Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 10, 1843, Image 3

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    . • .
--.113116/1 THURSDAY, AC6UST 10, 1893.
.e firstPage'
• „tat, &c.,
• " blisinett
G ormutou PORTER arrived in this city lasteveniuT,
and took lodgings at the Exchange Hotel.
'The Spirit of the Age and the Sun arc very much an
the performance of some g reen horn on the
Preach horn in their neighborhood • This falsities the
• 'remark of Shakspeare, that "music hath charms to
soothe," &c.
IarCARAL BREACH.--We are grelifi6a to learn
"'"'"'niisa the breach that occurred in the Canal at Spring
' aaje, has been repaired. The boats detained were ex
pected to arrive last night.
T'Tho people of the sth Ward are about baying
:like Gas pipes extended up Penn street as far as Mr.
&rites Church. They need "more light."
STAGE UPSET.--We learn from one of the passen
gers, that the National Road mail coach, when within
twelve miles of this city, (near Mrs. Collins,') yester
upset in coming down a hill, brealung the thigh
bone of one of the Passengers, and bruising several
Mn. GWT24:q replies through the Age to the charges
4 . B:writer in tho Chronicle; stating that Mr. G.'s Oil
Factory, in Second street was a nuisance, on account
of the disagreeable odor that was emitted by the bacon
from which the Oil is made. Mr. Gwynn says, "The
bacon, now nearly used up, is, as fares smell is concern
f. —ld; as good as is in any smoke house in the city." If
'-...1111111410-bowe bacon gives as strong a smell as you can
fed in the neighborhood of Mr. Gwynn's Factory, we
will certainly es-chew all meat that has been kept in
such places for the future. The smell of such bacon,
withouttasting it, is quite sufficient to satisfy any one's
At very numerous and highly respectable meeting
of the citizens of Allegheny, held at Mr. Fleming's
Hotel, OD Saturday evening, the sth August, on motion,
Mr. W. Ceasos w a.,-nited to the chair, and J. Briggs
wesappointed secretary.
The des:gn of the meeting was stated to be a desire
• to unite the friends of industry and h mcsty; Without re
gird to political party, in support of a citicen for the
office of Mayor, on whom all partici could unite, It
Was therefore
Resolved, That FRANCIS DILL of the second
ward of Alleghengoodsciy, is a sound r epublican—a citizen
.ef exemplary character a neighbor of great
Moral worth; and a working - man whose whole life is an
example of industry and integrity to others.
Resolved, That in the selection of Mr. DILL fur the
(aloe of Mayor of Allegheny city. the meeting - entertain '
the opinion that his election would subserve the best in
terests of the corporation, and be a guarantee that no
industrious man would be oppressed under his admin
. istration.
Resolved, That the proceedings be published in the
Morning Post
WM. CARSON, Chairman
g3rNolizt.—The Young Men's Total Abstinence
Society will meet this (Thursday) evening in Liberty
Hall, corner of Wood and Fifth E treeui , at 8 o'clock.
All are incited, let all attend, as we expect some
speaking. By order,
W. 11. KINCAID, Cor. Sec'y.
TAB Electors of Allegheny County:
Fellow Citizens—l offer myself to your considem
tints, to a madame for the office of Sheriff, subject to
the Aornination of the Democratic Convention, and shall
be thankful for your support.
New Temperance Documents.
lIST received from the. American Temperance So
-oviety, New York, 3050 Youth's Advocates and Tem
perance Journals foi Auv.t. 250 Hymn Books,
Ilifnakingt, on Harps and Lyres, Chrystal Fount Melo
dies, Pic Nic Songs, 230 Reports, Prints, National
Prints, National Preacher, Permanent Temperance
Document,. Bacchus and Autirßacchus Dialogue, Y oice
from the Vintage, Sz..e., for Ladies, Gentlemen and our
th, and for sale in large q uantities to suit all classes,
inISAAC HARRIS, Agent and C o mmission Mer
t, No. 9, Fifth street aug. 10.
IDM. DAWSON would again request all persons
116. indebted to call at his shop, opposite the Post
011603, and settlo their accounts., as all unsettled ac
haunts will be left with the proper.authorities for col
*Lion, on the 29th inst. aug. 10.
Pittsburgh Theatre.
rr ITE citizens ofPittsburgh and vicidity are respect
/ fully informed that the above establishment will
open on Monday evening, the I.4th
inst n ~ for the Fall
season, with an entire apc and efficiet company,—
' Tsehouse will be thoroughly repainted and decorated,
ari every thing will be done to render the THEATR.E,
(inee more) a place ofinstraction and amR sement.
ILENrof good character, for the Corps de Ballet, to
o)lom good salaries willbe paid and dresses fotind.—
ly at the Merchants' Hotel, between 11 an d
1 12 0%
\`, ,AM aug 4—w.
ionw•.•--- --. _
Sam Slick, the Attache!
rillilS new work, from the pen of Judge Haiti) urton,
'J. just received (by express) at the St. Clair st. Lit
erary Depot. Ev , . 8-Iw.
C 0 FFEE.-300 bags Rio coffee,
50 Laguyra
50 " St. Domingo do
50 " I lavaana do
Now receiving, and for sale low for cash, by
43, Wood street
DRIES. -50 boxes chocolate,
5 do cocoa,
3 do rico flour,
25 do ground pepper,
5 do Cayenne do.,
36 cans ground mustard,
5 kegs do allspice,
5 do do ginger,
12 cans do do., together with
eve thing in the grocery line, all of which is offered
ettrertnely low prices, for cash.
43, Wood street.
i 4000,1
------. -. _-------------
Proposals for Chain Iron.
Washington, July 28, 1843.
PROPOSALS will be received at this Office unti,
3 o'clock, on the first day of September ensuing,
villeliver at the Navy Yard in this city, the following.
Clain Iron, for eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches
inliarneter, each 150 fathoms long, constituting the fol
loving bill of Iron, viz:
• 351001 inks 1 11-16 inches in diameter-201 inches
$5O links 1 13-16 inches in diameter—`_'2} inches
• , long.
,20 feet 3i
_inch by 21 Ov a l p i n I ron ..
90 do 94 do 2 do do.
011 Swivel, 193 Shackle, and 13 box pieces.
Ipecifications of the Swivel, Shackle, 80.1. pieces
ext. Chrel pin Iron, canbe s‘...en on application at this of
ficr, all of the above Iron must be the,very best Amer
end Intaergo such proof, under the ..ed tests '
ad inspection, as the Commandant of the may ;
ees. it to; to be delivered free of expense e
&moment, and in as short a timewill be designated
after the Con i
ispedees is possible, which time
in - the cintraet.
Dandtwith good and sufficient sureties in double the
tnf the Contract will be required, and a reser
n jade from each paytnem of 10 per cent, till the
k i lt at
is completed.
NV.I. B. SCOTT,NavY Agent.
• . e
.•., . . • - .... : ._. J ...i ~ . _
rill 012DEINANCil ' l-1.411*-
TO wzom••---- - 31:11613
Supplementary to the various Ordinances respect- tilltiniket elatton.
atm °wrings or OSACOEUNIBRI. I
''" 4-'..---- - -
in , the a ssessment and collection of Water Rents,
0 a
and for other pun-poses. Prothonotary.
BABBIT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL.—This 1 -----..- -- - ---
WHEREAS, by an act of the 'Legislature of Penn- excellent invention for there duction of friction in i
sylvania, passed on the 7th day of March : 1843 maehinory has at length been introduced in our city.— r I respectfully offer Myself a candidate for the office
0, Prat?.
.onotofry of Allegheny county, subject
the Mayor,
and citizens of Pittsburgh, are' It consists of a I Meal box, suitable for all revolving and I • of
l acuon the Democratic county convuntion, which
authorised to collect and recover waterrents due and sliding motions in the varions kinds of machinery,where
meets on the 30th August next.
unpaid, beyond the limits of the city, as well as within great weight or speed are applied; these boxes reduce GF.O. 11. RIDDLE.
the same, in the same way as City Taxes are now re- friction in a remarkable de,gese, requiring but little oil,
and are W ~r /r. ° ' te a ' entirelY fl."
from the. objections
covetable: Therefore,
Be it ordained and enacted by the citizens of found with those now in use.
These lined boxes have been introduced in many of i
Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Conned.. arse *-
bled, ' the Eastern Rail Reads, and in various manufacturing
Ist. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance establishments in that section of country, to which the
it 8110 be the duty of the Assessor and Register of p er- limits of an advertisement will not allow us to refer,and 1
ter Rents to make out a true and correct list of all per- nearly thirty well known uperintendentsnginer,ma
sons residing beyond the limits of the city, who may use chinists &id engine builders in the east certify that, "in
the use of these boxes, friction is reduced in a remark
the hydrant water, and assess each such person for the
use of said water as is now provided with regard to per
able degree; oil is required only in small quantities, and
sons taking or using the water within the city limits; the wear is hardly perceptible, during a period in which
and after approval of the said list • by the Water Com- a hard metal box of the same thickness would be worn
mittee, he shall make out and deliver to the Collector suit journals running in these boxes attain a smoother
of the Second Ward, alist of such persons who may re- surface than they have seen on those which have been
side between the Monongahela river, and the centre of run in any other hmt." They also certify "that the pa
the Farmers' and Mechanics' Turnpike; he shall also run in of this improvement has received the highest a
ward of the MassaChusetts Charitable Mechanic' s Asso
make out a similar list of all such persons residing be
ciation, for specimens of these boxes, (some of which
tween the centre of the said Turnpike and the centre
had been run on the crank of alocomotive engine more
of Coal Lane, and deliver it to the Collector of the
than thirty thousand miles,) at the fair of the Institu-
Third Ward, and he shall make out a similar list of all
tion, held in Boston in September and October,lB4l."
persons taking the water who mac reside between the
centre of Coal Lane and the southeastern line of the The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, also awarded
Mr. Ba s bbitt the premium for the i
Ward, s awar
the Fifth Ward; and the said Collectors are hereby
au _
to new and useful improvements. ,
thorited and directed to collect and levy the said water •
rents as is provided in this and other Ordinances, and ' The Committee on naval affairs reported strongly in
its favor, in consequence of which the right to use it was
the same allowance shall be made the said Collectors
purchased by the Government for $20,000. The corn
for collecting the same as they are authorised to charge ,
I mittee refer to, and make a part of their report the let
upon the collection of Water Rents within the city
limits. tens of S. V. Merrick, J. Erriceon, George C. Read. C.
W. Copeland, Corn. L. Warrington, Hon. A. P. Up
2nd. That in case any Water It ent shall remain un-
i shun, and Charles Howard, recommending the inven
paid for two months after the Collectors of the several
Wards have demanded payment of the same, from the 1
person residing on the premises, or owning the estates I Mr. S. V. Merrick states that the metal having been
long enough in use to test its merits fully, he has no
charged therewith, it shall be the duty of such Collector
hesitation in saying that it is one of the most valuable
to levy and collect the said Water Rent, by distress and
improvements that has come to his notice. The effmts
sale of the good , and chattels of such delinquent, giving
produced are: a great diminution in friction; a saving
ten days public notice of such sale by written or
printed advertisement; and the gotsle and chattele of all . in oil—one hair; or more; an economy in the original
construction, metals being much lighter; a saving
tenants occupy in , any premises assessed as heretofore
provided, shall he liable to be distressed for Water in repair, the lasting lonser and being replaced at
Rent arising out of such premises; provided, that in a less cost; and a saving in (eel, consequent upon di
minished friction."
case sufficient property liable to be distressed should
The metal has also been introduced with great ad
not be found on shy premises to pay the amount of
Water Rent accruing thereon, the Collector of each vantage, in lining carriage and wagoaboxes, for which
it is well adapted , .
Ward shall report the same on or before the first of
It is also, amongst many others, strongly recommen-
Ocel, •r in cash year to the Assessor and Register of
dad by Mr. Charles Howard, President of the -
I - •r Rests, who shall give notice to the owner ef
more and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who pur
sech property of the amount of such assessment, and in
defi d edt of payment within two "'l's , the fertile shall the right for the road,a distance of seventy mile s
s ,
for $1,050. Mr• Howard gives the article the follo
be e d and suit commenced according to the
in" r ecomneaulat len:
provisions of the existing, O r dinances upon that subject,
provided, al.so, that it' such Collector shall have good "The price was c onsidered a hie') one, for the corn
reason to believe that any person on whom Water Rent , paratiyely limited extent to which the Cam ran would
is assessed, shall be about to heave the city, without , have an opportunity of making use of the patent right;
but we a satisfied that is was for our interest to a
payment of such Water Rent, he may proceed itnmedi
ail ourselves. of the invitation. I can now say, that,
suety to levy and collect the same as herein provided. i •
having better tested its Nadu° by a more extensive nee
3d. That all persons o wning property beyond the '
plication of it, I think that the company would be very
limits of the City, and adjacent to ally of the mains,
unwise to relinquish their right to use it any
a much high
that may belaid
for the conveyance or the water, who .
cr conside rat ion than that which was given for it; and I
are desirous of procuring a s upply of water, shall make
application in writing to the Superintendent of the Wa- , have no doubt, that if such a proposition were to be
ter Works, who shall open such pipe told attach a! made to the Company, it would, without hesitation, be
ferule, under the same conditions as are provided in re- I declined '
lesion to applicants residiug within the limits of said 1 TM. g reat m erit ' o f the itt ymnit ' n a re • that it p revcnts
such , the heating, and consequent cutting and destruction
city, and any plumber or other person openine ofthe bearings, which are ao numerous on the steam
main pipes without the authority of the Superintend- I
engine; and on the perfection of a hich depends the val-
ent of the Water Works, for Ma- purpose whatever,
ue of the engine; while, at the same time, there is a
shall be liable to a fine of live dollrs; and all I,ersens I
using the heal
Water beyond the limits of the ei* - , I very ereat saving of oil, the expenditure forms a mate
, riai item in the cost of working a laree engine. In the
shall be liable to the same lilies, penalties and forf eit- ures for waste of water, or injury or damage to the said ' locomotives:of the company. I find die saving to be fut
Works, mains, pipes, or other a pparatus; or I)''' one half a the quantity which was requited before
Mr. Babbitt's invention was a pplied to them. Some
fire plugs, or for using the Hydrant Water NV itil . •ut pay
ing Water Rent, ur for permitting other persons not M. these l'"nntive' hayin g run several thousand miles
paying, Water Rent to resort to their Hydrants, as if I can also say that this invention makes the machinery
mulch more durable, so that while the effective power
the said offences were committed within the limits of ,
of the machine is increased, the cost of repairs is di
the city, and the said fines, penalties and forfeitures
shall be recovered as directed in the said Act of A.ssein
-1 re - ier The ro mposition alluded to haying been used
bly passed the 7th day of March, A. D. 1343.
4th. That from and after the passage of tlds Ordin- i in this vicinity, the proprietor is enabled to refer to the
• following - gentlemen as to its m erits, vis:
areas all persons intending to use the II vdraitt water fur Wm. Lvov, of dm tirm of Lyon, Short, Ss Co.
building purposes, shall make applicaUun in writing to
Lew ape Moac AN, Engineer of the steam boat
the Assessor and Reeister of Water Rents, who shall West Point.
assess and determine die amount to he paid by each .
los FP II II AMILTON, Eneincers of the steamer
a pplicant, under the direction of the Water Cemmitice, \ ' - Brunette•
which sum shall be paid within sic months after the , j ''' aPil TAY '''",
E A - 'llle boxes and composition can be purchased
time of such application, which shall state the size
and description of buildinss intended to be constructed ' Se inspected at the Bell annd Besse Foundry ,If AN D W
or repaired, and the said 'Assessor and Register shall FULTON', corner of and street and Chaucery Lane.
grant a permit for the use of the water foil the use or
um! ' 4-2 ' 6 '
such buildings, and the Superintendent of the Water
Works, if necessary for procuring the water, shall open
the main pipe, and insert a fertile, as provided in other
cases, receiving for each pipe soup and
attached, the 611111 of Two Dollars; and any
contractor or owner, who shall use the Hydrant water
for building purposes without previously obtaining, such
permit, shall pay a fine of, Five Dollars, and the owner
of the buildings shall in, all cases be held responsible
for the amount assessed for the water used ns in its con
struction: provided, that if any person coiders him
self agrieved , he may aplical to the Water Committee
within two weeks from the date of such a ssessment,and
not after, mat the decision of the Water Committee
shall be final and conclusive.
sth. That such person as may be hereafter appoin
ted by the Water Committee to the office of Assessor
and Register of the Water Rents shall, before he enters
upon the duties of his office, make oath or affirmation
before one of the Aldermen of the city, that he will
make to the best of his knowledge and belief,
,iust a
equitable assessments of the value of the water used in
each dwelling or other premises, not being influenced
by fear or partiality, and moreover that he will to the
best of his ability, 'disclraxge the other duties of his of
6th. That from and after the passage of this Ordin
ance it shall be the duty of the Assessor and Register of
Water Rents, to collect the amount assessed upon
buildings, and from time to time to assess such dwel
lings, and other buildings as may be made vacant at
the time of the rem lar annual nasessment, and which
he may afterwards discover discover to be occupied, and com
municate the amount of such assessment to the several
Ward Collectors, and further in a ddition to the duties
now imposed upon him by the several Ordinances of the
city, he shall attend us all suits that may be brought be
fore tny of the Alderman of the city or otherwi
es se, or
Water Rent. or violation of any of the Ordinanc cofn
cerning the Water Works, and for so doing, and dis
charging the other duties devolved upon him by this Or
dinance, the Water Committee shall be authorised to
make him such compensation in addition to the salary
to which lie is now entitled, as they may deem justnd
right, provided such allowance shall trot exceed two
hundred dollars per annum.
Ordained and enacted into a Law in Councils, this
$d day of August, A. D•, 1843.
WM. EICHBAUM, President C. C.
E. J. ROBERTS, Clerk C. C.
N, President S. C.
A. MILLAR, Clerk S. C. aug 13-3 t
Ladies' Companion.
A EGUST NO. Three splendid Steel Engravings,
.11.. received at W. M. FostErt'S Agency and Litera•
Depot St. Clair est. aug. 3-6 t.
LOAF SUGAR. -10 bores loaf sugar, just receive •
and for sale by .
43, Wuod street
MACKEREL -520 Ws no. 3 macliarel,
10 half bbli no. 2 do
10 quarter bids no '2 do, a prima
article for family use, jiist meeired ana for sale by
43, Wood street:
an g 9 ____------------ _
T 013ACCO.-10 boxes Burton's 5 blurnp o
9.5 do Russell & Robinsous d
5 du Dare's do
10 do assorted sizes arid brands,
Jut received and for sale by
43, Wood streat
TEA. -'25 half cliestg young by son,
30 boxed (13 lbs) do
20 6 lb. boxes gunpowder,
" imperial, just received and
43, Wood street
OLE 1 4 E41. • • —420 sides sots leather just re
ceived.by H.: LIKAN, JENNINGS & CO:,
• q 9 43, Wood street
[er eauErt fit, THE COM:His:U(3S EHFA
1 - 1 N 'WEDNESDAY, the 6th day or September,
ik-1 13473, %yin he offered at public sale, nt Pittsburgh,
the followhel St,wlii owned be the State of Peunsylva
nia, viz.:
No. of Shares. Comranies
1600 Allegheny Bridge Company
2000 Mononetihela "
600 Big Beaver
100 Concmaugh "
100 L.,yrilhanna "
171 Robbstown
300 Williamsport, Washington co.,
2500 'Monong-ahala 'Navigation company,
2151 Bedford and Stoystown Tp. Road: company ,
3823 St4stown and Greensburgh
1780 Greensburgh and Pittsburgh
3437 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana "
067 Pittsburgh and New Alexandria "
322 New Alexandria and Conemaueh"
947 Pittsburgh and Butler
882 Butler and Mercer
320 Pittsburgh and Steubenville "
300 Robbstown and Mount Pleasant "
660 Mount Pleasant and Somerset
672 Somerset and Bedford ,
360 Armstrong and Indiana
560 Indiana and Ebensburg
329 Washington and Williamsport
855 1)o Pittsburgh
200 Butler and Kittanning .
240 Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh "
360 Somerset and Conemaugh
320 Do Cumberland <,
160 Ligonier and Johnstown .
224 Armstrong and Clearfield
80 Browning-ton, Harrisville, and
200 Butler and Freeport
224 Pittsburgh F armors &Mechanics'"
160 Bedford and Hollidaysburgh <<
160 Birmingham and Elizabethtown " 25 - ----:--------
160 Luthersburgh and Punxatawney " 25 1, County AllditOr.
300 French Creek Bridge company, 20 Messrs. Editors:—Please announce the name of
1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20 JOHN W. M'C LELLA ND, of Franklin township,. as
100 Erie and Waterford Turnpike Road company 50 . a suitable candidate for County Auditor at the coming
560 Susquehanna and Waterford 25 election, subject to the decision of the County Conven
-1010 Mercer and Merulville 25 , tion. Mr. M'Cl.st.t...orn is a Democrat of the warm
-100 Anderson's Fem., Waterford and ' est and purest kind, and will bel warmly supported
New Haven 100 by MANY DEMOCRATS.
200 Abington and Waterford o 25',, Aug. 7, '43—to._
- __— -----------------..
230 Warren and Ridgeway o 2a ! FOR THE POST.
40 Warren and New York State line " 50 I take the liberty of offering myself as a candidate
96 Titusville and Union Mills 25 ' for the office of Coroner, to my democratic fellow cid
160 Warren and Franklin li 25 zens of Allegheny county, subject to the deCision of the
Union 25 Democratic Convention which meets on the 30th inst.
80 Sugar Grove and
300 Bank of Pennsylvania, 4 1 0 0 0 0 , ang 9—tc ROBERT IST:CHESNEY .
300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company,
1000 Peims.s,-Ivrmia and. Ohio Canal company, 100 i Willia.m C. Wall,
Purchasers will be r equired to pay for the Stocks, at I Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is \ Manufacturer,
sued by the Auditor General, in pursuance of the
No. U. Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
lotion of 7th April, 1342, notes issued by the Banks -af ri AN V ASS bruslie , , varnish, &c., for artists, always
this Commonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1341, i %,,i
I on hand. Looking Gisses, &c., promptly fie
specie, or the notes of specie paying banks.. The trans- ! med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice.
for of Stock will be made asonable time after i Particular attention paid ro a r egilding and jobbing of
sale. JAMES CLARKE, I every description.
EVANS ROGERS, - 1 Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to
JOB MANN, ther co g
ilvanta o to call. scp 10-y
. i
Commissioners for sale of State Stocks. 1
aug I—ts
BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store
Ain Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably
iledand worn. It is signed by James Gaston and
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own
er can have it by identifying it, and paying expense&
July 31.---tcf.
NIOKED HERRINGS. --45 boxes smoked her
/..7 rings just received and.
JEN fix sale by
43, Wood *treat.
I respectfully otter myself as a candidate for the of
fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem
ocratic Convention. WM. G. AWKINS.
Wilkins township, june 27--tc.
To the voters of Allegheny county--I respect
fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate
(indePen.rient of parties) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known will please examine into my qualifies
tions,-&c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your
choice. ALEX. MILLER.
may 10--te. of Pittsburg.
Clear the course for She Volunteers.
of Allegheny city
will be a candidate for the office of Prothonotary of Al
legheay, county, at the October election. jinn , 4.
M ANT CitiTCHS of Allegheny city recommend Dr.
J. C. M'CULLY as a suitable person to fill 1
the office
of Prothonotary. july 2.
Trespectfully present myself w the citizens of Alle
gheny county, as a candiclatefor the Sheri&ltv, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic convention, -which
meets on the 30th of August next.
june E
FOR Till?. POST.
MLNIr Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO
SEPH CURRY as a animble person to fill a gen
-13. t in
the Assembly, the ensuing session. july 11, 18
A number of the Democrats of Mifflin township
have concluded to present the name of SAMUEL
COCHRAN, Esq., of that township, for the consider
tion of the Convention which meets on the 30th iwenstll
fora nomination for the Leg-,islature. Mr C. is a
known and a well tried, democrat, and his
au neighbors
contichintly present his claims. g 7—tf
We are a uthorised to announce .1011 s; BROWN
Esq., of Pine township, as a candidate for As , embly
:tibject to the nomination of the Democratic COIIVPII
lion. Democrat 29—to
County Commissioner .
We are authorized to announce ALEN A:s; R
PHILLIPS. jr., of Robinson, as a candidate for County
Commissioner, subject to the decision of the &tow . rat
ic county convention. m; 7—tc
County Commissioner.
MES3R3. EDITORS: --Please announce the name of
Genl. JOHN M. TMIT IS, of Peebles, for County Com
missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic
county Convention, to be held in August next.
County Commissioner.
Messrs. Editors: As the general opinion appears
to prevail that inasmuch as there are already two of
the County Commissioners from the country, it is but
a matter of right and justice that the city or its imme
diate neighborhood should have the third candidate
We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people 0:
Allegheny counts, .43ms C. Commis, Esq., of the
city district, fur County Commissione, at the ensuin
fall election. M. DEMOCRATIC VOTEU.S.
County Commissioner.
AT the solicitation of a number of friends of all
X- political parties, I respectfully offer myself to
the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of
County Commissioner. That mysentimentsor private may not
be misunderstooa, either as to political
affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life
a consistent Republican, in the tme sense of the Word.
A.:4 the country is somewhat embarrassed in it finan
cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public
officers has received the approbation of large majori
ties of the people, the undersigned would not should
he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any ma
it nne rlra at
tempt to resist this salutary reform . , any a
the office of County Commissione.
apr 6.
Par Value.
' 25 \ We are authorized to announce Mr. JAMES H.
2 5 i ROBB, of Upper St. Clair township, as a candidate
5 0 . for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the
2 Dom_ 12. if (-
5 3 0
50 ' JACOB TOMER, Esq. of Pitt township, well known
50 to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a staunch,
50 uniform Republican of the Jackson sch to oolhe , will b
e a
50 ! candidate for C , iunty Treasurer, subject t decisi
r O O
~ of
.) the Democratic nv
County Coen tion.
5 : 0
'l3 At the solicitation of many radical detnocrats, Mr.
50 SAMUEL McKEE, of Birmingham, has consented to
50 become a candidate fur the office of County Treasurer
50 subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con
-50 cention. Of Mr. McKee it may be truly said, to be
25 known is to be popular.
n 5 ! Many Frinds of 'Unassuming Worth.
50' .iY.7—t
50 Coroner.
25 I respectfully offer myself to the citizens of Alleghe
-25 ny county, for the office of Coroner, subject to the de
-205, cision of the Democratic Convention.
-2250 jy 18—tc DAVID HARTZ.
25 Coroner.
r RESPECTFULLY offer myself as a candidate for
50 .1 Coroner of Allegheny county, subject to the action
2 0 of the democratic County Convention to be
NST held onON• the
25 30E11 August. JOHN JOH
5 ° Allegheny, July 21—tc.
hHORSE LOST.—Strayed
from Samuel
Gamble's, near Dunningsville, Washington
count:, , Pa. , on the night of the 15th ult., a large Bay
Horse, without any particular marks; 14 or 15 hands
high, and between 6 and 7 years of aze. Has a few
\ white heir; in his forehead. Whoever will return
him to Samuel Gamble, near Duningsville or to meat
Pihsburgh, shall receive the shore reward ' .
t.;1; 2.NIULVAN Y.
r4P Tho WashingtmExaminer. Uniontown Genius
of Liberty, Wheeling Argus, Brownsville IS eVrB , aisi
V aynesburgh Messenger, insert three times each. send
' paper to advertiser, and charge this office,
--, A -------- ----
13121 ...
011111&11.11 ilalidiN t 1101JSSUANT to ft deereud order it:e . der.,* llo :
STANDARt - INGRAHAM & CO., il. wrier Court Lawa' ' andetenneri, fee Mew
nounced the 19th day of April, 1843,in tile
Porararible and Cencusdnirioet Merchants, cerni.Pro .. . . _
Henry strider. rit.o.
depending therein rit H
CLEVELAND, oasO gainst James W. 13arkenriage mat ethers. Detest&
A GENTS for the Merchants TrenrOdriAtion Com- undersigned special , corniniogioner, will salt it row
parry composed af the Merchants' Lines Erie auction to the lug hest bidder, at the court Uwe hi
Mason county, on the 16th dal of September, ts 43.
Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve-
(being the first day of the Cir Sup'r Court d
land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. .Proprio - conntv,) that well known bnay of land commenly es&
tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. led "'Graham's Station," lying In Mason eeenti, Y.
1 On the Ohio river, containing by survey four thoeseei
Wilkie & );Haworth, No. 9, Goentios Slip, N. Y. , one hundred and twenty-three acres, in Iwo grraolgo;
R. Hunter & Co. Albany. pansels, a largo proportion of which is river
Otis Chaff, Boston. land. The above lands imavtoss CD the day etss=
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, be laid off by the surveyor of the county Mims stew
M. T. Williams & DOW, venient size fur farms,a - tal plats furnished, and so lOW
Hon. John M.. Allen, Cleveland. thereof will be sold as may be necessary to makes
Charles M. Giddings, the sum of money required by said &costal erelsee.•
J. S. Dickey, Beaver. The sales will be made nn n credit of nine utonshe Ilke
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. one-third part of the purchase money, oft - web* tem&
ap 1 1843-Iy. for another third part, and of eighteen meted* Cu ilre
residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving! beeirtele
good security for the payment of tlse &smog wimp
ments, bearing interest from the day of
sale, the iusid
title to be retained as further security r the
of the purci ese money, and liable to resale at dee risk
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make peoese.
al payments.
Point Pleasant, Va., Rae 26,1843. tjy6-edn
Deaver and Warren:Packet .
1i"..h,...,.... THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.l
71- - -• 4.. , ‘1.‘... .....:7- .- -.- --.. Shaw,master, will run as regular tri
'weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freight or pa_ssage apply CO., P itt on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & sburgh,
rrVC", -7rlir'S
, ..... •••-••••46-"-.0
I.4bAn'. SianT
AND RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, viaßed
ford, Chambeisburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Main ai ofn cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and o tr no night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia
Baltimore 9.
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st
feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors.
The Great Central Vont@
Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rai
Road Company.
77 7(t W.%
T HIS line is in full operation andleaves Pittsburgh
daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa.
and national road to Cuml,t'rland, connecting here
with the rail road. Co's to all the above places - . Trav
elers will find this a speedy and c omfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra conches forntstred at
' the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
President of N. IL Stage Co.
feb '3--dtf.
.------------ _
Regular Packets, for Cincinnati.
The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every
Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m.
The Cutter, Collins,`Alaster, leaves every Friday at
10 o'clock a. to.
The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat•
urday at 10 o'clock a. tn.
The Eirtpress, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun
day at 10 o'clock a. tn.
To Lek
A THREE story brickhouse on Mtu-ket betw'ntli .
2nd and 3rd streets. The store in this
houselarge, and furnished with gas pipes and a
g ood counter. Rent low.
ALSO, a dwelling house on Market between 3rd
and 4th streets, and several rooms with an entrance
from Market street. E. D. GAZZAM.
, Aug. 7
To Let,
211'1 T.;
OR a term of years, my house, store room
1. and work shop, on 2d street, opposite Jas.
Par -, jr., &Co The shop is brick, 19 feet wide, by
30 10ng,3 stories high. T have in it a small steam en
gine, about 5 horse power, which I will also rent, if
desired. For further particulars enquire of me,'on the
I aug 4—tf
To Rent
PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at the
cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and
O'Hara street.. Apply on the premises. july 16.
Peach Trees.
91.1 THE subscriber has just received from the Nur
sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia,
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
wou ld call the attention of the public.
No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood.
Dr. Decider's Pulmonary Preservative.
FOR coughs, colds, influenza:4, catarrhs, whooping
cough, spitting of blood, ain the breast, all
diseases of the bremt and lungs, pa in arst of approach
ing consumption. Warranted free. from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FA.HNESTOCK CO.,
iy Pittsburg-'
ALLEN KR MAR, Exchange Broker, No. 46,
Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsbtsrg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought
and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale.
Drafts, notes and bills, collected.
Wm. Bell & Co.,
John D. Davis,
F. Lorenzo, Pittsburgh, l'a.
J • Painter & Co.,
Joseph Woodwell,
James May, ..,1
Alex. Bronson &Co.
John H Brown &Co.
James M'Candless. Cincinnati, 0.,
J. R. M'Donald. St. Louis, Mo.
W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres't:Batuisville.
Gss!Rat. Lisp Ossics, /
June '1.3,1849. S
ADVICE having been received from the Reeser
of the Land Office at Lexington, Missouri, dot
the removal of that Office to the town of Clinton.
in Henry county, as directed by the President, willbe
effected on or about the 3d day of July next: this is to
dice n otice that the public sale of lands ordered to be
held at Lexington on the second day of October next,
John Cartwright, 1 by the Executive proclamation bearing datcr the Bth
CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, 1 , inst., will be held at the time prescribed in the town of
corner of 6th and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa.; Clinton aforesaid. THO. H. BLAKE,
N. B.—Always on hand an extensive as sortment of June 30—last 10 Comm
Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
s and Tanncr's Patent. T Shears,
.. To ol, -
lIE subscriber r espectfully informs his friends sad
Hatter's, Hair Dresser'
former patrons, that he has removed bis (Naar
lishment from No. 61, Liberty, to No . —, Third, es,
nearly opposite the Post Office, where he conch nee es
carry on the Coppar, Tin and Sheet Iron Business;bv
all its various branches. He respectfully solicits a
continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to
him heretofore, and pledges himself that no pains shell
be spared on his part to merit the same.
on hand, Manufactured Were, of all kinds, ail
will be sold low for cash. Spouting, &c., Made tear.
der at short notice.
aug 4-1 m
CAWFIELDhas removed h i s mar
F stock's
to Estab
lioshment to Wood st. opposte aturc
Drug Store, where he will keep 1.5 c onstantly on hand
Tomb Stones, 14onuraent.s etc•,ap Iyr
_ _
manufacturer of Copper and Sheet !
Iron Ware,
110. 17, Fifth street, between Wood and Market,
'Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of v.-are,
and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, g ridirons,
skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &.c.Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap for cash or
appr,ved paper. 7—tf
For Sale.
L OTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane and
High stmt. A.pply to
Market near Fourth street.
_ s . V ---------------.
i rait Painter, Fourth At., 3a story Burk's Buil
ain;,. J. Osborne Moo=d solicit et cell from those who
desire PortraitA. Spcimens can be vim at. his rocusrs.
may 5
Tee! Ice! Ice?
' quantity of dean, first rate Allegheny Ice,
A A ay
be had et lICOH DUFFY'S, cocorn.T.r of Second
ilia Gams streets. july 13-4.
..~ ~_.~.
Remedy for the Infloonsa.
THE Influenza, which is now in Almost sanityrigt
epidemic, is exciting the invenforo of puma
medicines to increased exertions in the pa* hoe,
but owing to the general distrust entertained far do
generality of such drugs, people fear taking deeou - ..
The following, however, from a distinguished
clan in New York, Dr. Nelson, we think mei tritt
lied on:
"The object of the present c ommunication issta tee
ommend a single remedy. cheap and of easy access be
the poor, and to caution them against an injurious one
in this disease, namely, bleeding, either general or by
leeches. In all those eases in which the first class of
symptoms prevail, let tho patient smell frequently ist
a common salts bottle, (Sims' Aromatic Valet!' e
Salts are preferred) and by putting the vial to the
mouth to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile mar
ter into the lungs. Let this process be repeated two
or three times in an hour, and it will give more speedy
and greater relief, in all slight cases of the first class
than any other remedy, and will be sufficient for a
cure. It will also be essentially useful in the severs
cases; and those of the class of prostration, a feu
drops of amonia, or hartshorn, ought to taken inter
nally. A neat way of doing so is to take an old. fash
ioned mixture called lac a mmoniaci. However, it is
as a local remedy, to act on the disordered surfeit's,
that its use is advised. The principles will be recog
nized by all physicians versed in molecular organiser
Lion, and those who aro 3-cadent in that knowledge
may do in that instance as they do in all others --get
upon the faith they imbibe." These salts are for isle
and within the reach of all classes, at Wm. Toostit's,
53 Market street, Pittsburgh. jy 17.
THE subscriber respectfully' informs tre - fitittltrie , --
general, that he intends to devote his whole time
to the COLLECTION OF AccouNTS in the cities of Pitts..
burgh, Allegheny and vicinity.
Having been engaged in this business for some time.
and given entire satisfaction to those who employed
him, he respectfully solicits those having amounts to
collect to give him a trial.
Physicians and others . .who cannot spare time films
their professional business to collect their accounids,
iwouhl find it to their advantage to give him a call.
Respectable references can be given, and, if required,
secuaity will be given for the faithful return of ell MO
vies collected.
He can be found at Mr George Armor's, Men:bent
Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on Ath st. daily from C till 10 o'clocill A. M.
Any orders left there during his absence, will be atom&
ed to, or by letter through the Post Office.
Term=, 5 pr cent comtniAilon.
Farms to Lease.
THE un dersig-ned will lease two For situated ill
East Deer Township, with the necessary teme•-
ments and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on eash.
Also, a Farm situated in West Deer Township, An.
gbeny County, with from 60 to 75 acres cleared. Tits
above described property is in reasonably good repair•
iiyina about 15 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, sod
within two miles of the Pennsylvania Canal, and !Albs
leased on reasonable terms for from 1 to S years, to
good tenants. ART RAM MURRY.
mar 13-4!
Lots for Sale.
4Lots in Manch ester. One and a fourth Wes of
Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42, 52,53,54.
181, 182, and 184 in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes'
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook's planet Lots
on 'High strmt, near the new C ourt 11,TUF C. For term
apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
sep 'lO
Building Lois in Er
0 LOTS, suitable fur building, most eli
"1 gak
9 mart', and within two minutes' walk of the
steam ferry boat landing . , will be sold at prices to wok
the times. The wrens of payment will be made eatgr,
either for cash or such barter as can be made available.
Apply to the s ub:rribcrs in Birmingham, or Mr. E.
Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh.
june 1 JAS. PATTERSON, jr.
Freeman's Fire Brick for *ale.
JUST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire
Be which will hereafter be kept constandy on
and sold low for cub, by BIRMINGHM
may 27 No. A 60 Viranest.
Dissolution of Partnership
HE late fi rm of T. &A. Nesmith eo. dos
and leather dealers and tanners, is dissolved eds
day by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Argell
Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has been sold
and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.; and
f Thomas
Nesmith, er. and Thomas Nesmith jr., lusve ormals
copartnership, under the firm of Tuou.ts Nrsurru b
SON, who are duly authorised to settle the business of
the late firm for that purpose.
july 22—titt
July 19, 1843
Landrath's Garden Seeds.
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
hand and for sale, at lile agency, the Drug store a
184, Liberty st., head of Weod.
ChnsiLewitla NSW Ye*.
N 0.7 , Martin C,Vinzzlewit, giving an aceotmt orbit
arrival in New York, for sale at W. M. Fosialet
Universal Agency and Literary Depot, St. Chfix et..
aug, 8-3 t.
, -
Bandy Andy.
A SM ALL supply o ft"is porular work, clamp est
rion, just reeeivecl at w. M. FOSTER'S 151EaTerill
Agency and Literary Depos, Ss. Clair st.