Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, July 20, 1843, Image 1
~ ~t~ VOL I._NO 266. PUBLISHED BY 71110.5. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, V. tozueza OP WOOD 4 , FIFTH era. I tilinlls.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in show. Single copies TWO CENTa—for vele at the talnininait the Mike, and by News Buys. , Tina Mercury and Manufacturer WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double eat &wet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ae. %OM Slagle copies, SIX CENTS. Terms of 4 4 1 1. 11 4111 11 A RH OF T %V :.. I . leatirllon, 0.501 Mt, hisertlons., 0.75 Film Insertions, 1,00 01**416 1,50 1 Two weeks, 1,00 Taft weeks. 4.00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. ce•amlApLl LT PI Z4llOlll. o*. Sparc Toe Bfaarte fir *oaths, $13.00 I SIX months, •29.00 0,0 year, 25,00 One year, 35,00 -Cr Larger *Anerilsements In prororilon. CARPS of four lines Six Dou.ale a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. esti Pon Onion. Third between Market and Wood Postmaster. A:Orem Elnan, Water. 4th door from Wood st. Peter buildings—Major John Wi!lock. Collector. Carr Tastasnag. Wood between First and Second st.ventit—..hsts A. Bantam, Treasurer. Hoorn Taitssuag. Third street, next door to the Third Ptekbytertan Church-9. R. Johnston, Treasurer. Magires Omen, Fourth. between Market and Wood •treat—ilerander Hay, Mayor. Mugoa►ttr'a Ezonasied. Fourth, near Market st: BANKS Preessisoa,between Market and Wood streets, on tiMptand Fourth streets. itimmurrs' awn MAnuracruarits• .we Fiances' Dr. foot Sans, (formerly Saving Fond,) Fourth, between .food and Market streets. Vietnams, FHIb greet, near Wood. HOTELS ill'ortidaloasca• none!, Water street, near the Bridge Ekentatimm floral" earner of Penn and S.. Clair. aaosairra• Horn., corner of Third and Wood. Aatatiaan HOTEL. ezr;:e; 71iird and Smithfield. 'Vamp SsLens, corner of Penn street and Canal. Selman Emits, Liberty street, near Seventh. Mit.t.sta Manatee fteusa,Liberiy St. opposite Wayne eneasiscurr Mtnmon House, Penn St. opposite Canal. DP °SERIE' WOODS, ATTORNEY AND ILL COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Oftke rein° to linkmen's offices on Grant at., neatly oppothe - the new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon, 4614 ,r—Ptrst floor. sell 10 UGH TO BR, Allot ney at Law, North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets. sep 10-1 7 IIIffICANDLESS & LIIR E, Attorneys and Ltl. . counselors at Law: Office in the Diamond, back eoftheold Court House,Pittsburgh. set; lA asimlNK it FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., ( .10 1 ' above Wood. Plttsbnrgh. sep 10—ly„ t 41111305. HAM ILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between 4. Wood and Smithfield sts.,Pittsboqh. sep 10—Iy O'MARA ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; (Mee oa the northilde of the Diananrri,lw.tween ggliarket and Un lon streets, ap stairs !PP 10 ADURBORAW, Attorney at Law; tenders • his profewilonal services to the politic. Office on 1349001 Street. above Wood. Pittshurrh, sep 10 IEINSTEIR # BUt:II%:YAN, Attorneys at Law, office removed (rum the Diatuonti,to “fittorney'sßow," • had, side of Fourth street, betvreen 51a rLet and Wood 2 lit reefs Rep 10 BUCKMLSTER, A.T , RN EY AT LAW, 1m • bairemoved Ibis °Mee to Brares's Law Build— • sp. Fourth street, atane Smithfield, Pit tsburgh. ttr Vi CrigfrOßGX W. LAYNO, Attorney at Law, Office N. 54 Fifth Street, near the Theatre, Pittelwrgh, sep 27—iy REAPE WASHINGTON, ASTTORNETAT LA Fr. —Office in Bakeweirs ThOldlnr, VIM( street. etttelosech. Nov.s. 1842. 1 OIL 1 1 1. MITCHELL --Attorney at Law, office %UP corner or Smithfield and .sth ale., Pittsburgh. Or Collections made. A I business entrusted to his are will be promptly attended to. hbl6—ly• 131101rAlm—R. Morrow, Alderman; oM'e north ,„.11. 1 111 , side of Fifth it., between Wood and Smithfield 1P is, Plltsbarah. Pep 10 MR. S. a. HOLM ES, Office In Second street, next door !Urto Mulvany 4. Co's Giusi Warehouse sep 10—ly AoHnsTuN d I'OCKTON, Booksel le rs, Printers an Piper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market et. pep 10-17 irOMM ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water st.. Id/ sear the Monongahela House, Plttsturttb• aep 10-1 y Buns BYOUNG. FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG. TIROS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware Rooms, lbOrser of Hand at. 4. Exchange Alley. Perseus wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to Abair advantage to give us a tall. being ful.ly satisfied that lie' ban please as to quality and price. yep 18 166 BBLB. PLANTATION MOLASSES, received per Steamers Little Ben ■nd Fultnn, and for gyp J G. 4- A. GORDON -mar 27. 12 lA'ater street ,ItichoLis D. Cet.shAe.• • Lora R. COLZMIA7I Art °Limes CO.,Genera Agents, Forwarding and Fv Uotemlielon M•rehttour Levee Street, Vicksburg 7iSiga They respectfully eoAci t consignments. 02.2 11/EBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe hianufamo• ry, No. 83 Fourth Bt., next door to the U. States ,mitt Ladies ['ritualist Kld and Satin Shoes made in be Neatest manner, and by the newestrrench patterns. se. 10 CIA RDEN TOOLS, consisting or Hoes. Pitney Spades 'II2IF Transplanting Trowels, Eddleg Tools, Building igithres. Penning Knives, Pruning Shears, ete., just re. I.stelved and for sale by P. L. SNOWDEN. asp 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. OIL 4OISTRATES'BLANKS. for proceedings In it teetasst under the late law, for sale at this Office -TELANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, dr.C.— .111 UP to be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on 4 sataitlpaper,and In the forms approved by t he Cou rt,for sale t the Ocoee of the Mercury nod Democrat. sep 10 MOIL HIIBBA.RD, Ladies' fashionable boot and "T T shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third s. reel, between -wc.llll/eoll amid Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10 MAIL PATTERSON, J r., Birmingham, (gear Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To. tamps, Feller, Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for Montag Mills, tn. sep 10-1 y JOHN 7/PCLOSHEY, Tang r and Clothier, taber.y - "great, between Sixth and Virgin alley, &gab side. asp 10 T G. f A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding Karelian% Water st.,Piushorgh. sep 10—ly L Bing ham 011111118N irm IION ILVD FORWARDING HER. CHANTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Teesso—itoeithring and Shipping 5 cants per 100 lbs. Commission on Purchases and sees 2g per cent. mae 24'43 S. MORROW , - Ar ANTAIriCTU /MR of Tin, Copper and Skeet Irsis MI Ware, Mo. 17, Fifth at., between Wood and Mar tikat: Amps assetantly on hand a good asset taunt 4 0 warn, IBisdeoliells bilinear public patronage. Alan..on hand, tiftilowiNg Wildest Shovels, Pokers, Tonmiliiridirons, tionioyi k kaups, pots, Ovens, Cofee Mdi ite. Met , ;s10111•41.111 earn are Invited to call and *nolo* fbr tlibeaseiliab as be is determined many gimp for cash or f ileftworar.p of. imar. —4/ dvertising. ENE LINES OR LESS: One month, #5,00 Two moms, 6.00 Three months, 7.00 Four months, 11.: 4 .0 Six months, 10,00 One year. 15,00 DAILY M 1 :INING -POST HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co., Wholesale Clyocers, 'Commission and Pro . ilOce Merchants, And pilff ir. Patisistrge .4nntsfocturer mar 17 4 No, 4 Wood street. Pittsburgh. MAILMAN, JENNINGS It Co., Cotton: Zara_ Warehouse, No. 43 Wnod street. Agent/ for the sate of the Cagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17,'43. I=M=lMa HANNA 4 TkIRNBUI..I.I3 Paper Warehouse, No. 104. Wood at., where' may be bad a general 01 willing, wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4.c, 4'c. sep 10-1 y 1.11 C. TOWN. END 4 CO., Wire Workers asil Jihivistrororo, No. 23 Market street, between id and 3d streets. • sep 10—ly EXCHANGE HOTEL., Corner of Penn and Fl. Clair tt !NMI., by Melt ItISIN SMITH. aep 10-1 y nRiiLVI4SVILLE JUNIATA IltON WORKB.--Ed ward Ilnahr., Manuraciurer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood at., Puleliurßh, gen 10 —ly ILT EIV GOODS. —Preston 4. alschey, ivlkdratile and /..11 retail dealers In F.ngllsh, French, and DOMPIII le flry Goods, No. fll. Market , Pittsburgh. sep 10 TOIIN M'DEUTT, Wholesale Crow' Rectirting Dlsillier, And Dealer In Prnduee and Plusher:lh Manufactured Ankles, No. 424 Liberty Strut, Pitts. sep 10 Wt 1.4.1 ts H. Wtccur■ lona S. DI6WORITI IVILLIAIII9 de DlLWORTH.—Wholesale V Grocers Produce and Cons mission Merchants, and leairrs In 'Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29, Wood street. acp 10 tons 11.8irsitirr JAS. N. KEAN QUERIFF & KEAN, Manufacturers or Copper. Tin, and Sheet Iron Wire, No.Bo, Front st., Pitts burgh. House Spouting and Steamboat work promptly executed, sep 10 ir k AVID SANDS, ATCH 6r. CLOCK Ll MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts. bit tith. DEALER IN WATCHES,CLOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, .1 ? .. ~eplo LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on band, and for sale atlrla agency the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty !street, head or Wood RF.IIOVAL.-51alltiew twice, Rarber and Hair Dress • .111. Cr, has removed to Fourth street, opposii et he stay ora *flee, where he will be happy to:wail upon permanent or transient coniunierc He solicits a share of public pat• ronaxe. sep 10 JOHN APFARL4ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet N.aor, Third at. b star eon Wood 4. Markel streets, respectful Informs his friends and the public that he Is prepared toexecute all orders for Solos, Sideboards. Bit • renue, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring Mattrasses, Curtain., Carpets, all -ores of Upholstering wort, which he will warrant renal ,o any made In the city, And on reasonable terms. sep 10 FtE.ovAL,,--The subscribers have remove d to W 4. ter between Wood and where they will continue the Witotcsale Grocery and Commis. sion lowinrca and would re4pr , ifttlly soticit the patron. age of their friends J. W. BURBRI DG E 4. Co. Dec 3 Dt. A. W. I'AI"I'ERSON. ,?:fice on Smithfield Atreet near Sixth. Ben 10 vr.sa, 43 FAIIEREDUDED. V. S. Man. LINE c'Y ; . •TACCR AND R La. ECIAD CARP, from P.ils..hor2h, lif.d for d, Chamberalm ca. II rrlahurg and Lancaster, to Phiindet pith, conneriing with the Mali train of rtl F to N kr.. Only 150 miles stagine. and one night out. Alio, the Direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philade'phia 119. Baltimore, 9. Leaven daily at R o'clock A. M. Office second door her.w the Merrhatiti Dote] Wood st MENDELL, CRA II Alll, WAUGH 4- Co. fen 23,18.13-Iy. Proprietors. THE GREAT CENTRAL, ROUE, via. NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE •nn OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY c Vat: • . NEff line of U. S Mail Coaches for Was/intro' City Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. This lire Is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washinptnn Pa. nue national road to Cumber:and, connftting here with the rail road Co's. to all the strove places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it beings separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cumberland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tra coaches fornithed at the shortest notice, wito the priviirgr of gcing through direct. or taking cne night's rest at their option. For tickets, apply al our omee at theMononcishela (inure. L. W. STOCKTON• IgirM NEW' ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACIIES! PROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line . Leaves Pittelmreh daily, at 2 o'clock. e. a, via Steam. hont to Brownvville, thence In splendid new COnICIIPI to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and front Owe by RAILROAD In superior new eight wheeled cam to Baltimore, V'tlarhiegton city and Philadelphia. The show Line Is represented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and eastern chime for comfort and expedition, having made arrange menus to convey passengers through In two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of ill Only 75 tulles Stage travelling, and 56 miles lees than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare to Santini:Pe, $lO. Office In the Monongahela House, A. HENDERSON dr CO., In l d 3 Singe Proprieto LIACTS SPEAR" FOR THEMSELVES—TRUTIIIB CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a bard swelling on the cap of my knee, which produced much pain, and used various applies lions recommended by the Faeulty--all in vain wit: cured completely by the use of one bottle ofDr •Brand• reth's Liniment, or External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny to, P. Jan.loth,lB4o Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Llnament; sold at his office, No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE— S° cents per bottle. feb 8. " - UST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and ral Lemons, of the linestquality. for sale wholesale and retail, by feb 22-I.f. 21k.-000 LBS Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos. 2,uuu . Batting,. 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and I 600 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto. ry.". For sale by HA ILM AN, JENNINGS & Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. mar 17 SINUIL ELDZR, -Marna at L4411.-oMee in dee.. V V oad street.ted Mei above the corner of Smithfield Irrib Ws, iml4 =1113213 President of N. R. Stay! Co WM. THORN, 53 Market et PITTSBURGH, JULY 20, 1843. J. M. Sanderson & Son, FRANKLIN HOUSE,PHILADELPHIA. /HIS elegant establishment has been In operation der. log the last nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, It has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. prietors &lull compensation for their labor and alien lion . Its location tieing In Chestnut street, In the !m• mediate neighborhood of the Post office. tile Exchange, Banks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part Of Market street and the places of amusement, it presents to :he business community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelllnz public. Its arrangment, rano, enables the guest to regulate his expenses. and to Ilse In a style of elegance or economy salted to his notions or disposition. The facility of procuring meals at any hour, and or get• tins that which the appetite craves, Is also a saver of t i me which the business portion of thc guests know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit tht. custom of their old fri.nds, anti promise a cuattnnsace of their exert lons to make them comfortable. ap 25-3 m. DR. GOODE% Celebrated Female Pills. These Pliisarestronziy recommended to the notice of the ladles asa safe and efficient remedy In removios those complaints peculiar to their sex. from want of ex. errise, or deneral debility of the system. They obviate eo.liveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous afections. These PM, have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Unli ted States, and a.any !dottier!. Ferrate Wholesale and aetnii. by R.g RELLERS, Arent, cep In Nn. VI Wood Street ,lielow Second NOTICE TO DR. ER ANDRETWS AGENTS The office in Pitithorgh, which was estabilehed for the porpopp of constitotio; ageente In the weld, having accomplished that aka, is now cloyed, and Mr. 0. D. LEE. in the Diamond, Market street, appointed my agent for the sate of my Pills end Liniments. All Dr, Rrandreth's agents will, therefore, understand That Dr. R. wilt send n travelling agent through the country once a year to collect moneys for sales made and re supply agent,. The said traveler will be provided with power of attorney.duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,together with all the vie. ceseary vouchers and papers. Mr. J J. Yoe i■ my traveling agent now In Penn Sylvania. 0. PR A NDRETII,. M . D. N R —Remember Mr. C, ff. LEE. In the rear of the Market is now my only agent In Pittsburgh. June 14. BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM -13 LOTS..ultable for bulldine, most eligibly Mutated. and within two minutes walk of the Straw Fiery Boat Landing, will be sold at prices 10 wilt the time,. The terms of payment will he made easy, either for rash nr such barter Winn be made available. Apply to the antriterther ht Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. JAB. PATTERSON, JR. N' I. 101101TTSBUI7G71 CIR , M.ATING AND REFERENCE 1%1 BR ARV of Religiou , .lllcotlcat,Polltlesl.and M is cflinneous Works.. will he oi,en every day, Sa:,hoth ex. cepied. 'rom 7 o'rloek, A M..nnt 11 9, P. M., In the Ex change Dultdlng,eorner nt : 4 1 ;Clair street and Exchange alley. 0 nere punctual at ten:l:lnce will be elven by cep 10 3. GEMMIL — %,....”,==a BEAVER AND WARREN PACKET. The ranal pa, ket ERIE. 3. M. Shaw master, will run as re7.ul r td-weekly packet between the atone named rears, leAvrs Fearer on Mondays, Wrdnecrlays, Frlda s: Morning, leaves Warren on Tue.days, Thursdays and Sword:lye; connecting' with the Stage L.nes to Cleveland direct. For freleht or Nts:tee apply on board or to BIRMINGHAM & CO , Pittabrugh J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. may 10 SETTER B.tRGAINS TITAN EVER AT Tlll THREE RIG DOORS. Inflß_ ttubter her tvo-ld et-inert fully Infttrin his eusto JIL titPrPar,l t!lr nnid i,r generat'y. that not wlth•landing the ttnprect de wed salts at the •fhrre Rig Doors, during the present season; he has still on hand the largest and most vat ied asenri meta of elegant CLOTHING I hal can he bought west of the monnlains. The Wilk may rest n.llllre.l that all artirtes offered at his store nee manufer• weed frnm FRESH 600119, purchased In the Eastern trarlte's this Sp - Ing and made Into garments by Pills bur2llworknten, In renvtralitenee of the n ttltiplieation or Flap shops In ono eft li, tilled with pia•n brake, c l o th, „ a d the man ly, rant off 2.. rment. of former ei enacrn el. 'lea, the I.tittlir g1,..11111 raIII intl. In ncrerta:n Ihe char nett, of Ihe e.1:.1.lioolloret in which they are invited to pntrhnw•. brfrnr they liar' with their money. l'he or• i Ides °tiered at several or the concern. to this rile, are the no re olrstr of :yew York nod rhilarlelphla slop •hops, and r, 11l rill here I o he palmed ofT on the rills hurrah Witte. Porch:loer', should lie on their caard eniopt these Impositions. and I hey may rely on the fact that no ertshieshment 16n1 advertises Easter' made Clot • inc. ran oziVen! Ennti nn article or ns advaroageoushar. gains as ran lie had at the "Three Mt: Doors." The nubile will plenre remember that nil the *Overt tier's g Irmerts are made In this city, by errninetent work men. rind not gathered tip like the :oorls now offered by 'he •••toirds of passage" from the shreds and nottehes of ea.tera slop shops. It will always h.! his endeavor to maintain the reoulalion that the "Three RI. Doors' have olotalnen for furnishing, superior style of DLOTII INn In every respect, end at prices below those of ony other estahlholoorrnt. tie would a2aln return his thanks to hie friends and the ',Odle for the unprecedented putronare 14.910t/red upon hlq estaldloment, and bellevine that they have found it to their adventlure In deal with him, he unuld repeat hl,lnvitatinn to all thous who WWI in pnrchatte flothinu of every deccriptlOn at the lowest prier in call at Nn. 151. Lumley! ST. JOHN Si'CLOSICY. frrollerve Metal Plate In the payernant. a; 26. NEW YORK DYER OSEE FUMES. would respectfully info; m his friends an the public In gencrni,that he dies Ladies' dresses, !labile and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants tr em not to smut, and to look equal to new fonds. fie dyes fancy colors of all deseriptlans on silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of gentlemen's clothing. so as to resemble new roods. Mr. H. flatters himself thrt he can please the public, as he 11411 done an extensive business in New York rns twenty years: All work done on moderate terms at his establishment in sth st.between Wood and Smithfield ne tr the Theatre. CERTIFICATE Thii is tn certify that OSEE HIMES has done work for us, which has fully answered oar expectations, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnes, J. B. Shurtleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boies, Joseph French, jr., Andrew Purdy, W. B. BOiCIP, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shockey,. jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. a p 20th. LOOK AT THIS The attention qftho.e who have been somewhat seep. tical In reference to the numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Sorayne`a Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry, on account ofthe persons being unknown in this sec lion of the State, is respectfully directed to the following certificate, the writer of which has been a citizen of this borough for several years,and is brown as a gentleman of Integrity and responslbillty. To the Agent, Mr. J. KIM. I have used Dr. Bwayne's Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a cough, with which 1 have been severely at Meted for about four months, and I have no hesitation In saving that it lathe most effective medicine final have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agrees well with my diet.—and mantalne a regular and good appetite. I can freely recommend It to all others similarly afflicted. J. ?d initict, Borough ofehamberebt. March 9, 1540. sep 93 For late by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street. DI/ITTSBUIRGHINANTIFA.CTORY.—Opriva gag Jae. I.? Carriages et Eastern Prices. The sulacrlbera manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach, C and EllpOe Springs (warranted.) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brassplated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Bab Bands, Stomp Joists. Patent Leather, Silver and Bras Lamps. Throe Mil Steps. Malleable Iron, Doot Handles and Mapes, 4e..ge. JONES # COLEMAN. meg 10 sx.ctitir et., near ala Allegheny Iteidge. vi7m. E. A USTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburg rt. Pa. Office In 4th street, opposite Burke's Building. WILLux E. AUSTIN, Esq., wilt give his attention to nay 'unfinished business, snd I recommend him to the patron ■ge of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. rep I 0--ly BIRD REEDS A f min nipple of Bard Seeds, con ;listing of Caner> mn.and Rape; Just received by feb 3. F L. gNOWDEN, 198 Liberty et. JOHNSON & DUVAL, BOOK BINDERS AND PAPER RULERS, CONTINVE tartness at the wand tate of Meeandles it Johniton, Every description of work in their Iln ne tory and promptly minuted. may ft— ly 111 D.SELLCIIB, M. D., office arid dwelling In Fourth, Drat Ferry street. sep 13--ly WARD do H ILINT, Macrae. Liberty street. a Iradoors bring SiClair aPr 6 11134. ANIEL M. CURRY, Attorneys'. LAW. of- J., her on s'll Al let wren and Smithfield. rp tl I. W. Enrbridge Qt CO. A GENT' fur the sale of neatly's Powder. Water at A hetwerm Wood and Smithfield. Ma, ell 30. 1°,43. WILLIAM DOUGLASS lIAT AND CAP MA NUPACTUR ER. Every deserip lion of Rats and Caps on ha sal. a ndfor pale. whole. sate and retalt. at prices in full the times, at the old stand o f Dowel's & Naar*. t 3 Wood street. may 5. ILLIA Al C. WALL. Nabs and Peggy Portrait end Pieter, Frees imeafeeterer. .10/: 87, Pearri Stem/ Pottburirli. —Canvass Brushes, Varnish ke., for A rilets.lllWllllllou hand. Looking Masers. kr, promptly framed to order. Repairing done at the short est notice. Particular attention patd to reeding and Job/Angoras cry deserip , inn. Persons fitting up &earn BOats or Moses will find It tt heir advantns• to tall. sep 10 WM. STEELE, (iinceestor to H. M'Closkey', Fssh iomOle Rout Maker, Liberty 11., 2d door from VI-:In Alley. The subscriber respecintily Informs the public that he hal commenced the above business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Ilenry M'Cioakcy, and that he h now prepared to attend to all orders In his linsedfituidilless with despatch and on the most reasonable terms. Prom his lona experience In the manufacture of Fashionable Bouts, he feels eonndent that all articles from his establishment will give satisfaction to his pa Irons. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicit. ed. sep 10 VI27I I AIR, Boat lied Skov .lakes, Liberty St. opposite the heed ef Smithfield at., PitteintryA.— T 1 a subrertherhaving bought out the mock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the old stand of Mr. R.. and is prepared to execute all devcrlptlons of work in Menne, in the hest manner and on t Ite shortest notice. Re keeps constantly on hand a large assesiment ofehue finding, of all descriptions and of the best quality. tie solleitt the patronage of the nub lie and of the craft. WM. ADAIR. ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL 101000 TR D I A ALS E . r and m a x i 1 0 ; c u . ; c L ess p f A u prove TRACTOR inestimable. It not only euresqulcker,hut gives no additional pain, nor leaves a mar. Firs Is peal Lively rendcred harmless. 010 has been offered six months to any person returning ismensrpty hoe r and saying 'bat all agony on anointing Is not extracted It. a few Min utes, yet nut one from thousands of trials since has claim ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to guard aralnstgenera injnrlen, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their ofhpring from being disfigured by burns, or even ;mall pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to replace thecelletary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob• tnining this inimitable salve. Many deegly burnt cases i the city can tv seen, and oneentire face burnt over and wounded three distinct times In the same spot while heal Ina, yet in nn cane can be traced the least ciralrice or markt For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are luso impnrtnnt; even sore eyns, all inn:int:ilk:ma and bro ken hreatits would be unknown. The toilet and nursery. for cl, :wing the skin of pimples. removing chafe, etc., w ii find it Indispensable. One wring only will forever moat - llsh it the sovereign HEAL-ALL quality. After this no lice, hrada of families allowing torture for months, and ultimately dottorted features. can never wipe away re proach.justly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over flu e. t•Entered arcordina to set of Congress. A. D. 1941, by romstnek ¢ Co ,In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United Stales for the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only genuine. Comstock *Co., wholesale OrosOhl R. N. Irark, have he come the sole wholesale a gents for M r. Dnlley, In A msrl ca for 211 year All orders most Ir nthire‘serl to them The gennine only to he had et TUTTLE'S Medics , Ateney, R 6 romerth etrpet. Nov 15 Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON IIiCTORY. Prices Reduced. skert Pail nine. Lou , Rail Ti,.'.. So 5 Al 11 cis. per lb 500 at 8 els per ds. 6 at 14 ditto 600 at 9 ditto 7 at 14 ditto 700 at 6 ditto 8 at 14 ditto 800 at S ditto 9 at 11 ditto 1 900 at 4i ditto 10 at 14 dun , 1000 al 4 ilitto 11 at 14 ditto 12 at 14 ditto ;Candlewick at 15 els art It , . 13 at 1.41 ditto Cam Bailin; • B ditto 14 at 15 ditto Family do. • 12 ditto 13 at 151 ditto 'Carp's Chain • 18 ditto 16 at 16 ditto ICorn Tains r 25 ditto 17 at 164 ditto .Btockinn Yarn and 18 at 17 ditto Coverlet Yarn always on 19 at 171 ditto i band. 20 at 18 ditto 'Cotton Warpamade to order. My. Orders promptly attended to, If left at 3. ¢ C Painter's, Logan ¢ Kennedy's, or the Post Mike, address feh 27: J. K. MOORHEAD tt Co. DAVID CLARK, Ashland/a Beet .Ateker, Iles removed to No, 34 Market street. between Second and Third streets, where he wood b happy to see hls old eustomers.and all others who feel dlepos. ed to patronise him. He uses nothing Ant Prat rata mock, and employs the hest of workmen; and as he gives hte constant personal attention tobuslnere, he trosisthat he will deserve or Al receive a fair share of patronage. eep 10 FCULTS, ICE CREAM, it CONFECTIONARY.— A Hanker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of lee Creams, together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their reeron, at his estahllshoterit—No. 11, Fifth street, hetwe•n Wood and Market. N. B.—rartlee &applied en the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. sep 10 EVA NIPS CAMOMILE PILL L 13 .—A R A. HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street. New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia In Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, wash, heart. burn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at ibis stomach, furred tongue, mamma, with frequent vomiting., dizziness towards night and restleness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when. on eonsnitiug Dr. Wm. Evans. 100 Chatham street; and submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode of treatment. the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of one month, end grateful for the incalculable benefit dent. sd, gladly cams forward and volunteered the above state For sala Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, sin 10 No. IS, Wood street, below Second. Removal. rriclE subscriber has removed his rashkonable Tlaloring JL Establishment to the Monongahela house. Sd door from *at st.on Smlthield st.where hisoid customers and all others who may Amor him with Kean may depend on having their work done In a superior Style. From his long experience In the business In this city, and In many otherfashkmahle cities in Europe and America, he feels e,on6dent that An can give satisfaction to all who may **set° fewer him with theircastom. Hy strict attentioa to business and superior workmanship he hopes to merit and receive a Mare of public, patronage. He tr.ten d keeping om band a supply of goods andlrimmingssuitaMe for the customer trait which willbe geld at very reduced prices. II DONAGHY' LOOK. ?AT THIS. _- TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. J. FULLERTON, No. 146 Wood street, one door above Sixth. 'WEEPS constantly on hand all kinds of the heat 1.1. Spank it Cigars: Regalia., Cssadersa, Csorwases, 'Traipse/a, Priaerpes, Also, half Spanish and Common Cigars. Tobacco of all the best brands: Csesislisk, 5s lump ; Bratiarters Nag, Iffs and 16n, lump, Also, nl, I. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Snuffs: Rappee. Scotch, Marcaban. High Toast, ke. He !moats°, all other articles in his line, which be offers, wholesale and retail at the lowest cash prices. CALL AND SEE. June 8.-6 tn. NAYLOR & co.'s BEST REFINED CAST STEEL. Trim undersigned, agents for the shove celebrated 1 stamp of greet, will always keep on hand an as ortivent of the same, consisting In Rest Refined Cast Steel, stowed, flai,round and Octagon do do do do axe temper, Patna do do do for nail cutters, Beet do Double and Single Shear Stet, English Blister, German. Granite. Wedge and Crawley Steel, at wholesale, by the ease. or In smaller lots to cult parehaPers. June 24—d3m¢w6m.► NEW WHOLESALE CASH STORE, No. 99 Wood street. PITTSBURGH. JOSER are reseivlng constantly fresh suppliesof seasonable Dry Goods which they will con'inue to dispose of at eastern prlces.wltit theadditioo of carriage, for cash. par airway, enty. Every merchant reeking purchases in the city with money,ls respectfully Invited to call and examine our coods, and the chances are ten to one ncainst hint that ha will not consider his time and lal or lust. Haan: adopted this system from a ennvieti 112 that It most be to the advantage of titepaschassr, we trust It may receive a fair trial, and be judged accordingly, June i6—dl ta WILLI ANI DOHERTY, Hstrand Cap Manut.eturer. 148 Liberty st, between blartet and Sixth. an 10— Rm. WITHNITURE WARD X.OOIIIS. ALEXANDER McCURDY. 41 ale old stout if YOUNG it ifcCORDY. N.. 43 Second. between Wood and Market streets RESPECTFULLY inform, the friends of the late firm and the public tenerally, that he Is prepared to All all orders forCaltimet Week, of any kind, with CI osaible despatch, and warranted to be equal to soy In the city. Every attention will be paid to furniviiing COFFINS 4r. when required. June 10, 1843. P£ $E'B ROARHOCIND CANDY.—Tryrts has received Ibis day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure for Conhs. Colds and Con stimpilon; and is ready to supply cosiemetsat wholesale orretail, at his Medical Agency, 8t Fourth st. now 12 FOR SAFETY. Travelers should select Boats provided risk moan', Safety Guards, for preventing. Ezplosiou of Steam Boilers. IT would he well for the traveling community to heat In tutod that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of 'mars that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making such selec. lon is rontr:bu - Ling towards a general Introduction of an invention ad• milled by all men who tindetstand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disaster' You itavete•tainly, in the hund•eds of expiosinns that have already taken Ware, thek almost daily secareence, MINI the ihoutands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every ease to give lithe preference. They have went to an additional exprnsi that your lives may he secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of iluciality, and by your preference show that you appreciate thew laudable endeavors to mop this aw ful sacrifice of human rife. They do not chary. more than other boats; their accommodations In other respects are Equal, and in many cases superior; and as there ti one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why wilt you run any risk, when It is so corn. letely to your own power to avoid those disasters. Ali boats marked thus (el In the List of Arrivals and tleuerturee.in soother part alibis paper, are supplied arith the Eafety Guar I. Mite Beets provided with the Soddy Guard. ALPS, MENTOR. AGNES, MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER. MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN. MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, • NARAGANSETT, DUKE or ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE., OSPREY. EXPRESS MAIL ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE, OHIO, FORMOSA, ORLEANS. FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. H. BILLS, ROWINA. JEWESS. RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, SA — ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, " LLEYRAND. V iCTRE S, ALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, Br, IDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS. CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO P 1 ANT. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIAN 1. 1 CLLIPPER, MINSTREL, EVELINE mat W REGULAR mats PACKETS, FOIL CINCINNATI. The Swingers Robinson. Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 Alock a. m The Cutter, Collins, Muter, laaves every Iriday at 10 o'clock a. m The Montgomery, Bennett, Muter, leaves every Sat. arday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, Muter, leave. every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 20. dint*. COPARTNERSHIP. FAXES W. HA!! ALIN It JOHN P JENNLYOS 00 have entered into partnership for that purpose of transacting a Wholesale Grocery; p l ogoo t and c um * skin business ander the firm and style of HAILMAN. JENNINGS 4. C0..111N0 43 Wood street, opposite the merchants Hotel, *berg a supply of Groceries and Pitt, burgh Manufactured A Males can always be bad en Übe al term- March 17.43. PRICE TWO CENTS Berxers, Street Hoax.—The crown and consummation of all this was the 'Berner... Street Hoax,' in 1809. It is recorded that in walkiug down that street one day hie companion called his attention to the pars , ticularly neat and modest appearance of. a I house, the residence. as appeared from d* poor-plate, of some decent shop-keeirlt. widow. lay you a guinea,' said The. odore, 'that in one week that nice,- mods est dwelling shall be the most famous ilk all London.' The bet was taken. la the course of four or five days Hook bad wk.- ten and despatched one thousand Jetta% conveying orders to tradesmen of every sort within the bills of mortality, all to lasa executed ,on one particular day, and on nearly as possible at one fixed hour. From wagons of coals, and potatoes (says Got. ney) to books, prints, feathers, , ices, jel lies, cranberry tarts—nothing in any way whatever available to any human heist, but was commanded from scores of rival dealers scattered over our 'province of bricks,' from Wapping to Lambeth, from Whitechapel to Paddington. In 1809, Oxford Road was not approachable either From Westminster, or Mayfair, or from the City, otherwise than through a complies. ted series of lanes. It may be feebly and afar off guessed what the crash and jam and tumult of that day war. Hook had provided himself with a lodging nearly op posite the fated No—, and there, with a couple of trusty allies, he watched the de velopment of the mid day melo-drama.—. But some of the dramatic persona were . seldom, if ever, alluded to in ,the latter times. He had no objections to bodying forth the arrival of the Lord Mayor and his Chaplain, iuv;ted to take the death-bed confession of a peculating common COUVIII cilman; but he would rather have buried in oblividh that precisely the same sort of lib erty was taken with the Governor of the Bank, the Chairman of the East India Company, a Lord Chief Justice, a Cabi net Minister,—above all, with the Arch. bishop of Canteburv, and His Royal High ness the Commander-in-Chief. They all obeyed the summons—every pious and pa triotic feeling had been most movingly aps pealed to we are not sure they all reached Berners.Streer; but the Duke of York's military punctuality and crimson liveries brought him to the polit of attack before the poor widow's astonishment had risen to terror and despair. Perhaps no assasaie nation, no conspiracy, no Royal d'-raise the Ministerial revolution of recent times was a greater godsend to the newspapers than this audacious piece of mischief. tit Hook's own theatrical world he was in-. stantly suspect-d, hut no sign escaped eisi thee him or his confidan's. The affair was beyond that circle a serious one.— Fierce were the growlings of the Doctors and Surgeons, scores of whom bad been cheated of valuable hours. Attorneys, teachers of all kinds, male and female; hair-dressers, tailors, popular preachers. parliamentary philanthropists, had been victimized in person, and wets in their various notes vociferous. But the tangi ble material damage done was itself nojo king matter. There had been an awful smashing of glass, china, harpsichords and coach-panels. Many a horse had fallen never to rise again. Beer barrels and wine barrels had been overturned and exhausted with impunity amidst the press of counts less multitudes. It had been a fine field.. day for the pickpockets. There arose a fervent hue and cry for the decision of the wholesale deceiver and destroyer. Mr Theodore, we believe, found 14 cons venient to be laid up for a week or two by a severe fit of illness, and then promoted re-convalence by a country tour.—. London Queried y. LYON, SNORES 4. CO Foot of Wood at THE LITERARY POST. THEODORE HOOK Wine, Cider, and the Gout.—lt is now clearly established that the acid of wine and cider is the only cause of gout. That this disease is not produced by good eating is evident from the fact that those who eat the most meat and live highest, if water drinkers, never have th , l gout, unless they inherited from wine drinking fathere",— That want of exercise, or sedentary wat er drinkers are never OH ted with it. And many a gentleman of gouty constitu tions have subdued the disease by abstain• ing from wine and cider, though they have indulged in luxurious eating; .and to their comparative temperance in wine and cider drinking is to be attributed the al* most total exemption of females from this disease. Jrrest and Disclosures.— A n extra from Hagerstown. Md. News office, states that.' on Saturday last, Jonathan H. Calmer, Ja cob Howard, and Otho King were arrest for picking the pocket of Thomas Boteler of $391. Another individual,named Samuel Hoes, who was invited to partake of the spoils, turned State's evidence, and disci°, sed the whole matter. Several other rob,. beries were testified to. Their mode of action was to drink with the parties until they became too much intoxicated to take care of themselves, and then lighten them of their loose change; Cramer and Row. and were committed for trial, and Kin g held to bail for his appearance at court. The Great Meeting of patriots of sir sorts of politics, who would not accept au invitation to enter the Cabinet, will taki place to.day on the Common. Rue, tan zy, wormwood, and other sweet herby, will be worn , at the button hole. Those who have actually refused willdedight Bever: by walking to and fro on tbs frogs pond.—Boston Pest