V a I• N IO 273 e . -- PUBLISHED BY M, PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, WOODCORNER S 4- FIFTH STS. O DOLLAR • " year, Single copies TWO CENTi3fo r ; P s: Y°e In lea t tibe Use office, and by News Buys. ',Mercury and Manufacturer Ilipdhileed WEEKLY, at the same office, on a ds.whte eineratteit *bat, at TWO DOLLARS a year, la ad. • if +l ll l l l O6 l!!!iagle copies, SIX CENTS. Terns, of Advertising. -.L....:„.. • . - - . t A,ILE OF. TWELVE I,I.NES OR LESS: f. 0.:0 0 1 One month, SE Q 0 lbel:ev Inns ' ~ 0,75 'nib , moots, bons, 1, 00 $ TUtiee moetbs, 6.00 J . 7,00 ' 4 er-4 - - - c. L : , W Pour IllentllP, $1.9. 0 '`Y '; '-' 3,01) Six months, 10,00 4,00 One year, 15,00 " .. e.fi;; : . 9 tEA ALE A OVERTISES! EN TS. '' , .,. 4 ~. CRAMOSAIILZ •T PI ILLIIIIII E. ... 4 4 I t, o** square. Two ,Squarei litkmairkeita, $lB,OO Six trioiltlie, 4, , ... 25,00 One year. ' ,-----, er advertisements in prorortion. of four lines ecx DOI. L MIS a year _, jtusLic OFFICES,&C. Third between Market and Wood 1, Postmaster. "ateroilth door from Wood at. Peter for John Wiliock,Collemor. Wood between Fir.t. and Second Aram, Treasurer. r. Third Welt!, west door to the :porch--3. R. Johihstan, Treasurer. '4urth, between Market and Wood lay, Mayor. Foarth, near Market at: BANKS ten Markel. and Wood streets, on ~pl,lsttdh streets. tillaare CIO 341.1.1(11 , 6,CTUILICitte PARMILIte D• (foreserly Stvinv Fund,) Fourth betw een 4Bellvi and Market streets. * admires, FiB h street, near Wood. - ELS. OWIR, Water, el reet, near the Bridge. GS Ile rat., corner of Penn and St. Clair, - 4 . -- akimiterrs' Hearst., corner of Third and Wood. AxnertaLit 110TILL•e•-• Third and Smithfield. MUM dawns, earner GC Penn vtrect and Canal. nillitiasilLtet,t, Liberty street, near Seventh. Bituision Haunt, Liberly St. opposite Wayne i ll Dac e 31anstee !loess, Penn St. opposite Canal, .Ivl rI.IIlIitERT " COUNSELLOR AT L W. —office rem° eltecrell's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite Us. -new Court House, nest rooms to 'John D. Mallon, „ Ft fl rgoor. . . sep 10 Ub II 'VO Ni ER, Alta , nev at Lan•, North East turner g 4" i inithßeld and Folic h streets. -sap 10-1 y NAP' C.viDLEss & :11PCLURE 7 Attorneys tend CUL Counsellors at Law: Odire in the Diamond, hack fifth° ald Court Douse, Pittsburgh. Sep 10 SHUNK 4- FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourths) , above Wood, Pittsburgh. sep 10-Iy, 1 u08.41A :.TON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. scp 10—ly o'lllll.l. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; Office nn the north •Ilde •ff the Dintnond,betwee , , iaraet and Mt Inn at recta, up stairs rep 10 I. DURBORAW, Attorney at Law; tenders nik. ! his procesilonal services to tin, peUlic. Oflice on 4 1 (111 Ettreet, above Wood, Pittsburab. sep 10 EysTER ¢ „th:ii %NAN, Rfrternels at Law, office removed from the Otattiond, to "AitorneyWtow,” 'llPlttrikldeof Fourth street, between 31nrket and Wood II .v.ittl sep 10 BUCKMASTER, AT'RNEY AT LAW, . Pa; romov,,l Nia OtfiCe 10 (tear,,-'s Law Uulld— +ge,Fourtb streel, almve Smitlillekl, Fit 4.,15u to 10 GEORGE W. /.--4YNO, Attorney at Law, -O ffi ce No. 54 Fifth gtreet, near the Theatre, POts'eurgh. sea 27-1 y . _ READF: lV aSIIINGTON, 4170R.AFEr AT I,Alf'. —Office in Ilakeweli's blreet,' Pittsbnr:h. NOV. 5, 1842- 401 I N J. MITCHELL—Attorney it Law, office carruer of Bruitblield and 51b ma., Plitsliurgh. Ootketions made. A I bussuess entrusted to Ills 'lre will be promptly attended to. 16=-1 y• RE.IIOVA.L.--E. Morrow, Alderman; offi a north gideof Fifth st.. - belween Wood and Smithfield )111 0 ... Pinsburth. sett 10 DU: S. R.1101.;111E8, Office in Second street, nest door to liitt'vary* Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly 01INS l't )N ¢ SI'OUKTON, BcokseLers,Printersan Paper Manufaciarers, No. 37, Markel st. sep 10-ly JOHN ANDERSON, 81111011eId Foundry, Water et... Jew Chu bionongaheia Douse, Pitteltoreh. zero 10-1 y irill/MAS 3 TOEING. FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG. I 'IMO& B. YOUNt CO., Furniture. Ware Booms, tmrticr of Hand st. Exchange Alley. Amos , srlisiting to purchase:Furniture, will find it to Issitnisdwautage to give ua a call, being Cully satisfied that *voila please as to quality and price. sep 10 46 HMS. PLAN CATION MOLASSES, received per Steamers Little Ben end Fulton, and for 1 G. 4- A. GORDON 12 Water street able by , esar 27. eitosoLas D. Comtvg jrIIOMCJIGIN 4. CO.,Gene:a Agents, Forwarding and Ad/ commission Merebants Z.evee Street, Vicksburg Idisi 'Fbey resp.•ctfullyso.ict t consighments. tt22- 1017 EBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe blanufacto• ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States .anti Ladies Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in doe seatest manner, and by the newestiFrench patterns. p'llo 4ARDBN TOOLS, consisting of flocs, Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding distives, Pruning ni*es, Pruning Shears, etc., Just re /a-dived and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. 4.'10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. IMALG(STRATES`BLANKS, for proceeding in Al ligthagent under the late taw, for sale at this Office SLAITS PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- 1 • be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on oiled,paper,and In the forms approved by the Court,for sale I the (Met Of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 WM. HUBBARD, ladies' fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer, No.lol, Third street, between 'ft-Mood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10 VAS. P ATTERSON, J r., Birmingham, near Piiishurgh, Oki Pg., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; Ta lmage, FRllee. Mill and Timber Screws; Hoasen Screws for AMON( Mills, c. sep 10—Iy JORK 11PCLOSHEY, Talltr and Clothier, Liber.y street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, imp 10 Gr.'4. A. GORDON. Commission and -Forwarding Merchants, Water st., Pittsburgh. scp 10-1 y • Birmingham & Co. jr4O3MISSION AND FOR WJIRDING .VER. CilatirTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. vamp—Receiving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 tbs. .Commissions on Purchases and sales 2 . 3 per sent. mar 12,•13 S. MORROW , iur`.IIrUFACTURER or Tin, Copper and Sheet Ivor jirl Ware, No. 17, Fifth at., betwcen wood and !liar— Keeps constantly on hand a good assnittneut of wares, Ar . anti solkits a share of public patronage. it kw. on hand, the following articles: Shovels. Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, *Ns% Teakettle', Pots, Ovum, Coffee ill ills ,tt. ash others ars invited to tail and 6.1[&11080 :Or .4 boratogru as he is delarmixed looell chow for cub or ipirocus.., tr. uor.l Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- duce Merchants, And Dealers it Pittsburgh Manufactures mar 17 No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh AILMAN I JENNINGS &CO., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17,'43. TEIOPIPI3O2I HANNA /AYES TunNnct.t.. HANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper 'Warehouse, No. 104, Wood st., where may be had a general supply of writing, wrapping, priotiug, wall paper, blank books, school books, itc, 4-c. scp 10-.4 y C. TOWNSEND ¢ CO., Wire Workers and Manafactarers, No.23Mdrket street, between 2d znd 3d streets. cep 10—Iy 171XC1IANDE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and s't. Clair IA streets, by Mel.; IBBIN 4- SMITH. sep 10—ly BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Hughes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood si., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —ly E GOODS.—Preston 4- Mackey, wht.lesale and LI retail dealers in English, French, aril Domestic Dry Goods, No. 111, Market st , Pittsburgh. pep 10 TORN 11 , DEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectifying Distiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, .Ma 5 .524 Liberty Street, Pitts• fargh.. sep 10 'fitt,ctss Wit.r.wits dons S. DILWORIII WILLIAMS & DILWORTIL—Mholtsale Grocers Produce and Comminiou Merchants, and dealers In Pithhurgh Manufactured articles, No. 29, Wood Wert. sep 10 /OAR B.SIII.RIFF JAS. N. KERN QLTERIFF & KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper, Tin, and Siseet ron Ware, No. 80, Front st ~ Pitts burgh. House Spouting and Steamboat work proinptlY executed. sap 10 hipAVID SA NDS, 1 1 1. ATCH & CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, 81. Clair street, Pitts burgh, DEALER IX IY.STCH ES, C LOCKS,B REASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, 4c. sep 10 LANDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.- A full supply of Landrettes Garden Seeds, always on band, and for sale at his alency the Drugstore of V. L. SNOW DEN, pep 10 184... Liberty street, head of Wood. ESIOVAL —Matthew „tones, Barber and Ilalr Dress er, has removed to Poorthatreet, oppositethe May or/orrice, where he will he happy to:vratt upon iternianent or transient cuslomers. lie solicits a share of public pat. ronage. . sep 10 11 MIN M'FAItLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet Af..ker, Third st. between Wood if Nurleet street:, respectful Isms his friends and the public that he is prepared to esecute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards Bu reaus, Chubs, Tables, Bedsteads, Sta nds, flair and Spring Mattrasses, Curtains. Carpets, alt sorts of Upholstering won:, winch he will warrant equal ,o any made in the city, ant on reasonable terms, sep 10 REMOV4I.4--Thf. subscribers have remov.d to Wa. ter between Wood anti Smithfield streets, where they will continue. the Wholesale Grocery and Commis. skin busine9s an would re -Tel tfully solicit the patron. age on heir friends J. W.DURLIft I DCE4. Co. Dec 3 Dr.. A. IV. PAT l'I.:11501%. s,:fice on Smithfield street, near Sixth. sep 10 VI IRE RF,DUDED. U. S. MAIL !Arm or STACIM A.ND RAIL POAD CARS, riqin rtusihurgh, vta Bedford, ettambereburg, IlarriThurg and Imnenster, to Plitladi.l. pltia, connecting will) the Mail train of Cars to N V. ,Tr. Only 150 milesidaeina nod one ntglit out. Aka. the Direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Fitilade'phia S 9. Sattittiorp, 9, Lenvee daily at R o'clock A. M, Office second door below the Merchants Hotel Wood st MENDELL, G BALI A W ATIGII 4- Co. frl) 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors THE GREAT CENTRAL ROU E. vu NATIONAL. ROAD AND BALTIMORE AAD OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY (" V. 4 " "Xt:c 7h. INw line or u. s. Wathiniton Cie?! IN Baltimore, Philadelphia and New YOrk. This tine is in full operation and IrayesPittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington ?a. aati national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road CO . S. to all the above places: Travellers will find this n speedy and comfortable route, it beluga separate artd distinct Pittshurgh and Cumberland line, f ac ilities will h e afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. En tra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, wito the privilege of going through direct, or taking cue night's rest at their For t a, apply at our office at theMonongabeta House. L. W. S'I'OCKTON• Feb. 3,1--dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! LEWD R. COLE SI AN FROM fiTTSBUROB TO BALTIMORE AND PVILADELPIIIA. United States Express Line , Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 2 o'clock, P. BIE, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, i hence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over Ole great National Road, and from there by RAILROAD, in superior new eight wheeled cars, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The allow Line Is represented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange ments to convey passengers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad .Cars.— Think of it! Only 73 miles Stage travelting, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare to Raliimme, $lO. Office In the Monongahela House. A. HENDEE , SON 4-• CO., ml d 3 Stage Proprieto 1 4 114CTS SPEAK FOR TIIENSELVES—TRUTHIS CONVINCING:— Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap ofmy knee. which produced much pain, and used various applica lions recommended by the Faculty--all in vain wan cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand reth'sLinament, or External Remedy. Witnees my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan.loth,lB4o. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Liniment; sold at his office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the Attest el:lathy, for sale wholesale and retail, by feb 22—tf. 20;000 Vo„s Cotton Yarns, assorted .2,000 Ibvi. Batting, 2,000 6 ' Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Cbain, and F 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto t.y. For sale by HAMM AN, JENNINGS & Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, mar 17 N0..43 Wood street, WIIL or ELDER, Attigsy at tan.—office in Sex. and street, t 2nd door above 41:m40n/or of Smithfield sot th side. IP. 29, HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co, 1 8 I ,va. 4 3 NEW ROVTE. WM, THORN, 53 Market at -••• , , • m'•• 4 % 4 - 1 - --- •• _ • lb.: BY TIIE PRESIDENT pF THE U. STATES IN pursuance of law, I, JOHN TYLER, President of the United States of America, do hereby de clare and make known that public sales will be held at the undermentioned Laud Offices, in the State of MICHIGAN, at the periods hei einafter designated, to wit: At the. Land Office of GENESSEE, commencing ocr Momtay the ninth day of October next, for the dispo.sal of the public lands within the limits of the untivrnientiened townshipa.and fractional tounshipe to wit: North tiof Ilse base line and east of the meridian. Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty three and thirty-four, ant' fractional township thirty-five, bur d•ring on Lake Huron, of range Townships thirty-one, tnirty-two and thirty three, and fractional ton nship thirty four, bordering on Lake (Limn, of range seven. Fractional townships 041 r-one, thirtr•twe, thirty three and thirrp.four, borderinfi on Late Huron and Tutindiir Bay, of range eight. Fractional townships thirty, thirtrone ,thirty-two, and thirty‘three, bordering on Lake Huron, of range nine Fractional township thirty, of range North of the base line arid West of the meridian Township thirty-five, and fractional townships thirty-sip , thirty-seven and thirty-eight, bordering on Lake Huron and Mullet's Bay,nf range one. Town,ltips thirty-five, thirty.six and thirty...seven, and kactional townships thirty-eight and thirty-nine, bordering, on Lske Huron, of rantwo. At the Land Office at DETROIT, commencing nn Monday, the twenty-fifth day of September text. fix the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the fullowiog detatiled.tracts, viz: The lot mind:minim in section eight; lot nitmlptr nine in section nine; lota three, four and fire in sec. tinn seventeen, end lot number one in section sigh. teen, which have recently been surveyed in sousrustup six, South of range ten, East of the metidian. Lands appropriated by law for the use of sohools, military, or other purposes, will be excluded front Kite. T T sales will each be kept open for two weeks, [tint' he lands are a/m iler disposed og and no longer. end n rivate entries of laud, in the townships 80 offered; will be admitted, until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washingume this ritAtth day of June, Anno Domini, 1843 JOHN TYLER. . . By the President: Tigo. If. BLAKn, COM7ni Sioner of the Gcneral Land Office NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS Evety p-rson ent;iled to the rigid of pre-emption to anyleodswiihin li.e Uwiti of the township. ahova enumerated, is requited to estAdisli the same to the, sati+facimn of the. Register and Receiver of the pro pet L air d Otike, 31/14i make payment therefor as sooll as procticatile after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the township, eruhracing the tract claimed, ab to e de:F;gnated, othtrwiFe such claim will be for. fcitet', 'lllO. Li. BLAKE, Commissioner ff the Genera! Land Office. june 27—tds. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE U. STATES. - EN pursohnce of law, 1, JokIN TYLEft, President of the Hailed States of America, do hereby de. dare and make lt,.own that pohlic sales will be held at the undermentioned Lata4Offes. in the State ot, 111.*JURI, at the pe.tods hereinafter designated, to wit: AT PLATTsBuiz G, in Clinton cou.ity, the seat or the Land Office for the Platte district of commencing on Moitiy, di, ninth day of ber next, fir !he diliwal 'it the pillilic hi, d. withi.i the underilientined too usl its, and fractional town ships, to tvi.: ..Vorth of the Lase I.isie and zees, of the fifth princi pal meridian. and treat of the former western born dary of the Slate. Sixty two, of range thirty (our. Tc,w.ships sixty vile and sixty three, of rtkoge thirty ti e Townships sixty two end sixty four, of range thirty Town-Hps s one, a n d 6ixty three, of range thirty seven. 1 - I ‘kAtis. Town hil+s sixty two and sixty four, of range thir— ty eight. The west half oftownship sixty one, of range thirty nine. Fractional township sixty two and township sixty four, of range forty. ri a t , oual townships silty two and sixty three, of range forty ot,e. Fractional townships sixty there and s'sty four, of range f,,rty two. North of the base line and east of the fifth principal meridian, and west of the former western boundary of the .tatc. Townships sixty one and sixty two, of range twenty :.ey ell. Townships sixty. sixty one and sixty two, of range twenty eight. tr,,vensi l l i , sixty One, (Tr rahge twenty nine. ••-77.1 - 17.7 A.ki) at the satrse plate, commencing on Monday, thd thirteenth day of November next, for the disposal of the public lands whin the limits of the undermon timne,l townships and fractional townships, viz: North of the base line and west of the fifh principal meridian, and west of the former west, rn boundary of the State. Fractional townships fifty, fifty one, fifty three, filly five and fifty seven, of range thiity three. Townships fi'ty two, fifty four, fifty six, fifty eight and sixty, of range thirty four. Ft artional towmitip fifty one, townships fifty three, fifty five, f actional u wnship filly seven and town ship fifty nine, of range thirty five. Fractional towuships fifty four, firy six, and fifty seven and tow,' hip risty, of range thirty six. :Fractional townships fifty five, fifty six, filly eight and fifty wile, of range thirty seven. Fractional townships fifty five and sixty of range thirty eight. At the Land office at LEXINGTON, commenc- OPI Monday the second day of October n.xt, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned townships, to wit:— North of the base tine anc . l , west of the fifth principal Townships thirty six, thirty seven and chi' ty eight of range rout teen. Townships thirty Eve and thirty seven, .of .range fifteen, Toss nship thirty five of ranges sixteen and nineteen Townships thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven and thirty eight, of range twenty one. Township thirty eight, of range twenty .thtee. Township thirty nine, of range twenty eight. Townships thirty eight and thirty nine, of range twenty nine. Township forty, of raoges thirty one, thirty two and thirty three. South west fractional quarter of section twenty one, and the north east and north west fractional quarters (trisection twenty four in township fifty one, south of Missouri river, of range twenty - six. South west quarter of section seven, in township rutty nine, of range twenty seven. Landsappropriated by law, for the use of schools military or other purposes, will be excluded from sale. The sales will each be kept open for two weeks, [unless the lands are sooner disposed of) and no longer; and no private entries ofland in the town ships se offered will be admitted, until after ',he ex piration of the two weeks. Given under my hand at the City of Washington. PITTSBURGH, JULY 28, 1.843. meridian this eighth day of June, Anna Domini, 1843. JOHN TYLER. By the President: THe. H. BLAKE, Comm'r of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person claiming the right of pre-entption to any lands witain the limits of the townships above cooperated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper Land Oflice, and to make payment therefor, at son as practicable after seeing this notice, and be. fora the day appointed for thocommencement of the public sale of the township, embracing the tract cialtied, above designated: otherwise such claims wiltbe foi felted. THO. 11. BLAKE, Cnrnnri•sianer of the Otocial Land Office. jute BY;1111.1; PRESIDENT OF Till.: U. SPATES. purs.tance of law, I, ions TYLER, President JlE',_of the United States of America, do hereby de de:Stand iiittAe known, that public sales will be held at. itlie undermentioned Land Offices in the Territory o f MIVA, at the periods hereinafter designated, to the Land Office at DU BDQUE, commencing o o llionday, the sixteenth day of October next, for therdhsposal of the public lands within the limits of the endormentioned townships, viz: Ntilo of the base line and East of the sth principal meriduns. Aviuhips eighty tw,i and eiehty-three, of range one. Townships eighty-one, eighty-two and eiglry threes of lunge two. Townships eighty •otte, eighty too and eighty,. i,r tangy. Otter. Teo mhip mgmy-thise, of range five. An Wand iu the :11 i.ssi,sippi river, containing thir ty-rti,e 8()-100 vies, forming parts of sections thirty. !Mir and thirty-five, in township seventy-eight, of rime three. IV:forth the lrnsc line and West rf the sth principal meridia n Townships eighty-two and eighty-three, of range At the Land Office at FAIRFIELD, cowmen hypo Monday, the second day of October next, for the,dirpusal of the public tands hereinafter designa ted, • is: ,Noti of thy base line and West of the sth principal meridian. Tdwnsirip seventy-ax, of range nine. Ajs island in the Mississippi river, forming parts orstections' seventeen, eighteen and nineteen, in um/lathy sixty-eight. of range two, and parts of sec tions tt.i. teen and twentysfour, of township sixty eight, of rance Two S111:VI S au Is in the Mississlppi river, forming part of sects it, six, in township seventy, of range one, and parts of sections one and twelve, in town ship seVe'llly, of range two. An island in the Mississippi river, forming parts of sections fifteen, sixteen,twenty-one and twenty-two, except that portion of the island within the limits of section sixteen, and two islands in the same river,one of them forming a portion of sections twenty-two, tweisty.six and twenty-seven, and the other, parts of sections twenty-two and twenty-seven—all in town shipoeventy,four of range two. Thee!, islands in the Mississippi river, forming parts' of sections twenty-One, twenty-two, twenty three, twenty-six, twenty-seven and thirty-four, ex-. cept so much of Huron Island as lies within the li tnivpof section sixteen, in township seventy-two, of ne - Mit'and in the Mississippi river, forming par; of teat three, in fuses:hip seektuttr-two, of range one, ar...4 pa. t of sectilbn thirty-four, iu township seventy- . !Woe, of range one. An island in the river, forming parts of sections twenty-two, twenty-seven and thirty-four, , 'n township seventy-three, of lenge one. Four islands 'in the 'Mississippi river,Jorming parti of sections twenty-e'ght to thirty-fire, inclusive, in township seventy-tever, of range one. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military, of other purposes, will he excluded from sale. The sales will each be kept open for two weeks, (unless the lands are sooner disposed of,) and no longer, and tie private entries of land in the town ships so offered will be admitted, until after the ex piration of the two weeht. Given under my hand at the City of Washington this eighth day of Jane, Auto Domini, 1843. JOHN TYLER. By the Pr esident: Tl.lO. H. 131.A1Z Commissioner of the Genera land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled t.i the right tit pre-einpfinu to any lands within the limits of the t .winthips above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register HIFI Receiver of tl.e pro• per Land Office, and make payment therefor as 300 n as prat-4(.01de after seeing 'this notice, and before the day appinted !or tho commencement of the public sale of ltc township enibraeing the tract claimed, above designated, otherwise such claim will be for feited. TIIO. I!. BLAKE, Commissioner of &c Generat Land Qffice June 28-t U.Y TUE PRESIDENT 01 THE UNITED STATES. IN pursuance of the law, I JOHN TYLER Presi dent of the United States of America, do here. by declare and make known that public sales will be held at the undermentioned Land Offices, in the Teri itory of WISKONSAN,at the pet inde hereitnif ter designated, to wit: At [ha Land Office at MIN ERAL roiNT, coin_ 'fluxing on ModdAy, the twenty third day of 0 tu ber next, I r the disposal of the public lauds within the undermentioned townships and fractional tcwn ships. viz: North of the base lisle and West of the fourth princi ' pal meridian. Township eight, ()flange five. .North of the ban , line and East of the fourth princi pal meridian,and .Worth of the Witkonsan river. Fractional Townships eight and nine, of range one. Fractional Township eight, including parts of isl ands in sections eleven, twelve, thirteen and four teen, and township nine, of range two. Fractional township eight, including parts of isl ands in serdiou eighteen, of range three. Fractional township eight, of range four. Fractional township eight, including the island in section.nine, and township nine, of range fire. Fractional townships nine mid ten, of range six. Fmcnottal.townslips nine, ten and eleven, of range Bevel). Fractional township eleven, of range eight. At the Land Office et GREEN BAY, commenc ing on Mcnday, the second day of October next, for, the disposal of the public lands within the under, mentioned ton rtships, towil: North of the base line and East !)). the fourth princi- 1?,31 Teridias. Fractional township eleven. [including the island] on the north side of the Wiskonsan river, range nine. Sectioust r ,fettr,Thve, six., seven, eight, seventeen, eighteen, ' iiietesn, twenty, twenty-eight, twenty nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty two and thirty.three, 13 ing west of the Winnebago Lake and Fox River, in township twenty, of range seventeen. At the Land Office at MILWAUKIE, commen cing oo Monday, the sixteenth day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands hereinafter desig, nated, vie North of the base Line and East of iheifourth princi• psi meridian. Tifivetship ten, of range ten. The west half of the southwest quaver of section three, of township two, of range nineteen. The east half of section twenty-six, in township ten, of range twenty-one. The lot number five of the southwest fractional quarter of section nine, in township three, of range twenty-three. The southeast fractional quarter of section nine teen, and the lots one and ;wo, or northeast baction al quarter of section thirty, in township two, of range twenty three. Lands appropriated for the use ofechools, military, or other purposes, will be excluded from sale. The sales will each be kept open tar two weeks, [unless the lands are sooner disposed nfl and no longer; and no private entries of land, in the town ships so offered, will be adwitted, until after the ex piration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, this eighth day of June, Anna Domini 1843 JOHN TYLER. By the I'reflideo:: THO. H. BLAKE, Commissioner of the General Land Office NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre-eruption to any lands within the limits of the town hips above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the pro per Land Office, and make payment there for, as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed fi.r the commencement of the public .sale of the township, embracing the tract claimed above designated, otherwise such claim will be for feited: TEJO. 17. BLAKE, Commissioner of the General Land Office. June 27—ts BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE U. STATES IN pursuance of law, I, Jona TYLER. Presiil eat of the United States of America, du hereby de clare and make known, that public sales will be held at the undermentioned Land Offices in the State of ILLINOIS, at the periods hereinafter designated to wit: At the bind Office at DIXON. cninmenc'ng on Monday, the thirtieth day of October neat, fur the disposal of the public lands within the undermen tioned townships, and parts of townships, to wit: North of the baseline and East of the third principal meridian Townships thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, fot ty four and forty six, of range our; Townships thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, this ty nine, forty and forty one, of range two. Townships thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty and forty one, of range three . The southeast quarter of section fourteen, and the south west quarter ofsection twenty lour, in town ship thirty three, of range one. The south west quarter of section two, in town- ship thirty three, of range three. The east half of the north east quaver of section twenty one, and the west half of the north west qua• ter of section twenty two s in township thirty sax, of range three. The west half of the north east quarter of section twenty one, in township thirty one, north of the base line, of range one, west of the third principal The east fraction of the north west fractional quarter of section twenty one, (on the east side of Rock River) in township forty three, of range one, east. Noah of the ktse linekail of ihe fourth principal dam. Township eighteen, of range two. Townships eighteen, twenty four and twenty five, of range three. Townships eighteen, tvineteen,twenty four, twen• ty fsve and twenty six, of range jour. Townships eighteen nineteen, twenty four, twenty five and twenty six, of Lange five. Township twenty two, of range Township twenty three, ofrange seven. The north east quarter of section thirty, in town• ship eighteen, ref range one. The northeast quarter of section thirteen, in township nineteen, of range one. The north east fractional quarter of section thirty• four, in township twenty one, of range two. The east half of the north east quarter of section eighteen, in township twenty three, of range four. 'rho east half of the south east qt.arter of section seventeen, in township twenty one, of range seven. The west half of toe north west fractional quarter of section five,, in township twenty one, n 1 range nine. The south west quarter of section three, and the south east quarter of section thirteen, ititownship twenty two, of range nine. The west hall of the north east quarter' of-section thirteen, in township twenty ,three, of range nine. The west half of the south west gnar•er of section twenty. in to..vt-ship fifteen, and the east half of the south west quarter of section twelve, in township twenty eight ofrange ten. The north east quarter of section three, west halves of sections six and seven, south halfof section eleven, col th half a..d south west quarter of section fourteen, east half of seetion fifteen, east half of sec tion seventeen, west halves of sections eighteen and nineteen, nor:h halves of sections twenty oce and twenty two; south halves And mirth west quarters of sections thirty and thirty one,; south half and north east quarter of section thirty two; south hall and north west quarter of section thirty three, and the south west quarter of section thirty four, in township thirteen. The north half of sections one to six, in elusive, south west quarter of ectinn six; west halves of sections seven, eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty one, and tto north west quarter of sec lion twenty three, in township fourteen, of range four. Sections three, ten, fourteen. fifteen and twenty five; north halves of sections one, two, four, five, six. seven, twenty one, twenty two and twenty tout; south.halves of sections eight and twenty three; west halves of sections eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty one; south west quarters of sections six, seven and twenty four; south east quartets ufse, lions four, twenty and twenty two; north west quarters of sec tion eleven, and north east quarter of section thirty three, in township fourteen, of range six. North of the base line and West of lhefourth principal meridian Township fifteen, the east part of an island iu Rock river, in section thirteen; also,•fraotional .sec (leas eighteen and nineteen, in township seventeen, of range two. Fractional sections nineteen and twenty one; west half of fractional section twenty two; north half ofsec. Lion twenty five; east half of the north east quarter of section twenty six, south halves of sections twenty seven and twenty eight, and north west quarter of section twenty eight; north half of section thirty; north east quarter, south west quarter, north half of north west quarter and west half of south east quar ter of section thirty one; sectiou thirty two, except the west half of the north west quarter; sections twenty nine, thirty i three and thirty four, and the west half of the north west guar ter of section thirty five, in township seventeen, of trine three. Fractional sections twenty nue to thirty two, in clusive, and section thirty-three, in township seven. teen, of range four. Part ()fan island In the Mississippi fiver, IH sec tion three, in township fifteen; fractional section.s one, two, eleven, fourteen, twenty two, twenty three, twenty seven anJ thirty four, in township sixteen and the fractional section thirty s,x in the frac:lona] township seventeen, arrange six. At the Land Office at CHICAGO, conam , ncing Ott Monday the twenty filth day of September next, for the digplsal of the public lands nereinafter desig nated, to wit: North of the base line and East of the third priweipal marsdian. Fractioual townships thirty one and thirty twa, bordering on the Indiana State Line, of zauge fit teen. The east frartion of the south east quarter of see- Six, in township thirty three, of revs tour. PRICE TWO CENTS. The eust half and the north west quarter o(. 1h north east quarterlof section three, and the north bar of the north west quarter of the same eectiea, tnwnship thirty nine. of range eight. The east half of the south east quarter of section fifteen, in township forty three, of range eleven. The north west quarter of section twelve, in tows-. ship forty, of ranee thirteen. At the Land Office at DAN VILLE, conuneocina on Monday, the second day of October next, for do disposal of the public lands within the limits of fray tional townships twenty eight, twenty nine and tinier north of the base line, of range ten, west of the se cond principal meridian. At the Land Office at KASKASKIA, comantoooe hag on Monday, the sixteenth day of October Next, for the disposal of the public lands within the lignite of the southca.st quarter of section thirty three, sad the southwest fractional quarter of the saute section, on island twenty four, in the Mississippi river, he township thirteen, south of range three, west. At the Land Office at EDWARDSVILLE, coat, mencing on Monday, the ninth day of October nen for the dispasal of the public lands within the liosite of fractional sections thirty one and thirty two, us township six, north of range ten, west, end fraction al section twe my five, in township six north, of range eleven west,constituting islands numbered sixty and sixty one, in the ,Mississippi river. At the Land Office at QUINCY, commencinices Monday, the twenty third day of Octuber pest, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits cot the undermentioned tracts, viz: North of the baseline and Ease of the fourth principal meridian The north half and south east quarter of seetios; twenty three, in township four, of range three. The north west.quarter of section twenty-two, iot township seven, of ran g e se ven . Lands appropriated )y law for the use of schools, military, or other purposes, will be excluded 4e sale. The sales will each be kept open for two weeks (unless the lands afe sooner disposed of) and *9 longer; and nn private entries of land in the town, ships so offered will be admitted until after the espi rttion of the two weeks. Given under ray hand. al the city of WashingtOit, this eighth day of Juue, Auno Domini 1843. JOHN TYLEIt.. By the President: Too. H. BLAKE. Conirnisioner of the General Lout Office. NOTICE TO PRE EMPTION CLAIMANTS, Every person entiled to the right of pre-emp* to any lands within the limits of the townshipseboini enumerated, is required to establish the same to satisfaction of the register and receiver of the proper Land Office, and make payment therefor. as sacatq practicable after seeing this tustice, and before the ditty appointed fur the commencement of the public IMO of the township embracing the tract claimed,. abort designated, otherwise such claim will be forfe ited. THO. H. BLAKE. Conzmisebner of the General Laall.QP.4, :lane 28—t030 FOR SAFETY. Travelers should select Boat• provided with EV4114 Safety Guarder, for preventing Explosicx daf Si Boilers. IT would he well for the traveling command) , to beat in =nod that their security depends entirely upoe their own encouragement of boats that have or may be t the espen4e of procuring the above apparatus. A$ that every individual making such selection Is eontr:lnt, ting towards a general introduction of an lnyentlon ett• milted by all men who understand the principlessifAina Steam Ettaioe,tto be a sure preventative against those dreadful dusters You have cm I alnly,t a the hundred. of explosions that have already taken ulnae, Literalism)* daily occitrrence, and the thousands of lives thst been already been lost, a sufficient warning, and Induct:l4v to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, studio every case to give it the preference. They have went to als additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of literality, and by your preference show the you appreciate their laudable endeavorstO stop Weir. Cul sacrifice of human life. They do not charge mot{ than other boats; their accommodations in other respects are (Ault, and in many cases superior; and as there Id one lensing Pittsburgh every day, why will you rue any risk, when it is so com; tetely In your own power to avoid those disasters. Ali boats marked thus [a] in the• List of Arrivals sn Departaros, in another part of this pm.cr, are sapplig xith the Safoty Guar I- Litt of Boats provided with the Safety fixerd. ALPS. MENTOR. AGNES. MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, M A RQUF,TTE, BREAKWATER. MUNGO 'PARK, CASPIAN, CECILIA, CANTON, CICEAIO, CADDO, N A R AGAN SETT . , DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY, EXPRESS MAIL, ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE, OHIO. FOR MOSA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, GALENA, QUEEN of the SOME - • i J. H. BILLS, ROWINA, JEWESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SA RATOQA, ILLINOIS, SA -- ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, 'r , LLEYRAND,_ VICTRE S, • ALLEY Fagg* WEST WIND. ASHLAND, B;%IDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRA 61121, . COLUMBUS. CUTTER 4 EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, . GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO PLANT. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIANA. CLLIPPER, MO SnL, r EVELINE Eno 251 REGULAR rAc!iFtv, - Nat FOR CINCINNATI. The Swifsure, Robinson, Master, lc :Sy el ptsiy Thursday at 10 o'clock a, m. The Cotter,.Collins, Master, leaves every Fik4a, . 10 o'clock a, m The Mumaomcry, Bennett, Wafter, teaveliiinery urday at 10 o'clock a, m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, loves every OUR- . day at 10 o'clotk m. • JOHN BIRMINGHAM.* (XX ;my 20. Argue. PITTEIBURGII CIRCULATING ANDRISIIPERINCIR LIBRARY of Iteligioue, El Istorled"Litleal.sod Mb: cellancotta Works. will be OPell *Vert felibaib cepted. "root 7 o'clock, 4. 111.,e1118 "%T. »hi US BC chaise Bstilelag,cornec pt sl4Clalt eltketail.lll alley. *sere maul bieenditece . sep 10 MESSENGER, MONTGOMEY NORTH BEND, NEPTUNE,