Chixese Tools and Chinese Mao • T N Y k E ' P b ntcs.l roe ealterEMST, he ew or yentas oat as the —Though their iron work is not good, yet JAiIkS BUCIIIINAN following reference to a matter, which, af. ' their tools, such as chisels, planes, a xes,' sow' tto thn arrislon °( e National Tbniventiori. 9 terbeingprolific in Courts martial,Seems . , inc., are excellent, and kept very sharp.— ... -...t They make use of the circular instead of DkILY MORNING POST to have gone quietly to sleep: the handsaw. They have a saw d er partic. l !,___--- --- -- -----_=----------'------------- ----. The Deploring Expedition.— It may ular fine work, which, if we had not been' nu. pittO,tre 4- WE. U. serreorbreort3 era PROPRIETORS still remain in the memory of some of OUT them using, we should have imagined the! ----'— ---- FR ID .t --- Y JULY 2i ---=--------- "oldest ihhabitants," that, net many years work had been dune with a chisel. The 1b ?.... -..==. since, an expedition was fitted by the gave ernment, at conaiderable expense, for the blade of it consists merely of a single piece Kr If "A Democrat" will propound his purpose of discovering continents, and of brans wire, jagged with a sharp instroe q uestions to the gentleman respecting mint. The pattern tote carved is pla.ced,, whet not, in the south seas. The news whose claims on the party he makes en. on the wood, and a hole bored in i, tnro 1 papers of the day chronicled the departure le bith the wire is passe d and ma d e f ast to quiry of us, we have no doubt he may re- of the said ex edition , and, if our recollec. the handle, which is kept outside the wood; I eeive rnoresatisfactory answers than any we tion errs not, its return. But, since the the drawing is then cut out with the great- could give him. latter event, we have quite lost sight ofthe affair, and heard nothing of its results.est care and accuracy. For all tough work, they make use of a email sort of axe, Althodgh our correspondent has not fa. Shortly after, it is true, something was said Slightly rounded on one side: This an. voted us with his proper cognomen, and of certain collections of curiosikies having I endeavored to disguise his hand been deposited in the Museum st Wash ewers the purpose of an adz. In peaceful e%ident y times, the streets of a Chinese city must writing, yet, by "comparing notes," we ington, and of certain manuscrips and log. present a very fine appearance, from the are enabled to give a shrewd guess as to books being in the hands of an unknown way the front sideboards are painted and his "local habitation and his name," and, historiographer. Beyond that, nothing gilded. The insides of tile shops are pro has transpired. Now we wish to know after late occurrences, we are much Bur• tecterl from the sun by screens extending . what has become of this far.farned expo ,. prised to find him putting questions to can across the streets, supported from the reel dition? Are the public to know nothinz of the house. These are either of matting didates under , an anonymous signature.— more bb its history and consequences than or in order to admit the light, are of oys - e We know that a short lime since he &sap- can be gathered from the inklioge of the to ;hells scraped fine, s+ tin frames like proved of the course he has now fallen in- newapaperel If thew- matter had been in panes of glass. We set a great many tai- the hands of private individuals, we should to: and we are exceedingly surprised to lons to work for dB, who made things very have known, long before this time, all that well if they had a good pattern; but it is find such n change take place in his noi. , had been accomplished. It is, therefore, necessary to be careful that there was no tioes of honor and propriety in a few days. 1 high time that the functionaries at Wash• _ _____ defect or patch in it, for they copied ex ington begin to stir.—/V. Y. E. Post. 1:17"In pursuance of our determination rely as they saw the article before them. . Our gloves puzzled them most. Their not to take any part whatever in the 1 le was . 3flother Bank black balled.—An injunc• , lion has been laid upon the Agricultural first attempts to imttate them produced happy disputes between a few Democrats, Most absurd looking things; bet, as we w hich have recently o ccupied considerable Bank of Pittsfield, Mass., and its bills are were not very particular about our per- I not received at the Suffolk. space in the Aurora, we must decline corn sonal appearance, they answered the purer --------_ plying with the request of M. Kane jr., to 1 Sing Sing Prison.—A New York pa.. pose of keepiog cur hands e arm, being lined with fur. Only one man succeeded republish an article of his in reply to Mr per asks "what has got into this prisonl" in turning out a pair at all re‘embline Eng Guthrie, which appeared in that paper of A more pertinent question, considering fish gloveei They were al no-t th e c ' only this morning. As we have thus far lib. l the number of escapes, would be "who tradespeople who did ii .t des r.t th? city, stained from taking any part iu the mat- 1 and they had always plenty to do.—Licut h ue got out of itl" The Boston Times ter, Nlr,K. will readily see that it would Murry's Doings in Chin a. said that. be improper for us to involve our paper in 't at all. tri'"*Ge••. \V. Idy ThAmpson, late a member of Comlress from South Carolina, and now minister t Mexico, baying b e en appealed to in the (riestion of v. r .city be tween Mr Botts and the Prt•sitle..t, as to a conversation b?iween them, held on a cer tain occasion, (previous to the death of General llarrison,) wl- on in Bi.LIS says Mr Tyler gave hint to understand that, as President of the Senate, he would go for a national bank,—says, he did not so un. deviant:l Mr Tyler! but, from the conver station between them, he came to the col elusion that NI! T. would vote against a bank; end that, seeing the narrow chance of getting such a bid through the Senate, he (Mr Thompson) persuaded his friend the Hon. W. C Preston not to leave the Senate fir a situation in the Cabinet,(which Gen• Harrison was about to tender him.) as every vote would b 3 wanted to carry a bank through the Setiale. This, we are are bound to believe, is the truth in the matter. Mr Thompson himself is a bank man, and of course felt too strong an in terest in the success of Mr Clay's project notte have understood distinctly the senti ments of Mr Tyler on th.e occasion alluded to. Botts is now down on Waddy Thomp son, and from present appearances, is like ly to have Tide as many irons in t!te fire a s be w ill b.l able t i attend to.—Veto Ha yen (Gt.) Gilumbian Register. From the Arkansas .—T ha Western enurian states that they have intelligence from the little Arkansas to the 223 ultimo: Col. War&ld, who still remains upon the Mexican side of the Great Arkansas,' had, attacked a hunting patty of Mexicans, killed five or six of thein ,- and taken fifteen of their horses. The hunters soon rallied however, retook all their horses, and car ried off the animals belonging to their as gallants. War-field's company was titan' cec. ?We were surprised to see the editor disbanded, and the men were loitering in -- ------- {We small squads in the vicinity of Bent's Fart. s ago 'of the Advocate yesterday following the The trader's who left some week hich I peevish and the ill natured policy of the were encamped on Cow creek, w stream was so much swollen as to prevent Gazette in abusing Hotel keepers for de their crossing. Governor Arrnijo, accom • : clining to take his psper. Subscription to panied with a large detachment of troops, a news pa2er is as much a matter of heal was expected to receive the traders as Noon as they should have crossed the ness as any other transaction, and a man Great Arkansas to escort them to Santa Fe, has as clear a right to discontinue his paper It was supposed that vo information had without being censured for it as he has to been received there relative to the intend- change his boot maker or his tailor. ed Texan expedition. The convoy of U- We remember that the editor of the Gs" cited States dragoons that accompanied the traders to Cow creek were still in the vi_ zette received a well merited rebuke &laity. A small detachment under Cap- through the columns of the Advocate fur • Lain Boon were encamped on the Little denouncing the proprietors of the Ez - Arkansas, observing the movements of the change and Monongahela Hotels, when Indians. . I they discontinued his paper; and it appears From Flo ida.—Bv the arrival of the U.' strange now to find the same journal g uilty S. Steamer, Gen. Taylor, Capt. Peck, of the very same conduct that a few weeks (says the Savannah Republican.) we are in since it condemned so strongly in a con receipt of the St. Augu tine News of the Bth, and the Herald of the 10th inst. i temporary. We learn from Capt. Peck, that the 1 Apardon was on Wednesday received ea stmer Harney, with General Worth and 1 'mite on board, arrived at Tampa on the, by the Marshal of the District of Colume 6th lut e/ The Harney had a delightful bin, from the President, in favor John 13. trip, stoking at Key West en route, where' Henderson, who was convicted about five she remained during the 4th of July. I years ago of counterfeiting Treasury The News says the schooner Stephen i Notes and sentenced to ten years inspris- It Frances, which arrived here on Tuesday onment in the penitentiary. Henderson last, brought three Buoys to be placed on this Bar; the want of which has been, for has nut been confined quite five years, and many years, fe't by vessels visiting our during that period, his conduct has been harbor. We understand that Capt. Peck, ver y correct and becoming his unfortunate of the steamer Gen. Taylor, has been situation most instrumental in having these Buoys procured, for which he is entitled to the thanks of all strangers visiting our port. The Herald states that a new and very creditable arrangement of the Mails has recently taken place, which gives, besides their other facilities, a stage communica tion between St, A egustlno and the north sod west, twice a week Stocks in New York.—The sales at the Stork-board on Saturday, were very slim. Nevertheless there was some improvement in prices:. Ohio 6's raised 4; Kentucky /, Illinois 4; and Canton 4. Sterling dull at 9/ to 9. Francs 5.281 to 5.271. Wilson McCandless, Esq.—Many of democratic friends have made the inquiry, within the last few days, whether this gen tleman desired to be a candidate for Con- , gress or not. We have authority for I s ir lag that Mr. NlcCandless does not de- ---- The Phases of Federalism. —During the W e k t ,„, I The TVeather Abroad.—ln the parlours . sire a nomination at niaistration of the first Adams. the Fed of the various hotels at S ara toga last that for years past, a large number of his eralists invariably connected jacobin!sm week, they were obliged to have fires in fellow citizens have regardedhint as a with the democracy of the Republican par the mornings and afternoons. On Cat- , ty. They manifested on all occasions their gentleman eminently qual,fied to represent skill mountains people had to put on. their hat red of t heneratic principles ot that this district efficiently in Cot gress, and we overcoats and cloaks. Ice water and So- party. No greater insult could have that P add, we know of none who wouldoffered to those A met lean patricians, than , da were more in demand here than fires Crag warmer ft lends to advocate his else - to call them Demacrats, The election of non. If at any future time he should con, last week. , Mr. Jefferson, the leader of the American -----------_ sent to be a candidate, we have no doubt ' Dermot' J Brenneu, E-q. has become al acobins, produced a change in the tone of the Federalists. Though the name of Re but he will be•ardently - auPP orLe ' l by the o f Sentinel at Vicksburg, the editor t h e publican was nearly as unpalatable as that --- g M l i n ss . . formerly so ably edited by — H Dra - l of Democrat, yet, with some reluctance, party. ------ , they appropriated to themselves the title of Our neighbor of the Advocate appears ' Federal Republicans, and after a while that very reluctant to let the whigs know the ; In the Court of Common Pleas of New •of Na• : onal Republicans, and finally that extent of their misfortunes in Louisiana, York, on Friday, Messrs F J and H my! ' ,of Whigs. Perceiving that the title ol Marvin, vecavered a verdict of $3.300, aa Yesterday he quoted some election returns ;De macrat, adopted by a large majority t f front the Tropic of the Bth inst., in which gainst Sheriff Hart, of that city, for ne- I the American people, was becoming a e faint bode was held out that Gov. While glecting to levy in proper season under an ! paasport to popalar favor, the same Feler. alists, without changing their original prirs• was elected, but he forgot to copy the re. ( xecution placed in his hands. I; ciples, become Democratic Whigs, with marks of the same paper af the 10t.h, which A story is going the rounds in the P a- the view of imposing on the people a claim was received by IVednesday's mail, ad- pers that a rich German in Pat is recently tto which they had no pretension. And mitring that the "route of the • whip has died, leaving in his will the sum of SlO,, I now that Democracy is extending its wings been full arid conclusive," and that Gov. ZOO to Fanny Ellaler. The same, or at Ita every extremity of the Unionnhe IVhigs, White was defeated in a district where the least a sim il ar story, was c i rcu l ate d some with an impudence rarely to be met with, pretend to be the exclusive Democrats of whigs thought they had 1,500 majority.— six months ago, and its truth was denied Ithe land, and dec'are that those members In a few days, the readers of the Advocate b y the London papers, ;of the party who have, since the days of may expect to hear the fate of their friendsl Jefferson, followed, firmly and steadily, in For three years past the Fourth of Jua in Louisiana, with "mitigating circumstana adverse and pr . ( sperous times, the Demo- I ly has been celebrated by the discharge of 1 • b anner, are ces," such as ''general apathy," bribery ; crane are spur i ous Democrats :—; i A Millerite in Italy.—We make the following a cannon, &a, at Sh rbrooke, Lower Can- lA t the Whig C •held Convention recently et' :tract of a letter from a cox eke of the and corruption," illegal voting," &c. &c, Purittm, dated Genoa t Jan 1, 1843 ada. This year the firing was executed Worcester, Mass., for the purpose of nom-, I saw a Millerite here the other day from Wor • immediately under the British flag, which mating Whig candidates for Governor and crater, Me. He had ctane by a steam r wind Lieut Governor, a resolution /vas adopted ; pool; and then &reedy herr, swill as and so incensed a number of the inhabitants, which commenced thus: "That the Whig sail could carry him. From here he to ik ;steam. that a riot ensued, in whiall several on both - er to Rome, where he cc) eted to be persecuted cause in paieciple,is that of Republicanism, sides were seriously injured. or true Democracy , nriainio radiealiam and • by the Pope; and then he was off for Jerusalem, where, after forty days feet , Christ was to ap pearp It is stated that at the coming corn- false Dem"craaY," &c. We should not and set up his kingrn. Ile was solemn be surprised to hear the Democratic teinity, and fully believed what he said. Noth ino could stop hint,as he said he could not detain mencement season at Dartmouth College. Whig papers maintain that Harrison Gray - the Lord Jesus Christ, and he equld not appeor Massachusetts, the Hon Daniel Webster Otis, Daniel 'Webster, and other Whig ta • ll after his f furty days fist. Ile had scarcely will addreas the Alumni, atnAthe Hon Levi leaders, are Democrats, par excellence,the enough to carry him there, and 1 wets before this Woodbury, the Phi Beta Kappa. These true followers of Jefferson; and such men the dogs have gnawed his bones uu of re ci celebrations will take place on the 26th as John C. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren, tY• But it was a fearful thing to see a mail risk - as Lewis Cass, and other Democratic leaders, tug all on one single belief. .There is something and 27th of this month. sublime in such unbounded faith though ern: g. the true followers of Alexander Hamilton ; ------------- Mr John Marland, of Andover, Masa. and John Adams ! The attempt repeated - , well known as a distinguished manufactu- 1Y lidera lag incident —A Carrier Pigeon alight made by the Federalists to appropriate ed at the house of Hon Wm. M. Burrell, in Can to themselves the distinctive name of the aan, on Monday last, givinz signs of hunger and sends the ba n d rat party, is the highest homage fatigue. Arid as Jude° B. never his mill a superior article of mousselin de they could have paid to the excellence and eler empty away, he brought . out some wheat to laines. It is made nut of the best parts ofof t h e f un d amenta l . . , a Ins waged venter, which it very greedily ate popularity the Dachley and Leicester wool, grown that party. , legs were noticed to be wrapped with paper; and in Pennsylvania. contain Mr [Geo. Constitutionalist. :on removing the bandages, they were found to There is an on dit in New York to the The Constitutionalist could not possibly Webster's speech , delivered at the ' Bunker Hill Celebration, written un two sheets or have been at Patchogue, or it would have t issue effect that Macready is to be associated known that Mr any one Webster invited ! paper. The Judge had the pleasure of, reading the speecht while the bird was satiarying ______ _____ with Simpson in the management of the who doubted he was a democrat, to come Iregaining , its hanger and its strength, and then I Park Theatre. within reach of his arm and be convinced. I replacing the tissue bo.,ts on the faithlul airy We believe, however, that the fact as not ; m , essenger, it took a rapid flight to the west, and w ; Mr Ell worth, the great pedestrian, is to aeon we trust, found its way to its owner. I demonstrated on the occasion, as the pro. _______ Litchfield E tag. _ repeat his astonishing feat at Boston, 'Ai cess of conviction appeared rath er severe walking a thousand miles in a thousand to be willingly encountered. Formerly, H There is Duver Gazette ' a little girl living in Wolfborough, N. . e that has one grand• consecutive hours. school boys learned Latin and Greek after I says th father, three great grandfathers, and one great- Mt ; Webster's process, and he thought the ' great grandfather. Also, two grandmothers, three same method to be applicable in clearly I great grandmothers,total and of tire one great-great grand proving his political orthodoxy.—[Penn.; mother; making a grandfathers and I six grandmothers now living—the oldest less than sylvanian. 190 years of age. Thal Dinner on Yellow Jackels.—The mau in Philadelphia who treated his chil dren to the extraordinary 4th of July din ner is said to be John Potter, the father in-law of Captain Stockton. Mr Potter amassed a large portion of his princely fortune in the city of New York, where he is favorably known and esteemed by a large number of friends. He commenced life in that city as a poor boy, without any resources other than those furnished by indomitable perseverance, untiring indus try, and upright deportment. A Prince Among Editors.—The Edi- tot of the New York Sun pleads guilty to the charge of owning three banks, all of which he is perfectly able and willing to own and take care of. and to redeem at any hour, every dollar of their circalation without touching the capital. Gen Simon Cameron, who has been fre• quently spoken of as the Democratic can didate fur Congress, has addressed note to the editors of the Democratic Union, declaring that .be is not a candidate fur that or any other public station.' Christina Gilmore —The trial of this woman charged with the murder ofher husband in Scot land, came up on last Saturday in New York.— Her counsel made an effort to prove her insane, a hich, according to the decision of the Commis.. sioner, failed. She will no doubt be delivered in to the hands of the police officer from Scotland, who came with documents from the British Gov. eminent demanding her. Matk J. Allison, who was indicted in Philadelphia, fot the murder of Mary Thompson, bad his trial last week before Judge Parrona, and was acquitted. ._ -- -- - - • ----- . 0• N The -Flew Orleans Tropic (Whig) of The Union as St is. Our country as at present limited, extends in the ietb gives tho following account 4 the length 3000 mile, at the gre atest pint, 1700 in rout of federasisro in Louisiana. We iireadib. and c.its . a ns abo ut 2 300 000 square 1 3 -ocher a li d u e a o i f i tt , b..ut a I t o,o f oo l2 m o iles, would commend it to our ftienils of the I m a s il e e a ll ' c i o l u h t a V t Advocate for publication in their paper of The United States comprise c o a s t onvitwentieth the habitable land of the whole world. In 1790 to-morrow or at u early a day as may suit ' -0 1 , our population amounted to 3 ,929 328. In 1840 kheir convenience or the taste of their to 17,062,666—0 f whioh 2 , 487,113 were slaves.--: readers for such unwelcome news: The employments of the people were thus divi• ded "The Election.—We are not particu larly anxious to make any long speeches about the late election—the subject is one which presents no charms to us, for rea sons that do no demand explanation. Nor shall we publish the returns as they come in, like shot from a "scattering" musket. When full and complete returns are placed within our reach, we shall give them a place in our columns for.purposes of future reference. The rout of the Whigs has been perfect and conclusive. Governor White has been defeated in the Second District—where the real Whig majority is not less than fifteen hundred votes. In 1840, that portion of the State now comp°• sing the District in which Gov. White has been beaten, gave 1945 majoriiy for Gen. Harrison, and we much doubt whether a dozen, voters in the dtstri,..rt have changed their opinions since that election. The entire vole of the district scarcely exceeds the majority given for Harrison in 1840. In the fourth district, John Moore has been defeated by four or five hundred votes, owing undoubtedly to the activity of his opponents and the inactivity of his friends. We believe the district to be Whig to the Core." After all, it quite useless to speculate about the affair. The Whigs have been defeated—defeated clearly because the lot cofoco ticket obtained the greatest number of votes. As that honest young philoso pher, Jacob Faithful, said, "what is dote can't be helped." During the balance of the summer, we shall turn our attention to literary, sentimental and scientific matters, and leave the world of politics to take care of itself. Our readers are not altogether satisfied with the manner in which we have neglected their interests, and we shall en deavor to make satisfactory atonement.— Parties and partizans, therefore, may go to grass—we will try and find other fish to fry." 1 Something New.—J. H. Sadler, at Hol- 1 DIED.—At Fort Madi-on, lowsi on Saturday bec, in Leeds, (England,) has invented a, J u l y Ist., .aiy nat., CATII•RINE REBECCA, only child of D. loom for weaving each sail of a ship, even ' F. and Rebecca Miler, aged 15 months. of the largest class, in one piece. Thus; greatly increasing, in strength and mater.' OAK AND POPLAR LUMBER FOR ;ally diminishing the weight and cost. SALE. AFew thousand feet of seasoned Oak and of Poplar Lumber for sale by wholesale. Esquire James C. Cummins, Eeq., sear the Fountain Inn. A Business hoax.—The brewers of Al bany raised a report that the hydrant water had been poisoned by the falling of a large number of locusts into the reservoir. The report created a great increase in the de wand for ale, and we have no doubt but many a Washingtonian was sorely tempted to take to his old habits in order to avoid tha effects of the poisoned water: Agriculture 3,717,756 Commerce 117,575 Manufactures and Trades 791,545 Navigating the ocean 56,025 do. rivers, lakes, canals, &c. 33,067 Mining 15,203 Learned Profestions 65,236 We have twenty six states, the population o which is well kno en. Thu territories by the las census, were populated thus: District of Columbia 43 612 Florida 54,447 Wisconsin 43,112 43,112 lowa Washington became the capital of the United tates in 1800. The general height of the Allegheny range of mountains is about 2000 or 3000 feat libove the level of the ocean. The highest peak in this range is Black Mountain, N. C., which is 6,476 feet.— Round 'Top the highest peak of the Catskill, is 3,- 804 feet. The Ro:ky Mountains have a general height of 9000 feet though some peaks are much hizher, and have been estimated us hi h as from 20 to 25,C00. The highest peak of the Green Mountains, Mansfield is 4280 tee'. The highest peak of the White \fountains, M , . Washington is 6,428 feet,. Mount Marcy, west of Like Champlain, in N York, is 0460 feet high. The chief Cities and Towns were•thiis pa Pula'. ted in 1840: New York 31.2,1110 Philadilphia 228,691 Baltimore 102,313 New Orleans 102,193 Boston 93,383 Cincinnati • 46,338 Brooklyn 36,233 Albany 33 721 Charleston 91261 Washington ' — 23,364 Providence 23,171 Louisville 21,210 Pittsburgh,( without the environs) 21,115 Lowell 20,793 Rochester 20,191 Richmond 20,53 Buffalo 18 1 213 Newark 17,290 St Louis 16,469 Portland 15,218 Salem 15,083 In 1810, the capital invest =d in foreign trade, etc., stood thus; • Importing and Commission Mere r . $119,295,367 chants Doineigic Retail Stores 250,301,799 Fisher les 16,429,620 Vale: of Imports in 1841 107,141,5191 Exports oft Dagestan Produce 113.895,634 \ Du. of Foreign Produce 18.190,312 Hume made or family goods were produced in 1840, to the ain't. 28.230 380 of Time condition odour manuracturcs wood Oita; Total ainowit of c ipital employed $267,726 579 The cotton manufactories amounted to 1240 They employed 12.119 persons.— Capital invested in Clem. tiVou'er) 1113 nufaet.ircs omptoyed • i 21.3;2 person-, e ipital invested $15,765.121 Revenue 28,254 512 Vxpense3 26,643,656 Tee regular army, according to the law of 1842, consists of 9,012 men and officers Miltia of all the States and Ter- ritorte3 NAVY, JULY; 1841. 11 ships of the line. 15 friv,ates (first class) 2 do. (second class ) 21 sloops ;..f war. 4 brigs. 8 schooners. 2 steam-trigates and several smaller seam• vessels. Of tho public land, 100,000,000 of acres are Furveyed and unsold. The whole esplnses of Rev.)lution ary war, esti mated in specie A °ABM. Tgri subscriber re.tpectfutly informs the public in pee era!, that he intends to devote Iris whole 11041 to Oto CoLcr.criox or ACCOUNT/ in the cities of Pittsburg, Ails. gheny and vicinity. Having been engaged in this business fee mow "de and given entire satisfaction to *boss who employed MM. be respectfully solicits those having accounts to etalatet to give him a trial. Physicians and other, who cannot spare time hem ------------- their . professional bacine , a to collect their aCtOsats,woold DIALICOctAisur. dnd it to their advantage to give him a call. Veneers, Respectable references can be given. and. If regaled. ' collected. FINE assortment of Crotch and shade i security will be given for the faithful return Grail 111011101 le co n , t the .:•,. just received from New Yo rk , Tß y st o ol us fo G r sale raniitureWareroom of i tie can he found at .411 r, Georg! Armor's. liltercbelli July 21-2wd. Hand street. -- —_______ _ Trilor, up stairs, corner of Market and Faulk streak , entrance on 4th at. daily from 8 till 10 o'clock, A. 11...- CORONER. Any orders left there during blsilleseace will be ettaphei I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for Coroner to, or by letter through the Post office. of Allechror county, subject to the action of the demo. i Terms, 5 pr cent commission. n Convention, to be held OD tbeffOch A Itille., Allegheny,h July 21—u• JOHN JOHNSTON. J ai / 21 -dim. PITISBURGII MARKET.. Report,lptr the .Morning rota by Isaac Harris. ', Fafnir Moamso, July 21, t 843. Th , r.; has bac') q lan a fine rise in the river since onr last r,purt, and very bosy times upon our wharf and on our canals, and our business continues good in the carrying trade for the sea. a.m. Indeed we can't 'remember ever to have mu • it better in tl.e middle of the summer. We ere informed that many of our wholesale and retail Merchants are doing a good deal of business, mad some of our Grocers and Manufacturers are kept very busy to supply all of their orders. We be. licva business never was better at this reason, sad that we rill have quite an early and excellent fan business. Our rirmey matters are fast improviog„ and coming right, and our Merchants, Menthe turers, Farmers, Mtehanics and all classes. an pre sting by past experience, fast getting out et debt, and are doing a safe cash and barter business, giving credit to a few choke punctual customers. ".• F.our—has fallen. Sales of lots at the river and from wagon at 5 75 i $4, and from atoms $4, a 4,25 per bbl. Grain—wheat 75.80, oata 16a18, corn 23.25 per bush. Hay—5.545,5 0 for new, and old $6a6,50 per but. Ashes—.corchings 31.131—pots 4, and Pave 4115 cents per pound. Fish—Shad, trimmed, No. I $9,50, Herrings 84,12ia54,25, Mackerel No. 3 17.50, Lake Whits t 1 ish $6 50a7, Do. Trout $7a7,50 per bbl. 1 Groceries—Stocks go-d,—Coffee, Rio 83.91, Havanna Bia9, Laguira 81a9i, St. Domingo 'Qat in large luta, and a shade higher by the bag. Su gar, N. 0 616 i, by the bhd., and fur very fins 70 t is asked. in hbl. 61 t7e. a lb. Tel, Young Hyman 37 iti7J, Imperial 60.85, Gunpowder €O.BO. Pooch. ong 60.170 c per pound. Molasses, in lots 2546 t gallon. Iron—Juniata blooms per ton, 47450. Pig Metal, sales of common at 21422; choice Ws, $2.3, and some al , k f 1.5 for the best soft metal. Nails-10 penny, $4 a keg, and other SiZte prop , ir Lion. Lead—Saks of pig at 31a. a lb.; white leed,was no house slid in the I ist 10 days about 1000 keit at $1.75, cash. Wool—Cumm•m IS, blood 20, d 0.22; I do* 26, 1 uil do. 28, i.ritne 30 c. a lb.—cash. -Philadelphia Money Market. 'Chat excellent elmtnercial paper, BRAWN Reporter, curtains the itAlowing— "As tile sum nor deepens, our chief business thorolgiiCates b• gin to as-u no an aspect of more than usual inactivity. Hundreds of out bushel= ciiivria are a , reatly ahsent, and it Is ptobable that in lers than a fortnight fr.flin the present time,the ,iec case of our population in this way, and by the a Mence of cititens to the 'country and on trips of pleasure, wi'l amount to tome thous.ines, The F.. 111 Trade, we are told, is likely to toad mence uneer the most favorable auspices. The en nary is evidently rising into a wholesome and sound position. oit merchants hold an oncost aging tine. A better and a brighter day is dawn ing in th, commercial world. The coming year. some v.mture to predict, will form the commence% nient of a hizbly prosperous period in the bielory of our country. May these delectations be real* , izzel, is our sincere and ardent wish. But we hairs had so -many w irnings, and experienced so much, Cult we must be pertriticid to eXpgeeb a word of caution, and to to the actIVE and enttrprisiog—be not too sanguine. Money is still abundant. The rates fangs lion% iq to 5 per cent. per annum for first rate pepet The Neva York Banks aie - said to be indebted to the Philadelphia Banks mote,then a minims of dolars. The rates of exchanze betiwean this City New York, Boston end Baltimore, are about part checks may tic obtained at each city on the bilittit for a very trifling r tentage merely enough to pay the bro'rers for their trooble. The currency of all the Atlantic cries is in a sound modified. and specie may be obtained at either °Man ft large quantities. The eichahgte genera :I' throughout the country, with one or two except lions, such as the A'ahama points, are in as good condition now, as they Lave been for many yews.. Philadelphia is graeually recovering her seed. , character and her former strength. $51,102,35 1,587,722 $135,193,703 The pretty and p,,pular Steamerlogievy IL Ik, kvored us yesterday with a litc Clarissa.. ti piper MANIFESTS Steamer Belmont, Pue; from Wbeeling--11 3 ithds tobacco, 241 sacks wool, 8 pkgs mdee.t chest tools, 64 bbls flour—W Bingham, D Leech & co. Jno A Roc, II & P Graff, Forsyth & co. D. "r. Morgan, Clarke & Thaw, Joseph Jordan. I Dick• ey and co. Daizell and I'letning. Discharged fright at Steubenville and Was. burg. Cabin Passengers S. Allegheny Belle, Hanna, from Cincinnati- 83 bbis apples, 24 sacks wool, 2 hhds bacon, 2 bhdo hatns—D 'l' Morgan, Asa M'Connell, D Lceoh and co. Hampton and Smite. Discharged freight at Whezling and Beaver. 73 Cabin Pitellerlitall. Richard Clayton, Hough, from Cincinnati- 94 barrels apples, 57 casks baron, 69 tierces do. 68 bbls flour, 3 casks potahh. 102 sacks wed. 23 cabin, 61 way do. 39 on deck. 33 inches water in the channel. ARRIVED. Richard Clayton, Hough, Cincinnati, Belmont, Poe, Wheeling Allegheny Belle, Hanna, Cincinnati Daily Packets to Elizabeth and Brownsville. DEPARTED. Belle or Pittsburgh, M'Cullongb, St. Loci& Herschel, Allen, Cincinnati. Belmont, Poe. Wheeling'. Daily Beaver and Elia ibeth Packets. INFORMATION WANTED. 0a man named AVAIL C Howls, formerly of Bag Harbor, Long Island. state of New York. ileid Hodge has been In the elites of Pitt-lbargh and Oscines , - 11, Ohio, for the last few years. He was employed who last heard of at the business of brickmaking. if kr will call at the office of the 'Motning Post,' he will boor of something greatly to his advantage. July sh—d. t er Editors generally will greatly serve • poor mash copying the above. _IIMAIL 1 10 - 31 M ZOLA GAUL. GELIITOri,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers