Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, July 31, 1843, Image 2

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dad detaching his cross, Napoleon, with the gent.r6
RI teclataation, presented it to - PloqUet, who took it
with One hand, while with the other he returned a mal
itazy salute. He quietly attached it to one of the bur
rett-holas of his coat, xvithout expressing the least emo
litm; while, of all the spectators of that scene, Napo
loon not excelled, Plognet only remained unmoved;
and the .Empetor, withdrawing into his -tent, could
scarcely avoid saying, "There is a grumbler whom it
is very difficult to satisfy."
A k clays aft& appeared the famous proclamation
commencing with these . words: "Soldiers, behold the
battle you have so much desired!"
"Desired!" Tharmumtl Ploquet; "desired—a fight
with an empty belly!"
~ -Yotingtfilivoirl being in it, corporal," said I; "go
to the tinspital!"
"Whit should I do at the hospital?"
""You will be sheltered,feom the cannon."
" . `lißut Ido not want to be there. I sheltered! It
is amusing, is it not, to hear and see nothing? I want
'she sport of being there."
He failed however to take a part in it; for during
'the night his wound caused him much suffering, told
I,t.day,break the major declared to him that the least
agitation would threaten a gangrene; so in spite of
himself, Ploquet remained inactive during this great
It i s well known with what facility Napoleon rec
o„,-nisecilacee lie had once seen, and how well he re
tained names. During the retreat, a little beyond
Smolensk, the Emperor, while reviewin7 the regiment
whichmarched with the guards, discovered the old
- Ploquet," said be, "now is the time to be
"Faith, my Emperor, I think you ought to be less
iso than Nve."
"I should be, my lqave fellow, if I were always sure
-of having a hundred thousand corn like you."
We had passed Ily r o,ina. Plovet and I had =min
' , ed more than two third- the didance over the stream,
when ) borne down by the crowd which rushed upon
us, we were precipitated into the river. The corp.:).
ral, being an excellent swimmer, passed his left arm
undersny chin, swain with his right, and in spite of
the immense cakes of floating ice, which threatened
every instaut to cut us in two, we arrived first on the
opposite short, which was alretidy planted with Rus
sian cannon. I wished to rest. Ploquet assured me
that if we stopped we, would perish with the intense
•cold;-and immediately commenced naming, I follow
.-ing behind. He had hardly taken a hundred steps
when he fell with his face to the snow: a hall from
• the Russian cannon had struck him, anti broken both
his legs. -1 ran to his assistance.
"March," said he.
"Gorpciral," I replied, "you have saved my life this
Avrrliour, and I will not now abandon you."
"March!" said he; "I am happier than you—in five
minutes I shall be colder."
This was the first time in his life, perhaps, that he
seemed satisfied with his condition; and in a few min
utes he—pressing to his lips the cross which the Em
had so recently given him—expired.
- - _
&correspondent of the New Haven Herald, writing
from Virginia, latce the following anecdate of two of
her distinguished 01 .-aw r .:
"Some time dming Madisolt's admioistration, J. W.
Eppcs, Esq., removed into Randolph's district to run
agmosthim for Congress. In his addresses which he
=de to his constituents, Randolph being very severe
upon his opponents, a friend privately informed him
that the next time he spoke they were determined to
take him forcibly from the stand. To this he made no
reply. A short time after Randolph and Eppes met at
the charlotte Court House. The morning was fine
a Da a large concourse were assembled on the occasion.
Randolph opened with a beautiful exordium, in .
which he feelingly alluded to the generous support his
cosirtituciits had extended to him, and to the mutual
relations sustained. lia.ing in the preliminary re
marks ingeniously flattered their pride, he suddenly
changed the topic with the forcilde expression, "The
Fear of the Lord is the hoginnin; of wisdom; but the
fear of man is the consummation of folly!" and then con
tinued in such a strain of withering sarcasm as to ccm-
pletely awe his opponents into silence, and he conclu
ded his speech without molestation.
In the first divorce cass., after the adoption of the
Federal constitution, by Virginia, Patrick Henry and
John Marshall appeared before the Idolise of Dele
gates on opposite sides ef the question. Marshall made
a strong, logical artiment. and as ho had the right side
of the question, it was perfectly unanswerable. Henry
,gtno attempt at a reply to his remarks, but. indul
olely in declamation. listing finished, the speak
steaordered the bar toh2 cleared, previous to taking the
vow Marshall, in his rude, awkward manner, shut
"Allid his papers from the table into his pocket, and left
ire hail. Henry, with his back milled towards the
door, moved out, bowing to his acquaintances. Such
wasthe effect of his oratory, such the grace and win
ningness of the orator, that every mewling unconscious
ly rose from his scat to pay obeisance to the one whose
oloquence had captivated their reason.
The vote was then taken. Need I say Ilenry was
triumphant. A triumph, toe, of mire manner over
reason and sound
When you feel your pa , sions rising never confine or
repress them. flow many boilers have been bursted
by too close an imprisonment of their contents?
Always proclaim the Emits of others. There should
be no secrets in a republican government.
Never give up your opinions, though you know you
are wrong—it shows that you have no independence.
Whenever vou attack your neighbor's character do it
behind hie back, so as not to wound his feelings.
Make it a rule to keep company with rogues and ms
cals, and then if you should be prosecuted for an offence
you have committed, and your comrades should be
called as witnesses against you, nobody will believe
them, and sovou will get clear.
When you have dene an act of clutrity, publish it to•
others--so that they may do so too. Besides every
man can preach best from his own notes.
Never pay yonr debts—it is unconstitutional; fur
payment impairs the obligation of a contract, and even
the legislature has no right to do that.
Temperance is a great virtue—therefore, always be
moderate in the use of ardent spirits. Six glasses of
sling before breakfast is as good as a thousand.
• When you are in church go to sleep. Sunday is a
day of rest.
If a secret has been committed to you to keep, take
special care to keep it safely—and it may be well for
caution's sake, to get one or two to help you.
And as woman is called the weaker vessel she should
have half a dozen to help her. "Fast bind, fast find."
Never sweep your parlor—it makes a confounded
Never brush down a cobweb—it is part of a spider's
dwelling house, and of course his castle, and therefore
. is sacred.,
Never pay' for your newspaper--it looks not well.—
Besides, the printer bath au use for money—he can live
un wind.
The Osage (Mo.) Yeoman Of the 12th inst. says:—
"We are informed by un acquaintance of ours from
Springfield of a horrid transaction - which occurred in
Barry county one day la2t week. A man, whose name
our informant had forgotten, had been in the habit of
treafthg, his wife in a manner too brutal and shocking
to think of. On the morning of the day mentioned, he
told his wife to get up end get breakfast fur himself and
her two children, and then to commence saying her
prayers, for she should die, he swore, before sunset.—
She got up, made a fire, and returned to the room
where her untuderal husband slept. He sus lying on
his back in a sound sleep. She took the axe with
which she had been chopping wood, and with one blow
sunk it deep into his head, just through the eyes. She
hamediately went to di? house of a neighbor, and rein
be nireuinstances as they occurred, giving as a reason
that she was certain lie would kill her that day, and she
concluded that it was his life for hers. He was her
second husband, and not the father of her children.—
We learn that a special term of the Circuit Court is to
beheld in Bates county, to try the woman forthe crime."
A COON RELIC.—A cutemporary looking over a file
at cad papers the other day, come upon the following
anite' riet
"If Martin Van Buren is elected President, we will
pay tacitly cents per pound for wool. If General Hu
:Lion is ekr.ted, we agree to pay SIX - a-TWO AND A
curs, c fir
By the way, this reminds us of that "two dollars aday
rand roast beef;" for the laboror. CAD the young men's
bi g conssnittee give any information shunt it. Set-e
-t:II thousands ulpoor men, em of employ tliew good
t I Idt , Want ',DOR
• 4.-
1 . F Aj" • DElni
Subject to the decision of
tlailp /Horning Post.
THE UNION TICKET.-4t seems that "humbug" of
Some kind or another, is the only resort of the federal
party in every contest they undertake. One would
think that in a long course of years their history would
show something like an honest, open, reliance on prin
ciple, a disposition to discard, for a little time, their
darling maxim, that "all is fair in politics," and act
with openness and candor in their attempts to obtain
political power. But no—from the time they bargain
:ed and smuggled John Quincy Adams into the Presi
dential chair, till that climax of audacious impudence
and humbug, the contest of 1810, they have pursued the
same unfair and unscrupulous course. In our paper
of yesterday, we glanced at the history of antimasonic
domination in this county, and showed up briefly the
fraud and chicanery by which the antimasonic leaders
have maintained their power. The whigs, it would
seems, have profited by the example of their quon
dian allies, and their firsteffort to detach strength from
the blue noses, was one of the most adroit, and at the
sante time, brazen pieces of political humbug that has
ever come under our notice. We allude to the resolu
tion passed by the Whig convention, impeaching the
faithfulness of the antimasonic members (of this
county to the cause of antimasonry, and holding them
up to censure, for neglecting to bring in a bill to pro
hibit extra judicial oaths! When this resolution ap
peared, we pronounced it the coolest and most outra
geous piece of impudence we had ever witnessed, and
wondered whether they would have the hardihood to
persevere in its use throughout the contest. It seems
they are determined to make the most of it, and we oc
casionally sec it paraded in their paper. We do
not believe that one fifth part of the members who
composed the Union Convention, care a fig about
a law against extra-judicial oaths; there may have been
a few,that had abandoned antimasonry, who had some
lingering prejudices against the order, but for the rest,
they cared no more for antimasonry than the Democrats
—perhaps, indeed, they like it less. Yet they deliber
ately wrote and adopted, with all the demureness and
gravity that theycould summon, to aid them in playing
off so capital a hoax, resolutions complaining that the
a.ntimastms were not true to antimasonry! This pro
ceeding has no parallel in the annals of deception and
duplicity. When we look at it, the course of the blue
hoses in voting for adhering orhalf-renouncing masons,
is rendered endurable.
Democrats must not suppose that if the Union men
should succeed in destroying antimasonic ascendancy,
they are to have fairer kind of opposition than hereto
fore. Of this the barefaced attempt to show that they
are more radical antimasons than the blue noses them- ,
selves, is a sufficient proof. Such proceedings must
not only strengthen the faith of democrats, and make
them loathe such deceptions, but will detach every man
from the federal party, who ha+ any regard for fair and
open dealing. There are, no doubt, many antimasons
who are perfectly disgusted with the palpable imposi
tions practised by their leaders, in making them think
they could destroy the lodge by voting for adhering
masons. But these men can never for a moment be
lieve that the Whigs are, at heart, opposed to Illaii3ll-
ry—the resolution about exit-judicial oaths will not
mislead them fur a moment. They have, however, a
resource—they can do much better than remain in the
ranks of either faction, to be bat:thymic(' year after
year.—They can, and, what is better, they will, join
the democratic ranks. There, although they will not
' be amused with insincere declamation against extra
judicial oaths, they will find the best protection against
any secret organization which might injure the body
politic, in that general principle of democracy, which
Will not give one citizen any privilege over his neighbor.
And thy re, if a mason be presented for their suffrages,
they will not be insulted with the pretence that to vote
fur him is the most certain way to put down the lodge.
lions.—These animals appear to be greatly annoy
ing the citizens of Cincinnati, and have become as in
toleruble nuisance. The Gazette, of that city, says:—
"Like the frogs of Egypt, they cover the land and come
up into our houses and kneading troughs; and a man
has to guard his store, and every other place where any
thing eatable is to be found, from their omniverous
maw. They have become so voracious, that at last
they begin to eat children. A hog yesterday Walked up
to the door step of a house in Yeatman street, where a
child 19 months old was sitting, and seizing the arm of
the child, dragged it nearly across the street, before its
screams brought its mother to the spot. The child's
head is badly bruised, and its arm severely lacerated
by the sow's tusks; and this is the third case of the kind
that has come to our knowledge within a few weeks."
THE YELLOW FEVER.—The New Orleans Bee, of
the 17th, says:—"We have taken some pains to in
quire into the foundation of the various reports in cir
culation, and have thus far discovered nothing to jus
tify the apprehension of an epidemic visitation. There
have been one or two cases admitted into the Charity
Hospital, and two or three have occurred in private
practice. But it should be remembered-Ist, that
yellow fever, as an epidemic, seldom, if ever, makes
its appearance in New Orleans earlier than about the
l end of July; and secondly, that however healthy and
free from epidemic the season may be, sporadic or iso
late(' cases are of frequent occurrence. Indeed, we
believe the hot season in New Orleans is invariably
characterized by such cases."
The Tropic of the 19th, says nothing as to the Yel
low Fever.
HUMAN SKELETON. — The Cincinnati Sun of the 26th
inst., says that human skeleton was found on the 24th,
in that city, by some workmen, while making an exca
vation. • The teeth were perfectly sound. Some but
tons were found near the skeleton. The skull was al
so sound. The bones were about two feet underground,
and had probably lain there a number of years. No
one was ever publicly buried there, which makes the
Case a mystery.
ANOTIIER FORGERT.—The Phila. Spirit of the Times
states that forged checks fur $1,600, in the name of
Matthews & Manley, Brokers, N. E. corner of Third
and - Chestnut streets, wore presented at the counter of
the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, and paid.
The signature of Messrs. Matthews and Manley was
so well counterfeited that the forgery was not discov
ered till after the bank closed, and not even then till
the writing was pronounced by Messrs. M. and M. not
to be their own. Information was given to the Mayor
about 5 o'clock, but the forger had not been discov
ered. •
Furs—Yesterclay afternoon in a chimney iu Hand
street. The Engines were all out but "did not get a
TROTTNG MATCH.—The "trotting match between
Lady Su!folk and Beppo, mile heats, best three in five,
uzder the saddle, came otT at the Beacon course, on
Tuesday afternoon. The first heat was 2,30,i, the 241
2,12, th.? third 22`3. Lady SLlffolk winning; two
A Wilikostk#4ltits.o.,Tfsie stettycttPagf
in lkir SaturdaY's *Per, Which is founded onfict;:4l4
the account of the timely legacy to a poor old soldier
named Benson, residing in Connecticut, reminds as of
a similar piece of good hick, which occurred a few days
since, to a man named ARIEL C. HODGE, Who lives in
Allegheny city. About eight or ten days ag,o, a man
from Sag Anrbor, Long Island, came into bur office to
insert a notice, asking information of a person named
Hodge, who had previously lived at Sag Rather, and
who, he said, had a very handsome little properly
bequeathed to him. A few days after the advertise-
ment appeared, we learned that Hodge was living in
Allegheny, where he now lies sick.
We were told by the person who cnme to search him,
that in early life, Hodge had been of a roving disposi
tion, and had made one or two voyages in whale ships
to the South Sea. During these voyages he contracted
a warm friendship for one of his mcssmates. This
man flied some time in May lust, and. bequeathed
Hodge all he had--noperty to the amount of some
7or 8000 dollars. When Hodge returned from sea,
he contracted a marriage agninrt the wishes of his re
lations, or did something else to displease them, and
then, in a huff, emigrated to this region, where he has
been ever - since, working at brick making and other la
borious employments. He is now, as we mentioned
before, lying ill, and the intelligence of his goodfortune,
welcome at any time to a man in his circumstances,
must be doubly gratifying. We have niidouht that with
this single pleasant prescription, he will ,improve more
rapidly than he would under the operation of a course
of medicine ordered by one °four most skilfulphysicians.
We wish Mr. Hodge great joy over his acquisition, and
hope to be able to tell of many a poor family having
found like substantial relief.
EXTENSIVE FRAen.—The Baltimore Sun of the
27th, gives the following statement of a fraud practised
upon a party of unsuspecting and confiding German im
migrants who had just arrived in that city—" Nearly
three hundred passengers arrived in the ship Goethe,
Captain Homan, on Tuesday, from Germany. These
oppressed and confiding people brought with them the
means of paying their way into the interior of our coun
try, where butd could be procured cheaply. Among
them was a villain named Miltihr, who professed the
greatest friendship, and being already acquainted with
the country, preposed to negotiate with them for
their transportation to the western country. By
the time the vessel arrived he got so far into their confi
dence as to be trusted, at once, with the transportation
premium amounting to $750. -After getting his foot on
land, he made arrangements to escape with the money,
and accordingly left the city yesterday morning. It is
hoped, however, that ear vigilant police will succeed in
capturing him before he spends the money, which was,
I no doubt, earned wider circumstances of great hardship.
tion of the whole earth hos been variously estimated be
tween eight hUndred thousand and a million millions
elsouls. According to the English rocket Diary, if
we fix upon nn intermediate number, say 946,030,000,
mud assign 30 years for the continuance of each genera
tion. we shall find that the "children of men" come in
to the world and go out of it nt the following aver
Every Second, - - 1
" Minute, - 60
" Hour, • - - - 3,600
" Day, 24 hours, - - . 86,400
" Week, 7 days, - - - 604,800
Month, 30 days, - . 2,592,000
" Year, 365 days, - - 32,536,000
" Generation, 30 years, - - 946,030,000
It thus appears that every stroke of a pendulum ushers
a human being into existence, and heralds the depar
ture of another to that vast bourne front whence no tra
veller returns.
INTEST INC: TO WOOL-GDOWnrt.s.—While returning
from our dinner on Saturday last—
"------Chtr eyes cast down,
And then eitsbeing seriously inclitaxl "
we accidentally discovered a fugitive frament of pa
per," which 1111 V, or may not, have . I;een part of
a newspaper is days gone by, on which we could dis
tinctly decyphor the following conditional promise to
- "If Martin Van Buren is elected President, we will
pay twenty rents per pound for wool. If General
Harrison is elected, we agree to pay SIXTY TWO AND A
Presuming this to be a part dm solemn contract, the
loss of which may seriously affect the contracting par
ties, most especially since we see by the last RepUbli•
call that NN nol. is selling nt from 15 to 25 cents per
pound, we hereby give notice that the aforesaid feag
mentcontuining the aforesaid promise to pay, &c. will
he restored to the rightful owner, on his applying at
this office, paying charges, Hamden Post.
A trotting race came ofiover the Kendall course yea
terday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, between Wm. Eden's
horse Martin, Louis Turner's horse Wm. Penn, and H.
Smith's horse, P. Whetstone—one mile and repent:
Wm. Penn, driven by Louis Turner, 3 1 1
Martin, " ' Wm. Eden,. 1 3 3
Whetstone, " "H. Smith, 2 2 2
Time: Ist heat, 3m. 95.-2 d heat, 31u. 95.-3 d beat,
3m. Bs.—Ballimore Pat.
the Columbia Democrat, we are enabled to give the fol
lowing nominations for state officers. The ticket is
one \chid' will strike terror to the ranks of Whiggeryt
For Govenior--A. G. Brown. •
Secretary of State--.-C. F. Hemingway.
Auditor—J. E. Matthews,
Treasurer—Wm. Clark.
For Congress—T. M. Tucker, of Lowncles; Jae
Thompson, of Lafayette; W. H. Hunt, of Washington
Col. Roberts, of Scott.
Messrs. Matthews and are present incumbents,
and all admit have been efficient and useful members.
WHIPPED DE HIS War.---James Hughes, of Lodge
alley, complained to Alderman Mitchell, yesterday af
ternoon, that his an.rel.wife had given him a severe
"lambasting," which he bore with Christian fortitude
and pious resignation. At this time, when so many
husbands are in the habit of beating their wivegi, we can
imagine no reason why wives should not beat treir hus
bands also. If two sexes are placed in a belligerent at
titude, shall one side be always victorious? N l / 4 by
Hercules ! Mrs. Hughes stands up for the honor
glory of her sex. As fur her spouse James, poor fellow 7
he swore he was afraid to repose his weary and battered
limbs on the same couch with her, and Alderman Mitch
el committed her to jail, while James, the weaker vessel,
went home rejoicing. "Great country!"—Phila. Mer
CASE OF CHRISTINA. GILMOUR. — The prisoner was
this morning brought before the Recorder upon a writ
of Habeas Corpus, and, without hearing any further
testimony in the case, he remanded her to prison to
await the decision of the President of the United States.
The Recorder did so on the ground that no state ma
gistrate has jurisdiction of the matter, it being a case
solely within the jurisdiction of the United States.—
Jour. of Commerce.
Er Some years ago a witness was examined be
fure ajudgc in a case of slander, who required him to
repeat the precise words spoken. The witness hesita
ted until he rivetted 6te attention of the whole court on
him, then fixing his eyes earnestly on the judge, be
n •
"May it please your honor, you lie and steal, and get
your living by cheating."
The face of the judge reddened, and he immediately
" Turn to the jury, ejr, if you please."
ITT itt was once canvassing for himself—he came
to a blacksmith's shop, "Sir," rays he, "wilt :you favor
me with your vote?"
'Mr. Pin," says the son of Vulcan, "I admire your
head, but d—n your heart."
"Mr. Blacksmith," return:4l Pitt, "1 admire your
Cn ri , 10 1. 1 but 1.1-11 your
~.,...., Pniiau ROW, akkqhM4B3.
r. Ma Iflcnspiiiite Boogied, i
,Paitine; aid WAsso
, elate Judges of the Conk of Worrier Sessions of
Allegheny County:
We, the undersigned, inhabitants of the city of Pitts
burgh, believing that those tavern keepers who were re
fused license for keeping public houses, (on account of
their not having the requirements of the law,) are about
thaking tin extraordinary effort to induce your Honors
to recede froth the stand you have taken and grant them
license; we do most respectfully pray yoiti Hohois to
continne the just and salutary !alum you have coni
rnenaed, notwithstanding any efforts that May be Made
to the contrary. We will pray, &e.
Catherine G. Violent Eliza King
Flora P. Drennan Jane McCord
Cynthia Adams Eliza Bullard
Mary McEwen Mary Bul ford
Sarah Ann McEwen Rebecca Daily
Elizabeth Ing Sarah McGuire
Ellen Wallace Mary Borden
Maria Smith Catharine Holdship
Elizabeth Winterbern Mary E. King
Emeline Miller EliaktbethHart
Eleanor Frisbee Mary Jane Glass
Eleanor Grant Rebecca S. Baker
Mary Anne Berford Lydia Phipps
Eliza Jane Fadder A. Bauders
Margaret A. H. Major Mary Young
Elizabeth Skunks Susan Young
Jane Agnes Hurst Margaret Doherty
Jane Mcllroy Jane Newhouse
Eliza Mcllroy Mary Cnthbertron
Jane Graham Eliza Sands
Mrs. Gilleland Elizabeth G. McCandless
Ann Graham Fl;"abeth McCandless
Jane Jones Sarah Morris
M me . P o p e Eleanor Pope
Jane Cohan 'Ann Sutton
Ann S. Childs H. Sutton
Bd4lll Blaine Adeline Marshal
Matilda Ross Helen McFarland
Mary Walker Mary Ann Morrison
Eliza Bryan Sophia Dully
Mrs. Rose Harriet Magon
Ann Lane Hannah Cartwright
Mary Jane Woodwell Ann Cartwright
Mary Dixon Agnes Nealoy
Mary Miller Mary Taylor
Esther Laird Charlotte Thompson
Margaret Jane Horton Mrs. Ann Ashby
I Nancy H. Knox P. Patterson
1- Rachel Davitt Elizabeth Douthiit
Elizabeth Dravo Hester Ann Andrews
i Ellen Gillespie Harriet Potter
Anne Jenkins Evelina Chalfant
Rebecca Horton Mary Summer
Elizabeth Gordon Ann Mary Nealey
Martha Gordon , Margaret Storer
Elizabeth M. Gordon Mary A. Rinehart
Mary Laird Mary Digley
Mrs. Wilkey Margaret Oliver
Mrs. Henderson Mrs. Lydia Howard
Mrs. Jane Harris Caroline Howard
Miss Elizabeth J. A. HarrisNlary Douthiit
Miss Mary Hacket Mrs. Huddleston
Mary Borbridge . Mrs. Patterson
Miss Mary Borbridge Ann Armstrong
Miss Anna Borbridge Jane Allen
Miss Jane Gaw Sarah Gartrell
Miss Susan Jones Eliza Wray
Miss Anne Jones Martha Love
Mrs. Jane Jones Susan Davis
Miss Fanny Borbridge :Mrs. Brow i
Mrs. Hannah Reeder Elizabeth Fei!.ar
Mr.. Allberger Emma Tayina
Mi.s Eiii.a Reeder Sarah Cannot:
1 Mrs. Julia M. TackairTry Mrs. M. Mca - .7r::-.
Mrs, S. A. Watson Margaret Gartrei
Miss McMillin E. Boles
, Susan McClure Mary Hunt
M. J. Sutton - Agnes Hidings
H. Dunsetli Mary Buckley
Lila Read 'Mrs. Alice Franks
Margaret Read Mary J. Sanderson
Isabel Read Letitia Read
Mrs. B. Campbell Dorcas Read
Ibervile Diller Martha Re ad
Susan Diller Mary Read
Matilda Younker Ciementina Diller
Mary B. Muter Mrs. Susan Dillet
Mrs. M. A. Westervelt Mary Diller
11. Westervelt Mary Armstrong
Mrs. C. Wall Margaret Lafferty
.1. Westervelt Jane Humbent
Ei•abeth Bigler Elizabeth Fourbenson
1 Sarah Penman Matilda Watson
R. Lambert Charlotte Ebbert
MaVgaret Dougherty Susan Boyd
S. Mannis I Luria Dougherty
1 Rebecca flashes Anne Dougherty
V. G. Finley Eliza A. Morrow
H. N. Morgan Mary Ann Morrow
Ellen Frier Maria Morrow
Susan Armstrong Mrs Barbara Pratt
Rosanna I lerrington Elizabeth Pratt
Rachel Biegs Mary Boughar
Sarah S. Young Jane Itedpath
Mary Bell Elizabeth Hall
Mary J. Mnkerel Margaret Boughar
Margaret Makerel J. Rook
Margaret McCausland Mary E. Henry
Sarah Graham Margaret Bayne
Sanag,e Graham Martha A. Mercer -
Nancy Graham Mary Smith
Margaret Armstrong. Mary Ann Taylor
Agnes Richey Miss Sarah Hartley
Sarah Soman Miss Ellen Mattock
Sarah Jolansou Mrs Jane Finley
Hatty Irwin Miss Eliza Finley
H. Jane Irwin Miss Jane Finley
Jane Johnston miss Eliza Sarvur
Miss Jane Hartley miss Elizabeth Jewell
Miss Elizabeth Hartley Miss Catharine Jewell
Minerva \Vest Miss Jane Macmath
Miss Susan Johnston AL Jane Macmath
Miss Catharine Louman Margaret Young
Miss Elizabeth Mesick Miss Eliza Midford
Mrs. Sarah Harris Mrs Sara Mitford
Miss Jane Martin Miss Emma Mitford
Mrs. R. Quimerly Mrs Samuel Stackhouso
„Mrs Phebe Jonston Jane A. Jonston
Hannah Spencer Emma Lowe
Margaret Rodgers Mary P. Alexander
Mary Killen Miss Thompson
Mary Brickell Mrs Clancy
Matilda Robins Esther L. Cooper
Mrs Wm. Arthurs Miss Elizabeth Kinkead
Mrs Rachael 'Montgomery Miss Mary Norman
Mrs Moss Grove Martha Chambers
Mrs Sarah White Susan Dobson
Mrs E. Day Margaret Donnelly
Maria Arthrirs Hortensia S. Warner
Mary New House Elizabeth Gregory
Nancy Anderson Sarah A. A. Drennen
' Mrs Maria Anderssn Susan Wickersham
Miss Emma Foster &lacy Miller
Mrs Ann Foster Iniana Byalet
Mrs Sarah Foster Maria L. Moffit
Miss Nancy Hunter Sarah S. Young
Miss Elizabeth Thompson Mary Creuch
Mrs Mary M'Cann Eliza Nelson
Miss Mary M'Cann Mary Canon
Mrs. Jane \Voltam Mrs Mary Bell
Kennedy Mrs R. L. Patterson
Margaret Errett Elizabeth Hunter .
Martha Wilson Caroline Sands
S. A. Wilson Mrs Dr. Holmes
Fanny Barker • Catharine Tevia
Martha Smallman Mary Ann Berford
Nancy Davis Julia Grass
Amanda C. Hutton Julian Apenny
Mrs C. Hutton Sarah Ludwig
Mrs Cassidy Mrs Spence
Lydia Garison Mrs Johnston
Elizabeth Steel . Mrs Fergison
Mary Steel N. Wilson
Mary Brisbin . Ann Jane Williams
Mrs Eliza Reddick Mrs Steward
Elizabeth G. Reddick Mrs S. Anderson
Mary Ann Iteddick Margaret Ludwig .
Elizabeth Mathews Mary Brady
Sarah Davis Elizabeth Cochran
Catharin a Brady Ellen Maddock
Mary Rafferty Maria Reeakrr
O'Connor Ellen Tiatitte.
Pliebe Cre ts M trgar._.l Ti. Lrt
. S;lr,,.h Cannon . - Mrs H. Pat v
Re' .r Nichelsan Mrs Mara tianr, ,
Barb .ra 1... Mariatt .I,,Lae A. ,
Mary Ann Mrs Jt.-ic J:..r.:. c r
1 Sarah Jane Wallace Mrs Naney Wills
Aint...Fliza. \Val - her Margaret Leny
Si letiM7 l4
Area He!wady
Sarah Alllll6lllOll
Rachel Like
Elbabedi Hays
Mary Easello Lydia.. McAlpine
Mrs H. A. WoilCht Catharine Haviland
Catharine H. Hutton Mary McAlpine
Sarah Lernmon Mrs McCartney
!Udall Gteen Phebe Pope .
Louisa Gana Mrs P. Pppe
Jane Suttini Deborah Pope
Se!ran Pilleifi6eld Martha Lee
Eliza Rook
Mrs Rees Hannah McKarnin
Susanna Boyd Isabella Roley
Catharine Rees Hannah llartupee
Margaret Stevenson ' 4 llra Mary Robinson
Mary C. Vannaman Mrs Sarah Gallaher
Sarah Wilkinson Miss Mary Sampson
Hannah Hunter Eliza Mellen
Isabella M. P. Thompson Martha Harris
Sarah E. Thompson Mrs Rebecca Baker
Mrs. Maria McDonald Miss Leonora 'Burrell
Mary Fitzpatrick Mrs Hannah Arthur&
Marrarib Fusion Mrs Sarah Porter
Susan T. M'Clain Mrs Jane Warden
Mrs. Sarah Stubbs Mrs Eliza Martin
Ann Morrison Miss Eliza Porter
Maria Robinson Mrs Marie Warden
Katharine Shun; Miss M'Collister
Mrs. Maria Itobinson Mary Borland
Mrs. Isabella Kelly Miss Maria Martin
Mrs. Jane O'Brien Jane Humbert
Miss Laferty Sarah McKimcn
Angelina Stokes Mary J. Frithey
Francis Strickler Prudence Irwin
Martha Drannen Martha Irwin
Eliza E. Day Martha Murry
Aleis Sitaba Elizabeth Giffin
L Loomis Jane Hastings
Miss Jane Ludwig &initial Price
William Elder E. A. Brown & Brother
A. M. Bryan Wm. H. Howe
John C. Davin A: & J. P. Scott
S. Bulford Wilson Bleakney
James Old, jr. David Fitzsimmons
David Kinkead . Sanauelrlanery
M. Tindlo (Ir. Adams
A. Westervelt, Sr. S. B. Batsman
Charles Harvey J. Fullerton
George D. Bruce Wm. Chapman
James A. Bertram W. Palmer
George Singer B. A. Fahnestock & co
James Black B. L. Fahnestock
John Major Manson Wilcox
David Lupton S. N. Wickersham
Wm. Hemingray Wm. A. Woodward
Win. M. Darlington R. Bagaley
A. Ambler David McCandless
James Smith D. C. Stockton
Matthew Smith Hanapaon Sr. Smith
John Wallace Robert Dunlap, jr.
John Fogg M anni ng Hull
John Smithllll.' Ili & King
Thomas Gray G. W. Glasgow
John Morange Gregg & McCandless
John Thomas J. Whittier
John R. Steel Paulson & Gill
John R. Williams W. M. Cooper & Co.
Andrew S. Getty John J. Henderson
James McDonald D. J. Wick
John Adams W. Flynn
Alfred Sutton Wm Jones
William Boyd E. F. Pratt
Samuel Frew Janes Creilev
Jacob C. Jones Jr .lanes Mcßroy
Jacob Cromwell Janke.; Boyd
A tlins. , C. HuttonG. W. Bradley
.fo±.=c Wa!lrut Valentine S. Bull
i.1,.n.C1i .T. Hutton Tl.•.nnar.; Red path Jr
! IT J.:: •• , .7.,1:1 Joseph Bradley
D. Graham
Josiah Jewell
David Grant
.in:ei a :•r:ox John Shepherd
William llarker Wm. S. Leybourn
.Tium s W -.lron G. Coleman
Thomas Steele .Tohn D. Cook Jr
Henry Johnson Robt.. L. Thompson,Balt.
Edwd. Upstill Jr Md.
Robt. McKinnell John Mathews
N. J. Patterson J. G. Muntz
Itobt. Forsyth F. B. W. McConnell
Lewis M. McKell H. Wilkeson
Wm. Morrow P. C. Fumy
Jacob Febyor William Craebe
Thos. Redpath Christian Yeager
George H. Lee J. C. Ringwalt
Geo. Watson W. McClintock
H. Stewart A. D. Thompson
James T. King J. Smyth
Robt. Redpath H. Gee
John H. Davis. Thomas Nesmith
George Morgan J. R. Taylor
D. T. Morgan Samuel Morrison
T. F. Harbours Wm. Marshall
Robert Quigley Aulay Brown
S. Stoner Wm. litigus
George McLain George W. Lloyd
' Andrew Leech-1r J. Shea
J. M. Elliott John E. Gould
John Taggart B. S. Hancock, Constable
Benj. Bakewell N. B. Hatch
R. C. Loomis . Wm. B. English
James Patterson Joseph Marshal
Henry Morrison Wm. H. Hart
Wm. Douglass Joseph Marshall
Isaac Errett Michael Marshall
Thos. Elliott Robert Marshall
Tho. Thomas John Marshall, sr:
William E. Stevens John Marshall, jr.
Wm. Hubbard Levi Wagner
H. Stewart Evod . Fendericli
H. Ming Andw. Kirkwood
John Ross Robert Carnes
George Higby John Baker
Richard M'Clatchey William Cairns
Robert Dickey jr. John Hipps
John R. Blaine George Hawdon
Geo. Anshutz Wm. Wilkinson
0. Blackburn W. Richardson
James Rankin D. Sands
Sarni. W. Semple John B. Sheriff
James W. Woodwell Thomas Palmer
Joel .llahlen R. R. It. Dumars
B. F. Morris R. T. Friend
Henry Jones Wm. Kincaid
J. M. Andrews John W. Lynch
Alex. Miller James W. Wright
Thompson Bell Charles Howard
\V. A. Violet G. W. Bradley :r.
A M'Farland G. S. Smithson
1 W. P. James George Bailey
! J. K. Henderson Wm. R. Smith
' Jno.
H. Atwood E. B. Thoirrpson
! James Logan Wm. McCartney
Wm. Seville R. H. Palmer
Joseph Hall George Nieman
W. W. Reed Barclay Preston
1 A. K. Buns J. B. McVay
! Robert Miller James Borbidge
i Hamilton Bennett Alexander Gray
John Glenn Alexander B. Moreland
I James Smith William Diller
! Wm. Cullen James Black
I James Black James M. Burchfield
John Adams J. P. Kauffman
Thomas Morton C. Benzes
John Sargeant Wm. Clendening
Robert Reddock Thomas Brown
Robert Reddock jr: James Mercer
S. M'Candless John Thompson
' Jolui H. Young Wm. G. Taylor
' James Taylor Wm. M. Bell
Thed. C. Robins Andrew H. Humbert
John Cowl Geo. Humbert
John Robins Win. B. Anderson
Thomas Seholey Philip R. Kincaid
James Hodgson Thos. S. Bell
F. Minders G. IL Wicks .
R. M'Cnlloueh R. A. Wilmn
James E. Hick , on E. 11. B-i ••••,•••
John :llorrison John J . Jon, ,
J. Giliesuie • M. Palmer
Vim. Howard huts: M. Cook
'l'i.•••. I Ic: , 1 . Henn. Humeri
T. H. M;-er
1 1 ..-• : ‘. ' • . \ .1 , 4,n 5. Wil , 4: - .LI
li:tv'sl hint
A. W. liarture
4 ..!0:.... M-Grnih
Tii , . ;1, it :•,::',...
itet, , :t Mailer
Joiieph Pearson.
Plu ßu"eil lip P. E rre.
''. 1.
Th )q. 13.1.. m •
F.;‘; , ‘ . '••t
Samuel Adams
S. C. Enwin
: '. :. • 1 BlloW lloenor lasn
Solna ge M
lalum Zoe/arah ldkea
Goe. Albite . • Robert Cooper
James McKain John Fleming
C. Curtis JOlll2 Cosily
Wni... M. RA. John M. Givens
Philip Ross James eenattieT
Thomas M. Day John Wm. ope
A. D. Wilson Alm. Westervelt jil.
Semi. Gormly Willian Grubb
James Wilson Wm. H. Ward
Samuel Gray J. Young
John Einy Isaac Harris .
Samuel Lindsey - Vincent Brown -
AulaY Brown, Jr. S. Morrow
H. P. Cain Sohn Jewell . - ..:.
; rhostor
George F. Hernia' Henry C. Kelly •-• Y;e4-0.
George Ford John Chambers
James Dickson J. Freeman
D. N. Trulich Luke Loomis
Joseph M. Harry John B. Bell
James Henderson Samuel Dcomison .
John McVay John R. GalloiraY '
H. H. Finley Florence Omani:et •
James Borbidge, jr. Thomas McConnea
James Momnge John H. Jackson
John D. Morgan James Wilson -
D. Gilleland Geo. T.,. Aftiold
.i. , 11-1 F. Jennings David Gregg .•,.
Ezekiel Dav Willard Leonard
Wm. Rinehnrts Wade Hampton
Wm. Digby John Elliot
S. L. Cuthbert T. C. McKnight
Jacob Boobyer, jr. Robert Robb
Mitchel Ancker James Wiley
John McVay Wm. Gormly
J. B. Brown John S. Black
Wm. H. Williams Geo. IL White
B. F. Harris Jas. Murphy
Jacob Riley Wm. R.. Murphy
William Crawford Wril. D. Riddle
Jacob Mattern James Dunlop
Isans Harris .1 .H. Young
J. P. Doran A. Mcliwaine
0. T. Thomas Juo. IL Hersh
J. Arbagst M. McKee
E. Hall L. Wilcox Jr
C. E. Bruton Jno. McCandlish
J. H. McClelland John Atwell
Arnsld Vanfossen John Richey
Charles Ashby John Jones
A• B. Rook James K. Jolllll3olf
James Reeder J. Conway
Geo. F. Dehm John Read
J. B. M'Fadden Moses Read
J. B. Garrard Alexander Tease
W.H. M'Cotmell Wm. H. Barker
James K. Maxwell Robert Wray
Semi. M': , ,laster James Martin
Edward M. Bigelow Joseph W. Lowrie.
James Noble Thomas White
G. Thompson Semi. Spencer
Thos. Tackaberry N. Patterson
N. B. Hatche E. H. Heaving'
' John Stine George Ogden
John McKee. James Atchison
H. Parr; J. P. Rea
G. W. Glassgow Sand. Baird
James Irvin 8. - McLian
Edwd...f, nr. ,, s Ruda. Robison
J0...a1-4,10,1'de; Vim. Graham Jr
Goo. A. B..nv 0. Metcalf
Al.:''. NI-.1!.a: - Jr C. R. Johnston
C. L. '.!Q , -t. , .;:c• David Boyd
. i IV.- `.%-. '-. dl- , , .... Wylie
iontinerriat I:Hatters.
THINGS IN Sr. Lou zs.—The Ev”ning Gazette tithe
21st says—"We do no: recollect at any former period --,
to have witnessed greaterdemonstrations of activity
the part of our citizens than is manifested at the prawn"
time in the erection of buildings, for private and pub:
lic purposes. Alterations of a most improving kind;
are being made by many of our storekeepers. Mgr.',
close, cramped fronts of the olden time, with the me*
pigeon windows, are rapidly giving place to those of *.
m are spacious, airy and elegant construction; aurlitne:
stone furnishing a material for their decoration equal
to the boasted granite of the East. In the snore remote
parts of our corporation, too, the same spirit is etcbnM
ted, and numbers of neat cottages, the pi 0 1 .,,ty gener=
ally of mechanics, are rearing as if by magic their ,
pretending heads;' and the senses are now regaled
the odor of flowers, and the songs of pretty giris,aa
poets have it, where but a few months ago, one was at:
most suffocated with the stench from stagnant poolei
and deafened with the croaking of frogs."
CIS curs - kn.—On the 27th inst. Flour was sellingat
$3 37i, and Whiskey at 18e, being an advance
from former sales.
COTTON IN Isnt.i.—The Macon (Ga. r_
has rcocived a letter from one of the
in India, by which we arc informed •`• •
the experiment in the culture of c
very unfavorable—so much so, that a.. -
Government plantations which were locai..,d m Bengal '
have been broken up and removed. The o.:17 1^ tioa
is believed to be some 250 mi'm; in a northeast
lion from the forar.,2rivr:t. Gor
ruckporo, ni:rti,Ja_;:. cf . tile Grolges
aria near tL b le: , of the etnElrc.
CO-1•TOS BUG say -. 3 zhe Tallah*Nr-t
Seatiae!, -by a highly rc-apectable i'lanter ;11 - cir, 7
ity, that there Lai appeared in his cotton and that off.
his neighbors, a small ,v:/ite worm or bug, as it was'' ,
termed, which is do;r4 - 7 tbam much injury. Its opera.'
tions are confined to the 'folans,' which, under its lava;
ges, turn black and drop.
ST. Louts, July 19., s'"•
Flour—The market is exceedingly languid this more.
ing, and no sales have been reported. Tho tninsaa
dons of the vr'L•ek have been upon a limited scale,
prices rangihg (rem $3 75 to $4. Wheat—Sales of
good parcels have been made at 65c, but the merketis , -;
heavy. Pork—We quote Mess at $8 5049 00; Prime'.
$7 00a$3 00, fair demand. Bacon—Sides are in faie
request. Sales of Clear, in casks, at 3, 3-4a3k; Shoal.'
tiers lie. The receipts continue very liberal, sad
there is a large stock in market. Lead—safes tbre'
the week have been made at 75a.1 78; as whieke—
price it remains firm.
Port of Piftoburgli.
Reported by Shcble and Mitchell, General &east
Boat Agents, No, 5, Market at
DROWNED.—A colored deck hand beiong,ing to the
steamer Utica, who was coining up as passenger on tali Warren, (in consequence of the Utica getting agristatd)
was drowned yesterday afternoon opposite Shottstatted
An escape of steam frightened him and he jumped op.. ;
erhoard. Not being able to swim he sunk immediate%
ly, and no efforts were Made to save him, as the Was.
ren had no yawl. His name was Jesse
i'Tlie Enquirer informs us that the Ricer steml.
eineati « 'sting quite low. There were bit !Me:
ke' ware • . • v •twean that city and Leo.
U.S t
Th<rc were :Ally thr r ••
cvt-unar. and there i=bur L.
t:ab , much !ir•igia_"
B. a ,nt. I. :~'!.
Daily licaver
All 89azs thu. C . ) in the abort c list, sre
%idea with Evans's safety Guard.,
July 31-It
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