Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, July 31, 1843, Image 4

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Waft` Sandi Odin Virarohouse,
8,11018 , 85., 2 ditersfrois apt V. 8. Bask.
13 03PECTPULLY informs the public that he
Lb has recurred his ready made coffin ware
tease to the urecently occupied by Mr.
.ff... 0. Ber ford, directly opposite his old sund
• Witte be Is always prepared to attand prompt!:
to any orders In Menne, and by strict atteDl.lo(
. to all the details of tile business of an Undertaker ,
be Impost° merit public confidencei He will he prepared
at alAttenas to provide Hearses, Biers, C inges and
ovary resonsite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the
essistry irtit be prottoptty attended to.
lins sestina is in the sante building with his wart.
*MC where those who need his services may find him
law tun. ginrßescts:
isr.w. WWII, elltir. JOAN
DRUGS, staCt.o.o D.
alloall ittistma, 1111 V• 11011111.1* D•
Sawn e.11a7011, 11.T.17• likilitZt WILLIL
. iff , 1
W. S. it et.Ona, ter. Josses LIR,
158/41115101•111. 1111• V• J• 1111111. D.1.1`12,
WllllO atV• I. r• SWIM%
_ ---- -------------.-----------_
4 "
La I what makos your teeth so unusually white?
Wood% Josh's dulclnia to him Ccotier night,
To make yours look so, with a grin, replied
Ireebrought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash,
.r.ri the hest now In use, so the gentlefolks say.
And since they have tried this., ast all others away.
But to provelt the best, to make c t hi teeth shine,
Look again, my dear r'al, at the lustre al mine.
Then try it Is great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash,
And 1168 if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is not Ifitie•
[laving tried Dr. , er hor is Tea Berry Tooth Wish,'
'and becalms artouatoted with the inv,cedients of its compo•
Eldon,' cheerfully consider It one of the saest, a
his one of the most pleasant Tooth Wac Les now in f
use. s
Pittsburgh Sell. 15,1642 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I take pleasure in statirn, havin2 made use o“Thorn's
Tea Berry Wash," tbr.tt It is tine of th e n st den
Orifices In use. Being in a liquid form, It combines neat
4444 with convenience. While It cleanses the enamel
and removes the tartar fromthe teeth, its perfume yelds
a fragrance peculiarly desirattle. J. P. TIBBETTS. M.D.
The undersived have used ttTlto-n's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash," and have found ii to bean extreme.
ly pleasant dentifrice, esercising a most salutary litflu•
60E4 over the Teeth and reserving those indis
pensable members from armaturepre decay, preventing the
actentuttlation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay.
lit; thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re.
oommending it to the public, belieeing it to be the best. ar•
title of the kind now in use.
etoirr El PEEBLES, CHAS B scuLLY ,
Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THODN. Apo
ry and Chemist, No. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and
at all the principa Dr uggiets', and Tuttle's Medical A gen.
tey, Vertuti street.
- .
jAMES HOWARD CO,, Jilanajacturers of Wall
Papir, No. 18, w ood Street. PittalnergA,
Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Sat ir
Masud and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders, of the latest style and handsome
Ittlterws, for papering halls, parlors and chambers.
They manufacture and have or-Wrappinv hard
Paper , all timßon
feinting, Writing, Writing, Letter, and Tea
net and Fullers' float ds—all of which they offer for sale
on the most accommodating termH; and to which they
luvlte the attention of merchants and ethers.
ALSO—Blank BookFt of ail kinds and the hest quality,
'School Rooks, etc. always on hand and for saleexchan as abovege.
N. B. Ragslnd THET3Cre Scraps' taken in
REDIOVAL..—The undersigned begs leave to inform
the politic, I hat he has removed from his old stand
to the corirr of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the
change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Natio FORTS
WARM ROOK. and now offers for sale the most splendid
assortment of PIANOS ever offered in this market.
consist of different patterns, of snperlor
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo.
deled and construeted throughout of the very beet ma.
trlals,which,ror durbility, and quality of tone, as well
as touch, be warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As he has eniargeditis manufactory, and made arrange.
merits to supply the increasing demand for this instru
ment, be respectfully rconests t hose Intending to pur.
chase to call and examine his assortment before pa retie.
,than as he ii determined to sell towel:, for
mot, any other establishment east or west of the
Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
sap 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsborgh, Pa.
T HE subscriber having opened a shop No 6A, Second
street,lietween Market and Wood Ctree
hamts,P pect,
I•enanerticrt with the Factory in Birming. res
happyto t
be favored with a
their orders for any articles in
his line.
Door Locks and ?listeners, o !various dLscriptions. or.
band and made to ordcr.
"folinteo. Mill and Timber Screws.
Lugs Screws.for Iron Works, and Screws for presses,
wade as may be required,
Carpenters and Builders are requested to call Wices
contracting for jobs, and examine Its articles and
,ite best
Locks repalred and jobbing eenerully (*one in
manner, and on the lowest terms.
may 3 - 4 'n
Dr. Leidy's Totter lir, itch Ointment.
'Vote tke mime every variety of T ETTER , the ITCH,
.1' and all diseases of the Skin, has proved itself more
iddelsciousthan any other preparation for the stifle putt .
pose lit usa.
Upwards of five hundred certificates might be procured
and peldithed of Its efficacy from 'School Teachers. Pro.
prletors of Facto; ies. Parents, Guardians, Nurses,
Captains of vessels and ethers, were it not C for hild
the deli
ester In having their names published in connection with
saeli disagreeable affections.
By the use of Dr Leidy's 'Fetter Ointment In corjunc.
Alen with hi e
s xtract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pitts, he
will guarantee LO cure any disease common to the skin,
however had, or of however long standing,
nstance or ream!
but t
h e
snow. There are however very few Is
lamed by the Ointment alone,
Prise—YS cents a Box.
Prepared only and sold tvholesale and retell at Dr Lel
Health Emporium,Second st. PhiladelPhia,
MI bY B. 4. FAHNESTOCK 4 Co. corner of Wood
and Meth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. ply 12.
Taltsubseriber would respectfully Inform the citizens
411. uffittablargh, Atlegheny and their vicirities, that he
lea essameneed Manufacturing the article of Lard Of
tad Caseates. He intends making but one quality, which
Will equal thebest made in the nion and not surname('
Ig the beat winter strained sperm oil either for machinery
est baralag, without Ils offensive properties, and one
ber wishes to lmpresa distinctly on the public mind that
It %sot necessary to purchase any new tangled lamps that
are daily palmed upon them as being requisite io burn the
lard an In. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light
NIS Obitaiti it by calling at the old stavid,3d street, nearly
the root Odiee.
The atteolloo of Wholesale dealers, Courches and
signalers reepoelfUlly solicited.
11.—.A1l the but* will bear the manufacture:l
ILIAC an 2; 1343-4 r.
riONSTANTL Yon natiu v --..... __
V 011, warranted to burn at any tem erasure, and
equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, an
thoeussulibusecsr,ihearndat o ttre ne
°Oita' rditscnbdea,rpehrt,rdmasrl..
nearly opposite the Post Oflice•
Jan 4,1843 EDEY.
Looking Glass rdanufactory,
And House Furnishing Warehouse, 104 Wood
Street, neat sth:
THESubscriber having completed his arrangements
at his jaw staad, is now prepared to offer to his
friends, and the public, a large rind complete assortment
t of Looking Glasses, and flouse.furnishlng Hardware,
1 (at prices is suit the times.)
Pier and Mantel Glassss In Gilt and Mahogany
Frames, of the most approved and supertur workman
Tolkt Glasses with 1,3, 3, 4 and
i 5
Gammon. stained, ti(ted, and Dr framed Glasses
suitable for Merchants, or those p anting cheap glasses.)
Japanned Waiter3and Trays of all colons and patterns.
Ivory handle Knive4 and Forks. in setts or dozens.
Duck and Bane handle Table Cutlery.
Carving Knives and Forks, do.
Dison's Brittania Metal 'l ea und Coffee Setts (su•
nerior qual i ty.)
American I'dantillictu ;do, in setts. or single pieces , .
, G s
i e l r v m e
r a S i
plated la and Dr
r .
a a s n s d c
a T n a d b i l e e s
I S t gi s o , nj o .
uffets do.
Briitania Metal Lamps, for burning Sperms or Lard Oil
Itras3 anifoWire Fire Fenders. (various patterns.)
Fire Shovels and Tongs, Hand Irons, /cc,
With a variety of other articles too numerous to men.
', lion, all of which viii be °trued at the lowest casts prl
NM. Port it, 151.1nIstInre,and other Fr/Ming done nettle
shortest notlerepairing of all kinds attended to; s.ook.
Ina Glass plates.hy toe box or single Itpht,• P► f ri t r Fra.
constantly on hand
feb 7.3
Upholstery Furnishings.
rill/1E subscribers respectfully inform their friends and
1 the medic that they have just opened the'etore No
30 Fifth street. nenr the Exchange Bank, and adjoining
Mr. I• D. Williams' Grocery. where they Intend to manu
facture to the twit style, and have veady for y
gale a f
assortment of the fi rst gnality of Upholster Farsi
ins, each as Hair, Shuck •nd Straw M amasses. Feath•
er Beds, Sackings;-4,-. I which they wil sell for Cash at
nearly 100 per cent less than former prices.
ALSO; Sofas, Chairs, etc Upholslered, carpets made
and Cut tains arranged rifler the newtst fashions—All of
which they offer to execute In a manner unequaled in
this or uniurpusied In any othe J city.
mnr 201 v
STRUM ENTS!— T. McCarthy, Cutter and Surgirm/
instruatext Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittrbare
Thyslcians, Dentists and Druggists can have their i
str ualit
umenis madeby the subscriber of a superior qy
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scizsors always on hand,
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect
fully solicited.
N. B. Allarticirs warranted of the best qua
seplity. and
jobhlng done as usual. lO
FARM FOR SA L.E.—The undersigned offers for sal e
his farm, lying in Ross Township 4{ miles front
City of Pitishurgh, containing 114 acres °Clau-2d of
acres which
60 are cleared and under fence, 1.m15 to 0 of
meadow. 2 good Orchards of App 1 few Peach and
Cherry trees—the improvements are a iarge frame house
containing 10 rooms wellfurnisited, calculated for a Ta
vern oi. private Dwelling , a frame Barn 28 by 60,stone
basern.,nt, and stabling, sheds tnd other out housessult•
able for a tenement!2. good Gardens surrounded with
currant bushes. and a well of excellent water, with a
an d in at the (Vora door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and A Ile:lieny market, titers is no place now offeredhase
sale with morrinduremerrt to those wishing to purc
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made
at m odbiers ate,
further particularsappiy to the proprietor I
Store, Liberty street, corn LAN Virgin Alley.
N. B. if not sold htfore the Ist of October ne
urcxt. it
will he divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tosults plia
ty. 10
THE subscriber hasjust receiv from Philadelphia and
New York, with a ecneraled
and extensive assort.
every article in his line of business, which be is deter.
mined to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash.--
He believes he can offer strongerinducements than any
similar establishment in this city to country ritySiCi
and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves
Drugs and Medicines. His articles have been selected
with the utmost care, and are warranted of the best qual
ity and uniform strength. Orders will be filled with ac
curacy and elegance. Familit s can be supplied with Fine
and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable Variety. and of
the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Cosmetics of every description.
The undersigned returns his thanks for the liberal sup. nt
porrheretofore extended to him, and hopes by a cota
disposition to please and accommodate—a care in pro—
curing and selling only what is excellent and genuine
close supervision of the sales and transaction of the estab
lishment—precaution and accuracy In p
oorer ed
icines—and by industry and perseverance.
• crease of public patronage
may 25.
BPERRY takes this method of informing the public
in general that lie continues to carry on the
above business in the Mottotroausta Hotse BUlLDlNGSattention
No 1 Water street, where, wit h strict pers
he hopes to please all who will favor e
he business, he will ir
tronage. From his long experienc In t
flatters himself that his work cannot he exulted in neat
nests and durability, at least west of the Ideun evidence' ains; l'u
it Is uselees to boast a fair trial letreat
To suit the timesite manufactures Roots
hi at
hest various pri
ces; from as low as fi ve dollars up to s quality,
which he affords atseven dollars per pair. ap 20.9 m
Denning's 'lire Proof Iron Chests.
PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842.
J . Cleantmo—On Friday, the 39th of last month, about
9 o'clock at niaht,the Planing. Grooving and F.ash Man
ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth it Co, with a large
quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was all consu.
med by fire.
The Iron Safe which I bou2itt of you some time back
was In the Most exposed situation during the fire, and
was entirelY red hot —I am pleased to inform you It was
opened at the close of the fire,and all the hooks, papers,
ke.StiVdis Is the best recommendation I can give ol
the utility of your safes.
oet '24-11
tatlf• VOl7Ortrzoitr Az. 31121M11/LIZZIN. a
DR. LEIDY' EsitsagattlLLS BLOOD PILLS, are appli
cable in all casts, whether for Par/laird or
ossess all the boasted virtues of other
cation. They p
ionally efficacious, containing Barton
pills, and are addit
villain their composition, which Is not contained in any
other pills In existence. They are also different from oth
er pills In composition, being purely vegetable, and can
he employed at all times, without any danger, and re
no restraint Lora Occupation or usual course of
Notwithstanding Dr. Lel4 never pretended his Blmuch
Pills would cdre all diseases, yet It Is not raying too
of them, from the innumerable cures performed by them
In every IfatiClV and form of disease (certificates of many
of which have been published from persons of all denom-
Watkins, physicians. clergymen, and others) that they
seem to tie almost universal in their effect; and persons
using them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest
nssured they will be found more efficacious than any oth
er pills in existence.
From the known reputation of Dr Leid v's Blood Pill!,
m ad eenlPd necessary to remind the public where they
ay at all times procure the genuine, as it is attempted
io Impose other pills called •Blood Pills' upon the public
on the reputation ofDr. Leidy's. rok particular and
ask for Dr Leidy's Sarraparilla Blood Pills, and see that
the name of Dr N. N. H. Leidy Is cont Amid on two sides
of each box„,(the boxesbeing of paper, and oblodg,setuare
y a yellow and black label.
shape, nurrcnlnded b
PRICE-25 cents a Box.
Prepared only. and sold Wholesale and Retail. at Dr
Leidy's Halth Emporium , 491 North Beeond Weed. be
low Vine. e Philadelphia, and by B. 4. FAILWEETOCE
4. CO. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents fOr Pitts
burgh . It—!y.
For eke Transportation of Aferckandize sad Produce
DEVINE le MeANULTY respeetfullytheir inform t
range men t he pub
lic that they have completed ars
for the above Line on
Tha public has long wished for Individual competition
in Transportation Onlite Public Works, by which alone
it can be freed from unnecessary expanses and reduced
to italowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the
State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail
Roads, Individuais owning Portable Boats are enabled
to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to corn
pelt with companies.
This line iscomposed of
the Captains who command
Twehty new, Four Section
Portable Boats, ow ned by '
them industrious and
and Well knownits enterprising,
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
over every other mode of Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally,to require comment; sut
fice,it to say, that the detention, Isse,separatiett and dant.
age to Goods, invariafily attending tires Transhipments
between •Pittsburith and Phiadelphia are by
the Portable
Boat most effectually resumed..
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
of being well ventilated and coo/ in Sasser, which pre.
vants Flour from souring, and Bacon and Tobacco from
Devine k IticAnulty, standing as they de,between the
owners of goodsand the Boatmen who carry them, and
eqaally interested in protecting the interests of both, will
make no promises to the public they will not faithfully
They are now prepared to receive and forward Pro
duce to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston
In the shortest time, and pledge themselves to enter intp
no combination with other Llnes,but always stand ready
to carry out Ow priociples of their Line, and contract for
freight on the very lowest terms.
irrTo give undoubted -security to owners arid shippers
of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected ,
by which all merchandlas shipped by this Line will be
Insured without any additional expense to the owner.
Devine 4- Me A nutty will receive all produces onsigned
to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam
Boats and forward the same without delay to Philadel
phia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston 'Wtthout any
charge for advancing or commission.
DEVI NE mcArtuLTY, tiedts.,
Canal Bean, Liberty etteet, Pittsburgh.
272 Market street,Philadelphia.
75 Bowley's Willirr,BaMMOre.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Medium Ind.
Thos. lideADA SI , g- Co , Agent.
27 Old Slip New York,
March ID, 1542
FOR carrying Merehandize and Produce to and from
Pittsburh, Philadelpiha, Baltimore, New York •nd
Boston, hy the Peonsylvania Canal and Rail road, on
entirely temperate principlea.
Stock of t his line consists of new large Tidewater boats
built expressly for this route. wttli all the modern im
provements In boat building; of a superabundant supply
of first rate cars on the Portage Railroad; and a full sop
ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats be.
tween Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which wi , l be
conducted hy sober,inclostrious and experienced captains _
and superintendents, Chargen will be paid on all goods
intended to he shipped from Piusburt h to Philadelphia,
Ba!Jimore, Ne C an al or Boston, and consigned to James I
Digey 4- Co., Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne I
sti.'and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with I
All Goods and produce intended to be shipped from
Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Reel
tan Canaliand consigned to Hart, Andrew and McKever,
wilt be received at t heir warehouse. first wharf above
Race street, Philadelphia, and shipped direetly from
thence without additional handling or expense; a line of
B osto n packets connects with the line at this poin.•
Shippers are invited to examine the stock of title linhere
and judge for thernselves,hefore shipping by any ot,
as their interest will be advanced by shipping by It,
proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the
utmost of their ability for the interest of their custo
mers and prosperity of their line.
Insurance can be effected cheaper by this line than any
other, as the route Is considered the safest ,
Hart, Andrews ty• McKever, from Philadelphia and Bal.
timore to Hollidaysharg.
Henry L. Patterson,fram Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh.
Hart, Andrews 4. MKever, Philadelphia,
Elder, Gelston lt Co.. c Baltimore.
Henry L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg.
Jessee Patterson, Johnstown.
James Dickey i t . Co Pittshurell•
Regular'Morning Packet for Beaver.
st fact e running and well known
OHART HILMMILL, Master, will depart daily from rut..
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver a 1 o'clock P• M.
For freight or passage, apply on board for to
GO Water street.
N. B.—The rev. , ler canal pact Clevelan e d, Oh
Greenville and Meadville Pa-; and Massillon a
Ohio Canal,connect:ng with steamer Cleveland at Bea
ver,wiil be in operation Immediately on opening or nay ,
intim,. mar 1 6 ..tf.
Adams' Patent "Itaughphy" Wills.
- H
AVE now been before
the public 3 years du
ring which :time several
thousands have been sold
and In daily use, We are
confident of being sestained
in saying they are tke best
Coffee Milk in the United
States, any way you , fiz
Several modifications are
madeto suit the fancy of
wives and the purses of
Bold by the gross OT dozen
at the manufactory,
Malleable Castings made to
These genuine articles,
of ail sizes, and most improved
varieties,constantly on hand and for sale at
INGSTON very 'educed
prices by the macufaCturer. L. R.LIV.
mar 2. --tf Frouth
- . 1111 The old stand of Matthew Patrick,
(Lately occupied by Joke Ircatc)
/pHG sob.scriber wishes to inform the citizens of Pitts.
burgh, and the travelling public, that he has leased
the above well known stand,(situated on 'Fifth street,
between Market and Wood,) where he will be happy to
accommodate all his old friends. and as many new ones
as will be pleased to acknowledge him as t heir host.—
His terms wilt be mderate, suited to the tines. Ills
table will be supplie o d with the best that the Market '
fords. His bar wilt be famished with the choict of
liquors, both domestic and foreign. His stables are es spa.
clous and commodious, conducted by experienced and
attentive ostlers.
He wonid inform the Milieu that he Is prepared
to accommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Ye
iy boarders at reduced prices.
RATES Or sokao•
Single Neal, 25 cent.. 1 Lodging, 12i ma,
Boat d per Week,
Mall, 8-3 m, MICH. PORTSER.
HAVE removed thet faper Store from Market
street to N 0.64 sVood street, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their usual as
vortment of WAL A
L PPERS, for papering parlors,en•
t o e s.ebaraters, ke. and also PRINTING, WRITING
all of mbictithey offer for Min on accommodating isms
feb 14.1M—ati
- -
grTO INVAaDs. Ja 111:r TO TEE LAD/EB,—Wlty do ran not remove
orikave lOpeirtant ti. ts that yen commeace without ' that superfluous hair you have Upon Toed fob and
loss of lime With Blannarres Pitt& They mildly but upper lip 7 By callingatTtrrnes, 86:Fourh M., and
surely remove all impurities from the blood,and no case obtaining a bottle of Gouraud's Poudres Subtle', which
of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele. will remove It at once without affecting the skin. You
Mated Pills do net relieve as much as. medicine can do. can also obtain Couraud's truly celberated ENV ds Beautd,
Colds and cooglis are more benecitted by the Brandreth which will at once remove all freckles, pimples , el oll• ~
Pills than by lozenges and candies. Very well, per- tions of the skin, and make your face look perfectly fair;
haps.as paliatives, but worth nothing as eradicators of i and to those who wish to aesist nature by adding more
diseases from the human system. TheyRAIH Plus k color to their cheeks, they can obtain some of Gourand,s
cure , they do not merely relieve, the cure diseases, celebrated Liquid A lso wnich cannot be rubbed off even
whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will .by a wet cloth. may be found a good amortment of
certainly be mired by the uee of these all sufficient Pills. \ Perfumery, snch as Cologne, Bears' 011, Almond,Palm ,
CURE OF 4 CANCEROUS SORE. Windsor; and other Soaps ,
Star; BIRO, January 21,1843. I Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th streetd
Deere* Benjamin Brandrcta—Honored Sir Owing t• Drriggiste and others can besupplied at Wholesale and
you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, lam retail terms. Loh, 6 1842
induced to make a public acknowledgembut of the benefit
my wife has derived from your invaluable pills. About
three years this winter she was taken with a pain in her
ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, an d sent
for the doctor. During his attendance the pain
three weeks
from its first commencing it became a running sore.—
She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and site
received no benefit whatever, the pain growing ,
and the sore larger all the while. He said If it WAS
h e
a lt
ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be
loss how to proceed, and my poor wife atilt continued
to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought
other aid in a Botanical doctor, who said when he first
SAW it that he could soon cure the sore, and give her
ease at once. To our surprise lie gnve her no relief,
and acknowledged that it baffled all his skill.
Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year
the experience of two eelebrated physicians In vain, in
absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly
falling in the prime of her years from her continued
suffering, Under these circuttistauces we concluded that
we would try your Universal Vegetable Pille,determined
to fairly test their curative e ff ects. To my wife's great
comfort the first few doses afforded great relief of the
pain. Wallin one week, to the astonishment of our
selves and every one v e ga n new of the case, the swelling
and the inflammation to cease so that she felt quite
easy, and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, after six
weeks' use she was able to go through the house, and
again attend to the management of her family, which
she had not dune for nearly 14 months: In a little over
two from the time she first commenced the use
of yoarmonths
invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite sound,and
her health better than it had been tequila a number of
years before. I send you this statement after two years
test of the cure, considering it only an act of justice to
you and the public atiarge.
We are, with much gra Rude,
Very respectfully,
P. S. The Satanical Doctorood pronounced the so unle re ss tie
cerolse..ind 'finally said no g could be done,
whole of the flesh was cut off, and the bone scraped.—
Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort end ou r
pills, which saved us tram's' I further misery, for
which we hope t , be thankfht. E. L.
fry• Sold at 26 cents per box, with directions.
Observe. the new labeis,each having upon it two slg•
natures of Dr.Brandreth. So each boa of the genuine
has six signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three
B.Brandreth upon It.
The only place in Pittsburgh where the real Bran
dreth Pitts can be obtained, is the Doctor's own office,
Inthe Diamond, behind the Market house. Mark,
the gennlne Brandretti Pills can never be obtained in any
drug store.
The following are the only agents appointed by Dr. B.
Brandreth, for the sale af his Vegetable Universal Pills,
in Allegheny county:
PRINCIPAL A over. G G. LEE, Pittsburgh.
Mr. John Glass—All
Roaert Duncan—Birmingham.
C, P. Mehl—Elizabethtown.
H. Revised-1 111 CeesP ort.
Primly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnston—Noblestown.
Chessman tSpaulding —Stewartstowe.
Weil 4. Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smit POTlOS—Tarentutn•
George Powher—Fairview.
David It Coon— Plum tovrnshp.
Daniel Nettle , . —East Libel'''. i
Edward Thompson—%Vilkinsburgli.
Wm. o.llunier—Allen'eMlll.
The office in rittsburgh which was established (or the
purpose of constituting agents In the west, liavin'• aw
phshed that &yet, is now closed, and
ed Mr
sty agent for
.G. 11.
In the Diamind, Market street, appoint
the sale °frills and Liniments Ail Dr. Brandeths attents
Witt tnerfore.underrand,that Dr,B. will rend a ravelling
agent through t h e r
country once a year to collect moneys
for sale• made and re-supply ageeis. The said traveller
will be provided with a pOWOr ot a ttorney, duly proved
before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
together with all necessary vouchers and papers.
Mr. J, J. Yoe, Is my travelling agent now In Pennsel.
vents, B. BRA NDETH, M. DI
N. B, Remember Mr. G• H, Lee, in rear of the Mar•
ket Is now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
New York,June 14th. 1843,
try. A n individual only wishes to know the right way
to pursue it; and there are none, were It sussri made
known how Lies mint he prolonged and lizAhrit re
covered, iv: o would not adopt the plan. Evidence in
required that the right way Is discovered. This is what
those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about.
For who Is so foolish as not te enjoy all the health his
body Is capable of? Sitio is there that would not live
when his experience can so much benefit himself and
family? It Is a melancholy fact that a very large pro.
portio of the most usefr I members
How ma ny widows
of sociy die be
tween n
the ages of thirty and forty.
and helpless orphans have been the consequence of man.
kind not having in their own power the means of restor
ing health when lost.
Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented
and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na
ture.ln theoutset, with a good dose of Brandreth's Pillofs.
Thu Is a fact, welt undetstood to be so by thousands
our citizens This medicine, iftaken
sease so as t
There i o purge s.
freely. will surely cure any curable di.
no form or kind of sickness that it does not exert a cur.
attire Influence upon. Thus, by their power resisting
putrefaction, they cure measles. sittall pox, worms and
all contageoustevers. There is not a medicine in the
world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore It
to healthy condition, as the Brandreth Pills.
The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and so In
nocent that the infant of a rnorth old may u them If .
medicine is required, not only with safety but with a cer
tainty of receiving all the benefit medicine
all is
the capable
Imparting. Females may use them in l
periods of their lives. The Brandrah Pills will Insure
'heir health, and produce regularity la all the functions
of life.
The same may be said of Brandret W E
s xternal Rem
edy, as an outward application In all external pains, or
sweltings,or roues, it greatly ass cure.
it should
be mixed with one or two pints of water.
A sure Teseof Omesins Brandreth.
the box of Pills. Then look at the certificate of agency,
whose engraved date must he within the year, which
every authorised agent must polsers; if the three la
on the box agree with the 'titer labels on the certificate,
the Pills are true—lf not, they are false,
Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York:
June 16
IVO FEM A LBS.—Themlarge class of Females it
this City who from their continued sitting. to hich
heir occupstions obliges hern,are affected with costiveness
which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex.
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
of light and sound .an Inability of fixing the
to any mental operations; rumbling in he bow•
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stairs; lemprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills The occa•
sional use of this medicine would save a deal
en of
th r o tr
ee uble
and years of suffering. One, or two, or ev of
the Brandreth Pills Just before dinner, are °fen found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in
this way:they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition,entiven the spirits, Impart clear
nous to the complexion, purify Hie blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Bold at Dr. B-audreth's Deice. in the Diamond
Pittsburgh—Price 2.5 cent-3 per box, with full direct
io the
MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh, where
GENUINE Pills can be obtained,ie the Doctor's own Of.
Case of Liver Complaint of 25 years standing.
This may certify that for twenty five years I was
with pain in my side, which was frequently to
severe as to entirely Incapacitate me from labor.
si I ha a ve ,
been under the ears and treatment of various phycin
without any permanent benefit. Hearing of
red t
by he many
cures effected by the !Termitic Elixir prepa Dr.
Starkiveather,l was Induced tagive it a trial, and am
happy to say that It has entirely removed. / have felt
selespt ewe of' for sere tl4* a year past.
Northbridge, JaasB6 30, 1841. AMOS
Viewable to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency,
Headache: Headache:
4 P.F. now known to thousands asa most extraordina•
At. ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon—
trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Wiil those
suffering only ask among their friends if they have not
known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they
do not hear them more tvarmly pratied (and deservedly
too) than any other, then let them net buy them. In
these few remarks, all fancy or Imagination is excluded,
and nothing, will be sai cif their merits at any time
but what can he fairly proved by respectable ttneml-ers of
our cOrnmUnily.
Read the following certificate given by a respectable
citizen or etiloglieny city, and attested by one of thejudg.
es of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny co.
A LLIGIMNY Clzy, January 9, 1343.
mar 35,1843
Dive Sir have fur a number of years past been af
flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a
rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al.
though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re
for its cure, have never derived any mate.
Flat benefit until 1 used some of your truly valu able
ti Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite twooxes
consider myself perfectly relieved front that distresting
complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your
Pills as the 'best medicin
I hve ever used.
Tours,s Respectfully,
.1. B. TURNER.
I am acqua;nted with Mr, Turne - , I have no hesita
tion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr,
T. respscting Dr. Brodie's PAIN, as entitled
UG to
DAVIS. most
perfect and entire confidence. HH most
sale, Whulesalc and Retail at the Brodonian Pill
Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; and by all authorised a
gents throughout the Union
Alley city Jan 9 1845
Evans's Catnomile pills,
CaaxdrtcxTzs.—Letter.from tire Hon. Ab`li'm lli'Clel•
lau,Sullivan County,East Tenneastee,Memberof Congress.
Wsesturozos, July 3d. 1838.
Sr—Since I have been In this city I hale used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and sails
faction, and believe it to he a most valuable remedy . One
of my sonstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tenneesee, wrote to me to send him some. which I did,
and he has mployed it very successfully in his on c epra,
and says it is invaluable. !Sir. John son like an , your agentt
this place," thinks you would probably ain
Tetinessee• If so,' would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper peron ta officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he is wilting to
act for you. You can send tire medicine by water to the
care of Robert King ec Sons, Knoxville coo nty.Tennes.
see, or by land to Graham k Houston, Tazewell, East
Tennersee. I have no doubt hut If you had agents in
several counties In East Tennessee,a great deal of merii•
eine would be sold. lam going to take some of It home
for my own usc, and that of my friends, and should
like to hear from you whether you would like an agent
at Bluntvllle.Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get
lamed the merchants to act for you as I live near there.
Ycurs respectfully.
For sale Wholesaleand Retaila, by
. E.SELLERS, Agent,
No. 20. Wood street,below Second
This infallible remedy haspreserved heds
when thought past recovery, from convulsios. As soo
as the Syrup Is rubbed on the gums, the child will recc
er. This preparation is so Innocent, so efficacious, and so
pleasant, that aochlld will refuse to let its gums be rub
re I When infantsare at the age of four months
tho' there is co appearance of teeth, one bottle of the
Syrup should he need to open the pores. Parents should
revel be without the syrup in the nursery where there
are young children.ffir if a child wakes In the night with
pain in the gums. the Syrup immediately gives case, by
opening the pores, and healing the gums; thereby prevent.
ing Coning Mons, Fevers, lye. For Sale Wholesale and
Retail bY R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
N 0.20. Wood street, below Second
LIVER C cured by the use of Dr. liar.
ilch's compounOMPLAINTd Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsbureh,Pa,. entirely cured of
the above distressing disease. Ills symptoms were pain
and weight in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructatins, a distension of the stomach. sitk held•ache,
furred tongue, countenance changed ton citron rotor, diffl
culty of breathing. disturbed reel, attended with a cough,
great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr
rec e . Richards
had the advice of several phyicans, but
relief, until using Dr. Harlich's Medicine, which termina
ted In erectins a pirfeet cure.
Principal Office.l.9 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittstiur:lt by Samuel Frew, corner of
Bet) Llber
ty and Wood streets. 10
These Pills are eomposed of her winch ert
a specific action upon the heart, glee impulse or
strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels,
whet of the skin, the parts situated Internally,or the
eitremit her
ies; and as all the secretions of the tinily are
drawn from thebtood, there Ise consequent increase of
every secretion, and a quickened act ion of the absorbent
and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action
which may have taken place is corrected. all obstruc
tions are removed, the blond is p urified. and the body
trterhines it k !tad's! slate. For R
3 ale Wholesale
Age andnt Re
',Why E ,
sap 18 ~,a ) Wood si. below Second
pugs cured by the tse of Dr. liarlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr.llarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received
Agency from you for the sale of your medicine. 1
formed an acqsaintancewi;h a lady of this place, who
wasseverely afflicted with the rites. rot eight or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her case so complicated ,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your POls, and was
perfectly mwed. Yours, tc. JAMES R.KIRBY
Chambersim Pa.
October 3, 1840. e,
Office and General Depot, No. 19. North Ei;lith
Tr ,
Philadelphia. And by Samnel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets. Pittshuralt. sep 10
ar "Why wt
dying rate?"
44 4 4
ohe had at To-ms's Medacal Agenc 86 Fourth at,
the only agent In Pitisburgh.
Feb 22.
NO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be
come popular, in consequence of its success and ef
ficacy, than it is counterfeited or imitated.
To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured
moulded bottles for his celebrated 'l'ctter and
It c h Oint
rnent, with the words 'Dr Leidy' s Tetter rnd c
merit; blown in the glass, besides costalnlng his written
signature on a yellow tub& outside.
Dr Leidy '
Tetter and Itch Ointment, has proved more
other preparation for Tetter, Itch,
efficacious than any
les or Pustules, and diseases of
Dry and Watery Pimp
the stilt generally.
It has been employed In schools, factorip.s, and on board
vessels carrying passengers, where children, as well as
grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their
contagious nature, with the most unexampled success:
certificates and recommendations have been heretof o re
published from them, and numerous others might be b.
t &iced for publication, but for the objections most persons
I have, to having their names published in connection with
strelt disagreeable and loathsome affections.
In no single instance has it ever been known to fall.
It has been used upon infants and by persons of all
ages. It is perfectly safe, oontalos no mercury in Its
composition, and may be used under all circumstances.
Price Twenty-five cents a bottle. Prepared and sold
at Dr Leldy's Health Emporium . (sign of the Golden Ea
gle and fierpents,,) and by B. A. ?AIM EIbTOCIE 4 CO.
corner of Wood sad !klub am's, Aprils far Pillaboug.
1 WE subscriber ___ .
L Garden Seeds, consisting I
ali of the lut years crop it iverrisetei
following Itlads--
Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Bearags Endive, Peas,
Leans, Kale, Pepper,.
Leek, Pumpkin, Eltoreols,
Wttuce, Radish, !Weenie,
Mater Melon, Rhubarb, ' Cebbari,
Noek, .. SalsafY, Carrot,
asturlium, Cauliflower, Spiaeob, ,
Squst•h, Celery, Okra,
Tomatoes, Curled Cr, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley, .
Corn , Mustard, (white and brown)
&c. &c. &c.
Tosether.with a variety of Pot 4 Sweet herbs and Rowe
cry-Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, kr.. from Glinita•
era and others will be rec F . and promptly &maned
No. 184 L i berty . hearof Wood*.
Cincinnati, February )5,1840.
Dr. SWAYNZ—Dear Fir:— Permit me to take the Mort?
of writing to you at ails time to eipicss my approbation
and to recommend to the attention of heads of faultior
and your invaluabl medicine—the Comports/
of ['MIKIS Vuginianft,e
or Wild Cherry Bark. Is
my travels of late I have seen in a great many instances
the wonderful etTects of your medicinesuc in reliev
Coughl ing eba in
dren of very obstinate complaints, has
Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks,' 40,
4.e. I should not have written thisetter, boweskt,lat
present although I have felt It my duty to add my m
moray tt It for some time, had it not teen for a tits IM
stance where the medicine above alluded to was lOW sllis
mental In restoring to perfect health an *ionly edible
whose case was almost hopeless,. In a family of toy at,
quaintance. I s Heaven," said the doatimg molar.
r r,iimy child Is saved front the jaws of death , 0 boW I
feared the relentless ravager But my child ill VI
_ safe!"
gleyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Byrelp 0
Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this et say
other country. lam certain I t ave witnessed oars Doss
one hundred cases where it has been attended Irlllkftolll6 ..
pleie sucress• I am using It myself in an obtilinale at. --,
tack of Bronchitis, In which It proved effectual in a ex. -
reedlngly short time, considering the seVerlity of the ease. - '
I can reromend It lit the fullest confidence alga IlltgletiOT
virtues; I ould is
adve that no family shoeneficuldlat—steetb
be wttboat ' ;•
it; it is very pleasant nod always
double and often teri times Its price. The public. are as.
sured there la no quackery, about it. R. Jscasos.D• D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chunk" ~
N. Y. •
Sold by Wtol. TIIORIS, wholesale ic retail, only agent
for Pitt shuralt. Nn. 53. Itlwket street. _Sep 10
jan 13-1 Y
what will destroy Life, asd you
a r e world e a treat was.
..Discover what will prolong Life, mei En
C4/1 you Impostor."
•• There are faculties. bodily and intellectual ove Waite
whisk --
with which certain herbs have offiy, anr
they have power."
Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Linimena
which, by Its extraordinary powers, abitracts Pao at
Sorene,s; thou Sprains,
Stiff P Sieews. Sieves. White Swellings,
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints.
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Nett Sore Tbrast,
Croup, Contractions of
muscles, Scrofulous OW*
largements, Tender Feet, and every description of In
jury affecting the Exterior of the Human ri &ISt, Nl'
cured or greatly relieved by his peoer•to is sqlsteinfs
extolled remedy.
CrxrtelcoTs.--The followin: letter fron Majo
t r QM,
eras Sandford, as to the qualities or the External Rests
dy , speaks volumes:
New YORE, Feb. 9,1949 , .
Dear Sir—Wlllyou oblige me with another bottle L- '.
your excellent Liniment? It Is certainly the belt of tits
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely at* lea's ,
knee. about which I wasso uneasy .and I have faced it
productive of Immediate relief few eases of . erbot , ,
nal iajury in my family. A venings sisal. Sly „
youngest child was seized with a vioient attack of Crag.
which was entirely removed in Mealy sir:etas:by rib.,
Mug her chest and throat freely with the External Res,.
edy. I think you oucht to manufacture this Liniment'
for ceneral use, instead of confining tire nee of it, as yes
have heretofore done, to your particular icqualniatseatt.
Yours truly, C. W. SANDPORiI
Da. B. ERLNPRrrn.24I Broadway, N. Y.
ItrFor sale at -241 Broadway, New York, and at bb
office! in the Diamond, Pittsburgh. PRICE-50 meta
per bottle with directions. leplo
class of individnalsis very numerous. They
ers anthem ,
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Print, work
men In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, whits lea*
manufacturers, are all more or leas 'abject to di ISIS Ur
cording to the strength of their constitution l The eery
method to prevent disease. is the occasional We ofa
medicine which abstracts from the circulation Clake,-
rious humora,and expelr. them by the bowels. Toone
In any form are injurious, as they only ;at °tribe evil
day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandnstb's Mt f
will insure health, because they take all impel. settee
out of the blood; and the body is not weakened bet
%trent hened by their operation; foe these valuable rot
do not force, bat they assist nature, and are noteppeeell ,
but harmonize with her.
'RSold at Dr. Brandreth't Office, in the Dlabeed,.
Pltisburgn. Price 25 cents per box, with tsburgh fail dlreetioes. , ,
M ARKThe only place in Pit whevs Oie -
GENUINE la the Doctor's owe Of.
Pills can be obtained,
Pen 10
- in lire Diamond.
Caveat entered 9th June, 1841—Patent grams/dm _
Benjamin B. andrelh,2oth January, 1E43. .
The extracts of which Brandteth's Pills d
are o
posed are obtained by this now patente pro
without boiling or any application of heat. The sa
liva principle of the herbs is thus secured the same
as it is in the
The Public shoutd be emulous
of of medicines zee..
commendei in advertisments sten from ma la
wil my lan...
gunge, merely altertn; the name. Time l show
these wholesale decei-ers in their true light,
K r BRAN DRETH'S PILLS are the People*
Medicine, proved by ttinuoindn who retries
dail y
mend them to the afflicted. The
more ß pANritaDRETIT
PILLS are growing every day R
opr, their
vii tues are extending their usefulness. Thesic
Thei s
both sexes are dai;y deriving benefit from the
Nn case of disease but they ran he used with advan
tase• BlotchesGt hard lumps of the skin they speed
ilv core, sn with erysipeias. co wi , ll salt rht-usn, so
with indigention, no with combs and colds, co lattli
ostiveness, sr) with cancer, so with hot parched lips .
and canker in the month. Let the afflicted use drift ill
medicine, and they will find they require no (abet.
, Sold at 25 ceuts per box, with directions.
Oherve the new iabels each haying upon it two '...
signatnres of Dr. Branrireth. So each box of the
genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin* Brand-
reth and three B. Brandreth upon it.
._ .
The olint.s PLACE in Pittsburgh where the sea s '
Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINAD, is
arket the Doctor"
own Office. Diamond back of the M Hou
Mark, the GENUINE BrondrethPills can never boob.
tair.ed in any DRUG STORE•
The following are the ONLY AGENTS spriat=.
ed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of his Vegetal"
ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County.
G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburilit
Mr. John Glass—Allegheny .
Robert Duncan—Birmingha m.
C. F. Diehl--Elizabethtown.
H. Rowland—Male espor t .
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. ~
Jchn Johnson—Noblestosvn•
Chessman & Spaulding—Stewar tstown.
Asdell & Connell—Clinton. -
Robert Smith Porter—Tarenturn •
George Power—Fairview. ,
David R. Coon—Plum Township.
Daniel Negley—Esst Liberty.
Edward Tho rupson--Wilkinsbu till.
Was. 0. kluntar--Altou's Mills.