Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, July 28, 1843, Image 3

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    =OWN SECS POl3ll,
JULY 28, 1§43.
To4norroN and thenceforward, the Post
will be printed on a new and handsome
fount of Brevier type. We here take occaa
sion to return hearty and unaffected
'thteks to our patrons for the st.bstantial
proofs of fror which we have received,
Once the establishment of the "Pok," and
assure them that we shall not spare exer
tions to make our journal equal at least,
in every paiticulary to any paper printed
in the city.
The difficulty between the peblisi er
of the Chronicle and Mr Fleeeon. late Post
Muter in Allegheny,has been happily ad.
jolted, by the editor cf the Chronicle as.-
twining the responsibility of the article at
which Mr Fleeson took umbrage. Mr F.
in a note exonerates Mr Berford from all
blame and expresses himself satisfied with
Mr Whitney's apology. There will be
no duel.
"The Reformer" is the title of a pamph-
let on Industrial Association by Mr Wm.
Connelly, which has been issued from, and
for sale at the Age office. We have
not had time to examine it particularly ,
bat find it to be an excellent compilation
of facts and arguments in favor of the
'chaff's of Association. Price 25 cents.
On next Sunday nt half past ten o'clock, I
at SL Paul's Church, the Rev. Mr. Carter gl
of Philadelphia, will preach a Charity Ser
mon in behalf of the Orphans of St. Paul's
Female Orphan Assylum. For the same
benevolent object an address will be de
livered in the same church, at four o'clock,
P. M., by the Rev. Mr. Shreiber of Balti
more. To ensure a hearty response
to this call of Charity, it is only no
smeary to state that the funds of this ex
cellent institution are entirely exhausted—
and its interesting inmate.,the devoted sis
ters of Chat ity, have now no other re
source but a merciful Providence and
that fostering solicitude and kindness which
has been so uniformly manifested towards
them by the charitable and good of all de
nominations in this city.
We clip the following from our exchange pa
pars shewieg the progress of this epidomie which
has just left us.
OtrThe influenza, or •T) lea glippe; as it is
tisberally called in these parts, is very prevalent
hiQuaboc. Whole families aro affected by it,
'slid those Lath , : physicians who are not al,u pa.
Sleets, have wore than they can de.
• Ot a r . IA tie F pe. kof the prevaleoe) of Influenza
in London. Vbo!u families ware down. The
disease appears to be the sa so as in this win.
(-The infloNaza is %ery prevalent i.. Rich
rancid, V. It has attacked the colored people
more than the whites, and laid up in some install-
As sis or eight servants in a single family.
VrThe New Orleans papers state, that thou
sands of the citizens arb now waffering under that
distressing epidemic, the influenza.
-The great Cathedi al in Montreal is descri
bed by a letter in the Trenton State Gazette,ae the
Iskgait edifice in America devoted to religious
g. purposes. The depth of the interior is 350 feet.—
Aerowdof several thousand persons looked like a
this audience in the vast area.
();:t3ernral valuable eons have recently been
• Sound in a ploughed fold on the old battle ground
of liatitog t •
tY"Fivo hundred and ninety•three dogs have
been undo to bite the dust this scuson, in New
(7.• The fare to Boston from New York is now
but onu dollar and fifty collie, a reduction effect..
ed by competition.
otr-Bishop Doane, of the New Jersey diuce=e,
bee issued a manifesto declaring Ida 'unwavering
cionadsnaa in Dr, Piney'r faithfulness to the
eteadarde of Lin Church, and his integrity as a
Catbolie Churchman.
,• For the Morning Post
Allegheny Rats.—The Market house
Ratts took poPsesaion of the New Market
bowie lest night at eight o'clock, but as
they have not the right hang of it yet, the
performance was not so good as, might have
been expected. They have laid aside in
strumental music, as being contrary to the
Late revival business in this city; they how..
over took it vocally, and the dancing was
done in a more becoming and religious
Milner than on former occasions. By a
won which they stuck on the old mar
ket house a few nights ago, it would ap
pear they prefer the old house on account
of old associations, and earnestly and sot.
eandy protest against its removal. They
consider themeelvas better watchmen, over
. melons, chickens, and other small market
than either old Milby or the sleepy
farmers; whether the rrayer of the Rats
will be attended to by the Council men or
not I cannot say, but one thing I do know,
the accommodations are better in the old
Mine than the new one. DAN.
Keg up i2ppearances.—Never eel.
yourself at much less than your market
value. In other words, keep up appear
ances. If you are poor and wretched, and
miserable and friendless, let nobody sus•
poet the truth, if you can help it, or you
are lot. Better fling your - last duller ha•
to the street with an air, than be suspected
of weeny or a shabbiness.,—John Neal.
oThe Washington correspondent of the New
York Sun, writes that Col. Todd, our Minister to
Russia, has been recalled, and adds that other
irisimters have had similar notices•
~. .__ .
HE undersigned having been afflicted during the past
Messrs Smith and Phillips:—Without meaning dispar winter with a disease In the stomach, sometimes
agemlnt to the other gentlemen who have offered them- producing great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve
selves for the nomination to the office of Prothonotary
hours without Intei!cnisatott, and having tried various
of this county, we take the liberty of suggesting to our
remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bottle of
fellow-citizens, through your columns, the name of Dr. . Dr. D. Jaynes' Carminative Balsam. This he used ac-
J. C. McCULLY. He is a gentleman whom we believe !
. cording to the dlrectlons. and found invariably that this
very capable of performing the duties of the office. He ,
medicine caused the pain to abate In three or four mi
is a native of Allegheny county, and during his whole .
, flutes, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy sen
political life has been an active,thorough.going Democrat, ,
cation was entirely quieted: The medicine was after
toeses,lle is a country candidate; t he country has a right '
wards used whenever Indications of the approach of pain
and claims the nomination to this office to be made
was perceived, and the pain was thereby p evented. We
from her citizens; and when she presents a candidate so
continued to use the medicine every evening, and some.
well qualified In Ivory respect, and one who will be go
timesin the morning, and in a few weeks health was so
well received by the public generally—but especially,the
far restored, that the suffertir was relieved from a large
democracy—we hope our democratic brethren of the cit
amount of oppressive pain. From this experience,there ,
ies will cordially co cede his claims, and unite in placing
fore. he can confidently recommend Dr. D. Jaynes' Car-
Dr M'Cully before the people as the Democratic candidate
mlnative Balsam, as a salutary medicine for diseases of
for the office of Prothonotary for Allegheny county.
; the stomach and bowels. REV. A: SHTNN.
Alexander Phillips, Robinson townshlP,
W. Meredith, . Lower St Clair, Allegheny city. July 16th, 1813.
For sale Nat the Franklin Head Panting Office, Third
Wm Kerr, Upper St. Clair, 1
I street, opposite the Post O ffi ce. Jly 19-lf
Henry Westbay. Elizabeth,
David E. Neshet, Moon,
John Rca, Pitt.
July 24. Aurora please copy.
N. W. Corner of Wood 4. Fifth as.
Tea proprietois of the MORNING rOdT and hisacual
•so MAtmeacrortrat r es pectfully inform their friends
and the paironsof those papers, that they have a large
and well chosen assortment of
etas 71L'ISCJIL7311E,
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they arc pet
pared to execute
Boots. Bills o( Lading, rirculars,
Pamphlets, Bill Head=, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips'
211 Ittnbo of 'Blanks,
Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boatßills, with app.
prime Cuts,
' Printed on the shortest notice and mast rcasonabletertas
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
lie public In general in this branch of our businftm.
Pittsburgh, Sep:. 39, 1842. PHILLIPS it SMITH.
L ANDING from S. B. 'North Bend, and In More,'
100 Hhds N. 0. Sugar,
100 Barrels do. very superior,
50 Barrels Molasses, do.
For race by It. GALW A
July 2.4--3 t•
and HECTOR ovm.u.o.RAN, complete edition.
large type and plates, at the low price of 50 cents, can
be had at W. M. Forrca's Universal• Agency and I.itera
ry Depot,Elt Clair street: Jolly 24-3 t. •
MINERAL. WATER, on the New York Plan. 50
tickets for *I, at W. M FOSTER'S, St. Clair street,
opposite the Exchange. July 24---6 t.
DELICATE Perfume for Wardrobe and Drawers
Aalso, a preventive against Moth• For sale at
W. M. FOSTER'S Universal Agency and Literary De
pot, St Clair el. July 24-6 t.
July 21st, 1843.
PURSUANT to Inst ructions of tie Post Master Gene
ral. the undersigned gives notice to the citizens o
Houston, Allegheny county,Pa., that, owing to the lion
compliance of the present incumbent r•Illt the requite
meats of the law, a vacancy is expected to occur i u 'hi
Post Office of Houston; and that he is desirous to appoln
a successor. to the selection of whom the citizens shal l
have a voice. It is therefor° requested that the citizens
proceed to recommend a person to appointment.
jury 22. RoBEaT M, RIDDLE, P. M.
riIHE late firm of I'. it A. Nesmith 4- to: Shoe and
Leather Dealers and Tanners, is di ss olved this day
by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of Alfred Nesmith,
whose interest in said firm hae been sold and tranaftted
to Thomas Nesmith, 6r%; and Thomas Nesmith, i.4r('-and
Thomas Neemi.h, Jr., have formed a r opartnerehip, un•
der the firm of TdoxLs NE3.llll'll 4 , SoN, who are duly
authorlL'd to settle the business of the late firm, and to
use the name of the late firm Cm that purpose.
July 0.1843. July 22---dtf.
ON Thursday evening, A LADY'S SCARF, which the
owner can have by calling nt this office, and paving
for title advertisement. July 22-1 t.
I RESPECTFULLY present myself to the citizens o
Allegheny county, as a candidate for the Shrriffalty
subject to the action of the Democratic Conventiolf,wlici
meets on the 30th of August next.
June 9,—d4wtc. ELIJ TROVILLO,
I respect Pally offer myself as n candidate for the office
cf Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Democratic
Convention. frid.G.H.9I.VKINS.
Wilkins Township, June 37—fc
To the Voters of Allegheny County:—l respectfully of
fer myself to your consideration as a candidate (indtper ,
dent of parties) for the office of PROTHONOTARY of
Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not
come before ycu recommended by a Convention, those of
you to whom I arri not personally known ill please ec•
amine into my qualifications, 4 - c.; and lion fortunate at
to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall torten or
by strict attention to the ditties (Attie offiee:to satis y f ycu
with your choice, ALEX, MILLAR,
may 0 —tE4 01 PitteburghL
Et CAPECTFULYoffer myself a candidate for the ( - trice
lof Prothwaotary of Allegheny county ,rubject to the ac
tion of the Democratic county convention which meets
on the 30th August next. G. R. RIDDLE.
Allegheny City, !Jay 31—te
AT the solicitation of a numuer of friends
to of all
eal parties, I respectfully offer myself the
sideration of my fellow-citizens for the office 01 County
Commissioner. That my sentiments may not be misun.
dcrstood, either as to political or private affairs, I make
free to say that I have been all my life a consistent Re
publican, in the true sense of the word. f As the county
is sosnewhat embarrassed in Its financial affairs, and the
reduction of salari a es ofpublic officers has received the
npprobation of large majorities of the people, the under
signed would not should he be so fortunate as to be dee.
ted, in any manner attempt to resist this salutary re
form; should It reach the office
SAoMUEf Comi L
HUty CritimßLissEY.ioner.
Now is the time of year for persons; attacked with
Coughs, Coulds. R heumatism, Gout, 4- c, ; itc. —To those
ntilicted, a speedy cure can be effected by using
whit)] is allowed by all who have used it to be the best
remedy ever offered for Conglis and Colds,and
an outward remedy, with the 1
_ , an inward application, is a eertais and positive cure for i
WANTED. 1 the Rheumatism. Gout, Contracted Cords and Limbs,
No one need suffer front these diseases if they will use
F a man named Amer, Cruestot HODGE, formerly of I the above medicines . The genuine to he had only at
OSag Harbor, Long Island, state of New York. Sabi 0 TUTTLE'S MCDICA.I. AGENCY. 1
Hodge has been in the cities of Pitts‘burgh and Cincinna- 1
sDruggists and Country merchants will be supplied a
11, Ohio, for the last few years. lie was employed when
: New You prices. 86 Fourth Street.
last heard of at the business of brickmaking. if he will .
call at the office of the sMotning Post,' he will hear of
something greatly to his advantage. July 21,—1r. COUGHS AND COLDS.
ANY are now suffering with the above complaints,
itel-Editors generally will greatly serve a poor man,by i M
above, and can be cured speedily by using Powell's Balsam
copying the
------- of Asniserd, which gives universal satisfaction to all.
Tbe bad only at TI.J l' ['LE'S, 36 Fourth street. 1
---- joune22•
filllE snbscriber respectfully intortns the public in gen-
JL eral, that he intends to devote his whole time to the . OAK
or ACCOUNTS in the cities of Pittsburg, Alle. OAK AND POPLAR LUMBER FOi
gheny and vicinity. i SALE.
Having been engaged in this busineA for some time, A FEW tholirand feet of seasoned Oak and Poar
and given entire satisfaction to those who employed him, /11.. Lumber for sale by whoimale, Enquire of Ja m es !
he respectfully solicits those having accounts tO collect to C, Cummins, E, , q., near the Fountain Inn,
give him a trial.
Physiciars and others who cannot spare time from
their professional business to collect their OCCOUINIS,WO I 3iII
tfind it to their advantage to give him a call, assortment of Crotch and shade
Respectable references can be given, and, if required. 1 A
Ai-just received from New York, and for it
security will be given for the faithful return of all monies
, YurnitureWareroom of T. B. YOUNG 4
collected. Baal
He can be found at JU'r, George Armor's, Merchant MS 21-2,wd.
Tailor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on 4th at. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M.—
Any orders left there during Wash:mace will be attended
to, or by letter through the Post ogee.
Terms.s pr cent commission.
July 21 -dlm. SA ML. GELSTON.
FOR 8 ILE CH EA r .-300 doz. assorted window
rash, and glass If wanted to suit; 500 cuts of 4 ant'
5 double carpet chant; 12 doz. good cheap sickles; 5 doz,
rakes; 20 doz. corn brooms; 3 doz. coffee mills; 10 doz.
patent tubs and buckets; shovels; spades; hoes; mattocks;
cheap axes, with handles; writing, letter, and wrapping
paper; brushes; bed cords; twine, kc., its., fin sale cheap
for cash, or approved exchange, to suit consignee.
ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Corn. Merchant,
Y 19 No, 0. sth st.
B ACON- 4 Casks Gams,
4 Shoulders,
2 Sides,
Just received on consignment , and for sale low for ca!'
43, Wood street.
LEFT the Subscriber, living' in St. Clair street, AR.
Eines Newman, an Indented Apprentice to the
bbomaking business. Had on left a fur Oap,
loc e roundabout and pantaloons. when
He he
Is about five feet
four inches high, dark hair and downcast look; rocks as
he walks, as though hd been a saor, and as h walks
he still watches ha c k ,
e as a though a co il nstable was e
in put ,
snit. The above reward but no charges will be g:ven for
his apprehension. All persons are cautioned against
boring or trusting hint, else they will be dealt with ac• har-
cording to law,
CORNER of Third and Wood street. over Kramer's
Exchange office, entrance on Third st His class
es meet daily as follow!: Gentlemen's class nt 8 o'clock,
A, M.; Lad , es'rlass at 10. A. Al,; Ladies and Gentlemen's
class at 7 P.M. Ladies can receive lessons at their res
idences during the afternoon. Vislters will please call
during school hours. July 18.11
rip E Influenza, which Is now an almost universal ep
_ll. !deride, is exciting the Inventors of patent medicines
to increased exertions In the puffing line, but owing to
tile general distrust entertained for the generality of
such drt.ge, people fear taking them. ihe following,
however, front a distinguished physician In New York,
Lir Nelson, we think may he relied on:
~ T he oleo cf the present communication is to recom.
inet.d a single remedy, cheap and of easy access . to the
poor. and to caution Il h eel against an Injurious cne in
this et ase, namely, bleeding, either general or by
leeches. In all those cases in which the first class of
symptoms prevail, let the patient smell frequently at a
common =alls teAtie, Aererna.ie Volatile Salts are
preferred; and by op u tting the vial to the mouth, to draw
a few deep i in' of volatile matter Into the lungs.
Let thls
r,hlsnd p.ocitess ri existed two or three times In an
a will give more speedy and greater relief, In
al' elight cases of the first class than any other remedy,
and will he sufficient for a cure. It will also be essen
tially useful In the severe cases; and in those of the class
of prostration, a few drops of ammonia, or hartshorn,
ought to be taken internally. A neat way of doing so Is
to lake an old fashioned mixture called lac ammoniacl.l
However, it is as a local remedy, tout on the disordered
surface, that Its use In advised. Thep rinciple will t
recognized by all phjslcians versed in molecular organ).
cation, and those who are deficient In that knowledle
way do In this Instance as they do In all others— act up
on the faith they imbibe." These salts are for salenti
within the reach .of all classes, at Wst, Tumors anti
Market street. Pittsburgh, jy
IDIOLEASA NT rooms and good Seam Power, at the
Cast Steel File. Ittanufactory, corner of Liberty and
O'Hare streets. /tinily on the premises.
July 16- - --
Sian v Citivn4 of Pilts! urgh, rernrc mend Dr. JOI3E/1
CURRY as c s:!itable person to ft'l a seat to the AnFon
pill , - 11, 1843.
bly r the ensuin s,ssiun.
In—Many ritizens of Allegheny city recommend Dr. .1
C. M•CULIN as a satiable person to fill the office o
Prothon• jelly 12
Two doors from Market street
tsr4giii .40iiR41
I 'V AT r.s' intends to manufacture a better article of
rx, . Ladies', Childrens and Misses' Shoes,and sell them
cheaper for cash than they ran tic bought in the city
He will keep constantly on hand anti make to order La
dies' Shoes of all kinds and colors:it the very low prices
untie foliowing HO:
Ladies' Lusting Foxed Gaiter Boots, $1 75
best quality Kid or Morocco Gaiters 1 al)
Ladies Calfskin Boots. 1 371
" Foxed Half Gaiters, all colors, 1 371
. best kid and Morocco Bu tins,
1 181
Double Soled Slippers, (JetL) 1 121
line Kid Springs and Turns, ht qual. 1 ( 0
" Springs, heavy, 87e
,' o Slippers, ise
`• t• 624
All Snoes made here warranted. !illases and Children's
in the Fame proportion.
trrßetnember the place, at the sign of the Redline,
No.B, Firths reel
july 1
I respectfully offer myself as s candidate for Coroner
of Allegheny county, suflect to the action of the demo
oratic County Convention, to be held on the 30th
Allegheny, July - -tc. JOHN JOHN
. - .
THE subscriber having commenced the manufacture of
Cast Steel Files, from American maierialft exclu
sively, merchants or ether persons wanting can bc sup.
plied by bins "sinus better article than the foreign, and
at lower prices. Intending to use only the best quality
of File Steel,nianufactured by the illessraSnocassnoc a's,
which Is now brought to a perfection equal to the best
English article, manufactured for the same purpose, the
subscriber has full confidence that he will be able, in
quality or articles and prices, to realize the best hopes of
the friends of American Industry.
July 15-19, Corner of O'Hara and Liberty sts.
Tsubscriber, surviving Executor of the last wil
and testament or Lewis Huffman, late of Jefferson
towushlp, Allegheny county ,deceased, by virtue of an
authority in the said will, will expose lo sale at public
vendee, on Saturday,the 12th day of August next, at 10
o'clock A. M, atthe house of Jacob Huffman:on the prem-
Ises,a tract of land In Jefferson township aforesaid, boun
ded on lhb north by the lands of Pressly Tromke, on the
west and south by lands of Simpson Castor, and on the
east by lands of Andrew Bedell, containing about eighty
five acres. The above tract of land Is situate.ri an Peters'
Creek, has about forty ears t hared on , about one half
of which is bottom suitable for meadow, a tolerably good
dwelling hone and barn, a small orchard and anabun.
dance °lcon'. Terms at sale
by 17—d3tw it p
Fattuday of, ernoou nest. nt 2 o'clock, at the of
bee of F. It. Shunk, Esq., 4th street, above Wood,
will be sold by eatalogue,by order of the administrators
of James Findlay, deceased, the extensive Library of
the deceased, embracing a rare and large collection of
Law and Pliseellanenus Books.
Previous to sale of Books will Le sold, Bedstead and
Beding, Book case, Mahogany Rocking Chair, .Looking
Glass, Wash stand, Grooms, Wardrobe, Trunk, Carpe
Bug, Saddighags, 1 doz plain Chairs, Sitting Tables,Sina. t
vel and Tongs, Ash Bbs,
Terms of Sale, Cush par money,for all gam; under $5O
and for all sums over 50 approved endorsed notes at 60
Y`• S. FA lINESTOCK 4. CO., Auer.
_ - -
fl AVE in store and for sa'e tow--A large assortment
of Mattresses, made of Curled Bair, Moss, Husk or
Colton, Those wanting wil .
lease eat!.
NOBLE, Upholsterer.
I • I No 4, Wood sl, near the River.
K — •
tucky Leal Tabasco In store
G. - and for rate by
12 Water at.:
Birmingham 0.,
And Cleveland Line.
Marcl. 22. '43
/00 Bzi Rio Coffee,
10 Boxes Tobacco,
5 Chests Tea,
75 Barrels No 1 Baltimore Herrings,
Ilec'd on consignment and for sale low (or Cash by
July 1 lIEVINE k 111cANULTY
• EAGLE •• .. 6 ... , •,.. ti.
%,i - t v •': slk lir'
••••••:-... ..I. ': GROCERY • ... 1
. ; •-•---
STORE. . . , _
QTACY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Grocer
1.7 and Frultrrer, No 140 Liberty Wee, rlttaburgh,
may 20.
Land Office ienovedfroa Le:is/ten to Clinton. Ago
June 23,1843.
ADv ICE having been received from dm Register of the
Land °thee at Lexington, Missouri, that the remo
val of that office to the town of Clinton, in Henry county.
as directed by the Plesident , will be effected Oil or about
the 8d day of July nest; this Is to give notice that the pub
lic sale of lands ordered to be held at Lexington on the
second day of October next, by the Executive proclama
tion bearing date the 8111 Inst. will be held at the time
prescribed in the town of Clinton aforesaid.
TllO, n. BLARE,
Commie toner.
go.). TIERCES RICE, on baodandtorl.ale by
joite.t9 Wairr llleet,ho•aeea wood and Batltharld
(late of the Ilroa of Young tr SlTurdy,)
HAB commenced the busine6s in all itA branches 41
Non, Wood el rent, between First and Second acre„
where he will keep constantly on hand a good assortment
of well made FURNITURE, end I:1We, by etrkt atten
tion to business. to merit a continuance of the patronage
of the pubic.
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS,
ke. A Furniture Car for hlre.
July 11
WM. McCA Fall Y begs leuve to announce
jto the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, that he is
prepared to make BOOTS of all kinds. cattle
best Leather obtained from Philadelphia, and over La sts
made liy instructions from himself. lie does now for
himeelf what he has so long done for the Pittsburg Boss. I
es, i, e. alter and fit his lasts to a it the foot. Be has
worked at the most fashionable work in the Bas , ern O—
MB, came here and Instructed several how to alter and 111,
which can be attested by numbers of lourneymer in this
city, and now is rewarded by them with contumely and
abuse. Ile hereby challenges any Bootmaker in Pitts.
but g, (Boss of course,) to make a pair ur [ware of Bou4,
1 stock equal, measure to be taken by each In his own way.
Workmanship to decide the matter.
Fourth st. or the Monongahela House Boot maker, (as
he calls himself) have a rare ChillEC now to show them•
selves, if they can make a Boot let us see It,
W, McCarthy's Shop and iitore Is on Market street,
nest door to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tin and
Sheet Iron ware Tottery. July 11—If.
Pulmonary PreserVative•
FOR Coughs, Colds• Influenza!, Catarrhs, Whooping
cough, Spitting, of Blood, pain In the breast, all dis
eases of the Breast and Lungs, and art e3t of approaching
ConsumptiOn. Warranted free from Mercury and other
ml *rals., B ILYA'S TG Cif 4- Co.
July 12 Agents for Pittsburgh
,108 N N. BRANT,
Dealer in Grain, General Forwar ding and Co
mission Merchanl.
WI LI, dispose of all goods s. , nt for Commission..
Sales at the lowest c ommission rates.
Phaa.—J 4- AV E Itrr, Day 4- Gerrit4i, D. Leech -
Balt —W Winn 4. rO., Wilson 4- ilerr, J E Elder
Darr:, Burke, il. Antes, J M Heideman.
ply 1- -tiin.
SAT E —Lots on the Noah East corner of Co.
tLane and 111411 street. Apply to
rep 10 lIENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4111 s
Farms to Lease.
THE undersigned will lease two Farms situated in
1. blast Deer township, with the necessary tenencnts,
and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. Also, one
farm situated in West Deer township Allegheny county
with from 50 to 75 acres cleared. 'lle above &seri ell
property is In reasonably good repair, laying oh mt 15
miles from Dm city of Pittsburgh, and within two miles
of the Penn's Canal, and will be leased on reasonable
I terms for from 1 to 'time years, to good tenants.
larch 13th—tf.
VVANTED IMMEDIATELY, places for several
good and trusty young men for stores, ware
houses, waiters and coachmen. Also, for several me
chanics, laborers, and men and boys to be employed In
and about the two cities. Wanted soon, for several re—
spectable Families, several good Cooke, and girls for all
work. Also, from 30 to 40 lainring MOO tO work on
the River and in a quarry at Petticoat Ripple, 60 miles
below Wheeling.
Apply at HARRIS'S Agency and Intelligence Office,
No 0, Fifth st. iv 19-3 t
.ArYDER'S unrivalled Self Setters for Sawmills w Itich
Shave been so fatly tested In different parts of the
United States; as well as in the cities of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, can be seen In operation at a number of
mills in this neighborhood, vie: at Mr Wickersham
1 1 mills on Penn at,; at Bowman 4 Chambers' mills, near
the upper Allegheny Bridge,and at Morrison's mills on
Hare's Island, and others. The above named machine
• can be obtained at W. W. Wallace's shop on Liberty at.
near Smithfield, where it is titling up, and where the
machine will be constantly kept on bands. Apply to B.
F. Snyder or W • W. Wallace...vs:LA may 5.
le at the
M . O l OltE fi LOUGHWEY,
SADDLE, Handeik net& Tie% Karns rsititrers, 152
Wood strew', between- Mitts and Liberty, next
door to McCully's Flour store, Piltstabsir, iy I y
IVMPLOYMENT for two or three ma riled urea with
small families, and who are gtd clerks, and Wish
to engage as Bookkeepers. Also; -41 :Q. 1 pd soon, plates
for several young men and boys io Goods, Grocery.
or wholesale and retail stores. Also, for several good
coachmen, Walters, llostlers, Laborers and Buys. Wan
ted, a good Coal digger to go down the river, about 40
miles. Wanted, employment for a good wet nurse, and
several good cooks wanted for resiMpable families, at
RABBIS' Intelligence Office, No %With st. jy 26.
250 LARGE and s.mall Locust
osts received e
and for sale by ,
jy 25.--3 t. Corner of Hand and Liberty sts.
PURSUANT to a decretal order of the Circuit Su
perlor Court of the Law arid Chancery for Mason
county. pronounced the 19th day of April, 1843, in the
cause depending therein of Henry Strider, Pit., against
James W. Brukenridge and others, Dale, the under.
signed special commissioner, will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, at the court house In Mason eounty,
I on the 16th day of September, 1843, (being the first day
of the Cir Sup'r Court of said county,) that well known
body of land commonly called "Graham's Station," lying
In Mason county. Va., Jti the Ohio river, containing try
survey four thousand one hundred am twenty-three
acmes, in two adjoining parcels, a lame proportlos of
which Is river bottom land. Th,p above lands previous
to the day of sale will be laid riff by the surveyor of the
county in lots of convenient size fr — '' .. isis and plats
furnished, and so many thereof will _ld as may tie
necessary to produce the sum of money required by said
decretal order. The sales will be made on a credit of
nine months for one-third part of the purchase money,
of twelve months for another third part, and of eighteen
months for the residue, the purchaser sir purchasers
giving bonds with good security for the payment of the
different instruments, bearing Interest from the day of
sale, the legal title to be retained as farther security for
the payment of thepurchase money, and liable to resale
at the risk of the purchaser or purchasers faring to make
punctual payments.
C5O. W. STRIBLING, Special Com'r.
Point Pleasant,Va., June 26, 1843. De 6.-2m.]
Attorney and Counselkr at Law,
Mr' Will attend promptly to the collection or security
of claims, and all professional business entrusted to his
care in the counties of Harrison, Jefforion, Belmont.
Guernsey, Tiscarareas, Holman, Coshocton. Carroll.
Stark and 13'.nyme.
Refer to: Metcalf and Loomis,.
Dalzell and Fleming, pitoburo..
John Harper,
D. T. Morgan,
L. & J. D. WICK,
Wholesale Grocers di. Dealers in Produce.
116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth wt.
ay 15.
Office, corner of Smithfield and Third
mny 25, 18.33_-Iy•*
BE LADIES' CLASS In Mr. F.atee's Writing litsti
Tlute, will hereafter receive lessons at 10 to clock a.
tn. in addition to the present Class, a new one will he
organized on Wednesday the sth inst. at the above
hour, The Ladies' and Gentlemen's class will receive
lessons every evening at 8 o'clock. A new evening Class
will also be organized on the 511, inst. Mr E. will be
nt Liberty during the canon to tive lessons at the
residences of those wh h. All a Ito whb to become
adepts in the art of w g the pen, will make Imam.
dials application for a P les of lessons, and your best
wishes will be more tha r ealized, as
"Those now can write, •Ito never wrote before.
And those who alwayrwrote, eau write the more.
N R.—A class of ginticnien will receive lus. - ints at the
Institute every in ruing at 31 o'clock. Jy 4
r. . i ti,,, • DR. WHITAKER...Ik,
- Butler strelig:9llegheny.City.
D' WHITAKER respectfully informs his filen& of
and the public that he continues tire practice
medicine, qn the botanic s 3 str m, :Is cones u ay ri quire.
Having Winfred the art of uriscopia, (or jrl9l ecting dis
eases by the urine,l be feels warranted in presenting him—
a If Deo' , the public under this head. as a physician.
it WHITITIER continues to prepare foUowing med
HEREIN ER F,IIV certify that after having used four vials of
lilie most popular Vertnifuge of the day, without pro
ducing any effect, I gave to a child of mine one v i a l 0 (
Di. IVIIITAKER'S unparalleled Vertnifuge, which brought
away a most Incredible mintl , er of worths. Since when
the child has enjoyed good health. I also gave It to one
other of my children with like
IT good effect.
Allegheny City.
Out of the hundreds of certificates which might be
adduced, demonstrating the invaluable Efficacy of Dr.
Whitaker's Vermifuge, the above is all the proprietor
deems necessary at present
TiIC3C Pith have been found useful In various diseases
incident to mankind, particularly Liver Complaints In
termittent. Remittent and Bilious revers, together with
Influenzi, Foul Stomach, Sore Throat, Rheumatism,
4.c. Also.
The Pills area sure preventative and cute fur Dys—
pepsia, Sick Bead Ache, Costiveness, and their many in
conveniences. Also,
!..:::,;:',..• 7 , i,'
, i i I/ ~
•• What can be Cured should n't be Endured."
The above tnedielne pre ared and e•o:d wholesale and
retail, by the proprietor, Allegheny
COrner or Liberty and St Clair streets, Pittsburgh.
71 25. city: and by
JUST termed, 5000 Freeman's hest Fire Brick, which
will hereafier he kept constantly on hand and 60 1 4
low for rash, 11 EIRMINGHAIId 4. CO.
No. 60 Water it.
may 27-
Clear the course for the Y
11,L1 A M FOSTER. Esq. of Allegheny city will
he a candidate. for the office of Prothonotary of Allegheny
county, at the ()Maher election. junc 4.
rri.Eft and surgical Instrument Manufarthrer,
Ccorner of 6th and Liberty streets, Pittstrut:h, Prt.
N. 11.--Alwayson hand,an extensive assortment of Bar
rival and Dental instruments, Ba,:ktr's, Tailor's,
Hatters', Hair Dressers' and Taniters • tent
Shears, Saddlers' Tools, Tytt,ses. Afc. j Pa v
DANA NfiTIVAND- = *.v. , • •
aiLiaorza sau.t. . D -" Mies
P EN NSlfitltr,
Bank of Pittsburgh. par Matignon,
Merch. 4. Man. bk. par Sandusky,
Eischanee bank, bar Gees4 l, .
Ilk, of GerrnantOn-r. .. 3 Norwalk,
Gaston tank, " Xenia,
Lancaster bank, die 1 Dayton,
Bank of Chester Co. par &lot%
Farmers'bk Bucks Co. ,' Post Dobbs.
Doylestown bk do •• Chillicothe,
Bk of N America Phil. " Frao.kkColuatbaa,
Bk of Northern Lihettics," Lancaster, -
Commercial bk. of Pu. .• Hamilton, 30
Far, 4- Mechanics bit ~ Granville, TS
Kensington hk. .. Com. bk. LakeErle, 5
Philadelphia bk. u Far. bk:of Castors. ' 44
Schuylkill bk. ~ Urbana 1111,
Southwark bk. INDIANA.
Western bk. • State bk.4' Braaehrmi n
Bk. of Pennsylvania, •. State Scrip, II
Bk of Penn Ti. par KENTUCKY.
Man. 4. Mechanics bk. par All banks, I
Mechanics hit. par ILLINOIS.
Moyamenning bk. r , State bk 4. Branches, SO
Girard ba.,k, iS l Shawiteelown, SS
U. States bank, 98, VIRGINIA.
Luntberment', Warren, - -Bank of Virginia, i
Frank. bk Washington, part db Valley,
Miners bit of Pottavile, 4 Far. bk. of Virginia,
Bk of Montgorne,ry Co. par Exchange bank,
Mon, bk Brownsville, IN. West, hank
Erie Bank, - 5 Mer. thtee. do.
Harrieburgh batik, 41 MARYLAND.
Far. bk Lancaster, 11Baltimore Banks,
Bk of Middletown, 41Country Banks,
Bk. of Chambersburgh, 4 DELAWARE,
Carlisle bank, 4 All Ranks, per
Bk of Northumberland, par ENW 1281131 Y.
Columbia bk tt Bridge co. 8 All Banks, par sad I
Bk Susquehanna Co. 40 NEW YORK.
Skof Delaware Co. , par City Ranks, Par
Lebanon bk. 4 Count rt,hanka,
Gettysburgh bk. ' 4 (safety Rasa Ia 1
York bank, 4 Red Back, *Mil
Far 4 Drovers bk. of NEW ROIGUINII—
Wnynesiturzh, 4 i noston Dank% par
~ .s Currency notes. 4 Country II i
Honesdale, 2 LOUISIANA
Wyoming bank, 10 Orleans Bank*, goad. 3
Pittsb'gb State Scrip 4a3 NORTH CAROLINA
Country do do 4 Banks, 2 4
Berks Co. bans, '10! SOUTH CAROLINA
Lewistown, 2 y Banks,
OHIO: Banks, 4 ' ol - - WM 01
llitAintpleasant bit 14 ALABAMA
Far. 4- Mech. ids of Stcu. Good Banks, 20
benville, II TENNESSEE.
Belmont hk of St. Claire. Ail Banks, $
vine, 14 1 MICHIGAN. ,
Marietta bit. Demand Bk. of St. Clair; 10
notes, II Do. do. /4. 11.0m00 34
do Currency notes, 14 CANADA
Columbiana hk New Lis Good banks. Btalo
bon Demand, 11 Eastern Exchastire.
do Post notes. I.k,Philudelphia. a.
Cincinnati specie pay- New York:
log banks, 1 Baltimore, ~..
Mech. /1. Traders bk of Batton, r ,
Cincinnati. 3, Western Eao
Clinton hk of Columbus, !Cincinnati, FIX
Demand notes. It Louisville, per
Circleville, (H.Lawrence l'Cleveland, i Os
Cashier) 11 Wheelint, 1 18,
Zanesville bk. 11,GOLD PND SILVER, par
Standart, Ingraham & Co.
CLivr.LARD, Osnoi
A G EN7'S for the MerchantsTransportntionCompikel
Composed of the Merchants Line, Erie Cada'
Washingiosi Line.
Hucter, Palmer 4. Co's. Lino of &cam Boats are Vits
gels on the Lakes,
Cliveland Liiie Pennsylvania and Ohio Cana%
Proprietors of the Merchants Line 011 Th
TIIE subscriber most respectfully Informs the gest*.
men °NH , city and vicinity that be has eotasagfitgal
the BOOT and SHOE making business In Fourth 'tree;
opposite the Mayors office. Having been Totem's
some of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Batters
cities; and basin! furnished himself with the best Pose*
and American Calf Skins. lie hop by his &Mottos to
business to merit a share of public patronage To thaw
men who have kindly patronized him he retires
Ills sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal tbr the
200tinesi of his work and knots ledge cf his hulloes.
11 P. KERRIGAN.,...
LLEN KR A M ER, Exchange Broker, No, 46, Car.
ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pitts/caret Pe.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drsrlal.
notes and bills, collected.
wiLluE ENSWOETTI, N 0.9, Crfent'r! 911 p, F , T
R. HUNTER. 4 , Co. Albany.
141, T. Wtt.tti.ma Dow, Ctrvelao
!lON. dOeN M . ALLEN, do.
CHARLES M. GlDltraS, to
J. S. DICKEY, Braver.
HIRMINOII.OI 4- co., rittsbeto,
op 1 1843-1 v
Pitts - btu gh.P4, Wm. Bell er Co., lobo D. Davis, V
Lorenz, J. Painter 4. Co., Joseph Woodwell,Janien
Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4. Co.,Jobnil.Dtairs
dr Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M•Candleas. St. /Oak
Ms., J. R. ilrnonald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Skot t i
Presl Bank Ky. sep 10
Unrivalled Blacking,
vivsurAci URED and sold wholesale aid retail:
Flirrn STRIVES one door below Smithfield.
oei 21-0%
°snort SE, Portrait Paistcr, Fourth et., 3d Amy
ali • attrito's ltultdinz. J. Osborne would Solleit a eall
mom those who desire Portraits. Specimen* Cube
ren at his rtlOlllS. aSSY
CaSO7./ELD has removed his warble Establialli
ment to Wood at, opposite Fabnestock's Druz
Su-re. where he Will keep constantly on hand Tomb
Siunrs ,Moonments etc.. ap ID—Jyt
A T the Cast Steel File Manufactory, one LO Wife 1.•
Aharden and one to learn to forge Flies. Appliedidd
who have pteviously wrought at the smith's Ate sat
had souse practice in working steel will be preferred.
None but such as can give andoubted testlgio,lab of
s.tliq and Industrious habits need apply.
Corner of Liberty and O'Hara ate.,
BY Daniel O'Connell, M. P. Price only 23 eta.: as
be had of W. M. FOSTIR. at his Universal Arelety
and Literary Depot, St. Clair rt. July
B001(8 for subscription tot he csanal stooks:lf this
siltation will be opened at te Idonongahela Hoene
on the 24th, 25th, and 26th Inst h . between the Mew
9 o'clock A. ht. and 4 o'clock I'. 6i,10r each day, Of
'if at least 1000 shares shall have been subscribed.
I,Kr Capital Stock $2OO 000, In shares of so eseb,
which $5 h 3 to he paid at the time of subscribing.
Act approved 31st day of May, 1841; Stupplememt
thereto approved the 2rd day of March, 1a42. i
IKTCownrirrioners--R. Miller, Jr., a W Poheiesiel,
B Holmes, William Blackatoek , Gen. U• Ta3 4 o l r , C
F. Sp3ng.Jas MUlenger, W. Liprencodt.
1. and effectual care for the ilirtorimt,Caught sad
Colds can now be procured, at wholesale and rittlat sit
Tr-rrLit's , 86 Fourth street.
q uantity of clean, first rate Allegheny Tee; pay
13e ad at fil'oll DUFFY'S, earner of Seeread an 4
Gram streets. 13"-te.
„ri se
Messrs Editors : —Piense announce Mkt -—.- ''
.10IIN M. DAVIS, of Peebles, for COOM,i'tt#4' '. . .
suliect to the decision of the Demoe, :
lion, to be held in August next. - . -- - - '.. i.' -., , -
holy 13--.ll"wtr • iff51 1 1 4 . 0 90,` 14 '
D. DANIEL Mc .31 &SE, Olga imr:VIMO *sod
bt. wcen Wood and Sulhbfield streentj*** lo ..
der 141- IT. • -