Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, July 14, 1843, Image 1
or— • .-- "' -emit ia. , *-34 , :!r VOL""" 1 NO 261 p. Si PUBLISHED BY ; 1565. PIIII.I.IPS & W. 11. SMITH, i7OR,VER OF WOOD 4- FIFTH STS. jj PI triiS.--F IV FI DOLLARS a year, payshle in •dvsuce. Single conic:, TWO CENTII 4 .---fur Sale at the Counter of the utlice, and by News Boys. L7ll4der Mercury and Manniael suer p,ke>,pnl►ed W EF.g. LY, at the salve °tikes on a double istedltiqu slier'', at TWO DOLLAR a year, io ad. copies, SIX CENTS. Ternis•of Advertising, PER SOMA RE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: 3nt insertten, 0.50 I One month, 4le4leftetlon4s 0,75 Two monte, threejusertlons, 1,00 Three months, litiertierili, 1,50 Four - months, Atilo", iireeltt, 3,00 Six months, 2 ... Three weeks, 4.00 One year, 'EARLY ADVERTISEMENTS 1 , ' CIiANOtABLE IT PLIIISURIL. OlRti &titer& Deo Squares qlreurtionttra, $13,00 :Me months, $23,00 pee year, 25,00 One year, 35,00 11 — , - -.Larger advertisements in prorortion. . 3 .. ; 13.415,WS of four tines Six Dot.r...as a year. LIC OFFICE S, &C. " Crrir Poor Orrtcn. Third between Market and Wood M Postmaster. I,CsosTOst Ft.naar., Water, 4th dour from Wood st. Peter -101-silihnildinsi—Major John Willock, Collector. L'tt.7lter l'ltcrannt. Wood between First and Second treets—James.Alartram, Treasurer. County Tatessoar;•.Ttord street, next door to the gtesbyptrian Cburelt—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. F .Mfkotolleol/Avs, Fourth, between Market and Wood jliVistzsAlexand'es. !lay, Mayor. In riots OCT'S EICIiAZIGIE, Fourth, near Maiket I. BA IiKS. Prursanifon, between Market and Wood streets, on I Fnlrd and Fourth streets. iattrauttes' am. VIDFACTORIRe •ND FAast en s DE MMT *An*, (formerly Srving Fnnd.) Fourth, bc.tvcren ,Kood and Market sttects. tidastiok, Fifth street, near Woad. MOTELS. Iltiomormanei.t. tiou:=e, Water street, near the fridge. (11,11,Xcit Harsh, corner of Penn and Si. Clair. NACHANT3' [(Oral., corner of third and Wood. Atmrates.w Hamm. rt.:7 tt: Third and Sniithfield. UNITED Srvict, corner of Penn street and Canal. Illiihrsii)eirmaD.Er.out, Liberty street, near Seventh. Mtsrarms Nissan:r IlouNe.Liheriy St opposite W. 12, is Mau:arm House, Penn St. opposite Canal. • AV 00 DS, ATTORNEY AND :COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—!Office remo ttil to Bakewell's offices on Giant St., neatly opposite Use new Court House, next rooms to John D.Mahon ,e, fq , Fi s t floor. • srm 10 • I UGH TONER, AttOjiiey at Law, North aremotthfleld and Fourth streets. rtittiCANDLESS & 11111CLUIRE, Attorneys and Q lCounsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, liack 7 ; e old Court [louse, Pittsbu rgli. cep 10 I.4IIIIUNK Et FINDLAY, Attorneys at .abote Wood, rtitsbor%ll. -• OH.HAMILTON, Ailornev at Law, Fin h, between Wood and Smithfield stm,Pith‘hurgh. srp 10-1 y • &WI& 01.144.. RA. ROBINSON, It or isey at Law; -- vir office on tlie north aide of tilt: Diamond .l.etwee , . aid Onion streets, lairs 0(1)10 -----_____ i.DURBOR.kBV, Attorney at Law; tenders • his profesAionol services to ilk pUtlliC. (Alice on iPtahlitre?et, above Wood, Ser, to _- - - TRTER ir•lttb..ll‘N AN, Arturncys at Law, o ice removed from the Diamond, to “AttOrtley'rßOw," iced) side of Fourth street, hetweett :larket an 3(. d Wood 1)10 %CLICK MASTER, VIIAN EY AT LAW t , has removed l.•is office to lira TCL-7 . 31 Law Build ; aigui,stffnvih sheet, above zAtilithfieltt, Pittsburgh. • Per 10 _ ifrAkilrßa F. W. LJIYNCI, Attorney •at Law, Office lik-31. IF 54 Fifth street, neat the 'rhea! rr, Pit leoll I gril. • NO 27 —1 y READE %V ASIIINGTON, TihORNE Y ./1T LAW. —Office in Ilakeweli's Building Cruet street, Pittsburgh. Nov.s. 1842. J. MITCHELL—Attorney at aw. .ce career of Smithfield and sth !Is., Pittsburgh. Collections made. A I business entrusted to Ills ate Will he promptly attended to. fit) IV--1 r E V 4.L —R. Morrow, Alderman; olfx o nort li bide of fifth st., between Wood and Smithfield ft tr l'ilielUrCh. 6e1)10 ''f-_ -- ---- . S. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second seet ' next door 11$‘" Kir., to Malvany 4- cu • sGlags Warehouse Sep 10-1 y Paper Nanafacterers, No. 37. Market sep 10-1 y OEN ANDERSON, Smlthfield Foundry, Water st.. sear the Monongahela House, rittsl urgh. sep 10-1 y TalakS 311 YOUNG-. FItANcIS 1.. YOUNG. Illllo*. 13. YOUNG & CO., Furnituie %Vara .itooins, (Artier a [land St. 4- Exchange Alley. Tersoue wishing tO pfireluase rfirniltire, will find it to heiradvantage to give no it call, being fully sat tsfied that we can pleaae a. to quility and price. Lep It) BBLS. PLAN PATIOS SIOLASe , LIS. receiver: UP itet Steamers Little- Sear and Fulton, and tor .laie .1 O. 4- A. GORDON star RT. 12 Water street .. . Nicaokis D. CoLtaLpi Lori) R. COLIMA/I COLEMAN it CO.,Gene:4 Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Levee Street. Vicksburg Miss They respectfully soAct t < onsignments. n 22- -- ----- —,------------_ WEBB-CLOSEYO Boot and Shoe lilanttfacio• ry,'No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States Atoka Ladies Prunelia, Kid and Satin Shoes ntade in !pm neatest manner, and by the newestirrench patterns. sep 10 GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Nancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding IC *Pres, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re . geived and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN , . aep 10 134 Liberty street, head of Wood. - - ---- kGISTRATES"BLANKS, for proccedinqs to .at ifich.sw. under the late law, for sale at Oils Office 1110P_LANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— *San 'to be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on .gesi piper t and in the Corms approved by the Doti rt,for sale t ONO Nike of the Mercury and Democrat. aep 10 • WM. HUBBARD, ladies' fashionable boot and ishOe Manufacturer.fio.lol, Third s'reet, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10 JAS. I'ATTERBON, Jr., Birmingham, neat Piiis!ittrgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, flinaes and Bolts; To. lacco, Foliar. MITI and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for Kornai, Mills, 4e. Itep 10-4 y JMICLOSKEY, Tailor cLud Clothier, Lilier.y a." street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South oitlei sep 10 j . G. t A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding di a Merchants, Water st., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y Bitiminghairn & Co. A movittssioN AND lORW4RDLYO ME.R. VLF MINTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Tenowrititeihrin acid Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Csigristallous on Purchases and sales 23 per cent. • S. MORROW, NI.4IO7PACTURER of tin, Copper andsheet Iron. Ware, No. 17, Fifth St., between Wood and Mar- kit: Keeps constantly on hand a ?.,00d as sot talent of scares, aad soligtaar slave of public patronage, Also. os hand, " 1 "` sbefetiaattog *diciest Shovels. Pokers, Tones, Gridirons, )4114 1 44. Teakettle% Pots, Ovens. Coffee /kills tc. Mer• ‘iicact,f awl sabers are invited to call and examine for beassel,rato as Ise is desert:Waft tosill cheap for cash' or spprorest,...> et. I)AtiILY: -- MORNINV__..!'ONT lIAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co, wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- duce Men...totals, And Dealers it Pittsburgh. Alaasfecturcs No, 43 Wood street, rlttsbutllt Jr.NNINGS &Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. Ageptsfor the ale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17, '43. THONIMON HANNA /AXIS TURHIIVt. L. 'IAN NA .4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, N. 104, Wood st., where may he had a general supply of writing, wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books, aehool books, 4.c,4.c. sup 10-1 y X=oo 6,00 7,00 8, 4 0 10,00 15,00 DI C. TOWN-413ND 4. CO., Wire Workers and /Lb alotufatekrers, No. 43 Martin wreet, betweenld and 3d streets. sep 10-4 y L.XCH ANC E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and at. Clair streete, by Mc%IBBIN itt SMITH. rep I 0-1 y ftROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Hiiettes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood st., Pittsburgh. sap 10 —ly E w GooDs._ r rest on 4. Mackey, wholesale and L retail dealers in English, French, aid Domestic Dry Goode, No. SI. Market st , Pittsburgh. sep 10 JOHN 31. 9 DEV ITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectift Disulier, And Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Mattoractured Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts- Sterik. sep 10 _ ILLIO6 ii. WILI,I'AMS JOllll. s. DLLWOR.III WILLIAMS . 45E DILWORTIL---W holesale Grocers Produce and Com mission Merchants, and lealrrs In Pittsburgh Manufactured article 4, No. 29, Wood street. . , sep It) JOHN .. JAF. N. Kx.r.x & KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper. 1 , 0 Tin, and Sheet Iron' Warr. No 811, Front at., Fiila hur7.l). [louse Spouting and ,Sicaiiiboat work promptly rztcuted, acp 10 ,nitFA AV ID SANDS, 11 ATCH ez CLOCK 1/ MAKER , " ho. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts. .e._, burgh, DEALER IX WATCRES,CLOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CRAWS, KEYS, COJIBS, 4,c. sep 10 • --- LAINIDRETIPS (%RI)EN SEEDS.— A full supply of I.aod , cll)'s Gardeu Settd, , , always an hand, and for sale ;,t iris a:,,cy lii. lit e Fel) 10 184 Li he ty aireet, heat, or Wood. RENIOVAL.—Mati hew Jones, Barber and Hair DI ens. rr, hat remnved to Ft:utlast rept, orpo.ilettie May ors oilier, where he will 6e happy to:wait upon itermanent or transient cuss onicrt , . Ile zilicii9a share of public Igkt • rounr. cep 10 Ea 4 corner sep 10-1 y • JOLIN WFARL %ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet Jlf..ker, Third st. between Wood 4. _Market streets, respectful Infqrtns his friends and the public , that he is prepared to esecute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. ilu • reaus, Chairs, Tables, tledsteads, Stands., flair and rpi in, Mattrasses. Uurtains, Carpets, all sorts of Uphol.tering worn, WhiCh he will warrant equal .o any wade in the city , and on reasonable terms. sep 1U sep iO-Iy. REMOV.h/.!--The snhntibers have retnov.d 10 NV a. ter between Wood and Smithfield sheets, where they will ronliniie the 1V linlrsale Grocery and Coniintg sion Itim s and would re.-1 Bully vnlo it the pal too• age on heir friends J. W. 1W lath 14: ,si• Co. nec DR. A. VV. P AT VERSON. ..?:Tice on Siiiittinelti street neat t 6. Sep 10 is -4:; FARE RLIICUI U. U. B. RIAU. Lisle orSiri,evii ANn RAIL 110 AD CARF, from l'ittsshurgii, via Brill . ..rd. ilarri.lnire and iimiraiitei, to Phil ',Mt phia, COlillerling with thy lltailtrain offal' to N V. 6 tilY IAO tuii, s and one night out.. A iau, 111, Direct line to Ballioinie. rare to Philadelphia 89. it Baltimore, Lcavns daily at R o'clock A. M , Office iiecood door below the Merchani itotel 00.1 ct MENDELL, GRAHAM, W AUG II 4 - ro. -23, 1813-1 v. Proprktorg. rilE GREAT CENTRAL ROU E, vl.l. NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE. Asa 01110 RAIL ROAD COMPANY M 4l;* riV i Ew tine of U. s. M..il cmacheg for Hashing tun City. i Balt imore. ph iladciphia and Nov York. This line is in In!I operation end leavesPittshurgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington ?a. art national road to Cumberland, cOnnectlng here with the rail road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable Joule, it being a - separate acd distinct ritisbutgli and ruinherland line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tra coaches foriththed at the shortest notice, tvito the privilege of gting through direct. or taking cne night's rest al their option For tickets, apply at nor office at thehlononeahela L. W. STCCK'I'ON• President of S. R. Sloan Co. lint Fe. rrh. ENTIRE NEW COACHES FROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. united States Express Line , - - Leaves flits: 'ugh dal'y, al 2 o'clock, e. xi, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great Nniiunal Road, and from ihcrc by RAILROAD, In superior new eight wheeled cars, to Baltimore, Washington eHy and Philadelphia. The alms , Line is represented to the traveling public as tieing unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern dile+ for comfort and expedition, having made arrange mews to convey Fie:mows through In two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles lees than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new conches. Fare to Balliinoie, Office in the Monotigaliel a !louse, A. lIEN bErSON 4• CO., Singe Propi let° IIVACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVF_S--TRUTIIIS CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted fur nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which produird much pain, and used various applica lions recommended by the Faculty—all in vain sva. I cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr . Brand , ret li's Litratnent, or External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10111,1840. Dr. Brandreth's Est...oat Remedy or Liniment; sold at his office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- , 51. 1 cents per bottlit. feh 8. J[IST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for sale %Vitt - desalt: and retail. by WM, TIIORN, feb 2:—tf. 53 Mai ket at. 20 000 LBS Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos -2,000 lbst. Bitting, 3,000 " Caudle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry.. For sale by HAILMA N, Jr,NNING'; Couoti Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Vood street. mar 17 I.I7M.I3LDER, Attorney at Lath.—(Mice in See- V V owl itteet,2od doom above the elttner of Smithfield Doi lb side. • ap. 141EIW ROUTE. ml d 3 PITTSBURGH, JULY 'l4, 1843. PEASE'S I.IO.IRHOUND CANDY.—Ttrr - ux has received this day front New York. a fresh supply o the abase. celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con sumptilin; and is ready to supply customers at wholesale orratall, at hit Medical .I,felicy, 86 Fourth st. .rtov 12 DAVID CLARK, .olg'r, reasitionabie - Rss& Make-1%- 11as removed to No, 34 Market street, between Seeoad and Third streets, where he would be tinkly to see his olitenstoiners, and all others who feel dispoe ed to patronize him. Ile uses nothin: Mit first rate steel., and employs the best Of workmen; and sterns gives Ids constant personal attention to businats, he truststiat he will deserve and receive a fair stare of patronage. np 10 FRUITS, ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONARY.r- JU A Hunker respectfully Informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of lee Creams. together, with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their semon, al his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, betwe it Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes, or anything in his line. Also families furnished wit ti Bread. sep 10 VANS'S CAMOMILE PILL L S .—ABRA. HAM .1. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in It. most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility , fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain in the then and stomach always after eating, Impaired appetite, sersation of sinking at the stomach, furred tongue, naussa, with frequent vorniting,s, dizziness towards OW and restleness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm. Evens.loo Chatham street, and submitting to life ever successful and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient ' was completely restored to health . ht the short space of one moot li.and grateful tor the Incalculable benefit deriv. ed, gladly came forward and volunteered the above stale Igor sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. '6 ELLE4S, Agent, No 20, Wood street, below second. Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON KICTORY. Prices Reduced. FAort Reol Yarn. Long Reol Yarn. • . . Su 5 at 14 Cis. per 111. 500 at 3 cis per dz. 6 al 14 ditto 600 at 9 ditto 7 at 14 ditto 700 at 6 ditto at 14 ditto 80Q at 5 ditto 9 at 14 ditto 1 900 at 45 ditto 10 at 14 ditto . 1000 at 4 ditto 11 a: 14 ditto 12 at 11 ditto Candlewick at 15 emi per lb, I.i at 141 dill(' Coin Batting , 3 ditto 14 at 15 ditto Faintly do. . 12 ditto 15 at 153 ditto •t3arp't. Chain . 18 ditto . -16 at 11; - Jinn Corn To Inn . 25 ditto ' 17 at 16.1 dire Siankin! Warn and 18 at 17 ititto c overlet Yarn always on 19 al 171 ditto hand 20 as 13 ditto cotton Warpg wade to order. l traders ii t t.ilii.i ty “ttead.d to, it . ii•ii at 1. kC. Painter''. Logan k lienneo 'n. or the Pont office, addresa feh ..'7. .1. K. M0011111"..11)4• Co, . Itcmova I. Tll F. -ailh•riiher has realm , d rashionalde Tialoring Establishment to tile Monoii2aluda house. 3d door from ftr,d 61. on al.where hisoid eligtomert , and all other, who may favor him with a rail may M prod on haying their work done iii a superior kit yin. From Iris ng I cpeile.ore in the business in chy. an loony other rishioualde cities in Europe and , iiierica, he feels confident that him can give satisfaction to all who 1113 V n 16111 whit their costoni. By tit ict attention to hit, tie', unit sorktilait.iiiii. lie 11. pi.; to merit and recrive a 'Owl'. of iitililir pntinnner. Hrictrnd keepii,g on hand a supply of ircintls and trimmings sitiln'ile for the usictocr liaJe w it he sold at very redoi ell prireN, It. DON 'VMS'. 11' 1)0 II EitTr I 1.4 T :10,1 tui r. 1.0 .! , 1 beiv , eeto 11. , 4,•1:1[1, 1 Zlx!). op 10— Cm. A Psol.trrE 111:kf. ALL. 1(),04)() TRACTOR ien—lonalo.e, II u t only rii,e- entel.er,lnet gives no addle onal pain. nor leaves a vear• flee is post lively rend, - rat barllll ,, S. (ISIO ha , 'Well 011 . 1 rid sit mom h.. , In arty per4on roittrnin.: anllllloy h o t. and ,ay that all iez•mv till auoilitimi i. mu esti:l,l,qt i a few min tiles )l' .oie from of II in s has claim ed the ho l m, ) at rids aiesiou. to ot: - .rd against .^. , !11f.r1 injni at,t-avr mr, fori :111(1 prevent their o:r , prin , ..! non. Kline I. •ored v I nrnV, Or even small p . .c WI , / ti!.•• , , (il lhr euviali.e power to replace 'Over Ittilory :.111. kr) 1.111 in PO by Ob• IlliOl/12 11, FflIV , 1 . 0:111V drrF ly 'unit cases itt the city :. nil one entire face burnt over and wounded ;love I times in the saute gpnt while heal ing, , yet in no ra., ,-,‘” be traced the least riratrice or mark , Fo: tomb , of hurts Ito rap d effects are l oco Minn, t.. ;eve, oore eves. all inflainatitms and bro ken mild he unknown. The toilet and nursery, for rl. ;trine t he skin of pimples. renioV:iiii chafe. etr., still find it ititliqiensablc. (Inc u•litg only will forever esial lish it thesovereign lIRAL ALL emaln y. After this no tice, heads of families allowing loctale for months, and ultimately els4torled features. Call never vi ipe away re• pronely. justly uttered by a disabied child, for neglecting to triumph over hie. e• Entered areordinc to act of Congress. A. 11.1n41. by Comstick 4- Co., In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the States for tile Soothe' it District of New York." Warranted the only si Coinstork . 1trez..7 , 5: , ., N. - I'm , iiave he come 11:e son winal, tale alents for M r ,n .Irrevrl ea f‘, ...II All nrdeis mu-t br addre•sed to heal. The tzenitine only to he had at TUTTI,Fr# Medical Agency. 11 1 ; P..:rtlt street.. Nov 15 FURNITURE ViiAILE 800W8. ALEXANDER McCURDY. 31 tlic old *land of YOUNG 4- JIicCURDY. No. 43 rf32= RESPECTFULLY in forma he friends of the late fun/ and the ptildie generally, that be le prepro ed to fill all orders for Cabinet Work, of any kind, with all erooible despatch, and warranted to be equal to any in the city. ~;,,Every attention will he paid to 1 - n10,1141g coryiNS • r. . when required. June 10, 1843 NAYLOR & CO.'S BEST REFINED CAST STEEL. THE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated 1 Oaten of Steel, will always keep on hand OR as sortment of the same, consisting In Best Refined Cast Sled, equated, flat,round and Ocinon do ' do do do use . temper. Extra do do du for ualf"cuitera, Best ed Doable and Single Shear Sire English Blister, German, Cr:mite. Wedge and Crawley Steel, at wholesale, by the case. or ht smaller lots to stilt purchasers. LYON, HUOILB .teo. Foot of Wood !at, =IIIB=E NEW WHOLESALE CASH. STORE, No. 99 Wood street. PITTSBURGH. Iglu:Ws:AN .10SE3 arc receiving constantly fresh ,appliesufseasonable Dry Goods which they will con' inue to dispose of at eastern itrices,wlth the addition of cart,tage, for carlt, par mars', 4Hilry. Every merchant making purchases in the city With ' money ,is respectfully invited to call and cfnlfiltie our goods, and the chances are ten to one against hint that he will not consider his time and 'al or lust. }laving adopted this system from n conviclt m that it most he tothe advantage o rtitepu:ehaser, we trust it may receive a fair trial, and be judged accordingly. Jane 16—di in WAM/ & BUNT, nettrirr3 Liberty street. n few doors below St Clair epr 6 11134. DANIEL M. CURRY, Attorney at Law. 'Jr.' flee on 5111 st tet wcen IN'tB.o and Smithnetd. :in 8 S. W. Burbridge dr. Co. CENTS for the sate of Beatty's Powder. Water st Abetween Wood and Smithfield. March 30, 1843. W 1 LLIAM - 901 W LASS EAT AND CAP BlAMH.lirdUll ER. Every descrlp Unit allots and Caps on hand, andfoi sale, whole. sale and retailattpriaes sult.tbe tinter, at the old stand of Douala% if . Atooro; 73 Wood street. Easy 30 WA. AD.kIR, Boot ind Shoe .Maker, Liberty St. opposite the head of Stott Veld at., Pittatitigh.— Thi subscriber haying bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the old stand of Mr: R., and Is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, In the best manner and on tile shortest notice. He keeps corstantly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of alt deseiiptions and of the best quality. He solleits the patronage of the nub• lie and of the craft. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 . . . . 1311ITTSBIT11(al YIANUPACTORY.—Springs end .rlites for Carriages at Eastern Prices. The .subscribers mannfarture and keeps constantly on band Conch, C end 1 Ilptie Springs (warranted;) Juniata Iron Axtea; Silver and Brnst , ipktted Dash Frames, Braes and plated Hub Rands, Fouinp joints, Patent Leather, Sllver and Pra.n taring, Three raid Eters, Malleable Iron, Door Dandles and Hinges. &c ,kr. • JONEff & DOLTIMAN. re 10 Qt. Clair it.. near It p itethrity Brldar. LOOK AT THIS _ . Tice attention 41 ho e who have been somewhat seep• deal in reference to the nuttierntis certificates published la favor °Mr. Swavne's Cnmpound Syrup of Wild Cher ry,on nccouthi nf the persona being unknown in this see lion or the State, is respectfully directed to the following certificate, the writer of which has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and is known an a gentleman otintegrity and responsibility. To the Agent, Mr. J. KIR BY. I have used Dr. Swrivne's Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a caught. with which 1 have been severely a( Bided rot' *bout four months, and I have no hesitation In saying that it lathy moat effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes ell uneasiness, and agrees well with my diet,—and mantains a regular and good appetite. I can freely recommend it to all others similarly afflicted. J. Aliantric. Borough of Chambersb'ir. Itiareli9. rep 2.3 For sate by WII.I.IAM TitORN No. 53 Market street. WILLIAM C. WA lA.. Plain and Fanc!! Portrait sold ' Piet are Frame Manufacturer, No: 87, Fourth. Siren, Pertqb , / , ,7h. firnslirF c.. for Ari kis: always on hand. tnnliln2 kr, promptly framed to order. Repairing done at the short esi notice. Partieninvntiention patd lo rm,.ildind and Jobbing ofev cry deecrlmlnn. Persons tittinc np Firani float , or bones will find It tt Ineirativant - ar to call. Rep 10 STRELE, (sneeessor to IL Pnsh. Yr io.ot'l Root Maher, Littertv si., 21 t'nor from Alley. The subscriber re.pertlntio informs the plublic that he has commenced the above business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. henry Mr,loskey. Ind that he is now prepared to attend to all orders in bit line of business with despatch and on the most reasonable terms. From his lons experienee In the mannfaeinre of Fashionable Boots, he feels confident that all articles from his establishment will sive satisfaction to his Pa Irons. A shale or public patronage is respectfully soliett. I • sep ----- B IRD SEEDS A f eirt ..ulply of rtsri Seeds. eon B inr: of Canarc , Inmand non.; Joe) received by fel) 3. F 'L SNOWDEN, 148 Liberty t. • JOHNSON & DUVAL. ROOK BINDERS AND PAPER RULERS, CIONTINUE Inpottesz: at the stnnd late of MeCandtrg Johnson. Every de.critition or work in their tin, and promMi y executed may P— ly 11 11. S ELLERS, M. D.,oftlee aid dwellin! in Fourli neat Ferry stieet. sop 13-1 y NEW YORK DYER 11131F,A, would regpeclftilly inform 10 , 4 friends I `tan the piddle in :tetterat,t hat lie dies I,3die,' dreises. lilaldis and Mantels of r very description, black--and l tswareenals it cu. n o t 10 swot, owl tio look equal to nor coed , . fly ,1)1-4 f,racy color; of all deseriptiatti on silk and carpet yarn. Also, clean , anti resiores the colors of so at , to re b einhle new guochi. Mr. 11. flatirra out he can please the public, lie has done an exiensiv,lnisiners in New York fop nerity ,t a r.t., All work done on moderate terms at his rstolitishieent to sth st. between Vl , 'utiti and ftmillifield ne ,r line Theatre, CERTIFICATE Thi. is to ccrtiry that (lEEE MIME"; has done work ler us, whi• li has fully uti•iiv• red our expcctatiun , , arid we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, ‘Vin. Barnes, J. B• Slittrtleff, David II .11, B. F. M Davi B iies. Josctil French, jr , Andrew Purdy, W. B. Boies, Wm Puriur, 11 11. Smith, Henry JuYetiY, A. Shockey,. jr., Joseph Vera, George Barne..i. up 30 h. BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER THREE BIG DOORS Tncsubscriber wrelld respectfully Inform his custo tners and the public generally, that notwithstanding the unprecedented sales at the. There Dig Doors, during the present season: he has still on band the largest and most varied assortment of elegant CLOTH ING that can Le bought %yr . !, of the mountains. Tile l'ulilic nut% rest assured that all arlieleo oifer4Nl 01 his slow are Manufac tured from 1"1:1 , .: 1 11 COOT,S, purchased it, the Ca:lerii markets Ibis Sp mg and made into garments by rills burgh workmen. In roils• tin( ore iil the n lilt iill Tat iiin of ~ .l.ip shops in our city. tilted with p-i wn•brolters clothes:lad the musty. cast off garment A of former seasons. from the ril.il . lll ci. lie., the public should be cautious to nscetta , n thr 'liar atter of thee.ialdistiments in which they art Invited to putt-have, I.rfore they part with their money. The err I t ides offered at several or the concerns in this city. are the mere opals of New York and Philadelphia slop shops, and sent out here to he palmed cif(' on the Pills . burgh public. Purchasers should be oa their guard a. gainst these improitions, and they may rely on the fact that no e.tablisiltmeni that milted hies eastern made etnt' • ing, can give as good am attiele or as- advantageous bar. gains as can be had at the "Three Rig Doors." The public will please remenilwr that all the sabscri• tier's p timer is are made in this city, by competent work• tarn, rod 1101 gathcird UT I,ke the cools now offered by I the i•birds of pilotage" front the shreds and patches of eastern slop shop.. It will always be his endeavor to maintain the re,mnation that the •••Phree Big Doors' have obtaines, for furnithing, .1 superior style of CLOTH INC in every respect, an I at prices below those of any Giber establishment. Hewould again return his thanks In his friends and the public for the unprecedented patronage 1-estowed upon his establishment, and believing that they have found It totheir advantage to deal with him, he would repeat lilt Invitation to all !bole s Ito wish to purchase Clothing 0f every description at the lowest mire In call at N 0.151, LIIIIRTT ST. JOHN M'CLOSK V. fu -Observe Metal Plate in the naveinonl. a; 26. COPAR.CSERsEitr. J. 9.1, P. S W. H.911.47.RN 4- JOHN F. JE,VX/X0 S have entered tato partnership for the purpose Of transacting a WholesaleGroury; Cloduce and t`,..orniuta, sion business under the Arm and style of lIAILMAN. JENNINGS ¢ Co..at No 43 Wood street, opposite the Merchants liot el, where a supply orGroce rtes and Pitts burgh tilanufae itred Aritclettran always be had on She al terms. March 17 '43. BEAVER R AN I) 1V Alt REN ACKET. The canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw master, will tun us regul r tri.weeltlq picket between the atom minted lxints. leaves Beaver ou Mondays, Wednesdays, Frida Morning, tenets Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and f , aturdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct. For freight or passage apply on board or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pit tsbur gh . J. S. DiCIiEY, Beaver. may 10. --------_ ___ WM. E. A u6T tti , Attorney at La w ,ril tsburg It , Pa. (Ace In 4th street, opposite Burke's Building. WILLIAM E. Aunt., Esq., wit' ...;ive histatent ion t sly unfiniihed husiners, and I recommend him mu the patron age of my frtemis. Vi' AI. TES FOR VII AR D. Feplo—ly 11106ITTSRURG8 CIRCULATING AND REFERENCE LIBRARY of Rellgious.Histoilcal,rolltleal,and Mis• cellaneous Works, will be open every day, Saliba% h ex. cepted, "rilin 7 o'clotk, A. M,,untfl 3, P. M., In the ti changeßulldlnig,cornee of St lelalr sirectand Exchanse alley. wnere2nticival attendance wilt t•i , given by scp 10 G EMAIL. NOTICE TO DR. RRANDRETEPS AGENTS The ollice in Pitirburgh, which was established fur the purpose of constituting agents in the west. having accomplished that object. Is now closed, and Mr. G. D. LEE, In the Diamond, Market street. appointed my agent for the tale of my Pills and Liniments. Ail Dr. Brandretli's agents wilt, therefore, understand that Dr. B. willsend a travelling agent through the country once a year tocolleet moneys for sales made and re supply agents. The said traveler will be provided with power of aildriiey.dilly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York : , together with all the ne. cessary vouchers and papers. Mr. J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Penn. sylvanta. B. BRANDEETII, M. D. N B.—Remember Mr. C. A. LEE, In the rear of the Market is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. junel4. . BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM. 13 LOTS,suitable for building, most eligibly situated, and within two minutes walk of the Steam Ferry Boat Lasdiwg, will be sold at prices to suit the times. The lerms of payment will be made easy, either for cash or such barter ict can be made available. Apply to the subscriber in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Perry street, Pittsburgh. JAS. PATTERSON, JR. June 1. - FOR SAFETY. Travelers should ,elect Boats provided with Evans Safety Guards, fur preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers. IT would lie well for the traveling community to beat in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats taut have or may be at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making such selec ion is coml.:Lu ting towards a general illirothittion of an invention ad mitted by all men Who undetstand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters Ida have co !Maly, iu the hundreds of ex plosions that have already taken plaee, their:limos' daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning, and inducement to make Inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to . eive It the preference. They have went to an a dditioaal expense that your lives may be secure Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree Of liberality, and by your preference show that yun appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this Siv• fut sacrifice of human lift They do not charge more I ililll other boats; their accommodations in other respects are equal, and in many cages superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so com tetety in your own power to avoid those disasters;. Alt bows marked thus [rid in the List of Arrivals and Del a rtureg, in another part of this paler, are supplied with the Safety Guar I. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, MENTOR. AGNES. M ICIIIGAN, ANI A It. ANTI', MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE. BREAKWATER MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, M ON TGO MEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, C A D DO, N A R AGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESN E, OSPREY, EXPRESS MAIL, ORPHAN BOY, EC IA PSE, WHO, FOR MOS'A, ORLEANS, , PENELOPE, GALLANT,G PANAMA, GA I.ENA. QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. IL BILLS, ROWI NA. JEWESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEFN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, SA " - ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, '' LLE Y RAND, VICTItE S, ALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, Ilia DG EWATE.R MISSOURI. MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS. CUTTER EDWIN HICK MAN, EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO in ANT JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, GOLD NIBI AN 1. CLUTTER, MINSTREL, EVE LINE EG ULA R ' P AoKETS; FOlt CINCINNATI. swi(lFurr, Rob Master, leaves every rliiiisday at 10 o'clock a. ni The Cutter, Collins, Master, Laves every Friday at 10 o'clock n, nt The Nlutogomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sal. uiday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Express, Parkinson, !tlaster, leaves every Sun• day at 10 o'clock a. ni, JOHN` BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 20. slgexu. J. M. -Sanderson & Son, FRANKLIN TIOUSE,PIIILADELPHI A. /lOM's ctegant establishment has been in operation due. JL ing the last nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public sad yielded to the pro. prietors &Jolt compensation for their labor and alien lion. Its location being In Chestnut sliest, tit the mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange, ranks, the Steamboat landing, the most business pat t of 51aiket street and the places of amusement, it presents to the businc-.5 community or these visiting the city on pleasure, all the farilittes and coiutbrts AO deSirahiC to the travelling public. Its arrangment, also, enables the to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style 01 elegance or economy stilted to Ms notions or disposition. The facility of procuring ments at any hour, and of gm. ting that which the appetite craves, is also a saver of lilac which the business portion (lithe guests Know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the Muttons of their old friAndsond promise a cutittnuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. p 25-3 m. Dit. on GOODE'S lyC recom siebrated mended toth Femal e e Pills. These arestr notice of the ladies pita safe and efficient remedy In removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from tient of ex• creise, orcenetal dehitity of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract nil Hysterical and Nervous affections: These - Pulls have mined the sanction and approbation of titu most eminent Physicians in the 1.513/- led States, and many Mothers. Finnic Wholwale and aetnit. by R. E. SELLERS. Agent. gep 10 No. 20. Wood Street.itelow Second LOOK 'AT THIS. TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. J. FULLERTON , No. 146 Wood street, one door above Sixth. KEEPS constantly on band all Wilds of the best Spanti It Cigar,. Rc,galiaa, Cusacia , ce, Cacmcoics, Trabucas, Principe& - Also, half Snattibli and Common icare. Tobacco of 311 the le,t brands: Cavendish, 5a lump; Rattiranre Pia:, 1.1,: and IC-t, lump, Also. itlim. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tnhacro. Sitikrar SISK!. Scotch, Macmillan, High Tuast, Sce, Ile bat; also, all, other articles In his line, which he f` CALL - wholcrale and retail at the totemt cash prices, CALL - AND SEE. juae 8.-6ari. ""; PRICE TWO CENT& DAILY MORNING _POST flow the Country prospers wittiont ii In the days of the United Statai we used to hear much about the irregu larity: of the exchange's, the want Ofil“ls4ir, and the general depression of businea'crevi ated by those two difficulties: And VFW the Democrats were endeavoring tii,'ffa the country of the great financial recrneter, no other sounds so continually grated die ears as declarations of the impossibility carrying on the business of the peoplii without a national institution to , iregtiliti the exchanges" and give us a "bound arra rency." These were standing argument in favor of a bank, and they were the grosi levers by which public opiniCh was to bis moved to repudiate the Democratic policy, and give the Government into the hands of the Whigs: Huw often,, then, have we heard the complaint that without a hatioo al bank, the exchanges would be so irrege ular and the balances of trande so decided; ly against us, that all the specie which could be had, would be sent to foreign countriest Now witness the result! View the falsity of those Whig predictions! The bank bee been dead—irretrievably dead—for more than two years, and trade aild halite** learned how to regulate themselVei, ais tJ* Democrats all along contended they Would . * as soon as the bank should be out of Way s and they would have a fair field. More than twenty millions of dollars in specie arrived in this country between the first of January and the middle of Mayl while two per cent. discount; accordin . g to the New York Courier and Enciutrr, the leading bank paper in the Union; been the greatest difference of exchanges betweeit New York and New Orleans! This is the effect of the Democratic policy! Wttit can the poor Whigs say to it! No wonder that a National Bank has becothe an "Obit solete idea." A high tariff for "protection' i must soon meet the same fate. The great pillars of Whiggery are at last crutabliiit under the tottering mass, and soon there will be nothing left but a shapeless heap of mouldering ruins.—Dover _(Del.) 'Gazette. Ingenuity of a Glass Blowt+.— he Empt-ror wished to illuminate the Alele ander column in a grand style; and the size of the round lamps was indiCated. and the glasses bespoken at this manufactory; where the workmen exerted themselVes in vain, and almost blew the breath out of their bodies in the endeavor to tattle - the desired magnitude. The commission must be executed, that was self-evident: but howl A great premium was offered to who ever should some the problem. Again the human bellows toiled and puffed; their ob ject seemed unattainable; when at length a long bearded Russian stepped forward and declared that he could do it; he had strong and sound !ungs, he would oeiy rinse his mouth first with a little cold wa• ter to refresh them. He applied his mouth to the pipe and puffed to such a purpose that the vistreous ball smelled to nearly the required dimensions—up to it—bsyoad it. 'Hold, hold,' cried the lookers on, 'you are doing too much, and how did you do it alll"The matter is simple enough, answered the long beard; 'but first where is my premium 1 And when he had clutch• ed the promised bounty, he explained. He had retained some of the water in his mouth; which had passed therms into the glowing ball, and there becoming Stem had rendered him this good Genies.-- Kohl's Russia. 4 I 22 The Allentown Bank.—We learn twit' Allentown that when the committee ap pointed to faked posseion of the effects nk, the above Bank, entered the bankinfl,_ house to perform :he duties of their, ap pointment, all they could find was a let t ; ; empty boxes, old desks and chairs: The-, Swartwouting during the last tulip!, I months in that institution must hive Aitken an improvement upon all others. A. mor has just reached town, that John nice the President of the Bank, was apprehen- . ded on Tuesday last and committed toll's, Lehigh County jail, charged witn ernbei.r,. zlements to a large amount.-IVorthanipts • ton Pa• Weer, It cannot be too frequently reiteiateia that the business of the press is with facts and principles, not motives—that autvcause even of truth is not to be cartied forward by denunciation and epithet—that person. alities and abuse invariably recoil upon these who use these weapons; and upon the object in aid of which they are brought into requisition. 'ln the language of in* Pennsylvanian, .'to be practically useful itt his day and generation, one must be entik tent to walk somewhat side by side with his fellow-man—to draw him forward by gentle steps—instead of rushing far in ad vance. leaping Alpine chasms, and calling upon his unpractised feet to follevr."—At b any .Irgus. Increase of the British Arnsy.—The dr ruler of February last, for the reduction of the British army, has been cancelled. All the regiments in the service, with the ex. ception of those in India and China and New South Wales, and those hating tiro b a ttali o ns, are to he augmented from eev. en hundred and forty to eight hundred rank and file. The Natchez Laurier of June 20th, say* .We learn yesterday that the lavee 1244 broken through at Hard Times, aud .that, great distruction was being donwhy .th . * water," Many people would rejoke hard times had been entirely swept away.; s N.Y.; True Su* A