Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, July 27, 1843, Image 3

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    4rxy.2t1 . 1843.
triitultfult springs.
- drciur citizens, who heretofore
spent a pOnion of the summer season at
Beam] Springs, have found a delightful
r,elleat nearer hems, w here the aceommo
dieting in every respect are said to be e..
quay as good as those offered at Bedford.
If dui Frankfort Springs are properly man•
apt wsl have no doubt but they will in a
ask time become a popular pleasure re.
sort, and to the citizens of Pittsburgh, par
ticularly, they offer many inducements that
are net possessed by other places.
15rOn Tuesday we stated that a per
. son named Eberle had been bound over
for sitting fire to the building at the corner
of Wood street and Virgin alley. In the
Chronicle of yesterday we find the follow.
ing card called forth by our paragraph, and
u au act of justice to Mr. E. we republish
his our calumns:
To the Public.
MT. EDlToiv—After reading a statement in the
Poet of Tuesday morning,coneerning myself haya
hag been bound over to Court upon charge of hay—
ing set on fire a house at the corner of Wood bt.
and. Virgin Alley, I deem it neeesi Iry for the sat,
infection of my friends, in order that they may re.
tain the favor and confidence which they have
hitherto expressed towards me, to rf qucel them
and the oublic to suspend their opinions in regard
to my guilt or innocdo ce in the m4lter, but.' it
ahaltbave been decided before thi legal tribunal
of my adopted country, which will be in ectober
St. Paul's Orphan Asylum.
There was a distribution of premiums at
this institution,yesterday morning, at which
many of our citizens attended and were
highly gra.ified by the improv,ment e
vinced by many of the pupils. The Asy
luna now supports and educates a large
' ~ number of orphans, who, but for the ef
forts of the pi pus la lies who cand uct the
institution, would be thrown upon the cold
‘charities of the world, or driven into the
'haunts of vice and crime to find a alte;ter.
Through the instrumentality of the Sisters
of Charity, they are provided with all
worldly comforts & under 'heir pious tc,ach
logs they are prepared to become worthy
members of society iu alto years. if any
.1)&14 notice of t h is eilibitiou had been
given, thrre would have been a large at
lendance of our citizens,and any mind pos
sessed, of a philanthropic feeling, must have
been gratified with the happiness displayed
by the poor orphans, who, had it nut beta
for the charity of their kiwi teachers, might
will be suff.ring, all the wants incident. try
chose who are deprived of their natural
Penn Insurance Co►npany.
The sa'c of the Stack ,f this Company
liit4 been going on fur the ki:it three d tyi
—When the sales clised yesterday, 2990 .
Aharas had been sold, and the money re—
tquired on each share promptly paid d own .
it was predicted by so - ne that the Stock
ot L this Co npany would not be taken—that
pnrchasers would not be found, who would
be.able adv ince the m iaey r•luired at
The time ofeubseribing. The result above
mentioned falsifies their predictions, and
4 -evinces a very considerable increase of bu
siness in our city; for the wen who have
purchased stock in the new company,
would not have done en, had they not
deemed another insurance Office nucessa •
ry e end of this most of them possess the
best possible means °f ill dging,
1 - erteraa7 we, a sweltering (toy; it Wee hot
il l the hroed..st acceptalinn of the word.
Wool.—During the past week immense
quantities of this article have been sbipped
from our city f.,r the esetein markets.
For the Morning Poe'
Messrs Editors—ln looking over the columns
of your paper this morning, my attent•on was
drawn to a piti'ol communication signed "A
Ceri!lntryman," in which the writer expresses his
astonishment at the enormous amout of sixteen
hundred dollars being lost by the county, or, in
other words, not gained hy the county, in uphold
ing and caressing in the bosom of our community,
one of the most iisastrous evils that ever cursed
mankind, and one, too, that directly and indi -
rectty destroys as much revenue, as any other
--namely, grogshops ! Whether the above be the
Mucci amount or not, it is emlent that there has
tWen many petitionera for license refused the
privilege of again Feting before th o e v ves of an en.
lig h t en-- cli . a - nTe produces a dimi t n u O 4l tior o t r k a ,
felt dollars in our state revenue, let all Irma err.
stry where sane ion it for the sake o' disconsolate
• Wallies, and drunken fathers, wit suffer under a
4iontrdry state of thinge.
The praiseworthy •efforts of eur Judge in t hus....med ARM. CEILIPMAN HODOt, formerly of
adhering to the demands of the law, should en- O/. r a .ag wi llarbot.tong Island. mate of New York. Said
title them to the respect and encourag,,tupeve-r,T
. Hodge has been in the climes of Plotturgh and Undone
this tertmrn""`" '", 4 rad of its condemnation, and , outs, for the tart fete years. He was employed when
-A s.,nuntryman ' Rill nobly die.,..ter - himsstf...of • fait tear; of at the busine.s of brick malting. If he will
his peculiar prejudice. and_l*.k gt - this metier cool.: eau al the office of the tldot Mug Post,' he will hear of
aid calmly, he will come to the concha on something ereetly to hie aiivaute2p. July 2l e-if.
that it is more injurit•us to his country than bxose-- Edtt nrs eenerally will greatly serve a poor man,by
iscial. to tolerate in any shape or form, the vend c " I " the al""?
ing of liquors, the effects of which, if he is not
blind, is or has been, in full display before him
July 26. A CITIZEN
Not much of a haul.—The other day,
*eye the Albany Argue, while the Direc
hors of the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad
were overhau in 2 some old rubbish, they
came across a valise, which, on being op
ailed, was found to contain $3OOO in bank
bills. all snugly done up in $lOO packages;
bat upon closer examination,to the chagrin
of the faders, they all proved to hecoun
torfeit, and had been left at the office sec•
4- oral years ago. The Directois should ad
velum, them immediately—they may pos
sibly And an owner.
gro 'ogre P •" 1-10 NOTARY:
}lsom Smith and Pitillipst—Without meaning dispar
agetwitt io the ot her gentlemen who have offered them
selves for the nomination to the office of Prothonotary
of tills county, we Laze the Itt,erty ot suggesting to our
fellow citizens, through your columns, the name of Dr.
J.C. McLULA.Y. tie is a gentleman whom we believe
very capable of performing the duties of the office. fie
lea native of Allegheny county, and during his whole
political life has been an active,thorougli going Democrat,
sectdes,he le a country candidaietthe country has a right
to and claims the nomination to this office to be made
from her citizens; and when she presents a candidate so
well qualified in every respect, and one who svi l be so
well received by the public generally—but especially,tho
democracy—we hope our democratic brethren of the ea
les will cordially co cede his claims, and unite in placing
Dr M'Cully before the people as the Democratic candidate
for the office of Prothonotary for Allegheny county.
Alexander Phillips, Robinson township,
W. Meredith, Lower St Clair,
Wm Kerr, Upper St. Clair,
Henry Weinbay, Elizabeth,
David E. Moshe, Moon,
Jon n Rea, Pitt
July 24 ,
•Tea proprielots of the MORNING POST and Mascots
♦xa Pei Atturseveata respectfully inform their ft:ends
and the pal rota of chose papers, that they have a large
and well choiwn asportment of
Printed on the shorten! notice and most rresonehirterms
R and HECTOR O'HALLORAN, complete ed , tion,
large type and platee, et the low price of 50 rents, can
lug ilrld W M FOSTIOCS UttlVerFrli Agency and Litera
Ty !Moot, St tint,. virret. July 24-3 t. •
3008 AND • OD
N. W Corner of Wood 4 , Illth Sta.
ear dcs Jut rxv - wir mPo
/NAT) TY2lB34ira ag& t ggaglitgar.
Necessary to a Job Printing Offire, and that they are pre
pa:ed to ex( :ate
BM. of Ladin:, rlreulars,
BM Pleads, Cards,
Mark Checks. Hat Tips'
XII Molts of Wanks,
Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Beat Bill,. with app.
priests Cats,
We respeei fully ask the patrcrttne of our friends and
he public in eeneral in Ibis hranrh of our business.
Pltishurth, Sept. 39.1342. PHILLIPS k SMITH.
L ANDING' from e. B. •North Bend, sod in store,'
100 Mods N. 0 Suvr,
100 ttarreli do. very superior,
50 Barrels Molasses, do.
For :et, by R. GALWAY
July 24---3,*
A/JIVER AL R ATER, on the New York Plan. 50
IT ilekets for e 1 . rti W. NI. SOSTER'd, St CIRli sl reef,
oppuAte the Earhang.e. July 24-6 t.
A DELA; 'l'E Perfume for Wardrobe and Drawers
also, a preventive ening Muth Fur sale at
W. M. FOSTER'S Ulll9CfSai Agency and Literary Dc
pot, St Clair st, juts 24 6t.
Pons ()race. PaTSBURGII
/11i) . 2191,1843.
PURSUANT to lust ructions of I Post Master Gene.
rat, the undersigned eives notice to the citizens o
Ito() ton. Aresheny comity. l'a that, owti.e It; the ion
rompllanee of the pre,em metimbent with the, requite
ments of the law, 2 varattry is experted to occur in tht
Post Office of Houston; awl ittat he is rfe:drous to a ppoin
a FUcCE , ItOr.4O the seleclion of whom the citizens sliae
have a voice. It is therefore fro - nested that the cit,zens
roceedlo recommend a person to appointment.
joy 22. hogr.irr RIDDLE, P. M.
firm of T. k A. Ne-mith /i• co, Slior and
A Lc .ther Deatorit and Ta cm, fr, di“pipt•g] II) iS day
by mutual (muscat, hy the w.thdrawal of A Ifrrit NuAril.ll.
whoa.• interr si In said firm ha! heas sool and traitaf..ried
.0 Thomas [Cc-milli, t...r,; and 'II oiwts Nramith Sr. and
Thomas Nrsmi ii, Jr,. have f.,r.m.d a tin
dcr ills firm of TIMMIS SZ3MITIT er are duct
antltortzNl to seii slli husine4s of 111 late firm, and ic
use the name of the late firm in I bat puroma..
July 19.1H43. July Z:--dii
CIO Thursdny evening. 1 L 11.11" S SCARF', whirl) the
kir "Wirer can have by calling at this iffice, and pa. ing
for this advertisement. jiify
ftESPECTFIII.LV present iiirsel to the citizens of
Allegheny county, as a candidate for !he Ent Tiffany,
VlbJect to the action of ttte Demor tat ic Convent lon,wl ICI.
inerts on illy. 31p h of A ugos4
June 9.—dhwtc. CAM tH TR(IVILI 0.
-I natactlully otTrr turelf as a candidate the care
cf Protlion , tary, sulject to the action of the Demorratlc
COnlfrniioll. . G. 11.9 1 1. K IAJS.
Township, June 27—lc
To Me Voters of Allot Aims! Conwty reopertfullyof
ler nrvoelfto your ronionerat ion as a CatlilidfliP ( indepen•
dent of parties) forthe (lice of PROTHONOTARY of
Allegneny county, at the ensuing el, etion. As Ido not
care befaie you iernitin*roted to a Convention, thrice of
you to willow I ant not personally known will 'item ex•
amine into ray nuatifications, iS•r.: unit if so fortunate at
to obtain a majority of tour suffrages, 1 ehall ritea%or
by at Oct te oi ion to the duties of the office, to sal isty you
with your choice, ALEX. MILLAt,
may 10 —iE•
IRUSPRCTFOLSoIIfer Inv:mita candidate for the t" Rice
of ProtAsnorary of Allegheny count v „Qubject to the IC
lion of the Democratic county convention which meets
on the 3Uth August neat. GR., R. RIDDLE.
Allegheny City, Slay 37—tv it&
AT the R.Tilitilaiian of a number of is tends of all poi
stlcal patties, I respectfully offer myself t r the con.
sideration of my fellow-citizens 'or the office r't County
Commissioner. That my sentiments may tint be mitten.
dcrstood, either as to political or private affairs, I make
free to say that I have been alt my life a consurtent Re
piststiean, In the true sense of the word. t As the county
Is somewhat embarrassed in its financial affinirs, and the
reduction of salaries I/pre-11c officers has received the
approbation of 'erste majoritisse.eri Ise people, toe under
i t zoo d wou ld no t o. ti,w he ho so fortunate ns In be eio.
manlier :turnip! to rest,.t- this salutss , • re
form; should It reach the office of county Crir: — '", r , h3 f r er •
a l it 6: SA VIURI riußL"' •
tipHE subscriber respectfully hoorms the public in
eral. that he intends to devote his whole time to tho
Coctac - rtorr or Accoungs in the cities of Pittsburg, A lie.
gheny and vicinity.
Having been engaged in this busine,s for come lime,
and given entire satisfaction to those who employed bun,
he respectfully solicits those having accounts to meta to
give him a trial.
Phys:ciars and other: who cannot spare lime from
their professional hn:lness to eolleet their uccountr,would
tend it to their advsotare to rive him a call.
Respectable referentes can he elven, and, If required,
security will be given for the faithful return of all monks
He can be found at Arr. George Annoy's, Merchant
Tiilor, up stairs, corner of Market and Fourth streets,
entrance on 4th at. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. M
Any orders left there durintt Mishit:puce will be attended
to. or by letter through the Post otter.
Terms, 5 pr cent comolssior.
poly ti -dim. BADSL. 6BLBTON.
1.7 RE undersigned juivntg been Mimed Marto; the past
winter with a disease In the stomach, satieDsnes
producing great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve
hours wi'hout linermission, and having tried various
remedies with little effect, was furnished with a kOltie of
Dr. D. Jaynes' Carminative Balsam. Tills he used ac
cording to
. the d‘rections.and found invariably that this
medicine caused the pain to wale In three or four mi.
mates, and in fifteen or twenty minutes every uneasy gen.
cation "was entirely quieted. The medicine was after.
wards used whenever lndieatlons of the approach of pain
was perceived, and the pain teas thereby p evented. We
continued to use the medicine every evening, and some.
times in the morning, an I in a few weeks health was so
far restored, that the sufferer was relieved from a large
amount of oppressive pain. From thisexperience,there•
fore, he can confidently recommend Dr. D. Jaynes' Car.
minative Balsam, as a salutary medicine for diseases of
I the stomach and bowels. REV. A. SHINN.
Allegheny city, July 161 b, 1813.
For sale at toe Franklin Head Painting Office, Third
street, opposite the Post Office.
.BY 19—If
FOR 8 ILE CH E A P.-300 doz. assorted window
rash, and glass if wanted to suit; 500 cuts 014 ant'
5 double carpet chain, 12 doz. good cheap sickles; 5 doz.
rakes; 20 doz. corn brooms 3 dos. coffee mills; 10 doz.
palest tabs and buckets; shovels, spades; hoes; mattocks;
cheap axes, with handles; writing, letter, and wrapping
pager; brushes: bed cords; twine, ke., ke., fat sale cheap
for cash, or approved exchange, to suit consignee,
ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Coto. Merchant,
19 19-3 t N 0,9, Sib at
Aurora please copy
B ACON- 4 Casks Hams.
4 Shoulders,
2 u Sides,
Just received on consignment. and for gate low for cash
July 18. 43, Wood street.
LEFT the Subscriber, living In St, Clair street, Alt
lalltllll PICURINIS, an tad rated Apprentice to the
rihoemaklng business. Had on when be len a fur Cap,
blue roundabout and pantalonns. He is about tire feet
four inches high. dark hair and downcast look; rocks as
he walks as though he had been a saiior, and as he walks
he still watches hack. as thLugh a constable was In our
gait. The above reward bit no charges will beg yen for
hisapprehension. All persons are cautioned against liar.
boring or trusting him, else they will be dealt with ac.
cording to law,
July ill
CORNER of Third and tVood street, over Kramer's
Exchange office. entrance on Third al His class•
Ea meet daily as 101 l AVF. Gentlemen'+ class at 8 o'clock,
A. M.; Lad ma' class at 10, M.; Ladles and Gentlemen's
class at 7 P.M. Ladies can receive 11115011 P at their res
idences durlne the afierncon. Vlaiterswill please call
during' school hours. July 18.119
FIIHE Influenza, whirl) Is now an almost univer , sl eft.
Wendt., is exciting the Inventors of patent medicines
to increased etertions In the miffing line, but owing to
the general distrust entertained for the generality of
Filen tirt,vi, people fear taking them Fite following.
however. from pliv.ietan in New York,
lie Nelsen. we think may he Wird oil;
•The object (tithe present eommunication Is to recnm.
mend a since remedy. cheap and of easy amens .0 the
poor. and to caution I in.nt nsainst ao Infurlnns cue ht
This (Ilse:int., nameiy, hleedine, either general or Ity
leeches. In all those canes in which the fain class of
symptoms prevaP, let Ihe patient smell frequently at a
enntrumi salia dun le, ,Sims' Ar.ntn.ic Volatile Salts are
preferred) and by putting the vial to the mouth. to draw
n few deep Itinpirat ions of volatile matter into the tunas.
Let this mrice , n he repeated two or three limes in an
hour, and it will i2iye more al eedv and izreater relief, In
cas..l of the first class than any other remedy,
and will he sufficient fur a cure. It will also be essen
tially useful .n the severe cases; and In those of the class
of prostration, a few drop, or ammonia. or harteltorn,
otteit In he taken' imernalte, neat way Of doing so is
to take an old 'ashloned mixture called Inc amom o t ac i,
However, it In an a local remedy, In act nit the disordered
nurface, that its use is ntivined. The principle will he
rt rocnixiid by all ph , Airi“lia vie and in ninleeular orcanl.
ration. and Ito.e who are eetlyient In Ilia knowledge
tray do in this Instance as they do In all others._ act up
nn the faith they iniliihe.'"rhese nano are for sale and
within the t leach of all classes, at t.VM. THORN . B. 5,3
Market street. Piitid•urffh, Jv 17.
noLF, AS AST ronnt4 tood eam„Power, at the
Mnottriflary, cornet or Ltherty ohd
p•llnrr :I rcos. Ap p ly on the premises.
File 16.
Monv Cilizvo: of rilislmr:h, recommend Dr. JC:v 4 r,Fti
CUII iz V as a gu il a Yc Deramt to Gil a seat to the AF,,,em
tly, the en#uinr. jnly 1 t, 1843.
7-11;ittv eill7rt, or AUt glteny city ter nwittet.tl Dr. J.
C. tCCUI.I.V stiVable 1 , 1111 , 011 to fi.l the office of
Prothm. tar). int,/ 12
J. YATES iniend4 1v tnanufariiire a !miller article of
Laitli o%l'lll4lmila and sell thew
cheaper for that, rat. Ir hough! m ll.e city
lie will isiep env-tautly nu hand and make to order !A
ttlee tq lo r, or a l' (plots at the very low prices
of lie fulsowing
Ladies' Las: hitt Foxed Caller Coots, SI 75
best quality Kid or Morocco Callers 1 50
Ladles Calf kin Boots, 1 371
" Foxed lair Gaiters. all colors, 1 37/
tt best kld and Morocco Bit kits, 1 181
Double Soled Clippers, (Jell'.) 1 12e
•• tine Kid Springs and '1 urns, bt gaal • 1 10
" Springs, heavy, 871
• Slippers, 75
O Pittpbtirah
All Snow= made here warranted, Mims and Children's
In the Fame pt oporllon.
Rementher the place, at the Eivi of the Red Box,
No. 8. Pith a red.
N ew i s t h e l i me of ) en. (Ur perSOil• attacked with
Cnu2tis. Coulds. Rh•- , rogligni, ( loot. 4-c. —To those
afflicted, n role can ise .treird by 11,ifig
whip` to allowed by all who hove did Ii to he the heat
.<mPdy ever orrered f r Conghs a#d Cobis • nnri
an outwnrd remedy. wlilt The
an Inward ortnllcation, la a remit; and ;mediae cure for
the RIIPURIII'if M. Gout, Contracwd Cords and Limbs.
No one nod suffer from these diseases II they will use
the above medicines. The a.. n One to he had only at
TUTTLE'S MrDic►L Aotscir.
•Dreeaiste and Country merchants wilt he supplied a
Niw YORK mires. R 6 Fo unit Street.
MANY are now ' , o ff ering with the above eontplaints,
and ran be cured speedily by tieing Powell's Balsam
of nonisecd,w MO gives universal Pal Wart ion to all.
Th` 111. i lisly at Tu eI'LE'S, 86 Fourth street.
A FEW tho nand feet of seasoned flak and Poplar
Lumner for sale hy wholesale. Enquire of James
C. Cummins, Frq., tear the Fountain inn.
jnly 21.
AFINE assortweni of Crotch and Shade Veneers.
jest received trom New York. and for rale at the
Eurniture Wareroom of T. E. YOUNG 4- CO.
July 21-2wd , Hand street.
rmwectfally offer mrelf as 1R candidate for Coroner
of Alletbrny county, salifmt to the action of the demo
*mile Camay Commotion, to bo bald osibsffOth Anoint.
Allegheny, Ictlytl T ;te. JOIN JOliffBTON
Two doors Irom Market street
Tisia6mbir arm danced t wawa: emigre a
Cast Steel File;, from American materials exclu
sively, merchants or elhet persons wanting eau be sup.
piled by bim with a better article than the foreign. and
at lower prices. Intendbiglo use only the best quality
of File Steelmianufactured bribe Messrs Sboirmrszeo tee.
which is now brought to a perfection squat to the Jest
Ellalid/ article. manufactured for The same purpose, the
subscriber has full confidence that lie will be able, in
quality of articles and prices. to realize the best hopes of
the Wends of American industry.
July 15-1 y. Corner of O'Hara and Liberty 319.
THE subscriber, surviving Executor of the last will
and testament of Lewis Huffman, late of Jefferson
township. Allegheny county deceased, by virtue of an
authority In the said will, will expose to sale at public
vendue, on Saturday,the 12th day °FAG:net next, at 10
o'clock A. M. atthe house of Jacob Huffman on the prem-
Ises,a tract of land In Jefferson township aforesaid, boun
ded on the north by the lands of Pressly Trumbo, on the
west and south by lands of Simpson Castor, and on the
east by lands of Andrew Bedell, containing:about eighty
five acres. The above tract of land Is situated on Peters'
Creek, il3Pabout forty acres cleared on it, about one bait
of which is bottom suitable for meadow, a tolerably good
dwelling house and barn, a small orchard and anahun
dance oleos'. Terms at sale.
jv 17—d3iWit p. LEWIS fIUFFM AN.
NN Pattirday riPernor,n next. at 2 o'clock, at the or.
hce off. R. Shunk, EQq., 4111 street, above Wood.
will be sold by catalogue,liv order (tithe administrators
or James rindinv, deceased, the eats nstve Library of
the deceased, embracing a rare and large collection of
Law and MiscellallETlUB Roots.
Previous to dale of Books will be sold, Bedstead.and
Reding, Rook case, Mahogany Rocking Chair, Looking
Class, Wash stand, Carvers, Wardrobe, Trunk, Carpet
Rug, Saddlebags. 1 &a. plain Chairs, Sitting Tables,Bho
vel and Tongs, Ash Box,
Terms of Sale, Cash par money,for ail SOMA under 450
and for MI sulks over SO approved endorsed notes at 60
days. R. I , A tiNESTOCK t CO., Aue'r.
HAVE in store and for see law —A lone assortment
1 of Mattrassm made of Curled flatr, Mass, Husk or
Colton. nose waiting will please call.
WM. NOBLE, Upholsterer.
July IR No 4, Worm at, near the River.
KF.N7(7O KY LE.IIF TOBACCO —l2O titida, Ken
tucky Leal Tabacco In store and for rale by
J. G. 4. A, GOR DON,
iv 11 12 Water at.'
Birmingham & Co.,
And Cleveland Line.
Mara 22. '43.
/00 Rags Rio Coffee.
10 Boxei Tobacco,
5 Cb,eta Tea.
75 Barrels No I Baltimore Ilerrin!e,
Bee'd on consignment and for ,=ace low tor I,y
• •
TACT LLOYD, Jr., Witolevite and Retail Groeet
and Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty street, Plttsburrit,
Ina v 70,
Land Office 'emoted from Lexington to Clinton. Ala
Ggigtßato LAND °vita,
June 23,1843.
[WIC F! ha vine been received from the Rex later of the
it Land Ogee et Lexington, Missouri, that the rein°.
vat of that office to the town of Clinton,in Henry county.
as directed by the I' esldent. will be effected on Or about
the lid 'lay of July next; shli is to give notice that the pub
sale of Node ordarcil to he held nt Lexington on the
-econd day of October next. by the Etzecutivt, prnetama.
fnn bearing date the Btb Inst. will be held at the time
preitcrited in the town of Groton aforesaid.
1 . 110. H. BLAKE,
lone 30—laws I 0 Vonottie.intter.
914) TIERCES RICE, on hand and for rate by
glf lepl ,he Weer' Wood and Smithfield
AS commenced the t , u•tnesa In all it+ branches st
Nogg. Wood street, Letween First end Second strs„,
where he wit( ioen ronsinnily on hand e good assortment
of n...T1 mode FURNITURE, and hopes, by strict aiten
'lon TO business, to merit a croatlnnance of the patronage
of the publ;r:.
For the PIPAI
Every attention will Ue paid So fairni3lting COFFINS,
kr. A Furniture Car for hire.
July 11
Po, the Posi
jwm. ViccARTHY hres leave to announce
to the Gentlemen of Puts' urtrli. that he is
prepared 10 make BOOT' of all kinds. oft he
best Leather olitai. ed from roiladelnhia. a rot over Lair.
mart. '.y inst rucions from himself. He does now for
11101901 WIIBI he has so Tort.: done fur the Pirtsbur2 Loss_
es. i. e. alter and lit his lasts to s it the foot. He has
wreked at the UlOl.l faPhirltuildP work In the Caro ern cit
ies, cone here end in4trurted s , veral how loaner and et.
which ran be atte. red by numbers of Journeymer In info
ell i; • and n 0.," In rew,r tried by them with contumely and
abuse, lie hereby challenges any Rnottunker in Plus.
I•a , i2. (finsa of r , dirse,) to make a plor or mare of Butpia,
stuck equal, n.eaaii re In la' taken by mach:l'lll6 own way.
Workinairchip to deride the 'natter.
Fourth ot. or the Monongahela (louse Root molter, (as
he calla loinselr,) have a rare di knee now to show them
helves, If they can make a Bont let no bee It.
Mel'arthy'a Shop and Store I on Martel street,
next door to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tlkk and
Sheet Iron ware Factmy. poly 11 —lr•
Pulmonary Preservative-
FOR Courts., Colds. I. fluirrizar. Catarrhs. Whooping
COW' h, gplitll2 of Blond. pain In the breast, all ilk
eves o!' the &talon' 1.11 tits, and alien. ofapprosehing
Consumption. Warranted free from %terrors sod other
nil prat,. B.R PAILYESTC.CK ¢ Co.
July 12. Agents for Pittsburgh.
Dealer in Grain. Crn•ral Forwar ding and Corn
aission Merthant,
AV ILL dispose of all goods sent for Consmiselon.
, sales at the lowed commission rates.
Phila.—) 4. W E• h or, Day 4. nerrish.D. Leech 4- co.
Baltictere—.W Win] Withon ¢ Rerr, J E Elder
Harr sbarg—hlichlEurke, H. Ante!, J 4 Holdeman,
July 1--6 m.
L..~ORL . SALE.—Las on the Nortn east corner of Coe
11..' Lane and Illzhatreto. Apply to
sep PIeNJ. RLINGTON, Market. nese 4th a
11'111E underalsued sill lease Iwo Farms situated In
East Deer townslin, wit h the necessary tenenents,
and from 7510 100 area cleared on each. Also. one
farm situated In West Deer township A ile2heny county
with from 50 to 75 tiers cleared. Ti e shove desert Pd
property lain reasontbly good repair. laying ah ml 15
miles from ant city °EPP iabursh, sad within two miles
of the Penti'a Canal, Ind will be le4sed on reasonable
terms for from 1 to thee years, to tood
March 131h—tf.
`% /ANTED NM WI ATI. Mr, places for several
V good and trusts young men for stores, Wait
bounrs, walleye and coachmen. Also, for several me.
ebonies, laborers. and nen and boys to he employed in
and about the two cities Wasted soon, f. r several re—
spectable Families, metrical good Cooks, and 11,12 for all
woi k. Alto, from 30 to 40 lal ruing men to work on
the River and In a quarry at Petticoat Ripple, 60 miles
below Wheeling.
Apply at HARRIS'S ‘:ency and IntelHaence Office,
No 9- Finll It. Jr 19-St
V e NTDEß'Sunrivallef Self Setters forSawmllls width
I.7have been so fully Jested
. indifferent parts of the
United States, as well . a s in the cities of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny. can be seen In operation at a number of
m i lls i n this semighoghood, viz; at Mr Wickersham a
mills on Penn at,; al Bowman d• Chamber.* nrar
the upper Allegheny Bridge.and at Morrlson'a milts on
Hare's tsland.and other , . The above named me bine
ran be obtained at W. -W. Wallace's shop on Liberty at;
near Smithfield, where It is fitting up, and where the
tatathhaft whit beeonetantly kept on kande. Apply to B.
F. eaglet, or W. W. Wallace. wey
(late of the firm of Young' 4- m'Citrdy,)
3011$ Z. BRANT,
Farms to Lease.
424tnimi, *wow *at- V/104-111mtaisseers.
P , 7 ozuf strew, Weitiefid illig4h aid Whiny, ant
duo ft, no& tiltirCrkitiooolP. "'II'
P 1 Al,
,0Y IWV4T f W or . I w l4 41
o thr o ee me ~toil wan wit h
.1.4 small l'aemies, end who- a r,:s goon el fres, tied Milli
to engage as book k-eepera. Also, wanted .seat, plfees
for several young men a ,d boys fn Dry Goode, Oratory.
Of wholotra:e sod reia , l *totes. A tio, for serqraf pod
coachmen, Wafters, Hostler', Lahore.* and Hoyt. Wan
ted, a good Coal ditor lo go down ton river, *bola 40
wiles. Wanted, cloOloYawol fur a good wet nurse, and
several good cooks wanted for respectable families, at
HARRIS' Intelhgence Office, No 9,Filth at. iy 25.
950 LARGE and small Locust Poss. rewired
and for sale by F. SELLERS,
jy 25 --3 t. Corner of Hand and Liberty sta.
PURSUANT to a decretal order of the Circuit Su
perior Court of the Law and Chancery for Mason
county. pronounced the 19th day of April, 1845, in the
cause depending therein of Henry Strider, Pit., against
James W. Brukenrictge and others, Hefts, the under.
signed special commissioner, will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, at the court house in Alason county,
on the 16th day of September, 1843. (tieing the first day
of the Cir Stip'r Court of said county.) that well known
body of land co timordy railed i•Grah.nnb Station," lying
In Mason county,Va., an the Ohio river, containing by
sat vey four thousand one hundred ant tweitt• -three
acres, In two, adjoining parcels. a large proportion of
wive.) Is river bottom land. The above lands previous
to the day of sale will be laid ()Irby the surveyor of the
rou•rty in lots of convenient size for farms and Plals
furnished, and so many thereof wilt he sold as may he
necessary in produce tile corn of money required try said
decretal order. The sales will be made on a credit of
nine months for one.third part of the purchase ruoney,
of twelve months for another third part, arid of elehteen
mouths for the residue, the purchaser or purchasers
giving bonds with good security for the payment of the
different Instruments, bearing Interest from the day of
sale, the legal title to be retained as furl her security for
the payment crrthe purchase money end tfabie to resale
at the risk of the purchaser oe purchasers fat'ing to make
punctual (15% ments.
CBO.W. STRIBLING, Special thitn'r.
Point Pieasant,Va., June 26.15.43. 6.-2 to
Attorney and Cowisellor at Law,
attend promptly to the colirct 1011 or security
of malmq, all all profes.ginnal I,unnes. entruslrel In hla
carp In the counties of HaerisJn, Jefferson, Belmont
nuernsey, Tuscararas, Holmes, Co:hectors. Carrell,
Stark and Wayne.
Refer to: 11 calf and Lor,wie,
Da Izell and Plain
John Harper.
f). 'l'. Morgan.
may 27.-1 f
L. & J. D. WICK,
Wholesale Grocer!. & t)enlers in Produce.
116 Wood Streei. 4 doors above Fifth et.
v 15.
J. D. C R EIG 11,
Office, corner of Smithfield and Third Slrpefs,
Pi mamma. firzuca..
mar 25, 1843-Iy.e
friFIR LADIES' CLASS in Mr. Ealee' Writing losth
tole, will hereafter receive lessona at 10 0 clock a.
, n. In addition to the present Class, a new one will he
organiZed on WedneAsy the sth Inst, at the above
hour. The Ladies' and Ganlleinel , 'N class will receive
leasonsevery evening iii 8 o'clock. A new evening Class
will also lie organized on the sth inst. Me E.will be
.it Liberty daring the afternoon in !ive ler.zons at the
residences of those who wkh. All who wh.h to become
ndeptg 'nth, ar' of wielding the prn, will mat e 'tome.
dtateappticallon Mr a series of les-pits. and your hest
wishes will lie more than realised. La
"Those now can write who nev,'r win., I Pi...,
And those who alwav• es. iv:tle
class of gentlemen will ,e,tivn ui the
Institute every roaming at PI j‘, 4
DR. WHITAKER'. al 2 l ,
Butler strret,,lllegtietty Cit , .
WHITAKER, risiNactfully Informs his friend±
and the public that lie continues the practice of
medicine, on the I otanic s?Ctuni, ua races nay rrgorru.
tinsin 7 a,l:,i,ed the art of uriarapia, (or Ins, uctiti: dis
c:v*lls by the urlre,ll.e feels wartnotrd prrFenttn,ehlm—
s If helot,' the public uncer this head, us a physieisn.
rr WHITAIVER continues to prepare the roPowintz rued
11 6:8 I:8 Y ceitiry tbs.t ii; . ; yr na VI NI itAtiii four vial.; of
1; Verinifuge of the clay. without pro
doctor anv erfePt i I cave to a ctird of floe one vial of
WrivrAtiun'a tilitaraileiel Vat in I , uye, which tirou2ht
away a 1.0 , t ; iiint.vr of wo• ins Since when
h e c hil i: ll : ns .•,,j o yea c o:1 I ai,to gave It to one
other of toy ciiihlren with like gaud effect
.kiLettittly City.
Out of the hundreds of emtift-Mes which might be
adelored, demonstrating the invaluable ifftrary of Dr.
Whitaker's Vermitupe. the above is all the proprietor
cleenta rreteesary at present.
These Find have been found useful in variant , diseavea
incident to mankind, pa rticularty Liver Corn plaints If'.
termitient, Remittent and Bakwg Fevers, together with
Influenza, Foul Stomach, Sore Threat, Rheumatism,
ke. Also,
The Pills are a sure preventative and cote for Dye—
pow's, Sick !lead Ache, CostivenFort. and tht ir many to•
rooventenres. Ako.
•' What can be Cured should n't be Endured,"
The above mrdlelne pre! 01Pd and so•d wholesale and
retail, hr the proprietor, Allegheny elle; and by
Corner of Liberty and St Clair sir'etc. Pittslutreh.
'LUST recerveri. 5000 Freeman's hnt Fire Brick. which
t" will hereafter be kept constantly nn hand and so'd
low for climb, by hIRMINGI-I A al 4. CO.
my 27* No. 60 Wafer et.
Clur the for the P•xataert
WILLIAM B. POSTER, P.m. of A ilecheny city will
he a candidate for the off! e of Prothonotary of A Ileghea
cullnlY, at the October election. June 4.
awl EnFetal Innruanent ilinaufarturer,
C comer o 1 6th and Lihertv affroia, Pittahurrh. Pa
N 8.-- Iwo vs on band Aft exipsviv• astannment Sur
riot gad De.tia inasnosents. BarkWs, ratter's,
B:gums% Hair preassre rad Irseitire Pima's
Zhows, izstalars' Teets, Drusse,, tf."
- 4WD -
*MP ( ' r '
Bank of Plttantirah. Nit
Vetch.* Nan. bk. Par
Exchange bank, par
Bk. orCernianiowt. "
Lancaetet bank, dig 1,
Bank of Chester Co. •at
Formers' bk Sucks Co. 0
Doylestown bk do
Bk or N America Phil.
8k of Northern Liberties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa. "
Far. it Mechanics bit "
Kensinglon bk.
Philadelphia bk.
Schuylkill bk. oi Urbana
Southwark bk. INDIANA.
Western bk. • Slats bk.. Sneaked 11
Ilk. of Pennsylvania. • - ate &AP. ' tir
Bk of Penn Tp. par KENTUCKY. k
Man.* Mechanics bk. par All banks, It•
Mechanic:bk. par ILLINOIS.
Moyarnensing bk. .. State bk it grandma. St
Girard baook, 15 1 Sbawneetown. ES
U.S.tates bank, 48 ) VIRGINIA.
Luraheronene, Warren, --'Bank of Virginia.
Frank. bk Washington. par do Valley.
Miners bk of Pot ignite, 4 Far. bk. or Virginia.
Bk of Montgomery Co. par Earbange bank.
Mon. hk Brosrosellie. IN. West. hank Ude Bank, 5 Mar. Clier. Ws,
narrlshairgb bank, 41 MARYLAND.
Far. bk Larteaster, liftelihnere Rants.
Rk of Middletown. 41Country Rasta.
Rk. of Chaberlburgla, 4 1 DELA WARS.
Carlisle hank, 4 All Ranks , Oar
Rk of Northumberland. par NEW JERSEY'.
colorable bk 4 Brides co. 8 All Ranks, par and I
Rk Susquehanna Co. 40 NEW YORK.
Rkof Delaware Co. par Cloy Banks, Pt
Lebanon hk. 4 Country banks,
Cettyslourgb bk. 4 (sakty fbad, 1 a I
York hank, 4 Red Back, Ito i
Far .¢ Drovers bk. of NEW ENGLAND.
Waynesharsh, 4,Boston Ranks. Ks
" " Currency nowt. 4 Country s it
tlonesdal... 2 LOUISIANA
Wyoming. bank. 10 Orleans Banks, good, 3
lo'ittsb'ati State strip 2a3 NORTH CAROLINA
Country do do 4 Ranks, fi
Berk. Co bung, le i SOUTH CAROLINA
Lewistown. 2`Banks. 1)
- ' , ,,i Pi
ICood Ra”ks. 20
I M Banks. a
Rk. of St, Ctair, 10
I} no. do.J.c• D. Smith 2*
do Currency notes. If CANADA
Columbiana Lk New Lim Comi hanky, Vole
ham Demand, 1: ViolleirD Exchange.
do Post untea, If Oliiiintelphia. e
Cincinnati specie pay• Near Vnrir
itia banks. 11 HaltimOre.
Mech. 4- Traders Ilk or Roston, it
Cincinnati. $: we%lern Etchaage.
Clinton hk of Columbus. IClneinnati, IV
Demand notes. 4 Lnuisville. VW
Circleville, (11. Lawrence Ictesetnnd. I ilii
CaAler) If sArnesilna. Per
7.aneeviile hk. 11:COLD P "SID SILVIti s Prar,
M..nntolenpant bt
Far. # Mech. bk of Sten
Delmont bk of St.Clalr,
Marietta bk. Demand
1 543 !
Standart, Ina.rahant At Co.
CLarsuaa. 01114 u
ACENTS (bribe MerrimasTrantpartationCeinpary
Computed of the Nierehamt+ Dee. Erie Cane/
Wadhington Line.
Hunter. Palmer k Co's. Lino of itttain Coats ar't• Vie
Is on the Lai.ei,
Cli veined Line Pennertvanta and (Milo Corral. .
Proprietor,. of the Merchants Line Ohio Canal..
WIL te¢ ENSWORTH. 110.9, Coent:es Slip, S.
R. HUNTER * 'o% A litany.
FIGHTER, ['ALYEA k Co. Ttuffato . ' N
M. T. WILLIAMS t Dow, Clevetan
HON. Joon M. it trArn, do.
J. s. DICKEY, heaver.
ItinittnartAts 4 Co., Pittsburgh
no 1 184.1-1 v.
TIIE most respeetful4 inform., the gentle.
men Oftll , city and vicinity that lie has commtiaalli
the ;MOT and SHOE making noslners in Fourth Orally
opposite the !nrayors once. Paving been foregone bit,
same of the ranst fashionable. Boot Stops In this gostaint
ehie and having furolehed the ben runty
and American Calfi , kins. he hopes by his atientioll 1110
I,n.t H es= to meth a sham• of ro,blir patrovare To those
Zealt men who have kindly patronized him be rollirracr
hhaineere thank , : and can with coi fldettee appelki ref HS.
20oririess of hi+ n•orl and kilo% ledge cf nix Implore.
may 11. P, KERRIGAN.,
A ',LEN KRA It Ell, Erc4anp,a Broker, No. 46. en.'
ver of Wood and Third Streets. Pittslogrik
Gold, Silver. and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight ehotks on thr Eastern cilia!, for sole. , Drafts;
notes and bills, colleetrad.
Pitrihargl,Pa, Wm. Bell Go.. John D. DANA*. r-
Lnernz.l. Painter fr Co.. Woodwell, James Mille t ,
Philadelphia. Alexander Bronstein er CO.. John H. Brown
Co. Cineinaati, 0., Jame a Wrandim
Ale.. J. R. al'Donald. Louisville, W. 8. Pop.. 84..
Pres't Bank Ks. gep 18 -
Unrivalled Blacking,
Ay A N(iF Ul:Et) and sold whole,-ale and math
SITTFI STREIT one door betow Siottidlehi• •
oct 21—ty.
OSBORNE. Portrait Patti'', Fourth War
srli Ottrkes Buildln.J. J. Olhoroe woutd iolkitl ell
rota there wl.l desire Fort:ails. Sratitaerai ega -pp
•rn al his runma. My i 3.
D cAwF/F:Lo luta reuloved his is arida Zstabliiila ,
meta to wood st. opnonite Fahnestorrn !Weft
Starr, where he will keep constantly on hated Took
Swats, Mono/neva etc. pp
AT the Cast Steel File Manufactory. one to Into 1*
harien and one to learn to forge Files. A optimist"
who have pteviauily wrought at the smith's fire lad
had some pracilfe tvorkitiz steel %vitt re preferred:
None but such al cto give uniouhted te.almoulaillopt
s.ther and industrious haute need apply.
Coraer of Lib esty and O'Gara sta., Stl /!e►l.
Jo 25.
11Y Daniel O'Connell, U. P. Pew ? on ly 23 eta.: W
_UP be had of W. M. Fogrice, at ; i t s Untvarsial Agony
and Llierary Depot, Si: Ciatr et its iy 24-4,•
BOORS fur vuhecript ion to the capkalkdoek of total..
Aiiot lon he opet.ed at the Monongahela MOM,
on the 2.4 n, 25th, and 26th fret. between the boors at
9 o',-100,-A A . at. pd d o rtork P. M. of each day. or Ili,
I a' ! rag 11'00 share- snail have he, n aotarrieed.
10" capnal Stock ,f.VIO 000. lo shares of 50. rich, ea •
WhiCii $5 to be ',aid at the time of aubserlhimr.
Art approved 31St day of May, 141: Pontine%
thereto approved the 2rd day of March, (p,42,
frY•Coinairrwlees—R. M ifter. Jr , W Fote m otrier
W. B UUllilee, W tUI t o Plarkstook, Geo. B. Tayja, Cr
F. spang.in, Mileugar. W. Lirn.enc.cdt.
DOWEL L'S B.lLBd.lf OF JAW ISE ED --Thle slam
1 and effectual cure for the 111 n.rixza,CPu?ke 11 Wil
Colds can now se prorarrd, at wholesale !Ad Wait, i
Tri - rca's. 86 Four' ft street. ly 6
A NY qatettty of dean. first rate Alleghetty Ice. nko
Z 1 be had at FICGII DUIPPVS, corner or &good ae4
Grnni streetS. jot, 13 —lf.
Ifews Editors:.—P;ease anolgtoco the moms of 14e1F% %
JORN M. DAVIR,ot Peebles. for •thouary Combistiatimil
ro ,- leet to the division of l he Democratic mat* clarlaleni
lion, to he held lu Most per.
July I3—d wtc ileotyDeecorreoiM.
110. DaXIAL 00111ea'se t l .OOl ,
Ihotwiten Wood lad
dee 10.-.17.
IN aarilue.
Poet hoist
?ran. ht Calßethel, pi
Hachthen, I
Cout.bk. Lake Erie, 2
Far. bk: of CaiktiPa,