Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 08, 1843, Image 3

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    IL p 0 ST.
TIIESMY, AUGUsT 8, 13 4 3
grtorbasistess cards, &c., see firstpage
A TROTTING MATCH, in harness, came off on Sat
urday, between two nags owned by gentlemen of this
city. It was a private affair, sad but few personslinew
it was to take place—hut those who did attend
..inf*. have had no very• favorable opinion of the sport,
as we understand it took rhe winning horse 4 minutes
to dos in*. Such time can scarcely be called trotting.
Forma, at his Depot on St. Clair street, has reed'
leild at [nitrate lot of Sr gars --drop in and look at them
be certain to give them a puff.
CattererEns' Mr.r.ttrto.—The Journeymen ur
pointers ofPittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity, hold en
abler meeting in the Wm. Penn Engine house, near
MOM=lt's Factory, this evening at 7 o'clock, for
the perpoie of effecting a - permanent organization. All
food end honest Jour3. should attend, and hear what it
to be said in favor of this scheme. Whether the most
ienguineexpectations of the projectors can be realized
o not, - there is no doubt but much good will be done by
the experiment
TIM WEATEIER.—Warm once m ore ---entirely too
warnifor comfort; but the evenings afford us a respite,
cool and airy.
, FAVIt ALARMS OF FIRE.—WO havc one regularly
twenty-four hours. Queer things for this section
of the year.
kitiander mental derangement previous to, and at the ti° e :\n r i c r. o S DS . l \ d ' t...ra l t e io rri n
al s i ta t - i t i e a s t t , l s i l a i t ic t h h the n a t , e g ta i, l ., ll , a , sfioirtg it; been ana I
long enough in use to test its merits fully, he has no
hesitation in saying that it is one of the most valuable
improvements that has enme - to his notice. The effects
produced are: a great diminution in friction; a saving
in oil—one half or more: ad economy in the original
construction, the brasses being much - lighter, a saving
in repair, the metal lasting longertual being replaced at
a less cost; and a saving in fuel, consequent upon di
minished friction."
The metal has also been int imluced with great ad
vantage, in lining carriage and wagon boxes, fur which
it is well adapted.
It is also, amongst many others, strongly :Teo:amen.
fled by Mr. Charles Howard, President of the Balti
more and Susquehanna Railroad Company, who pur
el ~ ....d.l the right for the t oad,a distance of seventy miles,
t . ~,. iii,oso. Mr. Howard gives the article the follow
ing recommendation:
"The price Was considered a high one, for the eem
-1 partitively limited extent to which the Company wound
have an opportunity of In thing use of the patent right; •
. THE POSTMASTER GENERAL. but we were satisfied that it was for our interest to a-'
, - 'tile understand from the Baltimore papers that J. wail ourselves of the invitation. I can now say, that.
McLean Gardner, who inflicted the wound on the Hon. having better tested its value hy a more exteasive ap-
C. A. Wickliffe, on Tuesday, on board the steamer \ plication of it. I. think that the company would be very
icorgia, having, as is generally believed, been labor- unwise to relinquish their right to use it - for a much high
• ume he committed the act, was, on Thursday after- ; have no doubt, that if such a prop° dtion were to be
- noun, : at 5 o'clock, brought before a special session of ; made w the Company, it would, without hesitation, be
4: naltiinbre City Court, under a writ of habeas corpus declined.
..- issued by his honor Judge Brice, for the purpose of teat- I The gre.atmerits of the invention are, that it prevents
lag the fact. A jury was empannelled; and Geor , o 1 the heatimr, and consequent cutting and destruction
.. Richardson, Esq • appeared for the State of Marylan ' a, f• of the bearings, which are so numerous on the steam
lad . David Hoffman, Esq., and Wm. 11. Nords, Esq., engine; and on the perfection of tilfich depends the val
i; Wil Col. Graham for the traverser. ue of the engine; while, at the same time, there is a
f!'t • l; O. Hoffman. Esq., opened the case lic•fore the jury l very great saving of oil, the expenditure forms a mate
- 1108 expressed himself satisfied that the sad affair I rilli item in the cost of orltifig a large engine. In the
- '
i "eh caused the arrest of young Gardner had 'been l locomotives of the company. I find the saving to be ful
trated while in a deranged or unsettled state of ; lmy
one half of the quantity which was required before
Mr. Babbitt's invention was applied to them. Some
• 4•' , . , Turner, a clerk in this G2:17.1 1 . Lind Or:IC.1 at af these locomotives having inn several thousand miles
4 191;
'' ititingt on, in the course of examination, stated that I I can also say that this invention makes the machinery
:. •14as on board the boat which conveyed Gardner I mneh more itarable, so that while the effective power
fr eer
,•: - Washington down the river, sad ha I reasO to \ ilf,itrliti,,,htei,irty,hine is increased, the cost of repairs is di
o that his mind was materially affected.
al-When the examination of this witness had closed, I 2 . 7 The composition alluded to having Leen used
• ' Vtleman who appeared the friend Wick- in this vicinity, the proprietor is enabled to refer to the I
he r os e and stated that. La co:isogamete ef the desire ' follewiag gentlemen to it:merits,
~Count'y Commissioner.--
litthe physician thnt Mr. W. should not leave his a- Wm. 'I. lON, 0U the firm of Lyen, Shod, & Co.
partments today, it would coafer a g,reat obligzoi; mit En w a P.O .n/RGAN, E:.gh let rof the Sununu boat T th , ,4.l...imiun of n number of friends of all
• ••
nis teatinomy could be taten at the hotel. The Court WeSt. Point. i political pie-ties, Ir^ it
IlirVr myself to
once acquiesced in the re-piest.. ;yid accordingly all JOSEPH Il AMILTOS, k Engineers of t'ae steamer the consideration of idly fellow-citizens Cur the office of
O t iournmant took place to Barnum'? Hotel, wl t t o er G e
a iN , l ( ii . . \
r ...,ff..klitife gave the most positive ti-..15E1iit,thT,it.),y,xt.1en.,,,,,,l
co,,,,,,,iiti,,,Ber.,n;:elbt:...pu„ims‘A, Count,: Cirordissionee. That my Se!ahrleTlTS mar not
b • mi.uad,rstewl. ! . either as to poi:tic:ll or private
r ,. insanity; spoke of hi; intin:77 w wl i t c h ° hi m a and his & inspec r ted at the Bell and - Brass Foundry of ,\_ spy:. affairs, I malte free 'to ,!:71...' that I have been all my life
=Hy; and could atti.c . i nu i I design. I' L'I.TO N, COrner of - 2r.a street and Chariel`ry Laile. a C. 1137,10111 Iteralh4C.l - 111, is the trio SL'a,s` of thew ord.
As tle. ~ountry is sOlcithat fenharrassed in its titian
, ftllrs.Gardner wa3conduct: - d into the apartment; and mug 4-12 w.
being sworn,testified with much distinctness, though ----- i cial uffiirs, and . !die reduction of salaries of public
fregricatly affected to tears, arid her voice was 00711- . -. officers has received the appotha.tion of large majort
tier oanFa or THE C OMMISSIONERS.] t ie. ef the p eq,lelthe mal-rsign; d would not should
atmally broken by agitation. She spolie nfhis past
ON WEDNESDAY, the 6th day - '1 •• ' i I
of Sc fir 'hebe so Owitmeo• :r+ to be Clert 'II, in tuiv stammer at
-4-.'-: Wilzig ,
_., em , elt of mind from intense application to study, 1343, y:ill be offered at public sale, at Pitt.lmtgli ,l
oenot to racist this s.i.inta , v referm; 61tould it reach
.- ...; *nu mina that more recently serious apprehensions the follOWing •St ,, Cbi OWlied by die Suite of I' 0011 , Viva- r' ' ,e. . , ' i( '
were entertained as to his declining health. - I tie ono.,;• ;i: ...... Milt,: ..,ommissioner•
nip, A*l7.: S k ME E I. IiEBLEY.
4 . With the close of this testimony the inquii y was diS- apr G.
No. of Sharer. Companirs. p ar Value. 1
COD±rned, and the court adjourned until this morning . 1600 Allegheny BridgeC
Comps: y, V 2.5 I Commissioner.
at 10 o'clock, in the city court. _ .
'2OOO Monongahela " 4 :- ,
' •1 ; W e art amborised o) aneeenee Mr. I AMES H.
The appearance of Gardner, who occur a seat its GOO Big Beaver —) • 11(111B, of r pper'St. Clair towaship. as a candidate
• ' iset i court room, by the side of his. counsel, was quite 100 Conemaugh 41 :4)
. for Coanty Cemeilssioner, sulfject to the action of the
1 rain, • and his • manner very easy and self-possessed; 100 Lovallnunta .. •.-,
. DenteeraticConventien. aug 3-tc
)1/ there is in his eye a wild unusual expression, which ap-. „
171 Rt;bbstosVh 5 0 _ -
--- peers, however, tobe rather a natnral defect, than the 300 Williamsport, Washiegtan co.. 50 COON T 1" TREASURER.
Cesultof an unsettled and diseased mind. '2500 Monong-ahala Navigation company, 50 I 1 1 COB TOMEII, Esq. of Pitt townsip, well knownnch,
'2151 Bedford and Stoystown Tp. Rand company, 50 t o O w l) 'iris of Alleebeny county, as a staunch,
3023 Stoystown and Greensburgh 50 uniform Republiiein of the Jackson st:hool, Will be a
50 -- lidate fur Codatv Treasurer, subject to the deeisior
"0. O."—The new Engine company hula m_2eting,
ea Saturday tight last, and permanently organized by
dread* officers. They are getting their machine re-
and painted
TUCK.SD 17 r.—A. fellow named Bill Andrews, was
rilerday brought before his Honor, the Mayor, for dia
oryle'rly conduct in the house of Mr. Wilhelm, in the sth
Want. Ho struggled desperately with the officers, and
though he was a little man, they had ns much as they
couicitlo to haul him along. •
.D.a.tit..No. I.—We arc told that, from present appear
ances, the Darn will not be repaired at all. Reason—
can't raise the need2ul. Some efforts have been mad'
toe procure money for the purpose, but without succei ,. ..
This will be a great inconvenience during the approach
'_ . -_
On tho 3d inst.; by the Rev. David R. Kerr, Mr. IVNt
M'CLARAN to ELIZABETH WC I. Art AN, all of this city
Sam Slick, the Attache!
HIS new work, from the pen of J udge
-1„ just received (by expro3 , ) at the St. Clair st, Lit.
erary Depot.
Chuzsrlowit in Now York.
NO. 7 ,
. Martin Chazzlewit, givinz an rwco ant of his
„ ,
SlTlral in New York, for sale at W. M. r OSTErt ' S
Universal Agency and Literary Depot, St. Clair st.
aug 8--
Bandy Andy.
A SMALL supply of this popular work, cheap cal
-C1 Lion, just received at W. M. FosrEit's Universal
Agency and Literary Depot, St. Clair st. aug. 8.
Lathes' Companion.
AI.IOUST NO. Three splendid Steel E n pavings,
received at W. M. FosTER'S .I.zeney and itern
Depot, St. Clair st. S— L
Proposals for Chain Iron.
Washington, July 28, 1813
.DROPOSALS will be received at this Office until
-1 3 o'clock, on the first clay of September ensuing
•;:-,, liver at the Navy Yard in this city, the following
~ ...:. Iron, for eighteen Chain Cables, 111-1 G inche:
- ter, each 150 fathoms long, constituting the fol
r . ill of Iron, viz:
.00 links 1 11-16 inches in diameter-20} inches
long .
assain ia '
as s spi.43o links 1 1.3-16 inches in diameter--22A inches
-..- In i fert o .. 3i inch by c't Oval pin Iron.
7- -. • ', 90 do 21 do 2 do do.
0 Swivel, 198 Shackle, and 18 box pieces.
ifications of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pieces
.. . .. ,
Oval pin Iron, canbe seen on a pplication at this of
- foi* all of the above Iron must be the very best Amer
and undergo such proof. under the inereased tests
inspection, as the Commandant of the Yard may
stair' cf.
to; to be delivered free of expense td the
. . Gisermment, and in as short a time after the Contract
, i s made as is possible, which time will be designated
inthe contract.
Roods with good and sufficient sureties in double the
rarßenut of the Contract will be required, and a reser
it atk m madefrona each payment of 10 per cent, till the
Contract is completed.
Rte, 8 WM. B. SCOTT, Navy Agent
Pittsburgh Theatre.
rr HE citizens of Pittsburg above vicidity are respect
fully informed that the establislunent will
o pen on Monday evening, the
inst., for the Fall
season; with an entire new and efficient company ,
The house will be thoroughly repainted and decorated,
144 every thing will be done to render the Tazsvitc,
'-joecs more) a place ofinstruetion and amusement.
of good character, for the Corps de BaUet, to
visor; good salaries wine paid anti dresses found,—
tprty at the Merchants' Betel, between 11 end
Asset, A.M. . aug 4-Iw.
r ignilligl-- 0111LSORINISTSO BNCISIMIPannkshm-
_1 excellent invention for the reduction of friction in
machinery has at length been introduced in our city.—
It consists of alined box, suitable for all revolving and
sliding motions in the various kinds of machinery ,where
great weight or speed are applied; these boxes reduce
friction in a remarkable degree, requirinr , but little oil,
and arc warranted entirely free from 'the objections
found with those now in use.
These lined boxes have been introduced in many of
the Eastern Rail Roads, and in various manufacturing
establishments in that section of country, to which the
limits of an advertisement will not allow us to refcr,and
nearly thirty well known superintendents,engineers,ma
chinists and engine builders hi the eastcertify that, "in
the use of these boxes, friction is reduced in a remark
able degree; oil is required only in small quantities, and
the wear is hardly perceptible, during a period in which
a hard metal box of the same thickness would be worn
out; journals running in these boxes attain a smoother
surface than they have seen on those which have been
run in any other box." They also certify "that thepa
tentee of this improvement has received the highest a
ward of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic's Asso
ciation, for specimens of these boxes, (some of which
had been run on the crank of a locomotive engine more
than thirty thousand miles,) at the fair of the Institu
tion, held in Boston in September and October,lB 41."
The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, also awarded
Mr. Babbitt the premium for the improvement in box
es, under the Scott Legacy, which confines such awards
to vete and useful improvements.
The Committee on naval affairs reported strongly in
its favor, in consequence of which the right to use it wa.;
purchased by the Government for $9.0,600. The com
mittee refer to, and make a part of their report the let
ters of S. V. Merrick, J. F,rricson, George C. Read, C.
W. Copeland, Corn. L. Nliarrington, lieu. A. I'. Cp
shur, and Charles Howard, recommending the inwr.-
780 Greensburgh and Pittsburg i
3437 Huntingdon, Cambria & Indiana's
967 Pittsburgh and New Alexandria "
322 New Alexandria and Conemaugh" ~
947 Pittsburgh and Butler
332 Butler and. Mercer ) At 1.-
320 Pittsburgh and Steubenville " 50 'S A M I_7 EL ..
300 Rohbstown and Mount Pleasant " 50 became a candai ,
660 Mount Pleasant and Somerset " 50 subject to the dceisio ,
672 Somerset and Bedford 50 edition. Of Mr. McKee .
360 Armstrong and Indiana
560 Indiana anti Ebensburg os ,
- , 3fany Prinds of Caw,
3•:.9 Washington and Williamsport " 501
855 Do Pittsburgh " 50 i -----;.----------------
200 Butler and Kittanning, 0- I Coroner.
I respectfully offer myself to Out citizens of Alleghe
240 Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgdi " - 'nv county, for the office of Coroner, subject to the do
360 Somerset and Conemaugh 25 ; •
cision of the Democratic Convention.
320 Do Cumberland " 25 liv 18—to
os , Coroner.
160 Ligonier and Johnstown It 50 ,
224 Armstrong and Clearfield o .
80 Brownington, Harrisville, and
Franklin II ~ p FCTFULLY offer myself as a candidate for
50 I RE ' ' ' •
Coroner of Allezhenv county, subject to the action
200 Butler and Freeport II .
224 Pittsburgh Farmers &Mechanics'" ~! , 1 :, ) of the democratic County Convention to be held on the
30th Align:4. ' JOHN JOHNSTON.
160 Bedfordand Hollidaysburgh " 50 j Allegheny, :Jule 21—tc.
160 Birmingham and Elizabethtown " 25 1 _—______:-
160 Luthersburgh and Punzatawney " 25 ' County Auditor.
300 French Creek Bridge company, 20 • Messrs. Eilitors:—Please announce the name of
1250 Franklin and Allegheny Bridge company, 20 JOHN'LELLAN D, of Franklin township, as
100 Erie and Waterford Turnpike Road company 50 1 a suitable candidate for County Auditor at the coming
560 Susquehanna and Waterford " 25 election, subject to the decision of the County Conven
-1010 Mercer and Meadville 25 thin. Mr. M'Cr.zttaNn is a Democrat of the warm
-100 Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and I est and purest kind, and will bel warmly supported
New Haven 100 ;by ' I M ANI DEMOCRATS
200 Abington and Waterford o 25 Aug. 7, '43—te.
280 Warren and Ridgeway ----L-----..-------_
40 Warren and New York State line " 50
96 Titusville and Union Mills " 25
160 Warren and Franklin 25
30 Sugar Grove and Union " 25
300 Bank of Pennsylvania, 400
300 Columbia Bank and Bridge company, 100
1000 Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal company, 100
Purchasers will be required to pay fur the Stocks, at
the time or immediately after the sale, in certificates is
sued by the Auditor General, in pursuance of the Reso
lution of 7th April. 1842, notes issued by the Banks of
this Commonwealth under the art of 4th May, 1941,
specie, or the notes of specie paying banks. The trans
fer of Stock will be made in a reasonable rime after
Commissioners for sate of State Stacks
aug 1-t‘
A BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store
Ain Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably
soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own
er can have it by identifying it, and paying expenses.
July 31.—tcf.
FOR SALE.—A Mineral Water apparatus,
plete, for sale low, at W. M. YOSTER'S
Universal Agency Rua Liternry Depot, St. Claimer
jy 31-61
Q ctober election.
I respectfully offer myself a candidate for the office
of Prothonotary of Allegheny county, subject to the
action of the Democratic county convention, which
meets on the 30th August next.
Allegheny city, may 31—tc d&`v•
I respectfully offer myself ills a candidate fur the of
flee of Prothonotary, subject.to the action of the Dem
ocratic Convention. G. HAWKINS.
Wilkins township, june S7—tc•
To the voters of Allegeny county:—l respect
fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate
(independent of patties) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come , birfore you recommended
by a Convention, those of ou to whom lam not per.
sonally known will please
~, marnine into my qualifica
tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your
choice. ALEX. MILLER.
may 10—tc. I of Pittsburg.
Cl ear the course or the Volunteers.
WILLIAM B. FOSTFIR., Eg.q., of Allegheny city
will be a candidate for the Office of Prothonotary of Al
leglieny county, at the (:)c,tOber°l'.ll._'e'-4.
M ANT citizens of All6ghe'ny city recommend Dr.
.1. C. 111• CULLY as a s ui'table person to fill the office
of Protlionutary. july 12.
Irrsp....ctfully present Myself to the citizens of Me
ghenc county, LB a caliclidate for the SheritTuity,sub
ject to the action of the Democratic convention, which
meets on the 30th of Auiust next.
9-11&wte. IJ AI I T RON' I L LO.
MANY Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO
SEPH CURRY us n imitable pc' son to fill a sent in
the Assemlilr, the ensuing session. july 11, 1843.
A number of tho Democrat. of Mifflin township
have (included to present the name of SAMUEL
COCHRAN, Esq., of thartownship, for the considera
tion of the Convention Which meets on the 30th inst.,
for n nomination fur the Legislature. Mr C. is a well
known and a well tried' democrat, anti his neighbors
confdratty pre,,nt lsis tilaims. :tug 7—tf
We :Iry autliori,:ed tin announce JOHN BROWN,
of Pine town-rip,' a: 'a candidate for AsAembly,
subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convert
july `29—te
County Commissioner.
IVo aro ;11101067 , a to arwou::co ALEXANDER
jr., of Ro!linson, a randidcue for Comity.
r. ,übject Ito th , d , -:h=ion of the democrat
aug 7---te,
IC cou u nt:. c v
County; Commissioner.
ED thi.naine of
Gcn!..lol NM. D IS, of Peebles, for County Com
niii.ioner, s ubject to the ckci.,2,on of the Democratic
county Comcntion. to,he held in Au,Dl4. next.
County" Commissioner.
31 cs,g i tors: the Fl opinion appears
to prevail that i nn oititc!l ther , • are already two of
Cimuty C om mi- , ,T,ters: from the country, it ti but
n matter of riOLt that the city or it imtne
dian! twi_thboriwod :.'noulddrtve the third candidate—
We therefore IwT. Wave to Tee ommond to tlw people of
111w1henv coant:, Ik - qr ., : C. CrsmiN, of the
city dir:tr - ict, f 4 Coarse Commis;sionerr at t h e ensu i ng
-51) of the I>ein4x - i - atie Ccranty Convention.
atvz . ..•—te • A:: OLT) Db.,tocßAT
At the selicidtion of many radical democrats, Mr.
50 SAMCEL McKEE, of Birmingham, has consented to
50 become a canditlate for the office et County Treasurer
50 . subject to the arci:tion of the Dnmocratie County Con
-50 : edition. Of Mr. McKee it may be truly said, to be
knotca i 3 to be ) popular.
; .3fany Prinds of Unassuming Worth..
*.andreth's Garden Seeds.
A full snpplc of Landreth's Garden Seeds always OR
hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of
134. Liberty st.. head of Wood.
_ .
William C. Wall,
Pain awl fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
No 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CAN V ASS brushes, varnish, &r., for artists, always 1
on band. Lllokiug Gla3sep., &c., promptly fla
med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of
1 1 every description. s
Persomi fitting stamboats or houses will
ep find it to
t their a dvtintage to call s lO-y
LOST.—Strayod from Samuel
Gamble's, near Dtmningsville. Washington
county, PA. , on the night of the 15th ult., a large Bay
Horse, without any particular marks; 14 or 15 hanfew
high, and between 6 and 7 years of age.
Has a
white hairs in his forehead. Whoever will return
him to Samuel Gamble, near Duningsville or m meat
Pittsburgh, shall receive the above reward.
sue 2, ' P. MULVANY.
rr 7he WazhingtonExaminer, Uniontown Genius
of Liberty, Wheeling Alva, Brownsville News, and
WayneSburgh Messenger, imertiiiree times each. *end
paper to a avertiser, and charge this office.
The proprietors of the MOTMLNO POST and NEU
CURT AND MASOTACTURETt respectfully inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well chosen assortment of
01,1110.31811 'IIIP - 111CAP P31,
&SID awl, uutarau mazaztazaa
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are
prepared to execute
Books, Bills of Lading, I Circulars.,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
atit Uinta at 33tautto,
Stage, Steamboat awl Canal Boat Bills, with ap
propriate cuts
Printed on the shortest aotice and most reasonable
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
the public in general in this branch of our business.
July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH.
Bank Notes and (Exchange.
Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip. -
Exchange Bank Scrip ...............
Currency ..........................
Erie Bank Scrip ....................
On Philadelphia ._....•
\'ew Y0rk.....
Bank of PiUnfa
M ir - 0
Merchants and anufacturcri bank....
Exc h . auff H c ..................
Do. ollidaysburgh ...........
Bank uj North America ...........
Po Northern Liberties ...... ..
Do Pennsylvania
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania..
Farmers' and illechanies' bank..-..
Kensington bank ..................
Manufacturers and Mechanics' .....
Mechanics' ......... . .......
Moyamensing .................
Philadelphia bank ............. • .
Schuylkill ..... " .... , ..........
Southwark ..... " ................
I IS'este.rn ...... .. " ................
Bank of Penn T0wn5hip..........
Girard bank .................
S. bank and
Bank of Germantown......
• Chester county ......
'• Delaware c0unty........
• Montgomery c0unty.........
• Northumberland . .....
Farmers' bank of Bucks county....
Easton bank .................
Doylestown bank ................ --
Franklin bank of Tirashing,lon .......
Bank if Chambersburg,h ..........
Middletown ..........
" Lel['WOW?!
Susquehanna county.. ..... .
Berk...county bank.... .........
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company
Carlisle bank
Erie bank .......................
Farmers and Prorers' bank........
Bank of Lancaster......
" Bank of Reading .........
Harrisburg bank ..---• ..........
Lancastrr co.
Lebanon •‘ ......
Miner" bank of Bo ...........
Monongahela bank of Brotrnsrille ..
New Hope and Delaware Bridge company
Northampton bank..
Towanda bank.....
1 Vpillin rt bank •- -
Writ Branch bank
York bank
Belmont bank of St. Clairsrille • .
Clinton bank of Columbuis ....... .
Columbiana bank of Neu! Lisbon
Circleville rence, cashier)....
(Warren, cashier).— ..
Cincinnati banks.... ..........
Chillicothe bank ........
Commercial bank of Lake Erie.........
Da 1. - n hank— •
Franklin bank of Columbus
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville.. 1:
farmers' bank of Canton 40
- - 1
Geauga ....
Granville --
Hamilton.. .
Lan caster . .
3fassillon ......
Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati ..........
Mount Pleasant .._..• li
Norwalk ............ ..... ....li
Putnam .. . ....
Sandusky ............
Scioto 25
Urbana ............ 50
Wooster . ...
- - -.-LI
Zatvsrille .
Slate bank and branches.....
State Scrip
AU banks......
Stale bank ..................
Bank of Illinois, Shawneetoton._
Bank of the Valley of Virginia_ ,
Bank of Virginia ..............
Exchange bank of Virginia
Farmers' bank of Virginia.—
North-Weste rn bank of Virginia .• .
Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia....
Branches —• . --
Baltsanore Cszy banks— ......
All othcr solvent banks
All solvent banks
All solvent banks .......
An solvent bauks ..... .
Mobile banks...• ..
Country banks.
New Orleans banks (g00r1).....•
galas. ..... .4 • • • .....
100 Ig.? toi S ti oT C o lfen, ,
5 Chests Tea,
75 bersalsNo 1, Dahlman Harrinp,
Reed= amsinernetaana for sale low for cash, by
- •
------ : ----r— • S 1 ' 77 --77-77— ' ' 7 -.7-7-
. 7-- 7 1 - • - - I l lbaa galli -- ['7:-'l • ''''' ' ' ''''''
-' ' - '.
60111 I 3
. • Ai•
! - D URSITANT to a decretal order et ' s.
11. perior Court of Law ererChandoary, Ai
ced the 19th day of April 1843 is
Forwarding a nd Onnuribtsicon Illareliwits, county, pronoun ced , ,
• CLE cause depending therein of Henry Strider,
_.. Fillior
gainst James W. Barkenridge and of Darkiklibli
AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Corn- undersigned special commissioner, will sea at pit&
' .pang composed of the Merchants' Line. Plc auction to the highest bidder, at the court &Miele
(being the first day of the Cur Sep'r Couft amid
Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & C°. ell Mason county, on the 16th cloy of September, 111411:1,
connty,) that well known body of land commenly aid.
d ne of Li n S e te , armelrnsylvanandiaveanssaelsoohliiothceanitle.s.
tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. led "Graham's Station, " lying in Masan count?, V' .
11EFS11. TO on the Ohio river, containing by survey foot
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coons:ins Slip, N• Y• one hunched and twenty-throe acres, in MS ealribileg
R. Hunter & Co. Albany. parcels, a large proportion of which is riverbetel*
Otis Chaff, Boston. land. The above lands previous to the day °fide wig
Hunter, Palmer & Co,, Buffalo, be laid off by the surveyor of the comity in lots doomM. T. Williams & Dow; venient size for furms,tuid plats furnished, and so smog
Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. thereof will be sold 03 may be necessary to pram*
Charles M. Giddings, the sum of money require 9 by said decretal alder..'
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
.. The sales will be made on a credit of nine madam I*
Birmingham & Co., Pituburgh. ' one part of the perches° money, oftwelve month*
for another third part, and . of eighteen months for to
op 1 1843-Iy. residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving ben& with
good security for the payment of the different lailtear.
monis, bearing interest from the day of sale, the lesd
title to be retained as further security for the mama
of the purchase money, and liable to regale at the eh*
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to mole power
al payments.
GEO. W. STRIBLING, Special Cover.
Point Pleasant, Va., June 26,1843. tjytlAtat
Boavor and Warren:Placke t
THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Shaw,master, will run as IVgWar tri'
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Bearer on Mondays, 'Wednesdays, and Fridays' warn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Linea to Cleveland
direct, For freight or paAstic,re apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
wzge "'"-A17.3" gwas.
AND RAIL ROAD Cutts. from Pittsburgh, via Bed-
ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $9.
Baltimore 9.
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the :Merchants' Hotel Wood st
feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors.
Tbo Great Central Route
Via National Road and Baltinvorc and Ohio Ra
Road Company.
..... par
THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa.
and national road to Cumberland, connecting here
with the rail road Cu's to all the above places: Tray-,
elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
feb 3--dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co.
par I
..... prt r
. par
...... pa r
To et.
A Tan E story brick house on Market betw'n f ismidk
2nd and 3rd streets. The store in this -
house is large, and furnished with gas pipes and a
good counter. Rent low.
ALSO, a dwelling house on Market between 3rd
and 4th streets, and several rooms with an entrance
from Market street. E. D. GAZZAM.
1 Aug. 7,-Iw.
--• --34
no sale
... ...... .
- .. _.2
Regular Packets, for Ciacin.uai
- s
The Striftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every
Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m.
The Cutter., Collins, Ma-ster, leaves every Friday at
10 o'clock a. m.
The Montgomery . , Bennett, -ter, leaves every Sat
urday at 10 o'clock a. m.
The Express Parkinson. aster, leaves every Sun
day at 10 o'clock a. m.
To Lot,
rftFOR a term of years, my house, store room
and work shop. on 2d street, opposite Ja_s.
Park, jr., &Co The shop is brick, 10 feet wide, by
30 10ng,3 store.; high. I have in it a small steam en
gine, about 5 horse power, which I will also rent, if
desired. For further particulars enquire of me:on the
premises. ORRIN NEWTON.
aug 4—tf
To Rent.
PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at the
cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and
O'liara streets. Apply on die premises. july 16.
Peach Trees
THE subscriber has just received from the Nur
sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia,
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
would call the attention of the blic.
No. 184 Liberty at. head of Wood.
Dr. Bechter's Pulmonary Preservative.
FOR coughs, colds, intinenzas, catarrhs, whoopingl Freeman's Fire Brick for Saco.
if UST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Bria,
coumb, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, 0.111
which will hereafter be kept constantly on band
diseases of the breaAt and lungs and arrest of approach- ' e v
and sold low for cash, by 13LRMINGHAM & CO.
ing consumption. Warranted 'free from mercury and
other minerals. 13. A. FAHNESTOCK & Cb., i ma y 27 No. 60 Water at.
iy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh•
ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 4(3,
Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought
and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale
Drafts, notes and bills, collected.
Wm. Bell & Co.,
John D. Davis,
F. Lorene,
I. Painter & Co.,
Joseph Woodwell,
James May,
Alex. B ronson &. Co.
John H Brown &Co.
James M'Candless.
J. R. M'DOnald.
W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres% Bank
June 23,1843.
ADVICE having been received from the liegisted
of the Land Office at Lexington, Missouri, that
the removal of that Office to the town of CiintOut
in Henry county, as directed by the President, walla
effected on or about the 3d day of July next: this b io
give notice that the public sale of lands ordered to be
held at Lexington on the second day of October tort,
John Cartwright, by the Executive proclamation bearing data the Bth
inst., will be held at the time prescribed in the tows 4
C UTLER and Surgical Instrument Mannfactnter, THO. H. BLAKE,
corner of 6th and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa. Clinton aforesaid.
June 30--lam 10 Commissiooor.
N. B.—Al rays on hand an extensive assortment of
Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's,
Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears,
Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. jo 24.
CAWFIELDhas removed his marble Estab
1. • lishment to Wood st. opposite Fahnostock's
Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand
Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. 19-Iyr
.. . .
Ildanufactsirer of Tin, Copper and Shoot'
Iron Ware,
No. 17, Fifth Street, between Wood and Market,
Keeps c onstantly on hand a good assortment of ware..
and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons,
skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer
chants and others axe invited to call and examine for
themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap far cas or
approved paper. [mar 7—t h f
For Ic.
L OTS on the North East comer of Coal Lane and
High street• Apply co
Market near Fourth meet.
sep 10
resit Painter, Fourth st., 3d stori Biu-k's Buil
ding. J. Osborne would solicit is call from those who
desire Portraits. Spcimens can be seen at his room:-
may 5.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
A NY quantity of clean. firstraus Allegiasny
Ice, may
2"1..be had at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner of Sec
aid Grant sums. july
Remedy fbr the Influenza.
THE Influenza, which is now in almost a tuasetssi
epidemic, is exciting the inventors of petemll
medicines to increased exertions in the Farm". Ulm )
but owing to the general distrust ontertainea for the
generality of such drugs, poople fear taking d o wn....
The following, however, from a distinguished *Or
clan in New York, Dr. Nelsen, we think may 66ee rat!
lied on:
"The object of the present communication is 19114 E
ommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy acciessolo
the poor, and to caution them against an injinioulliss
in This disease, namely, bleeding, either general or by
leeches. In all those ca es iu which the first clued
symptoms prevail, let the patient smell fretittently
a common salts bottle, (Sims' Aromatic Voloatilt
Salts are preferred) and by putting the 'vial to the
month to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile moo
ter into the lungs. Let this process be repeated twO
or three times in an hoar, and it will give morn speed,
and greater relief, in all slight cases of the first class
'tan any other remedy, and will bo sufficient for
. It twill also be essentially useful in the SeVere
.11 , 0; and those of the class of prostration, a fest
drops of amonia, or hartshorn, ought to taken inter
nallv. A neat way of doing so is to take an old fear
ioned mixture called lac ammoniaci. However, it it
as a local remedy, to act on the disordered suttee,
that its use is advised. The principles will be roucir
nized by all physicians versed in molecular organise.
tion, and those who are deficient in that knowledge
may do in that instance as they do in all othenr.seet
upon the faith they imbibe," These aahirare for sale
and within the reach of all -classes, at Wm. THoSor's,
53 Market street, Pittsburgh. „ty 17-.
A Card.
TILE subscriber respectfully informs the pubtkeli.
general, that he intends to devote his *hole that
to the COLLECTION OF Acton:Ts in the cities 'of Fitts*
burgh, Allegheny and vicinity.
Having been engaged in this business for sane time*
and given entire satisfaction to those who employed
him, he respectfully solicits those having isocautto to
c elleet to give him a trial.
Physicians and others who cannot spare time from
their professional business to collect their aocoossel.
would find it to their advantage to give hint oast
Respectable references cah be given, and, if Tl4O/0.14
SCCUJity will be given for the faithful return Ufa ati
nies collected.
He can be found at Mr George Armor's, Mee
I Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on 4th st. daily from 8 till l@ o'clock, A.
Any orders left there during his absence, hill be awe&
• ed to, or by letter through the Post Office
Terms 5 pr cent commissioth
Farms to Lease.
THE undersigned will lease two Ferns situated in
riot Deer Township, with the necessary sece•
meats and from 73 to 100 acres cleared on wsch...—.
Also, a Farm situated in West Deer Tomtshipw AMP
gheny County, with frcm 60 to 75 acres c lea.reds The
above describes property is in reasonably good repeal
lying about 15 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, and
within two miles of the Pennsylvania Canal, add will ba -
ileased on reasonable terms for from 1 to 3 ran, to
good tenants. BARTRA M MURRY.
mar 13—tf
Lots.for Sale.
4Lots in ;Manchester. One and a fourth Acres ot
Landon Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41,42, 52,53,54.
181, 181, and in Cook's plan of Lot 4, on Hanes'
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook's plan of Lots
on High street, near the now Court Hoare. For terms
apply to Z. W. REMI ETON.
sep 10
Einildblg Lots in Birmingham.
4:3 LOTS, suitable for building, most elikibly
I_9 uated, and within two minutos' walk of Os
steam ferry boat landing, will be sold at prises to suit
the times. The teems of payment will be made east,
either for cash or such barter as can be made available.
Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P.
I Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh.
jtmo 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr.
Dissolution of Partnership ,
HE late firm of T. & A. Nesmith & ee. shoe
Tand leather dealers and tanners, is dissolved this
day by m utual consent, by the withdrawal of Alfred
Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has hoes sold
and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.; and Thus**
Nesmith, sr. and Thomas Nesmith jr., have formai a
copartnership, under the firm of Tnoates Nssurrit &
Sort, who are duly authorises to settle the bnabaaaa of
the late firm for chat purpose.
Pittsburgh, Pa
July 19, 1843
Cincinnati, 0.,
St- Louis, 1%10.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of James Kent
dv, of Mifflin township. Allegheny county, lebeiy
deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate
payment to the subscribers, and all persona hating
claims a gainst said estate will present them duly au
thenticated fur settlement.
DAVID RENNEDY, Executcrrs.
I nug7-6
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.:
THE s.ubEcriber re.pect 5 illy informs his friends and
former patrons, that he has removed his estab
lishment fr om om No. GI, Liberty, to No. —, Tirk d at.,
nearly oppe the Post Office. where he cooties:ma to
carry on the Copper. Tin and Sheet Icon Business; in
L all its various branches. lie respectfully solicits a
c ontinuance of the patronage so liberally extended to
hint heretofore, Ina pledges himself that no ' doll
be spared on his part to merit the same.
\on hand, 114danufn.ctured Ware, of ail hinds, all of withela
will be sold low for cash. Spouting, &c., nude to or
, der at short notice.
tog 4-1 m
plete edition. large type, and pkttaa, at the low price
of 50 cants, cau be had at W. .1%. FOSTER'S
jy 24 I.!nicersal Agency and Literary-Depot.