=~'_ ~. tit 11P PUBLISHED BY 4 16. 11,0.5. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, DONNER OF WOOD 4. FIFTH STB. tien.3B4.—FlVE DOLLARS a year, payable in .et. `Slagle copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the allataimar Or %be' otßee, and by News Boys. ie Mercury and Manufacturer paidlolted WEEKLY, at the same office, on a dsonble elasdlies sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, la ad• l vaade._ Slagle copies, SIX CENTS. Terms of Advertising. . , Fitt SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: 3ne insertion, 0,501 One month, $5.00 rwtiinsortions. 0.75 Two monis, 6,00 Irlitenniesertions, 1,00 Three months, 7.00 Goa *lick, 1.501 Pour months. 8,00 ' fr r‘i wag:its. 3,00 Six months, 10,00 Plinio limits, • 4,00 One year, 15,00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. 0111•111etAILS Alr Pt COMM. Gas Slimes. The Square 4 Pitt Watts, 1115.00 I Six months, Sae ',tsar ' 25,00 Ono year. Arritatter advertisements in prorortion. A Flilltblior four lines Six Dottans a year _ . ... PUBLIC 0 FF I Q ES, &C. ACtirtr Post* Orrice. Third hettveen Market and Wood Iltreets—R. M Riddle. Postmaster. e:.:Cluires Mame, Water, 4th door from Wood at. Peter. Sees belidings—Major John Willock, Collector. TtaAectitr, Wood between First and Second hates A. tartrate, Treasurer. Comae Tax►aoat. Third street, sett door to the rtaird Presbyterian Chvrck—S. R. labiate'', Treasurer. aret's ()tiptoe, Fourth, hetween Market and Wood strests—Alcaaader Hay, Mayor. Mitacialirt's Esca►xor. Fourth, near Market st: BANKS. Prersatratms,betrveen Market and Wood streets, on Fakir and Fourth streets. &ND Sl4llollcTllltletat AND FillOUßll' Da ''4t=, (formerly Saving Fond.) Fourth, betwcen feberksind Market streets. emmtairen, Filth street, near Wood. HOTELS. Illaworrosbast& Moss, Water street, near the Bridge. emessitos Horst, Corner of Penn and St. Clair, . itesteilairra' linTat,crirner of Third and Wood. and Smithfield. Osman Sevres, corner ref Penn street and Canal. **IAD F.AO LK, Liberty Street, near Seventh. 'Musts 'Mansion nouns, Liberty St. opposite Wayne illittraverintre Mission House, Penn St. opposite Canal. longaT VVOODS, ATTORNEY AND .COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office remo IM to Bakowell's offices on Grant st., neat Ty opposite the new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon, ,—First floor. • 1111, 10 Attoi nes at Law, North !Last corner of filittlifleld and Fourth streets. sea 10—ly EVIrDLESS dr. WCLUO, Attorneys and Cowen!lore at Law: Office in the thaniond, back litrlllo old Court House,Pitialiurgh. aep 10 Rune 4 FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., above Wood, Pittsburgh. sep 10-IY. .101108. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield ate., Plttsbarrls. sep 10-1 y M O'HARA ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; ,11 V Ofitmon the north side of the Diarnond.between illorAter tad Union streets. upstairs PC4) lO DURBORAW, Attorney at Lan.; tenders e blit professional services to tht public. (Aloe on flab Sines, above Wood, Pittshurz,l), nor 10 OYSTER 4. Buell r w Attaraeyx at La, o ffi ce tomowed from the Diamond. to •tA ttorney'sltotv," ttlArtideof Fourth street, between Mar Let and Wood aarseta seri 10 N• evegn &STEIL, ADRNEY AT LAW, has removed his office to tics res's Law 04111,1- st% Fourth st reel, above Slott fie rt, , rittsbo ri; It. " sap 10 exonhE W. LAYNO. Attorney nt Law, Office NN S 4 Fifth street, near the Theatre, Pitts:hirgh, Wrpl7--Iy READE V A . SHINGTON, IrTOILINFEY AT LA W. —Oftce in Dakewelra gfitlat greet, Pittsburgh. Nov. S. 1342. 1.01:1N J. MITCHELL--Attorney at Law, office OP Corner of Smithfield and sth sit; , Pittsburgh. f;:r Collections made. A 1 business entrusted to his are will be prbii . ptly attended to, fohl6-14.! .cji . BOGY L.-R. Morrow, Alderman; orb e nom!' liii 4itts side of FM et., between Wood and Smithfield ill. ' blink. seP 10 11 b. H. HOLM ES, Office In Second street, next door to Melvany 4 Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-17 OS STUN ¢ STOCKTON, Itookselgers,Pritg.ers an —Paper Manufacturers, No. 37. Market st. sep 10-1 Y 111 OLI N AbipERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Waler st.. Monongahela House, Pittslurgh. asp 10-1 Y YOUNG. FRINcI9 1.. YOUNG. lii/KOS. B. YOUNG Sr. CO., Furniture Ware ftooms, uurner of Hand st. 4- Exchange Alley. Tenons wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to tekadvantase to give us a call, baler Cult, aaWsfied rhSt we ean please as to quality and vice. sep 10 41eqBBLS. PLANTATION MOLASSES. received VP per Steamers Little Ben and Fulton, and for eby J G. 4- A. GORDON mar 27. 12 Maier street ftionogas D. • Lain 11. CoLzirAtr COLZ.MAN CO.,Genera Agents, Forwarding ;Ind Commiaslon Merchant*, Levee Street, Vlcitaburg Who They respeetfullysoAct t consignments. n 22- WEBB CLOSEIC,t3 Boot and Shoe Manufacto• ry, 83 Fourth St., nest door to thee. States 7ankt Ladies Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in he aeatestmanner, and by the newestiFrench patterns. imp 10 GAHIEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades Transplanting Towels, Edding Tools, Budding BCalsys, Plinking Kntves, Pruning Shears, etc., just re skstplail asil fevale by F. L. SNOWDEN. 11sp10 / 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. iU itOISTBATES'BLANKS, fur proceedings In -,tt r.i.U. teskaisist under the late law, for sale at this Office 111 LANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— Amur -lobe used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on vstlipripar,and In the forms approved by the Court,for sale slabs Nike of the Mercury and Democrat, sep 10 W IL HUBBARD, Lidies' fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third roreet, between Weed add Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh seplo PAT' SISON, J r., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Banufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To. o_l, Puller, Id !Hand Timber Screws; Housen Screws for "Wigpith, 4.e. Sep 10-1 y /WM 21PCLOCKEY, Taller and Clothier, Liber, v .tree t, -between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, :Sep 10 6.4 A. 'GORDON. Commission and Forwarding ..17 • Merchants, Water st., Pittsburgh. imp 10-1 y Birmingham & Co. C OMMISSION 4.WD FORWARDING NEIL CILIXTS. No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Terms—Receiving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. tosingsaloas on Paramus and sales 21 per eent. ,41or ttrlS S. MORROW , AN'UFAICTURER of Tin, Copper and sheet !roc ..11.1 Ware, No. 17, Fifth it., between Wood and Mar— ffeerpseeataantly on hand a good 811101 tairnt of wares, Staff leilatte a share of public patronage. Also. on band, sbefellowiag snider illustreht. Pokers, Tongs. gridirons, Skillets, Te@tellies. Pots, Orem, Coffee Mllls to. Met ebanee sad caber, are invited to call aid tamable fist Isemaisms. as be is determineil teseti cheap for Ciab er appseviss..p er. Star.'' HALLMAN, JENNINGS & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, All Dealers in Pittsbunre irsinsfectuser No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh. HAILNIAN, JENNINGS &Co., Cotton Yarn 'Warehouse, No. 43 Woolf street. Agenta for the sale of the-Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns THOMPSON HAHN/. JAHNS TORNBOLL. H ANNA it TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104, Wood at., where may be had a general supply of writing. wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, te, te. sep 10—ly C. TOWNSEND 4. CO.. Wire Worker: and R. „w.f....T., No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. Sep 10-4 y IXCHANGC HOTGL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair at reels, by SMITH. sep 10-1 Y B aovvmsVlLLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Hnshes. Manufaciiirer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25. Wood wt., Pittsburgh. sea I 0 —IY EW GOODS.—Preston 4 Mackey, wholesale and 1.1 retail dealers In English. French, ard Domestic. Dry Goods, No. gl, Mnrket st ,Pittsbur,elt. sett 10 JOIIN wooienoie Grocer Rectifying DWllicr, And Dealer In Produce a nd Pitlyburgli Manufaclured Article?, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt,. Surjh. cep, to WlLLwit H. Vlltt.r.t.oss Jona 8. Dicsvottiu VVILLIAILS &DILIVORTIT.—WhoIesaIc Grocers l'roducc and Commission Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, NO. 29, Wood street. sep JOHN o.tilicairr JLs. N. Kitson QIETERIFF,& KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper. 5...7 Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 80, Front st ~ Pitts burgh. Mouse Spouting and Steamboat work promptly exccuted, sep'l 0 • • or— DAVID SANDS, W ATM & CLOCK A/k MAKER, No. 7, 81. Clair street, Pitts. 191/F:. burgh, DEALER IN WATCIIES,CLOCKS, BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, sep 10 lANDRETIJ'S GARDEN SEEDS.— A: fail x.l supply of Lando eth's Carden Seeds, always on hand, and fur sale at Ids agency Ms Drug more of P. L. SNOW DEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. H!dOVAL—lllatt hew Jones, Barber and Hair Dress 1.110 er, has removed to Fourthl street, oppasitethe Slay ors office, where he will be happy to:wait upon oernianen ur transient customers. He solicits a share or public pat rona2e. Sep 10 N lIPFARLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet Third rt. between Wood ¢ Narks! streets, tesprciful Inform. hn friends and tie public that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bit mans, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, (lair and Spring Blattrasses, Curtains, Carpets. all sorts of Upliolctrrin: work, which he will warrant equal .0 any made In the city, and on reasonable terms. seri 10 REJIIOPVIL!—The subscribers have remov , d to %Va. ler between Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis. sion hu.ducss and would re-hect fully solicit the patron age °flitch' frieuds J. vv.curamiDGE 4- Co. Dec 3 •?iflee on BM ' , field street D R . A . W. PAT I'ERSON. near Sixth. cep 10 , 18 43 FARE REDUDED. Al. S. Mem LINE OP ~m r.c.tor 11•11. P.oAo CARS, from P.iteshurrzh, eta PL Ciranaretelmr:t, llorrt,birrg and I.nocapirr. 10 Philader phia, connecting rail the Moll train of , 'a try to N V. tc. Only 150 milesstagln2 and one Malrt out. Alrm. the Direct line to ealllttrote. Fare to Pitilaile'phia 89. Sall imore, Leaves daily at 11 o'clock A. M., Office second door lefur. , the Merchant, Hotel Wood , t MENDELL, GR All Nt, WAUGH 4- Co. feh 33.1843-In. Proprietors. TUE GREAT CENTRAL ROt! E. VIA NATIONA I. ROAD AND BALTIMORE •em 01110 RAIL ROAD COMPANY • - Err line °ILLS. Mz.ll Coaches for Washinrton City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. This line in full operation and IravesPittshurg,h daily at 6 o'clock M., via Washington Pa. nail national roach() Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co'a. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfort... Ade route, it being a separate old distinct Pittsbutgh and Cu mi.erland line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex Ira coaches furni.lied at the shortest notice, with the privilegt of going through direct, or taking cue night's rest at their option. For tickets, zpp!y at our Office at theMonongaliela Botfie. L. W. STOCKTON• Feb. 3d—dif. President of N. R. Stage Co. nnw ROUTE. ENTIRE NE W COACHES! FROM PITTSRIIROII TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHM. United States Express Line, ' , Leaves Pittslmrsh dally, at 2 o'clock. r. m, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence In splendid new roaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and Hum 'there by RAILROAD, •in superior new eight wheered cars, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The abovi Line Is rmresented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohlo River and Eastern , cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange meats to convey passengers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of ill Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that in superb new coaches. Fare to Balihnote, $lO. Office in the Monangaliel a House. A. HENDERSON co., int -d3 • Stage Proprleto 1 Lificrs SPEAK FOR TBENSELVES--TRUTIIIB CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly I two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee. ' which produced much pain, and used various applica Dons recommended by the Faculty --all in vain wa, cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand• retMsLinament,or External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tyi Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Linarnent; sold at his Mike, No. 9S Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE,- 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for sale wholesale and retail, by WM. THORN, feb 22—tr. 53 Market at. 24:000 StilosS Cotton Yarns, assorted 2,000 Ib.. Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For ea le by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street.. mar 17 ;CUM ELDER, dettertesy se Lae.—Offiestn gee, V V sod street,2B4l4bor abtrn tbe,eorsee Solehheitt. north rile. ap.. 29, J. M. Sanderson & Son, FRANKLIN HOUSE,PRILADELPHIA. ripHIS elegant establishment has been in operation due. 1. log the last nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. prietors ain't compensation for their labor and olden i lon its location being in Chestnut street, In the im• mediate neighborhood of the Post °Mee, the Exchange, Ranks, the Steamboat landing, the most hasinen part o I Market street and the places of amusement, It presents to the business community or thole visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its orranement, alto, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy stilted to Ills notions or disposition. The facility of procuring meals at any hour, and of get• ring that which the appetite craves, is also a saver of lime which the burlness portion of the gueSts know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, Solicit tilt. custom of their old fri.nds,and promise a continuance of their exertions to make them eomfortithle. ap 25-3 m. March 17, '43 D R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. Thew Pills areqtrongly recommended to the notice ol the ladies aim safe and efficient remedy In removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the UnS ted States, end many Mothers. For sale Wholesale anJ Uetall, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, gen 10 No. 20. Wood Strcet.ltelow Second NOTICE TO DR. BRANDRETIPS AGENTS. I The office in PIM burgh, which wee established for the purpose of constllutin; ageenta in the west, having accomplished that otject, is now closed, and Mr. G, fl. LEE, In the DiamOnd, Market street, oppoluied my agent for the sale of my Pills and Liniments. All Dr. Ftrandreth'eagents will, therefore, understand that Dr. B. willsend a travelling agent through the country once year to collect moneys for sales made and re supply agents. The raid traveler will be provided with power of attorney. duly proved berore the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all the ne.. ccsstary vouchers and papers. Ili r. J J. Yoe Is my traveling egent now In Penn sylvanla. R. BRA NDRETII, hi. D. N R —Remember Mr. C. ff. LEE. In the rear of the Nlnikei le now my only agent in Pittsbur2ll. June 14 ----- BULLDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM 3 LOTS, suitable lbr handing, most eligibly situated, and within two minutes walk of the Steals Ferry Boat Landis!. will be sold at prices to suit the times, The terms ofirayment will be made easy, elfher for cash or Furl] barter as can be made available. Apply to the subscriber itt Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pitist.togh. JAS. PATTER SON, JR. Julie I. Pl7'"Piltftllitft Ft I' CIR ^ LATINO AND Err.nriveE LIBRARY ofßellgiottc.lliatollcal,Poitical.endMlr et IlaneOUS Works. will he (wen every day, Sabbath ci. center!. "tom 7 o'rloett. A M„antll 9, P. M., la the Ex change flolldinz.ronter of ! 4 11 :Clair vtreet and Cochanze alley : •. lyre Itinetual attrmlanr e Neill be 21vro by !ter 10 J. (MAME. .? AP.SOLUTE HEAL ALL. 101000 TRIALS. r an: XII all lituedic successful ;d u l l Ail: prove .1 •-•--- PAChe. t . TRACTOR Inestimable. It not only euresquicker,hur „, ..,,,, !gives no additional pain, nor leaves a gear. Fire is post lively rendered harmless. ($lO bus been offered six months to any person returning an empty hog, and saying that alt agony on anointing Is not extracted li a few min otes;yel not one from thousands of trials since has claim ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to guard against genera inJnries, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring from tieing disfigured by burns, or even small pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to rePtglet the etllntary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob• ___ Inintrig Cis Inimitable salve - Many deesly burnt cases BETTER BIRGATNS TITAN EVER 1 - - ". ' I In the city ran 'e seen, and one entire face hunt over and AT Tilt THI?E.F. BIG DOORS, woundedn three distinct time* in the same spot while heal ! yet in no rage can be traced the least eiratrire or T i, c ,tili,cr'to i wo• , lti rrspeei hilly infant, his eriuto I fling' TOr till kinds of - hurts itgrap'd sootiAng effects are niers and It.. public If enem Ilv, that tint r. , it lt,tarollng, . !ego important ;even gore eyes. ail inflarnations and bro I lir. fliiprenllt toed saes at the Three Rig Doors, during I kern hreaut- , would be unknown. Thetoitet and nursery, the present season; lie has still on ha nil the largiat and for eh-anion the skin of pimples, removing chafe, etc., wit most vat icd :eisort meatof elegant CLOTHING 1 hat can I find It indispensable. One using only will forever essay • , be b, m2bt „,, ~ of the mountains. The powte may rest ' ilsh it thesuvereign HEAL ALL quality. After this no assured that all articles offered al his store nre ma nu fac• flee, beads of families allowing torture for months, and hired from FR F.Sfi GOODS, piirehaued in the Eastern ultianately digtorted features, can never wipe away re. marke's il.b. Sp leg ~nil ii.a,ie ion g ,,,,„. nit , b y p uts 1 proaeli. jtritly tittered by a disabled child, for neglecting burgh workmen to triumph over file. .•1 - .:tite•ed according to act of Congress. A. D. 1841, by 1,, ~,n:, pier, i• ~r ilir II WI i 1.5- -li. , ii of ebni sbnps in i no, dlr. fl r.,1 sf.,i tl p 1.,. 6,,, ter , e'..1 , ,,,, :1.1 Ilw thusly. l roin,its , e'., 4- Co .lit the Clerk's Mike of iffe I.li.flflel.C,,uri of the United Stales for the Southern OFst rift of New r . fiel i•fr ::.,. meet. If ;inner •••• , 1•01.e. frimi the •agtei It ci• lira, the moot, i.,. , ti id lie , nti , .oo. to .I.rel Irvin the char. Y " rk • " ~,,,. of 'lit ~.1,1,1j0 h ,,,,i, i i , ..I,j e l, ii i ,„ ~,, invited to Vt'arranted the only genuine. Cogristock 4•Co„ wholesale Drumf igts, N. Yoric, have he pm, Ii: - ..e. tirforc they Int I till their money• l'he ar• come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Dailey, In A rotor! tlcles offered at uevrial or I i;.• ; rwel-as in this cif y. are ca for 2.1) yenta. All orders must he addreusrd to them. the nu re offal, of New York and f hiladelphia slop shops, and s,itt nut here to be palmed off on the rills. The gennine only to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical buret) pit ale. furcha era should be on their guard a. Agency, Rki Fourth street, Nov 15 fraite:t these Impositions. and they may rely on the fact that no e‘talthshment that advertises east ern made Clot • in. 7. roan givens :not an article . C,r as advaniageousbar. ZA ins on can be sad at the -Three rti g poor," The public will please remember that all the subscrl her's g irments are made In this city, by competent work men, and not gathered unlike the good+ now offered by the ..tilriiit of passage" from the shreds and patches of eastern stop shops. It will always he his endeavor to maintain the re,wilation that the "Three Rix Doors' have olitalitra for furnishing.l superior style of CLOTII INC in every respect, and at prices below those of any other establishment. BEAVER AND WARREN PACKET. The canal pa , key IntE, J. M. Shaw master, will run as regul r vl.weekly parka between the al.ore named boats. leaves Reaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, Frlda r; %lamin g , leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and aturdnvc ronoect log with the Stage L.nes to Cleveland direct. For fr , lght or passage apply on board or In [MINI INGE' &CO , Pit tsbut gli J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. may 10. He would Ranh' return his thanks to his friends and the plitdie for the unpreredrnled pritronaee lestnwed upon his e.it ,, lilklitnent, nod belirvinG that they have found it to their vivant:tee In deal with him, he would repent Ithi invitation to all those who wish to purchase Clothin.l of rver-v at the lowest price to tall at No. 151, I.tositTv Sr. JOSS MTLOSKY. 1 - 73 - 01)serve Metal Plate In the pavement. a; 26. NEW YORK DYER VSEE HIM r. 9, would respectfully inform hid filends an the public In gencral,that he dies Ladles' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants item not to smut, and to look equal to new goods. He dyes fancy colors of all deseriptians cn silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors orgentlemen's clothing, no as to resemble new goOds, Mr. H. tatters himself tbrt he con please the public, as he has done an extensive business In New York fop twenty years: All work done on moderate terms at his establishment in Sib at, between Wood and Smithfield nen IN Theatre, CERTIFICATE. Err Thi. is to ccrtiry that OSEE HIMES has done work for us, which has fully answered our expectations, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnrs, .J. B. Shurtleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boies, Joseph French, jr., Andrew Curdy, W. B. BnicA, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shockey,. jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ep 201 h. LOOK AT THIS. The attention . tfthoie who have been somewhat seep. tint in reference to the numerous certificates published In favor ofDr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry, on account of the persons being unknown In that sec tion of the State, Is respectfully directed to the following certificate, the writer of which hag been a citizen of this borough forseveral years, and is known as a gentleman of integrity and responaibillty. To .9nt, Mr. J. f have used Dr. Swayne's the Comp ge and Syrup oKIRBY.f Wild Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely a r fueled for about four months, and I have no hesitation in saying that it Ist he moot effective medirtne that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agrees well with my diet,--and mantains a regular and good appetite. f car freely recommend it to all others similarly afflicted. J. Minn:wit, Borough of Chambersb's. March 9, IMO. sep 23 Forger! by WILLIAM THORN No. 33 Market street. PITLB BU RGMANUPACTORY.—Springo II .I.xles Per Carriages at Easters Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach,C and Eliptic Springs (warranted.) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Bras plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Johns, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, 113ree fold Biers, MaHeable Fro°, Door Handles audlfinges. 4T—iite• joNee COLE 61,A . lee 10 Et. r irearlits Wfrt. E. A USTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh. Pa. Office In 4th street, opposite Burkei Building. ?Vicars's E. Antrim, Esq., will give his attention to my unfinished business, and 1 recommend him to the patron age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD sep 10-1 y BIRD SEEDS A f ten 'apply of Biwa Seeds, con Dieting cleaner, .noand Rape; Jell received feb 3. F L SNOW)EN, 148 Liberty at. JOHNSON & DUVAL. BOOK BINDERS AND .P.APER RULERS, CONTINUE business at the wand late of IdeCandles t Johnson. Every description of work In their tin ileitis , . and promptly executed. may R— ly n D. SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth, near Ferry BUM. sep 13-17 WAR LI dz. HUNT, A:latish; Liberty - strew, a v V fev tiorn3 below stCfLir apr 8 1834. inANIET. M. CURRY, Attorney at Law. Of. stbee nn sth st l etwnen if and Smithfield. al) 8 Z. W. Burbridge dr. Co. - AGENTS for fler sate of Beatty's . Powder. Water Ed bei wren Wood amt Smithfield. Olatelt 30, Ift43. • WILLIAM DOUGLASS It AT AND CAP MANUFACTURER. Every tlesesip 14 tiun of Hats and Caps on hand, andfor sale, wholes sale and rei*lf.at mires to snit the times, at the old stand d Dooghis 4 bloom 73 Wood street. ma 3 5. T I TILLIAM C. WALL, Main mod Fancy Portmait 1V• and Pieture Frame Manufacturer, No: 87, Prima Street Pittsburgh. —Canvass Brushes, Varnish ke., for Artists, always on hand. hooking Classes. kr, promptly trained to order. Repairing done LI the short est notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and Jobbing ofev cry description. Persons fittinz op Steam Boats or houses will find it tr , Itelratlvantr‘itt to call. sep 10 W M. STEELE, (metessor to H. M'Clctskey; Eash ioan'sle Bout Maker, Utterly at.. 2d door from Hey. The subscriber respectfully Informs the publiethat he has commenced the above business In the shop formerly occupied ny Mr. Henry. M'Closkcy, and that he Is now prepared to attend to alt orders In his line ofbuslness with despatch and on the most reasonable terms. From his ion: experience In the manufacture ul Fashionable Bouts, he feels contident that all articles from his'esiabllshment It'll! give satisfaction to his pa titans. A share of public patronage ks respectfully solicit• ed. ," acp 10 Wt s r e ire A t lik e La ti d o . o f t a s v m d it S kii ho s s u Ai st a . ke p r, it tte r v g ir h st; Tbenelbacrikerhaving bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the old stand of Mr: rt.. and Is prepared to execute all descriptions of work In Mantle, In the hest manner and on the shortest notice. Re keeps corstiatty on hand a large asserlinent ofsboe findings of all descriptions and oft he hest quality. Re solicits the patronage of the pub. lic and of the mart. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON FrICTORY, Prices Reduced. ' Skirt Rea Yarn. I Lang Reel Turn. No 5 at I I .1... r...r 11. I 504 of 8 fig per ilz 6 tit 14 dim, 600 at 9 dtto 7 at 14 ditto 700 at 6 ditto 8 at 14 ditto 8(10 at 5 ditto 9 at 14 dim) 900 at 41 ditto 10 at 14 (1,110 : 1000 at 4 ditto 11 at 14 ditto 12 at 11 ditto ;Candlewick at 15 cl. per It,. 12 at 14* ditto l Cont Batting , 8 ditto 14 at 15 ditto Tamil,. do. • 12 ditto 15 at 15.1 ditto !Carp't Miran , 18 ditto 16 at 16 ditto ledt'n To,ine • 25 ditto 17 at 16 , 1 ditto Stocking Yarn and 18 tit 17 ditto ICoveriel Yarn always on 19 at 171 ditto hand. 20 at 13 ditto leotion Waerismadelo order. Itr. Orders promptly attended to. If left at J. 4. C. Painter's, Logan ii• Kennedy's, or the Post office, addresi: feb 27: J. K. MOORHEAD 4 Co. DAVID CLARK, .let, e'ashionahla Beet Maker, Iles removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he wonici be happy to See his old customers. and all others who feel dispol. cd to patronize him. de uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the best orworkmen; and as he gives its constant personal atitmtion tobusincss, he truststhat lie will deserve and receive a lair share of patronage. sep 10 F RUITS, ICE CREAM, ¢ CONFECTIONA RV.— A Bunker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of ice Creams. together with at: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their leavon, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, betwe.n Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. - gen 10 p.VA NS'S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—A BR A. HAM J. CLEVER, residing at 68 Mott street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. horn, pain In the cheat and stomach alwaYs after eating, impaired appetite, sersatlon of sinking at tile stomach, furred tongue, nausoa, with fragment vorriftings,Slizineas towards Might and restleness. These had siontinued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on Consultiug Dr. Wm. Evans. 100 Chatham street; and submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode of ereattnent, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of onemontit, and grateful for the incalculable benefit derW. ed, gladly came forward and volnnteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by EL E. SELLERS, Agent, No. 20, Wood street. below Second. Removal. FIrBE subneril er has removed his Fashionable Tialoring Establishment to the !Monongahela house, 3d door from first st.ou Smithfield st.where lilsold customers and all others who may faTor him with a call may depend on having their work done in a superior Style. From his long experience in the business in this city, and In many other fashionable cities in Europe and A werien, he feels confident that hn can g4ve satlafaction to all who may pleaseto favor him with their custom. By strict attention to business and superior workmanship he hopes to merit and reCeiVC a share of public patronage. Be !trend keeping oa hand a *apply of gOOdis and 'y rimmingssultaMe fur the rtappmet trade which will he sold at very reduced prices. DONAGHY. LOOK 'AT THIS. TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. J. FULLER TON, No. 146 Wood street, one door above Sixth. EEPS constantly on hand all kinds of the best Spanishll Clow Regalia*, Casadares, Coeswaxss, ?Yabucoa, Principe:. Also, half Spanish and Common Cigars. Tobacco of all the best brands: Careadisk, Ss lump; Baltimore Pis", 12e and 16s. imp. Also. tilts. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Seers: Happee, Scotch, Illarcabau. High Toast, ke. He has also, all other articles in his line, which he offhrt, wholesale and retail at the lowest cash prices CALL AND SEE. June R.-6m, NAYLOR dt, CO:111 BEST REFINED CAST STEEL THE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as. vestment of the same, consisting In Best Refined Cast Steel, equated, flat,round and Octagon do do do do axe temper. Calla do do du for nail cutters, Best do Double and Single Sheer Stee , English Blister, German • Granite. Wedge and Crawley Steel, at wholesale, by the CIIFF, or in smaller lots to suit purchasers. LYON, SHORE 4 , CO. June 24 —d3olkw6os.• Foot of Wood at, NEW WHOLESALE CASH. STORE, No. 99 Wood street, PITTSBURGH. ripTERNAN it JONES are receiving corstantly•freall JL supplicant - seasonable Dry Goods which they will continue to dispose or at eastern prices,with the addition of carriage, fur cask, par money, *nip. Every merchant making purchases In the city with money,ll respectfully Invited to call and examine our goods, and the chances are test to one against hint that ha will not consider his time and labor lost. Having adopted this system front a convicil in that it most be to the advantage of theputeattaar, we trust it may receive a fair oriel, and be judged accordingly. June 16--d 1 m WILLI All DOHERTY, HArand Cap Manut.rturer. 148 Liberty at . between 11.1. Market and 81101. an 10— 6m. ____ FURNITURE WARE .11 , 0021C[11. A LEXANDER McCURDY, it no old stand of YOUNO ifoCURD.r. No. 43 Seuned, between "iodated *cram strata. R ESPEC7'FULI.I: informs the friends of he tatr firm and the public generally, that he Is prepared to fill all orders foresbiset Work, of any kind, with all I nseihte despatch. and warranted to he equal to any In the city. Every attention will be paid to furnishing COFFIN? tc. when required. June 10, 18.13. LEASE'S 110.4RHOUND c.urnr.—TuTTu r has _ received this day (wen New York. a fresh supply o. the shove celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con gumption; and is ready to supply eu.lonlersat wholesale or retail, at his Modica Agency, Se. Fourth st. nov 12 FOR SAFETY. Travel ers should •elect Boats provided wick FOCX'S Safety Guards, for prevesttint Ex'.losiox of Steams Boilers. IT would he Well for the traveling comtonnity to beat In mind that their security depends entirely upon t heir own encouragement of boats that have or may be the expense of procuriag the above apparatus. And that every Individual making such seine' lon is contr:bu - tin: towards a general Introduction of an Invention aril ninted by all men who understand the principles or the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against those di eadful disasters You have cc Witty, In the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning, and Indpcement to make Inquiry for a safety guard Boat, and In every case to give It the preference. They have went to an additional expense !hat your lives may be secure. Oitest you not therefore to meet them with a correeponding degree of jibe, ality, and by your preference show that Imo appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awe ful sacrifice of 'human lift. They do not charge more than other bent:: their accommodations In other respects a re ugly, t, and iu many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will 7ou run any risk. when it is so cos; letcly In your own power . to avoid those disasters. MI boats marked thus [a] in the List of Arrivals an. Derartures..n another part of this pel.er, are mapplied A'lth the Safety Gssar Litt Of HOsir intrided tidal the sftt, °wird. • ALPS. MENTOR. AGNES. micmGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA.. BRILLIANT, MARQI_TETTE, BREAKWATER MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, NA R AGANSETT, DUKE of ORLE,O;S, NIAGARA, DUQUF.SNE, OSPREY. EXPRESS MALI, ORPHAN BOY. ECLIPSE. DI -110, FORMOSA. ORLEANS. FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. H. BILLS, B.OWINA, JEWESS, R . ARITAN, IDA SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS. SA — ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, " LLEYRAND, VICTRI3 S, . A I,.LEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, BADGEWATER MIS*3URI MAIL, CLEVELAND, - - OLIVE BRANM, COLUMBUS. CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO PI ANT JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLIN BI AN I CLLIPPER, MINSTREL, EVELINE REGULAR jaalig. PAr7KETS, FOR CINCINNATI. The Swiltsum, liokilason, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock 5. in The cutter. Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. m The Montsomery,l3eanett, Master, leaves every Sat- Imlay at 10 o'clock a, in. The Repress, Parkinson, Mawr, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BM VING HAM & CO. may 20. COPAR r 'masa t P. JEs W. HAII JUN 4. JOH N P JENNINGS have entered Vat's portnership for the purpose of transacting a Wholesole'G'roerry; rioduce and Comas* Mon business under the flrm and style of MAILMAN JENNINGS * Co..at No 43 Wood street. opposite the Merchants Hotel, where a supply of Groceries and Ms bereft a/nonce art( A rlierte ran a rwarrbe had on Übe al terms. Marsh 17 '43 70811 8. .1118.•1111PE • :10 LES.R.LE 6160CER, Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Cam minion Merchant. 11 A RRLSBI7R6I, PA. '42fiT ILL dispose of all goods sent for Comnirakm.4:. Sales at the lowest commission rates. Urea Zile= Pkilit.—J W Esher, Day # Gerrish, D. Leeeb #4, Beftfacors--W Winn CO., Wilson I. Herr ~1 N. Leer. Harrisburg— Mehl Burke, H. Antes, 1 M flokksamt, 1041--6 m. PITTS BURb H. AI A N UFA.O TURES. CHEAP FOR CASH, AO 8, F/F7 H STREET, Two doors from Market street. JYATES intends to manufacture a betterartiefe . Ladies% Childrens and Misses' Shomand sell thee; cheaper for cash than they ran he bought in the ehy Be wilt ke . ep constantly on hand and make to order La. dies' Shoes °fall kinds and colbrs at the very)." pry aide (ohowing Itst: Ladles' Lacing Foxed Caller Boots, el 75 `t hest quality Kid or MoroccoCalters ) " Ladies Calfskin ,Boots, " Foteed Half 'Gaiters. all colors, 1 378 t , best kfd and Morocco Bu kite , 1 181 •• Double Soled Slippers, (Jeff) 1 12} line.Kld Springs and '1 urns, ht qua,. ICO " " Springs, licaVy, . fin Slippers, 75 621 Alt Shoes made here warranted. Misses and Chlldessi in the same proportion. . . Lrltemember.the place, at the sign of the Red Doi', No. 8, Firth a reef, July 1 COUGHS AND COLDS. .....,. , Now la the time cif year for personv mulcted Wine ' Cou:lis, Guilds. Rheumatism, Gout, 4 . e, tc. —To tbeelo afflicted, q speedy core ran he efteried by usiri PE.OSE'S 11 0..eRHOVXD CANDY; which fe allowed by all who have osed it lobe the ' busk remedy ever otrered fi , r Gough.: and Colds, and HEWES-YR/a EA.VD EONF: LI.V4AIENT an outward remedy. with. the INDIAN VIGET.RB LE ELI XER, an Inward oppitcntion, k a certair and positive cure raj the Rheumatism. Gout, Contracted Cords and Limits. No one need suffer from these diseases tf they wilt use the above medicines. The.cenuine to he had only at TUTTLE'S Minicar, Ataxecy. •Druagista and Country merchants will lie supplied a New Yoe& prices. S 6 Fourth Stalk. FREEMAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR SALE. J UST rec.elved. 5000 Freeman's b.srt Fire Brick, whicfs will hereafter he kept constantly On hand and sole low for cash, by FIRM; 11GH.151 k may 27* 60 Water at. y OTEI FOR SALE,—Four I.olp In Maneheeler, of* a I and a fourth Acres of Larld on Holmes' Gill. GoUI nos. 41.42.52, 573, 54,181, 182 and 184. In Cc‘.4.'s pr e p or Lots, on Molnte.s Mao, Lois 'l%:-zr`ti 27, ib Cook's W l A :ian °Cts on High ntrre;, near the n , w Court /louse. For trims/apply lo Z. W. REMINGTON sap le L - 4(art. . SALE.--Lots on t !le No•t” Easi corner or Cu, Lane awl, r't rept. Apply to rep 10 BENJ. DA BLINC*VON, ttlarkt,t, wear 41th lo Leases rrin e undersigned will lease two Farms situated East Deer township, with the necessary teuenents, and tram 75 to 1110 acres cl , ared on each. Also, one farm situated in West Dier township Allegheny county with from 50 to 75 acres cleared. Tie above &ten eig property la In reasonably good repnir, laying abnit 15 miles from The 'city or Pittsburgh, end within two reties of the Penn's Canal, and will be leased ov reastotiabra terms for from 1 to .tree years, to good tenants. DAETEA:4I .BIURRY. March 13th--tr. I R. DANIEL JIicAIEAL, 'Office on Filth street NI between Wood ■nd Smithfield aireetF, Pittsburgh. des 10-4. 801:11C AND 3 Oil PRINTING OFFICE , N. W. Corner of Wolia 4- Fifth Sta. . TIII propriitois or the_ Sf minims POST and Mrscrcles •nn fdAnersc : rriza respectfully Inform their Mends and the patronanf those papers, that they have a larga and well chosen aSsopment of ...11r4/01,3113 Tip, t.hlflo All ©ME Yfird uht i OAIRS,AMS Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are pre pared to err :Ole LETtER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. M ks. Bills of Lading. Cirtniarv, Bill Heads, Cards, i Black Cliert,s. flat Tlps: itinbs of IStanits, Steer, &reneger, and Canal Beat 3illa, wttA qtr. priate Cure, srintadon Ilse aborresi nollce and owa r.i4onableterine We ream - vie-Hy 'ills 'pat ronsz'zi of niir friends and he public in eenerni of o'llt busloox.„B. Pittsburgh, Sept. 39, 1342. PHILLIPS ¢ StoIITEL COUGHS AND COLDS. M ANY are now ruffrins ivlth rhe al.ove complaints. and can be cured speedily by uSing Putosn's Basalts of dtanisissl,wnich elves universal satisfaction to all. To be had only at TU ['TLC'S, 86 Fourth greet june22. PRESBYTERIAN BOOKS. r HE subscriber hosing, rev teed a small assortment of the pablicatlens of the Presbyterian Board of Pub lication, and will sell them al tits Catalogue price. (es. arti",eke COofestios. of Fula, and the fleet atriums/ Its Prahiz aid Hymns—on theses small advance smut be wade to cover charree.) and on the game term!, $l at the Depository Snrhilartewhi,, for aII prvounts of trine Dollars or under,as below curled from the terms of the terms of the Board, viz: Ist. All sales ammintinvo ten dollars, each. 2d. Salesaboie ie.: dollars, and not ezeeedln: twenty., cash, WWI &discount often per cent. par Beale, mat 22 3d. Sales in amps nt from twenty to lif.y for par funds, to which nett amntent will be added 3 per cent eoinntis3lon and the tranarr)rtation from. and the or. change o'orhiladeh.hia, a 3 it shall stand at the thin thy poreh'ase to made. That a fair experiment may he made In this branch of oar liusinees,rhs cash system must be strictly adhered te; and on the terms above piopcmed, it is believed eon. cregations and individuals will have no cause to com— plain. A share of public patrontu Is re.pectfolly soli cited. LURE Loom! B, Jane ft—tr. 89 Wood street. E Si PORTA N1"10 0W N k.:HS SAWMILLS. - - SXYDE-12'S unrivalled Self Setters fors'avy min ; whi c h have been so fully tested In different warts of the United States, as well as in the cities of eittsburei and Allegheny, can he sena In operation at a numb+ r of wills in this neighborhood, viz : at Mr Wiekersti tin • mills ou Penn et.; at Bowman Charnlieva' Witt Ire upper Alleghrny itridge.and at Moirtaoo wire on Rare's isiand,and others. The trbaie.. - eamaig can be obtained at W. W. trammel;ag,,Otagitryi Dear satihfield,whore ft is fitting 4. sec alit bseenataatty her va nay {a i 1 ea P. Only. re W. w. waliece. atay*:;' JAMES YATES