JAW 410VMED CO„ Afamsfactortst W.ll l . . 2 .7Wer, Ng. Itt, Wood Street, Pittsburg*, Ps.— Min gilmavx on hand an extensive assortment of Safi( ear& i & yid p'aio PAPER HANGINGS, Vetvet and flctrdero„ or the leest style and handsome Alatiern• (or papering halls, priors and chambers. manufacture and have on hand at all limes egfloggat.Wrltlng,Lctier, Wrappins: and Ten Paper,l3on ft* tanitraltere Boards—ail of which they offer for sale `111,014-132olLaccommodating term,: and to which they ttOtentheatientlOn of merchants and others. • ALSO—Blank Booke of ad kinds and the hestquallty, 411014100 Rooks, etc. always on hand and for sale as above Ai. it. Rust ad Tanners' &raps' taken in exchange. . • .11VSW.IIVAImi—The undersigned liege leave to inform We public, that lie has removed from his old stand, tialliftlarner of Penn anti St. Clair sts.,oppositethe Ex tiffilitliitiOtel, where he has fitted up a large Prix° Foftxx Ell*KoOlt, and now offers for sale the most splendid tall.tlinant of Ptxtros ever offered in this market. , •iliitil.innos consist of different patterns, of superior SittlitaliOnd and Alahogany, beautifully finished and mo• d-dad constructed throughout of the very beqt ina lignatqwhich,tbr durability. and quality of tone, as well ix. touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen lkate. As lio has en!arged fits manufactory, tnd made arrange. Amite to supply the Increasing demand for this instru• Meat,. be respectfully requests the=e intending to pur. arise - to call and 'amine his assortment before purcha. slag elsewhere. as he Is determined to sell towee, for • casb,than any other establishment cast or west of the iornintains. F. BLUME, CorUer of Penn and Et. Clair streets, sow 10 OPpoßite tlicExchange Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa. 4Leady BlCade,Coffin Warehouse, rekrtk St , 2 clears rorn tke U. S. Bank. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, _ IEtVP ECT FULLY Informs the public that he has rem )7ed his ready made +norm mare abuse to the huildlng recently accupied• by Mr. a. G. B..n•Cord, directly opposite his old stand, where he is always prepared to att••,nd promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict attAttinu • .to all the derails of the Madness of an Undertaker, Esilielpes to merit pulitte can adenee. tie will be prepare& 'it ALL BOORS to provide Hearses, fliers, C lages end e'er, regutsite on the roost liberal terms. Calla from the trostrj.wilt In , promptly attended to. his residence Is in the same building with his wart borne, where thoie who need his service. may find hint litany time. itITIRENCta X. W. LAWIN, atrll4Z ItiDDLC IFIPOZ ,PLTTON, w. IeCLCR YIAJLC UA.11.1111. s!Plo La 1 what makes your teeth so unusually white? Quoit' Josh's dalcinia to Men Collier night, Te Thakeyours look so, with a grin, replied josh, I've brought you a tomtit. of Thorne' Tooth Wash, '.. the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have tried this, east all mhos away Rot to provelt the hest; to make the. teeth shine, JAssik-attalit,-mrdear Pal, at "the lurtre of mine. Then try tile great tooth wash, The Teaherry tooth wash, IRod See f this Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is not fine Baying tried Dr... Thorn's Tea Derry rood) Wash,' *ad become acquainted with the ingredients of its compo *Shwa cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as 111-1 1 1.0se of the most pleasant Tooth Wasi:es now In use. rittabury,ti Sep. 15,18.42 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. • flake pleasure In statin g, having made use of •Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," lirs it is one of the best den atlAces In use. Being in a liquid form, It combines neat• sees with convenience. While It cleanses the enamel "end removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds kagnmee peculiarly desirable. .I. P. TIBIICTTS: M.D. - The undersigned have used ..Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extreme. I.T.pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary innu• twee over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis cmtsable members from premature decay, preventing the assamolatlon of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Day. lug !hotneedy tested Its virtues. we take pleasure in re. .commending It to the public, belieeing It to be the best ar• AkJe of the kind now In use. ..11i ROBERTSON', JAMES P JACK, ItOR'T R PEEBLES, CHAS E SCULLY, '4l DARRAGH, W.IfIirCANDLESS, AIvoRHEAD, L - RINO WALT, Prepared and sold by IV ILIA A M THORN, A potheca• ry lead Chemist, No. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and at all the prineipa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical Agen sp,.Toarth street. asp BIRMINGHAM LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. WEIS subscriber having opened a shop No 61, Second Mreet, between Market and Wood el reets,Pittsborgh. tatoonnecticn with tire Factory in Birmingham, respect. lhtlp Inf urns his friends and the public, that lie will be •happy to be favored with their orders fur any articles in his line, .Door Locks and Fasteners, n various d seriptions, or. band and made to order. Tobacco. MITI and Timber Screws. Large Screws, for iron Workt , ,und Screws for Presses, madras msy he required, Carpenters and Builders are requested to call before contracting for jobs, and examine hl articles and prices ,ILocka repaired and jobbing cenerully eone in he best manner and on the lowest terms. -- -mar 2-6 in JAS. PATTERSON. J,• . • or: Leicirs Tester & Itch Ointment. ItiOß the cure °revery variety of TCTTER, the ITCH, •. Mid ail diseases of the Skin, has proved itself more 'illteaeSOmillian any other preparation for the &tine put , laeirTB ass . tirrata• or five hundred certificates mist t be procured raied lailbltithed of its efficacy from Sabo& Teachers. Pro. ladielarate Factories. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses, 1011011Thallikfvessele and other', were It not for the deli •;ensig in having their names published In connection with and) disagreeable affections, ay the use of Br Leidy's TetterlDialavnt In corjune. thin with his extract of Sarsaparilla or - Blood Pitts, lie . ett will guarantee to cure any disease common to the skin, *e owever bad, or of however long standing, or refund the ' andiety. There are however very few Instances hut can - Zhettaved by the Ointment atom., 'PACs 2.5 cents a Box. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr tel dy's Health EIJI porlurn, 191 N. Second st. PbUndelnhia, tad by 8. .9. F.9ffiVESTOCK ¢ Co. corner of Wood sad Sixth streets, Aaatkta for Pittsburg. July 12. PITTSBURGH. LARD OIL MANU FACTORY. suiteriber would respect fully inform the citizens ' -01Mittsbargh, Allegheny and their vicirities, that he 0111011. , weinonmeed manufacturing the article of Lard 01 .rairnelahletales. 'llfeittlends making hut one quality, which 101101, i *pal the hest made in the Union and not surpassed 1000, bett winter strained sperm oil either for machinery 11101htfaing, without Its offensive properties, and one cheaper, THE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO RIM& IX ANY TEMPERATURE. The sultscri. Niete wishes to Impress distioctli, on the public mind that - - 11t-fireot Itenesanry topurcttnse any new fangled lamps that mei daily palmed upon them as being requisite to burn the liMoMfa. Persons artshang a pure :Ind brilliant obtain It by calling at Ott old stand,3d street, tteQay *palette the Post Office M. C EDEN. atteatkon of Wholesale dealers, Churches and oblates nespeci flatly eel lc I . t , ed. 1p,..4111 Mt barrels Will bear the manufnetnret'a Wag 90 2; 1.143—tf. 111.Zg. SOHN DIACH.D. D. REV. RODILR'D DRUM D. D. DAL. SLYCLI. WILLIAMS, f REV. JOSEPH EDDR. JAS S CRAFT. L S JOHNS, tx~°:: iTasrd oil Vsung CONSTANTLY on band a superior article of Lard Oil, warranted to burn at any ternern Lure, and equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without its offensive qualities, and one third cheaper, man. n(actured by the subscriber at the old stand, Third at., nearly opposite the Post Office• M. C. EDGY. 'jan 4,1843 PITTSBURGH Looking Ciiass Manufactory. And House Furnishing Warehouse, 104 Wood Street, mar sth THE Subscriber having comfit:led bit arrangements at his new stand, Is now prepared to Wrest° his friends, and the public, n large and complete aseortment of Looking Glasses, and House.furnlshing Hardware. (at priest to suit the times.) Pier and Mantel Glasses In Gilt and Mahogany Frames, of the most approved and superior workman ship. Tothit Glasses wllli I, 2,3, 4 and 5 drawers. Common, stained, fluted, and p Ilar framed Glasses suitable for Merchants, or those wanting cheap glasses.) Japanned Waitersand Trays of all colors and patterns. Ivory handle Knives and Forks, In setts or dozen', Buck and Bone handle Table Cutlery. Carving Knives and Forks, do. Dixon's Urittania Metal lea and Cotfee Sods on- perlor qual!ty.) A merlean Manufactu ; do, In setts, or single piece's. German Silver Ten. and Table Spoons, Silver plated and Brass Candlesticks, Snurrets do, Briltania Metal Lamps, ['or burning Sperm or Lard Oil Brass and Wire Fire Fendeis, (various patterns.) Fir() Shovels and Tongs, Band lrone,a•e, With a variety of other articles too nunlerous to men tion, all of which will he oTered at the lowest cash pri N.C. Portratt,Miniaturmand other Framing done at the shortest notice, repairing orall Binds attended to. Look. W. Glass plates,by tne box or single light, Prints for Fra. ming constantly on hand t . CO) 23 THOS. A HILLIER. NEW ESTA BLISHMENT Upholstery Furnishings. THE subscribers respectfully Inform their friends and the public that they have just opened the . ..lore No 30 Fifth street. near the Exchange Bank. and adjOinitie, Mr. J• D. Williams' Grocery. where they intend to manu facture In the beet style, and have truly for sale a full assortment of the first quality of Upholstery Perefeh in.''s, such as Nair, Shuck and Straw Mattrasses, Featly er Beds, Sackings, 4-c. I which they will sell for Cask at nearly 100 per cent less than Tormer ALSO: Sofas, Chain, ate. Upholstered, carpets mace and Cut tains arranged after the newest fashions—All of which they ofrer; to execute to a manner unequaled In this or unsurpassed In any other city. mar 201 p SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL IN STRUM ENTS!— T. .hfeCarth J, Cutler and Surgical Instrument .Maksr, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SfGH OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) rhysiclans, Dentists and Druggists can have their In• strurnenis madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. 11: Allan!cies warranted of the hest quality, and ailing done as usual. sep 10 VIA R M FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale bis farm, lying in Ro-e 'township 41. miles from the City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres ofland of which 60 air cleared and under fence, L, m 15 to 20 acres of meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of Apples s few Peach and Cherry trees—the Improvements are n ..trge frame house containing 10 mums well furnished, calculated for a Ta vern o. private Dwelling, a frame Barn 2R by 60,stone basement, and stabling, sheds I nd other out houses suit able for a tenrmenti--2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes. and a well of excellent water, with a pump In at the front door. In relation to the nista:trail and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for Kale with more Inducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will he male moderate, for further pnrticutarsapply to the proprietor al his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAWRENCE M ITCHELL. N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October neat. II will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lois tosult pur:ha sera. sep 10 rgliißoul.Feriher harpist received from Philadelphia and New York, hill a crneral and extensive assort. meat of DRUGS. CHEMIC.V.S, PERFUMER r. and every article-in his line of business, wu if II Ile is drier. 'tithed to sell on the mo=t reatonalite terms for cash.— tie believes he can offer stronger Inducements than any simile' establishment in this city to country Physician and Merchants. who wish to snooty themsgf..es girt Drags and Medicines. Ilia articles have peen selected with the utmost care, and are warranted tattle hest qual ity and uniform strength. Orders will he filled whit ac curacy and et ace. Famlti.scanhesuppliedwhi Flit and Fancy Boat" of every conceivable variety. and of the most exquisite. perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetics of every descrip' ion. The nudersigneti returns his thanks for the liberal sup_ port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant disposition to please and accommodate—a care in pro curing and selling only what in excelinnt and genuine—a close supervision of the sales and transaction of the -Jot, lieltment—precantion and accuracy in rompoundi med icines—and by industry and perseverance. to mer n in crease of public patronage may 25. WILLIAM TIIOR.II FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING. BPERRY takes this method of informing the public in general that he continues to carry on the above business in the MosolicAnsci, House RUILDINGII No 1 Water street. where, with strict personal al tent iuu he hopes to please all who will favor him viol , h U eir pa trona:7,e. From his long experience In the business, ht flatters himself that his work cannot be exec Reit lit neat ness and durability, at least west of the Islcuntains; hu it Is useless to boast —a fair trial is the best evidence' To suit the times he manufactures Roots at various pri cos; from as low as flee dollars up to his best quality, which he affords atseven dollars per pair. ap 20, Sir Denning's Tire Proof Iron Chests. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. I. DIMMING—On Friday, the 30th of last month, about 9 o'clock at night, the Planing,Grooving and Sash Man factory, owned by Cay, Dilworth 4- Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all conga med by fire. The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back was In the most exposed situation during the fire, and was entirely red hot am pleased to inform you it was opened at the close of the fire,and all the books, papers, 4.c.savett —this is the beat recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. oct 24--tf THOMAS SCOTT IMPORTANT FACTS DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILL• BLOOD PILLS, are apnli cable In all cases, whether for Purgation or Puri.fi. cation. They possess all the boasted virtues of other pills, and are additionally efficacious, containing Sarsap aritla In their composition, which is not contained In any other pills In existence. They areulso different from oth er pills In composition, being purely vegetable, and can be employed at all times, without any danger, and re• quiring no restraint f,orn occupation or usual course of living. Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood Pills would cure all diseases, yet It Is not saying too much of them, from the innumerable cures perlbrmed by them In every vat iety and form of disease (certificates of many of which have been published from persons of all denom• {nations, physicians. clergymen, ar,d others) that they seem to be almost universal in their effect; and persons using them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest assured they will be found more efficacious than any oth er pills in existence. Fromthe known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood Pills, 'ifs deemed necessary to remind the public where they may at all times procure the genuine, as it is attempted io impose other pills called •Blood Pills' upon the public on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. ®-Be particular and ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills. and see that the name of Dr N. B. t.eldy is cont ,fined on two sides of each hot, (the boxes being of paper, and obiong,sgaare shape, surrounded by a yellow and black label. PRICE-25 cents a Box, Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail. at Dr Leidy's Health Emnoriam, 191 North Second ,creel, be low Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. .8. F.ABXBETOCH CO.euraer of Wood and Sixth Ursa% Acosta for MU burgh• July 12-Iy. INDIVI PORTABLE .BOAT LINE. For tie Transportation of Aferatandize and Produce NEW YORK AND BOSTON. DEVINE et McA NULTY respectfully inform the pub lie that they have completed their arrangements for the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLES. The public has long wished for Individual competition In Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone It can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to ltslowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail Roads, Indivlduais owning Portable floats are enabled to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to com itete with companies. This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Section Portable Boats, ow and by the Captains who command them and writ kdown as enterprising, industrious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every othei mode of Transportation, are too well known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf ficeit to say, that the detention, toisteeparelion and doll• age to Goods, invariably attending terse Transhipments between Pittsburgh end Phladelphla are by the Portable Boat most effectually removed The Portable float possesses the great advantage too, of being well vela/end and coo/ In Simmer; which pre. vants Flour fro* souring, and Bacon and Tobacco from sweating. Devine .4. Blettnuite, elandiug as they de,itetween the owners of goodsa nd the Boatmen who carry them, and equally Interested in protecting the Interests of both, will make no promirs to the public they will not faithfully perform. They arc now prepared to receive and forward Pro duce to Baltimore, New York, and Boston In the shortest time, and pledge themselves to enter into no combination with other Lines,but always stand ready to carry out the principlesof their Li ne, and contract for freight on the very lowest terms. JOHN T. STEWART CHAS STEVVART. prorrt I lITORg. Hart, Nodrewc 4- MrKever, irons Philadelphia and Bal timoro to lloilid.it , hotg. Ileory L. Pattetsoo, ['taro flotliday , hurg to Pittahurgh AGENTA. Ihrt, Anitrrw. MrKever, Philadelphia. P.1.1,C01.t0n 4- Vo.4ltaltitnore. Fleury L. Patterson. Holiidaystiurg Jes.ec Pattersor., Joh nA;or.-n. Jame. nirtcev Cl Pitt,tmr2ll, Regular Morning Packet for Beaver. ..+OO. frliE fast running and well knowir Steamer 'CLEVE LAND, Snafu. 11 exrnit,t., !Nosier, will depart daily from Pill-- burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver nt 1 o'clock P. At . For freight or pass,ige, apply on board, or to BIRNIINGITANI & CO. No 60 %Vuler street. N. C.—The rezit tar canal pacl.et In Cleveland Ohio Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the Ohio Canal, connecting with steamer Cleveland at Pea ver,will he in operatioo Itnniedialrly on openinz of nLv mar T 6 sir Adams' Patent "ICanghphy" lbTills. ursvE now been before 11 le pubic 3 years du• ring which time several tho.i:an.ls have been sold arid in daily use, We are confident of being sustained in saying they are the best Coffee Mills in the United States, any way you , fix It.' Several modifications are madeto suit the fancy of wives and the purses of husbands Sold by the gross or dozen at the manufactory.-- Malleable Castings made to order. FAIR BAN KSTATENT PLATFORM SCALES These genuine articles, of all sizes. and most improved varieties,constantly on hand and for sale at very 'educed pewee by the matufacturer. L. R. LIVINGSTON, ar 2. --tr Front heiween R 059 and Grant ell. 1 _ 1H E subscriber wishes to Inform the cli izens of Pitts. burgh, and the travelling public, that he has leased the above well known stand, (situated on Fifth street, between Market and Wood,) where he will be happy to accommodate all his old friends, and as many new ones as will be pleased to acknowledge him as t:)eir host.— His terms will he moderate, suited to the times. His table will be supplied with the best that the Market af fords. His bar will , be furnished with the choicest of liquors, both domestic and foreign. His stables are spa cious and commodious, conducted by experienced and attentive ostlers.. Kr He wonid Inform the citizens that be Is prepared to accommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Year• ly boarders at rectucid lIAVE removed th•i raper Store from Market street to No. (te, Wood street, one door from the corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their ante s e • sort steel of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlors,en tries,ehambers. te. and also PRINTING, WRITING and Wn.APPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, 4'c all of which they offer for Baleen accommodating to mai feb 14,1849.-41 f s ! ! • •es • mi.o.t. • • UNITED STATES Between PITTSBURGH .41ND PHILADEL MIA AND PITTSBURGH AND BA LTI3IGRE, rT o give andonbted•security to owners and shippers of goods an open policy of I lISLI ranee has been effected, by which all merchandise shipped by this Line will be cd withent any additional expense in the owner. Devine 4- Me knuity will receive all produceconsigned to them at Pitisburg,h, pay freight and charges to ream Boats and forward the r une Witllolll delay to Philadei. onto, Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge. for advancing, or commission. DEVINE a- McANuIiTY. A g 'ots , Canal eosin. Liberty sireel, Pittsburgh. • 7'11013. BOBBIN . ; Agent, . • 272 Market street. Philadelphia. MOORE A. CHASE Agents, 73 Bowley's Wharf, Baltimore. BOWEN ¢ lIIRBERD, Agents, Cincinnati, Ohio CULVER ►tiOODBURN, Agent. Madison Ind, Thos, %At, {• Cs , Agent. March 10,1742. 27 Old Flip New INDEPENDENT TIDE WATER LINE FOR carrying Merehandize and Produce to and from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and Boston, by the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail road, on entirely temperate principles. Block of Ibis tine consists of cam large Tidnnter hoars expre , sly for ilibt route. with all the madcrn im• movements in boat imildincssf a superabundant supply of first rare cars oil the Tertaze Railroad; and a full sup ply of and toininoiliou. Transylvania boats be. tween Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which wi'l be conducted by sober,industrlous and experienced captains and supedntendenis. Char:es will be paid on all good. Intended to tic shipped front Pitt.tourr It to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston, and consiined to Jame•. Dickey 4- CO.,Canal Rasta, corner of Liberty and Wayne sta. and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch. All Good: and produce 'decoded to he shipped from Philadelphia C0:1,0W,, or via he D,lawa re and Rani tan Canal.tand rpn•i2ited to (fart, Andrew and Nl , Kever. will he received at heir warehouse, fir•t wharf alw.)vr Rare •irret, and shipped directly lioni thence without nililltional handling or expenae. 3 line of Rnwon packets formed., with the tire nt this pain , Shippers are invited to examine the stork of thls line and Judge for theomrivrs, before shippiea bV am other, as their iiiierept Will Ire advanced by shlppina br It, the proprietors heinz, di!trrinitted to Plell I ilelffiLriVf!< to Ihr wino:a of their atitlity for the intereQt of their custo mers and pro ,, perity of their line. Insltranre sari be elTrcted raper by this Ilne Ihan any Ot h er, as I h r . route tritt•lderee i be safest- IRON CITY HOTEL; The old stand of klati hew Patrick, (Lately occupied by John Irons:) RATES OP DOLED' Single Neal , 25 cents. Lodging, 124 cts Board per Week, 162.50, may 8---3121, M[CH .PORTSER REMOVAL. HOLDSHIP iti 'BROWNE NENE TO FEU ALES.—There Is 6, - , large elan Of Females In thiselty who fromtheir continued sitting, to which! their occuputons oblige I hem,a re affected with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the lensi ex ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an inabithy of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow• els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at once ton few doses of the Brandreth Pills The °eta. slonal use of title medicine would save a deal of trouble and year; of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth Pilisjust before dinner, are ofen found highly beneficial; ninny use them very advantageously In this way; they aid and anist digest ion, restore the bowels to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, impart clear. ness to thecomplexion,purlfy the blood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Bold at Dr. 8-audreth's Office. in the Diamond Pittsburgh—Price 25 cent 3 per box, with full directions. MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, Is the Doctor's own Of. flee. Diamond. Ben, 10 DR. STARKWETHER'S HEPATIC Case of Lirer Complaint of 2 - 5 years 6tandmg. This may certify that for twenty five years 1 was af dieted with pain In my side, which was frequently no severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. I have been under the care and treatment of various physicians without any permanent benefit. Hearing of the many cures effected by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Pr. Starkweather. I was induced to give it a trial, and am happy to say that It has entirely removed. I have fele no symptoms of it for more than a ?oar past. Northbridge, JiineB6 30. 1841. A MOS mirrn. Thegenaine to he had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, Fourth street. n -TO IN VA •ADS. 4:1 iKrilow important it Is that you commence without loss of time with BRA Nertiill'S PILLS. They mildly but surely remove all Impurities from the blood,and no case of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele htated Pills do not relieve as much medicine cats do. COlds and coughs are more benentted by the Brandreth Pills than by lozenges and canales. ( Very well, per• haps.as pallattves, but tvorth nothing as eradicators or diseases from the human system. The BRI.2IDRETLI PILLS cure, they do not merely reli, ye, they cure diseases, whether chronic or recent., infectious or otherwise, will certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. Fla° Biro, January 21.1843. Doctor Benjamin BraadrstA-110nored Sit: Owing to you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am induced to make a public acknowledgeinlint of the benefit my wife has derived trout your Invaluable pills. About three years this winter sire ‘ was taken with a pain in her ankle, which sooti became very much inflamed and swollen, so mucl...so that we became alarmed, and pent for the doctor During Ins at.endance the pain and swell lug increarrd to an alarming degree, and in three weeks from its first Celllnine in ring it became a running sore She could get no rest at night the pain Was en great.— Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and site received no benefit whatever. the Fain growing worse, and the sore larger all the v. idle. Me raid if It was heal ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a toss how ta proceed, and my poor wife suit continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought oilier aid Ina itotanical doctor, who said when he first saw II that he could soon cure the sore, and give her ease at once. To our surprise he gave her no relief, and acknowledged that it baffled all his skill. Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians In vain, In absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly !ailing in the prune of her years from her continued suffering, Coder these c.lrcumstatices we concluded that we would try your Universal Vegetlble Pills.determlned to fairly ler their curative efferts. To my wife's great comfort the first few doses afforded great relief of the pain. Wit one week, to the astonishment of our 'elver and every one who knew of the ease, the swelling and the inflammation began to teaSe so that she felt quite easy. and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, after sin weeks' use she was able to go through. the house, and again attend to the management of her family. which shelled not Cane for nearly 14 month.. In a little over two months front the time she first commenced the use of your invaluable rills, her apkle was quite sound, and her health better Shan it had been In quite a number of years before. I send you this statement after •wo years test of the cure. considering It only an act or Justice to you and the public at large. We are. with notch gra Rude. Very respectfully, TIMOTWY k ELIZA A. LITTLE P. S. The Botanical Dortri7 pronounced the sore can cerous, and bonny said no 7,00 d coubl he done. unless IN whole of the flesh wa: cut off, and the bone scraped.— Thank a kind Providence, thk made us report to your pills, 141 , 1C11 payed ti from all further misery, and for which we hope t be Ili inkful. T. Q E. L. ¢r' old at 25 rerit • per box. a Ith dirertioti.. 0 , 3( rec. Or new each having upon it two siz nature , : of Dr.. Brand rrth. each hot of the gentilor has Ph. vi2ll3lllreS—ltirre Benjamin Brandrelh and three H Brandreth upon it. The only place in Piltsloir:li where the real Henn dreth Pills ran lo obtained, k the Doctor's own office, in the Dianiniol, behind the Market house. Mark, the genuine Prandrri Is Pilk can never he obtained in any druz store. The following are the only agent.. appointed by Dr. I! Rrandrrth, for the sale al Ms Vegetable Universal Pill in Alle:lirnv PRINCIPAL Aavcr. G 11 LEE, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Glass—Allegheny, Robert Dorman— iltrintng ham. C. P. ftehl—Eltmabellit own. K. Rowlarri—M'Keesport. Pressly Frwon—Pleasant 11111. John Johnston—NoMestown. Chevsman Flunithilrtz —Slewartetown. ir Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter--Tarentum. George Power —"Fairy David R Coon— Plum township. Daniel Negle —East Liberty. Etirbord Thompson—Wilk inshurgh. Win o.lllunier —A I len's Mill. mar 23,1843 NOTICE TO DR. BRANDI. ETH'S AGENTS The nitre in Pittsburgh which was cstalillshed for the purpose of constioitiog agents in the went, Itaoine acCOM pl shed tl•al °tied, is nos• closed, and Mr. E. ii. LEE in the Diarnind, Market street, appointed wit , areet for the sale of PHI; and Liniments All Dr. Brandetlis acents will therfore.nnders•and,that Dr.B. will tend a travelling agent through the country once a year tocallect moneys for sales made and re-supply ageets. The said traveller will be provided with a power of attorney, duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all necessary vouchers and papers, Mr. J, J. Toe, Is my travellingagent now In Penns'''. B. BR ANDETD, M. Di N. B, Remember Mr. C• H, Lee, in rear of the Mar. ket Is now my only acent in Pittsburgh. New York,June 14th, 1313, THE TRUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. CI:7-• An individual only wishes to know the right way to pursue it; and there are none, were It ICRII.I made known how Lars might be prolonged and Nr....lvn re covered, w: o would not adopt the plan. Evidence is required that the right way Is discovered. This is what those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about. For who Is so foolish as not tonenJoy all the health his body Is capable oft If•ho is there that would not live when his experience can so much benefit hion,elf and family? It Is a melancholy fact that a very large pro portion of the moat usefi I members of society die be. tween the ages of thirty and forty. How many widows and helpless orphans have been the consequence of man. kind not having In their own power the means of rector. in; health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na ture. In the outset, with a good dose of Brand reth's Pills, This is a fact, well understood to be so by thousands of our citizens This medicine, If taken so as to purge freely. will surely cure any curable disease. There is no form or kind of sickness that it does not exert a cur• ative Influence upon. Thus, by their power In resisting nu:refection, they cure measles. small pox, worms and all contageousfevers. There Is not a medicine In the world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore It to healthy condition, as the Brandreth Pills. The Brandreth Pills are purely vezetable, and so in nocent that the Infant of a morth ofd mad use them if medicine is required, not only with safety but with a cer. talnty of receiving all the benefit medicine Is capable of Imparting. Females may use them In all the critical periods of their lives. The Brandreth Fills will insure their health, and produce regularity in a'l the functions of life. The same may said of Braudreth's Est/resat Rest ed'', wean outward application in all external pains, or swellings, or sores. it greatly assists the cure. When used where the skin is very tender or broken. It should be mixed with one or two pints of water. A sure Test of Genuine Braniret Pills,—Examine the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must be within the year, which every authorised agent must potweec If the three tithes on the box agree with the these labels on thetertilleate, the Nil. are tree—if not, they are false. Principal once, 241 Broldway,lgew York: juaelfs. ELIXIR irroro tint Latta'S.-1104 aoye* .ot • t hat sgmerfluous halt you An grit ',. *le '""""" as upper lip 7 fly mailing itt Ttrffies, - 86 Fourth *Land obtaining a bottle of Gouraud', Paul-der:a Subtle., which will remove it nt once wwbont affetting the skin. You can also obtain Goutand'a truly eelberated Eau de Beata., which will at once remove all freckles, pimples, map. Runs of the skin, and make your face look perfectly fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some of Gouraud,s celebrated Liquid Rouge, welch cannot be rubbed off even by a wet cloth, Also may be found a good assortment of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Bears' Oil, Almond,Psitr, Windsor; and other Soaps. Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th streetd Druggists andothers can besupplied at Wholesale and retail terms. may 26 1842 Headache! Headache! Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS. A EE now known to thousands as a most extraordina• A ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those suffering only ask a mong their friends if they have nut known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly too) than any other, then let them net buy them. to these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothlns, will be paid of their merits at any time but what can he fairly proved by respectable mernters of our community. Read the following certificate given by a respectable citizen of Alloglieny city, and attested by one of thejudg. es of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny co. A LLlClttirr dry, January 9, 1843 DR. BROM, Dear Sir—l have for a number of years past been af flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though 1 have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re• commended fur its cure, have never derived any mate. Hal benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An. II Dyspeptic PHIL I have not taken quite two boxes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that distressing complaint. I have no hesitation In recommending your Pills as the best medicine I have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, J. A. TURNER. I am acqua:nied with Mr, Turtle-, I have no healta• tion to certifying that I consider the statements of,:dr, T. respectlns Dr. Brodie'm P.M', as entitled to toe most perfect and entire confidence. DUCH DAVIS. For sale, Wholesale and Detail at the Bro.:lonian Pill Establistiment Pittsburgh Pa ; ani by all authorised a gents throughout the Union. Alle'y city Jan 9 IFAS Jan 13--I y. WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evatte's Camomile Pills. t'reiirtc►rte.—Letter.from the lion. Al,'Wm Ml'Clel• lan,Sulllvan County, Last Tennessee, MeOlhel'OrCOnVESl WASHING/TON, July 3d. 1838. Sir—Since I have been In this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with Infinite benefit and saris faction, and believe It to be a mast valuable reined,. One of my :onstiluents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Tenneesee, wrote tonic to send him sonic. whieb I did, and lie has mployed It very successfully In his practice, and says It is invalualtle. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place," thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If act, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person to nficiate forttte sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commiesicm him he Is willing to act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the cars of Robert King k Sons. Knoxville county. Tennets: see, or by land to Graham k Houston, Tazewell, East Tennessee. t have no doubt but If you had agents in several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medi cine would be sold. lam going to take some of It home for my own use. and that of my friends. and should like to hear from you whether you would nice an agent at Montville, Sullivan Count y." East Tennessee; I eon get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Ycura respectfully, ABRAHAM AI'CLELLAN,of Tennessee. For sale holesale and Retail, by R. E SELL ERB. Agent, sep 10 Ko. 20. Wood street,iitonw Second. DR. WILLIAM EVA NS'S SOOTHING SYRUP,— This inrilliLle remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recovery. f•om convulsions. As soon as the Syrup Is rubbed on tho ,fitms, the child will recr v. er. This preparation Is so innocent, so efficacious. and so pleasant, that no chihl Witt refuse to let Its eums he rub bed with it. When Infant:sore at the age of feur months tho' there is co appearance of teeth, one lutttle of the Syrup should he need to open the pores. Parents shotild ever '..tewithourthe strop In the nursery where there are young children, for if a child wakes In the night with pain In the gums. the Syrup Immediately gl-..rs case, by opening the pores, and healing the gtims;therehy prevent tng Convu ;ions, fevers, 4-c. For Rale Wholesale and Petalihy E. SELLERS, Agent, No. 2.0. Wood •Irect, below Second LIVER COSI PLAINT cnred by the use of Dr. liar itch's compound Siren:Menials and Aperient Pith , . Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsbursh, Pa., entirely cured of the above distressing diseaqs His syniptoms were pain And welsh' in the left side, lessor appetite, vomiting, acid -flirtations, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache. furred tomene, countenance chan:rd 105 citron cOlur, (Hifi. catty or breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough. :real debility, with uther symptoms Indicating arcat de -onsentent of tin• functions of the liver. Mr. Richard had the advice of several phrlcians, hat received no relief. until Dr. Itarlich's Medicine, which termina. led in effecting a pe•fert curve. Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Street. Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh by Swum I Frew, corner of Liner ty and Wood streets. sep 10 BARON VON HUTCH ELEI HERZ PILLS. These Pills are composed of hetbs, which exert a specific action upon the heart, give imptilso or ilrength to the 'arterial system; tile blood is quickened and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels, whether nf the skin, the parts situated internally, or the extremities; and as all the seereflons of the body are drawn from lie blond, there Ise consequent increase of every see , etion, and a quickened action of the absorbent and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is corrected, all obstrut• Lions are r•atrred, tie blond is p urified. and the body mimes a k rrl ttN! state. For 3 ale Wholente and Re tat by , 21 . , 10 I.r.S cured by the t se of Dr. Ilnrlirh's Compound Strengthening and Cerman Aperient Ms Dr. Ilartich— Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the Agency from y.. 0 for the sale of your medicine, I formed an riegnaintance wi:h a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. Poi eight or len years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated. that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion. she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, 4e. JAMES R.KIRBY October 3. 1840. Chambersling, Pa. 9.71 Olltce and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samitcl Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 P.ILESIII•._ Oz "Why will ye live at this p' or dying rate?" 40 44444 R: E. HUMPHREY' S VEGETA' BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, (Sec. o be had at TUTTLL'S Medical Agency, 86 Fourth et, the only agent in Pittsburgh. Feb 22. AS USUAL. NO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be come popular, in consequence of its success and ef ficacy, than it Is counterfeited or imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procure d moulded bottles for his celebrated Teller and Itch Oils!. ment, with the words 'Dr Lesdy's Tetter rnd Itch Oint ment," blown In the glass, besides containing his written signature t'n a yellow label outside. Dr Leldy's Tetter and Itch Ointment, has proved more efficacious than any other preparation for Tetter, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of the skin generally, It has been employed In schools, factori ss, and on board vessels carrying passengers, where children, as well as grown persons, contract diseases of the akin from their contacious nature, with the most unexampled success; certificates and recommendations have been heretofore published from them, and numerous others mtglit be ob tained for publication,but for the objections most persons have, to having their names published in connection with such disagreeable and loathsome affections In no single instance has it ever been known to fall. . . It has been used upon infants and by persons of an ages. It Is perfectly safe, contains no mercury in its composition, and may be used under all eiretiolltaClClSS. Price Twenty.dva cents a bottle. Prepared and sold at Dr Laidy'sHenlth Em,- , riam. (sign of the Golden Ea gle and Serpents:l and by B. A. PAHNESTOCH it CO. corner of W 00... Misth etreets, Agents for Plttebarg. WY 12 E SELLERS, Agent, , r 2 ) Wood s!. helow &wad , 1111 E subscriber has just received bis tortinal supply J.,andretit's Garden seeds, consisting la part of ttr following kinds—Olaf the lost years crop genuine: Bearaga Beata, Leans, Leek, Wane, Mater Melon, Nusk, Egg Plant, Par =hi,' • Endrve, Peas, Kale, Pepper, Pumpkin, ilroo..eolif Radish, Boraeole, Rhutarb, Cabbage, Sala:try, Carrot, Cauliflower, Spin - set, Celery, Okra, Curled Cress, Opiatt, Cucumber, Parsley, Muatard, (white and brown) asturitum, Squash, Tomatoes, Turnip, Corn , &c. &c. &o. Together NI:1111d varlet y of Pot 4- Sweet herb* atd Hove seeds; DtrOrders for Seeds, Shrubs, Trees; 4-c. from C - Ares err and others will be received and promptly eau need F. L• bNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty. head of Wood at. Cincinnati. Fcbrturry.ls, )MI Dr. Swaysz—Dear Permit me to take the llherly of writing to you at this time to express my approhatiOnt and to recommend to the attention of heads of cia4lll4 and others your invaluable medicine—the Comporiiit Syrup of PrunustVirginiana. or Wild Cherry Bark. IR my travels of late I have seen in a peat many inslanee* the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit drun of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing , Wheezing, Choakin.". ' of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, iter 4-e. I should not have written this letter, bowevat ,ai present although I have felt it my duty to add my tetras mony it for some time, had it not been for a late Ur. stance where the medicine shove alluded to was town. mental In restoring to perfect health an -only Midi, whose ease was almost hopeless, in a family of my int quaintance. thank [leaven," said the duatlng walk er,t‘my child issaved from tile Jaws of death! 0 haw I . feared the relentless Twiner But my child is safel safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne'e Compound Syrup •. It Ild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in !bum' an other country. lam certain L tave witnessed more than onuitundred cases where it has been attended with cos. [doe !acres's. I am using It myself in an obstinate at. tack of Bronchitis, In which it proved effectual le a ex_ cPedleg y snort time. considering the severity of the - case. I ran recommit! it in the fullest confidence °Mr isupesinf virtues; I would advise that no family should be whitest it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial--Mort► ' double and often ten times Its price. The public aeaa•; cured there is et) quackery about It. R. JAciceos, D. D. Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chili . * N.Y. Sold by W5l. THORN. who'enale k retail, only nen for Pitisbur2ll. Market •trees. Sep 10 , ABOON TO THE HUMAN R ACCh-oDistirso what will destroy Life, and vox ass a great •Discover what will prolong Life, and the lurriti mat call you Impostor." "There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, mitkix eel . teith which certain herbs have affinity. and over inkjet they have power." Dr. fl. B.andretli's External Remedy, of Liniment which, by Its extraordinary powers, abstraets Pain •r Sorene,s; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews. White ?welling', Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints, Tumors, 17nnatizral Hardness, Stiff Neck Pore Throat s . Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofhluns en. largements, Tender Feet, and every description of in jury affecting the Flxterfor of the Human Ftame, are cured or greatly relieved by his verer-to be 'efficiently eztolled remedy. Ctaxtro Art.—The followtng letter from Major Gen eral Sandford, as to the quatittes of the External Hems. dy, speaks volumes. Mery Toes, Felt. 9, 1841, Dear Sir—WCl you oblige ore with another bottle of Rt, your exeellent Liniment? it itrcertalnly the best of the „ kind Iha ve ever seen. It has cured entirely my son'e knee.almut which 1 was so unrasy.and I have found It productive of immediate relief in several eases of eater nal Injury in my family: A few evenings since- my vouncest child was seized with a violent attack of Crony. which was entirely removed In twenty exixntes, by rub hing her chest and throat freely with the External Rem t edy. I think you on2lit to manufacture this Liniment for General Ilse, instead cf confinlnc the Dee of It, as you have heretofore time, to your particular nrqualntances. Yours truly, 'C. W. SANDFORD DR. R. DRANDRET.B. 241 nroadway, N. Y. For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at hir office! In the Ph mond, Pittslugh. PRICE-50 cents orr hot Ito with direrlion , :. sep 10 MO THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND Te PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—Thit eltvs of individuals is very numeritus. Thrty are those who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work• Men in feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead manufacturers, ore all mum or I6so subject to disease aei nording to the strength of their constitution. The ealy method to prevent disetioe, is the occasional use ofa. medicine which abstracts from the circulation riots humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tom; In any form are injurious, as they only 7,dt off the evil day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandretb's rat, will insure health, because they take all impure Matti out of the blood; and the body Is not weakened link strengthened by their operation; fur these valuable PHIL do not force, but they assist nature, and are not oppoiseit, but harmonize with her. Sold at Dr. Brandreth'E Office, in the Di•atiswilr, Plti.hu rem. Price 25 cents per box, with fall direetialget MAIZE—The only place In Pittsburgh where the GENUINE Pillar:in be obtatned,is the Doctor's oliewo. - flee in the Diamond. Sep BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT (F THE UNITED STATES THE METHOD OF PREPARING: TIIE ANDRETHI AN VEGETABLE EX.:. TRACTS Caveat entered 9th June. 184:2—Patent graded to Bei,jArnin 8,nri1eq...2041 Januaiy, 1843. The extracts of which Bram - Iteth'slls are cern— posed are obtained by this new patented pritterto. without boiling or sly application of hear. The 4 . ..- five principle of the herbs is thrts secured the UM* as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE The Public shoukl be cautions of medicines tee commended in advertisments stolen - from me, which the CONTEMPTIBLE ROBBERS steals my guage, merely alterin g the name. Time will these wholesale deceivers in their true light, THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE' BRANDRETIPS PILLS are the People' ': Medicine, proved by thou-ands who daily rec44l mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDR PILLS are growing every day more popular, tiltss' vii tues are extendit.g their usefulness. The sing of both sexes are dairy deriving benefit from than.. No case of disease but they can be used with adr rage. Blotches or hard lumps of the skin they r . ilv cure, so with erysipelas, so with salt rhlrul , with indigestion, so Kith coughs and colds, so costiveness, so with cancer, so with hat parched L , ;; and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use t. o , medicine, and they will find they require no oth . ‘ p r sold at 25 cease per box, with directions. ••• Observe the new labels each having upon it A sigrettnres of Dr. Brandreth. So each box n genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin B. 7t" reth and three B. Brandreth tipOrt it. The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doc own Office, Diamond back of the Market B Mark, the GENUINE BrandrethPills can never " .•- tair.ed in any DRUG STORE. 5- . - The following are the ONLY AGENTS spri* ed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of hir !Veiny ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County. . G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Piitstrunit Mr. John Glass—Allegheny. Robert Duncan—Birmingham. C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowland—McKeesport. es Pressly Irwin—pl easant Hill, Jr John Johnson—Nobtestown. Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartstown. Asdell & Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum. George Power—Fairview. _David R. Coon—Plum Township. • ' Daniel Negley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkinsbuigb. k • Eiusuer-Altou's Mills. .t•3 INEMEI=SI