KEEN VOL. 1.-NO 258. PUBLISHED BY 411108. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, W. 'CORNISH OF WOOD 4. FIFTH STB TIDR.NIS.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, tlaYsbla in ladeesee. Single tapirs' TWO ‘CENTS , --for sale at the lianter sf rim efts, and by News Boys, the mit ercury and Manufacturer 6 published WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double .Imailbm• short, at TWO DOLL.. RS • year, in ad. 'imam •Single copies, SIX CENTS. Terms Of Advertising. • • Iris wauAttis OP TWELVE LINES OR LESS: _ llt 3 1 stes Insertion, 0.50 One month, *SRO Ywosertlons, 0.75 Two moots, 6,00 Phree Insertions, 1.00 Three months, 7,00 9 L5O Pour months, 1,90 7.7,:r.k.. 3.00 „Els months, 10,00 ,fbree weeks, 4,00 One year. 15,00 . . : 'l ,, YEARLY ADVERTISESIENTS. CII•MILUILEL? PI 'Aunts. One Sewers. Two Squares itinumtits. $13,00 Slx months, $23,00 DA! year, 35,00 One year, 35,00 i'77.l.areer advertisements In prorortlon. CAlttl3or roar lines Six DOLLAIS a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. :-10try .Ppst °cries. Third between Market and Wood M Riddle, Postmaster. thnrrow R.acsa, Water, 4th door from Wood st. Peter aliaa,batifdlstis-.MaJor John Wißock, Collector. Ott? Takaamtv, Wood between Firit and Second 'trails—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. Comrrir Tectuoav, Third street, next door to the Third rteettyterlan Church—S. B. Johnston, Treasurer. "M4troi e s Orme, Fourth, between Market and Wood ltreirt—Alexander Hay, Mayor. Illuactitires Excnawee. Fourth, near Market at: 8.4 NI Parmesan, between 3lmket and Wood streets, on irair4 and Fourth streets. klltivaters° &ND MLNUPLCTORIRS' AND F•RMICR3' DC- Fesrelikom. (formerly Saving Fuod,) Fourth, between "nod Ind Market streets. exce&wee, Fifth street, near Wood. FIOTGLS. MocncoaecL• Roam Water street, near the Bridge Rio Horst., corner of Penn and St. Clair, MERcef&IITZ' HOTEL, corner otThird and Wood. I[CRICA L N HOTE:,e Third and Smithfield. MUMS STATRI, Corner of Penn qtreet and Canal S ErosLe, Liberty street, near Seventh. Ilitta.tate Milsaton tiocrse, Liberty St opposite %Veyne Itreomenettre Mar:nom Hover. Penn St. opposite Canal. - 1.1 °BERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA.W.—Oftite remo red to fliqievirelt's Ores on Grent st., neatly opposite O• new Court Dodge, next rooms to John D. Mahon, deg ,—Firet door. snit 10 Ellyoll TON C.R, Atto,nev at Law, North Cat rorner Antithlield and Fourth strreis. sep 10-1 y ‘lll/17CA.NDLESS & MICLUtt E, Attorneys and /VA Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, hock *ram old Court Douse, Pittsiturgh, pep 10 JtIUNIC It FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st above Wood s Plttshorgh. sep 10-Iy. THOS. HAM uroN, Attorney at Law, Firth, between Wood and Smitlttietd sts., Pittsburgh. arp 10-1 y A ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; V V Office on the north ride oft he wee , ' A arltet and Union si emus. up stairs sep 10 AI. OURBORA.w, Attorney at Law; tenders s his prol:essiormlservices to tilt public. Office on PIM Street. above Wood, Pittshur , •ll. sep 10 `EYSi'ER 4- Ilt5:11 1N 4N, Jlttornert at Lam, office rentroted front the thantond, to •• Attorney'.Row," Sady trident Fnarth street. between Market and Wood lien 10 r ,„ BIUCKAASTER, AT'RNEY AT LAW, I.‘ has rers,nrd his °thee to Resses's Law Build— up. Fourth street, shove Srult hfleld , Prttsbrargh. set, lo G.ORGE W. L4YXO. Attarney at Law, Office Nri.s4 Fifth street, near the Theatre, Pititour:h, se* 11—ly HEADE W 4SIII VGTONi. ierFORXErAtLA —Otrict in Bakeweit's Grail street, Pftisbarkh. Nuv . 5. ]842. JOHN J. MITCFIELL--Attor..ey at Law, office corner Of Smithfield and sth sis , Pittsburgh. OCr Collections made. A I nosiness entrusted to his WO will be promptly attended to. REMOVAL.- R. Morrow, Alderman; offe north side of Fifth it,, between Wood and Smithfield IS. Pittsburgh. sep 10 DR. 8. R. HOLM ES. Office in Second street, nexl door to filelvany ¢ Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly VON N -s rsl N s I'OCKTON. Bookeei tem Printers an Paper liaancaetnrers, No. 37. Marlcri at. ern 10-1 y "TORN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water st.. self the Monongahela House, Plttslureh. sep 10-1 Y 1101111 AS a YOUNG /MM. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware IL Rooms, turner of Hand at. k Exchange Alley. raiment wishing to purchase Furniture, will (Ind it to leek advantage to give us a call, being fully satisfied that *e eau please as to quality and price. aep 10 61./SBLS. PLAN RATION MOLASSES. received per Steamers Little Ben end Fulton, and for .1 G. 4. A. GORDON 12 I,Valer street We by tsar 27 D. COLVIAPI COLEMAN it CO.aenera Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Levee Street, Vickitairg las They respnct fully so.tet t consignments. n 22— WEBB CLOSEY,S Boet and Shoe Menufecio ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to lhe U. States aissirt Ladies l'runella, Kid and Satin Shoe, made in ilit , fteatestmanocr,and by the newestiErencit patterns. 16p 10 GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding ireivies. Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., just re• Mirad and for sale by P. L. SNOWDEN. MO 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 11111A0113TRATffiSqlbANKS. for proceedinas to At DER. tasilesee! Bader Weigle law, for tale et thls Office GLANS PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— lobe used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on toed paper,and In the forms approved by the Couri,for sale !Ake OMee of the Mercury and Democrat. sep It/ WM. HUBBARD, Ladies' fashionable boot and VI/ shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third so reet, between Weed *ad Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10 JAS. PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts;,Tm Mize, nailer. inland Timber Screws; Housen Berews for Rolling Mills, 4c. .en 10—fy JOHN WICLOSHEY, Tailor and Clothier. Liber.v street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side. awl() . El. A. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding Diarebstists. Water at., Pittsburgh. sap Birmingham dir. Ce. censuisioN AND FORWARDING AIER. CHANTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Tfauso—Rsieeltriag and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Caustnilisions on Parchsses•nd sales 21 per cent. war V..-'43 S. MORROW, Nittireificro ft xft of Tin, Copper and Sheet Trot Ware, Na. 17, Fifth it., between Wood and Mar— sows ormatgatt, on hand a good assortment of wares, •nd Solicits a share of puilfe patronage. A leo. on hand, tie Connoting articles: Shovel.. Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Nti►MVi Tsal a flMa, Pets. evess. Coffee hilts ke. Iler raanitauf area infield to call and examine for ilbsimeihow. as be iiielerafig tanileeladap rot Casa er tRILI! MOKIIINt 1 OS' HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, ,titit Dialers in Pittsburgh Maritifireturrs mar 17 No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh. HALLMAN., JENNINGS &Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wootl street. Agents for the sate of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns THONMIN A•NYA .YANIZ3 TURNBULL. HANNA ¢ TURNAULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood st., where may tw had a general supply of writing. wrapping, printing, Wall paper, blank books, school books, tc, imp 10-1 y DIII C. TOWN3END 1r CO., Wire Workers aid It Afattarfact , N 0.23 Market street. between 2d and 3d streets. scp 10—ly EXCHANGE riOTEL, Corner of Penn and Ft. Clair st reels, by McKIRBIN tc sep y BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.—_Ed ward Huahr•.s. Manufacturer or Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood at., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —1 y ILr E GOODS.—Creston 4- Mackey, wholesnle pnd Lll retail dealer, In E ngl Ish, French, aud Domealle Dry Goods, No. 111, Markel tit ,Piltshurzh. Fen 10 Jo lIN 111WEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectift tvg Disiilier, And Dealer in Produce and Pltishoreh Manufactured Articles, Ne• 224 Liberty Street, Pitts- Oitrgh. sep 10 WILLUM li. 1VILL.14)(111 .1011 N S. DILWORI 11 VVILLIAMS & DILWORTIL—Wholesale Crocers Produce and Commission Merchants, and dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured article d , No. 29, Wood street. sep 10 JOHN B.Siitater J. N. KaAn SHERIFF & KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper. Tin, and Sheet trout Warr, No 80. Front st ~ Fills. bur,Th. House Spouting and Steamboat work p:omptly mettle& rep 10 a D AVID SANDS, ATCII do CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, Si. Cfafr street, Pitts. burgh, DEALER IN WATCHES,CLOCKS,RRF.ASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, te. sep 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A fun supply of Landoeolo's Carden Seed', always on hand. and for sale at lois agelicy the soore of F. L. SNOWDEN, set, 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood REMOVAL—Matthew Jones, and Hair Dress• er, has removed to roeurtlisireet apposite Ihe May ors office, where he will he happy to wall upon derneanent Or transient costumers. He mullein a share of public nnt• mono, Pep 10 JOHN .111'F A RL►ND, Upholsterer and Cub.wet Aker, Third at. below* Wood 4. Morket streets. respectful informs his friends and the public that hp is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards Bu reaus. Chairs, TableF, tied-toads, Si ands. Hair and Spr Int! Mattresses, enrtaimt. Carpets, all sorts of Ilpholsterlnt: work, which lie will wariaiii. equal .o ally made In the city, and on reasonable terms. Fri, 10 REMO PAL!--The sub-criher. hare remoy• el to V a ter between Rood and Smithfield streola. where they wiJI continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commie atoll huodnees and would re4pe , I f l ttilY the ralrom age of i heir friends J. W.ittiCIIVIDGE 4- ro Dec 3 DR. A. %V. P AT PERSON. ].Klee on Suitt lifleld street near Siali• gel. I 0 FARE REDUDED. .11. SNIStt. LIME or STAGIES RAIL ROAD CARS, fr,II isstairgh, Oa Bedford. Citamberstsurg, liacr6inira and Lancaster. to Plitladel. connecting oath the M3lllratn of i'ms to N Y. .tc. Only 150 mtlesstagiog end one night out. Also. ilie Direct line to Baltimore. !'are to Pliilade.para $9. Baltimore, 9 . Leaves daily at R o'clock A. M. Office second dorir lafuw the Merchants hotel Wood at. MENDELL,GRAIIAM, WAUGH k Co feb 34, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROU E. VI A NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE •en OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY Ver.: ••••n_...a -- " 4 ••••- • 110E/4 line of U. S. M. II Conches for Washiortoa Cite, Ballintore, PkiladelpAia and New York. This line Is in full operation and traverrittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., •la WashinVon Pa. aid notional road to Cumberland, connectlng here with the rail road Go's. to all the above places: Traveller■ will find thin a P. pf,dir and comfortable route, It being a separate as d distinct Pittsburgh and Motherland line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. En Ira coaches Ilirtilshed at the shortest notice, tvito the privilear of gcing through direct, or taking cne night's rest at their option. FRANCIS L. VOUNO For tickets, apply at our office at theSlononeal.cla House. L. W. STOCK TON• Feb. 3d—dtf. President of N. R. Blaze Co. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! LOYD R. CoLutioi FROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line Leaves Plttsl•nrch dal'y, at 2 o'clork. ►. r, via Steam. bent to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, ■nd front there by RAILROAD, In superior new eight wheeled ears, to Baltimore Washington city and Philadelphia. The abovi Line Is represented to the traveller, public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange merits to convey passengers through In two days, and no idea treed% either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare to Baltlino , e, stn. Office In the Monongahel a (loupe. A. HENDERSON k CO., ml d 3 Stage Proprleto }'ACTS SPE.9K FOR THENSELYFS--TRUTH IS CO./VW/NC/NO:- Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee. which produced much pain, and used carious applfca lions recommended by the Faculty allin vain was cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand• relh'sLinament, or External Remedy. Witness mr hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio 1p Allegheny co, Pa. Jan.loth,lB4o. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Liniment; sold at his office, No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRI CE-.. 50 cents per bottle. feh 8. JUST RECEIVED. Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the tinestquality. for sate wholesale and retail. by WM. TIIORS, feb 22—tr. 53 Market et. 20 , 000 LBS Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos. 2,000 lbs . Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For safe by HALLMAN, .117NNING , 1 St Co., Couon Yarn W.rehonee, mar 17 Nu. 43 Wood Street, YAWL FOR iaLE44llCWCliaker built Yawl (11101augtasa's WM) filr solo low for cash: Ap. Wino lITRINITSGBA 4 Co. op Ift. ffollOWater 18 • 4 ' NEW ROUTE. PASE'S HOARHOUND CANDY. --Torrir has received this dny from New York, a fresh supply() the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con sumption; and is ready to supply cumomersat wholesale orretoll, at' his Alsdica/ Agency, et; Fourth st. nov 12 DAVID CLARK, .easAioitabls Boot Maker,— nes removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third sireetr, where he would be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel disponi. ed to patronize hint. He uses nothing hot first rate stock, and employs the hest of tvorkmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention tobesiness, he fresh/that he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. sep 10 March 17, '43 FRUITS, ICE CREAM, t CONFECTIONA A Ranker respectfully informs his friendsand the public that they can always find the hest quality of lee Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and friths, In their reeyon, at his establishment —No. 11, Fifth street, hetwe-n Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the, shortest notice, with cakes, or any thing in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. sep 10 •FV ANS . 'S CAMOMILE PILL L S.—A BRA HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sevsation of sinking it the/stomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomiting., dizziness towards night and resileness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consultiug Dr. Wm. Evatis.loo Chatham street, and submitting to his over successful Ind agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of onemontii, and grateiu I for the incalculable benefit dell,. ed. gladly came forward and volunteered the above stale For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. No 2.0. Wood street, below Second. Cheap UNION COT. Prices Skeet Reel Yarn. No. 5 at 14 cis. per lh 6 at 14 ditto 7 at 14 ditto B at 14 ditto 9 at 14 ditto 10 at 14 ditto 11 a: 14 ditto 12 at 14 ditto Candlewick at 15 el, per lb, 13 at 14* dal() Com Batten- • B ditto 14 at 15 ditto Family do. • 12 ditto 15 at 15i ditto Carp•t Chain • 18 ditto 16 at 16 ditto Cot'n i n Ina • 25 ditto 17 at 16j ditto 'Stocking Yarn and IR at 17 ditto -Covprlet Yarn always on 19 at 171 ditto nand 2(1 it lft ditto ,Cotton Warp• made to order. tte- Order■ prornpily attended 10, If left at J. If C. Painter'.. Logan Kennedy 'P. or the Poet nffire,addr e s, ( - eh 27. J. K. MOORHEAD 4- Co. 111/IE .hh, , etiter has renmv.d lus rashionable-Thilotterg natal llshmeht to the Slononzaheta house. 3d door from Oral rt. nit .mahlield at . whe re hisold rti.looleri. an (I all miter , . who mar f.,vor trlm grim a call may depend nn I...vmz their wink done in a ani‘erfor Sly his /' n:•XfSt.f lerire lu The 1.114ine.• in 11tH cOy, and in maav el her I.l‘hioualde rine. in &imp?. and .‘”•erlen, lie feels Ito ran true satiriaellua To all oho copy ph a.rto fuvur Mal wills I hrl• eumont. Br crlct ailentijin to and .nprrinr 4 ,, .rkitiaoiliilo he lope. To merit and reenivr a share of plilOir pattonat:•. fi n ir ',r u t an,pip, no hand a ,upuiv of :nods and rin,minza fAtiiia',le. fur the rnalomer tra.le which will be sold al very redo( ea price. U. DONAGIIr, dr l -4USTIC or the K.kfewao formerly re