Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, July 15, 1843, Image 2
itiA NA N billitieca au tut...a:atom. ult . a l Ntlsaaal coviventton • DAILY-MORNING POST. rashquciare WY. B. lIITB,IDITORS&ND raorairroas SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1843 lee First Page. To the Editors of the Post Gentlemen;—This morning's Aurora contains a c•immunication from J B Guthrie, with a request for you to republish it, in which en attack is made on l McKenna, Esq., under the mistaken suppo.i affirm that he was the author of an article signed 'A Democrat' in the Aurora of Thursday. In justice to Mr MeK, I will state that I am the I writer of, an alone responsible for tint article, , and that he was not privy to nor had anything to ' do with it—facts cf which the editors of the Au rora were informed yesterday. I trust you will perceive, from this statement, that the attack up on .I.cK. is entirely improvoied, and founded up. on in erroneous imputation,and that you will con sider this as supercAing any revon or nee,:ssity tur i givingit further cut rency. 1 . 1 M. KANE, Ja. Pittsburgh, July 14th, 1843. Yesterday we received the above note from Mr M. Kane, jr. His avowal of the authorship of the article attributed to Mr 1 • ;McKenna by Mr Guthrie tenders it unne. I cessary for us to copy from the Aurora the reply of the latter gentleman. Mr Kane's , declaration that be is the author of the ar ticle that has given offence to Mr Guthrie, will, we presume, sati-fy him that his at ' tack on Mr McKenna was made under false t impressions,And we do not suppose that he would, with this information before him, desire us to republish the letter. We regret that a correspondence be. ' tween Democrats, of such an angry tone, should find its way into the public prints, l and we hope the gentlemen will see how extremely injudicious it is, and submit their 1 little differences to no further public 1 dis cussion. The dispute .originated in an ill ladvised and improper squib that should nev• kr have been published, and it must be (evident to every man of common sense, that the writer is a person who has no re , gard for the harmony of the democratic . . . createhad feeling and discord in our ranks. It is not the part of a good Democrat to wantonly misrepresent or pervert the con— duct of his political brethren, and we hope I I t he gentlemen who have been excited into n a controversy by the anonymous corres y pendant of the Aurora, will see the nse s that this fomenter of discord wishes to turn t I them to, and drop the discussion at once. e 1 __ The Mormons.—The last St. Louis New Era says the occurrences which led to the expulsion of the Morrrions from Missouri, and which were signalized by a savage and brutal vindictiveness on the part of a portion of her citizens, are said to From Mexico. have formed the ground work of the late We copy the following from the Pica charges against the prophet. if so, there yune:—Our advices, as usual, represen can be little doubt that Jo Smith will escape the country as in the most laavontable and from this new attack upon him, and there- precarious posi.ion. Universal discontent by obtain still greater popularity with his prevails save with the immediate personal followers. In that affair, the Mormons friends and adherents of Santa Anna.— were more sinned against than sinning, The best advised assure us that a revolution and regard for the character of the State may surely be expected, and that the flames should lead them to say as little about it as will burst out when they least expect it. possible. The indictment is a recent one, It was confidently hoped and believed procured it ie said, sometime last month, that the poor 'Pexan prisoners would have and this circumstance induces us to be. been released from their captivity on the lieve that there are other motives than a 13th ult.; but the Dictator did not choose desire to see justice administered upon Jo. to mark the day with any such act of cle- Smith, at the bottom of a proceeding- whichtmency. He set at liberty some distinguish. if instituted at all, should have been corn f%ed citizens of Mexico confined for politi. Aor. mended years ago. t tt,cal offsnces; among others, Pedraza, Ote— oThe Aurora, we perceive, has taken itr cue from the Gazette, and attacks us es that paper suggests, This is all very prop er—we have no objection in life to Mr. Poindexter's taking counsel with his blue nose coadjutors, as to the best mode of as sailing us. The Gazette will find the Au• rora an apt scholar in the art of abusing Democrats, as the last few numbers of that iaper will show. They have regularly tsed up one or two a day. Democrats vill not wonder at this when they learn hat the printer and chief proprietor of the Lurora is a Whig. A wag standing by at the execution of a aging, remarked that "it must put a fel w out of breath most awfully to stand on .othing and pull a hemp rope by the neck," Aecident.—The Louisville Dime of Sat, uday says: As that handsome steamer 3rrey Eagle. was yesterday running up Prom Portland to Sbippingpor t, she struck uron a bar, about midway between the two places and became so firmly embeded as to destroy all hopes of releasing her un til a. rise of water shall take place. She was light, and was proceeding to Shipping port to lay up for the season. VIOMVIIO n ` elibwhidon, Ikeithizette that a ttoalit* of the lup Noses will take Place— . `from this, that the negotia terminated unfavorably, and that not yet soften down the asperi have already been awakened in tpaign. The Gltzette's anxiety to billingsgate, however, did not pre- it-from abusing us for putting into print a report that was quite current a mong the politicians, and it makes the sil ly charge that we did so to sustain our own "hopeless cause." Now, how our notice of the contemplated teeuniou was to aid our "cause," is more than we can tell. Or how the announcement of the overtures for reconciliation could retard or promote that event, passeth our compre hension. The pompous declaration of the Gazette, however, that the "principles of thu Antimasonic party are just and true, and will not be given up," is conclusive to us, that the Whigs would not give them all they asked on the ticket, and so they pre.. tend to act on lofty motives. A party that has been so thoroughly devoted to the gr.* quisition of "spoils," need not hope to press the public with the ilea that they are actuated by any exalted principle. OC?" The travelling correspondent of the Boston Pilot, makes the relief notes of our State much worse than they really are. He says that our currenc yis all made up of relief notes on the different Banks; some of them 6i, 1.2 i, 25, &c. This is a mistake, and the writer in question must be a very careless observer to have fell in to it. None of the Banks have issued re lief notes of a smaller denomination than one dollar, and any shinplasters for a small. er sum that may bo in circulation, are those issued by Bridge Companies, Stage Com panies, &c., and have but a very limited circulation. A great improvement has ta. ken place in the value of the relief notes o Pennsylvania, and as they are being grad ually cancelled, their value is steadily in creasing. Mrs. Sigourney and Mrs. Southey.— The Edinburgh Scotsman of May 28th. says:—"An article appeared some weeks ago in several of the metropolitan and oth er newspapers, relative to these ladies, re. flectiog considerable blame upon Mrs. Si gourney. We think it fair to state that we ire had auivilta.43 Juntatu 2 Cil,t WIDOW. tittle weep rs. • r and a party resident in Edinburgh, in which Mrs. Southey distinctly dislairnl any oarticipa. tion in the authorship of the article in ques:ion, or knowledge of the enure e whence it originated. It satisf.setoty to .the friends of Mrs Sigourney to know that the paragraph '•annoyed as much as it surprised" Mra. Southey, and that the opinion expressed by that estimable lady—who, we presume, is best qualified to form a judgment in the case—is as fa' vorable as could be desired, and 'Erectly opposed to the misrepresentations recently circulated." ro, Lafragua and Riva Palacio. The inaugural address of Santa Anna to the Legislative Junta is moderate in tone, affects great horror at the concentration of the supreme power in the hands of a sin, gle citizen, and promises very patrioti- cally to look after the safety of the State, &c. &c. Forgery by a Clergyman.—Rev Wil— liam Hammond, Pastor of the Episcopal Church at Jefferson city, Missouri, some time since wrote a petition to the Post Of fice Department, and forged signatures to the document, praying the removal of Mr. White, the Postmaster at Jefferson. The petition was forwarded to Mr White by the Department. His reverence own , ed to the forgery, Health of New Orleans.—The Crescent City of the Ist inst. observes —The city. at the present time is, for the season of the year, in quite a healthy condition.— There have been rumors of the yellow fe ver; but they are entirely false. If the ep• idemic makes its apperance at all, it will not be heard of befori the 10th of July, and perhaps not until the let of August. Mad doge have made their appearance in cheater, Albany and Hartford. Vtiat &Lan he 'Troy (N Y.) 'Whet of thi:loth inst. mpg.... We stop the press I to announce a few brief and imperfect particulars I of a most destructive fire which occurred at Lan sinburgh ,yesterduy afternoon. Tho fire was first discovered about half past 4 o'clock, breaking out near the centre of the village from a barn and 'shed on the north side of Richard street, in rear of the Renssealrer House,occupied by Mr J Lamb,which were soon zonsumed, and communicated immedi ately to the extensive candle factory of Mr Wright, the dwelling houses of Mrs E Parmelce, l Mr J F Parmelee, the Rensselaer House, and the stares and dwelling houses, with the adjacent cut. buildings on Congress, State, and Richard streets, and destroyed, in all about thirty buildings.. It was impossible yesterday afternozn and evening, amidst the excitement and confusion of the dime ter, to ascertain the full particulars of the confleg. retina. Such details as we are enabled to publish this morning, we obtained through the kindness of our fiiends, Mr W F Gray, Mr Barber, the editor of the Lansiuburgh Gazette, and Mr J C Shaw of his city. As ISVZPITION.—The Pennsylvania Inquirer says a new apparatus is about to be introduced in the British Navy, the obj :et of which is to pre. vent the collision of steamers at night. The command** of the steamer, while on the bridge that connects the two paddle boxes, is enabled by it, without uttering' a word, id direct the man at the hilin in the darkest night how to steer, with the Gams facility as be now does in open daylight by the wave of his hand, and th 5 sa as signal which directs the helmsman how to put the helm, also points out the position of the helm to any ether vessel that may be near, so that vessels may be enabled to steer clear of each other without the chance of collision, as eaeli ship will know how the other is steering, and whether her helm is hard a•port or starboard. About 30,000 Luthoran subjects of Prussia ,from the Borders of the Baltic, are shortly to come over and settle in the United States. It is a religious movement, these people preferring the orthodox doctrines of the modern philosophy to Berlin.— There are men of very largo fortunes among them old Csrman noblemen whose pedigree dates back to the thirteenth century. They will'meke ex cannot Western Farmers, and are about to settle in Wisconsin. Me/trochelg.—One of the pupils Of the Ohio In• etitution for the blind at Columbus, a boy, named George Brown, aged 15 years fell from the roof of the building on Ft iday afternoon the 7th inst., and died almost instantly, having struck wttli his head nn the pavement. Two or three children had gone up through the scuttle whim the acei • dent occurred. Great Fire owl Big leap.—Two hue were destroyed by fire at Mills' Point, Ky. The licr.• aid F3r, that Mr Dorris, one of the suti:rers, his wife and two small children, together with a young man living in his family, were obltged to leap from a two story window, upon a bed previ ously thrown out, in order to save their lives. Av•mpt la isre4klA4. Si. Louis Jail.—On Thurs day week a number or prisoners eonnnan In me Louie jail attempted to escape. Eleven of the,,, who were in one room, headed by k notorious villain named Forsyti,, succeeded by the aid of a piece of cast iron belonging to th'i stove, in mi. king a hole in the wall; but the vigilance of the jailor detected them before they gained the out side. Enviable Siluation.—The Picayune thus de.. scribes the appearance of a man whom the editor saw trudging the streets: ''He had a bundle un• dei and a lady upon each atm, a parasol in each Card, a pair of gloves in his mouth, and a little dog, belonging probably to one of the ladies, was trotting along after, every . now and the , jumping, and trying to catch the skirts of his coat." New Theory.—A writer in the Albany Daily Advertiser has undertaken ti disprove tho preva lent idea that lightninz descends from the clouds to the earth, and to in tintain that, on the contra ry, it ascends from' the earth into the air, the earth being the great reservoir in which the elee tric fluid is generated, or at least contained, The Westminster Carroltonian mentions a field of wheat, in Ihe vicinity °filial town, which is 'fly proof,' at lea.t it has proved itself 6.1 this season. Whilst other descriptions of wheat in the same field have been destroyed, it has remained intact by the insect. It is called June Wheat. The editor of the Pottsville Emporium has re. ceived a letter from Cul. R. M. Johnsen, which states that be will start on-his eastern tour to Now Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, and other places some time between the 19th and the 30th August ensuing. The Journal de Quebec says that the influenza has made its appearance in that city in a shape to create alarm, and the oilier dangerous maladies are very prevalent Puseyism is creatin; a great excitement in N. York. The editors aro grumbling about being annoyed tettli communications on the subject. rrFlannel is in great demand in Louisville on account of every person having the Influenza. LTA very handsome observance of the 4th of July took place at Seekonk, (Mass.) where about txo thousand ladies and gentlemen joined in a "pie nic." An oration was delivered, the declara tion of independence road, and every thing passed off in tine style. An American Aloe is about blooming in New Orleans. It stands 30 feet high, ani is said to contain 5000 blossoms. The body of a man supposed to have been mur dered, was found in the woods on the 4th inst. near the road leading from Albany, N. Y., to the Shaker village. He was well dressed, and thought to be an Englishman. A 'reeling has been held in New York, in behalf of the Fall River sufferers, and a Committee appointed to collect subscrip• lions. Meetings are contemplated in tith er cities. Times are so hard now in New Orleans, that several gentlemen in that city cannot even collect their senses! Those who have done so have made very small collections. __-. Meliricholy- :Satisfaction —There is a I g tab, the Pait. cemetry at Liverpool quite as noted there 1 Messrs Editora—Permit me, thirough year 04 , to mention JOSEPH COOPER, or hose. as Mt. Auhurn is here. A Liverpool pa—, ms s worthy a r.ourunati Al on the Aoeusety ticket. .. per thus strangely announces the first in, citiz en withl 'e t ts ait h: l; , , t esteemed dt for honesty slul Asa c . i t t l y.. terment in the place: "Mr. Henry - crity g ; l atern and unflinching in his ' aborts prise .o r had the pleasure of being the fir .:t individ•l is ca`culated to do honor to bite - district. ' A Dartodaxr. nal buried in our new cemetery." i The wheat is havered in North Caw. Ginner on Presh 'Meat. lina. The crop is said to be larger apd flap. An interesting individual called "Ana.. than usual. The corn crop is promising conda," now at. the Boston Museum, on The Influenza is raging in Ciocionsd. ; last Saturday swallowed a live rabbit for The Rev J N Maffit. is in Chillicothe, his dinner. The B. S. Democrat gives the following as the modus operandi of the preaching to crowded houses. feat:— 41 A. large white rabbit having been thrown in the animal's cage, immediately sought the nearest corner, the reptile fixing its twinkling little eyes upon it, at the same , time running out a moat villainous looking forked tongue. After a few minutes pass ed in a sort of magnetic gaze between the two animals, the serpent raised its small fiat head, and drawing it slightly backward darted with the rapidity of light at its poor victim; but the little red•eyed stranger was on its guard, and avoided its antagos, nist by dodging to the opposite corner.— The serpent so fairly foiled, - evinced no de gree of haste to renew the attack, but lei• surely changed its position, and 'after an. other pause of a few minutes, again darted wite open mouth upon its prey, and seizing the rabbit by the throat, took a couple of coils of its scaly body about the paor crea ture, crushing it to death immediately.— We have read of the 'sliming over' of the prey by the Anaconda before it is swal lowed, but saw nothing of it on this occa-. ',ion. No sooner did the animal appear to be conscious of the death of its victim, than it began leisurely to swallow the body whole, which feat it ac( 0 rplished in about 15 minutes, without much apparent disten. Lion of its throat or body. The creature appeared in no degree sluggish after its meal, but moved nimbly about its case, apparently well satisfied with its dinner. The keeper told us that these _serpents u sually feed but a few times in a year, tho' the one now exhibiting here, being a young one, and growing fast, rats often. We forthwith propounded to ourself the query, if this young one could swallow a large sized rabbit, what could an old one Doubtless the answer might be got by the rule of three—at any rate, the digestive or• gaus of either must be 'a caution' to dys. peptic people. Sore Generosity. The following instance of generosity on the part of a young gentleman, is recorded in tho Now Haven Courier: Rev. John Mitchell, formerly the es teemed pastor of the Society in Fair Ha ven, has just sailed for Europe. He was compelled to relinquish his parish in North. amnton n ronaenuence of ill health; which even now is piecarious. 'You should visit Europe, before 'yon can expect an entire restoration,' said a young, but opulent parishioner, in a polite note addressed to his dejected pastor. "Doubtless it would be the means of giving me essential relief; perhaps entire . restoration,' said he in reply 'But like tht rest of my profession, I am not opulent, and my protracted illness has deprived me of much of my little means, I must re main at home, and if possible regain my health, unless God in his goodness has willed it otherwise.' The following day brought something like the following response: "My dear sir: 1 have made arrange ments to visit Europe, intending to be ab sent one year. I want some friend—some congenial companion. In the --Bank you will find $2OOO placed to your credit. Your health will not permit yin now to engage in your arduous profession, and you have an abundance of leisure. You must not refuse to go with me." The esteemed pastor did not refuse, and both have sailed for Europe. Ernigrants.—A Havre paper of the 15th of June states, that "for some time the emigration. from the north of Europe for the United States of America, from our port greatly increases. The last week, in the short space of three days, two thou sand emigrants quitted Havre, taking with their families a capital of working tools. One peculiarity, until now unexampled, distinguishes this new flood of pioneers, they are no longer only the peasants of Al •ace, Switzerland and the poor States, sit uated at the north of France, who expatri ate themselves to run after prosperity, our quays are co eered with a different emigra ting population, whose picturesque cos tumes, and strange physiognomy excite the curiosity of passengers and cause them to stop in their course. These are the in habitantslof the depths of Norway, who have nme by the economical method of navigation, and after having passed over from north to south, eleven degrees of !at titude, have come to Havre to embark; and satl for more favored climates. Several companies, numbering more than six hum. d-ed m-n, women and children, have al ready passed by our city, and all the Nor wegian vessels, this season, bring us some of these emigrants." The amount of subscriptions made in France, and paid into the Central treasury at Paris up to the 15th of June, in aid of the sufferers by the earthquake at G audit loupe, was 2,826,201 francs. Fall River Sufferers.— There was a large meeting of merchants. mechanics, and other citizens, held at New York, P ARTNER WANTED, F OR the lucrative manufacture of a branch of Rank Saturday afternoon, for the purpose of a r ware in which there Is no domestic eakifielltkoll• dopting measures for the relief of the in— A person well and favorably known la this city; or habitants of Fall River,. who suffered by strictly temperate and business liabits.competeutotesio the late disastrous fire at that place. The t w h i l b lm ac k a s pi a i n a d i odroont:ethoouutsadnood r d bu olla si ni ne" . er or K the lbe concern, petsntr meeting, after some remarks bad been applying shoald be of good credit gad eower UY, a made appointed Gentlemen to act as corn- r ekeleha jo t mai :" "In might " f ewer ' Me ernes ill `- mitten for the purpose of receiving dons- A n .C. Per E at .e'r l y' w rac i i i itt ay prospectar Informa tion o- elmb Rte m be W LII, I". 4 dons, to be transmitted to the suffering irk , given,and refereocra given and required. .- , Address real name 4e., to NECTIMIII44. .- a habitants of Fall River. July 15 numb the hit pica, .;. onunerdal PITTSBURGH & MEXICO TRADE. We are indebted to an intelligent friend, for the subjoined account of this new and important trade. Seven respectable gentlemen, traders from Banta Fe, came to our city a few weeks ago with a rpm-. ter of a million of dollars in spLcie, and went en - to the Eastern cities to make their purchases, Issigsw e their orders with several of our manufacturers.— They have returned to Pittsburgh within a few days, and put up at the Exchange Hotel; and are raw loading their goods in the 'New York' Steamer, which is to leave this morning for Indeptimitum, 400 miles above Saint Louis, where-the stepand load their goods in wagons, drawn by UAW to SOW* to Fe, in Mexico. They have purchased in Pittsburgh about $20,- 000 worth of goods—amongst which are 50 good new wagons wade by Mr Townsend; full sets of gears for: about 700 mules, made by Mr 11.11.. Hart ley; about $7OO worth of Glass ware from Bake well's and Co., and $5O) of Tin ware front. Kr. Dunlap. Their Dry Goods and Hardware from be Eastern Markets, by the Pennsylvania Canal, am ounts to about 23') tons. These respectable and enterprising, merchants come to our Cjiy and go to the east to make their purchases about once a seat, and in order to give the American people souse idea of the distance they travel and transport their goods, we give the following calculation: From Santa Fe, in Mexico, to Independence, in Missonri,aboot 1000 miles. Of this, more than 900 is a Desert, withou t a house, with very little timber, little water, and roamed over by wi'd Indians.' From ludepeodenead to St Louis about 400 miles; from St. Louis to . the mouth of the Ohio, at Cairo, 200 miles, and from Cairo to Pittsburgh 1003 miles. Fran Fivabargb to Philadelphia 300 miles, and front Philadelphia to New York 100 miles. Total from Santa Fe to New York, 3003 milt., Hick again via Pittsburgh, We wish these enterprising and respectable tra ders great success in their labors, and hope our Ara erican people and gorernment will both patronize and aid them in c‘ery possible way. *Pm informant is a very intelligent Irish genikt man, an interpreter, who travels with this Santa Fe merchants. RIEWAIM Imo' The river yesterday was agate reced, but there will be plenty of water for our larg r cla pa_jlLL lErThe steamers New York and Mestese®a are now loading with the gouda of the Sarita Fe Trade!, KrThe Clerk ofthr Vigilant yesterday famiieh• rd Me with a late Cincinnati -paper, fur whick hs has our thanks• M AN I FESTS. Hest Point, Grace, from Cincinnati-44 bales lieutp, 64 Wide Tobacco,2 bales Furs and Skins 18 caskeß_con, 4 bble Scorched Salts—Lewis Hutchison & Co., Poindexter, Rhey & Ca., Ming & Holmes, Devine & McAnulty, Taffee ilr Cttnnor and J Vanhousen. 43 Cabin and 33 Deck t'aasengem Vi gaunt, Reno, frorniCincinnati-30 tons Pipe Clay,ll cask*, 8 bbla and 1 hf bbl Pink &nit— , W. McCully and Wallingford 4,Taylor„ 15 Cabin, 30 way Cabtu, 36 Deck Passenger;. Orpheus, Dales, frum Louisvtile-24 bacco,;42 sacks Feather-, 7 sacks 6i , Betawat, 10 hbds Bacon, 42 NOP soap, —& bblt Lime, and a lot of Fugoissare'io Thus Lawmen% Cala. C Stone, 11a o tternin, Jennings & Co., & A GoidonOV Semple & Bar+ kg,jaird Robertson & litppert. 25 Cabin, 40 Way do., and 50 Deck Pisseena g-re. 8 feet water in the Channel. All Bouts marked thus (a) are provided with Evans's Safety Guard • Reported by SHEOL'S & MITCH/I" General*. Agents, Water street, Late Custom House ogee Peterson's Building. ARRIVED. West Point, Grace, Louisville, Montezuma, Martin, Shipyard New York, Greenlee. do Orpheus, Dales, Louisville Vigilant, Reno, Cincinnati Muskingum Valley, Ru.sell, Zancsuille Warren, Ward, Beaver. *Bridgewater, Clark, do. DEPARTED. 1; Minstrel, Ingram, Cincinnati, *Bridgewater, Clark, Beaver, Warren, War], Beaver. FILE MANUFACTORY. TE subscriber having commenced the manufactUtit Cast Steel Flies, from American materials euha. !direly, merchants or other persons wanting calm be asp. plied by him with a better article than the foreignosaa at lower prices. Intendin.. to use only the best quality of Pile Steel,manufacturedby the Messrs Elsosenzarmell. which Is now brought to a perfection equal tote lileat English article, manufactured for :he same parpolleAlle subscriber has full confidence that he will be able, ta quality or articles and prices, to realize the best. hopes o ? the friends of American industry. GEORGE ROTHERY, July 15-Iv. Corner of O'Hara and Liberty**. TO RENT. PLEASANT room' and good Steam Power, at She Cast Steel File Manufactory, corner of Liberty as* O'Flare. ',trews. Apply on the premises. July 16. DUQUESNE FIRE CuMPANY. iry- The members arc requested to meet Odd after noon at 4 o'clock, for the purpose of rookies iiirkd of the "new Engles" to be presented to the ComptlPlT-BY the patriotic citizens of the South Ward. JAB. A. BARTRAM. July 15 Treasure►. 6006 mites.