:.VIOL I._NO 272. PUBLISHED BY 1110 S. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, Jr, yr. COAXER OF WOOD k FIFTH STS. INSRMS.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in silhirseis. Single copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the sorigii . or at the office, and by News Boys. d., o' n ' M . Mercury and anufacturer Ilil, ' Staillshed WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double linidhas sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, to ad. its. Single copies, SIX CENTS. Terms of Pint BQUA ME OF TVY .11, — * insertion, 0,50 Tpw4asertiens, 0,75 three Insertions, 1,00 One week, 1.50 Two weeks, 3,00 rnree weeks, 4,00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CRA 88888 LI ♦T lq R•SCRE 0111 Square. 111 . 001102, $lB,OO OMP IPSO r, 25,00 vLarger advertisement' . 0008 of four. lines Six PUBLIC OFFICES,&O. Mins roar Onus. Third between Market and Wood atiieeks—R. M Riddle, Postmaster. *Most Hucss, Waterolth door from Wood st. Peter *Ws Standings—Major John Willoct, Collector. errs . TRZASITRY, Wood between Pir-,t and Second aniets—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. ifoy NTT TRILLVORT, Third street, nest door to the opted Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston & Thasurcr. ocrt's Orrict, Fourth, between Market and Wood stress—Alexander Ray, Mayor. Ittiecimres EIC11•11011. "cturth, near Matto. st: BANKS. ri-r mutton. between Market and Wood streets, on Tnlrd and Ponrth streets. MICI...DIMITS' MID MLIIIIIIACTOKIRe MID FAR/WIS . Dt• nrawr Bala, (formerly Saving Pund,) Fourth, between !Yawl and Market streeta. Excamroz. Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. ;MJlOtraan6L♦ House, Water street, near the Brld:e. eictrLwaz Horn., corner of Penn and St. Clair, -*linens:yrs' Horst., corner of Third and Wood. *unless H0e5t..e..27.::e: 'Third and Smithfield. ; 'll74llTZDSrvrics, corner of Penn street and Canal. ..Brasan Estat,s, Liberty street, near Seventh. ...MlLLeten Mansion House, Utterly St opposite Wayne ~ReClLDEltterr MaWniOa House, Penn St. only:Rite Canal. • itonEwr WOODS, OR ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office remo ratio flakewell's offices on Grant st., neatly opposile Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon, -eirßt floor. sop 10 fril TONER, ALto.nev at Law, of Smithfield and Fourth streeis MrCANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counselors at Law: Office in the Diamond. back Court House, Pittsburgh. sep 10 &PUNK it FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., 1111 4 0 0 " above Wood, Pittsburgh. cep 10-Iy. rt 6103. HA NI LTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between A ' Wood and Smithfield at... Pittsburgh. sep 10—ly OIRARA. ROBINSON, Allorney at Law; Ocoee on rite nort h side of the Diarnond,hetween diarkat and Ussion streets, up stairs ' sep 10 DURDORAW, Attorney at Law; tenders Me hit professional services to ttic public. 06ice on Flth Street, above Wood, Pittrktratt, srp 10 EYSTOR if BUCIMNAN, Attorneys nt LAW, office removed fr...., Diamo.r4 -.-A-LLA.alley's Row," Ilesly stilted' Fourth street, het ween Market and Won.t id rant* cp 10 BUCKMIST ER, A.T'RNEY AT LAW, .01 • bas removed his Mike to Reg.,-.A. • Law rep. Fourth street, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. 10 GEORGE W. LAYNG, Attorney at Law, Pitt 0 Ire Nh. 54 Fifh t street. near the Theatre,eburOi Sep 27-71 y READE W ASIIINGTON, 41litTORNET LA W. —Office in Bakeweii's Grant street, Pittsburgh. Nov.s, 1842. HON J. MITCHELL—Attorney at Law, office ;artier of Smithfield and sth sts.,Phishurgh. Vr Collections made. A I hnsluess entrusted to his . p f ee yellt , be promptly attended to, 'tab 16--1 y }REMOVA.L.-R. Morrow, Alderman; 016 o north side of Flab M., between Wood and Smithfie Is, Musbursh. sep 10 It' S. R. HOLM Co Office in Second street, next door to Mialvany 4 - Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 y •ToaNsToti g eSTOCK'CON, Boaksetters, Printers an will• Paper Manufacturers, No. 37. Market st. vep 10 1 y IOW; ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water et. lir near he Monongahela 1101PIttpl.tirdh. seplo—ly llTtlalas YOUNG. FRANCIS I. YOUNG. 11111108. B. YOUNG, & CO., Furniture Ware 11 Ro o ms, Rooms, uoracr of Hand st. k Elcktange ANNINSO, wishing to purchase Furniture, will And it to advantage to give us a call, being fully waisted that we tan please as to quality and price. rep 10 6n ÜBLS. PLANTATION MOLASSES. recetvec. UP per Steamers Little Bea and FGORDO N uIton, and for .1 G. 4- A • 12 Water street %ale by mu 27 Mcitet.as D. COLEO ..... • • LSED 11. COLIMA , ' COLEMAN 4. COC.,Genera, Agents, Forwarding and CommissienMetehants. Levee Street, Viektberg may- They respectfullyso.iet t coasigamenis. n 22- W- EBB CLOSEYO Boot and Shoe Manufac(o. . ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States Ankt Ladles Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made ist tieatest manner, and by the newest Wrench patterns. • sep'lo GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels. Edding Tools, Budding ignives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re. ittivad and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. sap 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. mwericEss 3 , proceedings, printed ON - paper And In the forms approved by the Coart,for rale } the Office of theldercary and Democrat. v.,. so M• .11r3BAUD, Lidles' fashionable boor a nd , rood itud .hoe 6 nufaaturer, .No. 101, 111 Ird batwee W n mithlield streets. Pittsbo r h "JO 10 .AS. PATTERSON, Jr., Birmin;hara, near Pittsburgh, di Pa., Manufacturer of Locks. Hinges and t; To lane*. Falter, MIII and Tlttibei Semen; Mouten Strews for 0,110..• nap 10--sr JOHN WeLOSHEY, Taller and Clothier, Llber.y Iltmall, between Slab and Virgin alley, Booth aide. se to 10 G. A. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding IF • Merchants, Water st., Pittsburgh, &pip-1y Birmingham & Co. lON .14ND FORWARDING HER. CHARTS, Nn. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Terms—Reeelving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Coeuntssious on Purchases and sales 21 per cent. mar 8. MORROW, M UFACTURER of Tin, Copper and sheet !roc Ware, No. 17, Flint at., between Wood and Star— Keeps coasUtatly on haat a good motional of wares, aiallitdicits a sham of politic patronage. Also, on band, the folk:oft traicisat Skorets. Pokers, Tongs, Gridiron;, Pots; Oveas, Coffee II ilia to. Met. aMaalaaN Ohm are lashed to can and examine for bismolistO u 0e is tiolorsiaati 40 OM cheap of cash or ffinsireti.p Of. wrintl —4, dvertising LVE LINES OR LESS: One month, 45.00 Two moots, 6,00 Three months, 7,00 Four months, 11,00 Six months, 10,00 One year, 15,00 The Spares Six months, $Z 3,00 One year, 35,00 In proronton. Doucsas a year. sep 10—ly .. ~ . . , • '... -.. .. f . - ;-k.e.=. , . - .;;.- . -.- ,- tAe • -.,...:ir.- ' - ."- _. . • :1-'• D / .., .•, .. . .4.. I 1170'-'.. .... N . ... N. . s . 111 „-",:.,?..- t.,- , -„.... ::..,__--- ....„. - ,i,,, I . . ...:::, . _ . . . . 11. . _ .., . MZMW=IE! Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- duce Merchants, And Dealers ir. Pittsburgh JklAnufvetures No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh MAILMAN, J ENNINGS & Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. A gents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17, '43. 102=1 HANNA ¢ TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104, Wood at., where may be had a general supply of writing, wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4.c, 4-c. Pep 10-1 y C. TOWN.SEND 4-- CO., Wire Workers and „ Jkfanirfacrxrers, No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. sep 10—ly I .4 IIXCH ANC E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair LI streets, by MeKLEMM ¢ SMITH• rep 10-1 y BRO.SVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.---Sd VV ward Hughes. Manufacturer of Iron end Nails Warehouse N 0.25. Wood st., Pittsburgh. rep 10 —ly STEW GOODS.—Preston 4. Mackey, whulcsalc and LI retail dealers In English, French, acd Domestic Dry Goods, No. Sl, Market st ,Pittsburgh. sap 10 JOHN M'DEVITT , Wholesale Grocer Rectifying Dialflier, And Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, Ns. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts• burgh. sep 10 H. WILLILI(11 1011 N S. Dicwoa WILLIAMS & DILWORTIL—Wholesalc r; rocers Produce and Commission Merchants, and lealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured ,articles, No. 29, Wood street. • - sep l 9 JOHN B.SIIIRTY7 SHERIFF & KEAY, Manufacturers of Copper, Tan, and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 80, Front st ~ Fitts. burgh. Noose Spouting and Steamboat work promptly executed. sep 10 Irk AVID SAN LIS, w ATCH & CLOCK ;41iir_k 'Ur MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts burgh, DEALER IN WATCRES,C LOCKS ,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, DRAINS, KEYS, COMBS, Pep 10 lANDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.— A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency the Drugstore of F. L. SNOW DEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. REMOV AL—Matthew Jon a, Barber and Hair Dress er, bas removed to Fourth street, oppositetbe May orsodice, where he will he happy tclwalt upon permanent or transient customers. He solicliv a share of public pat• ronage. sep 10 JIII7FARIAND, UPl°:siert ,- and Cabinet Nacre, Tkird at. between Wood 4- Market streets, respectful informs his friends and the public that he is Prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bo reaus,Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads. Stands, Hair and Spring lilattrasses, Curtains, Carpets, all Forts of Upholstering wora, which he will warrant equal ,o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. scP 10 o. I tEM te O r 29 1 wL een ;I v ] c o : t u i h a s n e d r b s e rn r i n a v e e l d r e move it r e,. t d c o w ‘ h 't e ' re they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis sloe bu4iirns. and would re4pe, trolly solicit the patron. age albeit' triends J. W. UURIMIDG d• Co. Dec 3 Dlt .A. W. PAT PERSON. on Sinittifletd street near Sixth. Pep 10 F . lll m E R CM; „ t d t - ii - edford, Cnamberehurg. 11.irrislmrg and Lancaster, to l'hiladet. phia, connecting with the Mail train oceans to N V. 5-c, Only 130 milesOtigint , and one night out. Also, the Direct line to nail inane. Fare to Philadelphia *9. Baltimore, 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M, Office second door liefnev the Merchants ilotel Wood et MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAVI3II Sc Co. feb 23, 180 —ly. Proprietori TIIE GREAT CENTRAL ROU E, vra NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE •so OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY 1- 417 - 1- ye , • W tine of U. R. MLllCoaches for Washington City, jr Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. This Heel. In full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. aid national road to Cumberland, connecting .here with the rail road Co'n. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a Ppetrly and comfortable route, It being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cumberland iine,facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Es tra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, wito the privilege of going through direct. or takinggne night's rept at reek option. For tickets, apply at our office at theMonongshela Donee. 1.. W. STOCKTON . Feb. ads—di f. President of N. R. Stage CO. NEW ROUTE. COACHES! ENTIRE NEW x'?"' •- " T • r • kr< - FROM PITTSBOROR TO BALTIMORE AND PRILADELPHIA. United States Express Wile Leaves Plttsbnrgh daily, at 2 o'clock. r. K, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and front there by RAILROAD, in superior new eight wheeled care, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The abovi Line is rvresented to the traveling public 33 being unequalled between the Ohlo River and Eastern cities for co.nfort and expedition, having made arrange. meals to convey paesengers through in two days, and Ino night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles le.a than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare to 001,C in the Monongahela (louse. A. it EN DEP Sot' CO., otitis Proprieto ml - 43 IS - tpAery SPX/15. R eim r-ra -- .IdSZLVES—TRUTH t' ONT.? vv,l 0:- Having been 20lieted for nearly jiro years, with a bard etwelting on the cap am,' knee. which produced moth pain, and used various applica rioss wroommended dP the Faculty— . all In vain war cured completaly by the use of one bottle of Dr . Brand. rettr's Liniment, or antenna Remedy. Witham My band JAMES TAYLOR, Obits tp Ailegheat co, PO. Jan. lOtb, 1840. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Linament; sold at his aim Ito. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE -50 coats per bottle. feb 8. I UST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and tj Lemons, of the Enestqsality. for sale wholesale and retail, by WM. THORN, feb 53 Market st. 20 000 la" CottOa Tarns, assorted Nos. 2,0.00144. Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by HAILM AN, JENNINGs49r, Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. mat 17 t7M. ELDER, .414_ °suit 44 ZAlo.—Pgiee in See. oad etreet,ited *kir...bore the ;Orr!! Outiffifield sort* dde. a 11 P. IP' PITTSBURGH, JULY 27, 1843. Wfd .E. AUSTIN, Attorney of Law, Pittsburgh, Pa. Office In 4th street, opposite Burke 's Building. Wri.t.tastE. Amnia, Esq.iwill give his attention to my unfiolshed business, and I recommend him to the patron• age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. sep 10--ly BIRD SEEPS A f ', Plop' •of Bari Seeds, con eluting of Cana'', Rape; just received 17 Aeb 3. F L SNOWDEN, 14R LibertV vf. JOHNSON & DUVAL, BOOK BINDERS AND PAPER RULERS. CONTINUE business nt the stand late of MeCandles t Johnson. Every description of work in their lin neialy and promptly executed. may 8— 1Y 111 D.BELLERS. M. D.,office and drivelling In Fourth XX, near Ferry street. aep 13—ly WARD & HUNT, Dalai:is Liberty atreel. few doors below StClair apr 6 1i 14. DANIEL N. CURRY, Attornejat Law. Of fice on sitt st between WoLd and Saittlifield. ❑p Bnrbridge di. Co. AGENTS for the sate of Beatty's Powder. Water at between Wood and Btnlthfield. March 30, 1843. WILLIAM DOUGLASS HAT AND CAP if-ANUFACTURER. Every &scrip Lion of Hats and Caps on hand, andfor sale. wholes sale and retall,elpriees to snit the times, at the old Stan. o r Donalas ¢ Mooro, 73 Wood street. may 5. WILLI A v DOHERTY, HAT and Cop Manut.eturer. 148 Liberty st, between Market and Sixth. ap 10— gm. PEJISE'S BOARBOUND CANDY.--.TOTTLI has received tbis day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con gumption; and is ready to supply cuslomersat wholesale orretall, at his Medical dgency, eti Fourth it. iss. N. Klux nov 12 ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL. 1.0 TRIALS, and all euceessful prove 1000 DALLE rs MAGICAL P 41.?? TRACTOR Inestimable. It not only eareaquieker,.hul gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is post tivety rendcied harmless. ($lO has been of f ered six months to any person returning an empty box, and saying that alt agony on anointing is not extracted le a few min utcs, yet nut one from thousands of trials since has claim ed the bonus.) Parents anxlone to guard againstgenera In)nriest, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring from being dishipred by burns, or even small pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to replace theeellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob• mining this inimitable salve. Many deegly burnt cases la the city can be seen, end oneentire face burnt over and wounded three distinct limes In the same spot while heal log, ye: In no emir can be traced the least cleatrieh or mark! For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effeetsare l ean Important;even ?ore eves, all Inflamstlons and bro ken breasts would be unknown. The toilet and nursery. for clearing the skin of pint pies, removing chafe, etc., w it find it Indispensable. One using only will forever fatal • Doh it the sovereign HEAL ALL quality. After this no tice, heads of families allowing torture for months, and ultimately distorted features, can never wipe away re. proach. Justly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over fire. ' , Entered accordinx Watt of Congress. A. D. 1841, by Foinslock k C0.,1n the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United Stales for the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only genuine. commock k Co., wholesale Druggists, N. York, have he come the sole at holcsale nem! for Mr. Dailey, In A told ca for 20 yew.% All orders must he addressed to them. The genuine only to he had at TUTTLE'S Medical Arney, R 6 Fourth street. Nov 15 IVILLIA M C. WALL. Plain ant Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, rztlA qirardNietiffsk-Tniir—molitthei - 3,Nult, prompt ty ¬ed to order. r. e pairing done at the short •..“--.„.4 [alibi lOrev cry deirrlptlott. Peruousfitiing up ?ream Boats or houses will tlnd It It Ilciradvant: - Ir to call. sep 10 The attention who base been .omewbut step tient in reference to the numerous certificates published in favor ()Mr. Swnyne's enmpounn Syrup oily lid Cher rr, on arrnnto of l he persons being unknown lit this sec imp of the slat e, is respectfully direereato the following reekiflcase,the writer of wltioli line been s. leen of this borough for several yerirs,and is knots u asa gentl e s", of Intevity and respons;hility. To the J. Kum,. I have used Dr Swayne's Comp and lyrup of Wild Cherry for a coutili, with which I have ben severely at flitted for about four months, and 1 havelo Itesitntion in raving that It is I he most effective rneffiem thatl have been able to procure. It composes all Mihsiness, and agrees well with my maniains aregnin and good appetite. 1 can freely recommend It r all others similarly afflicted. J. 9iinsult, Borough of rnbereb'r. March 9, 1R441. Sep 23 For sale by WILLIAM THORN No,. 53 Mor,t greet. CIT a T xd S B A I z TR e* R M C A ar N ri UF es A C aTt ORY te„i.g, tat. The subscribers manufacture and keeps coustali v on hand Coaeh,C and Eliptic Springs (warranted) .I.l oto Iron Axles, Sllverand Brass plated Dash Frames, l us and plated flub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leat,, , Silver and Brass Leaps, Three fold Steps, Manna. ron, Door Dandles and Dingcs, JONES .1. ent.EMAN. Qt MIK TIPAT 11 P W./hen y Mid" r NEW YORK DYER. litig NIMES, would respectfully Inform his friends Oan the public In gencral,that he dies Ladles' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants Areal n o t t o mtit, and to look equal to new goods. He dyes fancy colors of all descriptions on silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans dna restores the colors o r gentlemen's clothing, 11 , 0 as to resemble new goods, Mr. H. flatters himself thrt he can pibase the public, as he has done vin extensive business in New York WI twenty years: All work done on moderate terms at his t ; establishment in 5111 st,bctween Wood and Smithtieitt netr the Theatre. lJ .1 ) 411 11 1 a rt: r e e L m A o ll ve K d ' to )ig N i o . , ; 4a d ak !i i rr a k b e i t e r o e o e t t , jr be a tt; CERTIFICATE.' 1:1" Till.; in to certify that OSEE FUMES - hifeond and Third streets, where be would behalf. any (lam his old customers, a nd all others who feel dies o done work for us, which has fully answered to patronize him. He uses nothing hirt first r ate : expectations, and we consider him a compete d toek, and cm ploys the beat of workmen; and as he gives dyer, fig constant personal attention tobusineas lie trusts ti"" he will deserve and receive a falrahareof patronage. sep 10 S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnes. J. B. Shu rll David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boise, Jaw French, tr., Andrew Purdy, W. B. Bohai, Porto,, Hi Smith, Henr Jnvens, A. Sh ap 2 k j.., Joseph Vera, George B a rnes. oeo WM. STEELE, (successor to H. M'Closkey) io.uf , le Boot Maker, Liberty at., 2d door VI eir% Alley. The subscriber respectfully Infori publlcthat he - has commenced the above business ,l shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry MV , and that he is now prepared to attend to all oldie Hoe ofbusiness wlttldespalch and on the most re e l i e, terms. From his tone experience In the man Fashionable Boots, he feels confident that ali t " ) from his establishment will give satisfaction Oa trons. A share of public pal ronaze ts respect fulfit ed. 10 ', Boot and Shoe Maker, St. opposite tle hoed ef Snit kheLd.st. , .• Tliesabserlher having bought out the stock 4' 1141 Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has comsnencee e " In the old stand of Mr: R.. and is prepared ral l e alldworipticms of work in Ids line, in the per and on the shortest notice. He Keeps consist nd and a large assortment aflame findings of all of the best quality. He solicits the patroaa P ub ' I lc and of the craft. W H. serllo r-rrn7l, BEAVER AND VAN PACKET. rsn The canal packet ERIE. J. M. Shaw named " d u regal .r trl.weekly packet betwee' t boats. leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wedn rids SI Quotas, leaves Warren an Tuesdays, s aid land :Saturdays; connecting with the Stage LI ve direct. For freight ery paitsage'apply 64 to BIRMINGHAM &.•fX)/blirgn 4. a: 'DIOEXY,'PeOer , ', • ' ! nay 10. LOOK AT THIS J. M. Sanderson & Son ) FRANKLIN lIOUSE,PIIILADELPRIA. PHIS elegant establishment has been in operationdur. JL lag the lost nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, It has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded t. the pio. prietora a,tull compensation for their labor and atten lion. Its locution being in Chestnut street, In the !ill mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange, Banks; the steamboat landing, the most business part ot Market street and the places of amusement, it presents to the business community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. its arrangment, also, enables ttie guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy suited to his notions or disposition.. The facility of procaring meals at any hour, and of get• ling that which the appetite craves, is also a saver of time "'Melt the business portion nfthe guests know bow to appreciate. The proprietors, titer-fore, . costodi of their old frinnds, and prennise a continuanee . of their exertions to wke them comfortable. ap 25-3 m. DR. 00 D E'S Celebrated Female Pills. Thew Plllearcsirongiy recommended to thenollee of the ladies sea safe and efficient remedy In removitts those complaintspeculiar to their ses, from went of ex. erclse, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affectlOns: These Pills have gained 'the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Uns GA States, and many Mothers. Forsale Wholesale and R. E. SELLERS, Agent, No. 20. Wood St reet .helow Second Retail, by sep 10 BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER AT rat THREE BIG DOORS. TtIE subscriber would respectfully Inform his vista wrested the public generally, that notwithstanding the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, during the present season; he has still on hand the largest and most varied assortment of elegant CLOTHING that can he bought west of the mountains. The public may rest assured that all articles offered at his store are manufam Lured from FRESH GOODS, purchased In the Eastern markets this Spring and made into garments by Pitts. burgh workmen. In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops In our city, filled with pa wn.brokers,clot hes and the musty, cast OW ;grannie of former seasons, from the eastern ci. ties, the public should he cautions to ascertain the char. octetef theestahlishments in which they ere Invited to purchase, before they part with their money. The ar ticles offered at several of the concerns in thi• city, are the mere offals of New York and Philadelphia slop shops, and sent out here to he palmed off on the Pitts. burgh public. Porcharers should be on their guard a. gains% these impositions, and t hey may rely on the the that no establishment that advertises easterx reeds Ow, ing. an ;leeks good an article or as advanlageousbar. gains es can be had at the "Three Big Doors." The public will please remember that all the sabered ber's; trments are made in this city, by competent work men. and not gathered up like the goods now offered by the "birds of peerage" from the shreds and palettes of eastern alop shop. It will always be his endeavor to maintain the re,mtation that the "Three Big Donn' have obtainee for furnishings superior style of CLOTH ING In every respect, and at prices below those of any other establishment. He would again return his thanks to his friends and the public for the unprecedented patronage Lestowed upon his establishment, and believing that they have found It to their advantage to deal with him, he would repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase Clothing of every description at the lowest mire to call at No. )51, LIBERTT ST. JOHN M'CLOSKY. Tieobperve Metal Plate in the pavemont. sr 28. EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILL L S.—ABRA HAM .1. CLEMER, residing at 66 Mott street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia :in Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head. ache. Kam"" 'costiveness, collet, least. Min In the chest and sinti.- 4 always alter eating, un - n eforopetite.seesation of Mt king' hi the stomach, nausea, with frequent Vonrrtmgs, inzstness towards night and 'emir Yen, 6M - edntst,,eceqtt 'qua uD• ward of , 1 street; and submitting to his ever F r '!_t i gitteirsad agreeable mode of treatment. the patient Was completely restored to health in the short space of onemonth. and grateful tor the incalculable benefit deriv. ed. gladly came forward and volunteered the above stale For sate Wholesale and Retail by R. R. SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 No 20, Wood street. below Second. Remoiii. int/scriber has rctnov.‘d his Fashionable Yialoring .1 Establishment to the Monongahela house. 3d door from first et.on Smithfield st.where hisold customers and ail others who may favor him with a call may depend on having their work done In a superior Style. From his long experience In the business In !hie city. and In many other fashionable cities In Europe and America, be feels confident that hn can give satisfaction to all who may pleaseto favor hint with their custom. By strict attention to business and superior workmanship he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. He Intend keeping on hand a supply of :odds and trlmmingssuitaMe fur the customer trade which willbe sold at very reduced prices. B DONAGHY. Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON F3CTORY Prices Reduced. short. Rcel .Yarn. Long iloe'Z ara • No. 5 at 14 [IC per lb. 500 ate eta per di, 6at 14 ditto 600 9 ditto A l 6 ditto 7 at 14 ditto 700 Bat 14 ditto 800 at 5 ditto 9at 14 ditto I X at 41 ditto 10 at 14 ditto i 1 at 4 ditto 11 at 14 ditto 4 at 14 ditto‘ ,,andiewlek at 15 eta per lit. at 144 dots , Coin Batting • 8 ditto Mat 15 , t ,o 'Family do. .12 ditto 1 .5 at 154 ato ;Carp's Chain ' 18 ditto Ts at 1 g ditto ;Corn TtiL Ina , 2.5 ditto 17 at 16 1 ditto ;Stocking Yarn and 18 at 17 ditto ;Coverlet Yarn always on 19 at 17, ditto ,band. t 20 at .p. ditto (Cotton Warps made to order. OZ:1- 4:44,s promptly attended to, If left at J. k C. latee s ,Jogan k Kennedy's, or the Post office, address: eb 27. J. K. MOORIIEAD k Co, OT CE TO bR. BRANDRETH'S AGENTS The office in Pittiburgh, which was established for the purpose of constituting ageenta In the west, having accomplished that object, is now closed, and Mr. G. B. LEE, In the Diamond, Market street, appointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Liniments. MI Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore, understand that Dr. B. will send a travelling agent through the country once a year to collect moneys for ales made and , re supply agents. The said traveler will .be provided with power or attorney.dnly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all the ne. emery vouchers and papers ; Mr. J. J. Yoe Is my traveling agent now In Penn. sylvania. • B. BRANDRETII, M. D. N B —Remember Mr. C. R. LEE., In the rear of the Market is now my only agent In Pittsburgh. June 14• BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM. "13 LOTS,suitable for building, most eligibly situated, and within two mioutes walk oftbe nem Ferry Boat Leading, will be sold at prtees to suit the times, The terms of payment will be made easy, either for cash or such batter as can bemade available. Apply to the subscriber lb Bliminghim, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. JAB: PATTERS° N, J B. Jane 1. WIIIIITS, ICE CREAM, it CONFECTIONARY.— I. A Hunker respectftlly informs his friendeand the public that they can always find the best quality of lee Creams. together with a❑ kinds of confectionary and fruits, In their season, et his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, between Wood and Market. N. IL—Parties supplied en the shortest notice, with sakes. or anything in kis liaq. Also famkties furaisbed with Bread. sep 10 LOOK 'AT THIS. TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. J. If' lILLtR . roN, No. 146 Wood aired, one door above Sixth. KEEPS constantly on bond all kinds of the best Spanish Cigars: Regalia', Casadoess, COOTIOAXBB, Trwestess, Priiteipes. Also, half Spanish and Common Cigars. Tobacco 01311 the best brands: Cavendis74, 51 lump; Bartiatera Plag, Us. and 16s. lump. Also, Mts. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Rappee, Scotch, Marcahau,-High Toast, fre. He has also, all other articles in his line, which he off'ers, wholesale and retail at the lowest ea.eh pried. CALL AND SEE. June 8.-6 m. NAYLOR & CO.'S BEST REFINED CAST STEEL THE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as sortment of the same, consisting in Best Refined Cost Steel, equated, flat,round and Octagon do do do do axe temper. Extra do do do for nail cutters, Best do Double and Single Shear Stee , English Blister, German, Granite. Wedge and Crawley Steel, at wholesale, by the case, or In smaller lots to suit purchasers. LYON, SHOE B k CO. June 24,--dßalkwGm''' Foot of Wood st. NEW WHOLESALE CASH STORE, No. 99 Wood street, PITTSBURGH. lETINAN 4- JONES are receiving carritaitly fresh T supplies of seasonable Dry Goode which they iteDl continue to dispose of at eastern prlces,wlth the addition of carriage, for cash, par lassey, only. Every merchant making purchases in the city with money,is respectfully Invited to call and examine our goods, and the chances are ten to one against him that he will not consider his time and labor lost. Having adopted this system from s cony icti in that it most be to the advantage of the parchitisr, we trust it may receive a fair trial, and be judged accordingly. june 16—d1in PI7IINITURZ WARM !LOOMS. ALEXANDER McCURDY. At the old staled of YOUNG gr MeOURDY. Ns. 43 Second, between Wood and Market street* RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late firm and the public generally, that he Is prepared to fill all orders focCalloot Work, of any kind, with all i oasible despatch, and warranted to be equal to any is the city. Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS 4.c. when required. June 10, 1843. COPAR. NERSIIIP. JAMES W. HA!! .LS S. JOHN F. JENNINGS have entered Sato partnership for the purpose of transacting a Wholesale Grocery; Produce and Coenmis, sion business under the firm and styleaf MAILMAN JENNINGS Co.,at No 43 Wood street, opposite the Merchants Hotel, where a supply of Groceries and Pitts burgh Manufactured Articles can always be bad on fibs al terms. March 17 '43- FOR SAFETY. Travelers should falta Boats provided with Evans Safety Guards, for preventing Explosion of SIMI{ Boilers. IT would be well for the trseetingeonuauntly to heat in mind that their security depends entire - lupe - a their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every !wilyldeal making such select ion Is contrlbu - 4. 4 Inwards a were! introduction of an inventeowircr- - milled by aIT ""*"• - --e 4 eretand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preietrtarmee ee.ainst these dreadful disasters You have certainly, is the hendeeds of explosions than have already taken plaee, their almost daily occurrenee , and the thousands of lives that have d e a lr i eady been Pkt, a suflicient warning, and inducement tb ma k e kyiutry for a Safely guard Boat, and In every cave tc. preference. They have went to an a adateva lWe he lex l l t w- t hse that your liven may be secant. Ought „ t oot therefore to meet them with a corresponding d eee of ;Ibetality, and by your preference show that ft.o appreciate their laudable endeavors to slop this aw ful sacrifice of human life They do not charge more than mites heats; their ammo modal ionk in other respects ate rip tI, and In many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will yea run any risk, when it is so corn: letely in your own power to avoid those disasters. Ali boots !narked thus [.] in the List of Arrivals and Derarturas. in another part of thts patter, are supplied Rlth the Safety Guar i. List of Boats provides with the Safety Guard. 'ALPS, &MENTOR, AGNES, MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA, BRILLIANT,,MARQUETTE, BREAKWATE. WING° PARK, 'CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, • NARAGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY, EXPRESS MAIL A ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE, OHIO, FORMOSA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. H. BILLS, ROWINA, JEWESS; RARITAN . , , IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, SA "ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, 'T LLEYRAND, VICTIM S, ',ALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, Ilk IDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS, CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO PI ANT, JAM ES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIAN A CLLIPPER, ' MINSTREL, EVELINE REGULAR jirart ha PACKETS, erre FOR CINCINNATI. The Switteure, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Ewen, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 20, PITTSBURGH CIRCULATING AND REFERENCE LIBRARY of Rel igioffeJl iaor kal,Polil few And w Cflialleollll Works. will wo-opeo scarp • day, p i iitsiti, o'clock, A. W.. oath 9, I: al., In Ibe Kg. choose Boliding.eorner of SLICIaIf 'Wet see E 4 • alley. woerepooelual alleodf 'wlli Iwitylio by •., asp 10 • 131110110. PRICE TWO CENTS' THE LITERARY Pert. Torn Moot its Treason. The Belfast News Letter call; upon the dete., ernment to deprive Moore of his perish* for Po* tributions to this journal. as they detect theideter— est evidence of hie style in the 'Spirit of that "tar= tion." Though we can'do'r plead guilty to:4laii: soft impeachment, it is certain that Bloom ills*, written many things which we might adopt:le/4, out anybody discoVering the smalleit inectregtnity in time or place. Our English masters bai*iiiirit so consistent in their policy, that the very Mite eit woe or tone of defiance need cot be ebangesdfla cent to grow stronger. lt is the muse CU*, oar played colt faceb. The following , Pastural Ballad, by iohn was published in the 71nres newspaper in tlta yptr I 18517. and with the quotation that introduce*. suits the present moment as exactly as it the eran of Sloperton Collage had penned, it loc .thelk week's Nation. We have even the perennial ropy, of Rodea as fresh in his last letter to the iii elf it was a dozen years ego:— TusLIN, MARCH 12, 18'. triday, after _flee arrival of the packet bringing the taconite of the, defeat of the Catholic question in this 11Oeutetor l Commune, orders were sent to the Pigemi boas, to forward 5,000,000 rounds of musket-hill ridge to the different garrisons round the tretirtipt; Freeman's Journal, I have found out a gift for my Eriir, A gift that will surely content hen Sweet pledge of a hive so endearing: Five millions of bullets I've sent hen - , . She askeri me for Freeduni and ttiglit. But ill she her wants understood; Ball-catridges morning and night. Is a dose that will do her more good. • • • Should thy faith in My 'medicine be •hiks* Ask R—d--n, that mildest of saintir He'll tell thee, lead., Inwardly taken, Alone can rethove thy complaints:— That bleat as thou art in thy lot, Nothing's wanted to make it more pleitstni But being banged, 'tortured and shot. Aitteh oftener than thou tut It present. Even W-11—t—IA BOW has averred Thou art yet but hair sabred and hunt, And I luveJ him the More when I heard Such tenderness till from his tongur. So take the five millions of pills; Dear partner, I herewith enclose: From Cro4e:kw:ll to---wprdpose—ilee.aet —And in two years after this distribetion of belt cartridges, that same Catholk queltion was 'CON .tied. Precisely the ordinary course of eveimm-- 1, We are now proceeding over the very BOW ground again; save that, instead of a 'Catholic k - is a National question. 'Our trade is imilied, b ' IRIf cry 'by your unjust laws--let hs have the tnakint of our own laws again and behold, for altimita the Cyclops and Rhadamanthus steam into oat harbors with 800 marinas and '25,000' hand at arms' We complain that nothing is ddett their Parliament for Ireland—and straightnty Arms' Biil is vouchsafed us. 'We reprelielli that our Factories are stopping work, our Artisan* starving, only our Poorhouses flourtshiog—itiml , immediately 'the Powder mill near Cork' is a going. We passionately entreat to bee° ant own Parliament in College green—di:ad they iII stantly ship us certain gunners to the Pieta I sae to them, 'You do nut knelt moo. 3 0 e will rot give YeeThrl--- the t, able to under— stand our wants, our characters, or m e r •iee •_ stances;' and, without a moment's delay (whit can them do. mare—C..e-Ai.ty_ Governoient Officers are sent round the coasts to etanaine the ewe Ot al! Forts and Martel° Towers= guns are pointed& g.2.r.,rtsp o eintol-ced, and 'pouches Cot the' It caps 11117----- ' - --tetlQ_l" :UM& jacki. One characteristic feature of Etriiial _ ib still wanting, Lord Lonna seems ditireass" Supply. 'To call out and itrm the Protestant, yea. mantl'—to re ire (Wok' times of domicilliky , visits to the houses of unproteCted tatholici—aes tices "To Hell or Connaught,' with speedy *le tion Of the overholding tenants at the bayanstp-r all this my Lord Lorton thinks 4 iSertid have OW more . / eject.' Hie Lordship could even prove the system as formerly practised, by taking far as in him lies, the alternative of "Cdnnatl hi* The one hundred and seventy families that aka, said to have been ejected from bit estatoo—Wheie are they to go? Will he pass his papist, iota, Munster? Indeed, one sees nothing td pcevoitt:. their being handed after this fashion ratted the four provinces of Ireland, until at last grit Ha DV altogether, cit iVen finally into lea s —if there*** only a sufficiency of 'Protestant yeomen.' 1 Alas! what an idea of a fine noun of Viral this, : Lord has It resembles the definition given by another legislator of the law of Christ, iti-APeets tsstant ascendancy and No Surrender.' • But there ire good precedents for laughing. heartily at all this browbeating and balderdrialy " We shall nut forget the five millions of tittlla**" and so far from being frightened at tile grist ttary preparationw o sive must regard theft as ant omen of speedy concession. It is a way Jobs Bull has wheh he Is about to yield. And hit W ‘r presently See the justice of our demand, lifter has shown (lb hi .ion satisfaction) that he has altogether at his mercy, and could crush as to thi:l: earth at a word.—Nation. The Case ofChrtstina Gilmour. . In the U. S. Court et New York on Friday morning, Mr. Comnissioner Rapelye Made tbs- 7 , following decision: • - "I, Savanna Rio&lye," a Commissioner of Ike Circuit Court of the United States. in the second circuit for the Southern District of New York, - Do hereby certify, that upon hearing the "alt. ~ dence of criminality" in the matter of C'brietent Cochrane, otherwise Gilmour, "charged arkiths crime of murder" "in Scotland," and snot careful-. ly considering the same, do decide, that anconling.:... to the laws or the phscu where she was found arrested,.aufficient evidence has been adenoid to justify her apprehension and cOmmitmetit The prisoner was present when the decision siwo read, and evinced no feeling wheteret to (Catlin toil, Her counsel gave notice be *odd in the couree of the day resort to other proceedings 4 the proiection of his client. The Commissioner has forwarded 'thtievWarult* in the case, and his decision upon it ter IlllasPooti , dent of the United States, on whoa dty de volves of granting or withhokiingld warrant fai t the delivery ofilie prisoner to ledpiritiah author. icier. mai 22 The Journal of Compere , a Saturday Meal? sayst—The prisoner's cram' kaa attained a writ of habeas corpus hot! the Recorder, belniewho* t h e matter vi al he‘eminvestigated is a dal WWI • _ e. l? ettrA;T;ll -110 h paper says, that it thik• etiale• enter a person was tried fur far/pica „ ate , fits jury would not decide what vardisktike, I,s, se they ultimately agreed tw twee up *4, was do* TIN man gmula 11= s p x t has anew nrathatstterstwa t wirbitiwthe _ _ uirsinhater,7 innwpoppau, SILVANUS RAPALTZ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers