Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, July 14, 1843, Image 4

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i. St, two doors from eke U. B. Bank. Wm 7'r
Umdcrtaker respectfully informs the public thal„li
'itst.i7cd his catly made coffin warehouse to the
.ot . Es; recently tccupied by Mr. Q. C. Berford,directly
rlepoiite his old t where he is always prepared to at•
6:“1 promptly to any orders in Ills line, and by strict at.
`entiem to all the detail; of the liu,iness of an Undertaker
hr hopes to :nem public confidence, Ile will be prepared
At Au. 110,1113 to provide Hearses, Biers, C lages and
ragutsite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the
'AuUntry will be promptly attended to.
Uls rcthience is in the same building with his wars
b.pu, where them: who need his services may find him
*1 any lime. lIKFUeisNcE.4
...tUrtniC RIDDLIt.
~Itlaat Parrott
Ic. a. Jeci.vitg,
TiTCP.I:I wilosE tircurATioNs 7 Fair , r6
ritoDucm 011.1(littt.IVATE DISEASE.—This
class or individuals is Very tin nte,ouv. They are those
•: -, Who. work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work•
:meta in leather stores, stone cotters, bakers, while lead
manufacturers, axe all nwr or lt,sA subject to disease ac.
coreflns. to the strength of their eonstilitlion. The only
method to prevent disease., is the occasional use of a
2 medicine which abstracts front the circulation all delete•
v, Hoes honors, and expel h them by the bowels. Tostcs
tln auy form me injurious, as they only off the evil
day to snake it wore fatal. The use of 13 randreth's Pills
Will Janice health, because they take all impure 'Matter
moot of the blood; and the body is not weakened but
fi uteengthened by their operation, for these valuable Pills
do no( farce, but they assist nature, and are not opposed,
iiiput harmonize with her.
"'gold at -Dr. Braedreth't Office, In the Diamond,
irativhurgn. Price 25 cents per hot, with full ditection,,
kIIMUC—The only place in Pittsburgh where the
:41LNIMNE Pills ran be obtained,is the Doctor's own (if,
lice in the Diamond. sep 10
La what inakes your teeth so unusually white?
Gtuoth Josh's duicinia to hint night,
To makeyours took so, with a grin, replied loch,
I've brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth tVash,
the best now in use, so the gentlefolks say,
since they have triad this, cast all others away.
But to provelt the hest; to make the teeth shine,
Look again, my dear Sal, at the lustre of wine.
Then try this great tooth wash,
The Tcaberry tooth wash,
'end see If this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine.
.. Baying tried_ Dr. ..Thorn's 'l'ea Berry Tooth Wssh,'
become acquainted with the Ingredients of its compo
sition, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as
it is true of the most pleasant Tooth Washes now in use:
1' ,Ftttsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist-
I take pleasure In stating, !raving made use ot.Thorn's
'Pea Berry Tooth Wash," act it is one of the best deu•
Atilices la use. Being in a liquid form, it combines neat
easis•witb convenience. While it cleaoses the enamel
and removes the tartar from t Ire teeth, its perfume yelds
rfragramee peculiarly desira‘m.. 1. P. TI Blt L.TTS. /11. D.
The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash,"and have found it to be an extreme.
17 pleitaant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary intim
•- taco over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis•
• lieusahle members from premature decay, preventing the
rieetunirlation of Tartar, and Purifying the Breath. flay.
lug thoroughly tested its virtll4',, we take'' , pleasure in re.
commending it to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar
ticle of the kind now iu use.
- itorr II PEEBLES, 1 1
.11 It .S'CULLY;
C D.4RRAGIL 11'.11 C_IND 1, ES .s'.
Prepared and sold by W 11.1,1 All
Y A pot lice:.
ry and Chemist. Na. 5.; Mar her Pittsburgh; arid
at all the priacipa Druggists, and 'Tuttle',, Medical Arn
cy, Fourth street.
INTER lENTI NC CURL performed byDr.Sitayne'a
Cillspymed Syrap uf Prunus Fir;ftniuria,ur CArr.
eg. klaiing, made use of this ova 11 1:11ile Syrup in toy family,
which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were
wheezing, and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with constant con2ll, spasms, COTIVULiiOIIB o ,p c ,
otwhich had given °pail hopes of its recovery until I I
was advised to make , trial of this itivaluabie medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon my, child, and con- ----
cludiig to make the same trial upon which en- Con veyancing.
!rely relieved me ofa cough hut I wan afflicted with for' .I,IIE Y, lonts Bl,AKELinues to execute all kinds 0
trt'ny'yeare Any person wishinz to see me can ca at ,• writings, such, a; Deeds, !ilortgages. Apprentices [IF
toy benne In Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington, I dentures, Articles of Partnership, Letters of Attorney .
J. Waxer.
witiF4c. 4—, in a neat and legal manner. and at half °I
ormer charges, at his old stand Penn street, near the sth
fell,. 25,
We ehil the attention of the public to the numerous
eertilicates whieh have beta in circulation in our paper
&Rd lime °there of this city, highly recommending Dr.
SwAyNk's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry•—Wo have
seep the original certificates, and have no doubt but they
toite4itat truly grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits
which they have received from tl.at valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently used the
above medicine, who ran speak with confidence of its ,
Tint e3.—Ssilarday
PILLOW CITIZNICE —With sincerity I would advise
you, one and all, huth sick and well, always to have a
bottle of Dr. SwAyniesCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry
In your house—it Is invaluable in eases of emergency,
such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of. violent
Coughing, which is open the cause of spitting of hloon.
Violet Nervous Affections, which ctecasionally come
from fright, and various other causes, producing great
alarm. sudden colds from Improper exposure, which
are often let run to an alarming, extent, for want of
means itelng ready at hatid;--anci as I have used Dr.
Swnxies's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
in my rnmil9, and always with marked surces.t—l can I
recommend it with confidence, an tinier! 011 C of the best
Phonily medicines which has ever been offered to the I
Pls_bno•—Sorurday Chronicle.
Bold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale it Retail, only agen t
forPittshurgh. N 0.53 MarkeLStreet. sell I°
PlTTantißan, OCT. 22, 1842.
I... l : l cnnilra--Ori Friiln y, the3fJo of last month, abool
Illiedinck at nielit,the Pia fling.° rooving and Path Man
araciory, owned by flay, Dilworth 4- Co, with a larg e
quantity of dressed arflndre , ised loather, was all eonsil,
oiled by fire.
Tin lion Safe with' hoUght of you some tinie hack
W*s 11l the must expti.red situation dui 'rig the fiic, and
wail entirely red hot ant pleased to Inform 3hu it was
41posted at the close of the fire, and all the books, papers,
moved;—tais la the beat recommendation I can give of
she utility of your safes.
. •17nrivalled Blacking.,
MINETFACIVRUD and sold wholesale and retail
rre STEEZT, one door below Smithfield.
pri sup ert worry ilacrioneer and Commis.
turn Jiferellant , LortisvilA IC Y., will :mend to the
Ale or Rea' - Clime, Dry Goods, C i oceries, Purnli ure,
Ate. Regular sales every Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri
dal imoraimils, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances -made
eatidatinic .
eAWF/ELD has removed his trarble• Estahlibh
- Mein to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's Orb:
Alto e t wiscre be will keep constantly on hand Tomb
&sae& Moan meats etc.. ap 19-Iyr
JrOSBORNE, Portrait Paintr.r, Fourth 1it.,341 story
anrke's Building. J. Osborne would solicit a call
roil- those who desire Portrahs. :pee:miens can to
edit-his town&
way 54
¢V. Ro Z..KRT en rus, D. D
r,xv. Josicpn KICRR,
REV. !AREA 111..1,LV1E,
Fr F; subscriber has just received from Philadelph Mend
New York, with a grneral and extensive assort
every :nitric in his line of business, which he is deter
mined to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash._
Ile believes lie can offer stronger inducements than any
similar establishment In this city to country Physiciana
and Metchants, who wish to supply themselves with
Drugs and Medicines. His articles have been selected
with the utmost care, and are warranted °laic beat qual
ity and uniform streurth. Orders will be filled with ac
curacy and eteg,atice. s can be supplied with Fine
and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable variety, and of
The west eagitisilp perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Cosmetics of every description.
The undersigned Yeturns his thanks for the liberal sup_
port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant
disposition to please and accommodate—a care in pro—
curing and selling only what is excellent and genultie—a
close supervision of the sales and transaction 01016 'web.
liellment—Precaution and accuracy in compound' med.
ease dby Industry and perseverance, to meri nin
cr of public patronage
may 25.
THOMAS ffa , corp
Regular Mcirolog Packet
iv- - The Fast running and well knowr.
snmtp rumrnicr„mast,r , will depart d ai ly from Pitt..
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver at I o'clock P. M,
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
No 60 W
Cleveater street.
N. Et.—The regular canal pactet to land, Oblo
Greenville and Meadville Pa-; and Massillon on the
Ohio Canal,conneming with steamer Pleveland at Bea
ver,tvill be in operation immediately on opening corium
mar 16 -It
to No
.C 11. ., removed Ills office 63 Fifth, be
tween Wood and Smithfield sts.'next door to !s Alde treet rman
apr 7.
on hand a superior article ofLard
_., Oil, veal ranted to burn at any tem t ,r•rature, and
equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, %Vinton!
its offetnive qua'ines, and one thir•l cheaper, man.
ufaetured by the Sit bscrilier at the old stand, Third st.,
nearly opposite the Post Otlicc• M. C. EUEV.
j3n 1,1343,
'glum subscriber having opened a shop No Gil, Second
I street. between Market and Wood streets:Pittsburgh.
n connectir n with Die Factory in Birmingham, respect.
fully informs his friends and the public, that he will lir
happy to be favored with their orders fur any articles in
his line.
Door Locks and .Pasteners, `various d scriptions, or
hand and node to order.
Tobacco. Mill and Timber Screws.
Llrge Screws, for Iron Worlts, and Screws fur Presses
ade as may be required,
Carpenters and Builders are requested to call heron
contracting for Jobs. and examine his articles and prices
ocks repaired and Jobbing generally Cone in he best
manner, and on the lowest terms.
nine J PATTI:RS(OI.Jc.
OBERT PORTER, . 4 ttoraeit at
on the corner Fait Ii and Smithfield sis. fer 10
i Looking Glass Manufactory,
A.lid 11 ,, usc rurniNhing Warehouse, 101 Wood
Si rent, near Sth.
'11111: Silk( riper having comi.leted his arrangen-ntm
-11_ at hi. Nelo stand, Is now prepared to orFer io his
friendit and the punife, a large and complete assort:nen!
of Looking Glatzse:7, and lloni.e furnishing Hardware,
(at priers to suit the limes.)
Pier and filfttilel Giass2s in Gilt and Mahogany
frames, °Cilia most approved and imperiur workman
Toil,:t Glassoovith 1,2,3, 4 and 5 drawers.
COOMICM, ferfted, fluted, pm! p liar framed Olcutses
siiitabte for Merchants. (or those wanting cheap glasses.)
Japanned Waiter.< and Trays °fall colors and patterns,
Ivory handle Knives and Forks, in setts or 110Ze/18.
Buck and Bane handle Table Cutlery.
Carving Knives and Forks, do.
Dixon's Briteania Metal 'lra and CotTre Setts(sti•
perior quality,).
American Manufaclo ;do, in setts, or single pieces.
Getman Silver Tea. and Table Spoons, •
Silver plated and Brass Candlesticks,Sauffers do,
Brittania Metal Lamps, for hurtling Spine or Lard Oil.
Brass and Wire Fire Fendets, (various patterns.)
Fire Shovels and Tongs. !land Irons, 4'c,
With a variety of other articles too numerous to men
tion, all of which will Ire oQ'ercd at the !owes& cash pri
N.U. Portrait,-Nfitsiatore,anil oilier Framing done at the
sliorterd notice, reimithig °fall I. ala attended to. Look.
IngGlass plates,by tne box or single light. Prints for Fra.
ming constantly on hand
feb 2J
THOS. A 11U.LIElt.
Adams' Patent ''lLattgliphy”
114 pi: now been before
the pubic 3 year.. (lu
ring which time several
thousands have been sold
and in daily use, We are
confident of being sustained
in saying they are the best
Cotfce Mills in the United
States, any way you •fix it.'
Several modifications are
matfett, suit the fancy of
wives and the purses of
Sold by the gross or dozen
at the manufactory,___
Malleable Castings made to
l .
These genuine articles, oc t
a P ;I size atform Scales
s, and most improved
varieties,ennstanlly on band and forsaleat very tedirred
runes I.y the irrailunicturer, L R. LIVINGSTON,
roar 2. &out bel weer; Ro4s and Grant std.
Upholstery Furnishings.
I 'WE stalicrilwrs regpertinlty iu6vm t lwir friends and
the (HiMie that they have just opened the:xtore No
31) l'ifi It sliest, near the f Trim age Batik. and adjoining
1111 J. D. Williams' Grocery. where they intend to manu
facture in the hest style, and have ready for sale a full
as.. , ortment of the fir-a quality or urhoLtery Paertigh.
ins, :suet} as Hair, Snuck and 11.ittra;st, Pea ili•
er Redg, Sackings, they wilt sell for CII k at
nearly WO per cent less than former prices.
d'lLSO:Sollia, Chairs, ele Vphoktered, carpets loads
and CM tat ea arranged afler the lICWIaI fashions_ All of
'Attie!' 111.• y toiler, to I•XeChle in a manner Ulirtilltiled Ili
this or unsurpassed iu any w her ray.
mar 211 y CIIAS STEWART.
AM .
The old stand of Matthew Patrick,
(Lately occupied by John Ironer)
rpHE subscriber wishes to Inform the citizens of Pitts.
1 burgh, and the travelling public, that he line leaned
the above well known stand, (situaird on Fifth street,
between Market and Wood,) where lie will be happy to
accommodate all his old friends, and as many new ones
as will be pleased to acknowledge hint as raeir host.— i
Hi g terms will be moderate, suited to the times. Ins
table will be supplied with the best that the lUarket at.
fords. His bar will be furnished with the choicest of
liquors, both domestic and foreign. His stables are spa•
clous and commodious, conducted by experlapced and
attentive ostlers.
ii - '-fle wortld inform the citizens that fie Is prepared
t 0 rwcoirmmilate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Yearn
ly boarders at reduced prices.
vrics or BOARD'
Single Arent, 25 Cents. i Lodging, 123 . Op
Boatd Der Week,
may 3---3 m. MICH. PORTSE:R.
Headache! headach e
11 A RE now known to thousands as a most extraordina•
ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon
trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those
suffering only ask among their friends if they have not
known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they
do not hear them more warmly prai se d (and deservedly
too) than any other, then let them not hay' them. In
these few remarks, all fancy or Imagination Is excluded,
and nothing will be said of their merits at any time
but what can lie fairly proved by respectable memt ers of
our community.
Read the following certificate given by a respectable
citizenof th oe
Courtf Alloglieny city, nd attesd by one ofyco.
of Coann a on Pleas te of Alleghen
ALLEaunny Clry, January 9, 1943.
rPIr, Dial THORN
Dear Sir—f have for a number of years past been af-
Meted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a
rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and at.
though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine r e •
commended for its cure, have never derived nay mate
rial benefit until-I used some of your truly valuable An.
ti Dyspeptic 1111 s. I hove not taken quite two boxes and
consider myself perfectly relieved from that distressing,:
complaint. I have no hesitation in reoonuttending your i
Pills as the heat medicine I have ever used.
Yours, Respectfully,
I am acquainted with Mr, Turne-, I have no hesita
tion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr,
T. respsciingsor. Brodie's Pills, as entitled to the mast
perfect and entire confidence. aucu DAVIS.
EstablFor se, Wholesale and Rua al
at the Brodoulan put
ishment Pittsburgh Pa ; and by en authoilsed a.
gems throughout I be t hi/00.
All thy Jan 9 18-ts
Inas uf time WWI BR• .ta •
;k} flow imporiani
11 i Dn t
,iirrieß P s that y IMA. The me
m but
surely remove all impuritlea from the blood, and no case
of sickness can the human frame, that these cele
brated Pills do not relieve ad much ar medicine caw do.
Colds and coughs are more benefitted by the Brandreth
Pills than by lozenges and eanuies. Very well, per
haps. as palial ices, but worth nothing as eradicators or
diseases from 11w !Inman system. The LlRANDarrithet.s
cure, they do not merely relit ve, they cure diseases,
whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwise, will
certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills.
Stan Soto, January 21.1843.
Doctor Brujawin Brantrlo oor Sir:O win le
you a debt of gratitude that money ca nn ed
ot. ay. I ton
iodated to make a public av ictiowledgenthi l l of lire benefit
my wife IlaS derived from your Invaluable pills. About
three years this winter she was taken with a pain in her
ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and'
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent
for the doctor During hisatlendance the pain and swell.
ing increased to an alarming degree, and in three weeks
fiolll its first commencing it became a running sore
She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.—
our first Doctor attended her for six. months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse,
and the sore larger all the while. He said if it was heal•
ed up It would be her death, but be appeared to be at a
loss how t proceed, and my poor wife still continued
to stirrer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought
other aid in a Botanical doctor, who said when he first
saw it that he could soon cure the sore, and give her
ease at once, To our surprise he gave her no relief,
and acknowledged that it baffled all his skill.
Thus we felt eller having tried during one whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, in
absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly
tailing In the prime of her years from her continued
ender these circumstances we conrind e d that
we would try yam. Universal Veget thle Pit is,determined
to fairly test their curative effects. To my wife's great
embroil the first few do-es afforded great relief of the
pain. Within one week, to the astonishment of our.
selves and every one who knew attic rase, the swelling
and the inflammation began to tense SO that she fell quite
easy, and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, after six
weeks' use she was able 10 go through the house, and
again attend to the management of her family, whirl
she had not done for nearly 14 months: In a little over
two from the time she first commenced tie use
of your invaluable tier ankle was Unite sound, and
tier health baler than it had been in althea number of
years before. 1 send you this statement after two years
test of the cure, considering, it only an act of Justice to
yoke and the public at large,
We are, with witch gra itude,
Very respectfully,
P. B. The Botanical Doctor pronounced A.
the sOre Cart•
resents, and finally said no'good could be done, ti lapse tile
whole of the flesh was cut ofr, and the bone scraped._
Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort to your
pills, which saved us from all further misery, and for
which we hopes be thankful. T. 4- E. ,
rrSold at .25 rents per box, ye ith directions.
Observe the new labels, each having upon it to
natures of Dr. Brandreth: So earh Ito% of the g,
has wit si gnatures—three Betilamin Brandreth and I.
B. Brandreth Upon it.
The only place In Pittsburgh where the real Bran
death rjiifl ran be obtained, is the Doctor's owl' office.
in the Diamond, behind the Market 'mute. Mark,
the genuine Bran dreth Pills can never be obtained in any
The following, are the only agents appointed by Dr. B
Brandreth, for the sale af his Vegetable Universal
in Allegheny county:
PaiaciPs.t. AGINT,G H LEE, Pittsburgh,
Alm. John Glass—Alleghenr,
Robert Duncan—Birmingham.
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
H. Rowlami—firKeesport.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasa n t Hill.
John Johnston—Noblesiown.
Chessman Spaulding —Rtewartstown.
Udell 4. Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Parser--Tarentute.
George Power—Fairview.
David R Coon— Plum township.
Daniel Negle% —East Liberty.
Edward Thompson--Wilkinsburgh
Wm. 0. Hu nter—Alien's Mill.
The ottice in Pittsburgh which was established for the
purpose of ron i „th till.: agents in the west, !Diving arcain
phshed that object, ii now closed, and Mr. G. H. LEE
in the Main M.trket street, appointed agent for
the '.ale of Pills awl Liniments All Dr. Brandei Its acetits
will ther f o rr , understand,lllat Dr. 11. will rend .1 travelling
a:ent through the Country once a year toeollect mime),
for sales made and re -supply agents The said trave:ter
will be provided with a power of attorney, dilly proved
before the Clerk 01 the city and county of New York,
to_etltrr with all necessary vouchers and pave: s,
J, J. Yoe, is to, travelling now Pennsyl
11. BRA N. tN
N. B, Berneml,er Mr. f; • If, Lee, in rear °film Mar.
kel is note my only agent in Pittsburgh.
New rork,Jitne 1 1th,
n- An only wishes to know the right way
to ptirstie it; and there ate none, were it •11 , 1:ELY made
known how Los might be prolonged and II ic..l . ru rei
coveted, w . o would not adopt the plan. Evidence i
required that the right way is discovered. This is wita
!hose suffering fro/I:sickness wabt lu be 2 3411611(A 4bupi
For who i. so foolish as not to enjoy all the health Ilk,
body is capable of? If hu is there that would not live
%viten Ilk experience can so winch henetit bisi,elf and
family? It Is a melancholy fact that a very large pro
portion of the most uses: I members of society die be. the ages of thirty and forty. How many allows
and helpless orphans have been the consequence of :nail.
kind not having in own power the tneans of rector.
hughealth when lost.
Nowlll these dangers and difficulties can he prevented
and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na_
[ere, la the ontset, with a good dose of Brandreth's Pills,
This is a fact, well understood to be so by thousands of
our citizens This medicine, if 'taken so as to purge
freely. will surely cure any curable disease. There is
no form or kind of siekness that it does not exert a cur.
ative Influence upon. Thus, by their power in resisting
putrefaction, they cure measles. small pox, worms and
all contageousTevers. There In not a medicine In the
world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore it
to healthy Condition, as the Brandreth Pills.
The Brandreth: Pills are purely vegetable, and so in. that the Infant of a morlh old may use them If
medicine is required, not only with safety but with a cer.
lalnty of receiving all the benefit medicine is capable. of
Imparting. Females may use them in all the critical
periods of their fives. The Br: unfurl!' Hug Will insure
their health, and produce regularity in a'l the functions
of life.
The same may be said of Rrandrel Ps External Rem
oIY, as an outward application in all external pains, or
lined where ills skin is very lend( r or broken. It should
be mixed with one or two pints of water,
.4 sure reseal' Genuine Brandreth
the box of Pills, Then look al the certificate of agency,
whose engraved date must be within the year, which
every authorised agent must possess; if the three label:,
on the box agree with the three labels on the certificate
the Pills are true—if not, they are false,
Principal of f ice, 241 Broadway, New York:
June 16.
o house,and
mar 23, 1343
FOR carrying Merchandlze and Produce to and from
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and
Boston, by the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail road, on
entirely temperate principles.
Stock of this line cotisists of new large Tidewater boats
built expre , sly for this route, with all the modern kn.
provements In boat building; of a superabundant supply
of first rate cars on the Portage Railroad; and a full sup
ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats be.
twren Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which will be
conducted by sober, industrious and experienced captains
and superintendents. Charges will be paid on all goods
intended to be shipped from Pitisburt h to Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York or Boston, and consie tied to James
Dickey 4. Co., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne
and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with
AII Goods and produce intended to be shipped from
Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware. and Rari
tan Crinal,land consigned to Bart, Andrew and MeKever,
will be received at their warehouse, first wharf above
Rare street,. Philadelphia, and shipped directly from
thence without additional handling or expense; a lineof
Boston packets connects with tile line at this poin.•
Shippers are invited to examine the stock of this line
aad judge for themselves, before shipping by any other,
as their interest will be advanced by shipping, by It, the
proprietors being determined to exert Illeingeives to the
utmost of their ability for the interest of their custo
mers and prosperity oftheir line.
Insurance can be effectedcheaper by this line than any
other, as the route is considered the safest.
Hart, Andrews 4. MeKever, from Philadelphia and Bal.
Ilmore to Hollidaysburg.
Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh
ACENT i g.
Hart, Andrews 4- ItterCever, Philadelphia
Elder, Colston 4. Co., Baltimore.
Fleury L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg,
Jessee Patterson, Johnstown.
James Dickey et Co. Pittsburgh
Judson & Flanegi
, Smithfield near 7,11 street.
Colic lions made on moderate terms. Pensions
for widows /of old soldiers under the late act of von
tress, obtained. Papers and drawings for tire Parent of,
lice. prepared.
mar 17-Iy.
P ILES cured by the Lite of Or. Harlirh's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr.llarlich--Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency from you for the sale of your medicine,
formed an acquaintance vela) a lady of this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her case so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was
perfectly cured. Yoons, 4.c. , JAMES E. KIRBY
October 3, 1840.
gj`Office and General Depot, No. 19. Nortb
Street, Phifadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburzh. sep 10 1
Jan 13-17
r c
arßuot Ift '• UN - 7- Trd! MUM; t, IN.
mENTI3I T. Al r e6grehy, Ostler and Sim/teat
I As etioneltz Maker, Third street, snarly apposite eke
Office, Pittebitnrk
Bhysicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in•
struntents niadeby the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors'A'atent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. Allartleles warranted •or the best quality, and
jobbing done as usual.
sap 10
Ll A LLEN KRAMER, F.zchan a lroker, No. 46, e'er•
ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
' Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, honglit and sold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities , for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, collected.
HAM 11:PlultR:
PitlsLiirg 11,Pa, Wm. Bell,. Co., John D. D avit' , F .
Lorettz,l. Painter.. Co., Jo-cril Woodwell, James May
Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4. Co., /oho 11. Brown
k Co. Cincinnati, C., James Prl'efuldless. St. Louie,
Ato., J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. H. rope, Esq.
Pres't Bank Ky.
1 , 11.110 V A L.—The undersigned begs lea ve to Haim.
the public, that lie has removed from his old stand,
to the corner of Penn and St. Clair etc., opposite the Es
change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Pz/ato FORTE
Wxsa Room, and now offers for sale the most splendid
assortment of ['um's ever offered in title market.
Ilk pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, heautifully finished and tno•
dried, and constructed throughout of the very be.tit ma
terials,w hich,for durability, and quality of tone, as well
rk touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As It ha , . en!arzed his manufactory, and made arrange.
meulq to supply the inereasing demand for 11113 instru
ment, he respectfully requiems tild , e intending io intr.
chase to call and examine his awortment before purcha.
sing elsewhere, as be is determined to sell LOWER, kr
rash, than any other establishment east or wrst of the
Corner or Penn and St. Clair streets,
seplo Oppoalle the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Camomile'GEP.Nliv.W.NE.—Dr. William
CkaTi rictrzs.—l.elter.fr om the Hum
lan,Sultlvan County, East Tennessee, MembelofEongress.
Vt'Ai Ju 34, 838.
Sir—Since I have been in this miu citmyrom, I
have ly
113 1
used Some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satin
faction, and believe it to bee most valuable remedy. One
of my tonsti turn's, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tennessee, wrote to me to send him some. which I did,
and he ham mployed it very successfully in his praelke,
and says it is Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place,^ thinks you would probably like an agent In
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper permi t to of for the sale of your celebrated
medieine. Should you commission him he Is willing to
act for }rm. You can send the medicine by water to the
rare of Robert Kin?. F tons. Knoxville roll nly.Tennes.
,ee, or by land to Graham 4- itougton, Tazewell, East
Tennessee. I have no doubt but If you had agents In
several counties In List Tennessee, a great deal of medi
cine would be soil. 1 ate gain' to take some of It home
for my own tine, slid 1 hat y friend s, and ould
like to hear from you whether o y ou owwoldo u ld like an sh agent
at filtintville, Sullivan County, East Tennmree; I can get
some of t he merchants to act for you 231 live near there.
Yours respectfully,
Am:ARAM M 'CLELLAN, of Tennessee.
For saie Wholesaleand Retail, by
R. E.SELL ERR, Agent,
No. 20, Wood slreet,below Second.
This Infallible remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon
as the Syrup is rubbed on the g l / 1 11 , , the child will rect . v.
er. This preparation is so Innocent, so eflicaclous, and so
pleasant, that no child will refuse to let Its gums be rub
he'd with It. When infantsare at the age of four months
tho' there is vo appearance of teeth, one bottle of the
Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents should
never be without the syrup in the nursery where there
are young children, for if a child wakes In the night with
pain In the gums, the Syrup immediately elves ease,
ope Mag the pores, and healing lie.gums; thereby prevent
ing Convu sions. Fevers, 4-c. Far Sale Wholesale and
Retail by
R. L. SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 No. 2f). 11,11,111 street, below Second.
L IVER COSIPLA INT cured be the use of Dr. Hai.
itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
Mr. Wm. Ilirlm rd., of Put:burgh, Pa., entirely mired of
the aboveriktrciising fliseil-C His symptoms were pain
and weighl in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid
eruciatiUli, it distension of the stomach, sick head-ache,
furred tongue, countenance clialiged loa citron color, ditit•
rutty of ' , real blitz. disiti Wt. d rest, attended wihlr a cough,
great debility, will: other symptoms indicating great do-
rangeinent of the functions of the liver. Mr. niehard,
hail the advice of vevera I pity, lint received no
relief, until using Dr. Ilatlich's Medicine, which terniiiia
led in effecting a pe-fect cute.
Principal (Mire. 19 North Eighth Sheet, Philadelphia.
For gale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, curlier of Llher
ty and Wood streets.
fits VON HUTCIi Ell PI
_ These rills arc eomposed 111•1 WhichLLS.—
a specific action 11 putt the heart, give impulse or
itremzth to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
71,1 equalized in it; circulation throm:h all the ve,,els,
whether of ill., skin, the pails situated internally,or
extremities; and at all the secretions of the hotly are
drawn from the blood, there Is a consequent increase of
every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent
and exhalent, or elscharzin2 vessels. Any morbid action
which may ve taken place is corrected, all obstrut.-
Wns are rrlicrcil,ll.a blond is p urified. and tfie body
rertmes a k rak :kri!3.ate. Fur 3 ale Vl'holesale and Re
:ep 1(1
s,il 1 'Wood st. below Second
For the Transportation'of ilerchandi:c and Prodac,
D EVINE mcn.NE, Y respectfully inform ihe pub
lic that they have completed their arrangements
for the above Line on
The public has. long wished for Individual competition
in Trnitsporiation on the Public Works, by which alone
it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to ((slowest rates; that wish will now he realized; the
State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail
Roads, Individuals owning Portable nOatg are enabled
to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to com
pete with companies.
This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Section
Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command
them and well known as enterprising, industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority riiadvantages of the Portable Boat
over every other mode of Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require comment; sof.
fice:it tosay, that the detention, loos,separation and dam
age to Goods. invariably attending arse Teansiripricsts
between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable
Boat most effectually removed.
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
of tieing well ventilated and cool in Snail:tier; which pre.
yams Flom from soaring, and Bacon and Tobacco from
Devine* McAnulty, standing as they de,belween the
owners ofgoods and the Boatmen who carry them, and
eqaally interested in protecting the interests Qrbetit, will
make no promises to the public they will not faithfully
They are now prepared to receive and forward Pro
duce to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston
in the shortest lime, and pledge themselves to enter into
no combination with other Lines,ltut always stand ready
to carry out the principle:sof their Line, and contract for
freight on the very lowest terms.
To give undoubted-security to owners and shippers'
of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected,
by which all merchandtze shipped by this Line wilt be
Insured without any additional expen , e to the owner.
Devine 4- Me y will rt.t.eine all produreconsigned
to them at Pittsburgh, pay freizb: and charges to Steam
Boats and forward the same with delay to Philadel
phia, Baltimore, New York, and Euston without any
charge for advancing or commission.
DEVINEs. PricA NULTY, Ag'nts.,
Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
272 Market street, Philadelphia.
75 fsowley's Wharf, Baltimore.
Cincinnati, Ohio
liladison Ind.
Thos, Mc.ADA M,
27 Old k Co Agent
March 10, 1a42
dying rate?"
To be had at Terrt.t's Medical Agency ; 86 Fourth st,
the only agent In Pittsburgh.
Feb 21
irp•TO THE L.9DIF.S.—Why do you not remove
that superfluous hair you have upon your foreheads and
upper lip ? By calling at Tr - rrtes, 86 Fourth Si., and
obtaining a bottle of Goornud's Poudres.Sabiles, which
will remove it at once without affecting , the skin. You
can also obtain Couraud'a truly celberated Eau de Becute,
which will at once remove all freckles, pimples, emo
tions of the skin, and make your face look perfectly fair;
and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more
color to their checks, they rail O'bia In some of Gouraud,s
celebrated Liquid Rouge, which cannot be rubbed cal - even
by a wet cloth, Also may be found a good assortment
Perfumery, of
each as Cologne, Bcars' Oil, Almond, Pa 1g . .,
Vi'ird or, and oilier :4onps.
Remember, nt Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th streetd
Druggists and others can besupplied at Wholesale and
retail tern's.
may 26 1842
what will destroy Life, and yen ore a eras ' um.
what pro,on g Zr e ,, andbi •
Caveat entered 9th June, 1842—Patent granted to "th.""er t he ac ars/
Broj I min B. andreth,2oth January, 1843. call you Impostor."
..There are faculties , bodily and intellectual,
The extracts of which Brandreth's Pills are ever_ i
with atibiek certaix herbs have affinity, and ever whisk
posed are obtained by this now patented process,
they have power."
without boiling or any applicetion of hear. The ac— I Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, br Liniment
live principle of the ire; hs thrtssecut need the same which, by its extraordinary powers, alptraeis Pairs or
as it is in the
Sorene,s; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White ffwelltspr,
Rheumatic Pains, or SLlM:cgs Sidniess of the Joists
The Public should be cautious of medicines rec— Tumors, Cnnalural Hardness, ' Stiff Neck Efore hrow:
commended in ad vertisments stolen from me, in Crean, Contractions of the muscles, Scroful es.
which the CoNTEstpTIaLE RoitasptS steals my lan- tarxements, Tender reel, and every description of Is
guage, merely alfermr ; the Hattie. Time will show i f"ry atrecting the Exterior 01" Hum an Pflthl4 e ,
cured or greatly relieved by his nereo•ro be sefficiewas
these wholesale deceivers in their true light.
extolled remedy.
ssaiTrildrireoureTz.-7'he fur rowingleiter front Major mem.
Otr- BR AN DRETH'S PILLS are the People's I
aka volu a m it e t s o the qualities of the Ezternat Rene-
Medicine, proved by thon‘ands who daily reccom
mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETI,
PILLS are growing every day more popular, their
vii tues are extendiog their usefulness. The sick of
both sexes are daisy deriving benefit from them.
No case of disease but they can be used with advan
tage. Blotches or haul lumps of the skin they speed
ily cure so with erysipelas, so wittrealt rheum, so
with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, so with
costiveness!, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips
and canker in the month. L4fathe afflicted use this
medicine, and they will find theilitiquire no other.
Sold at 2.5 cents per box, with directions.
Observe the new labels each havin g upon it two
signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the
genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brand
retli and three B. Brandreth upon it.
The oNLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the REAL
Brand.'elli Pills CAN as osTAINED, is the Doctor's
own Office, Diamond back of the Market House,
Mark. the GENutme BrandrethPills can never be ob.
taiced in any Dana STuRR.
Tae 1-,, llowing at e the ONLY AGENTS appoint
eft try Dr. B. Bramireth, for the shle of his Vegeta
ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County.
G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh;
Mr. John Glass—Allegheny.
Robert Duncan—Birmingham,
C. F. Diehl--Elizahethtown.
H. Rowland—Mcßtesport.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnson—Nnblestown.
Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartstown.
Asdell & Connell— Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarent'Om.
George Power—Fairview.
David R. Coon--TIUITI Township.
Daniel Negley—East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilkinsborglo
IVm. 0. hunter—A Iron's Mills.
T O FEM A LES.—There is a large clam of Females in
this City who from t heir continued sitting, to which
their occto pc,t ions oblige I hem.are a ffect ed with costiveness
Which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex.
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and sound ,an inability of tiring the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow
els, sometimes n sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stairs; temprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at '
once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills The occa.
sional use of Oils medicine would save a deal of trouble''
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of!
the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, are ofen found !
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In
this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition, enliven the spirits, Impart clear.
ncss to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. 13,uudrctlre Office. in the Diamond
Pittsburgh—Price 25 cents per box, with fall directions.
N lARK—Theonir place in Pittsburgh, where the
G WHIMS Pills can be obtal ned, is the Doctor's ow It or
Gee, Diamond,
Sep, RI
inflE subscriber has just rrceived Ws 3 11 110111iiiiipply •
IL Landreth's Garden .Ferds, consisting in pin ofto
following kluds—ali of the last yrapscrop it liontritiled
Mater Melon,
&c. &C. &c
Together wi tli variety errot 4• Sweet herbs.and flowe
TOrders for Seeds, Shrubs; Tres, itz. from Gan*.
ers and others will be received and promptly alleadied
to.. F. L- lISNOWDEN,
No. JB4 Liberty. head of Wood at
L - 1 A RAI FOR SALE.—The understved offers for sale
iS rarm, lying in Rosa Township 4j wiles from tie
City of Pittsburgh, coulaittlng 114 acres of land of selltiett
60 are cleared and untle7 fence, trim 15 to 20 acres of
meadow, 2 good Orchards of Apples few Pesch tiol
Cherry trres---the improvements arc a large frame bolget
contaitung 10 memo well furnished, calculated for b
vcrn ok. private Dtvelling, o frame Barn 28 by 00 - ,Steob
haremon, and stabling, Sheds tnd other out hbitkeseiti
able for a tencinent:-2 good Gardens surrounded imrith
currant bushes, and a well of excellent waier. with a
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and A Ile.; belly market, there is no place now offered feti
sale with more inducement to those wishing to porthole
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, tot
further particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clottdi
store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley.
N. B. If not n old before L A
Ist of Octobe C rnein, ft
will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tosolt melba
das tor
di Am Es How RD co„ Manufacturer; IV *,5 -
41 Paper, A", 1;3, Wood Street, Pittsburgh,
Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Bang
( * .gazed and Wain PAPE!: HAN G INGS, Velvet and
hnliation Borders, of the la:est style , and,
patterns, for papering halls, parlors and Chambers—
They manufacture and have on hand at all Hazen—
Print Mg. n;, Letter, W rappinz and Tea raet.l4•
net anti Fu l lers ! '
Shards-all-allof which they offer p foi ta le
on the most accommodating terms; and to which Ibiey
invite the attest on of merchants and ethers.
A LSO—Blank Bonk!, of ail kinds and the aostaluadity,
School Rooks, etc. always on hand and for sale aaatkaire
N. B flagsa nd Tar.ners' Scraps' taken la clause.
.or. watiVrr
It AGRA W HAMILTON, Attorneys of Lea. Mr!,
removed their Office to the residence of H.S. bin•
raw, on Fourth st, two doors above Smithfield. up 10
, Fe bra arys. 1841)4
Dr. SWATlre—Dear Cincinnati
Permit me to take ;l
the liberty
of writing to you at this time to express my a pprOliatioe
and to recommend to the attention of heads of falwitke
and others your invaluable medicine—the Coepala
Syrup of Prunus Virginiana, or Wild Cherry 11 ark. in
my travels of late I have seen in a great many
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relievhat ebil
dren of very obstinate complaints, such 'as Coughlat
Wheezing, Choakin." of Phlegm, AEI hnralir attacks, 4. a.
ke. I should not have written this letter, however; at
presen• although I have felt it my duty to add my (era
mony to it for Some time, had It not been for a late fa.
stance where the medicine above alluded to was motto.
mental in restoring to perfect health an "only
whose case was almost liopeirrs, in a family of toy it
quaintance. thank Heaven," said the doating moth.
cr,"rny child Ns:iced from the jaws of death! 0 how )
feared the relentless ravager But my ehltdis sate a
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Byrn'', o
Wild Cherry is the most varoable medicine In this man) ,
other country. lam certain I `:ave witnessed more than
one hundred cases where It has been attended with coal.
plete suceesv. I am using it myself In an obstinase at .
tack of Bronchitis, in which It proved &real/alio a nth.
ceedingly ditort lime, considering the severity of the ease.
I ran reromend it in the fullest confidence °fits superior
virtues; I would advise that no fan.ily Fhunid be edam
It; it is very pleasant and always lictielkial—worth
double and °Cleft ten times Its pr ice. The Public are as.
oared there Is no quackery about it. R. isessos.D.l3l.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chaith,
N. Y.
Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4 retail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. No. 53. Market street. aep 10
Dear Nicw Foes, Feb. 9, 1842,
you oldige me it h another bottle
Your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the bees or r ef
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my sen's
knee, about which I was so uncasy.and I have found it
productive of Immediate relief in several eases of ester.
nal injury In my family. A few evenings sines , - ay
youngest child wasseized with a violent attack °fen*,
which was entirely removed In twenty stisntetr, by rlk•
bing her Ci/e9I and throat freely with the External I
edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Unhand
for general Ilse, instead cf confining the ore of it, as you
have heretofore done, to your particular acqualntaucatt,
Yours truly, C. %V. SANDFOR
Da. B. Dammam - a, 241 Broadway, N. Y.
iti-For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and 10 kit
office! in the Diamond, Pittsburgh. PRICE—Sp mu.
per bottle with directions.
Hp la
T HE auhterther would reepeo fully inform the
cf Pitislourgh, A ile2tieny and their yieiritier citizens ,
that be
baa ecmmenced manurictur:ng the z rile le or Lard 04
and eattales. Ile in len& mnhin= lot one quality, width
w:II equal the hest made in Lie Union and not suer/amid
by the best winter st rained sperm oil either for machinery
or burning, without its offri,stee properties. Lad. Dee
third cheaper, THE ABOYE IS WARRANTZLtra
her wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind trtil
it la not necessary to purchase any new ran g ied lamps the!
are daily palmed upon them as being requisite 10 L;11111 the
lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant /Wit
can ohtain it by calling at the old stand,3d street, neatly
opposit e the Post Office.
c The attention of Wholesale dealers, Churches and Entr.
chinlsis respectfully solicited.
N, B —All the barrels will bear the mannrutitret'a
Jan 2: /34.31-.
B PERRY takes this method of informing the petblie
in goneral that he continues to carry on the
shore business in the klonosositst• FIOVIC RUILDINGIP
No 1 Water street, where, vtitli strict personal attention
he hopes to please all oho will favor him with their pa,
trona:e. From his ex
flatters in the bullion., It
flatters himself that Iris work cannot be esetlted in dust
ness and durability.at Ica,t writ of the hlcsiotains;
it Is useless to boast at
fair trial is the hest evidehiel
To suit the times he manufactures Boots at various Del
ces; from as low as fire d'ethrrs np to his best
which he affords at seven dollars per pair. 'path
'p.,20 3su
AYE removed iirel taper Store from Allarket
11. street to No, et Wood ette ti one door froni
corner of 4th, where they keep an hands I hell nanal aah.
sortment of WALL PA PERS. for papering oaritirs,ett.
trier, chambers. 4-e • and also PRINTING, WE.TINO
all of w bleb 'hey offer for bale on woe te m e.
feb 14, 1843.—dif
. .
Egg Plant, Pars .
Endive, PAN --%
Kale, .
Punip , k;in, 1:= 1 i 1 ,
Rflanib, BoreitaliP
Rhubarb, i
Ca 44/..
Saliify, Carrot,
Cauliflower, flpittasitliit
Celery, Okra;,,,._
Curled Ctess, Ovine,
Cuchmber, -Paoky;
Mustard, (while and browny;