X ,y32 . 4 .411:; VOL 1.-NO 263. PUBLISHED BY PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, N. W. CORNER OF WOOD 4- FIFTH STB ttrAMS. , --FIVE DOLLARS 2' year, payable in Idyl/nee. Single copies TWO CENTS—for Weal. the minister or the office, and by Newit Bays. Ilia Mercury and 'Manufacturer et,pnbpshed WEEKLY, at the same office, on a doable mediae' sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. frawce. Slagle copies, SIX CENTS. 'forms of PER SQUARE OF TW 3,41 , 1 insertion, 0,50 rwolneertions, 0,75 TltYee Insertions, 1,00 thie week', 1,50 yera weeks, 3.00 rbrec weeks, 4,00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CHANGEABLA AT PI LASCRE. Ont Square. Two Squares Piz months, $13.00 Six months, $23,00 OA. year, 2.5,00 One year. 35,00 rrlmrger ailvertisernentsin prorortion. CARDS of four lines Stx DoLtates a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C 'CITY Post Corms. Third between Market and Wood Mrents—R. M Riddle, Postmaster. Currox Hansa, Water, 4th door from Wood st. Peter s:Des buildings—Major John Willock, Collector. Chu rtLICASORY. Wood between Fir,t and Second treets—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. Comm Taa*.suarr, Third street, next door to the Mud Persbytertan Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasui cr. 4attot'so►rics, Fourth, between Market and Wood lareals—Alexander Hay, Mayor. M totems/Ws EXCH'SKOS. Fourth, near Market at; BANKS. Ptersatmea,bettveen Market and Wood streets, on rnird and Fourth streets. 4 1Muenteures' AND MANCIPACTURZNIV AND FARMKRS . DE. POSIT Rau, (formerly Saving Fund.) Fourth. ltetwten Moodiand Market streets. ' Bien:ewes, rifth street, near Wuod. HOTELS. eaceiratrizta Timm, Water street, near the Bridge. escitiThess Horst., corner of Penn and St. Clair. MICIICOLNT3' HOTNL, corner or Third and Wood. `A azalea)! Ham., it:Third and Smithfield. Hams 3 - raTse, earner of Penn street and Canal. HAar,e, Liberty street, near Seventh. Mtwmas ?Corium Hooss,Liheriy St. opposite Wayne Baostmassr Mitrittos House, Penn St. opposite Canal. LP °WERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND 0100 COUNSELLOR AT LAW.-offire !Tout tell to Bakewell's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite tat. new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon, ifoq ,—First floor. stip 10 UGH TON EFL, Attorney nt Law, North Ca,t corner of Smithfield end Fourth sirrets. sep 10-1 y 11111 3 CA.NDLESS & lIPCLURE, Attorneys and Covnaellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, hack attn. oid Court Ilosse,rittsburgh. sep 10 SIII7NIC k F/NDLAV, Attorneys at Law, Fourthst., above Wood, rritsborgth se"' 10-ly„ rIIIIHO9. HAMILTON, At torney at Law', rill h, 'ICI AV CC II JL Wood and Smithfield sts., Pitislcargh. scp 10-1 y W.ll. WILMA. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; • Office on the north side of the Diantottel,hetweett Market and tf Orin streets, upstairs sell 10 A I. DURBOILA.W, Attor at w; tender z . • his professional see vices to lb.- pub' ie. Office on fifth Street, above Wood, I' itt,i.or::ll, Fri) 10 • .E YSTEII 4 RUUD \N AN, Rlivrnept of 1 .iro. Office removed from the Diamond, to A ithriicy'Afrow," hady side of Fourth street, between Market and %Fond id reels 10 BUCKMAST AT'ELN EY AT LAW, i'l • liai removed his office to 14 nreem Law [Wild figs. Fourth street, above aboveSutkk?4ePd, Vittel urot. Sep 10 GEORGE iv. LA YX t O, Atto hey at I.aw, Office Nn..54 Fifth street, near the Them re, pitt,;,nrgh. 1101) • READE ASDINGTON, 07TORNEr AT LAW. —Office in itakeweles Grant street, Pittsburgh. Nov. 5. 1842. JOAN J. 111.1TCIIELL—Attorney at Law, office eorner . of Smltatield and sth Ms., Piitsburgh. f i t:r Colieetions made. A 1 imintess entrusted to his *ere will be promptly attended to, rebl6--ly• ItE.llolfAfx.-R. Morrow, Alderman; offi c north side of Fifth el., between Wood and Smithfield ts, Pittsburgh 110!: 8. R. HOLM EA, Office in Second street, next door nlvany it Co's Glass S.Varehoose sep 10-1 y .oliNi7Ta. 4. STOCKTON, Bookseiaers, Printers an • nufactti 37, Market se. sep 10-1 y TOEIN ANDERSON, Smithfuel ulry Water st.. OF • near tbe Monongahela House, rittsliThM;o4., sep 10-1 y TiWYAS S YOUNG. FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG. tral[o9. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware JL Rooms, 'Artier of Hand st. ¢ Exchange Alley. Persona wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to belt' advantage to give us a call, being fully satisfied that vie can please as to quality and price. sep 10 66 BBLS. PLANTATION MOLASSES. received per Steamers Little Ben and Fulton, and for J. G. 4- A. GORDON 12 Water street *ate by siat,t7 nein:tag D. COLEMAN • • LerD R. COLEMAN COLSIII4.I I , 411. CO.Aenera Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Z..evee Street, Vicksburg Miss They respectfully soAct t consignments. n 22- U L F:IIM CLOSEICA Boot and Shoe Montalto°- , V j„-ry,No. 83 Fourth St., "test door to the U. States aillat Ladies Pratiella, Kid aud Satin Shoes made in he. neatestssanner, and by the newestrrench patterns. asp 10 GARDEN TOOLS, consisting or Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Eddisg Tuols, Budding Calves, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re• celled and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. imp TO - 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. #I6IBTRATES•BLANSS, for proceediogs In At. tachnion under the late law, for sale at this Office. BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— To be used in Bankruptcy proceeding s, printed on MI paper ,and is the forms approved by theCourtior sale !Me Oice of the IlSorcary and Democrat. rep 10 WIL, HUBBARD, Lidice fashiosable boot and • - shoe illamtfaeturer, No. 101, Third street, between toed and Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh seplo \.rfkiATTERSON, J r., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa. ‘ Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To• teen, Tuner, Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for Wltai 166 4 te. sep DIPCLOSHEY, Tails r and Clothier, Leher.y awl, between Sixth and Virgin alley, south side, 'aep 10 r Q. .k A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding lierebants, Water at., Pittsburgh. sep 10—ly Birmingham AC Co. cIOSINDIMON AND FORWARDING AMR. L./ CHANTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Irtirmi—ltonehring and Shipping 3 cents per 100 lbs. edminhilons on Purchases and sales 2} percent. mar 8:••43 IS. MORROW, 4.111, 11/PACTURER of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 17, Fifth at., between Wood and Mar— figeeps constantly on hand a good aasoitaient atoms, Al Donal share of public patronage. A Iso.on band, -01 /Cratlosei•-' trades: Shovels. Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, tla. ,. ns, T Mies, Pots, Ovens, Co ff ee Mills kc. Met. _soil others are invited to call and examine for t MOWN** as he deterodoed tointleliesp Ibr cub or 1,1 4 .0 1 1,1 11111161 dvertising, LVC LINES OR LESS: One month, $5,00 Tyro monis, 600 Three months, 7,00 Four months, Six months, 10,00 One year, 15,00 .00U -- NORNING POST AN, JENNINGS & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- duce Merchants, And rrerlers in Pittsburgh Justtirjectures mar 17 No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh HAILMIN, JENNINGS &CO., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, N 0.93 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17, '43. THOMPSON RANNA JAMES TORNIOLL. HANNA TURNSULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood at., where may be had a general supply of writing, wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4-e, ¢c. sep 10—ly I) C. TOWN.4E,NO k CO., Wire Workers and R Manufacturers, N 0.23 Market street, between 2d and 3tl streets. sep 10—ly I XCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair 4 streets, by McKIBBIN 4. SMITH. sep 10—ly . lIROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Hushes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood at., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —IY E GOODS.—Presion 4 !Mackey, wholesale and LL,, retail dealers in English, French, ar.d Domestic Dry (loads, No. ill, Market st.,Pittshurgh. rep TO Jo UN MWEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectifying Distiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Nlannfactured Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts iatritt. Imp 10 WILLIA,SI U. WlLLlklitfl lons S. Dit.tvoinn wI LLI AMS & DI T.WORTH.-- w h lesalc Grocers Produce and Com mission Merchants, and dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. - 29, Wood street. scp 11l boon B.Sugairr !Ls. N. Krati QIIERIFF & KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper. /--.7 Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware. No. 80. Front et., Pitts burgh. (louse Spouting and Steamboat work promptly executed. sep 10 n AVID S ANDS,N ATCH dr. CLOCK 11-5 MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts - burgh, DEALER IN WATCH ES,CLOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, .ve. sep 10 L ANDRETH'S GA il GARDEN SEEDS.— A fu supply of Landgeiles Garden Seeds, always on bawl, mid for sale at Ms nenry lUe Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, Fen 10 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood, REMOVAL—Matthew !once, Barber and Ilnir Dress er, has removed to Fourth street, Opposite' he May orsoffice, where he wilt he happy I.o:Wilit upon immanent ur transient costumers. ❑e solicits a share of public pat ronage. --- sep 10 JMIN ITPFARL AN D, Upholsterer and Cabinet ~tiLiker, Third $l. bettoteo Woad 4- Market streets, respectful informs his friends and the, public that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bu• reatis,Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Si ands, Bair and Spring Mattrassts,Curlaln., Carpets, rill %oils of Upholstering work, which he-will warrant equal .0 any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. cep 10 11)11 EMOVAL:--T lin snit - scribers linve remov , d to Wa 11. , ter het weer% Wood and Smithfield streets, wherf, they will continue the Wholesale Grocery nod Commis stem Irm.itic,..s and would rc_lll fully solicit the pal roil. aac of their friends J. W. BUR lilt IDC E .Co. Dec 3 DP,. A. W. PAT I'E.RSON , 7f ice on Smithfield street near Sktli. sep 10 1741. - 43 FARE lt 1. , ,D171)1;11. -U. S. NlAti. LINKor STACrI ANP Rill. RoAnrArts, from PatFAlnirgli, vi.r 11;cd1'ord, rhaiherelittrg, Ilarri , horg and Lancaiter, to rhiladri !dila, connecting with the Mail train of CD'S to N Y. 4-r. Only 150 ruil , •ssiar.inz and one night out. Also, ;he Direct line to Italtimotc. rare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore, 9. Leaves daily at R o'clock A. M, Office second door hefow the Merchant.; Dote! Wood st FIENDELL, GRAII A Mll, ‘VACT ? II j• Co. 23, 1543-Iy. Proprietors TUE GREAT CENTRAL ROU •E, NIA NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY Va "sl. 1 5 11 EH' line of U. S. Mull Coaches for WdsAingtort city Baltimore, PhiladelpAio arid New York. This lire I. in full operation and iravesPittsburgli daily at 6 o'clock A. hi., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pit tsimrgit and Coni:kertand line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tea coaches furni.hed at the shorteit notice, wito the privilegr of going through direct, or taking cue night's rest at their option. Fur tickets, apply at our office at theatonongabela Honse. L. W. STOCKTON• Feh. 3d—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! PROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIAIORE AND PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line , Leaves Pittsburgh (laity, at 2 o'clock, P. x, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and from there by RAILROAD, in superl•or new eight whoeled cars, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The above Line le represented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio,River*and Eastern cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange meats to convey passengers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of ill Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less titan the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare to Bahltno , e, CO. Office In the Monongahel a House. A. HENDERSON 4. Co., ml d 3 Stage Proprieto IVACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES—Th(IMM 1: CONVINCING:— Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a bard swelling on the cap &my knee. which produced much pain, and used various applica Lions recommended by the Paculty - --all in vain was cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand reth's Liniment, or External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 19th, 180. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Liniment; sold at bis office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- 50 cents per bottle. fcb 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for sale wholesale and retail, by WM. THORN, feb 53 Market at. 20000 LBS Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos. 9 2,000 , Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and e. 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGA & Cotton Yarn Warehouse, mar 17 No. 43 Wood street. rum. ELDER, Attorney a Liar.--afiee in Ste. • IF and unietAnd deft above the axon of Saitbillell MA* side, 21'. PITTSBURGH, JULY 17, 1843. 'II' • `ll' • . BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE U. STATES. IN pur , uance of law, I, JOHN TYLER; President of the United States of America, do hereby de clare and make known that public sales wilt be helJ at the undermentioned Laud Offices, in the State of MICHIGAN, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit: At the Land Office of GENESSEE, commencing on Monday the ninth day of October neat, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned townships and fractional townships to w North the base line end east of the meridian. Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty- three and thirty-four, ane fractional township thirty-five, bor• &rill on Lake Huron, of range Townships thirty-ono, tnirty-two and thirty three, and fractional township thirty four, bordering on Lake Huron, of range seven. Fractional townships thir trotie, Ihir tv-two, thirty three and thii t)%four, borderini on Lake Huron and Thunder Bay, of range eight. Fractional townships thirty, thirty-one ,thir ty..two, and thirty three, bordering on Lake Huron, of range nine. Fractional township thirty, of range ten. North of the base fine and West of the meridian Township thirty-five, and fractional townships thirty-sit, thirty-seven and thirty-eight, bordering on Lake Huron and Mullet's Bay,of range one. Townships thirty-five, thirtreix end thirty.seven, and fractional townships thirty-eight end thirty-nine, bordering on Lake Huron, of range two. At the Land Office at DETROIT, commencing on Monday, the twenty-fifth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the following detached tracts, viz: The lot number one in section eight; lot number nine in section nine; lots three, four and fire in sec. lion seventeen, and lot number One in section eigh, teen, which have recently been surveyed in township six, South of range ten, East of the meridian. Lands appropriated by law for the use of sohools, military, or other purposes, will be excluded from sale. The sales will each be kept open for two weeks, [unless the lands are soonerdisposed of] and no longer, and no private entries of laud, in the townships so offered, will be admitted, until after the expiration of ihe two weeks. Given tinfter my hand, at the city of Washington, this eighth day of June, Anno Domini, 1893 JOHN TYLER. By !lie P. eside.l: Tuo. 11. Comrni•:ione r of the Central Land Office NOL'ICE TO PRE•EMrIION CL4IMANTS lively psrson stalled in the right of pre-emption to any hints within the Emits of die townships, above enumm ;Alt d, requited to e;„triLlish "the same to the satisf,ctiun of the Regis er and Receiver of the pro per Laud Ofnce, awl make payment therefor as soon aspraeicable after sesing this notice, and before the day appo:nted'for the commencement of the public sale of the township, enlist seirig the tract claimed, ab ti r d , signa ed, othrrwie such claim will be for feited. TllO. 11. BLAKE, Commissioner of lire Genera! Land Office. jutie BY THE PRES! HENI' OF THE H. STATES, IN of law, Lions TYLI R. President of the United Suites of Atnesica. do hereby de. dare amt make ki4Jwit thai sales win be held at the tnal , rtrietitiont.d Land Odices, in the State of M SSIJI I L I, at the periods hereinafter designated, io Al' 1'1,.1'I " I'Sl1L1F G, i, Clinton row,ty, the 6CAI of the 1,,u d "(Ike for tln, Pli , tte district of MirsoU- comities cmg on Monday, the ninth day of Oct - bet - 'text, fir ihe di,posal of the public lauds withit the undermentioned townships, and fractional town ships, to iris North of the base line and ic( 3( of the fifth prinei pnt Ulf Tidian. (nl u (st of the former wcticrn bum dory r f t4c Staft. Towluoup SiNv two, of o,i' y four. Tow,olop , sixty (ice ,stitt sixty tlit , r, of raogi thirst li e Z o o ~tns } iirB ty n llid fur, of range thirty Town,Hri t•mly one and six!) , three, of rang. thirty SI'I.CII. Tom, shTs sixty two and sixty four, of range thir ty eight. %vebt half (4" LOWnillip sixty one, of range thirty nine. , Fractional township sixty taro and township sixty four, of hinge forty. Ft a , tional townships sixty two and sixty three, of range forty nue. Fractional townships sixty thiee and sixty four, of range frrty two. North of the base line and east of the fifth principal meridian, and west of the former western boundary of t he State. Townships `llly' otie .and six;) , two, of ran 2e twenty revel). Tot\ ntiiiip sixty. s xty one and sissy two, of i ange twenty eight. Township sixty one. range twenty nine. Al,O at the same place, commencing on lionday, time thirteenth day of November next, fur the disposal of the public land* within the limits of the tindermen ti,,ne,l townships and fractional townshi:,q, viz: North of the ba3e line and west of the fifth principal meridian, and west of the former icerttra boundary of the State. Fractional townships fifty, filly one, fifty three , filly five and fifty seven, of range thitty three. Townships fitly two, fitly four, fifty six, fifty eight and sixty, of range thirty four. Ft actional township fifty one, townships f i fty t h re e, fifty five, fractional trwitEhip fifty seven and town ship fifty nine, ofrange thit:y five. Fractional townships fifty four, fifty six, and fifty seven and town nip sixty, of range thirty six. Fractional townships fifty five, fifty six, fifty eight and filly nine, of range thirty seven. Fractional townships fifty five and sixty of range thirty eight. At the Land office at LEXINGTON, commenc ing on Monday the second day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned townships, to wit:— North of the base line and soul of the fifth principal meridian Townships thirty six, thirty seven and alit ty eight of range fourteen. Townships thirty five and thirty seven, o f range fifteen, Township thirty five of ranges sixteen and nineteen Townships thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven and thirty eighi, of range twenty one. Township thirty eight, of range twenty three. Township thirty nine, of range twenty eight. Townships thirty eight and thirty nine, of range twenty nine. Township forty, of ranges thirty one, thirty two and thirty three. South west fractional quarter of section twenty one, and the north east and north west fractional quarters ofsection twenty four in township fifty one, south of Missouri river, of range twenty six. South west quarter of section seven, in township forty nine, of range twenty seven. Lands appropriated by law, for the use of schools military or other purposes, will be excluded from save. . The sales will each be kept open for two weeks, [unless the lanes are sooner disposed of] and uo longer, and nn prisate entries of lead in the town ships so offered Will be admitted, until after the ex piration of the two weeks, Given under my hand at the City of Walibington, this eighth day of June, Anno Domini, 1843 JOHN:TYLER. By the President: PRO. EI. BLAKE, Comm'r of the General Land Office NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS Every person claiming the right of pre-emption to any lands within the limits of the towuships above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper Lend Office, and to make payment therefor, urn's', as practicable after seeing this notice, and be fire the day appointeil for thecommencentent of the public sale of. the township, embracing the tract claimed, above designated: otherwise such claims will be forfeited. TIIO. 11. BLAKE, Commi sioner of the Gene.-al Land Office j.ino By 'fIIE PRESIDENT OF Tiii.; U. SPATES. INpit, surince of law, 1, Jolts TYLER, President of the United Sautes of America, do hereby-dse. clare and make known, that public sales will be held .tt the undermentioned Land Orlices in the Territory ofIOWA, at the periods hereinafter des'gnated, to wit: At the Land Office at DU BUCWE, commencing nn Monday, the sixteenth day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermentioned townships ' viz: North of the base line and Eart of the sth principal meridian. Townships eighty two and eightrthree, of range one. Townships eighty-one, eighty-two and eighl three, of range two. Townships eighty-one, eighty too and eighty three, of range three. Township e‘ghty-three, of range five. An Island in the Mississippi river, containing 014- ty-one 80-100 acres, forming parts of sections thirty lour and 111413-five, in town-hip seventy-eight, of range three. North (f the base line and West of the sth prineopal meridian . Townships eighty-two and eighty-three, of range one. At the Land Office at FAIRFIELD. coalmen ing on Monday, the second day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands hereinafter designa ted, viz: North of the bait. line and West of the slh principal meridian. Township seventy-six, of range nine. An island in the Mississippi river, forming parts of sections seventeen, eighteen and nineteen, in township sixty.eight, of range two, and parts of sec tions thirteen and twentrfour, of township sixty eight, °fringe three. Two small islands in the Mississippi river, forming part of section six, in township seventy, of range one, and parts of sections one and twelve, in town. ship seventy, of range two. An island in the Mississippi river, forming parts of sections fifteen, sixteen,twenty-ontt and tweitty.two, except4hat portion of the island within the limits of section sixteen, and two islands in thesame river,one of them forming a portion of sections twentrtwo, twenty-six and twenty-seven, and the other, parts of sections twenty-two and twenty-seven—all in town ship seventy-four of range two. Three islands in the Mississippi river, forming parts of sections twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty three, twenty-six, twenty-seven and thirty-four, ex cept so much of uron Island as lies within the li mits of section sixteen, in township seventy-two, of range atm: Au island in the Mississippi river, foi ming part of section three, in township seventy-two, of range one, and pa , t of section thirty-four, in township sevet.ty. I hree, of i unge one. Au island in the Mit,sissi pi river, forming parts of sections twenty-two, twenty-seven and thirty-four, in township seventy-three, of 'lnge one. Four islands in tho Mississippi river, forming part.; ,if sections twenty-eight to thirty-five, inclusive, in township at verity-seven, of range one. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military. or other purposes, will be excluded from sale. The saes will each be kept open for two weeks, (unless the lauds al e sooner disposed 01,) and no longer, and no private entries of land in the town ships so offered will be admitted, until after the ex piration of the two weeks. Given tinder my hand at the City of Washington this eighth day of June, Anti° Domini, 1843. JOHN TYLER. By the President: Trio. H. BLAKE, Commissioner of the General land Ogee. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS Every person entitled to the right of preemption to any land. within the limits of the townships above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of tl,e pro. per Land Office, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for thu cumWencement of the public sale of the township embrbcing the tract claimed, above designated, otherwise such claim will be for feited. TIIO. H. BLAKE, Commissioner of the General Land Office June 28-ts BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. IN pursuance of the law, I JOHN Tv bus Presi dent of the United States of America, do here by declare and make known that public sales will be held at the undermentffined Land Offices, in the Territory of MISKONSAN,at the periods hereinaf ter designated, to wit: At the Land Office at MINERAL POINT, com. mencing on Monday, the twenty-third day of Octo ber next, f r the disposal of the public !awls within the undermentioned townships and fractional tcwn ships, viz: North of the base line and Westof the fourth princi pal meridian. Township eight, of lunge fire. North of tie bare line and East of the fourth princi pal meridian,and North of the firsykoruan river. Fractional Town6hips eight and nine, of range one. Fractional Township eight, including parts of isl ands in sections eleven, twelve, thirteen and four teen, and township nine, of range two. Fractional township eight, including parts of isl ands in section eighteen, of range three. Fractional township eight, of range four. Fractional township eight, inciuding the island in section nine, and township nine, of range five. Fractional townships nine and ten of range six. Fractional townships nine, ten andeleven, of range seven . Fractional township eleven, of se u ge eight. At the Land Office at GREEN BAY, commenc ing on hlcnday, the second day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands within the under. mentioned tots nships, towit: Nora of the base line and East of Use fourth princi pal meridian. Fractional town.snip eleven, [includin g the island] on the north side of the Wiskonsan river, range nine. Sections four, five, six, seven, eight, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-eight, twenty. nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty two and thirty-three, lying west of the Winnebago Lake and Fox River, in township twenty, of range seventeen. At the Land Office at MILWAURIE, coalmen cing on Monday, the sixteenth day of October nest, for the disposal of the public lands hereinafter desig tatted, vie: Nardi of the base line end East , of dtelfourth Triads pal meridian. Toivnst , ip ten, of range tett. The west half of the southwest quarter of section three, of township two, of range nineteen. The east half of Faction twenty-six, in township ten, of range twenty-one. The lot number five of the southwest fractional quarter of section nine, in township three, of range twenty-three. The southeast fractional quarter of section nine.. teen, and the lots one and two, or northeast faction. al quarter of section thirty, in township two, of range twenty-three. Lands appropriated for the use ofschools, military, or other purposes, will be excluded from sale. The saes will each be kept open for two weeks, [unless the lands are sooner disposed ofd and no longer; and no private entries of land, in the town ships so offered, will be admitted, until after the ex piration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, this eighth day of June, Anuo Domini, 1843. JOHN TYLER. By the President: - - Till). H. BLAxe, Commitsioner of the General Land Office NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any lands within the limits of the townships above enumerated, is required to establish Inc same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the pro per Land Office, and make payment thole for, as won as practicable after seeing this stotice, egad before the day appointed fa the commencement of the public sale of the township, embracing the tract' claimed above designated, otherwise such claim will be for feited. THO. H. BLAKE, Commissioner of the General Land Office June 27—ts BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE U. STATES, I N pursuance of law, I, JOHN TYLER , Presir:ent of the United States or America, d.• hereby de dare and make known, that public sates will be held at the undermentioned Land Offices in the State of ILLINOIS. at the periods hereinafter designated to wit: At the Land Office at DIXON. commencing on Monday, the thirtieth day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands within the undermen tioned townships, and parts of townships, to wit: North of the bate line and East of the third principal meridiem. Townships thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, fos ty four and forty Fix, of range one: Townships thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty and forty one, of range two. Townships thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, forty and forty one, of range three.' The southeast qudner of section fourteen, and the south west quarter of section tweatflour, in town ship thirty three, of range one. The south west quarter of section two, tit town ship thirty three, of range three. The east half of the north east quarter of section twenty one, and the west half of the north west qua ter of section twenty two, in township thirty six, of range three. The west half of tfie north east quarter of section twenty one, in township thirty one, north of the base line, of range one, west of the third principal The east fraction of the north west fractional quarter of section twenty one, (on the east side of Rock River) in township forty three, of radge one, cast. North of the base line and East of Ike fourth principal meridian Township eighteen, of range tv.o. Townships eighteen, twenty four and twenty five, of range tin ee. Townships eighteen, nineteen, twenty four, twen• ty five and twenty six, of range four. Townships eighteen nineteen, twenty four, twenty five and twenty six, of range five. Towntitip twenty two, of range six. Township twenty three, ofrange seven. The north east quarter of section thirty, in town ship eighteen, of range nue. The northeast quarter of section thirteen, it township nineteen, of range one. The notch east fractional quarter of section 'thirty four, in township twenty one, of range two. The east half of the north east quarter of section eighteen, in township twenty three, of range four. The east half of the south east qt.arter of section seventeen, in township twenty one, of range seven. The west half of the north west fractional quarter of section five, in township twenty one, cf range nine. The south west quarter of section three, and the I south east quarter of section thirteen, in township twenty two, of range nine. The west hall of the north east quarter of section thirteen, in township twenty three, of range nine. The west half of the south west quarter of section twenty, in township fifteen, and the east half of the south west quarter of section twelve, in township twenty eight, ofrange ten. The north east (politer of section three, west halves of sections six and seven, south half of section eleven, north half and south west quarter of section fourteen, east half of section fifteen, east half of sec tion seventeen, west halves of sections eighteen and nineteen, north halves of sections twenty ore and twenty two; south halves and north west quarters of sections thirty and thirty one; south half and north east quarter of section thirty two; south half and north west quarter of section thirty three, and the south west quarter of section thirty four, in township thirteen. The north half of sections one to six, in clusive, south west quarter of ection six; west halves of sections seven,. eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty.one, and the north west quarter of sec tion twenty three, _hi township fourteen, of range four. Sections three, ten, fourteen. fifteen and twenty five ; north halves of section's one, two, four, five, six. seven, twenty one, twenty two and twenty four; south halves of sections eight and twenty three; west halves of section's eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty one; south west quarters of sections six, seven and twenty four; south east quarters ofse,tions four, twenty and twenty two; north west quarters of sec tion eleven, and north east quartet of section thirty three, in township fourteen, of range six. North of the base line sod Tfresi of thefourth principal meridian Township fifteen, the east part of an island in Rock river, in section thirteen; also, fractional sec hens eighteen and nineteen, iu township seventeen, of range two. Fractions, sections nineteen and twenty one; wet hailer fractional section twenty two; mirth halfpf secs, Lion twenty five; east half of the north east carter of section twenty six, south halves of sections twenty seven and twenty eight, and north west quarter of section twenty eight; north half of section thirty; north east quarter, south west quarter, north half of north west quarter and west half of south east quar ter of section thirty one; section thirty two, except the west half of the north west quarter; sections twenty nine, thirty three and thirty (our, and tbe west half of the west quarter of section tett ty five, in township seventeen, of range three. Fractional sections twenty one to thirty two, in clusive, and section thirty-three, in township seven. teen, of range four. Part titan island In the Mississippi river, in sec lion three, in township fifteen; fractional xecuons one, two, eleven, fourteen, twenty two, twenty three, twenty seven an I thirty four, in township sixteen and the fractional sectieu Chit ty six in the tractional township seventeen, of range six. At the Land Office at CHICAGO, commencing en Monday this twenty fifth riay of September next, public lauds hereinafter desig for the disposal of the natied, to win North of the base late egad Eat of the third principal Fractional townships thirty one and tbiity two, bordering on the Indiana State Line, of range fir teen. The at ft artiou of the auth cast quarter of sec- • • • 0 PRICE TWO CENTS tion six, in township thirty three, of range font. The east half and the north west quarter of the north east quarter of section three, and the north bolt of the north west quarter of the same teletiOn j in township thirty nine. of range eight. The east half of the south east quarter of victim% fifteen, in township forty three, of range eleven. The north west quarter of section twelve, in town ship forty, of ranee thirteen. At The Land Office et DANVILLE, ooraussacisig on Monday, the second day of October next, foe the disposal of the public lands within the limits of Brae. tional townships twenty eight, twenty nine and thinly; north of the base line, of range ten, Welt Of the se— cond principal meridian. At the Land Office at KASKASKIA, comma:, hag on Monday, the sixteenth day of October nest, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the southeast quarter of section thirty three, avail the southwest fractional quarter of the same section, on island twenty four, in the Mississippi river, ia township thirteen, south of range three, west. At the Land Office at EDWARDSVILLE, mat mencing on Monday, the ninth day of Octobet nest, for the disposal of the public lands within the halite of fractional sections thirty one and thirty two, in township six, north of range ten, west, and freetkes. al section twenty five, in township six north, of raw eleven west,constituting islands numberedsixty acid sixty one, in the Mississippi river. At the Land Office at QUINCY, commencing** Monday, the twenty third day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands within the !traits of the undermentioned tt acts, viz: North of lhs base lint and East of the fourth principal The north half and south east quarter olio:ties twenty three, in township four, of range three. The north west quarter of section twenty two, in township seven, of range seven. Lands appropriated by law fur the use of schools. military, or other purposes, will be excluded from sale. The sales will each be kept open (or two weeks (unless the lands are sooner disposed of) and no longer; and private entries of land in the lowa* ships so offered will be admitted until after the expi r3 tion of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this eighth day of J une, Anuo Domini 1843. By the President: Tuo. 11. BLAKE, Commissioner of the General Lad Ofre. I NOTICE TO PRE EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to ihe right a pre-emption to any lauds within the limits of the townships above enumerated, is required to establish the same to thet satisfaction of the register and receiver of tbe proper Land Office, and make payment therefor, at soon at practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed fir the commencement of the public gala of the township embracing the tract claimed, *boas designated, otherwise such cl ttm will be forfeited. THO H. BLAKE, Commissioner of Me General Land few. June ild—to3o FOR SAFETY. Travelers should select Boats provided initA Eralav Safety Guards, for preventing. Explosios of Secant Boilers. IT would be well for the traveling community to beat In mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making such select lon Is contribu ring towards a general introduction of an inventkm ad mitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against Owes dreadful disasters You have CR , rattily, 12 the hundreds of explosions that have already taken plate, their alma daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that Dave already been lost, a sufficient warning, and inducement to make inqnlry for a Safety guard Boat, and inevery case to give It the preference. They have weal toe* additional expense that your rivet , may be secure. Owed you not therefore to meet them with a corresededleg degree of nodality, and by your plefcreace abet" Odd you appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop tilialt*• ful sacrifice of human lift. They do not charge ltieettl than other boats; their aseommodat ions in other respects are equal, and in many cases superior; and as there la one reeving Pittsburgh every day, why will you ram any risk, whe n it is so cornitetely In your owe power to avoid those disasters. Aq boats marked thus T.) In the List of Arrivals *at Departures. in another part of this ral.er, are alftitliell with the Safety Guar I. List of Boats provided stri' eke &et tr Qr arL ALPS, MENTOR, AGNES, MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, M A RQ,UETTE, BREAKWATER. MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, ' CICERO, NEPTUNE. CADDO, • NARAGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY, EXPRESS MAIL„ ORPHAN BOY. ECLIPSE, OHIO, FORMOSA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH; J. H. BILLS, ROWINA. JEWESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, St — ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, ' 1 LLEYRAND, VICTRE S, ALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, BRIDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCO, . COLUMBUS. CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA , GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO P 1 ANT. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, cOLUMBIAN A. CLLIPPER, MINSTREL, EVELINE mai 22 REGULAR l iat P.4P,KET.S, FOR CINCINNATI The Swillsure, Rohlosott, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock a. tn. The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaveg every Friday at 10 o'clock a. m The Montgomery, Itennetr, Mcster. leaves every be. urday at 10 o'clock a, in. The F.:areas, Parkinson, 3laster, leaves avow) , flirn. day at 10 o'clock JOHN BIRMINGHAM 4.k. CO. Aiwa• COPAR NERSHIP. JAMES' W. HAI! MAX k JOILK P: JEN:t/Mae have entered late partnership for the porpo..e*of transacting a WholoraleGrotery; rroduce &adenoma". egos business under the Arm and style of 11AILM:141- IHigturNGis k Co., at No 43 Wood street, uPPmille Merchants Betel, sr here a cupids of Grocerm"aa4Pips burgh Manufac urrd /trade, tan alwsya Ye lot to al terms. Myth 11 '43 - meridian IOWN TILER.