- POEM[ ° 1 PROTHONOTARY. Clear the for the ratatteers. lo IWI LL . IA 114 B . FOSTER, Esq. of Allegheny elty will be a candidate for the office ofFrothaaotary of Allegheny county, at the October eleetkm. June 4 friliblinote of our esteemed friend "An Old - frebtoot Dtilitocrai," owing to some accident, did Aa *. set SIM our eye until yesterday. We have. not the document he speaks of, but if we remember Aright, we made some extracts from it at the time It appeared. "We will publish tosmorro* Mr. J. life Kenna's contradiction of- the charges made against him by the 'Spirit of the Age,' 'in relation to his conduct towards Hugh Rooney, who died at Smith's Hotel, on Monday morning. The Duquesne Grays. This fine company, it is known, passed Ush Fourth of July in Steubenville. The "Union" thus corn pliments the corps and their captain. The fact that Capt. Hays lithe Blue Nose candidate for the Sheriff sky. made us hrsitste a little about re printing such a stronz puff. But as the Democratic "aspirants for the same office, can compete with any body in the quali ties for which the captain is !stabled, he will have no advantage over them; and so we give it: Early in the morning of the 4th the Pittsburgh "Duquesne Greys" paraded our streets, from the steam boat, to their heed quarters at Capt. Orr's Eagle Hotel. Talking about these Duquesne Greys, re minds us of what a fine set of fellows they are. Capt. Hays is a fine specimen of the man rnilitaire; and if he is less of the gen uine men than what he appears, we will acknowledge ourselves no phisiognomists. We find the following among the Toasts: By James McKinney—Duquesne Greys —worthy their ancient name and the 'lron City'—while the Keystone State produ ces. encourages, and is defended by such troops; she is worthy to prr side over the Federal arch our fathers built, fur the pre serration of the 'rights of man.' By J K Suther/rnd—The Steubenville 'City Greys,' the pridetf our city—if their exertions were only seconded and encour. aged as they might be—as a military corps, they could not be excelled by even their guests the Duquesne Greys who ac• knowledge urf superior. By Ist Le Kell—Our Guests, the Du quesne Greys, at home or abroad, they sustain their characters as gentlemen and soldiers. Allegheny Wharf.—The Age says:— We understand that councils intend o-1 pening a portion of Duquesne Way, at least from the old Allegheny Bridge to Hand street; the street will be 40 feet wide, from the edge r.f . which the Alleghero wharf will descend gradually one hundred feet, to the river. The Wharf-master, Mr Coots, is an energetic officer, and wdl doubtless take a proper pride in keepir•g in order a landing so beautiful as this will as suredly be. • The Riot Case.--Mr Logan publish.. es a card in the Age of : yestsrday, in which he states that during a recess of the Court, while his trial was in progress, one of the counsel fur the prosecution told him :in the Rotunda that they could not con■ vict him. rjThe Chronicle, a few days since, stated that a canal boat laden with a portion of the steams ship bad sank in the Penn. and Ohio canal. Yes terday the same paper contradicts the story. Street Prectehinsr.—An itinerant preacher na— med White holds forth in the market houses of the two cities in the eventort. Atrivals.—John Et. Butler, Eeq danel Cpm• missioner, and Dr. Jonas R. McClintock, Mailer and Rattner, of lie Mint, have arrived in their na.. live city. They are both welentne. A Libel Cate Bet:Well Editors —Yesterday a • BOOKS for subscription to the capital stork of t nis In _ etilittion will be opened at the Alononenbeta Honer, case of Libel was decided in the Court of Quarter on thr-2401, 25th, and 26th inst. between the hours of Sessions, in which .1. G. Backoiren, editor, of the 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock r . lit, avid] day, or en_ i 'A 111 at least 1000 shares shill have bre n subscribed. g r " ' , Pittsburh Courie was plaintiff, and ;Vict or i _, ~ i 11::r Canit4l Stock $2OOOOO, In sha reit of 50 each, on Estribs, of the "People's Friend," was delindant. which 15 ioo he paid nt the time of setbscrlbing. Tbq are both Gerliane. I Art approyed 31st day of May, 1R41: Ropplerni nt thereto approved the 2rd day of Match, 18 , 12. • - . (rrA &Moe in Bt . itter's Alley, occupied 147 pecis 42:"'Counirslareers--R. Miller. Jr , W Poindexter, W. B Bohner% William klackstoek, Geo. H. Taylot, C. pie "Conlin; was iodied out by the police 4ester •di. F. Span:, ins M i'lenzar. W. Lippeneot t., jyB-1271h. day morning. 110 inmate., male and 'female, very dart and a elude lighter, were hurried off to their prnper TIIE su , iscriber liasjust rec. ived a amitil assortment of j the publications of the Pre-1 yterian Board of Pub. Conseling.—The three or lour hot days; which 11"tinn. *nd wilt Pell them at the Catalogue price. (ez • e , eiyira" the Confession of Faith, and de fi rst, edition of , ph expedeneed week betoro last, seems to have he Psalms and Hymns—on these a swan advance must :been felt in every section of the Colon. except. be Slade cover chances.) and on the angle terms, as at perhaps, in the Anm.m oth Cave or Ken'uoky. if the Depository In Philadelphia, for nil aittounts of Pifty Dollars or under, as below copied from tUe terms of the We in Pittsburgh suffered, it is some convo!ation terms of the Board, viz: that we were not alone in our distress. I lot. All sales amounting, te ten dollars, cash, 2d. Sates above to dollars, and not exceeding, twenty. cash, with a discount Of ten per cent. par finds. 3d. Sales in amount from twenty to BD y donors, for par funds, to which nett amount will he added 3 per cent commin4lon and the transpeirtation from, and the ex change on Philadeli hia. as it shall stand at the time the wettest. Is made. That a lair experiment may i.e made In Oils branch of our liusiness.de cask *yards must be strictly adhered to: and on the terms above moonset!, it Is believed con gregations and individtsals will have no cause to com— plain. 1 share of public patronage Is respectfully soli cited. LUKE I.OOIIIS, Agent, June 23-:--tr. 89 Wood street. Whig Thincendrntallem.—The N. 0. Bee gives . the following speeimen;—"ln no boasting vein, we tell our dismocrktic friends that the 'iron tongue of time' does not pirociatm from he belcry of the 'Cathedral, an hotO of the day, or an half hour of the night, that there are not Whig ears listening to its peals, ant Whig hearts responding to its monitions to 'be ',lady." , Mr Buchanan.±The Seneca Fails Dei..locrat, a paper of much repute in Now York, sayo o *There is no ;Arson whose pop l ularitY is more widely ittereasint in the Empire Slate than James Buchanan; and this Is owing, no less to his own pars character and di.tinguished ability, than to li l a wise, patriotic and prudent course of the great body of his panicular friends." Nett Extraordinary Con fetsion.- - The Roches— ter Post says:—''During the exercises at the Mils lex tent on Sunday evening last, a w3man became osueit excited. and fainted away. She has since Made a most extraordinary developement, having Confessed that she committed a murder several goon ago in Great Britain, and expresses her. wish to be ow; back to pay the penalty of the We have had this statement from good an beFier. and h.lieve it will be found to be correct.' VILOTECONOTARIn I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the office of Prothonotary, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention. Wat. G,11.0t , Wilkins Township, June 27—tc PROTHONOTARY. To ate Voters of Allegheny County:-I.reepeetrully of fer myself to your consideration as a candidate tindepen• .dent of parties) for the office of PROTHONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not personally known will please ex amine Into my qualifications, rtc.; and ifso fortunate at to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office: to satisfy you with your choice, ALEX. MILLAR, may 10—tE• 01 Pittsburgh: PROTHONOTARY. I R UtPECTFULYoter myself a candidate for the cffice of Peothonotart of Allegheny county ,suliject to the ac tion of the Deinncrai lc county convention which meets on the ;Oh A tlglist nekt. CEO. IL RIDDLE. Allegheny City, Slay 3f—te SHE RIPFA We are authorized to announce Mr, PODY PAT TERSON, of the thy of Pittsburgh, as a candidate for the office ofSlieritt, at the ensuing election, sulikict to the n3mination or the county Democratic Convention June .24--tc SHERIFFALTY. IRESPECTFULO" present myself to the citizens of Allegheny county, as a candidate for the Sherltfalty, subject toxlieactlein of the Dernoctatic Coneention,wlich meets on the 30th of August next, June 9.—Owtc. EI.tJAH TT1CA711.3.0, COUNTY COM M ISSION ER. AT the tolictiation of a number of friends of all pol , • ZS-Meal parties, I respectfully offer myself t.i the con. sideratlon of my felloiv•cititens lor the office et County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not be misun dcrstood, either as to political or private affairs, I move free to say that I have been all my life a consistent Re publiean, in the true sense of the word. As the meanly Is somewhat embarrassed in its financial affairs, ana I lie reduction of salaries of putdic officers has received the approbation of large majorities of the people, the under signed wonld not should he be so fortunate as to he elee led, In any manner attempt to resist this salutary re form; should it reach the office of Couto y erramOmioner. apr 6: SAMUEL HUBLEY. 100 Bag! Rio Coffee, 10 Boxes Tobacco, 5 Chests Tea: Y 5 Barrels No I Baltimore Ilerrimts, Ilec'd on consignment an for sale low for Cash by July I. DEVINt tr 111c.s, NULTY BLOOMS. 33 TONS Juniata Sidonlit, on band and for sale by J. W. BURR It I I)GE h CO j,,ne Water street, bet. Wood and Smli Wield ERIE CANAL COMPANY VOTICE is hereby given to lite suliscribers to the rap. LI flat stock of the. Erie Canal Company that a rneet• log of the stockholders Is appointed to be holden in the Reed House in the floroush of Erie, state of Penn sylvania, on the 2311 day of July next, at 2 o'elork. P. M. for the purpose of organizing said company by the elec tion of seven maoasess treasure', Secretary and such other Officers as may be necessary, and for other • purpo sea, as is directed by law. William Kelly, John Galbraith, Chas. M. Reed. lluzli Bravely, John 51'Natuars, N. R Lowry, David Dirk, Horace Cullum, Janice 51, Power. Win. S. Ratikin, John Reynoldg, Samuel Kerr, Samuel Goodt.iin, Win. Really, M. Mansell, COMAiI SI , oners Erie. June 22, 1843. [July B—lej IRISH EMIGRANT SOCIETY frrTlie '•lrish Emigrant society of Pitl'adelpllia," naving opened an office st No. 62 Deck street, tiOnccri 2nd and rid streets /ninth side. 14 ready to afford to rt-Ii Entigrnnts free of clirire. information as to where m ph-it/mei.' of every drsrript ion may he had__ln In of rd roallly ptiretta=td—the most elicilite Wares for settlements in the United Stste, fined, atid licr .int.jerts connected with their (acute proii , elfty and hap piness, retsons In the ells , nr n a di•tancp, who may nnnt hand= in any or t he lir:it:rims Ma n or : min Hoz, Conrmr•riat or Domestic indu4stry whi Please addres. the ti rt tie title. Hr.]. st nt tttls r th,e Also, t hose who en n aio the benevolent ritorts or the Society in proinotieg the Forlal and igintal condition of the gmigrants, either by donation. In money, or In any other menner, are triltarrlrd to di no. Bach of the new paper press throughout Cite rout.try, which may feel an Interest in a vaneing tne nhject of this Society will oblige by giving the foregoing n notice in their columns, for such lime as convenience w it allow. TIMM AS PITN A5l, Regi-ier. Philadelphia, June 21, 1843. Jy 7. NEW ARRANGEMENT TAE LADIES' CLASS in Mr. Estee's IVriting Insti lute, will hereafter receive lessons at 10 o sick a. m. In addition to the a - esprit Class, a new one will be organized on %Vednerday the .5111 inst. at the above hour, The Ladies' and Centfourth's class will rent ivo tea nos every evening at 8 o'clock. A new evening C'ass will also be organized on the sth inst. Mr E. will be at Liberty during the afternoon to five lessons at tie residences of those who wish. All who wikh to become adepts in the art of wielding the pen, will make Immo. diale application for a series of lessons, and your best wishes , wilt be more than realized, ns "Those now can write who never wrote before. And those who always wrote, cart write the more. N 13,—A class ofeentlemen will teccive le,sons at the Institute every morning at Be o'clock. jy 4 PENNYLVANIA INSUi: NNCE COVIPANY, AT THE CI I'Y OF PITTSBURGH. PRESBYTERIAN BOOKS 3LOCIES made expressly for powder magazines, Lut cry Wattalle for POrk Houses. si the materials of Which the! , are constrecied will not cast from the action of the salt, will be sold low for cash. may 2—tivi Pa-PATTERSON. tiCar A gem' p"Fm__A tem cop;•Vor-Etivets in tke Indian History," net expellent 1 work on the Ab orisinese country. ?this .I.The A A .ean Pioneer,' an other very excellent 4e wirtrk. Probstnent Temperance Documents. B•rehut Ind ttilhacchell, Slimed Songs, (or Families and Social' Arcirshin, Washinslon Harps, ' Temperance 14 res and Hymn Roots. Sltibet's Coon. terfelt Detector fur Jaly, 4-c., for sale low, for cash, by ISAAC HARRIS, 7 7. Agent and Commisilon Mer'ht, 9 Fifth at. IpboirELL's idLB4Af 01 1 FANNISESD.—this lure sod effectual cure for the litri.orms4,,Caughs sad Colds can now be procured, at wholesale and retail, at Trs - rues, 86 Fourth street. Ot:Ah„ 6• TO THE GENTLEMEN OF Pirrs- BURGH. THE subscribe r most respectfully informs the gentle men of thi , city and vicinity that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayors of f ice. Having been foreman in - some of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himselfwlth the best French and American Calf Skins, he hopes by his attention to business to merit a share of public patronage To those gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and know ledge cf his business. may 1 1. P, KERRIGAN. Farms to Lease. Tin undersigned will lease two Farms situated In East Deer township, with the necessary tentnents, and from 7510 100 Acres cleared on each. Also, one farm situated in West Deer township Allegheny county with from 50 to 75 acres cleared. Tie above drscri ed property Is In reasonably good repair, laying abitit 15 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, and within two miles of the Pcnn'a Canal. and Will be leased on reasonable terms for froni 1 to ibree years, to good tenants. March 13th—tr. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF SAW-MILLS SNYDER'S unrivalled Self Sellers forSavrmills which have been so fully tested in different pnrts of the United States, as well as in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, can be seen In operation at a number of mills in this neighborhood, viz; at Mr Wickershath mills on Penn at,; at Bowman 4- Chambers' mills, near the upper Allegheny Bridge,and at Morrison's mills on Hare's Liland,and others. The above named machine can be obtained at W. W. Wallace's shup on Liberty at, near Smi:ltfield. where It is fitting up, and where the machine will be constant:) , kept on hands. Apply to B. F. Snyder or W. W. Wallace. may 5 SPANISH TOC A CCO.-18 bale; Cuba Leaf Tobacco, this day received and rot sale by J. C. t A. CORDEI4, June 22. 12 Water street. PIG LEAD. I_2oo PIGS 'A' Jost received and for sale by juin. 21. JAMES MAY. FLOUR, Ibis Family Flour, ju , t received end (or sale by J. W. BUD HUI DGE Q Co., June 23, Water st. between Wood and Smilh'd. FURNITURE Aktann gOONES. ALEXANDER McCURDY, ths old stand of YOUNG .NOCURDY. No. 43 Second, between !thud and Market streets. RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the lair firm and the public ueneraity. that he Is prepared to fill alt orders ir,rCabiret Work, of any kind, with all otz,ol , 'e spatch, and w rrantcdto he equal to any in Ilse city. Evi•r ft , trio ion will be paid to foroiclilng COFFINS 4-r. when requi•.d. Janie 10, 1/bl3. tVA It LI St II UNT, Dcritists Liberty vtreel. n few floor., below i'l.CIL)r apr 6 1 V 4. CHEAP COMB, BASKET AND VA, 12 lE'I'Y Sl'ol-2 N 9. 11)14„iraricyr street, ne , 7 - Frl ~..„..U..•rllWr toiorlits hi•rii•inineri= nod the reitiri ed from ihe a In= -2=• ;,1•,1 , I 11 , ..ortinelli of zoo:Is to hi? lin. , to 1.. lin-h ha Merchants and others who wi-h 1,3 w!, or ',lntl, vcry low for rash. par= ”rlll.= 'rock, with a vci larp , as,l,3•lment ~jr;,ney '' olk and toys. 2011 pa' ks C. and ,Anterican piti•; lOU thousand !cat ncnl'to 6 , 0 (1.17,, I:ti'f.; 10011 alt bnlors sr 01 ,1cnitc,,,; ICO rl'i , rlll tltipatt; 25 lbs. sew ie2 thread; 100 0., ((won thread; 4111 l 75 1 1 !h.', perm , -inn fails; 1611 _rase gilt and arms peal I shpt t.uitons. 120 arose oboe 100 doz • torloi-e shell entolii; 25 doz. totioke tuck and P.iittalo combs: 136 doz. filly Ivory combs; 200 doz. dri , t•tioz combs; 350 crent 6 (TOR , 100111 ' hrtishe , ; 20 dog as , orted hair and doilies brushes; 75 doz. qustiendr , s; 40 .truss white silvered hooks and eyes; 20 zeoss common hooks aid eyes; 50 doz. assorted scissors; 30 doz spectacles; voss a.sor.ed whah.hone; 250 Aaz assnrted sizesslates; 40 ernc. .reel pens; 3 rrova Wno.ltrnrd'A crlehrriled pen holden.; With a general assortment of nil kinds of variety goads, suet' BP willow war.onq, chairs.rradles, market and other baskets, kr. ,ke. C. V. would In particular Invite the attention of the Indies to his tine and larre assortment of shell and Puff ato rernhs. Also, Crn:•nm's ee'ebratrd six cord spool ention the beat article mule; persons pus. enasintr ran ref rn It If not as represented. Also, the hest counter drill.] eve] needles, which have been purchased espeetally for retail, and tine American flat and round head pins, (may 24.) C. YEAGER. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn 4' St. Clair sts. Pittsb'gh. /pH E Proprietors of this elegant and commodious es tali'itthment, beg have to announce to their friends and I !e public, that their prier for Board, front this date, Is reduced to ONE DOLL 1R PER DAY. From the locality of this house, tieing situated mid way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, at d on thereat thoroughfare to A Ilrglir ny city, the proprie tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part. they will he enabled to afford every attention and faril fly required for the comfort and convenient's of their guests. and hope to merit a continuance of the patron. age that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them. The principal Stage and Pocket offices, ate connected , with the lintel, and for the better accommodation of their guests, an Ontsibus will at all times he In readt. ne5R to convey them to and from the House. ap 25-3 m. McKIBBIN 4- SMITH. PROPOSALS will be received at the ore or the Superintendent, Plane No. 2, Alloglieny Portace. Rail Road, on Saturday. the 28th day of July, for furnishing EIGHT RcIPES for the inclined Planes on this road The ropes are to he made out of the best Russian Hemp, and to bed •livered at Johnstown or Flollldayshure. be• tore the close of the navigation this season. The dimen sions of the ropes. and any other necessary Information will be given on the eay of telling. JOHN SNODGRASS. Superintendant,3l P. July 10 -41rIkw ORPHANS' COURT SALE PI/HSU-UV - no an order of the Orp I anti Court, held at Pittshurgh on tie Ist day of July, 4. P., 1843, will he exposed at p thlic sale on the Ast dty of July. 1843. at the Court House, In the city of Pittsburgn: All that certain lot of ground with a tenement thereon, sit• °ate In Allegheny ci y. beginning at n post on tke col. net nt Federal street aud - Idargaretta alley, thence along said alley westwardly sixty feet to a five foot alley,thence by said alley westwardly twenty-four feet, thence oast sixty feel to Federal street. thence south by sold street to the place of beginning. being lot No. In Di E. Hen derson's plan of lots In said city. Terms. cash par money. !NALLY JANE KIRIC, Admldistrator of Robt Kirk, deceased. July 6—late 41d* SITUATION WANTED AMIDDLE ACED LADY of respects him y.ll desirous of obialning a situation as Housekeeper in an estab. lishment where servants are employed. Ede leelicunitz dent oft:wing able to render entire eatisfaciton in the en pertntendatiCe of • well regnialest household. The appli cant woakl sot object to go a short distance from Ideal,. For lartherlialormatioa apply at this ogee. SC tiool,l' ROOK DEPOSITORY. URI: LOOMIS.. Agent, Publisher, "Bookseller and A Binder, Awn Wood tit,Pittsbargb, has BIM on hand a general assortment of ScnoOL Booss,l'xstur. noose and STATIONARi. Job Fri n (in and Binding done at !hint notice. 0:11-Tbe highert prices allotted for Rags, Tanners' Scraps and Beeswax. Jr B—if. ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL. 1.0000 TR D I .4 A LE L L S, la,sndsuccessfulLpA Liv p r r ov lc e . NI AG isC TRACTOR inestimable, It not only euresquicker, hut giVes no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire Is post tively mndcted harmless. ($lO has been offered six moonlit to any - person returning an empty box, and saying alai all stony on anointing is not extracted In a few min utes, yet not one fratn thousands of trials since has claim ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to guard against genera injnries, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or even small pnx pustules, (it possessihg the enielable power to replace thecellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob. mining this inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt eases lu the city can be seen, and one entire face burnt otter and wounded three distinct times in the same spot heal Ind, yet in no case can be traced the least cleat rice or mark! For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are trio Important;even sore eyes, all inflamationn and bro ken breasts would be u÷known. The toilet and nursery, for clearing I lie skin offrfirples, removing chafe, etc., will fluid it indispensable. One using only will forever estat - Habit the.. sovereign HEAL. ALL nastily. After this no Om, heads of families allowing torture for mouths. anti Ultimately distorted features, can never wipe away re proach, justly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over fit Po „ Entered neeordine to net of Congrett, A. D. 1841, by Comstock d• Co , In the Clerk's office. of the District Court of the United Stales for the Southern District of New BARTRASI MURRY, Warranted the only genuine. Comstock 4. Co., wholesale Druggists, N. York, have he come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Clancy, In Amer! ea tor 20 years. All orders must he addressed to them, The gennine only to lie had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, 8l Fcarth street. Nov 15 NEW WHOLESALE ..ASH. STORE, No. 99 Wood street, PITTSBURGH. river.rkikm .4- JONES are receiving constantly fresh supplies uf seasonable Dry Goods which they will magme to diepo'e of ht caslern prices.w Ill) the addition of cae riage, for cash, par "on ce, only. Every merchant making puhase: in the city with money ,is respectfully invited to call and examine our g.00d., and the chances are ten to one against him that ha will not consider his lime and lal , or lost. Having adopted this system from a convicts .n that it mo=t be to the advantage of the pa:chaser', tee trust ik may receive a fair tried, and he Judged accordingly. June 16--dim NicitLoa & BEST REFINED CAST STEEL. onderse,ined, ageni• for the above celeiihted clamp of Sieel, will alwdyn keep on hand an as of the In Be-t Refined C:mt Sim% ed, flat,round and °Flagon do do do do axe temper. Extra do do do for nail cutters, Best 00 Double and Single Shear Sire, 131i.ter, German, Granite, Weder and Crawley Sires, at wholesale, by the case. or in smaller lots to omit LYON, SDORK dr CO. une 21—d3ink wgm.• Foot of Wood at, WRITING SCHOOL, By R. Fee, From 4 to 6 o'clock, P. 111., 1111111 1 D house, east of Whittaker's Clothing estahlkh. ment,Second street,hetween Giant and Ro eels. Those willing to enter, will please rail doting class ho , rs Jour 23—wtf. PUBLIC SALE OF VAL LANDS. , 11,11.1 NT to a decretal order of the Circuit Su P perior Ci.urt of the Law and Chancery for Ittasun county. pronounced the 19th day of April, 1843, in the cause depending therein of Ileni y Strider, Pit., sisainst James W. titukenriogeand others. [kris. the under. called 4pechicommissioner, a 111 sell at public auction to bidder, at the rOUrt Manse in _Varian courtly. On the 16 1 t Inv of September, 11313. (helm! the first day of ; Stip'r Court of said moiety.) that Well known hitily of land commonly calleit "Graham's Station." lying lit Ma4On count y, Va • on the Ohlo river, containing by fohr t housnt d one hundred an, (went'-three Etr,r„,, pa-retii. a Intse proportion of wire ; 1„) river heitriett laud. The above lands previous ice the day of sale will he laid off by the surveyor of the rously in lots of convenient site rut farms and plats ' furnished. and so oily thereof will be Sold as may he necessary to tirciditer the slot of 'honey reunited by said derrelal order. The sales will he made on a credit of nine months for one-third part of the purchase money, of twelve months for another third part, and of eisineen months fur the residue, the purchaser or purchasers alvinthontis with silo,' security for the payment of the different instrueterds. bearing Interest from the day of sale, the ler.nt title to he retained an Nil her security for the payment °Nile purchase money. o nil liable to resale nt the risk of the purchmer 0 , purchasers fat'ing to make punctual payments. F.O. W. ST R I BLI Nfl, Special Com'r. Point Pleasant,V.L. June 26, 1843. De 6.-2m.] ICON,-11 Ceske PrlMP !lams. B 5 do tt Shoulders. ~. Recd per “Lille Mull." on cun LlNN lpiment, and for sale by HAILMAN,IINGS tfr CO. 43. Wood street. june27. rOR SALE.—Lots on the No to East corner of Con Lane and Iligh street. A pply to sep 10 BENJ. DARLINCTCII, Market, near 4th s PITTSBURGH MANUFA CHEAP FOR CASH, \O 8, FIF7H Twn doors from Market street J. Y ATES intends to manufacture a better artic:e of Ladies', Child rens nod Misses' Shoes.a lid sell them cheaper for ca•h than they can he bought in the city Be will keep constantly on hand aim make to order La. dies' 'hoes of all kinds and colors at the very low prices of the following ilet: Ladies' Lasting Ford Gaiter Boots, $1 75 best quality 'Kid or Morocco Gailerll 1 50 Ladies Calfskin Boots, 1 371 • • . , " Foxed Will Gaiter!. all colors, 1 371 ~ hest kid mot htnrocrn flu kino. 1 133 tt Double Soled slippers, (Jeff.) 1 12} ii,,,, Kid Springs and 'turns, hi qut.l. 1 f 0 '' " Springs, heavy, 874 ~ Slipper, 75 624 All Shneo made here warranted. !dittoes and Children's In the same proportion. 3"Reinctither the place, at the sign of the Red Box. No. 3, Fifth s reel. July 1. i %NIES YATES. ,701 IN N. BRANT, WHOLES3LE GROCER, Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Corn mission Merchant. lIARRISIWRG, PA. \AT ILL dispose of all goods sent for Commission.— • Sales at the lowest comtnisslon rates. R cricmcgcrs: Pkiia.—.l ¢ W Esher, Day t Cerrish, D. Leech 4- co. Ballintore—W Winn t co., Wilson 4. Herr, J E Elder Harrisbu.r,y—Mlch'l Burke, H. Antes, J M 1101dernan, July 1--6 m. Land Office remeeedfroac Lexington to Clint**. No Ct?MALL LAND °met, June 23,1843. ADVICE having been retelved from nit° Register of the Land Office at Letinglon, Mtooo7l, that the rano val of that office to the town of Clinion,in Henry county, a! directed by the President. will he effetted•on or about the 8d day of July nett; litl• is to site notice that the pub• lic sale of lands ordered to be held at Lexington on the second day of Cktnber nett, by the Etecutivn proelama. tion beating date the 3th inst. will he held at the time proscribed in the to*n of Clinto' aforesaid: THO, H. BLAKE. Commlssioiler. jnrie 30—lavrt10 BANK SOT Alb SOLVllliakpli talfr oftatcribtave, stuian =aura. Itivkisis PP.Ntilb : 1 2 . AN Rank of Merck t Min. bit. par Eaettin bank, ISM ottertni . ntrib. • ' Futon tank, .1 Lancaster bank. dis I Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. it Doylestown bit do Bk of N America Phil. %. Bk of Northern Liberties," Commercial bk. or Pit. Far. 1r Mechanics bit " Kensington l‘k. Philadelphia hit. Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk Western bk Bk. of Pennsylvania, .. State &rip Bk of Penn Ti.. par KENTUCKY Man. 4- Mechanics bk. par All banks, Meshanies bk. Par ILLINOIS. Moyamensing bk. . Mate bk 4. Branches, 50 Girard ba.it, 151Shawneetown. 65 U. States hank., a l VIRGINIA. Lumbermens', Warren, -- Rank of Virginia, Frank. hk Washington, par do Valley. Miners bk of Pottsvile, 4 Far. bk. of Virginia, Bk of Montgomery Co. par Exchange bank, Mon. hk Brownsville, I N. West. bank Erie Bank, 5 Mer. 4-Mee. do, Harrisbnrch bank, 41 MARYLAND. Far. hk Lancaster, IlBali imors Banks, Bk of Middletown, 41Country Banks. Bk. of Chambertburgh, 4 DELI WARE. Carlisle hank, 4 All Banks, Bk of Non ha hiberla ntl, par NEW JERSEY. Colombia bk 4. &nicety. 6 All Banks, par and Bk flusitioehanna Co. 40 NEW YORK. Bkof beladrere Cd. par City Banks, P Lebanon bk. 4 Country banks, Get tysburgh bk. 4 (safety fund.) I a York bank, 4 Red Baek, f to Far 4. Drovers bk. of NEVV ENGLAND. Waynesimirgh,!Boston Hanka, P •• Currency notes. 1 Country .. . HonesdalS, 2 LOUISIANA Wyoming bank, 10 Orleans Banks, good, Pluab'll ll Slate Scrip 2 10 NORTII CAROLINA Country do do 4 Banks. Berks Co. bane, 701 SOUTH CAROLINA Lewistown, 2 , Towanda OHIO. ritbuntpleasant bk Far. Meth. bk dlStcu hen vide. Belmont bk of St. Oalrs Marietta bk. fle•inand notes, 1?, do Currency notes. 1* Columbiana i.k New Lis bon Demand, 11 do Post notes. 1* Cincinnati specie pay• In! hanks, Medi. $ Traders bk of Cincinnati. 3 Clinton lik of NI limbos, Demand notes. (H . Lawrence rashler) Zanesville bk. If FOR SALE OR TO RENT. "ir OTS FOfiSALE.—Pour Lots in Manchester. One .1 II and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' HIIJ. Lots tins. 41, 42.52. 51 64,181, 182 and 184, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes Hill Also, Lots nos. 26 and 27. In Cook's plan of Lots on High street, near the new Court UABLE I 'louse. Par terms apply to Z. W. iItMIiNGTON cep Hi For ("Reis t. CONVENIENT threis story brick dwelling house situate on Roes street near Fourth. Rrnt $125, apr 10. Apply to JAMES MAY. TO LET: AcoNvENI ENT and well finished two 'story bons* wit h klieben on the !round fluor. and a gond garden nitnelte4..ituate on Laeoek. near Federal stieet, A Ile eiteny city. Enquire of is IR !Is dIV4. WIC COLEMAN. WILMA! DOUGLASS 'FIAT AND CAP MANUFACTURER. Every deserip tion of flats and Caps on band. andfor sale. whole. ,sale and relailatprices to snit the times, attire old stand .r Donelns h Mooro, i 73 Wood street. me) 5. FREE►IAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR TIT3T received, 5000 Freeman's best. Fire Brick, which will hereafter he kept constantly nn hand and void tow for rash, I.y BIRMINGHAM Br.CO. may 27 . No. 60 Waler it. COUGHS AND COLDS. MANY are now •atferins with ihe above complaints. and can he cured speedily by trains, PoriWe Balla* of Anniseed, *Melt slyea uniVersal . sailsfaclion 10 all. To he had only at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth street, jnne22. COUGHS AND COLDS. Now is the time oryear for persons attacked YON Cnochs. Cnulds. Rheumatism, Gout, kc, ke. —To those afflicted,' speedy cure can he efTerted by usins PEASE'S 90.4111100 ND CANDY, whir hls allowed by all whn have used it to he the best remedy ever offered f Conghs and Colds and HEWES NERf E AND BONE LINAMENT an outward remedy, with the INI3I.9NVFOFT4BLE ELIXF:R. an Inward apnitentinn,k a rertale and poaltiva cure for the RltrUma , lsm, Gout, Contracted Cord?. and LitllbP. No ono need exi Ter from these diseases if they will use the above medicines. fhe cenittne to he had only at TtrTTLt i fl Mintcit. A 6rac4. •Druvelsis and Country merchants will he supplied a New YORK prices. 86 Fourth Street. TIANIEL M. CURRY, Attorney at Lnw. or. 1./fire on 5 , 1 i et het wren Wond rind Smithfield. an H twi t NIT. EMMET HOTEL. THE PROPRIETOR Of this well known and commodious house, situated at the north end of the old Allegheny bridge, Informs his rlende and the public., that he has every thing in coma [nee order for the reception and entertainment (limns tent guests and permanent boarders. fill charges art moderate and no ekertions will he seared to make so. .li - turners comfortable and keep up the former reputation of his house. Good stabling (or any ntimlier of horses, Mount Emmet: 'THEpatrons oft his pleasant. , retreat and all who seek pleasure in the pore air ofihe country, are informed that the Mount Emmet Holm 41 , now open for visitors A carriag,c will leave the Mt, Emmet Hotel every day at half pant 2, and half past 3 o'clock. Sundays excep ted, ' HUGH EWEENY, may 31-4 wi m. 3. W. Marbridge At Co. AGENTS for the sale of Reattv'e Powder. Waters between Wood and Smithfield. March 30. 1843. THREE BIG DOORS; No. 151, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, iS now in the eastern markets purchasing the largest land most varied stock of seasonable Goods that has ever been brought to this city, and In a few da y s he will be able to furnish his customers, and the public at large, with every article In the Clothing line, of a quality and style unequalled by any other establishment In the city. The public are respectfully Invited to call, as above. and examine his splendid stock. June 24-31. JOHN !drCLGSKEY. Washington Examiner and Beaver Patriot copy three times and charge advertiser. JOHN CARTWRIGIHT, Ctil LER and &logical Instrument Idaniteselotter corner of gth and Liberty streets. Potitanooxh, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive avisort meta of far sisal sad nuts: instrusginds, B 4 nkole's, Tailites Hatters', Nair Dr • Cad 'fanners' Pate, nears, Saddler,' Teets, Tritsass, kr. P 29. DANIEL MeNEAL. OBlee on Fifth o rre lases Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. der 10-IY. YrltiogACCd.-2 tibde keel aelty lent tot.areo. joist re 1 czarist tad tdr tate by 7. W. BURBE I DGE CO. (t ee 19. Writer it, bAtte..l4 Waal ;.t' 11 ett. '..— ' siniiii, Canso, Noiwilt, xen. . ta . 6 . Hayti:it, Scioto, Post notes, Chillicothe, Fran. bk Columbus, Laocaster, Hamilton, ..Glanville, . Corn. bk. Lake Cris, Far. bk: of Canton, Urbana INDIANA ',State bk.dr Branches 11 Banks, I'IS. COLUSIRIA Ranks. ALABAMA Good Ranks TENNESSEE All Bank!, MICHIGAN Rk. of St. Clair, 10 no. &L S.* ICtilnith Se CA NAnA Good hank.. Stn 10 Flnsiern Eichange. Philadelphia, New York: Raltlmore, Rrenon, Western Eichange. !Cincinnati, par Loulavltle, Dar Cleveland, 4 die Whoaline, par .COLD SILVER, par SALE NEW GOODS COM I NG ! THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ~1110041114,31,11) Oa . PRtN * Ma r n OVFICt r , , N FP: COiitt• nod Of t Tar priprktots of the bitypisai Yogi asi 11117 d sori.biltioilesuasa res*tfUlly inform and the patroniof these patielit. Wit thiig h i LIAT and well chosen assortment of eW4113103131 "AEfirliP' &MD &.gal OWEEMIE.EL4I,2 I IIIIP446regi Necessary to a Job Printing ;Nike, and that thity aeijißt pared to ea cute LETTER PRESS. T OF EVERY bki pRIN- Citi!TlO: Bing or Lading, Cirentarg, Pamphlets, Bill Heads. Cards, Handbills, Waal( Cheeks. Hat ' AIL 'tints of ISlanits . , • Stars, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, siil *An; • prises Cats, t'r p rtd tin the shoitett nbiree and most relionaikatat. We respeeleully ask the paiioSsee of friends he public in general In hraneti of slat t trostmrs,, Pittsburgh, Sept. b. t 42. PEI SIM* NOTicE io Steam Borst Own rittweelbes.T consequence of the difficulty of the times: binirrettn red the pr!ce of hie Safety Guard far tat priielati4ll* the explosieu of gleam boilere,W,tiso per It Is hoped that all hvat, owners Will fvatl !nolommOr.." 4 or these rfasonahle terms, not only un labia:Mt el UPI perfect safety they afford, hut IliFo In point of rconnit)t; Boilers sOth the i apparatus attached will wear 'bee wife as long as dose hot prqirlded With them. Marchl -am ' WANTED. $BOO OR 1,000 on Martyrise on real estatb, i‘t S property is among the best frietholihi= city, and the advertiser Is witling to give • in, premium for the above sum. For further ptirtretight* p y at the office of the Morning F 0 t. - June 9 —dsw. 1 ' oriturl. imit. 'ODD D L. & J. ili. WICK, whoteante brocers Sr, Den lerS in PrOliath 116 Wobd Street. .4 doors above Flab it. Piri•slitYßdii. may 15. _ ~ —. . 543! Standart, Incraham Ac FORWARDING AND COJC.MZRCHANTiI. CLIC4rLAIID,OIO. A (TEXT'S far the Merril:inter, ansrrortation Comma, COnspnited of the Merchants Lire. trio WA, Wiislairigtan Line. • tinnier, Palmer 4. bo's. Line of !Heim Boot. ire 10 eels on the Lakes, . . Civveland Line Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprietors of the Merchants Line Ohio Caoah RIMER TO— WILEIE 4- ENSWORTR, N 0.9, Coi:ll.les flip, f R. Buryza Albany: O•rts Carr, Bost6n. HURTER, PALMER 4fr CO.Butralo, M. T. Wit.maito 4- Dow, Cievelool • HON lons M. Ataxic, do. Ctr.uttas M•GIDINGIIS, dco J. S. DICKEY. Beaver. Rrastrirorust 4- ca.; PlDilbutgll op 1 1843-Iv. - • EAGLE \ • GROCERY` STOEE. P l / 4 . STACT LLOYD, Jr.. Wholesale aid & tali Gilgit' and Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty street. PlllOOl Ih. may 20. PEACH TREES. THE subscriber has Just received from the PiirlTf of Landreth and Fulton, near Phitadelphia, a lot rf the choicest varieties of Peach Trees. to which be would call the attention of the public F. L. SNOWMIIi in lip 8 No 184. Liberty st head of Wood.. J. D. C EIG .iiTTORIVEY AT 1,30 1 1 Office, corner of Bn.ith6el.l and Thild §greets; Pirreeceen, Pionc•. may 25, 18.13-Iy., Birmingham AG'TS FOR STEAMER CLEVEtANif. And Cleveland Line. 11larch 22. '43 21 2 ZO s e r r l oo na m m s 9 , , meeive4 anti &wallow i W. BURWRIDGE 4 CO. vt'aier st, between Water Scnttlet,, FOR SALE. AFEW boxes Saratoga lodine Water , reed iand frir by SHIMINGHAM lt CO. Jane L. HARPER, Attorney and Counsellor at LattP. DADiZ, HARRION &WITTY, Di 11 0 ); /6. 'l7lll attend promptly to the collectiOn of tOtortti of claims, and all professional tuisinest enirtiitad to hli etre in the counties of Harrison, jeltersina, ihdasalalf Onerssay, Tuscaroras, Holum, Cita hectik", Stark and Wayn e. Refer to: Metcalf and Laciihis, Dalzell and nein log, John Harper, D. T. Moretti, may 21.--ff Office of the Allegheny Briainit 6117 r Plltshorsh, July ht, 1943. gine Prreirient and Stendeers or the .icontiriby fa/ IL ceding a Bridge over the .fflieeheny rivet, oppooPO Pitt.burch, county or Alioghet.y," hate thid day der,, curet a dividend of Five per cent, oe the rsOOOI stork of said comport)+, out of the . profits of the ha iiitMM which %ill' be paid to the ituektieldese, melt Hi r e representallica, on or atter the I lth. JOHN HARErtli Tre;dotrii. July 3-d3L v3t In the District Court. of Allegheny COsitty of April Terra, 1843, No 273: Samuel Kingston, . re: - • (L .. -% Samuel Conner, James Conner, home ,8,, , Conner, Wm Conner, John Cogger. -t...,...; • Catharine Couch, formerly estbselnd • Conner. heirs and le:al regireasetathml of John Conner, deceased. And now, July 3, 1843, ptoial Of serfitiee finite; heed shown in Jilts ca , e,aireeahly to the'order of the Ceesti On motion, the Coot( appoint Robert Atom,. gig.; commissioner to take testimony 1n Ulla ease, Wks td he glten of the time and plaie of taking the Wm. bt . ptlblicatlon In the Daily Post three times, the Sae of which shill be at least three dsys before the Oily of tak. Ing the depositions. Prom the Reeekt.. A. SUTTON, 'Pro. To the Derendauts above named You are hereby not ified that the !der - IC:mitt/me of nesses to he perpetuated ht the Above case will ke takes before Roht Morrow. Esq.. at ttiq otlice, on Fifth street. In the city of Pittsburch.on the filth day of Jadr Inst., bet Ween the hours of 10 o'clock A. N and i o'clotk P. 41., of told day,at erhl'ch time and niece yon may attend and cross examine. TIIOS HAMILTON, July for STRAY HORSE. MME to the premises of the setitscriber le C city on the Ist day of July. 3 bay horse With • bald face, and one glans eye,and one hair do. Sight fare feat and left hind foot while; between ail ant - sm. rang old. Tile owner Is requested to come, prove propertyi pay charges and take him away, Or he will be eOll Ate. cording to law. 113 W ?MY. jy 10-31.* RICE. , 2 T IERCES RICE, on hand e nd for sale hi 2 .11 W• BURBRIDGE it t"" June 29 Wale(' sttetl,be wen Wood sad DEL STARkWrrt - lER'S HEPATIC! Cale .f Lirer Complaint of 25 years eteurrirmir. This may certify that for twenty avo years I masa icted *lth pain In my aide, which was heriaeatly me severe as to entirely inclaaeltato me from labor. 1 blame been tinder the ears and treatment &A miens phreithratt without soy permanent benefit. Hearing of the merry, earn effected be Ina flopatic &Hitt prepared by Der starktemoher.l wag Indured to title it a &fiat and awe happy fumy that It has entirely removed_l ' M*, fon x 0 JIPIPISOirt of it fee mere titan pettepase. ' Notebbridte../ttoca r) 30. L 341. .A 3103 mint, Tholemilue to be awl Verniagtillifilifee Altbigeff rteartirm~ 00MS: