- VOL 1.-NO 268. PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, N. W. CORNER OF WOOD t FIFTH ITS. TERMS.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in •waste. Single copies TWO CENTG—for sale at the *cater of the office, and by News Boys. Tim 'Mercury and Manufacturer *polished WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double „Needing' sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad- Trance. Sin;le copies, SIX CENTS. • "- Terms of Advertising, rza SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Ull Insertion, 0.50 I One month, $5,00 rum Inferlions, 0,75 I Two monis, 6,00 elnie Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00 °network, 1.501 Four months, 8,00 Cleo weeks, 3,00 Six months, 10,00 Three weeks. 4,00 One year, 15,00 .. ' YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CIi•MILABLIC AT FL Z•BORr. OVIO Sq*ars. Two Sotterws nig gnat Its, 813,00 I Six months, $23,00 biol. year, 25,00 One year. 35,00 • 'tr.:Larger advertisements In prorortlen. CARDS of tour lines Stx DOLLARS a year. P U . B LIC 0 FF I C E Sote. Cm Post Orrtca. Third ttetween Market and Wood 9 Riddle. Postmaster. • „- °Neon Hausa, Water. 4th door from Wood st. Peter- BtONChnifdro:l—Major John Willock, Collector. -:AtlrnYri.reasoar, Wood between Flrit and pecand treeti—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. .. 1 1 1 311thrrir TRU/AWRY 'Nord street, next door to the .rnot rtesbyter n Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. ANOVI Orrtcc, Fourth, between Market and Wood Aree,s—Alexander Hay, Mayor. 41kangattr's Exclusoc, Fourth, near Market at; BANKS. Purrsanams, between Market and Wood streets, on J'nlrd and Fourth streets. Malostawvs' ♦LD MANtr7ACT7RER6' &RD FARMERS' Ds 'NMl' Balm (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between **id sad Market streets. - iIECMAMISE, Fifth street, near Wuod. HOTELS. ikllowodoanac• noose, Water street, near the Bridge. • lispiamos Horst., corner of Penn and St. Clair, MURCIIANT3' norm., corner of Third and Wood, lialtateats s: Third and Smithfield. Memo SCAMS% corner of Penn street and Canal. Sl/11taan &inn, Liberty street, near Seventh. ilitatzas Mormon Honsi,Liberly St. opposite Wayne iltaosansuarr hiIIIMON Honer, Penn St. opposite Canal ORERT WOO DS, ATTORNEY AND 'COUNSELLOR AT LAW.-00Ice retno• -; , sad to flititsvrell's offices on Grant it., neatly opposite stem Court [loose, next rooms to John D. Mallon, - ,--Virat floor. asp 10 TONER, Alto. nev at Law. North East corner of Smithfield and Four?' streets. sep 10—l9 ArCA.NDLESS & itircLu RE, Attorneys and INA. Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, hack luf Ovoid Court House, Pittsburgh. sep 10 VOUNK it FINDLAY, Attorneys tit taw, Fourth st., above Wood, Pittsburgh. sap 10-17. rpHOS. HAMILTON. Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. sep 10—I y 'VATIC. O'IIARA ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; Office on the northstde of the Diamond,betwcen • jacket and Onion streets, upstairs sep 10 AA. DURBOR.-INV, Attorney at Law; tenders • Lis professional services to tlu, public. Office on virtb Street, above Wood, P,itt.A.urab. sep 10 , VYST-ER Buil' %MAN Al _ Pornegs — at Lill , o Rice ILA removed from Die Diamond, to “Attorney'sßow," ~tsauty sidepf Fourth street. between Mart.et and Wood el MIMI seplo • B h l3 -1 d e r K tri n o v A- e T h i E s It o 14 e ll e i li N ea E reT's 'l LAW, i ' Lßut id -1 1111'4 Pan t% street, shove Smithfield, Pittsbargit. "it! , 10 grARORGE W. 1.41'.103. Attorney at Law, Office VI Nn, 54 Fill 4 street, near the Theatre, Pitis'ourgh, sep 27-1 y READE ASIIINGTON, A ITORNICY AT LAW. —Office in Bakcwen's "Grant *met, Pittsburgh. N4v.5, 1842. 1101EIN J. MITCHELL—Atiorney at Law, office WO corner of Smithfield and sth its., Pittsburgh. cr. Colieetions made. A t uusiuessentrusted trir hie VW will be promptly attended to. febl6--Ir I.IIEMOVALL.—R. Morrow, Alderman; otti , e north till.. side of Fifth M., between Wood and Smithfield is, Pittsburgh. seri 10 DR. S. R. HOLMES, Office in Second street, next .00r to Mulvany k Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly foams Tor t dr sTocKTori, Booksellers, Printers an Paper Manufacturers, No. 37. Market st. sep 10-ly JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Poundry. Water st.. sear the Monongahela House, Pittsturgh. sep 10—ly Volume I YOUNG• Fas Note 1.. YOUNG. i IMO& B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware ooms, t,orncr of Hand st. it Exchange Alley. !'drone Wishing to purchase Furniture, will And is to *eh advastage to give us a call, heing tty 'satiated that •ere can please as to quality and ptice. imp 10 V 6 BBLS. PLAN CATION MOLASSES, received . per Steamers Little Ben and Fulton, and for C. if A. GORDON 12 'Water street .gait by sear 27 glow: Mai D. Courag.....• • .....Ldra R. Commix COLEMAN ir CO.,Genera Agenis, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Levee Street, Vicktburg 'Miss They respectfully sole' t consignments. n 22- - WEBB CLOSEYO Boot and Shoe Manufamo . W rY.No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States ..4112k1 Ladies Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in ha aeates!maoner, and by the newestlFrench patterns. ssep 10 GA KM TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Eddins Tools, Budding .Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re. melted and for late toy F. L. SNOW DEN. asp 10 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood. A.GISTRATES'BLANKS, for proceedings In At .17.a. , teekinont under the late law • for sale at this Office BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— To be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on Rood papet,and In the forms approved by the Court,for sale t the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 CUM HUBBARD, Ladles' fashionable boot and V V -shoe Manufacturer, NO , dOl. 11b44 greet, between liViniltand 13m ithfield streets, Pittsbu re II ROO • PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, SO Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To. • ' VAPEO, Puller, Mill and Timber Screws; Houten Screws for lollhig sep 10-4 JOHN BirCLOSKEY, Talk r and Clothier, Liber.y • street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, step 10 - - V 4 A. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Water at., Pittsburgh. sep 10—ly Birmingham Sr, Co. COMMital 0 N FOR WARDING NER. CHANTS, No. 60.W.ater street, Pittsburgh Pa. Toress—Reeelvlng and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Cossoshislons on Purchases and sales 2i per cent. t.-sisar 14'43 S. MORROW , 11,14NUFACTETEIEB.of Tin, Copper and Sheet, Iror .1111 Ware, No. 17, Fifth st., between Wood and Mar— Keeps Keeps constantly on band a good atom trnent of wares, ster4 With, a share of .publie patronage. Also. on hand, i e. dm %Dorris; articles: Shovels, Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Sktliesa, Teakettles, Pots. Ovens, Coffee Mills .te. Mer- MIAS§ aad others are tovited to can and examine for ...Magilajatfel as be Is determined tosell cheap for cash or 3 ° •= 11 —ktj • DAILY MORNING COST HAILMAN, JENN IN GS & Co., W holesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And Dialers Zr. PittsburgA Aransfoctures No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh. HAILMAN, JENNINGS Sr. Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, • No. 43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17,743. 11101(110)1 J.assTORNMULL. HANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104. Wood st., where may be had a general supply of writing, wrapping. panting, wall paper, blank book., school books, 4.c, e. sep 10-1 y C. TOWNSEND it CO., Wire Workers and „ ifannfattarers, No. 23 Market street, between td and 3d streets.. sep IQ—ly • 11XCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and el. Clair 11 4 at reels, by McKIBBIN 4- SMITH. pep 10—ly ttROWNSVILLE JUNtATA IKON WORKS.--Ed ward Flushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood st., Pittsburgh. rep 10 7V EW GOODS.—Preston ¢ Mackey, whulerale and L retail dealeri in English, Preach, ar.d Domestic Dry. Coods. No. P.l. Market st ,Pittsburgh. rep 10 JOIN 111 I DEVITT, Wholes's'. Grocer Rectifying a Distiller, And Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No. 224 Liberty. Street, Pitts- Intrek. sep 10 Wlt.t.tkat H. WlLt.t/mts Jona S. Dtiworvin WILLIAMS dfz DlLWORTH.—Wholesale . Grocers Produce and Commission Merchants, and )eaters la Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29, Wood street. set) It) lone R.6ecev► SUERIFF at KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 80, Front at., Fills. burgh. House 'Spouting and Steamboat work promptly executed. sep 10 AVID SAN DS, 11 , ATCH & CLOCK .1J MAKER, No. 7, SL Clair street, Pitts. - burgh, DEALER IN WATCRES,CLOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHALKS, KEYS, c °Jots, 4,e. sap ID LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.— A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at hie agency the Drugstore of F. L. SNOW DEN, rep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. pp EMOVAL.—tdatl hew Jonrs, Barber and Hair Dress. er, has removed to Fourth street, oppositethe May orsoffice, where he will he happy to:walt upon derruanent or transient customers. He solicit's share of public pat ronage. sep 10 01IN MPFAIELXI4D, upta,4eter oaiset Third at. between Wood 4. Market streets, respectful informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Ba• rea us, Chairs, Tables, Sedsteads,Stands, flair and Spring Mattrasses, Curtains, Carpets. all ports of Upholstering work, which he will warrant equal .0 any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. FrP 10 - 11EMOV4L!--The subscribers have removed to Wa. ter between Wnod and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis sion liusine.s eat would re , peil fully solicit the pal ron. age of 'heir friends J. W. BURfift IN:Ed. Co. Dec Da. A. W. PAT VERSON. C.t:nce on Sinithfleld !tree( near Biith. geP 10 I • I 8 - 3 F\RE 0 EDUDEO. -U. S. ?dim. Linic OF Sr •nxs AND RAIL 00AD c•ft,, from rdt.o.r2h, ala Redford. Chambersburg. IlarriAttirg and Lancaster, to Philadel. phia, connecting with the Mall train of tars to N V. 4r. Only 150 miles sliiitityz end one night out. Also, tide Oircet line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia 39. Baltimore., 9. Leaven daily at 8 o'clock A. M, Office second door beruw the Merchants [lOlO Wood it MENDELL, GRA!' AM, WAUGH 4. Co. reb 33,1843-Iy. Proprietors. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROO C, vu NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE ►Kn OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY - - NVE W line of Cr. S. Mb II Coaches for fraski /ton City Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. This line is In full operation and !ravesPittsburgh dally at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. aid national rot(' to Cumberland, connecting 'here with the rail road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being° veparate and distinct Pittsbutgh and Cumberland line, facilities will he afforded which have not been teretofore enjoyed. Es• tra coaches furi,inhed at the shortest notice, wito the privilege of going through direet. erlaking cne night's rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at theMonongehela Horse. L. W. STOCKTON• Feb. 3d—dlr. President of N. It. Stage Co.. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! Jaw •`' -• • a • FROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE ANY) PIILADFLPHIA. United States Express Line Leaves Pittaborgh daily, at 2 o'clock. e. x, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National !Goad, and from there by RAILROAD , in superior new eight wheeled cars, to Baltimore. Washington city and Philadelphia. The ahoy( Line is npresented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for oomfort and expedition, having made arrange mente to convey passengers through In two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 mites less than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new toadies. Fare to Baltimme, $lO. Office In the Monongahela House. A. HENDERSON 4- CO., Stage Proprleto liACTS SPEAK FOR TR EXSELVES—TRUTII IR CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a bard swelling on the cap of my knee, widen produced much pain, and used various apogee lions recommended by the Faculty—all in vain we> cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand reth's Llnament, or External Remedy. Witness my baud JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840. Dr. ranrineth's External Remedy or Linament; sold at his office, N 0.98 Wood street, r bistro rrk, PC4 CE-- 50 cents per bottle. fob 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons,afthe Ortesuituality. Car sate wholesale and 'visit, by WM, THORN, feb 53 Market st. 20.000 LBS Cotton yarns, assorted Nos. 2,000 lbs . Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 1500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto. ry. For sale by HAILMA N, ./E'NNINGS & Co., COMM Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. mar 17 WM ri ELDER, Attesey at Laar.-01fwe in Sec. and eteoetSed door 'Woe the comer of Smithfield eotth side. 41, :4;;;,04 4 . NXIW ADIITE. ml d 3 PITTSBURGH, JULY 22, 1843. J. NI. Sanderson & Son ) FRANKLIN HOUSE,PIIILADELPIIIA. - MIMS elegant establishment has been in operation4ur• lug the last nine months, and notwithstanding hie general depression of business, It has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. prietors Liu!, compensation for their labor and alien lion. Its location being In Chestnut street, In the im• mediate neighborhood of the Post office. the Exchange, Banks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part o Market street and the places of amusement, It presents to the business community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arrangment, also, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy stilted to his notions or disposition. The facility ofproesring meals at any hour, and of gel• Ling that which the appetite craves, is also a saver of time which the business portion of the guests know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit tilt custom of their old frb•uds,and promise a continuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. ap 25-3 m. DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These Pillearestrongly recommended to the notiee of the ladles asa safe and efficient remedy In removing those complaints Peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the HO ted Slates, and many Mothers. Portraits Wholesale and Retail, by R. E. FiELLERS, Agent. sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street.h.elow Second TO DR. BRANDRETEPS AGENTS. The office in Pittsburgh, which was established for the purpose of constituting 'agecnts In the west, having accomplished that &Jest, is now closed, and Mr. G, H. LEE, In the Diamond, Market street, 'appointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Liniments. All Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore, understand that Dr, B. wilt send a travelling agent through the country once a year tocollect moneys for sales made and re supply agents. The said traveler wilt be provided with power of attorney.duly proved before The Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all the ne. ccssary vouchers and papers. Mr. J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Penn Sylvania. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. JAS. N. Kith.* N 8.--Remember Mr. C. H. LEE, In the rear of the Market k now my only agent In Pittsburgh. BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM 13 LOTS,sultabie for building, most eligibly situated, and within two minutes walk of the Steam Ferry Boat Loading, will be sold at prices to suit the times. The terms of payment wilt be wade easy, either for rash or such barter as can be made available. Apply to the subscriber in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. J AS. PAI'TERSON, JR. June 1. pITTSBU RC H CI 11 1 11 LA T 1 NG A SD R BFERENEE LIBRARY of RclielonaMistoricaLrollticalAnd Mis• erllnneons Works. will he open every day, Sa:Thath cepted, - tom 7 o'clock, A M,,nnlll 9, P.M., in the Ex change Building,corner of St ;Clair etreel and Exchange alley, w nere flinctual attendance will be given by BEAVER AND WARREN PACKET. The canal pat ket ERIE. J. M. Shaw master, will ran as regul r 1,1-weekly packet between the ato re named Mats, !eaves Rraser on Mondays, Wed tie.days, Frida s; Morning, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct. For freight or flaS , 3.r apply on hoard or to may 10 BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER ♦T TII6 THREE BIG DOORS. •tilisentier respectfully Inform his eusto niers and the puidir generally, that not witMtanding the unprecedented sales at lii. Three Pig Doors, during he present season; he has mill un hand the largest and most vat led aintortinetit of elegant CLITTiI ran he bought WP4I of the mountains. The Wilk. may rest aysu red that all articles offered at In store are manufac tured from FRESH nit, - KiiitS, ;inertia:ell In the Ea•tern markva Vida Sp it and made into garments by rifts hti r;..11 workmen. In ronninornee of the n tiltipliealion of slop shops in our city. filled with ',lwo lit 811.ern rho hen and the manly, cant off vrtu/mt. of former .. , R4olso, from the eastern el. ries, the public Fnnuld I•e inn. to :ince, tam the char a t ter of the ~.taidinlititeot. in I.t tie R they are invited to pm rim,. hero, they part with their money. The ar• titter' offered at neveral of the concerns 'n this city, are the mi re olfain of New York and rhlladeaphia !glop shops, and n.mt out here I o 1w palmed °Mon the flit. harsh tott.lir. Purcharern ohould he on heir :nerd a. eninnt these nipositions. and I Icy may rely on the fact that no e=t• disk:lent that advertises eastern leads Clot • In, tan n good an article or as advantageous bar. galna as ca 'e rail at the “l'liree 11, Doors." l'he pal iii vicare remember that all the sithsrri ber'a e trmerts are made In this city, br competent work• men, and not gatl.ered up like the COMI.I now offered by the ebirds of passage" from the shred% and natehes or eantern slop khopti. It will altvayn he his endeavor to maintain the redulatlon that the "Three RI: Doors' have ohtainre for furnishing a superior style of CL ( all INC in every respect, and at prices thone of any other eatablinlitrent. fle Won nimin reknit his thanks In his friends and the public far the unprecedented oatrOnrize I.estOwed upon hie 4,l,lol,llntent, and heltrvinc that ihey have found ii to their nolvanlnye to dell with him, he would repeat invitation to all ifin. , e who Wish to purchase Chithinz. o ft very de , c , riplien at the lowe.t price to call at No. 151. LtninlY ST. JOHN M'CLOSKY. rp -, Olinerve. Metal Plate in the pavrcnoul. a; 26. VSEE NIMES, would respectfully infotill his friends an the nubile in gencral,tlint he dins Ladles' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants Vern nc,t to smut, and to look equal to new goods. He dyes fancy colors of all deserlptlans on silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors o f g entlemen's clothing. so as to resemble new goods. Mr. H. natters himself thrt he can please the public, as he has done an extenstve business in New York foe twenty years. All work done on moderate terms at his establishment in sth st, between Wood and Smithfield ne tr the Theatre. 117•Thit is to certify that OSEE FILMES has done work for us, which has fully answered our expectations, and , A , e oonsider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Berms, J. B. Shurtlefr, David Hull, B. F. Mann, Davi Boies, Joseph French, jr., Andrew Purdy, W. B. Boics, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shockey,. jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ap 40th. The attention ifthcFe who have been somewhat step• tical in reference to the numerous certificates published in favor ofDr. Swaynes Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry, en account of the persons being unknown in this sec lion of the State, le respectfully directed to the following certificate, the writer of which fias been a citizen of this borough foraeserel .years., and is known as a gentleman of Integrity and responsibility. To the -trent, Mr. J. Kielty. ( have used Dr. Swayne's Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely af flicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation in saying that it lathe most effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agrees weH with my diet,—and mantalna a regular and good appetite. i can freely recommend H to MI others similarly afflicted. J.Mistrica, Borough of Chasabersb'g. March 9,18411. sep 23 Forsale by WILMA M THORN No. 53 Market street. 1011I4TSBURGIIIIIANUFACTORY. — Spr i xgs nd Axis. fsr Carriages et Eastern Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coaels,C and EHptlc Springs (warranted,) dunlata Iron Axles, Sneer and . Brew plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Sliver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, kc.,k 4 JONES COLEMAN. F.r. Clot st., near 'Le A tinpeny • NOTICE J. 11EMMI! RIRMINGHANI , Pittsburgh J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. NEW YORK DYER CERTIFICATE. LOOK AT THIS WM. E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa Office in 41 Ii street, opposite Burke's Bitlliting. Vl'ibusis E. Autria, Esq., will give his attention to tny unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. .! . 4 sep 10-1 y IRD SEEDS A f CS3 Supply of Bard Seeds, con ID sistlng of Canary mmand arm; just received 1•y fe63. • Fl. sNOWDEN, 1411 Liberty st... JOHNSON & DUVAL. - BOOK BINDERS AND PAPE'R RULERS, CONTINUE hwiness at the stand late of McCandles 4. Johnson. Every description of work in their tin netaly and prompti y executed. may R— 1 y EISELLERS, M. D.,othce and dwelling In Fourth, 1 near Ferry steel. sep 13—ly WARD St HUNT, Pcutist4 Liberty street, a few thlOrs below St CIL tr apr 6 16.14. DANIEL M. CURRY, Atiorney at Law. 01- fire on 5.11:d lelweett and Sinlinfield. ap 8 J. W. Enrbridge & Coi AGENTS for the saie of !Seat v'A Powder. Water et he! ween Wood arid Smithfield. March 30, 1.843• WILLIAM DOUGLASS TrAT AND CAP MA NUFAITUR ER. Every deserin Don of Dols and Carr on hand, nndfor sale. r'hotes sale and relail.nlpricesio yule the times, nt the old stand , ) f Dotmlan Mooro. 73 Wood street. ma) 5. Avl L a Ll d A Pi C i . o W e A F 1.1.,..P1a e .s t;n n as i t . daFancy urer, NPer!sBa7it Foxed Street Thltsburch. —Canvass Brushes. Varnish 4c., for Artists, nlways on hand. Looking Classes. kr, promptly framed to order. Repairing dons at the short est notice. Particular attention paid to re:llding and jobbing ofev cry description. Persons fitting up steam Boats or houses will lind It to hetradventnee to call. sep 10 WM. STEELE., (sticrerorto H. 1111:loskey) FRO V io.la" , le Boot Maker. Liberty st., 2d door f:om Vimln Alley. The subscriber respectfully informs the publiethal he has commenced the above business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Closkey, and that he Is now prepared to attend to all ostlers In his line of business with despatch and on the most reasonable terms. From his Ion: experience In the manufacture of Fashionable Boots, tie feels confident that all articles from his establishment will g lue satisfaction to his pa Irons. A shareof public patronage is respectfully solicit• ed. sep 10 WPC ADAM 3.1 Boot and Shoe .4ker, Liberty St. opposite the Aced of Switkfield et., Pittsburgh.— Ti e subscriber having bought oat tile stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the old - stand of Mr. R.. and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, In the hest manner and on the shortest notice. Be keens constantly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings ofall descriptions and elite best quality. He solicits the patronage of the nub tic and of the croft. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL. e 10 1000 TRDL:;LS fiLE r a n s d N a j l i 1 0 iscuAcciegspfau IN p r r o x v • TRACTOR inestimable. It not only euresqulcker,but gives no additronal pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is post lively rendclet . harmless. ($lO bus been offered Fix months to any person retecnlnp an empty box, and sayln2 thnt all agony on anointing Is not extracted in a few min utes, yet not one from thon.ands of trials since has claim rd the bonus.) Parents antione to :nerd againstgenera injnries, and save time, fortune end life, and prevent their °I/Spring front being disfigured by burns, or even Email pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to replace thectilutary organs destroyed.) ran do so by ob 'tuning this inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt cases In the city ran be sum, and one entire face burnt over and wounded three distinct times in the satne spot while heal ing, yet in no cue can be traced the least cicalrlee or markt For all kinds of hurts Its rarnd soothing effects are feint tut portant; even sore ...yen, alt Inflamal ions and bro ken brcaQis would be unknown. The toilet and tuttAery, for et/ :trios the skin of pimples, removing chafe.ete., w find it indispensable. One using only will forever etital loth it the ..overelgit HEAL ALL quality. After tills no lice, heads of fatuities allowing torture for months, and ultintatyty Otooried feature., ran never wipe away re proaeh. ttitty utirred by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumphsvel ••liolered arcottlin2 lo act or rongi , s 4 . A. D. 1841. by otostlek 4- co • In the Clerl. • a office oilhe Iflktriet Conti of the United tilulett for the tztatt nein (net rlrt of New York." Warranini the only 2entione. Utmost ock 170., v. , hob.sa le D rttr.E l o N. ynrk, have be come the s ore wholesale agents fer Mr. Dailey, in A merl ca for 20 eau+. All rndeis must Iw addei.ve,l in them. The gennine only to be had at Medica' Agency. Sti Fottflh street, Nov 15 Cheap for Cash. trN/ON COTTON F.ICTORY. Prices Reduced. Short Rerl Turn. I Lan` Reel rars. No 5 at 14 rig. to , r lh i 500 ut 8 cts pt.: dz. 6 at 14 ditto i 1300 at 9 ditto 7 at 11 ditto 700 at 6 111110 8 at 14 ditto 500 at S ditto 9 :it 11 ditto 900 at 4i ditto 10 at 11 tub 1000 at 4 ditto 11 at 11 ditto 12 at 14 ditto randlrwick at 13 Cl' p.•r lb, 13 ut 141 ditto Com Batting • 4 ditto 14 at 15 ditto Tamil} , do. • 12 ditto 15 at 15} ditto t'arp's Chain • 18 ditto 10 at 16 ditto rol'it 'l'l% ine . 25 ditto 17 at 16i ditto Stocking Yarn and 18 at 17 dill. Coverlet Yarn always on 19 at 171 ditto hand. 211 at 18 ditto ',Cotton Warps made to order. fry- Orders promptly attended to, if left ut J. It C. Painter's, Logan It Kennedy's. or the Post office • addresA: Jeb 27: J. K. MOORHEAD 4. Co, DA VI CL A RK, Ifg't , reanhionable Boot Maker,— flag removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. lie uses nothing but first rate sloth, and employs !lie best of workmen; and as he gives lilt conctatit personal attention to business, Ike iruststhat he will deserve ard neeive a fair share of patronage. sep 10 FRUITS, ICE CREAM, 4- CONPECTION ARY.— A Hunker respectfully Informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of Ice Creams, together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their sesovn, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, betwc"u Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything is kis line. Also families furnished with Bread. sep 10 V . VANWS CAMOMILE PILL LS.—ABRA. 11 '1 11AM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspeptia in Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain in the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at titestomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vointtings, dizziness towards night and restleness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm. F,vans.looChatham street; and sultmitlktg to his ever succeseful and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of one month, and grateful tor the incalculable benefit deriv. ed. gladly came forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesaleand Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, N 0.20, Wood street. below Second. Removal. THE subscriber has remov , d his Fashionable.Tialoring Establishment to the Monongahela house, 3d door from first id. on Smithfield st.where hisold customers and all others who may favor him with a call may depend cut having their work done in a superior Style. From his long experience In the business in this city, and In many other fashiourrble cities in Europe and America, he feels confident that hn can give satisfaction to all who may please to favor him with their custom. By strietattentlon to business and superior workmanship he hopes to merit and receives share of public patronage. He ictend keeping on hand a supply of goods sod trimmings soitalls for the customer trade which wilibe mild at very reduced prices. ift DON AGM. LOOK *AT THIS TOBACCO, SNCFF AND CIGAR STORE. J. FULLERTON, No. 146 Wood street, one door above Sixth. KEEPS constantly on Ina nd all kinds of the heA. Spanlt li Regalias, Caeadares. Coormanes, Trabucas, Principes, Also, half goankli and Common Cigars. Tobacco of all the teL brands; Cavendish, 5a lump; Bolas:lnes Shur, 12s and 16s, lump, Also, ills. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Snuffs: Ilappse, Scotch, Marealtau, Hieh Toast, kc. fle hoards°, all other articles In his line, which he otTers, wholesale and retail at the lowest cash prices . CALL AND SEE. June 6.-6 m, NATLOR & CO.'S BEST REFINED CAST STEEL. rptlE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated sump of Steel, will always keep on hand an ad. vortment of the same, consl,tine, In Rent Refined Cast Sleet, Floated, flai,round and Octagon do do do do axe temper. Extra do do du for nail cutters, Best do Double and Eincle Shear Slee , English Blister, German. Granite. Wedgc and Crawley Steel, at wholesale, by the ease. or In smaller lots to suit purchasers. LYON, BFIORB 4 CO. June 24--d3rnkw6m.it Foot of Wood NEW WHOLESALE CASH, STORE, No. 99 Wood street, PITTSBUIWEI. TIERNAN k JONES are resell/tee cocsiantly fresh supplies of seasonable Dry Goods which they will continue lo dlepoee of at eastern prlces,with the addition of carriage, for cash, par money, en /y. Every merchant making purchases in the city with money,le respectfully Invited to call and examine our eoods, and the chances are ten to one aping hist that he will sot consider his time and lai or lost. Having adopted this system from a colleted ,n that It must be to the advantace of the pure/Laser, we trust it may receive a fair trial, and he judged accordingly. , June 16—dint DOITERTY, El AT and Cap 141annt4 , turer. 148 Liberty at, between Market and Sixth- up 10— Sm. FURNITURE WARE 31.001V15. ALEXANDER NIcCURDY, the old staed of YOUNG St XeC URDY. No. 43 Second, between Wood and Market streets. RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late:firm aid the public tzetierally, that he is prepared to till all orders for Cabinet Work, of any ktrul, with all osmble despatch, and warranted to be equal to any in the city. Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS drc. when required. June 10. 1843. PEASE'S HOARHOUND CANDY.—TerrLt has received this day from New York. a fresh supply a the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con sumption; and is ready to supply cuutomcrsat wholesale orretall, at his Jdediegl Agency, 86 Fourth at. nos 12 FOR SAFETY. Trarelrrs should .elect Boats provided with Evans Safety Guards, for prerenting Ezploszon if Stem Boilers. IT' worth! be wt.! l for the 'myelin?, community to Item in wind that their security depends cutirMy upon heir own eirrourageniont of ',oats that have or may be 11 the eXpeii.e of nroeurint the above apparatus. And that every making such selee ion is eontr:Ott - ling towards a general introduction or an invention ad• Hinted by all men who understand Ike principles of the Bream Engine, o be a sure preventative against those dreadful dhosteis You have ce.ininly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken plare,illeir almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning, and Inducement to make Inquiry for a safety guard Boat, and In every rase to give it the preference. They have went to en additional er pens& that dour lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of libC silly, and by your preference show that yr.,' appreciate their laudable endeavors to atop this aw ful saciike of human lift They do not charge more Ilion ether boats; their accommodations in other respects ate wi l l, and in many cases superior; and as there is one moving ritishurgh every day, wily will you run any risk. when It is so corn, tetely In your own power to avoid those disasters. Alt boats marked thus [a] in the List of Arrivals and I)et arturrs.in another part of this paler, are supplied A itil the Flatly Guar 1. List of Boats prorided reitA the SfeetY Chgard• ALPS. . MENTOR . AGNES MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER. MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER. CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO. - NARAGANSETT, DUKE or ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY. EXPRESS MAIL, ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE OHIO, FOR MOSA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH, I. H. BILLS, ILOWINA, JEWESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, SA — ANNA,. LADY OF LYONS, LLEYRAND, V ICTRE S, ' ALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, Bi IDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS CUTTER EDWIN HIC KMAN,I EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO P 1 ANT . JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COW BI AN A CLLIPPER, MINSTREL, EVELINE REGULAR PAr3KETS. FOtt CINCINNATI The Swl(tsure s Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock a. in The Cutter, Collins, Muter, haves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. w. The Niontgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a, m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a, tn. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO. digits COPARTNERSHIP. JANES W. HMI JILIN 4. JOHN F: JENNINGS have entered iato partnership for the purpose of transacting a WhotesateGrocery; Produce and Commie, sloe business under the firm and style of MAILMAN. JENNINGS 4. Co.,at No 49 Wood street, opposite the Merchants Hotel,. %%Items supply of GrOttriell and Pitts !web M inufaciumd Articles can always be bad on libe at terms. March 17'43• PRICE TWO CENTS. DAILY MORNING POST 10 PURICY TIIE AIR OF STABLES, BY HENRY ReEcE. Having been invited by Mr Evans, of Dean House, to make some experiments on his elegantly conducted farm and eta. bles, I trust the results of those upon tills absorption of ammonia may prove of suffer cient interests to entitle them to pnblittes Lion. As gympsum (crystalized sulphite of lime) had been highly recommended fo'r this purpose in some recent works on alp riculture, the stables were in the first tn. stance, freely strewn with this salt coarsely powdered, but though ammonia was is. volved during the removal of the wetted straw in sufficient quantity to affect es= the eyes of ihe e,rooins. I could not, after two days' exposure, detect the alightest trace of it io the gypsum when I exam• hied it Rath slaked lime. This teach. was the more surprising, as it is known to eve. ry chemist that solutions of corbohate of 'ammonia and of gypsum are incompatible; the carbonic acid leaving the ammonia to form the precipitate carbonate of lime, the sulphric acid passing to the ammonia; and I had previously ascertained that, in an at mosphere so highly charged with ammo nia as to be destructiveto animal or vegeta. ble life, a very appreciable portion was ta ken up by wetted gypsum. The follow. ing experiments appeared conclusive up• on the point, that under less favorable cit.* cumstances not an atom was absorbed.— Two hundred grains wetted with distilled water were exposed in a close stable for three days, precautions having been taken to avoid any error from evaporation; it was again weighed, no increase could be per ceived, nor was any ammonia envolved on the application of the usual tests; while two hundred grains wetted with diluted sulphuric acid, and exposed the same time, were found to have gained thirty-air grains of ammonia. The stables were then strewn with the gypsum moistened with sulphuric acid,and examined the next morning; every portion was found to have absorbed sufficient ammonia to evolve its peculiar pungent odor when brought iat contact wall slaked lime, the stables had also lost their unhealthy smell. To use the word of grooms they appeared street-' ened. As it was evident the gypsum acts ed merely mechanically, affording a con. venient absorbent surface for the acid, ex periments were made, substituting saver I dust for gypsum, with even more favorite ble results. That the pottioa of free am. inonia in stables is very large, may lea shown by the simple experiment of plait cing a moistened piece of litmus paper. reddened with weak acid in a -stable. La one badly cleaned, or ventilated, the effect is instantaneous; but even in those of Mr, Evans, where the greatest attention was paid to these points, the paper was as. served in a few minutes to become blue. Even the water kept in the stirblis over night, (as is the habit, to take off the chill,) becomes sufficiently impregnated with ammonia to affect tests. As this alkali is justly ranked among The most powerful stimulants, the continual breathing of an atmosphere vitiated by it_can hardly fail LO have a prejudicial effect. Grooms are ob served to be short-lived; and the rapid course of inflammatory diseases in horses, and their distressing predisposition to colds and affections of the chest, are, nu doubt, aggravated by this cause. The ins creased salubrity and sweetness of the sta ble, if pointed out to the grooms, would, therefore, soon reconcile them to the alight additional trouble which the adoption of this remedy would incur. At Dean House the acid gypsum was first strewn amidst the straw; but as this was coneide:ed likely to injure the feet and clothing of the hunters, it was after. wards spread on trays. One part of saw. dust will be found to absorb readily three times its weight of acid solution:. which I made with o;:e part, by measure, of .sus. phuric acid of fifteen uf water. If intends ed to be tried as a manure, it should be mixed wit's the straw when removed from the stable. During the process of rottiog. the ammoaioas is evolved so freely, that at the end of two or three weeks the acid powder, which should not remain more 'thane hree days in the stable without ging, will be found comple'ely neutralized; and, as the greatest benefit was derived from covering up and salting dung heaps. by which I believe an additional absorp. too of ammonia could only have gained; it may be reasonably hoped that an increased value would result from &manure thus sur charged with ammonical salts.— Journd r the Agricultural Society. Glorious and Unparalleled Triumph: All the four Democratic candidates for Congress elected! Well done, Loui.tietotele —We are gratified, but not surprised, at the election of the whole delegation to the House of Regresentatives by the Demo, c u lt s. From the start we felt sure of the first, third and fourth districts; and in the second we thought the probability of suc cess was strongly in our favor. To what causes is this result to be ascribed? This question involves a more complicated 'lv. amination than we have time to make.— We will here remark, however, that after the abuses of the banks and paper system, ' the partiality of our whig rulers, the intol erence and violence of their retainers, the must efficient cause of this demoeratic vi - tory is to be found in the conntrnacrce given by the whig press and whig teadeta to the unnatural rancor and monstrous in, gratitude manifested by our &doors is Congress towards general Jaciurtittp%iP • mat 22 BEM t ~_ .~...~_ $C`