober, 4iftechon.; • Prothonotary. real*Gttalky coffer myself s esud.iaate for the office I to tim of Prelsonotory of Ailegiseny county, subject e action of the Democratic county convention, which. meets on the 30th 4'sugust next. GEO. R. RIDDLE. Allegheny city, may 31—to d&w. Prothonotary. I respectfully offer myself ass candidate for the of fice of prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem ocrntic Convention. WM. G. HAWKS.. Wilkins township, june 27—tc. Prothonotary. To the voters of Allegheny county:—l respect fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate (independent of partiesy for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sonally known will please esnmine into my qualifica tions,e&c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, to sati4fy you with your ' ALEX. MILLER. of Pittsburg. may 10—to Prothonotary. Clear the course . for the Volunteers. WILLIAM B. FOSTER. Esti— of Allegheny of A city, Witt be a candidate for the office of Prothonotary l legheny county, at the October election. jnne 4. FOR THE POST. M ANT citizen of Mlegheny city recommend Dr. J. C. .111'CULLY as a suitable person to 1 fill the office of Prothonotary. july 2. Sheriffhlty. Trespectfully present myself to the citizens of Alle -1 gheny county, as a candidate for the Sheritralty, sub ject to the action of the Democratic convention. which meets on the 30th of August E next. • —d&wtc. LIJAH TROVILLO. To the Electors of Allegheny County: Fellow Citizens—l offer myself to your considera tion, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject ui the nomination of the Democratic Convention, and shall be thankful for your support. aug. 10—tc. CHAMBERS McKIBBEN FOU THE. POST. ''.I.I.NT Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO SEPH CURRY as a auitablc person my to fill a 1843. seat in the Assembly, the ensuing session. J 11, Assembly. A number of the Democrats of Mifflin township have concluded to pre:;ent the name of SAUEL COCIIRAN, Esil, of that township, for the considera tion of the Convention which meets on M the C 30thia w 11- for a nomination for the Legislature. r . known and te well tried democrat, and his tug neig 7tfhbors confidently present his claims. : Assembly. We are a uthorised to announce JOHN BROWN Pig., of Pine township, as a candidate for A subject to the nomination of the 9—te Democra ticsome : tion, ju!: County come . We are authorized to announce ALEXANDER PHILLIPS. jr., of Robinson, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the democrat ic county convention. thee County Commissioner. MF:SSFt3. EDlTOR<:—Please announce the name of Gent. 101 - IN M. DAVIS, of Peebles, for County Com missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county Convention, to be held in August next. • MANY DEMOCRA.TS. County Commissioner. Messrs. Editors: AA the general opinion appears to prevail that ita.smuch as there arc already two of the Cittnity commissioners from the country, it is but a matter of right and justice that tile city or its imme diate neighborhood should have the third c andidate-- We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people of I. Xilegheny county, JAMES C. CUMMINS, Esq., of the city district , for County Commissioner, at the ensuing fall election. MANY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. 50 50 couNTI TREASURER. 25 JACOB TONI ER, EAct. of l'itt township, well known 25 to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a staunch, 50 uniform Republican of the Jackson school, will be a 50 candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision 50 of the Democratic County Convention. 50 atvz. 2—tc. ANIMINIMMEN AN OLD DEMOCRAT• 25 COUNTY TREASURER. 50 At the solicitation of many radical democrats, Mr. 50 SAMUEL McKEE, of Birmingham, has consented to 25 become a candidate for the office of County Treasurer 25 s ubject to the decision of the Dnmocratic County Con -25 vention. Of Mr. McKee it may be truly said, to be 25 known is to be poputAr. 0 Many Frinds of Unassuming Worth 25 William C. Wall, • Plai* and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ri AN V ASS brushes, varnish, &c., far artists, always NJ on band. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fa a to order. Repairing done at the shortestnative.bbi Particular attention paid to regikling jog of every description. Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it 10-y to their advantage to call. Sep . - ___4 it 411111 ,-.• Stallab .- - - - - g•-111111111111111111.1; VIIITBSUANT toa ds 4eUg m*4' be ClospicSo gAil4i , =Z e ll' ' 4: • & co., Ir,.,ia r• c . ti . L a wl9 4. , inii. - 4 . 4 14,...6,... INtrvirOtair. SS* illierchants, i counin-Pronoune - , i cause depending therein of Henry Stritick, Ira.; to Ciirtri,L.uar, onto. 1 gainst James W. Barkenridge anti others: Dertathe AGENTS for tire Merchants' TutroPoltau on , undersigned special commissioner, will sell "ate -pony composed of tliek IdatiltHr Line, Elio auction to the highest bidder, at the cuiitt , Mason county, on the 16th day of September, /BO? Canal; Wnshington, Line. Huntei, diaper & Co.'s (being the trst dv of the Cir Sup'r Coati Of sCW Line of Steam boats and vessels on the hiikCs. Cleve h'c'Prie" conntv,) that IA ell donor n body of land connomdy =l lama Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. tom ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio CanaL I led "Graham's Station," lying in Mason minty, Vs. 'REFER TO , do the Ohio river, containing by survey four Wilkie & Bosworth, No. 9, Coentios Slip, N. Y. lone Miroired and twenty-three acres, in, vivo adjoining IL Hunter & Co. Albany. parcels, a large proportion of which la rivei bowie Otis Chaff, Boston. land. The above laruls previous to the day of Wok MT Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, be laid off by the sorter - 7r of the aunty in tau dhow M. T. Williain & Dow, vonient size for fitrms,and plats furnished, and A 'piny Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. thereof will be sold as may be necessary to promt-' Charles M. Giddings, the sum of money required by slid decrund carder.-..- J. S. Dickey, Beaver. The sales will be made on s credit of nines months for Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. one-third part of the purchase money, ofturtivo tonnes ap 1 1843-Iy. for another third part, and of eighteen Montle for the residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving healds midi good Security fur the payment of the different imam:. meats, bearing interest from the day of sale, the We ' be retained as further security fax the pr.t. ;Wt. Beaver and Warren:Packet mu:EJ . THE canal packet ERIE, 7. M. Shaw,master, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with die Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or pa:sage apply On board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver (I;2t. i.._ r" .. , -?_ Triir.r. i, ;•• , k t ,, , A4. j...... -•;;A" ,..e ..... q•ah .4 ......, 'Asa:" , ~ 1843. ARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL Lts F. of STAGES A:4D RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed- ford, Chamberaburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia • $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH & Co., feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. ______.--...........mm Th 6 Great Central novae Via National Road and Daltinwre and Ohio Rai Road Companst. - . ".• T • •t.'4 1 ‘.. 1 .27 • - •-"";; ;;1 .- • NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL CONCIIES FOR 4VAiItIIi.TOS CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE._ HlSline is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh Tdaily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa., and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's to all theabove places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and c omfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been horatofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office `v the Monongahela louse. L. STOCKTON, fob 3--dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. Reralar Packets, for Ciacinna . • 4. lis rE l l ifft`i .• The Siviftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves eve/ Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter, Collins,' Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Montgomery, Bennett, 'Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. in. JOHN BIRMINGHA:sI &C 0., may 20 Arents T o . Let. AT EIRE E st ory brick house on Market betw'n 2ud .and 3rd streets. The store in this house is large, and furnished with gas pipes and a gotta counter. Rent low. ALSO, a dwelling house on Market between 3rd and 4th streets, and several rooms with an entrance from Market street. E. D. GAZZAM. AUT,.7,--lw. To Lot, gILFOR a termof years, my house, store room and work shop, on 2d street, opposite Jas. Park, jr.. &Co The shop is brick, 19 feet wide, by 30 10ng,3 stories high. T have in it a small steam en gine, about 5 horse power, which I will also rent, if desired. For further particulars enquire of me: on the premises. ORRIN NEWTON. nag 4—tf To Rent. PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at the cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and O'Hara stream Applythe Prerinij ul Y 16'on Peach Trees. Ark , TI I E subscriber liar just received from the Nur sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he wou ld call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN. No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood. Dr. 1311Chtell Pulmonary Preservative. influenzwt, OR coughs, colds, catarrhs, whooping I —r• -- - -- ee n's Fire Erick for gale. ------ cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all 1 Frma Fll UST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brick hand diseases of the breast and lungs, andarrestof approach- which will hereafter be kept constantly on ins consumption Warranted free from mercury and It. & CO., i iy and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM Sr CO. other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK i. ,..., .--'rents for P i ttsburgh. I Dissolution of Partnership. HE into firm of T. & A. Nesmith & co. shoe Tand leather dealers and tanners, is dissolved this day by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Alfred Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has been sold !and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.; and Thomas Nesmith, sr. and Thomas Nesmith jr., have formed s 1 co partnership, nrder the firm of Tuoves-Nissura b Soft, who are duly authorised to settle the husineas el the late firm for that purpose. THOMAS NESMITH, SR. ALFRED NESMITH, THOMAS NESMITH 22— , JR. July -dtf. LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, ACorner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg , Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts. notes and bills, collected. ItATHREICCEB• Wm. 13e1l & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorene, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May, Alex. Bronson & Co. Philadel h.I. " JohnHßrown &Co. C ' p James M'Candless. in cinnati, 0., J. R. M'Donald. `,., St. Loui, 1.11.6. W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres% Bank Ky. >Louisville. GIFEHAL LAIRD OTTIeI, Jane 43,184. A DVICE having been received from the Reetstee ..n. of tho Land Office nt Lexington. Missotrri, the the removal of that Office to the town of Clinton, in Henry counts . , as directed by the President, will be effected on or about the 11 day of July next: this is to I give notice that the public sale of lands ordered to 'lva held at Lexington on the second day of October next, \ John Cartwright, . . by the Executive proclamation bearing date the Bth will be held at the time prescribed in the toms ti OUTLEB. and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, 1"t" Clinton aforesaid. THO. H. BLAKE, 1../ corner of 6th ar7claLilx•rty street, , , Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Alvrays on hand an extensive assortment of June 30—lawt 10 Commissioner. Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tarmer's Patent Shears, Saddler's Tools, Trusses, Sc._ _ je '24. Eetnoval , CAWFIELD has removed his marble Estab . lishment to Wood et. opposite Fahnestock7s Drug; Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. ap 19-Iyr SAMUEL MORROW, Slanufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron 'Ware, No. 17, Fifth strect,between Wood and If arket, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, and solicits a share of publicpatronage. • Also, on hand, the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons, skillets, teaketdes, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &a. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine f or or themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap for cash mar 7—tf approved Tor Sale. L OTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane and High street. Apply to BENJAMIN DAILLINGTOIg, sep 10 Market near Fourth street. 101 ORTRAIT PAINTING. J..OSBORNE, Port ' aiater, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil rait P . J. Osborne would solicit a call from those who ding Portraits. Spcimens can be seen at his rooms. desire may 5 lb:ay Andy. ANY cosntity cif l el cel e2 c4 firi t rtilr"3,lsAllego hen Ice, may A tiara, jest i reeea "P ' i vecl of as ads W st i"na" . )l cur A t c." ll : lll44ll"l:4o"nia sii. be bad at 1411113 H DOE c T r uly 14 _ 4. Agency ana /Amway and Great streets. title to t ret of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the of the purcha.er or purchasers failing to makb 'Yu:vette al payment.. GEO. W. STRIBLING, Special Ccrrn l / 2 - . Point Pleasant. Va., June 26,1843. tjy6—!lhal Remedy for the Influenza. THE Influenza, which is now in almost a universal epidemic, is exciting the inventors of patent nr2dicines to increased exertions in the puffing line, but owing to the general distrust entertained, for time generality of such drags, people fear taking thom. The ftillowing„ however, from a distinguished physli. clan in New Torii, Dr. Nelson, we think may be ro lied on: rice 'The object of the present communication iskiit ommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy access M the poor, and to el-Larkin them against an injurious oni in this disease, namely, bleeding, either general or bX leeches. In all those cases in which the first class of symptoms prevail. let the patient smell frequently a common salts bottle, (Sims' Aromatic Volatile Salts are preferred) and by putting the vial to the I I mouth to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile, rust= ter into the longs. Let this process be repeated tiro I or three times in an hour. and it will give more speedy and greater relief, in all slight cases of the first cleat than any other remedy, and will be sufficient for I cure. It will also be essentially useful in the sorave cases; and those of the class of prostration, feiii drops of amonia, or liartshern. ought to taken inter nally. A neat way of doing so is to take an old faslit Toned mixture called lac =menia-I. However, it ii as a local remedy, to act on the disordered surface, that i ts use is advised. The principles will be recoir nized by all physicians versed in molecular organisms . ; tion, and those who are deficient in that k-nowloilipi may do in that instance ns they do in ail others--aek. upon the faith they imbibe." These salts are for *Oa and within the reach of nil classes, at Wit. Tucoisel; 53 Market street, Pittsburgh. sy A Card. THE s ubscriber respectfully informs the public id general, that he intends to devote his whole , tin to the COLLECTION of ACCOUNTS in the cities of tittv burgh, Allegheny and vicinity - . Having been engaged in this business for some timei and given entire satisfaction to those who employed him, he respectfully solicits those haring accramts td collect to give him a trial. Physicians and others :who cannot spare time froth their professional business to collect their account*, would find it to their advantage to give him a call, Respectable ruferences ran be given, and, if required; ,t ee n.tity will be given fur the faithful return tif till Ind VIC'S collected. .. - Ile can be found at Mr George Armor's, Merchant Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth streets. entrance on 4th st. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M.; Any orders left there during his absence, will be attend' , • ed to, or by letter through the Post Office: Terms, 5 pr cent commission. iy SA ML. GRISTO:q.: Farms to Lease. Tirr, undersigned will lease two Farms situated - id East Deer Township, with the necessary two; ments and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on cach.-.. 4 Also, a Farm situated in West Deer Township, A11&' gheny County, with from GO to 75 acres cleated. Tha above described property is in reasonably good repair, lying about 15 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, and within two miles of the Pennsylvania Canal, and will he leased on reasonable terms for from 1 to 3 years,Wgod tenants. BART RAM MURR: mar 1.3--tf --,-------... Lots for Sale. 4Lots in Manch ester. One and a fourth Acmes of Land on Holmes' Bill. Lot nod. 41,42,52.53,54, 181, 182, and 184, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Hamm' Hill. Also, Lots nos. 2(3, and 27, in Cook's plan of tots on II i ell Street, WILT the new Court lion. e. For term" apply to Z. W. HEAD NGTON• sep li:2____________.._._._-.-----------"'"" 13nilding Lots in Birmingham. LOTS,.suitallefor buil din - i, n os te iin:l3nateaant;ithirnvonuutc-' w e ateam ferryboat landinq, will be sold at prices to suit the times. The termsof payment will be made sash either for cash at such barter a= ran be made avails*: i Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street. Pitt•litirgh. __. june 1 JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. __----- July 19, 184 Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends end former patrons, that he has removed his estab lishment from No. postiberty, where nearly opposite the Office, he c arrtintles to carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Busixosis, is all its various branches. Ho respectfully soliebs a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to him heretofore, and pledges himself that no pains shall be spared on his part to merit the same. Constantly on hand, Manufactured Warr, of all kinds, all of w A hich will be sold low for cash. Spouting, &c., naadeo or der at short notice. aug IL M. DAWSON: ms - Landreth's Garden Seeds. A full sapply of Landreth's Garden Seeds hays tin hand and fur sede, at his agency, the Drug SN O more of F. L. WDN, 184, Liberty at., be of Wood. Min=lerwit in NSW Yost. TO. 7, Martin Chuzzlev.-it, giving an accodat orbit 1.11 arrival in New York, for sale at W. M. FOSTER ' S taiversal Agency and Literary Dept, S. Clair A. 8-3 t: