# MCR I URLY, U •31, 1843. tinsiate r s mat, &Tx., - ste fait page aI4IONSTU4XCE.—A large pcirtion of our Taper this isfdled With the names of the moons who re itoostrated against the granting of Li6ense ton number of tavern keepers at the present session of the Court of Qusrtei*sviona. The remonstrance of the Martha Washisigtosdsuas, was presented by a committee of la dles, and we understand that the remarks of the spokes ' " Venfest were more appropriate than any that could have been made on the subject, by the most learned Ind eloquent members of the bar. ILAN.—OnSaturday afternoon, and yesterday, after *drought of many weeks, we were visited with a most lidiatiful and refreshing rain. It was greatly needed, twill be of immense benefit. Farmers talked gloom 4tt of their prospectsfor a crop of corn, which looked Idroopin . er,. 'sickly and yellow. The scarcity of grass, 'which was almost entirely dried up, had caused a rise in the price of butter in our markets. And so misera ble wttsthe appearance of the potatoes, that wiseacres A Nweeke riredic:.ing a great scarcity of, and high prices for, that. Impoitaut. article of food. The rain has quite re 's/tiedihGhones of ; , ;riculturalists, and will no doubt vibe oso• rivers somewhat, and enliven trade consider- We saw, on Saturday, during the shower, an apt ii- lustrettio' of the old adage that there is "danger in de thy:" and another proof of the saying that, if you have Is aloft ill) to do and a long rime to do it in, the chances are that you will leave it alone until you are pressed cork. A man went along in a great hurry with tWa or Ake "pieces of house spouting, which ho had been get , .• • tag repaired. Now there was surely: enouch time in the kat six weeks of drought to at tend to this little mat bitintiter, but our friend neglected it from day to day, till he saw the shower approaching, and then he "'set dbont it straight" Hereafter he will mject the max i^ "there 's luck in leisure." For the Morning Poet 'THE NOMINEE FOR CONGRESS. An . ihtempt is being made by some street politicians, to impress the democracy of the county with a most nor iel ides i that the selection for Congress made by the Con eninof lastyear, is obligatory ou the party this time, :and that tie delegates about to convene next month are boandto respond to those who preceed them. Certain ly this isnot democratic doctrine. The very respecta bkmoninsittee of correspondence, together with a large of the people,"repudiate" this slavish dictation apparent. upon the face of this impudent position. The demo** have no desire to confer "vested rights" in their nominations. . To obtain the cordial co-operation of the party, there must be an expression from the coun try, and the voice of the people should be respected. The time has arrived when the voice of the democracy in Al legheny cenxitY rivist and will be heard—they will have no entail in race but they are determined to regard the claims of those mon whose talents have been freely and fearlessly employed in the cause of Democracy, and party directed against the tremendous torrent of Whighumbutgery in IS4O. Among the advocates of republican principles at that critical period, no one did more to serve the party iu ev ery respect, than E. D. Gizi3.st. He devoted nil his time to the cause of the people at the mit& referred to—the democratic party is not un gradefel, and according to the received views ofpartv justice—to a gentleman of acknowledged capability and greatpersonal worth—let all unite to give him a unani mous nomination for Congress. S. CURRENCY IN BUENOS AYRES AND MONTE VIDEO. y the following letter, the gradual decline of Bue nas Ares is presented in a most striking light, as a bonsetmence of the ascendancy of a paper currency.— Jlestattiasted with the flourishing condition of Montevi ,tlno ander a Gold and Silver currency, the facts elicited cannot fail to strike the attention of every rellectirr' ndid,. These two cities are separated only by a river. TIM ono in a period of twenty-five years, has been re dncea to poverty, and periodically involved in anarchy by the National Bank, established there; while the oth er, by a simple adherence to the only just and honest standard of value, a specie currency, has prospered in the higisest degree. Inhabited by people of the same original habits, and speaking the same language, the differences which exist have been "produced by paper =nay gambling ."—lnd. Slate Sentinel. "The Bank of Buenos Ayres was established by the General Congress of the United Provinces of La Plata, or the Argentine Republic, as it is usually called, dur ing the session which began in Mar, 1822. At that period the country watered by the River of Plate, was in a condition of greater prosperily than at any period eirtee the revolution of 1310, by which the indepen , deiice Of these VLSI and productive regions upon the 4Patialfriaortarch was :es_ v ered . •- " Upon the establishment of this bank as a part of the machinery of Giverarnent, its paler currency was mule alawrtil tender for debts. Until the declaration of war Uy Brazil, in Detiernber, 1326, the bank contin- ' Tot MINE READY TO Egmont:.—A writer in the tied to redeem its paper circulation with specie. Soon Charleston Mercury save—" The dangers of England afterwards doubloons rose to the value of $33 carh, in increase and darken, and we rejoice at it, because her ban/up:Ter, and in the course of a year they weut up course has been -one of treachery, bribery, spoliation, to $5O each. The market price of doubloons conduit- . persecution, robbery, plunder and massacre. There ;ad to raeg - ,e. between 50 and 00 d altars earn ti;.;il errs are 250,000 Irishmen in London, 90,000 in Liverpool, withßrazil took nine, in August, 1228. Th -...,!,,,• domoo in Manchester-73.000 in Glasgow—they are of paper curren c y thin improved a Littl:i---1 , i , 1.1.icm. , ~- :- ol ,iver the rural districts—they crowd mailufacto could lie par:lli-al. - el er i 4.0 each. . ~- —iliey nil all the mineries of England. If altos tile "Sehn afterw , u , l ,, , the civil War. ( . 0mn•r....: , 1 ii : G.-n- :, Any appears again in Ireland, to butcher or to trample • -ersUltyeilie, brel.• .' , ur. •Ahr n d-'a'loOili Wet nn to the liberties of her people, so certain as they have the ,$lO4 eat's.. In r. sle , rt lime ilo y mt.-armed to $l2O, at power, so certain will they make attack on the shipping 'whititilte, eitirna , .. - din the currency of the bank, they and the commerce of those arrogant oppressors of the continued with little fluctuation until the blockade of human race." the poirtif Buenos Ayres, by the French, in 1838, when .. - they itte to $l5O. I FOUND, "From the period when the bank went into opera- I , A BOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store don, real estate of every description has constantly d e • in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably ellsest in value if measured by the universal standard, soiled cold worn. It is signed by James GU..40 11 a/111 gold mud silver. There is not a house, store or lot of another, and drawn . in favor of ts'. Black. T he own land In the city of Buenos Ayress, which can be sold or one-half the price itwould have brought in 1822. Cr . ..a.r .i r h a v e It. h f y identifying it, and paying expenses. tc Emery kind business has been literally ruined, and __"'"-Y ' ' - there tatmot be a doubt-in the mind of any man of in- telligenre, who is acquainted with the facts, but all the, troubles which have been visited upon that unfortu nate city, have arisen from the Bank. Being con trolled by , t.be Government, paper currency has been issued to carry on wars, revolutions and other political Imiltunel—rnost of which could never have been prose- ' i anted, but for this rag money. As this currency is a a lawful tender, each individual is compelled to take it istiss nominal value, in discharge of obligations ()few- ' gmedaseription , Most of the merchants, as well as who had entirely enriched thewselves by mechan- , ital.Qpt ts, hate been ruined by this bank, and the whoiecountry, is nearly in the same condition. "On die opposite side of the river, and a short dis- Skeictance helo*l3uenos Ayres, is Montevideo. They are kW) principal ports of the river Plate, and since the - ion from Spain, have always been under too iiiaptimi diseinti. 'bovernments. The Banda Oriental, or the Republic' of Uruguay, as it is - now called, of which Minteiideo is the eapital,hn, never established a bank. It Is a place of very extensive and flourishing com merce, There is no barter, every thing being bought As a . 1 a for cash, and business transacted without diffl- ' task, in gold and silver currency. Every description otreelestate has risen in value there since 1324, more! dis a o 100 per cent. The increase of buildings, • bith in the city of Montevideo and its vicinity, is very great. Houses are going up in every airection in the city and suburbs; labor is high, and every kind of bu siness brisk, and this is a country where a bank has never existed. " I dollen believe that there is a place in the world where mechanical and every other kind of labor re ceives so groat a remuneration a.. at Montevideo.— Though it seems to be the opinion of some, that no country tan flourish without a bank—the mechanics - said all laboring men must be slaves where there is nothing but specie currency—Montevideo is certainly an exception, which has come under my observatie e.— anse contrast between its dozulition and that of its rival Buenos Ayres, ou the other side of the river, furnishes to my mind a powerful reason for preferring a specie currency, which comma fail to be Understood by every one acquainted with these two •cities." -. Woinitter6ttral that a great deal of excitement re velled InSt Wednesday, in Georgetown, arising out of an audn.pt On the part of two brothers, named Wm. and James O'Brian, to take away the life of their step father, Bernard Brian, by shooting him in his own house, situated on Bridge street, near the market house. Fortunately, however, fur Brian, the stepfather, the pistol went off suddenly, while Wm. O'Brian was in the act of drawing it out of his pocket; the contents, however, lodged in the door sill, and O'Brian was wounded. After this desperate attack, Wm. O'Brian was arrested by H. Reaver, but made his escape to Baltimore. James O'Brian was arrested by officer Barnacle, and put in the watch-house for safe-keeping, on Wednesday night. The next morning, after a full examination before Justice White, James O'Brian was fully committed, for want of bail, to the county prison, to await his trial at the criminal court. It is under stood that this desperate attempt to shoot the stepfath er was formed by the O'Brians in consequence of some dispute about property belonging to the father of James and Wm. O'Brian.--;.Nat. let. A DEEP TRICK A lite London paper records one of those swind ling tricks to which rogues it, lar g e cities so often re sort. One afternoon, a Captain ount.joy Martin, of the second Life Guards, stationed at Windsor, called upon Mr. Barton, upholsterer, in the High street of that town, in his dennit, to pay his account for furni ture, &e. The shop door being - closed, Captain Mar• tyn asked a man standing on the pavement to ring the bell, to save him alighting. Mr. Barton's son immediately came to the door, to whom the captain gave a ,C.loel Bank of Ingland note, with directions fur his father to deduct froth it the money which was due, and that the balance would be sent for and the receipt in the course of the day. About two or three hours afterwards a man, with a broad Scotch accent (who, there is na doubt, was the same fellow who rang the tie% and who saw the note and heard the message delivered to Mr. Barton, jr.) called upon Mr. Barton for the change of the £lOO note and the receipt, stating that he had been sent by his master, Captain Martyrs, who waiting his return at the caval ry barracks. Mr. Barton little dreaming that the fel low was an imposter, inclosed the change amount. ing to 440, in note and gold, and the receipt, in an envelope, and sent it as he imagined to Captain Martyr, at the. barracks at Spital. It was shortly afterwards discovered that the whole was a barefaced robbery on the part of the thief, who managed to get clear off with the money. FAN ATACISAI The last Belfast (Me.) Signal gives a new feature to the fanaticism of the Millerites. It says that on Saturday last their attention was arrested by a flag suspended upon a liberty pole in front of Mr. Jonas S. Barrett's house, and on visiting that place we learned Mr. Barrett was celebrating the coming of the first year of the second advent of Christ. The flag bore the in scription of the "Opening of the Seven Seals," and a picture representing the bible in seven clasps, three of which were broken. At nine o'clock, seven cannon were fired, representing the seven thunders that uttered their voices upon the opening of the seven seals. The bugle, fife and drum were introduced, with other cere monies, and the military rattle Wll3 kept up in the grove of pine trees set out for the occasion in front of the bolts-. Mr. Barrett an honest and hard labor ing man, and seems to be insane on no .üble-t but re ligion. We regret that so industriou , a citizen should waste his scanty funds in giving free dinners, and pro pa,gating such enthusiasm. 'Mr. Saiioiel G. Chase, of Hopkinton, New Hampshire, has invented a new railroad track, which is considered a very material improvement on the one now in use. By this plan the bottom of the car will be elevated three feet above the level of the base of the road; at this elevation rails supported by cross and side posts r laid, and s o constructed as to avoid the possibility of the ears running off the track, or crush ing any one beneath them who may accidentally be in the way of their progress. The plan of Mr. Chase is admirably adapted for sections of country where much snow falls, as it will save the delay now occasioned by snow storms, and the heavy expense of shovelling it away. In building new roads upon this plan, great expense will be saved in grading—in many cases at least $5,000 r mile. !t\IL ROAD IRON SEIZED The United States col:Factor for Cincinnati, hasseized upon a lot of rail rani iron, with $40,000, which was originally imported by Can State of Illinois, and by an net of Congress, if it was laid down for use by the 4th of March la -it, it would have been duty free. The State qbandonerl her railroad project, and sold the iron to another company. The collector has seized it for the duties, the iron not having been laid down within th.i prescribed time. CLAY'S PROSPECTS The Packenham defeat of the Whigs in Louisiana, is one of the severestblows that whiz:pry has yet receiv ed since 1840. Louisiana was the first state that was to hold an election in the South this summer, and it was considered all important to Cla:.ism that she should lead ofl well. In order to make "assurance doubly sure," Mr. Cliy himself went to New Orleans a few weeks uz,), and at: dinners and made speeches to eneittri,4 - e his followers. Ani mirk the result. In the last Con;,:e , s the democrats had but one member from Louisiana, and now they have elected the whole four. TWENTY CENTS A QUIRE.—A good article ofLetter Paper at 20 cents. Also, super blue wave lined Letter and Cap paper, Pens, Quills, Ink, Wafers, Sand and Inkstands. For sale at Wm. M. Foster's Universal Agency and Literary Depot,St Clair street. jy 21.—Gt. CIGARS AND TOBACCO.—Regalia, La Norma, Principe and Pa.netelan Cigars, a superior article. Also, fine leaf chewing Tobacco, &c. &c., at W. M. Foster's Medical Agency and Literary Depot, St. Cluir street- July 31.—fit. TADY'S BOOK and Musical Library, August Nos. 4 rec'd at W. M. Foster's Medical Agency and Literary Depot, St. Clair ed. July 31.-3 t. FOR SALE.--A Mineral Water apparatus, corn plete, for sale low, at W. M. FOSTER'S Univorsal Avacy and Literary Depot, St. Clair st. jy 31-6 t BAILEY & CO, In the District Court of Alle ys. ghenycounty, N 0.308 of April KIRKPATRICK. Tcrm, 1843. An no` to wit, Jly 26th, 1843, the ;,.:** , t ; court appoint George W. Layng, Esq., to r A v •, distribute the proceeds of sale in this case. 'f 4 l , By the Court. ALFRED SUTTON, Profit'}. All persons interested will plea...-e take notice, that the undersigned auditor, will attend, for the purpose of his appointment, at his office in Fourth st. in the city of Pittsh,irgh, on Thursday the 17th of August next. at 2 I'. M.. when and where you are re (incited r. j) 23-3, PENN 117STA3ANCrn Ca. r TIE arse ctbr, of N 1.1 . - 1)..7-7:-...r.3 of tais Ins titu .l. tion will be held at the House on Thursday the 3d day of Augtist, pro i .irno, between the hours of 8 o'clock, A. M., and 4, P. M., by order, R. MILLER, JR., Sec'y. To the Corn wistioncr3. October Vittthm. I respectfully offer myself a candidate for the office of Prothonotaryy of Allegheny county, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, which meets on the 30th August next. GEO. IL RIDDLE. Allegheny city, may 31--tc d&w. Prothonotary. I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic Convention. VEVI. G. HAWKINS. Wilkins township, june ‘27—tc. To the voters of Allegheny eounty:-4 respect fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county,- at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sonally known will please examine into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your choice. ALEX. MILLER. may 10—te WILLIAM B. FOSTER.)of Allegheny city, will be a candidate for the office of .Prothonotary of Al legheny county, at the Octohei election. jnne 4. Irespectfully present myself to the citizens of Alle glteny county, as a candidate for the Sheriffalty, sub. ject to the action of the Democratic convention, which meets on the 30th of August next. jun° 9—d&wte. ELIJAH TROVILLO. MANY Citizens of Pittsburgh, recommend Dr. JO SEI'H CURRY a 3 a suitable person to fill a seat in the Assembly, the ensuing session. july 11, 1843. M ANY citizens of Allegheny city recommend Dr, J. C. M'CULLY as a suitable person to fill the office of Prothonotary. july 12. Assembly. We are authorised to announce JOHN BROTN, Esq., of Pine township, a 3 a candidate for Assembly, subject to the nomination of the Democratic Conven tion. ,July 29—to County ConimissiOner. MES3II.S. EDITORS:—PIea3e announce the name of Genl. JOHN M. DAVIS, of Peebles, for County Com missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county Convention, to be held in Auguat next. MANY DEMOCRATS. County C orcuniAsionet. Messrs. Editors: A.l the general opinion appears to prevail that inammah as there are already two of the County CominissioneN from the country, it is Lot a matter of right and justine that the city or its imme diate neighborhood should have the third candidate— We therefore beg leave to recommend to the people of Allegheny county, JAMES C. CUMMINS, Esq., of the city district, for County Commissioner, at the ensuing fa'! election. MANY DEMOCRATIC 'VOTERS. AT the solicitation i,f ri number of friends of all politietd parties. I respectfully offer myself to the consideration of my felluw-citizens for the office of County Commissioner. That my sentiments may nut be misunder,:tood, either as to political or private aTairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. As the country is :tomewhat embarrassed in it.. 4 finan cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation of large majori ties of the peup!e, the undersigned would not should he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach the office of County Commissioner. apr 6. sAmur.r. 1 628pectfully Mfer my elf to the citizens of Alleghe ny county. for tim office of Cormier, subject to the de ci inn the Democratic Convention. jy I.B—tc DAVID HARTZ. IRESFECTFULLY offer iny6cif as a candidate for Coroner of Alleizinnly county, Autiect to the action of th: - . democratic Counts Cuavomi,m to he held on the 30W Itntin:t. JOHN JOHNSTON. Alle v I—te. 'ia! Eta! ha! ru URNER'S Comic Almanac•, for 11.1 4, for salt: at _L AI. Fo:TER's Ag.•ncc and Literary Depot, St. C!air july 17. A full supply of Laudreth's Gardon Soodi alwava ou hand and for at his agency, the Dru, store of F. L. SNOWDEN, sop 10 181, Lil , rtv st., Ir.nd of Wood. HRRY A LORREQUEIt, CHARLES O'MAL LEY, and HECTOR O'HALLORAN, r'orn plete edition, large type, and plates, at the low price of 50 cents, cats be had at W. M. FOSTER'S jy Universal Agency and Literary Depot. Plai3 and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87. Fourth street., Pituburgh, Pa. CAN VASS brush. ts, varnish, &c., for artists, always on hand. Lottkine. Glasstts, &c., promptly fra med to order. Itcpairing done at the shortest notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of every description. Persons fitting stamboats or litinses will find it to their advantage to call. sep 10-y PORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port rail Painter, Fourth st., .3d story Burk's Buil ding. J. Osborne would solicit a call from those win desire Portraits, Spcimons can bo seen ut his rooms may 5. Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale. AFEW thousand feet of seasoned Oak and Poplar Lumber, for saleby wholesale. Enquire of James C. Cummins, Esq. near the Fountain Inn. jy 21. KENTUCKY LEAF TOBACCO.-120 Wads Kentucky Leaf Tobacco, in store and for sale by • J El& A GORDON, iy 11 I`2, Water at. For Sale. A . FEW boxes Saratoga lodine Water, just received A and for gale by BIRMINGHAM & CO. June 28. T HAVE in store and for side low—a large assort moot of mattresses, made of curled hair, moss husk or cotton. Those wanting will please call. AVM. NOBLE, Upholsterer. .july 18. No, 4, Wood st. near the River 22 TIERCES RICE, on hand and for sale by J. W. BURBRIDGE & CO. june 519 Water street, between Wood and Smithfield - Powelrs Balsam of &missed: THIS sure and effectual cure for the influenza Coughs and Colds, can now be procured, whole sale and retail, at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth street. jy G. Ice! Ice! Ice; A NY quantity of clean. first rate Allegheny Ice, may A be had at HUGH DUFFY'S, corner of Second. and Grant streets. July ENIPLOYMENT fortwo or three married men with small families; and wbo are good clerks, and wish' to engage as Book keepers. Also, wanted soon, places for several young meta arid boys, in Dry Goods, Groce ry, or wholesale and retail stores. Also, fol. several g od coachmen, Waiters, Hustlers, Laborers and Boys. Wanted, a good Coal digger to go down the river, about 40 miles. IVanted, employment for a actableet nurse, and several good cooks waked for re_sp families, at lIARRIS' Intclligenca (Ace. No. P, Rifth.atreet. 26. 1:0. W. LANNO, Aticlitor Prothonotary. Prothoiotary. Prothonotary. Clear the course for the Volunteers Sheriffidty. County Commissioner. Coroner. Coroner Landreth's Garden Seeds. William C. Wall, rrMPTrmil Wanted. OFFIVE; The Proprietors'of the IVIORNERO POST 11114 MER CURY MID MAR vrAertrnzit resp2etfally inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of ar4100.111133 711L111111110,31E0-, calD azta (0i2Z1133 wagramaaaas Necessary to a JAI) Prindng Office, atul that they arc prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Books, Pamphlets, Handbills, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with ap proioriate eats, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the public in general in this branch of our business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. of Pittsburg Bank Notes anb excl)angc. CORRECTED DAILY BY A. SCRAMS, EXCHANGE 11116 . 1113' R, Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip Exchange Bank Scrip Cu rrency • Eric Bank Scrip EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT, FOR THE POST , . . On Philadelphia New York , Boston Baltimore SPECIE. FOR THE POST Gold. par Silver par PEN N SY LVAN I.A.—PITTSBURGH. Bank of Pittsburghpar . . Merchants and Manufacturers' bank par Exchange ~ Do. Hollidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North America par Do Northern Liberties par Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pinn.iyTifania . par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank •' ' -.- . ....par Kensington bank par Manufacturers and Afechanies' par Mechanicspar , Moyamensing Philadelphia bank Schuylkill Southwark ..... "........... Western. Bank of Pcnn Township Girard bank U. S. bank and brandies..-... 33 Bank Germantown .. -. -par Chester county .... par " Delaware county par " Montgomery county par " Northumberland par Farmers bank of Bucks county par Easton bank par Doylestown bank ....... . ...... . . . —par Franklin bank of Washington par Bank of Chamber:burgh " Middletown 3i " Gettysburgh ........ " Lewistown " Susquehanna county.. Becks county bank Columbia Bonkand Bridge Company Carlisle bank Eric bank Farmers and Drovers' bank Bank of Lancaster " Bunko( Reading Harrisburg baisk Honesdale " Lancaster Lancaster cu. 2 Lebanon " Miners' bank of Pollsville 3 Monongahela bank of Brownsville 1 New Hope and Delawai c Bridge company ....35 Northampton bank ....no sale Torte! nda bank 83 Wyoming banl• 6 West Bra:telt bank........ 35 York ban . '• . Belmont bank of St. Clairsville 1 Clinton bank of Columbus—. ~..1 Columbiana bank of New Lisbon ..... Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) 1 " ( Warren, cashler).. .... sale 1 Chillicothe bank.... ....._.__...1 Commercial bank of Lake Eric.... 20 Dayton bank., ......1 Franklin bank of Columbus 1 Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of kitenbenville..l Farmers' bank of Canton Geauga Granville Hamilton Lancaster Marietta Massillon Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati Mount Pleasant Norwalk Putnam-- Sandusky Scioto Urbana TVooster Xenia Zanesville INDIANA, Stale bank and branches Slate Scrip 50 All banks Stale bank 43 Bank of Illinois, Shawneetorn 55 VIROINIA. Bank of the Valley of Virginia 1 Bank of Virginia 1 Exchange bank of Virginia ...1 Farmers' bank of Virginia-... North-Western bank of .. 1 Merchants' and Mechanics' hank of Virginia.. ~1 Branckes ...... .1 Baltimore City banks..:.:... Allother solvent banks.:.:.... All solvent banks_ All solvent banks GEORGIA All solrenl banks Mobile banks Country banks LOUISIANA. Seto CliZeans banks (g00d)............. All banks. 10 BA G S me ß s ic' Ti=o, 5 Chests Ten, 75 barrels No L Baltimore Herrings, Re.c'cl on consignment and foe, sale krw for cash, by july 1. DEVINE & Mc AN LILT Y 1. W. CORNIR 01 WOOD & 171711 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bills of Lading, Circulars, Bill Heads, Cards, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. XII tants of 131 auks, CORNER OP' WOOD AND THIRD STS SPECIE STANDARD COUNTRY BANKS OHIO.' KENTUCKY ILLINOIS MARYLAND NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA ALABAMA TENNESSEE 1Q 4 41?" -- :::_' ii - , iii.----., - 1 - Publit filtilieriMailido . ..IL.V,2't"liiliIlliIIIIIII - Mllg ; 1100p$119iT to btleaetai . ,K4ff Alt4attikgrOlit STAN DART, INGRAHAM 6r. 0 .:304. - IA. peiio' i "Cotir t eif Li* an4llllll . 0f 1 .4640 4 4, fold . ~. „ , 4 r etward i ng via cama i ishia In enhants, • county, pronotincea the igth awykltAprii,-1843`,1w . --- " , -. 4 cause depending therein °Enemy Snider, Eit.,...4. CLIVIMAID, 011/0* I gainst James W. Barkearidge and OtAcra. Net,a_olo A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Conf - `.tutdersigned special commissioner, will sell it paW pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie auction to the highest bidder, at the •ccitrt hausaA, c -- . Canal: IVnshington, Line. Hunte r , Palmer & Co.'s' Mason county, on the lfith day of Septet-I:diet, I Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. , Cleve- , (being the first clay of the Cir Sop'r Court of land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal". Proptio- ' e,onnty,) that well known Lady of land commonly ill-' tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. led "Graham's Station," lying. in Mason county, Va.'s '- ": nErElt TO tin the Ohio river, containing Ly survey ver, ft.itir thousanst IW, Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Cixmties Slip, N. Y. one hundred and twenty-three acres,in two adjoins;`, R. Hunter & Co. Albany. parcels, a large proportion (#fwiaidi is river bottom - Otis Chaff, Boston. land. The above. lands pre vit 1113 to the day of snla will - Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, be laid off by the surveyor of the county its lots °Ewa. M. T. Williams & Dow, venient size for farms, and plats furnished, and so many Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. thereof will he sulil as may be ;:ect• i,ary to produce Charles M. Giddings,the .s urn of money required Icy said deoreti...l order.... J. S. Dickey, Beaver. The sales will be made on a credit of nine months fin ° - Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. one-third part of the purchase money, ofmelve menthe ap 1 18 , 13-Iy. for another third part, and of•ci,ghteen months for this - residue, the purclutser or purchasers giving bonds witlf. good security for the payment of the different i znents, hearing interest from the day of sale, the title to be retained as further security fur the payment of the purchase money, and liable to resale at the risk of the purchaser or purchasers failing :o make punetti. al payments. , ......h.m•A .THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. XlM Shaw,master, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urd:,vs; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. r*:,.*4;2- paa Y. ; Fit ' " 'rm . " - 1 8 4 3. T 4 I kRE REDUCED.—L'.I, I .E OF SI A( E. _L AND RAIL ROAD C ki.6 front l'itts' ur rh, cia Bed ford, Chambersimrg L Ica ter, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train occurs to N. Y. &c Only• 150 miles staffing and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia Baltimore $9 9 . Lew es daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the \ler( leant,' Hotel IVood st. MEN DELL, GRAHAM, NV & Co , feb 23, 1843-1 A Proprietor . The Great Central Route, Via National Road and Baltimore and 0. 7 :i0 Rail Road Company. ,• NEW LINE OF C. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WA3HINGTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE. THIS line is in full operation and leaves. Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M, via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail rood Co's to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at teir option. For tickets, apply at our office at the .Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON, feb 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. par par ..par par par Regular Packets, for Cincinnati. L _ -farftg}t The Swiftsure, Robinson, Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. in. The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clork a. m. The Express rarkinsun, Master, leaves every Sun day nt 10 o'clock a. tn. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & Agents. 28 .75 ..3i MINERAL WATER, on the Now Yorl: Pian, SU tickets for $l, at W. M. FOSTER'S St. Clair street opposite the Exchange ADELICATE Perfume to Wardrobe and Draw— ers; also; a preventive ag-ainst Moth. For sale at W. M. FOSTER'S Universal Agency and Literary Depot, St. Clair sr. julv 24 To Rent. PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at the cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises. july 16. The False Heir. T MMES' new novel, just received at W. M. Fo=ur's Universal Agency and Literary Depot; St. Clair g. Price 12, cents. july 17. Ringwood the Rover. • A TALE of Florida. Price cents. For sale at F'oster's 'Universal Agency and Literary De= pot, St. Clair street. july 17. Ireland. BY Daniel O'Connell, M. P. nire only 25 as: ran be had of \V. M. Fosrmt, at his Universal A 2 -e tt . cy and Literary Depot St. Clair st. jnly 24 AT the Cast Steel File Manufact 3ry, one to learn to harden and one to learn to forge Files. Appli cants who have previously wrought at the smith's fire and had some practice in working steel will be prefer red. None but such as can give undoubted testimoniu!s of sober and industrious habits need apply. Corner of Liberty and O'Hara sts, sth Ward. Aft THE subscriber ha_g jolt received from the Nur =sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety of poach trees, to which he would cull the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood. ......50 1 Dr. Bechter's Pulmonary Preservative. Freeman's Piro Brick for Sale. , FOR coughs, colds, influenzas, catarrhs, whooping I UST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fire Brick' cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all CP which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand' diseases of the breast and lungs, andarrest of approach- and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO: ing consumption. Warranted free from mercury and may 27 No. 60IVater st other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., ...... ... . jy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh. I Dissolution of Partnership. MBE laze firm of T. S. A. Nesmith & co. shoe B ACON. -4 casks hams;tanner, isdissolved 1. and leather dealers nod 4 " shoulders; 2 " sides; ! day by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Alfred , " I Nesmith, whose interest in said firm has been sold Just received on consignment and for sale low fur and transferred to Thomas Nesmith, Sr.; and Thomas: cash. HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Nesmith, sr. and Thomas Nesmith jr., have formed i jy 113 43, Wood street.. copartnership, under the firm of TiII:MIS NESIIITS 6r.;. A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, SON, who are duly authorised to settle the business of ..ti.. Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg . the late firm for that purpose. Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, boughtl THOMAS NE:._NMITH, SR. and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. ! ALFRED NESMITH, Drafts, notes and bills, collected. THOMAS NES'AIITII, JR: REFER.ENCES: jllly 22---illf, Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenic • J. Painter &.. Co., Joseph Woodwell, 1 Janies May, . J Alex. B muson &Co. Philadelphia. John HBrown&Co. • James M'Candloss. Cincinnati, 0., J. IL M'Donald. St. T,ouis, Mo. i W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres't Bank y. ` i Louisville . ...... 1 ......2~ .....20 PCAWFIELD'nI4 re-.-oced w risble Estab • lishment to NVood st. uppo:ite Fahnestock's . Drug Store, where be will keep conAa:ltly on hand Tomb Stones, Nlonuments• etc. ap 19-Iyr . ... ...3 CUTLER and Surgical instrument Manufacturer, corner of Gth and Liberty streets, Pittsburg; Pa. N. B.—Always on band an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Haw's, Hair Dresser'a and Tanzer'3 Patent Shears. Saddler's Toela, &r. jc Beaver mid Warren:Packet. Master, leaves every Nov York Plan. Odoriferous Compound. Apprentices Wanted. Peach Trees. RomovaL John Cartwright, GEO. W. STII.II3LINg; Special Ccrni'r. Point Pleasant, Va., June '26,1841 Liye—`n:—'n3 THE Influenza, which is now in almost a univnysiki epidemic, is exciting the inventors of paw* medicines to increased exertions in the poifi ng b a ; but owing, to the general distrust entertained farthe ,generality of such drugs, people fear taking theta:— The following,. however, from a distinguished physi cian in New York, Dr. Nelson, we think mayebe re lied on: "The object of the present communication is to Ito ommend a Single remedy, cheap and of etts7.*??o,o4 the poor, and to caution them against an hutttiouroa, in this disease, aamely, bleeding, either gettertg,&-hit leeches. In all those cases in Which the first ghat of symptoms prevail, let the patient small frequently at a common salts bottle, (Sims' Aromatic ,e Salts are preferred) and by putting the vial to:4i mouth to draw a few deep inspirations of volatile ntat+ ter into the lungs. Let this process be repeated two or three times in an hour, and it wdl give more speedy and greater relief, in all slight cases of the first clasi than any other remedy, and will Be sufficient for ti cure. It will also be essentially useful in the beverc cases; and those of the class of prostration, a few drops of amonia, or hartshorn, ought to taken, inter; really. A neat way of doing so is to take an old &ash: ioned mixture called lac ammoniaci. However, it is as a local remedy, to act on the disordered surface', t h at i ts w o is advised. The principles will be recog nized all physicians versed in molecular organize tion, and those who are deficient in that knowledge may do in that instance as they do in all othemr-ed} upon the faith they imbibe." These salt.s.a.ns furs sale and within the reach of all classes, at Wm. Thous's', 53 Market street, Pittsburgh. jg 17. Zt Card, IIE , subscriber respaitfully informs the public 4T general, that he intends to devote his whole, Limp to the COLLECTION OF ACCOUNTS in the cities of Pittis; burgh, Allegheny and vicinity'. Having bean engaged in this business for some time; and given entire satisfaeCon to those who employed him, he respectfully solicits. aCt'bditits td collect to give him a trial. Physicians and ethers who cramot spare time front their professional bushleis to collect their accounts; would fual itto their advantage to give him a call. Respectable references ran be given, and, Umpired secw:ty will be given fiat the I:titbit:ll return of till mg. nies collected. He can be found at Mr - !Jour s, Sierchatui Tailor, up stairs, corner of Mat-bet and Fourth streets; entrance on lth St. daily from P till 10 o'clock, 24: Any orders left there during, hia absence, txill be Ittctia; ed to, or by letter through the Post Off ce Term;, fi pr cent cornthission. . jy ssilrL. GELSTON. New Arrangement. THE L. DIES' CLASS iii Mr. Fistee'i 'Writing heitioite hereafter receive ie., s oas at 10 a'- clock, a. m. In addition to the present Class, a new one will be orgnnized on Wednesday, the sth IZIAt., at the above hour. The Ladies and Gentlemen's Clasi will receive lessons evoryevening at 8 o'clock: A new evening Class will also be organl7cd op the sth inst! Mr. E. will be at liberty, during; the ETtern' - .4. 4 n; tb sive; le-sons at the rosidnices of tho.e who wish: All: tthd.- ‘vhi to become adepts in the art of wielding the pen; will make immediate application for a series of lessons; and your best wishes w ill ba more than realized, as "Those now can write WhO never wrote before, And those who always wrote, can write the rrigrp,",. N. 13. A class of gentlemen will receive the Institute every morning at E o'clock. '",j'y 4 Farms to Lesic: TIFF uudcrsigned will leak• two Farm:situated in Ea:t Deer Township, with the necessary tene: menu and from 75 to 100 acres cleared ota Also, a Farm situated in 'West Deer Township, A.lle gheny County, with from 66 to 75 acres cleared. Tae above described property is in reasonably good repair, lying about 15 miles from the city of Vitt...burgh, and within two rnilo: the Penr3ylvania Canal. and 1i:ill be leased on reasonable terms for from, 1 to a veatA, ttt rood tenrlt, , . lIARTILNM MURRY. niar 3—tf 4Lots in Maru.-liesir•r. Ore and a fcarth Acres of Landon Holmes' Hill. I.ots nos. 41,12, 52,5344; 181, 132, and 131, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes' Hill. Also, Lots nos. 2(3, and 27, in Cook'splanof Lod on High street, near tlic new Court House. Forternsi apply to sep 10 13 LOTS, andsu ~ foritab ,i le thin building, tr\omm mu m te ol u .al telisibly, anted, k of tho. steam ferry boat land in tr, will be sold at prices to suit the times. The terms of payment will be made easy; either for cash or such barmr as ran be made mailable: Apply to the subscriber; in Birrnineiarn, or Mr. P: I'etersom No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. .JAS. PATTERSOII; jr. iuly 19, 1313 GENERAL LANE OFFICE, JUite 23, 1843. A DVIOE having been rcecivcd from the Register lA_ of the Land Office at Lexington, Missouri, that the removal of that Office to the town ,of Clinton,. in Henry county, a 3 directed by the President, will be effected on or about the 3d day of July next: this is to g ive notice that the pan sale of lands ordered to' he' held at Lexington on the second day of October next,: by the Executive proclamation bearing date Ow SOL inst., will he held at the time prescribed in the town 01 . .. Clinton af9reaid. TllO. H. 8 7 . 41 Cre., June 30—lawt 10 Commissioner. Pit ti•burgh, Pa For Sale Cheap. 300 DOZ. assorted window FBA, and Feats, wanted to suit; 500 cuts of 4 and , double carpet chain; 1.2 doz. good cheap ~ . icidepls 302. - nasea4 20 doz. corn brooms: 3 doz. coffee mills; 10 doz: pal-7 tent tubs nod buckets shOrels; spades; hoes martocksr cheap aces, with han.lles.; writing, letterand wrapping!' paper,.bruvhes; bed cords, twine; &C., Sac., - feg anti/ cheap for cash, or approved exchange, to enit paaatg-: nee, ISAAC HARRIS, A7't and ComMestki,' jy 13 -- No :to" • Remedy for the influenza. Lots fOr Said Z. W. REMINGTON Building Lots in Birmingham.