itERUS 11 00MftltV: - . '")'7; I•UBLIsHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS it SMITH, AT THE _NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER. ANI“.IM, PAYABL,E, IN AD? -11 I X 29, 1843. PRICP "1- OL. PUBLISHED BX Visas rizmurs & WriL U. sworn, TV. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Tpure.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. 541111,04 copies Two CF. NTS --fur sale at the counter of thaOffice, and by News Boys. 1174lekly Mercury and Iffazrafacturer ipleaat the same office, on a double medium airset, a TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin- SIX CENTS. .'"', . '*N MI - • OP LITIFMMUNG. PER- SeIIARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: 0111440410, $0 50 1 One month, $5 00 00 104 c allk., 075 Two do., 6 T ( 4 11111.11- 12 00 Threeao., 700 0.10:11,„ 1 50 Four dn., 8 00 ON,Aa. 300 Six do., 10 00 Tirproda., 400 One year, 15 00 ' . YEARLY. ADVERTISEMENTS. P.PLA.SOILARLY IT PLEASURE. :Dm Spare. Two Squares. Illiimighs, $lB 00 Six months, $23 00 - lOW raw, 25 00 One year, 35 00 Winer advertisements in proportion. ARDS of four lines Stx DOLLARS a year. 1 • Public Oftlecurenc. • tit!. Post ()Ace, Third between Market and Wood stvie4--4 m. iliddirt, Postmaster. Onatios& Home, Water, 4th door from Wood st.,Po- Li:Wa t s buildings—Major John Willock, Collector. City Treasury, Wood, between First and Second streets--James A. Bartram, Treasurer. County Treasury, Third street, next door to the Tbird, Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasu- Myof's Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood e s.-. Alexander Hay, Mayor. -Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near Market st. BANKS. Pillsburgh, between Market and Wood streets on and Fourth streets. arereisants au/Manufacturers' and Farmers' De -1044 Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between WoOd and Market streets. zeltange, Fifth st. near Wood. HOTELS. litosongahela House, Water street, near the Bridge. Stakange Hata, corner of P enn and St. Clair. Hotel, corner of Third and Wood. 4011seriean Hotel, c orner of Third and gmithfield. United States, corner of Penn st. and Canal. ' Aprtad Eagle, Liberty street, near seventh. Maler's Mansion House, Liberty St., oppos .Broadhurst's Mansion House, Penn St., opposite Important tb Owaers of Saw Mills. aNYDER'S unrivalled Self Setters, for saw mills, i... 7, which have been so fully tested indifferent parts of the United States, as well as in the cities of Pitts- 1 ---------_—______ . „ buret and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a Jflason & FlatiCgin, reAtDratys at Law, number of mills in this neighborhood, viz; at Mr. Wick- {Smithfield, near 7th strcet. Collections made on mod ersliames mills, on Penn street; at Bowman & Chain- i crate terms. Pensions for widows of old soldiers under •bers's mill, near the upper Allegheny bridgv.i, and 1 thelate act of Congress obtained. Papers and draw - .131 Motrison's mills, on Hare's Island, and others.— 1 bigsfor tlr: patentot prepared. our 17—y she above named. machine can be obtained at W. W. 1 "' ----- va -- T ---- sacirry S . MagrawAttoraey at Law, 4Wallace's shop, on Liberty stmt[, near Smithfield, I, Has roln-r,aid Ins effi.•_•.e to his rcsid - ice, o i F0u..1.1 .it where it is ng up, aid where the machine will be i 'kept constantly c.ra hand=. Apply to 13. F. Snyder, or t , .n do-yrs above Smithfield. 10 "W. W. Wallace. may 5 Evans' Chamomile Pills. AI3ItAIIAM J. CLEVER, residing at 66, Mott street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspei,,,ia iu its most a;r4rovatcd form. The symptom: were vi- I -olent headache, great debility, 6tver, c os tivette ts, cough. -.heartburn, pain iu the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sensation ofsinking at the -stomach, furred tongue, nausea. with frequent vomit ings; dizziness towards night and restlessness. These bed continued' upward: of >1 twelvemonth, when, on crinanhing Dr. Wm. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and Isubreitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode • oftmatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of one month, and grateful for incalculable benefit derived. gladly came forward and the above statement For sale, whole sale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, Sely 10—y No. 20, Wood street, beton , Second • Pease's Tioarhound Can , y. TATTLE has received this day from New York, afrez;h supply of the above celebrated cure for 'Coughs, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to sup ply customers at wholesale or retail, at his Medical Agency, 86 Fourth st: nov 12 Metter Bargains than ever, at the three Big Doors. IjIHE subscriber would respectfully inform his Gus.. tomers and the public generally, that notwithstad lag the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, dttring the present season - , he has still on hand the lar gest' and most varied assortment of elegant CLO- TlitING that can be bought west of the mountains.— Ili public may rest assured that all articles offered at his "store are m aufactured from FRESH GOODS, pur • chased in the Eastern markets this spring and made in togarments by Pitttsburgh workmen. In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in OUT city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the =is:: -. cast off garment= of former seasons, from the eastern ci ' lima, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char acter of the establishments in which they are invited to 'purchase, before they part with their money. The arti ' des offered at several of the concerns in this city, are the mere offals of New York and Philadelphia slop shape, snd sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts 'burgh public. Purchasers should be on their guard a l's-last theie` impositions, and they may rely on the fact liuttno establishment that advertises eastern made Clo ilitt' g, can give as good an article or as advantageous 'bargains as can be had at the "Three Big Doors." The public will please remember that all the subscri 'ber's garments are made in this city, by competent work - men, and not gathered up bite the goods now offered by the "birds of passage" from the shreds and patches of eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to Warman the reputation that the "Three Big of Doors" hive obtained for furnishing a superior style CLO THING in every re pect, and at prices below those of pitether establishment. -lie 'weed again return his thanks to his friends and 'lliis public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed -upon his establishment, and believing that they have 40andit to their advantage to deal with him, he would repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase dodalng of every description at the lowest price,to call in:No.lsl; LIBERTY Sr. JOHN M'CLOSKEY. rlPPObserre Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26. nriliE attention of those who have been somewhat sceptical in reference to the numerous certifi .estma-published in favor of Dr. Swavne's Compound s yr ap f iNvila Cherry, on account of tie persons being unioaiwn in this Section of the State, is respectfully di meted to the following certificate, the writer of which has been& citizen of this borough for several years and i s knowit as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the Agent, Mr- J. Krum. Thave used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild .Cherry for a Cough, with which I have been severely 'Meted. for about four months, and I have no hesitation in igthat it is the most effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agrees well with my diet,--and maintainsa regular and good appetite. I can s ince.tely recommend it to all otberssirailarly afflicted. J. Mitiritcx, Borough of librelt 9, 1840 . Chambersburgh. LL For sale by WILLIAM THORN, No. 58 Market street. ( 1 , 513 ) , . . .„...„:.. -,,......,,,,m0rt . e..‘ 0, 7 , , 0 "z ... ~ . .. - ,-. . . • . , . t . t liti 1....!1i lir . ... , ...1 . ... • _______________________________________._....__..,.......,............_._....................._._....._. . • ____ R. Woods, Attorafsy sad Counsellor at Law, Office removed to Bakes(*)it's Offices, on Grant street, nearly opposite tbe newPzourt House, nextrooms to J D. 'Mahon, Es ti,, first foeiAlo Thigh Toner, Attorney at Law, North East corner of Staithilaki rind Fourth streoti, Pittsburgh. sop 1.0-57 NPCANDLESS & Attorneys and Counsollors at Law, Moe in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sep 10 Pittsburgh Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law, Office on the Nortirside of the Diamond, between Mar. ket and Union streetiirs 0 Look at This. Francis IL Shank, Attorney . at Law, Fourth street, above Wood, sep 16-1 y Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., • sep 10—y Pittsbuegh, Pa. L Di:mbar/in Attorney at Law, Tenders his professional services to the public. Office sop 10 on sth t., above Wood, Pittsburgh. Elystar & Bachaaan, Attorneys at Law, Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row," shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood sts., szp 10 Pittsburgh. N. 13nciaaaster, Attorney at Law, Has rem.ived his office to Beares' Law Building, 4th at., above Smitlif George W. Layng, Attorney at Law, Office in Fourth struet, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh sep 27—y Roads Washington, Attorney at Law, Office in Bakewell's building, Grant street, Pittsburgh , nov 5, 1842 Sohn J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Office corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Gr Collections made. All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. feb 16-y William Elder, Attorney at Law, Office in Second street, second door above the corner of ap29-6 Smithfield, north side. Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's Building. "" - '‘Vit.t.tAst E. AUSTIN, Rig., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y - WALTER FORWARD Daniel, M. Curry, Attorney at Islaw, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and mithfield; ap 8 Pitt S sburgh. Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on the corner of Fpurth and Smithfield streets sep 10 3. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law, ice rnraer Smithfield and Third street, Plush:n-11i nv 25-y L. Harper, Eittorney and Counsellor at Law, CADIZ, 11.% Ft lIISOS COI:NTI, 01110, Will attend promptly to the collection or security of claims, and all professional business entrusted to his care in the comities of Harrison, deffersou, Belmont, Gnern- F.ev. Tuscarawas, Holmes, Coshocton, Carroll, Stark and Wayne. REFER TO Metcalf 4- Loomis,) Dalzeil Fle mix mv f.f7.1.313—tjf J ohn Harper, D. T. Morgan, P itt, , burzh. 1 a Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10—tf Magistrate's flanks, For proceedings in attachment under the late laiv.for s ole at this office jy 25 Slack Petitions, Notices, &c., To be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on good paper, and in the forms approved by the Court, (or sale at this office. Di. S. U. Holmes, Offieein Second street, next door to Ninlvany & Co.'s Glass Warehouse. sep 10—y Dr. A. W. Patterson, Office on Smithfield street, third door from the corner of sixth street. sep 10 IL D. Sellers, DL D-, Office and dwelling in Fourth street, near Ferry, sep 13—y Pittsburgh Ward & Hunt, Dentists, Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair, ap6,1843 Doctor Daniel leclneal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood andemithfield streets, Pittsburgh. HAIMSIAN, JENNINGS & CO., COTTON YARN WAREHOUSE, No. 43, Wood Street, Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns. mar 17—y WILLIAM H. WILLIAMS JOHN S. DILWORTH• Williams & Dilworth, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mer chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar ticles, No. 29, Wood street. sep 10—y NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & MACKEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in langlish,l Preach and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 81, Market street, Pittsburgh. sep J. & J. OrDevitt, Wholesale Grocers, Rectifying Distiders,and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No. 224, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. sep 10 J. G. & A. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Water street, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y BIRMINGHAM & Co, Commission and Forwarding IlEarchants, No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. lllMPTEFucs.—Receiving and stripping, 5 cents per 100-Ins. Commission on purchases and sales, 24 per mar 22-y cent lirournmille Juniata Iron Works, Eduard Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Ni Warehouse, No. Wood st., Pittsburgh. sep 11)-1 HAILMAN, JENNINGS Sr. CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro acne Merchants, And dealers in Pittaburgk,MaaVac ticres, mar 17 No,. 43, I Nooa street,. Pittsburgh. SATURDAY, JU NICHOLAS D. COLEMAN .•-- LLOTD R. COLEMAN Coleman & Co., • General Agents,, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, LeiTe Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so licit consignments. - n Y. W. Burbridg'o & Co., Agents for the sale of Beatty's Powder, Water street, between Wood and Smithfield. mar 30—y Lzmum.Wict. L. & J. D. WICK, Wiliololl4. GTDCO2II & Dealers in Protege, 116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth it., may 15 Pittsburgh, Po. EAGLE GROCERY STORE. STACY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale and Remil Gro cer and Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty street Pitts burgh. may 20. Birmingham & Co.; AGENTS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND, AND CLEVELAND LINE• Marc John 11. Brant, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Com mission Merchan H t, arrisburgb, Pe. WILL dispose dull goods sent for Commission. V Sales at the lowest commission rates. REFEREICCES: Phila.—.l • & W. Esher, Day &Gerrish, D. Leech &Co. Baltimore—WWillson &Herr,J.E.Elder , Ha rrisburgh—l\ Burke,H.Antes,J M. Holdman, july 1--Grn JOHNSTON & ST_ Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Market street. sep 10 John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, Water street, near the Monong-ahela House, Pittsburgh sep 10-y THOMAS 13• YOUNT ......FRANCIS L. TOCNG• Thos. IL Toting & Co., Furnitur 2 Ware Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex chan.,:e alicc. wishing to purchase furniture will font it to their calvinte to give us a call, being ful ly suds& d that we c i please a. to rriality and prict. sep l 0 -- - R. C. TOWNSEND & CO., Wire Workers awl Wire Manufacturers, No. 23, Market ilreet, ~v,2eti'.?(l and 3d streets, sep 1.0 -y Exchange 'iota, Corner of Pena and Saint Clair streets, by sop 10 McNIBBIN & SMITH rilkington's Unrivalled Blacking, NTA N F ACT t: RE D and sold wholesale and retail , IYI SIXTH STREET, one door below Smithfield. ' o ct et 21-Iy. James Patterson, 3r., Bitiningilam, near Pittiburfn, Pa., manufacturer of loc ks, hinges belts; tolveo,fulier, mill and timber crew.e,hou,en -crWl for roV,in railio, SLC. . 5.2' 1 0 ... V John DTCloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Libor:•: street, bemee sir, of -tad Vic,;o; -er 10 _ . Webb Closey'sßoot and Shoe Manufactory, N. 83, 4th. .c., door th , I'. S. 1;.. le in tio , manlier. Fr e:1-11 paitere , . - Moore &Louglarey, SADDLE, 11.1RNESS & TttEN: is 152 \Vool d Li.ierty. NlrCql\ - ': F, , rlr re, l'itt-burin. SAilliam Witherty, 4:1 T AND CAI' MAN r 111; , 148 Lil)2ry :4n2tt, between ,N1.... - Ixt and - - - - - - William Douglass, 4 / 2 - 41 r _l\U Cli.' M AN l: VAC!' I.: KER., ill= Old stand of Doug/as i.i• Moon', 16 . 3 " 61 6 No. 17, Wood street. Every description of hut: and caps on hand and for sale, wholesale and retail, at pricei. to suit the t ime,. my 5 ----- )lINSON & DUVAL, Bookbinders and Paper Ito. lcrs Continue business at the stand late of M'Candless 3. Johnson. Every description of work in their line ca neat. ly and promptly executed. ma —y Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills. ITI FIF.SE Pills aro strongly recommended to the notice of ladle: , as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those c omplaints peculiar to their sex, from want of exercise, or gen erul debility of the system. They obviate costivene4, and counteract all Hysterical and NOlNClll.3affections. These Pills have gained the sanc tion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the United States, and many Mothers. Far sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. E. SEL LERS, Agent, ar'n No. ‘2O, Wood Street, below Sacond. Notice to Dr. Drandreth's Agents. THE office in Pittsburgh, which was established for the purpose of constituting agents in the west, having accomplished that object, is now closed, and Mr. G. H. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, ap pointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini ments. All Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore,un derstand that Dr. B. will send a travelling agent through the country once a year to collect monies fo e r id t sales made and To supply agents. The sa ravellr will be provided with power of attorney, duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all the necessary vouchers and paptrs. Mr J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Pennsyl vania. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. N. B.—Remember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the rear of the Market is new my only agent in Pittsburgh. june 14 Facts. - I Haring been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which produced much pain, and used various applications recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's linament, or external remedy. Witness my hand, JAMES TAYLOR. Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. le, 1840. Dr. Brandroth's external remedy or linamenn sold at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. -- --- Removal. THE subscribers have removed to Water, between Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commission busi ness, and would respectfully solicit the patron & CO of their friends. J. W. BURBRIDGE . dee 3 Sstee's Writing Institute. CORNER of Third and Wood street, over Kram er's rachange office, entrance on Third st. His classes meet daily as follows: Gentlemen's MM. .class at 8 o'clock, Ay M.; Ladies' class at 10, A. Ladies' and - Gentlemen's class at 7P. M. Ladies' can re ceive lessons at their residences during the afternoon. Visitent will please call during school hours. jy 18. Cheap for Cash,tfaion Cotton Factory PRICES REDCCED. Short Reel Yarn. No. 5 at 15 cts per lb 6 at 15 do 7 at 15 dO 8 at 15 do 9 at 15 do 10 at 15 do 11 at. 15 do 12 at 15 do 13 at 16 do 14 Di 17 do 15 tit 18 do 16 at 19 do 17 ,at 20 au 18 at 21 do 19 itt 22 do 20 a 23 do Joan D. WICK Borders promptly Painter; ',Logan &Kenn 027 • PITTSBURGH Circulating and Reference Library. F religious, historical, political and miscellaneous Owo&s, will be open every day, Sabbath except ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 I'. M., in the Ex change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex change alley, where punctual attendance will be given by J. GEMMIL. lIE subscribers manufacture and keg) constant %" ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and 11:nres, &?. JONES & COLEMAN. sep 10 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. OCKTON FOR SAFETY, 7'ravalers should. select Boats prori , le4 with Evan's Safety Guards for preventing . Explosion of Steaa - Boilers IT would be we'd fur tit.traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above appara tus. ALd that every individual makinz such selec tions is cootributiem towards a goneral introduction of an ileiention admitted by all men who understand the principles of the Stearn Engine, to be a sure preventa ' tise against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tatair, hi the ir.mdmd; of ei , :pladons that have already talten..pinee. their almost daily occurrenc... and the t hou4rtn , l4o. - titi*6 that. hn...-e already been lost a Atifii ciinit•war:',,ia;,., and iadurernln.t to make inquiry for a S ifely gumr,l Belt, a,1..1 in e' €i en ;v lc, give it the preference. Th,::: have ...:'..t. to ;....: militiiinal eiTeltac ihm you; li , es TII3 , t) , Y2t,Urt'. l )11.!hl yeS not therefore io inlet ill• In wide a. ii-resp. , ..din,r ,1 , ,:: - ee of liberality, nod by 0111' 1,1,H12:1:*t• SIII I W lila; y , ,'d appreciate their laudable ,ud,:r. 01, T. ,;t' , l , 0114 a% so Psi sacrifice of hu man lif,. "Flio., ,in n.,t charge inner than other boats; thnir acc,nen InKlatio; ,, . in other respects are equal, and in nev,y ~.tie` superior; und us there is one leaving rilt , Amr 11 , ,ry , lay, why will visa run uny risk, when i t i, ~,, ,-,.:1 1 ,1,•tel:, in on; own power to avoid thos, , di,. 'IT) 10-6 m Long Reel Yarn. 500 at B,} cents per dozen 600 at 74 do 700 at ,6i do 800 at 4 do 900 at 5 du 1000 at 5 do Candles% irk. at 15 cents per lb. Corn. Batting, 3 do Family do., 12,1 do Carpet Chain, 2.0 do Cott on Twine, 20 do Stocking Yarn and Cover let Yarn always on hand. Cotton Warps made to or ler. attended to, if left at .1 & C. aetly's,or the Post Office: address K. MOORHEAD & CO._ PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages, A' Ea s:ern Priceg. All t,,ts inari:Ya C:u • [lin foe Lki of Arti al: and Departuiv, in smaller lari of t hi 3 3,al , er, are ,upplied with the Safety Gnarl List of Boats proeil, .1 z,•ith the Safet!! Gu.ii d. ALPS, ./E IV ESS , AGNES. JAMES ROSS, AMARANTH. LADY OF LYONS, ADELAIDE, MENTOR. ASHLAND, MINSTREL, BRILLIANT. MARIETTA. • BRUNETTE. MICHIGAN. BREAKWATER. MARQUETTE. BRIDGE IVA TER, MISSOURI MAIL. CADDO, M 1. 7 N GO PARK, C TC ER 0, MESSENGER. CANTON, MON TG OM E R Y. CUTTER. NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NE PT US E , CASPIAN, N AR AG ANSETT. CLIPPER, NIAGARA, COLUMBUS. OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIANA, OHIO. DUQUESNE, ORLEANS. DUKE of WILL-4-NS, OLIVE BRANCH. ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, E M MA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEEN of the SOUTH, EYELIKE, RO WE. N A , EXPRESS M-4:11, RARITAN , FORMOSA. SARAH ANN, FORT PITT. SARATOGA, GALENA, SA VANNA, GENT , BROOK, TALLEYRAND, .GALLANT, TOBACCO PLANT, IDA, VIC TRESS, INDIAN QUEEN, VAL YLE FORGE, ILLINOIS, WEST WIND, J. H. BILLS, Now York Dyer. SEE lIIMES. would r espectfully inform his friends Oand the public in general, that-he dyes Ladies' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black; and warrants them not to smut, and to look equal to new goods. He dyes fancy colors of all descriptions of silk and carpet yarn. AL:o, cleans andrestores the colors of gentlemen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods. Mr. H. flatters himself that be can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in New York for twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his establishment in sth st., between Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre CERTIFICATE. This is to certify that OSEE HI:VIES has done work for us, wl.ieh has fully answered our expec, tations, and wo consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy, Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boies, J. B. Shurtleff, Wm. Porter, David Hell, 11. H. Smith, B. F. Mann, Henry Javens, David Boics, A. Shockey, jr., Joseph French, jr., , Joseph Vera, George Barnes Naylor & Co.'s Best Refined Cast SteeL 1 THE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as sortment of the same, consisting ia Bestmfmed C Steel, squared, flat, round and octagon , do do do do axe temper, Extra do do do for nail cutters, Best do Double and Single Shear steel, ignclisit Blister, German, Granite; Wedge and Craw leySteel, at wholesale, by the case, or in smaller lots to suit purchasers. LYON, SHO of Wood str eet, & CO., je 2,4-3 En Foot A Card. JWLLIAM McCARTHY begs leave to announce to the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, that he is prepared to make BOOTS of all kinds, of the best Leather obtained from Philadelphia, and over Lasts made by instructions from himself. He does now for himself what he has so long done for the Pittsburgh Bosses, i. e. alter and fit his lasts to suit the foot. He has worked at the most fashionable work in the Eastern cities,came hem and instructed several how to alter and fit, which can be attested bv numbers of Journeymen in this city, and now is rewarded by them with contumely and abuse. He hereby challenges any Bootmaker in Pittsburgh, (Boss of course,) to make a pair or more of Boots, stock equal, measure to be ta ken by each in his own way. 'Workmanship to decide i the matter. Fourth st. or the Monongahela House Buot maker, (as he calls himself,) have a rare chance now to show themselves. If they can make a Boot let us see it. W. McCarthy's Shop and Store is on Market street, next - door to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tin and Sheet Iron ware Factory. july 11--tf. To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. jTHE subscriber most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city and ® vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street. opposite the Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some or the must fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself with the best French and American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns 1 his sincere thanks. and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business. P. KERRIGAN. ---- - William Adair, Boot and Shoe Libcrty st. opposite the head of Smithfield jiThe subscriber having bought out the® stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has commenced business at the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice. lie keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe findings of all descriptions, and of the best q uality. He solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft. sop 10—v WM. ADAIR. David Clark, , • ' JFASHIONBLE BOOT MAKER, has removed to No. 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be happy to sec his old customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as be gives his con stant personal attention to business, he trusts that be will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage sep 10 Pittsburgh Manufactsures, Cheap for Cash- No 8, Fifth st. Two doors from Market. T FATES intends to manufacturer a bet .0146...1 . ter article of Ladies', Childtcns and Misses' Shoes, and sell them cheaper for cash than they can be bought in the city. He will keep constant ly on hand and makes to order Ladies' Shoes of all hinds and color.=, at vOry low prices, of the following li=t. Ladies' La.tina: Foxed. Gaiter Boots. S 1 75 I " best quality Kicior .Morocco Gaite r.,, 130 Calfskin Boots. 1 37 Foxed lialf Gaiters, all c01a..., 1 37A -•best kid and Moroco buskin. 1 B 1 " , Double Soled Slipper=, (Jeff.) 1 I!2i • • fine Kid Springs and Turn, best qual.l 00 Springs, heavy, 87 i Slippers, 75 .i " 62 All Shoes made here warranted. Misses' andChil drens' in the same proportion. • I..Remr.mlyer the place, at the sign of the Red Box, No. 8, Fifth street. July 1 JAMES YATES. LOOK AT Tills! TOl3-\CCU, sNITIT AND CIGAR STORE .1. }C LLERTOS. No. 11d, Wood Rtier!.on.7 door abore6lll, Ei rs. ei on hand all kinds of the best _II. kanish .Re alias, Ca3IIIIO7TS. Coot rabseas, 1 3 rineipex.. h a lf spa,:ii.sti and commou cigars. Taharco al all The hest brands. Carendrsh, 5s lump: Ba i more Plu7. and 1 lump- Ala°. Mrs. Nililer . F. fine cut chewing: tobacco. n :urg—Rappee, Scotch, Maconba, lligh Toa3t,&c. He ha , al-0 all other articles in his line. which he oilers, wholesale and rattail, at the lowest cash prices. CALL AND SEE. .leB-6m out. "Thole is nat oue," replied Mary. "We }Ana. Gl* ~ ele other last night." "I-lave you a earthing, David l'• asked the wife. "Not oLe," replied he, rather hastily. _ • " Nor hate we one in the house," said the wile 4 paid all we had for the bread." "Stir np the fire, then," said David. , . "Nay," rejoined the wife, "coals are raised." "Lord help us!" again sighed David, and two of dos children began coughing. "Those children's coo* are no better!" remarked the father, somewhat hers , tienily. And the baby woke—so did Betsey, who isad, fallen asleep on the floor unobserved, crying, "I im ask cold, fad:lei! I aril so cold !" • '•Go to bed with her, Mary," said the Mother, "for you were up betimes this moraing, washing; pile np your clothes on the bed, and keep her warm. , Mary wentinto the little dark chamber to bed is her sister, and her mother tried to hush the crying kb. fent. David was distracted. lie w a s ' co ld, hi algr y, i i , es , iy, and in gloom. Eightchildren whom he loved wee* about him, and he thought of them only as born 'top! , verty and care, like himself. He feltnnhappy,tunigrear almost angry as the baby continued to cry. , 1 Cheer up, David, honest man! there is ibis taw 110r:di° P. Toting, Cabinet Maker, i leg even now—coming within three streets,at:. length (Late of the firm of Young 4. Arcuray) 1 thee—which w up, ..s hi chtill_ raise thee above want catmi.. nt.. the last hour any of you shall - Li AS commenced the business in all its branches at fire; the lee't hour any of you shall want for' 1.1. N 022, Wood street, between First and Second 1 Thou shalt keep thy squirrel, Maxi! Bens*. sirs., where he will keep constantly on hand a g ' shalt have blankets to warm thee! The docrar's bia gaolas- rid, shalt thou ever ligaistai „ sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by,. by back ways to work, to avoid an importunate ; shall be paid—nor Ba 1 014. strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. • . I tor. Joey, thou shalt turn the wheel no longer--thy Every attention willbe pair': to furnishing COFFINS, I feet shall get well in woollen stockings, anairwm shoes . &m. A. Furniture Car for hire. July 11 1 _ !at five shillings a pair! You shall no more warn th. JOHN McFABLAND, ' sell potatoes, nor shall Susan go shortagain of hor sap.. Iper! But of this--all this as yet, you knowlxothizU.: bout the relief—and such splendia. relief, too, • even BOW is a pproaching your door! Wail, Wits* J . *, an thou wilt—guise thy poor tingling feet, Joey, bj this . fire! and muse in sadness on thy poverty, Davit:lll44. vet for a few rnommts longer, it can do noharm, for thin good new= is even now turning the corner of ya w street. . Knock, knock, knock! Davil starts from his revert FURNITURE WARE seems. ALEXANDNR M'CURDT, the old stand of Young 4- 1T Curdy, No. 43, Se cond street, between Wood and Markel, RESPECTFULLY infiams the friends of the late firm, and the public generally, that he is prepa red to fill all orders for Cabinet Work, of any kind, with all possible despatch, and warranted to be equal to any in the city. Every attention will he paid to furnishing COFFINS, &c.. alien required. je File Manufactbrt. Fri E subscriber having commenced the thanufac _L tore of Cast Steel Files, from American materials etelusively, merchants or other persons wanting can be supplied by him with a better article than the foreign, and at lower prices. Intending to ase only the best quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs. SHOES BERGE leS, which is now brought to a perfection equal to the best English article, manufactured for the same purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he Iwill be able, in quality of articles and prices, to realize the best hope's of the frieads of American Esidoßtry GFORGE ROTITERY, .15—y _ _ lUpholsterer and Cabinet- Ellaker,l Third st., between Wood and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that be is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and spring mattresses, curtains, carpet;; all sorts of uphol stering work, which he will warrant equal to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep l 0 Diatthew Jones, Barber and flair Dresser, Has removed. to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of fice, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pa tronage. sep 10. SAMUEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and glutei 1 Iron Ware No. 17, Fifth street, between 'Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares, and solicit• a share of public patronage. Also, on hand, the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons, skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for themselves, as he is de: ermined to salt cheap for cash or ppro , T4 paper mar 7-rtf a Maker, Corner of O'Hara Sr Liberty is Zl)e Mailp Ictionting Po NIGHT SCENE IN A POOR MAN'S , ROUSE. BY MARY 1-10 WITT. It was in the middle of winter, on the night Tot dui 23d of January, when the weather wasmisarably *ea it neither decidedly froze, nor did it tbawi but, butwasts - . the two, it was cold and damp, and pereeezitgaa very bone, even of those who sat in carpeted rOtaisiss i fore large fires , and were war illy clad. It was On tom; evening that the seven little childrep of David ihlghlit the weaver, stood huddled together lath* stuadlrweak beside a small fire which 11r8.3 burning emafteilieleilr.--.7..!: The baby lay in a wooden cradle on the ni:tenelf Olt 1101. hearth. The fire, to be sure, gave some warustb, brilt cease it had boiled an iron pot full of potatoes, but #: gave very little cheeriness to the room. The mad* • I - had proportioned out the evening meal--et few paw toes to each; and .she now sat down by therewith.*** - lighting the farthing candle, and was IMMINMIthir Wikt, some little piece of housewifery. "May I stir the tire'!" asked David, the eldest boy. "No, 130," replied the mother, "it barns away too lust if it is stirred." • -I wish we had a good fire!" sighed iLditleT . dike lIPTe rood girl. "Bless me," said the mother, "it is a gaol Why, there's Dame Grumby and her grandchild low to bed because they have no fire at all!" .T "I should like some More salt to zny potator,".staiiir; l i little Betsy; "may I have some more, mother? ' "There is none, child," she replied, "I pat thei#o • in the pot." "0 dear!" cried out little Jocy, "my feet ere Palest they get no better, mother, though I did. beet them with holly." "Poor thine" sighed the mother, "I wish you better shoes." -There's a pair," said Joey, briskly, "at Threw " Nixon's for fourteen pence. "Fourteen pence!" repeated the mother; "it well* take a long time to get loin-teen pence." "Mat. Willis 'begged a pair of nice warni boots," re., plied Joey, experimentally. "We will not beg." said the mother, "if wee.= hal" it—let me see thy shoes," and Joey put one of ll* frost-bitten feet on his mother's knee. 'Bless thee! poor lad," said the mother, "thou sit not go to work again till it is warmer. "Mother," interrupted little Susan, "may I hive some more?" There is no there," said she, "but I haves wbola loaf yet." "Oh dear, oh dear, how nice!" cried the alarm.' clapping their hands; "and give Joey the bottom crust," said one, "because of his poor feet-" "And give me a big bit,". cried Susan, holding out # little fat hand. The mother divided the loaf, setting aside a piece for her husband; and presently the husband came. "It rains, and is very cold," said he, shivering. "Please God," rejoined the mother, "it will be warmer after the rain." David Baird was a tall, thin man, with an t— ummy look; not that he had any fresh cause of uneasirwel wages had not been lowered; his hours of labor hist not been increased, nor had he quarrelled with Ida - . master. but the life of a poor man is an uneasy lifer --11..., life of carc,weariness and never ending anxieties. wmider, urn., if his face have a joyless look? The children made room for their father by die fltiff Susan and Neddy placed themselves betweenhisicnots‘e, and his cite handed him the portion of suppei s rhicllll .. had been set aside for him. Mars., the eldest girl, wit . shiest' on a box, Bier r the squirrel witlrth, IT.ewst-114, hack she was very happy, and kissed the squirrel TALI times; Judith was sitting beside her, and. David, 444 the cup out of which the tquirrel drank. "Nobody has inquired after the squirrel, "saidj„b. father, looking at them. "No," replied Mary, "and I hope nobody will." "They will not now," said the yeti 5'41.7 it is three months since we found it. "We inizltt sell it for half a crown," said the atilt& Mary looked frightened, and held the squirrel to-last h.osoin.. . . "Josey's f eet are very bad," remarked the arkoOter„, 4 And that doctor's bill has never been paid," s idoi : . the father•—•'secente n shillings and 3iLperlCC. " t - - •• 'Tis more money than we can get in a cr eak , sighed the Mother. . "I go round by the back laue, to avoid passing Ilk* door," said the father, "and he asked me for it time times." "We will get it paid in the summer," rejoined the mother, hopefully, "bat coals are raised; Rad bead, they say, will rise before the week is out." "Lord help us!" exclaimed the filther, internally. “Mary, fetch the other candle," cried the =dol t . as the farthing candle burnt low in the stick s sad weir 1 . "Some one is at the door !" said the wife, a aw, jumped little David. "If it is neighbor Wood camel. borrow some meal, you can get her a cup fall," aitidOk z the mother, as the knock was repeated more Madly.. "..4-, , Up rose David Baird, and thinking of the ilocaqe# ,, t,, bill, opened the door reluctantly. . - \ "Are yuu David Baird?" asked the letter carrier,. ~ who had knocked. ...--, "I am," said David. . • "This, then, is fur you; and there are twourtmer.... pence to pay on it," said the man, holdiag flask.... , largeletter. _ . "It is a summons!"cried the wife in dim 941 1 111 k what is Divid Baird summonsed?" and she nailed 14t-- the door with the baby in her arms. It is not for me," said David; lug %bad to eieno4frn liability to paii the two-and-tioaaty pane.- • ,~,u~R~!'^,'