,VOL 1.-NO 267. , PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, "X. CORXR.R OF WOOD 4. FIFTH STS te1t.3111.---FIVE DOLLARS a year, PaYibie in advence., Elio& copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the counter or the office, and by News Boys. The - . Mercury and llannfactitrer atokblutised WEEKLY, at the same office, on a dJuble inedlinn, sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad copied, SIX CENTr3. Terms of • Pr tt say.% RE or TW 2ne Istsertlon, 0,50 two Imartiais, 0,75 !Iwo insertions, 1,00 One week, 1.30 Four months, env> weeks, 3.00 Six months, Maras ;weeks, 4,00 Ono year, YEARLY A DVERTISCNI ENTS. CHANGEABLY ♦T PLEA/HINZ. Tiro Squarei Ona !,/I re Pirintlabs, 813.00 Six months, OAP, year, 25,00 One year, rrLarger adverillements in prorortion. f;Artas or four fines Six DOLLAR! , a year PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. 'Orry Posr Orrice. Third between Market and Wood aireigt—R, M Riddle, Poittnaster. Carrot! Hmttsic, Water,4ll door from Wood st. Peter mon'sJmildingt Hujor John Willock, Collector. Toitasear, Wood between First and Second lagers—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. 'Cowart' TAKASURir, Third street, nett door to the rhird Nonhuman Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. 411:Lio2's0frics, Fourth, itetween Market and Wood iiree . s,-Alexander Hay, Mayor. icseaANT's Excni.nroe. Fourth, near Market el. BANKS freessuesst, between Market and Wood streets, on slid and Fourth streets. kbeamoure sxn Ilisqrtrtreres' ',No FARMERS' De. Wry Bkisr, (formerly Saving, Fund,) Fourth, hetwcen Void and Market Elects. tYCH•IIOt, Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. MrEsoxa►eet.► ithr , e, Water street, near the ErCtitliar floret., corner of Penn and St. Clair, Meaoe►x'ra' !forst, corner of Tiiird and Wood. si..:Asmittc•N and Smithfield. MUTED TATIVI. corner of Penn .trert and Canal grata° Elamt, Liberty =t reel, near Seventh). I!rttft MANSION HOUSE, Liberiy Si oppnsile Wayne BROADZIERST NI A KSION HOUSE. Penn St. oppointe Canal °BERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND 1 11 , COUNSELLOR AT LA.W.-01rwe remo re 4 tißskewell's rifirtees on Grant st., neat iy onosite ens new Court House, next rooms to John D. Malmo, dq ret floor. ern 10 UG II TON EH, .Attoi nee nt i•MA", North Ea-t corner Al of Smithfield and Fourili slreroF. Fri) 10-1 y ItirCANDLESS & 31PC LU It E, Attorneys arid /TA Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diantorid. back lathe did Court [louse, PitishuQlt. gyp 10 SIDLINK t FINDLAY, Aitoriwys al Law, Fourth . above- Vood, Plti;bitrgh. sep 10-Iy, tIOS. HAM! LTON, A ttorney at Law, Firth, wren JL Wood and Smithfield rp Mt- y K. CVIIIR A. It OBINSON, Alter 'icy al Law: °awe on the north he Itialtiond.lietwee.l I/Earful and Union struitts, upstairs sep 10 DURBOR.IW, Al tor tie) , at tenders • o. his Inc:lies:ion:o servie , x to int public. Office on fifth alteeel, above Wood, Pio4er2b, seri 10 r i lysTes Hucti %NAN', Atior.tc,, (Aire .Cll rrnvoved (romthr Dlamotitl, la Al i,,ritry':Row," tilt r illy !Lir of Fourth Street, between )1 a r ut acrd ‘Vood it 'Pe!' sei , 10 BUCK3LASTEII, AVIINEY AT I.IW, 1 11 Ita= removed hi: °dice to Itrare , 'F. Law I— n_~.POurtltstreel, above Smit 11 field , it t , hu ikeji 10 GEOBeir, If'. LAYNO, Au..n ney al r.aw, Otliet !vim. 54 FliTh skeet, near the Tneal rp, READS AsiliNGToN, orroßNEy A'r LA fr. —Office in Croat si reel, Pittsburgh. Nov . 5, 12.12. JOIIN J. MITCHELL--A n Law tio,ey office cougar of Smithfield and sili igir Collections made. A I mi.nnessentrusted to hi. , are will he promptly attended to, reb 16--Iy' oftEMOVAL.- K. Morrow, Alderman.; olli e side of Filth M., between Witod and Smithfield - Is, Pit tabu r: h. Eel) 10 lir, S. B. 110 L NI ES, Office in Second street, next door to MMlvany 4- Co's Glass kVareliouse cep 10-1 y aOH N STUN S rOCKTON, Booksei:ers, Pi inters an 10 ...Paper Manufaciarers, No. 37. Nlatkri st. sep 10-1 y J_ J OHN ANDERSON, Stnaluield Foundry, Waier st %tear the Monohgahrla House, Pil si ury h. sep 0-) y TH 'HAS B YOUNG / 3 IHOS. B. YOUNG Sr, CO., Furniture Ware "R on ms, i.orntir of Hand st. 4- Exchange Alley. Persons wiihing to purchase Furniture, will find it to heiradvantage to give us a call. being fully satisfied that eau please as to quality and 'Trice. sep 10 64 , 11131.5. FLAN PATION MOLASSES. recctver: per §tearners Little Ran and Eunnn, and for .1 O. 4- A. CORDON 12 Water street =MIS.) , mar 2'l NIGJOLAII D. C0LK.11,04 APOLEJWAY 4 CO.,ciene:•.t. Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchanta Levee Sired, Vicksburg liiaa respeetfultyeoict I consignments. n 22— • W EBB CLOSEY,S foot and Shoe blutteracio• ry, No. 83 Fourth st., next door to t heil. Slates t •Jinka Ladies Prnnella, Kid and Satin Shoes wade in We neateatinanner, and by the newest Wrench patterns. sap GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of floes, Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding SC nivel, Pruning Knives, Pruning Fhears, etc., joist re• slimed and for 4 sale by F. 'L. SNOW Dir.N. Ygpoll 134 Liberty street, head of Wood. arGISTRATES'aLANKS, for proceedings la At trtailnasist adder the late law, for sale at title Office 31214ANK PETITION*, NOTICES, &C.— JLIP ihisbe used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on good papet,and In the forms approved by tile Con ri,for eare the Office of the Mercury' and Democrat. sen 10 ZATN. UUBBARD, Lldies' fashionable boot anti :111boe Manufacturer, No. 101., Thi , ,t reel, between Wood pitdl,3lplthtleld streets, Pittsbu re b sep 10 ITA S. PATTERSON, Jr.,Birminghatn, ,ear Pittsburgh, MP Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To• Mill and Timber Screws; Houaen Set ews for itening 111119, ¢e. sea I.o—ly lOHN RIPCLOSKEY, Tailsr and elctliier, Liher.y 111 street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, .ep 10 . A. 4 A. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding IP • Merchants, Water st... Pittsburgh. scp 10--I y Birmingham & Co. -COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MFR. CHANTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. • Terms—Receiving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Complations 94 Purchases and sales 2x . per cent. oar t1.:413 S. MORROW, MAIIITIAICTURER of Tin, Copper and Sheet iror. Ware, No, 17, Fifth at„ between Wood and ear— heir keeps constantly on hand a good a2SOi irnent of wares, "old setAtur a ,are of public patronage. Also. on hand, tWallgiblrilag Mkt* Shovel*, Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, 0 111151 ii:lr* . hr rIkettics, Otritia, Coffee Mills te. Mar rtslta eotberit arkinstlted to call and e.taatlne for bett iatehl. telie h daertnined lose(' cheap for cash or appronsit..., er. smsr.l . —lf j - dvertising. LVE LINES OR LESS: One month, V.OO Two moms, 6,00 Three months, 7,00 Lay D R. CoLicmAx DAILY 11ORNING7POST HALLMAN, JENNINGS: & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Clormalssion and Pro- duce :Vferchattts, And Deulrrs i, Pittsburgh Mauujoctures mar 17 No. 43 Wood street. Pittsburgh [HAM M N, JENNINGS &Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, N 0.43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17, '43. TIIONPSON MANNt. JAMICSTURNBeI L. trANNA k TURNBULL'S Paper Warubonse, No. 11 104, Wood st., where may be bad a zeperal supply ul writing wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4 - c, ci - e. sep 10--ly 12) C. TOWNSEND ¢ CO., Wire Workers lead 1‘„ Abrettfaetetrers, No. 23 Market sired, bet wren 2d . - to.l 3d streets. Sep 10--1 y EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair stieei.=.by ?del( IBBIN 4. SMITH. sep 10-4 F,ROWNSVILLE JUNI ATA IRON WORKS.--Ed LP ward Hortigs. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Watehouse N 0.25. Wood st., Pittsburgh. eel) 10 y p. IV GOODS.--E're.zi on Machey, tvludcsale and 111 retail dealers In Entfliph, French, and Domestic Dry Coods, No. 1:1, Market st Sep 10 TOIIN 31'1)EVITT, ‘Vitolesale Grocer Rertif)ing, And Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Mannidetured Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts ittrgh. sep 10 0.1 11. ‘r%' ILL' ors lent+ •.7..t. DILWORIII Ihr-171 ILL! A lIS & DI LW ORTH.--tVliolesalc ♦. Crocers Prodlicr and Coin niisAoli Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29, Wood street. sell 10 Joit+ Ft.StiknirFt J•s. N. Kictpt SIIERIFF & KEIN, Manufacturers of Copper. Tin, and Sheet trout Ware. No 311, Front at ., burt.th. !louse Spouting anti Ste:, IttiNota work promptly ttzt - cutetl. sep 10 IA AVID SAN DS, 11 , ATCII & CLOCK .IJr MAKER, No. 7, st. Clair sir:et, Pitis. burgh, DE.3/. ER /X WATCHES, C K S.l? R E..ISTPLVS FINGER. 111.,VpS, C 112.1 LYS. K EYS, seri 10 y ANI)RETIPS cxRDE:s SEEDS,.- A run supply uf Laud:el Gar l l., Seeds, always on loud,; lid far ' , ale at his a g. 11 4 -2, -111.• Uwg slore of I'. 1.. SNOW DEN, set , 10 vsinret, head of ll'ood. ENIOV.II, —Matt hew .10111 S, rat ! , er and Hair ilre-s• er, hat , removed to l'oori rev] opposiim he MaY ors office. where he tvi I I tor ha pay to:wait upon ,terntanen or transient customers. Ile solicit. a shale 01 puttlic rtat roll:lV". sell 10 JOIIN .11'FA R tND, Uph„l,t,rrr and Cabinet )11...ker, rwird st. betir ern Wood 5• ilarket strrets, resrclftil inf•truis his friends and Illy piddle that lie is ilrepa red to exectite all order, for Sofas, Sideboards. It rahleF, Bedsteads, Stands, Hair and Maiirassrs, Curl aroir, Ckf tivte., all of U-lad-tering work, which lie trill %variant rqupl ,o any wade in the city, and on re:1 , 4)11:00e fermi. sir 10 tE-1/0/%9Lt--The d io Wa. ter her VVV1•111 IVO,III 3'lll : 4 1ilitlitield r.`l.:, where they will condone t ho. IS'hole,ale e..rnevey and Comm' , -ion and world tinily ....Wien the I,a , 1.)11 a , .;e frictia6 J %V. 111.7 IDC t: Co. Dec :3 DC. A. . PATFP.P. : 4 0 N. : s lice 011 SII1111; 1 rld strevl sep 111 18 J' \ 1. F. It Erl-Dr,r). A._ !thy. l! ,, Ant'Arls, from P . ttedittrd. I , tttet , e,lett:.t. 11.:r.i.tetr2 and I.oneotettr, to 1•1111..det 1:11.1111•: Ilie Vail 11,1!11 or , 10 N V . e. ()111 , •.• J, l totte,..tottitez and one night out. .1t,0..te• Iti,eet till, 10 Vail morn. Pare to Itioto , te'ph].l S 9. RaUi more, 9 • Len ye , 11,, , c at P,o'ork A. M. t tiro t-eetted door Leroy: t Int Hotel Wood ,t IM EN 111:t.I., \ ‘VAUGII 4. Co. felt l'roprictors. Tit F. CH R.'T CENTR A Rol; E, VIA NATION At. 110.11) AND B.ILTINIOft .NI/ 01110 R.l IL RO Un COMPANY ".•;" N.7i6 E.m line ocIT. 111 llConchr, for trite"kington City. Balt ivorr. Phitadefplia and JCeiw York. This lire I , in full opera! ion and travesPittshurgh daily at ti . clor6 N. 31., via Washington Pa. aid national roll to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road C0'i....t0 all The above places: Travellers will find this o goer dv and comfortable route, it being a separate and ilktinci Pit isitut :fit and runi:•erland lirhe,faciiitier will lie afforded which have nrrt been heretofore enjoyed. Ex Ira roaches fortil , tied at the shortest notice, wito the privilege of gcing through direct. or taking can night's rent at tin - it-option For tickets, app'y at our other: at t beNlotiongabela [loose. W. STOCKTON• Feb. 3il—di f. President of N. R. Stage Co. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE •NE W COACHES! FROJI PITTSRURO H TO IiALTINORE -9ND PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line Leaves Piltsl,nreli dai'y, at 2 o'clock, P , via Steam. hunt to Crownoville, thence in splendid new coaches to Outnlterland, over the great National Load, and 'front there by RAILROAD, in stipertor new eight Wlit•eled cars, to Baltimore Washington city and Philadelphia. The abovi Line is r!presettied to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange meets to convey passengers through In two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of it! Only 75 milesiStage travelling, and 56 miles le,s than the Wheeling route, awl that In superb new coaches. Fare to Bahinto.e, VAL Ortice in the Nonongahet a tion e. A. ❑ENDERSON .S• CO., nit d 3 Proprieto ',MOTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES—TRUTE IS CO.NWINCINO:- Having been afflicted fur nearly two years, wit li a hard swelling on the cap of my knee. width produced much pain, and used various applica lions recommended by the Faculty—all in vain wa, cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand reth'sLinament. or External Remedy. Witness my hand JA NIES TAYLOR, Ohio till Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840. Dr. Brandreill's FAIN nal 'ft enirdy or Linament; sold at his office, 5,3.93.M00d street, Pittsburgh, 11:10E-- 50 cents per bottle.• feb 8. JRECK WED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and 101 Letnonsiof the finest quality. for sale wholesale and retail, by WM, THORN, feb 22-0. 5.3 Mat ket st. 20-000 LBS Cottoti Yarns, assorted 2,000 Ib.. Hatiing, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and .r)00 " Cotton Twine Front the Eagle Factu ty. For sale by HAILNIAN, JENNING'4& Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, .tear 17 No. 43 Wood street. WM. ELDER, Attorney at Low.—Ofbeein Svc-, and atreetati.ifoor above the ctirser oiSsuiibfibid atotb sties Ap. 29; J. M. Sanderson & Son, FRANKLIN 110USR,PIIILADELPRIA. I plus elegant establishment has been in operation due. JL Mr, the last nine months, and notwithstanding the central depression of business, it has net and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. prietors a full compensation for their labor and atten lion Its location being In Chestnut street, in the !m• mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange, flanks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part o I Market street and the places amusement, it presents to the business community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to he travelling public. Its arratigntent, also, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy sitlimi to his notions or dispurition. The facility of proctring meals at any hour, and of get• ling, that which the appetite crave*, is also a saver of time which the titi , inesx portion °nate guests know how to appreciate. 'Hie proprietors, therlfore, solicit the custom of their old Terniit.and promise a continuance of their e‘erl ions to make them comfortable. an 25-3 m. DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pith,. Them.: Pillearciirongly recommended to the notice of the ladies asa safe and efficient remedy in removing I hose complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex• errise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and connteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and appronation of the inns' eminent Physicians in the HO tel States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and [alai'. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. pep 10 No. 20. Wood Si reet, below Second 1 - 1 - ShUP,C if CIit^I'LATING AND I:ErunENeE !ABB A Rl' of Ft istor ical,and Mis r, Panrons will ciiirri even day. ria'abath ex. rented. "trim i o'i.lorls, A,unlit 9. r. M., in the Es elian2r Stt (lair illreeta rid Exchange alley r, apre,incrival attendance will lie given by Pep 111 I . GEM M 11. lIBEIMIEII gur ; n inlie:dhui of.lop shopg in our ril ti , ed !I Ir. u•li In, her , Y'(11 ((Nifty. (' (SI r fl 2 'per (rum ihr 07;i4tern ci. lie g;•.U'd ..1114011- I« I:141 Ihr char arts r IC I i : 1,1 1 .. ! . .1111 • /. 1 ‹iu ,111(li 11.I•y an' lrirllrd to pal ha l•rfilr I hee I.:,rt Widi their money. The or- I ides offer' dal of Ihe enneeyn.. , thin illy, are the III( re VI . New York aI I rhiladclph in slop , I'nns, and '• it toil hereto be panned off on the rills buret; pit lie. PurelinFers should hr on I heir !mud a zoinsi impositions, and lbry may rely on the fact that no e-taitlesliment that advert IA: eastern mode clot. he!. rho chew zood anarliele or as advantazeous bar. za ins as call be ..ad at I he "Three .1:1i , 4 floorg." l'he public will pleaire rementher that ail 4lie soltscri her's 1 r : mer.ts are senile in I hi., sir n, hc competent work Wen, and not ffat!.ered tip like the _Dods now ofrered by the -birds of passaze" front the shred; and patches of aluo shop. II will :Always he his endeavor to maintain the trout:llion that the "Three Piz Doors' have uhttlinro for furnishin2 a superior style of ettrTfl 1 NG In every respect, and at price. below those of any other esialdishirent. Ile world nealn return his thanks In his friends and the joiblir for the ooprecedroood plirona2e I.eqt owed upon hi, et h i.6mcnl, and believil:g 111:11 tio , y have frond O !olio it advant ay. 10 (11\1111:N1 111111, he would repeal Ilk iovOolion to all 150 , e who wish in purchase Ciothin_ of very de-criolion at the lowest price to call at No. 1.11, I.lnEnly ST. JOHN 'CLOSK Y. I — ,—Ohgerve Metal Plate in the paveninni. a;: 26. 2 23 % _aeog E IIIII6S. would respectfully infoi in his ft iends Van the ',oldie in general,i hat lie dies Ladies' dresses, Ilatits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants ttem not to smut, anzl to look equal to new goods. Ile does fancy colors of RN descriptions on silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of ;tentlemen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods. Mr. 11. flatters himself lbrl he can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in New York for twen:y years. All work done on moderate terms at his establishment iit Ii st, between Wood and Smithfield net!' the Theatre, CD" Thi: is to certify that OSEE IHMES has done work for us, which has fully answered our exp.,etations, and we considcr him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Win. Barnes, J. B. Shurtletr, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boies, Joseph French, jr., Andrew Purdy, W. B. Boies, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shockey,. jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. a p 20th. The attention iftito.e who have been somewhat seep. Ilcal in reference to the numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wiki Cher ry, on account of the persons being unknown ho this aoc lion of the State, is respectfully directed to the following certificate, the writer of which Ilan been a citizen of this borough for several years, and is known as a gentleman of integrity and responstbilit•y. To the Agent, Mr. J. ICIRBY. I have used Dr. Swayne's Conip and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely of Meted for about four months, and I have no hesitation in saying that it is the most effective medicine thrill have been able to procure. It composes all uneasinesa, and agrees well with my diet.—and mantalns a regular and good appetite. I can freely recommend it to all others Similarly afflicted. J. MINNICK, Borough ofeliambersb'g. March 9. IR4O. sep 23 Per sale by W 1 LLI A M THORN No. 53 Market street.. PITTSBURGIIMANUFACTORY.--Springs and. .9xles for Carriages at Easters Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps' constantly on hand Coach, C and ElipticEprings (Warranted) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Prams, Brass and plated flub Bands. Stomp , Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and [Dam Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, itc.okr. JONES I COLEMAN. sate 10 Ft. Clair sL, near 'Le Allegheny Bridge. PITTSBURGH, JULY 21, 1843. NOTICE TO DR. BRANDRETHIS AGENTS 'file office in Pittsburgh, which was established for the purpose or constituting ascents In the west, having Fleffolli Wished that 01 joCI, in tow closed, 31111 611'.. Gr, 11. LEE. in the Diamond, Market street, appointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Liniments. All Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore, understand that Dr. R. w ill send a travelling agent through the country once a year to collect moneys for spirt; made and re supply agents. The said traveler will he provided with power of attorney.duly proved berore the Clerk of the city and county of New Vork,tegei her with all the ne. ees.ary vouchers and papers. Mr. J J. Yoe is lily traveling agent now in Penn sylvanla. R. BRANDRETII, M. D. N It —Remember Mr, C, 11. LEE. In the rear of the Ma Ikea is now my only agent in Pitisliergh. June 14 BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMUSGHANI, 6 - 11.OTs,=uitaltr l'or building, most eligibly situated, e..P A. a.mi within two minutes walk oldie Steam Ferry Boat Tailding. will be sold at prices to suit the times, Tbe term , of payment will be made easy, either for rash or ,nit barter m= rail be made available. Apply to the subscriber lit Uirtionehani, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, PATTEP,SON. JR. juin, 1. BEAVER AND WARREN PACKET. 'l'he (aital pa, ket 1 f 1E...T. M. rizhaw master, will run a , r t i-Avrekiv parkel between the :Ito ;e named rea , er %Vi clef sdays, Frida Morul"_ ill on Thnrsiitays and eoni.e,•tinz with the Sln2r ores to CieVeralld d:rcct. Poe fi, or na=4lv.e hoard or to MR 11 IN(;11AM & Cu , J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. mae 10 131:1"11.:I{ 13 I 11(;.1 1 Nti TH.IIII FIVER AT TI!E TIIBEE BIG DOORS. - r tin - 41 rn , pnri fully inf•rin his ruao nuns , n,l r !.1‘ it' 21'110 i'V. that not •,, nnprl r. 10nd ca'd' tJe •I'h 13i2 I)o , .:irg, till r 412' ILe ptc,rll st fir• •!i! I in hand the Ia , J , sl and urns; ra ir.l a , sorillient of Elna risyrri Nn l kti can 1,,,, 1 ,1,1 or 11.... mnuniaing. mat' rrst :1-411,111::ci all nll'ornd at lilt , Tort. arr. mann far , rnd ow FEZEiqi )(MS, nnrcl,,, , il in II." Ca-tern 4l'arLr' s Ihic and made into parinnlis by 14115 NEW YORK DYER CERTIFICATE LOOK AT THIS Whi. E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa. Office In 4111 street, opposite Borke's WILTAAII E. AUSTIN, EN., will give hisattention to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. pep ID-1y BrR9 SEEDS A eat. supply of Eisil slating of - Canary mri.anil Rape; just received hy fhb 3. F L SNOWDEN, la Liberty st. JOHNSON & DUVAL, ROOK BINDERS AND PAPER RULERS, gr'iONTINUE business at the stand late of IcCandtr N—lit Johnson. Every de4cription of work in their lin pews and promptly mectited. may 8— ly 11 D.SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth, near Ferry street. sep 13-1 y WA RD .& HUNT, Dentiiti Liberty vtreef. rem doors below Si f npr 6 1834. nANiET, 31. Cr It RV, Attorney at Law. or. Ifrfire on 5.1; vt Iri wren and Smithfield. ap J. W. Burbridge dr. Co. AGENTS fur the sate of Beau Os Powder- Water at. het ween Wood and Smithfield. March 30, 1843. - WILLIAM DOUGLASS TEAT AND CAP ftl A NUFACTUR ER. Every &scrip t torn villain and Cap. on hand. andfor vale. wholes ,ale and retail. at price. in s{lii the t lows, al the old !land o f Douglas 4 Mooro. 73 Wood street. ma) 5. WILLIAM C. WALL. Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame -Manufacturer, No: 87, Fourth Street Plttsbargh. —Canvass Brushes. Varnish 4.c., for A dist!. always on hand. Looking Classes. promptly trained-to order. Repairing done at the short eat notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and Jobbing ores cry description. Persons fitting lip fitram Boats or houses will find it ti heiradvantnle to call. set) 10 WM. S iEt I.E . (site, essor to H. M'Closkey; Pasta in.irt'de Root Maker, Liberty 51., :2(1 door from Vi7gin they. hr subscriber respe*l fully informs the public that he has commenced the above laisiness in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Closkcy, and that he is now prepared to attend to all milers in his line ()Nosiness with ile , malch and oil the most reasonable terms. F rom iii tote_• experience in the manufacture of Fashionable 80015, he leek confident that all articles Crow hi, establishment will give sat i,faci ion to his pa irons. A slime of public pat I image is respect Drily solicit ed. seri TO 1,/P. ADAM, fiver .1”111 . 114 , 06 Maker, Liberty St. V opposite the head of tinatthileid st., PittebuogA.— TI e subscriber having hounht out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the aid stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, In the best manlier and on the shortest notice. He Wefts corstantly on hand a large asseriment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and oft he best quality. He soNgitr the patronage of the pub. tic and of Lite craft. WM. ADAIR. sett 10 ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL. 10 TRI.II.S, and all successful prove 1000 DALLErS.SId2GICAL PAIN EX. 7`R.ICTOR ittvstl.ttabte . I t not only euresquicker, hut gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. ''ire is posi 'lively rend(' eil harinleFs. ($lO has been offered six months to any person returning an empty box, and saying that all agony on anointing Is not extracted it a few min Ines, yet nut one fruit thou,atri:. of trials since has claim rd the bonus.) Parents anxious to 2Hafil aga.inst and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their olfspring ft sin being d tsfigtired by bu run, omen .mall pox pustules, (it rin4.esOng Ilieenviali.e power to replace liierelintary °ran deft royedA ran do so by oh mining this iiiimitanle salve. Many itee;ly burnt cases in the city can I e seen, and one ent irc face burnt over and wounded three distinct times inthe same spot while heal ing, yet in no eft:e can be traced the least cicallice or mark' rot all kinds of hurls it rap.il ' , malting effects are l es° intportant;cven Fore ryes. all inflaniations and hro ken breast; wonid be unknown. The toilet and nursery, for ( . I , : iriiit7 I be skin of pin pies. rrtuovine chafe, etc., wit find it indispensable. One using only will forever estal • I,sli ii thr