Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 09, 1843, Image 3

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EtNESDAY;AUGusT 9, 134:3.
or titudness cards &c., See firatpage
AITZNITYD ROBElRT.—Yesterday morning, about
o'clock, the family of Mr. T. J. DUNCAN, at the cor
ner &Chatham and Wylie streets, was aroused by the
noise of a dog kept in the basement of the building; Mr.
ID., seizing a pair of pistols, came down stairs to learn
the cause of the disturbance; as he got to the door three
men Isere seen leaving the premises with all convenient
speed. Had they waiteda short time longer, Capt. Dun
can says he would have administered a dose of pills
woes :effectual and quicker in their operation than Dr.
Brodie's. Ho observed two white men and a negro
lurking about his neighborhood in the course of the CI,
ening, and has little doubt but the attempt at robbery
was made by them. 'Our citizens should not let such
warnings pass unheeded. Let them look to their locks '
and prepare their defences.
Rats.—We were yesterday blessed with a heavy
and refreshing rain, which lasted all day. Though
rather unpleasant for those whose business kept then/
out, we do not believe that any one regretted its coin
, •
lug, for we have -been sadly in want of a shower to lay
the dyst, and cool and purify the air.
APPOISTMENT.—We are pleaded to announce that
"Wtals CLosai, EN., has been re-comin issioned by the
Alavernor as a Notary Public for thi3 city.
tThe "Spirit of the Age" wants to know who
woe the medal at the target-firing on Saturday;' Mr.
Bow. Wm. Wttatuts:
The undersigned, your Democratic fellow citizens,
feel anxious to know your niind respecting your nomi
nation, by the democratic convention, in 1842, for our
representative in Congress. We consider you fully and
fairly before the people of this county, nominated by a
regularly organized convention. We, therefore,siucere
ly hope that you will &el no hesitancy in suffering your
name to remain before the Democracy of Allegheny
county, at the ensuing election.
Your well known talents and qualifications for the
station. and the great need we have for such well tried
and &haul public servants, call loudly for your election
at the present time. The essential public services ren
dered by you in former days will now be duly appre
ciated by your friends and fellmi citizens
- respectfully,
C. Moore,
Thomas Smith,
— William B. Foster, jr.,
J. J. Benning,
John Johnston,
John Surber,
W. 19. Bachop,
Nelson Campbell,
Serial Shield 3,
John Goekring.
R. Dewhuru,
William Milby,
Charles 'Wallace,
Thomas Donnelly,
John Watt.
R. A. ()unpile'',
John Fleming,
John L. Armstrong,
A. &reaper,
J. G. Guthrie,
H. M. Dunlap,
Thomas M'Call,
Thomas .7. Pearson,
Jehu Haworth,
Wm. Miller,
Lewis Weyman,
G. L. Drape,
James Ramsey,
John McAllister,
John. Fleeger,
Homewood, Atigvet 7th, 1813.
exTert.tbtes:—l have the honor to acknowhNlgo the
receipt of your very kind and complimentary letter, ad
dressed tom, for the purpose of ascertaining my senti
ments in reference to my "nomination by d e g DL.mo
ocratic Convention of 1842, for Reprei.ourative in C'on
gress," and expressing the h ipe that I "will feel no
hesitruscy in. suffixing my nama to rormtin bef tr.° the
Denticr.icy of Allegheny courxy at the en-aing elec
My duty to you and the political party to which you
are attached, deminds an immediate reply.
Although nominated by the Democratic Convention
of last year, as-a candidate to represent the district in
the 28th Congress; and, however binding that nomin
ation may be considered by very many friends, yet I
freely waive all my supposed claim and r that proceed
ing. Safer a s I am concerned, I now throw the whole
manor open, and desire that the democratic delegates,
when they shall assemble in convention upon the 30th of
the. present in nth, may make a selection untrammelled
by, anti nithout any manner of reference to, the pro
ceedings oflast year. It is moth more than likely, that
upon a five and full Consideration of the question, the
approaching convention will be readily able to select a
canaidate combining in his charactor more popularity
and higher qualifiCations for the responsible and honor
able post than I ever pretended to possess. Still, if
uponfeeedeliberation and consulting the wishes of their
constituents, they shall bestow upon me the compliment
of renew* my nomination, I will abide by their deci
sion and hold in high estimation the act which places
me before the people's the democratic candidate. If
the honor falls to another, I shall cordially acquiesce.
Your friend and fellow-citizen,
-To Messrs ft. A. Campbell, JOhn Fie:Mug, and others.
A THOTTING MATCH was to haws come off day be
fore yesterday, over the Beaver Course, between IN
DIPSSIDIstcIt taxi DUTCHMAN, in harncse, for *250.
They are both reported to be good nAgs, but we sup
pose hereafter none will attempt to contest the palm
with Lan] , SUFFOLK, the late conqueror of Btr PO.
'e are informed by Mr Adrian, (says the Baltimore
Said Monday,) conductor of the cars from Philadel
phia, which arrived here at 1 o'clock this morning, that
tremenchies storm passed over that city on Saturday
afternoon, destroying much valuable property in it ,
comae. It also extended to Chester, where it is re
ported several persons were killed. The rail-road
bridge at that place was swept away and other serious
damage done. The lateness of the hour prevents us
from giving further particulars.
' At a very numerous and highly. respectable meeting
.of the citir,ens of Allegheny, held at Mr. Fleming's
Hotel, on Saturday evening, the sth August, on motion,
Mr. W. Cartsos was called to the chair, and J. Briggs
was appointed secretary.
The design of the meeting was stated to be a desire
unite the friends of industry and honesty ; without re
. gard to political party, in support of a citizen fur the
office of Mayor, on whom all parties could unite, It
was therefore
Resolved, That FRANCIS DILL of the second
of Allegheny city, is a sound republican—a citizen
;of exemplary good character-- a neighbor of great
• moral Worth; and a workingman whose whole life is an
iesample of industry and integrity to others.
Resolved, That in the selection of Mr. Dint fur the
office of Mayor of Allegheny city, the meeting entertain
lithe opinion that his election would subserve the best in
. Wrests of the corporation, and be a guarantee that no
itiaastrioas man would be oppressed under his admin
• Resolved, That the pmceedings be published In the
M orning Post.
S\TM. CARSON, Chairman
JOSZPR BRIGGS, Secretary'.
DlED—Ye.te day evening, SAMUEL J. son of Mr.
end:Mrs. O'H. ROBINSON'. Funeilal from the
raslidenee of the parents this afternoon at 4 o'clock.—
frieads of the family are invited to attend.
Sam Slick, the Attache!
HIS new work, from the pen of Judge Haliburton,
just received (by express) it the St. Clair st. Lit
erary Depot. aug. 8-Iw.
Chnimilowit fat Near York.
Na Martin Chuzzlewit, giving an ace° un- of .
arrival in New York, for sale at W. M. Co.-.1T!:1'..E
Universal Agency and Literary Depot, St. Clair st.
aug 8-3 t.
H Andy.
A SMALL supply an of dy
this popular work, cheap cal
la. tics, just received at W. M. Forraa's Universal
Agency siad Literacy Depot, BE. Clair sc. avg. 8.
Mr. S. V. Merrick states that the metal having been
long enough in use to test its merits fully, he has no
hesitation in saying that„it is one of the most valuable
improvements that hat come to his notice. The effects
produced arc: a great diminution in friction; a saving
in oil—one half or inure: an economy in the original
construction, the brasses being much lighter, a saving
ADVERTISEMENT. in repair, the metal lasting lonorrand ladng, replaced at
T HE subscriber having, for particular reasons, re- a leas cost; and a.saving in luel, consequent upon di
signed hi s situation in the Western University, ' minished frietion#"
has united himself with Mr. RonEnr Gniansty, and i The nltetal has also been introduced with great ad-
Intends opening anew Institution on Tvesdny, the 22d vantage, in lining carriage and wagon boxes, for which
of the present month, in tae Sabbath School Room of it is well adapted.
the First Presbyterian Church. The entrance is onl It is also, amongst many others, strongly recommen-
Sixth street. ded liy Mr. Charles Howard, President of the Bala-
In this Institution all the branches of a collegiate i more and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who par
course are to be taught. The subscriber is Principal ! chased the right for the roud,a distance of seventy miles,
and Profdssor of Mathematics, and Natural:mid Moral' forsl,o:so. Mr. Howard gives the article the follow-
Philosophy. Mr. Grierson is Professor of Ancient tag recommendation:
Languages. A n able tutoris also bespoke. I "The ptice was considered a high one, for the corn-
The subscriber cm say with confidence that he has paratiVely limited extent to which the Company would
never known a teacher better qualified to preserve the I have an opportunity of making use of the patent right;
esteem of all his students, and to instruct them in the 1 but wo wore satisfied that it was for our interest to a
difficulties of the Latin and Greek languages than Mr. I rail ourselves of the invitation. I can now say, th a t,
Grier,:on. Having been the Professor of Ancient Lim- i having better tested its value by. a more extensive up
pages in the University fur two years, when the sub- I plication of it, I think that the company would be very
scriber was Principal, Le Cali, front personal observe- I unwise to relinquish their right to use it for a much high
tion, state to the connnunity with infallible certainty Mr. ! er con sidern t ion than that which was given for it; and I
Griersun's qualifications. He has no superior in the have no doubt, that if such a proposition were to be
languages in IVestern Pennsylvania; and he can aid, if made to the Company, it would, without hesitation, be
needed, in any of the branches of mathematics. declined.
Our object is, to encourage students as much as pos- The great merits of the invention are, that it prevents.
sit& to rapid, accurate, and enlightened progress, in the heating, and consequent cutting and destruction
every department; and while the collegiate term will atile bearings, which are so numerous on the steam
be f en- years, yet each Student will be adyarie-d as. engine; and on the perfection of which depends the val.
cording to his merit: and at the time of the commence- ue of the engine; while, at the same time, there is a ,
meet, rewards of good conduct and scholarship will, in , very great saving of oil, the expenditure finins a mate
order to diicriminate, be bestowed according to the I rill item in the cost of working a large engine. In the •
opinion of neutral and qualified judges. locomotives. of the company. I find the saving to be ful- I
The year will be divided into three terms of fifteen ly one half •of th e quantit:,' which was required before
teaching weeks; leaving seven weeks for vacation: at Mr. Babbitt's invention was applied to them. Some
Christmas, one; in April, ono, and five in August and of these locomotives having run several thousand miles
part of September. I can also say that this invention makes the machinery
The first Monday in November, March, and July, I much Mort:durable. so that while the effective power
will he days of matriculation, and for the receiving', of the machine is increased, the cost of repairs is di
the fees of tuition. The fees will be at the rate of $36 ! minish+d."
per annum for those belonging to either of the cities, who I rfel The comnosition alluded to having been used
have not to pay board; and $25 fier those frum the cuun- this Vicinity, the pruprietOr is enabled to refer to the
try who lave to pay their boarding. I following gentlemen as to its merits, viz:
The mum of the Institution is, Duquesnit College. • Wx.! LYON, of the firm of Lyon, Shod, & Co.
Pittsburgh, Aug. 7, ROBT. BRUCE. EDwARp MORGAN, Engineer of the steam boat
West Point.
„loszmi HAMILTON ) Engineers of the steamer
.10,4:PH TAYLOR, Brunette.
The boxes and composition can be revhased
& inspected at the Bell teal Brass Foundry of As ow -
Fe troa,'corrier of 2nd street and Chancery Lane.
Authorizing the Mayor to purchase on Perpetual
Lease. the lot now occupied by the Duquesne En
gine and Hose House.
SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the
the citizens of Pittsburgh in Select and Connton Ctntn
cil assembled. That the Mayor he authorized to
purchase on perpetual lease for the use of the City, a
lot of ground of twenty feet in front on second St., and
extending sixty feet in depth to a twenty foot alley,
owned by the Trustees of the Western University, and
now occupied by the Duquesne Hose Company, giving
therefor at the rate of ii.6o per annum, w:th the privi
lege of purchasing the property in fee for one thousand
dollars, at any time• it may be deemedexpcdierrt by the
City authorities to do so.
Ordained and Enacted into a Law in Cannella, this
31 day of August, A. D. 1843.
WM. EICHBAUM, Pres't. C. C.
E. J. ROBERTS, Clerk C C.
A. miLLAR, Clerk S. C.
nag 7—d3t.
AN ORDINANCE Relating to Doge.
SEC. I. Be it ordained and enacted by the citizens
of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils assem
bled, that an Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance con
cerning Dogs," passed the 7th day of November, 1836,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. Be it ordained aid enacted, &c., That an
Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to prevent Dogs
from running at large in the city of Pittsburgh," pass
ed on the 9th day of August, 1831, be and the same
is hereby revived and declared to be in full force.
Sc.E 3. Be it ordained and enactett&c., That the
reward for taking up and lestroying Dogs under said
act shall be reduced to fifty cents per head. And the
penalty against obstructing the officers or other persons
appointed to carry said ordinance into effect shall be re
:bleed to fifty dollars, instead of one hundred dollars as
h. remfore. And that Dogs need not be kept muzzled
unless at the option of the owner, except from the 15th
day of July to the 15th September.
Ordained and enacted into a Law of the Council this
3d August, A. D. 1843.
WM. EICHBAUM, Pres't C. C.
E. J. ROBERTS, Clerk C. C.
A. Al tr..tert, Clerk S. C.
AN ORDINANCE Relating to Hogs.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained and enacted, by the citizens
of Pittsburgh iu Select and Common Councils assem
bled, That an ordinance entitled "an ordinance to pre
vent Hogs from running at large within the limits of
the city," passed the 28th day of July, 1821, be and
the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. Be it ordained and enacted, Sz.c., That so
much of an ordinance entitled "an ordinance for sup
pression of nuisances, an introduction of wholesome
regulations in the city," passed the 7th day of Septem
ber 1816, as was repealed by the Ordinance aforesaid,
be and the same is hereby revived, and declared to be
Ordained and enacted into slaw in Councils, this
3d day of August, A. D. 1313.
E. J. ROSEIII3, Ci'k C. C.
A. Mtt.t...114 Cl'k S. C. Aug. 7-3 t.
Section referred to:
11Cr"That if any person or persons, shall wilfully
suffer his, her or their horse or horocg, mare, srlding,
mule, ox, hog or hogs, to run at large in the said city,
he, she or they, shall for each offence, on conviction
thereof, forfeit and pay for each of the said animals so
running at large, thesum of one dollar. And every of
the before mentioned animals, so found running at
large, shall be considered as a public and common
nuisance; and it shall be the dirty ofthe city constables,
or either of them, to sere and take into his or their cus
tody, and impound every of the ,aid animal; so fd-Lnd
ronriag i.t tar:. : And it after four days public notice,
no person shall come fm-%% arc:. claim the same, and pay
tho said tine. arid all costs and charges attending the
6:2.H.:.7. and . o.eepiter the same, then and in sue.) cases
c.v. ry ouch animal sksJ be sob' at public sale by any of
the city constables, and after retaining the amount of
reasonable casts and expenses such constable shall pay
the balance, if any, to the Mayor for the use of the of
; •
A lIGUSTNO... Ur . splestdiaStitel Ingnivirags,
/A. received OM. ht. Forma% Ageecy awl Liters.
ry D epot,St. Clair at.
.aug. 8-6 t.
Proposals for Chain Iron.
Washington, July 28, 1843.
pROPOSALS will be received at this Office until
1. 3 o'clock, on the
. first day of September ensuing,
to deliver at the Navy Yard in this city, the following
Chain Iron, for eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches
in diameter, each 150 fathoms long, constituting the fol
lowing bill of Iron, viz:
35,1001 inks 1 11-16 inches in diameter-20i inches
450 links 1 13-16 inches in diameter-223 inches
20 feet 3.1 inch by 23 Oval pin Iron.
90 do 23 do 2 do do.
70 Swivel, 198 Shackle, and 18 'box pieces.
Specifications of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pieces
and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at this of
fice; all of the above Iron must be the very best Amer
ican, and undergo such proof, under the increased tests
and inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may
subject it to; to be delivered free of expense to the
Government, and in as short a time after the Contract
is made as is possible, which time will be desigi, anted
in the contract. •
Bondi with good and sufficient sureties in double the
amount of the Contract will be required, and a reser
vation made from each payment of 10 per cent, till the
Contract is completed.
Sag. 8. WM. B. SCOTT, Navy Agent.
• Pittsburgh Theatre.
THE cithens of Pittsburgh and vicidity are respect
fully informed that the above establishment will
open on Monday evening, the 14th inst., for the Fall
season, with an entire new and efficient company,—
The house will be thoroughly repainted and decorated,
and every thing will be done to render the TniokrnE,
(once more) a place of instruction and amusement.
MEN, of good character, for the Corps de /riallet, to
whom good snlario3 will he paid and dresies found.—
Apply at the Merchants' Hotel, between 11 and 12 o'-
clock, A.M. au;' 4-Iw.
r . .
AND 4:llPintas or oratosuanntr i ,
eSmellent invention for the reduction of friction '
machinery has at length been introduced in our city.—
It consists of a lined box, suitable for all revolving an.
sliding motions in the various kinds of machinery,wli •
great weight or speed are applied; these boxes mine ,
friction in a remarkable degree, requiring but little oil
and are warranted entirely free from the objection.
found With those now in use.
Theie lined boxes have been introduced in many .
the, Eastern Rail Roads, and in various manufact
establishments in that section of country, to which ill.
limits of an advertisement will not allow us to refer,an.
nearly thirty well known superintendents,engineers,ma
chinists and engine builders in the east certify that, "i
the 'use'of these boxes, friction is reduced in a remark
ablu degree; oil is required only in small quantities, an
the Wear is hardly perceptible, during a period in whicl
a hard metal box of the same thickness would be wo
out; journals running in these boxes attain a smoothe
surtheeilum they have seen on those which have bee.
run in any other box." They also certify "that the pa
tentee of this improvement has received the highest a
ward ofthe Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic's Asso
ciation, fur specimens of these boxes, (some of wide
had :heels run on the crank of a locomotive engine aloe,.
than thirty thousand miles,) at the fair of the Institut
tion, held in Boston in September and October, 1841.'
'f he Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, also award
Mr. Babbitt the premium for the improvement in box
es, under the Scott Legacy, which confines such award
to new an , / useful improvement.
The Committee on naval uffairs reported strongly i
its favor, in consequence of which the right to use it was
purchased by the Government for $20,000. The corn
mittee refer to, and make a part of their report the let
tern, of S. V. 'Merrick, J. Erricson, George C. Read, C
W. Copeland, Corn. L. Warrington, Hon. A. P. Up
spur; and Charles Howard, recommending the inven
[BY ORDER OF THE commtsstosEns . .).
CO WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of September,
k../ 15.13, will be ()floral ht public 'tale, at Pittsburgl4
the following Stocks owned by the State of Penroylva
nin, yin
No. o • % ;'hares. Companies. Par Value.
1600 Allegheny Bridge Company. $25
2000 Monongahela " 25
600 Big Beaver " 25
100 &mem-11101 l' 50
100 Loyalhanna " 25
171 1E46-mown " 50
300 Williamsport, Washington co., 50
2500 Monongaliala Navigation company, 50
2151 Bedford and Stoystown Tp. Road company, 50
3823 Stoystown and Greensburgh " 50
- - - - ..
1780 Greensburgh and Pittsburgh " 50
3437 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana " 50
967 Pittsburgh and New Alexandria " 50
322 New Alexandria and Concmaugh" 50
947 Pittsburgh and Butler a 23
832 Butler and Mercer n 25
320 Pittsburgh and Steubenville " 50
300 Robbstown rind Mount Pleasant " 50
660 Mourn Pleasrant and Somerset " 50
672 Sormirset and Bedford a 50
360 Armstrong and Indiana 14 25
560 Indiana and Ebensburg rr 25
329 Washington and Williamsport " 50
855 Do Pittsburgh " 50
200 Butler and Kittanning 25
240 Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh " 25
360 Somerset and Canemaugh 25
320 Do Cumberland " 25
160 Ligonier and Johnstown 50
224 Armstrong and Clearfield, " 25
813 Browningt on, Harrisville, and
Franklin o 50
200 Butler and Freeport 41 20
224 Pittsburgh Farmers & Mechanics'" 25
160 Bedford and Hollidaysburgh " 50
160 Birmingham and Elizabethtown " 25
160 Luthersburgh and Purixatawney " 23
300 French Creek Bridge company, 20
1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20
100 Eric and Waterford Turnpike Road company 50
560 Sitsquelumna and Waterford " 25
1010 Mercer and Meadville a
100 Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and
New Haven 100
200 Abington and Waterford a 25
280 War en and Ridgeway di 25
40 Warren and New York State line " 50
06 Titusville and Union Mills " 25
160 Warren and Franklin II 25
80 Sugar Grove and Union " 25
300 Bank of Pennsylvania, 400
300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company, 100
1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100 1
Purchasers will be required to pay for the Stocks, at
the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is
by the Auditor Genera], in pursuance of the Reso- ,
lution of 7th April, 1342, notes issued by the Banks of •
this Commonwealth under the act of 4th May, 1841,
specie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trans- I
ter of Stack will be made in a reasonable time after
Commissioners for sale of Stale Stocks.
aug 1- 7 -ts . -
ABOUT the last week in June, in a C;othing Store
in Liberty street, a Nee of hand, considerably
soiledand Worn. It is signeo. by James Gaston and
onother, and d...wn in favor of W. Black. The own
er can have it by identifying it, and paying expenses.
July 31.--tcf.
FORSALE.—A Mineral Water appqratu, com
plete, for sale low, at W. M. FOSTER'S
Universal, Agency and Li:erary Depot, St. Clair at.
jy 3;"'6t
mai pn tary..
I respectfully offeranyself a aulditiate foe the office
of Prothonotary of Allegheny county, subject to the
action of the Democratic county convention, which
meet/ on the 30th August next.
Allegheny city, may 31—tc d&w. R. RIDDLE
I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the of
fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem
ocratic Convention. WM. G. RAWLINS.
Wilkins township; June 27—tc.
To the voters of Allegheny county:—l respect
fully offer myself to your consideration as a cond.:date
(independent of parties) for tho office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known will please examine into my qualifica
tions, &c.; and if so fortunate to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your
choice. ALEX. MILLER.
may 10—te. of Pittsburg.
Clear the course for the Volunteam
WILLIAM B. FOSTER. Es q., of Allegheny city,
will be a candidate for the offic2 of Prothonotary of Al
legheny county, at the Octoberelection. jnne 4.
M •RT citizens of Allegheny city recommend D:.
J. C. M'CULLY as a suitable person to fill the office
of Prothonotary. july 12.
T respectfully present myself to the citizens of Alle
1. ghelly county, as a canilidate for the Sheriffalty, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic convention, which
meets on the 30th of August next.
juno 9—d&wte. ELIJAH TROVILLO.
MART Citizens of Pittsburrh, recommend Dr. JO
SEPH CURRY as a suitable person to fill a seat in
the Ai.tembly, the ensuing- seA,zion. July 11, 1:: 13.
A number of the Democrats of Mililin township
have concluded to present the name of SAMUEL
COCHRAN, Esq., of that township, for the considera
tion of the Convention which meets on the 30th inst.,
fora nomination for the Legislature. Mr C. is a well
known and a well tried democrat, and his neighbors
confidently present his claims. aug 7-ti
We are authorised to announce JOHN BROWN
Esq., of Pine township, as a candidate fir Assembly
subject to the nomination of the Democratic Cave
tion. jtdy 29—te
County Commissioner.
'We are authorized to announce A LEXANDEIt
PHILLIPS. k, of Robinson, as a candidate for County
Commissioner, st;!.:rtct to the decision oldie democrat
ic county convention. aug 7—tc
County Commissioner,
MESSRS. Entrons:—Please announce the name of
Gen]. JOHN M. DAVIS, of Peebles, for County Com
missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic
county Convention, to be held in August next.
County Commissioner.
Messrs. Editors: As the general opinion appears
to prevail that inasmuch as there are already tyl,-o of
the County Commissioners from the cotlnth•, it is but
a matter of right and justice that the city or its imme
diate neighborhood should have the third candidate--
We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people of
Allegheny count•, JAMES C. CUMMINS, Esq., of the
city district, fur County Commissioner, at the ensuing
County Commissioner.
AT 'the solicitation of a number of friends of all
political parties, I respectfully offer myself to
the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of
County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not
be misunderstood, either us to political or private
'affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life
a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word.
As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan
cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public
officers has received the approbation of large majori
ties of the people, the undersigned ivauld not should
he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at
tempt to resist this salutary reform; Should it reach
- the office of County Commissioner.
We are authorized to announce Mr. JAMES H.
ROBB, of Upper St. Clair township, as a candidate
for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the
Democratic Convention. tug 3—tc
JACOB TOM ER, Esq. of Pitt township, well known
to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a staunch,
uniform Republican of the Jackson school, will be a
candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision
of the Democratic County Convention.
At the solicitation of many radical democrats, Mr.
SAMUEL McKEF:, of Birmingham, has consented to
become a candidate for the office ofCoUnty Treamrer
subject to the decision of the Dnrnocmtic County Con
vention. Of Mr. McKee it may be truly said, to he
known is to be popular.
Many Frinds of Unassuming Worth.
I respectfully offer myself to the citizens of Alleghe
ny county, for the office of Coroner, subject to the de
cision of the Democratic Convention.
jy 18—tc DAVID HARTZ.
IRESPECTFULLY offer myself a.! a candidate for
1 Coroner of Allegheny county, subject to the action
of the democratic County Convention to be held on the
30th August. JOHN JOHNSTON.
Allegheny, July 21—tc.
County Auditor. ,
Me.re. Editors:—Please announce the name of
JOHN W. M'CLELLAND, of Franklin township, as
a suitable candidate for County Auditor at the coming
election, subject to the decision of the Counts , Conven
tion. Mr. M'CLELLAND is a Democrat of the warm
est and purest kind, and will be warmly supported
Aug. 7, '43—te.
Landreth's Gard= Seeds.
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of
sep 10 184, Liberty st., head of Wood.
William C. Wail,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CANVASS brushes, varnish, &c., for artists, always
on hand. Looking- Glasses, &c., promptly fla
med to order: Repaii iug done at the shortest notice.
I'articular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of
every description.
Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to
their advantage to call, sep 10-y
HORSE LOST.—Strayed from Samuel
Gamble's, ”..ar DunnitigFville, Washington
county, Pa. ' on the nigh , : of the 15th ult., a large Pa-
Horse, withun any particular !narks; 14 or 15 ha: d
high, and 7 ,, tween 6 and 7 years of age. Has a f;:w
white hairs ia his forehead. Whoever will return
him to Samuel Gamble, near Dunin,sville, or to meat
Pittsburgh, shall receive the above reward.
and 2. P. MULVANY.
ITP The Washington Examiner, Uniontown Genius
of Liberty, Wheeling Argus, 13ro News, rid
Wayneaburgh Messenger, insertthreo times send
Paper to advertiser, and harge this office.
, , „... .. , i . , 4 .,._,_,,..._ ~...., ..,.., i , vs.
.144 -... prahiaisimadw .• ~., ._ .
.. . .
, ' 4 , - r"' 4.: , -- - - - - ibikaienadi.oesi Of lift 0- •*4fri*lieg
;".;1'! - : -- ZY:'rtOir ' ' 'I - *OW teen et LW and vim)lee Anne
* i b tif i** 4. . liiiii mui * •Counris tinsattinelektdiel9th dayorttratillAktimi
' tame : depending thlgeln of Henry Tit, ark
6 4 .141, .'
cPivri4 ,l or . . r gairist...lohes W. Ilarketwklge sod ahem bone the
• .
A OtNTS for the Merehnita ..
.. t- Trnnapoetation . , ,
~. - C ... otn . - ' texiemived special Commissioner, will sell at pihild
-I- -I. pally composed Of UNI WIAMICOBIILIV . I,llne, ZZIC auct i on te t h e hi g h est , hiad er, et the w e n h ews i s
Canal; Washington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Macon county, on the 16th day of Septelsober.lll43,
Line of Stearn boats and vessels cm the lakes. Cleve
land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie- being the first day of the Or Sap'r Court ofintid
county,) that well known body of land commonly eel
tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. ; led „ (;gam's station, , ' lying in Mason county, V..,
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, N. Y. : ( 0 : 43 n the h un °ll d re i d o an d river t ; nty _ t h rEe con tain ing by survey
i 7, two fuz ad "glitad joining
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston. Parcels, a large proportion of- which is river beam
Hunter, Palmerland. The above lands prey one to the day aside will
M. T. 'Will & Co., Buffalo, be laid fr by the surveyor of the ci?lnity wleurefeare
Hon. John M iams & Dow, c.
venient size for farms,and plats eurnbed, dna so nosey
. Allen, Cleveland. thereof will be sold as may be necessary to prochtee
Charles M. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Co.,Pittsburgh. the sum of money required by said dam it Corder.-s•
Birmingham &
The sales will be made on a credit of nine rionths Ilik
rip 1 1813-Iy, one-third part of the purchase. money, oftwebnit Damn
for another third part, and of eighteen months for the
residue, the purchaser ar purchasers giving bonds with
good security for the payment of the different inert*.
merits, bearing interest from the day of sale, the legal
title to be retained as further security for the payment
1 of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk
of the purchaser or purchasers falling to make petnetle
al payments.
GEO. W. STRIBLING, Special Cosn'r.
Point Pleasant, Va., Jnne 26-, 18.1.3. tjy6-ent
Beaver and Warran:Packet
litas§M THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Shaw.mmiter, will run a.; regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver 9n Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stago Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freight or passage 'apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
. -
.T.A.t." IgAr.
1 43.
AND RA/I. ROAD CARS. from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chambersburg, Ilarri , burg and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting- with the Main train of car.; to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging undone night out.
Also, the direct lino to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $9.
Baltimore 9.
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st.
feb 23 , 1843-Iy. Proprietors.
The Great Central Route
Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road Company.
• .
THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa.
and national road to Cumberland, connecting here
with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav
elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afforded which have nut
Lden heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the INlonongaliela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
fib 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. I
regular Packets, for Cincinnati.
j a itt
m a t
The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every
Thursiky at 10 o'clock, a. m.
The Cutter, Collins, r _Master, leaves every Friday at
10 o'clock a. m.
Thu Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat
urday 'at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Express, Parkinson, Master, loves every Sim
flay at-I0 o'clock H. m.
niny.9.o Agents.
ATHREE story brick house on Market betw'n
2nd and 3rd streets. The store in this
house is large, and furnished with gas pipes an a
gaud counter. Rent low.
ALSO, a dwelling, house on Market between 3rd
and 4th streets, and several rooms with an entrance
from Market street. E. D. GAZZAM.
Aug. 7,-Iw.
• elrel,
work shop, aye o a n rs '"d m s y t hou t se , o ' p s po tor s f ite r ras m .
ark, jr„ S. Co The shop is brick. 19 feet wide, by
30 10ng,3 stories high. I have in it a small steam en
gine, about 5 horse power, which I will also . rent, if
desired. For further particulars enquire of me,!on the
premises. ORRIN NEWTON.
ang 4-6
To Rent.
P LEASANT rooms and good steam power, tit the
cast steel filo manufactory , corner of Liberty and
O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises. july 16.
Peach Trees..
dm , THE subscriber has
received from the Nur-
Mi.sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia,
a lot o f the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
wou ld call the attention of the public.
No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood.
Dr. Dechtor's Pulmonary Prosorvathre.
F OR coughs, colds, influenzas, catarrhs,
cough, spitting of blood, pain in thelreast, all
diseases of did breast and lungs, and arrest of approach
ing Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAMNESTOCK & CO.,
.iy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh.
ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46,
Corner of Wood and Third .streets, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought
and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale.
Drafts, notes and bills, collected.
Wm. Bell & Co.,
John D. Davis,
F. Lorene,
J. Painter & Co., 1
• Joseph Woodwell, I,
_ James May, .1
Alex-Bronson &Co. Philadelphia
John H Brown &Co.
James M'Candless.Cincinnati, 0.,
J. R. M'Donald. St. Louis, Mo.
W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres't Bank y. } Louisville:
Gums!. LAND
June 23,
A DVICE having been received from
the removal of that Office to the town
1 - 1. of the Land Office at Lexington, '
CAWFIELD has removed his marble Estah
in Henry county, as directed by the P
• lishment to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's
- vr '
b h g j yr e ve l
thena° t it
Executive L m cx that
ngt t o h n e prxxon pu th b lame lic sec . a s ti ed v e
belii.6l,:4 o ati r i. y
effected on or about the 3d day of Jul
Dru. Store, where he will keep constantly on hand
Tomb Stones, Monuments etc.
aP / 9— /
John Cartwright,
CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer,
inst., will bo held at the time prescribed il
corner Of 6th and Liberty sheets, Pittsburg, P a . Clinton aforesaid. THO. a
N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment of June 30-latvt 10
Surgical and Dental instrUments, Banker's, Tailor's, -
Hatter's, Hair Dressers and Tanner's Patent Shears,
Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. je 24.
Nianufittabirer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware,
No. 17, Fifth street, between Wood and Market,
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares,
and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons,
skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap for cash or
apprek ed paper. fmar7—tf
For Sale.
LOTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane and
High street. Apply to
Market near Fourth street.
-1 rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Bail
di, Osborne would solicit n call from those who
desir. Portraits. Speimens can be seen at his rooms.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
A NY quantity of clean i first rnnl Allegheny Ice, I=7
1"1 ..ho had at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner of Second
and Grant direete. jnl y 13—tL
Remedy for the lallueumi.
THE Influenza, which is now in almost et utifesitgasl
epidemic, is exciting, the inventors of patent
medicines to increased exertions in the puffing Wee,
but owing to the general distrust enbertainod for the
generality of such drugs, people fear taking them- 1 '
The following, however, from a distinguished Vhiersil"
clan in New York, Dr. Nelson, we think may be nia
lied on:
"The object of the present communication is to tee
ommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy access to
the poor. and to cantion them against an injurious one
in this disease, namely, bleeding, either general or by
leeches. In all those roses in whith the first class of
symptoms prevail, let the patient smell frequently stt
a common salts bottle, (Sims' Aroiraftic
Salts are preferred) and by putting the vial to dist
mouth to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile seat
ter into the lung?. Let this process be repeated tire
or three times in an hour, and it will give TIN*I9 lipobay
and greater relief, in all slight cases of the first micas
than nnv other remedy, and will be sufficient for •
cure. It will also be essentially useful in the iwinele
cases; and those of the class of prostration, di feat
drops of amonia, or hartshorn, ought to taken fate*
Dully. A neat way of doing so is to take an old fash
ioned mixture called lac ammoniaci. Hfflrever, it hi
as a local remedy,. to act on the disordered surface.
that its use is advised. The principles wilt be recd'
nized by all physicians versed in molecular organisa
tion, and those who are deficient in that knowleap
may do in that instance as they do in all others—ktct
upon the faith they imbibe." These salts are for sal/
and within the reach of all classCs, at Win tHatteis k
53 Market Street, Pittsburgh. jy 17.
A Card.
T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public *A
general, that be intends to devote his. wtole { End
to the COLLECTION OF ACCOUNTS in the iities iof hip
burgh, Allegheny and vicinity.
Having been enraged in this business treater thie f '
and given entire satisfaction to those whie tehPier4
him, lie respectfully solicits those having amen= to
collect to give him a trial.
Physicians and others who cannot spire time from
their - professional bthzines:s to collect their &axiom%
would find it to their advantage to give him a ca.
Respectable references can be given, and, ifr , Treill
sectitity will be given for the faithful return of me
nieA collected.
He can be found at Mr 'George Armor's, Metal's&
Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on 4th et. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M.
Any orders left there during. his absence, will be attenci•
ed to, or by letterihmair.h . tbe Post °trite.
Terms, 5 pr cent commission.
jy 21-1:11m. SAML.
Parma to Lease..
THE undersigned will lease two Farms situatedis
East Deer Tcwnship, with the necessary sew
ments nod from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each.-. 4
Also, a Farm situated in West Deer Township, 411e•gbeny County, with from 60 to 75 acres cleaied. Thu
above described property is in reasonably goal repair.
lying about 15 miles from the city of PlMll3l9;l6, aril
within two miles of the Pennsylvania Canal, and !ate
leased on reasonable terms for from 1 to $ ram t
good tenants. BARTRAM MURRY.
mar 13—tf
Lots for bale.
4 Lots in Manch ester. One and a fourth Acres of
Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42,54,53;i4 1 ,
181, 182, andlB4, in Cook's plan of Lots, oa Ekataaa"
Hilt. Also, Lots nos. 26,and 27, in Cook's piano( Las
on High street, near the new Court limps.. For"
apply to Z. W. ftEMING""
sep 10
Building. Lots is Dirstingta*
1.3 LOTS, suitable for building, most ofap* . lib
llama, and within two minutes' walk et the
steam ferry. boat Landing, will be sold at prices ttitatit
the times. The terms of payment will be mode tory,
either for cash or such barter as can be male available.
Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P
Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburetr. •
Freeman's Fire Brick tbr
JL'ST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire
which will hereafter he kept constantly a
and sold low fia cash, by BrRININGFIAII4 tik
may 27 No. 60 r*
bissolution of Pa..
THE late firm of T. & A. Nesmii
and leather dealers and tanners, 4
day by mutual consent, by the vrithdra,
Nesmith, whose interest in said firm hos
and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.; •
Nesmith, sr. and Thomas Nesmith jr.,
copartnership, under the firm of Tao=,
SON, who are duly authorised to sett%
the late firto for that purpose.
Pittsburgh, Pa
'uly 19, 184
ALL persons indebted to tbe estate of
dy, of Mifflin township, Aileen:ay
deceased, are hereby requested to trados ,
payment to the subscribers, and all persons
claims arainst said estate will present thew
thoaticated for settietnent.
Comr, 15IL Mid !dial
T HE subscriber respectfully infonni
former patrons, that he has min
lishment from No. 61, Liberty, to No.
nearly opposite the Post Ottee, vrhere
can-y on the Copper, Tin and Sheet h
al! its varLus branches. He res
continua UGC , of tLe patronage so liL
him heretofor,., and pledges himself digit
be spared on his part to merit the same,
on hand, 'Afamtfactured Ware, of all kind'',
will be so!t1 lore for cash. Spouting, &e.
der at F!-..t
ang 4-1 m
plete edition, huge type, and ..
of 50 :wit', cau be had as W. M.
jy 24 Ureiveraal Agary and