Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, August 07, 1843, Image 3

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    Y POST.
The Acadia, Capt. Ryrie, arrived at her wharf at
east Boston at 15 minutes before 4 o'clock, having been
telegraphed at half past 2 o'clock, P. M. on the 2nd.
She sailed from Liverpool at half past 2 o'clock, P. M.
of the 19th, and arrived at Halifax on the 31st, at 10
o'clock, making the passage in a little over 12 days to
Halifax, 1111114 to Boston, including G hours detention
at Halifax. The weather during nearly the whole l'uls
saze was thick and unpleasant, and especially so from
Halifax to Boston. The Margaret was spokenabout
80 miles west of Cape Clear on the 21st, two days out
from Liverpool. She had a good passage, and-
undoubtedly arrived at Liverpool on the 23d.
We make the following extracts from an extra of the
New York Sun:
When the Acadialeft anxieties were beginning to be
felt for the safety of the Columbia. It was believed
she was detained by a. fog off Halifax.
Ireland continues almost exclusively to absorb the at
tention of Parliament, and the present session promises
to be one of the mostprotracted on record. October
is already named as the earliest period for the rising.
The House of Commons devoted three nights last week
and two during the week preceding, to the discussion
of Mr. S. O'Brien's motion for an inquiry into the state
of the sister country. In a mere party sense, the debate
WWI the most damaging which the Ministry has experi
enced since their installation, and the majority with
which it closed, 73, the smallest they have yet had on
any great question.
O'Connell held what is called an extraordinary meet
ing of the Repeal Association, at the Corn Exchange,
Dublin, on Saturday, for the purpose of favoring his ad
herents withhis views of the debate on Ireland. He
made a long speech on the present state of parties, the
position of the Ministry, and the prospects of repeal.
Launch of the Great Iron Steamer "Great
ded Bri
tain."—Tho largest steamer ever built, intenfor
the trade between this country and New York, was
launched at Bristol, July 19th. She is to be called the
Great Britain, and belongs to the spirited company
who run the first steamer thattraded regularly between
England and New York—the Great Western. I .
The Sarultrich Islands.—Despatches have been '
sent off by the Government to Captain Lord G. Patties Sheriffalty.
respectfully present myself to the citizens of Anc
or the Carvsfort frigate, in the South Pacific, acknowl- ; T
shiny county, as a candidnte for the Sheriffalty,sub
edging the free independence of King Tamachamalia ; -I
other ject to the action of the Democratic convention, which
111. and the Sandwich Islands from this or any
meets on the 30th of August next. •
country. I
June 9—d&wte. ELIJ next .
The celebrated Field-Marshal Count Wittenstein,
died at St Petersburgh on the 16th ult., at the advanced i ----
age of 37. FOR THE POST
MAN ir Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO-
A letter from Tabriz brings the disastrous account
SEP 11 CURRY as a suitable person to fill a seat in
of ae earthquake having nearly destroyed the whole
the Assembly, the ensuing session. july 11, 1843.
el the town Khoi, between the take of the Urina and ,
l'crsia, by which upwards of a thousand people per- I
fished. The inhabitants of Tabriz had also been alarm- Assembly.
We are authorised to announce JOHN BROWN,
ed by frequent and violent ehocks. died Esq., of Pine township, as a candidate for Assembly,
Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy,
subject to the nomination of the Democratic
29 Conveen
i n Paris on Sunday week, aged 88. I •n•
july t
Puseyism is making rapid progress among the ,
clergy. Out of 12,000 clergymen 9,000 have embraced I Kornty ommissioner.
it. MES.SP.,:. S:—Piel" announce the name of
IRELAND. -- I Gerd. JOHN M. DAVIS, of Peebles, for County Cornr
The apprehensions for the Irish craps, caused by the , missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic
late rains, seem to have been entirely removed by the county Convention, to be held in Aug,ust next. ' I
very favorable change in the weather. The grain 1, MANY DEMOCRATS.
crops now promise well. I
The Irish legal world has lost one of its most illus- I County Commissioner.
trious members, in the Right Hon. Charles K e ndall, I Messrs. Editors: As the general opinion appears
pn•v ail that inasmuch as there are already two of
Bushy, late Chief Justice of the Court (ffQueeri's bench. , t."
The cost of marl deg the fire -arms in Ireland under the County Commiseioners from the country, it is but
the prepaeed act, will not exceed one half-penny pi ,. a master of right and justice that the city or its imme-
stand. ' diate neighborhooel should have the third candidate-
The first of August is fixed for the reduetion • of the We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people of
Irish spirit duty. Allegheny county, JAMES' C. CUMMINS, Esq., of the
At a meeting held in Wnteriord,last week, it was re- County
`city district, for C o mmissioner, at the ensuing
solved to present a eoldniedal to every one of the mug- fall election. MANY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS.,
istrates aupereeded for attending repeal meetings. I
OSE EFFECT OF ACITATION.—The following is an County Commissioner.
extract of li letter from Killarney: —`'Never before in I A T the solicitation of a number of friends of all
the memory of man had we snch a year for the kikes as ;
IA- political parties, I respectfully offer myself to
this. The Victoria is empty. eo is Roche's, and the I the considerElien of my fellow-citisene for the office of
boatmen and guides are standing looking at each nth- I County Commieionee. That my sentiments may not
Cr. There have not been ten English visitors ut the I Ix , mieundersteed, either as to political or private
Lakes this year. We are fairly ruined—as to our 1 0 4- affairs, I make free to ,:u t' that I have been all mselife
gin sehemees they may as well shut." a coneistent Repuhlirem, ia the true sense o f t he word.
REPEAL DEMONSTRATION.—The Waterford repeal \ As the country is sorriewhat e mbarraseed in its fipan
demonstration tools place on the hill of Ballybricken, cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public
on Sunday laet, , and is said to have been ateeeled be I officers has receb:ed the approbation of large majori
-300,000 persons. The procession that accompanied \ ties of the people, the timiersign.d would not should
Mr. O'Connell is deserilesel as having been five miles in I he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any meener at
length. A platform Was erected capable of c ontaining \ tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach
3,000 persons,. The choir was occupied by Sir It. 1 the effiee of County Commiseiner.
Musgrave, Bart., and amongst the gentlemen present I ups 6. ' SAMUEL I lUBLEY
were Thomas Meagher, Esq., Mayor of Wateiford,
the Right Rev. Dr. Foran, Roman Catholic. Aiello')
of Waterford, and a whole host of the Catholic clergy.
the various propositions having been proposed and
carried, Mr. O'Connell addressed the multitude at
great length amidst the loudest cheering. His speech
was comparatively exempt from the usual exciting and
i inflammatory topics, but though more moderate in
terms, WWI not less confident and decided in tone, and
he spoke of the repeal as certain to be carried, if the
I people only kept within the law, and abstained from the
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. I lightest breach of the peace.
- frtHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and 1 FRANCE.
0 -- .1: former patrons, that he has removed his estab- ' According to a communication made by
sa go A
lishment from No. 61, Liberty, to No. —, Third st., I to the Academy of Sciences at Par on the
nearly opposite the Post Office, where he continues to I contract has been entered into by Messrs Baring &Co.
• wry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business, in of London, with the Republic of Nae Grenada, in Yin
&Zeit. various branches. He respectfully solicits awhior the p Republic is to cede toth them
Isth m the line
continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to required f e us of
Um heretofore, and pledges himself that no pies shall P anama , with 30,000 acres of land on the two banks
bevapared on his part to merit the same. Constantly and 400,000 in the interior of the country. Messrs.
on hand, Manufactured Ware, of all kinds, all of which Baring & Co. had, it is said, in the first instance, fixed
wdl be sold low for cash. Spouting, &As, made to or- the amount of toll for the nevigation of the canal at the
price of 111 francs per ton; but they have reduced
der at short notice.
aug 4-4 Rm M. D 4 . NV S°N •'it to ^ francs. The work, upon which from 4,000 or
5,000 men are to be engaged, is to be completed in five
Tar AQUEDUCT, we are happy to anIIOLIDCe, is a
,gain.ht order, the first boat was passed on Saturday,
arid the canal navigation is now uninterrupted.
taTElell WRITING INSTITGTE.—There is no grey • p•
• or necomplishrnent, than that of being able to write a
free, dashing and beautiful hand, and yet there is none i .
that is more neglected by the great mass of c ommunity.
Men end. women learn dancing, and singing, and mu
sic, while their Pennmanship, so essential to an educe"
ilea, and so conducive to their pleasure, is entirely over
looked. To the many in our city who have heretofore
seglected this important matter, Mr. Estee's Writing
Institute presents peculiar advantages. We stepped
ltithere on Saturtlay,and were astonished to witness the
ieeprovetnents made by his scholars in a few lessons, as
exiitbitedin their specimens. Mr. E. is not one of the
pinaing humbugs hime:day; but guarantees success
to ell who will give a trial,--and that, too, for the
4 03ty trifling sum of live dollars.
- V"
Fitts—ln New Albany, la., on the 28th. Property
to the emo u nt of s3ooo—an oil and carding mill of
Mrt Spitler—were destroyed.
.sar Sixty-two indictments were found by
far a late
*Ft oftlae Grand Jury, in St. Louis. The west
ha* aplenty of criminals as well as the near.
jar- A convention is to be held at 'Hannibal, Mo.,
t.Ovolopt measures to prevent the egressions of the Il
--- V - 41tbulitionists, upon the rights of the people of INlis
At a very numerous and highly respectable meeting
of thentizens of Allegheny, held at Mr. Fleming 's
hotel, on Saturday evenine, the sth Auust, on motion,
Mr. W. Canso N was called to the chair, and T. Briggs
was appointed secretaq.
The design of the meeting was stated to be a desire
to unite the friends of industry and honesty; without re
to political party, in support of a citizen for the
o6'ice4f Mayor, on whom all parties could unite. It
Resolved, Th it FRANCIS DILL of the second
mtiniof Allegheny ;t y, is a sound republican.—a citizen
leenemplary good character--a neighbor of great
mend worth, and a workingman whose whole life is ar.
simMiple of industry and integrity to others.
Resolved, That in the selection of Mr. Ditt. for the
of Mayor of Allegheny city, the meeting entertain
tiii*iinion that his election would subserve the best
intonate of the corporation, and be a guarantee that
no indu.strious man would be oppressed under his ad
Resolved, That the proCeedings be published in the
Morning Pon
WM. CARSON, Chairman
AQUARTERLY Meeting of the Allegheny Fire
Company, will be held at their Ball, Fourth st.
Mondarevening the 7th inst. a7A o'clock.
aug. 7. WM. Jt .
A !SERUM, Sec'y.
Duquesne Fire Company.
Awrterly meeting of the Duquesne Fire Company
will be held at the Hall, on Second street, ?Ilia
(Monday) evening, the 7th inst., at 8 o'clock.
aug 7-1 t JAS. E. DICKSON. Soc'y.
THREE story brick house on Market Law' n fa .
21,.. Rod and 3rd streets. The store in this
Louse i 3 large r and furnished with gas pipes and a
good counter. Rent low.
ALSO, a dwelling house on Market ht.tween 3rd
aria 4th assets, and Scve r a 1 rooms with an entrance
from Market street.
Aug. 7,-11*.
Pittsburgh Theatro.
Tr HE citizens of Pittsburgh and vicidity are respect
/ fully informed that the above establishment will
open on Monday evening, the 14th inst., for the Fall
season, with an entire nen. and efficient erenpany,—
Thehouse will be thoroughly repainted and decorated,
ai ev e r y thing w ill be done to render the THEATRE,
(WPCS Ifiare) a place ofinstruction and amassment.
MEN, of good character, for the Corps de Ballet, to
Whom good salaries wilihe paid and dresses found.-
- Appey at the Merchants' Hotel, between 11 and
I.w. .I.q o'-
Clock, A. cog 4
POUND, - , , • 'years.
A BOUT the last week in June,Clo.lting Store , SPAIN.
211- in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerablY The intelligence from Spain leaves no doubt that the
solledand worn. It is signed by James Gaston awl fate of the regent is sealed. Madrid is in a state of
, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own- 6e i ge . He proposes to keep open his communication,
er tee have it by identifying it, and paying expenses. it 13 s rated, with Saragossa and Cadiz—if he can. The
___-------- ' advanced guard of Curbano had entered Saragossa,
July 91••—teE
VIAHOG • i when that general was expected the following day with
was peaceable, but as for the
FINE assortment of Crotch and Shade Veneers, , ten battalions. :Madrid_
Regent, he i s what theFren ch papers
call him—a lost
a.. just received from New York, and for sale at the
ma n.
Furniture Wareroom of T. 13. YOUNG & CO.
july 23.-2*":..,...------1 street. PoorY.spartern, enfeebled by disease and hunted on
every side like a wild boar, seems likely- to sink. A
FORSALE.—A Mineral Water apparatus, corn- brave man struggling with the storms of fate, is certain
plete, for sale low, at W. M. POSTER'S to command the sympathy of the disinterested; but
Universal Agency and Literary Depot, St. Clair At. there is unhappily but little disinterestedpatriotism in
_ltyll-j3_t._._...-----_________, : Spain.
relms.p.erial ukase, published at St Petersburg,
ling . within fifty worst-
One edition, large type, and plates, at the low price
CA' 50 cents, eau be had at NV. M. FOSTER'S of Pruin. and Austria, are ordered to proceed more in
to the interior. Those , who possess habitations and
Uniceral AZiacy and Literary Depot•
property within that range, are required to sell them
- within two years.
HORSE LOST .Strayed from Samuel
Gamble's, near Dunningsville, Washington 1
Sir Henry Pottinger, it is said, has applied to the
county, Pa. ,on the night of the 15th ult., a large Bay home G o vernment for his speedy recall. The govern
gorse, without any particular marks; 14 or 15 hands meet, however, we now hear, is unwilling to dispense
whit, and between 6 and 7 years of age. Has a few with his services, and his Excellency will therefore,
•-• white hairs in his forehead. Whoever will return remain some lieu , longer in China. We likewise hear
Slit to Samuel Gamble, near
abov e
re or to meat it said that the supreme control over the whole of the
rittaburgh, shall receive the above reward. • British naval and military force in China has been pla
sm; 2. P. MULV ANY. ! cal in Sir Henry's hands.
la? Tim Washington Examiner. Uniontown Genius 1 --.----------------
ofr*erty, Wheeling Argus, BrOWIISN'iIIC News, and j LATER FROM Mexico.—By the arrival of the I.T. S.
Alapethurgh Messenger, insert three times each, send ' ship Vincennes at Pensacola, the editor of the Gazette
and charge this office.
' has received papers from the city of Mexico to the 27th
paper to advertiser,
Want,ed. of June, tßee or four days later than previously re
small families, and who are good clerks, alai wish ceived. The Gazette translates a decree of Santa An
'LOYMENT fortwo or three married men with
na, denouncing the punishment of death upon foreign
- era taken with arms in their hand 4, fighting •
to engage as Book keepers. Also, wanted soon, places Mexico. We give its two provisions, omitting thepre
for s everal young men end boys, in Dry Goods, Groce- amble. It bears date at the palace, June 17th:
o r wholesale and retail stores. Also, for several Ist. For the future no quarter shall be grante
ry d, and
goo , d
coachmen, Waiters, Hustlers, Laborers and Boys. ''
all foreigners who invade the territory of the public on
Wooled, a good Coal digger to go down the river, about their own account, that may be captured under arms,
sio_ idies. Wanted. employment for a good wet nurse, . shall immediately be put to death, whether accompani
ers& Oeveral good cooks wanted for respectable families, ed in their enterprise by few or -ad - and
many s entures,
tit BARRIS' Intelligence Office, No. 9, Fifth street.
although ostensibly it may be justified by the pretext of
jY 26 • interfering in the civil discords, with the view of
Let, . ing a political end. This penalty shall be inflicted up
, 1 '''
F OR a term of years, my house, store room ' on all foreigners, be they of what country they may; be
and work shop, on 2d street, opposite Jas. ' cause the Mexicans being at peace with alffother na-
Ar • , "'j
,3 t Co The shop is brick, 19 feet wide, by tions, the responsibility of he who may make war upon
-- 30 1°14,3 stories high. I have in it a small steam en- ! them is purely individual, and places him without the
' gine about 5 horse power, which I will also rent if protection of existing treaties. •
. rent,
-:- -:diestred. For further particulars enquire-of me4on the 2. The general-in-chief of the army, the generals
• premises. ORRIN -NEWTON. cununandant 0f the maritime and frontier departments,
r and all baying military authority that shall apprehend
foreign Neroo.
a foreigner invading our territory or promulgating
civil war with anus in hand, shall be responsible for
the most scrupulous accomplishment of this decree,
and the punishment fur its infraction shall be the loss
of office by the person responsible.
Therefore, I command that this be printed, publish
ed and circulated, and receive the proper execution.
October (Election.
I respectfully offer myself a candidate for the office
of Prothonotary of I.lleglieny county, subject to the
action of the Democratic county convention, which
MOCIS on the 30th August next.
Allegheny city, may 31—tc d&w.
I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the of
fico of Prothonotary, subject n th actionai of the Dem
ocratic Convention. M. AWKIN
Wilkins township, jun° 21—tc.
Pr OthoThOtary.
To the voters of Allegheny eounty:--1. respect
fully offer myself to your COT}sidemtion as a candidate
(independent of pasties)' for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known will please totamine into my qualffica
t dons, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office,. to satisfy you with your
choice. ALEX. MILLER.
of Pittsburg.
may 10—tc.
Clear the course for the Volunteers.
WILLIAM B. FOSTER, Esq., of Allegheuy city,
will be a candidate fur the office of Prothouotary of Al
leghcny county, at the October election. jnne 4.
Fott TliE POST.
M kN'T citizens of Allegheny city recommend Dr.
J. C. M'CULLY as a suitable person to fill the oce
o f Prothonotary. julv 12. ffi
We are nutliorCod to announce , Mr. JAMES H.
ROBB, of l'pper St. Clair township, as a candidate
for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the
aug 3—tc
D e mocratic Convention.
JACOB TOMER, Esq. of Pitt township, well known
to the Democracy of Allegheny county, aB a staunch,
re,iforrn Republiaun of the Jackson school, will be a
candidate for Couhty Trewurer, subject to the decision
of the Democratic,Cohnty Anion. Con
At the solicitation of many radical democrats, Mr.
SAMUEL McKE,E, of Birmingham, has consented to
become a candidate for the office of County Treasurer
subject to the decision of the Dnmocratic County Con
vention. Of Mr. McKee it may be truly said, to be
known is to be pppular.
3.l=iny Frinds of L'nassumin _ q Worth.
I re spectfully offer myself to the Ci1.17 , 11S of Alleghe
ny counts, for the otlice of Coroner, subject to the de
of . the Democratic Convention.
jy 18—tc DAVID HARTZ.
IRESPECTFULLY offer myself as a candidate or
Coroner of Allegheny county, subject to the action
of the demucrntic County Convention to be held on the
30th August JOHN JOHNSTON•
Landroth's Garden Secds.
A. full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of
184, Liberty et., head of Wood.
William C. Wall,
Plain and fancy Portrait and Pictu re Frame
No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CAN V A.S. brushes, varnish, &c., for artists, always
on bond. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fia-
med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of
every description.
Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find
10 -it to
their advantage to call. sep y
• Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale.
AFEW thousand feet of seasoned Oak and Poplar
Lumber, for sale by wholesale. Enquire of James
C. Cummins, Esq. near the Fountain Inn. jy 21.
Cl Kentucky Leaf Tobac co G
&, in stot and for sa3eby
12, Water st.
IHAVE in Btore and for sale low--. 41 large a...sort
ment of mattrasie., made of curled hair, moss,
husk or cotton. Those wanting will pleaae call.stere r.
WM. 'NOBLE, Uphol
No. 4, Wood at. near the River.
TIERCES RICE, on hand and for sale by
Jane 29 Water street, between Wood and Smithfield
Powell's Salaam ofAnniseed.
fpHIS sure and effectual cure for the influenza
1 Coughs and Colds, can now be procared, whole
sale and retail, at Turrue,,.B6 Fourth street. jy , 6.
Ice Ica
ANY quantity of clean, firstrate Afiegigaiyiods, may
be at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner cif.Seccmd
and Grant streets. jnly
The proprietors of the 111011.InISO Posy and MER
CURY AND NIANITFACTURER respectfully inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well chosen assortment of
air 41C1113113111 r3llllrlik r
pea t~IF3S3 vintaa catuaaliazia)
Necessary to a Job Printin
to g Office, and that they are
prepared execute
July 21.—tc
Bills of Lading, Circulars,
~eta, Bill Heads, Cards,
landbilLs, Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
Ont ttitlllo of liStautto,
Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, Icith ap
propriate cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
Corms .
We respecy ask the patronage of our friends and
the public in general in this bra
nch of our business.
July 31, 1843. PHI
Bank Notes and (Exchange.
A. immores, EDECEIANGE 813082111,
Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip .
Exchange Bank Scrip .............. ..
Currency .......................
Eric Bank Scrip ................
On Philadelphia .........
c w York .........
Bank of Pittsburgh ...................
Merchants and Manufacturers' bank......
Exchange ..................... " ......
Do. Hollidaysburgh .................
Bank of North America ...... •
Do Northern Liberties......
Do Pennsylvania ......
Commercial Bank of Pennsyleania
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank...
Kensington bank. .............
Manufacturers crml Mechanics'...
Mechanics. ...... • - .
Mayamensing .......
Philadelphia bank...
Schuylkill ..... ".._
Southwark ..... "....
We ste rn ..............
Bank of Penn Township---
Girard bank....... U.
S. bank and branches .......
Bank of Germantown...-
" Chester county._
" Delaware county..
• Montgomery county ..... .
• Northumberland---- -
Farmers' bank of Bucks county....
Eastonbank ...... .... .... -. " •
Doylestown bank ....... ... - . .....
Franklin bank of Washington .....
Bank of Ckambersburgh. ........ .
• Middletown ............ .
• Gettysburgh .........•••
" Leseistonin ..... ...• .....
• Susquehanna county .....
B crks county bank..... ..... .. .....
Columbia Bankand Bridge Company
Carlisle bank .....................
Erie bank, .......................
Farmers and Drovers' bank._.-....
" Bank of Lancaster ...... ..
" Bank of Reading ....... - •
frarrisbura, bank .................
Honesdale "..... ...............
Lancaster " ..................
Lancaster co. " ...... .....
Lebanon `---•_---•"" ..., _
Miners' bank of Pottsville .. .. . • .. ...... ........ 3„
:If onong ahela bank of Brownsville ............. 1
New Hope and Delaware Bridge company
Northampton bask .................. ...no
Towanda bank-.-.. - ............ .85
I'Vyoming bank.- - ..
West Branch. bank
York bank
tinont bank of St. Clairsville .....
Clinton bank of Columbus ............
Columbiana bank of New Lisbon.... -. ..... -
Circleville (Lawrence, cashier).— ..........
" ( Warren, ca5 hi e r )......... no sale
Cincinnati banks .......... ..........
Chillicothe bank.... .......
Commercial bank of Lake
Dayton b.!nk.....
Franklin bank of C01umbu5............
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville . 1.
Farmers' bank of Canton-........ .....4 0
GCanga • .................
Granville - ...... .
Lancaster ......
Marietta .......
Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati.
Mount Pleasant...... . .......
Scioto. ..
' Trbana...
Xenia ...
Slate bank and branches.....
State Scrip
All banks.....
State bank . ..................
Bank of Illinois, Shateneetoton
Bank of the Valley of Virginia 1
Bank of Virginia .........................
Exchange bank of Virginia ............. .1
Farmers bank of Virginia.. • 1
North-western bank of Virginia.. . •• ..1
Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia.. ..1
Baltimore City banks... ......
All other solvent banks--
All solveut banks. .......... . ... _
AU solvent banks ..... . -
AU solvent banks
Mobile banks _
Country ba*k5...............
New Or!caw bank, (good)-- --
AU banks—. .......
100 BAGS Rio Coffee,
10 Bores Tobacco,
5 Cbests Tee,
75 berrelifio 1, Baltimore Herrings.
Rec'clon consignment sad for salsify./ formal', Y
ply I. DEVIn & McAIItILT
18 4 3.
t 0 .,.,..4:
. .—. _.
an d cimunisidon Merchants, coun en I
ForwardingSTNDAßT, INGRAHAM & CO., - i
CLE.VF.T.AIiD, 01110. • gains
A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com- „ de ,
'tii,le first day cup'r
al\ e (l o icasc"l rm tiing( ty,) that well known body of land COalta cal'
Canal; 11NaVnnyshcionmgtpoons,eLd ionle.theHNunietreerh,agmLerin&e, CEori.'es
l l a ..n n i d e oifiiSieteam,
tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. ; led "Graham's itation," lying in Mason county, V 44
REFER TO I on the Ohio river, containing' by surety four thourumi
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. U, Geonties Slip, N. Y. one hundred and twenty-three acres, hi two
H Co. parcels, a large proportion of which is rivta
B.. lika=
Otis Cha in ter
ff & ,
Boston. Albany. '
! land. The above lands previous to tha day dada tali
Hunter be laid off by tlvi surveyor of the county inlets of coo-
M. T. Williams & Dow, , Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
venient size for farrns,and plats furnished, and so mow
Cleveland. i
thereof will be sold as may be necessary to produce
Hon. John M. Allen,
Charles M. Giddings, `rho sumof money required by said decreed arder.—.
Dickey, Beaver. i The sale.; will be made on ft credit of nine month s
J. S. ummt
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh• l one-third part of the purchase money, oftwelve
ap 1 1843-Iy. for another third part, and of eighteen mouths for du*
residue, the purchaser or purchasers giving bonds with
good security for the payment of the dietuMe., holm!
=writs, bearing interest from the day of sale, ithe i ,lepl
title to be retained as further security for the . peepokent
of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the tisk
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to mate IMO*
al payments.
GEO. W. STRIBLING, Special Coes'.
Point Pleasant, Va., June 26,1849. LjyB-22n
Deaver and Warren Packet'
'.3.,..,:....... , . • • THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
;, ,, °; , ! ,, :5t........ , ..- .." Shaw.master, will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above to ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to
BIBMINGAM &CO., Pittsburgh,
= "
-I: AND Rita ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the - Main train of cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $9.
Baltimore 9.
Leavei daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 1 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st
fob 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors.
Tho Great Central Bout!)
Via Naticni4l Road and Baltimore and Ohio Ra
Road Compang.
ina-.1.).-ac • 1=3. , - '
- t,eaca.tf •
THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washire,ton Pa.
and national road to Cumberland, connecting here
with the rail E 0341. Co's to all the above placo-, ray
eters will find this a speedy and c omfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afforded which Intro not
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra c.oaches furnished
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
Preeident of N. R. Stage CO.
feb 3--dtf.
"4 -
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver
Regular Packets, for Cincinnati.
m ai n
The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves ever:,.
Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m.
The Cutter, Collins; 'Master, leaves evc.ry Friday at
10 o'clock a. in.
The :Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat
urday at 10 o'clock a. in.
The Express, Parkinson, Master,' leaves every Sun.
day at 10 o'clock a. in.
Pdrey's Samoa.
THE Holy Eucharist. preached before the Universi
ty of Oxford, fourth Sunday after Easter. Pam
phlet edition with full notes. For sale at W. M. Fosair
ter's Universal Agency and Literary Depot, St. Cl
28-1 w
s t. Price 6 cents. iy
To Bent
pLcEfigAtSsztteNeiT rooms
file manufactory,
good ateam o poyiFr, at the
,co rai
. f
j b ei e Liberty
y 16 13X: d
O'Hara streets. Apply on th 6 pre
'reach Trees.
Mith THE subscriber has just received from the Nur
=sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia,
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
would call the attention of the public.
No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood.
Dr. BCGMAT'S Pulmonary Preservative.
FOR coughs, colds, inftuenzas, catarrhs, whooping
cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
cli.sva.., , es of the breast and lungs, and arrest of approach
ing consumption. Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK Si. CO.,
jy 1° Agents for Pittsburgh.
BADDN.--1 casks hams;
4 " shoulders;
2 " sides;
Just received on consignment, and for sale low for
43, Wood street.
LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, 1
ACorner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsbur
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, boug
and sold. Sight cheeks oa the Eastern cities, for sale,
Drafts, notes and bills, collected.
Wm. Bell & Co., '
John D. I:tavis,
F. Lorene,
1 1. Pai N
te Y
oti C w o el
Josephl ,
James May,.
Alex. Bronson &Co.
John H Brovin &Co.
Jamc..4. M'Carallesi.
J. R. M'Doirald.
W. H. Pope, Esn., Prat Bank
—____ _ -..---
CAWFIELDhab removed his marble Estab
P.. li.hmont to Wood 3t. opposite Fahne3tock's
Drug Store, where he will keep consMntly on hand
Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. ap 19-Iyr
John .Cartarright,
CUTLER and Surgical Instrument 3.lanufacturer,
corner of 6th and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa.
N. 8.--Always on hand an extensive assortment of
Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor 's,
Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears,
Saddler's Tools, Trusses, Su. je
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and She©t
Iron Ware,
No. 17, Fifth street,between Wood and Market,
Keeps constantly on broad a good assortment of wares,
and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, on hand,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons,
skillets, teakettles, pot 4, Ovens, coffee mills, &c. - Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves, a s he is determined to sell cheap forsash or
For Sale.
LOTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane and
High street. Apply to
Market near Fourth street.
rale Painter, Fourth st.., 3d story Burk'ki Buil
ding- 3- °ilium) would solicit a cull from
his those who
desire Portrait_.: Spc imcw can be seen at rourn?
may 5.
TWENTY CENTS A QEIRE.—A good ar.ticlel
ofLetter raper at '2O cents. euper bin , -
wave lined Letter and Cap paper. Fens, Quills, Ink, 1
Wafers, Sand and. Inksnands. For sale at Wm.. M.
Fosters Universal A ffency and Literary Depot,St Clair
ADI"S. BOOK and Musical Library. Augu9t Nos.
Lreed et W. M. Foster'; Medial Agency and
Literati Der , . F.t...Cloir -t. July
Remedy for tho Inithenzok
t HE Influenza, which is n.w in almost a miasma
.L epidemic, is exciting the inventors of purest
medicines to increased exertions in the
r ang Hew
but owing to the general distrust entertained the
generality of such drugs, people fear taking thesol.—...
The following. however, from a distinguished
'clan in New York, Dr. Nelson, we think 'mayroe ,
lied on:
"The object of the presort communication is to rem
ommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy access as
dr poor, and to caution them agairuit an injurious es•
in this disease, namely, bleeding, either general ex bf
leeches. In all those ewes in which the -first elassof
symptoms prevail, let the patient smell frequently is
common salts bottle, (Sims' Aromatic Volatile
Salts are preferred) and by Tutting the vial to tb&
mouth to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile
into mate
ter t h e lungs.. Let this process be repeated - two
or three tames in an hour, and it will give more speedy
and greater relief, in all slight cases of the first . 41101
than any other Comedy, and will be sufficient fora
cure. It will also on essentially useful is the severe
cases; and those of the class of prostration, a feat
drops of amouia, or hartshern, ought to taken inter
nallv. A neat way_ of doing cf, is to take an old full
ioned mixture cilk-! lac ammoniaci. However, it is
as a local remedy, to act on the disordered surface.
that its use is advised. The principles will be recog
nized by all physicians versed in molecular muds*.
tion, and ttose who are (deficient in that knowledge
may do in that instance as they do in all others—am
upon the faith . 7ey imbibe." these salts are for sale
and within the reach of all classes, at Was. THOMM'iI,
53 Market street, Pittsburg' . ••39
it Card.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the public
general, that he intends to devote his whole time
to the COLLECTION OP Accov TS in the cities of Pim.
burgh, Allegheny and vicinity.
Having been engaged in this business for some time,
and given entire satisfaction to those who employed,
him, he respectfully solicits those having account* be
collect to sties him a trial.
Physicians and others who isnot spare time fine
their professional husiness'to collect their sonata"
would find it to their advantage to give him actin.
Respectable references can be riven, and, if reQuitrea,
security will be given for the faithful return of all itso
hies collected.
He can be found at Mr George Armor's, Merchant
Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth street*
entrance on 4th st. daily fr,.a 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M.
Any orders left there durin,,, his absence, will be eaten&
ed to, or by letter through the Post Office.
Terms, 5 pr cent commiiwn.
iy'l—dlm. AML. GELsTort:
New Arrangement.
T"ELADIES' CLASS in Mr. Estee's Writ's*
Institute will hereafter receive lessons at 1110
clock, a. m. In addition to the present Class, a nevi
one will be organized on Wednesday, the sth inst.., IA
the above hour. The Ladies and Gentlemen's Mud
will receive lessons every evening at 8 o'clock. A new
evening Class will also be organized on the beit fruit.
' '-sitr ' E. will be at liberty, during the afternoon., to giro
lessons at the residence; of those who wish. All who
wish to become adepts in the art of wielding the pen,
will make immediate application for a series of imams,
and your best wishes will be more than realized, as
“Those now can write who never wrote before,
And those who always wrote, can write rho mare."
N. B. A class of gentlemen will receive lessons aS
the Institute every morning at 8A o'clock. jy 4
raring to Lease.
THE undersigned will lease two Farms situated In
East Deer Township, with the necessary tene
ments and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each.--
Also, a Farm situated in West Deer Township, Alle
gheny County, with from 60 to 75 acres cleared. The
above described property is in reasonably good repair,
lying . about 15 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, aid
within two miles of the Pennsylvania Canal, and Irani
leased on reasonable terms for from 1 to 3 ye,ets_ , re
good tenants. BARTRAM MURRY.
mar .13—tf
4Lo ts in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres of
Land on olmes' Hill. Lou nos. 41,42,52,51,54.
181, 182, and 184, in Cook's plan of Lou, on Maws'
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook's piano( Lou
on High street, near the new t o 11 cruse. For tering
apply to . W. REMINGTON.
sep 10
Building Lots in Birmingham.
u L 3 O te T i S,
a s r ula v b i le th f i o n r b t zi o ldinc, molt
w eligibly a t r o p ,
steam ferry boat landing, will be sold at primate salt
the times. The terms of payment will be made easy,
either for cash or such barter as can be made available.
, Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P.
Peterson, o. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh.
juno 1. JAS. PATTERSON' ir.
Freeman's Fire Brick for Sid*.
JUST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fire Brick,
which will hereafter be kept constantly on band
and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO.
may 27 No. 80 Water K
Pittsburgh, Pa
Cincinnati, 0.,
1 St. Loui.,
y. } Louivrille
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE late firm of T. & A. Nesmith & co. oboe
and leather dealers and tanners, is dissolved dais
day by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Alfred
Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has been sold
and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, sr.; and Thom
Nesmith, sr. and Thoma.s Nesmith jr., have Conned a
co partnership, under the firm of TEIO3SAS NIS inTE
Sots, who are duly authorised to settle the business of
the late firm for that purpose.
july 2S--dtf'.
DVICE having been received from the Reese! A of the Land Office at Lexington, Missouri, that
the removal of that Office to the town of Mateo,
in Henry county, as directed by the ?redden, willjse
effected on or about the 3d day of Jul! next: this Se to
give notice that the public ffale of lands ordered r io be
held at Lexington on the second day, of clotOer nest,
' by the Executive proclamation bearing date the ads
inst., will be held at the time prescribed in the teen of
Clinton aforesaid. THO. H. BLOM,
June 30—lawt 10 Corentissioner.
Lots for Sale.
July 19, 1843
June 23,1843.
IGARS A.ND TOBACCO.—Regalia, Lu Norma.,
Principe and Pametelar Cigars, a 41.1perior attiele.
Nis'', fire leaf chewing Tc areo, azt. dec.; at W 34.
Fo, , re= Nledical Agency tad Literary Depot, St. Clair
31:1,1Tt. July 31.-6 t.
rir RUE ISSUE, TOR ni.e, TRUE cut-Aranay.—A
1 statement of the facts in the recent ordination in
St. Stephen's Church, Nev: York, by Drs. Smith %Da
Nut:hon. For sale at the Literary Depot, St. Mir N.
Price 10 cents.