Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, July 12, 1843, Image 2

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    Jade from Mexico.
We learn from the Picayune that the
inhooner "Marie Antoinette," Capt. "Del
vaille, arrived at New Orleans on the 27th
from Tampico., The papers are silent
about the Texan fleet and the movements
of the Mexican and Yucatan" armies. The
Courier makes the following translation
from the Tampico Boletin. It is thus that
troubles increase with, and new difficulties
env iron Santa Annit:—"An official commu•
Ideation of General Nicholas Bravo, ad
droned to the Minister of War, dated the
17th of May, announces that the Indians
have assembled, to the number of about
-3000, in the environs of Chilapa, in the
south, and that a reinforcement of 1000
men are expected from Talapa. These In..
dim, he states, have been incited to revolt
by persons from Puebla and Mexico. They
have declared in favor of the federation, and
thely threaten to capture Chilapa. Gener
al Bravo urges that it is impossible for
him to render any assistance in case of an
atlecit upon that city, as he could not raise
more than two hundred recruits among
the population. Hu adds, that if a rein-
Preement be not dispatched to his assist
ance, it will be impossible for him even to
maintain the post committed to his charge
from the assaults of the insurgents."
Later from Yucatan.
The brig Spy, arrived at New Orleans!
on the 28th ult., in nine days from Lerma.l
Gen. Ampudia and his staff have visited
Campeachy, and there wis constant an 11
uninterupted intercourse between the lat.
ter city and Lerma. Ampudia was em*,
barking bis troops, artillery, camp bag-1
age, &c., with all possible expedition for
Laguna. The Spy left an English barque,l
a Spanish brig, and an American schooner
loadiag at Lerma. The Spy hensalf made
one trip to Laguna, carrying 200 soldiers,
ammunition, &c. The temporary fortifi
cations thrown up at Lerma had been de
molished, and the guns shipped off. The
inhabitants who had removed during ihe
disturbances, had returned to their homes
and their usual occupations. Commodore
Moore was - lying at Campeachy, about four
mile. from the Mexican squadron. It was
reported that the Governor General of
Yucatan insists upon-jhe evacuation of the
Wand of Carmen before a final reconcilia•
tion can take place.
O'Connell at Home.
*Prom a recent numl , er of Ainsworth's
Maprzine, we extract the following sketch. I I
The writer is, as ho avows, a Tory:
"I had. in the morning, seen Mr. O'Con
nell's btight-faced grand-daughter, as she
came from the chapel to the house where
I was staying. His daughter, the Lady
Mayoress, had al.o called—a fair, interk
gist creature; and, though the mother of a
large family, a still young and lovely wo.
man. I had heard het express the most
charitable opinion with evident ingenuous•
netts, and could not but admire the domes
tic happiness to which the Agitator was
woat to retire from the turmoils of public
life. Let his choice of that life proceed
from patriotic, ambitious, or selfishinotiye,
or what it may, the position I found Mr.
O'Connell held among his intimate friends
and connexions surprised me. In the cir
cle, who looked up to him as an idol of
admiration and regard, I heard no political
discussions; I listened only to anecdotes of
his merry humor am - mg his 'people' at
Darrynane, and his grand children at the
Mansion 'house; and, having seen quite
enough of the world (heaven help me!) to
have rubbed off the rust of narrow-mind
ad prejudices, I felt "how little indeed do
we know of one another's inner Ural"—
how hard it is to judge of a man's private
character by his public character! aryl
above all, what a pleasant thing it is for
one (brought up, too, in directly opposite
principles) to discover redeeming, nay,
endearing qualities, in one whom we have
been led to consider altoEether too world
ly for the enjoyment of djmestic offer,-
An Incident.—Previous to the funeral
-service at the residence of the late Mr i
Lincoln, his remains had been borne to
tbe chapel of the prison, where, in the' .
presence of all the convicts, including Ab
ner Rogers, the murderer, a discourse was
pronounced by the chaplain, Rev. J Cur
tis. In the course of his sermon, Mr C
remarked that it was his firm belief, that
if the dreadful act had been threatened in
their (the convicts) presence, so great was
their attachment to Mr Lincoln, ninety.
One out of one hundred would have rushed
between the knife and the victim. To
test truth of this opinion, he desired
the convicts who_ agreed with him in sen
timent to rise. and all, with one exception,
were instantly on their feet.—Boston
Repeal Meetings.—There was a grand
repeal rally at Worcester, on Tuesday
evening, at which the Rev Mr Fitton pre.
aided. The sum of $125 was collected.
There was, a150,,.a meeting of the Rox—
bury Repeal Association on Wednesday
evening, at which the Hon I H Wright
presided, and $4O was collected.
By these algae of the times, we may au
that the day is net far distant tt hen
Ire and will regain the political rights of
which she was sd basely robbed &boat for
ty years ago. There Warl never a cause
agitated in any foreign country in which
true-hearted Americans could more ra
tionally and deeply sympathise.—Boston.
,Frern Aassau, N. P.—By the seholn•
nar James Power, at Baltimore, we have
sdviees to the 26th ult. No mention is
made of the reported action between a
British man of war brig, and a pirate.—
About 300 colored soldiers.of the 3d West
India regiment. had arrived from Africa, to
relieve the 2d West India regiment, order
ed to Jamaica. Nu wrecks bad lately w
arred among the Bahamas.
a . -?;;;:- .
.1 A !tit* 11 611&_ NA IV,
sow.. to the dee Won of Nat lonal.Convemion.
leer, - .l,Kirst Page.
o:7'The "Aurae', may rest assured that
it,,catinot provoke us into personal comm.
versy with it. Our only object in noticing
it at lilt was to expose the baseness of its
origin, and the dishonorable means medi
tated by one of its editors to obtain sup
port. This we believed to be our duty,
and the exposure having had the proper
effect, we have no more disposition to
contend with them than we have to quarrel
with any otter ruffians in mind and man
ners, who may be hired to assail us.—
Whatever may be the tastes of the few
who receive the Aurora, we know that the
great body of the party who take o.ir pa
pers do not desire us to continue a contro
versy with that sheet; they are satisfied
with what we have already said, and being
convinced of the unworthy objects of the
Aurora's founders, its billingsgate abuse
can have not effect with them,
The i ati
ulate trio who hope to grow
fat on the c ntents of the "poney purse,"
raised t,) support the Aurora, may pursue
their course unmolested; we still hold to
the determination all eady expressed, not to
bring them into notice by a controversy
through our columns. We have been the
pubsshers of papers too long nc,t to kno w
the facility with which mercenary scrib
blers can utter abuse, and our experience
has taught us that the best method of
meeting them, is to leave them to that co n•
tempt which is always meted out to such
We again state that we are still prepa—
red to prove our first charge whenever
properly called upon by the editors and
their backers.
The organ of the blue noses appears to
have a presage of the fate that awaits its
faction at the October election, and yester
day beseeched its friends to take courage,
in a tone that clearly indicates that the lea
ders now believe their case to be utterly
hopeless. It excuses the torpidness of its
friends in the country, on the ground that
they are 'busy gathering in the fruits of an
abundant harvest,' (which is not the fact;
harvest is not yet ripe,) but they hope that
they will be prepared to go into the contest
in August and September.
What is the use of bothering the honest
countrymen with Antimasonry in August
and September? Judging from its rapid
decline at present, a galvanic battery will
not be able to give it a semblance of vitali
ty at the time the . Gazette desires them to
go into the contest; and besides, the demo•
cratic ticket will be in the field, and what
chance will there be for Antimasonry then?
Another evidence of their desperation,is
the fact that they are again courting the
Abolitionists, and endeavoring to get that
small party to unite itself with their despe..
rate fortunes. But this they will not be a
ble to effect,as their attempt to humbug the
Liberty men in the Convention, has put
that watchful and vigilant party on their
guard, and no union can take place, unless
indeed the blue noses should consent to
sacrifice theit own ticket, and support that
of the Abolitionists. This, we hope, will
not be the case, for the democrats desire
to have one more contest with Antimason•
ry, and then they care not how soon it be
PRODUCE.—We learn from Cincinnati,
and other western towns, that there are still
large qumntities of Produce in the west,des
tined for the eastern markets, which will
be sent forward by way of this city and the
Pennsylvania improvemenicas soon as will
suit the convenience of the shippers. The
manner in which business has been done
on our public works the present season,has
given great satisfaction to Western mer
chants, and they now prefer them to eve' y
other route.
CANAL NAVIGATION. —We understand
that the large lines will, as in former sea•
eons, tie up a number of their boats for a
short time. It was this, we presume, that
led our neighbors of the Gazette to suppose
that these lines were going to withdraw
their boats from the Canal entirely.
In the summer months when the Rivers
are low, and Steamboat navigation partial
ly impeded, there is not, of course, so much
produce at riving,as when navigation is un•
interrupted, and the Canal Lines find it
necessary to dispense with the services of
a number of boats, and thus save consider..
able in the way of tolls, wages, &c. This
is the reason for tying up the boats,and not
the result of the Mandamus case, as the
Gazette was informed.
Speculation.—The bacon that was saved,
in a damaged state, at the late fire in Irwin
street, has been purchased by the Lard
Oil maunfaCturers for the purpose of mak..
iog oil from it.
• 44A
The 111: ..siiitesathia Case.
The New York "Churchman," the or
gan of the Episcopal Church in that city.
edited by the Rev. Dr. Seabury, takes
ground against the proceeding of Drs. An.
thon and Smith, in the ordination case, and
declares that it was nothing less than a
disturbance of public worship, inasmuch as
the time and place selected for their pro
test were both wrongly chosen, that the
case was a decided case, they having al
ready presented their accusations against
Mr. Carey, those accusations having been
enquired into, and Mr, Carey haying been
acquitted, by the examiners duly appoint , .
ed, of those charges; and that in consider
ation of 'their ordination vows to "obey
their bishop, following his admonitions,
and submitting themselves to his godly
lodgment," they were bound t%submit to
the decision already given in this case.—
Besides, the "Churchman" also contends
that the address of the Bishop to the:con•
gregation, calling for the showing of impe.
diments to the ordination, is to "the pen.,
ple," and not to the clergy, who are sup.
posed to have done this, at an earlier stage,
if at all.
The "Churchman" distinctly denounces
this act / , of the protesting clergymen, as
"disorganizing and disorderly," and says:
"An iact more radical in its spirit, more subver
sive of hurch order in its tendency, more re
bell' ius in its curiplexion, and in ire flograntly
; \ttat.
opposed our ordination vows, could not be made
to hum° ise with the high position and the ex
tensive rep tat ion for Churchmanship which be
long to the for of St. Mark's. Hew a clergy
man of Dr. Anthon's eminent endowments. and
general correct judgement, could suffer himself—
even supposing the dangers of , he steep to which
he objected to be as real as we believe them to be,
and as he himself, unles we are egregiously mis
taken, will before long find them to be, im‘
aginary—ts be brought into so falee a position, is
to us a matter not less of wonder than of grief."
A VIclou• Boy now a Murderer.
The New York Sun of yesterday says;
We have-a short history of Abner Ro—
gers, Jr., now about to be tried in Boston
fur murdering the keeper of the prison.
from which we lean that, while a boy, his
parents neglected his etlucation, and per.
mitted him to roam, about with a number
of idle boys who infested the town of New-
bury, Mass. He commenced his career
with idleness; next he left the school and
despised the instruction it afforded;then he
scoffed at the admonitions of those who
tried to guide him in the path to future
happiness and honor as a man and a
citizen; he despised all their counsels,spent
his time with lazy boys like himself, who
swot e, smoked, chewed, drank rum, con
gregated in squads, and laughed at the
wise boys of the village as they passed to
school or to industrious employments. At ,
the age of nineteen, he was sent to prison
for passing bad noney, and, from one step
to another, he soon ascended the ladder
of crime to where he now stands, on the
todmost rung, about to step off on the gal.
lows, there, to end his career at the early
age of thirty. This is only one among a
thousand instances of the danger of com 7
menciug to do wre lig. When a boy once
begins, no matte"' how small the begining
may be, he steps into a railroad car on the
top of a steep hill, down which he will run
with fearful rapidity, and be das'aed into
destruction in an abyss of crime below.
A Busy Fellow. —The Van Buren
(Ark) Intelligencer says there is 'a bu'y
fellow' in Newton county, Missouri, who
keeps a distillery which manufactures a
hundred barrels of whiskey per week; an
extensive flouring mill; grows ten thou
sand bushels of corn each year; raises
Berkshire pigs and Derharn cattle; is
building a new barn; swaps horses when
good bargains offer; is winding up an old
mercantile concern; besides raking care of
a wife and six responsibilities. He does
not do all the manual labor himself, but
way he keeps strikers in a stir is worth
look in at.
Most Extraordinary.— The Rochester
Post says that during the exPtsises at the
Miller tent on Sunday evening.lest, a wo
man became much excited, and fainted a
way. She has since made a most extraor
dinary development, having confessed that
she committed a murder several years ago
in Great Britain, and expresses her wish
to be sent back to pay the penalty of the
law. -We have had the above the state
ment from good authority, and we believe
it will be found to be correct.
The editor of the Charleston Mercury,
(democrat) -3ectares that if John C Calms
Noun i 4 not taken up as a candidate for the
next Presidency, it will support Henry
This is a queer announcement,—
Prey Chron.
The editor of the Charleston Mercury
declares no such thing.
Saluting. the Bride.—A late number of the Fall
River Argue says a loving couple in that place
who were beet on committing matrimony against
the will of their parents, managed to dodge the old
folks lasi reek, and get spliced in a neighboring
town in Rhode Island, On their return to Fall
River, the mother of the new made wife repaired
to the house where they had taken refuge, and
seising her truant daughter in the presence of the
bridegroom, gave her such a shaking 'as you nes•
or did see.'
1-::;p;.iYa~9's.:atiSiafis:e::~.ni '.s:::
LA et AS;
Last night's Baltimore Sun contains a
Proclamation of Sam Houston, declaring
the establishment of an.armistice between
Texas and Mexico, to continue during the
pendency of the negotitions fur peace be•
t ween the two countries.
The English Minister at Mexico boa
been the mediator in this affair.
Whether the armistice will result in a final
peace, and a full recognition of the independence
of Texas, or whether the earti^s will again "cry
havoc and let the slip dngs of war," are matters at
present veiled in diplomatic mystery. It were
time Heaven knows, that Texas were left in the
peaceful enjoyment of that liberty for which she
has made so noble a struggle and so many bloody
A rumor had reached Washington the Cols.
War6eld and Snively had captured the Santa Fe
Indus without bloodshed; The amount of booty
taken is said to be upwards of $200,000.
Scales of Education in the United
States:—From the recent U. S. census,
the fellowing interesting table has been
made out, exhibiting a comparative view of
the number of white persons over twenty
one years of age, in the different. States
who cannot read or write.
Cnnn. Ito every 568 Mis►issippi Ito 20
Vermont 1 432 Delaware 1 18
N Hemp. 1 310 Indiana 1 18
Mass. 1 166 8. Carolina 1 17
Maine 1 108 Illinois I 17
Michigan 1 98 Missouri 1 16
R Island 1 67 A'abama 1 15
N Jursey 1 58 Kentucky 1 131
N York 1 56 Georgia I 13
Penn 1 50 Vermont 1 121
Ohio 1 43 Arkansas 1 111
Louisiana 1 324 Tennessee •1 11
Maryland 1 27 N Carolina 1 7
Mr. Calhoun.—The N. Y. Express a
whig paper, thus corrects an illnatured
fling of the Ad iertieer at Hon. J. C. Cal -
"The Commercial Advertiser speaks of
Mr. Calhoun as :he 'haughty sourherner.'
No epithet was ever more misapplied than
that of 'haughty' to Mr. C. He is as mild
and gentlemanlike in his manners in sox
cial life, and as courteous in debate, as any
man in or out of Ora councils of the nation.
At times he is animated. but never in his
seat or elsewhere, have we seen him pro
yoked so far as to lose his temper for a
moment. His example in these respects
is worthy of imitation, much as we differ
fr3m him in polilics.
0M iss S.Agwick is not to edit the
new daily, about to be started in New
York. The report was started by Willis,
in his National Intelligencer correspon
fri"Thete were 40 deaths in Baltimore,
duriig the week-ending on Wednesday
morning—tellies, 24; females, 16; 9 were
colored persons.
rThe Brazilian govern neat has sent
an envoy to England, in relation to the
Comm-rcial Treaty.
OC, , Tile Rev Dr Chalmers has resigned
the Professorship of Theology in the Unis
vers ity of Edinburgh.
0:::7-Paosinr.Not is likely to provide well for
i f; Fall River cuff rem About one thousand dol•
isrs have been rui-en in that city.
Ernie report or a fi - e at Plymouth, M,as.,was
incorrect. The woods were on fire in the neigh
borhood, and this circumstance probably gave rise
to the rumor.
(BAs TUC seizure of the Sandwich Islands is
disavowed by the British Government we may
expect to hear that Lord Paulet has relinquished
his regency, aril that the dethroned m onarch is
again 'every inch a king.'
117Dssit are found in abundance in the woods
on the Nevcrsiak.
0::rA FR•CAS took plaee on Sunday, the 18th
ult., at Mifflin, Henderson county, Tenn., be.
tween A. H. Campbell, and Chas. Faridell, in
which the latter was beaten to death by the for
mer. Faridell was a man aboutsr 50 yesre of
age; his antagonist about 30. h were intem
GC - A sociars, patronized by the female nobili
ty of Condon, has been formed for the protection
of miliner's apprentices.
Oztr•True water in the river at Castleton, near
Albany, is so low, that the passengers are carried
into the city in the small steamers.
ETTas St. Charles Theatre at New Orleans is
now in progress of completion according to the o
riginal design.
Oz:7-Tinc first parcel of the new wheat crop
well sold in Baltimore on Monday, at 41 25 per
irirTus Legislature or New Hampshite ad•
juurned on Saturday last, having passed sizty•aiz
OrUNITED STATES Treasury notes outstanding
July Ist, $11,548,245 73.
cri...hates H. CALDWELL, Esq., has taken the
Theatre at Mobile.
Oti—Ten Hon. Wm. C. Preston is to deliver, at
Charleston, an eulogy on The lite and c h arac t er o f
t he lute Hugh S. Legare.
oC2rPsut. Dtt.t.tivanot, Jr., has been nominated
for Congress by the Democratic Convention el the
4th Congressional District of Vermont.
OVA Yount man named James Willy was ac.
cidently drowned near Fell's Point, Baltimore, on
Monday evening.
irrMADAMIC CINTI DAMOREAU is positively enga
ged to appear at New Orleans the next season.
I:l3l.lrw.tans of one hundred of the sailors on
board the Pennsylvania have bean attacked with
the influenza.
CerGOV. BOUM '1 being entertained Ly the au
thorities of New York city. He stops at the
Howard House.
o:7Senui hundred dollars has been already rais
ed in Pawtucket and its 'vicinity, for the benefit
of the Fall River sufferers. The Journal states
that a large portion of it came from the Dunaell
Thus in Nee York.--The Sun of the Bth inst.
sayst—"As a to b; expected at the s •ason of the '
year, mercantile bu,iiness generally is extremely
languid; nor can a different state of things reason.
ably be expected until the commencement of the
fall trade. There; is, however, considerable acti
vity in the business of the interior; the agricultu
ral prod icts of the c tuntry are moving forward to
market, to an unusual extent. Prices of all kinds
of produce are high, and will therefore yield the
producer good returnt, thus enabling that poi tion
of the esmtnunity to contribute more liberally to
the support of the manufacturing branch, who
look to the producer as the principal consumer of
their fabrics. We may, therefore, ex t .ect a fair
business this fall, as the abundance of money will
contribute to maintain the price of produce, and
the increased ability ofthe agricultural communi
ty arising from this cause, will induce larger pur
chases on the part of country meruhants, and thus
a degree of activity will be in due season impar t•
ed to business.
Specie.—Some two millions of dollars in gold is
said to have been brought out in the stca ner
bernia, mostly for the New Y.irk market, the
banks ofthat city haviug more than ten millions
ofspecie in their vaults previous to its arrival.—
We don't know how much the Great Western
'fotcb'd over.'
New Orleans Market, July ltt.—Sugar is going
up, and was selling at 41 a 6 cents, for extreme
qualities, with a fair demand for the article.
Mohacs—The demand is very brisk, and pri
ces are advancing. It commands 19 a 21c., ac•
cording to the quality of the parcels.
Flour.—Ohio brunt; $4 50 in large quantities
and $4 561 a 4 75 in sm ill lots. 9t LJui3 $4 75
a 487;c.
Whiskey.—Very dull at 181 e per gallon.
Coffee. —The market fine. Rio B a 81, Ha.
vane prime Green 8 a 81.
Rice.—Little doing in the artiola. The prices
are $2 75 a $3,00 per 100 lbs.
A ppEALs from the assessment of the Water, !tale
he held on Monday the 17th Inst. for the
2nd and 4th wards. and on Wednesday the 19th hot.
for the 3d and sth wards, et the select woad, elm.
her In the Ott Court House, between the boors of 9 and
110 o'clock in the forenoon, and from '2 tilt 6 o Met la
2 feet water in the Channel. the afternoon. By order of Comeittas.
All Boats marked thus (s) are provided with
Evans's Safety Guard
Reported by StIZBLE & :VIITCFIEL, General S. B
Agents, Water street, Late Custom Hausa office
*Daily Beaver Packets
New Castle, McMitten. New Castle,
Mayflower, Huichilison.iLouisvtlle.
•R. Clayton Hough Cmcinnaii.
Little Mail Gaskill Louisville.
*North Bend May St Louis.
New Castle McMitten New Castle.
Mozahrla Parkinson Elizabeth.
Pinta Vandegriff Sunfish.
NO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy's preparati one be
come popular, in consequence of its success and ef
ficacy, than it Is counterfeited or imlialed.
To prevent imposition. Dr Leidy has now procured
moulded bottles for his celebrated Tetter and Itch Oint
ment, with the words 'Dr Leidy's Teller rnd Itch Oint.
went; blown In the glass. besides containing his written
signature en a yellow Libel outside.
Dr Leidy's Tetter and Itch Ointment, has proved more
rfflcaciqus than any other preparation for 'retier,
Dry and Wa ery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of
the skin generally.
It hat been employed in schools, factories, and on board
catryin.t hasscrisers, where children. as well as
',main persona, contract diseases of the skin front their
contasioua nit ire, with the most unexampled success;
certificatet and recommendations have heart heretofore
hobnailed from them, arid numerous othersintglat be ob
tamed tor publication, but for the objections most persons
have, to havina their names published In connection with
such disagreeable and loathsome affections
In no single Instance has it ever been known to fril.
It has been used upon Infants and by persons of all
ages. It Is perfectly safe, contains no mercury In Its
composition, and may be used under all eircannstanees.
Price Twenty-five cents a bottle. Preva i led and sold
at Dr Leidy's Health Emporium, (sign of tat Golden Ea
gle and Serpents,l and by B. A. FAHNEsTOCK q- CO.
corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Agents (or Plitebu rg.
July 12.
DR, LEIDY'S Saass.raitta.a BL Ptt.t.s, are mill
cable in ell cases, whether for Par:epos or Purifi
cation. They possess all the boasted virtues of other
pills, and are additionally efliceeions, containing Snrsap
arilla in Ihrir composit lon, which Is not contained In any
other pills Inexistence. They arealso different from oth
er pills In composition, being purely veretable, and can
be employed at all time., without any danger, and re
quiring no restraint f,om occupation or usual coarse of
Notwithstanding Dr, Leidy never pretended bin Blood
Pills wonid cure all diseases, yet It is not saying too much
of them, fro;n the innumerable cures performed by them
in every variety and form of disease (certificates of many
of which have been published from persons of all denom
(aations, physicians. clergymen, and others) that they
seem to be almost universal in their effect; and persona
using them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest
assured they will b, found msre efficacious than any oth
er pills In existence.
Prom the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood'Pills.
tls deemed necessary to remind the pu`iliti where they
may at all times procure the xeunine, ad it is attempted
io Impose other pills called 'Blood pill.' anon the pshlic
on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. ln—lte particular and
ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, and see that
the name of Dr N. B. Leidy Is cant hied on two sides
of each box,ithe boxes being of paper, and oblong, square
shane, surrounded by a yellow and black label.
PRICE-25 cents • Box,
Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr
Leidv'e Health Emnorlom, 191 North Second sireel, he.
low Vine, Pollaitelphin, and by B. A. FAHNE.FTOCIC
CO.corner of Wood and Sixth streetr, Agents for Pitts
burgh july 12-Iy.
Or. Leidra 'Fetter & Itch Ointment.
FOR the cure °revery variety of TETTE.R r t he ITCH,
and all diseaees of the Skin, has proved itself mor e
efficaciousilian any other preparation for the same pur
pose In use. r. i .fie the District Court of Alleilrey Ceuta,.
Upwards of five hundred certificates might 11)e pritcni
Stockton, Dick 4 Ce. for use,
and published of its e ffi cacy from School Tertetters, - Pro.l . .
prietors of Factories. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses, l' . •" r.
(koalas of vessels tad others, were it not for the deli- Li David Flair, Jr. et al.
eatey In having their names published in connection wills"' '. '''' '•, .': N o s '2B ' April tern:l ' lB43 ' 1u" now, to Wit
such disagreeable affections,.
",--",..-....-' July 3. 1843, money constdered la mart*
1 By the use of Dr Leidy's 'Fetter Ointment In coejunc. ; and on motion of Mr Magraw, ihe COSS
; tion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he ' appoint O , Metcalf, Esq. Auditor. to distribute MO WM
I will guarantee to cure any disease common to the skin, i From the Record, s.
, however bad, or of however tong standing, or refund the Attest: A. SUTTON, Pro.
; money. There are however very few Instances bat can The Auditor above named will attend at his ollie• in
Ibe cured by the Ointment alone. 1 Burke's Buitdinr. in the city of Pittaisureb, for the par.
Pries 25 teats a Box. po.e of his appointment. on Friday, the 28th day of lily
Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Lei ; Diet, at 3 o'clock, P. M. at which titne tird piles aN per.
dv's Health Emporium, 191 N. Second st. Philadelphia, gone interested, are notified to attend ,
i and by B. IL F.4FINLSTOCK 4 CO. corner of Wood i Ply 11-31.
1 and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. July 12
ACHEAP HOUSE AND LOT for .ate .— For sale
a lot on Front, between Cherry alley and Giant st.,
20 feet front, running back 80 feet to an 18 inch brick
wail or Mr Arthur's. On the lot is erected a two story
; frame house with four rooms and a cellar; price fair and
Payment accommodating. Apply at
HARRIS' Agency and Intelligence Office,
july 12. No: 9 Fifth /treat.
"'UST received a supply of patent Tubs and Buckets,
al for sate by the &n on or retail.
ISAAC HARRIS, Agt and Com. Mereht,
ju!y 12 No 9, Fifth st.
public are hereby Worsted that 0. W. WEIN
IL Is no Wager an agent for Use Western Mum
icy Casket. A. W. PATTESON.
July 12, 1843,—1t.
. --
Yon are he.ehy notified to attend
at cretin: and Court of Appeal,oa Wednesday OSUMI OS
12th lost. at 7i o'clock at the Atmore. Bye:
79 11 CUM!' GLANN.Jiaahly...
For Cincinnati.
Tile 'Wit draught Steamer ALLIIIO4
NY BELLE, Hosea, Master. "MI Myr
for theat.ive and intermediate ports TO—MORROW aMk
Ding. nt 10 o'clock, Fur freight or pampa apply el
board, pale iL
Fellow-citizens—The name of .U.AII I / 1 1 CIINAZJI
again .übmitted tbr the consideration of the dogmata*
convention and primary meeting. orkagiestmettairiPsr•
thy the support of the Democratic party An the eillee et
County Commissioner
July 12—tc.
Er We are authorized to announce Dr JOS. - cunt;
or Upper St Clair, as a candidate for Assembly, obbiSol
o the decision of the democratic county convention.
July 12-40
111 H E partnership heretofore existing betwass tM a.
dersigned, Is this day dissolved by mesa 1011111111111-
All persons having claims will present them ilarialetii.l.•
ly to H. Wolfe for settlement, and all knowing Mew.
selves indebted to the late firm, will please Call
same and settle their accounts, on or before the
September; after which time alt unsettled acassedserd
be left with an A lderman for collection.
HENRY wotxn,
July 12-31.
a:rMany citizens of Allegheny city recommend Drkl.
C. M'CULLY as a sunahte person to fin the Wien he
Prothonotary. jelly 11
FOR Coughs, Colds. Influenzas, Catarrhs, Wketagise
cough, Spitting of Blood, pain In the breast, all dl..
eases of the Breast and Lungs, and arrest of approaellserld
Consumption. Warranted free from Mercury and ether
mi era Is. B d FAHWESTIICK k CV.
July 12. Agents for PittsbueslL
rutty Lett Tabnceo in store and for rate by
J. G. it A, GORDON,
12 Water
July 11-461
HAS commenced the t.u.ineas in nit its branches at
11„ No 22, Wood street, between First and Seemed atm,
where he Wilt keep comunntly ott band a good avvonaleat
of Well made FURNFI URE, and hopes, by stria allea•
lion to business, to merit a continuance of the patrons,*
of the puhl , c•
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COMM
4-c. A Furniture Car for t. ire..
July Ii
jWM. McCARTH Y bre leave 10 announce
to the Gentlemen of Pitts ,, urtth, that he is
prepared to make BOOTS of all kinds, (tithe
heat Leather obtained from Philadelphia, and over a
made by instructions from himself. He does now fi•a
himself what he has so long done for the Pittsburg Doe&
es. I. e. alter and fit his lasts to a it the foot. He his
worked al the most fashionable work in the Eastern cit.
ies, came here and instructed several how to alter and di ,
which can be averted by numbers of Journeymer in this
city, and no .v is rewa, di-d by them with contumely sad
abuse. He h ere by challenges any Bootmaker in Pitt'.
hut g, (Rose of course,) to make a pair or more of Rout*
stock rqual, measure to le taken by each n his ow. wry.
Workmanship to decide the matter.
Fourth et. or the Mononeahrla Flow root n alter. (IN
he calls himself,) }MVP 3 we ( ba,r, now t o Fbc,,, this.
selves, If they can lonhe a Boot tel us tore It.
W, McCarthy's Shop and Store is on Marker ntteet,
next door to Second, and opposite 1. Dunlap's Tin and
Sheet Iron wore ['act My. July 11—tf,
Fresh .3rrivals ! Cheap Literature ! !
Ladies' National .Magazine, Ist No. The moot beau
taut periodical of the-day, at 113 i eis per No. Joly Nos.
Lad)'s Book, Graham's Magazine, Ladles' Compzifoos
Musical Lihraty, Literary Casket, Lady's World, Mia
Leslie's Magazine, Sargent's New Monthly, ele. arc
American Family Magazine, 3(00 engravings. Was:
per No.
Brande's Encyclopedia,Allison's Europe, D'Aubtoe's
Reformation. Shakspeare's works, complete in 8 Noe.
Miss Bremer's work's. Arthur's Tales. llicrstrated bou
of Com. Prayer, '7DO engravincs, rnd all the, repalas
Literature or the day at caorrn prices.
Cologne. Essences, alaeavar and Bears• Oil, Bs Wolfs&
Farley Toilet soaps. Brushes, Ire.
Spanish Cigars and Tobacco.
New Ye. k and Philadelphia Weeklies received rum
larly. The above together will) all the new and popular
works of the day, (as soon as Issued from the Preue)iona
be had at
St Clair street, opposite Exchange Building, Pittsburgh
July 10-Irt
In the Orphans' Court of Allegheny County, No.
11, December Te. m, 184
to Reade lA'ashington, H.S. M wavy and
C. Von Bonhorst, Escit's., Auditors to 'audit the atencat
and distiibutc the balance. Hy the Court,
The Auditors above named will attend to the purposes
oftheir zppoini meet at the cffice of H. S. klagraw, on
dth street, to the city of Pittsburzb. on Monday, the 31se
day of July Init., at 3 o'clock P, Id., when and where
all persona interested are notified to attend.
ju'y 11--3 t
In the Orphan's Court o f said county, No. 3, Jose tones
18.43. .
in the matter of the Administration se.
•r% 4 . 7, t count of Samuel B.ltd,adm'r of thenteete
' 1 J of John D. Baird, dee'd.
1 • 1 0 An/ now, to wit June 19. 184, es me
lion of McCandless and McClure, Attorneys _
4.4 1 for Rebecca Baird, A. Burke. H;S,Magrew
k ile.
and E. B. Todd, appointed Auditors to audit the within
account. By the Court.
The Atteitors above named will attend at the adios of
H. S. Magraw, for the purpose of their appoirdilient,,,a
Saturday, the 29th day of July inst., at 3 o'cJoek. P . . 81.
at which ptaee and time all persons interested an sea. .....
lied to attend. WRY 8 AIAGit.BIB".
X. .1111ADFOkD TODD,
_ Meat
Jane 11-3 t,
An uncomprosiiiing Dossers.
Pulmonary Preservative-
(late ache 6.m - of Young k M'Curdy,)
New Literary Depot I
Price's Hoarhound Candy.
In the mattrr of the Guardian account
of Inures RE3MES, Guardian of the 11111101'
of Wm Miller, late of St Clair
town-hip, decease
A I d now to wit. Dec 4.6,1842, referred
C. VON hroxitoftsr,
A Wham
For the P.