Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 10, 1843, Image 2

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to his--custom, I descended noiselessly into,
the court, went out by the secret doorin the - Wtsli, and: .
4eancealed myself at a little distance. • I waited some
Lime--for I had determined tow atch the night through.'
At length Cardillac came forth, - by the secret dodr,and
gilded down- the street. I followed him at a little dis
tance; my heart beat when I saw him going towards
the Rue St. Honore. Suddenly I lost sight ofhim;and
aware that no time was to be lost, I resolved to place
leyselitas sentinel at your door. But at that instant
m,,tifttor passed without seeing me, humming a tune,
rettild. the first victim whom I saw Cardillac murder.—
Minh° luagone on a few paces, a dark figure, which
I recognizes as Cardillac's, sprang upon him. I rush
,ied forward with a loud cry; but it was Cardillac,not the
coirsetv,'who had fallen. The officer, seeing me, drew
his sword, and placed himself on the defensive, suppo
timr.' line an accomplice; but soon seeing that I busied
myselfonly with the wounded man, and did not attack
hiss!, he hastened away. Cardillac was living. I took
up the dagger with which he had been wounded, and
supporting him, assisted, or rather carried him to his
• owithouse. The rest is known to you.
*'You now know, revered lady, my only crime, that
nrforbearing to denounce the father of Madelon. lam
guilty in thus permitting his infamous deeds: I will bear
their punishment—fur no torture shall wring from me
11M - dreadful secret. I will never poison the peace of
Ilrlttdelon' life by the knowledge, nor suffer her buried
flaw to be dragged from the asylum of the grave, a
mJd the execrations of the people. No! my beloved
-must mourn over me as a guiltless victim but time will
bealhergrief, and she will never he embittered by the
imowlekte of her father's crimes."
Olivier ceased; but soon after throwing himself at
&whirl's feet, while tears rolled down his cheeks--
"too are convinced of my innocence!" he cried—" Have
Mercy upon me, and tell me--how is it with Madden?"
Scoderi summoned. Martiniere, and in a few moments
Itlidelon was in the arms of her lover. "Oh, now ! all
is well," she exclaimed. "since thou art here! . I knew
--Iknew that noble lady would save thee!" And Oli
vier forgot his chains and the doom that threatened him;
and again and again they embraced each other, with
tears of joy.
Had their protectress not been before convinced
of theyoung man's innocence, the sight of such pure,
&toted, passionate love, forgetthl of all his wretched
, Dees, forgetful of all the world but the one beloved,
• would have been sufficient to assure her that such a
hermit could never harbor thoughts of crime!
It-was now late, and Desgrais tapped lightly at the
door of the apartment, and reminded them it was time
the prisoner should depart. The lovers were separa
ted. Mlle de Scuderi wept; for though relieved from
all the dark suspicions that had before filled her mind,
her heart was saddened by the thought that the son of
her beloved Anne, though innocent, must in all proba
bility suffer an ignominious death. She honored the
feelings that prompted him to choose death rather than
expose to infamy the father of his !kink - Hon: vet no way
could she see to save him without revealing the secret.
AnXious ' however, to do somethin::, she wrote n la
teral° La Rep', in which she eNpressed the fullest
conviction that the prisoner was innocent of Cardillac's
death; and declared that only his heroic resolution to
bear to the grave a secret whose disclosures would
bring unutterable wretchedness upon a good and sir:u
p:tows person, prevented his making a confl- si at to the
court, which would prove him guiltleia ,Ndy of Cr..-
dates murder, but of all r .....ti,;vntion in the crim: s of
t h lu eopool.....a.of robbers. The lady spared not argu
-- matt nor elequence to soften the heart of the President.
a Tew hours the answer c uric, that he was truly
glad the prisoner had so favorably impressed the judis
merit of his distingniThed patroness. The prisoner's no
ble resolution to bury his secret, he was sorry the
Glitnithre Ardenfe could not approve, as he did, nor
spare the means in their power toenforce a disclosure.
kilter three days he hoped to be in posssession of the se
During the hardest of the storm the day before
yawn:lay, we took a lounge down to the steamboat
landing: while standing on the brink of a deep galley
that emptied its torrent of water into the bayou, our
attention was attracted to the bottom of the galley,
where a drunken loafer was stemming die torrent hold
ing on to a root fast anchored in the bank. The poor
fellow not knowing any one was near him, was com
batting his fate manfully, and in calculating his chari
sma for escape, gave utterance to the following:
"Haynt this a orful sitivation to be placed in nohow?
If I was a steamboat, a rail, or a.wood pile, I'd be
better worth fifty cents on the dollar than I'll ever be
again. Unless I'm a gone case now, there habit no
truth in &etiology. I've weighed all the chances now
ginerel, and finds only two that bears in my fa
vor; the first is a skunk hole to crawl into, and the sec
trA a special interpersirion of Providence; and the
best &mice of the two is so slim, if I only had the
change, Td give a premium for the skunk hole—them's
my sentiments. If I could be a mink, a mu:krat, or
water snake, for about two months, perhaps I
wouldn't mount the first stump t'other side of the Bin,
and ilap my wings and crow over everlastiff' life, ski
autfacally preservated. But what's the use of holdin'
on this root? there habit no skunk hole about these
ere diggings; the water is getting taller about a feet,
and nose was 115 long as kingdom come. it would'nt
stick out much longer. Oh, Jerry! Jerry! you're
a gone sucker, and I gueSs your marm don't know
you're out; poor woman! wont she cry the glasses out
ofher spectacles when she hears her darlin' Jerry has
got the whole of Bufferlo Bio for his coffin? What
a pity 'tis some philanthropis, or member of the hu
mane society, never had foresight enough to build a
house over this muter, with a steam engine to keep
- out the water! If they'd done it in time, they might
havo had the honor and gratification of' saving the life
of a feller being but it's all day with you, Jerry, find
a blisharixrr to cast anchor in. It's too bad to go off
its csful manr.er, when they knows I oilers hated
ever since I was big enough to know it 'twant
whiskey. I feel the root givin' way, and since I don't
know a prayer , here's a bit of Watt's Doxologer, to
prove I died a christian:-
4 "On the bank where droop'd the wilier,
Long time ago.'"
Before Jerry got to the conclusion, ho was washed
into the bayou, within a few feet of a large flat that
heal just started for the steamboat; his eye caught the
prospect of deliverance, and he changed the burden of
his dirge into a thrilling cry of "Heave to! passenger
overboard and sinking, with a belt full of specie! the
in what saves me makes his fortune!" Jerry was
fished ashore by a darker, and to show his gratitude,
invited Quasbey "to go up to the doggery and liquor."
Most Extraordinary Case.—The recent decision
of the English judges on the question of Presbyterian
marriages continues to excite the deepept interest in
Ireland. Connected with that dodgem, a more extra
ordinary ewe than any yet before the public was tried at
the county of Louth assizes on the 11th July, before Mr.
Juitiee Perrin, who presided in the Crown Court. A
man named uke Cassidy was indicted for having, in
June, 1837, married Mary Anne Sadler, his former wife,
Amass „Smith, being then alive. It appeared from the
evidence that the prisoner, shortlyhis marriage in
1823, enlisted. On prisoner's re he was married
by.s. Roman Cathclic Clergyman to
c av
Anne Sad
ler, who awed, on her examination, that s le was a P ro _
testant.. Sir Thomas Staples, counsel for the Crown,
borCueou abandoned the prosecution, as a marriage cer
emony performed by a Roman Catholic Clergymen be
tween a Protestant and Roman Catholic had been ru
ledillegal. The Jury returned a verdict of acquittal.
The. saxes prisoner was then given in charge on another
indictment, for a third marriage, contracted with Rose
Lennon,,,on the 14th of March 1843, his firstwife, Anne
Smith, being then alive. The Rev. Mr. Wood, a Pres
hyterian clergyman, was about giving evidence of hay
lag performed the ceremony in this case, when Judge
Perrin interposed, and said ho thought the recent de
cision of the judges in the House of Lords would in
this case be favorable to the prisoner. The prisoner
was a Roman Catholic, and the gentleman who officia
ted at the marriage, as they were about to prove, was a
Presbyterian cler-man. The English judges had ru
led that a marriage .celebrated by a Presbyterian min
ister - between persou3 not being Presbyterians, was
not'valld. The jury, under the direction of his lordship,
acquitted the prisoner, who, oz} his departure from the
dock saluted the judge in first-rate military style.
WINS tF COMMUN LON . — Father Matthew, at York,
was as ked whether, if ft person took the pledge, he
wo l ad be expected to abstain from the use of wine at
the Lord's Supper ? To which the Rev. gentleman at
once replied—"Of course not, the abstinence is only
front wine as n beverage."
Subject to the decision of
I).c InilU Olorning past.
JEFFERSON AND CLAY.—A few weeks since, some
Clay editor who had been delving in antiquated elec
tion trash, discovered a letter from Mr. Jefferson, eulo
gizing Henry Clay, and purporting to have been writ
ten some 25 years ago. This was a great prize, and was
rolled, like a sweet morsel, under the tongues of many
of the whig editors, who, as they enjoyed its richness,
turned up their countenances with every indication of
complacent satisfaction. How extensively and eager
ly it was employed by the street advocates of Clay whig
gery cannot be known, but it would be invaluable to
all that tribe, and they doubtless made the most of it.
Unfortunately, however, for all these delighted gen
tlemen, some democratic writer, whose personal recol
lection went hack to the campaigns of '2B and '32,made
the disclosure that this document, so valuable to the
Clay wings, was a wholesale forgery! and had been pro
ved to be so when it was first published. This disclo
sure completely blocked the bold and reckless game of
using the name and fame of Jefferson to bolster up the
pretensions of a man who disregards and despises the
political maxims of that venerated democrat. As the
forgery was so easily proved, the Clay editors will doubt-I
less make a virtue of necessity, and denounce without
stint, the unfortunate and ignorant wigbt who dragged
it from oblivion. We observe that the Forum, &lead
ing coon paper, in Philade'phia, in order to gain credit
for candor and honesty, says that the letter is, "no doubt,
a forgery."—That "it originally appeared in the Lite
"ran• Subaltern, published and edited by S. S. South
"worth, Providence, R. 1., in 1830"—that "in conse
quence of this base act, Mr. Clay refused to let him
(Sonthworth) come into his presence," and that South
worth joined the democrats, who "received -him with
open arms," for this 'act of infamy."
This statement is very creditable to Mr. Clay, but
the facts of the matter do not reflect much honor on his
supporters. Southworth, it' we mistake not, notwith
standing the rebuff given him by Clay, was cherished
and sustained long after he uttered this forged letter,
by the partisans of that gentleman. And so little was
said about its being a forgery, in the Clay papers of the
period in which it came out, that the fortunate whig edi
tor who exhumed it, could not discover from the jour
e.i, t.ich then gave it currency, that it had ever been
branded and exposed as a forgery. Or if he did, he
was still willing to revive it for the benefit of his favor
ite candidate. It is thus clear that the friends of Mr.
Clay, in 1830, took no pains to proclaim the letter a for- ,
gory when it was so proven, or else that the editor
who revamped it in 1843, did not scruple to use it,
knowing it to be a base invention.
There is no truth in the statement that Southworth,
the reputed author of this forgery, was received with
"open arms" by the Democrats. We are not aware
that he has obtained any honors or emoluments at the
hands of our party. He is a sprightly and entertain
ing writer, and has frequently been employed by dem
ocratic editors, as a correspondent. But he has never
enjoyed the confidence or consideration of the party.—
He is known as the originator of the "hard cider" and
"log cuhin" story, and in that he gave the whies an
electioneering instrument which their own poor genius
would never have devised; and without which they ne
ver could have succeeded in 1340. For this the Dezn
ocrats do not blame Mr. Southworth—he did it innocent
ly. But the whigs should nut be so ungrateful as to de
nounce a man who has done so much and suffered so
much for them—especially' when a portion of them, at
le ma, are even now willing, to avail themselves of his in-
VCIOIOII , to help them into power.
F I T A friend, in whose sagacity we place much
reliance, supposes that WO. warn partly mistaken in stat
ing that Mr. CRAIG intends going to Virginia, for the
purpose of avoiding the importunities of the country
antimasoas, touching the celebrated "diarlosa res."—
Ile thinks it is more probable that he absents himself
forth.purpose of affording his friends an opportunity
of tricking. die wiiigs into another union, as they did
last year, and which will keep him on the ticket, and
throw Brackenridge off. In his absence an arrange
ment can be made which will not be binding on him'
and which ho may, if he thinks the whigs will stand an
other kicking, denounce, as he did the union of 1842.
The scheme is n very cunning one, and, with the knowl
edge we have of the propositions that have already
passed between soma of the healers, we confess it is
very probable that Mr. Craig's Virginia trip may have
as much reference to entrapping the whigs as to avoid
questions about the disclosures.
If the union comb.: effected, and the w pigs persuaded
to disba hd, Mr. Craig will soon return and go
into the contest in earnest. His first demonstration
will, very likely, ho a letter condemning the union, and
refusing to abandon his antimasonic principles, but
very kindly permitting the duped Whigs to fall in at the
tail of the blue noses, and support the antimasonic
We have no furtlrm information of the maims that
impel Deacon White to leave the county, and suppose
that it must 'be either because he has been bored
so much fur the "disclosures," or that the party
deem it prudent to get him out of the way until the
union is consummated, lest his blundering might spoil
their arrangements. This shows their wisdom, and
if they could manage to keep him away until after the
election, it would be to the advantage of the party. In
deed, we think the autimasons of Allegheny would not
regret it much if the Deacon could find "a Lodge in
some vast wilderness" of the west, and ‘o back to the
masonic fraternity, as they have had nothing but bad
luck since he attached himself to their party.
Ciatst. Bus INESS.—We publish this morning a full
aid satisfactory statement from the collector at Pitts
burgh, sheaving the spring business on our improvements
both ways in each of the years 1842 and '43. We take
great ple„asure in laying this statement before the pub
lic, as illuraishes unquestionable evidence that the
croaking of certain papers about the falling ofr of busi
ness in the east, this year, are without any foundation
in truth. So fur from being a decline in freights from
the east, they have increased far beyond our anticipa
tions. The loss of a full month's business in the spring,
by the late opening, and the large quantity of merchan
dize driven by that circumstance to the Cumberland
Route, left but little room to hope for the cheering re
sult exhibited in this statement. Still we felt couvinc
ed, from the evidence of our own eyes, and the stir in our
streets, that trade could not be on the decline either
We cannot conceive what honest or useful purpose
can be promoted by misrepresenting or concealing the
success of our Improvements. It is qi important that
the people should be advised of the trade upon them,
their management, and the revenues accruing, for they
have no other means of ascertaining the fidelity of those
-antrum& •iith their supervision, or deal:mg - upon the
propriety of the measures they may adopt.
Are their false insinuations put forth with the view of
creating discontent among the people, and reviving the
infamous project of last session, for the sale of the main
line? If so, the attempt will prove fruitless, for no one
will have the hardihood to think of proposing again, the
establishment of such a stock jobbing monopoly as the
act of last winter sought to bring into existence.
Some again may perhaps deem it justifiable to falsify
on this subject; from sinister political motives, but we
doubt very much whether the people will think so, with
the whole truth before them.
If we do these grumblers injustice by our surmisos,we
have but one conclusion left in reference to their singu
lar conduct s and that is, that it grieves them to see that,
under no very favorable circumstances, the tonnage on
our Improvements for four months of the present year—
or rather three and a half months, for it was the middle
of April before they were fairly in operation—is near
' ly, if not quite; equal to the entire tonnage of the pre
ceding year. Thanks to those who have shewn us a
more effectital mode of regulating freights than the
constitutional system of oaths and safety funds. In
dividual entcrprize is the breeze that has moved the
surface of the stagnant ditch. Every day's experience
strengthens our conviction that the portable boat system,
which has thrown open our canals and rail roads to ev
ery one disposed to embark in the carrying trade, will
far more than realize the hopes of its friends and advo
cams. It' has already done so, though opposed by
powerful influences, and they are enemies to the best in
terests of ;Pennsylvania, who labor to discourage the
dipeople, or, t ert their attention from the convincing
proofs now before them, that under this system, tho
roughly sustained, the receipts from our main line must
in a few years yield a revenue sufficient to lighten their
burdens and restore the credit and character of the
HORSE ,RACISG.-T lie following was furnished us by
a country friend, who, in early life, took great interest in
the sports ,of the turf; if he would divulge the cunning
trick by which Dillon managed to ride ten pounds light
er,. than he weighed, he would confer an important
benefit on the sporting community:
Two men in the County Down, Ireland, estated men,
which gate them the title of G en tlemen, and were
sportsmen, and each kept a number of race horse., ri
ders, &c. Rim of them bantered the other for u•rnce
of 4 mile and repeat, each horse to carry 11 stone, for
£5OO. The challenged party consulted his rider, who
requested his master to let him have that night to think
how he child contrive to ride 8 or 10 pounds lighter than
he weighed, without being detected. Isis master sent
for him. I Ile told his master ho could do it, and how
he would managr, and that he was certain to win wi
ease if plan succeeded, if not he would be bent. lie
let his miister know the plan, who was highly pleased
with it, find it was to be kept a great secret. The riders
were weighed, with saddle, bridle &c., all fair, the hor
ses were .started and ran close for the first three rounds,
(on the Mare course) the bantering horse was then
pushed to take the first heat, but lost it. The riders
were weighed again, mounted and started—a hard push
from the start. The cheat put in the second heat was
' weighed, all fair, the purse won and paid. This was
contrived by Arthur Dillon, die most celebrated rider in
Indand,•about 55 years ago; it is. I think, equal to a
Yankee trick. I wonder if it is played off by some of
the knoWing ones about New York, &e.
The owner of the horse that wrt.i beat stviipeil him MT
for the Horse that won, and gave great boot. Dillon got
his master to banter for another race for the same sum,
on the same course, by the aforesaid 'horses, a be would
give hint a chance to win hack his money. Dillon rode
again, played the same trick, aud won with great ense.
If you will give it a plaee, perhaps some imp will tell
how it i 5 managed. I heard Dillon tell !mu it wa
done, which I remember correctly.
arr r„..o curious philo3phical facts are stated on
authority of the fomnan of the ropewalk in the Navy
Yard aUCharlestown. One is, if you heat tar, such as
they tale fur their cables, 100 degrees above boiling
heat, yoit may dip your hand in it with the gratem. imprt
nity, and they are in the constant habit of doing so; the
other is, the leathern straps coming from the engine.and
working the machinery, are highly charged with 'elec
tricity. , By standing upon a non-conducting body, and
holding the fingers over the straps pretty close, you be
come charged with the electric fluid, and can give out
sparks as from the eleetiitying
Odeon's Republican of Monday week sacs:—'•A gentle
man whose name we de not feel ourselves at liberty to
make public, for many years a resident of this city, and
whose health for the past RDA months has been, and non ,
is, in a very precarious and critical condition, took pas
sage in a ship for the North on Saturday, with the- en
deavor to 'see his friends before he. died. There was
put on board for him a coffin, lined with tin, at his own
denim--so that incase he "shuffled off this mortal coil,"
ho might be preserved to be laid under the sod. His
wife accompanied him."
EP" The fellow Foster, who has several timesbeen
arrested, together with Abby Folsom, for disturbing
congregations while at their devotions, kicked up a
fuss lately in the First Presbyterian Church, in Utica,
N. Y. Jost as Mr. Porter, the officiating clergyman,
commenced hi+ discourse, the fanatic began a furious
speech intdentuiciation of all creeds except his own,
and being - requested to exsist said lie was "entitled to
the floor."' True to his non-resistant principles; Foster
made no fight, but threw himself upon the floor from
which he way lifted and carried out into the vestibule.
Hardly had his bearers resumed their seats when ho
again appeared, and, informing the way in which the
Jews Of old turned Christ out of the synagogue, again
proceeded with the message which ho deemed himself
deputed to deliver. He was of course again removed
and this time put into the street and the church doors
bolted against him, after which it is presumed, he went
to hisown meeting at the Court House, to enlighten the
non-resistants, who had been invited by handbills to
assemble'at that place.
11:7-D4c Salem, Mass., Advertiser says that the
Secretary of the Treasury has declined confirming the
appointment of Ephraiin F. Miller,Esri., as deputy col
lector of that port.
The following is all the news received by last nights
mail. It is not vary satisfactory:
FAGIITH DISTILICT. — Returns from Nash county,
Stanly(W .) 71, Armington (D.) 812. Tho Norfolk
Herald says that Edgecomb will give from 12 to 1300
dem:maj. Stanley is, however, claimed by the whigs
as elected.
Sgvtisrit DISTRICT.—FuII returns have been re
ceived from Halifax county. Nash (W.) 560; Dan
tel's (Dern.) 266. Whig gain 40.
Nt.vrit Disinter. The Norfolk Beacon says that
Raynor,. (whig) is elected by 400 or 500 certain.
In Wilmington, McKay (dem.) has about five votes
to's whig opponent's one.
(whig) was ahead of Saunders (dem.) in
Ra t a
4 rflohe speaka confidently of Stanley's defeat.
irbipo nub Obavingo.
far Mademoiselle Rachel, the celebrated tragic ac
tress of the Royal Theatre, Paris, was formerly a poor
flower-girl, who sold bouquets on the Boulevards•
115 P The New-York Sunday Times and Noah's
Weekly Messenger will be united on Sunday, and the pa
per will appear under the name of the "Times and Mes
ga'lt is stated that the Carlisle and Chambersburg
Banks resumed specie payments for all their liabilities
ou the Ist instant.
aFTwo thousand sheep passed through Lodi, Cat
taraugus County, N. Y., on Wednesday, 26th ult. on
their way to the prairies of Illinois.
rirMr. EDWAnb EVEBXTT said, at a late public
dinner in England, that "ho was a great believer in the
efficacy of race and blood."
Pythagoras taught: Reverence thyself, and all
men will honor thee.
,LrWl'Heroic actions have something divine in them,
and attract the favor of heaven.
EVP The senses are the first traitors to the soul.
STICKS TO THE PLEDoE.—The Hon. Thomas F .
AP PROPRI A TE.—Stern wheel boats a re now called
bustle boats.
SEEN Acsim.—The Nahaut sea serpent.
IMPORT IsT --A member of the Indiana Legislature
is at present in Boston
ti ngs
[l . 7 . The Bricklayers of St. Louis are holding moe
with rofermcc to their bwiini>33.
We see it stated that Nicholas Biddle is at the
Astor House, N. Y. By another account we learn that
the rumor of his insanity has b3on revived.
t 7 The whigs say that the Little Rock (Ark.)
Gazette has "abandoned the loco focal', and hz.s come
out for Clay." Well, we presume the editor was well
,aid for
RIDICULOUS. — The Providence Chronicle oppoees
Van Buren because the New York Plebeisn abuses the
New Englanders! What willbe the next objection?
rir7 About 200 persons are daily at the White Sul
phur Springs, Va.
How TOTELL.—The Boston Democrat says that
tliechoice.:t fruit is always found on the tree under which
the greatest number of club; are lying. We think there
is some thing in this.
r e V Constant occupation prevents temptation and
begat conteurnme and content is the true philoso
phers stone; which, unfortunately, but few ev CT find.
r : f• -- Y The manufacture of silk succeeds in Tennessee•
ir-V The Spirit oldie Timns tells of a man whose
breath is so short that ltis wife makes pie crust of it!
Gar E !-A woman in N. York lately tried to destroy
herself by swalltr.ving verdigris.
EV' Willis pl-Apos..3 the purclrts? of a 74, and turn
ing it into a marine hotel.
PETII.IIICH.—ThetoMb ofthe great poet at Argua,
has Bien restored by Count Looni. In the course of
the work., a p Lrt of the body wa.4 found almost untouch
ed by time.
re The average number of deaths in London per
week, is übout. 900.
r f 7 Peach cordial 14 411.111 to he good for the
mor complaint."
I;17 - ellobert Tyler, and family, are on Long Island
N w Yrir',
re Some villains i.et fire t , )a wheat field in
c rthtrat two wv! , !< sinc , . No ptrai:limen
old be too icy i ra fur such a critm.%
THE TM:TH.—There is much truth in the following
lion paragraph from the ;slewark Aurora:
"It is more pleasant to he at peace with all men, than
t is to lose the good will of any; but it is somAimes
aressary for those who would discharge their duty
aithfully in the ,ieht of all men, to pursue a course of
-.induct which will excite the enmity and opposition of
IC V 4 irki.,l."
r`;' :fit llatnhurr there is a duliglitful promenade
.111. st ill.. ,*. or ").litiden's \Valk," which
throne.•d with beautiful demoiselles every fair eve-
iTe A man named Barnett. near Brookville, la.,
was drowned in a spring, on die 256. He had stoop
ed do, it for water, but being old and infirm, MI in, and
was incapable of lacing himself.
E. f r The circulation of the Cincinnati "Sun," ac
cording to its own story, is 2,479 ! We doubt this
very much. Cincinnati is a great place, and the Sun
is a great paper,—and cheap, too,—but this is going it
too strung, where there is so much competition.
PROGRESS OF INSA N I'M —Several Boston tailorsare
sending in their bills to their cu.stomers!
The -Three Suicide; in Steubenville—the
story got up by the Chronicle, or some of its friends, is
going the rounds.
There are ho criminals in the Fayette county
LEAsr is F. LYNN, IL S. Senator from
Missouri, is in Philadelphia, stopping at the Merchant's
.g7llion. Mr. TAPPAN, U. S. Senator from Ohio
is in New York.
apilon. JAMES BUCHANAN iS at the Bedford
gv- The amount of money received by the Boston
Repeal Association, within a month, exceeds nine
hundred dollars.
LirA man named Rudolph Frederick, aged 28
years, died near York, Pa., on Friday, from drinking
too freely of cold water..
['Counterfeit ihstsa dot* bU. er the , Sank of
foteekkk,Mci ire cientilatloOti *Mu
141P ° There were aboUt 200 at the White
gittipher Springs, Va., on t .
WThe "Razor trop 44;onade his nortsr
wipe in Harrisbutt4;T:o4: at 'he* be this
vrdv shortly.
Pr A • -itog 1000 acres, 300 it+
culttiAdi4" ; north of NerfiAk, Va., he..;
been Xhlftn , i !it. ars.
ITO' Previous to the sailing of the U. S. steamer
Missouri, from Washington, several men deserted, and
were not taken at the time the ship left that port.
[OP We steal the following,:
Why is a mushroom like a dandy 7 Because it is
rapid in its growth, slim in its trunk, and thick in its
..E7" A Paris letter states that the experiment of
public illumination by alcohol, has been tried, and with
a p Mr. Samuel Appleton, of Boston, has preset'
ted $lOOO to Dartmouth College.
David Crocker, who has been Sheriff of Barn
stable county, Mass., for 20 years, and President of the
Barnstable Bank, ever since its incorporation, died on
the 29th ult., aged 64 years.
"TYLER GatrPe."—A Philadelphia paper tells of
a laughable incident which occurred on the landing of
the Presiden j wat old Point Comfort. As usual on such
occasions, g twat number of persons pressed around
the landing OM of curiosity and otherwise, to see the
Lions. On stepping on shore, Mr Tyler met an old
seafaring acquaintance, whom he accosted in a cordial
manner—" How do you do, Captain, and how are the
family." The old veteran, not having his reckoning a
board, replied instanter—" Why, President, we are tol
erably wet let the feat is, we have been troubled with
the a-a Tykr greppc"
- -
117 The kisitimie Glues hits* bag tad& ott
best 'route for travelling frcan St. Loafs to Barton. Of
course the writer gives the preference in point of com
fort to the Lake Route, but is nevertheless forced to ad
mit that the Pittsburgh is the cheapest. He also
speaks in very plain terms of our Wheeling friends; the
inconvenience attending that route, and the unconquer
able propensity our neighbors have for "fibbing."—
Hear what he says:
"At 'Wheeling, the agents are in the habit of telling i
passengers that they will arrive in Baltimore at 5, P.
M., and that they can take a boat for Philadelphia at 7
the same evening for $1,50; but the passengers find,
when they reach Baltimore, that the boat leaves at 3,
P. M. and that they have no choice but to travel all
night in Rail-road cars, and pay $4,00, or wait on ex
pense in Baltimore until 3, P. M., the next day. At
Cumberland, the stage drops die baggage about half a
square from the Rail-road Depot, and when the passen
gers have finished their breakfasts, they find their trunks
removed to the baggage cars, with a charge of twenty
five cents for each trunk. The same sum is extorted
at Baltimore."
We copy the following additional particulars of the
storm that occurred in the neighborhood of Philadelphia
on Saturday last, from the Pennsylvanian of the 7tle
"Early on yesterday morning it commenced risining I
copiously, and continued with intermitting showers du
ring the day. About 7 o'clock dark clouds were ob
served hanging low over the city, and the wind gradu
ally rising to a gale, the rain poured down in torrents ac
companied by almost momentary flashes of lightning
and the most terrific thunder. For nearly an hour the
storm raged with the greatest violence, and our streets
were literally flooded. The side walks in many parts
of the city were overflown by the rising flood, and the
adjacent cellars were filled with water.
This has been the most violent and destructive storm
that has occurred in this vicinity for many years. Du
ring its progress a dreadful tornado passed over Darby,
doing much injury, thence up the Schuylkill taking in
its course the north-western part of the city, and caus
ing fearful destruction—trees were uprooted in its
course, buildings unroofed and many unfinished ones
turndown, boa:II-yards and fences swept away, vessels
dismasted, and many lives lost.
In the vicinity of the Gas Works on the Schuylkill,
the destruction of property has been very great; much
of the roof of the Gas House has been entirely torn off,
and the remainder rolled up like a scroll. Several
buildings in the vicinity are level with the ground.—
Many of the vessels in the Schuylkill were driven
against the bridge with the violence of the gale, seve
ral were dismasted, and we observed a number that
were sunk. The bridge was somewhat injured. The
contents of the board-yards in that neighborhood have
been strewn over the streets and adjoining lone—trees
*aye been turn up—lamp-posts broken, and in fact
nothing has escaped injury.
The shipping has not been materially injured, but the
loss of property has been immense. In many of our
streets, merchants and others have sustained great loss
es, and a vast amount of goods and groceries have been
entirely destroyed by the tilling of the cellars in which
they were stowed.
At Darby, we learn that the old stone bridge was
swept away and two young men who were on it at the
time were drowned. A dwelling containing a family of
a woman and four children, was also swept away.—
None of the inmates were saved.
We are informed by the agent of the Philadelphia,
Wilmington and Baltimore Rail-road Company, who
has just returned from the line of the road, that several
of the mar bridges between this city and Wilmington
have been 'partially injured by the storm; that at Ches
ter being; the only one which has been carried away.
The roturitself has escaped without injury, and below
Wilmington, information has been received that no
damage has been done.
The damage to private property in the neighborhood
of Darby, Ridley, and Chester creek has been immense,
and attended with loss of life.
In consequence of the damage done to the bridges,
the Baltimore passengers left yesterday afternoon in
the Robert Monti via Wilmington.
At Dr. S. B. Wylie's mansion (Bellevue) Francis
vi de, the storm mg,ed in all its fury, and the destruction
was in proportion Several of his most beautiful trees,
both useful and ornamental, were levelled with the
ground—one of the chimneys blown down--and the
entire tin roof of one of his neighbor's houses was hurl
ed into his kitchen garden, cutting off the top of a large
tree in its progress—the fences were driven in with vi
olence in many places, and the chicken-house with its
inmates literally scattered to the winds. Ills neighbor,
Mr. Orr, hall the whole ofhis fence, fronting Bush Hill,
levelled with the ground; and sustained, besides, con
siderable damage."
om the Baltimore American
Bythe slip Roanoke, Smith, and brig Saidana„
Stubbs, at this port yesterday from Rio do Janeiro,
the following letters have been received by mercantile
houses in this city, to whom we are indebted forcopies.
Both the above vessels sailed on the 23d June.
Rio DE JANEIRO, June 22d, 1343.
The receipts of Flour since our last comprise 509
bbls. Haxall, ex Hannah, from Baltimore via Pernam
buco; and 500 bbls. Haxall and 200 bbls. Brandywine,
CT. Isabella, from New York. Prices of this article are
well sustained, and transactions have been effected to
to the extent of 3000 bbls.—sac 1700 bbls, Baltimore.
ex Roanoke and Mary, at 1211300 cash, in bond, equal
to $l7; exported 7000 do. do. do. at 174; 700 bbls.
Richmond ex Hannah and George Gardner, at 1911; and
500 bbls. ex Isabella at 174500 cash, equal to 1311750.
The stock in all hands is estimated at 28,000 bbls., of
which 2000 bbls. are Richmond, and 2000 bbls. Bal
timore, remain in first hands.
At Buenos Ayres on the 3d inst. Flour was quoted at
9 patacoons, nominal-5000 bbls. had arrived since
the last admission, and no prospect of a future opening
until September.
At Montevideo on the 9th inst., owing to heavy
ceipts, Flour was dull of sale, at $l2, to net s7i Span
TRADE WLTH CANADA.—The Collector of Quebec
Prices of cqffearemain the same„2.ay for superior I has issued the following notice:
3111 p-a nterft.good f4stagiNV.VA - Bitßo: 114,Far,- NOTICE.—AII goods imported from the U. States by
'sty 0 8,3 1)0 1 es Pail 9iiiatmastrs,l l .ri** , * taw = land or inland navi;ation, upon which duty has been
le tine late difthuragieg advieeitrohr
xckange on England ‘25.i ai. . V..'
' 1 - ''' arr ived d departed from, showing that
or. • . • . an
'' '"
"..--; : I l i " ?' ~ * . - proper officer at the port where the vessel
Extract of a letter from the agent of the Underwriters 'di ,: `,. .. ',.. . • been duly paid thereon. All goods so
of Baltimore', dated,
.„, ini •-.:' ; • • ntered to be warehoused at this port, as-
MorrEvlDEo, June 6, lats. .
cptrience severe gale siiki, sec. sa r pust be accompanied by n d r ogiiiikint
clarthe prMidons of the act 3 and 4, William IV.i
2 take leave to inform you that a veryii
was md in the River Plate, on the • ' ' and the hand of the proper officer at
. 4sailkather port,show..
30th tat. fr*tllte S. S, E. and' tkakmuth da411 1 2.14. log .
that bond has been give...J*olle due "arrival and
beef sustitned , by the ahippipg 1X Buepi7 ,-. • s wareh4sin , r of such good -. 4 ' . ' And until a reasonable
•titiotary • „. . those of the United . State is • 'ey time sfQd . h ave ' elapsed -.ter the coming into force of
' Serer* 'lll' •i s la ” of f°reitiVs ' l4 P s ' '" fite Ac i 5 and 6 Victorie.; cap. 59, from and after the
to the . • r's eka-. ~, -cargo actik. Ibis ile l d the ve sse l
-- -7 - s i rttly 1843, all flout; salted pork, beef, &c., scim
wilt .' .ndemned. Barque .A.asors•aß. J,.. .; . .
ed, must be accorcaniea with documentary proef
ed high and dry, and bilged; rill be-
~., • , 7.- .. t;rig that the said flour Mul been actually and bona fide ha-
Oswego, Philadelphia, with her outwa . ..., • 0 on
ported previous to e above date.
board; stranded, and will be condemned; cargo safe.— H. JESSOPP, Collector
Br' Oriole, seriously damaged. - a I
will n- ,bably be
1o . I
Brig , te, serious y amage., and will prof
condemned; Schooners Saratoga and Carolinian much
damaged, and require repairs. forty vessels have re
ceived more or less damage at that port.
At Montevideo, although the gale was felt with great
severity, and the harbor is full of vessels, I am happy
to state that only one vessel stranded,' after having
parted both chain cables—the barque Hobart, of Co
basset, with 1800 bhls. flour on board, just arrived
from Rio. This vessel is high and dry on a sand beach
and will probably be got off. Cargo landing in good
order, the latterinsured at Rio.
The U. S. Ship John Adams, at anchor near this
port, parted two of her chains during the gale. The
U. S. schr. Enterprise arrived yesterday from Rio Ja
neiro in %leaky condition, and reported the gale as ex
ceedingly heavy Mc the coast. She was obliged to
throw some of her guns overboard. I much fear that
great damage has been sustained on the coma not yet
_ _
It would be well to state, for the information of ship
masters, bound direct to Buenos Ayres, that the pilut
boat which formerly cruized in the vicinity of Malado
nado for inward bound ships, has been withdrawn; con
sequently such as may require a pilot, must tuuc.) , -
this port to obtain one.
Moy•rEvler.o, May 31.1.f 4 3.
Since the 25th ult., the isiport of* , n as been
7277 barrels, of which about of*
to 1800 per Hobart,
on to Buenos Ayres in ad
frOm Rio Jamie°, that passed up a few days sitiesa
further quantity is daily expected from that gmtrter-~
The Serene's cargo from Baltimore was placed at sloe
640, delivered in - Buenos Ayres netting $9,30.100, load
lately 200 bbl=., bah' Gallttgo,' half 'l4altintore,' 'hay*
been sold at $10.3. There, is little deinarxiedTpr cow
aumption and consequently the stock in first bands has
been increased to about 800 barrels, and we do sot
think that over $lO to net $7,50 could now be obtain-
There is very little inquiry far any article dour u
sual import, and even of such as are of actual necasaity
very small supplies would cause an immediate
We were in hopes to be able by this opportunity to
have advised some important change in the state of
public affairs, and although indications of a change still
continue, nothing decisive has yet been done. About
2500 French, Italians and Germans have take= =
and compose a very formidable addition to the
of the place. General Rivera is at no great diatom,
with the greater part of his forces, and is probably a*
waiting a convenient opportunity to make &genteel at
, tack on Oribe, a Buenos Ayrean General, who haa ea'
trenched himself within sight of the city. Suet' an e
vent is much to be desired, for to which ever side lin
ter}, may incline, the result must be beneficial to the
commerce of the place. The present stagnation of
trade, the utter impossibility of collecting outstanding
debts, and the entire absence of confidence are cir- -
cumstances which if continued much longer will be 'fol
lowed by consequences that we fear will prove genisrally
Our market remains without material change. Of
flour we had lately two arrivals from your's, With about
3200 bbl.. and by the barque Serene, from Baltimore,
about 1000 bbls. This article is nominally worth 9
pameoons on board, and former importations, which are
permitted to be re-exported to the Upper Provinces, are
held at 12 pats in deposit. There is, however, little or
no demand on speculation, and the above mentioned
arrivals remnin on hand unsold.
eommercial ,filatters, &c.
August 9, 1843.
Comparative statement of leading articles from the
EAST, taken off the Pennsylvania Improvements at
Pittsburgh, during the first four months of navigation
in each of the years 1342 and 1343.
1842 1843.
Mdse. including br. muslins, Ilia 5,841,832 11,036,051
Groceries, including Coffee, " 1,126,274 5,349,179
Drugs, Dye Stuffs, &c
Copper and Tin,
Clay and Gypsum,
H. H. Goods
Tobacco man'd
Provisions not specified, and sun
STATEMENT showing the amount of the leading articles
shipped upon the Pennsylvania Improvements, at
Pittsburgh, and cleared Eastward, during the first
four mouths of navigation in each of the years 1842
and 1843.
184 L 1843.
Barrels 50,653 101,814
Lbs 9,360,331 20,281,436
" 8,022,03 12,988,632
" 78.474 39%909
44 782,536 1,562,634
Butter and Cheese,
Lard and Tallow,
Provisions not specified
and sundries,
" 723,637 1,313,916
Feathers, " 121,811 136,714
Wool, " 229,335 1,586,505
Cotton, " 837,111 1,009,636
Hemp, " 87,293 1,292,100
Furs and Peltry " 51,487 71,265
Whiskey Galls. 22,193 69,748
Groceries, Lbs. 592,954 846,855
Oil, 3,348 31,654
Furniture, " 197,649 237,515
Rags, 99,346 215,077
In the above statetrusnt for 1843, the articles shipped
eastward, are, in the aggregate, over the whole tonnage
ofthe same in 1842. The articles Of Bacon, Lard and
Tallow, Wool, Cotton, Furs and Peltry, Oil, Rags.
Whiskey, Provisions not specified and sundries, large
ly everrun their entire shipments in 1842.
Of the Eastern freights it may also be remarked, delt a ,
during the above period for the present year, Grocer.o llll r
Drugs, Dye Stuffs and Leather, are considerably over
their amount for the whole of last year; while Hard
Copper, Tin, and various other articles, not na
med in the above list, are about equal.
Oae m 'nth's business, such as that of last May, will
make the freights from the east exceed those of the :
whole of last year.
These statements have been carefully prepared,and
may be relied upon as strictly accurate.
A FARMER.—The Buffalo Advertiser says that Mr. t.
Alonzo L. Fish, of Herkimer, from only 20 cows, made
last season 13,993 pounds of excellent cheese, besides=;'
301 pounds of good butter. To say nothin , r b of the
ter, there was a product equal to 70 . 0 pounds of cheese l-
to each cow! The cheese received the premium at
the Herkimer cattle show.
:0113e, Quebec, 29th July, 1843
MISSISSIPyI RIVER.—The St. Louis Gazette has
the following:
"The Mississippi, above, although fallen considerie
bly, is still in a good navigable stage. Boats lONIC
with lead continue to pass the rapids without lightis4r-to
We believe that it is unusual far the river to have 111-
mained at so good a stage, for so long a time. Earlyfla
the Spring, the heavy rains at the North are said to his
rai , ed the Wisconsin and other branches of the Upisr
Mississippi. from 15 to 20 feet, thereby inundating"
whole country adjacent to those rivers. This
counts, in part at least, for the coatinued high wag'
Port of Pittaburgb.
Sheble an.l Mitchell, General Steal
Reported bg ßoat Agents, Water street.
3 kCCOrding to Coppet Mark, at the Weal swat ifellinnt
Warreu, Ward, Beaver.
Warren, Ward, Beaver,
" 1,067,963 2,131,478
" 581,279 913,013
" 93,512 531,219
" 45,241 171,664 iiii ,
" 11,866 172,117
Tons 78 107
pets. 523,000 651,125
173,342 221,632
264,305 743,719
5,208,218 9,018,721
1,709 5,651